Boot Hill BH1 Mad Mesa
Boot Hill BH1 Mad Mesa
Boot Hill BH1 Mad Mesa
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Volume 6 -- Scott Rando lph - Editor -- Number 12
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Jack Maxwell in Coma Sheep Herder Fleeced
More fire was recently added to the Sam Archer - well known barfly and
Kane-Russell feud. It seems that several sheep herder - is having problems,
unidentified men jumped Malachai once a.gain, with those sheep that he
Kane and a Bar-K hand by the name of loves so dearly. It seems that Sa.m's
Jack Max well. The two men were taken sheep just keep on disappearing, a. lot
completely unawares and beaten until l!ke those l!ttle varmints make the grass
they were unconscious . One attacker disappear from our beloved prairie. 'C. • • • ~...: "\'' •• .-, . ,$!
continued to kick the men when they
Now we don ' t want to spread any sus -
were down. Jack Maxwell was kicked in
the head so ha.rd that he has not yet re -
covered consciousness. The Ka.nes have
claimed that this was obviously the
picion, but if we were Sam we might
check the stewing pots of those for-
eigners that he keeps as shepherds.
'Course , since the smell of sheep don't
{. '~~J
work of the Russells. The Russells were wash off once you been a.round them '!,'
unavailable for comment. this probably w on't yield no results. Be- .• ·!';~ ~\..
sides , it's only justice that them critters being stolen, seeing as how we all :itf
DEATHS know that Sam could never have af-
MR. and MRS. JOHN P. SMITH - Cut forded to buy them in the first place .
down in the prime of their lives at the They 're probably just another thing he
Lazy A Hotel when discovered by Mr. picked up while he was just a child in
Smith 's wife , Doris Fontane. his folks' gypsy .
Mad Mesa is the first in the series of modules for use with the Boot HilPM game system. This module not only offers the usual muhi :player,' 'i<'·
role-playing adventure, but also a spel'ial solo game .
If you enjoy this module, look for other Bool Hill products and watch for future releases £rom TSR, The Game Wizards.
The designation " TM" is used lo refer lo trademarks owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc.
by Jerry Eppe rson and Tom Moldvay
As you approach the small town of Mad Mesa you hear the loud, explosive bursts of guns being fired. Passing the road sign indicating the town
of Mad Mesa, you notice that the population number on the sign has been written over and reduced more than once. You realize that maybe a
night 's stay in Mad Mesa might not be as restful as you had hoped it would be. Yet, you and your horse are tired, so you cautiously enter Mad
Mesa wondering what to expect next.
Mad Mesa is the first in the series of modules for use with the Boot Hill™ game system. This module not only offers the usual multi-player,
role-playing adventure, but also a special solo game.
If you enjoy this module, look for other Boot Hill products and watch for future releases from TSR. The Game Wizards .
BOOT HILL™ is a trademark owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
ISBN 0-935696-71-7 7701
BOOT HILL™ appear , the player ignores any instructions from this point on
which refer to Blackleg Bart .
Wild West Role-Playing Game
Adventure Module #BH 1 Remember to keep track of dead and wounded characters since
Mad Mesa wounds affect speed and accuracy. Wounded characters heal at
exactly the same rate as the player character. When the player
character heals , modify all wounded characters accordingly.
Brawling wounds heal at a rate of one point per hour of rest, while
MAD MESA contains both a solo adventure and a multi-player non-brawling wounds heal at one point per week of rest (providing
adventure. A copy of the BOOT HILL™ rules is necessary to play such wounds have been treated by a doctor). Multiple wounds heal
either adventure. The solo adventure should be played before the at the same time , so no wound takes longer than seven weeks to
multi-pla yer adventure, since the multi-player adventure makes heal. Penalties due to wounds are no longer in effect after the
use of information given in the solo adventure. A referee may wish wounds are more than 50% healed .
to play the solo adventure so that he or she can use the informa-
tion to smoothly run the multi-player adventure, and also have For convenience, the time reference shifts while wounds are being
some fun on his or her own. healed. Instead of normal game time, when your character is heal-
ing a tum represents a week. At the end of each healing tum , roll
for a chance encounter (see Chance Encounters). If a chance en-
NIGHT IN MAD MESA counter occurs , resolve the encounter , then continue the process
A Boot Hill Solo Adventure until your character is healed.
This adventure is designed for one player character at a time with- The map of MAD MESA contains named streets , numbered
out a referee. It requires a set of the BOOT HILL rules, percentile buildings , and numbers in certain street squares . A building's
dice( % dice), two 6-sided dice (2d6), scratch paper , and a pencil or number is the same as the entry describing that building , so build-
pen. ing 75 (Jackson's General Store) is described by entry 75. Numbers
in street squares give the number of the entry which describes
When playing this adventure , all basic , advanced, and optional what a character sees if he or she is standing in that particular
BOOT HILL rules are used . If all rules are not used , the player square. A player character can always move from one numbered
should modify the circumstances accordingly . Any rules additions position on the map (building or street square) to an adjacent
are described under the section ADDITIONAL RULES. numbered position.
The solo adventure is based on numbered entries. Each entry de- Because of the fact that certain streets in MAD MESA are 2
scribes a scene and / or the actions involving the player character, squares wide, it may sometimes be difficult to say precisely when a
then gives the player character a number of options from which to character is at a numbered entry. In general , if there is doubt , he
choose. A number representing the new entry number to be read or she is there and should read the entry. If the entry description
follows each choice. Only one option should be chosen at a time, obviously does not match the character's position , stop reading .
otherwise the flow of action falls apart.
Entries corresponding to map numbers often give the player
For example , entry 26 reads : "The fire escape is empty. In front of options whose numbers are not on the map . These additional
the fire door at the top of the stairs is a drop of fresh blood. You numbered entries are part of adventures which usually begin be-
may return to the street62 or investigate further27 ." If your char- cause of the presence of the player character at a particular map
acter decides to return to the .street , you then read entry 62. If , number . Be sure to record the map number where the adventure
however, your character chooses to investigate the matter of the starts , since the player character usually returns to that number
drop of blood, you would tum to entry 27 for a description of the when the adventure ends.
following actions .
When a situation arises where a gunfight might occur , known
The entries are not numbered in order and if read in numerical modifiers are already included into the description and the
order will not make sense. Since the entries are not in numerical statistics given. The player has to take into account only those
order , the player should keep a record of entries he or she has read modifiers that directly affect the player character or result from
by writing down each number on a piece of scratch paper after the player character's actions. Complete statistics are given for all
reading that number. Recording the entry numbers helps the NPCs at the end of the multi-player section of the module.
player from becoming lost. Surprise for entry encounters are always given in the entry de-
scription . For random encounters, roll ld6 for each character in
The player must not read any of the options before making a the encounter (including the player character). A roll of 1 indicates
choice. Decisions are made only on information possessed at the that the character is surprised (a -5 modifier on speed).
time of the choice. The players should also be careful to read only
the entries chosen. Furthermore, once a choice has been made, the Most encounters result from following the instructions in the
course of action from that choice occurs . As in the example above, entries . Some entry instructions include: "Roll for a chance en-
if the player character had decided to investigate the blood drop , counter ". A chance encounter is a random , non-programmed en-
then the actions in entry27 must occur. counter. Check to see if a chance encounter occurs by rolling ldlO.
Only if a 1 is rolled is there a chance encounter . Consult the sec-
Since it is not possible to cover every conceivable option for every tion on Chance Encounters to determine which individual is en-
circumstance , choose the best possible option, or the one which countered .
best fits the character 's personality . The player should also
exercise logic. For example , the player character has just shot and When encounters occur , the player follows the guidelines for
killed the notorious bushwacker Blackleg Bart on the fire escape morale and general actions for the various non-player characters
of the Lazy A Hotel. Since the dead do not miraculously re- (NPC) as given in the entry . If no specific guidelines are given, the
NPC reacts by following the general guidelines given under sider. Sometimes entries give general instructions applicable to all
Morale in the ADDITIONAL RULES. citizens (such as, "all citizens will shoot on sight"). A note should
be made of the instructions for future reference. Anytime citizens
Abbreviations used for statistics include STR (strength), BRV are encountered they try to follow the general instructions as long
(bravery), BSP (basic speed with the weapon listed), and BAC as the conditions which brought about the circumstances continue
(basic accuracy to hit under the conditions given in the entry). to exist.
Weapon abbreviations include KN (knife), D (derringer), CBR
(cap-and-ball revolver), SAR (single action revolver), DAR (double The player character starts the adventure by reading the ST ART
action revolver), FDR (fast-draw revolver), LBR (long-barreled re- SOLO-PLAYER ADVENTURE entry. The adventure continues
volver), SG (shotgun) , SCG (scattergun), R (rifle), C (carbine), BR as long as the player character remains alive, out of jail, and in
(buffalo rifle). A number after the abbreviation of a weapon in- town. Once the player character dies or leaves town, the adventure
dicates the number of rounds that weapon holds. is over for that particular player character. The player may wish to
The solo player character may be one which has been previously have more adventures with other characters or play as many char-
rolled up, or the player may wish to roll up a character especially acters as he or she wishes as long as he or she plays them one at a
for the adventure . If the character is new, he or she should begin time.
the adventure with $150 to spend on equipment. The character
must buy a horse and tack , but all other equipment is optional. ADDITIONAL RULES
Equipment should be purchased before the adventure begins so
that the character is fully equipped when the adventure starts. At Jailbreak. The JAILBREAK TABLE is used when a player char-
least $10 should remain unspent so that the character does not acter is arrested for breaking the law and is put into jail. Use of
arrive in town broke . the JAILBREAK TABLE is strictly optional. It offers a way to
break out of jail when a referee is unavailable to moderate a jail-
The player may invent any reason he or she desires for the player break.
character entering Mad Mesa . Such a reason might be tailored to
fit into an existing campaign. However, the following two as- To use the JAILBREAKTABLE , roll % dice to determine the
sumptions must be made: 1) The player character is reasonably result of the attempted jailbreak . Only one jailbreak roll is al-
sane, and 2) the player character is reasonably law-abiding. A lowed before trial and possible sentencing takes place. If the
player character who does not fit these assumptions is not liable to player character survives sentencing, he or she may make one ad-
last long in Mad Mesa. ditional roll for jailbreak.
Some examples of possible motives are: 1) The player character JAILBREAK TABLE
has just finished a cattle drive and is in town for a good time. 2) Roll Result
The player character is a gambler looking to make money (be sure 01-05 Successful jailbreak, roll for 2 wounds•
to roll up the character's gambling rating). 3) The player character 06-10 Successful jailbreak, roll for 1 wound•
is an eastern "green-horn" who has recently come west to do re- 11-15 Successful jailbreak, but without weapons
search for a dime novel. 4) The player character is a crusading 16-20 Successful jailbreak, but without horse
newspaper writer out for stories. 5) The player character is a 21-25 Successful jailbreak , but deputy killed**
prospector trying to raise money for a grubstake. 6) The player 26-35 Successful jail break
character is an immigrant looking for good land to settle. 7) The 36-65 No chance to try a jailbreak
player character is a noted gunfighter looking for a nice quiet 66-75 Jailbreak unsuccessful
place to relax. 8) The player character is an out-of-luck entertainer 76-80 Jailbreak unsuccessful, and deputy killed**
waiting for the rest of his or her troupe to arrive . 81-85 Jailbreak unsuccessful, roll for 1 wound*
86-90 Jailbreak unsuccessful , roll for 2 wounds*
Many other motives are possible. While choice of motives does not
91-95 Jailbreak unsuccessful, roll for 3 wounds•
directly affect the numbered entries, motive does add color and
96-00 Jailbreak unsuccessful , lynch mob hangs prisoner
meaning to the adventure. But, no matter what motive the player
character chooses, the general purpose in entering Mad Mesa is to • Roll normally for the location of wounds and the extent of
make money while remaining alive and out of jail. damage inflicted. If the prisoner receives a mortal wound , the
Experience (in the form of gunfights) is awarded for surviving a prisoner is dead.
gunfight. It is not necessary to kill an opponent to obtain experi- •• If the prisoner ever comes to trial, the prisoner must roll for an
ence for a gunfight nor does the character have to win the gun- additional trial & sentence (for murder) with +30 added to the
fight , only survive it. The gunfight must have been one in which die roll.
there was at least the possibility of the character dying. No matter
how many individuals participated in the gunfight, or how many If a jailbreak is successful, the prisoner acquires one horse, a
enemies the character killed during the gunfight, one gunfight SAR6 with 20 rounds of ammunition, and a R9 with 20 rounds of
yields one gunfight experience. ammunition unless the above table limitations are in effect. It is
assumed that the prisoner has eluded posses tracking him or her .
The adventure is entitled Night in Mad Mesa because all action
takes place at night. Many of the entries would make no sense in Trial and Sentence. The TRIAL & SENTENCE TABLE is used
the daylight. Space considerations prevent both a day and a night when a player is arrested for a crime and does not escape. The
solo adventure in Mad Mesa since it would require two complete table must be used if no referee is available. A referee may wish to
sets of entries. It is up to the player's imagination to fill in daytime use the TRIAL & SENTENCE TABLE as a basis for conducting a
events should the adventure go beyond one night. Daytime events trial in his or her campaign.
have no bearing on the adventure and the action may well flow
from night to night. The results listed should be logically used. If the result obtained
from a die roll is obviously not consistent with the crime , chose the
A citizen is defined as an individual who is named in an entry, but closest result or roll again. For example , few judges would hang a
whose name is not italicized. An italicized name indicates an out- man for disturbing the peace, so if a hanging result was obtained
for this crime, either roll again or, preferably, assign the maxi- If the prisoner cannot pay a fine, he or she can work the fine off at
mum sentence for a misdemeanor (90 days and $90). a rate of $30 per month. In addition to the penalty fine listed, any
sentence with a fine also includes paying the cost of all damages
In general, there are four categories of crimes: 1) misdemeanors, incurred as a result of the crime.
2) minor felonies, 3) major felonies, and 4) hanging offenses. Mis-
demeanors include disturbing the peace, carrying a concealed Note: The prisoner may wish to retain a lawyer. For each $100 the
weapon, assault, vagrancy, and drunkenness. Minor felonies in- prisoner spends, he or she can obtain a lawyer modification of -01
clude petty theft , trespassing, bribery, aggravated assault, man- on the die roll, to a maximum modification of -05. Money ob-
slaughter, and fraud . Major felonies include robbery, rustling, tained illegally cannot normally be used to hire lawyers; all fees
assault with a deadly weapon , arson , attempted murder, and sell- must be paid in advance.
ing whiskey to the Indians. Hanging offenses include murder ,
cheating at cards, horse theft, and selling guns to the Indians. Morale. Morale is the mental condition which reflects a charac-
ter's willingness to endure hardship and face danger . Morale is
The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor is 90 days and $90. based upon the Bravery score of a non-player character (a charac-
For a minor felony, the maximum sentence is 6 months-2 years. ter not controlled by a player).
The maximum sentence for a major felony is 2-20 years. The max-
imum sentence for a hanging offense is, of course, hanging. In each instance where a NPC is faced with a critical situation,
percentile dice are rolled . If the roll is equal to or less than the in-
dividual's Bravery percentile score that individual continues to
face the critical situation (such as a fight). If the roll is greater
than the individual's Bravery score that individual tries to avoid or
escape from the critical situation through flight, surrender or
other methods.
It is a few hours after sunset. You are riding west on a dirt road . In 1. Lanen's Livery Stable. The stables are open 24 hours a day.
front of you, you see dim gas lights outlining the vague forms of Either Sven Larsen or one of his four sons is always in at-
buildings. Overhead you catch a quick glimpse of a solitary tendance. Larsen's Livery is the only public stable in town. If
buzzard circling over the town. you cannot pay, Larsen's Livery accepts your horse as col-
lateral. At present , Sven's oldest son Olaf is minding the
Suddenly a flurry of shots erupts from the town. You draw your stables. Olaf is unarmed. Leave by going to 22.
own weapon, ready to fire if the shooting heads your way. Your
horse whinnies nervously but you quickly calm the animal. 2. You are standing on Main Street opposite the middle south
window of building 23. Roll for a chance encounter. You
There is no further shooting coming from the town, nor do the may walk west to 239 or east to 22. If you choose to go east
shots seem to have stirred up much excitement. You carefully con- you may pick up your horse from Larsen's Livery Stable and
tinue into town. You notice that the dirt road is now named Main leave town (thus ending the adventure for that particular
Street. On the same signpost is a sign which reads: "Mad Mesa - character).
3. You are standing at the 4-way intersection where Front are down. If you have survived go to 2S. If you are uncon-
Street crosses Main. On the northeast corner is building 23 scious go to S9.
(the First Congregational Church of Mad Mesa). On the
12. You see a man on the bottom of the fire escape opposite the
southeast corner is building 8S (the Mad Mesa School-
cemetery. He is climbing down the stairs as quietly as pos-
house). On the southwest corner is building 81 (the office
sible and is obviously trying to avoid being seen. Go to 7.
and residence of Doctor James Smith). On the northwest
corner is building 21 (the Sheriff's Office and Jail). The 13. The attacker draws his SAR6. He tries to run away while
streets seem deserted. You may proceed north 4, south 34, dodging toward the church lot (where his horse is tethered).
west143, oreast239 . He tries to get out of town as quickly as possible. He returns
fire at 1 shot per turn until his sixgun is empty or he is out of
4. You are standing on Front Street opposite the west door to town. His BAC is 30%. His BSP with a SAR6 is +8 , his STR
building 23 (the First Congregational Church of Mad Mesa). is 14, his BRV is 74%. If the gunfight lasts more than four
You may try to enter the church 23, go north 240 or go south turns the man has reached his horse and escaped.
Run the combat until one of the combatants is dead or un-
S. You are standing at the corner of Front Street and Broad- conscious or until the attacker escapes. If the attacker es-
way. To the north is the southeastern corner of the graveyard capes go to 31 , otherwise go to 25.
29 . To the east is the church lot 24. Roll for a chance en-
counter. You may check out the graveyard 29, investigate 14. If any shots were fired, go to 1S. Otherwise you may check
the church lot 24 , go west 6, or south 240. the body 20, investigate the fire escape 26 , or go to 62 .
1S. Four men exit from the north door of building 70 onto
6. You are standing on Broadway opposite the north window of
Broadway to investigate the shots. The men are Joe Carrol:
building 21. You may go west62 or easts .
SAR6+11, BAC 50%, STR 13, BRV 36%; Zeb Davis:
SAR6+16 , BAC 71%, STR 16, BRV 80%; Jack Miller:
7. The man sees you and pulls back his arm to throw a knife
SAR6+14, BAC 61%, STR 15, BRV 68%; and Clint John-
which he is holding. You may draw and fire 8, run away 9, or
son SAR6+11 , BAC 500/o, STR 17, BRV 64%. A deputy
try to brawl with him 10.
from the nearby sheriff's office also investigates the shots.
See entry 21 to determine which deputy investigates. The in-
dividuals from the Lazy A are merely curious and try to
avoid trouble . The deputy demands that you drop your
weapons and calls upon the citizens to back him up. You
may drop your weapons 32, or shoot it out 33.
16. There is a 75% chance that the encountered individual
assumes you are the assassin and draws his gun. He de-
mands that you go with him to the sheriffs office. He fires if
you make any move to go for your gun. There is a 25%
chance that the individual has already seen the dead man
and was in the process of leaving to get a deputy when he en-
~ '8/ countered you investigating the scene of the crime. He be-
lieves your story and does not draw his gun. He asks you to
8. Compare BSP's to determine first "shot". The attacker's
go with him to report the murder and describes the killer to
BSP with a knife is +5, his chance to hit you is 51%, his STR
the sheriff. If there is a gunfight and you win go to 1S, if you
is 14, his BRV is 74%, and the range is 2. If both combatants
are shot unconscious or you agree to go to the sheriff go to
are alive and conscious after the first turn of combat go to
21a .
13. If the attacker is dead or unconscious go to 2S. If you are
unconscious go to S9. 17. A deputy was making his night rounds and has chanced
upon you. Go to 15 and ignore the instructions concerning
9. There is a base 51% chance that the attacker's knife hits you curious individuals from building 70.
(modified by your movement). The man also runs away after
the initial attack so there are no other attacks . If you have 18. A man at the foot of the fire escape opposite the cemetery
survived go to 25 . If you are unconscious go to 59 and ignore tries to kill you with his throwing knife. You are completely
the first paragraph . taken by surprise. The attacker's BSP is +15 , he has a 51%
chance of hitting you, his STR is 14, his_BRV is 74%, the
10. There is a 51% chance that the attacker's knife hits you. The range is 2. Compare BSP's to determine first shot. Run one
attacker's BSP is +5 , modified to +15 because of the turn of combat. If both combatants are alive and conscious
distance between the two of you which you must cover before go to 13. If the attacker is dead or unconscious go to 2S. If
you can brawl. His STR is 14, his BRV is 74%. Compare you are unconscious go to 59 .
BSP's to see if you can close before he throws his knife, or
whether you must take the knife throw before you brawl. If 19. You notice that the knife blade is already covered with
you are still conscious, go to 11. If you are unconscious go to blood. Go to 14 .
20. The deceased is dressed all in black and is wearing
11. Proceed with the brawl using the statistics given in entry 10. moccasins instead of boots. You can find no identification .
Your opponent stabs with his knife if he still holds it. If not, There is 5215 is his wallet. In one pocket is a set of skeleton
he tries to draw his pistol and use it as a club. He does not keys. As you finish your examination of the body, you hear
fire his gun unless you do so first. If he knocks you uncon- someone turning the corner of Front and Broadway. Go to
scious there is a 70% chance he will slit your throat while you 17.
21. The Sheriff's Office and Jail. Sheriff Tom Morgan: FDR6 + result of your efforts $3270 has been recovered out of the
34, SAR6 + 32, R15 + 19, BAC 93%, STR 18, BRV 94%. $3500 stolen. While there is no reward for the capture of the
Deputies - "Red" Green: FDR6 + 19, SAR6 +17, R15 bandits, the Federal Bank of Mad Mesa gives a standard
+4, BAC 65%, STR 15, BRV 87%. Sean O'Reilly: FDR6 10% reward for the return of stolen money by parties other
+18, SAR6 +16, R15 +3, BAC 61%, STR 14, BRV 80%. than the robbers. It is assumed that you have collected the
Billy Brown: FDR6 +16, SAR6 +14, R15 +l, BAC 56%, money ($327) before you leave town.
STR 13, BRV 73%.
lie. You are under arrest either for murder or attempted
There is an 80% chance that Tom Morgan is in the office murder depending on the circumstances.
and a 50% chance per deputy that each deputy is in the
office. There is always someone in the office so if chance die lid. The sheriff listens to your story but refuses to take any
rolls show no one in the office ignore the rolls and roll again. action whatsoever since he is trying to stay neutral in the
When an entry calls for a deputy , the deputies should be Kane-Russell cattle war.
used in the order given (i.e. "Red" Green, Sean O'Reilly,
then Billy Brown). If all four lawmen should be killed the job lie. The man who you thought was breaking and entering is
will be given, in turn, to "Wild Bill" Wilkerson, "Wyoming really Sam Jackson, the store owner. If no brawling or shoot-
Joe" Elliot, The Oklahoma Kid, or Gary Owen (statistics ing took place, you may leave the sheriff's office by the east
given in entry 78); then Zeb Davis, Jack Miller, or Clint door 240 or the south door 143. If a brawl or shooting took
Johnson (statistics given in entry 77). If all of these men are place, go to 14S.
killed, there will be no law in Mad Mesa . The sheriff and any
one of the deputies are familiar with Mad Mesa. They can llf. The sheriff tells you that Josh Kearney is a notorious
identify any of the townsmen and can provide directions to troublemaker whom he had warned to leave town. The
any building. They can also provide the basic information sheriff believes your story of self-defense and you are free to
given in 200. When you leave the sheriff's office you may go.
walk onto Front Street240 or Main Street143.
llg. The sheriff has already warned Jacob about Jacob's search
As a general rule, scatterguns are illegal to carry on the for revenge. The sheriff believes that the fight was self de-
street. They are weapons designed solely for maximum de- fense and you are free to go.
struction and are legal only as defensive weapons to protect
one's home or as riot control guns for law officials. If any llh. The sheriff arrests Jacob for attempted murder. You are
lawman catches your character with a scattergun, the law- needed to testify at the trial, otherwise you are free to go.
man confiscates the weapon and gives your character a
warning the first time . The second time your character will 211. You have stopped a theft that would have otherwise suc-
be arrested . ceeded. The Wells Fargo company awards you the standard
reward for recovering stolen money (10% of the money re-
Entry 21 is subdivided with 11 subdivisions numbered lla covered). Before you leave town it is assumed that you have
through llk. Treat each subdivision as a separate entry, collected the $480.
keeping in mind that after one reads the information in the
subdivision, the character is still physically in building 21. llj. Go to 244.
21a. After checking the wanted posters, the sheriff releases you
llk. The sheriff thanks you for your efforts . The arsonist is Sam
and gives you back your guns. "Sorry", he tells you, "but I
Archer who has recently been hounded mercilessly by the
had to play it safe until I was sure you weren't the killer".
Gazette . If the man is alive and captured, you are needed as
The actual killer was Blackleg Bart, a notorious bush-
a witness. In any case you are free to go about your business.
whacker with a price on his head of $200 (dead or alive). If,
as a result of your actions, Bart was captured or killed, the
22. You are standing on Main Street outside the north door of
reward is yours. It is assumed that you have collected the
building 1 (Larsen's Livery Stable). You may walk west 2, go
money before you leave Mad Mesa.
out of town and end the adventure, or try to enter Larsen's
lib. If you have not already done so, read (in order) entries 47, Livery Stable 1.
S6 , and 49 for information, ignoring all instructions given
under the entries. The sheriff fills in any missing details and 23. The Flnt Congregational Church of Mad Mesa. The church
the following story emerges: is usually kept locked and there is no way in except by break-
A little over a year ago, five men robbed the Federal Bank of ing in through a window. The pastor is currently out of town,
Mad Mesa. The men did not succeed in getting out of town. making his usual rounds of the countryside. Pete Armitage
In the ensuing gunfight, three bankrobbers died and two is the caretaker . During the day he is usually busy cleaning
others were captured . Before they were captured, the bank- the church or church grounds. During the night he is usually
robbers hid the stolen money and the loot was not recovered sound asleep, aided by "medicine" which is 80% alcohol. At
despite an intensive search of the town. night, he continues to sleep even through gunfire if 1-4 is
rolled on ld6. Pete Armitage: SG2 -10, BAC 41%, STR 13,
The two prisoners successfully broke out of jail and were not BRV 30%. You may return to the number you came from (4
heard of again until you chanced across them in the or239) and choose again or investigate the church lot 24 .
cemetery. The sheriff speculates that Osgood Parkinson, the
town undertaker, temporarily hid the money in his house. 24. The church lot is empty. Go to S.
When an intensive search began, he used the burial of the
dead bandits as a cover for burying the money. One of the
2S. If you were not wounded by the attacker's knife, go to 19,
bandits' coffins probably contains two corpses.
otherwise go to 14.
Apparently Osgood was so afraid of the two bankrobbers
that he waited until they returned to dig up the money. As a 26. The fire escape is empty. In front of the fire door at the top
of the stairs is a drop of fresh blood. You may return to the vive, you may go about your business unhindered from 62 or
street62 or investigate further27. investigate the fire escape 26.
27. You open the fire door. You see another drop of blood to If you killed a citizen, a witness survived, and you are
your right. As you check out the second drop of blood you caught, you stand trial for murder with +25% on your roll
notice a hotel room door is open. You may return to 26 and for conviction and sentence. If you did not kill anyone, a wit-
choose again or investigate further 28. ness survived, and you are caught, you stand trial for at-
tempted murder with normal rolls for conviction and
28. Glancing inside the open door , you see a man sprawled in sentence.
bed. He has been stabbed to death. Roll for a chance en-
If you are alive and a witness survived, roll ldlO . After that
counter. If no one appears, you may report the murder 21a
many number of turns, word of the gunfight has spread
or return to 26 and choose again. around town. If you killed a citizen, all townsmen and char-
acters encountered by chance shoot you on sight. If you
If a chance encounter occurs, instead of rolling up the en- didn't kill anyone in the gunfight, they merely try to arrest
counter normally, go to entry 78 to determine which in- you. You may attempt to leave town and end the module by
dividual is encountered. Roll ld6 . On a roll of 1 you will en- rolling for one last possible chance encounter or you may go
counter The Oklahoma Kid, on a 2 "Wild Bill" Wilkerson , to26 and investigate the fire escape.
on a 3 Gary Owen, on a 4 Andrew Cook, on a 5 Ben Slade ,
and on a 6 "Wyoming Joe" Elliot. The dead man is Charlie 34. You are standing on Front Street opposite the east door of
Jones . Once you have determined which character you have building 81 (the Office and Residence of Dr. James Smith).
encountered, make a note of the man's statistics and go to You may try to enter the doctor's office 81 or you may walk
16. north3 or south 241.
35. You manage to scramble over the wall. Roll ld6. If you
rolled 1-4 go to 40; if you rolled 5-6 go to 43 .
37. The murderer draws his gun and tries to shoot you. His
statistics are SAR6 +15, BAC 60%, STR 13, BRV 60%. The
range is 3. You are+ 11 on speed due to surprise and gun al-
ready out and + 10 on accuracy due to weapon already
r 1,,,"
aimed. Calculate the first shot and proceed with the gun-
fight. If you survive, go to 44.
29. The Mad Mesa Cemetery. The cemetery is surrounded by a
4' tall adobe wall. A dozen elm trees grow on the cemetery
38. You may walk up normally 42 or sneak up quietly 46. It
takes longer to sneak up than to walk up at normal speed.
lot. The plots closest to Broadway have carved stone head- 39. While you are steadying your gun, one man jumps down into
stones or crosses. The plots furthest from Broadway have the opened grave to lift off the coffin lid. As soon as he is
wooden headstones and crosses . A wrought iron gate is inset preoccupied with opening the lid, the other man smashes a
into the wall along Broadway directly across from Front shovel down on the head of the man in the grave. The man in
Street. You may return to any entry on Broadway (5, 6, 62, the grave crumples atop the coffin and does not move there-
or 63 ), climb over the wall into the cemetery 35, or try the after. You may challenge the murderer 37 or run away 55.
gate 30 . I t .1
30. The gate is locked. Roll ld6 . If you roll 1-3 go to 40 ; if you
roll 4-6 go to 43.
31. If any shots were fired, go to 15, otherwise you may in-
vestigate the fire escape 26 or go to 62.
I• .,~ \,, .•
32. The deputy slaps you into a set of iron manacles. He listens ...-'"
to your story but tells you he has to take you to jail anyway.
Only the sheriff has authority to release a prisoner. The
deputy escorts you to jail. First, however, he investigates the
crime, taking you along with him. Read 20, 26, 27 and 28 for
information, ignoring instructions given there . After you
have read all four entries , proceed to the sheriff's office 21a.
33. Conduct the gunfight. The range is 3. The deputy fights un-
til unconscious or dead. The citizens (if any) fight with a + 1
morale as long as the deputy is conscious. If any witness sur-
vives, he reports the gunfight to the sheriff and your de- \.._ tu --
scription quickly spreads around town. If no witnesses sur- - \•r ,,.,.
40. You see a light flickering behind a clump of trees near the a hit are 40%/30%/200/o.If you survive, you have jumped the
north center end of the graveyard. You may go to Broadway cemetery wall to safety. You may go to5 or report the matter
5 or investigate further 38. to the sheriff21b.
51. Deputy Green (or the next deputy in line if Green is injured
41. From behind the north wall, you hear something riding away or dead) fires at you as you run. It takes you two turns to get
from town as fast as possible. Go to 52. over the wall to safety. Each turn, deputy Green has a
55%145%/35% chance of hitting you. If you cross the wall
42. Two men are standing around an opened grave. The lid of safely you can retire from the module or go to the church lot
the coffin has been pried off and is lying loose on top of the 24 . If you have not retired from the module, roll ldlO. In
coffin. Roll ld6, and if you roll 1-4 the two men have heard that number of turns, word of your actions will be wide-
you coming, draw their guns, and open fire. If you rolled 5-6, spread around town and all townsfolk and chance en-
they react the same, but you have surprised them (+5 on counters will be -2 on their reactions toward you.
your speed when calculating first shot).
52. You may report the matter to the sheriff21b, return to5 and
The range is 3. The two graverobbers' statistics are man Ill choose again, or check out the bodies 47.
SAR6 +8, BAC 41%, STR 13, BRV 33% and man #2 SAR6
+15, BAC 60%, STR 13, BRV 6()0/o.Both men fire 3 shots 53. You may leave town and end the module, climb over the east
per turn until their guns are empty then try to brawl with wall to the church lot 24, climb over the west wall to the
you. Calculate the first shot and run the gunfight to its con- undertaker's house and business 68, or climb over the south
clusion. If you are still alive, go to 44. wall to Broadway 5.
43. The cemetery appears to be deserted. You may leave to 5 or 54. The deputy's speed statistics may be found in 21; you are
investigate 61 . surprised and his gun is already drawn and aimed (thus , he
is + 11 on speed). The range is 6. Calculate the first shot and
44. Roll 1d6. If you roll 1-3 go to 41. If you roll 4-6 go to 48. run the gunfight to its conclusion. If you killed the deputy go
to57, if the deputy is unconscious go to 60 .
45. Neither party is surprised. The range is 3. The man's 55. Roll ld6, if you roll 1-4 you are not heard running away. Go
statistics are: FDR6 +17, BAC 52%, STR 14, BRV 50%. He to 5 or report the murder to the sheriff 21b. If you roll 5-6
fires 3 shots per turn until his gun is empty then draws his the murderer has heard you. Go to 50.
SAR6 + 15 and empties all six chambers. Calculate first shot
then proceed with the gunfight. If you are still alive, go to 52. 56. You slide the corpse off of the coffin and pry back the lid.
The coffin is filled with old wheat sacks. The wheat sacks
46. You surprise two men robbing a grave. The grave has been appear bulky, as if stuffed full. You may return to 52 and
opened and the lid of the coffin has been pried off and is choose again or check out the wheat sacks 49.
lying loose on top of the coffin. You may cover the two men
with your gun and try to arrest them 36, steady your gun 57. Unfortunately, there were witnesses to the murder. Roll
against a tree limb before challenging them 39, or sneak ldlO (the time it takes word to get around town). After that
away out of the cemetery to 5. many turns, in any chance encounter or regular encounter
with a citizen, he or she shoots you on sight. Go to 53. If you
47. The only man with identification is the man who was hit over are caught, you stand trial for murder with +25% on the roll
the head with the shovel. The man is dead. On him you find for both conviction and sentence.
a card which reads: "Osgood Parkinson - mortician .
58. You hear the deputy say, "Is that one of 'em, Abel?"
Serving Mad Mesa and the surrounding territory." The men
have a total of $32 between them. You may return to 52 and
choose again or investigate the opened grave 56. A short man dressed in faded workclothes answers, "Naw,
he's the one tried to stop them dirty graverobbers. I hid be-
hind them trees and seen it all 'fore I came and got you. He's
48. You hear a man jumping over the north wall into the
okay, why don't you let him put his hands down?"
cemetery. He lands with his gun drawn and aimed at you.
You can shoot him 45 or run away 50.
"Yeah", the deputy answers, "I guess you can put your
hands down and pick up your gun." The deputy walks over
49. The wheat sacks each contain an assortment of bills and
to the grave. "Hey Abel, look at this! It's the loot from the
coins. The bills are slightly mildewed but otherwise all right.
bank job last year!"
Some of the bills are bundled together with a paper band.
The band reads: "Federal Bank of Mad Mesa". There are
The two men haul up the wheat sacks. The deputy hands you
three sacks.
two sacks. "Could you give me a hand?" he asks. "Let's take
these over to the sheriff and he'll explain everything. Abel,
Suddenly you hear a voice cry out: "Freeze!" This is deputy
get some help and get these bodies out of here. Take the
Green (or whatever deputy is next in line should deputy
dead to the ice house and the wounded over to Doc Smith's.
Green be dead or injured). I've got you covered. Drop your
Keep a close watch on anyone left alive." The deputy gives
gun and come out of there with your hands up. Make a false
Abel a gun and picks up two of the sacks. Go to 21b.
move and you're a dead man!"
59. There is a 700/ochance that the man cuts your throat while
You may try to run away 51, shoot it out with the deputy 54, you are unconscious. If you survive . . .
or surrender 58.
You wake up in the Doctor's Office 81 with Dr. Smith and
50. As you run through the graveyard, a man takes 3 shots at Sheriff Morgan there. Your hands are manacled and the
you. If you have just come from 48 his chances of a hit are Sheriff has your guns. He marches you to the Jail 21, listens
32%122%/ 12%. If you have just come from 55 his chances of to your story, and locks you up. Go to2la .
60. A witness has seen the gunfight and ran away before you 73. At the front desk is the night clerk, Fred Jackson: D2 + 1,
could kill him. Roll ldlO (the time it takes word to get SCG2 -4, BAC 43% (63% with SCG), STR 13, BRV 52%.
around town). After that many turns, the reaction of any You may sign the register and pay for a room 74 ($1 per day
chance encounter or townsperson is at a -2 modifier. Go to or $5 per week, payable in advance), or you may go to 71 and
53. If caught, you stand trial for attempted murder. choose again.
74. You may retire to your room 78, go to the restaurant 77,
61. Roll ld6. If you roll 1-2 go to 40, otherwise you may climb leave by the front door 242, or leave by the back door 63.
over the south wall 5, or 63 , or climb over the east wall to the
church lot 24 . 75. Jackson's General Store. There is a light on in the store, but
the front door is locked and a sign reads: "Closed". No
62. You are standing on Broadway across from the fire escape to matter how hard you knock, no one answers. Roll ld6 . If you
building 70. Roll ld6. If you roll 1-2 go to 12. If you roll 3-4 roll 1 go to 79, otherwise return to 67 and choose again.
go to 18 . If you roll 5-6 you may go west 63 or east 6. (If you 76. As you try to walk up the main stairway, the night clerk calls
have previously been at this entry and rolled 1-4 presume out , "Can I help you, sir? Only guests are allowed upstairs."
that you have rolled 5-6 now.) If you are a guest you may continue upstairs 78 after the
clerk apologizes for not recognizing you. If you are not a
63. You are standing on Broadway opposite the north door to guest, you may register as a guest 73, try the restaurant 77 ,
building 70 (the Lazy A Hotel). Roll for a chance encounter. leave the hotel by the front door 242, or argue with the clerk
You may try to open the door 72, go west64 or east 62. 80.
77. The restaurant has a half dozen tables covered with red
64. At the corner of Broadway and Washington Avenue you are checkered tablecloths. At present, two tables have customers
standing in front of the south door to building 68 . A sign and four are empty . A waitress sits at one of the empty
above the door reads: "Osgood Parkinson - Mortician" . tables. The waitress is Jean Evans D2 +6, BAC 45%, STR
You may try to enter the undertaker's 68, proceed south on 13, BRV 43%. Seated at table #1 is a man and his wife. The
Washington65 or east 63. man is Joe Carrol: SAR6 +11 , BAC 50070,STR 13, BRV
36%. His wife, Emmalou, is unarmed. Three cowboys sit at
65. You are standing at the junction of Broadway and Washing-
table #2. They are: Zeb Davis: SAR6 + 16, BAC 71%, STR
ton Avenue opposite the west window of building 70. Roll for
16, BRV 80070;Jack Miller: SAR6 +14, BAC 61%, STR 15,
a chance encounter. You may go south on Washington 66,
BRV 68%; and Clint Johnson: SAR6 +11, BAC 50%, STR
west on Broadway 128, or go north 64.
17, BRV 64%.
66. You are standing at the junction of Washington Avenue and Meals cost 50 cents, coffee is free. The waitress also knows
Main Street opposite the east door to building 190 (the all the general information about the town given in entry
Federal Bank of Mad Mesa). You may proceed south on 200. You may leave whenever you wish by returning to 71
Washington 136, east on Main 67, north on Washington 65, and choosing again.
or try to enter the bank 190 .
78. There are currently seven guests upstairs in various rooms.
67. You are standing on Main Street opposite the north door to They are: The Oklahoma Kid: SAR6 +14, BAC 61%, STR
building75 (Jackson's General Store). You may try to enter 14, BRV 74%; "Wild Bill" Wilkerson: FORS +29 , SAR6
the general store 75, go west 66, or east 242. +27 , BAC 88%, STR 17, BRV 93%; Gary Owen: C12 -1,
BAC 66%, STR 15, BRV 77%; Andrew Cook: SGl -3, BAC
68. The Undertaker's House and Funeral Parlor. Both parts of 70%, STR 13, BRV 30%; Ben Slade: R9 -10, BAC 37%,
the building are currently empty. The undertaker, Osgood STR 12, BRV 28%; Charlie Jones: LBR6 -4, BAC 62%, STR
Parkinson, keeps a watchdog which begins barking should 15, BRV 50%, and "Wyoming Joe" Elliot: SARS + 19, BAC
you knock on the door or try to break in. Go to 64. 51%, STR 14, BRV 67%. You may stay in your room for the
length of time for which you payed. Remember that if you
69. You are standing on Main Street opposite the north door to wish to recuperate from injuries, the time reference shifts to
building 81 (the Office and Residence of Dr. James Smith). one turn per week. When you wish to leave your room go to
You may try to enter the doctor's office 81, walk east 143 or 74. Once out of your room and healed, the time reference re-
west 242. turns to normal.
70. The Lazy A Hotel. The hotel is one of the few three-story 79. You hear a noise around the back of the store. You may at-
buildings in town. You are at the front door. All the lights in tempt to investigate the source of the noise by walking
the lobby are lit as are the gaslights on either side of the around the building (by going west then heading south), or
door. The doors are not locked. You may enter the hotel 71 you may ignore it. In either case, return to 67.
or go to 242.
80. The night clerk is Fred Jackson: D2 + 1, SCG2 -4, BAC 43%
71. You walk into the hotel lobby. To your right is a restaurant (63% with SCG), STR 13, BRV 52%. He does not take kindly
which appears to be open for business. To your left is the to an argument. While he is not abusive, he firmly answers
lobby desk. Straight ahead is the main stairway. A night you in the negative. As soon as an argument starts, Fred
clerk is in attendance . You may try to go upstairs 76, leave puts his hand on the scattergun he keeps under the front
the hotel 242 , try the restaurant 77, or go to the front desk desk. The argument gets you nowhere. You may brawl with
73. him 82 , or return to 76 and choose again.
81. Dr. James Smith's Office and Residence. Dr. Smith prac-
72. The door is bolted. You hear a voice from behind the door tices out of his home. He has turned the wing facing Main
say, "Sorry, this is the back door. Only guests of the hotel Street into a surgery where he treats patients. His fees are
are allowed in this way. You want the front door. Go around standard as per the COST OF LIVING STABLE on page 17
the block to Main Street." If you are a guest you may enter of the BOOT HILL™ rules. Dr. Smith: SGl +0, BAC
74. If not, go back to63 and choose again. 54%, STR 15, BRV 49%.
The doctor answers the door if you knock long enough. He 89. You are standing at the south end of Front Street opposite
treats patients at any hour. If you are brought to him uncon- the west door to building 100 (the Bar-K Stables). You may
scious, he lets you recuperate in surgery until you regain try to enter the Bar-K Stables 92 or go north to 84.
consciousness. The doctor is reasonably efficient. There is a
20% chance that you regain 1-3 STR points immediately due 90. You have obviously aroused the wrath of the good folk of
to his ministrations, a 70% chance that you regain no STR Mad Mesa by successfully fighting so many of its citizens.
points , though your wounds are properly bandaged, and a You may stay in town and try to fight all the citizens 91 or
10% chance that while treating you he makes a mistake and run out of the Lazy A Hotel, jump on the nearest horse, and
you lose an additional 1-3 STR points before your wounds ride out of town as fast as you can 93 .
are bandaged. Thu s, while not likely, it is possible to die
under his scalpel (this is a matter of judgment by the referee 91. Roll ldlO. After that many turns , any citizen who sees you
if ther e is one). and makes his morale roll tries to shoot you on sight. If shot
unconscious, you are lynched unless the sheriff or a deputy is
You do not need the doctor' s help to recover from brawling present. You may return to 90 and choose again or go to 70
wounds. If Dr. Smith (the only doctor in town) does not treat and continue the adventure.
your non-brawling wounds , there is a 10% chance you
eventually die from a light wound , a 30% chance you 92. Roll 1d6. If you roll 1-3 go to 96, if you roll 4-6 go to 99.
eventually die from a serious wound, and a 50% chance you
eventually die if you received so many non-brawling wounds 93. Before you can get out of town, two shots ring out. Each has
that you passed out. Once you are through with the doctor, a 30% chance of hitting you as you are galloping down the
you may leave on Main Street69 or Front Street 34. road. If the shots do not kill you, you have ended the ad-
venture alive. You may start again with a new character.
82. As soon as the night clerk senses the start of a brawl , he
opens fire with his SCG. Thus , when you see the SCG, you
may still back out. His statistics are in 80. You are -5 speed
because of the desk you must get around before you can
reach the night clerk. The night clerk does not brawl as long
as he can shoot you and he continue s to try to shoot you as
long as his weapon is not pinned . If you survive the fight go
to 86 . If no fight develops go to 76 and choose again. If you
are shot unconscious , go to 21c.
83. You are standing at the junction of Front Street and Dodge
Street. Roll for a chance encounter . You may go south 84,
west on Dodge Street 104 , or north to 241.
84. You are standing on Fron t Street opposite the east door to
building 120 (the Mad Mesa Saloon). You may try to enter 94. Roll 2d6 for the man's reactions. If you roll a 2 go to 97 ; if
the saloon 120 , walk south 89, or walk north 83. you roll 11 or 12 go to 95. If you rolled 3-10, the man directs
you up the street to the junction of Main and Front , then
85. The Mad Mesa Elementary Schoolhouse. The schoolhouse is west on Front Street. If you rolled 3-10, go to 89 and choose
a converted barn . It houses all grade s. Pete Armitage , the again.
church caretaker , checks the schoolhouse regularly and re-
pairs any weather damage . At present there is no one inside 95. The man asks you to step into the stable. He is obviously
the schoolhouse and all doors and windows are locked. Re- friendly. Go to 100. When you check for the group's reaction
turn to 241 and choose again. to you add + 3 to the roll since they believe you are a gun-
fighter sent to help them.
86. If the fight with the night clerk took only one turn go to 144,
otherwise go to 87. 96. You hear voices speaking quietly from inside the stables.
You can hear at least four different voices. You may knock
on the stable door 98 , try to sneak inside and eavesdrop 106 ,
87. Within two turns after it started , the customers from the or return north 84.
restaurant 77 will rush in to stop the fight. Roll ld6 . If you
roll a 1-3, there were no witnesses to the fight and the towns- 97. The man opens fire. His name is Luke Las Cruces . His BSP
folk assume that you, a stranger , are at fault. They try to is SG2 +l, BAC 71%, STR 12, BRV 80%. The range is 2.
arrest you for assault (attempted murder , or possibly Calculate the first shop and run the gunfight. If you survive
murder, if you drew and fired your gun). If you roll 4-6, there
the first turn, go to 102.
was a witness to the fight. If you killed the man , your plea of
self-defense will hold. If you have been arrested go to 21c. If 98. You knock on the stable door. You hear footsteps coming
the townsfolk accept your plea of self-defense, go to 71 and toward the door. They stop and, soon after, the door opens.
choose again . If the fight continues (i.e. you fight the new- A man dressed in jeans with chaps, boots , a checkered
comers) go to 88 . cotton shirt, a bandana , and a Stetson hat is standing in the
doorway. He motions for you to enter the stable. You may
88. If the fight lasts another 3 turns, the townsfolk upstairs ask politely for directions to the nearest hotel, saying that
come down to join in (see 78 for townsfolk statistics). If, by you are a stranger in town and you're sorry if you bothered
some miracle, you are the only combatant conscious , go to the gentleman , then try to leave 94 , or you may enter the
90 . If you have been arrested go to 21c. stables 100.
ENTRIES 99-112
99. You may try to open the stable doors without knocking 110 Ezekiel gives you $50 "for expenses" . He offers you a job at
or knock on the stable doors 98 . $100 per month for the duration of the war with a $100
bonus once the Russells are beaten. At least one months
100. The Bar-K Stables. The stables belong to the Bar -K ranch wages are guaranteed , in case the war should end shortly. To
which is run by the five Kane brothers. The Bar-K is one of earn the money you must go with them now and help them
the two main factions in the range war. The stables are run the Russells out of town . Since the Russells are not likely
where they quarter their horses when in town. It also con- to want to leave, a shootout is expected .
tains several bunks where their cowboys can sleep.
You may join the Kane faction 111 , or explain the mistake
Right now there are five men seated around a whale -oil lamp Ezekiel has made and give him back his money 114 .
talking . The five men are: Luke Las Cruces : SG2 +1 , BAC
71%, STR 12, BRV 80%; Esteban Matamoros: CBR6 +5 , 106. Roll ld6 . If you roll 1-2 go to 115. If you roll 3-6 the Kanes
BAC 58%, STR 13, BRV 62%; Rob Evanson: SCG2 +7 , have heard you, go to 103 .
BAC 90%, STR 15, BRV 83% ; Ezekiel Kane: SAR6 +14 ,
BAC 61%, STR 14, BRV 77%; and Malachi Kane: R15 +4 , 107. The five men level their guns at you. Luke says "He 's a dirty
BAC 56%, STR 12, BRV 74%. Russell spy!"
A quick glance shows that Malachi Kane has been badly A man dressed in a black broadcloth suit answers , "Maybe .
beaten up recently . Ezekiel , as leader, asks you why you are But we can't be sure . Mister, this here ain't a safe town for
in town. You make up a plausible story. Roll the group's re- strangers. If you want to live, get out of town. Now! If we see
action to you. (One reaction roll is sufficient for all five you again , we'll shoot on sight. Not git!"
men.) If you roll 2-3 go to 103 ; if you roll 4-5 go to 107 ; if you
roll 6-8 go to 101 ; if you roll 9-12 go to 105. The five men escort you outside the stable , then return in-
side , slamming the stable doors in your face . You may force
101. The y warn you that sneaking around at night can be danger- a confrontation 103, or go north to 84.
ous, especially in a town in the middle of a cattle war. They
suggest that you make an effort to mind your own business 108. You take four punches , two rights and two lefts , before you
and not choose a side in the war . They then give you direc- break free. You run north to 84. The five men jeer, but do
tions to the Lazy A Hotel (north on Front to Main , then west not follow.
on Main). Go north to 84 and choose again .
109. The four newcomers open fire while Luke starts to reload his
102. Four men rush out of the stable. All four have their guns shotgun. The five men are : Luke Las Cruces: SG2 +1 , BAC
drawn. One man , dressed in a black broadcloth suit , shouts : 71%, STR 12, BRV 80%; Esteban Matamoros : CRB6 +5 ,
" Stop! Both of you, stop. Luke! I've warned you to be more
BAC 58%, STR 13, BRV 62%; Rob Evanson : CRB6 +7 ,
careful. You can't shoot every stranger that comes to town!"
BAC 90%, STR 15, BRV 83%; Ezekiel Kane : SAR6 +14 ,
Luke lowers his shotgun. You may continue to shoot 109 , or
BAC 61%, STR 14, BRV 77%; and Malachi Kane : R15 +4 ,
lower your own gun 112.
BAC 56%, STR 12, BRV 74%. Malachi has obviously been
103. The Kanes assume you have been hired by the Russell recently beaten up. Calculate the first shot and run the gun-
faction . The y try to brawl with you. You may try to run 108, fight. Each man fires one shot per tum until their morale
brawl with them 113, or shoot it out 116. breaks , or they run out of ammunition (in which case they
104. You are standing on Dodge Street opposite the north door to reload). If you survive, you may report the shooting to the
building 120 (the Mad Mesa Saloon). You may try to enter sheriff 21d or return to 89 and choose again . If you are shot
the saloon 120 , go west121 or east to 83 . unconscious and did not kill one of the Kanes go to 117 . If
you killed one of the Kanes they lynch you while you're un -
105. A man dressed in a black broadcloth suit motions to Luke . conscious .
" Ease up on that shotgun, Luke ," he says. " This gent seems
okay to me. He must be one of those gunhands brother 110. Go to 100 . When you roll the group's reaction to you sub-
Zechariah is hiring. You got here none too soon, mister." tract 2 from the roll for barging in on them without knock-
The man shakes your hand . " My name's Ezekiel , Ezekiel ing.
Kane , this here 's my brother Malachi, that's Rob Evanson ,
our foreman , and Esteban Matamoros , our chief vacquero. 111. The five men and yourself go directly to the Mad Mesa
You've alread y met Luke Las Cruces. He's a little crazy , but Saloon where Hezekiah Kane , "Doc Jubal" Kane , and Bob
he's a good man with a gun . Have a seat , mister, and I'll fill Howard join the group. The nine of you then proceed toward
you in." Babe's Saloon 150 cutting in back of the Mad Mesa Saloon
130 and Blacksmith 's Shop 125. As you near the Railroad
Ezekiel tells you about the treacherous Russell family . He Corral 162 you see a group of men coming out of the back
tells you how the Russells and their cowhands started a door of Babe's Saloon. The Russells have been warned . The
cattle war by claiming water holes which rightly belong to two groups of feuding men meet in the vicinity of the Rail-
the Kane s. Recently a gang of Russell cowpunchers jumped road Corral. Go to 175.
Malachi and a Bar-K hand , Jack Maxwell, and beat the two
men unconscious . One attacker continued to kick the men 112. The man in the black broadcloth suit introduces himself as
when they were down. He kicked Jack Maxwell so hard in Ezekiel Kane . He apologizes for Luke who is overly
the head that the man is presently in a coma. suspicious and sometimes acts a little crazy. If you have been
wounded , he offers to pay your bill with Doc Smith and your
The fight has brought events to a boil. The five men plan to hotel bill for the length of time it would take you to recover .
head over to the Mad Mesa Saloon , pick up the other two He then warns you that the town is a powder keg right now
Kane brothers currently in town plus the rest of the Bar-K and that everyone's nerves are on edge . He suggests that you
hands , and then go gunning for the Russells . be extremely careful. Return to 89 and choose again .
ENTRIES 113-123
113. The five men have Strength and Bravery statistics of: STR Ezekiel Kane leaves. You may follow his advice thus ending
13, BRV 62%; STR 15, BRV 83%; STR 14, BRV 77%; STR the adventure for that particular character. Or you may
12, BRV 74%; STR 12, BRV 80%. You manage to land the leave (with your guns) the doctor's office and go to 69 or 34.
first two punches each turn then you take ten punches each If you remain in town , any member of the Kane faction you
turn . Brawl until either you or all of them are unconscious. should chance upon shoots you on sight.
If you are still conscious, you may report the brawl to the
sheriff 21d or return to 84 and choose again. If you have 118. Go to 98, then to 100. When you check for the group's reac-
been knocked unconscious go to 117. tions add +3 since you have come at a time when they al-
ready expect their brother to be sending gunfighters to town
114. The Kanes are highly suspicious of you because of your re- to join the Kane faction .
fusal to join them. Go to 103. 119. You may draw your gun, cover the man, and ask him to sur-
render 124, run and get the sheriff 127, or open fire on the
115. You manage to sneak up into the hay loft without being seen man 130.
or heard . Five men are seated around an oil lamp, talking.
Four men are dressed like cowboys, the fifth is wearing a 120. The Mad Mesa Saloon. The saloon has a long bar several
black broadcloth suit. One of the cowboys shows signs of a feet away from the west wall. Several tables are scattered
recent beating. As you eavesdrop you learn that the five men around the room along with a number of wooden chairs. In
are all adherents of the Kane faction in the Kane-Russell one corner, a piano player plays a steady medley of popular
cattle war. The men are planning revenge for the beating tunes on a tinny sounding piano. One table has a roulette
one of them took at the hands of the Russell mob. A shoot- wheel which is not being played at the moment.
out between the two factions appears to be imminent. The
men are working up courage to go shoot up Babe's Saloon, There are 12 individuals in the bar. Three men and a woman
the headquarters of the Russell faction . are seated at one table playing cards. A man and a woman
sit talking at another table. One man stands behind the bar
serving drinks to three men and a woman who are standing
on the other side of the bar . One man plays the piano in the
117. You wake on a couch in the doctor's office 81. Your guns 122. You are standing on Dodge Street opposite the north door of
have been taken from you. They are being kept by Doc building 125 (the Blacksmith's Shop). A light is on and you
Smith and will be given to you when you leave. Ezekiel Kane hear a rhythmic clanging sound from within. Roll for a
is sitting with the doctor. He gets up, walks over to you and chance encounter. You may check inside 125, go west 132,
says: "I hear Denver is nice this time of the year. Some or east 121.
people, on the other hand , recommend Phoenix for their
health. There's an old saying I've heard : travel broadens the 123. There is an empty chair at the poker table and no one minds
mind. If you don't have a horse , the stage leaves at dawn , if you sit in on the game. The minimum amount of money to
and the train leaves at noon ." enter the game is $50. Unless you can put up $50 in table
ENTRIES 124-131
stakes, you cannot get into the game. Each player has be- 124. The man promptly raises his hands and shouts, "Don 't
tween $50 and $300 with which to bet. Roll ld6 X $50 to de- shoot! Don 't shoot. It 's my own store. I'm not a robber! "
termine how much money a player possesses. Hezekiah
Kane, a professional gambler , has $300 to bet. The man claims to be Sam Jackson , owner of Jackson's
General Store. He says that he was working late on inventory
Each hand you must ante $10 or you cannot play. If you and decided to get a breath of fresh air . A gust of wind blew
have a deck of cards available, deal out a hand for each the door shut and the lock accidentally sprung closed. He
player who then antes $10 apiece. Hezekiah Kane is a pro- tried everything to open the door but nothing worked. As he
fessional gambler. To represent his superior card skill deal tried harder and harder , he grew more and more frustrated .
him six cards face down, using the best S cards to make a Finally he lost his temper and started kicking the door. He
poker hand after all betting has been done. You may look at says that he was not breaking and entering; he owns the
the hand you've dealt yourself and then bet any amount you store and he can kick down the door if he wants to.
wish as long as at least one player can match your bet. All
players who can match your bet do so. If a player cannot You may believe his story and leave going west 122 or east
match your bet he or she loses the ante. If a player does not 104 . You may doubt his story and make a citizen's arrest
bet three hands in a row, that person drops out of the game. 131.
Once all bets are down, look at the other hands to determine
125. The Blacksmith's Shop. The inside of the blacksmith's shop
the winner.
is lit by several oil lamps and a glowing forge. The forge is
If you do not have a deck of cards available, use % dice. worked by a set of pump bellows. A young man is pumping
Everyone antes $10. Roll % dice for your hand. After your the bellows. An older man wearing a leather apron is pound-
roll you may bet (the limit being an amount at least one ing out a horseshoe using a hammer and anvil. The black-
smith is Ed Sellers (Sr.) SG2 -2, BAC 44%, STR 16, BRV
player can match) . Each player that can do so matches the
bet. Then roll the other players hands. The highest roll wins. 48%; and his son is Ed Sellers (Ir .) who is unarmed. Near the
In the case of ties, those two players roll off again. Hezekiah front of the store is a wooden rack filled with miscellaneous
Kane is a professional gambler and adds +s to his rolls (he utensils for sale. The walls are lined with bits of leather
goods and iron ware, some of which have price tags wired to
never cheats).
them . You may return to 122 and choose again, or you may
wait until the man is finished then introduce yourself and
pass the time of day with the man (read the information in
entry 200, then go tol22 and choose again).
126. If you wish to play, "Sweet Alice" May spins the wheel. She
only bothers to act as croupier when there is a customer. To
play roulette, roll % dice. There are four ways that you may
bet. 1) You may choose one number from 1-10. If that
number appears on either die you win four times the amount
you have bet. 2) You may choose two numbers from 1-10. If
either number appears on either die you win double your
bet. 3) You may bet on one die against the other. The house
wins all ties. If the die you choose is higher than the other die
you win the amount of your bet. 4) You may choose two
numbers from 1-10. If either of your numbers appears on
both dice you win 20 times your bet. You are not limited to
one type of bet at a time.
If your player is a professional gambler, you gain the same The house minimum bet is $1; the house maximum bet is
benefits that Hezekiah Kane does. You may also opt for $50. Play as long as you like or until you win $5000 and have
cheating. If dealing cards, you may cheat by dealing yourself "broken the house bank". When you have finished playing
7 cards instead of 5. If rolling dice, you may cheat by adding roulette return to 120 and choose again .
+20 to your roll. Each time you opt for cheating, roll% dice
127. Go directly to lie. Presumably you are running so you need
for each player , regardless of whether or not they bet, to de-
only roll for one chance encounter on the way to the sheriff's
termine if you have been caught cheating by that individual.
If the roll is equal to or less than your gambling rating, you
have been caught cheating by that person. Since Hezekiah 128. You are standing on Broadway outside the north door to
Kane is a professional gambler the die roll is modified. The building 190 (the Federal Bank of Mad Mesa). You may try
modification is -20 plus or minus the difference between his to enter the bank 190 , go east to Washington Avenue 65, or
gambling rating of 09 and your own. If you are caught cheat- west down Broadway 212.
ing, the individual who caught you tries to shoot you if he or
she makes a morale check. If a gunfight starts calculate the 129. You walk up to the bar. You may order a drink 133, or talk
first shot using the statistics from entry 120 then run one to the bartender for information 200.
turn of combat.
130. The man's statistics are SAR6 +7, BAC 40%, STR 13, BRV
After the first turn go to 245 . 41%. You have surprised him so you are +son Speed . Cal-
culate the first shot and run the gunfight. If it lasts less than
You may play poker for as long as you like or until either you 3 turns go to 138; if it lasts three turns or longer go to 134.
or all of the other players have run out of money. No new
players join the game after you. Once you have finished play- 131. The man ·gives you no trouble. You march him at gunpoint
ing poker , return to 120 and choose again. to the sheriff's office21e.
ENTRIES 132-150
132. You are standing at the comer of Dodge Street and Wash- 143. You are standing on Main Street in front of the south door
ington Avenue. Roll for a chance encounter. You may go to building 21 (the Sheriff's Office and Jail). You may enter
north 136 or eastl22. the sheriff's office 21, go east3 or west69.
133. Whiskey costs 10 cents a glass or $2 a bottle. You may drink 144. You may go to 242 and escape. If you stay go to 87 .
all you wish keeping in mind the optional rule for Intoxica-
tion (BOOT HILL rules, page 14). When you have finished 145. Luckily, the blacksmith's son witnessed your confrontation
drinlcing return to 120 •nd ch~ with Sam Jackson and backs up your story. If you did not
kill Sam Jackson go to 146. If you did kill Sam Jackson go to
142 .
· ;:i._
146. The sheriff warns you against indiscriminate violence but he
lets you go because of extenuating circumstances . You may
leave his office by the east door 240, or the south door 143.
147. You are standing on Davis Street opposite the east window
of building 150 (Babe 's Saloon). You may go south 148, or
- -.,£~ north 140 .
7· ==·- - _:a,.
' ~- ,o1, _,,,_"»'
~ ti ·~\'· , , r--.
( .·~ ,,.,__.___,. - 148. You are standing at the comer of Davis Street and Railroad
134. The men in the blacksmith's shop 125 and the Mad Mesa Route . Roll for a chance encounter. You may go north 147
Saloon 120 rush out onto Dodge Street with drawn guns. orwestl49.
You may try to fight them all 135 , or surrender 137.
149. You are standing on Railroad Route opposite the south door
135. Consult entries 125 and 120 for the statistics of the towns- to building 150 (Babe's Saloon). You may try to enter the
people in those buildings. Calculate first shot and run the saloon 150, go westl51, or eastl48.
gunfight. If you win you may go west 122 or east 104. If you
lose but are not dead, you are arrested and go to21e . 150. Babe's Saloon. The saloon is a two-story building. The
second story contains bedrooms which cost $3 a night. The
136. You are standing at the junction of Washington Avenue and saloon is on the first floor. It has a small bar and a half
Dodge Street. You may go north 66, south 132, or west on dozen tables with chairs. Music is provided by a player piano
Dodge Street140 . with a coin slot (3 songs for a nickel). Right now, no music is
playing. There are nine men and four women in the saloon.
137. The men keep you covered with their guns while someone Except for the bartender , the men are all seated around
goes for the sheriff . When the sheriff arrives, he informs you tables in the center of the room. The women all sit around a
that you have just been in a gunfight with the owner of the table against the west wall by the stairs leading to the second
general store. floor .
The bartender is Harry Donovan SCG2 +l , BAC 57%, STR
Luckily for you, the blacksmith's son heard Sam Jackson
14, BRV 46%. Three of the women are Ann Wilson,
cussing and kicking on the door so he backs up your story
Conchita Gonzales, and Karen Swenson. They are unarmed.
about mistaking the man for a thief. If you did not kill Sam
The fourth woman is Isabelle Rogers who is armed with two
Jackson go to 139 . If you did kill Sam Jackson go to 142.
knives, one for throwing and one for fighting. Her statistics
are: KN +6, BAC 53%, STR 15, BRV 54%.
138. You may either run away 141 or report the shooting to the
sheriff21e. The eight men in the center of the saloon are: "Old Man"
Russell: SAR6 + 12, BAC 50%, STR 13, BRV 66%; Clay
139. The sheriff warns you against indiscriminate violence, but Russell: SG2 +6, BAC 76%, STR 15, BRV 78%; Jeff
he lets you go because of extenuating circumstances. Go to Russell: R15 +4, BAC 70%, STR 14, BRV 84%; Frank
121 and choose again. Russell: SAR6 +14, BAC 61%, STR 16, BRV 71%; "Buck-
shot" Blume: FDR6 +36, SCG2 +26, BAC 95% (100% with
140. You are standing at the junction of Dodge Street and Davis SCG2), STR 15, BRV 93%; Alex Sanders : CBR6 +6, BAC
Street opposite the south door to building 190 (the Federal 61%, STR 14, BRV 66%; Jack Sloan: SCG2 +3, BAC 75%,
Bank of Mad Mesa). You may try the door 190, head south STR 13, BRV 89%; and "Skins" McGregory: R15 + 10,
on Davis Street 147, or east to Washington Avenue 136, or BAC 98%, STR 16, BRV 89%.
go west on Dodge 153.
The eight men are discussing something in heated terms as
141. Roll ld6. If you roll 1-4 you have been seen by townsfolk you enter . The women near the stairs spot you first. The
coming out of the blacksmith's shop and the Mad Mesa eldest woman rises and starts to walk toward you saying :
Saloon. Go to 134 . If you roll 5-6 you have managed to run "Well hello, you look like you could use ... "
through the alley between Doc Smith's and Jackson's
General Store without being seen. Go to 242 . One of the men cuts her off saying , "Shut up and sit down,
Belle." He turns toward you and says: "The bar's closed, the
142. Because of extenuating circumstances, the sheriff cannot table's are closed, and there's no vacant rooms . This here's a
arrest you. He does, however, run you out of town with the private meeting, so keep drifting, stranger, you're not wel-
help of a mob of townspeople. You may end the adventure come here ."
for this particular character or you may try to re-enter town
22. If this character heads back into town, all townsfolk The saloon grows deadly quiet. Six of the men in the center
shoot him on sight. of the room are dressed as cowboys, including the one who
ENTRIES 151-171
just spoke. The speaker has a full beard which is turning The man continues to try to shoot you anytime his shooting
gray . The other men are younger. The seventh man is (right) arm is free. If you have successfully grappled with
dressed in a black broadcloth suit with a black derby and a him , and he manages to free his arm, subtract 20% from his
black string tie. He has a dark drooping mustache and wears chance to hit. Run two turns of combat. If both opponents
his guns tied low. The eighth man is dressed in buckskins. are still alive and conscious go to 164, otherwise you may re-
His rifle leans against his chair. port the incident to the sheriff 2lf, or return to 152 and
If you came from 115 to talk to the Russels you may do so by choose again. If you are shot or beaten unconscious, you
awaken in81 with a SS bill.
going to 176. Otherwise you may leave by going to 149 or
153. Or you may stay, pointing out that this is a public 162. The Railroad Corral. The Railroad Corral is the stock pen
saloon 243. where cattle are kept before being loaded onto railroad cars.
At present the corral is empty, as there are no shipments
151. You are standing on Railroad Route opposite the fire escape going out. Return to 151 and choose again .
to building 150 (Babe's Saloon). You may go west 152, east
149, or head south across the railroad tracks toward the 163. You take four punches, two rights and two lefts (roll on
corral162 . PUNCHING TABLE), before you break free. You may run
east 148 or west 151 if you exit through the south door. You
152. You are standing at the junction of Railroad Route and may run east 140 or west 157 if you exit through the north
Richmond Street, where they form a 45° angle . You notice door. The Russells do not follow you.
that the door to building 172 (the Railroad Station) has been
smashed open. You may investigate the Railroad Station 164. The man passes out from drink . You may report the
172 or you may ignore the broken door and leave, going incident to the sheriff 2lf, or return to 152 and choose again .
northeast157 or east151.
165. You are standing on Main Street opposite the north door to
153. You are standing on Dodge Street outside the north door of building 170 (the Wells Fargo Office). Roll for a chance en-
building 150 (Babe's Saloon). Roll for a chance encounter. counter. You may go west 167, east 156, or try to enter the
You may go east on Dodge Street 140, west 157, or try to Wells Fargo Office 170.
enter Babe's Saloon 150.
166. All eight men brawl with you. Use the statistics in entry 150.
154. The graybearded man says, "Good, you've got here just in Run the combat. If you are the only one conscious go to 168.
time. We're going after the Kanes now. Are you with us?" If you are knocked unconscious go to 171. As long as you do
You may answer yes 174 or no 159. not draw a gun, neither will they. If you draw a gun, the
155. The man is Josh Kearney SAR6 +8, BAC 50%, STR 15, brawl turns into a gunfight.
BRV 70o/o.Calculate the first shot and run two turns of the
gunfight (keeping in mind that your gun is already drawn, 167. You are standing on Main Street opposite the south door to
+6 on speed). If both of you are still conscious after two building 178 (the Assay Office). You may try to enter the
turns go to 164. Otherwise you may report the shooting to Assay Office 178, go east165 or go westl 79.
the sheriff 2lf, or return to 152 and choose again. If you are
168. You may report the incident to the sheriff 21d, or go to 150
shot or unconscious , you awaken in81 with a $5 bill .
and choose again.
156. You are standing at the junction of Adams Street and Main 169. The range is 4. Calculate the first shots using the statistics
Street opposite the west door to building 160 (the Feed for the eight men given in entry 153. Since you have drawn a
Store). Roll for a chance encounter. You may go north on gun, the eight men fight with their guns instead of their fists.
Adams 197, try to enter the Feed Store 160, go west on Main You get +son speed for surprise. Run the combat until your
Street165, or south on Adams Street157. character is unconscious or dead, or your character is the
only combatant still conscious. If you are still conscious go
157. You are standing at the 3-way junction of Richmond Street, to 168. If you are unconscious and did not kill anyone go to
Dodge Street, and Adams Street. Roll for a chance en- 171. If you are unconscious and killed one of the Russells,
counter. You may walk east on Dodge Street 153, north on your character never wakes up.
Adams Street 156, or down Richmond Street to 152.
170. The Welh Fargo Office. The Wells Fargo Office is unlit and
158. You may run back down Railroad Route and around the a sign reads "Closed". The north door is locked but the east
corner of David Street to 147, or along Richmond Street door is unlocked. You may leave by returning to 165 and
then east on Dodge Street to 153. Either way the drunk takes choosing again. You may knock on the door and say "Hello,
two shots at you. Each shot has a 20o/ochance of hitting you. who's there?" to see if anyone answers 173 or you may quiet-
ly open the door and look inside 177.
159. The Russells accuse you of being a spy for the Kane faction
and trying to trick them into a trap . The eight men in the 171. You wake up in the doctor's office 81. You are lying on a cot.
center of the saloon try to brawl with you. You may run away Your guns are gone (Doc Smith has them) . "Old Man"
163, brawl with them 166, or start shooting 169. Russell is sitting nearby.
"Now that you're awake," he says, "I got a message for you.
160. The Feed Store. There are no lights on inside the Feed Store. My boys ain't taken a likin' to you. They see the mark of
All the doors and windows are locked. Return to 156 or 212 Kane on you. Get out of town fast or we'll come gunning for
(whichever you came from) and choose again. you."
161. The man is Josh Kearney SAR6 +8, BAC 50%, STR 15, "Old Man" Russell leaves. The doctor returns your guns
BRV 70o/o.Calculate first shot speeds to see whether you can after you pay your SS bill, and says you may rest on the cot
grapple the man before he gets off a shot. The range is 1. for the rest of the night then you'll have to leave. If you can't
ENTRIES 172-175
pay your bill the doctor keeps your guns until the bill is paid. factions face each other with the characters placed as
You may leave town after resting, thus ending the adventure follows:
for this particular character. Or you may ignore the warning
and continue the adventure, knowing that any member of The Russell Faction
the Russell faction will shoot you on sight. If you choose this Rl) Alex Sanders: CBR6 +6, BAC 61%, STR 14, BRV
option, you may leave69 or 34. 66%.
R2) Jeff Russell: R15 +4, BAC 80%, STR 14, BRV 84%.
172. The Railroad Station. Even though the Railroad Station is R3) Clay Russell: SG2 +6, BAC 76%, STR 15, BRV 78%.
closed for the night, the east door stands gaping open. You R4) "Buckshot" Blume: FDR6 +36, SCG2 +26, BAC 95%
draw your gun and cautiously investigate. Once inside the (100% with SCG), STR 15, BRV 93%.
building you are assailed by the odor of rotgut whiskey and RS) "Skins" McGregory: R15 +10, BAC 98%, STR 16,
filth. A man staggers out of the shadows and bumps into BRV89%.
you. He seems to be extremely drunk. He lurches back a few R6) "Old Man" Russell: SAR6 +12, BAC 50%, STR 13,
steps, stops, then begins to draw his gun snarling, "Why BRV66%.
don't you watch where you're going? I'll teach you a lesson!" R7) Frank Russell: SAR6 +14, BAC 61%, STR 16, BRV
You may open fire 155, run away 158, or try to grapple with RS) Jack Sloan: SCG2 +3, BAC 60%, STR 13, BRV 89%.
the man 161 .
The Kane Faction
173. A man answers in a quiet voice, "Hello. Can I help you? The Kl) Luke Las Cruces: SG2 +l, BAC 71%, STR 12, BRV
office's closed for the night, but the door's unlocked. Come 80%.
on in." You can go on in 181 or excuse yourself for bother- K2) Esteban Matamoros: CBR6 +5, BAC 58%, STR 13,
ing the man at this time of night and leave by returning to BRV62%.
165 and choosing again . K3) Malachi Kane: R15 +4, BAC 66%, STR 12, BRV 74%.
K4) Hezekiah Kane•: FDR6 +35, SAR6 +33, BAC 93%,
174. The Russells say they're glad you've joined them. "Old STR 18, BRV 96%.
Man" Russell gives you a $50 advance and offers to pay you KS) "Doc Jubal" Kane: SAR6 +19, BAC 71%, STR 15,
$100 a month as long as the war lasts plus a $100 bonus BRV80%.
when the war is ended satisfactorily. The nine of you exit K6) Ezekiel Kane: SAR6 +14, BAC 61%, STR 14, BRV
Babe's Saloon through the south door and head toward the 77%.
back entrance of the Mad Mesa Saloon. Go to 175. K7) Bob Howard: C12 +4, BAC 80%, STR 17, BRV 87%.
KS) Rob Evanson: SCG2 +7, BAC 75%, STR 15, BRV
175. Shootout in the Railroad Corral. The Russells and the 83%.
Kanes have simultaneously decided to run the other faction
out of town. By chance, both groups meet in the vicinity of • Hezekiah Kane is ambidextrous and can fire equally well
with either hand.
the Railroad Corral. By mutual consent, both groups enter
the corral, the Kanes entering from the east, and the The 16 men face off in eight pairs (Rl-Kl, R2-K2, R3-K3,
Russells from the north. The two groups eye each other care- R4-K4, RS-KS, R6-K6, R7-K7, R8-K8). On the first turn of
fully as the characters spread out for more shooting room. combat each man fires at his opposite. All 16 men fire the
The Kane faction lines up with their backs to the south maximum number of shots allowable for each weapon each
corral fence. The Russell faction lines up along the north turn as long as the ammunition holds up. If a weapon be-
corral fence, also with their backs to the fence. The two comes empty, its user either spends the next turn reloading,
ENTRIES 176-180
or picks up a loaded weapon if there is one within 1 square. the winning faction, you are paid an additional $100 im-
Picking up a weapon is a -10 modifier on speed. An in- mediately. You may leave the celebration whenever you
dividual with an empty weapon always picks up a loaded wish.
weapon in preference to reloading.
176. You warn the Russells about the proposed ambush and they
The range for the shootout is 7. Since this is long range for a ask you to join them since you are obviously on their side. If
scattergun , anyone firing a scattergun fires into 2 squares , you agree to join them go to 154. If you don't agree to join
not 1. If the choice of squares is not obvious, roll ld6. 1-3 them go to 159.
indicates an additional square to the immediate right of the
target square. 4-6 indicates an additional square to the im- 177. You see a man dressed in dark clothes. He has just finished
mediate left of the target square. "Buckshot" Blume carries wrapping a mattress around something. While you watch,
a scattergun in a special holster on his left hip. He has per- he takes several steps backward and crouches behind a
fected a cross-body draw. Since he is facing another profes- heavy wooden desk. You see the sudden flare of a match
sional gunfighter, "Buckshot" uses his fast draw revolver with which the man lights a nearby fuse. The fuse begins to
first, then draws his scattergun when the revolver is empty. bum toward the mattress. You may duck back outside and
His chance to hit with a scattergun is 100% (though a shell wait for the man to leave 180, aim your gun at him and tell
will be a dud on a roll of 00). him to put up his hands 183 , start shooting 186, or ignore
the situation by returning to 165 and choosing again.
If a man kills his opposite or shoots his opponent un-
conscious and still has shots remaining for that tum, he 178. The Assay Office. The assay office is closed. The doors and
shoots the next closest opponent. If two opponents are windows are locked and the office is unlit. Go to 167 and
equally close, roll ld6. On a roll of 1-3 the shooter shoots at choose again.
the opponent immediately on the right of his original target.
On a 4-6 the shooter shoots at the opponent immediately on 179. You are standing on Main Street at the west edge of town. A
the left of his original target. man is facing you. As soon as he sees you in the dim light he
shouts : "You! You're Sam Collins, the man that killed my
If your character has joined either faction, he may line up father!" He reaches for his gun. You may try to outdraw him
(by choice) at any letter-number position, stacking with the 182, raise your hands and try to explain that he has made a
individual already there. If the man opposite your charac- mistake 185, or run away 188.
ter's position kills (or shoots unconscious) the other in-
dividual stacked with you, the man opposite you will pick 180. You hear a muffled explosion. A few minutes later, the thief
you as his next target. If the man has shots remaining for the comes running out the west door carrying a wheat sack slung
tum , he will shoot at your character . Otherwise, the man over his shoulder. You may try to hit him over the head with
shoots at your character on the next tum that he has a your gun 184, shoot at him 192, or stick a gun in his ribs and
loaded weapon and no other target. tell him he's under arrestl89.
~) \...J ,, J.._/ ,.I / /1 \ "
Whenever possible, members of the Kane and Russell fac-
tions pair off against each other. If the faction your charac- V \___-/ ,'I,,--
ter has not sided with outnumbers the side your character
has sided with at any point in the shootout, pair up op- ,, ~ (\(.
ponents closest to each other. Of the characters without a ~"'~
"'--.-= ~' ·-.....
paired opponent, one chosen at random picks your charac-
ter as his opponent. Any other characters choose an op-
ponent starting in the middle of the line first before spread-
ing outward to either side. Opponents should be as evenly
spaced out as possible. No individual has 2 opponents until
all individuals have 1 opponent, no individual has 3 op-
ponents until all individuals have 2 opponents, and so on.
195. After you tie the man up so he cannot escape you investigate
the safe. It has been cracked open by the explosion. Inside is
$4800. You may steal the money and leave town 187 or you
may report the attempted robbery to the sheriff21i.
196. The man does not follow. From inside the Wells Fargo
Office you hear a muffled explosion. You may ignore the
situation by returning to 165 and choosing again, you may
raise the alarm 204 , or you may draw your gun, cover both
doors to the Wells Fargo Office, and wait for the man to
leave 207.
197. You are standing at the corner of Adams Street and Broad-
way opposite the south window to building213 (the offices of
Owens & Brady, Attorneys at Law). Roll for a chance en-
counter . You may go east210 or south 156.
198. The man is "Blackjack " Porter SAR6 +7, BAC 65% (55%
after 2 turns) , STR 13, BRV 63%. He draws his gun and tries
to shoot you. Calculate first shots , keeping in mind that your
gun is already drawn (+6 on speed). Conduct the gunfight.
Blackjack fires three shots each tum until his gun is empty
then he tries to run away. If the gunfight is not ended by 5
ENTRIES 199-206
turns he has escaped. The range for the first two turns is 2. end of the fight go to 208 . If you passed out from wounds go
Every tum thereafter the range increases by 10. to 205 .
If you are still conscious by the end of the gunfight but the 202. Roll on the PUNCHING TABLE to see how much damage
robber escaped, you may report the incident to the sheriff you took. Roll on the right-hand column adding +8 to your
246 or ignore the situation and return to 165 and choose die roll. The attack will do double the indicated damage.
again. If you have captured the robber, you may, in You may brawl with the man 206 or draw your gun 192.
addition, choose to take his loot (S4800) and leave town 187.
If you have been shot unconscious go to 205. 203. If Blackjack is not dead you tie him up to make sure he can-
not escape. He has stolen $4800 from the Wells Fargo safe.
199. Jacob Malone lights a match and takes a closer look at your You may take the money and leave town 187, report the
face. "Oh no!" he says, "You don't have a scar on your left crime to the sheriff 211,or ignore the situation and return to
cheek. You can't be Sam Collins. I've shot at the wrong 165 to choose again .
man." He continues to apologize and offers to pay all
medical expenses if you have been wounded. You can try to
haul him to the sheriff's office 211, accept his offer for
medical treatment 81, or tell him to "Forget it. Just don't
shoot at me again," and leave town or return to 167 and
choose again.
ENTRIES 207-214
with a minus modifier). After one turn, calculate first shot
speeds to see who punches first, since you have recovered
from your initial surprise. Run the brawl to its conclusion.
"Blackjack " punches rather than grapples. If you are
knocked unconscious go to 205. If you win the brawl go to
207. The man exits the west door. He is "Blackjack" Porter
SAR6 +7, BAC 25%, STR 13, BRV 63%. He has a wheat
sack slung over his shoulder and his gun is drawn. The man
is running and dodging as fast as he can to get out of town.
He fires one shot per turn for five turns by which time he
reaches his horse and escapes. The original range is 7. Each
turn the range will increase by 10. Since you are behind
cover, ignore any hit to your legs, left shoulder , or
abdomen / groin. If you are firing a one-handed weapon
ignore any hit to your left hand.
If you stop the robber from leaving town go to 208. If you are
shot unconscious go to 205. If you are still conscious but did
not stop the robber go to 209.
208. Go to 195, but ignore the instructions about tying the man
up if he is dead.
209. The sheriff arrives soon after the thief leaves. He listens to
your story and sympathizes with your unsuccessful attempt
to stop the robbery. He thanks you for being a conscientious
citizen and takes down your address so that he can reach you
should the thief be caught and a witness needed at the trial.
Return to 165 and choose again.
You may draw your gun and yell for the man to stop 216 ,
shoot at the man 219, try to silently follow 222 , or ignore the
man and return to 210 and choose again.
214. The Mad Mesa Gazette. The Gazette office has a sign on the
south (front) door which reads: "Closed". The north (back)
door, however, is standing open. A man dressed like a cow-
boy stands outside the open door. He is holding a bottle in
his right hand. A strip of cloth sticks out of the neck of the
bottle . The man lights the strip of cloth, then draws back his
ENTRIES 215-229
arm to throw the bottle through the open door. You may 221. The man says "Look, I'm John Billings, and I'm just doing
draw your gun and yell at him to "Stop!" because he is my job. The sheriff asked me to drag this corpse over to the
under arrest217. You may draw your gun and open fire 220 . ice house to keep it in cold storage until a burial can be ar-
You may run for the nearest cover around the corner of the ranged. If you don't believe me, go talk to the sheriff. But
undertaker's house 223. Or you may ignore the man and don't take too long, 'cause this is not exactly a pleasant job
head back toward Broadway 226 . and the sooner it's done the better."
215. You hear a muffled explosion from the vicinity of the safe You can believe the man, let him go, and return to 210 to
and a few stray feathers from the mattress float past. Go to choose again. You may march him off to the sheriff's office
195. 21j. Or you may keep him covered and check out the ice
house 225.
216. The man drops the sack and raises his hands . "What do you
want" , he says, "Don't bother me, I'm busy." You can ask 222. You manage to stay hidden in the shadows. The man stops
him exactly what it is he is so busy doing 221 , keep him at the entrance to the log building. He opens the door. He
covered while you open the sack 218, or tell him he can go reaches into the sack and pulls out the corpse of a man who
about his business and return to Broadway 210. has been shot to death. You may try to arrest him 221, start
shooting 219, or continue to follow him as he carries the
217. The man throws the bottle into the Gazette office, ignoring corpse inside the log building 225.
your shouts . From inside the Gazette office comes the ex-
plosion of a fireball. You may open fire on the arsonist 224 223. You duck around the comer of the undertaker's house. In-
or you may run away and raise the alarm for the fire 227. side the Gazette Office, the bottle explodes and the night is
lit by a fireball. The windows are blown out. As the fireball
dies down, the building begins to bum. The arsonist starts
running out of town. You may yell at him to "Stop!" 235,
you may start shooting 224, or you may ignore him and try
to rouse the town to fight the fire 227.
224. The Gazette office has caught fire and is burning down. The
arsonist is Sam Archer SAR6 +13, BAC 20%, STR 13, BRV
57%. Since his mission is accomplished Sam tries to run out
of town, dodging your fire. Sam returns your fire, firing one
shot per tum. After 4 turns, Sam reaches his horse and the
gunfight is over. If you win the gunfight go to 229, if you are
shot unconscious go to 232.
225. The Ice Hou1e. The ice house is made from unfinished logs.
It has one door and no windows. A pit has been dug inside
the ice house and steps lead down into it. Large blocks of ice
stand slowly melting on the floor. Various perishable foods
hang from the rafters. Two corpses are laid out on pallets
waiting for burial. Several extra pallets await future victims
of the cattle war and other gunfights. If you came from entry
221 go to 230. If you came from entry 222 go to 233.
218. Inside the sack is the corpse of a man who has recently been 227. Everyone in the Lazy A Hotel 70 runs out to help you fight
shot to death . You may open fire on the man who was carry- the fire. The arsonist escapes but the Gazette office is saved
ing the sack 219, or you may try to arrest the man 221 . with only minor damage thanks to your quick actions. You
are given a free life-time subscription to the Mad Mesa
219. The man is John Billings CBR6 -2, BAC 37%, STR 14, BRV Gazette (it's lifetime or yours, whichever is shorter). The
21%. Calculate first shots. If you get the first shot calculate sheriff takes down your description of the arsonist and says
its effects. If the man is still conscious go to 228 , if he is un- that the man sounds like Sam Archer to him. Sam has been
conscious or dead go to 231. If you do not get the first shot the focus of a series of rather vicious lampoons recently run
go to 234. in the Gazette and apparently he has taken a direct hand in
stopping the presses. The sheriff takes down your current
220. The man is Sam Archer SAR6 +13, BAC 50%, STR 13, address as you are needed as an eye witness at the trial. Re-
BRV 57%. You get a free shot (or shots) since the man turn to212 and choose again .
spends the turn hurling the bottle into the Gazette office. On
tum two of the gunfight the man will draw and fire at you (if 228. The man does not draw his gun. Instead , he shouts, "Don't
he is still alive and conscious). Sam Archer fires 3 shots per shoot! Don't shoot!" Go to 216 .
tum until his gun is empty. Calculate first shots and run the
gunfight. If you win go to 229; if you are shot and un- 229. If the man is unconscious, you tie him up so that he cannot
conscious go to 232 . escape. You may report the incident to the sheriff21k, raise
ENTRIES 230-247
the fire alarm 227, or ignore the situation and return to 212 242. You are standing on Main Street opposite the south door to
and choose again. building 70 (the Lazy A Hotel). You may try to enter the
hotel 70, go west67 or east69 .
230. You may believe John Billings' story and return to 210 to
choose again. You may allow him to store the corpse he was 243. The eight men assume you are a spy for the Kanes trying to
carrying on one of the extra pallets then take him to the make trouble. Go to 166.
sheriff's office 21j to check out his story.
244. The man is John Billings, and he was carrying out the
231. If the man is unconscious you tie him up so he cannot sheriff's orders and storing the corpse in the Ice House for
escape. You may report the incident to the sheriff 21j or burial. If you have killed John, the sheriff does not arrest you
ignore the events and return to 210 to choose again. because of extenuating circumstances but he tells you that
you had better leave town quickly. John was well liked in
232. You wake in the doctor's office 81. The sheriff listens to your town. If the sheriff, or any other citizen sees you in town
story while the doctor treats you. The sheriff takes down again they shoot you on sight . If John is not dead you are
your description of the arsonist and says that it sounds like free to go about your business (though you are expected to
Sam Archer. Sam has been the focus of a series of rather pay any medical bills he might accrue). You may leave the
vicious lampooning articles recently run in the Gazette. Ap- Sheriff's office by240 or 143.
parently he has taken a direct hand in stopping the presses.
The sheriff takes down your current address as you are 245. After one tum of combat, all those present who are armed
needed as an eye witness at the trial. You are free to leave and make a morale check assist in attempting to subdue
the doctor's office, 69 or 34, whenever you wish. you. If you use your gun, they fire, but otherwise brawl with
you. If you are defeated , they take your winnings and run
233. The man you are following drags the corpse he's carrying you out of town (if you return with this character all towns-
down the stairs and lays it on a pallet next to the other folk will have a -2 modifier on reaction rolls). If you defeat
corpses. He turns to leave. You are lucky enough to slip out- everyone in the saloon go to 84 or 104 and continue. In 1-10
side without him seeing you. You may run away and get the turns the story will be around town and if you killed anyone
sheriff 21j, wait outside and try to knock the man un- you will be shot on sight. If you did not kill anyone and are
conscious with your gun barrel 236, wait outside to arrest the caught, you go on trial for cheating at cards. If you survive
man 238, or start shooting since the man is trapped inside the fight go to 84 or 104.
the ice house 219.
246. The sheriff thanks you for trying to halt the robbery and
234. Go to 228. takes your name and address so he can contact you when the
villain is brought to justice. You may leave the Jail at any
235. The man keeps running. You may ignore him and raise the time143 or240.
fire alarm 227 or start shooting at him 237 .
247. You awaken in the Doctor's Office 81. Jacob Malone , realiz-
236. As the man walks out the door to the ice house you hit him ing that he had shot the wrong man , paid your bill and left
over the head with your gun barrel. There is a 60% chance town. You may leave the Office whenever you wish.
that the man is stunned. If the man is stunned go to 231. If
the man is not stunned go to 221 .
237. The man is Sam Archer SAR6 +13 , BAC 20%, STR 13,
BRV 57%. He runs and dodges, trying to escape. Calculate
first shots and run the gunfight. Sam fires one shot per turn.
If the gunfight lasts more than three turns Sam has escaped.
The range is 5 for the first tum , 15 for the second turn, and
25 for the third tum. If you win the gunfight go to 229. If you
are shot unconscious go to 232.
238. The man says that his name is John Billings and that he is
just doing his job. He claims that the sheriff ordered him to
carry the corpse to the ice house where it can be kept until it
can be buried. He does not resist arrest and goes with you to
the sheriff's office 2 lj. Chance Encounten. A chance encounter is indicated when a 1 is
rolled on ldlO. To determine which individual is encountered , use
239. You are standing on Main Street opposite the south door to the following list of lettered entries . Roll ld6. The number rolled
building23 (the First Congregational Church of Mad Mesa). indicates the position from the top of the list of the letter entry to
Roll for a chance encounter. You may try to enter the church be used as a chance encounter . Every time a letter entry is used ,
23, or go west 3 , or east 2. cross its letter off the list. When only 5 entry letters remain ,
chance encounters occur in the order of the final 5 entries , thereby
240. You are standing on Front Street opposite the east door to no longer necessary to roll to see which entry letter to use.
building 21 (the Sheriff's Office and Jail). You may try to
enter the Sheriff's office 21, go north S, or south 4. For example, on the first encounter a 3 is rolled on ld6 to deter-
mine which encounter is to be used. The character would en-
241. You are standing on Front Street opposite the west door to counter the character described in entry "J" (Sam Collins). " J" is
building 85 (the Mad Mesa Primary School). Roll for a then crossed off the list so that if, to determine the next encounter ,
chance encounter . You may try to enter the schoolhouse 85, a 3 is again rolled, the encounter would be with the individual de-
go north 34 or sou th 83 . scribed in entry ''D" (Seymore Calhoun), not entry "J'' .
Chance En counter Letter List run the gunfight. If you live, you find that a deputy witnessed
the shootout but refused to interfere in what he thought was a
fair (face-to-face ) private affair. Unless you wish to press
J charges there are no repercus sions over the shooting .
L G. Ralph Wagner: SCG2 + 3, BAC 81%, STR 15, BRV 71%. A
F wagon passes you. The wagon has wooden sides and top .
I Painted on the sides in bright blue letters is a sign which
G reads: "WAGNER'S AQUAE VITAE: The Miracle Potion of
A the Ages. Guaranteed to Cure Any Disease Known to Man.
C Until recently sold only to the Crowned Heads of Europe . Now
M available in The United States of America . Ralph Wagner -
K sole distributer ."
B Ralph stops his wagon when he sees you and goes into his
sales spiel. If you wish, you may purchase a bottle "For the
Chanc e Encounters , Lettered Entri es. mere pittance of $3 (2 for $5). A small cost for the very elixir of
life." If you purchase a bottle (or two) you find that drinking
A. Mrs. Seymore Calhoun. Mrs . Calho un is not armed . She is Wagner's Aquae Vitae has the same effect as drinking bitter
looking for her husband who snuc k out of the hou se to go diluted whiskey. Even if it doesn't actually cure anything , at
drinking . She lectures you for several minute s on the evils of least you feel better .
strong drink.
B. Irving "The Mad": SCG2 +27, BAC 100%, STR 17, BRV
100%. Irving is a homocid al maniac who ha s escaped from a
nearby asylum where he stole some weapons. As soon as he
sees you (range of 4) he opens fire . Calculat e first shots and
run the gunfig ht to its conclusion. If you live, you find that
Irving's guards have tracked him down and take him (or his
corpse) into custody soon after the gunfight end s.
F. Chris Miller: SAR6 + 19, BAC 53%, STR 14, BRV 70%. Chri s
is a brash young kid out to make a reput ation for hims elf. He
has decided to make you his victim. At a range of 8 he yells
"Draw!" and reaches for his gun. You can tell that whether
you draw or not he is out to kill you. Calculate first shots and
K. "Doc Jubal" Kane: SAR6 +19, BAC 71%, STR 15, BRV MAD MESA
80%. Doc Jubal is a member of the Kane faction in the cattle A BOOT HILL Multi-player Adventure
war. He pleasantly passes the time of day with you unless you
have killed a member of the Kane faction or you have been Introduction. Unlike the solo adventure, the multi-player ad-
warned to leave town by the Kane faction, in which case he venture requires a referee. Before judging the multi-player adven-
shoots on sight (range of 5). Whatever the outcome of a gun- ture, it is a good idea for the referee to become thoroughly familiar
fight no one (not even the law) interferes. with the solo adventure. The referee should try to visit every build-
L. Luke Las Cruces: SG2 +l, BAC 71%, STR 12, BRV 80%. ing in Mad Mesa, using as many separate players as necessary.
Luke is a member of the Kane faction in the cattle war. He After visiting all the buildings and experiencing as many entries as
ignores you unless you have killed a member of the Kane possible, the referee should look over the solo adventure and read
faction or been warned to leave town by the Kane faction, in those entries his or her characters did not choose, to get an overall
which case he shoots on sight (range of 6). Whatever the out- view of the various encounters.
come of a fight no one (not even the law) interferes.
The multi-player adventure is based on the encounters detailed in
the solo adventure. The section on Encounters for the Multi-
player Adventure lists the various encounters as they have been
adapted for the multi-player adventure. It is suggested that the
number of player characters for the multi-player adventure range
from 4-8 player characters. To balance the additional player char-
acters in the multi-player adventure, additional individuals have
been added to the encounters.
courageous individual could spark off a reaction in which bandits If a chance encounter should occur , roll ld6 . On 1-3 use the
were either wiped out or run out of town in a hail of gunfire (such chance encounter table for the solo adventure. The only adjust-
as happened at Northville , Coffeyville, Bannack, and Silver City). ments which need to be made are that if any member of the Kane
or Russell faction is encountered , all the members of the Kane or
On the other hand , an adventure without danger tends to be Russell faction are encountered at the same time , and if Tom
boring. The referee should balance possible violence, providing Morgan is encountered he will have two deputies with him at the
enough action to keep the adventure exciting without escalating time . On 4-6 use the following CHANCE ENCOUNTER TABLE.
the level of lawlessness to unreasonable heights.
One way to look at the multi-player or solo adventure is to view
them as concentrated adventures . The action is concentrated into Chance Encounter Results
a short space of time for gaming convenience, but the amount of 1. 1-6 drifters ride into town.
adventure is more normal for a period covering months or years. 2. The stage arrives. It carries 1-3 greenhorns and 1-3 towns-
The Kane-Russell cattle war, while compacted into one adventure , folk plus a driver and shotgun guard (treat as typical
is assumed to be of long standing and to have lasted for more than cowboy characters).
a year. When balancing the amount of violence, the referee should 3. The train pulls into town. It carries 1-6 trackla yers , 1-3
keep in mind the concept of a concentrated adventure. drifters, 1-3 townsfolk , and 1 lawman .
4. 1-10 cavalrymen ride into town .
Typical Characten. Typical characters have average statistics for 5. A wagon train arrives carrying 2-20 homesteaders.
each particular type, rather than rolling up each character anew. 6. 2-20 Indian braves raid the town.
They help the referee improvise extra NPC's when necessary. 7. 1-6 sheepherders drive in a herd of sheep.
Thus, if a citizen dies and the referee has to quickly fill in the 8. 1-10 cowboys drive in a herd of cattle.
vacancy, he or she can use the statistics for a typical character 9. 1-6 outlaws try to rustle stock from the railroad corral.
rather than stopping the action to roll up a new NPC. 10. 1-10 miners come to town because they have heard of a
nearby ore strike .
Typical characters can also be used to create chance encounters.
For example , if the referee wanted the party to accidentally To use the table , roll ldlO to determine the encounter . An en-
stumble onto the hideout of an outlaw gang, he or she need only counter may take place more than once, but if the referee feels
decide how many outlaws would be present and use that number that a particular encounter is occurring too frequently, the referee
of typical Bandits / Outlaws for the encounter (see the table below). should roll over or choose an encounter . The individuals en-
countered in the table are all typical characters .
Any time a chance encounter occurs , the referee may substitute all
Character SAR R BAC STR BRV or some of the bankrobbers listed in encounter XII . In that way,
Townsfolk +8 -5 50% 13 30% the arrival of the bankrobbers is not so conspicuous .
Lawman +19 +6 70% 15 70%
Cowboy +13 +o 60% 15 60% Player Character Motivation. As in the solo adventure , the pla yer
Cavalryman +10 -3 60% 14 60% characters in the multi-player adventure may have only general
Miner + 10 -3 50% 15 SOo/o motives for being in Mad Mesa. They are resting from and cele-
Logger/ Tracklayer +10 -3 SOo/o 16 55% brating after a successful cattle drive, or they have come into town
Homesteader +8 -5 50% 13 30% to stock up on supplies, or they are just passing through , or some
Sheepherder +7 -6 55% 14 50o/o similar motive .
Greenhorn +6 -7 40% 13 20%
Drifter +10 -3 50% 14 40% To make the multi-player adventure more interesting , the referee
Bandi t/ Outlaw +16 +3 65% 14 65% may wish to invent a motive which unifies all the player characters
Indian Brave +11 -2 65% 15 70o/o and gives them specific or general missions to accomplish while in
town. Such motives are often tied to existing game campaigns and
will only fit the logic of a particular campaign. One possible
In the solo adventure , many of the buildings in Mad Mesa are motive not derived from a campaign follows.
closed at night. During the day, most of those buildings would be
open. If the player characters wish to visit one of these buildings , Uncle Zeke, a NPC relative of one (or more) of the player charac-
the referee should place 1-6 typical characters in the building. The ters , owns the Rocking-Z ranch , a piece of land which appears to
characters represent the owner , workers or customers. The referee be good for little else besides grazing a few hundred head of cattle.
may also wish to use some of his or her own player characters as A nearby large ranching outfit , the Circle-V ranch , recently
townsfolk so that the referee can judge and play at the same time . offered to buy the land for a little more than its market value .
If so, the referee should be careful to 1) not take advantage of his Uncle Zeke's wife is buried on his ranch and he decided not to sell
or her position as referee , that is, the referee should treat his or the land . Whether by chance or design, everything has gone wrong
her player characters like any other player characters and should for Uncle Zeke since his decision not to sell. Cattle are constantly
show no favoritism , and 2) make certain that the player character being rustled (a few head at a time), wells are being poisoned ,
is logical as a townsperson . (For example , a player character who ranch hands are beaten up when they go into town, the railroad
is a noted outlaw is hardly likely to be running the Feed Store in refuses to ship Uncle Zeke 's cattle to market, and the bank has
Mad Mesa.) given notice that they intend to foreclose on the mortgage when
the next payments fall due .
Chance Encounten. Chance encounters differ slightly in the
multi-player adventure from the solo adventure . The referee Uncle Zeke has begged his favorite nephew (or niece) and his or
should check once every two turns for a chance encounter. Roll her friends for help. He has reasonable suspicions that the Circle-
ldlO and a chance encounter occurs when a 1 is rolled. The V ranch is behind his misfortunes, but he has no proof and is not
referee never need check while a gunfight is in progress. sure why he is being harassed . His land is simply not that valuable
and , to his knowledge, he has never offended anyone at the Circle- verge of bankruptcy). Proof of the control lies in a contract kept in
V ranch . the Wells Fargo safe. If the players stop the robbery of the Wells
Fargo office (detailed in Encounter VIII) and check the loot, they
Uncle Zeke knows two facts which might help . First, the Circle-V will find the contract along with the stolen money.
ranch is represented by Matt Brady, who has an office in Mad
Mesa. Second , one of the rustled steers recently turned up in Mad 2) Valuable lead deposits have been found on Rocking-Z land.
Mesa. The steer originally had a Rocking-Z brand . A running iron The assay report, complete with samples, was filed by "Old Man "
had been used to alter the brand to a Lazy-H. The rebranding was Russell with the Assay Office. Unfortunately , the clerk was bribed
skillful and the fraud was not discovered until, when the animal to misfile the report. Unless the player characters make an illegal
was skinned for food, someone took a look at the inside of the search of the Assay Office, or offer at least $200 counter-bribe to
hide. Since the two brandings had taken place at different times , the clerk, the player characters do not discover the assay report.
the rebranding marks could be distinguished, but only from the
inside. The steer was part of a shipment of mixed brands com- 3) The Russells plan to turn most of the territory into their own
posed mainly of Circle-V brands . personal range. The Rocking-Z land lies in a strategic location. As
soon as their rivals, the Kanes, are out of the way, the Russell plan
can continue . In the offices of Owen & Brady is a territorial map
which outlines the Russell scheme. Matt Brady, lawyer for both
the Russells and the Circle-V, cannot be bribed for the informa-
tion , since he stands to make a fortune over the merger once the
cattle war ends. Garry Owen, Matt' s partner, is scrupulously
honest. He already has begun to suspect Matt. The information
about Uncle Zeke's harassment will tip the scale and Garry will
use his key to open up the office and help the player characters
search for evidence.
The ref eree knows th e f ollowin g information which the play ers do
not know at the st art of th e ad ventur e. 1) The Russells have re-
cently bought control of the Circle-V ranch (which was on the
Encounten for the Multi-player Adventure. side which the player characters join can be slightly
stronger. It may be necessary for the referee to balance the
sides in the shootout by deleting gunmen from the more
I. Three men assassinate Charlie Jones in his hotel room. Two numerous side, or adding gunmen to the weaker side. The
men perform the actual assassination while the third man four Russells and the four Kanes should always participate
stands watch on the hotel fire escape. The two assassins are in the gunfight if they are alive and conscious at the time.
"Frenchie " Le Blanc KN +8, D2 +8, BAC 63%/50%, STR
15 BRV 61% and Paul Carson KN +10, SAR6 +13, BAC If the referee needs extra gunmen to balance the sides, he or
55~o/60o/o,STR 13, BRV 57%. The lookout is "Blackleg" she can either use some of the following or roll up his or her
Bart KN +5, SAR +8, BAC 51%/60o/o,STR 14, BRV 74%. NPC's . "Whiskey Jack" Kraft SAR6 +7 , BAC 50%, STR
This encounter is an adaptation for the multi-player adven- 14, BRV 47%; Roy Murphy SG2 +2, BAC 65%, STR 13,
ture of the encounter detailed in entries 7-20, 21a , 25-28, BRV 61%; Jason "JJ" Johnson FDR6 +31, BAC 83%, STR
and31-33 of the solo adventure. 15, BRV 89% (Jason is a known gunfighter); Greg Mitchell
R15 +6, BAC 45%, STR 12, BRV 71%; Ernie Mather
II. Five men dig up a coffin filled with loot from an old bank SAR6 +13, BAC 55%, STR 14, BRV 54%; or Max Hoff-
hold-up. Four men stand near the coffin. They are Ben mann SCG2 +3, BAC 70%, STR 13, BRV 59%.
Stockwell SAR6 + 15, BAC 50%, STR 13, BRV 60%, Os-
good Parkinson SAR6 +8, BAC 31%, STR 13, BRV 33%, The shootout in the Railroad Corral is detailed in entry 175
Billy Stockwell SAR6 +13, BAC 55%, STR 14, BRV 65%, of the solo adventure.
and Al Bronson SG2 +2, BAC 60o/o,STR 13, BRV 58%.
The fifth man is holding the gang's horses outside the north VI. Four drunken cowboys have broken into the Railroad Sta-
wall of the Mad Mesa Cemetery 29. The man is Angus tion 172 to sleep off their drunk. They will be extremely bel-
MacDonald R15 +2, BAC 52%, STR 15, BRV 61%. If the ligerent and likely (but not certain) to attack on sight. The
player characters surprise the grave robbers and quietly ob- leader of the cowboys is Josh Kearney SAR6 +8 , BAC 40%,
serve them, the player characters witness Ben Stockwell STR 15, BRV 70%. The other three cowboys are Barry
murdering Osgood Parkinson with a shovel. This encounter Lanser SAR6 +7, BAC 45%, STR 14, BRV 65%; Chuck
is an adaptation for the mutli-player adventure of the en- Blain SAR6 +9, BAC 40%, STR 14, BRV 60%; and Eric
counter detailed in entries 21b, 29, 30, 35-56, 58, 59 and61 Rodgers SAR6 +9, BAC 50%, STR 13, BRV 65%. Each
of the solo adventure. cowboy fights for 1-3 turns before he passes out from drink.
(Roll ld6 for each man, 1-2 equals one turn, 3-4 equsls two
III. A surly night clerk at the Lazy A Hotel 70 insults one of the turns, and 5-6 equals three turns that that man fights before
player characters. The clerk is Fred Jackson (the brother of passing out.) This encounter is an adaptation for the multi-
Sam Jackson who owns the General Store). His statistics are player adventure of the encounter detailed in entires 2lf,
D2 +l, SCG2 -4, BAC 43%, STR 13, BRV 52%. If a gun- 155, 158, 161, 164 and 172 of the solo adventure.
fight would develop, check to see if the townsfolk in the
restaurant 77 and the upstairs bedrooms 78 join in defense
(or revenge) of Fred Jackson. It takes two turns for the char-
acters from the restaurant to join the fight and three turns
for the individuals upstairs to join the fight. If the player
characters have shot Fred Jackson, any townsperson who
makes his or her morale roll opens fire on the player charac-
ters. This encounter is detailed in entries 21c, 70-74, 76-78,
80, 82, 86-88, and 90-93 of the solo adventure.
IV. The player characters spot a man trying to kick down the
back door to Jackson's General Store 75. Unknown to them,
the man is Sam Jackson, the owner of the store. He does not
fire if fired upon. The encounter is detailed in entries 21e,
75, 79, 124, 131, 134, 135, 137-139, 141, 142, 145 and 146 of
the solo adventure.
the Kanes, if the motivation of helping Uncle Zeke is being VII. The player characters may gamble or drink in the Mad
used). The shootout should be as balanced as possible. Both Mesa Saloon 120. Read entries 120, 123, 126, 129 and 133
sides in the shootout should be roughly equal, though the of the solo adventure for details.
XII. Six men try to rob the Federal Bank of Mad Mesa 190. The
robbery takes place in broad daylight. Three men enter the
bank while three others station themselves outside the bank
as horse holders and lookouts. One lookout, Art Peterson
SAR6 + 12, BAC 65%, STR 15, BRV 79%, stations himself
on Broadway outside the north door to the bank. The
second lookout, "Mustang Joe" Fisher R15 +6, BAC 69%,
STR 14, BRV 71% stations himself on Dodge Street outside
the south door to the bank. The third lookout, Tony
Ro sselli SAR6 +12, BAC 58%, STR 13, BRV 73% stations
himself on Washington Avenue outside the east door to the
bank. The three men who enter the bank are Merle Kirby
SAR6 +20, BAC 75%, STR 14, BRV 81%, his brother Boyd
Kirby SAR6 +26, BAC 81%, STR 17, BRV 86%, and Gil
Hardy, "The Cheyenne Kid" FDR6 +29, SAR6 +27, BAC
88%, STR 15, BRV 94%.
Inside the bank are Carl Loomis D2 + 1, BAC 40%, STR 13,
BRV 47%, a bank teller; Walter McBain SAR6 +4, BAC
35%, STR 14, BRV 42%, the bank president; Mrs. Norma
Handel, who is unarmed, and Gus Schwartz SAR6 +9,
BAC 66%, STR 14, BRV 62%. Gus is a drummer who sells
firearms. His pistol is in his sample case. Depending in the
VIII. Two safecrackers are breaking into the Wells Fargo 170 circumstances, reaching the gun could require negative
safe. While one man is cracking the safe, the second man is speed modifications. Walter McBain's pistol is in his desk
standing guard at the west door of the building. The safe- drawer. Reaching it might also require negative speed
cracker is "Blackjack" Porter SAR6 +7, BAC 55%, STR modifications. When considering morale, keep in mind that
13, BRV 63%. The lookout is Otto Schultz SAR6 +9, BAC the Kirby gang has a territory-wide reputation as
60%, STR 14, BRV 60%. Otto is holding a stick of dynamite desperados and The Cheyenne Kid is known to be a gun-
and a fuse which were not needed to crack the safe. If the fighter with a reputation.
player characters have drawn their guns to investigate the
building, or give the impression that they suspect that a At least three individuals are on the streets at the time of the
robbery is in progress, there is a 50% chance that Otto lights holdup. Place one individual from either the Kane or the
the dynamite, throws it out the door at the player charac- Russell faction somewhere on Broadway (either section).
ters, then closes the door . This encounter is an adaptation Place one individual from inside the Lazy A Hotel 70, 77, 78
for the multi-player adventure of the encounter detailed in somewhere on Main Street. Place one individual from the
entries21i, 170,173,177,180,181,184,186,187,189, 191- CHANCE ENCOUNTER TABLE for the solo adventure
196, 198, 201-209 and215 of the solo adventure. somewhere on Dodge Street. The individuals may be chosen
by the referee or picked at random.
IX. Three brothers mistake one of the player characters for Sam
Collins, the man who killed their father. The three of them
immediately open fire. The oldest brother is Jacob Malone
SAR6 +8, BAC 40%, STR 13, BRV 35%. The other two
brothers are Joshua Malone SG2 +5, BAC 55%, STR 14,
BRV 48%; and Solomon Malone R15 +5, BAC 50%, STR
13, BRV 61%. The encounter is an adaptation for the multi-
player adventure of the encounter detailed in entries 21g,
21h, 182, 185, 188, 199 and 211 of the solo adventure.
X. The player characters chance across a man carrying a sack.
Inside the sack is the corpse of a man who died recently
from gunshot wounds. Unless the player characters ask,
they do not know that the man is following the sheriff's
orders and stashing the corpse in the Ice House 225 until
burial. The man is John Billings and he does not fight if
fired upon. The encounter is detailed in entries 21j, 213,
216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 225, 228-230, 233, 236 and 238 of
the solo adventure.
XI. Four men try to firebomb the office of the Mad Mesa
Gazette 214. The leader of the men is Sam Archer SAR6
+ 13, BAC 50%, STR 13, BRV 57%. The other men are his
hired hands. They are Jerry Tucker SG2 +2, BAC 55%,
STR 13, BRV 40%; Martin Bond R15 +5, BAC 50%, STR
14, BRV 53%; and Barry White SAR6 +7, BAC 50%, STR
12, BRV 43%. This encounter is an adaptation for the
multi-player adventure of the encounter detailed in entries
21k, 214,217,220,223,226,227,231,232,235 and237 of
the solo adventure. :P,'8/
The bank robbers try to be as inconspicuous as possible. to him. The other bank robbers' horses are tethered on
They do not arrive in town together. They can be brought in Broadway outside the Bank, the Feed Store, and the
as part of chance encounters. The robbers converge on the Gazette Office. Any bank robber that succeeds in getting
bank from several approaches so that three robbers enter out of town has escaped as far as the adventure is con-
the bank at the same time that the lookouts are in position. cerned.
The robbery should be timed by the referee so that most of
the player characters are within SAR range of the bank at
the time of the robbery.
If any shooting starts, individuals inside buildings can Non-Player Character Statbdcs. Listed below, in alphabetical
begin to react to the shooting one full turn after the first order by last name, are the statistics for the armed people a player
shots have been exchanged. Until then, the only individuals might meet in Mad Mesa. The characteristics are listed in the fol-
who can react to the robbery are those individuals who can lowing order: BSP = base speed addition because of charac-
actually see the robbery in progress. teristics; BAC = base gun accuracy; SPD = Speed Rating; GAC
= Gun Accuracy Rating; TAC = Throwing Accuracy Rating;
Once the robbers have the money , or their morale breaks, STR = numerical Strength Rating; BRV = Bravery Rating; EXP
they try to ride out of town. Each lookout has his horse next = Number of Gunfights survived.
Carl Anderson -1 so 10 38 24 13 57 1
Sam Archer +5 50 43 38 01 13 57 1
Pete Armitage -5 31 05 05 12 13 30 0
"Blackleg" Bart +o 61 08 84 35 14 74 1
John Billings -2 37 10 20 16 14 21 0
Ma Blackburn +9 67 52 68 19 15 85 3
Chuck Blain +1 40 20 23 15 14 60 0
"Buckshot" Blume +26 95 100 99 64 15 93 11+
Martin Bond +10 so 72 45 28 14 53 1
Cole Brennan +6 61 36 76 19 14 71 2
Al Bronson +7 60 59 44 39 13 58 2
Billy Brown +6 56 37 84 100 13 73 0
Joe Carrol +3 50 35 36 51 13 36 1
Paul Carson +5 60 38 69 so 13 57 3
Sam Collins +2 51 11 35 19 16 76 1
Andrew Cook +2 70 29 53 28 13 30 1
Zeb Davis +8 71 61 87 90 17 80 3
Clem Dixon +2 58 20 41 34 17 70 3
Harry Donovan +1 57 14 11 10 14 46 0
"Wyoming Joe" Elliot +11 51 71 35 12 14 67 2
Jean Evans +1 45 11 44 27 13 43 0
Rob Evanson +7 90 49 92 68 15 83 2
"Mustang Joe" Fisher +11 69 68 69 28 14 71 7
"Red" Green +9 65 64 80 57 15 87 1
Gil Hardy "The Cheyenne Kid" +19 88 95 89 57 15 94 10
Max Hoffmann +3 70 31 36 06 13 59 1
Bob Howard +9 70 64 95 100 17 87 1
Irving "The Mad" +27 100 100 87 48 17 100 6
Fred Jackson -4 43 03 35 28 13 52 0
Sam Jackson -1 40 09 21 13 13 41 0
Clint Johnson +3 so 31 73 97 17 64 0
Jason "II" Johnson +21 83 96 91 90 15 89 10
Charlie Jones -4 62 04 72 63 15 so s
"Doc Jubal" Kane +11 71 75 91 92 15 80 3
Ezekiel Kane +6 61 38 60 06 14 77 3
Hezekiah Kane +25 93 99 99 61 18 96 10
Malachi Kane (healthy) +14 61 90 80 49 16 74 1
(beat up) +9 56 12
Josh Kearney +o so 09 06 OS 15 70 0
Boyd Kirby +18 81 94 93 23 17 86 7
Merle Kirby +12 75 70 91 01 14 81 3
"Whiskey Jack" Kraft -1 so 12 38 11 14 47 1
Barry Lanser -1 45 07 20 19 14 65 1
Luke Las Cruces +6 71 41 52 08 12 80 3
"Frenchie" Le Blanc +3 so 28 47 88 15 61 1
"Gentleman John" Lee -1 50 08 47 02 12 42 1
Carl Loomis -4 40 02 23 10 13 47 0
Angus MacDonald +7 52 54 13 07 14 so 1
Jacob Malone +o so 20 26 27 13 35 0
Joshua Malone +10 55 72 47 18 14 48 0
Solomon Malone +10 so 80 48 19 13 61 2
Esteban Matamoros +s 58 45 81 95 13 62 1
Ernie Mather +s 55 48 67 30 14 54 2
Walter McBain -4 34 05 04 06 14 42 0
"Skins" McGregory +1s 98 89 100 60 16 89 9
Chris Miller +11 53 80 70 25 14 70 0
Jack Miller +6 61 so 85 09 15 68 1
Greg Mitchell +11 45 77 13 14 12 71 2
Tom Morgan +24 93 98 99 80 18 94 10
Roy Murphy +7 65 62 45 15 13 61 3
The Oklahoma Kid +6 61 46 85 13 14 74 2
Sean O'Reilly +8 61 61 58 12 14 80 3
Gary Owen +4 66 28 79 20 15 77 3
Osgood Parkinson +o 31 20 03 10 13 33 0
Art Peterson +4 65 35 70 51 15 79 5
" Blackjack" Porter -1 65 09 67 24 13 63 2
Gabe Potter -5 45 04 33 10 14 33 1
Eric Rodgers +1 so 12 39 02 13 65 2
Isabelle Rogers +1 53 12 59 65 15 54 1
Tony Rosselli +4 58 33 66 58 13 73 1
Clay Russell +11 76 78 86 08 15 78 1
Frank Russell +6 61 45 77 74 16 71 2
Jeff Russell +9 70 65 92 75 14 84 1
"Old Man" Russell +4 so 21 15 30 13 66 3
Alex Sanders +6 61 47 79 71 14 66 1
Otto Schultz +1 60 20 71 43 14 60 4
Gus Schwartz +1 66 16 71 08 14 62 7
Ed Sellers , Sr. +3 44 27 04 05 16 48 0
Ben Slade -5 37 01 17 13 12 28 0
Bertie Slade +o so 14 30 34 13 35 3
Jack Sloan +3 75 20 54 21 13 89 0
Dr. James Smith +s 54 39 OS 02 15 49 4
Ben Stockwell +7 so 51 75 so 13 60 0
Billy Stockwell +s 55 49 66 17 14 65 1
Jerry Tucker +7 55 65 22 18 13 48 1
Ralph Wagner +8 81 60 77 58 15 71 1
Barry White -1 so 10 70 17 12 43 0
" Wild Bill" Wilkerson +19 88 91 91 59 17 93 9