Service Manual: AL5 AL5 With Tier 4 AL5000
Service Manual: AL5 AL5 With Tier 4 AL5000
Service Manual: AL5 AL5 With Tier 4 AL5000
AL5 with Tier 4
Intr oducti on Intr oducti on
Important Inform ati on
Safety Rules
Safety Rules
Gener al Safety R ules
Section 1 Safety R ules
Failure to obey the instructions and safety rules in
this manual and the appropriate Operator's Manual
on your machine will result in death or serious
Many of the hazards identified in the operator's
manual are also safety hazards when maintenance
and repair procedures are performed.
Safety Rules
Read each procedure thoroughly. This Be sure to keep sparks, flames and
manual and the decals on the machine, lighted tobacco away from flammable and
use signal words to identify the following: combustible materials like battery gases
and engine fuels. Always have an
Safety alert symbol—used to alert approved fire extinguisher within easy
personnel to potential personal reach.
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol Be sure that all tools and working areas
to avoid possible injury or death. are properly maintained and ready for
use. Keep work surfaces clean and free of
Indicates a imminently hazardous debris that could get into machine
situation which, if not avoided, will components and cause damage.
result in death or serious injury.
Be sure any forklift, overhead crane or
Indicates a potentially hazardous other lifting or supporting device is fully
situation which, if not avoided, capable of supporting and stabilizing the
could result in death or serious weight to be lifted. Use only chains or
injury. straps that are in good condition and of
ample capacity.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure that fasteners intended for one
may cause minor or moderate time use (i.e., cotter pins and self-locking
injury. nuts) are not reused. These components
may fail if they are used a second time.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure to properly dispose of old oil or
may result in property damage. other fluids. Use an approved container.
Please be environmentally safe.
Be sure to wear protective eye wear and
other protective clothing if the situation Be sure that your workshop or work area
warrants it. is properly ventilated and well lit.
Be aware of potential crushing hazards
such as moving parts, free swinging or
unsecured components when lifting or
placing loads. Always wear approved
steel-toed shoes.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Lighting ............................................................................................................... 48
1-1 How to Remove a Lamp ................................................................................ 48
1-2 How to Check Line Voltage ........................................................................... 48
1-3 How to Check the Open Circuit Voltage [Terex SM] ..................................... 49
Table of Contents
Mast ..................................................................................................................... 50
2-1 How to Remove the Mast Assembly .............................................................. 50
2-2 How to Disassemble the Mast Assembly ....................................................... 50
2-3 How to Replace the Mast Lift Cables ............................................................. 51
2-4 How to Remove the Electric Winch ................................................................ 53
2-5 How to Disassemble the Manual Winch ........................................................ 53
2-6 How to Assemble the Manual Winch ............................................................. 54
2-7 How to Remove the Electric Winch ................................................................ 55
Table of Contents
Generator ............................................................................................................ 60
7-1 Generator ....................................................................................................... 60
7-2 How to Check a Generator Capacitor ............................................................ 61
7-3 How to Check a Generator Diode .................................................................. 62
Section 2 Specific ati ons
40° C
Injection system
Injection pump Bosch MD mini
Displacement 68.53 cu in
1.12 liters Injection timing 19° BTDC
Number of cylinders 3 Injection pump pressure, 1991 psi
maximum 137 bar
Bore and Stroke 3.07 x 3.09 inches
78 x 78.4 mm Fuel requirement
Horsepower 13.6 @ 1800 For fuel requirements, refer to the engine Operator
10.1 kW Manual for your engine.
Firing order 1-2-3 Battery
Compression ratio 23:1 Type 12V DC
Compression pressure 412 to 469 psi Group 27TM
28.4 to 32.3 bar Quantity 1
Engine speed 1800 rpm Cold cranking ampere 500
Governor centrifugal Reserve capacity @ 75A rate 105 minutes
Valve Clearance, cold 0.0057 to 0.0072 in
0.145 to 0.185 mm Alternator output 40A, 12V DC
Injection system
Injection pump Bosch MD mini
Displacement 91.41 cu in
1.5 liters Injection timing 19° BTDC
Number of cylinders 4 Injection pump pressure, 1991 psi
maximum 137 bar
Bore and Stroke 3.07 x 3.09 inches
78 x 78.4 mm Fuel requirement
Horsepower 17.9 @ 1800 For fuel requirements, refer to the engine Operator
13.4 kW Manual for your engine.
Firing order 1-3-4-2 Battery
Compression ratio 22:1 Type 12V DC
Compression pressure 412 to 469 psi Group 27TM
28.4 to 32.3 bar Quantity 1
Engine speed 1800 rpm Cold cranking ampere 630
Governor centrifugal Reserve capacity @ 75A rate 105 minutes
Valve Clearance, cold 0.0057 to 0.0072 in
0.145 to 0.185 mm Alternator output 30A, 12V DC
Injection system
Injection pump Bosch, PFR type
Displacement 133 cu in
2.179 liters Injection timing 16° BTDC
Number of cylinders 4 Injection pump pressure, 1920 psi
maximum 132.8 bar
Bore and Stroke 3.35 x 3.78 inches
85 x 96 mm Fuel requirement
Horsepower 31.4 @ 1800 For fuel requirements, refer to the engine Operator
23.4 kW Manual for your engine.
Firing order 1-3-4-2 Battery
Compression ratio 21.5:1 Type 12V DC
Compression pressure 412 to 469 psi Group 27TM
28.4 to 32.3 bar Quantity 1
Engine speed 1800 rpm Cold cranking ampere 630
Governor variable speed, Reserve capacity @ 75A rate 105 minutes
Valve Clearance, cold
Alternator output 35A, 12V DC
Intake 0.0157 in
0.4 mm Fan belt deflection 1/4 to 3/8 inch
7 to 9 mm
Exhaust 0.0157 in
0.4 mm
Engine coolant
Capacity 4 quarts
3.8 liters
Coolant temperature switch 221°± 7°F
(engine shut-off temperature) 105° ± 4°C
Lubrication system
Oil pressure (hot @ 1800 rpm) 64 psi
4.4 bar
Oil capacity (including filter) 7.08 quarts
6.7 liters
Oil pressure switch (engine 14 psi
shutoff pressure) 0.96 bar
Oil viscosity requirements
Unit ships with 10W-30. Extreme operating
temperatures may require the use of alternative engine
oils. For oil requirements, refer to the Engine Operator
Manual for your engine.
Injection system
Injection pump Bosch, PFR type
Displacement 133 cu in
2.179 liters Injection timing 16° BTDC
Number of cylinders 4 Injection pump pressure, 1920 psi
maximum 132.8 bar
Bore and Stroke 3.35 x 3.78 inches
85 x 96 mm Fuel requirement
Horsepower 31.4 @ 1800 For fuel requirements, refer to the engine Operator
23.4 kW Manual for your engine.
Firing order 1-3-4-2 Battery
Compression ratio 21.5:1 Type 12V DC
Compression pressure 412 to 469 psi Group 27TM
28.4 to 32.3 bar Quantity 1
Engine speed 1800 rpm Cold cranking ampere 630
Governor variable speed, Reserve capacity @ 75A rate 105 minutes
Valve Clearance, cold
Alternator output 35A, 12V DC
Intake 0.0157 in
0.4 mm Fan belt deflection 1/4 to 3/8 inch
7 to 9 mm
Exhaust 0.0157 in
0.4 mm
Engine coolant
Capacity 4 quarts
3.8 liters
Coolant temperature switch 221°± 7°F
(engine shut-off temperature) 105° ± 4°C
Lubrication system
Oil pressure (hot @ 1800 rpm) 64 psi
4.4 bar
Oil capacity (including filter) 7.08 quarts
6.7 liters
Oil pressure switch (engine 14 psi
shutoff pressure) 0.96 bar
Oil viscosity requirements
Unit ships with 10W-30. Extreme operating
temperatures may require the use of alternative engine
oils. For oil requirements, refer to the Engine Operator
Manual for your engine.
Injection system
Injection pump Bosch, PFR type
Displacement 133 cu in
2.179 liters Injection timing 16° BTDC
Number of cylinders 4 Injection pump pressure, 1920 psi
maximum 132.8 bar
Bore and Stroke 3.35 x 3.78 inches
85 x 96 mm Fuel requirement
Horsepower 31.4 @ 1800 For fuel requirements, refer to the engine Operator
23.4 kW Manual for your engine.
Firing order 1-3-4-2 Battery
Compression ratio 21.5:1 Type 12V DC
Compression pressure 412 to 469 psi Group 27TM
28.4 to 32.3 bar Quantity 1
Engine speed 1800 rpm Cold cranking ampere 630
Governor variable speed, Reserve capacity @ 75A rate 105 minutes
Valve Clearance, cold
Alternator output 35A, 12V DC
Intake 0.0157 in
0.4 mm Fan belt deflection 1/4 to 3/8 inch
7 to 9 mm
Exhaust 0.0157 in
0.4 mm
Engine coolant
Capacity 4 quarts
3.8 liters
Coolant temperature switch 221°± 7°F
(engine shut-off temperature) 105° ± 4°C
Lubrication system
Oil pressure (hot @ 1800 rpm) 64 psi
4.4 bar
Oil capacity (including filter) 7.08 quarts
6.7 liters
Oil pressure switch (engine 14 psi
shutoff pressure) 0.96 bar
Oil viscosity requirements
Unit ships with 10W-30. Extreme operating
temperatures may require the use of alternative engine
oils. For oil requirements, refer to the Engine Operator
Manual for your engine.
Wheel lugs
Lug nut torque, lubricated 67.5 ft-lbs
Generator 91.5 Nm
Flex plate to flywheel 15 ft-lbs Lug nut torque, dry 90 ft-lbs
20 Nm 122 Nm
Generator case to bell housing 30 ft-lbs Engine vibration isolators
41 Nm
Mounting bolts, dry 60 ft-lbs
Generator isolators 75 ft-lbs 81 Nm
102 Nm
Mounting bolts, lubricated 45 ft-lbs
61 Nm
SAE and M etric F asteners Tor que C harts
Machine Configuration:
Section 3 Schedul ed Mai ntenance Pr ocedures
Intr oducti on
Symbols Legend
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
to avoid possible injury or death.
Indicates that a cold engine will be Semi-annually or every 500 hours A+B+C
required to perform this procedure. Annually or every 1000 hours A+B+C+D
Two-year or every 2000 hours A+B+C+D+E
Fundamentals Instructions
Pre-Deliv ery Prepar ati on Repor t
It is the responsibility of the owner or dealer to Use the operator’s manual on your machine.
perform the Pre-delivery Preparation.
The Pre-delivery Preparation consists of
The Pre-delivery Preparation is performed prior to completing the Pre-operation Inspection, the
each delivery. The inspection is designed to Maintenance items and the Function Tests.
discover if anything is apparently wrong with a
machine before it is put into service. Use this form to record the results. Place a check in
the appropriate box after each part is completed.
A damaged or modified machine must never be Follow the instructions in the operator’s manual.
used. If damage or any variation from factory
delivered condition is discovered, the machine If any inspection receives an N, remove the
must be tagged and removed from service. machine from service, repair and re-inspect it. After
repair, place a check in the R box.
Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the Legend
manufacturer's specifications. Y = yes, acceptable
N = no, remove from service
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be R = repaired
performed by qualified service technicians, Comments
according to the manufacturer's specifications and
the requirements listed in the responsibilities
Pre-delivery Preparation Y N R
Pre-operation inspection completed
Maintenance items completed
Function tests completed
Serial number
Machine owner
Inspected by (print)
Inspector signature
Inspector title
Inspector company
April 2015 Service Manual
• Make copies of this report to use for A-6 Brakes (if equipped) B-8 Brakes (if equipped)
each inspection. Perform after 10 miles: B-9 Suspension
• Select the appropriate checklist(s) for
the type of inspection(s) to perform. A-7 Lug nuts Perform every 400 hours:
Daily or every 8 hours A Perform weekly: B-10 Engine maintenance
A+B - Kubota models
Quarterly or every A-8 Tires and wheels
250 hours
A-9 Engine air filter
Semi-annually or A+B+C
every 500 hours A-10 Generator
Annually or A+B+C+D maintenance
every A-11 Engine maintenance
1000 hours - Kubota models
Two-year or A+B+C+D+E Perform after 50 hours:
2000 hours A-12 Engine maintenance
- Kubota models
• Place a check in the appropriate box
after each inspection procedure is Perform monthly:
completed. A-13 Cables and pulleys
• Use the step-by-step procedures in
this section to learn how to perform Perform every 100 hours:
these inspections.
A-14 Engine maintenance
• If any inspection receives an "N," tag - Kubota models
and remove the machine from service,
repair and re-inspect it. After repair, Perform every 200 hours:
place a check in the "R" box.
A-15 Engine maintenance
- Kubota models
Legend A-16 Generator
Y = yes, acceptable maintenance
N = no, remove from service A-17 Fuel/Water
R = repaired separator
A-18 Brakes (if equipped)
Y = yes, acceptable
N = no, remove from service
R = repaired
Checklist A Procedures
Checklist A Procedur es
A-1 Ins pect the M anuals and D ec als
Checklist A Procedures
A-2 A-3
A-2 Per form Pre- operation Ins pection A-3 Per form F uncti on Tes ts
Terex specifications require that this procedure be Terex specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever comes performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever comes
first. first.
Completing a Pre-operation Inspection is essential Completing the function tests is essential to safe
to safe machine operation. The Pre-operation machine operation. Function tests are designed to
Inspection is a visual inspection performed by the discover any malfunctions before the machine is
operator prior to each work shift. The inspection is put into service. A malfunctioning machine must
designed to discover if anything is apparently never be used. If malfunctions are discovered, the
wrong with a machine before the operator performs machine must be tagged and removed from
the function tests. The Pre-operation Inspection service.
also serves to determine if routine maintenance
procedures are required. Complete information to perform this procedure is
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Complete information to perform this procedure is Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.
Checklist A Procedures
A-4 A-5
A-4 Per form Engi ne M ai ntenance A-5 Per form C oupl er Mai ntenance
Engine specifications require that this procedure be Coupler specifications require that this procedure
performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever comes be performed before towing.
Maintaining the coupler in good condition is
• Engine oil level – check essential to safe operation and good performance.
Coupler failure could result in a machine tip-over
• Coolant level – check/add during transport, and component damage may also
• Fuel system filter/water separator – drain result if problems are not discovered and repaired
in a timely fashion.
• Engine tightness – check for leaks
1 Check vehicle, mounting bracket, hitch ball
• Exhaust system – check for leaks and coupler for signs of wear or damage and
• Loose or missing fasteners that the coupler handle opens and closes
Required maintenance procedures and additional
engine information is available in the Kubota Result: if coupler and/or mounting bracket is
D1105-E and V1505-E Operator's Manual (Kubota deformed or damaged, replace complete
16683-89169 part number ) OR the Isuzu 4LE1 coupler and mounting bracket. Replace bent,
Diesel Engine Owner's Manual (Isuzu part number broken or worn parts before use.
IDE-6033) OR the Isuzu 4LE2 Diesel Engine 2 Close coupler securely by ensuring that the
Owner's Manual (Isuzu part number IDE-6450). hitch ball is fully seated in the coupler ball
pocket and the pin is inserted behind the collar
Isuzu 4LE1 Diesel Engine Owner's Manual
or latch.
Genie part number 116133
3 Check mounting bracket hardware for wear
Isuzu 4LE2 Diesel Engine Owner's Manual
and proper tightness.
Genie part number 1264609
Result: Replace bent, broken or worn
Kubota D-1105 and V-1505 Operator's Manual
Genie part number 893020
Checklist A Procedures
A-6 A-7
A-6 T est the Br akes (if equi pped) A-7 T orque the Wheel Lug N uts
Test the Brakes (if equipped) Torque the Wheel Lug Nuts
Axle specifications require that this procedure be Axle specifications require that this procedure be
performed before towing. performed initially at 10, 25 and 50 miles of use, or
after reinstallation of a tire.
Maintaining the axle brakes in good condition is
essential to safe operation and good performance. Maintaining the wheel lug nuts at proper torque is
Brakes which are out of adjustment can result in essential to safe operation and good service life of
longer stopping distances and excessive brake the tires, wheel and axle.
wear on the towing vehicle. Component damage
may also result if problems are not discovered and 1 Check each lug nut for proper torque. Refer to
repaired in a timely fashion. Specifications, Machine Specifications.
Checklist A Procedures
A-8 A-9
A-8 C heck the Tires and W heels A-9 Ins pect the Engi ne Air Filter
Check the Tires and Wheels Inspect the Engine Air Filter
Bodily injury hazard. An 1 Open the engine side cover. Empty the dust
over-inflated tire can explode discharge valve by pressing together the sides
and could cause death or serious of the discharge slot. Clean the discharge slot
injury. as needed.
1 clamp
2 cannister end cap
3 dust discharge valve
Checklist A Procedures
A-10 Perform Gener ator Mai ntenance
7 Install the end cap on the canister and secure. Marathon Manual
Genie part number 116188
Note: Be sure the discharge slot is pointing down.
Checklist A Procedures
A-11 A-12
A-11 Perform Engine M aintenanc e A-12 Perform Engine M aintenanc e
Engine specifications require that this procedure be Engine specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 100 hours. performed every 200 hours.
Checklist A Procedures
A-13 Ins pec t the C abl e and C able Pulleys
Checklist A Procedures
A-14 A-15
A-14 Perform Engine M aintenanc e A-15 Perform Engine M aintenanc e
Engine specifications require that this procedure be Engine specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 100 hours. performed every 200 hours.
Checklist A Procedures
A-16 A-17
A-16 Perform Gener ator Mai ntenance A-17 Drai n the F uel Filter/W ater Separ ator
a capacitor box
b generator
Checklist A Procedures
Checklist A Procedures
A-18 Adj ust the Brak es (if equipped)
Maintaining the axle brakes in good condition is 5 Repeatedly move the tip of the adjuster tool in
essential to safe operation and good performance. an upwards direction to tighten the brakes until
Brakes which are out of adjustment can result in the wheel locks up and will no longer turn.
longer stopping distances and excessive brake
Note: This centers the brake shoes on the brake
wear on the towing vehicle. Component damage
drum, ensuring the shoes are positioned correctly.
may also result if problems are not discovered and
repaired in a timely fashion. 6 Move the tip of the adjuster tool in a
downwards direction 3 to 5 clicks to loosen the
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
brakes only until the wheel spins freely with
a firm, level surface with the machine in the stowed
little drag.
7 Securely install the small rubber plaug into the
1 Select a wheel. Chock the front and rear of the brake backing plate.
tire at the opposite side of the machine.
8 Check the wheel bearing wear by attempting
2 Place a lifting jack under the axle near the to move wheel hub side to side, then up and
brake to be adjusted. Lift the axle until the down.
wheel is off the ground and place a jack stand
under the axle. Lower the axle onto the jack There is no side to side or up and down
stand. movement. The bearing is good.
3 Working from the back side of the wheel at the There is side to side or up and down
brake backing plate, locate and remove the movement. The bearing must be adjusted or
small rubber plug from the lower side of the replaced. See B-8, Inspect and Adjust the
backing plate to access the star-shaped brake Brakes (if equipped).
adjuster wheel. Set the plug to the side. 9 Lift the axle slightly. Remove the jack stand
and lower the machine to the ground. Chock
the front and rear of the tire.
10 Repeat this procedure, beginning with step 2,
for the other wheel.
Checklist B Procedures
Models without maintenance-free or sealed
Checklist B Procedur es
B-1 Ins pect the Engi ne Start Battery
Inspect the Engine Start Battery
5 Put on protective clothing and eye wear.
6 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
specific gravity of each battery cell with a
Terex specifications require that this procedure be hydrometer. Note the results.
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. 7 Check the ambient air temperature and adjust
the specific gravity reading for each cell as
Proper battery condition is essential to good engine follows:
performance and operational safety. Improper fluid
levels or damaged cables and connections can • Add 0.004 to the reading of each cell for
result in engine component damage and every 10° F / 5.5° C above 80° F / 26.7° C.
hazardous conditions. • Subtract 0.004 from the reading of each cell
for every 10° F / 5.5° C below 80° F / 26.7°
Electrocution/burn hazard. C.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits could result in death or Result: All battery cells display an adjusted
serious injury. Remove all rings, specific gravity of 1.277 or higher. The battery
watches and other jewelry. is fully charged. Proceed to step 11.
Result: One or more battery cells display a
Bodily injury hazard. Batteries specific gravity of 1.276 or below. Proceed to
contain acid. Avoid spilling or step 8.
contacting battery acid.
Neutralize battery acid spills with 8 Perform an equalizing charge OR fully charge
baking soda and water. the battery(s) and allow the battery(s) to rest at
least 6 hours.
Note: Fully charge the batteries and allow the 9 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
batteries to rest 24 hours before performing this specific gravity of each battery cell with a
procedure to allow the battery cells to equalize. hydrometer. Note the results.
1 Open the side covers.
2 Be sure that the battery cable connections are
free of corrosion.
Note: Adding terminal protectors and a corrosion
preventative sealant will help eliminate corrosion
on the battery terminals and cables.
Checklist B Procedures
Result: All battery cells display a specific Maintaining electrical wiring in good condition is
gravity of 1.277 or greater. The battery is fully essential to safe operation and good machine
charged. Proceed to step 11. performance. Failure to find and replace burnt,
chafed, corroded or pinched wires could result in
Result: One or more battery cells display a
unsafe operating conditions and may cause
specific gravity from 1.218 to 1.269. The
component damage.
battery is still usable, but at a lower
performance. The battery will need to be Electrocution/burn hazard.
recharged more often. Proceed to step 11. Contact with electrically charged
Result: One or more battery cells display a circuits could result in death or
specific gravity from 1.217 to 1.173. The serious injury. Remove all rings,
battery is approaching the end of its life. watches and other jewelry.
Proceed to step 11.
1 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed,
Result: The difference in specific gravity corroded pinched and loose wires:
readings between cells is greater than 0.1 OR
the specific gravity of one or more cells is less • Ground controls
than 1.177. Replace the battery.
• Battery
11 Check the battery acid level. If needed,
• Engine
replenish with distilled water to 1/8 inch / 3 mm
below the bottom of the battery fill tube. Do not • Mast
• Lighting junction box
12 Install the vent caps and neutralize any • Trailer lighting wire harness
electrolyte that may have spilled.
2 Inspect for a lite, even coating of dielectric
13 Close the side covers. grease in the following locations:
• Lighting junction box
• Ground controls
• All wire harness connectors
Note: Do not apply excessive amounts of dielectric
grease to harness connectors, pins or sockets.
Checklist B Procedures
B-3 B-4
B-3 T orque the Wheel Lug N uts B-5 Per form Engi ne M ai ntenance
Axle specifications require that this procedure be Engine specifications require that this procedure be
performed initially at 10, 25 and 50 miles of use, or performed every 250 hours or six months,
after reinstallation of a tire. whichever comes first.
Maintaining the wheel lug nuts at proper torque is • Inspect alternator and fan belts
essential to safe operation and good service life of
the tires, wheel and axle. Required maintenance procedures and additional
engine information is available in the Kubota
1 Check each lug nut for proper torque. Refer to D1105-E and V1505-E Operator's Manual (Kubota
Specifications, Machine Specifications. 16683-89169 part number ) OR the Isuzu 4LE1
Diesel Engine Owner's Manual (Isuzu part number
IDE-6033) OR the Isuzu 4LE2 Diesel Engine
Owner's Manual (Isuzu part number IDE-6450).
Checklist B Procedures
B-5 B-6
B-5 Per form J ack Mai ntenance B-6 Ins pect and Lubricate the Wi nch
Jack specifications require that this procedure be Terex specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. comes first.
Maintaining the jack is essential to good machine Maintaining the winch is essential to good machine
performance and safe operation. An unsafe performance and safe operation. An unsafe
working condition exists if the jack has excessive working condition exists if the winch has excessive
wear and/or does not operate smoothly, free of wear and/or does not operate smoothly, free of
hesitation and binding. hesitation and binding.
Checklist B Procedures
B-7 B-8
B-7 Lubric ate the T-bolt B-8 Ins pect and Adjust the Brak es (if equi pped)
2 Remove all dust, dirt and copper anti-seize Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
from the threaded surfaces of the T-bolt, and a firm, level surface with the machine in the stowed
apply a few drops of light oil or copper position.
anti-seize lubricant onto the threaded
1 Select a wheel. Chock the front and rear of the
tire at the opposite side of the machine.
3 Fully install the T-bolt into the mast.
2 Loosen the wheel lug nuts. Do not remove
3 Place a lifting jack under the axle near the
wheel to be removed. Lift the axle until the
wheel is off the ground and place a jack stand
under the axle. Lower the axle onto the jack
stand and remove the wheel.
4 Remove the dust cap from the hub. Remove
the cotter pin from the castle nut.
a T-bolt
5 Remove the castle nut and washer.
6 Pull the hub off of the spindle. The washer and
outer bearing should fall loose from the hub.
Checklist B Procedures
7 Inspect the brake lining for wear (if equipped). 14 Install a new cotter pin. Bend the cotter pin to
lock it in place.
Result: the thickness of the brake lining is
greater than 1/16 inch / 1.6 mm. The brake Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a new one
shoes are good. when removing the castle nut.
Result: the thickness of the brake lining is 15 Install the dust cap, then the tire and wheel
1/16 inch / 1.6 mm or less. The brake shoes assembly. Torque the wheel lug nuts to
must be replaced and the brake drums must specification. Refer to Section 2,
be inspected for wear, scoring and other Specifications.
16 Working from the back side of the wheel at the
Note: The maximum bore of a good brake drum brake backing plate, locate and remove the
shall not be greater than 0.090 inch / 2.29 mm in small rubber plug from the lower side of the
excess of the drum diameter. backing plate to access the star-shaped brake
Note: If drum resurfacing is required, the brake adjuster wheel. Set the plug to the side.
drum should be resurfaced to a 120 micron finish. 17 Insert a brake adjuster tool into the opening of
the brake backing plate, engaging it with the
Note: If replacing the brake shoes, apply a light
teeth of the brake adjuster wheel. Move the tip
coat of grease or anti-seize compound to the
of the adjuster tool in an upwards direction to
anchor pin, arm bushing and pin, and areas of the
tighten the brakes.
backing plate which contact the magnet arm and
brake shoes frame. Apply a small amount of lube to Note: It may be helpful to use a flashlight when
the actuating cam at the top of the magnet arm. Do locating the brake adjuster wheel.
not allow grease or oil to contact the brakes shoes
or the inside of the drum. 18 Repeatedly move the tip of the adjuster tool in
an upwards direction to tighten the brakes until
8 Slide the hub onto the yoke spindle. the wheel locks up and will no longer turn.
Component damage hazard. Do Note: This centers the brake shoes on the brake
not apply excessive force or drum, ensuring the shoes are positioned correctly.
damage to the lip of the seal may
19 Move the tip of the adjuster tool in a
downwards direction 3 to 5 clicks to loosen the
brakes only until the wheel spins freely with
9 Place the outer bearing into the hub.
little drag.
10 Install the washer and the castle nut.
11 Tighten the castle nut to 50 ft-lbs / 68 Nm to
seat the bearings.
12 Fully loosen the castle nut. Do not rotate the
13 Finger tighten the castle nut until snug.
Checklist B Procedures
B-9 Ins pect the Suspension
Checklist B Procedures
B-10 Perform Engine M aintenanc e
Checklist C Procedures
Checklist C Procedur es C-2 Clean the Li ght Ass embli es
C-1 Perform Engine M aintenanc e
Checklist C Procedures
C-3 Gr eas e the W heel Bearings
Checklist C Procedures
C-4 Inspec t the El ectric Brake Magnets
17 Place the outer bearing into the hub. Axle specifications require that this procedure be
18 Install the washer and the castle nut. performed every 6,000 hours or semi-annually,
whichever comes first.
19 Tighten the castle nut to 50 ft-lbs / 68 Nm to
seat the bearings. Maintaining the axle brakes in good condition is
essential to safe operation and good performance.
20 Fully loosen the castle nut. Do not rotate the A faulty brake magnet can severely impact the
hub. stopping power of a trailer. While some magnet
21 Finger tighten the castle nut until snug. problems will be apparent upon visual inspection,
there may also be electrical problems that can
22 Install a new cotter pin. Bend the cotter pin to impact performance. A failing or faulty brake
lock it in place. magnet can lead to weak or surging brakes, or
Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a new one cause the brakes to pull to one side. It is important
when removing the castle nut. to inspect and test the magnets at regular intervals
to ensure maximum effectiveness.
23 Install the dust cap, then the tire and wheel
assembly. Torque the wheel lug nuts to 1 Connect the electric brake wire harness to a
specification. Refer to Section 2, tow vehicle capable of towing the machine.
Specifications. 2 Start the engine of the tow vehicle, and press
down on the brake pedal.
Result: An audible 'click' is noted at each
brake when the brake magnet is activated and
pulls itself into contact with the brake drum.
The brake circuit is functioning correctly.
Result: An audible 'click' is not noted at each
brake because the brake magnet is not
activated and does not make contact with the
brake drum. The brake circuit is faulty. Inspect
the wire harness and harness connections
and repair as required, and repeat this
procedure beginning with step 2.
Checklist C Procedures
3 With the engine running, press down on the 11 Locate the brake magnet. Inspect the surface
brake pedal and use a multimeter to measure of the magnet for pitting and any irregular
the total amp draw of the brake circuit by surface wear.
positioning an amp clamp around the brake
Result: Replace the magnets and magnet
wire lead near the trailer connector. Note the
springs on both sides of the axle if pitting or
any irregular surface wear is detected, and
Result: The total amp draw measures 5.5 to resurface the brake drums.
6.0 amps. The brake circuit is functioning
12 Inspect the copper coil at the center of the
Result: The total amp draw measures less
Result: Replace the magnets and magnet
than 5.5 amps. Replace the magnets and
springs on both sides of the axle if the
magnet springs on both sides of the axle, and
resurface the brake drums. Repeat this exposed copper coil is visible in any way, and
resurface the brake drums.
procedure beginning with step 4.
4 Stop the engine of the tow vehicle. 13 Slide the hub onto the yoke spindle.
5 Select a wheel. Chock the front and rear of the Component damage hazard. Do
tire at the opposite side of the machine. not apply excessive force or
damage to the lip of the seal may
6 Loosen the wheel lug nuts. Do not remove occur.
14 Place the outer bearing into the hub.
7 Place a lifting jack under the axle near the
wheel to be removed. Lift the axle until the 15 Install the washer and the castle nut.
wheel is off the ground and place a jack stand
under the axle. Lower the axle onto the jack 16 Tighten the castle nut to 50 ft-lbs / 68 Nm to
stand and remove the wheel. seat the bearings.
8 Remove the dust cap from the hub. Remove 17 Fully loosen the castle nut. Do not rotate the
the cotter pin from the castle nut. hub.
9 Remove the castle nut and washer. 18 Finger tighten the castle nut until snug.
10 Pull the hub off of the spindle. The washer and 19 Install a new cotter pin. Bend the cotter pin to
outer bearing should fall loose from the hub. lock it in place.
Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a new one
when removing the castle nut.
Checklist C Procedures
C-5 C-6
C-5 Perform Engine M aintenanc e C-6 Perform Generator Mai ntenance
Checklist D Procedures
Checklist D Procedur es D-2 Perform Generator Mai ntenance
D-1 Perform Engine M aintenanc e
Kubota D-1105 and V-1505 Operator's Manual • Check resistance to ground on generator
Genie part number 893020 windings, main rotating assembly, stator,
exciter field and armature.
Marathon Manual
Genie part number 116188
Checklist D Procedures
D-3 Perform Coupler M aintenanc e
Checklist E Procedures
Checklist E Pro ced ures
E-1 Ins pect the C able and Cable Pulley s
Checklist E Procedures
E-2 E-3
E-2 Per form Engi ne M ai ntenance E-3 Per form Engi ne M ai ntenance
Engine specifications require that this procedure be Engine specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 2000 hours or bi-annually, performed every 3000 hours.
whichever comes first.
• Inspect injection pump
• Replace coolant
• Inspect injection timing
• Replace radiator hoses and clamps
Required maintenance procedures and additional
• Replace fuel hoses and clamps engine information is available in the Kubota
D1105-E and V1505-E Operator's Manual (Kubota
• Replace air intake hose and clamps 16683-89169 part number )
Required maintenance procedures and additional
engine information is available in the Kubota Kubota D-1105 and V-1505 Operator's Manual
D1105-E and V1505-E Operator's Manual (Kubota Genie part number 893020
16683-89169 part number )
Checklist E Procedures
E-4 E-5
E-4 Per form Generator M aintenanc e E-5 Per form Generator M aintenanc e
Generator specifications require that this Generator specifications require that this
procedure be performed every 10,000 hours. procedure be performed every 20,000 hours or
3 years, whichever comes first.
Maintaining the generator in good condition is
essential to safe operation and long service life. Maintaining the generator in good condition is
Regular replacement of the shaft bearing will essential to safe operation and long service life.
extend the life of the generator. Storing the generator in a harsh environment may
require this procedure be performed more
• Replace the generator shaft bearing. frequently. Allowing dirt and grease to build up on
Consult a trained Marathon service the generator may result in a generator which will
professional. run hotter, lose efficiency, and reduce the life of the
Marathon Manual generator.
Genie part number 116188 • Inspect and clean the generator and
windings for oil or dirt contamination.
Marathon Manual
Genie part number 116188
Checklist E Procedures
E-6 Per form Generator M aintenanc e
Repair Procedures
Machine Configuration:
Section 4 Repair Pr oc edures
Intr oducti on
Repair any machine damage or malfunction • Light switches in the off position
before operating the machine. • All external AC power supply disconnected
from the machine
Before Repairs Start:
Read, understand and obey the safety rules
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and parts are
available and ready for use.
Use only Terex approved replacement parts.
Read each procedure completely and adhere
to the instructions. Attempting shortcuts may
produce hazardous conditions.
Repair Procedures
Symbols Legend
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
to avoid possible injury or death.
Lighting 1-2 H ow to Check Li ne Voltage
1-1 H ow to Rem ov e a Lam p
1-3 H ow to Check the Open Circ uit Voltage [T erex SM]
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
watches and other jewelry.
2-1 H ow to Rem ov e the Mast Ass embly
2-2 H ow to Disas sem ble the Mas t Assem bly
Bodily injury hazard. Cables 9 Remove the 2 inch / 5 cm mast section from
can fray. Always wear adequate the 3 inch / 7.5 cm mast section.
hand protection when handling 10 Remove the 3 inch / 7.5 cm mast section from
the cable. the 4 inch / 10 cm mast section.
Component damage hazard. Note: For ease of assembly, note the location
Cables can be damaged if they where each wear pad is removed.
are kinked or pinched.
Note: To ensure that the mast extends properly
Remove the large round plastic bushing from the after assembly, carefully measure the cable to
bottom of the 4 inch / 10 cm mast section. confirm that the new cable is the same length as
the old one.
4 Remove the 2.5 inch / 6 cm washer from the
bottom of the mast assembly. Note: During assembly, carefully install the mast
cable. Refer to the illustration on the following page
5 Pull the mast lock handle fully away from the for cable routing.
mast, then immediately secure the mast lock
in position using locking pliers or a clamp on
the lock handle to restrain it in position.
6 Remove the fasteners securing the pulley and
mast lock to the 4 inch / 10 cm mast section.
Set the components to the side.
routing detail.
How to Replace the Mast Lift
See 2-2, How to Disassemble the Mast Assembly.
2-4 2-5
2-4 H ow to Rem ov e the El ectric Wi nc h 2-5 H ow to Disas sem ble the Manual Wi nch
2-6 H ow to As sem ble the M anual Winch
2-7 H ow to Rem ov e the El ectric Wi nc h
11 Install the winch onto the machine. Securely 3 On the electric winch, turn the yellow cap to
tighten the fasteners. Do not over tighten. the free spool position.
12 Route the cable onto the winch drum and Bodily injury hazard. Cables
install the cable retaining fasteners. Install the can fray. Always wear adequate
winch handle and wind the cable onto the hand protection when handling
drum. the cable.
Bodily injury hazard. Cables 4 Pull the cable to unwind it from the winch
can fray. Always wear adequate drum.
hand protection when handling
the cable. 5 Loosen the set screw securing the cable.
Note: Before removing the cable from the winch
Note: Be sure the end of the cable does not extend drum, make note of the cable routing. The cable
past the edge of the winch drum. must be routed the same way when installing the
electric winch.
a winch covers
b electric winch
c engaged/free spool lock
d 6 inch / 15 cm mast assembly
Kubota D 1105-E / V1505-E Eng ine 3-3 C oolant T em per ature and Oil Press ure Swi tches-Kubota Engi nes
3-1 Timi ng Adjustment- Kubota Engines
Isuzu 4L E1 En gin e 4-3 C oolant T em per ature and Oil Press ure Swi tches-Is uz u 4LE1
4-1 Timi ng Adjustment-Isuz u 4LE1
Isuzu 4L E2 En gin e 5-3 C oolant T em per ature and Oil Press ure Swi tches-Is uz u 4LE2
5-1 Timi ng Adjustment-Isuz u 4LE2
Isuzu 4L E2-T Eng ine 6-3 C oolant T em per ature and Oil Press ure Swi tches-Is uz u 4LE2-T
Gen er ator
7-1 Generator
7-2 H ow to Check a Generator C apaci tor
7-3 H ow to Check a Generator Di ode
Light Ballast
Light Ballast
8-1 Ground C ontrols
Light Ballast
Fuel Tank
Be sure to only use a hand Note: It may be necessary to lower the outriggers
operated pump suitable for use to the ground and raise the machine using the
with diesel fuel.damage hazard. outriggers to obtain adequate clearance to
Be sure not to cut the power to completely remove the fuel tank from the machine.
the platform wiring.
Note: Clean the fuel tank and inspect for cracks
3 Tag, disconnect and plug the fuel hoses from and other damage before installing it onto the
the fuel tank. Clean up any fuel that may have machine.
Fuel Tank
Before Troubleshooting:
Section 5 Diagnostics
Intr oducti on
Diagnostic Charts
Diagno stic Ch arts
Boom will not telescope Telescope lock pin closed Open telescope lock pin.
Faulty cable or pulley Inspect and repair as needed.
Engine will not turn over No power Inspect and repair battery cables and
connections as needed. Inspect and
charge or replace battery as needed.
Inspect and replace fuse.
Faulty starter Inspect and repair as needed
Diagnostic Charts
Engine turns over but will not Empty fuel tank Add fuel to tank.
start or is difficult to start
Leaking or pinched fuel lines Inspect and repair as needed.
Air or water mixed in fuel Air: Tighten fule lines and vent fuel
system air at injection pump.
Water: Drain fuel and replace filter;
inspect and clean or replace injector
as needed.
Fuel injection nozzle clogged Inspect and repair as needed.
Diagnostic Charts
Engine battery quickly Battery electrolyte low Add distilled water and charge.
Fan belt slips Inspect and repair as needed.
Engine runs but battery voltage Faulty alternator Inspect and repair as needed.
is low
Engine runs but lights will not Circuit breaker has tripped Reset circuit breaker.
Loose wiring connections Inspect and repair as needed.
Lamp light output low Dirty light fixture Clean light fixture.
Light heads are flashing on-off Batteries low Charge batteries.
Short in power supply cable Inspect and repair as needed.
Light head will not illuminate End of life Replace lamp or light head.
Short in power supply cable Inspect and repair as needed.
Power supply cable connector faulty or poor Inspect and repair as needed.
Unusual noise from the Generator has a faulty bearing or faulty fan Inspect and repair as needed.
generator blade
Diagnostic Charts
Generator produces full voltage Loose or broken lead wires Inspect lead wires and connections for
at no load or voltage drops at broken wires and loose connections.
full load
Rotor open or shorted Measure resistance between leads..
Generator will not hold voltage Machine has been unused for a significant Flash the rotor.
(loss of residual magnetism) length of time
Rotor shorting out when the unit gets hot Inspect rotor windings for broken
and/or burned wires.
Pinched leads Inspect and repair as needed.
Diagnostic Charts
Generator voltage spikes Incorrect engine adjustment, fuel line or Change fuel filter and check engine
faulty fuel speed.
Loose connection Inspect all connections and repair as
Faulty ground connection Inspect all ground connections and
repair as needed.
Load induced Filter load.
Electrical Schematics
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
Observe and Obey: circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall watches and other jewelry.
be completed by a person trained and qualified
on the repair of this machine
Hydraulic Schematics
Immediately tag and remove from service a
damaged or malfunctioning machine. Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Repair any machine damage or malfunction burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
before operating the machine.
connections very slowly to allow
Before Troubleshooting: the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
Read, understand and obey the safety rules squirt or spray.
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
BL Blue
BK Black
BR Brown
GR Green
OR Orange
VI Violet
RD Red
WH White
YL Yellow
OR/BK Orange/Black
WH/BK White/Black
WH/RD White/Red
GR/YL Green/Yellow
RD/BK Red/Black
YL/RD Yellow/Red
BL/WH Blue/White
Service Manual April 2015
April 2015 Service Manual
Service Manual April 2015
April 2015 Service Manual
Service Manual April 2015
April 2015 Service Manual