RFP Template For Grid-Tied PV Project, DOE

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Solar RFP Template

K. Kiatreungwattana, B. Stoltenberg
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

August 2015

U.S. Department of Energy | Office of Indian Energy

1000 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20585 | 202-586-1272
energy.gov/indianenergy | indianenergy@hq.doe.gov

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Kosol Kiatreungwattana, P.E.

Senior Engineer
Phone: 303-384-7918
Email: Kosol.Kiatreungwattana@nrel.gov

Otto VanGeet, P.E.

Principal Engineer
Phone: 303-384-7369
Email: otto.vangeet@nrel.gov
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Indian Energy and the effort was
directed by Lizana Pierce, a project manager at Tribal Energy Program. The author would like to thank
Otto VanGeet at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for his advices and reviews.
A request for proposal (RFP) is often created to outline the bidding process and contract terms, and also
to provide guidance on how the bid should be formatted and presented. Effective RFPs typically reflect
the strategy and short/long-term project objectives, providing detailed insight upon which suppliers will
be able to offer a matching perspective.

The purpose of this document is to provide an RFP template of a roof-mounted, ground-mounted and
carport utility-interactive photovoltaic system for Tribes in their energy development efforts. This
template contains information on project description, requirements, and submissions. Users may use,
modify the template to suit their projects.

Although this document is developed for the Office of Indian Energy, the procedures are similar for other
federal and local agencies.

1. Delete all bracketed text and replace with work instruction specific detail.
2. Search and replace “Tribe name” with the specific Tribe’s or entity’s name.
3. Delete sections that are not applied to the project. For example; delete roof related requirements if
the RFP is for ground-mounted system.
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
AC alternate current
A/E architects/engineers
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CDs compact disks
CM construction management
CSI Construction Specifications Institute
DC direct current
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ETL ETL Testing Laboratories
FM Factory Manual
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kWh kilowatt-hour
kW kilowatt
kV Kilovolts
LED light emitting diode
MDP main distribution panel
MPPT maximum power point tracking
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association
POA plane of array
POI point of interconnection
PV photovoltaic
QCP Quality Control Plan
RECs renewable energy certificates
SB1 California Senate Bill 1
STC standard test conditions
TRECs tradable renewable energy certificates
UL Underwriters Laboratories
WREGIS Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System
V volts
Request for Proposal
[TRIBE name] is soliciting proposals from a qualified contractor to design, fabricate, deliver,
install, and maintain a [select: rooftop, ground mounted, carport] utility-interactive solar
photovoltaic system.

Statement of Work
Design Build Guidance Criteria
[Select: Roof Mounted, Ground Mounted, and Carport]
Utility-Interactive Photovoltaic System

1.1. Project: [select: Roof Mounted, Ground Mounted and Carport Mounted Grid Tied PV

1.2. Location: [include address]


2.1. Objective. Contractor shall provide a total “turnkey” project including all necessary
equipment, materials, design, manufacturing and installation services for the installation of a
[enter from 1.1 project type] utility-interactive photovoltaic system that shall produce a
minimum of [enter min production] kWh AC per year at the point of interconnection,
approximately [enter capacity] kW DC capacity. Larger capacity systems that produce more
than the minimum are an alternative and will be evaluated but the proposed system shall not
produce more than [enter max production] kWh per year. The contractor should prepare
system summary detailing each location, applicable equipment/size, predicted system
energy production (kWh). In relations to any building mounted system, the contractor shall
evaluate roof conditions and may remove the existing roof system and replace it with either
an integrated roof/PV system or a new roof with PV system installed. See roofing
specification for these requirements. This project shall meet all requirements of this
Statement of Work and other specifications included that apply.

2.2. Scope. The contractor shall perform all professional services as necessary to provide
[Tribe name] with a complete design package including the requirements outlined in this
Statement of Work. The contractor shall install the project such that it is operational and
compliant with all applicable standards, building codes, UTILITY interconnection
requirements, and STATE requirements. The contractor shall include specifications,
calculations and drawings in the design package, and turn it over to [Tribe name]. After
approval by [Tribe name] of the final design package, the contractor shall provide all
necessary construction to successfully complete the photovoltaic system installation. The
awarded contractor shall apply for and manage the rebate funding under a utility and with
renewable energy certificates (RECs) paperwork.

2.2.1. Design Guidelines for [enter 1.1 project type].
[Select guidelines specific to project type below and delete the ones that are not applicable.]

Design Guidelines for Rooftop PV. Contractor shall develop a design for a new
photovoltaic system at LOCATION. See attached drawings indicating available areas for
installation and existing roof structure plans. These drawings are meant for informational
purposes only and must be field verified by the contractor.

 Mounting system shall limit roof penetrations and shall be either building integrated
roof PV or fully ballasted. Mounting system design needs to meet applicable local
building code requirements with respect to snow, wind, and earthquake factors.
 Conduit penetrations shall be minimized.
 If system is not building integrated or membrane sealed, system shall be fixed tilt
(minimum 5 degrees tilt for flat roof or flush mounted for sloped roof) with an
orientation that maximizes annual energy production.
 All roof access points shall be securely locked at the end of each day.
 System layout shall meet local fire department, code and ordinance requirements for
roof access.

Design Guidelines for Ground-Mounted PV. The contractor shall develop a design for a
new photovoltaic system at LOCATION. See attached drawings indicating available areas
for installation. Not all locations need to be utilized. It is the responsibility of the contractor to
assess site topography and geotechnical attributes to estimate costs related to project

 Mounting system shall be either directly anchored into the ground (driven piers,
concrete footers, etc.) or ballasted on the surface without ground penetration.
Mounting system design needs to meet applicable local building code requirements
with respect to snow, wind, and earthquake factors.
 Panels’ orientation or azimuth shall be within 20-30 degrees of due south.
 Panels’ tilt shall be based on site latitude and wind conditions.
 Ground cover and vegetation management shall be included in the proposal.
 Stormwater management and erosion control management plan shall be included in
the proposal.
 OPTIONAL. Gate shall be included in the proposal.
 All lines interconnecting PV arrays to point of interconnection shall be underground.

Design Guidelines for Carport PV. The contractor shall develop a design for a new
photovoltaic system at LOCATION. See attached drawings indicating available areas for
carport installation. Not all locations need to be utilized. It is the responsibility of the
contractor to assess site topography and geotechnical attributes to estimate costs related to
Project installation.

 Use of existing carports to mount PV is preferred but not necessary.

 Carport PV shall be tilted at a minimum of 5 degrees to allow for drainage and
reduce soil build-up.
 The carport PV shall be at least 9 feet clear in all locations.
 Lighting shall be provided under each carport. This lighting shall be efficient (e.g.,
LED) and allow for adjustable times for illumination with photocell controls to turn the
lights on at dusk and off in the morning prior to daylight.
 All lines interconnecting PV arrays to point of interconnection shall be underground.
2.2.2. Performance Criteria. The following performance criteria shall be met for all
 Power provided shall be either 208V, 480V or 13.8 kV three phase compatible
with the onsite distribution system. See drawings for options for connection
voltage and location.
 Proposal shall provide estimated energy delivery for each array, for each
month of the year and total for the year at the delivered voltage (208V, 480V
or 13.8 kV). The estimated annual energy delivery for all arrays shall be a
minimum of [enter min production] kWhAC/year at point of interconnection
 The STC-rated power value will be entered into PVWatts
(http://pvwatts.nrel.gov/) using the nearest weather file to determine estimated
energy delivery in kWh AC. A default value for the system losses of 14% shall
be used.
 PV array shall mean one or more PV modules having that same orientation
and on the same maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system. Every array
with differing orientation shall have a separate MPPT system.
 All proposed/implemented PV array locations shall be shade free from 9AM
until 3PM (solar time). Contractor shall provide documentation of shading
calculations for exterior extents for each proposed array. These calculations
may be modified for shading obstructions that will be removed and mitigated
as part of the project. Suggested documentation would include sun path
diagrams for exterior array locations or SunEye measurements.
 All PV hardware components shall be either stainless steel or aluminum. PV
structural components shall be corrosion resistant (galvanized steel, stainless
steel, composites, or aluminum).
 The project, including supports and power conductors, shall not interfere with
roof drains, water drainage, expansion joints, air intakes, existing electrical
and mechanical equipment, existing antennas, and planned areas for future
installation of equipment shown on drawings.

2.2.3. Production Metering. The project shall have:

 At least one production meter at POI.

2.2.4. Construction. Perform all construction necessary for the successful installation of
the system based upon the design generated from 2.2.1., 2.2.2., and 2.2.3.

2.3. Technical Requirements and Reference Materials

2.3.1. Code Compliance. Installation and equipment shall comply with applicable
building, mechanical, fire, seismic, structural and electrical codes. Only products
that are listed, tested, identified, or labeled by UL, FM, ETL, or another Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratory shall be used as components in the project.
Non-listed products are only permitted for use as project components when a
comparable useable listed component does not exist. Non-listed products
proposed for use as components must be identified as such in all submittals.

The contractor shall use project components that are or are made of materials that
are recyclable, contain recycled materials, and that are EPA or Energy Star rated if
they are available on the market.

The publications listed below form a part of this document and are hereby
incorporated by reference:

 National Electrical Code (NEC)

 UL 1703 Flat – Plate PV Modules and Panels
 UL 1741 – Standard for Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in
Photovoltaic Power Systems
 FM Approved – Fire Protection Tests for Solar Component Products
 IEC 62446 Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems- Minimum
Requirements for System Documentation, Commissioning Tests, and

Other technical codes that shall apply include:

 ASME PTC 50 (solar PV performance)
 ANSI Z21.83 (solar PV performance and safety)
 NFPA 853 (solar PV systems near buildings)
 IEEE 1547 (interconnections)
 ASCE/ SEI-7 – American Society of Civil Engineers – “Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”.
 NRCA – National Roofing Contractors Association

2.4. Roles and Responsibilities.

2.4.1. Contractor. The contractor is required to provide:

 Design concepts
 Construction documents and engineering calculations that are signed and
sealed by a licensed architect or engineer
 Submittals for materials and products
 Construction materials, equipment and labor
 Design and construction supervision / contract management
 Quality control plan (QCP)
 Safety plan
 Inspections and tests (per QCP)
 Manuals (design calculations, operation/maintenance, shop drawing, etc.)
 Commissioning of project
 Mentoring and training tribal building operating staff for operation and
 Operation and Maintenance during first year and optional service plan after
the first year
 Web-based monitoring system for 20 years

2.4.2. [Tribe name] will:

 Review for approval design submittals and QCP
 Witness inspections and test witnesses to verify attainment of performance
 Make progress payments for design / construction as agreed


3.1. Concept Drawings. The contractor shall provide [Tribe name] with concept drawings
with the proposal. The drawings must indicate the proposed location of the PV array(s)
and access points along with a one-line electrical diagram showing inverters,
transformers, meters, and interconnection locations. All drawings shall be submitted with
dimensions shown in English units.

3.2. Concept Information. The proposal shall include major equipment information, proposed
installation/interconnection information, applicable incentive information, and performance
characteristics of the system. Identify an appropriate location for the solar PV inverter
equipment and its related components and environmental control systems that will meet
the following criteria:
 Ease of maintenance and monitoring
 Efficient operation
 Low operating losses
 Secured location and hardware
 Compatibility with existing facilities
 Avoidance of flood-prone areas
 Visual harmony
All products shall comply with the technical requirements shown under section 8, “Solar
Electric Module Array”. At a minimum, the proposed concept information shall include:

Equipment Information:

 System description
 Layout of installation
 Selection of key equipment and layout of equipment
 Performance of equipment components, and subsystems
 Specifications for equipment procurement and installation
 All engineering associated with structural and mounting details
 Controls, monitors, and instrumentation
 Operation and maintenance service plan

Installation Interconnection Information:

 Solar electric array orientation (degrees)

 Solar electric module tilt (degrees)
 Electrical grid interconnection requirements
 Integration of solar PV system with other power sources
 System type and mode of operation (utility interactive)

Performance Characteristics
 Shading calculation documentation
 Total system output
 Estimated kWh/month per array (shown over a 12 month period)
 Warranties and guarantees

Applicable Incentives

 Identify all applicable incentives

Interconnection Agreement

 Provide confirmation that the PV systems will be designed to comply with

applicable UTILITY interconnection requirements.


 Total bid price of project including operation and maintenance for the first year,
and optional service plan after the first year


Solar PV system shall be designed and engineered to maximize the solar energy resources,
taking into consideration the customer’s electrical demand and load patterns, proposed installation
site, available solar resources, existing site conditions, proposed future site improvements, and
other relevant factors.

Design Services for this project shall require a schematic design submission, a design
development submission, a check set submission and a construction document submission. A
final set of as-built drawings shall also be provided to [Tribe name]. These submissions shall be
delivered to [Tribe name] based on the project schedule submitted and approved by [Tribe name].
The design package shall include the following details (4.1-4.6).

4.1. Timeline/Project Schedule. Contractor is required to provide an estimate on project

timeline and schedule.

4.2. Post Award Conference. Within 21 calendar days after receipt of the contract award.
The meeting will be attended by [Tribe name] team members and the contractor’s
personnel. At a minimum, the prime contractor’s project manager and foreman, the
primary designer, and a representative of any subcontractor performing over 25% of the
work must attend. The meeting will be held at the project location. The purpose of the
meeting will be to discuss the contractor’s plan for completing the design and
construction, including a construction schedule. A walk-through of the site will occur at the
end of the meeting.

4.3. Specifications. A full set of specifications shall not be required for this project. However,
specifications that express all information and demonstrate sufficient detail so as to direct
the construction work outlined in this Statement of Work shall be required. The
specifications package shall be coherent enough that any contractor not familiar with the
project would be able to construct the project design. The specifications shall include all
equipment information, proposed installation and interconnection information, and
performance characteristics of the system.

4.3.1. All drawings, estimates, calculations, and specifications shall be in English units.

4.3.2. The contract shall take into account a construction plan producing a minimum
disruption of day-to-day activities, utilities, services, etc.

4.4. Construction Drawings

4.4.1. Provide drawings for each discipline required (architectural, structural, electrical,
etc.), with separate plans for new work and demolition as well as special types of
drawings where necessary, such as enlarged plans, equipment curbing and flashing
details, roof penetration details etc. Drawings shall clearly distinguish between new
and existing work.

4.4.2. Each drawing shall indicate project title, project number, array identification and
location, A/E firm, A/E's address and/or phone number, contract number, drawing
title, drawing type, drawing number, and key plan. A cover sheet shall be provided
and shall include a list of the drawings, legend, vicinity map, and location map in
addition to all items required for each drawing. Each A/E submission shall be clearly
dated and labeled (e.g. 75% Design Development Submission, 100% Check Set
Submission, Construction Document Submission, As-Built Drawings, etc.). Each
drawing sheet submitted shall include a graphic scale in the lower right-hand portion
of the sheet. The final set shall be stamped by a registered engineer and/or
registered architect for the state in which the building/carport is located. At a
minimum, the following drawings are required:
 Site plan including utility locations and connections – shall show staging
and phasing requirements.
 Electrical plans – including single line diagram and utility interconnection.
 Electrical details.
 Roof plan and/or carport plan – showing the full layout of the system and
detailing any obstacles that must be permanently or temporarily removed
or relocated.
 Array support and mounting details.
 Any drawings that may be required to install a complete project.
 Water proofing details

4.4.3. The contract documents shall sufficiently define the Statement of Work and shall
stand on their own.

4.4.4. Specifically address the means to keep the existing building accessible and
operational by means of relocation and / or phasing.

4.5. Calculations. The contractor will provide the following calculations.

4.5.1. System Electrical Calculations. Provide with design development and again with
100% check set.
 PVWatts calculation
 System energy production calculation showing estimated monthly and yearly
energy output for each array
 Energy value and project cash flow

4.5.2. OPTIONAL. Energy performance calculated by a detailed PV analysis program

such as System Advisory Model (SAM: https://sam.nrel.gov/ ) or PVsyst using
proposed specific PV modules and inverters.

4.5.3. If rooftop PV arrays are proposed, include roof structural loading calculations.
These calculations shall specifically address roof loading from the PV array and
confirmation that the loading does not exceed existing roof framing capacity as
determined by your analysis. The documents included in this contract include a
preliminary Roof Structural Analysis. This document provides some preliminary
indications on the existing roofs capability to carry additional loading and is
intended to assist during the proposal process in developing your concept design. It
is not intended to alleviate the need to do array specific structural calculations
during the subsequent design phases.

4.5.4. If carport PV arrays are proposed, include carport structural loading calculations. If
existing carports are to be used, these calculations shall specifically address
existing carport loading from the PV array and confirm that the loading does not
exceed existing carport capacity as determined by your analysis. The documents
included in this contract include a preliminary Carport Structural Analysis. This
document provides some preliminary indications on the existing roofs capability to
carry additional loading and is intended to assist during the proposal process in
developing your concept design. It is not intended to alleviate the need to do array-
specific structural calculations during the subsequent design phases. If new
carports are proposed, include structural calculations for the proposed design.

4.6. Registration Seals. Each final working drawing and each submitted specification and
calculation document shall be signed by, bear the seal of, and show the state certificate
number of the architect and/or engineer who prepared the document and / or is
responsible for its preparation.

Awarded contractor will secure from governing agencies and the utility company all required
rights, permits, approvals, and interconnection agreements at no additional cost to [Tribe name].
The awarded Contractor will complete and submit in a timely manner all documentation required
to qualify for available rebates and incentives.

5.1. Design Reviews. For each design / drawing submissions, [Tribe name] reserves the right
to make comments and request changes after the receipt of the submission. Reviews will
be made by [Tribe name] staff. As part of its review, [Tribe name] may offer submission
reviews to local code officials. [Tribe name] shall provide review comments within
fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the 75% Design Development Submission and
the 100% Check Set Submission.

5.2. Purpose. [Tribe name] will review the contractor design submissions to verify adherence
to contract requirements. Design reviews by [Tribe name] are not to be interpreted as
resulting in an approval of the contractor's apparent progress toward meeting contract
requirements but are intended to discover any information that can be brought to the
contractor's attention that might prevent errors, misdirection, or rework later in the project.
The contractor shall remain completely responsible for designing, constructing, operating
and maintaining the project in accordance with the requirements of this Statement of

5.3. Resolution of Comments. The contractor shall respond to all design review comments
in writing, indicating one of the following: (1) adoption and action taken, (2) adoption with
modifications and action taken, (3) alternative resolution and action taken, or (4) rejection.
In cases other than unqualified adoption, the contractor shall provide a statement as to
why the reviewer's comment is inappropriate. If the contractor believes that any [Tribe
name] design comments or requested changes will result in a change in the contract cost,
they shall notify [Tribe name] within seven calendar days of receiving the comment(s) and
provide a detailed cost estimate of anticipated contract modifications. Rejection items
shall not go forward to the construction phase until adequate resolution to the rejected
item has been approved by [Tribe name]. Design review comments shall not relieve the
contractor from compliance with terms and conditions of this contract. The contractor's
comment resolution shall be transmitted to [Tribe name] within seven (7) calendar days of
comment receipt and incorporate discussions from the scheduled design comment review


6.1. The contractor shall coordinate with UTILITY to ensure that the project satisfies all
UTILITY criteria for interconnection of the project to the UTILITY electric distribution
system. This includes coordinating all negotiations, meeting with UTILITY, design
reviews, and participating in any needed interaction between UTILITY and [Tribe name].

6.2. The contractor is responsible for preparing required submissions for obtaining the Net
Energy Metering (NEM) and interconnection agreement from the utility. [Tribe name] will
sign the NEM and interconnection agreements, not the contractor.

6.3. The contractor shall manage interconnection and startup of project in coordination with
the Site and UTILITY. The contractor shall at its own expense pay any interconnection,
processing, and other fees and expenses as may be required by UTILITY for
interconnection and operation of the project.

7. Quality Control Plan

7.1. Content. For each performance and installation requirement, the QCP shall identify:
item/system to be tested, exact test(s) to be performed, measured parameters,
inspection/testing organization, and the stage of construction development when tests are
to be performed. Each inspection/test shall be included in the overall construction
schedule. The contractor is not relieved from required performance tests should these not
be included in the plan.

The QCP is intended to document those inspections and tests necessary to assure [Tribe
name] that product delivery, quality and performance are as required. It also serves as an
inspection coordination tool between the contractor and [Tribe name]. An example of
these inspections/tests is the final test/inspection for overall performance compliance of
the system. Results from tests and inspections shall be submitted within 24 hours of
performing the tests and inspections.

At a minimum, the QCP should conform to “IEC 62446 Grid Connected Photovoltaic
Systems - Minimum Requirements for System Documentation, Commissioning Tests,
and Inspections (2009)”.

Performance tests will be conducted at the final commissioning/acceptance testing, and

one year after the acceptance date. Performance tests will include I-V curve traces for
all PV strings. For project acceptance, measured performance at maximum power point
must be at least 90% of expected performance, which will be adjusted for concurrently
measured cell temperature and plane of array (POA) irradiance. This can be
accomplished using a current industry standard I-V curve tracer with capability to
compare measured PV string I-V curves with nameplate performance of PV string
compensated for concurrent cell temperature and POA irradiance measurements. If
performance is less than 90% at the one year performance tests (measured using the
same method as for project acceptance), contractor shall promptly troubleshoot and
correct any malfunction or issues as necessary to return project to 90% measured
performance or better. The contractor shall supply [Tribe name] with detailed
documentation of malfunction or errors and all corrective actions taken.

7.2. Submissions. The QCP shall be prepared and submitted within 21 calendar days of the
post award conference meeting and prior to any construction on-site. The QCP may be
rejected as incomplete and returned for resubmission if there is any performance,
condition or operating test that is not covered therein.

7.3. Updating. During construction, the contractor shall update QCP if any changes are
necessary due to any changes or schedule constraints. [Tribe name] shall be notified
immediately of any schedule and/or procedural changes.


8.1. Photovoltaic Modules

8.1.1. PV modules shall be a commercial off-the-shelf product, shall be UL listed, and

shall be on the California Senate Bill 1 (SB1) List of Eligible SB1 Guidelines
Compliant Photovoltaic Modules to be eligible for Construction Specifications Institute
(CSI), and shall be properly installed according to manufacturer’s instructions, NEC,
and as specified herein.

8.1.2. The PV modules shall be installed such that the maximum amount of sunlight
available year-round on a daily basis should not be obstructed. At a minimum, all PV
arrays shall be shade free from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. (solar time). All projects must
include documentation of the impact from any obstruction on the seasonal or annual
performance of the solar electric array.

8.1.3. The solar electric system shall produce the minimum annual AC energy output. If
the system is proposed to produce more than the minimum required energy output to
reduce the cost per delivered kWh then the system shall produce the “proposed”
energy. The output will be adjusted if the actual yearly solar insulation received is
less than that indicated by PVWatts. A normalizing calculation will be made to correct
the output, so a contractor is not penalized for an extremely cloudy year.

8.1.4. System wiring shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the NEC.

8.1.5. All modules installed in a series string shall be installed in the same

8.1.6. PV modules shall have a 25-year limited warranty that modules will generate no
less than 80% of rated output under STC. PV modules that do not satisfy this
warranty condition shall be replaced.

8.1.7. Panel installation design shall allow for the best ventilation possible of panels to
avoid adverse performance impacts.

8.1.8. Provide [Tribe name] with 1% extra PV panels.

8.1.9. Warranty. Provide a panel manufacturer’s warranty as a minimum: No module will

generate less than 90% of its specified minimum power when purchased. PV
modules shall have a 25-year limited warranty guarantying a minimum performance
of at least 80% of the original power for at least twenty-five (25) years. Measurement
made under actual installation and temperature will be normalized to standard test
conditions using the temperature and coefficients published in the module

8.2. Inverter and Controls

8.2.1. Each inverter and associated controls shall be properly installed according to
manufacturer’s instructions.

8.2.2. Inverters shall be commercial off-the-shelf product, listed to UL 1741 and IEEE
1547, and shall be on the California Senate Bill 1 (SB1) compliant List of Eligible
Inverters per SB1 guidelines:

The inverter shall have at a minimum the following features:

 UL/ETL listed
 Peak efficiency of 96% or higher
 Inverter shall have operational indicators of performance and have built-in
data acquisition and remote monitoring.
 The inverter shall be capable of parallel operation with the existing AC
power. Each inverter shall automatically synchronize its output waveform
with that of the utility upon restoration of utility power.

8.2.3. Warning labels shall be posted on the control panels and junction boxes indicating
that the circuits are energized by an alternate power source independent of utility-
provided power.

8.2.4. Operating instructions shall be posted on or near the system, and on file with
facilities operation and maintenance documents.

8.2.5. Provide detailed lock out /tag out instructions for all equipment.

8.2.6. Power provided shall be compatible with onsite electric distribution systems.
 Install inverters and control panels in most optimum locations with
appropriate environmental protection. Roofs may be used if structurally
sufficient. If inverters are mounted outside they shall be shaded from direct
sun from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the months of June to August and be able to
be secured.

8.2.7. The inverter and system shall utilize an astronomical timer or other means to shut
down the inverter during night time to avoid energy usage at night.
8.2.8. Warranty. A 10-year manufacturers’ warranty shall be provided.

8.3. Control Panel to Solar Electric Array Wire Runs

8.3.1. Areas where wiring passes through ceilings, walls or other areas of the building
shall be properly restored, booted, sealed and returned to their original condition.

8.3.2. All wiring between carports and the point of interconnection shall be underground
and meet applicable codes.

8.3.3. Thermal insulation in areas where wiring is installed shall be replaced to “as found
or better condition.” Access doors to these areas shall be properly sealed and

8.3.4. All field electrical devices shall have the capability to be locked as appropriate.

8.4. PV Monitoring

8.4.1. The PV systems installed shall provide for monitoring by [Tribe name] as well as
by the general public on a vendor provided website. The public site is intended for
education and outreach regarding renewable energy production and information on
avoided greenhouse gas production. The public site shall be maintained for ten

8.4.2. Monitor by an IP addressable device and displayed graphically in a user-friendly

manner the following parameters:
 AC energy
 Solar irradiance
 Show status of all equipment
 Provide electrical one line showing operation and performance of all

Data shall be available both in real time and in archived in 15-minute averages. All
monitoring hardware and monitoring equipment shall be provided by the contractor.

System shall also include metering for remote data collection and display on
vendor-provided web site of system performance. System performance shall allow
display during different monitoring periods from one hour to one year.

8.4.3. Provide networking equipment, engineering, programming, wiring, and software

to allow remote connection by [Tribe name] to the local area network.

8.4.4. Meters utilized for the project shall be listed on CEC List of Eligible System
Performance Meters per SB1 Guidelines, shall be UL listed, and shall comply with
UTILITY net energy metering requirements.

8.4.5. Meters shall be installed in the main distribution panel (MDP) when possible.
Meters shall not be mounted to the transformer housing without prior approval
when there is no other reasonable place to mount it.

8.5. Transformers

8.5.1. Stand-alone boost up transformers not incorporated into the inverters shall be
National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) premium efficiency.
Exterior transformers shall be housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure and be pad
mounted. They shall be located next to switchgear housings where indicated on

8.6. Structural Requirements

8.6.1. All structures, including array structures, shall be designed in accordance with all
applicable state and local codes and standards.

8.6.2. The contractor shall provide structural calculations, stamped by a licensed

professional structural engineer in the appropriate state.

8.6.3. All structural components shall be non corrosive (galvanized steel, stainless steel
or aluminum). All hardware shall be stainless steel or aluminum. All components shall
be designed to obtain a minimum 40 year design life.

8.6.4. [Include for roof mounted systems] All roof penetrations shall be designed and
constructed in collaboration with the roofing professional or manufacturer responsible
for the roof and roofing material warranty for the specific site. The number and size of
the penetrations necessary to extend the power and control cable into the building
must be kept to a minimum and grouped in a single location when practicable. All
roof installations and weather proofing of penetrations shall not compromise the roof
warranty, or if roof has no warranty, accepted best practice. The roof penetrations
and roof connections shall be warranted for weather tightness for ten (10) years from
the installer including parts and labor.

8.6.5. [Include for roof mounted system] Rooftop installations where there is no parapet
or the parapet is less than 42”, a 6’ safety zone from the roof edge to the PV system
shall be maintained. A 3’ clear path of travel shall be maintained to and around all
rooftop equipment. Design shall address access for maintenance and replacement of
the equipment. Appropriate fall protection or temporary platforms shall be
incorporated into the design to allow for this maintenance and replacement work. If
the inverters are mounted on the roof this equipment shall have permanent access
walkways installed to facilitate monitoring and maintenance.

8.7. [Include for roof mounted system] Attachment to Roof

8.7.1. [Include for roof mounted system] The system shall be mounted using the best
means practicable, such as direct attachment or a fully ballasted system. All
penetrations and structural connections associated with supports and conduit shall
be kept to a minimum and shall be water-proof.

8.8. Lightning Protection. Provide surge protection on all electrical systems.

8.9. PV System Installation Warranty. The PV systems shall carry a ten (10) year
workmanship warranty by both the manufacturer and the installer including parts and


9.1. Incentives and Benefits: Contractor shall determine and select all incentives and
benefits available to the project, except that it shall select from among any mutually
exclusive incentives for which the project might qualify in a way reasonably expected to
maximize net present value to [Tribe name] of all incentives and benefits, RECs, energy
cost savings that might be realized in relation to the project.

Contractor shall make application and pay all deposits and fees for the selected
incentives and ensure that [Tribe name] receives all benefits of incentives to the extent
reasonably within Contractor’s control.

Project shall be designed and constructed to comply with requirements of all other
benefits programs for which it might qualify such as accreditation for RECs, green tags,
and tradable renewable energy certificates (TRECs). Certification shall be
accomplished through Green-e (http://www.green-e.org/getcert_re.shtml) and overseen
through the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS)

Contractor shall complete all paperwork and application processes associated with
Green-e certification on behalf of [Tribe name], and shall, if [Tribe name] does not yet
have an account with WREGIS, complete all application processes to establish an
account for [Tribe name] with WREGIS, and, after the account has been established,
register the project in the account with WREGIS such that [Tribe name] will receive
RECs for the operation of the project. Contractor shall, at its expense, pay all deposits
and fees for completing the applications and certifications with Green-e and WREGIS.


10.1. Submissions. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and product data / submittals,
catalog cuts, etc. as stipulated herein. Shop drawing/product data submissions to [Tribe
name] shall be made after review and approval by the contractor. All approved product
data and shop drawings shall be delivered to [Tribe name] in one submission

The contractor shall combine all product data submission material into hard copy manuals
for reference during all phases of construction. Shop drawings shall be bound with product

See also Electronic Project Management requirements in Section 1, General

Requirements. .

10.2. Reviews. Reviews of shop drawings and product data by [Tribe name] are not to be
interpreted as an approval of the Contractor's product selections. The contractor shall
remain completely responsible for constructing the PV system in accordance with all
contract performance requirements.

10.3. Products for Submission. The contractor shall provide shop drawings and product data
for all systems, equipment and materials.


11.1. General. The contractor shall perform inspections and tests throughout the construction
process including: existing conditions/needs assessments, construction installation
placement/qualification measurements and final inspections/tests performance
certification. Periodic “quality” inspections shall also be conducted to support progress
payments as identified in the contractor’s QCP.

11.2. [Tribe name] Witness. All inspections and tests, to verify documented contract
assumptions, to establish work accomplishment, or to certify performance attainment
shall be witnessed by [Tribe name] and/or construction management (CM) and
coordinated through the QCP.

11.3. Final Inspections and Tests. In order to ensure compliance with provisions of the NEC,
an inspection by a licensed electrical inspector is mandatory after construction is
complete. Unless otherwise identified, manufacturer recommendations shall be followed
for all inspection and test procedures. The NEC inspection shall be conducted by an
independent third party electrical inspector familiar with PV systems. Provide qualifications
of the proposed third party inspector for review and approval prior to conducting the NEC

Tests shall include a commissioning of the array. Commissioning tests shall conform with
the requirements in Section 7 (QCP). Commissioning shall be performed for the entire PV
system. This data shall be used to confirm proper performance of the PV system.

11.4. Documentation. Inspections/tests required in the QCP shall result in a written record of
data/observations. The Contractor shall provide two (2) copies of documents containing
all test reports/findings. Test results shall typically include: item/system tested, location,
date of test, test parameters/measured data, state of construction completion, operating
mode, contractor inspector/[Tribe name] witness, test equipment description and
measurement technique.

12. Project Closeout

12.1. Preparation for Final Inspection and Tests. The following steps shall be taken to
assure the project is in a condition to receive inspections and tests.

Finalize record drawings and manuals, indicating all “as-built” conditions.

12.2. Record Drawings. The contractor shall maintain on site the working record drawings of
all changes/deviations from the original design. Notations on record drawings shall be
made in erasable red pencil or other color to correspond to different changes or
categories of work. Marked-up drawings shall always be maintained at the contractor’s on
site construction office, available for [Tribe name] and/or CM to review. Record drawings
shall note related change order designations on impacted work. When shop drawings
indicate significant variations over design drawings, shop drawings may be incorporated
as part of record drawings. Review of record drawings may be required before monthly
payments can be processed.

12.3. As-Built Drawings and Specifications. The Contractor shall provide "as-built drawings"
and documents based upon actual site installation. Should [Tribe name] determine that
variations exist between finished construction and the as-built drawings, the contractor
shall correct drawings to the satisfaction of [Tribe name].

The contractor shall submit six (6) hard copies and two (2) CDs containing the “as-built”
drawings and specifications as CAD and PDF files.

12.4. Warranties and Guarantees. Submit specific warranties and guarantees, final
certifications and similar documents to [Tribe name] upon substantial completion and
prior to final payment. Include copies with operations and maintenance manual. All
warranties shall be signed by a principal of the contractor’s firm and sealed if a

12.5. Maintenance Manual. Provide a detailed operation and maintenance manual including
diagram of system components, description of normal operation; description of
operational indicators and normal status of each, table of modes of operation, safety
considerations, preventative maintenance requirements, troubleshooting and corrective
actions; sources of spare parts and cut-sheets for all components. The contractor shall
prepare six (6) hardcopies and two (2) CDs containing the detailed Maintenance Manual.
Submit to [Tribe name].

12.6. Spare Parts. The contractor shall provide a recommend list of spare parts. At the
minimum a set of combiner box fuses for each array shall be provided along with the
required spare panels noted in Section 8.

12.7. Demonstration and Training. Provide [Tribe name] approved training for designated
personnel in the operation of the entire photovoltaic energy system, including operation
and maintenance of inverter(s), transfer switches, panel board, disconnects and other
features as requested by [Tribe name]. Instruct the designated [Tribe name] personnel in
removal and installation of panels, including wiring and all connections. Provide [Tribe
name] with written instructions and procedures for shut-down and start-up activities for all
components of the system. [Tribe name] shall be permitted to video tape this training for
official use.

13. Operations and Maintenance Service.

13.1. Provide operation and maintenance of the solar array systems for one year. Work shall
include all manufacturer recommended maintenance as well as a 12 month performance
commissioning as outlined in in section 7.1 (QCP). [Tribe name] shall be invited to
witness all performance commissionings. A maintenance log shall be maintained to note
dates, equipment and issues being resolved. Contractor should be available within 48
hours to respond to natural disasters (extreme storm, hail, wind events) to inspect array
for damage.


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