Special Functions An Introduction To The Classical
Special Functions An Introduction To The Classical
Special Functions An Introduction To The Classical
688 6,608
2 authors, including:
Nico Temme
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nico Temme on 14 August 2014.
e-mail: Nico.Temme@cwi.nl
1. Page ix, section number 11.4.2 should read: “Asymptotic Expansion; µ Fixed, ξ
Large, 302”
2. Page ix, section number 11.4.3 should read: “Asymptotic Expansion; ξ Large, µ
Arbitrary, 303”
3. Page 4, Equation (1.11): include n > 0.
4. Page 5, Line 4 and 5: For a proof that the tangent numbers are integers, observe
that y(z) = tan z satisfies the differential equation y ′ = 1 + y 2 ; hence all derivatives
of y at z = 0 are integers.
5. Page 16, Line -3: replace = by = −.
6. Page 17, Theorem 1.4: include (−1)k−1 in the expression for Rk .
7. Page 18, Line 4: include (x) in the kth derivative of f .
8. Page 26, Exercise 1.11, first line: delete =.
9. Page 38, Line 9: “Chapter 10” should read “Chapter 9”.
10. Page 43, Section 3.2, Line 6-9: ... is analytic in the half-plane ℜz > −1 with 0
excluded. The question about the nature of the singularity at 0 is answered as
follows: from Γ(z) = Γ(z + 1)/z and Γ(1) = 1 we see that the origin is a pole of first
11. Page 45, Section 3.2.3, Line 7: read 2
12. Page 49, Line 2 from the bottom: /q should read /π.
13. Page 49, Bottom line: in the first fraction, the numerator should read π and not q.
14. Page 50, Line 2: replace “term” by “factor”
15. Page 52, Lines 8 and 9: The product sign must be moved to the numerator of the
subsequent fraction (both in Line 8 and Line 9)
16. Page 52, Line -1: in the numerator of the middle part replace (mn/e)m n by (mn/e)mn .
17. Page 71, Line -8: the summation should start with n = 1.
18. Page 74, 3.9: replace e−π|y| by e−π|y|/2 .
19. Page 74, Bottom line: in the first fraction, the denominator should read π and not
20. Page 76, Line -3: replace “for a start” by “for convergence”.
21. Page 77, Line 5: replace ℜz > 1 by 0 < ℜz < 1.
22. Page 80, Line 12: u(u, y, z, t) should read u(x, y, z, t).
23. Page 98, Bottom line: insert “=” after the sum.
24. Page 103, Equation(4.41) and in the second line below this equation: replace τ by t.
25. Page 131, Exercise 5.11: read n = 0, 1, 2, . . ..
26. Page 142, Line 4: read A and B do not...”.
27. Page 151, include the factor 2πi in the denominator in front of the integral.
28. Page 152, Equation (6.39), denominator of the third line: Replace 2k by 2n .
29. Page 159, Line 2: replace “It is easily verified that” by “Introducing in (6.55) the
new variable of integration u = 1 − e−t , we easily verify that”
30. Page 170, Exercise 6.18, the subscript in the Laguerre polynomial in the sum should
read k and not n .
31. Page 171, Bottom, replace the ∼ by “=” (two times) and include +o(1) after the
sine and cosine terms.
32. Page 173, Line before (7.7): Rec should read ℜc.
33. Page 180, Line 2 after (7.23): include √2 in front of the M −function and √1 in
π π
front of the U −function.
34. Page 186, In subsection 7.3.8, Line 4: replace exp(iz) by exp(−iz).
35. Page 186, Middle, point 7.1: “Buchholtz” should read “Buchholz”; the same correc-
tion is needed in the Index on page 366.
36. Page 190, Line 4: z s should be z −s .
37. Page 201, Equation (8.33): lower limit of integration should read −1.
1 −1
38. Page 222, Equation (9.6), second formula: replace the fraction 2πi
by 2π
39. Page 232, Line 8 from bottom: “Batemann” should read “Bateman”.
40. Page 236, Equation (9.44): (2/z)ν should read (2z)ν . The result holds for ℜz > 0
and ℜν > −1/2.
41. Page 236, Line after (9.44): “(6.12)” should read “(7.12)”.
42. Page 247, Line 2 from bottom: “(3.13) and (3.14)” should read “(4.13) and (4.14)”.
43. Page 253, Line 6 from bottom: “Remark 9.2” should read “Remark 9.4”.
44. Page 255, Lines 7 and 8: replace the ∼ by “=” (two times) and write [cos(ζ − π/4) +
o(1)] and [sin(ζ − π/4) + o(1)] for the cosine and sine terms.
45. Page 260, Line 6 from bottom: Fφ should read (rFφ ).
46. Page 273, Exercise 10.3. Replace the words “current density” by ”charge density”
(two times).
47. Page 279, Line 4 after (11.9). Replace |a/z| by |z/a|.
48. Page 283, t−integral: include 0 < c < λ.
49. Page 284, Line before (11.21): “non-negative” should read “non-positive”.
50. Page 285, Line -5: write u(t) = −i(t − 1).
51. Page 289, Line before §11.3.1: “§11.3.6.” should read “§11.3.4”.
52. Page 298, Equation (11.60). Replace π by 2π (two times).
53. Page 301, Line before Equation (11.71). Replace s = 1 by t = 1.
54. Page 304, Equation (11.81). Replace sinh, by sinh γ,.
55. Page 315, Equation (12.1): 0 ≤ k < 1.
56. Page 315, Equation (12.2): 0 ≤ k ≤ 1.
57. Page 321, Equations (12.15), (12.16), (12.17): φ should be restricted to the interval
[−π/2, π/2] and k as in (12.1) and (12.2). After (12.20) insert: “If n > 0 and x2 n > 1
the integral in (12.20) should be interpreted as a Cauchy principal value integral.”
58. Page 325, Line -5, series for θ4 : the exponential function should read e2niz .
1 1
59. Page 346, Eq. (13.13): replace 2
by s
60. Page 353. Include item: G. Gasper and M. Rahman (1990), Basic hypergeometric
series, Cambridge University Press, London and New York.
61. Page 353. Include item: W. Gautschi (1994), Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL - A package
of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gaus-type quadrature rules,
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 20, 21 – 62.