CEEA Programme
CEEA Programme
CEEA Programme
The European Journal of Anaesthesiology (EJA) is the official journal of the ESA. The CEEA keeps the possibility to propose to the Editorial Board, general reviews issued from course lectures. The Regional Centres are invited to promote the diffusion of the EJA and to propose a General review when possible. The EJA subscription is included in the ESA membership.
The CEEA (Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology) is organising Refresher Courses in Anaesthesiology. The CEEA is part of the ESA (European Society of Anaesthesiology) and organises courses in collaboration with the WFSA (World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists). The main goal of the CEEA is to maintain and raise the standards of anaesthetic care at the highest possible level through Continuing Medical Education in Anaesthesiology, part of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Continuing Medical Education is a lifelong process and should remain an ethical obligation under the monitoring of the profession itself. The CEEA intends to organise its activities on the model of the Charter of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) for the CME. The concept of the courses organised by the CEEA follows the guidelines incorporated in the Dublin declaration of the UEMS, in particular in its article 9: At the fully qualified level further education generally comes from interaction of informed and trained minds with one another and with external reality. Formal lectures and classes have only a part to play. Discussions among small groups of colleagues with and without invited experts together with the classical activities enumerated above are the principal methods. The CEEA CME programme is based upon a cycle of six courses, covering in an integrated teaching programme all aspects of the speciality, including anaesthesia, intensive care, emergency medicine and pain therapy. On the basis of one course per year, an anaesthesiologist should complete a full cycle of six courses before starting again a new cycle. Six years cycle is considered the best compromise between the time to cover the full programme and the period to renew out-of-date knowledge. This period copes with the delay for recertification introduced in most of the countries. The CEEA courses are accredited in European countries by the national system of accreditation and the EACME.
The FEEA, Fondation Europenne d'Enseignement en Anesthsiologie, Foundation for European Education in Anaesthesiology, was officially founded on 28 May 1986 by JOHAN SPIERDIJK, Leiden - the Netherlands, Prof. PHILIPPE SCHERPEREEL, Lille - France, Prof. GEORGES ROLLY, Gent - Belgium, Prof. GUILLAUME HANEGREEFS, Antwerp - Belgium and Prof. MAURICE LAMY, Lige - Belgium. The FEEA aimed initially to provide Continuing Medical Education (CME) in Anaesthesiology within the European Community. With the growth of the number of country members, the field of activity of the FEEA was extended progressively to the countries of the European Union and to countries of the East Europe. Since 1995 associated centres are established in South and Central America, since 2004 in Africa and starting in 2006 in Asia. Last year more than 6,000 anaesthesiologists were attending the courses in more than 90 regional centres worldwide. In 2006, discussions lead to the decision to merge the FEEA with the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) which was officially voted during the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists in Cape Town by the FEEA General Assembly and by the ESA Council during the Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen. It was decided that the merger will become effective on 01 January 2009, the FEEA becoming the Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology (CEEA).
The CEEA (Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology) is composed of a Chairperson, six additional members chosen from among the CEEA Regional Centre Directors and a liaison officer appointed by the WFSA Executive Committee. The Chairpersons of the ESA Education & Training Committee, the EDA Examinations Committee and the NASC are also full members of the CEEA.
Download the CEEA policy on the ESA website http://www.euroanesthesia.org for more information about composition, election and term of office
EVENING DISCUSSION: 1.1 Professional risks 1.2 Selection of ventilatory modes PRACTICAL: Workshops, hands-on, video or simulations 1.1 Capnography 1.2 Closed circuits and low flow anaesthesia 1.3 Ventilatory modes in intensive care 1.4 High Frequency Ventilation
2.1 Cardiovascular physiology 2.1.1 Arterial pressure 2.1.2 Cardiac output 2.1.3 Intracardiac pressure 2.1.4 Electrophysiology of myocardic fiber Pharmacology of cardiovascular drugs 2.2.1 Inotropic agents 2.2.2 Anti-arrhythmic drugs 2.2.3 Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs 2.2.4 Calcium channel blocking drugs 2.2.5 Vasodilators and controlled hypotension 2.2.6 Alpha-adrenergic drugs Anaesthesia for the cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery 2.3.1 Preoperative assessment 2.3.2 Coronary artery disease 2.3.3 Hypertension 2.3.4 Arrhythmias Anaesthesia for cardiovascular surgery 2.4.1 Open heart surgery and extracorporeal circulation 2.4.2 Aortic surgery 2.4.3 Carotid surgery 2.4.4 Fiberoptic vascular procedures Peri operative cardiovascular complications Intensive care for cardiovascular failure 2.6.1 Cardiogenic shock 2.6.2 Cardiac arrest and CPR 2.6.3 Pulmonary thrombo embolism 2.6.4 Myocardial infarction Techniques 2.7.1 E.C.G. 2.7.2 Haemodynamic monitoring 2.7.3 Pacemakers 2.7.4 Circulatory assistance 2.7.5 Transoesophageal echocardiography
2.5 2.6
EVENING DISCUSSION: 2.1 Monitoring in anesthesia 2.2 Informatics in anesthesia PRACTICAL: PRACTICAL: 2.1 2.1 Simulation of advanced CPR and arrythmias 2.2 2.2 Haemodynamics
EVENING DISCUSSION: 3.1 Safety and legal aspects of blood and substitutes transfusions 3.2 Monitoring of infections PRACTICAL: 3.1 Haemodialysis and haemofiltration 3.2 Rapid fluid load infusion devices 3.3 Cell savers
EVENING DISCUSSION: 4.1 Organisation of the anaesthetic care in obstetrical units 4.2 Anaesthesia sub-specialisation PRACTICAL: 4.1 Neural blocks in paediatrics 4.2 Mobile epidural in obstetrics 4.3 Neonates resuscitation
EVENING DISCUSSION: 5.1 Medico legal and ethical aspects of anaesthesia and intensive care. Information and consent of the patient 5.2 Involvement of anaesthesiologists in chronic pain management. Pain clinics
PRACTICAL: 5.1 Monitoring of the depth of anaesthesia and analgesia 5.2 Loco regional techniques 5.3 Monitoring of neuromuscular block
6.1 Anaesthesia according to the patient 6.1.1 Anaesthesia in the elderly 6.1.2 Anaesthesia for the patient with renal failure 6.1.3 Anaesthesia for the patient with liver disease Anaesthesia according to the type of surgery 6.2.1 Head and neck surgery 6.2.2 Eye surgery 6.2.3 Dental and orofacial surgery 6.2.4 Thyrod and parathyrod surgery 6.2.5 Urogenital surgery 6.2.6 Hepatic and biliopancreatic surgery 6.2.7 Major abdominal surgery 6.2.8 Laparoscopic procedures 6.2.9 Organ transplantation Anaesthesia according to the organisation 6.3.1 Day case surgery 6.3.2 Sedation and anaesthesia for non surgical procedures (radiodiagnostic, endoscopic, electroconvulsivoe therapy) Difficult airway
EVENING DISCUSSION: 6.1 Anaesthesiology consultation 6.2 Quality assurance, techniques of evaluation and accreditation PRACTICAL: 6.1 T.I.V.A. Pumps, drugs and techniques 6.2 Anaesthetic electronic chart 6.3 Difficult airway management 6.4 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy
A certificate of attendance is delivered to the participant: after each course, mentioning the number of the course and the date, signed by the course Director ; after completion of the full cycle, a diploma witnessing the participation to the six courses, signed by the CEEA Chairperson. Such a certificate does not constitute an official diploma, but a recognition of participation to a CME process, usually taken into account in the frame of qualification or recertification. Accreditation of the course is requested from the official organism in charge of CME when a credit point system exists in the country.
With the support and the technical assistance of General Electric Healthcare Helsinki a website dedicated to distance learning education has been created in 2004. Free of access, this website aims to offer to all anaesthesiologists the slideshows and the texts of the lectures presented in various languages during the CEEA courses. On a voluntary basis, the lecturers may accept to give their texts and their slides to be presented on the website. These pedagogical documents may be used by individuals for their own education but not used for commercial purposes. The CEEA does note request the copyright of these documents which can be used by the lecturer. The author remains the owner, for publication. The documents may be downloaded exclusively for a personal use.
The CEEA is based on a network of Regional Centres managed by a course Director and a Scientific Committee. Each Centre covers an area around one or more universities. The CEEA courses are organised in agreement with the National Societies and the academic authorities in anaesthesiology. The Centres organise the cycles of CME courses within the framework designed by the CEEA. The courses are delivered in the language of the country by local teachers. Foreign guest lecturers translate their text and their slides to allow a correct understanding. The Centres are independent of the pedagogical and financial point of view. Nobody in the Committee, nor in the Centre management, is receiving a fee. Teachers take part to the courses on a voluntary base. They are not paid for the lectures but may be reimbursed of their travel expenses and the Centres take care of their meals and accommodation.
ARMENIA - Yerevan Dr A. Varosyan Chair of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Yerevan State Medical University (Dom.) Tigran Mets av. 59 App 70 375 005 YEREVAN Phone: +374 (91) 490 597 Fax: +1 (530) 348 56 25 Email: arvar@web.am Web-site: http://freenet.am/~feea BELGIUM - Antwerpen Pr S. de Hert Dienst Anesthesiologie Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen Wilrijkstraat 10B 2650 EDEGEM Phone: +32 3 821 3042 Fax: +32 3 825 0594 Email: Stefan.de.hert@uza.be * Linked to Leiden BELGIUM - Lige - Belgique - Nord de la France Pr M. Lamy Anesthsie Ranimation CHU de Lige Sart Tilman LIEGE 4000 Phone: +32 4 366 7180 Fax: +32 4 366 7636 Email: mlamy@chu.ulg.ac.be * Linked to Lille BULGARIA - Sofia Pr I. Smilov Anesthesia Medical Faculty University Hospital Boul. Georgy Sofiiski, 1 1431 SOFIA Phone: +359 2 92 30 570 +359 2 91 72 493 Fax: +359 2 92 30 570 Email: smilov@medfac.acad.bg CROATIA - Rijeka Prim Dr M. Biondi-Stipanic Institute for Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Clinical hospital Center Rijeka Kresimirova 52A, pp227 51000 RIJEKA Phone: +385 51 21 40 67 Fax: +385 51 33 45 42 Email: Alan.Sustic@mamed.medri.hr ESTONIA - Tartu Pr J. Starkopf Anestesioloogia ja intensiivravi Kliinik Sihtasutus Tartu Ulikooli Kliinikum L. Puusepa 8 51014 TARTU Phone: +372 731 8400 Fax: +372 731 8409 Email: Joel.Starkopf@kliinikum.ee
FRANCE - Lille - Belgique - Nord de la France Pr G. Lebuffe Clinique d'Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Claude Huriez Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille 59037 LILLE cedex Phone: +33 3 20 44 51 96 Fax: +33 3 20 44 44 00 Email: g-lebuffe@chru-lille.fr * Linked to Lige
FRANCE - Strasbourg - Alsace Lorraine Pr A. Steib Anesthsiologie Hpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg 1, Place de l'Hpital - BP 426 67091 STRASBOURG Phone: +33 3 88 11 54 10 Fax: +33 3 88 11 67 60 Email: Annick.Steib@chru-strasbourg.fr * Linked to Nancy FRANCE - Nancy - Alsace Lorraine Pr P. M. Mertes Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Central Case Officielle n 34 29, Avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny 54035 NANCY Phone: +33 3 83 85 15 31 +33 3 83 85 14 03 Fax: +33 3 83 85 10 39 Email: pm.mertes@chu-nancy.fr * Linked to Strasbourg FRANCE - Paris - Ile de France Pr J. Marty Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Henri Mondor 51, Avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny 94010 CRETEIL Phone: +33 1 49 81 43 47 (Sec) +33 1 49 81 43 47 (LD) Fax: +33 1 49 81 43 46 or 48 Email: jean.marty@hmn.aphp.fr
CZECK REPUBLIC - Prague Pr J. Pachl Dept of Anaesthesiology and C.C.M. Charles University 3rd School of Medicine Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady Srobarova, 50 10034 PRAHA 10 Phone: +42 2 6716 2451 Fax: +42 2 6716 3125 Email: pachl@fnkv.cz
FRANCE - Paris - Ile de France Prof. Francis Bonnet Service d'Anesthsie- Ranimation Hpital Tenon 4 Rue de la Chine 75970 PARIS cedex 20 Tel 33 (0)1 56 01 65 71 Fax 33 (0)1 56 01 70 07 francis.bonnet@tm.aphp.fr
FRANCE - Nice - Sud Mditerrane Pr C. Ichai Dpartement d'Anesthsie-Ranimation Est Hpital St Roch - CHU de Nice 5, Rue Pierre Dvoluy - BP 319 06006 NICE Phone: +33 4 92 03 33 00/35 38(Sec) +33 4 92 03 36 27 (LD) Fax: +33 4 92 03 35 58 Email: dar-est@chu-nice.fr or ichai@unice.fr *Linked to Marseille/Montpellier FRANCE - Marseille - Sud Mditerrane Pr O. Paut Dpartement d'Anesthsie Ranimation CHU Timone Enfants 264, Rue Saint Pierre 13385 MARSEILLE cedex 5 Phone: +33 4 91 38 68 50 +33 4 91 38 68 37 (sec.) Fax : +33 4 91 38 79 24 Email: olivier.paut@ap-hm.fr * Linked to Nice/Montpellier FRANCE - Montpellier - Sud Mditerrane Pr X. Capdevila Dpartement d'Anesthsie Ranimation A Hpital Lapeyronie 375, avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud 34295 MONTPELLIER cedex 5 Phone: +33 4 67 33 82 74 +33 4 67 33 82 56 (sec.) Fax: +33 4 67 33 79 60 Email: x-capdevila@chu-montpellier.fr * Linked to Nice/Marseille FRANCE - Angers - Rgion Ouest Pr L. Beydon Anesthsie Ranimation Centre Hospitalier Universitaire 4, Rue Larrey 49033 ANGERS cedex 01 Tel: +33 2 41 35 50 92 (sec) +33 2 41 35 44 39 (LD) Fax: +33 2 41 35 53 28 Email: JCGranry@chu-angers.fr * Linked to Nantes / Brest / Rennes/ Tours / Poitiers FRANCE - Brest - Rgion Ouest Pr Ch. Arvieux Service d'Anesthsie Ranimation Chirurgicale Hpital de la Cavale Blanche 1, Boulevard Tanguy Prigent 29609 BREST Phone: +33 2 98 22 33 33 bip 950 +33 2 98 34 72 88 (sec) Fax : +33 2 98 34 78 49 Email: Charles.Arvieux@univ-brest.fr * Linked to Angers / Rennes / Nantes / Tours / Poitiers FRANCE - Nantes - Rgion Ouest Pr M. Pinaud Anesthsie Ranimation Htel Dieu 1, Place Alexis Ricordeau 44093 NANTES Phone: +33 2 40 08 30 01(LD) / 05 (Sec) Fax: +33 2 40 08 30 00 Email: m.pinaud@chu-nantes.fr * Linked to Angers / Brest / Rennes/ Tours / Poitiers
FRANCE - Tours - Rgion Ouest Pr J. Fusciardi Anesthsie Ranimation 2 Hpital Trousseau Centre Hospitalier Universitaire 37044 TOURS cedex 1 Phone: +33 2 47 47 85 51 (Sec) +33 2 47 47 84 80 (LD) Fax: +33 2 47 47 46 60 Email: fusciardi@med.univ-tours.fr * Linked to Angers/Brest/Nantes/ Rennes/Poitiers FRANCE - Poitiers - Rgion Ouest Pr B. Debaene Dpartement Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Jean Bernard C H U Poitiers - BP 577 86021 POITIERS cedex Phone: +33 2 47 47 85 51 (Sec) +33 2 47 47 84 80 (LD) Fax: +33 2 47 47 46 60 Email: b.debaene@chu-poitiers.fr * Linked to Angers/Brest/Nantes/ Rennes/Tours FRANCE - Rennes - Rgion Ouest Pr Y. Malledant Ranimation Chirurgicale 1 Hpital de Ponchaillou 2, Rue Henri le Guilloux 35033 RENNES Phone: +33 2 99 28 42 46 Fax : +33 2 99 28 41 81 Email: yannick.malledant@chu-rennes.fr * Linked to Angers/Brest/Nantes/ Tours/Poitiers
FRANCE - Grenoble - Rhne-Alpes Pr J.F. Payen Pr J.M. Mascaro Anesthsie Ranimation 1 C. H. R. U. de Grenoble BP 217 38043 GRENOBLE cedex Phone: +33 4 76 76 55 96 (LD) +33 4 76 76 54 26 (Sec) Fax: +33 4 76 76 51 83 Email: jfpayen@ujf-grenoble.fr FRANCE - Bordeaux - Grand Sud Ouest Pr G. Janvier Anesthsie Ranimation Groupe Hospitalier Sud CHU de Bordeaux Avenue de Magellan 33604 PESSAC cedex Phone: +33 5 56 55 68 66 (LD) +33 5 57 65 61 54 (Sec) Fax: +33 5 56 55 68 11 Email: gerard.janvier@chu-bordeaux.fr FRANCE - Caen - Normandie Pr J.L. Grard Anesthsie Ranimation - Niveau 06 CHU Cte de Nacre Avenue de la Cte de Nacre 14033 CAEN cedex Phone: +33 2 31 06 47 36 Port : 06 75 79 13 25 Fax: +33 2 31 06 51 37 Email: gerard-jl@chu-caen.fr * Linked to Rouen
FRANCE - Rouen - Normandie Pr B. Dureuil Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Charles Nicolle - CHU de Rouen 1, Rue de Germont 76031 ROUEN cedex Phone: +33 2 35 08 82 83 (Sec) +33 2 32 88 89 90 poste 66447 Fax: +33 2 35 88 83 26 Email: Bertrand.Dureuil@chu-rouen.fr * Linked to Caen FRANCE - SAINT ETIENNE - Auvergne Pr C. Auboyer Anesthsie Ranimation Ranimation Polyvalente Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de St Etienne Hpital Nord 42055 ST ETIENNE cedex 2 Phone: +33 4 77 82 83 29 (Sec) +33 4 77 82 84 15 (LD) Fax: +33 4 77 82 84 50 Email: christian.auboyer@univ-st-etienne.fr * Linked to Clermont Ferrand FRANCE - Clermont Ferrand - Auvergne Pr P. Schoeffler Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Gabriel Montpied CHU BP 69 - 30, Place Henri Dunand 63003 CLERMONT FERRAND Phone: +33 4 73 75 15 90 Fax: +33 4 73 75 15 91 Email: pschoeffler@chu-clermontferrand.fr * Linked to Saint Etienne GERMANY - Jena Prof.Thea Kochs Klinik und Poliklinik fr Ansthesiologie und Intensivtherapie Universittsklinikum Dresden Fetscherstrae 74 01307 DRESDEN - GERMANY Phone: +49 (0) 351 458 2785 Fax: +49 (0) 351 458 4336 Email: tkoch@rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de http://www.tu-dresden.de/medkai/feea.htm GREECE - Thessaloniki - North Dr Georgia Anisoglou Anastasiadou Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine of Northern Greece 106, Delphon Street 54643 THESSALONIKI Phone: +323 10 654700 Fax: +323 10 654700 Email: georgean@the.forthnet.gr
FRANCE - Dijon - Bourgogne - Franche Comt Champagne Pr M. Freysz Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Gnral - CHU de Dijon 3, rue du Faubourg Raisnes BP 1519 21033 DIJON cedex Phone: +33 3 80 29 37 55 (LD) +33 3 80 29 30 31 poste 15413 Fax: +33 3 80 29 38 29 Email: Marc.freysz@CHU-DIJON.fr * Linked to Reims/Besanon FRANCE - Reims - Bourgogne - Franche Comt Champagne Pr J.M. Malinovsky Dpartement d'Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Maison Blanche 45, rue Cognac Jay 51092 REIMS cedex Phone: +33 3 26 78 85 86 (Sec) +33 3 26 78 76 80 (LD) Fax: +33 3 26 78 85 99 Email: jmmalinovsky@chu-reims.fr * Linked to Dijon/Besanon FRANCE - Besancon - Bourgogne - Franche Comt Champagne Pr E. Samain Service d'Anesthsie Ranimation Hpital Jean Minjoz CHU de Besanon 3, Boulevard Fleming 25030 BESANCON Phone: +33 3 81 66 85 79 (LD) Fax: +33 3 81 66 90 14 Email: elsamain@chu-besancon.fr
GREECE - Athens - Peloponnese Dr S. Lacoumenta Onnasis Cardiac Center 356 Syngrou Ave 17674 ATHENS - GREECE Phone: +30 210 94 93 312 Fax: +30 210 94 93 331 Email: slacoumenta@yahoo.com
HUNGARY - Budapest Pr. L. Vimlti Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Faculty of Medicin University of Szeged Pecsi utca 4 6701 SZEGED Phone: +36 62 545 169 Fax: +36 62 545 593 Email: vimlati@orto.szote.u-szeged.hu
ITALY - Palermo - Sicilia Dr V. Lanza Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione Casa di Cura Buccheri La Ferla Via Messina Marine, 197 90123 PALERMO Phone: +39 91 47 94 21 Fax: +39 91 47 76 25 Email: lanza@unipa.it lanza@cuc.unipat.it
ITALY - Trieste - Norte Pr. G. Berlot Department of Perioperative Medicine Intensive Care and Emergency Cattinara University Hospital Strada di Fiume, 447 34149 TRIESTE Phone: +39 040 399 4540 Fax: +39 040 91 2278 g.berlot@fmc.units.it http://www.apicetrieste.org/ ITALY - Catania - Sicilia Pr. A. Gullo Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Policlinico University Hospital Via Santa Sofia 78 - Building 29 95123 CATANIA (Italy) SICILIA Phone: +39 095 378 2383 (Direct) +39 095 378 2342 (Secret) +39 340 5569390 (Mobil Phone) Email: a.gullo@policlinico.unict.it Email: catania@keycongressi.it
LITHUANIA - Vilnius Pr J. Sipylat Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Vilnius University Emergency Hospital Siltnamiy Str, 29 2043 VILNIUS Phone: +370 5 236 20 13 Fax: +370 5 236 21 01 Email: Jurate.Sipylaite@mf.vu.lt
MACEDONIA - SKOPJE Dr. J. Nanceva C.A.R.I.L. Cliniq for Orthopaedic Surgery Medical Faculty 17, Vodnjanska 1000 SKOJE Phone: +389 2 316 51 37 +3892 314 76 26 mob: +389 70 36 52 91 Fax: +389 2 316 51 37 Email: jasminka@freemail.com.mk
ISRAEL - Haifa Dr Z. Goldik Anaesthesiology Carmel Medical Center 7 Michal Street 34362 HAIFA Phone: +972 48250711 Fax: +972 48250761 Email: goldikzeev@clalit.org.il
MOLDOVA - Chisinau Dr Adrian Beli Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care City Emergency Hospital 1, str Toma Ciorba MD 2004 CHISINAU Phone: +373 22 205 317 Fax: +373 795 794 74 Email: sar_moldova@yahoo.com adrian_belai@hotmail.com
KOSOVO - Prishtina Dr Q. Morina Qendra klinike Universitare QKUK Klinika e Aneztesiologjis dhe mekimit RR SPITALIT 10000 PRISHTINA Email: morinaq@hotmail.com
POLAND - Poznan Dr K. Kusza Chair and Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum University Hospital Bydgoszcz Office: ul sw. Marii Magdlaeny 14 68-861 POZNAN - POLAND Phone: +48 61 852 6687 +48 52 585 4750 Fax: +48 61 852 6687 +48 52 585 4022 Email: k-kusza@wp.pl POLAND - Warsaw Pr T. Szreter Anesthesiology Chidren health Center Al. Dzieci Polskich 20 04736 WARSAW Phone: +48 22 815 37 17 Fax: +48 22 815 46 62 Email: tszreter@czd.waw.pl
LATVIA - Riga Pr. A. Sondore Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Riga Stradin University 16-100 Ruses Street 1029 RIGA Phone: +371 7 06 95 85 Fax: +371 7 06 96 61 Email: antonina-sondore@hotmail.com
LITHUANIA - Kaunas Pr. I. Marchetienne Clinic of Anaesthesiology Kaunas University Hospital Eiveniu, 2 LT 3007 KAUNAS Phone: +370 7 799423 Fax: +370 7 798585 Email: anesclin@kma.lt
POLAND - Krakov Prof. Dr. J. Andres Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Jagiellonian University Hospital Kopernika Street, 17 31501 KRAKOW - POLAND Phone: +48 12 424 77 98 +48 12 618 86 02 Fax: +48 12 424 77 97 +48 12 421 39 61 Email: rjandres@szpitaljp2.krakov.pl msandres@cyf-kr.edu.pl jandres@spitarjp2.krakov.pl
POLAND - Lodz Pr W. Gaszynski Katedra Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii Akademii Medycznej W. Lodzi Ul. Kopcinskiego, 22 90153 LODZ Phone: +48 0 10 33 42 Fax: +48 0 678 37 48 Email: profwpg@hotmail.com
RUSSIA - ARKHANGELSK Pr Mikhail KIROV Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Northern State Medical University Troitzky avenue 51 163000 ARKHANGELSK Phone: +78182632986 (hospital office) +78182285783 (university office) +79217215691 (mobile) +78182224955 (home) Fax: +78182263226 Email: kirm@arh.ru RUSSIA - NOVOSSIBIRSK Dr V. Shevchenko NOVOSSIBIRSK Phone: +7 383 224 47 47 +8-913-931-80-71 Email: VShevchenko@niito.ru
POLAND - Wroclaw Pr A. Kubler Katedra i Zaaklad Anesthezjologii i Intesywney Terapi Akademia Medyczna we Wroclawiu ul. T. Chalubinskiego 1 a 5036 WROCLAW Phone: + 48 71 328 15 34 Fax: + 48 71 328 50 87 Email: boss@heaven.anest.am.wroc.pl
PORTUGAL - Coimbra Dr Maria Rosario Orfao Anestesia Reanimacion HUC Hospital Universitario de Coimbra Rua Padre Manuel da Nobrega 80-1 Esq 3000 320 COIMBRA Phone: +35 917 20 68 56 Fax: +35 123 97 055 87 Email: rorfao@netcabo.pt Web-site : http://www.feeaportugal.org/
RUSSIA - KEMEROVO Prof. Eugeny Grigoryev Medical University, Ostrovskogo av, 22, KEMEROVO, 650000 Phone: +7(3842)369136, 365672, 734856 Fax +7(3842)369136,734856 Email: grigorievev@mail.ru
ROMANIA - Targu Mures Professora S. M. Copotoiu Clinica ATI Spital clinic judetean de urgenta Str. Gh. Marinescu, 50 540 136 TARGU MURES Phone: +40 265 210 648 +40 265 311 162 (home) Fax: +40 265 210 648 Email: sanda_copotoiu@yahoo.com
RUSSIA - KRASNODAR Prof. Igor Borisovich Zabolotskikh Head of a Chair of Anesthesiology Intensive Care and Transfusiology Kuban State Medical University Pos. Kalinino-1, p.o. box 3892 350901, KRASNODAR Phone/Fax 7 (861) 2527411, 7 (861) 2575734 Email: pobeda_zib@mail.ru RUSSIA - * Irkutsk Prof. Gennadiy Gvak Irkutsk Regional Association of Anaesthesiologists and Reanimatologists Mikrorayon Univesitetskit 2 Post Box 205 664082 Irkutsk
RUSSIA - SAINT PETERSBURG Pr K. Lebedinsky Dept. of anaesthesia & intensive Care State Medical Academy of Post Graduate Study Kirochnaya Str. 41 193015 SAINT PETERSBURG Phone: +007 812 275 1851 Fax: +007 812 275 1942 Email: mail@lebedinski.com
RUSSIA - MOSCOW Pr A. A. Bunatian Department of Anesthesiology National Research Centre of Surgery Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Abrikosovskii per 2 119992 MOSCOW Phone: +007 495 248 07 03 Fax: +007 495 248 12 77 Email: scorpi1999@mail.ru
SERBIA - BELGRADE Pr D. Vucovic Institute for Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Clinical Centre of Serbia BELGRADE Home address: macvanska, 8 11000 BELGRADE Phone: +381 633 09 174 +381 113 61 9068 (sec) Email: insta@EUnet.yu
SPAIN - Madrid - Castilla Pr J. Navia Anestesia Reanimacion Hospital Gregorio Maraon Pez Volador 26 - Bajo D 28007 MADRID Phone: +34 915 86 83 67 Fax: +34 915 86 80 18 Email: jnavia.hgugm@salud.madrid.org
SLOVAKIA - Kosice Assoc. Prof. Jozef Firment Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine L. Pasteur Hospital Medical Faculty of P.j. Safarik University Trieda SNP1, 04190 KOSICE Tel 421 55 64 02 818 Fax 421 55 64 02 819 josef.fjozef.firment@upjs.sk
SPAIN - Alicante - Levante Dr J.L. Marti Viano Anestesia Reanimacion Hospital Universitario San Juan Carretera Alicante Valencia 03550 SAN JUAN ALICANTE Phone: +34 965 90 86 19 Fax: +34 955 90 86 52 Email: marti_jlu@gva.es feea.alicante@terra.es Web-site : http://www.feea-alicante.es/ SPAIN - Santiago de Compostella- Galicia Pr J. Alvarez Escudero Servicio de Anestesia Hospital General de Galicia Av. Galeras 15705 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELLA Phone: +34 981 950 674 Fax: +34 981 950 634 Email: cijalvar@usc.es
SLOVENIA - Ljubjana Pr V. Paver-Erzen Institute of Anaesthesiology Clinical Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy University Medical Centre Ljubljana Zaloska Cesta 61000 LJUBLJANA Phone: +386 1 522 22 34 Fax: +386 1 522 22 34 Email: vesna.paver-erzen@mf.uni-lj.si SPAIN - Barcelona - Cataluna Pr C. Gomar Servicio de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion Hospital Clinic Barcelona Villaroel, 170 08036 BARCELONA Phone: +34 93 22 75 558 Fax: +34 93 45 17 553 Email: cgomars@ub.edu
SWITZERLAND - Geneve Pr F. Clergue Division Anesthesiologie Hpital Cantonal Universitaire 24, Rue Micheli du Crest 1211 GENEVE, 14 Phone: +41 22 38 27402 Fax: +41 22 37 27690 Email: francois.clergue@hcuge.ch * linked to Bourgogne/ Franche Comt / Champagne
SPAIN - Bilbao - Pais Vasco Navarra Dr L. Aguilera Celorrio Servicio de Anestesiologia-Reanimacion Hospital de Basurto 48960 BILBAO Phone: +34 944 00 60 19 Fax: +34 944 00 60 41 Email: laguiler@hbas.osakidetza.net
THE NETHERLANDS - Leiden Pr J.W. Van Kleef Afdeling Anestesiologie Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMCS) Postbus 9600 2300 RC LEIDEN Phone: +31 71 526 4024 Fax: +31 71 526 6748 Email: jkleef@lumc.nl * Linked to Antwerp
SPAIN - Cadiz - Andalucia Pr M.S. Carrasco-Jimenez Anestesiologia Pto Real (Cadiz) Carretera Nacional IV W 665 1/510 PUERTO REAL (Cadiz) Phone: +34 956 83 04 12 Fax: +34 95 83 04 77 Email: m.s.carrasco@comcadiz.es mariasol.carrascojimenez@uca.es
TURKEY - Istanbul Pr M. Bahar Dept. Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty ISTANBUL Phone: +90 212 251 7555(office) +90 212 414 3302 (hosp) +90 212 251 4062 (mobile) Fax: +90 212 251 7556 Email: mobahar@superonline.com
TURKEY - Ankara Pr Dr F. Tuzuner Department of Anaesthesiology & ICU School of Medicine Ankara University ANKARA Phone: +90 312 508 23 93 Fax: + 90 312 311 50 57 Email: ftuzuner@yahoo.com
UNITED KINGDOM - London Dr A. Pearce Anaesthetic Department Guy's and St Thomas Hospital SE1 9RT LONDON Phone: +44 20 7188 0644 +44 20 8467 9645 (home) Fax: +44 20 7188 0642 Email: adrian.pearce@gstt.nhs.uk
TURKEY - Izmir Pr Dr A. Resat Moral Dept. of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care Ege University Medical Faculty IZMIR Phone: +90 232 390 3875 +90 232 788 6394 (Hosp) +90 532 445 6377 (mobile) Fax: + 90 232 388 3805 Email: ali.resat.moral@ege.edu.tr
UZBEKISTAN - Tashkent Dr L. Nazirova Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Republican Surgical Centre 10, Farhadskaya Street TASHKENT 700107 Phone: +998 71 367 26 03 (office) Fax: + 998 71 367 04 94 Email: nazirova_l@list.ru http://www.feea.med.uz
UKRAINE - Kiev Dr Andriy Mazur Head of the Anesthesia and ICU Department Institute of Surgery and Transplantology 30 Geroyev Sevastopolya Str. 03680 KIEV Phone: +38 044 408 23 11 Fax: +380 486 65 89 Email: poleskov@neonates.kiev.ua
UZBEKISTAN - Samarkand Pr A. Rakhimov Clinic of Anesthesiology 6, Ankobaya Str 703010 SAMARKAND CITY REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Phone: +998 +662 35 44 48 Email: azamat.rakhimov@mail.ru
MAROCCO - Casablanca Pr L. Barrou - Pr S. Motaouakkil Dpartement d'Anesthsie Ranimation CHU Ibn Rochd 1, Rue des Hpitaux 20000 CASABLANCA Phone: +212 22 22 88 17 Fax: +212 61 15 53 11 Email: lhbarrou@yahoo.fr smotaouakkil@yahoo.fr
TUNISIA - Tunis Pr Ali Cherif Anesthsie Ranimation Hopital Charles Nicolle 1006 TUNIS Fax: +216 71 578 105 Email: ali.cherif@ms.tn
INDONESIA -Jakarta Pr S. Chandra Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Cipto Mangun Kusumo Hospital University of Indonesia Medical Faculty Diponegoro, 71 10430 JAKARTA Phone: +622 13 14 37 36 or +662 13 14 88 65 Fax: +622 13 92 34 43 Email: susilochandra@hotmail.com NEPAL - Kathmandu Pr B.M. Shrestha Anesthesia Kahtmandu Medical College teaching hospital PO BOX 21 266 sinamangal KAHTMANDU Phone: +997 1 44 69 062 /44 69 064 / 44 77 921 Fax: +977 1 44 77 920 Email: kmc@enet.com.np bmsnepal@yahoo.com PAKISTAN - Karachi Pr Muhammad Qamar ul Hoda Department Anesthesia Faculty of health sciences medical college The Aga Khan University Stadium road PO BOX 3500 74800 KARACHI Phone: (92 21) 493.0051 Ext. 4648 Fax: (92 21) 493.4294, 493.2095 Email: gamar.hoda@aku.edu PAKISTAN - Rawalpindi Dr Shahab Naqvi Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases RAWALPINDI Tel + 9251 927 29 28 Fax + 9251 927 10 15 shahab15@hotmail.com PHILIPPINES - Manilla * Pr F. Nuevo University of Santo Thomas Hospital Suite 6009 Medical Arts Building Espana MANILLA Phone: +63 2 731 11 11 or 929 58 52 Fax: +63 2 749 15 27 or 929 58 52 Email:Training Officer: jfnuevo@skyinet.net Departement Chairman: painfree@surfshop.net.ph Departement Secretary: danielcarlos@yahoo.com VIETNAM - Ho Chi Minh City Dr Nguyen Thi Thanh University Training Center for Health Care Professional 520, Nguyen Tri Phuong, Q10 HO CHI MINH CITY Phone: +84 8 86 52 432 Fax: +84 8 86 50 025 Email: nguyentthanh@yahoo.com
PAKISTAN - Lahore Dr Arshad Taqi AFIC/NIHD Hameed Latif Hospital Head of Department Anaesthesia and Intensive Care LAHORE Tel + 92 321 469 7815 + 92 51 92 72 928 arshadtaqi@gmail.com
VIETNAM - Hano Dr Nguyen Quoc Kinh Anesthesia and Intensive Care Viet Duc Hospital 40, Trang Thi St HANOI Phone: +84 4 825 35 31, extension 355 Fax: +84 4 824 83 08 Email: nguyenquockinh@yahoo.com
ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires Dr D. Monkovski, Dr M. Campos, Dr F. Bonofiglio Federacion Argentina de Asociaciones de Anestesia Analgesia y Reanimacion Fragata Sarmiento 541 1405 BUENOS AIRES Fax: +54 11 44 31 24 63 Email: carlosbono@fibertel.com.ar damonk@satlink.com or francisco.bonofiglio@hospitalitaliano.org ARGENTINA - Tucuman Dr Sandra Nunez Associacion Tucumana de Anestesiologia Las Piedras 1381 4000 SAN MIGUEL DE TUCUMAN Phone: +54 381 42 22 727 Fax: +54 381 42 44 861 Email: atatuc@satlink.com.ar
ARGENTINA - Cordoba Dr Juan Carlos Bianco Asociacion de Anestesiologie de Cordoba 27 de Abril 1150 Depto "5" 5000 CORDOBA Phone: +543 51 42 20 424 Fax: +543 51 42 20 424 Email: juancbianco@arnet.com.ar
BRAZIL - Florianopolis - Joinville - Porto Allegre * Dr M. J. Da Conceicao Universidade Regional de Blumenau Rua Germano Weudhaussen 32/401 88015-460 FLORIANOPOLIS Phone: +55 48 223 55 48 Email: marioconceicao@uol.com.br
CEEA - ESA Secretariat Rue des Comdiens, 24 1000 Brussels - Belgium ceea@euroanesthesia.org www.euroanesthesia.org
COLOMBIA - Bogota * Dr M. Galindo Calle 147 n 23-71 apto 304 BOGOTA Phone: +57 1 619 60 66 Fax: +57 1 620 32 30 Email: m.galindo@scare.org.co
MEXICO - Monterey Dra R. M. Elizondo Zapien Jefatura de Educacion e investigacion medica Hospital regional de Especialidades n 25 Gonzalitos con Abraham Lincoln s/n Col Mitras Horte or Poza Rica # 604-A, Cd. Mitrav Norte 64320 MONTEREY, NL Phone: +52 81 71 41 00 Ext 127, 229 Fax: + 52 81 70 11 54 Email: pelizondo@sysop.com.mx MEXICO - Guanajuato Dr S. O. Granados Tinajero Circuito miraloma 1905, Colonia Altabrisa TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFONIA Phone: +52 664 682 71 19 Fax: +52 664 682 71 19 Email: grana2ts@telnor.net granadosts@prodigy.net.mx granadosts@htmaol.com
COSTA RICA - San Jos Dr Celia Hofman Servicio de Anestesiologia Hospital Mexico Caja Costaricense de Seguro Social SAN JOSE - COSTA RICA Phone: +506 232 75 71 Fax: + 506 221 19 53
ECUADOR - Guayaquil Dr F. Veintemilla Department of Anesthesia Hospital Clinica Kennedy Av. San Jorge Entre 9 NA y 10 NA BOX 451 P GUAYAQUIL Phone: +5934 2 289666 Ext 482 - 436 Fax: +5934 2 287495 Email: flaviovs@gu.pro.ec
MEXICO - Yucatan Dra Nancy Ortiz Aguayo Anestesiologia y Transplantes. Hospital Star Medica, consultorio 419 anexo. Calle 26 N 199 x7 y 15 . Altabrisa CP97133 MERIDA, YUCATAN Phone (99) 91960815 Email: noanest@yahoo.es nortizaguayo@gmail.com
MEXICO - Baja California Dr A Romo Zuniga Hospital del Carmen, Colonia Gabilondo Gobernador Lugo 3003-202 22150 TIJUANA BAJA CALIFORNIA Phone: +52 66 84 32 76 +52 681 72 79 Fax: +52 66 81 77 67 +52 664 684 43 51 isal7@hotmail.com arz521099@hotmail.com MEXICO - Xalapa-Vera-Cruz Dra G. Molina Staff Curso de Residentes/adresito a quirofano Centro de Especialidades mdicas del Edo. de Verasnuz Dr Rafael LUCIO Pesonal: Avenida Fernando Gutierrez Barrios n602 Col Luz del Barrio 91150 XALAPA-VERA CRUZ Phone: +52 1 22 88 142153 (dom.) 8 24 25 69 (Cell.) Fax: +52 1 22 88 142153 Email: molcar1@yahoo.com.mx
REPUBLICA DOMINICA - Santo Domingo Dra D. Granados Sociedad Domini cana de Anestesiologia Av Francia 30, sector don Bosco SANTO DOMINGO Phone: +809 530049 11 cellular 967 7669 Fax: +809 535 7337 Email: daliagranados@hotmail.com
Since the beginning of the FEEA, Datex-Ohmeda (now 'GE Healthcare'), provided an annual Educational grant to help cover the costs of the courses and the elearning website. The GE Healthcare grant has now transferred to the ESA and is used to support ongoing CEEA activities and provide support to the Regional Centres. In return, GE Healthcare has the right to contact a course director of a Regional Center to offer a speaker or a product presentation. The course director is free to accept or reject this offer.
organises a two-part examination, the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDA) that is endorsed by the European Board of Anaesthesiology. Thanks to the assessment of the candidates by an independent board of European Examiners, the EDA helps anaesthesiologists wishing to apply for high quality posts or wishing to practice in any European country. For more information please visit www.euroanesthesia.org or contact us directly at exam@euroanesthesia.org.
European Society of Anaesthesiology 24 rue des Comdiens BE - 1000 Brussels Tel: +32 2 743 32 99 Fax: +32 2 743 32 98 www.euroanesthesia.org
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