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Comparative typologyand itscontent, subject matter and methods. Principles

and methods of comparative typological analysis

Article  in  International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation · November 2020


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6 authors, including:

Nozima Djabbarova
National University of Uzbekistan


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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Comparative typologyand itscontent, subject

matter and methods. Principles and methods of
comparative typological analysis
Djabbarova Nozima Kamalitdinovna,2Mamadalieva Zuhra Bahramovna,3Jalalova Feruza
Normurodovna, 4Israilova Dilkhumor Sherzod kizi, 5Shorasulova Arofat Ibrohim kizi,

ABSTRACT--This article focuses on the comparative typology of English, Uzbek and Russian and
discusses the formation of comparative typology as a science, its methods of analysis and the relations of it with
other linguistic subjects. Besides there are discussed certain correlations between the comparative typology and
the other branches of general linguistics based onthe method of comparison (comparative method).
Key words--comparative typology, confrontative linguistics, contrastive linguistics, linguistic
characterology, comparativistics,notions of a type of a language and a type in a language, linguistic universals,
recessives andunicals.


Comparative typology is a relatively independent science suggested for graduation courses. It is a teaching
discipline recommended for learning in 1970 at language faculties of institutes and universities in Uzbekistan. The
purpose of the course is to introduce students to the systematic comparative study of the structures of Modern
English and Uzbek/Russian especially in three main aspects of them:
1) phonetics-phonology
2) grammar (morphology and syntax)
3) word stock (lexics)
This means that we shall learn the three main systems of the Compared Languages:
1) phonological system;
2) grammatical system;
3) lexical system


We pursue the following six main purposes in studying Comparative Typology:

1. to work out methodical recommendations for teaching English at

Senior teacher of NUUz (Uzbekistan)
Senior teacher of NUUz (Uzbekistan)
Teacher of NUUz (Uzbekistan)
Teacher of NUUz(Uzbekistan)
Teacher of NUUz (Uzbekistan)

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6388
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

2. to work out methodical recommendations for translation process;
3. todeveloplanguagetheory;
4. to verify the established language universals;
5. to reveal the unique features of languages;
6. to reveal such features as unnoticeable ones when learned alone.


Comparative typology is a branch of linguistics and it is closely linked with all linguistic levels of analysis.
We will study the structure of Modern English and Uzbek (Russian) as to phonological, morphological,
lexical and syntactical systems.
An all-round comparative typology of the languages in question is subordinated to one main purpose, that
is to the introduction of future teachers of the English language and translators/ interpreters to the comparative
study of English Uzbek and Russian in order that they may work out a theoretically well based linguodidactically
well-grounded methods of teaching a foreign (English) language on the one hand and of translation activities
fromEnglish into Uzbek or Russian and vice versa, on the other.
This kind of comparative study of the languages is achieved by distinguishing both similarities and
dissimilarities (original typological features) between the languages in question.
Comparative typology is a part of general linguistics and takes its certain worthy place among other branches
of it.
There are certain correlations between the comparative typology and the other branches of general linguistics
based onthe method of comparison (comparative method)
They are:
1. Comparative historical linguistics
2. Areal linguistics
3. Typological linguistics
4. Comparative linguistics
1. COMPARATIVE HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS studies degree of relationship (kinship) and origin of
languages by establishing genetic links between languages compared main purpose being restoration of the parent
language (праязык - боботил) from which the languages compared have originated.So, the object of investigation
for comparative historical linguistics is the relative languages-kin languages for example: Turkic languages,
Roman languages,Slavonic languages,Germanic languages and etc.:
English German
father vater
mother mutter
school shule
uncle onkel
The kin languages are compared in their phonological, morphological, syntactical, lexical, phraseological,
stylistic systems.

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6389
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

2. AREAL LINGUISTICS studies languages irrespective of theirareal, geography and kinship with the
purpose of establishing allomorphic and isomorphic features that is similarities and dissimilarities of the compared
languages [4].
But some linguists think that there exist also such branches of general linguistics, which pretend to be
relatively independent:
1) contrastivelinguistics
2) confrontativelinguistics
3) differentiallinguistics
4) contactlinguistics
5) characterologicallinguistics(orcharacterology)
1) CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS studies the dissimilarities - contrasts between languages compared.
Here the accent is made on distinguishing specific features of a language as different from those of the other. F.e.:
Englishhas: Uzbekhas:
1) prepositions 1) pospositions (учун,сари)
2) article 2) 10 tenseforms
3) 16 tense Forms 3)харакатноми
4) gerund,diphthongs,4) равишдош
There are three main Tenses in Russian and two different finite forms:
1) прошедшeе 1) харакатноми
2) настоящее 2) равишдош
3) будущее
There are 10 Tenses in Uzbek all in all:
1. Утганзамон
1) аникутганзамон
2) узокутганзамон
3) утганзамонхикоя шакли
4) утганзамондавомийшакли
5) утганзамонэшитилганликшакли
2. Хозиргизамон.
1) аникхозиргизамон (келаётирман, келаяпман)
2) хозиргикеласизамон(ишлайман доимо, ишлайман эртага)
3. Kеласизамон
1) келасизамонмаксадшакли (мокчиман)
2) келасизамонгумоншакли (укирман)
3) келасизамонлозимшакли (келадиганман)
The object of analysis in such studies is borrowings, language contacts, language unions, bilinguism, and
phenomena of supertratum, substratum and adstratum.
2) CONFRONTATIVE LINGUISTICS studies both the similarities and dissimilarities of the languages
compared [1,3], the main purpose here is to develop the language theory by revealing the isomorphic and

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6390
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

allomorphic features of the compared languages and to work out effective methods of translating or interpreting
from one language into the other.
3) DIFFERENTIALLINGUISTICS(it is a synonym of confrontative linguistics) studies the same
problems that confrontative linguistics does(developing the language theory by revealing the isomorphic and
allomorphic features of the compared languages and working out effective methods of translating or interpreting
from one language into the other.
4) CONTACT LINGUISTICS is a new branch of linguistics that studies any two languages in everyday
close contact(like Uzbek and Russian, or Chinese and English in Honkong, etc), establishing factors of substratum,
superstratum and adstratum and revealing the factors that precondition the latter. Such studies are also aimed at
disclosing the linguodidactic and translatological aspects of the compared languages in contact.
5) CHARACTEROLOGICAL LINGUISTICS or characterology studies all formal and functional units
(means) of a given language at a given moment in the context of general linguistics, as to Rozhdestvensky Y.V.
and it is aimed at comparing one language in comparison with several others through the prism of one of them.
Characterology deals with the open list of differential features, but with the closed list of languages compared,
whereas typology deals with the closed list of differential features of the languages compared, but with the open
list of languages in comparison [3].
6) TYPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS studies languages irrespective of their origin, areal and kinship with
the purpose of establishing similarities/dissimilarities between any pair of languages or more than that here the
geography, origin and quantity of the languages compared plays no role at all. It is aimed at revealing common
(universal) and specific (unical) features of human language.
7) COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS studies languages, usually, two languages, irrespective of their
kinship, areal features, with the purpose of establishing similarities and dissimilarities between the compared
languages, of developing the language theory, and working out effective methods of translating or interpreting
from one language into the other.
8) COMPARATIVE TYPOLOGY studies two languages(foreign language and mother tongue)in
contactin order to work out effective methodicalrecommendations for teaching the former at school, to work out
effective methodical recommendations for translation process, to verify (and establish, if necessary) the
correlation between universal (absolute, frequent and implicational) and specific(recessive and unique) features in
languages compared as well as to establish new features of languages that are not noticeable in learning one
language alone, developing that way the language theory.


As we see, comparative typology is aimed at comparing English and Uzbek or Russian with purpose of:
1) working out methodical recommendations for teaching English at Uzbek or Russian schools;
2) working out methodical recommendations for translation process;
3) verifying language constants(universals, frequentals, implications)
4) revealing the new features of the compared languages, if possible, that may not be revealed in
monolingual studies, thus developing

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6391
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

5) elaboratingthelanguagetheory;
All this is usually carried out by taking into account the typological features of the languages subjected to
comparison, that is to say that English is an analytical language type, Uzbek – agglutinative and Russian – flective,
which should always be kept mind while arriving at certain conclusions of comparative typological character. All
theabovementioned branches of linguistics based on the method of comparison may be well terme as
"Comparativistics" as to Serebrennikov B.A., who is a founder of the latter [4].
When comparing the whole units of the languages in contact one has to strictly keep to the most reliable principls
and use effective methods of linguistic analysis, without which any comparative study is doomed to a failure.
In any linguistic research or analysis of the languages in comparison/contact the following main
effective and tested principles of comparative typological analysis are advisable to be applied [2]:
Principles of comparative typological analysis:
1. Principle of comparative typological comparability of language systems;
2. Principle of comparative typological comparability of systems in strict unified terms and definitions;
3. Principle ofbinarity(бинарность) or polinarity(полинарность) of the languages subjected to
comparative typological analysis;
4. Principle of building metalanguage and etalon language for investigation;
5. Principle of uniformity of functional styles of the phenomena of the compared languages;
6. Principle of creating a special typological theory of the compared phenomena;
7. Principle of grammatical rightness of the compared phenomena;
8. Principle of systemic correlations between the levels of linguistic hierarchy;
9. Principle of accounting the specific features of the compared languages;
10. Principle of synchronism/diachronism or panchronism of investigation;
11. Principle of analogy or equivalency of the compared phenomena;
12. Principle of accounting the kinship of the compared languages;
13. Principle of accounting the borrowings(substratum/superstratum/adstratum) in the compared
14. Principle of accounting the functional styles in the compared languages;
15. Principle of accounting the dialectal features of the compared languages;
16. Principle of the areal unrestrictedness of the compared languages;
17. Principle of accounting a type of language and a type in a language;
18. Principleofleading to linguistic universals(frequentals, inmplications,recessives and unicals or
19. Principle of elaboration of typological taxonomics(classification of languages);
20. Principle of practical and theoretical fitness of the results of the typological investigation.
The above mentioned principles of comparative typological analysis are very effective and reliable, because
they are well tested and proven in our analysis of the composite sentences of Modern English and Uzbek/ Russian
[2]. They prove to be universal in comparative typological analysis of any language unit subjected to investigation.


Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6392
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Comparative typology makes use of different modern methods(or models) of linguistic analysis:
1.Comparative method
2.Method of parts of sentence
3.Componential method
4.Distributional method
5.Oppositional method
6.Transformational method
7.Method of IC.
8.Tagmemic method
9.Statistical method
10. Contextual method
11.Field method(questionnaires and informants)
12. Inductive method
13. Deductive method
These methods are used extensively in general linguistics and they are applicable in Comparative Typology
as well.
Among them the method of comparative typological analysis is the main one, others are helpful and effective,
when necessary.
Comparative typology is closely linked with the following philological sciences:
1. Generallinguistics
2. Speciallinguistics
3. Comparativelinguistics
4. Contrastivelinguistics
5. Confrontativelinguistics
6. Characterologicallinguistics
7. Typologicallinguistics
8. Historicalcomparativelinguistics
9. Theoryandpracticeoftransltion
10. Grammar
11. Phonetics
12. Stylistics
13. Textology(textics)
14. Lexicology
15. Lexicography
16. Phraseology
17. Phraseography
18. Pragmaticlinguistics
19. Cognitivelinguistics
20. Linguoculturology

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6393
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

21. Sociolinguistics
22. Psycholinguistics
23. Methodsofteachinglanguages, etc
So, comparative typology cooperates with all of these branches of linguistics in accordance with purposes
and tasks of this or that investigation needed in both theoretical and applied linguistics, including interfacial


1. Helbig G. “Probleme der Beschreibung von FunktionsverbgefürgenimDeutschen”. Studienzurdeutschen

Syntax, Band 2 ed., Leipzig: VEB bibliographishesInstitut.
2. Khashimov G.M. Typology of composite sentences in different languages. Doctoral dissertation (DSc).
Tashkent, 2002, 325 p.
3. RozhdestvenskyY.V“Lectures on General Linguistics” - Moscow: 'Higher School', 1990 – 381 p.
4. SerebrennikovB.A. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 vol.] / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.:
SovietEncyclopedia, 1969-1978.
5. Gadjieva N.Z. Areal linguistics. M., 1980.
6. Usarov I.K. Problems of general stylistics of composite sentences in different languages (PhD). Tashkent,
2004, 156 p.

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 6394

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