Bio 19 2
Bio 19 2
Bio 19 2
In studying the effects of skins which are corrugated on both Fig.1. Aerofoil designs
sides, Xia [10] concluded that a corrugated skin can delay
stall, where eddies form in the troughs which effectively The third aerofoil, Figure 1 (c), is based on research
smooth over the airflow like that of streamlined aerofoils. around corrugated skin on aerofoils to improve
Increasing the size of corrugations caused a reduction in lift performance. The design of these grooves is shallower and
and an increase in drag so a corrugated skin must be contains the groove structure all over the aerofoil surface.
optimally tuned. The shallower grooves should create smaller vortices and
cause less drag than the aggressive profile of the top
E. Aims and objectives corrugated aerofoil, while hoping for an improvement on
the lift/drag ratio. The leading edge of all three designs
This paper considers two bio-inspired methods for was identical to keep the design variables limited.
improving the performance of small wind turbines. First, the
effect of surface corrugation on aerofoil performance was The dragonfly inspired aerofoil in Fig. 1(b) will be here
tested in a wind tunnel and secondly, passive control referred to as the ‘top corrugated’ while the aerofoil in
through a flexible blade structure was explored using the Fig. 1(c) will be referred to as the ‘corrugated’ aerofoil.
QBlade [11] open source platform.
B. Wind Tunnel tests
2. Methodology
The three aerofoils described in §2.A were tested in a
A. Design of aerofoils recirculating wind tunnel with a square test section of
dimension 450 mm x 450 mm, with a design wind
The control aerofoil was a NACA 4416 aerofoil as shown velocity of up to 12 m/s, which resulted in tests covering a
in Figure 1(a) with its design details listed in table I. The range of Reynolds numbers from around 40 000 to 52 000.
span was the full length of the test chamber, effectively The wind speed was measured with an inclined manometer
giving an infinite aspect ratio. tube giving velocity readings with an accuracy of ±2.5%.
The second aerofoil, Figure 1(b), is inspired by the The aerofoil in the test chamber was held in place by a
corrugated dragonfly wing vein structure (Aeshna cyanea) force gauge rig where the front and rear lift forces, FL,f and
which has a deep groove corrugated structure, with the FL,r, and the drag force, FD, were measured. The reading
dimensions based on micro-CT images of a dragonfly wing accuracy of the load cells was better than ±0.1% but
cross section. Since the focus was on the top surface fluctuations in the readings resulted in a final uncertainty
boundary layer, the corrugations were placed on the top in the lift and drag forces comparable to the uncertainty in
only, and were slightly asymmetrical to mimic the natural the wind speed. From the load cells, the drag, lift, and
shape of a dragonfly’s wing. Based on previous studies, a moment coefficients, CD, CL and Cm respectively, were
change in shape of the top surface has demonstrated calculated as
improved lift and drag characteristics.
𝑪𝑫 = (𝟏)
Table I. – Details of the Control Aerofoil: NACA 4416 𝟏
𝝆𝒃 𝒄 𝑼𝟐
Chord length, c 0.12 m
Span, b 0.45 m 𝑭𝑳,𝒇 + 𝑭𝑳,𝒓
𝑪𝑳 = (𝟐)
Maximum thickness/chord ratio, t/c 16 % 𝟏
𝝆𝒃 𝒄 𝑼𝟐
Position of maximum thickness 40 % 𝟐
Chamber 4 %
Zero lift angle -4 °
where 𝝆 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟐𝟓 𝐤𝐠 𝐦−𝟏 is the density of air, and b the The aeroelastic properties of this turbine have been studied
span and c the chord as given in Table I. using the NREL FAST simulation tool and validated with
experimental recordings. The turbine has yaw control
The lift and drag forces were measured for each aerofoil using a passive tail fin and has a cut-in wind speed of
over a range of angles of attack from –4° to 40°, set 3.5 m/s, a rated wind speed of 10.5 m/s which equates to a
manually with an uncertainty of –0.5° to + 1.5° rotor speed of 200 rpm at a tip speed ratio of 7. At the hub
height of 18 m, the measured average wind speed was
C. Blade Element and Structural modelling 7.5 m/s.
It is used in the design and optimisation stage development To compare the results of blade flexibility three blades of
of horizontal and vertical axis turbines. The advantage is the varying Young’s moduli were modelled as represented in
low computing power required vastly speeds up research Table II.
and development of new concepts compared to the Table II. – Blade Material Properties
computer intensive CFD programmes. QBlade has been
validated with other solvers and experiments, proving a MATERIAL FLEXIBILTIY YOUNG’S
high degree of accuracy and reliability.
Carbon Fibre Rigid 73
E-glass/Epoxy Semi-Flexible 40
𝑭𝒛 √𝑴𝒙 + 𝑴𝒚
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the QBlade features and methods 𝝈𝒆𝒒 = (𝟒)
𝑨 𝑾𝒃
with screenshots from the application [11]
The twist angle or torsion of the blade did not seem to differ
between the three blades, with a maximum percentage
difference of 0.3% between the rigid and fully flexible blade
occurring at the blade tip. This suggests that flexibility had
no effect on altering the angle of attack.
Fig. 7 gives the rainflow for the (a) rigid, (b) semi-
flexible and (c) fully flexible blades, respectively.