Li Ti 2009
Li Ti 2009
Li Ti 2009
Abstract. We show that certain matrix approximation problems in the matrix 2-norm have
uniquely defined solutions, despite the lack of strict convexity of the matrix 2-norm. The problems
we consider are generalizations of the ideal Arnoldi and ideal GMRES approximation problems
introduced by Greenbaum and Trefethen [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 15 (1994), pp. 359–368]. We also
discuss general characterizations of best approximation in the matrix 2-norm and provide an example
showing that a known sufficient condition for uniqueness in these characterizations is not necessary.
Key words. matrix approximation problems, polynomials in matrices, matrix functions, matrix
2-norm, GMRES, Arnoldi’s method
where kgkΩ ≡ maxz∈Ω |g(z)|, and Pm denotes the set of polynomials of degree at
most m. (Note that since in (1.1) we seek an approximation from a finite dimensional
subspace, the minimum is indeed attained by some polynomial p∗ ∈ Pm .)
Scalar approximation problems of the form (1.1) have been studied since the mid
1850s. Accordingly, numerous results on existence and uniqueness of the solution as
well as estimates for the value of (1.1) are known. Here we consider a problem that at
first sight looks similar, but apparently is much less understood: Let f be a function
that is analytic in an open neighborhood of the spectrum of a given matrix A ∈ Cn×n ,
so that f (A) is well defined, and let | · | be a given matrix norm. Consider the matrix
approximation problem
|v − s∗ | = min |v − s| .
∗ Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin,
Germany ( The work of this author was supported by the Heisenberg
Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
‡ Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod vodárenskou
věžı́ 2, 18207 Prague, Czech Republic ( The work of this author was supported
by the GAAS grant IAA100300802.
A proof of this classical result can be found in most books on approximation theory;
see, e.g., [3, Chapter 1]. In particular, if the norm is strictly convex, then (1.2) is
guaranteed to have a unique solution as long as the value of (1.2) is positive.
A useful matrix norm that is met in many applications is the matrix 2-norm (or
spectral norm), which for a given matrix A is equal to the largest singular value of A.
We denote the 2-norm of A by kAk. This norm is not strictly convex as can be seen
from the following simple example: Suppose that we have two matrices A1 , A2 ∈ Cn×n
of the form
B 0 B 0
A1 = , A2 = ,
0 C 0 D
with kA1 k = kA2 k = kBk ≥ 12 kC + Dk. Then 12 kA1 + A2 k = kBk, but whenever
C 6= D, we have A1 6= A2 . Consequently, in case of the matrix 2-norm the classi-
cal uniqueness result mentioned above does not apply, and our question about the
uniqueness of the solution of the matrix approximation problem (1.2) is nontrivial.
It is well known that when the function f is analytic in an open neighborhood
of the spectrum of the matrix A ∈ Cn×n , then f (A) is a well-defined complex n × n
matrix. In fact, f (A) = pf (A), where pf is a polynomial that depends on the values
and possibly the derivatives of f on the spectrum of A. The recent book of Higham [5]
gives an extensive overview of definitions, applications, and computational techniques
for matrix functions. Our above question now naturally leads to the following math-
ematical problem: Let a polynomial b and a nonnegative integer m < deg b be given.
Determine conditions so that the best approximation problem
has a unique solution, where k · k is the matrix 2-norm and Pm denotes the set of
polynomials of degree at most m.
When searching the literature we found a number of results on general characteri-
zations of best approximations in normed linear spaces of matrices, e.g. in [7, 9, 15, 16],
but just a few papers related to our specific problem. In particular, Greenbaum and
Trefethen consider in [4] the two approximation problems
They state that both (1.4) and (1.5) (for nonsingular A) have a unique minimizera .
The problem (1.4) is equal to (1.3) with b(A) = Am+1 . Because of its relation to
the convergence of the Arnoldi method [1] for approximating eigenvalues of A, the
uniquely defined monic polynomial z m+1 − p∗ that solves (1.4) is called the (m + 1)st
ideal Arnoldi polynomial of A. In a paper that is mostly concerned with algorithmic
and computational results, Toh and Trefethen [13] call this polynomial the (m + 1)st
Chebyshev polynomial of A. The reason for this terminology is the following: When
the matrix A is normal, i.e. unitarily diagonalizable, problem (1.4) becomes a scalar
approximation problem of the form (1.1) with f (z) = z m+1 and Ω being the spectrum
a The statement of uniqueness is true but the proof given in [4], which was later repeated in [14,
Chapter 29], contains a small error at the very end. After the error was spotted by Michael Eiermann,
it was fixed by Anne Greenbaum in 2005, but the correction has not been published.
Let us rewrite the approximation problem (1.3) in a more convenient equivalent form:
min kb(A) − p(A)k = min k b(A) − p(A) + βj Aj k
p∈Pm p∈Pm
= min k βj Aj − p(A) k
(2.1) = min k Am+1 βj+m+1 Aj − p(A) k .
The polynomials in (2.1) are of the form z m+1 g + h, where the polynomial g ∈ Pℓ is
given, and h ∈ Pm is sought. Hence (1.3) is equivalent to the problem
Proof. (1) ⇒ (2): We suppose that m + ℓ + 1 ≥ d(A) and show that (1) fails to
hold. Denote the minimal polynomial of A by ΨA . If m + 1 ≤ d(A) ≤ ℓ + m + 1,
then there exist uniquely determined polynomials b g 6= 0, and b
g ∈ Pℓ , b h ∈ Pm , so that
z m+1 · b h = ΨA . Hence minp∈G (g) kp(A)k = 0 for g = gb. If 0 ≤ d(A) ≤ m, let bg be
any nonzero polynomial of degree at most ℓ. By the division theorem for polynomialsb ,
there exist uniquely defined polynomials q ∈ Pm+ℓ+1−d(A) and h ∈ Pm−1 , so that
z m+1 ·b
g = q·ΨA −h, or, equivalently, z m+1 ·b
g +h = q·ΨA . Hence Am+1 gb(A)+h(A) = 0,
which means that minp∈G (g) kp(A)k = 0 for the nonzero polynomial g = b g ∈ Pℓ .
(2) ⇒ (1): If m+ℓ+1 < d(A), then Gℓ,m ⊂ Pm+ℓ+1 implies minp∈G (g) kp(A)k > 0
for every nonzero polynomial g ∈ Pℓ .
(2) ⇒ (3): If m+ℓ+1 < d(A), then Hℓ,m ⊂ Pm+ℓ+1 implies minp∈H(h) kp(A)k > 0
for every nonzero polynomial h ∈ Pm .
(3) ⇒ (2): For this implication we use that A is nonsingular. Suppose that (2)
does not hold, i.e. that 0 ≤ d(A) ≤ m + ℓ + 1. Then there exist uniquely defined
polynomials bg ∈ Pℓ and b g+b
h ∈ Pm , such that z m+1 · b h = ΨA . Since A is assumed
to be nonsingular, we must have h 6= 0. Consequently, minp∈H(h) kp(A)k = 0 for the
nonzero polynomial h = b
h ∈ Pm .
In the following Theorem 2.2 we show that the problem (2.3) has a uniquely
defined minimizer when the value of this problem is positive (and not zero). In the
previous lemma we have shown that m + ℓ + 1 < d(A) is necessary and sufficient so
that the value of (2.3) is positive for all nonzero polynomials g ∈ Pℓ . However, it is
possible that for some nonzero polynomial g ∈ Pℓ the value of (2.3) is positive even
when m + 1 ≤ d(A) ≤ m + ℓ + 1. It is possible to further analyze this special case, but
for the ease of the presentation we simply assume that the value of (2.3) is positive.
b If f and g 6= 0 are polynomials over a field F, then there exist uniquely defined polynomials s
and r over F, such that (i) f = g · s + r, and (ii) either r = 0 or deg r < deg g. If deg f ≥ deg g, then
deg f = deg g + deg s. For a proof of this standard result, see, e.g., [6, Chapter 4].
The same assumption is made in Theorem 2.3 below, where we prove uniqueness of
the minimizer of (2.4) (under the additional assumption that A is nonsingular).
We point out that Lemma 2.1 implies that the approximation problems (1.4), and
(1.5) for nonsingular A, have positive values if and only if m + 1 < d(A). Of course,
if m + 1 = d(A), then the value of both problems is zero. In this case, the (m + 1)st
ideal Arnoldi polynomial that solves (1.4) is equal to the minimal polynomial of A,
and the (m + 1)st ideal GMRES polynomial that solves (1.5) is a scalar multiple of
that polynomial.
Theorem 2.2. Let A ∈ Cn×n be a given matrix, ℓ ≥ 0 and m ≥ 0 be given
integers, and g ∈ Pℓ be a given nonzero polynomial. If the value of (2.3) is positive,
then this problem has a uniquely defined minimizer.
Proof. The general strategy in the following is similar to the construction in [4,
Section 5]. We suppose that q1 = z m+1 g + h1 ∈ Gℓ,m
and q2 = z m+1 g + h2 ∈ Gℓ,m
two distinct solutions to (2.3) and derive a contradiction. Suppose that the minimal
norm attained by the two polynomials is
kq(A)k ≤ (kq1 (A)k + kq2 (A)k) = C.
Since C is assumed to be the minimal value of (2.3), we must have kq(A)k = C.
Denote the singular value decomposition of q(A) by
Suppose that the maximal singular value σ1 = C of q(A) is J-fold, with left and right
singular vectors given by v1 , . . . , vJ and w1 , . . . , wJ , respectively.
It is well known that the 2-norm for vectors v ∈ Cn , kvk ≡ (v ∗ v)1/2 , is strictly
convex. For each wj , 1 ≤ j ≤ J, we have
C = kq(A)wj k ≤ (kq1 (A)wj k + kq2 (A)wj k) ≤ C ,
which implies
q1 (A)∗ vj = q2 (A)∗ vj , 1 ≤ j ≤ J.
z m+1 g = (q2 − q1 ) · s + r .
Hence we have shown that for the given polynomials q2 − q1 and g there exist poly-
nomials s and r, such that
Since g 6= 0, we must have qe 6= 0. For a fixed ǫ ∈ (0, 1), consider the polynomial
qǫ = (1 − ǫ)q + ǫe
q ∈ Gℓ,m .
By (2.6),
qe(A)wj = 0, qe(A)∗ vj = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ J,
and thus
which shows that w1 , . . . , wJ are right singular vectors of qǫ (A) corresponding to the
singular value (1 − ǫ)C. Note that (1 − ǫ)C < C since C > 0.
Now there are two cases: Either kqǫ (A)k = (1 − ǫ)C, or (1 − ǫ)C is not the largest
singular value of qǫ (A). In the first case we have a contradiction to the fact that C is
the minimal value of (2.3). Therefore the second case must hold. In that case, none
of the vectors w1 , . . . , wJ corresponds to the largest singular value of qǫ (A). Using
this fact and the singular value decomposition (2.5), we get
Note that the norm ke q (A)[wJ+1 , . . . , wn ]k in (2.7) does not depend on the choice of ǫ,
and that (2.7) goes to σJ+1 as ǫ goes to zero. Since σJ > σJ+1 , one can find a positive
ǫ∗ ∈ (0, 1), such that (2.7) is less than σJ for all ǫ ∈ (0, ǫ∗ ). Any of the corresponding
polynomials qǫ gives a matrix qǫ (A) whose norm is less than σJ . This contradiction
finishes the proof.
In the following theorem we prove that the problem (2.4), and hence in particular
the problem (1.5), has a uniquely defined minimizer.
Theorem 2.3. Let A ∈ Cn×n be a given nonsingular matrix, ℓ ≥ 0 and m ≥ 0
be given integers, and h ∈ Pm be a given nonzero polynomial. If the value of (2.4) is
positive, then this problem has a uniquely defined minimizer.
Proof. Most parts of the following proof are analogous to the proof of Theorem 2.2,
and are stated only briefly. However, the construction of the polynomial qǫ used to
derive the contradiction is different.
Now define
ge ≡ z −d (g2 − g1 ) ∈ Pℓ−d .
By construction, e
g is a polynomial with a nonzero constant term. Furthermore, define
h ≡ z −m−1−ℓ+d h and gb ≡ z −ℓ+d e
(Here P−1 ≡ ∅ in case d = ℓ.) By the division theorem for polynomials (see the
footnote on p. 4), there exist uniquely defined polynomials s(y) and r(y) with deg s ≤
m + 1 (since gb 6= 0 is of exact degree ℓ − d) and deg r < ℓ − d (or r = 0) such that
h = ge · se − z m+1 re,
where se ∈ Pm+1 and re ∈ Pℓ−d−1 . Hence we have shown that for the given polynomi-
g there exist polynomials se ∈ Pm+1 and re ∈ Pℓ−d−1 , such that
als h and e
g · se = z m+1 re + h ∈ Hℓ,m
qe ≡ e (h)
qe(A)wj = 0, qe(A)∗ vj = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ J,
Now the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 2.2 gives a contradiction to the
6 q1 .
original assumption that q2 =
Remark 2.4. Similarly as in Lemma 2.1, the assumption of nonsingularity in
the previous theorem is in general necessary. In other words, when A is singular the
approximation problem (2.4) might have more than one solution even when the value
of (2.4) is positive. The following example demonstrating this fact was pointed out to
us by Krystyna Ziȩtak:
Consider a normal matrix A = U ΛU ∗ , where U ∗ U = I and Λ = diag(λ1 , . . . , λn ).
Suppose that A is singular with n distinct eigenvalues and λ1 = 0. Furthermore,
suppose that h ∈ Pm is any given polynomial that satisfies h(0) 6= 0 and |h(0)| >
|h(λj )| for j = 2, . . . , n. Then for any integer ℓ ≥ 0,
One solution of this problem is given by the polynomial g = 0. Moreover, the minimum
value is attained for any polynomial g ∈ Pℓ that satisfies
i.e., for any polynomial g ∈ Pℓ that is close enough to the zero polynomial.
3. Characterization of best approximation with respect to the matrix
2-norm. In this section we discuss general characterizations of best approximation in
linear spaces of matrices with respect to the matrix 2-norm obtained by Ziȩtak [15, 16],
and give an example from our specific problem. To state Ziȩtak’s results, we need
some notation. Suppose that we are given m matrices A1 , . . . , Am ∈ Cn×n that are
linearly independent in Cn×n . We assume that 1 ≤ m < n2 to avoid trivialities.
Denote A ≡ span {A1 , . . . , Am }, which is an m-dimensional subspace of Cn×n . As
above, let k · k denote the matrix 2-norm. For a given matrix B ∈ Cn×n \A, we
consider the best approximation (or matrix nearness) problem
(3.1) min kB − M k .
A matrix A∗ ∈ A for which this minimum is achieved (such a matrix exists since A is
finite dimensional) is called a spectral approximation of B from the subspace A. The
corresponding matrix R(A∗ ) = B − A∗ is called a residual matrix.
The approximation problems (2.3) and (2.4) studied in the previous section are
both special cases of (3.1). In case of (2.3),
We have shown that when the values of these approximation problems are positive
(which is true if ℓ + m + 1 < d(A)), for both these problems there exists a uniquely
defined spectral approximation A∗ of B from the subspace A (in case of (2.4), we have
assumed that A is nonsingular). Another approximation problem that fits into the
template (3.1) arises in the convergence theory for Arnoldi eigenvalue iterations in [2],
where the authors study the problem of minimizing kI − h(A)p(A)k over polynomials
p ∈ Pℓ−2m , ℓ ≥ 2m ≥ 2, and h ∈ Pm is a given polynomial.
In general, the spectral approximation of a matrix B ∈ Cn×n from a subspace A ⊂
C is not unique. Ziȩtak [15] studies the problem (3.1) and gives a general char-
acterization of spectral approximations based on the singular value decomposition of
the residual matrices. In particular, combining results of [16] with [15, Theorem 4.3]
yields the following sufficient condition for uniqueness of the spectral approximation.
Lemma 3.1. In the notation established above, let A∗ be a spectral approximation
of B from the subspace A. If the residual matrix R(A∗ ) = B−A∗ has an n-fold singular
value, then the spectral approximation A∗ of B from the subspace A is unique.
It is quite obvious that the sufficient condition in Lemma 3.1 is, in general, not
necessary. To construct a nontrivial counterexample, we recall that the dual norm to
the matrix 2-norm is the trace norm (also called energy norm or c1 -norm),
(3.2) ||| M ||| ≡ σj (M ) ,
Remark 3.3. Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 are both stated here for square complex ma-
trices. Originally, Lemma 3.1 is formulated in [15] for real rectangular matrices and
Lemma 3.2 given in [16] for square complex matrices. A further generalization to
rectangular complex matrices seems possible, but it is out of our focus here.
Based on Lemma 3.2 we can prove the following result.
Theorem 3.4. For λ ∈ C, consider the n × n Jordan block
λ 1
.. ..
. .
Jλ ≡ .. .
. 1
Then for any nonnegative integer m with m+1 ≤ n, the solution to the approximation
problem (1.4) with A = Jλ , i.e. the (m + 1)st ideal Arnoldi (or Chebyshev) polynomial
of Jλ , is uniquely defined and given by (z − λ)m+1 .
cf. [10, p. 465]. Obviously, neither the polynomial 1 nor the polynomial (3.5) are
scalar multiples of (z − λ)n/2 , the ideal Arnoldi polynomial of degree n/2 of Jλ .
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