Diagnostics 12 00618
Diagnostics 12 00618
Diagnostics 12 00618
Osteo-Proliferative Lesions of the Phalanges on Radiography:
Associations with Sex, Age, and Osteoarthritis
Sandra Hermann 1 , Iris Eshed 2 , Iván Sáenz 3 , Niclas Doepner 4 , Katharina Ziegeler 4,†
and Kay Geert A. Hermann 4, *,†
Abstract: Objectives: The effects of aging such as osteophyte formation, acral shape changes, cortical
tunneling, and bone porosity as well as enthesophytes can be studied in the X-rays of hands. However,
during the interpretation of radiographs of the hands, misinterpretation and false-positive findings
for psoriatic arthritis often occur because periosteal proliferations of the phalanges are overinterpreted
and too little is known about enthesophytes of the phalanges in this area. Method: It included a
total of 1153 patients (577 men, 576 women) who presented themselves to the emergency department
Citation: Hermann, S.; Eshed, I.; and received a radiography of their right hand to exclude fractures. The Osseographic Scoring
Sáenz, I.; Doepner, N.; Ziegeler, K.; System was used in a modified form to record osteophytes and enthesophytes. A linear regression
Hermann, K.G.A. Osteo-Proliferative model for periosteal lesions was computed with age, sex, osteophytes, and global diagnosis as
Lesions of the Phalanges on
covariables. The inter-reader agreement was assessed using ICC (two-way mixed model) on the
Radiography: Associations with Sex,
sum scores of osteophytes and periosteal lesions. Results: Overall, men exhibited more periosteal
Age, and Osteoarthritis. Diagnostics
lesions, demonstrated by a higher mean sum score of 4.14 vs. 3.21 in women (p = 0.008). In both
2022, 12, 618. https://doi.org/
sexes, the second and third proximal phalanx were most frequently affected by periosteal lesions, but
the frequencies were significantly higher in men. The female sex was negatively associated with an
Academic Editor: Antonio Barile extent of periosteal lesions with a standardized beta of −0.082 (p = 0.003), while age and osteophytes
Received: 5 December 2021 were positively associated with betas of 0.347 (p < 0.001) and 0.156 (p < 0.001), respectively. The
Accepted: 28 February 2022 distribution of osteophytes per location did not differ between men and women (p > 0.05). The
Published: 2 March 2022 inter-reader agreement was excellent for periosteal lesions with ICC of 0.982 (95%CI 0.973–0.989,
p < 0.001). Conclusions: Special care should be taken not to confuse normal periosteal changes in
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
aging with periosteal apposition in psoriatic arthritis.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
Keywords: radiography; peripheral joints; periosteum; arthritis; osteoarthritis
Figure 1. Preparation of the flexor tendons of the 3rd finger and their pulleys with view from oblique
Figure 1. Preparation of the flexor tendons of the 3rd finger and their pulleys with view from oblique
palmar. The A2 and A4 annular ligaments (arrows), which insert into the diaphyses of the proximal
palmar. The A2 and A4 annular ligaments (arrows), which insert into the diaphyses of the proximal
phalanx and middle phalanx, respectively, can be seen as very delicate structures.
phalanx and middle phalanx, respectively, can be seen as very delicate structures.
2.3. Imaging
2.3. Imaging and
and Scoring
Scoring System
X-ray images of the
X-ray images of the right right hand
hand were
were assessed
assessed in in two
two planes
planes (anterior-posterior
(anterior-posterior and and
oblique) by one primary reader, a rheumatologist (S. H.) skilled in scoring
oblique) by one primary reader, a rheumatologist (S.H.) skilled in scoring hands and feet hands and feet
with 12 years of experience. A random sample of 100 patients was
with 12 years of experience. A random sample of 100 patients was also scored to assessalso scored to assess
inter-reader agreement
inter-reader agreement by by aa second
second reader,
reader, aa radiologist
radiologist with
with six
six years
years ofof experience
experience in in
skeletal imaging (K. Z.). Prior to image scoring, a consensus reading of
skeletal imaging (K.Z.). Prior to image scoring, a consensus reading of 20 test patients 20 test patients not
not in the
included analysis
in the analysiswas performed
was performed bybythethetwo
togetherwithwithanan expert in
expert in
musculoskeletal imaging
musculoskeletal imaging (K.G.H.).(K. G. H.).
The Osseographic
The Osseographic Score Score (OSS)
usedin inaamodified
recordthe thealtera-
tions ofofage
ations ageininthe
the research
research question
question [12]. As the analyses of
project presented
project presentedhereheredid
focusonon enthesophytic
enthesophytic phalangeal
phalangeal change,
change, thisthis domain
domain waswasfur-
ther refined.
refined. For For
this this purpose,
purpose, a detailed
a detailed description
description of the various
of the various grades ofgrades of enthe-
(0–3) was (0–3) was formulated
formulated (Table 1) and (Table 1) and pictorially
pictorially represented represented
in an atlasin(Figure
an atlas2).(Figure 2).
In each subject, the proximal, middle, and distal phalanges were scored for the pres-
ence of enthesophytes. A sum score was then calculated for each subject. The osteoarthritis
of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints was also recorded using the Kellgren
and Lawrence score adapted for small joints [13], with a scale from 0 (absent) to 4 (severe).
Examples are given in Figure 3. In addition, a global imaging diagnosis was made by
the expert reader, distinguishing between degenerative, inflammatory, or neither. The
degenerative category included all cases with evidence of either osteophytes, joint space
narrowing, sclerosis, or a combination thereof on the hand at any joint. Inflammatory status
was assigned if erosions of the joints were apparent, again at any joints of the hand. Single
joints and entheseal sites in a fractured bone were excluded.
Diagnostics 12,12,
2022, 618 PEER REVIEW
x FOR 4 of
4 9of 9
Figure 2. Anterior-posterior X-ray examples of the different grades of enthesophytic growth. Pa-
Figure 2. Anterior-posterior X-ray examples of the different grades of enthesophytic growth. Patients’
tients’ characteristics from left to right: 53 y/o female, 59 y/o male, 57 y/o female, 82 y/o male.
characteristics from left to right: 53 y/o female, 59 y/o male, 57 y/o female, 82 y/o male.
Figure 3. The different degrees of osteoarthritis formation at the distal interphalangeal joints. 0—
Figure 3. The different degrees of osteoarthritis formation at the distal interphalangeal joints. 0—
normal shape; 1—minimal de-rounding (arrowhead) and minute cystic changes; 2—gross osteo-
phytes shape;
and cyst 1—minimal
formation de-rounding
(arrowhead),(arrowhead) and
joint space yet minute
well cystic changes;
preserved; 3—marked 2—gross osteophytes
asymmetric joint
and cyst formation (arrowhead), joint space yet well preserved; 3—marked
space narrowing (arrowhead); 4—complete joint space narrowing and marked osteophyteasymmetric joint space
narrowing (arrowhead);
mation. Patients’ 4—complete
characteristics joint
from left space 46
to right: narrowing
y/o male, and marked
59 y/o osteophyte
female, formation.
62 y/o male, 63 y/o
female, 69characteristics
Patients’ y/o female. from left to right: 46 y/o male, 59 y/o female, 62 y/o male, 63 y/o female,
69 y/o female.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 27 with a significance
of p < 0.05. All analyses were primarily performed for men and women separately,
and As determined
in the bydifferences
case of sex, the sampleweresize also
reported1153 patientsFrequencies
separately. were included in this
of lesions
per region were compared using Chi tests. Spearman’s rho was computed to assess 576).
analysis, with equal proportions
2 of men (n = 577) and women (n = the
A global imaging
correlation diagnosis
of age with of degenerative
periosteal lesions and OA. disease was
A linear assignedmodel
regression in 352for(30.5%) and
inflammatory disease was
lesions was computed withseen
age,in 59 OA
sex, (5.1%) of score),
(sum the patients. In 152 patients,
and radiographic one or
diagnosis asmore
variables.were excluded from
The inter-reader the analysis,
agreement due to ausing
was assessed fracture.
ICC (two-way mixed model) on
the sum scores of OA and periosteal lesions.
3.2. Osteoarthritis
The distribution of osteoarthritis per location did not differ between men and women
3. Results
(p > 0.05). A complete table of frequencies of OA (Kellgren and Lawrence Grade 2 or higher)
3.1. Patients
at all locations and for different age groups is given as Table 2. In all fingers, the DIP joints
As determined by the sample size estimation, 1153 patients were included in this
were most frequently affected, followed by the PIP joints. The second and third fingers
retrospective analysis, with equal proportions of men (n = 577) and women (n = 576). A
were more affected than the fourth and fifth; as expected, OA was much more prevalent in
global imaging diagnosis of degenerative disease was assigned in 352 (30.5%) and inflam-
older patients. Correlation analyses showed a strong association of extent of OA (expressed
matory disease was seen in 59 (5.1%) of the patients. In 152 patients, one or more locations
as sum scores) and patient’s age with a Spearman’s rho of 0.660 (p < 0.001).
were excluded from the analysis, due to a fracture.
3.2. Osteoarthritis
The distribution of osteoarthritis per location did not differ between men and women
(p > 0.05). A complete table of frequencies of OA (Kellgren and Lawrence Grade 2 or
higher) at all locations and for different age groups is given as Table 2. In all fingers, the
DIP joints were most frequently affected, followed by the PIP joints. The second and third
prevalent in older patients. Correlation analyses showed a strong association of extent of
OA (expressed as sum scores) and patient’s age with a Spearman’s rho of 0.660 (p < 0.001).
Table 2. Frequency of OA. Frequencies given as relative (%) and absolute numbers.
Diagnostics 2022, Years
618 30–39 Years 40–49 Years 50–59 Years 60–69 Years 70–79 Years ≥80 Years
6 of 9
(%, n) (%, n) (%, n) (%, n) (%, n) (%, n) (%, n)
DIP-II 2.0 (5/252) 2.4 (4/168) 10.6 (18/170) 16.4 (26/159) 34.1 (60/176) 50.3 (75/149) 49.4 (39/79)
PIP-II 0.0 (0/252) 1.2 (2/168) 0.0 (0/170)
Table 2. Frequency 4.4 (7/159)
of OA. Frequencies 7.4 (13/176)
given as relative 16.8 numbers.
(%) and absolute (25/149) 21.5 (17/79)
MCP-II 0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168) 0.6 (1/170) 2.5 (4/159) 2.8 (5/176) 4.7 (7/149) 12.7 (10/79)
<30 Years 30–39 Years 40–49 Years 50–59 Years 60–69 Years 70–79 Years ≥80 Years
DIP-III 1.6 (4/252)(%, n) 4.3 (7/168) (%, n) 5.9 (10/170)
(%, n) 16.4 (26/159)
(%, n) 31.8 (%,
n) 55.7
n) 48.1
(%, n)(38/79)
DIP-II0.4 (1/252) 0.0 (0/168)
2.0 (5/252) 2.4 (4/168)1.8 (3/170)
10.6 (18/170) 3.816.4(6/159)
(26/159) 6.334.1(11/176)
(60/176) 14.8(75/149)
50.3 (22/149) 20.3
49.4 (16/79)
0.0 (0/252)
PIP-II0.0 (0/252)
MCP-III 1.2 (2/168)1.2 (2/170)
0.0 (0/168) 0.0 (0/170) 1.9 4.4 (7/159)
(3/159) 7.4 (4/176)
2.3 (13/176) 16.8
(10/149) 21.5 (17/79)
13.9 (11/79)
MCP-II 0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168) 0.6 (1/170) 2.5 (4/159) 2.8 (5/176) 4.7 (7/149) 12.7 (10/79)
0.4 (1/252) 4.2
1.6 (4/252)
(7/168) 6.5
4.3 (7/168)
5.9 (10/170)
13.2 (21/159)
16.4 (26/159)
22.7 (40/176)
31.8 (56/176)
39.6 (59/149)
55.7 (83/149)
36.7 (29/79)
48.1 (38/79)
PIP-IVPIP-III0.0 (0/252) 1.2 (2/168)
0.4 (1/252) 0.0 (0/168)2.9 (5/170)
1.8 (3/170) 5.7 3.8(9/159)
(6/159) 7.4
(11/176) 22.8(22/149)
14.8 (34/149) 22.8
20.3 (18/79)
MCP-IV 0.0 (0/252)
0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168)0.0 (0/170)
0.0 (0/168) 1.2 (2/170) 0.0 1.9 (3/159)
(0/159) 2.3(0/176)
0.0 (4/176) 6.7
(4/149) 13.91.3
0.4 (1/252) 4.2 (7/168) 6.5 (11/170)
0.4 (1/252) 3.0 (5/168) 5.9 (10/170) 8.2 13.2 (21/159)
(13/159) 22.7 (40/176)
21.0 (37/176) 39.6 34.2(59/149)
(51/149) 36.7 (29/79)
43.0 (34/79)
PIP-IV 0.0 (0/252) 1.2 (2/168) 2.9 (5/170) 5.7 (9/159) 7.4 (13/176) 22.8 (34/149) 22.8 (18/79)
MCP-IV 0.0 (0/252) 0.6 (1/168)
0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168)0.0 (0/170)
0.0 (0/170) 3.1 0.0(5/159)
(0/159) 10.8 0.0(19/176)
(0/176) 20.1 (30/149)
2.7 (4/149) 24.1
1.3 (19/79)
MCP-V DIP-V0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168)
0.4 (1/252) 3.0 (5/168)0.0 (0/170)
5.9 (10/170) 0.08.2 (0/159)
(13/159) 0.6
(37/176) 1.3(51/149)
34.2 (2/149) 43.03.8 (3/79)
PIP-V 0.0 (0/252) 0.6 (1/168) 0.0 (0/170) 3.1 (5/159) 10.8 (19/176) 20.1 (30/149) 24.1 (19/79)
MCP-V 0.0 (0/252) 0.0 (0/168) 0.0 (0/170) 0.0 (0/159) 0.6 (1/176) 1.3 (2/149) 3.8 (3/79)
3.3. Periosteal Lesions
Overall, men exhibited more periosteal lesions, with a higher mean sum score of 4.14
3.3. Periosteal Lesions
vs. 3.21 in women (p = 0.008). A graphical illustration of lesions per region is given as
FigureOverall, menmen
4. In both exhibited more periosteal
and women, lesions,
the second and with
higher mean sum were
phalanx score most
4.14 vs. 3.21 in women (p = 0.008). A graphical illustration of lesions per region is given
frequently affected by periosteal lesions, but frequencies were significantly higher in men.
as Figure 4. In both men and women, the second and third proximal phalanx were most
frequently affected by periosteal lesions, but frequencies were significantly higher in men.
Figure 4. Distribution of periosteal lesions at phalanges. Relative frequencies (%) per region. Signifi-
cantly4. Distribution
higher of periosteal
frequencies are markedlesions at phalanges.
with an asterisk (*); Relative frequencies
p-values derived from(%)
Chiper region. Signif-
2 tests.
icantly higher frequencies are marked with an asterisk (*); p-values derived from Chi2 tests.
In both men and women, the extent of periosteal lesions correlated with age and
OA with Spearman’s rho of 0.586 (p < 0.001) and 0.535 (p < 0.001) in men and 0.575
(p < 0.001) and 0.562 (p < 0.001) in women. The regression analysis yielded a corrected
R2 of 0.265 for the model including sex, age, sum score for OA, and global category
(none/degenerative/inflammatory) as covariables. The female sex was negatively associ-
ated with an extent of periosteal lesions with a standardized beta of −0.082 (p = 0.003), while
age, extent of OA and the degenerative/inflammatory category were positively associated
with betas of 0.347 (p < 0.001), 0.156 (p < 0.001), and 0.078 (p = 0.041), respectively.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 618 7 of 9
4. Discussion
This study adds to the body of knowledge on the natural history of skeletal aging of
the hand, demonstrating osteophyte and periosteal enthesophytes of the phalanges in a
central-European patient population. We found a high frequency of osteo-proliferative
lesions at the proximal phalanx of the second and third finger. Furthermore, the extent of
these lesions correlated with both the age and grade of the osteoarthritis of the finger joints.
Our investigation revealed that males exhibited osteo-proliferative lesions more fre-
quently than females, while the distribution of finger OA did not differ between the sexes.
These findings are in line with those of Kalichman et al., who studied the association
of midshaft enthesophytes and osteophytes and found that age corresponded to 45% of
enthesophyte variation in males but only 25% in females [14]. This finding may result from
a stronger grip of males compared to females [15] resulting in a more developed pulley
system at the fingers and also possibly higher mechanic strain on their insertions.
4.3. Limitations
The study was planned with a long lead time, but some limitations need to be dis-
cussed. The X-ray examinations of the right hand from the emergency room were selected
for the analysis on the assumption that the acute traumatic changes, if any, do not cause
dependence on chronic ossification of the cruciate and annular ligament structures of the
fingers. Likewise, conclusions about mechanical loads should be drawn with caution
because, due to the nature of this study, we were unable to collect data on previously
known hand osteoarthritis or on occupational or recreational loads on the finger joints.
Purely theoretically, however, there is a risk of confusion of an acute osseous avulsion of
the annular ligament avulsion with a chronic enthesophyte. However, this influence can be
discarded as relevant due to the rarity of osseous avulsions at the phalanges.
5. Conclusions
Enthesophytes that can be reliably detected by conventional radiography represent a
form of ageing and correlate with the degree of osteoarthritis of the finger joints. Due to the
significantly lower manifestation in the female sex, mechanical causes can be postulated as
the cause of the changes. In the diagnostic process, the physiological periosteal changes
should not be confused with those of diseases such as hyperparathyroidism or psoriatic
arthritis. In our future projects, we will target patients with known psoriatic arthritis and
also analyze the association of entheseal bone proliferations with laboratory biomarkers of
bone metabolism.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.Z. and K.G.A.H.; methodology, S.H., K.Z. and K.G.A.H.;
formal analysis, S.H., I.S., K.Z. and K.G.A.H.; investigation, S.H., I.S., N.D., K.Z. and K.G.A.H.;
resources, N.D. and K.Z.; data curation, N.D. and K.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, K.Z.;
writing—review and editing, S.H., I.E., N.D., K.Z. and K.G.A.H.; visualization, K.Z., I.S. and K.G.A.H.;
supervision, K.G.A.H.; project administration, K.G.A.H. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Decla-
ration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
(ID EA2/138/20).
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Robert Roehle for assistance with sample size estimation and
statistical analysis. They also thank the Berlin Institute of Health for essential infrastructure for data
collection and curation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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