Gold Softener Operating

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Cat. No.

Rev. E 12/10/02
DCO #4930

and Parts List


©2001 Culligan International Company Printed in USA

Attention Culligan Customer:
The installation, service and maintenance of this equipment should be
rendered by a qualified and trained service technician. Your local indepen-
dently operated Culligan dealer employs trained service and maintenance
personnel who are experienced in the installation, function and repair of
Culligan equipment. This publication is written specifically for these indi-
viduals and is intended for their use.
We encourage Culligan users to learn about Culligan products, but we
believe that product knowledge is best obtained by consulting with your
Culligan dealer. Untrained individuals who use this manual assume the
risk of any resulting property damage or personal injury.

WARNING - Prior to servicing equipment, disconnect

power supply to prevent electrical shock.

WARNING - If incorrectly installed, operated or maintained,

this product can cause severe injury. Those who install, oper-
ate, or maintain this product should be trained in its proper
use, warned of its dangers, and should read the entire manual
before attempting to install, operate or maintain this product.




One Culligan Parkway
Northbrook, Illinois 60062-6209
and Parts List


Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................... 2
Specifications ............................................................ 3
Preparation ............................................................... 4
Installation ................................................................. 6
Settings ................................................................... 12
Programming ............................................................ 17
Manual Cycling ........................................................ 21
Service Check .......................................................... 22
Operation ................................................................. 23
Sanitizing Instructions .............................................. 25
Parts List ................................................................. 26

The Culligan Gold Series™ Water Softeners are tested and validated by WQA
and certified by UL against NSF/ANSI Standard 44 for the effective reduction
of calcium and magnesium along with Barium and Radium 226/228*.

For installations in Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts NSF/ANSI 44

Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be adhered to. Consult your licensed plumber Water Softener
for installation of the system. This system and its installation must comply
with state and local regulations.


Throughout this manual there are paragraphs set off by special headings.

NOTICE: Notice is used to emphasize installation, operation or maintenance information which is important, but
does not present any hazard.

Example: NOTICE: The nipple must extend no more than 1 inch above the cover plate.

CAUTION: Caution is used when failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or
property. Example:

CAUTION: Disassembly while under water pressure can result in flooding.

WARNING: Warning is used to indicate a hazard which could cause injury or death if ignored. Example:




The control valve serial number is located on the back of the timer case.

The media tank serial number is located on the top surface of the tank.

NOTICE: Do not remove or destroy the serial number. It must be referenced on request for warranty repair or

This publication is based on information available when approved for printing. Continuing design refinement
could cause changes that may not be included in this publication.

*Verified utilizing hardness surrogate per ANSI/NSF Standard 44.


Culligan Gold Series™ Water Conditioners with Time Clock, Aqua-Sensor® Device or Soft-Minder® Meter
9” Model 12” Model
Control Valve 5-cycle, Reinforced Thermoplastic 5-cycle, Reinforced Thermoplastic
Overall Conditioner Height 52 in 52 in
1 320 mm 1 320 mm
Media Tank Dimensions (Dia x Ht) 9 x 45 in 12 x 45 in
229 x 1 143 mm 305 x 1 143 mm
Salt Storage Tank Dimensions (Dia x Ht) 16 x 43 in 18 x 43 in
406 x 1 092 mm 457 x 1 092 mm
18 x 43 in
457 x 1092 mm
Exchange Media, Type and Quantity Cullex® Media, 1.00 ft3 Cullex® Media, 1.5 ft3
Cullex® Media, 28.32 L Cullex® Media, 42.48 L
Underbedding, Type and Quantity No Underbedding Cullsan® Underbedding, 30 lb
No Underbedding Cullsan® Underbedding, 14 kg
Exchange Capacity 18,200 gr @ 4.0 lb 26,900 gr @ 6.0 lb
@ Salt Dosage Per Recharge 1179 g @ 1.8 kg 1743 g @ 2.7 kg
27,300 gr @ 8.0 lb 39,600 gr @ 12.0 lb
1769 g @ 3.6 kg 2566 g @ 5.4 kg
30,900 gr @ 12.0 lb 45,400 gr @ 18.0 lb
2 002 g @ 5.4 kg 2942 g @ 8.1 kg
Efficiency rated dosage1 4540 gr/lb 4490 gr/lb
650 g/kg 641 g/kg
Freeboard to Media2 13.5-15.5 in 13.0-15.0 in
343-394 mm 330-381 mm
Freeboard to Underbedding3 No Underbedding 37.0 in
No Underbedding 940 mm
Salt Storage Capacity 250 lb or 375 lb 375 lb
114 kg or 170 kg 170 kg
Rated Service Flow @ Pressure Drop 9 gpm @ 15 psi 10.5 gpm @ 15 psi
34 Lpm @ 102 kPa 39.7 Lpm @ 102 kPa
Total Hardness, Maximum 75 gpg 99 gpg
1 283 mg/L 1 692 mg/L
Total Iron, Maximum 5 ppm 5 ppm
5 mg/L 5 mg/L
Hardness to Iron Ratio, Minimum 8 gpg to 1 ppm 8 gpg to 1 ppm
140 mg/L to 1 mg/L 140 mg/L to 1 mg/L
Operating Pressure 20-125 psi 20-125 psi
140-860 kPa 140-860 kPa
Operating Pressure (Canada) 20-90 psi 20-90 psi
137-620 kPa 137-620 kPa
Operating Temperature 33-120°F 33-120°F
1-50°C 1-50°C
Electrical Requirements 24V/60 Hz 24V/60 Hz
Electrical Power Consumption, Min/Max 3 Watts/35 Watts 3 Watts/35 Watts
Drain Flow, Maximum4 2.2 gpm 3.5 gpm
8 Lpm 14 Lpm
Recharge Time, Average5 68 min 57 min
Recharge Water Consumption, Average5 43 gal 83 gal
162 L 314 L
1 The efficiency rated dosage is only valid at the 4 lb. salt dosage for the 9" models and 6 lb. salt dosage for the 12" models.
2 Measured from top of media to top surface of tank threads. (backwashed and drained).
3 Measured from top of underbedding to top surface of tank threads.
4 Backwash at 120 psi (830 kPa).
5 10 minute backwash, 4 lb (1.8 kg) 9” model or 6 lb (2.7 kg) 12” model salt dosage.

The water conditioner is shipped from the factory in a minimum of four cartons. Remove all components from
their cartons and inspect them before starting installation.

Control Valve Assembly - Includes the 5-cycle regeneration control valve and the Accusoft® Microprocessor. Small
parts packages will contain additional installation hardware, and the conditioner Owner’s Guide.

Media Tank - Includes Tripl-Hull™ media tank complete with Cullex® ion exchange resin, underbedding and
outlet manifold.

Salt Storage Tank Assembly - Includes salt storage container with support plate and Dubl-Safe™ brine refill
valve and chamber.

Bypass Valve - Includes the molded bypass valve, the interconnecting couplings, and the assembly pins.


The following tools and supplies will be needed, depending on installation method. Observe all applicable codes.

All Installations
• Safety glasses
• Phillips screwdrivers, small and medium tip.
• Gauge assembly (PN 00-3044-50 or equivalent)
• Silicone lubricant (PN 00-4715-07 or equivalent) - DO NOT USE PETROLEUM-BASED LUBRICANTS
• A bucket, preferably light-colored
• Towels

Special Tools
• Torch, solder and flux for sweat copper connections
• Threading tools, pipe wrenches and thread sealer for threaded connections.
• Saw, solvent and cement for plastic pipe connections.

• Brine line, 5/16” (PN 00-3031-28 or equivalent)
• Drain line, 1/2” (PN 00-3030-82, gray, semi-flexible; or PN 00-3319-46, black, semi-rigid; or equivalent)
• Thread sealing tape
• Pressure reducing valve (if pressure exceeds 125 psi [860 kPa], PN 00-4909-00 or equivalent)
• Pipe and fittings suited to the type of installation
• Water softener salt (rock, solar or pellet salt formulated specifically for water softeners)


Water quality - Verify that raw water hardness and iron are within limits. Note the hardness for setting the salt
dosage and recharge frequency.

Iron is a common water problem. The chemical/physical nature of iron found in natural water supplies is exhibited in
four general types:
1. Dissolved Iron - Also called ferrous or “clear water” iron. Up to 5 ppm of this type of iron can be removed from
the water by the same ion exchange principle that removes the hardness elements, calcium and magnesium.
Dissolved iron is soluble in water and is detected by taking a sample of the water to be treated in a clear glass.
T h e
water in the glass is initially clear, but on standing exposed to the air, it may gradually turn cloudy or colored as
it oxidizes.
2. Particulate Iron - Also called ferric or colloidal iron. This type of iron is an undissolved particle of iron. A softener
will remove larger particles, but they may not be washed out in regeneration effectively and will eventually foul
the ion exchange resin. A filtering treatment will be required to remove this type of iron.
3. Organic Bound Iron - This type of iron is strongly attached to an organic compound in the water. The ion
exchange process alone cannot break this attachment and the softener will not remove this type of iron.
4. Bacterial Iron - This type of iron is protected inside a bacteria cell. Like the organic bound iron, it is not removed
by a water softener.

When using a softener to remove both hardness and up to 5 ppm of dissolved iron it is important that it regenerates
more frequently than ordinarily would be calculated for hardness removal alone. Although many factors and
formulas have been used to determine this frequency, it is recommended that the softener be regenerated when it
has reached 50 - 75% of the calculated hardness alone capacity. This will minimize the potential for bed fouling.

If you are operating a water softener on clear water iron, regular resin bed cleaning is needed to keep the bed from
coating with iron. Even when operating a softener on water with less than the maximum of dissolved iron, regular
cleanings should be performed. Clean every six months or more often if iron appears in your conditioned water
supply. Use resin bed cleaning compounds carefully following the directions on the container.

CAUTION: Do not use where the water is microbiologically unsafe or with

water of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the unit.

Because of the ability of the unit to remove Barium and Radium is based upon reducing hardness to less than one
grain per gallon, effective hardness reduction should be periodically verified. Hardness sample kits are available
through your local Culligan dealer.

Pressure - If pressure exceeds 125 psi (860 kPa), install a pressure reducing valve (see materials checklist). On
private water systems, make sure the minimum pressure (the pressure at which the pump starts) is greater than 20
psi (140 kPa). Adjust the pressure switch if necessary.

CAUTION: The use of a pressure reducing valve may limit the flow of water
in the household.

Temperature - Do not install the unit where it might freeze, or next to a water heater or furnace or in direct


Space requirements - Allow 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) behind the unit for plumbing and drain lines and 4 feet (1.3
meters) above for service access and filling the salt container.

Floor surface - Choose an area with solid, level floor free of bumps or irregularities. Bumps, cracks, stones and
other irregularities can cause the salt storage tank bottom to crack when filled with salt and water.

Drain facilities - Choose a nearby drain that can handle the rated drain flow (floor drain, sink or stand pipe). Refer
to the Drain Line Chart, Table 1 (page 10), for maximum drain line length.

NOTICE: Most codes require an anti-siphon device or airgap. Observe all local plumbing codes and drain
restrictions. The system and installation must comply with all state and local laws and regulations.

Electrical facilities - A 10-foot cord and wall mount plug-in transformer are provided. The customer should provide
a receptacle, preferably one not controlled by a switch that can be turned off accidentally. Observe local electrical



Refer to Figure 1 for system placement.

• Set the media tank on a solid, level surface near water, drain and electrical facilities.
• Set the brine system on a flat, smooth, solid surface as near the media tank as possible.


See Figure 2 for a visual on mounting the control valve to the tank.
• Assemble the o-rings, located in the parts pack, to the tank adapter.
• The valve adapter o-ring sits on the first step on the adapter. See Fig. 3.
NOTICE: Do not push the top o-ring down to the flange surface on the adapter.
NOTICE: The larger of the two o-rings in the parts part goes between the adapter and the valve, do not stretch
the smaller o-ring onto the top of the tank adapter.
Lubricate only the top o-ring on the tank adapter, and the outlet manifold o-ring with silicone lubricant.
• Screw the adapter into the tank until the adapter bottoms out on the tank flange.
NOTICE: The adapter only needs to be tightened hand-tight to the tank flange.
• Align the manifold with the center opening in the valve, and press the valve onto the adapter firmly.
NOTICE: Make sure to push the valve straight down onto the manifold. If the valve is cocked, it may cause the
o-ring to slip off the manifold.
Treated Water Out

Drain Line
Heater Hard Water In

Air Gap Water

Softener Brine Tank Meter

FIG. 1

FIG. 2 FIG. 3
FIG. 4

• Assemble the tank clamp to the control, and tighten the clamp screw.
NOTICE: The clamp and valve will be able to rotate on the tank until pressure is applied.


As shipped from the factory, each control is equipped as a 9-inch unit. A 12-inch eductor nozzle and backwash flow
control are included with each unit for conversion for use with the 12-inch tanks.
NOTICE: To prevent injury, convert unit to a twelve-inch configuration prior to installation.

Refer to Figure 4 for a visual on changing the eductor nozzle and the backwash flow control.
Eductor Nozzle Replacement:
• Remove the three screws on the eductor cap and remove the cap.
• Remove the eductor assembly.
• Remove the eductor screen from the assembly
• Remove the blue nozzle and replace it with the beige nozzle. Make sure to put the o-ring on the beige nozzle.
• Reverse the procedure to reassemble. To prevent leaks, ensure that the gasket is in the proper position.

Backwash Flow Control Replacement:

• Remove the drain clip and pull the drain elbow straight off.
• Remove the backwash flow control located behind the elbow. Put the #3 restrictor in its place.
NOTICE: The number on the flow control should face into the valve body.
• Reverse the procedure to reassemble.

FIG. 5

Shipped with each softener is a Culligan® bypass valve, which is used to connect the softener to the plumbing
system. The bypass allows the softener to be isolated from the water service line if service is necessary while still
providing water to the home. The bypass valve can be directly plumbed into the system, or can be connected with
the optional sweat connection kit, P/N 01010783.

CAUTION: Close the inlet supply line and relieve system pressure before
cutting into the plumbing! Flooding could result!

CAUTION: When making sweat connections, use care to keep heat away from the
plastic nuts used to connect the plumbing to the bypass. Damage to these components
may result otherwise.


The bypass valve connects directly to the control valve with a pair of couplings and two assembly pins (Figure 5).
Lubricate all o-rings on the couplings with silicone lubricant.

On Soft-Minder® meter controls, the meter replaces the coupling on the outlet side of the control. The meter body
fits in the same space as the coupling between the control valve and the bypass. Make sure that the arrow on the
flow meter is pointing in the direction of flow (Figure 5).

NOTICE: The bypass stem can only be removed from valve on the bypass side (red knob). The bypass valve is
designed so that it can be flipped over, with the bypass (red) knob on the left side of the valve. This will need to
be taken into consideration if the control is plumbed in close to a wall which may prevent the stem from being
easily removed.

The bypass valve has knobs that easily snap on and off of the stem. A screwdriver can be used to depress the snap
lever on the stem for knob removal. The knobs have alignment tabs that mate into the notches in the bypass body
to ensure that the stem is properly aligned in the bypass body. The service knob (blue) has a locking feature, which
must be depressed in order to shift the stem out of the bypass position (Figure 6).

FIG. 6
NOTICE: If the ground from the electrical panel or breaker box to the water meter or underground copper pipe
is tied to the copper water lines and these lines are cut during installation of the bypass valve, an approved
grounding strap must be used between the two lines that have been cut in order to maintain continuity. The length
of the grounding strap will depend upon the number of units being installed. In all cases where metal pipe was
originally used and is later interrupted by the bypass valve to maintain proper metallic pipe bonding, an
approved ground clamp c/w not less than #6 copper conductor must be used for continuity. Check your local
electrical code for the correct clamp and cable size.


Refer to Table 1, page 11 under the applicable tank size for drain line length and height limitations.
• Remove 1/2” pipe clamp from the small parts pack included with the control.
• Route a length of 1/2” drain line from the drain elbow to the drain.
• Fasten the drain line to the elbow with the clamp.


• Secure the drain line to prevent its movement during regeneration. When discharging into a sink, or open floor
drain, a loop in the end of the tube will keep it filled with water and will reduce splashing at the beginning of each
NOTICE: Waste connections or drain outlets shall be designed and constructed to provide for connection to the
sanitary waste system through an air gap of 2 pipe diameters or 1 inch, whichever is larger.
NOTICE: Observe all plumbing codes. Most codes require an anti-siphon device or air gap at the discharge
point. The system and installation must comply with state and local laws and regulations.


Fill the salt storage container with water until the level reaches about 1 inch above the salt support plate. Pour salt
into the container. Fill with salt to within a few inches of the top.


To connect the probe or meter leads refer to Figure 7 and proceed as follows:

• Remove the timer case from the back plate.

• Snap the circuit board holding plate off the back plate to provide access to the back of the circuit board.
• Remove the plastic plug from the backplate.
• Slip the sensor probe lead or meter cable through the hole and toward the circuit board.

NOTICE: The strain relief located on the back of the wire connection for the Aqua-Sensor® probe may have to be
removed in order to fit it through the backplate. Replace the strain relief if you need to remove it for assembly.

• Connect the lead to the circuit board. The Aqua-Sensor probe terminal is labeled "AQUA" while the Soft-Minder
meter terminal is labeled "METER".
• Pull any excess cable wire back out of the enclosure, and route the wiring inside the enclosure to avoid any
interference with moving parts.
• Locate the strain relief bushing in the parts pack. Place it on the cable at the point of entry to the rear of the timer
plate and push it into the hole.

NOTICE: Dip switch #3 needs to be in the 'ON' position for the meter to correctly count gallons.

NOTICE: The wire connectors must be connected to the circuit board properly. The wires must exit the plug-in
connector opposite of the raised white base of the circuit board connector. Failure to properly connect any of the
connectors will result in a malfunction of the circuit board operation.

FIG. 7


Refer to Figures 5 & 8.

• Use the length of brine line included in the brine tank, or measure a length of brine line sufficient to reach from the
brine tank to the brine fitting, with no sharp bends. For easier access to the float it is recommended to add an extra
four feet (1.3 meters) of length to the brine line. Cut both ends of the brine line squarely and cleanly.

• Remove the brine valve from the brine tank and then remove the white nut and insert from the float rod. Return
float rod to its original position.

• Slip the white nut over one end of the tubing and press the plastic insert into the end of the tubing (Figure 8).
Connect to the brine valve and tighten nut.

• Remove white nut and plastic insert from the small parts pack.

• Slip the white nut over one end of the tubing and press the plastic insert into the end of the tubing (Figure 8).
Connect to the brine connection on the valve and tighten nut (Figure 5).

FIG. 8


The power cord needs to be connected to the plug-in transformer. Figure 9 shows the cord attachment to the

NOTICE: Observe all state and local electrical codes.

FIG. 9



Average Water
Pressure Height of Drain Discharge Above Floor Upon Which Softener Sets
psi 4 in. 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft
kPa 0.1 m 0.3 m 0.6 m 0.9 m 1.2 m 1.5 m 1.8 m 2.1 m 2.4 m 2.7 m 3.1 m
30 56 50 40 30 20 10
210 17.1 15.3 12.2 9.2 6.1 3.1
50 112 106 96 86 76 66 56 46 36 26 16
350 34.2 32.3 29.3 26.2 23.2 20.1 17.1 14.0 11.0 7.9 4.9
70 143 137 127 117 107 97 87 77 67 57 47
480 43.6 41.8 38.7 35.7 32.6 29.6 26.5 23.5 20.4 17.4 14.3
90 153 147 137 127 117 107 97 87 77 67 57
620 46.7 44.8 41.8 38.7 35.7 32.6 29.6 26.5 23.5 20.4 17.4
120 159 153 143 133 123 113 103 93 83 73 63
830 48.5 46.7 43.6 40.6 37.5 34.5 31.4 38.4 25.3 22.3 19.2

Average Water
Pressure Height of Drain Discharge Above Floor Upon Which Softener Sets
psi 4 in. 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft
kPa 0.1 m 0.3 m 0.6 m 0.9 m 1.2 m 1.5 m 1.8 m 2.1 m 2.4 m 2.7 m 3.1 m
30 44 38 28 18
210 13.4 11.6 8.5 5.5
50 103 97 87 77 67 57 47 37 27 17 7
350 31.4 29.6 26.5 23.5 20.4 17.4 14.3 11.3 8.2 5.2 2.1
70 129 123 113 103 93 83 73 63 53 43 33
480 39.3 37.5 34.5 31.4 28.4 25.3 22.3 19.2 16.2 13.1 10.1
90 145 139 129 119 109 99 89 79 69 59 49
620 44.2 42.4 39.3 36.3 33.2 30.2 27.1 24.1 21.0 18.0 14.9
120 153 147 137 127 117 107 97 87 77 67 57
830 46.7 44.8 41.8 38.7 35.7 32.6 29.6 26.5 23.5 20.4 17.4


The mircoprocessor can be set in three distinct operation modes. Aqua-Sensor Sensing Device, Soft-Minder
meter, or Timeclock. As shipped from the factory, the control is set for 9" Timeclock operation. A set of dip switches,
located on the back of the control, may have to be changed for proper operation of the unit. Refer to Figure 11 and
Table 3 for the proper setting of these dip switches.


The Aqua-Sensor Sensing Device utilizes a pair of cells to sense the passage of hardness through the water
softener. It can automatically adjust for water with variable hardness levels. As a result, it is the most efficient
means of operating a water softener. When hardness is sensed, the unit signals for a regeneration. The "REGEN"
enunciator will light at this point. The unit will perform a standard regeneration cycle at the preset time, unless the
number 6 dip switch is turned on. When the number 6 dip switch is in the 'ON' position, a regeneration will begin

The Aqua-Sensor models contain a feature which can automatically detect when the brine solution has been rinsed
through the Cullex media. This feature will advance the control to the next position when it senses that the brine
has been rinsed out prior to the time set in the Brine/Rinse option.

Since the Aqua-Sensor device automatically senses hardness in the water, the programming is limited to the Time-
of-Day, Time-of-Regeneration, Salt Dosage, Backwash Time and Brine/Rinse settings. The numeric enunciator will
only light for those programming options (numbers 1-6, 9, and 10). Refer to the programming section for further
information on programming the microprocessor.


The Soft-Minder meter utilizes a turbine impeller to accurately monitor the customers water usage. After a predeter-
mined amount of water has passed through the system, the microprocessor will signal a regeneration. The "REGEN"
enunciator will light at this point. The unit will perform a standard regeneration cycle at the preset time, unless the
number 6 dip switch is turned on. When the number 6 dip switch is in the 'ON' position, a regeneration will begin

The microprocessor automatically calculates the gallons of water which can be treated based on the salt dosage, the
water hardness, and the tank size. Refer to Tables 4B and 5B for capacity and reserve values that the microprocessor
will use based on its settings. The GALLONS TO SIGNAL setting can be manually set to directly override the
microprocessor calculations. This setting can be modified when positioned at numeric enunciator 8. The gallon
value may need to be raised or lowered to meet the needs of your specific application. The control must be cycled
through a complete regeneration before the gallon override setting is stored by the microprocessor.

NOTICE: Changing the capacity will affect the reserve capacity. An INCREASE in the gallons capacity will
DECREASE the reserve capacity. A DECREASE in the gallons capacity will INCREASE the reserve capacity.
Refer to Tables 4B and 5B to determine the units total capacity based on salt dosage and the hardness level.

The programming of the Soft-Minder provides several settable variables, the Time-of-Day, Time-of-Regeneration,
Salt Dosage, Backwash Time, Brine/Rinse Time, Hardness, and Gallons to Signal. The numeric enunciator will light
for programming sequences 1-10. Refer to the programming section for further information on programming the

NOTICE: Dip switch #3 needs to be in the 'ON' position for the meter to correctly count gallons.



When the mircoprocessor is set-up as a time clock unit, the Culligan Gold Series control will regenerate at fixed
intervals which are determined by the water hardness, the salt dosage, and the household's water usage. To
calculate the regeneration interval, locate the total gallon capacity in Table 6B or 7B based on the salt dosage and
the water hardness. Divide the units total capacity by the anticipated daily gallon usage for the household. This
value is the regeneration interval, always round this value up to the nearest whole number. This regeneration
interval can be set anywhere from 1 to 42 days.

The progamming for the time clock models is limited to Time-of-Day, Time-of-Regeneration, Salt dosage, Backwash
Time, Brine/Rinse Time, and the Regeneration Interval. The numeric enunciator will only light for those program-
ming options (numbers 1-6, and 8-10). Refer to the programming section for further information on programming the


The current software calculates the gallon capacities based on the yoke style tanks. The yoke style tanks have 0.86
ft3 of Cullex® resin in the 9" tanks and 1.4 ft3 of Cullex resin in the 12" tanks, whereas the new center opening tanks
have 1.0 ft3 in the 9" tanks and 1.5 ft3 of Cullex resin in the 12" tanks. To take advantage of the additional capacities
obtained with the added resin follow the procedure listed below for calculating the capacity settings.

1. Compensated Water Hardness.

If your water supply contains iron, compensate for it by the following procedure:

1. Multiply the iron by 0.1 and add the result to the hardness.
Example: (3 ppm of iron x 0.1) + 25 gpg of hardness = 25.3 gpg of total hardness
2. Choose the % capacity you want and refer to the table below for the appropriate multiplier.
Example: 67% capacity gives a multiplier of 1.5.

% Capacity 50% 67% 75%

Multiplier 2 1.5 1.33

3. Multiply the result from Step 1 by the multiplier chosen in Step 2. This is the compensated hardness.
Example: 25.3 gpg total hardness x 1.5 = 38 gpg compensated hardness.
4. Use the effective hardness for sizing and to determine salt dosage and regeneration frequency.
5. The forced regeneration feature should be used for Soft-Minder meter operation to ensure the resin bed
does not become iron fouled due to lack of water flow. See "Programming the Option Settings" for the
forced regeneration feature.

2. Salt Dosage
From Table 3, select the salt dosage at which the softener will be operated.
• Low Setting — Maximum salt efficiency, more frequent regeneration, reduced overall softening capacity.
• Medium Setting — Good combination of efficiency and overall softening capacity.
• High Setting — Maximum softening capacity, less frequent regeneration, and reduced salt efficiency.
Recommended whenever iron is present and for hardness levels above 30 Grains Per Gallon, or high volume
water usage.


Capacity 160 lb. Brine Tank 250 lb. Brine Tank 375 lb. Brine Tank
"A" Dimension "A" Dimension "A" Dimension
Salt Capacity Secondary (Only) Secondary Primary Secondary Primary
Dosage 9" Tank 12" Tank in. (cm) in. (cm) in. (cm) in. (cm) in. (cm)
4 18,200 X 7-3/4 19.7 6-5/8 16.8 4-5/8 11.7 5-1/2 14.0 3-1/2 8.9
5 21,500 27,000 9-1/2 24.1 8 20.3 6 15.2 6-1/2 16.5 4-1/2 11.4
6 23,500 29,600 11-1/4 28.6 9-3/8 23.8 7-3/8 18.7 7-1/2 19 5-1/2 14
7 25,000 31,400 13 33 10-7/8 27.6 8-7/8 22.5 8-1/2 21.6 6-1/2 16.5
8 27,300 33,100 14-3/4 37.5 12-1/4 31.1 10-1/4 26 9-1/2 24.1 7-1/2 19
9 27,800 34,700 16-1/2 42 13-5/8 34.6 11-5/8 29.5 10-1/2 26.7 8-1/2 21.6
10 28,900 36,300 18-1/4 46.3 15 38.1 13 33 11-1/2 29.2 9-1/2 24.1
11 30,000 37,500 20 51 16-3/8 41.6 14-3/8 36.5 12-1/2 31.7 10-1/2 26.7
12 30,900 39,600 21-3/4 55.2 17-3/4 45.1 15-3/4 40 13-1/2 34.3 11-1/2 29.2
13 31,900 40,000 21-1/2 59.7 19-1/8 48.6 17-1/8 43.5 14-1/2 36.8 12-1/2 31.7
14 32,700 41,000 25-1/4 64.1 20-1/2 52.1 18-1/2 47 15-1/2 39.4 13-1/2 34.3
15 33,500 42,000 — — 21-7/8 55.5 19-7/8 50.5 16-1/2 42 14-1/2 36.8
16 X 42,900 — — 23-1/4 59 21-1/4 54 17-1/2 44.5 15-1/2 39.4
17 X 43,700 — — 24-5/8 62.5 22-5/8 57.5 18-1/2 47 16-1/2 42
18 X 45,400 — — 26 66 24 61 19-1/2 49.5 17-1/2 44.5
19 X 45,500 — — 27-3/8 69.5 25-3/8 64.5 20-1/2 52.1 18-1/2 47
20 X 46,100 — — 28-3/4 73 26-3/4 68 21-1/2 54.6 19-1/2 49.5

3. Treated Water Volume Set Point

Calculate the treated water volume set point using the following information:
• Softening capacity — Grains (based upon salt dosage setting).
• Compensated hardness of water supply — Grains Per Gallon
• Estimated daily water usage — Gallons Per Day (refer to Table 4)

TABLE 4 - Daily Water Usage

Persons in Household Gallons Per Day

2 150
3 225
4 300
5 375
6 450
7 525
8 600
9 675
10 750

Example - Soft-Minder® Meter Models

Capacity @ 8 lb. Salt Dosage: 27,300 Grains
Compensated Water Hardness: 19 Grains Per Gallon
Estimated Daily Water Usage: 300 Gallons Per Day
Softener Capacity
Treated Water Volume Set Point = — Water Usage
Compensated Hardness
Softening Capacity 27,300 Grains
Divide by Compensated Hardness ÷ 19 Grains per Gallon
Result is total number of gallons 1,437 Gallons
of soft water per regeneration
Subtract daily Water Usage (needed — 300 Daily Water Usage (One Day Supply)
as a reserve to ensure continuous 1,137 Gallons
soft water until regeneration occurs).
Round down to nearest ten for Treated
Water Volume Set Point 1,137 Gallon Setting
Set numeric enunciator number 8 to 113


Example - Timeclock Model
Capacity @ 8 lb. Salt Dosage: 27,300 Grains
Compensated Water Hardness: 19 Grains Per Gallon
Estimated Daily Water Usage: 300 Gallons Per Day
Softener Capacity
Treated Water Volume Set Point = Compensated Hardness — Water Usage

Softening Capacity 27,300 Grains

Divide by Compensated Hardness ÷ 19 Grains per Gallon
Result is total number of gallons 1,437 Gallons
of soft water per regeneration
Subtract daily Water Usage (needed — 300 Daily Water Usage (One Day Supply)
as a reserve to ensure continuous 1,137 Gallons
soft water until regeneration occurs).
Divide by daily water usage ÷ 300
3.8 Days
Round down to nearest day 3.0 Days
Set numeric enunciator number 8 to 3

Use the following worksheets to calculate and record the proper settings.

Treated Water Volume Set Point Work Sheet - Meter Models

1. Enter Softening Capacity

2. Divide by Compensation Hardness ÷
Result is Total Gallons of Soft Water Per Regeneration =
3. Subtract Daily Water Usage (Reserve —
Result =

Round down to nearest ten for Treated Water Volume Set Point Gallons

Treated Water Volume Set Point Work Sheet - Timeclock Models

1. Enter Softening Capacity

2. Divide by Compensation Hardness ÷
Result is Total Gallons of Soft Water Per Regeneration =
3. Subtract Daily Water Usage (Reserve —
4. Divide by Daily Water Usage ÷
Result =

Round down to nearest ten for days between regeneration set point Days

Note: All Softening capacity is based on using sodium chloride as the regenerate: If potassium chloride is used
reduce the rated softening capacity by 20%. All capacities are based on new Cullex®.


The Culligan Gold Series™ unit contains a brine float which can serve as a backup refill shutoff in
the event of a failure, such as a power outage when in the refill position. The float level should
be set based on the salt dosage setting. Refer to Figure 10.

• Lift the brine valve from the brine chamber.

• Find the correct “A” dimension from Tables 6 & 7.
• Set the distance from the top of the filter screen to the base of the float accordingly.
The slight difference in height when the float is pulled up or down is negligible.


The microprocessor has several dip switches that can be switched for various additional functions.
FIG. 10
Listed are the functions for the dip switches used on the Gold Series control.

Dip Switch Function Default (OFF) Position

3 3/4" vs. 1-1/4" Flow Meter 3/4" Flow Meter
4 9" - 12" Tank Settings 9" Tank
6 Delay vs. Immediate Regeneration Delayed Regeneration
7 English vs. Metric Settings English Settings
8 12 or 24 Hour Clock 12 Hour Clock
10 Time Clock Backup No Forced Regeneration

Refer to Figure 11 for setting the dipswitches. As shipped from the factory all dip switches are in the off position.

NOTICE: Dip switch #3 needs to be in the 'ON' position for the meter to correctly count gallons.

NOTICE: The end of a ball point pen works well to flip the dip switches as little force is required to flip the
switches. DO NOT use a pencil as the graphite may damage the dip switch.

FIG. 11

TABLE 5 - Dip Switch Setting


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10







Make sure the inlet water supply is turned off, then supply power to the timer. The display will power up flashing
"12:00 PM". After 1 minute the motor will energize and cycle the control, without stopping, to the home position.
This is required to ensure that the control is in the home position.

FIG. 12 - Circuit Board Display

The timer uses four buttons:

1. STATUS: Advance timer through display options.

2. UP ARROW: Increase the setting.
3. DOWN ARROW: Decrease the setting.
4. REGEN.: Initiate a manual regeneration.


The microprocessor senses when it is installed as a Soft-Minder or Aqua-Sensor® control. Adding or removing any
connection to the board while power is on, or flipping any of the dip switches will automatically reset the
microprocessor to the factory settings.

1. With a flashing or blank display, pressing the status button twice will
move to the Time-of-Day adjustment. Adjust the time by using the up
and down arrows. A number “1” will appear at the bottom of the display
while in this mode.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease

2. Press status again, this displays the Time-of-Regeneration for delayed

units, adjust using the up and down arrows. A number “2” will appear
at the bottom of the display while in this mode.

Press s to increase or
t to decrease

3. Press status again, the number “3” will appear at the bottom of the
display. This setting is not used, and any changes made will not affect
the operation of the microprocessor.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease
4. Pressing status again will show the Salt Dosage. This can be adjusted
with the up and down arrows, the range is 3-15 lbs. for the 9” controls
and 5-24 lbs. on 12” controls. A number “4” will appear at the bottom of
the display while in this mode.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease

5. Press status again, this displays the Backwash Time in minutes. The
setting can be adjusted between 5 and 40 minutes by using the up and
down arrows. A number “5” will appear at the bottom of the display
while in this mode.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease

6. Press status again to display the Brine/Rinse Time in minutes. The

settings can be adjusted using the up and down arrows (37-85 min for
9”, 35-89 min for 12”). A number “6” will appear at the bottom of the
display while in this mode.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease

7. Press status again to display the Hardness Level in grains per gallon.
The setting can be adjusted from 2-99 gpg by using the up and down
arrows. This screen will not appear when the Aqua-Sensor® probe is
attached. A number “7” will appear at the bottom of the display while in
this mode. Press s to increase or
t to decrease

8. Press status again, for time clock models the display will show the
Regeneration Interval. The setting can be adjusted using the up and
down arrows. Controls with a Soft-Minder® meter will display the
Gallons to Signal (multiply the displayed value by 10). A number “8”
will appear at the bottom of the display while in this mode. Press s to increase or
t to decrease

8A. Display menu '8A' will light when dip switch #10 is in the ON position.
This is the Time Clock Backup feature. The control will force a
regeneration, within a range of 1-42 days, when in Aqua-Sensor® or
Soft-Minder® meter mode.
Press s to increase or
t to decrease

9. Pressing status again will display the Lock/Unlock feature. A “U” in

the display signifies an unlocked microprocessor, while a “L” will lock
the settings except for the time of day. To toggle between the two
settings press both arrow keys simultaneously. A number “9” will
appear at the bottom of the display while in this mode. Press s simultaneously

10. Pressing status again brings up the ability to Enable/Disable the screen
blanking. To have the display constantly lit, press the up arrow, a “d”
for disable will appear in the display. Pressing the up arrow again
displays an “E”, signifying that display blanking is enabled. A number
“10” will appear at the bottom of the display while in this mode. Press s to change
NOTICE: Programming changes are not locked into the microprocessor memory until the control completes a
regeneration cycle. To initiate a manual regeneration, press the REGEN. button twice, the "REGEN" enunciator
will flash on the display. Refer to the Manual Cycling section on how to step through the regeneration stages.




SALT 160 LB 250 LB 375 LB
DOSAGE IN (CM) IN (CM) IN (CM) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
8 14-3/4 9-1/4 7-1/2 TOTAL CAPACITY 4,900 2,450 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445
(37.5) (23.5) (19.1) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 3,537 1,949 1,179 1,004 707 590 505 442 393 354 322
12 21-3/4 15-3/4 11-3/8 TOTAL CAPACITY 5,420 2,710 1,807 1,355 1,084 903 774 678 602 542 493 452 417 387 301
(55.2) (40.0) (26.9) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 3,656 1,828 1,219 914 731 609 522 457 406 366 332 305 281 261 244



SALT 160 LB 250 LB 375 LB
DOSAGE IN (CM) IN (CM) IN (CM) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
4 7-3/4 4-5/8 3-1/4 TOTAL CAPACITY 3,220 1,610 1,073 805 644 537
(19.7) (11.7) (8.9) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 2,596 1,298 849 637 495 412
8 14-3/4 9-1/4 7-1/2 TOTAL CAPACITY 4,900 2,450 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445
(37.5) (23.5) (19.1) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 3,314 1,657 1,084 813 631 526 442 387 333 300 267
12 21-3/4 15-3/4 11-3/8 TOTAL CAPACITY 5,420 2,710 1,807 1,355 1,084 903 774 678 602 542 493 452 417 387 361
(55.2) (40.0) (26.9) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 3,656 1,828 1,195 896 696 580 487 426 367 331 294 270 246 229 209



SALT 160 LB 250 LB 375 LB
DOSAGE IN (CM) IN (CM) IN (CM) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
12 21-3/4 15-3/4 11-3/8 TOTAL CAPACITY 6,740 3,370 2,247 1,685 1,348 1,123 963 843 749 674 562


(56.2) (40.0) (28.9) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 4,542 2,271 1,514 1,136 908 757 649 568 505 454 379
18 N/A 24-1/2 17-1/4 TOTAL CAPACITY 7,660 3,830 2,553 1,915 1,532 1,277 1,094 958 851 766 638 547 479 426 383
(62.2) (43.8) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 5,200 2,600 1,733 1,300 1,040 867 743 650 578 520 433 371 325 289 260



SALT 160 LB 250 LB 375 LB
DOSAGE IN (CM) IN (CM) IN (CM) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
6 14-3/4 7-3/8 5-1/2 TOTAL CAPACITY 4,520 2,260 1,507 1,130 904 753 646 565
(37.5) (18.7) (14.0) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 3,495 1,748 1,143 857 666 555 466 408
12 21-3/4 15-3/4 11-3/8 TOTAL CAPACITY 6,740 3,370 2,247 1,685 1,348 1,123 963 843 749 674 562
(56.2) (40.0) (28.9) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 4,832 2,416 1,580 1,185 920 767 644 564 486 437 357
18 N/A 24-1/2 17-1/4 TOTAL CAPACITY 7,660 3,830 2,553 1,915 1,532 1,277 1,094 958 851 766 638 547 479 426 383
(62.2) (43.8) CAPACITY TO SIGNAL 5,346 2,673 1,748 1,311 1,018 849 713 624 537 484 395 335 286 246 219
Manual Cycling

The Culligan® microprocessor can be indexed through the various regeneration stages. For all steps, the cycle
numbers do not appear, or change, until the motor stops.

1. Press the status button to move past steps 1-10 until the
display is blank. Push the up arrow. The number “11” icon will
light up. An "H" will appear in the display. The control is in
the HOME position. Pressing the regen button once will light
the 'REGEN' icon.

2. Press the regen button one more time. The 'REGEN' icon will
blink, and the motor will advance the control. A '1' will appear.
The unit is now in the BACKWASH position. The numbers to
the right indicate the time remaining for the cycle.

3. Press the up arrow. A '2' will appear in the display, along with
the cycle time remaining. The control is in the BRINE DRAW/

4. Press the up arrow. A '3' will appear in the display, along with
the cycle time remaining. The control is now in the FAST

5. Press the up arrow. An 'H' will appear in the display. The unit
is in the HOME position. The 'REGEN' enunciator is no longer

NOTICE: On Aqua-Sensor® controls the display will initially

display "H 20" and proceed to count down to zero. This is the 20
minute signal delay built into the Accusoft® microprocessor. The
control will not allow another regeneration to occur during this
20 minute period.

6. Press the status key. Time-of-Day appears in the display.

Service Check

The service check mode allows one to view the instantaneous flow rate, the days since the last regeneration, the
total number of regenerations, the regenerations in the past fourteen days, and the gallons remaining.

To enter the service check mode, follow these steps:

1. Press the status key to move past steps 1-10 until the display
is blank.

2. Push the down arrow. The number '12' will appear only when
the Soft-Minder® meter is connected. The display reads the
gallons per minute flow rate. This screen will update with the
current meter reading every 6 seconds.

3. Press the down arrow. The number '13' and an "A" will light at
the bottom of the display. The display will indicate the number
of regenerations that have occurred in the last 14 days.

4. Press the down arrow. The number '13' and a 'B' will light at the
bottom of the display. The display will indicate the total
number of regenerations this control has cycled through.

5. Press the down arrow. The number '14' will light at the bottom
of the display. The number in the display indicates the number
of days since last regeneration.

6. Press the down arrow. The number '15' will be displayed if the
flow meter or Aqua-Sensor® is connected. For the controls
with the Soft-Minder® meter, the display indicates the gallons
remaining before the unit signals for regeneration (multiply the
displayed number by 10). For Aqua-Sensor® controls, the
number indicates the total minutes of the last brine rinse cycle.

NOTICE: Pushing the up arrow at any of these displays will immediately bring you to the control position
display, the number '11' will light at the bottom of the display.




There are two display modes on the Culligan® microprocessor. As shipped from the factory, the display of the board
is initially set to turn off if there has been no keyboard activity after a 1 minute period. Touching any key will relight
the display. The display can be set so that it will always display the time. For information on changing the display
lighting option, refer to the programming section.


There are several conditions that will cause the control to trip a regeneration. The 'REGEN' enunciator will light when
the control has signaled for a regeneration. The 'REGEN' enunciator will flash while the control is in regeneration.
The following are conditions that will call for regeneration:

1. When the Aqua-Sensor® probe senses the hardness in the Cullex® media.
2. When the Soft-Minder® meter has recorded the passage of a predetermined number of gallons.
3. When the time clock has counted past the set number of days.
4. At the preset time, when the number of days without a regeneration is equal to the days set in menu #8A.
5. At the preset time, when the 'REGEN.’ button is depressed once. 'REGEN.' will light.
6. Immediately, when the ‘REGEN.” button is depressed twice. 'REGEN.' will light and blink.
7. Immediately, if power to the unit has been off for more than 3 hours.

If dip switch 6 is in the ON position, the unit will begin a regeneration immediately for instances 1 and 2. With dip
switch 6 in the OFF position, the regeneration will not begin until the preset regeneration time.


NOTICE: A sanitizing agent is added to the softener at the factory. Flush the tank to drain with a minimum of 40
gallons of water, or initiate a full regeneration cycle, prior to putting the unit into service.

• Close the main water supply valve.

• Set the bypass valve to the bypass position.
• Ensure that all faucets at the installation site are closed.
• Direct the drain line discharge into a bucket where flow can be observed.
• Plug the transformer into a 120 Volt, 60 Hz, single-phase receptacle.
• Wait 1 minute for the control to energize the motor and home itself.
• Set the timer to the correct time of day.
• Open the main supply valve.
• Initiate an immediate regeneration to move the control into the backwash position.
• Refer to the section on manual cycling for information on cycling the control through its positions.
• When in the backwash position, slowly shift the bypass to the soft water position until water flows.
• Allow the tank to fill slowly until water flows from the drain line.
• When flow to drain is established, open the bypass fully. Watch the drain line discharge for signs of resin. If
signs of resin particles appear, reduce the flow. Increase the flow again when resin no longer appears in the
• When the unit is filled with water, return the timer to the service position and proceed with setting the
microprocessor. Refer to the programming section.

NOTICE: Unplugging the Culligan Gold Series™ water softener will not affect any of the timer settings. Once
programmed in, the settings will be stored indefinitely. In the event of a power failure the time-of-day setting will
be stored for 1-2 days. If longer time storage is necessary, a battery backup is available. Refer to the Service
Manual for additional information.


Flush the sanitizing solution from the unit by running it to drain for a minimum of 40 gallons, or initiate a full
recharge cycle (by pushing the 'REGEN.' button twice).

Ensure that the brine tank has water to the level of the float. Add water to the tank with a hose or put the unit into
a full recharge so that the brine refill cycle will fill the tank with the proper amount of water.

The water heater will hold hard water for several days. Advise the customer that the existing water volume in the
tank will need to be used before the hot water is soft. If soft hot water is required immediately, refer to the water
heater owner's manual for the proper method of draining the water heater.

Explain the operation of the softener to the customer. Make sure the customer knows that there will be new sounds
associated with the recharging of the unit. Advise the customer to periodically check and replenish the salt supply.

Check the appropriate softener model box on page 1 of the Owner's Guide. Fill in the hardness and number of
people, and then sign and date the corresponding performance data sheet. Leave the Owner's Guide with the
c u s t o m e r .

Clean up the unit and installation site, removing any soldering, or pipe threading, residues from the equipment and
surrounding area with a damp towel.


Sanitizing Instructions

A water softener in daily use on a potable water supply generally requires no special attention other than keeping
the salt tank filled. Occasionally, however, a unit may require sanitation under one of the following conditions:

• The unit has stood idle for a week or more (the premises vacant or the residents on vacation).
• On private supplies, the appearance of off-tastes and odors, particularly a musty or "rotten egg" odor .

For occasional occurrences, the softener can be sanitized with household bleach as follows.

NOTICE: If the water supply contains iron, regenerate the softener before sanitizing to remove accumulated iron
from the Cullex® resin.






1. Remove the brine tank cover and the small cover on the brine valve chamber.

2. Pour directly into the brine chamber 1 cup (9-inch units) or 2 cups (12-inch units) of common household
bleach (5-1/4% sodium hypochlorite).

NOTICE: Do not use lemon scented bleaches, or similar bleaches that contain perfumes.

3. Manually start a recharge cycle. Allow the unit to complete the recharge cycle automatically.

If tastes and odors return frequently, even after sanitization, additional equipment my be required. Have a labora-
tory analysis performed to determine the possible cause of the odor. Contact Household Application Engineering
for assistance. Also, have the consumer send a sample to a qualified laboratory for bacterial analysis.

Parts List - Control


Item Part No. Description Item Part No. Description
— 01-0136-75 Control Valve Assembly - Gold Series 37 01-0017-84 Screw
1 01-0139-76 Control Valve 38 00-3183-54 Nut
‡ 2 01-0130-83 Seal Pack Assembly 39 00-4452-21 Bellcrank
‡ 3 01-0136-06 Eductor Sleeve and Eductor Piston Assembly 40 00-4452-46 Roll Pin
‡ * P0-4479-86 O-Ring, Eductor Sleeve, Small O-Ring (25/Kit) 41 01-0126-49 Follower
‡ * P0-3084-07 O-Ring, Eductor Sleeve, Large O-Ring (25/Kit) 42 01-0126-48 Yoke
‡ * P0-4487-50 Screen, Eductor Sleeve (10/Kit) 43 01-0126-47 Bracket
‡ * 00-4479-87 O-Ring, Eductor Piston (10/Kit) 44 00-3184-52 Screw
4 00-4432-91 Connector Brine Line 45 01-0130-94 Circuit Board
5 P0-3031-92 Insert, PP, 0.312" (25/Kit) 46 01-0140-28 Circuit Board Mounting Plate
6 P0-3031-93 Nut, PP, 0.312" (25/Kit) 47 01-0128-68 Timer Label
7 P0-3316-35 Backwash Restrictor, #2, 9" Tanks (10/Kit) 48 01-8822-90 Setting Label
P0-3316-36 Backwash Restrictor, #3, 12" Tanks (10/Kit) 49 01-0140-26 Cover
8 00-4468-35 Drain Elbow Assembly w/O-Ring 50 01-0140-30 Hinge
9 00-4473-87 Retainer, Drain Elbow 51 01-0140-29 Door
‡ 10 P0-3084-38 O-Ring, Eductor Nozzle and Throat (10/Kit) 52 01-0139-58 Tank Adapter
‡ 11 00-3084-37 O-Ring, Eductor Throat 53 01-0139-59 Tank Clamp
‡ 12 00-4012-48 Eductor Throat w/O-Rings 54 01-0136-69 Clamp Pin
‡ 13 00-4460-38 Eductor Nozzle - Blue, 9" Tanks 55 00-318-383 Screw
00-4460-39 Eductor Nozzle - Beige, 12" Tanks 56 01-0140-31 O-Ring
14 P0-4452-69 Eductor Screen (10/Kit) 57 00-4400-52 O-Ring
‡ 15 00-4457-97 Gasket 58 01-0139-63 Knob, Bypass - Service
16 00-4010-22 Eductor Port Cover 59 01-0139-61 Bypass Body, 1-1/4" NPT
17 00-4486-87 Screw 60 01-0130-95 O-Ring
18 00-4481-28 Retainer, Rear Body Plug 61 01-0139-65 Bypass Stem
‡ 19 P0-4449-14 O-Ring, Rear Seal (10/Kit) 62 01-0139-64 Knob, Bypass - Bypass
20 00-4481-26 Rear Body Plug 63 01-0080-66 Coupling
21 01-0140-27 Control Back Plate 64 01-0080-69 Meter Bearing
22 01-0139-66 Plug, 1.000" Snap-in 65 01-0080-67 Impeller
23 01-0064-98 Plug, .562" Snap-in 66 01-0080-65 Snap-In Retainer
24 A0-4880-16 Power Cord 67 01-0090-99 O-Ring
25 01-0003-72 Strain Relief 68 01-0090-75 Assembly Pins
26 00-3318-48 Terminal Strip * 01-0129-56 Wall Mount Transformer
27 01-0128-45 Transformer * 01-0144-93 Wire, Motor to Terminal Block
28 P1-0084-73 Screw (10/Kit) * 01-0144-94 Wire, w/Circuit Board Connector
‡ 29 01-0032-44 Switch * 01-0111-88 Flow Meter Assembly
30 00-4486-86 Screw * 01-0136-70 1-1/4" Bypass Assembly
31 00-3184-55 Screw * 01-0129-58 Wire Harness, Cam
32 00-4010-40 Switch Bracket * P0-4517-01 Hose Clamp, Drain
33 P1-0130-43 Retaining E-Ring (10/Kit) * 01-0128-44 Flow Meter Harness


34 01-0130-31 Cam * 01-0138-39 Back-up Battery
35 00-4435-59 Roll Pin ‡ Recommended Spare Parts

36 01-0141-79 Drive Motor & Bracket Assembly 24V/60Hz * Not Illustrated
Parts List - Tank Assembly

Item Part Number Description Qty.

1 01-0142-76 Tank Assembly, 9"

Aqua-Sensor®, Complete
01-0142-77 Tank Assembly, 12"
Aqua-Sensor®, Complete
01-0142-74 Tank Assembly, 9"
Soft-Minder®, Complete
01-0142-75 Tank Assembly, 12"
Soft-Minder®, Complete
01-0112-82 Tank Replacement, 9", Empty
01-0112-83 Tank Replacement, 12", Empty
2 01-0098-47 Top Strainer - Fine Slot
01-0111-95 Top Strainer - Wide Slot 1
3 01-0090-99 O-Ring, Manifold 1
4 01-0096-15 Outlet Manifold 1
5 00-4704-29 O-Ring, Plug and Sensor 2
6 01-0100-46 Plug 1
7 01-0113-41 Aqua-Sensor® Probe 1
Parts List - Salt Storage Tank

Item Part Number Description

— 00-4413-90 Brine System, 160 lb. Replacement

— 00-4418-86 Brine System, 250 lb. Replacement
— 00-4418-87 Brine System, 375 lb. Replacement
† 1 01-0048-70 Gold Band
2 00-3039-93 Cover with Band, 250 lb. (114 kg)
00-4010-42 Cover with Band, 160 lb. (73 kg)
00-3039-80 Cover with Band, 375 lb. (170 kg)
3 00-3040-10 Tank Only, 250 lb. (114 kg)
00-4413-91 Tank Only, 160 lb. (73 kg)
00-3039-75 Tank Only, 375 lb. (170 kg)
* 00-3044-30 Salt Plate, Plastic, 250 lb. (114 kg)
* 00-3044-39 Salt Plate, Plastic, 375 lb. (170 kg)

* Not Illustrated
† Order by footage required


Parts List - Brine Well & Float

Item Part Number Description

— 00-4418-88 Brine Valve Assembly

— 00-4011-41 Brine Valve Assy., Brine Tank, 160 lb.
1 00-3031-93 Plastic Nut, 5/16-inch
2 00-3031-92 Plastic Insert
3 00-4407-96 Refill Cap
‡4 00-3084-07 O-ring
‡5 00-4016-22 Flow Restrictor, No. 5, 0.45 gpm (170 lpm)
6 00-3400-14 Stem Seat Assy., 250 lb. (114 kg) & 375 lb.
(170 kg)
7 00-4407-95 Refill Body
‡8 00-3325-28 Hat Screen
9 00-2234-35 Plastic Pipe, 1/4-inch NPT x 35 inches long,
250 lb. (114 kg) & 375 lb. (170 kg)
10 00-3047-03 Float Retainer (2 required)
11 00-3047-18 Float Weight, Stainless Steel (2)
12 00-4448-73 Float
13 00-3320-72 Screen Top Seal
14 00-4446-64 Filter Screen Cap
‡15 00-4444-96 Stem Seat
16 00-4473-92 Insert
17 00-4477-81 Air Eliminator Ball
‡18 00-3048-04 Ball Seat
19 00-5418-21 Float Valve Body with Ball Seat
00-5418-34 Float Valve Body with Ball Seat, 150 lb.
Brine Tank
20 00-3045-37 Brine Valve Chamber, 250 lb. (114 kg) &
375 lb. (170 kg) Salt Storage Tank
00-4413-92 Brine Valve Chamber, 160 lb. (Shown)
21 00-3046-06 Cap, Brine Valve Chamber
* 00-4463-88 Screw, St. Steel, Brine Valve Chamber
* 00-4463-89 Nut, St. Steel, Brine Valve Chamber

* Not Illustrated
‡ Recommended Spare Parts


One Culligan Parkway, Northbrook, IL 60062-6209


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