Kostuk Holography - Corrections 2-6-23
Kostuk Holography - Corrections 2-6-23
Kostuk Holography - Corrections 2-6-23
Kostuk is a professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering and also has a joint
professor appointment in the James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences at the
University of Arizona.
Chapter 2 Corrections:
- Page 14: In the first line φxy should be φ. The first line should read: “If no
restrictions are placed on the magnitudes of E ox and Eoy, or the phase difference
, then the x and y field components can be written as:”
- Page 27: Following the last sentence on this page add: “For Equation 2.27, the
algebraic sign for both do and di are positive.”
- Page 39: For problem 12 change “wavelength of 1.0 µm” to 0.5 µm.
Chapter 3 Corrections:
- Page 3: ‘The three-dimensional form for diffraction at a grating surface can be
derived using the geometry in Figure 4.1.’
- Page 69: Figure 4.4 notation corrected.
Chapter 4 Corrections:
Page 80: Equation 4.46 should read as:
Page 80: Equation 4.47 should read as:
Chapter 5 Corrections:
Page 96: Equations 5.11 and 5.12 and the text between them should be replaced with:
, (5.11)
where no is the average refractive index, is the amplitude of the index modulation,
and with the grating period in the x direction. The corresponding phase
modulation is:
, (5.12)
K cos
4 n
Page 115: In the caption for Figure 5.14, “ ” should be “ ”.
Page 122: Equation 5.110 should be replaced with:
, (5.110)
, (5.114)
Page 131: Problem 7, change the last sentence from “The free-space wavelength is
500nm” to “Assume that the hologram has a thickness of d = 10 µm, free-space
wavelength of 632.8 nm, a refractive index of 1.52 and is surrounded by air.”
Page 131: Problem 9, replace “the same index modulation found in Problem 6” with “
the same refractive index modulation found in Problem 7.”
Chapter 6 Corrections:
Page 137: Delete the following sentence: However, for the Fresnel hologram the
sampling interval is smaller and the number of sampling points is greater than the
Fourier transform hologram since the spatial frequency content is greater.
Page 147: After Equation 6.48 add the sentence: “For this formalism the values for xo =
0 and xm+1 = ½.”
Page 147: After Equation 6.49 the sentence should read: “If the number of orders were
infinite then .”
Page 151: In Problem 3, the reference to Section 6.3.3 should be 6.3.2.
Page 151: Problem 4 should read: “Assume that there is on phase transition at x 1 = 0.25
within the half period of a Dammann grating. i) Draw the transmittance function for the
grating for a full period and, ii) compute the total diffraction efficiency of the resulting
diffraction orders.”
Chapter 7 Corrections:
Page 153: The last paragraph should not be italicized.
Chapter 8 Corrections:
Page 175: In the paragraph on Spectral Sensitivity, should be replaced with n1.
Page 186: Equation 8.5 should be replaced with:
Page 189: Equation 8.6 should be replaced with:
, (8.6)
Page 195: Problem 1, add the following sentence: “Assume that the average refractive
Chapter 10 Corrections:
Page 226: Problem 2 change the end of the second sentence from “determine the
phase difference that occurs in the object wave at the point x 1” to “determine the phase
difference in the object wave for x positions slightly less and slightly greater than x 1.”
Chapter 11 Corrections:
Page 255. Replace Equation 11.16 with . In the section following Eq.
11.16 replace “n1 is the refractive index of the fiber at λ1,” with “n1 is the refractive index
in the region outside the fiber,”.
Page 257: IN Problem 11.2, change “when the diffraction efficiency is 90%” to “when
the diffraction efficiency is 90% at position A in Figure 11.37”
Page 258: Replace Figure 11.37 in Problem 11.1 with the following:
488 nm
A z
z src
Page 258: Problem 3, change “and . For the case with at 30o to the z-axis
compute the diffraction efficiency as a function of wavelength for p-polrized light and
plot with s-polarized diffraction efficiency” to: “and n 1 = 0.035 reconstructed with at
30o to the z-axis. Compute the diffraction efficiency for p-polrized light at the Bragg
condition and compare to the diffraction efficiency when reconstructed with s-polarized
Page 258: Problem 4 part b, re[lace “is tilted, an additional” with “is tilted by”.
Page 259: Problem 7, replace “below (Figure11.40),” with “above (Figure 11.40)”.
Chapter 12 Corrections:
Page 267: Replace Equation 12.1 with:
Page 277: Replace Problem 12.2 with:
Figure 12.16 shows the refractive index modulation as a function of the hologram
exposures. 100 holograms are recorded. If it can be assumed that the hologram
efficiency for these recording can be represented with an unslanted transmission phase
hologram with +/-5o recording beams, a wavelength of 670 nm, and d = 100µm, (i)
compute the diffraction efficiency for holograms 1-30, 31-60, and 61-100. (ii) Compute
the M# for this material and the hologram efficiency with the grating strength that
corresponds to the M#. (iii) What is the refractive index modulation that corresponds to
this grating strength?
Page 278: Replace the last line in Problem 5, “Assume that the diameter of the
recording disk is 12 cm” with “Assume that the disk radius is >> 6 cm.”
Appendix B Corrections:
Page 287: Before Equation B.9, replace the phrase: “increase in ” with “increase in
n1 (the refractive index modulation amplitude”.
Threshold E(mJ/cm2 )
Page 289: Replace the following text and Equations B.22 and B.23:
“ , (B.22)
and shows the direct dependence of on the average energy exposure density and
“ , (B.22)
and shows the direct dependence of on the average energy exposure density and