English Stories of The Prophets Nuhs Voyage

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Writer : Syed Abu I Hassan Al - Nadvi

All Rights Reserved with Publisher

First Edition Dec : 2012
Copies 1500
Price Rs. 30/-
Published by Syed Abul Hasan Nadvi Publication Trust
# 1-8-5314/1, "Baitul - Salah",
Balasamudram, Nakkalagutta,
Hanamkonda - 506 001 Dist. Warangal I
Masab Tank, Hyderabad, AP (India).

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There are a lot of books about the biographies (Seerat) of Prophets. However the series of books written by Sheikh Abul
Hassan Ali Nadwi on Nuh, Ibrahim, Yusuf and Salih (PBUH) are unique in that the author has emphasized and highlighted
the message delivered by almost all one hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets (PBUH) That is, to accept, believe and
worship alone the Almighty God.
All the Prophets counseled their followers to worship God alone. But the people rejected the message of God despite
knowing that the Prophets were pious, generous, intelligent, sincere and trust worthy. Slowly the descendents of Adam
started worshiping and associating other things with Our Creator, the one true God.
The purpose of re-publishing these series is to inform the slaves of our Creator the punishment of associating any partner
with the one God, Which is called "Shirk".
It has been observed that in this busy world most of the people are inclining towards materialistic things. After speaking to
various scholars and religious personalities about the lack of knowledge of the Oneness of God, Prophethood and the Day
of Judgment, especially among the young generation of Muslim Community living outside the Muslim countries, the Syed
Abul Hassan Publication Trust, Hyderabad, India decided to bring out these series It is our hope to distribute this among
school Children and pray to Almighty God to include this series in the curriculum of the schools in the GCC states of the
Middle East.
Finally Iwould like to thank my parents and my mentor Sheikh SyedAbul Hassan Nadwi for their blessings due to which I got
inspired to do this holy work I am also thankful to Br.Ibrahim wadi, English Teacher, King Abdul Aziz University, KSA for
his editing the series.
Muslehuddin Ahmed
Managing Trustee
Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef
Syed Abul Hasan Nadwi a great Indian Muslim scholar, a thinker of International repute, an authority on Islam, a social
reformer and an educationist needs no introduction. He is a well known author of a number of books on several diverse
aspects of Islam. I have had the privilege of reading some of his books (like Islam and the World , Muhammad the Last
prophet, Four Pillars of Islam and Faith vs. Materialism) and also meeting him as a constituent member and founder of
Muslim World League (a pan Islamic organization whose headquarter is Makkah Al-Mukarramah) and as a Chairman of
Oxford Islamic Center, UK.
His works, translated into many languages and acclaimed throughout the world , provide insight into Islam and inspire
readers to research . He wrote various books for serious readers as well as a series for ch ildren. Stories of the Prophets
are small booklets which provide basic knowledge to young minds. Basics are important in a learning process and
making a lasting edifice. This series of 4 small books is based on narrations about Prophets mentioned in the Holy
Quran and not just an innovation of human mind. Explained very systematically and chronologically in a simple
narration-conversation format with translation of verses from the Holy Quran at appropriate places, the books highlight
the message in explicit and implicit words: Worship Allah and just submit to Him.
Through these books Sheikh Nadwi, does not burden the young mind but paves the inspiring way for further reading. I
personally feel their inclusion in any Islamic syllabus would be richly rewarding .

Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef

Chairman Islamic Center Oxford University, United Kingdom
Former Deputy Speake~ Parliament, KSA
and President, King Abdul Aziz University, KSA
The Prophet Nuh
Nuh's Voyage
"(> Adam (peace and blessing be upon him)

After Allah blessed the descendants of Adam, his children and grandchildren, and they spread and multiplied.
If Adam had come back and seen them all, he would not have recognized them and if someone had said to
him,'these are your descendants, Adam,'he would have been extremely astonished. He would have said,
'Glory be to Allah! These are all my children! These are all my descendants!'
Adam's descendants founded many villages. They built many houses. they ploughed the land, grew crops
and lived in comfort and contentment. They followed the way of their ancestor, Adam. They worshiped only
Allah and did not worship anything else besides Him.
They were one united community. Adam was the one father of all of them, and Allah was their On
But how could Satan al'ilCI his descendants be content with thi's-?
Were not people still worshiping Allah? Were not people still a
single community with no differences? That could not be! That
could not be!
Would Adam's descendants go to Heaven while lblis anGI liiis
descended go to Hell? That could not be! That could not be!
Satan had not bowed down to Adam when Allah had comman · ·
him to do so. So he was driven out and damned forever. Shoul6
not take revenge on the sons of Adam so that they would go to tf.l
Fire with him? Certainly he would do so. Certainly he would do so.

+ Satan's idea
He decided to call the sons of Adam to worship idols so that they would go to Hell and never step into Heaven.
Satan knew very well that Allah forgives all sins if He wishes except for Shirk (i.e. worshiping other things.beside
So Satan decided to call the people to associate other things with Allah so that they would never go to Heaven.
But how could he persuade them when people were worsQlping Allah?
'Worsh·i ~,i~ ol{ ~otiworship
If he went to the people and said to them : Do Allah, ' they would curse him and reject
him. They would say: 'Allah forbid! How can we a~§b'ci)lfe qth~.things with our Lord? How can we worship idols?
You are cursed Satan! You are foul Satan!' Y \~Jfv\l ", :
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+ Satan's trick
At last Satan found the way to put his idea into people's mind. There had been men who feared Allah and
worshiped Him night and day and who remembered him often. They had loved Allah, so Allah had loved them
a111cl araswered their prayers. Satan was well aware of the fact that people loved them and spoke of them with
nes.~eet lsmg after they had died and gone to Allah's mercy. So he went to the people and mentioned those men.
me said: 'What do you think of such a person?'
Th~y said: 'Slory be to Allah! They were men of Allah and His friends. When those men prayed, He answered
tfuem. When they asked, for something He gave it to them.

+ Pictures of the righteous men

Satam asked: ' How great is your sorrow for then?' They rep Iied: 'Very great indeed.'
He·asked: 'How great is your longing for them?' They replied: 'Very great indeed!'
Hie asked: 'Why don't you look at them every day then? They said: 'How can we do that when they are dead9' ~e
saicl: 'Make pictures of them and look at them every morning.'
Peaple liked Satan's idea and made such pictures and looked at them every day. Whenever the~ s·a ,
pictures, they remembered how those holy men had lived.

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+ What answer did his people give to him?
When Nuh began to say to his people: "/ am a faithful messenger to you," (26: 107) some of them answered back: 'When
did this man become a Prophet? Yesterday he was one of us and today he says;" I am Allah's messenger to you"I
Nuh's friends said: 'This man used to play with us when we were young and he sat with us every day. When did he
become a Prophet? Was it during the day or the night?
The rich and proud said: could not Allah find any one except Him? Has every one else died? Could not He find anyone
except a poor man?.
The ignorant ones said to each other :"This is only a man like yourselves. If Allah had willed, He would have sent down
angels. We have never heard of this among our fathers, the ancients." (23:24)
Some of the people said that Nuh only wanted to become a leader, a man of power and position among them, by saying
he was the messenger of Allah.

People had got used to thinking that worshiping i h and a sensible thing to do. they thought that any one
who did not worship idols was foolish. They wo worshiped idols so why does this man not worship

lish. Nuh thought that their fathers were wrong and unwise
rs hip idols. He worshiped Allah alone. Nuh thought that the
nd did not wor~pAllah whQhad created them.
+ Nuh's call
Nuh went on calling his people and trying hard to counsel them.
He said; 'O my people! I am a clear warner to you' saying "Worship Allah and fear Him and obey me that He may
forgive you your sins and defer you to a specified term. When Allah's term comes, it cannot be deferred, if you
only knew. "(71: 2-4)
Allah kept the rain from them and was angry with them. Their harvests were small and they had few children. Nuh
told them: 'My people! if you believe, Allah will be pleased with you and remove this punishment.
Then, when Allah sent the rain to them and blessed their crops and children, Nuh called his people and said to
them: 'Don't you recognize Allah? These are the signs of Allah all around you. Can't you see them? Can't you see
the heavens and the earth? Can't you see the sun and the moon? Who created the heavens? Who placed the
moon as light and made the sun as a lamp? He created you and laid the earth as a carpet for you.'
But the people of Nuh would not understand and would not believe. When Nuh called them o Allah, they put their
fingers in their ears. Now, how can anyone who dose not hear a message u derstand it? How can anyone who
does not want to listen, hear anythi11g?
+ Nuh's prayer
Nuh tried hard and stayed with his people for nine hundred and fifty years, calling them to Allah, but his people
would not believe. They would not stop worshiping idols. They refused to return to AJlah.
How long could Nuh wait? How long could he watch the earth and its people being ruined? How long could he
put up with his people worshiping stones? How long could he watch them eat from Allah's provisions while they
worshiped something else?
Why did Nuh not get angry? He was more patient than anyone else could have been! Nine hundred and fifty
years; Allah is great! Allah is great!
Then Allah revealed to Nuh, "None of your people will believe except those who have already believed" (11 :36)
When N.Y.Q.called his people again, they said, Nuh! You have disputed and disputed often with us, so bring us
what yolJ:promised if you are speaking the truth. "(1 '1 :32) - --
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MTiiffi IDeoome am@py for All~m and despaired of those people. He said, 'O Allah, d.@ not leave·even one of the
~~· er{s 0m mantlill' .: l
+ The ark
Allah answered Nu h's prayer and He decided What the fate of the unbelievers would be. All of them would be
drowned in a great flood.
Allah wanted to save Nuh and the believers. He commanded Nuh to build a great ship, and Nuh began to build a
great ship straightaway.
Jhe unbelievers from his people saw him working busily and they mocked: 'What is this, Nuh? Since when
ave you become a carpenter? Didn't we tell you not sit with the carpenters and ironsmiths and now you have
eally become a carpenter!
here is this ship going, Nuh? Everything about you is unbelievable! Is it going to saH in the s nd or climb up
he mountain? The sea is a long way from here. Will the jinn carry it or will oxen pull it?'.
uh heard all that and was patient. He had heard worse things and had been patient. But
ytothem, "If you mockus, wewil/mockyou as well." (11 : 38)
+ Nuh's son
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He is not one of your family
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+ After the flood
When what Allah willed had happened and the unbelievers were drowned, the rain stopped and the water
sank away.
The Ark stopped on Mount Judi. It was said: "Away with the wrong-doing people!" (11: 44) It was said: "Nuh,
get down in peace." (11 : 48)
Nuh and the people of the Ark got down and walked on the earth in peace. The unbelievers of the people
of Nuh were destroyed. Neither the heavens nor the earth wept for them.
Allah blessed the descendants of Nuh and they spread in the land and filled the earth, there were
communities among them and there were Prophets and kings among them.

Peace be upon Nuh among all the worlds!

"Peace be upon Nuh among al/the worlds/"(37: 79)


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