Deccan Switchgears Invoice Copy's

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A Tax Invoice ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT) eeinveice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Ack No. : 412411980967866 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS See Tye [Ded |5-4-70.VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, |S-Nov-21 7 SECONDERAEAD” 800805, 3 Berens Wie rams or Pamest (Sstnwun ue | ar \BOc "Reference No-& Date, Other ReTereneas | ‘Buyer (Bil to) oi sea rue 7 “ Sire Sanat one of 0082s — SOS ca [renee Carers I bracers =| [GSTINIUIN » S@AAQCS3390E122 ‘Dispatched through | Destination” | SEENON seanccesttonss, an + eae ee lt 40a D416 (110 DG) 7POLE 2WAY WITH OFF ‘soeson0| rama 21 NOS|2.18200/N0s| | 45,822.00] LRABIRGRWRR TEMAS, GSE Eagnge aces) | “Reza | Gono Reta No Exchange RECEIVED INW No. Date. 9g fIhpou Totsr (st Nos) [he 89,998.00 [art Cressi wordt) aor INR Fifty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Four Only | ASIC [cenwartex siete Tax —[rotar Fists Amount (Rate | Amouat [Ta Amount (BESeSDOO a9 643-00) 8% 4E7B. TE, os 4.078.761 8.1ST38. FouT|s0,04200/ | 4,876.78] 3.78) 8,161.51 ‘TerAnant avers) : INR Nine Thousand One Hundred Fifty One and Fifty Six paise Only Bank Details Bank Namo :YEs BANK LTD Recount Ne:00976410000106 Branch & tree Code:s.P ROAD Secunderabad & YESBO000097 Customer Name Phone ne Signature We eclare that this invoice shows the actual price of the (goods deserbed and it all parculare are wwe sha CoMrect 2 Tax invoice (ORIGINAL FOR RECIF DECCAN SWITCHGEARS { ye - i ee 02a74aGe2234007 10774390: ‘ek Date: 14-0st22 [DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Tavetes Ne 5-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, 2600 SECUNDERABAD - 500003 Betvaiy Note IGSTINUIN: S6AABFO2614R1Z8, | [Buyers Order No. ‘Sirveen Control Systoms Pvt Lid 2 Plot No :A-7/1 , Electronic Complex ota (194). 80-Apr-22. | oe Kusnauguaa , tysorsbackox | ‘ilinaran Reo" Osrssaoa00 ORE. ete. _ eat |Malleswarl Gel:77601 48043 maRlete: Dispatcher wrovah | DesInsTER [Saminuin: Seanacsesooetze pa \Sinte Name { Tetongane: Coue 738 silo {Tari oF Devan | | | ST ao NEE PETG ORI Rae pA is ot oe | | [era [11] 425 sP2w Wi 4NO+aNC 1000V IN SS ENCL 74168SLB32L0 [25365000 7 NOSt54.19900)N05} | |2 Push Button Red Without Element EMNRFO1 '@5388000 1104NOS|/ 43.00 Nos | | 3 Push Button Flush Head Green W/O Element- EMNGFD1 | 5369000 |10 NOS|/" 43.00 Nos) | '¢ |Ewnweo1 PUSH BUTTON WHITE ssseocon ReNES|/ 23c0 pes) | 3,84.728.00 \] sosr | 34,628.28 | éosr 3aleas.2s, | - Rounded oft 80 ; | ee kt Whal | | | | | | | | aa aes 453,876.00 a Satan Pre! INR Four Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Njne Hundred Seventy Six Only HSNSAE Taxable [_Cenual Tax Te [sasesos0 ng Bale Amour Raat pose. 352.00| oe a7o.8e = = Tous si,7as.00/—134,038:28" r {ax Aneun (ames): INR Sixty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and Fifty paise Only \Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD | ‘Account No:oos7esou001083 ‘Branch & WSC Code:S-P, ROAD. Wie dediare that this invoice shows the actual price of the (goods desciibed and thal all particulars are te and correct. a Soran DECCAN SWITCHGEARS : Secedtoarobelda42e2 \ DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ~~ nwaice No. oi Be To NAS COMPLE. M G ROAD, aa SedSNdgeaeAD. sood0s a a Belew nets [SSTINGIN SeaMorbastareizo o02F cree I | State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 ga) 'Referencs No. & Dao, ar Reterences: e'MMai' cescancencngsareomalscom marie i Tar Of | Buyer Ceili 0) Jo | Buyer's Order No. ‘Dated Be ei aeiage ese | : Biot No Act elettonie Complex ! ca ies) eae Ica, Hydernseeo | inca est. ieee. eee Rataened corse scans Dispatched through |Destination 1 |GSrINJUIN SeaAGeS3300E 172 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 ist Dear a ORE HENGAG | Part No. Guantiy| Rats ]6er a= 3] AMOUR me Dem AN Te ee 1/4254 eP2W W/O 4NO*4NC 4000V IN SS ENCL 74168SL532L0 95965090) ‘2a Nos/e4.199.001%05) | 13,00,776.00) 2 61325SAB13TDYR ASS 6A Salzar 25968000) 47 Nos” 178.00 03 ‘9,366.00 3 61342SAB13TDYR VSS 6A Salzar "85965000 92 NOS 7128.00 Nos la 468 B46 (110 DC) 7POLE 2WAY WITH OFF 5365080 slaccsnna| 92 NOS|4.231.00|NOS| 5 16A BHEL BHOPAL 110VDG.2 POLE ON-OFF 365000 VisciFia| 82 NOS|/ 303.00) NOS, ses) | |4,32,aa5.26 éosr | aaaaeze A Rounded Off | } ‘048 Goods No Return / No Exchange a RECEIVED | all | INW No. Date. ? | | j | tl | | i H 2aT NOS. t e735 R500 _ Amount Chargeable fn words) — . st EOE IR Seventeon Lakh Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred Five Only | ee “e Crarauis [Geng Tax _L—siaieTag Frat | (8866 rare adh a] 896.7, Teeat az aa628 ‘acimainifavers) > INR Two Lakh Sixty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety and Fifty Two paise Only | Bank Detaile ecednt ht obiradiaate tae Mallersaa (Ste-1e4 fev!) Branch & IFSC Codo:S.P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000097 [customer Name Phone ne Signature: |We'declare tnat this Invoibe shows the actual price of the i DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack No. : 412214258373237 DECCAN swiTCHGEARS Sao WAS COMPLET M © ROAD, 270 [Secunoermeab. sondes ool? Bolte now SernuIN sonABrOsoran ze 10 pe State Nome "Telangana, Cove 26 maR\EtC —— RaarNE aD Eat Setcwceantastgtetl en Sooero) Sirveen Control syeteme Pvt Lia 3h (Blatter eiebeente Cornmen Kesneceaa | iyeorabescss reanenavee,, ase os ea fal in > Sageaeeie spacer wegen [Buyers Order No.1 [kota (14) 30-Apr-22 Dispatch Doc Na. — Deilvery Ni GSTINIUIN : 36AAQCS3300E1Z2 ae lame : Telangana, Code: 36 “Terms ot bai ees a ieee eae | aire eral Wea preveom aacoro| 18 Noss sree | 23,880.00 1a | Lees || cesr| 2122.20 hose Rounded off| (0.40 ———E—EE | RECEIVED INW. No. Date. ‘rca CrarpeabiaGn wores) INR Twenty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Four Only — be vatue Sate | Agu [ats Am [rtp —— "Fatal 25,600.00 2:12.20 ‘Tac Ancun (nverée) : INF Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty Four and Forty paise Only \aank Detaite sober arenes Malema (Sec~iey bevs) [Branch a IFSC Code:S.P.ROAD,Scounderabad & YESBO000097 customer Name Phone ne ‘Signature _ [Wie declare that this invoice shows the actual price oftne | [doods deseribou and Wat all periculare are tse and correct “4 ( DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Tax invoice (ORIGINAL FOR RECIFIE ernvelce ‘ek Date: +-08ta2 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS '5-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, |SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTINIUIN: S6AABFD2514R 128, State Name; Telangana, Code 96 alerence No & Das: owner References | Esai is a i |Eoeee Comey + |Buyer’s Order No. |Daied Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd . ane leans Plot No'A-7/1 , Electronic Compiex \oO\r ‘hota (184) 30-Apr 2a Kusnauguda , Hyderabac-ex sner\et Mikariun Rao--e374aasa10 Secor Saas _| ona Malleswar Geir7e01 49943 yahho | ppsicnea trouaR Bes SSriNnIN SSAAQESASe0E172 | E State Name : Telangana, Code 30 } iy THERISAD Pan Ns: [OGRRURY |For] RE] — ARGO s ee a= WBE eee 1 MGB 10KA SP C-curve 168, pestis jpowoisic|7s NOS, s0.00 Ws|7 | 6,750.00 (2 MeB 10Ka DP C-curve 6A, sa0%0| paxtooe 47 NOS 728000) | 38,480.00 3 MB toka Fr G-curve 258 aise | Bberenoc 28 NOS//p25.00)K0s// | 47,500.00 @ MGB 10KA TP G-curve 160 saute aosniec g7 NOS //as8.00/u0(C, | 25/az7-00 |S Auxcont Lett side mtg INO+1NC(MOG-AXL1C 0000 sate 7g NOS /a25.00)s0;,/ | 24,7500 © GrsizsaeisTOVR vse GA Salzar 362000 | |BgNO8 720 00/09 31096.00 7 Mca SF 9A 250V De 10K ta030 esrocxDe 392 NOS //2e4.00)05)~ | 9arses.e0| 3 MGB Dp ea s00V Bo 1aKa asain slanege 234 Nos” 420.00 N08} 1,08,800.00, 8 GA se C-curve *90v. 0G ohm, 090 toietae 66 NOS|Zare.00 nos|/”, | “t0,aaa.oa te) PRRG Reeser s Rena # Opp siaoS-saote0) ‘one veges e2/eez.00 ‘1 Mex 34 Contacto one ovo coro 068 "e52.00, iiiaee ag comes | Yossie wee «Nos 7arsaa/ea| | “3388 I MeB BF 16a S00 Dc 4OKA 0 Busteae 1BNOSL/4s0.00 108 | 6.75000, ia mee SP 3A 70" Curve 10K 080 SasCORD YeZNOST” 985.00)%08, | 96,088.00 Is MGB 6a TP O-Type 2030 8900800|112NOS|/ 473.00 Wos|“ 82,976.00) } | Baies.00 sest | | 43,774.87 BER be a -dueenn | | | Sa77a87 Rounded Off, Sur Hundred Ninety Three Only = Taxable | atu [psez0S0 ‘yaecrteo0) o%|0.520.627 9%) 30.590.62) |Ss3ea000 2a7s.00| S96| 2199.76) 9%| 2 193.75] 4.307 50, 1006.00, G%| 278.08, o%| 278.6<) 58720, y2.a02.00| 9%) 1.11818, 9%) 1.11678) 2.20296) S2,s92.00| Sie) Sloasea| Go _si6s5.08/11.95136 “rota a8, 77487) “ax Ament ‘Account Nes Branch & IFSC Code:S.P,ROAD,Secunderabad & YESEO000097 \o97e4100001089, ‘Wie declare that this invoice shows the = $oeds desenbew and mat si! particulars sre tne and correct, 2): INR Ninety Seven Thousand Five Hundred Forty Nine and Seventy Four paise Only | GEARS | Auf Saray P.T.C DECCAN SWITCHGEARS oe IRN | Boedo*ste12ca¢4020das1en998500ne ‘heseerte7oasoriesriaaeavestbea ‘ek Bate: VOcta8 DECCAN SwiTCHGEARS ToeeNe SSTE]Osted | \S-4-70,VVAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, 2467 Oct-22 ISECUNDERABAD - 500003 [Beiiveny Note "Woe erms oT PaVRSnE GSTINIUIN: S6QABFO2514R 125 {State Name : Telangana, Code - 36 "Reference No. & Date, Other References | yar Oren ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd ae oa Plot No 8-7/1 , Electronic Complex A iin Boe Nos Dsivery Re 4 Kusnauguda , Hyderabackc2 9005 ae aes | Patiery Wllkarjun Rao" 8374445219, A [Mallsswan Cet77801 40043 maAriewe |SsTIN/UIN - seanacssse0E1z2 a State Name : Telangana, Code | 36 oshio | | | ‘Sy BION FSWSS Fares: [aanny [Rate por aeH|Aoun | fe = Speen } —}—___|__;___ | YJEMNGSK: 2Position Non Spring Return |esaso000 | Nos / 121.00 wos, [ZEMINGSLA Spostion Non Spring Return 5300000 a8 NOs //425.00 Nos | Peush Guton Flush Head Green WiO Elomont-EMNGFD1 85362000 2oNos 7 <200 Nos | ‘4 Push Button Red Without Element EMNRFD4 8380000 BoNOS// “3.0003 | | WED1 PUSH BUTTON WHITE 185360000 foNos// 43.00 Ns | 1G NO Modular Contact Block for PS 989000 | “e0NOS7 33.00 mes {CNC Modular Contact Block for PB ‘5368000 os Nos// 33.00 Nos IMR Relay S00-1000V AG 2/0 SMB110 ioseso00 | Ganoshoscolos ” 2ar.ozs00 “Yynexzs conta: a seaeoo%0 camsoo 190 NOSY4.292.00|N08 ~~ 424,200.00) |surce supprt 3 s40:2a0vy Isss80000| couesoro| a8 NOS’ 106.00 105|7~ "49,288.00 PCB Rocker. 1SG-61-0063) lasaszoe0 ssnooo| 9 NOSLf.208.00 N0|~ | 42'912.00| Aux conten si ANCIMOG:AXLIC —_|esomom|misenws, 8 NOB azaconee~ | “2.ea8.00| ey | \res.se0:60 | : sesr | | e3,s22.20 cast 83'32220| less Rounded Of | (90.40) =| spa INR Eight Lakh Thirty Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Four Only I Taste" | Central Tax | Stat Tax Tata 1o-_| Riis | Amount Rate At raw Amount [eoazsa00 iE 2500] 9%|2049225| 9% 26,432 25|40,04 50 [ess69000 424200.00, 9%) 30:176.00| 9%|90,176.00| 76,956.00) |ssse2000 323:200, 9%| 140808, 9% 1,108.08 | 2,216.16) = rena 7 biists.00 | [65322-20[—63,522.20,7.26,60420) ‘Taxameuntnword) : INR One Lakh Twenty Six Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and Forty paise Only San cee (We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the “Tis 8 Compr Generate nace 2 Tax invoice QS DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack Oste: 24-Sep-22 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003. GSTIN/UIN: S8AABFD2574R128 [State Name: Telangana, Code : 36 \ Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No ;A-7/1 , Electronic Complex Kushauguda , Hyderabad-62 [Milicarjun Rao—B374aa5210. ‘Malleswari Gek77801 49043 IGSTINIUIN : S0aAQCS330051Z2 State Name : Telangana, Code: 36 MGB 25a TP D-type / MGB 10kA DP G-turve 20A 2 MGB Dr tea eoav DC 10ka (3 MeB BP 10a soov Be toKa “y 5 MGB 10kA Sr C-curve 9 6 MCB 10kA DP C-curve + Mexas CONTACTOR, y : 42ia.00 hes 12 Rs ae a anes ¥ Sea ne da wesl asco 8 MMbcaa apD.o o -_inogos calanin 26 NOS. 150:0 hs o MPOB Recker aco) tatiana 28 NOB > x20 ts 1 Aiceoteete MOS LSC Saami anos” 22s. es secrecy ee ee eee ee | (Geet Rocker & fOG-S1-1650),/ _ssananso Swine 42 NOS 525.00 nos i Mees Beer seo —_(eaeateo sml ez os evecolmce 15. MCB 40KA DP. ont co SMEB 10KA Bp cc mes 4) Ss Se me 3p 3A “D" Su = SS MPEB Racker 410:4.6,400KA(MOG-£1-0160) bh MeB 10KA TP curveeat eS? A tan feotay 600-1000V AC 2/0 SMB110 J Blut ofvape 8 ph Sure, on deh; SSVAG |B |lMicon238 TOD,24-240VAGIDG,0,6-0000,2C10/ | MlmGB ToKa Te G-eurwe 188 | Goods No Return / No Exchange sosr| eer Rounded off elo 22401 fsea0 esstnson|-g NOS) 303.00 Nos, |essezoo0 | sresco00|47 NOS 14,970.00 Nos |Sesedooo [eons go NOB 725.00 nos [Seameo £4 NOS sons 90s ‘razeeso[csaanl2a Nos) ootcolwee|~ | Sr°easioo| sore |2score|se Nos{+srooo}es|~ | 4a:t00-08 ‘sscnso |assoweclea NosL'|nes| | Seiosa.oo| } 3.17.828.00 82,073.34 | azora.aa es: | er. eee 85362090. 820460C| 7 NOS 260.00 Nos '9820060¢ |140 NOS‘ 260.00 Nos, ‘Bg20100c 28 NOS, 280.00 Nos, 24-Sep-22 fod of Payment [Buyers Order No Lota (184) ‘ispatan O06 NO. “[pocape2a Delivery Note Oats | Dispatanea through |Destnatien [reme-of Delivery 473.00)103| 260.00|Nos | 450.00] 08, 1450,00|N0 '90,00|Nos| 280.00 05| 85360080 ‘85380000 70328000 RECEWVED INW No, Date. 22° fm 3 Stores: I Za 50,0 104.09) Sc] 19,884 87 2 Sm 41581 30, 9.16272, $8346.02] 9%) 6.672196) [Bank Name :YES BANK LTD. Branch & IPS¢ Code:S.P. ROAD. Secunde bad & YESB0000097 ~ Tax invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD ISECUNDERABAD- 500003, GSTIN/UIN: SoAABFO2574R1Z8 State Name | Telangens, Code | 36 one one ‘Buyer (Bill (0) \Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No :A-7/1 , Electronic Complex [Kushauguda , Hyderabaa-e2 ‘Milikarjun Rad--6374445210. Malleswan Gek77801 40042 GSTINIUIN : SCAAQCS33906122 |Stete Neme : Telangana, Code °36 } I A Daa GSRS OE |SLNo.4 (054) [Reterence No. & Date f Lots (184) 30-Apr-22 ‘Diepateh Doo Ne: a}? |spanerarmar HRS — (1 (MCB 10KA FP C-curve 258 os362000 4 9:378.00 Vf 2 1312SAB1STOYR VSS 6A Salzar ess05000 30NOs, 129.00] nos 3 Mca 1P 2A "D" Curve 10KA 'es362000 0210020080 NOS| 148.00\N08| ~ | | | 21,948.00 sesr| 4,978.08 casr| 1978.08 | es Rounded of | | 0-10) ends] €25.00)003)7 | i ‘Tewarat “ex Arnt on wre) Bank Name :YES BANK LTD ranch & IFSC Code:S.P, ROAD, Secunderabad & YES0000007 INW No. Melisuao CS@e- ea | Taxabie”[—canuat Tax Rigg pos [rate| Sopouay [rexireun 626." rat 4 | 5,253.50) Su Vsaag0\ oy) "sae-30| o00.00, '570.00|_ 9% z [ips76-08, 3,900.10) INR Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and Ten paige Only RECEIVED Date. 22109: 2022 x: 4 spain) PT.C Tax invoice (oR DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN erashe- ‘Ree Data: 46-Sep-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTIN/UIN S6AABFO2514R 128 |State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 tat doccannetios = | Buyer Gill to) : 7 Sirveen Control Systeme Pvt Lia es aun = 04 ae a \naixariun Feao-o374aae210. ele IMalloswanl Gek77a0% 46043 on eriNiuIN’® SeanacSsseortz2 4 [State Name : Telangana, Code "38 yo | { S] STE TSE STR [SR] Te [i NOR 400A FP e-curve 0A, ~ esa mies os waa) <5 20 | | | sosT | | 3,465.45 cesr| | i} 3,465.45, | | Rounded of| | ono | | || | || 1) | } | \ i | | | boot | be ey | | | | | | | Goods No Return / No Exchange | | | | | | | | RECEIVED | | | | INW No 04 fe Lv | | | | | | | | eee at [fas Nos} | re ag a30.00 a TTT eee IinR Porgy Five Thousand Four Hundred Thiny Six Onty | a ra (35362050 ‘$7 9,405.45) 6,050.0) 3.65.45 6,930.90 [TexAnan (vedo INF. Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty and Ninety paise Only arene) cos mawenrs Melmne (s8c-18ebevs) | ROAD, Secunderabad & YESBO000097 CHECKED | VERIFIED Invoice {ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT) invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN: bd97aeee4017057a18261ceeGe2t7baa4- Ack No, = 142a1a010476708 Ack Date: 44-Sep-22 TSI Ne SVEN Bate DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Bu70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, ‘2192 " td-Sep-22 |SECUNDERABAD- 500003, Baivery Nate ose! sare oF Payment | GSTINUIN: seaabrDssaRiZ8 \ | | ‘State Name : Telangana, Code * 96 Rajerencs No & Dai, |oihar Reference pater |Sirveen Control systems Pvt Ltd [Plot NosA-7/1 , Electronie Complex \Kueneuguda , Hyderabacoz 3 Milikarjun Riao-0374440210. 0908 ‘Malieswari Cet77801 49843 Reet GSTINUIN : 36AAQCS3390E122 m State Name : Telangana, Code 36 1s]09 3 TCS HRSA Pan Ne [URRY] Fae fe = ae, eee “1 MEM timer 0.48 -1204 24-240vAcipc 260 n/ _|si070000 2nsoTs, 19 NOS (841.00 18 i Relay 500-1000V AG 20/0 SMB110." [20326000 | 138 NOs/s.025.00 nos 3 |MNX-A1 ADD-ON BL.2NO}2NC 25389000 | ceu40000|50 NOS 7 220.00) Nos! 4 MER 280 Th D-type ‘ssaea00 | bom02500|14 NOSY, 479.00 N |5|MeB DP 6 soov. Bc 10Ka ~~, ‘5362080 81200600 450 NOS 450.00 6 MGB DP 16A S0oV DC 10ka Buzo1e0c |47 NOS /, 460.00] 7 |MGB 3P 3A “O" Curve 10KA~ (89900500 146 NOS// 593.00/NOS: 8|McB GA tr D-type. cc Esseeeop| 100 Nosy 473.00|Nos| ‘8 /McB SP 2A 250 Srr00s06|394 NOB /725.00| NOS 2 fee £8 24 ae ae tun sae Say esse | e | | |ea8.762.00| sesr | | se,97.0 esr ig ei se Rounded om | } {| 1) Goods No Return / No Exchange | | | Lf —e INR Seven Lakh Sixty Five Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Seven Oily SRSA | Taxabie [Cental Tax | epee ——— ais elem asa.1t aan eras ‘oe ‘S0328080 ‘S| 1Gaae.00| 9% 18,548.00 sease050 ‘8% "90.00 Se) 390.00| 1,980.00 S%| soe 77| 9e\30.619.77/ 75,227 Se 155,507.60 68.987.06)7,16776.36) /e and Thirty Six paise Only TavAroux nwo): INR One Lakh Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy [steam choresieamstos Malirues CSBC-184 Rev)) | Customer Name Phone no Signature ode deserted etal re US SECO RN SWITCHGEARS|| Tax Invoice NAL FOR RECIPIEN cnvoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Tas a oy |5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003. GSTIN/UIN: SAABFO2514R128 [Stato Name: Telangana, Code : 5 |e: pivenmcripes agire pro eemistn wee cornes aes ae se Aeete lotto:A/ ecko Le a ernest ieee 0 eee Matecn Seurraot sages ERIN Seanacsestoe ze |Stete Name | Telangana, Code * 36 | | is aise Fa [Rate BOE * = amis rene peel eee 41 |MPGB Rocker 6.3-10.0,100KA(MOG-S1-1000) s1is#0000)50 NOS) 7,626.00 NOs 7 aMesheewe tte seis 8 RB "598 es | SGST| | a3 | | a ounce or Le | | | | | | 1} TAR } | | | | | \ | | ) | | | | | | | | Goods No Return / No Exchange aCENVED | | | INW Ni ows tore | stores [Up | | i= | | a | | + L Ct [1,05,007,00) ve = = a (SSE LGIN rie Hhtudand One ony / wae pao eer wi Value Rate | Amount (Rats | Amauiit_|Tax Amount, see i a = oer rte 64: 85" hee ee "access se OTT. fivseans ma In epacon Thousand Sovatiecn and Twelve poise Only farmer ee eee uecaveccowenr Malarvano (SBC—I84 Revi) ' ; te TC, | customerName -Phonene Signature EN cccomrefhcnaunns| @ PTC Tax Invoice RIGIN DECCAN SWITCHGEARS : IRN eaastoas7r90a01 \eSeeterarre saroasced15960152- Pron ttoes7e2s1e DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘involes No. eisy BING /Dated 5-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, |SECUNDERABAD - 500003. 2 | [Betwery Netw ‘Moda/Torms of Payment GSTIN/UIN: S6AABFD2514R128 rat tease | SSTINUIN Seanaessao0= 122 0#09 [Siate'Neme | Telangana, Code’-20 eras or pea ae 3] Dasa Coase FBNERE Pan We, ERY] ARS Por 2000 | csxslay NOBY’ 50.00 os ht [sures sur (FOR MNX 95-225), (360-525V) SRR et aememeeCmeca? ——_jtemdtelemsmnaelar neal eoacales |abi Sousttes Resi iuiemout eiochert Connircrert ec BoNos| 23.00 428) Blgwmiwesrruse cerron wits seems] Sees | Seo Slee Ne Wesatie Sonett e oet torpe exeiie| REN] 33.80 te ES |eS26 Ne mggouter Coteses gees fot be eee] «S| Scere | sost | | || Si? seer | | vif Rounded Onl Heo 8 || | | | ! | Goods No Return / No Exchange REP ENE No. late. OF Lt | [ie saper.00 cH i = "nat Ce INR Fifty Two Thousand Fifty S t wal Tax | State Tax | Total mount Kate Amount Tax Amount ‘ 8%) 9.07044, B70ad —"3.870.44-7.840:88, ([ESSE5000 = ‘Tecanain javens) = INR Seven Thou Bank Name :YES BANK LTD. ‘Account No:009784100001062 Junderabad & YESB0000097 customer Namo Phone no Signature | |Deconsten (SEARS |We declare that this invoice shows ihe actual price of the —— 4 Sonar Wa Clrnsn 4 Be PTA Tax invoice ( DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN: BefSaeeca0c047617besn584des01706- Rok Date: 2o-aug-22 { ‘Way ziNe Dated DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Tyree ne: Peer ar eS reeCT, o nono, \ SECRSADGRN sates \ Se eT eA eee nce rode | 36. WS ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd [Spe earoasere ee uot 84) Rusnsegoae »Hiyderebackoz 4 emia agence oh te Malema Gei7rreot 4e5es OBO toe i SeRAMUIN? Sannacsess0=172 mae I 5 [State Name | Telangana, Code" 3 ap\o8 z a oa FSVEKE] FRA HS: SSRIS TBH HY // amar Relay 600-1000V AG 2c/0 smB110 7 sosz8000 144 NOS |5.045.00 no Ia nos s.045.00| Z Wisensts tSpaxaeovnciscasetoncio 7 [serewe|zacoro as Nos 72,000 (oe Mra timer 0.16 4200 24-240VAGI00 260 In Stores [zasore.|@ Nos 241-00 nos Za tace ten se bees "7 tsseanno ero:000 78 NOS| 2000 Nos (78 MGB 10KA DP Gcurve lesaeee|ezorsoc go NOS| 280.00 Nos (& MCB 28A TP D-Type_ fc |85362030 |86902500/40 NOS 473.00/NOS| (5 hinwro7 PUSH SUTTON WHITE |esonoos Benes) “sco|tce EGne NO Modular Contact Block for PB// eon BENos| seals) EG2e Ne Modular Contact Btgck for PB Isseeo00 Benos| 22:0 os ate it é } sosr | ces} | Less: Rounaed Off) | | Goods NoRetum No Exchange wre | oi. 2plloe:2004 a [e67858.00 “BSE INR One Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Nine Only | = = Genial Tax |_—Siaig Tax [Total | | FENSAT “Tas Ee Value [Rate | Amount [Rate Amount [Tar Amount | poszea% reso “ex, ase TO] See, Base TO Te Paao ‘S1070000 37,790.00, 9%| 3401.6<| 9%| 3.401 04) 6.909.28, 5902020 25'4g0.00| 8%) 220820] Os) 2'209.20) 4\s80-40 (95388000 ‘sioe4.00_9%| 983.16) _ 936 "388.16, 705.92. ———— ‘Fetal|is7 62000) 42,404.70, [TE404.70 Fachreun (over): INR Twenty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Nine and Forty paise Only Bank Detai 308.40) [Bank Name :YES BANK LTD. ‘Account No-009784100001063. |Branen BIFSC Cox ROAD, Secunderabs & YESB0000007 Customer Name Phone no Signature “sie Cooter Generated voce : Metirons ( SB010+ Rev ») PTC Tax invoice ORIGINAL FOR REE DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack Date: 20-Aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,V¥AS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, Secunoerasan. sooses 098 Ssrivuine semAprozstanize 0% [State Name: Folangane, Goce: 30 fewer ey 7 | |Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd 2 i [soa IBiotNo-acart tietuonie complex solo ete (19) —__|90-Apreza Kesnavgcaa ,Hiycersbacto2 Kiittanan Rao teranseas8. =| MMatacwan Gsurveot aso43 (Serinsuin’seanacssse0n1z2 Strut Nome | Telongana, Goue'738 | | 3 eT TU Toney | Ra ome x] A {S| ss = | [1 MMR Relay 500-1000v AG 2C/0 SMB110 sosze090 33 NOS|5.045.00 wos| | 4,68,485.00| 2 Mri timer 0-12 120d 24°240VAGIDG 260 In |storoue|ansore.#7NOS| ast00jnes| | "ta'287.00 | | |ra0:702.00| 1 sosr 418,270.38, | esr. | | tezrese) Rounded Off \ 024 iar L ||| | | | | } | | } | 4 | | | a “rata t [g0NOS) (oT araaa00 | pavount Charoeabio wore) — 2 E ~ conrartex—|— Sutera [eee eres (rate psian [renee [poszssae oe Aas es oe Sets ees teroso SEI 38e53| Su tase 731 ava. “Toran tsereieTaearesae) aes |acAnaai nod) INR Thirty Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty and Seventy Six palse Only Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD | (Raced Necomrestoonotass Branch’ Se Cose:o-P ROAD Secunderabad & vEsm0000087 ‘Customer Name Phone no Signature a |Secarton ERS ‘We declare that ns invoice shows the actual price ofthe = a —|__ 1 Suntoy Malurwao (S0C-164 Rev 1) PT. IRN: GaBt6d1a0sse06240a9pfe43a0c70d067- ‘Ack Date: 20-Aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS '5-4-70., WAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTIN/UIN: S6AABFD2514R 128 [State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 {E-Mail : Buyer (allio) — |Sieveen Control Systems Pvt Lid Tax Invoice és DECCAN SWITCHGEARS jun-22 Blot No A-7/1 Electronic Complex = hn aie ewes Malleswarl Go!7760% 49643, MmAR\Eoe (GSTINJUIN " seaaacsss00E1z2 | ‘State Name : Telangana, Code “36 22\08 Heme sroamiey | | Tea FERUERE Pa Ws [aR [Raia per|DHE Amour fel =e ee | |1]oP 12 MoD Come BUS BAR ssses000| 8DP12/50.NOS) 262.0005] | 4,100.00) | | | | sest) 4,208.00 esr 1280.00 ana CERES TH WORT Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Eight Only ‘esas 4,100.00, INR Two Thousand Fi Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne:009784100001063 (Granch 8 IFSC ‘We dectare th this invoice shows the: FeeT ta 100-00. Hundred Thirty Eight Only Matera CSBc-184- Re vw) Tax invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack No. : 412213839000347 ‘ek Date: 20-Aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS |5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003. GSTIN/UIN: S0AABFD2574R128 Stale Name : Telangana, Code" 96 [So aees cater. coe te Buyer (Bilitoy Pa a We. Bated ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd | i) aosapeaa Pict NoTAcT/1 « Elestonie Complex a a Fate co pecans aN | eggeenaee anaes o@ ‘Malieswari Cel:77601 49943 erletec GSTINIUIN : 36AAQCS3380E1Z2 my : Sine Name Toangora oe 738 alee 7 mane sexe rasa —_ : aia 1 MCB 10kA FP C-curve 258 souzo0| wesc 25 NOS| €28.00|.8/// /a.MGB s0KA Be Grou ake szsseta|sessiee|28 NOS] Secce|me | ‘SsGsT | | soar | | 1] oundea or | II | Df | | (Amount [Rate | Amount|Tax Amount [Bae25.00) (036.25) 9961 2.036.26] 4,072.50. [sewers = = ‘Tout 22}625.00, 2,036.26 2,036.26] 4,072.60, INR Four Thousand Seventy Two and Fifty paise Only \Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD (Account Ne-oo70410000%06% [Branch & IFSC Cade:S.P.ROAD,Seounderabs lcustemer Name Phone ne Signature Invoice shows th [goods deseibed and mat al particulars are trie and correct “ha i @ Comper Geert vice Maltro vo (Se ~iee Pe > PTO Tax invoice 01 SWITCHGEARS / Ack No. ‘Ack Baie: 20-Aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003. IGSTINJUIN: SeAABFO2514R128 |State Namo : Telangana, Code : 26 ‘E-Mail : deccanswitcngears@gmallcom ‘Buyer (Silt) ‘Sirveon Control Systems Pvt Ltd Es PotNo iA:7/1 Electronic Complex — a b2 Lotz (184), 30-Apr-22 |Kushauguda , HHyderabad-e2 ° fart Gel 77601 40649 mNAR| Etec Dispae mM ‘wreuR Destination GSTINIUIN » SCAAQCS3S908122 | State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 21 0&8 Terms of Delivery | | \ 5 ST TOE 3 [REVERE] Warr We, URTV Rae par BREN] Aaa |. MCB 10kA FP C-curve 254 'esse2000| 65402600 26 NOS| 625.005) | 16,626.00 [2 iRop AOS amorNe MER (90-1104) (110218) essesoss[esomaalsevses| Saacches|~ | 4nsens8) | | 26,628.00 | sest | | 2,396.25 cast Rounded = ke 34,418.01 TT = rae ae ‘oa haat awards) INR Thirty One Thousand Four Hundred Eighteen Only _ AC “Taxable ‘sate Tax | Total | [Rate Amount rar \reunt 'sesez050 Te e260 396) 7,408.25) 2.812 50) 55306000, 34,900.00, 9%) "990.00, 1/860 00, —— =. ‘Tewal| 26,626.00) Hak Anout (a wads): INFe Four Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Two and Fifty paise Only IBank Oetaite 50626, 4,792.80, Bank Name. :YES BANK LTD |Account Ne:o0s7a410000106% Branch & IPSC Code-S.P ROAD Secunderabad & YESB0000007 ‘customer Name Phone no: Signature a ‘ie docace that ns inyoion snows te actual price ofthe “This ir Computer Generale cn Malta? (sec-let Rey D) GB vrc08n SWITCHGEARS IN Gidersareceavaaaseaoterseronet?1 ‘Rex Date: 47-aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTINIUIN: 36AABFD2514R 128 ‘State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 ‘E-Mail : Buyer (6 ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No :A-7/1 , Electronic Complex Kushauguda , Hyderabad-62 Milikarjun Ra-8374445219. Malleswari Cei'77601 49043 GSTINUIN : 36AAQCS339061Z2 State Name : Telangana, Code: 36 % Pa INW No: Date. 13 -|og stores Oy Goods No Return / No Exchange ST RSAC pars CSRS ESA —_ = a ee ee 1 |Top AOB MDX 226 (2-110) (BFX10 22) ana a I | | | | sasr | | | esr) | | |e soi | | | amma , | | | | 1 be sh | | | RECEIVED | DOLV | car wae) —— INR Twenty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Six Only - HGR [eae | Sentra Value Rate | Ar BSS00000 [waza 00) ose 2 rots 28:254.00| | 2:27.06) ox Aneant(nvers) : INR Four Thousand Five Hundred Forty Two jank Details Icustomer Name co that this invoice shows the actual price of he Mattrino ‘and Twelve paise Only Tax invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTINIUIN: S6AABFD2574R1ZB ‘Soper ea =e oe Sirveon Control systems Pvt Ltd g PIN sat! Eleéwonie Complex ee Kuanauseae, Hyseasesez ss P Talianian Rao eoracaee ra, =a MMatetoy exrreot 4e0s3 oP tot Bispeichea wvavah | |GSTINIUIN > sexaacssse0E1z2 oie ‘Staws'Name : Telangana, Coue' 38 30-Apr Deivery De T ORE SRSA Rar Fs: [Guan | __} __}__ OOKA (MO 810000 60 NOS MPCB Rocker 6.3-10. an> FA INR One Lakh Thirty Two Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Only 4000)” |esoeaose| ‘Auxiliary Contact 1NO-INC! OKA MCB” ‘Ssneeo0 tzar"o08 80 NOS: MGB OKA BP Courve 208” ‘ute ez0cooc 28 NOS 1 ‘SGST| éesr | toloas:s0 an = | <3 | | if | | | | | | | | | | ST | | \| | \| | | | \| | | || | Goods No Return | No Excha DECCAN SWITCHGEARS| | 11 [CHECKED “Oey. | | | — i t z a aa HoT = s _— Efoe RSNA ~__ | Tabs |, SaaS "gs3ez050 Tse. ‘36380000 $/s50.00| ‘99962030 "7000.00, ‘@30,00|_5%|_"'630.00| 1:260.00 “eter 7:12,116.001 170,088.90] 70,089.90 |20,179.60 ‘ax Anon (ownrds): INR Twenty Thousand One Hundred Seventy Nine and Eighty paise Only [Bank Details Bank Namo :YES BANK LTD. |Aecount Ne:cos7asxoo001063, [Branch & IFSC Code:s.P.ROAD,Secunderab: Le Triggics No evnybae [Date aj28 s-Aug-22 Levers Nate ——— ae Fors PTET | Xx ( SeAABFOZETARIZE “Toiangana, Code "36 [Bao Gilt e ‘Sirveon Control Systems Pvt Ltd ot _|30-Apr-22_ Plot NoA-7/1 , Electronic Complex Bispand Boe Ne [Beier na Kushauguda » Hyderabad-62 Milixarlun Rao-0374445219, Malloswarl Coi:77801 40043 GSTINIUIN » SoQAQCS33¢0E122 ‘State Name : Telangana, Code 36 |Dispatehes through Destination "Tarme ef Delivery [Om Logistics Lea, Direct Deliver 3 area FERISAG [Par ne: [GUaRIT PTS par BRERA i ees |e + [1254 a2W Wio 4NOFaNG 10007 IN'SS ENGL 76I695LBS2LO [45902000] 23NOS 5419000 N08) _|4246,677.00 sesr| esr | | Rounded Of , Goods No Return / No Exchange | ——— | RECEIVED INW No, 23 NOS, I '€44,70964.00, sun rages We wasT INR Fourteen Lakh Seventy Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty One Only SRISRC = Taxable [_Centesl Jono [Rea] Ameen [Rae amar |TacAnou (wou) - INR Two Lakh Twenty Four Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Three and Eighty Six paise Only | Bank Detail Bank Name :YES BANK LTD (Recount Ne:009764100001063 ‘Branch & IFSC Code:5.P:ROAD,Secunderab: & YEsB0000097 | customer Name Phone ne Signature | ie"dactare that this invoice shows the actual price of the N SWITCHGEARS Sienna Citecans lame : Telangana, Code . 26 E-Mail: [Buyer (auttoy |Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Lid pe ("Taserence No. © Baie, Other Ra ry Note ‘NeddorTerms of Payment Plot NoVA Electronic Complex kote (isa) 30-Apr IRigneaguds: fyceresoaas ._Bispatsh Bo No: Deilvery Note Date ‘ilikarian Reo" Bo7au03"9. | Geiryaot 40688 Diepented wows [Destin SoAAGCSSs008122 30 : ee SinieNome : Telangana, Coae’"s0 OF 9 toe |Fevins oroaweny me | \o\o8 | s Taare raven | Fate =r A ieee pee ee eas ae 1 |MPCB Rocker 0.40-0.63,100kA(MOG-S1-0063) |'47 NOS |1.268.00|nos| 64,296.00, '2 |€8900461008 MO Ode Control Snot ine 110v Rail Way 85360000 anos| s2cc|Kcs, | “3'704.00| sasr | : esr Goods No Return / No Exchange i RECEIVED INW No. | Jae || | + = rea wos —Heemzaoe hearer ea RIG testis Tac tlioiea fond ODE | ENEIGHS Thane’ tee nes SS ee Se ‘Value _[Rists “Amount” [Fate T Amnocni|Tav Amount "64,208.00" 0% 5,705.64) O% 5.78R.84 11157325 3,704.00, 9%| "333.96, 9% Ss3.90, G68 72 ae TYewat 66,000.00, 6,120.00, | 6,120.00/ 72,240.00 INR Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Forty Only ‘Branch & IFSC Code:5.P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000007 ‘Customer Name Phone ne Signature N SWITCHGEARS: i sme = Telangana, Code: 36 E-Mail: [Buyer cat) ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Lid PrNe aon stiesrene compen \ erg (res) 80: Apraa Iignsesoae Hyserabecsa "7 Milikarjun Rao--6374445219. | Malleswarl Coi77801 4903 GSTINIUIN : 36AAQCS3300E1Z2 State Name : Telangana, Cove 30 24 “Toms of Dsivery — 4 0®' | 7 y G94 BY NOl~ ma g|eue | € | iolo8 | \A\Soyo tBu, | a Dano mou fey pale aS 1 |Mex 24 Contactor-415V, sone / '2,62,300.00, 13 Mode nectar 23 toscatos-21-o400)/ nes) *S8iare.00 (Aumont elt side tatg.tNOMING(MOG-AXL1G react #reNOs326°00 os Mee Rocker 1.0-2.5 100kA(MOG-S1-0260) Stomow eo NOs 1.27600 hos) |C$900461009 MO Ode Control 3no+1nc 110v Rail ya |90 NOS 926.00 Nos | (6 |MPCB Rocker 0.40-0.63,100kA(MOG-S1-0063). ‘s141820000 78 NOS | 1,368.00 NOS (7 MIPCB Rocker 1.0-1.6,100kA(MOG-S1-0160) 7 'suj0000 20 NOS. 1.970.00 Nos ja EMNESK? aPosition Non Spring Return = 2s Nos 121.00 108 ENNESL] 3Postion Non Spring Return 3sNos| 120.00 nos 2 buch Buiton Red Without Elemant EMNRED1 ~~ gonos| “ascohes, x Push Button Flush Head Green W/O Element- EMNGFDY| 25NOS 43.00 NOs, ExnvirD1 PUSH! BUTTON WhITE Fanos ‘3.0008 GIG NO Modular Contact Block for P&Z Fasnes) 33.00 nos 10:728.00| Eo2e Ne Modular Gontact Block tor PE B50Nos| 32,00] Nos o72e0.00 / | \182:¢80.00 | s@sr' i} 61,441.20 esr Staatzo ws Rounded off Goae i | | | | pal | | | en ee { | falar | ~» |} Goods No Return / No Exchange | | RECEIVED | ; | | NW No. Date. yr |o8' 22> | | \- | sen gE r | | | { = = ror —— ~Feaaswos| ¥ 005,562.00 ‘ano CRRERI THOT eeoe INR Eight Lakh Five Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Two Only TENA = OY rasabie | Canal Tax | state Ter [Torah Gans" [Rees arate [ease [Ameo (Terres jassaose sass Aer PTS Poo ESTES ‘beaszoso TEGem] gel Gaon se] om|s2's00 30 aa 72270 (s338eeo0 |bsuzs 00] 9%, Fockae S| 7e%36| 130000, oust 68800806 ee7 20, 30,1 35020 (Tax Arout Gn wed) [Bank Detail INR One Lakh Twenty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Two and Forty paise Only lBank Name _:YES BANK LTD |account Ne:o0a7e4100001063, [Branch & IFSC Code:5.P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000097 ‘customer Name. Phone ne Signature We deck Invoice shows the actual price q pariculare sre tue 2 Tax invoice ( DECCAN SWITCHGEARS DECCAN SWITCHGEARSsSs—S—S inveiés No. ay Bie |Oateer 5 zug 22 §-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTINIUIN: S6AABFD2574R128 [State Name :Yelangena, Codes se agelo [E'Mtan’ SoScanenitobacaregiortaiicom Ble _ [Buyer earty |e |Sinvoan Control systems Pvt Ltd mar jetec (ees ee |Bltnota7/ eieteone Complex o3|o8 lense te Ns: |kusnaugude , Hyderabad 62 \Milicarjun Rao--0374445210. Se Maisawan Geuvreot seca, Dispatched TraUGN Destination GSTIN/UIN SeaAacssss0E1z2 5 State Name : Telangana, Code" 36 Terme at Dalvary is; — aaeapion a Oe TERI PN: URI [RIS [POD] APO (EE foone eerie ae | 11 MCX 34 Contactor-415V, 50Hz Y Jesseso00 |csmanico|22 NOS 1049200 Ns) _|2,30,824.00 2 MGB 10kA DP C-curve 6A, 362090 [9820000C 28 NOS | 260.00 |NCs| "7/000.00. 4 Mexzs CONTAGTOR, 240, 50 seeoe0| arson 90 NOS 422.00 NOS) (f Nicat ADD-ON BU 2NOwaNC ee00 | sueoa 28 NOS| 220.00 os [SURGE SUPPRESSOR : MNX-S3 (110-240V) 36980000 |csn'e=000 190NOS| 196.00 N05] ig |ulv, oWv,spp 3 ph 3 wire, on del, SSVAGH 0228000 |MGSSBH|28 NOS 997.00 | NO Prey ee ce sie ltamecct SS NBS| ‘Saccolice [Jo MmeG8 Rocker 25-4,A00KA(MOG-S1-0400) / ssseanee|sttmoctslae Ness| 1 <27.00|ws| | astere-on eaga,4 i160) _assezooostmoons|a0.NOS| Xe2609)N08 | 1,040.00, £ 16-51-0250) 'ass62000 stws0000 49 NOS! 7.278.00|N0s ipso! eee seats estenec|eBNGs|"asccofos| | $2000.00 bre. , ‘sanarao ntcoteoc|as NOs| 260.00|\05, 00:00, kor 1.0 (MOG-S1-0160) / {86962000 | sisu0000|80 NOS| 1.378.00|NoS| 41,340.00 ‘4 MEB 40KA TPG VP [eseatae eesoseoc|s0 NO'S| ss9.00 N05, | ‘Ga.660,00) | | sores soe] | P éesr, | e189. Rounded Of | | | | *™*8ez8 Goods No Return / No Exchange | | RECEIVED | | INW No. [09 1202 | | {fee eis me ee ( orar600 ar coareRi ea — - a INR Ten Lakh Seventy Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Six Only I Ne = cable” [Cari Tax —|—Siaig Tax Tora) Gaus" [rais] Amecm [Rae Amount (recaroun eleoran “ave denise de ase Se tea 56 HO ee) 50,680.00, 9%) 4,558.50 '28,750.00| 9%| 2.587.50| 2aryeoo, 9%| 2:220.75) Soa| 17,086.78, 99% 4,588.50, 9,117.00 8%! 2.587'50 8:175.00 2% 3.22078, 4:45.50, 9% 1708 75/38 771.50 fax ansat (a wees) INR One Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety One and Seventy Two paise Only lank Details :YES BANK LTD Tax Invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN: b12feec44474ne210436a531cabenoa: 2roahets7a7 ederastdoraarerasocer ‘Ack Date: 2-Aug-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5.4.70, VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTINIUIN: S6AABFO2574R1Z8 ‘State Name : Telangana, Code * 96 E-Mail : fe 6) |Sirveon Control Systems Pvt Ltd [Plot No |A-7/1_, Electronic Complex Kushauguda , Hyderabad-62 Milikajun Rao--8374445219. |Matieswari Gei.77801 40043 GSTINIUIN : 38AAQCS3300E122 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 envoice 004, mace ogjo® [Reference Noe Date. Other Raterences ‘puyers Order No] |ne4 REV 4/2022 [Dispatch Doe No. Dewey 5 SaaS ESR FER Fa RS ESTO Pape nr ge es | ‘ > ]oP 12 mop come BUS BAR [Bows 25200)%0:) | 44,100.00 | | || | | sosr | || cesT | || | | eae | ‘ | | | | | | ay | oe ee y ee | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Goods No Return / No Exchange | | | ae. RECEIVED ae ae | INW No. oes 2oh- | | Tou soos! t [Amount Charpesbie (in wards) is - or IWR sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Eight Only ae _ "Jaue [rege aria [ rts | Ana [ree eases “Fotar 44:70:08 168.00 1Bes.00) 2.ess.00, [Bank Details [Bank Name. :YES BANK LTD (Account No:008784100001063, ‘Branch & IFSC Cade:8.P.ROAD,Secunder sad & YESB0000097 [customer Name \We declare that this invoice shows the actual price a [9005 described and hat all particulars are tse and [TexAnount (nwo): INR Two Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Eight Only Wathen (‘see—tas Revi) P.T.C Tax Invoice ENT) erinveice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS RN DECCAN SWITCHGEARS '5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, _|Sonsut-22 |SECUNDERABAD - 500003 Wai ll { GSTINIUIN: SSAABFO2514R1Z8 ‘Stato Name = Telangana, Code | 36 ats, | ONer Reterenees Jena doscanawachgestegegmall com : | [Buyer Gil to) ere Order No [Dater |Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Lta ie f Plot No iA-7/1 Electronic Complex S | Siizardn Bee no —|Beibey Rete Date Irie a a * , lgouenle Co 0715! Khianian Rao-te7aaaoase 40k — ee Malloswan Gek77604 40043 nae\ct Digpatched through | Det SSTINTUIN : SeAAQCSes00E 122 olor ———| [State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 3 [Terms of Bslivery | 7 TTI JERSE Pars S| DAR pes ad mide [= Fras |1 [8900461009 MO ode Control Sno+inc 440v Rall Way |es36s000| las NOs) 926.001 03] "32,410.00] A SRORRICER MARSA MY Soom NBS SSE | HANES | ar Rounded Off| | | RECEIVED | INW No. Date. 20.04 [2 | | | {stores USE ! | | | — rat sews} + '€ 65,686.00 "arr rai noes) = EOE R Sixty Five Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six Only | | et Goods No Return / No Exchange HNEAC [ese | Senta —sie Ta L | Natte. [rate [amount [Rate Amount [Terameut 'weae9090 eatoo0 S| Sore.00, Be a.s1e.40) 9.099 80) ‘35302090 [2e'ae.00, 8%| Z.o09.041 9% | 2.003.041 «186.05, t 00 84] | 6.008.941 70.011 [Textnan (avers) © INR Ten Thousand Nineteen and Eighty Eight paise Only senor axerume Wathnons. (see-te¢ Revi) ‘customer Name, Phone ne Signature (Seasrason EARS |Wie declare that this Invoice shows the acta (Goods doceribeu and inet all partic I as stony PT.C DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Aok No. 442219706145023 ek Baie! 2Aug22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - s00003 GSTINIUIN: S6AABFO2074R 128 ‘State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 |[-Mall - ‘Buyer (Billto) — |Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No 'A-7/1 . Electronic Complex. Ikushauguda , Hyderabaa-e2 Milikarjun Rao—6374445210. |Malieswari Ce77001 49043 IGSTINIUIN * s6aAQCEs300=122 [State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Tax Invoice 4601 Lotz (184) aPC Cae Is] }\ 5800461009 Mo ode Control sno+ine 140v Rall Way I2 MPCB Rocker 0.40-0.63,100kA(MOG-S1-0063) pease rere eae oe ‘28280000 | 71 NOS| 928.00 05 185362000 | sritz0000|28 NOS | 1.968.00| Nos 8 Mme Rocker 1.0:1.6,100Km(MOG-S1-0400) eseaoo0 stuote|a0 NOS) 1.37800 hos j | — | secre 90, sa | sae Roundsd O17 | | ee beast eter] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ie: || Goods No Return / No Exchange | | | | | | | RECEIVED | | | Jods COLL || INW No. Date. 30" | | Foes OE Res | | | | = = Sf 1 eer “part Care a et oe IR One Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty One Ont a Seg nn Se | SRST SIRT To a 35,746.00) Tig a0342 ee ree oo 18 12.88 ‘Fora 1,68,170.00 732630 26, 680-60) E [recaman jo wor) Bank Dotaite INR Twenty Eight Thou: laank Name. :YES BANK LTD [Account No:009764100001083. [Branch a irae co (We deciare that this invoice shows (Qoods desedbeo and Mat al pariestars joesand correct, —|__ ee DECCAN SWECHGEARS 5-P. ROAD, Secunderabad & YES50000087 1nd Six Hundred Fifty and Sixty paise Only ED Matlersne (S0e—104 Rev) = Sanson PTC 2 Tax invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN #7 160362008 ‘Tafearoecabann7t ‘Ack Date: 22nsul22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4:70, YAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, S8AABFD2514R 128 Telangana, Code : 36 E-Mail: [euyer Gils) ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Blot No:A-7/1 electronic Complex |Kusnauguaa GetinvUin'* Seanacsase0c1z2 [Stato Name : Telangana, Cove “ae #00 makjeec 22\o# 1494 ‘Betivery Note [Lot.2_ (184) |Terms or Denver es Par No [cuantity Rare ‘per[oke #) Amount t | essesoto | cananosslar Nes Hoase.o|sos) —Jaaa,aae.oo 2 SURGE SUPP. (FOR MN 99-225), (360-625) 'ssss0000 |cswoecos|ar NOS” o50.001N0s| | “'30,550:00 3 MCX23 CONTAGTOR, 240¥, soli |sssea000|csmmenl9s NOS/4202.00 n0s| — |a,o8-e60.00 | | | | |8,26,664.00 i sest | | | ‘a3,a00.76 é esr, eaise0.76 oe “Wrounded of | | 0.48 | | +” te } | so || if | | | | ) ot] | | | | it 4 | | | | | ) | i | I — = tT z oe 00) Iescehaere ieee) = : 2 EOE IINR Ten Lakh Ninety Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Four Only pn La Iu ra 80000 “ax Ament i wr Bank Details [Bank Name :YES BANK LTD [Account Ne:0097a4100001063 ‘Branch & IFSC Code:S.P,ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000007 INR One Lakh Sixty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Nine and Fifty Two ps 30,500.00, otal 828 664.0 20,680. " 3%) 2,740.50, 9% 2,749.50) 9,390.7 a3,308.76) ‘Only Melina CSbete4 Revi) Tax Invoice FOR REGIE é DECCAN SWITCHGEARS DECCAN SWITCHGEARS |invotee Ne 35470. VWAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, sar ‘iatautes SECUNDERABAD. Soobes. ab ‘Satvory Note [Modattame of Papnt GeTIUIN: SeaAprosstaR1ze 01? age ‘State Name Telangana, Code: 36 a ‘Reterence No: & Dia, [Other References — E'Mall at | ayer vay Hae Sirvoen Control Systems Pvt Ltd hot eattee Plot No :A-7/1 , Electronic Complex ¥ KKushauguda , Hyderabad-62 Milikcarjun Rao—6374445219. ee ¥ = Malleswari Cei-77601 49043 ‘through Destination | GSTINIUIN : SeAAQCSSSS0E122 Le =e ‘State Name : Telangana, Code | 36 “Terms of Deilvery apION Casa IFSNSAC PartNo. Guaniiy is Rate aE sesT cost ‘© 79,650.00 ‘ARoOR CHAE PET ~ ESOe INR Seventy Nine Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Only flee Seventy ire: TEEES (00) os| 6,078.00, 12,150.00, 6078.00, |-6.078:00/12,160.00 ‘tar Arcun (avers): INR Twelve Thousand One Hundred Fifty Only aa P.T.0 Tax invoice é DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN Ack No. : 112213617662215 ‘ek Date: 22-Jul-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS aaa NS: |6-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, tat |SECUNDERABAD - 500003. [Delivery Note [GSTIN/UIN: S8AABFD2514R1Z8 jate Name : Telangana, Code : 35 | Reterenc Wee all: “Buyer (illo) |sirveon Control Syetems Pvt Lta faapara earn — oa 1ot-2 (188) ‘20-mpr.22 Plot No iA-7/1 , Electronic Complex 7 Nota (184) 120;Apraa Kushauguda , Hyderabad-62 opoTt Sn "(Delivery Note Ds Wilikerjan Rao-Sa7aaasa 1. ae ee IMalieswari Ge.77601 49043 ne lee loispai rs na ISSrINUIN Sean@cssse0=122 aa | [State Name : Telangana, Code "38 oalet ‘Terme oT DEVE a RTE FRASER] x as aa Bic ae { |1 SURGE SUPPRESSOR : MNX-S3 (110-240V) “|asses000 |cssinecco|70 Nos 198. 0 es | « | | | | | s —retal I \70 NOS) ‘ean Carpe inward) INR Sixteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety Only —Taxabie [Canal Tax State Tax Tora} ‘Value (Hate “Amount [Rate | Amount Tex Amur {BSSS0O00 7a720 6, Go| 1.354. 80, 990) 1,298.80" 2.408 60) = 119,720.00, 1,294.80 [ 4,284.80] 2,469.60 ‘TarAnean (avers): INR Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Nine and Sixty paise Only 1 Customer name Phone ne Signature |e Sectave {pat ens iavoice shows the actual price ofthe Maltrons (Sc-04 Revi) Tax Invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN + Gr4addote7borra4985n01Bfe4fc9e705- SDaecovouceoibbsvetetc0aseatoc DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4:70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD- 500003 QSTINIUIN: S6AABFO20714R1ZB ‘Stato Namo = Telangana, Code: 36 E-Mail" deccanswitcngeare@gmall com (eee) Pale payers Order tio. [Datea— ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Be = Plot No :A-7/1 , Electronic Complex aes oe) BOA ee | teh Boe Na Delivery Nol Kusheugeda Hydersbad-o@ i (altearan Reo" sreaaen to. ja Matieswar Gei77001 49643 0404 Dispatenes troush™ ‘Destination SSrINMUIN » Seanaesss90E1z2 ‘State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 mag fecee [Terms ot Saiivery phot | 's Tea OE TRSNSAG Par No. [Genii] Rate [per Baee| Amount 200 suzoreoc| 459 NOS, 450.00 Nos 36962080 Bsr0rSbC|360 NOS 264.00 Nes] | | | 1 26.458.60) | | | | | 26,456.60] | | 0.20, RECEIVED | | [== T re ee | | 1 | INW No. Date, plot aa 1] siores Que _oaea| | / \ | “aout Crags award) INR Three Lakh Forty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Nine Only RE a SESEIOS —— saat rata 'a.531940.00, “ax Amel (0 INR Fifty Two Thousand Nine Hundred Nine and Twenty paise Only [Bank Detail Bank Name :YES BANK LTD SP ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000087 lcuntemorntame sane, wiarwns §«— MMA We’ ded. price tine CSBC—1€4-Rev 1) ‘We declare that this Invoice shows the act {goods described arid that al particulars are tie snd correct P.T.O Tax invoice (ORIGINAL FOR RECIF DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 2atafo79206af- DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Tnveiee No. eayBiNe [Dated |5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, 14 atsutan SECUNDERABAD - 500003 [Delvary Nowe MogelTonne af Payment IGSTIN/UIN: S6AABFO2574R1Z6 ‘Stato Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Referonss No, & Date. Other References | ‘Buyer caittoy ar ~~ |uyars Order No. [Datea BRNOLAg/ Blecronie Complex His Sct = — aoe rae | Rekttectas' cavaememese 97099 es ee ae elle fama aaa (SENN | Pearse eee poor aa FENSAC [Par NS, [Guantiy | Rate a | * aan aray wo anova layne Ewe TevessLemao [ese] faa nos oa noolcs] 2 e1ass9ABisTDYR ASS GA Salzar 355080 23 Nos) i72.00|v0s 3 Gta1zsab1aTD¥R VSS 6A Salzer es2es000 47 NOS), 120100 N25) s208000 |enicaeWn| a7 NOS /.281:00 NOS] 446A 016 (140V OC) 7POLE 2WAY WITH OFF 6 tea BHEL BHOPAL 110vDe2 POLE ON-OFF |sssesoo stuanrmn 47 NOS 308.00 os | > : * | \ | ‘3154,280.00, j ~ sesr | | 25,895.20 | . cast | | (| | ssimas:20 | ‘ ‘ __tiprounasa om | | | | {0.40 ‘Amaunt Chargeable Ga words) a ree ah Tegra 186 .886.20.1,71770.40 |Texanout (a wads) : INR One Lakh Seventy One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy and Forty paise Only Bank Details Bank Name :YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne:008784100001063 [Branch & IFSC Code:S P:ROAD,Secunderat '& YESB0000097 Customer Name Phone ne, Signature Seat ANS 8 We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of he goods deseibed and that at pariculars are ue and correc, | ‘ara Setar “Ta Computr Generated nice Malasges (SBc184 Revs Tax invoice (one RECIPIENT) ednveice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN | ddoba4g2nce3%67 1d08a083921901760r- Beazaazenedoderc1223303e400n00% Ack No. : 442243862442675 ‘Bek Date: 4ansule22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS yale Wa ve [Bato Bao Vyas COMPLE M G ROAD. tautaz SeCUNDeRABAD. 200808 40st GSTIN/UIN: 36AABF02514R1Z8 9 mar\eter \elot Matera Gei7rao aseee Benin sensacsssso=1z2 Site Name | Telangana, Goae’-28 “| | j is TE SSSR FeTTo Ra TAT 1) MPCB Rocker 0.40-0.63;100kA(MOG-S1-0063) |esseao0e|stnaeeo| 28 NOS, ‘368,00 nos! 38,304.00 2 Sseose1o0% mo ogc Comer smowine 130. Rail Way [saeco | GoNoseaceoo ns “ai ze0.00, 3 mcm tea te Oaryee strona [msoeoo as NOS/“se9.00 8) | 20,986.00, . ) | ia | 67,949.00) \ sGsT| | 6,118.41 , ? pa oe ata " Rounded off | i o18| | aN ale . \} | | ea | mm 4 | | 1 ilk | 1 al | | | | | | | i] ale | | i | | | | | \ To feat | ) | { } | PP lt Pri | \ les | | | | | | | | | i | | eu | ee 7 = fe - i ¥ 80,400.00 a cape ————— a INR Eignty Thousand One Hundred Elanty Only a aa + — canna Tek -|— Sais Ta [To [ [TRB [ene arent wale! Arete reramoul essez030 — 138'Sboo| “Bes SEY Ba “ase Sian? bo gga 72 bat aoe Ba) ese25) on] “adoasl Vesese (35382088 (22S Bi 1 Ssnae See x g8a08, 2e00 39 —— — —rara 67180800 Tet ‘Taxamoun (nwa): INR Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Thirty dnd Eighty Two paise Only “ey[ia.290.87 Bank Namo :YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne:0097s4100001063 Branch & IFEC Coue:S.P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESBO000097 Customer Name Phone ne: Signature ‘goods doreribed and that ane i sonatas Tax invoice RECIPIENT) ednveice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Bek Date: 42-Jul-22 DECCAN inwotes WS 5.470, YAS COMPLEX. MG ROAD. : |a34: SECUNDERABAD- 800000 oySh [Batvery Rote GSTINIUIN: SeAABFOsStaRIZS mekpeter | Reracanes Wo: 8 Oats: JOT Réterences | ‘Sirvoon Control Systems Pvt Ltd blot aaeers ee Plot NowA7/" Electronie Complex | ‘Siena OoeWo. {Deilvery Note Baie Keusnauguda | Hyderstad-62 Miicarin Raoesraaas219 ce ie feleariun reep-saran4naae. |Diupuchod wreugh Sextet GSTINJGIN * SeAAGESs300=1z2 =| ‘State Name | Telsngana, Code 36 “ams of Bien | = IRSNIBAG [Par No: [GUAR | aie PSS ASOT "| = ee er 4 |Push Button Red Without Element EMNRFO1 iasaea000| \40 NOS ame | 4720.00 22| Push Sutton Fiuen Head Green WO Elemont- EMNGFDA Sones| S001 | 1e000 3 |EC1C NO Mox 70 NOS 3395 8 | 2310-00) la '70NOS 33.00/Nos\— | 2,310.00 \ | Fes0.00) \| ho lee al z0| | | ses.70 | (90.40 “RECEIVED INW No, Date. 16" Ra CAE WORT ‘ax Arent nverss): INR One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Three and Forty paise Only Bank Detaile Bank Name :YES BANK LTD Branch & IFSC Code:S.P,ROAD,Secunderabad & YESBOOU007 EAN SYPPCHCEARS Doods deserbed and (rat sll particulars are true and correct L sutbad Sanat Malbec (9Be- Tax invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘ek Date: 18iul22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS 5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003 4% GSTINIUIN: S6AABFO2514R 128, o7ot mae\sor olor IGSTINIJUIN " 368AQCS3300E122 State Name | Telangana, Code “36 tay aOR SE sesr | | 4 éesr Goods No Return / No Exckange | | | | RECEIVED | | INW No, Date. 9.9. foF20> | ‘Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety —HENSRE 7 hid il el ll aio "Reference No. Date, Other Reference So ace (Dispatch Doe No.—Deivery Note Date [Dispatches avough Bestination “Terme of Dalvery | | | anil as || 40,500.00 108 |/450.00 nos 3,648.00 3,645.00 ‘ax Aneunt gnveree): INR Seven Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Only ‘We deciare that this invoice shows the actual price of tho: [goods desenbed and thet aliparicuiars are true an corred DEER af) TEHGEARE sa Spain| Tax Invoice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Ack No, : Tiaatassese4019 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS '5-4-70,VYAS COMPLEX, M G ROAD, ‘SECUNDERABAD - 500003 GSTIN/UIN: S6AABFD2514R 128 ‘State Name = Telangana, Code» 36 ‘E-Mail duccaniswichgears@omell com Buy ‘Sirveen Control Systoms Pvt Ltd Plot NovAc7/" Blectromie Complex o7oTF \Keusauguda » Hyderabad-o2 3 Milikarjun Rao-83744a5219. mag elee Malleswari Cel:77801 40043 SEMI Seandesssnoe 122 solo oie No. ey Mode/terma of Paxman | ‘Otter Reterancee |Buyers Orde oatea 494 Lot-2 30-Apr-22 [Dispatch Doe N6-— Deilvery Note Date [Dispatched tirough Destination State Name : Telangana, Code "38 = 7 | | | co TTT T CSS TEREAC PSN OUERUV] Rate par ORES] Amour) He = Sat ee 1 MCB OP 146A 500V DC 49kA es202000|as20160¢! 30 NOS |/ 450.00| N08 413,500.00 2 MGB 1P 3A “D2 Curve 10KA [esse2000 | oreosco 486 NOS) /45.00| NCS 221620.00) 3 [ssse2030 Bsi00Ke0 84 NOS. 7148.00) NOS 32'180.00 sGsT | | esr | | | No Exchange | | = RECEIVED INR Fifty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Four Only —— "HSNUSAC [ps3630380—— a [Tax Anow! (a wos): INR Eight Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Four Only [Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD [Recount Ne:o097ea1o0007063 Branch & IFSC Code: P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESG0000097 Customer Name: ‘We declare that this invoice shows th see ssa 9:80, 05 Maltrses (S805 12 a) Bud toe “| Tax Invoice einat eanveice DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack No. : 412213499660768, [DECCAN swiTcHGEARS 5-4-70, YAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECCNGERERD Sosens a ISSTINIUIN, senABroZsraR1Ze oo! [Site Nare:Soeraens Coss 30 e Psi matsem ae \etec Buyer illto) Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No jA-7/1 , Electronic Complex hauguda . Hyderabad-62 |Malleewan Cei.77801 40043 Dispatched throuah |e: GSTINIUIN » 36AAQCS339061z2 [State Name : Telangana, Code 36 sr sean Oe GRISAS] Fa Ta [OUI |RSS Ie ae eel 4 E |1 mcxas ConTACTOR:aaov, sone |essesose [carteooo|as NOS/#.242.001N0s| _|4,90,890.00 |2 MNX-A1 ADD-ON BL2NO*ZNG |sase000 |cstwerr0 45 NOS 963.0010 "46 /398.00 4 } (207.2280 sosr | | 50.25| | ‘ K cosr | roundssom | Las \ es INR Two Lakh Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Six Only FENSRS | Taxable” [Cental Tax State Tax rat ‘Value (Rate | Amount (Rlate | Amount Tax Amount "SSSE0000 (RE SET ea 0 OHTA eco es See z0) ‘Fetal|207,22600/—|48,660.26/ 170,660.26 37,000.60) “TacAtoin (owes): INR. Thirty Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty paise Only | Bank Namo. :YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne-00s7a410000 1063 Branch & IFSC Code-S > ROAD Secunderabad & YESB0000097 Phone no, Signature ‘We' declare that this invoice shows the actual price ofthe 3 Compr Gone sca Mattcves sod (SBC-184 Rev) ' Tax Invoice(Page 2) e SWITCHGEARS pec ai Fiicrars fame : Telangana, Code : 36 Mall -deccanemichgoars@omgivcom ‘Buyer (Bill (2) Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd Plot No “A-7/1 , Electronic Complex |Kusnauguda , Hyderabac-s2 [niitkagun Rao8374405219, Malloswari Cei77801 49043 GSTINIUIN» 36QAQCs3300E122 State Name : Telangana, Code 35 Buyers Order We (ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT) yao - 44-Jul-22 | ode Tame a ———) 30-Apr2z | a Sarai oo Pons TT art a Rounded off 00a | RECEIVED 1 | INW No. 4 vgore | [stores GU | | Goods No Return | Xe Exchange | | | | | | | | | | a | ‘ir a ET E oe, [INR Fourteen Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Four Hundred Three Only t a voiat| | ES rat Stun jassesoas aeuaiye Tosesss| (Sereno iayen.os 2880105. |eosaseas | Sasson 708 fees ae 191070000, 5,898.00 — = i aes TecAonut wens): INR? Two Lakh Twonty Three Thousand Two Hundrod Thirty and Ninety Six palse Only Bane outils Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD ‘Account No-000784100001063 ‘Branch & IFSC Code:S.P.ROAD, Secunderabad & YESBO000097 ‘customer Name Phone ne Signature We deciare that this Invoice shows the actu: (goods described and that ail pariculare are tr DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ‘Ack No. : 442219309676563 (DECCAN SWITCHGEARS = 70, VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003, GSTINJUIN: S6QABFO25714R128 — Vie We SBE Ome k 2asun-22 ‘oder terme of Paymant State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 [Reference No. & Bate. |Other References ral eceorswtcngear=gral som i pe i ta [Buyer's Order No. Dated ‘Sinveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd 66 Tae ae ina (Sees | Plot No /A-7/" Electrons Complex ob! ot Kushavgude , Hydersbaccoz phetec Milkcanun Rao-esraaase1s mate ee ae Milgeee ae erga tecis 6 Dispatches Suah [Destination GSTIN/UIN : 36AAQCS3390E1Z2 23]0' State Name : Telangana, Code "36 fg [FSRTERE Pam a: var] prose 8] Aue \ le = = | oa eal sl 1 /MCB 4P 20 lesa02000 |pareez00|9¢ NOS) 145.00|N0s,_|-.19,920.00 2 Top Aon Mox 222 289000 | cs 18 NOS| 347-00 |NOS 456.00, 3 [Top Age MB: es360000 | concen 420NOS | $41.00]N08 40,920.00 3 Top AOB MDX 22 ‘sae0000 | camaunoo 6O'NOS| S4.00|n05 20'460.00| | t | "80,756.00 | 7,268.04 Ie 7268.04 | | Goods No Return | No Exchange RECEIVED to alse. ‘35362030 TiBSz0.00 ose 4202.80) oye] 1282 80 85380009 66'836.00,_ fe) 6.01524) 9%1 B.o15.24) - = [Yizes.og, 1 7.208.08) | TaxArout nwo!) : INR Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Six and Eight paise Only | Bank Name :YES BANK LTD ‘Granch's nde Code:S:m ROAD Secunderabad & YESB0000087 Matlrrno Cs (doods described and tat al pariculare are tnse Sah SWITCHGEARS Tax invoice ( y DECCAN SWITCHGEARS soodiassee7scsca4odcses- — ~ (S0ed0btadb7ad0ecvazadeo ‘Ack Date: dajun-22 (SEGcAN SWITGHGEARS Ba TO WVAG CONGEST @ ROAD, Seoeicee Course, SepNiUine Seetoreee te ize {Site Nurs ° Woteraene ose 30 [Eeiai veeteontas eet ‘Buyer (Billo) 7 Buyers Orde 7 Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Lid ne 30-Ape22 Parnes sit eee ate ; het Rey rats | 30-Apr-22 aba 02 o6l5 | nen ee nsstcner ait | GSTINJUIN » S6AAQESSS00E 122 © ae [State Name : Telangana, Code 36 on Tenn of Delivery | | | E eI CE FSSC Ra Ne: Sy ARS pa IEA] Ae [1 MCX 34 Contactor-415V,S0Hz ‘es9e8080 | esruzi0c0] 30 NOS] 10.402.00/n08| _|3,14,760.00 |2 SURGE SUPP. (FOR MNX 96-226), (260-625V) |ssetone cama 80 NOS| 680.00)08) |"40,00-00, I | | 34,360.00 sesr | | 30,083.40 | cesT | | 3003-40 Rounded Off — | | | | | \ | | | | E | f Dat 612022- } | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ll | | | i = = Te i (Senos | | 1394427.00] “Rast CaaS weee INR Throe Lakh Ninety Four Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Seven Only FENEAE = [ Toxgbe |, Sania! ax) sie rae Toma | ‘Value. [esis | Arsourt [ate |-Armeone [Tar Amun ‘gasasos0 Bla eb0o| “os:/ze 528.40 “oxe[dorasedolse eee Se2ee000 tes00.00|_ ox 1758.00, 9x¢| 1728.00) 951509. i = ‘Yetal 3.342000) 20,003-40' | ao,de8-x0]e0,100-80 TacAneot inva): INF. Sixty Thousand One Hundred Sixty Six and Eighty paige Only Bank Name :YES BANK LTD Account Ne:00978410000106% Branch & IFSC Code:5.P. ROAD, Secunderabad & YESB0000087 ‘We dsdare that this hows the actual price of th ] an pa = Say Tax Inveice RIGINAL FOR PE DECCAN SWITCHGEARS ISN“ Qatapdenevacoorszrreporaatesan é Ack No. : 413219367638082 Rox Date: HoJun-22 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS Viva No. eB ‘5870, VVAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, ro aTadunze SECUNDERABAD- 500003. Betry Note ——|overterm of Payal | GSTINIUIN: 36AABFD2514R120 State Name : Telangana, Code 738 erence No: & Oats [Other References —| EMail: doccanswitegost=@gmalicom = | ‘Buyer (allo) ore — ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Lid Plot No iA-7/1 , Electronic Complex Kushauguda , Hydersbad-62 . omenibectis— (ReanrNew One| WMilicarjun Reao8574445219. 6 Lee he Malloswari Gal-77801 49043 foe Aot ‘Digpatched trough [Destination GSTINUIN SoanaeSss00=122 aed = aa | ‘State Name : Telangana, Code °36 an 3 RTO SREP [SURRAY Rais pea AE : | | 4 MMR Relay 500-1000V AC 2C/0 SMB110 ‘ocs28000 30 NOS /|6.045.00|n0s|_1,51,350.00 2 Mee 25a Ye D-TyPE. Se2080|eoacrso0/48 NO'S| 825.00 Nos 91378.00 3 AuxcontLeftside mtg tNOMINC(MOG-AXL1G _Seasbond|stmHtom FE NOS $25.00 NOS) 4 MCB SP 3A 250V BE tokA ‘seanzoso ironic Ate Nos) 254.00 N98 21,596.76, Rounded | | | : | | } | | oes | | Svante! | | | | | ge\de:2e2— | eods No Retu) | | : | | “ane Cage re) — INR Two Lakh Eighty Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty Eight Only FENEAC [Sentral tax st I brats" Amount Rit ‘903z8050 ‘Ooe[ 72.827 50) 9%] 13,621.80) 27.245:00, ‘88362080 9y| 5.761.581) Ov) 8761.61 11,569.08, 138369000 24375001 75, Soe 3193.75, 4,587.50, ‘Tux Aneut (owes) - INR Forty Three Thousand One Hundred Ninety Three and Fifty Two paise Only Bank Name :YES BANK LTD. ‘Account Ne:009784100001083, Branch & IFSC Code-S ROAD Seounderal Customer Name Phone no Signature ‘We deciare that this invoice shows the act fe Slot Tax invoice(Page 2) (ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT) AN SWITCHGEARS: [lovoiee No. este, Dated SOURCE Sen JUIN: S6AABFD2514R126 “ Stale Name» Tolangana, Code :36 ‘Referees No: & Dale: |Sther Raveranees [E-Mail : deccanswitchgears@gmall. com [Buyer (il Buyers order oj ated Sirvosn Control Systems Pvé Lid a4... Lo pr PlotNa |A-7/1 , Electronic, Complex Dispsich Ose Wa. — [Beery Nie Date Rushaugeda » Hydersbadkse Matikarjun Rao-So74aa5a19 | seacnea Sue Malieswar Gei7rre0t 40043 - GSTINIUIN : 36QAQCS33906122 ‘State Name | Telangana, Code | 35 Tanne of Dallvery ST aaSEON a Ca TFS ra NO CURRY RSS [Bar BSE] ARMOR | ‘Rounded Off i} | ) 0.20 Goods No Return / No Exchange ‘ror HEZENOS) [87476 aOR ATRDT TWO) Eaoe) INR Eight Lakh Ninety Four Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Seven Only HONEA ‘Yarabie [Conta Tax [sie rarer SEE 815.09) esas, “oes Tes as ae 70 [ssseso00 RECEIVED qriferiesees| 3 serie) Fl sere a seead lsta7o000 <0 ‘30,s03.00/ 9%| Siso0.s7| 9%) 3.600.97| 7018.74 lssso2030 INW No, Date. 2\: |z3a65000| 9%|21.018.77| 9%6| lss369000 S3e0090) 8%| 6,728.70] 9% ls0328900 otores ‘2273.00, 9%| 2o5t.37| 3% lssaez000 ZSssc00| 9%| 25.268 10| 9% Z ees TexAnout (avec): INR One Lakh Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Six and Eighty patse Only | [Bank Details [Bank Name :YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne:o0s7e4100001063 ‘Branch & IFSC Code:5.P.ROAD,Secunderabad & YESB0000037 ‘customer Name, Phone ne Signature, ‘We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the Doode deceribed and that all parteulare are true and correct, § DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN | wasyooscaa7a7r340740 ‘Rok Date: 23-May-25 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS = vege 5-4-70,V¥AS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, &: = SECUNDERABAD - 500003. [enero ‘SEAABFD2514R 128 ‘Telangana, Code | 36 "Referens Wa: &i 23. non ae Tete a Payment is | Other References Buyers Order Wa [Dated ‘Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd. | wv lot \pr- “Apr Plot NoAc7/t Electronic Complex ver fetes ge eeea cence Kusnauguda , Hyderabadoz Pw s nm Mitieariun Raonearaaasess eed Malleswarl Ge.77601 46043 x ww GSTIN/UIN : 364AQCS3390E1Z2_ b> State Nome Telangana: Code 38 | is TT EE |B aT: ean Maio [porORE KA pel i ai ese 1 EMNWFD1 PUSH BUTTON WHITE lssos000/ Sts NOS, aa.00)008 2/EG1G NO Modular Contact Block for PB essac00 | Yehos, S300 /es 3 Eo26 Ne Modular Gontact Block for PB eean00 | {anos 3300/03) | | sosr éesr| | es Rounded off | Goods No Return / No Exchange | RECEIVED | INW No, Date. slores Total I [SS NOS] "out Caraeble G wores) INR One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Nii "ex Ancuntdawer) INFR Two Hundred Ninety Four and Thirty paise Only ‘Bank Name _:YES BANK LTD [Account No:00974100001082 [Branch & \FSC Code:S.P- ROAD, Secunderabad & YESB0000007 Customer Name Phone ne Signature - Secarion r [We declare thet this invoice shows the actual price of the [goods described nd that ail pamiculare ars trae and correct, HSNSAC ‘Cantal Tax] State Tae] Tota — isi] Ameuni_{ Fister Amnouat (ras Amun [8389000 = 7.638 00, 881 “ya7-75, 8% T4716] "oa 30 DECCAN SWITCHGEARS IRN: afaazs47secaza00591te0atee281af20- Se1evc202776a0nd¢doe7bdsecT 722 Ack No. : 4422131620970 ‘Ack Dale: 23-May-22 [DECCAN swircHGears [SE TO.VYAS COMPLEX, MG ROAD, SECUNDERABAD - 500003, IGSTIN/UIN: S6AABFO2614R1ZB [State Name ; Telangana, Code * 36 E-Mail : \Sirveen Control Systems Pvt Ltd avoies No. eWay Ne leva |Deivery Note [Reterense No: ate] [Buyers OraerNo Rounded On| Plot No A-7/ Electronic Complex | yemeuaney sanz oe | Kkushaucuca, Hyderabad se sho Iniiicarun Rao sane aetes, o9RE yee (see |e IMalleswari Gei.77607 40043 merle patched tious |GSTIN/UIN : 38QAQCS3390E122 ao’ t — [State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 a ‘Terms of Delivery | TT EST Pan Wo: [GUARIIY | Rate [per S555] —AMSTAT ia [seer == 11 [258 az Wo aNOvaNc 1000VIN 5S ENCL 741685LB2L0 |. |2a.Nos|s419900/v05) | +2,46,877.00] | os | sear] przters | cesr, Wie; a CGE TH WTY INR Fourteen Lakh Seventy Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty One Only ‘s355050— Bank Name :YES BANK LTD ‘Account Ne:009784100001062, [Branch Insc Code:s P.ROAD,Secuns ‘& YEsB0000097 \ceiraren |Wie'dectare that thie invoice shows Jat price of the Thsie a Conte Gneratea mole Mea ternnd Taxaneut inverse): INR Two Lakh Twenty Four Thousand Th: Eighty Six paise Only ‘Bank Detaite ME CEIVED |

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