Sweep Out Facility
Sweep Out Facility
Sweep Out Facility
The Branch Manager Date: ____________
HDFC Bank,
I/We nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor’s death the amount of deposit in all the FDs booked
through sweep out facility, may be returned by HDFC Bank Ltd.
Nominee Details:
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
*City ______________________
*State ________________________ Country: ___________________ *PIN Code: _________
*Relationship with Depositor, if any: ________________________________
*Date of Birth of Nominee: _____________________________________ Age____
Guardian details:
As the nominee is a minor on this date, I/We appoint
Guardian/ Appointee Name: ________________________________________________________
*Address: ________________________________________________________
*City ______________________
*State ________________________ Country: ___________________ *PIN Code: _________
*Relationship with Minor_________________
Guardian /Appointee has to be a Major (>=18 years of age) on the date of appointment.
-----------------------------------------------Tear & Handover to The Customer----------------------------------------------------------
• For latest Product Features, Benefits, Terms & Conditions visit banks Website www.hdfcbank.com.
• T&C would be as per respective liability account & Fixed Deposit booked for customer.
• Sweep Out is a facility which provides the customers liquidity of a Savings account coupled with earnings of a Fixed Deposit (FD).
• Through Sweep Out facility, balance from the account is transferred automatically into a Fixed Deposit, at a specific threshold
limit and are formed for default tenure of 1 year 1 day only with maturity instruction as Renew Principal and Interest, at interest
rate applicable on date of fixed deposit booking.
Kindly Note:
- PAN is mandatory & Sweep–out request will be processed only if PAN of 1st applicant is mentioned in the detail above
- Single FD of total amt will be booked on a particular day.
-Sweep Out from saving accounts will be considered and allowed at UCIC ID / Cust ID level for booking of Fixed Deposits.
-The Fixed Deposit terms and conditions to such sweep out cases will also be applicable at Cust ID / UCIC level of customer.
-The interest applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made in a single day through sweep-out/ renewal/fresh
booking) in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value.
- Email advice will be sent to your registered email id for the FDs booked through Sweep out facility.
- In case email ID is not registered in bank records, physical Fixed deposit advice will be sent on mailing address.
- Sweep out facility cannot be availed in self operated Minor account.
- Funds from the Fixed Deposit booked through sweep-out would be utilized only for shortfall of funds.
Any shortfall in minimum balance requirement would not be fulfilled through Seep out facility.
- Sweep – In facility to the extent of shortfall in saving account, will be applicable on LIFO (last in first out) method; by default
on the fixed deposits booked through sweep-out, except for FD >=5cr to less than 25 cr.
• Nominee will be updated in all FDs booked through Sweep- out in case Nomination section is duly filled.
• *Guardian details in nominee section to be filled only if the nominee is a Minor.
• **Where deposit is made in the name of a minor, the nomination should be signed by a person lawfully entitled to act on
behalf of the minor.
• ***Thumb impression shall be attested by 2 witnesses.
Signature:___________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________
I _________________________ working as an employee of HDFC Bank confirm that this Money Maximiser (Sweep Out) request
form has been signed in my presence and the Signature has been verified from the system.
Sign: _______________ Emp Code:_________ Date: _________________ Place:______________