Hindulogy & America
Hindulogy & America
Hindulogy & America
Sheikhpura, Patna-800014, INDIA Phone:091-612-2282141 Website: http://Hindulogy.us Email:hindulogy@gmail.com
In May 1996 I attended the inaugural course of Art of Living at Patna, and at the same time my first article was published in a Bihar Daily Newspaper. Wild, Intuitive or innovative ideas continued to flood my mind due to blessings of my dear Guruji since then. Because I was not a regular journalist, therefore many of these were lost. During late 2002, residual ideas started taking shapes into some interesting and workable projects. However on January 01, 2003, I had a massive Heart Attack to face the discontinuity once again. After a little recovery, I launched the Hindulogy website in April 2003 with the support provided by my sisters and nephew living in USA, and started debating/ writing once again at internet. I wanted to write a book on Hindulogy in 2003 itself, but continued to postpone it till now, sometimes due to health problems and sometimes due to monetary reasons. This time it has become possible mainly due to encouragement by an Old friend Mr. M.P. Singh Rana. Mr. Y. K. Rastogi and Mr. Pradeep Sinha also encouraged me to write this book. However, I shall always remain grateful to Mr. Vinay Agarwal ( Vinaire) for those surcharged debates of 2002, when the name and concept of Hindulogy was born into my mind. I must also express my thanks to Mary Whitker and Mr. Eric Austin of USA, who also helped me in the distress besides encouraging me at many times. Kabir of Chennai is like my elder brother, whose words of appreciation were so special that I could dare to compile this book in spite of failing for so many years. I am a great fan of Kabir because he is an Encyclopedia and also a fluent speaker and writer. He is perhaps also a fan of analytical and fearless Viduur, who also believe in plain speaking. I am also grateful to George Bush, President of USA, who have reposed so much in India & Indians during his recent visit to India. His statements and gestures have superceded the expression of many lovers of this great civilization, which India is credited to have evolved and preserved against all the odds so that Humanity in this age of Software (Knowledge) & Spiritualism can harness their full potential. The book may provide some alternative thoughts and projects to the lovers of humanity and champions of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy. The book can also stir the emotions of those slaves of Religious and other types of doctrines, who still constitute the majority of the global population in this age of Software and Spiritualism and occupy key positions in the highest orders of not only Religious bodies but also in Legislatures, Executive and Judiciary of most of the nations. Since human Psyche follows a evolutionary pattern, I can visualize a better future of Globe and Humanity, which will not see anything like the Clashes of Civilizations as feared by many. Atul K Mehta
ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author is a Mechanical Engineer with diversified interest and experiences served as a Drilling Engineer in ONGC from 1982-88. Living in BH(Black Hole known as Bihar) on the only basis of full and firm faith in market. He is a follower of Sri Sri Ravishankar. He has written many articles on issues ranging from Stock Market to Socio-Political issues in News Papers and Magazines. He is active debater on religious and socio-political issues on internet. His dream is to see the convergence of Hinduism and US. HINDULOGY FOUNDATION is just a new born organization with many innovative ideas, possibilities and Projects.
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Part I : Hindulogy 1. Hindulogy, Hinduism & Hindu 2. Religion/ Doctrines & Racism 3. Religion on T-S Scale 4. Evolution vs Revolution 5. Origin of Hinduism & Shiva 6. Hindu Religion- Caste System = Hinduism 7. Evolution of Sanatan Dharma 8. A SWOT Analysis of Hinduism 9. Science & Hinduism 10. Spirituality vs Philosophy 11. Logic vs Truth 12. Agitation vs Meditation Part II: Sub-Sets of Spirituality 1. Democracy vs Western Values 2. Materialism vs Spiritualism 3. Modern Trinity of Nature, God & Market 4. Communism vs Individualism 5. Destiny & Laws of Karma/ Dharma 6. Ego, Pride & Nationalism 22 23 24 27 31 33 1 3 6 8 9 12 13 15 17 18 19 20
Part III: USA & Hinduism 1. WaT & 3 Religions 2. US: Great Democracy created by Market 35 37
3. Great Democracy of US may turn into SLC 39 4. Anti-American Syndrome: A great Paradox 43 5. Christianity vs American Religion 6. US & Hinduism 7. Should US become a Hindu nation? 8. US may become a Hindu Nation by 2100 9. US need Gandhi Now 10. Bush vindicates me 44 47 50 52 53 57
Part IV: A Debate between Hindus & Scientologists 1. Vinaire & Others 2. Dianetics & Scientology 3. Birth of Hindulogy 4. Weakness of Hinduism 5. Weakness of Hindus 6. USA & Spirituality 7. Key Weakness & A Challenge 8. A journey from Koran to Scientology 9. Love 10. Real Truth of Scientology 55 57 62 69 77 85 93 102 110 112 116
HINDULOGY What is HINDULOGY? HINDULOGY = HINDUISM + TECHNOLOGY Hinduism is very rich in spiritual technologies including Yoga / Pranayam etc. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has added a new chapter in the development of spiritual technologies by gifting the Sudarshan Kriya to the humanity and Deepak Chopra has listed and detailed out the affinity of Medical Sciences with Spiritualism practices in many books. I think many more such spiritual techniques can be harnessed from the rich heritage of Hinduism for the realization of true spiritual potential of the human being & the humanity in this hour of Spiritual crisis. WHAT IS HINDUISM? Hinduism is essentially Santana Dharma, and Santana Dharma of today is a Sum or Product of all Indic religions, existing as well as not existing. Santana Dharma is not only consisted of the main ingredients like Vedic Dharma, Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism, but it also has the flavors provided by Jainism, Buddhism & many other philosophies. Therefore it is a perfect EVOLUTION and beyond the understanding of those Scholars, who look for the concepts of Religion in the Books only. Spirituality ensures a natural way of life. Man is a creation of Nature and therefore, it has to seek harmony with Nature. Making realizations in harmony with nature is called Spiritualism. Hinduism offers best definitions and explanations of Spiritualism. It may also be said that HINDUISM is SPIRITUALISM & SPIRITUALISM is HINDUISM. SPIRITUALISM also means LOVE, LIBERTY & FREEDOM with PROSPERITY Actually the very concept of having external control/ authority seems to be erroneous. We are now coming out of that era, when individuals were having external control and authority. We are now rapidly moving into a future, where internal control and self-control will become paramount and all the external controls will become unacceptable and irrelevant. Is it not very ridiculous to give our control to someone else? Hinduism has most unique feature of freedom and liberty incorporated into it since unknown times, because it is basically an evolutionary philosophy and not a revolutionary doctrine. It was not noticed by the developed world so far because India was not a free nation till some years ago, where Hinduism was originated. But now world is watching & studying Hinduism to learn the real and noble concepts of Liberty and freedom in Hindu Way of Life and scriptures to develop more meaningful concepts of Governance and Management also.
SPIRITUALISM is essentially SECULAR also, even if it is not the vice-versa. In fact, Secularism is only a sub-set of Spiritualism. It is not only very different from any kind of all these man-made Religions but is also capable to challenge any kind of Religious fundamentalism' also. WHO is HINDU? Everyone is born as Hindu only. HINDU means only INNOCENCE. When he grew up then he become either a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Jew, or a Brahmin, or a Shoodra etc. by the conditioning of the respective religious doctrines. Be it CASTE SYSTEM or be it Religions like ISLAM, every such doctrine target and kill our Innocence or Hinduism only. Hindu Religion is also an amalgamation Hinduism & Caste System, which can be best described by the following equation: HINDUISM (i.e. Spiritualism) = Hindu Religion - Caste System CASTE SYSTEM is a Racist INSTITUTION RELIGIONS are generally anti-Racist INSTITUTIONS. One can't ride in two Boats at the same time, which are moving in opposite directions. When an individual become free from the illusions caused by the Caste System then he/she can experiences the BLISS of INNOCENCE very easily thru the spiritualistic philosophy contained in the Upanishads, Gita & in the Characters of Hindu God/icons like Shiva, Rama, Krishna etc or thru Raj Yoga or Bhakti Yoga etc. Similarly when a person will get rid of various Religious Doctrines/ Philosophies then only he can experience the unique feeling of FREEDOM & LIBERATION. If he wants to enjoy the BLISS or then he will have to seek guidance from Hindu Philosophy / Way of life only because there is no other spiritualistic philosophy is available at this planet. Hindu Philosophy in its purest form is very innocent, inspiring, vibrant and also extremely relevant in these times. It is nothing except a very pure, real, natural and practical form of spiritual wisdom only. Since the Hindu philosophy always stressed upon the welfare of humanity without any discrimination & distinctions, therefore, I have no doubt that worldwide recognition and respect will be available to Hinduism now onwards. GLOBALISATION OF HINDUISM & SPIRITUALISATION OF THE GLOBE The aim of Hindus should not be limited to defending INDIA & Hinduism only in these times. It will be better if they aim for Globalization of Hinduism & Spiritualization (Hinduisation) of the Globe to defend the Globe and save the Humanity. Then only,
interests of India & Hindus can also be served better. Without making use of Spiritual and Scientific Technologies, Hinduism may not succeed in ensuring the durable peace and real Globalization of our Globe. Dream of having a CASTELESS HINDU SOCIETY will become a reality in the current century itself. Hinduism i.e. Spiritualism will definitely succeed in ensuring the Genuine & Real Globalization afterwards. RELIGIONS & DOCTRINES Religion is not an appropriate word to convey the right and full meanings of various religious-spiritual philosophies. Instead they can be categorized as under: 1. Way of Life ( Dharma in Hindi) 2. Religions ( Panth in Hindi) 3. Doctrines 4. Cults WAY OF LIFE ( Dharma) : The Way of life means becoming spiritual in harmony with nature. Such a Philosophy, which only provide religious/ philosophical and spiritual guidance without any set of rules or religious authority falls into this category. In such cases, an individual enjoy total freedom and liberty to decide his path of salvation. Spiritual aspects are important here and so the Individuality but the Social aspects are not so dominant in these philosophies. Social aspects are taken care by different sects/organizations, which evolve in a natural manner to meet various practical requirements of times e.g. like the need of authority, discipline, programs etc. But such sects/organizations cant be called religions because they only play the role of facilitator. Various Hindu orgs like AoL, Isckon, Sai Baba, etc are just playing the role of facilitator only. Hinduism is certainly a Way of Life and so the Buddhism. RELIGION ( Panth) : A Religion is normally consisted of two components known as Immortal Spiritual Wisdom & Mortal Social Code in varying degrees as controlled by the time & place. This can also be summarized as under thru an Equation: RELIGION = Immortal Spiritual Wisdom + Mortal Social Code Therefore a Religion without a Social Code is the Spiritual Essence of a particular Religious philosophy. However in practice Religion is generally comprised of a relatively rigid system with central authority. In spite of having such features, individuals liberty & freedom of choice is not entirely sacrificed. Spiritual aspect of life is also important here
and so the social or group aspects. Religion can never be perfect and shortcomings and limitations are always there like in any creation of the human beings. Hindu Religion was also comprised of a Mortal Social Code i.e. Caste System besides having the immortal Spiritual Wisdom of Hindu Philosophy as under: Hindu Religion = Hinduism (Spiritual Wisdom) + Caste System (Social Code) In ancient times social code was ability & need based Varna System, which was later replaced by a birth based & discriminatory Caste system. In 1950, modern Hindu Society also consigned discriminatory provisions of Caste System to dust-bin to replace them with many concepts of Modern Democracy. DOCTRINE: Doctrines are mainly concerned with the social aspects of the Individuals than the Individual aspect of the societies. This is the basic contradiction in these philosophies, which seems to the main reason of their failure and collapse after some time. Doctrines are least spiritual, where the Individuals freedom or choice has been totally sacrificed. Not only the Communism was a Doctrine, but modern Islam also falls into this category only. Modern Islam is definitely short to the definitions of a Religion. CULTS: Cults are based on specific needs/thoughts and have specific and well defined objectives generally, but the underlying principle on which cults are based does not have the timetested reliability. Normally cults reject the most basic spiritualistic concepts and also many important norms of the society. Cults are born with a sense of insecurity and become narrower, selective and confined with the passage of time to ultimately expire within a very short time only. Some individual person is always CENTRAL in cults, but their character and composition vary greatly with the change of authority & time. Spirituality is all encompassing in itself. We do not need doctrines like Islam, Communism or Capitalism when we have Spiritualism. Economics is only a subject. Subjects do not interfere with the laws of nature or concepts of Spiritualism. But the Islam and Communism are such Doctrines, which invariably violates the laws of nature or concepts of the Spiritualism. Because God is one, therefore Spiritual Philosophy can only be one only while the Prophets, Avatars & subjects can be many. One Globe can not cope with so many religious doctrines as we are witnessing today. There is only one philosophy which can ensure the universal welfare of the humanity, which is best represented by the concepts of spiritualism as enshrined in the core Hindu philosophy. Existence of two Doctrines will always lead to clash. For example we have seen in Afghanistan where two doctrines confronted each other to cause unparallel damage to the humanity which may not be possible thru Nuclear Wars. Afghanistan was devastated due to clash between the doctrines of Islam and Communism. In the erstwhile USSR, Communism succeeded in suppressing Islam but when they tried to swallow Afghanistan
also then so much resistance was put up by the Islam, which ultimately led to the demise of Communism in the USSR & Eastern Europe even. Communism can't be compared with the Hinduism or Spiritualism. Sanatana Dharma is a Way of life and the Islam & Communism are the 'Doctrines' only, which is much short to a complete and universal philosophy. RELIGION vs RACISM Concept of RELIGION has been evolved to challenge the RACISM basically. There are only two philosophies in this world which do not confirm to this most basic requirement of a Religion. One is Judaism & the other is Brahminism, and both are based on the concept of Racism mostly. It will be better if such philosophies are put into the category of 'AntiReligion. Just like Judaism, the Brahminism also means Exclusivism on the basis of Blood mainly. In contrast, Hinduism is based on the principles of Inclusivism, without any consideration of blood. Because 'Hinduism' is grossly based on the Spiritualistic concept of Love, Compassion & Sacrifice therefore one can call it as the most potent or viable Religion. In other words, Brahminism can also be called as an Anti-Thesis of Hinduism, which was invented by some Racist sages to destroy Hinduism in India. Although Brahminism finally got submerged into the ocean of Hinduism but not without polluting it thru a unique concept known as Hindu Caste System. The Caste System was mainly discovered & devised to throttle the 'spirit of Democracy' & individual freedom, as is evident from its Hierarchical & discriminatory concepts. Later Caste System invented some more innovative features like UNTOUCHABILTY also, which resulted in unparallel humiliation of the mighty India for nearly 2 millenniums. Ancient Varna System was not Racism but the division of JOB mainly, whereas the Caste System has racial components also. Caste System had only gradually replaced the VARNA SYSTEM; therefore it has incorporated some of the features of Varna System also. Caste may be an amalgamation of Varna & Race, but it is not proper to think Caste is synonymous with Varna, especially when Varnas are not more than 4/5, while number of Castes exceeds 4000. In contemporary times, CASTE means JATI in Hindi language. Castes as well as Jati perfectly communicate the meanings but when we try to replace them with VARNA, then problem arises. Modern JATI is in fact a derivative (cross product) of RACE & VARNA. Just like Indians having the genes of different races, the Indian JATIS are also come into existence as the derivatives of different races and different Varnas. Therefore concept of Jati is a little bit more complicated than the product (people) itself, because Jati is a derivative of two variables i.e. Race & Varna Manu Smiriti was a Social Code of Hindus, which was partly followed by Hindus till the last century. After Independence a new HINDU CODE has come into existence and Manu Smiriti has been consigned to history now. Earlier same thing happened with Varna
System, when Manu Smiriti came into effect nearly 2 millennium ago. It constitutes the proof of Dynamic Character of Hindu Philosophy, which is not static & rigid like other religions. Hinduism has the ability to evolve a Social System as per the requirement of times. I don't why people are so attached to dead concepts like Varna System & Caste System when Hinduism has provided a new replacement in the concepts of Modern Democracy. In these times we can only rely on the DEMOCRACY to sort out what is best for a particular person by giving equal chance. Democracy is taking care of everyone...be it Brahmins ...or be it Dalits. Everyone is a bit more capable & prosperous now than the earlier times, when Caste used to determine the Job of an Individual. Therefore it can be concluded that Evolution of HINDU RELIGION has passed thru following stages: Ancient times: HINDU RELIGION = HINDUISM + VARNA SYSTEM Kalyugi times: HINDU RELIGION = HINDUISM + CASTE SYSTEM Modern times: HINDU RELIGION = HINDUISM + DEMOCRACY. Hinduism means only Immortal Spiritual Wisdom, and not the SOCIAL CODES, which are specific to the need of times & place. However, it is grossly irrelevant to think in term of RACE & RELIGION always, when there are many other factors also, which divide the humanity. One of such factors is 'Nationality' or 'National Pride'. All the so-called Christian nations or White nations take pride in the concept of Nation, more than Christianity or race in these times. Nationality may have been a derivative of the 'Race' initially but now the concept of Race has been left much behind. In these times, concept of NATIONALISM is gradually becoming the expression of self-interest of the majority living in a country. Not only European Nations but countries like China or Japan also take pride in Nationalism. Communism failed to dominate the thought of Chinese Nationalism, which is evident from the fact, when Communist China fell out of the influence area of erstwhile USSR within 60s only.
The case of US, India & Islamic world are however different. In case of America, the concept of Nationalism found some expression in the concepts of 'American Pride, but even then it is not so narrow like it is with the Europeans, Chinese or Japanese. Apeal for Democracy & concern for all humanity & Globe are also the prominent hall marks of the 'American Religion or Culture'. India is very unique due to amalgamation of every kind of thoughts perceived by the humanity since ancient times. Take any thought of any kind of Religion, Spiritualism, Race, Nationalism, Materialism, Capitalism, Communism, Individualism, and you will find it is ingrained in the Indian psyche & Culture to some minor or major extent with an inclusive spirit. Take the example of CASTE SYSTEM. Although it is primarily based on the discriminatory concepts of Racism, but in India it has acquired an inclusive spirit also in the name & concepts of Caste System. No other place of the world has witnessed so much mixing of races, as has can be seen in the case of India since time immemorial. Racial Mixing is a visible phenomenon but not the ideological mixing. However, a cursory look at the Indian History will reveal that Ideological mixing is also ON in this MELTING POT of INDIA since time immemorial to the current times. In modern times also, one can witness that Communism has collapsed in the other parts of the world, but in India Marxist thought is still alive since it found enough expression in the psyche of those people ( say RSS/BJP) also, which are considered to be extremely opposite or anti to the Marxists. Islamic World is surely very different from the rest of the Globe & Humanity, because they have opted for the slavery of a Religion like Islam, and a book namely Koran, which have become grossly inadequate, irrelevant and outdated in these times. 'Followers' of a religion/ socio-political system is a different concept altogether than the concept of Slaves. Majority of the Muslims are still behaving like such SLAVES only , who have - the eyes, but will like to see what their Masters will see. - been gifted EARS by the almighty, but they will hear only what their Maulavis will say. - been provided Voice by the ALLAH, but they will repeat only what their IMAM will utter. RELIGIONS on a T-S SCALE All religions lie on a linear scale known as T-S scale between Absolute Terrorism and Absolute Spiritualism (Brahman). Terrorism, as demonstrated specially by Bin Ladens & Talibans is also a religion only. Their religion occupies a slot just next to the extreme pole of Absolute Terrorism. Alternatively, it can be said to lay in-between Islam and Absolute Terrorism. Hinduism lies just next to Absolute SPIRITUALISM (Brahman). Advaitic Philosophy of Hinduism is most proximal to this inexpressible or absolute spiritualism (Brahman). Advaita requires a very difficult or impossible kind of precision, whereas the Dvaitic route of BHAKTI/ Love offers a lot of flexibility and makes the realizations much easier.
In fact Hindu Dvaita or the Dvaitic Gods serves a very useful and time-tested References/ Datum to imagine and understand the Absolute Brahman. The following equation can express it very objectivelyDvaita: Advaita :: Centigrade scale: Kelvin Scale . Both these scales are used for the same purpose, but Kelvin scale is used near absolute zero temperatures by the Scientists, while the Centigrade scale is for common use and is also more popular like a utility. Therefore, Dvaita and Advaita are neither in conflict with each other nor they contradict the nature. Rather they are just complimentary to each other. If Terrorism is the result of extreme negative emotions in a negative direction facilitated by Islam then Advaita is also an extreme culmination of Hindu philosophy in the positive direction. If Terrorism is capable to produce the DEMONS, then Hinduism is also capable to create DEVTA (super Humans), who may look like GOD only. If BL demonstrated the near ultimate might of the concepts of Terrorism then Vivekananda/GANDHI/ Sri Sri also demonstrated real strength of the concepts of Spirituality (or Hinduism), which are capable to create pleasant wonders in this world. This phenomenon can be summarized in the equation as under also : TERRORISM : SPRITUALISM : : BIN LADEN : GANDHI Or TERRORISM : SPIRITUALISM : : ISLAM : HINDUISM Various religions on this T-S scale stands in following order to my humble understanding: ABSOLUTE TERRORISM (Indescribable CHAOS) TERRORISM (as demonstrated by Bin Laden / Taliban.) ISLAM HINDU CASTE SYSTEM( like a religion) CHRISTIANITY BUDDHISM HINDUISM (Dvaita) HINDUISM (Advaita) ABSOLUTE SPIRITUALISM (Brahman or Bliss)
Mohammed Saheb provided a mortal model social code also besides providing immortal genuine spiritual wisdom. Genuine Spiritual Wisdom means Concept of One God to remove the illusions & confusions of those times prevalent in a particular region. Model Social Code was only mortal like any other social system and was probably meant for a specific time period only. Problem & confusions arises when most of the Islamic Scholars become more attached & dedicated to the Mortal Social Code which has become outdated for last so many centuries. Initially it resulted in Backwardness of Muslim Communities, but now it has acquired the dangerous dimensions & name of Islamic Terrorism. EVOLUTION & REVOLUTION The concepts of revolution are certainly glamorous but are they really beautiful also? Revolution is a quick process, which can ensure destruction of existing system only. Destruction is possible at fast pace but the creation & installation of an alternative system is almost impossible so swiftly. In case of humans and societies, revolution always cause more destruction, damage and harm than any good. Therefore, Evolution is the right approach, which can provide the answers of various social and political problems of the mankind and society. Nature also takes the recourse of revolution but to cause destruction only. Events like tornado, Earth quake, Floods etc are nothing else but the revolutionary concepts and tools only as devised by the nature for the purpose of destruction. But when we look at any creation of the nature then it is always slow paced & evolutionary only. Therefore, one can say that Nature has prescribed the EVOLUTIONARY route only for creation. Revolutionary concepts like Communism & Islam are basically destructive only in nature. The prolonged use of such revolutionary (or destructive) philosophies can never result into anything good for the society or humanity. War is a swift & quick (temporary) revolutionary (destructive) concept, which was also used by both Rama & Krishna in their lives to destroy the evils only but both of them, preferred the route of Evolution only for the creative purposes. They were really the greatest people, who walked on this earth but both of them refrained themselves from initiating any new religion in their names to replace the old one, like it was contemplated by Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and Communists like Marx, Lenin & Mao. Rama & Krishna never wanted to violate the natural law of EVOLUTION by bringing any REVOLUTION. GANDHI also used the ROUTE of EVOLUTION only Most of the Western thinkers, philosophers and scholars perhaps failed to understand this unique feature of the slow paced Indian Freedom Movement in the leadership of Gandhi, although one can really learn some great lessons from it. It was an EVOLUTION in perfect
Hindu traditions and not a REVOLUTION. Gandhi truly and exactly followed Rama & Krishna during those 30 years of Gandhian era in India between 1917 and 1947. Revolution is only an immature western concept which is still causing damage to the Humanity. For example, many people are trying to revolutionize the American society thru fast paced Technological revolutions, Feminist movement or religious cultic movements etc. But each and everyone of such revolutionary idea bring more complications within the society instead of providing any solutions to the existing problems. In this twenty-first century, intellectuals and philosophers should have a re-look at the fundamental definitions & differences of the EVOLUTION & REVOLUTION by taking clue from the concepts of Spirituality (i.e. Hindu Philosophy). After realizing some basic differences they can lead and guide the world on Evolutionary pattern to ensure a slow paced but perfectly natural and non-violent growth of human psyche and society. Until the word REVOLUTION will not be deleted from the political dictionary and psyche of the politicians & peoples, it will continue to delude Humanity to achieve a natural harmony and perfect equilibrium. As seems to be inspired by Hindu Philosophy, many top corporate / Business organizations of India are now realizing their spiritual potential and duties towards this Universe/ Globe/ Humanity & Society. For example INFOSYS, a company promoted by Shri NarayanMurthy has also provided some very noble concepts to the world in the areas of spirituality and charity besides registering a phenomenal success in their main business of Software Development. Probably on such inspiration, the Govt. of India has also incorporated special provisions in their policies to provide more incentives to charitable & spiritual pursuits by the corporate India. Business and Spiritualism are not opposed to each other as was considered some time ago. Karma and Dharma are only complimentary has been proved conclusively by few corporate from India. Who knows if tomorrow, US or India witness emergence of some giant Spiritual corporate entity also, which will be in a position to change the face of the world completely. More and more Evolutionary process & approach are needed in this world to convert it into an Heaven .Any Religion or Doctrine which violates the natural law of evolution neither deserves any respect and sympathy from the humanity nor it can be saved by such emotional reasons or any other means. We have seen in erstwhile USSR, where all the national resources and human lives had been sacrificed for decades to save the doctrine of Marxism/ Communism, but one day it collapsed suddenly and finally. There is no need make experiments with new religious philosophies or existing religions and doctrines when the natures gift of spirituality has been preserved and perfected by in the land of India for so many millenniums. It should not be considered merely an Indian Philosophy but it is truly a Universal Philosophy in its appeal & essence, which is also capable to accommodate everyones view point in its ocean like spread. I think the time has come when various religions of the world should seek guidance from Hinduism to become wholly spiritualistic so that any clash of civilizations/ religion can be avoided. Hindu
Society should also do away with the Caste System now, which has become grossly irrelevant in this new millennium. ORIGIN of HINDUISM & SHIVA Hinduism is the most primitive concept, the first serious and spiritualistic inquiry into the phenomena called as Ultimate Reality. Actually concept of Hinduism is not started from Vedas, but one can find the traces of this most Natural Evolution in the remains of Mohan Jo Daro in the form of PashuPatiNath, which is also symbolic to the mans evolution from Animals. No Western Tribes including those Aryans, who came to India during pre-Vedic periods, had any idea of Spiritualistic concepts developed by ancient Hindus of this region. Confusion was caused by poor understanding & wrong interpretation of Spiritualistic concepts by all westerners since ancient times to date. Invading Aryans may have killed those Hindus, who were living in those valleys of Sindhu but they didnt or could not wipe out the remains of then Hindu Civilization & culture completely. We may not be able to decipher the script of Sindhu Valley but the symbol of PasuPatiNath says the story of mans evolution without any script. One can find hundreds of incidents in Hindu Scriptures/ Puranas, when attempts to destroy the concept of Shiva were also made, but the concept of Shiva still remains most popular concept among all kind of Hindus. It may not only be incidental, that modern man got the whole figure of PasuPatinath in Mohan Jo Daro. It seems to be a 'will of the destiny' & a 'gift of the nature' so that modern man is able to trace their journey of their evolution, and also of various Spiritualistic / Religious concepts. Otherwise just imagine how much improbable was it to have such a LIVE SYMBOL of the worlds oldest religion i.e. Hinduism. The other symbols of Mohan Jo daro also speak loudly about the 'Inclusive spirit' of Hinduism, where not only men/women were equal & complimentary but even the animals were also duly recognized in positive & most appropriate manner. Shivas abode was not limited to Kailash in the North to KanyaKumari in the South but it was extended to Kaba in the west & Kambodia in the East, when no organized Religion existed at this planet. He provided the concept of Humanism or Hinduism i.e. Spiritualism to the mankind to face the challenges of RACISM & other discriminations. Every Religion which challenges Racism and Discriminations is essentially Hinduism & any Religious Doctrine, which promotes Racism or discrimination of any sort, is undoubtedly Anti-Hinduism only. There is a very popular saying among Hindus or Indians that is SATYAM SHIVAM SUNDARAM Which means Satya hee Shiv hai ( Truth is Shiva), Shiv hee Sundar hai ( Only Shiva is beautiful)
But Why ? Why only Shiva is Beautiful? Because Shiv kaa arth hai Bholapan i.e. Shiva is beautiful because Shiva means Innocence. Actually SHIVA means INNOCENCE only. Therefore, we can say that Satyam Shivam Sundaram, kyonki Shiv ka arth hai Bholapan. Only this INNOCENCE will guide & decide the future of our planet ultimately. Innocence is a great virtue of the India Philosophy but it was always misunderstood as THE WEAKNESS by the westerners as well as by many Indians. The whole philosophy of Hinduism revolves around Shiva, who is called BholeNath also. The essence of our being is not the Intellect but our Innocence. Intellect is only a gift/tool, but the Innocence is an eternal truth. Of course, we have lost the wars...we have lost many other opportunities also of taking lead in the Materialistic subjects & pursuits. But we have preserved this INNOCENCE with great care (by making great sacrifices) for this day, when the whole world has started realizing & recognizing the importance of this virtue after becoming fed up from the concepts of WAR & WEALTH. This innocence (the essence of Hinduism) can also be summarized as under: Karmanyen vadhikaraste....maa phaleshu kadachana.... Islamic as well as Christian world have started realizing the fallacies of their philosophies, which negate such innocence and cultivate EGO, and the problems caused by Ego. The Innocence as represented by the Indic faith of Hinduism may look fragile but it has proved most virile thought so far in spite of all kind of external & internal attacks. Condemning Indians & Hindu is a different thing, but I don't understand why to curse & condemn a philosophy, which may provide the solution of the every problem created by other philosophies including the Greeks? Vedas also absorb the unique spirit of Inclusivism, which has been manifested in the Upanishads very lively. When VARNA SYSTEM was introduced for the smooth functioning of Hindu Society, it was only a division of labor according to fitness & skills and hence it was mobile also. However, by the time of Ramayana, Brahmins established themselves as an Elite Caste, which did not allowed even Kshtriya VishvaMitra into the Brahmin fold in spite of everything he achieved/accomplished to shame Vashistha even. Rama is more a disciple of VishvaMitra than Vasistha. However, at that time also, mobility at other levels of Hindu Society can be witnessed. Rama & Krishna also challenged the Elitism or Brahminsim besides making various reforms in the Hindu Society to remove many Brahminical non-senses from the Hinduism/Hindu Society in those times, but without revolting. However, after some more
centuries Hinduism/ Hindu Society started stinking once again due to Bacteria & Viruses produced by Brahminism. It was the time of Buddha, but Buddha took the route of revolution and rejected Hinduism altogether. It was a departure from the precedence set by Rama/ Krishna. History repeat itself and one can see the echo of the happenings of those times in the most recent & well recorded history of India, when Gandhi decided to free the Hinduism from the clutches of Brahminism by taking clue from Rama/ Krishna in conciliatory manner, while Ambedkar opted the route of Buddha to challenge the non-senses of Brahminism in India in a reactionary manner. However, not many Brahmins of India or people belonging to Other Upper Castes believed in Brahminism for last few centuries. Many of them have ensured revival of true spirit of Hinduism thru various reforms during last two centuries. People like Swami DayaNand, RajaRam Mohan Roy, Lokmanya Tilak etc were Brahmins only. Even today one can see the difference between Brahminists like Sudarshan & M M Joshi belonging to RSS led Shakuni Parivar ( Sangh Parivar) on one hand and true Hindus like Sri Sri & NarayanMurthy, who are also Brahmins only by Caste. Racism is not limited to Brahmins only, because DALITISM is also same as the BRAHMINISM is. DALITS also practice Racism and shun the members belonging to other castes belonging to join their organizations. It is just like two sides of the same coin, therefore both are opposed to Hinduism. Any kind of Reservation will always results into more Racism, be it a compartment of train in SA, from which Gandhi was thrown out, be it the JOB RESERVATION SYSTEM in the Government Services in India. HINDU RELIGION CASTE SYSTEM = HINDUISM i.e. SPIRITUALISM Ancient Hindu Rishis & Sages were not the rich or powerful people, but they definitely enjoyed moral authority because of their wisdom. They used to discover & suggest the means and ways of the welfare of the society through meditation, while rest of the population used to take care of little material requirements of the sages. More than material possession it was the intellectual and spiritual pursuits, which inspired Hindus till the concepts of manipulations & materialism were invented by some Brahminists, which were later imposed on the Hinduism and Hindu Society of India thru the Modern Caste System. Hindu caste system kept on becoming more and more rigid under the inspiration and influence of western value system for nearly 2 millenniums and finally engulfed the Hinduism & whole Hindu Society like a closed shell. It was fractured for the first time during the era of Bhakti Movement inaugurated by Nanak, Tulsidas, Ravidas , Meera Bai etc. The example set up by Meera Bai need a special mention because she was not only a woman but a Rajput Queen also, when she decided to become the disciple of a Shoodra Ravidas and created an unmatched poetry of love & devotion, which transcended all language barriers in India. In fact, Caste System is not in synchronization with the Hinduism, when analyzed in the backdrop of the contexts & examples set by the great Hindu incarnations/ characters like
Rama & Krishna. The popular verse contained in the Purush- Sukta of Rigved appears to be an adulteration created by the vested interests in later years. Still many people quote the same verse to provide sanctity & justification to the Caste System. Moreover this verse had only a mention of Social System known as ability based Varna System, which was very different from the prevailing Hereditary or Birth based rigid Caste System. The Caste system is an alien concept and anti-thesis of Hinduism if looked in totality. It is true that some influential sections of Hindu Society committed wrongs in the Caste System but the Law of Karma (or God) did not spared them also. During the millennium old Islamic Rule of India it was the mostly upper Caste Hindus of Northern India, who were subjected to the worst kind of humiliation by the terror of ISLAM. People generally consider India/ Hinduism/ Caste system/Hindu Society synonymous but in reality they are entirely different but related concepts only. India/ Hindu Society may have been corrupted over the last many centuries due to Caste system and associated ills, but the efforts to corrupt Hinduism failed miserably. Hinduism is still distinctly recognizable from Hindu Religion provided one has the ability to see beyond the confusions caused by the Caste System as has been summarized by the following equation: Hindu Religion Caste System = Hinduism or Spiritualism. It is a different matter that most of the Hindus in India are still to attach more importance to this external packaging only while least interested in the product or fruit inside. However, there is nothing in Hinduism, which can not be discussed or criticized. Hindus, who have become atheist/ cultists yet call themselves Hindu only, and exercise their right to criticize Hinduism without any inhibition. There is nothing like Blasphemy in Hinduism, therefore one can always enjoy full liberties. EVOLUTION OF SANATANA DHARMA Spiritualism (Hinduism) prescribes a four wheel drive to maintain the best equilibrium and also to ensure maximum benefits. These four wheels in order of priority are Bhakti (Love/ Devotion), Karma( Action), Jnana( Knowledge) and Raj Yoga ( meditation). But to my understanding, Bhakti and Karma are the minimum requirements to attain necessary balance, and therefore are most important also. Jnana or Raj yoga can be skipped but not the Bhakti and Karma Yoga. One can experience a comfortable ride on a twowheeler of Bhakti and Karma in absence of a four wheel drive. The SANATANA DHARMA had following four stages of EVOLUTION to arrive at this present state. FIRST STAGE (TAPAS/ MEDITATION OR RAJ YOGA): Vedas are not one time creation. Vedas are also evolution. Initially men laid more emphasis on having power and prosperity in this life & for the life beyond death. This feeling also found expression in most ancient Vedic hymns and ritual like Yajnas etc. The route of Tapas (Meditation) seems to be pre-Vedic practice, which was perfected by those Rishis, who could not
become satisfied with the rituals & ceremonies only, which generally aimed at materialistic comforts & power instead of ensuring enlightenment. SECOND STAGE (JNAN YOGA): After the Vedic period, humanity entered into the second phase of Upanishadic age. In this period the mankind witnessed threadbare and mind-boggling debates & discussions on various spiritual issues. Thus, route of Jnana Marg was invented & unfolded in these times, so that humanity has two options to acquire spiritual knowledge. One was Tapasya (Meditation or Raj Yoga) and the other was Jnana Marg (Route of Knowledge). THIRD STAGE (BHAKTI YOGA): The Jnana Marg (Route of knowledge) also had some limitations, because majority of the people were not in a position to spare so much time and aptitude for availing this route. Then perhaps, God decided to introduce one more easier route of Bhakti (Love / Devotion) for the salvation of the average person. To inspire people to become Bhakta (devotees), God also decided to have the first recognizable incarnation on this earth as RAMA. By his various actions ( Leela), Rama covered all those gaps and doubts, which were not yet covered by Vedas & Upanishads. Thus the route of Devotion ( Bhakti Marg) was inaugurated because the people saw God in Action as represented by the human incarnation of Rama. FOURTH STAGE (KARMA YOGA): When KALIYUGA arrived then there were not many takers of the easiest route of BHAKTI even. Therefore, GOD decided to have one more incarnation as KRISHNA to provide the most feasible and easily practicable route of KARMA YOGA. Besides this he also provided the ESSENCE of all Vedic & Upanishadic knowledge into a very precise guide namely GITA to the humanity, so that no one should spend lot of time in pursuing spiritual pursuits by ignoring his worldly duties and affairs. Most of the people see the Raj Yoga / Jnana Yoga / Bhakti Marg or Karma Yoga in isolation, therefore develop wrong notions of seeing them in conflict with each other. But neither of these routes is in conflict with any other route. They are not independent paths but inter-dependent paths to ensure maximum realizations. They do not provide alternatives to each other but just play complimentary roles to each other in the spiritualistic pursuits and materialistic achievements of an individual & the society. One can see a similar kind of evolution of Spirituality in the WEST in these times, which has been evolved during thousands of years in India. But there are some differences also: (1) That process is accelerated now and, (2) West has skipped the BHAKTI stage and trying to stabilize the KARMA (action) thru JNANA (Knowledge). This seems to the root cause of all Illusions, Confusions and Dilemmas prevailing among the spiritual seekers of the west.
KRISHNA is Great: Call him God or Guide! Deities are only one but important aspect of Hinduism. Deities have a symbolic purpose in Hinduism but one can go without them or go beyond them. All deities are equal. Deities are only a creation of mind, and it is necessary to look beyond the processes of creation and destruction. Then only a realization of absolute truth is possible. Spirituality or Hinduism is capable to lead us to that stage, which is definitely beyond the scope of mind because mind is again a creation and prone to decay & destruction. Krishna is one of the most important figure (deity) in Hinduism because he was the last one and also because he has spoken authoritatively on Hindu Philosophy in Gita. Rama did not say anything authoritatively but Krishna said almost everything to remove confusions created by so many Hindu Scriptures, interpretations and traditions. Krishna is considered the God i.e. an incarnation of Vishnu, therefore his word seems to be final to Hindus like me. He has narrated everything very logically in a most precise, subtle and convincing manner. He has not only provided us the route of Karma and Dharma, but he also recognized and provided the route of Love & Devotion, as we can see in his relationships with Radha, Sudama or Arjuna. But there are doubts if he had also prescribed and recognized the route of Jnana (knowledge) as self-sufficient, when we look at his conversations with friend Uddhava, and the way he advised Uddhava to visit Gokula to learn the lessons of Love and devotion from illiterate but devoted Gopis of the Gokula. However, Krishna never ignored Vedas and believed in Vedic knowledge and the wisdom of Upanishads. But he rejected many norms and traditions of the society to put everything into a right perspective. For example, Love is still looked down by the Hindu/ Indian Society but when we look at the Krishna's Affairs on this particular issue, we find that he has accorded the highest priority to LOVE aspect. Actually Krishna filled all the gaps and holes of the Hindu philosophy and initiated many reforms for the first time in a most visible & comprehensive manner. Therefore, he will always remain a most important deity of Hinduism. If someone is not willing to consider him GOD, even then he will have to accept Krishna as the most important GUIDE of Hindu Philosophy. But what difference does it make? Call him GOD or GUIDE but Krishna is very important in Hinduism. The message of Krishna is complete. One message he has given in the Gita thru the philosophy of Karma & Dharma and the other very important message is contained in his LOVE affair with Radha, with whom he was not married. Some hints are also there to restrain those Intellectuals, who only believe in the supremacy of Mind in his discourses with Uddhava. Krishna can also be called the GOD of LOVE, and his birthday Janamashtami can be celebrated as the Day of Love to uphold the true spirit of life advocated by Shri Krishna. I am sure Janmashtami as the day of love can easily surpass the appeal & popularity of the Valentine Day also.
A SWOT ANALYSIS of HINDUISM In a SWOT analysis the scope for Hinduism can be assessed as under: STRENGTHS: SPIRITUALITY+ a very rich HERITAGE: Nature is not static but it is dynamic and evolving type. Any Religion must be in synchronization with this property of nature. Hinduism seems to be the only time tested and evolutionary type spiritual philosophy. All other religions with the exception of Buddhism are fixed & rigid in nature, therefore violates the basic principle and law of the Nature. BUDDHISM is also somewhat static and not as dynamic or evolving type like the Hinduism is. Hinduism is very liberal also because it gives people choices in how they want to improve their lives rather than a regimented strict guideline. WEAKNESS: Weaknesses are not so many but the association of Hinduism with a weak nation like INDIA has created some liabilities and problems for it. The biggest problem is an ancient cultural baggage attached to it. There are many practices done by Hindus (such as the caste system) that have no sanction of Hindu Philosophy. Hinduism also had problems because of cultural changes and influences. India lacked monetary power and enthusiastic /enterprising people earlier but this limitation does not exist any more now. Hinduism is the only way of life of the most successful and richest persons now as the events in US and India are unfolding now. Besides catering the requirement of Rich & Talented people Hinduism is also capable to accommodate the aspirations of every strata of the society. Still the poorest people of the world are being cared & nurtured by the doses & prescriptions of Hinduism only. Caring and catering the needs of poorest & weakest people is the most challenging task and test for any religious philosophy. Hinduism has been successful with such kind of challenges, drags and liabilities also. However such liabilities can also be converted into the biggest asset of the Hinduism thru conscious efforts. OPPORTUNITY: Land of Opportunity is US only where Hinduism has succeeded to a reasonable extent in last few years on the strength of success of Hindu/ Indians there. Although the Governments of US and India never trusted each other for many decades, even then America always welcomed Indians/ Hindus because of its natural affinity towards Hinduism. The software age has not only resulted in the popularity of Indians & Hinduism in US but it has also forced both the Governments to talk to each other. Since the age of Spiritualism has dawned on 9/11, therefore prospects of Hinduism in US has also brightened very much.
The NRI Hindus are becoming more and more successful and resourceful everyday. They can really now meet the challenge of weakened Islam and confused Christianity in this spiritual crisis of the world. Now, Hinduism does not lack money and enterprising people now but only a lack of direction seems to be the last impediment in the popularity of Hinduism world wide. Attempts to strengthen 'Hindutva' are not required in India, where Hinduism not only remained alive but also kept on evolving & growing in spite of intolerant Islamic rule for nearly a millennium. I think attempts of popularizing Hinduism are required to be made among the US natives mainly, who have now become frustrated with the Church and see echo of terrorism in Islam. THREAT: External threats like those of Christianity & Islam are not so much big threat like the creation of our own threat known as the Rigid Hindu Caste System. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity did not caused so much damage to Hinduism as much has been caused by this unique feature of Hindu Society, which is perceived Synonymous to Hinduism by not only in the west but also by the majority of upper caste Hindus in India also. In fact, Caste system is only an anti-thesis of Hinduism. This seems to be a development of later times, when Hindus came into contact and influence of the Semitic Religions during the last 2 Millenniums. Earlier we had Varna System, which was basically different than the Caste System. Now, Hinduism need to experiment a CASTELESS HINDU SOCIETY. In India, it will remain a dream only for a long time but it is possible to give birth to a truly Casteless Hindu Society in the US provided all liberal & pragmatic Hindus make conscious efforts for such an objective. Hindus must discard outdated, irrelevant and meaningless cultural traditions which have no basis in Hindu Philosophy. Then only Hindus as well as NonHindus will be able to realize and recognize the true potential & value of this rich and ancient philosophy. SCIENCE & SPIRITUALISM Human Mind is only a TOOL gifted by the nature to perform some specific functions similar to RAM and Memory (Hard Disk) of a computer. Science can be understood thru mind, but Mind & Science may not be able to provide all answers of all Spiritual questions in thousands of years from now. Scientific discoveries are limited to relative truths but Spirituality leads to the discovery of absolute truth. SPIRITUALITY means going beyond mind. But that does not mean that there is any conflict in Science and Spiritualism. Spiritualistic inputs and techniques like Yoga/ Panayam and meditation will only facilitate the further growth and development of Science. I strongly feel that Basic Scientific research will seek a convergence with Spiritualism in future and fundamental research shall be carried out by those scientists only, who are well versed with spiritualistic concepts & techniques. Till now Mind played a bigger role in the development of Science, although in case of many Scientists, their spiritual leanings/ longings have contributed a lot e.g. the discoveries of Einstein.
SPIRITUALISM means all encompassing, therefore Science is also incorporated into it in an integral manner. Science has acquired a distinct and independent status only because Christianity failed to incorporate Science with the religious thoughts. Had this happened then this phenomenon may have ensured the complete transformation & Spiritualization of the Christianity during the last 2 millennium. Thus Christianity failed miserably to capitalize on the benefits of development of Science, although development of science remained confined to Christian nations only for many centuries. Islam is simply a doctrine only and not a proper religion, therefore it was natural for it to see a threat in everything and anything including the Science. Buddhism was least interested in the real/ physical world since its inception, while the Hinduism was passing thru a dark age of suppression and ignorance courtesy Islam during the last millennium, in which the most of the scientific discoveries took place in the west. Although Hinduism was most capable and suitable for the development of science/technology as a distinct subject within the confines of spiritualism in such a manner that development of Science had not resulted into a confrontation/conflict with the welfare of Humanity by any angle. Ancient India also made the debut with Science & Mathematics, but such persuits could not become very popular due to various socio-religious & racial problems caused by extremely different divergent & migrating peoples. Indians have become familiar with modern Science & Technology in last 50/60 years only and their achievements are so much that probably no other group/ society can match them. Many Noble Prizes are won by the Indians in last few decades only for making Path Breaking researches in the areas of S& T. This is not a mean achievement considering the monumental problems this nation is still facing. If India/ Hinduism would not have been suppressed for 1000 years then most of the scientific development would have taken place in this country only under the aegis of Hindu philosophy in congenial manner. The present conflicts of Science with Humanity are the result of independent growth of the Science, as opposed to Religion in the west. This has also exposed the hollowness of Western/ Semitic religions, which lacks in Spirituality. When we see the success of Hindus in the field of Science in spite of meager resources then it becomes obvious that there is no conflict of Science with those religious philosophies which have Spirituality in abundance. Islam has least Spiritual content, and therefore it has maximum conflict with Science in spite of having tremendous material resources at the disposal of Islam. There is no doubt that Science will require spiritualistic inputs in future, and the conflict/ gap between Science and Religion shall be bridged by the convergence of Spirituality/ Hinduism with science in near future. SPIRITUALITY vs PHILOSOPHY Philosophical thinking is 2-Dimensional only, where one is making the best use of mind to seek knowledge. There is no use OR very little use of Consciousness (or Cosmic Energy) in this case.
Spirituality is 3- Dimensional phenomenon because one feels connected to all pervading consciousness. In this situation not only acquisition of knowledge becomes absolutely effortless but possibility to acquire absolute Knowledge can also become real. One most ancient school of thoughts belongs to India or Hindus, while the other belongs to the Greeks. Greeks also started thinking independently like many sages & philosophers in other parts of world including India & China. But Greeks preferred the route of Philosophy instead of Spirituality. However, in India, route of Spirituality was always popular even before the arrival of Aryans in India. Shaivism existed in pre-Aryan India, which had the concept of Shakti also. By the time of Upanishadic Age, philosophical discussions also become very popular, which mainly facilitated the compilation of Spiritual Experiences & Achievements in a logical & scientific manner. Greeks contributions to the humanity are also very valuable but I think they failed to develop such an integral philosophy like the ancient Indians developed by the time of Upnishadic Age. The beauty of Indian Philosophy lies in its unique Self corrective/Feed Back Mechanism. However, the enthusiasm to pursue knowledge became retarded nearly 2 millenniums ago i.e. after the times of Panini, Chankya, Patanjali etc, when some Brahminists introduced Brahminism studded with Rituals, Superstition & Discrimination to throttle the growth of evolutionary type of Hindu philosophy. Thereafter Philosophical pursuits were replaced by sycophancies, whereas Science was replaced by innovative Superstitions. Study of Astronomy was replaced by the study of Astrology. Hinduism becomes stagnated and India becomes enslaved in next few centuries. Greek was perfectly a homogeneous group, while India was always racially heterogeneous & diversified philosophically. Material Progress of a society is also dependent upon the group Dynamics. A homogeneous group can make better progress in material terms even if their philosophy is lacking somewhere. Actually it is not the Philosophical or Spiritual pursuits, but the RACIAL factors, which took maximum time & talent of our great Philosophers & sages. Instead of opting for annihilation of tribes/ ethnic cleansing, they developed a unique Institution of CASTE SYSTEM, where the genes of all tribes have been preserved till these times. Its a different matter that it had collided with core Hindu Philosophy to some extent. It may have been invented to stop the blending in Genes, but in reality it has ensured so much mixing of Genes, that one will not find such a fantastic GENE POOL elsewhere except India. Indians have properly realized the importance of material progress ( Materialism) completely in last few decades, and now it has been completely absorbed in their uniquely Universal & Dynamic Philosophy without diluting or disturbing its very core features related to Spiritualism( love, compassion & sacrifice).
Advaita philosophy as introduced by Upnishads and developed by ShankaraCharya appears to be the most logical answer to those, who do not want to believe into the concept of external God. But how to achieve this Godhood or supreme goal is not clear yet. People say Jnan Marg is the way but not many people seems to have achieved supreme knowledge thru this route. Whereas thru the route of Dvaita or Bhakti, many people have done miracles in the modern times even. Just take the example of Tulsidas or Mahatma Gandhi for instance.
LOGIC vs TRUTH Words are also a creation only like any other creation of the man & nature. Therefore words may not be capable to convey the whole or ultimate TRUTH. Truth is not necessarily dependent upon logic, arguments and agreements. Truth can only be realized but the same may not find absolute expression in the words. Logic is not the truth & the TRUTH cant be understood logically always. The problem may become compounded when we want to make the use LOGIC to understand those issues which can be better understood by the realizations, and do not want to make the use of LOGIC, where it is most required. My wife is doing PhD on Amartya Sens contributions in the area of Welfare Economics. Almost every book written by Sen sahib was given a cursory look by me since they are lying at our home. I was also enthralled when he was awarded the Noble Prize, but when I have read some of his books then I had a different feeling. The concept provided by him is probably the most useless since the times of Marx, even then he was awarded by a Noble Prize. Why? Because he made the use of very smart LOGIC to befool the most intelligent Idiot even. Whatever he said is not different from the utterances of Indian politicians but the difference lies in the logical presentation of the illusions. On the other hand one can see NarayanMurthy, who has not only played a pioneer role in the Success of Indian Software Story but also transformed the core value system of Corporate India in very short span of just 10 years only. Today, India is having a Growth Rate of nearly 8%, the credit of which may be shared by NarayanMurthys but not the Amartya Sens. NarayanMurthy also make use of LOGIC, rather Maximum, becoz Software Industry is grossly based on the use of Logic. But NarayanMurthy give maximum credit to Core Indian Values, which have contributed maximum in their success. He is a most Typical Indian or Hindu, and all range of politicians from RSS background to Socialists/Marxists background are jealous of him. But he is still marching ahead without bothering of their Logical & illogical criticism.
Indian Philosophy is all about the Truth & not about merely the Logic. Logic to kachchi mitti ka bartan hai....Dhela marne se phoot jayega. (Logic is like an earth pot, which can be smashed by any harder object). Even if somebody does not smash your logic even then it may break by your own harder logic in the days to come. Therefore, one should always look for the TRUTH, either by going with LOGIC or by going beyond the Logic. AGITATION vs MEDITATION Mind is something like Computer memories (Hard Disk & RAM) + Operating system Software. If it is used for such storage & analytical purposes then it is fine. But when we feel mind can do everything like generation of original/ innovative/ intuitive ideas then we are probably mistaken. Mind can generate more precise and sophisticated software for its own use, but to produce an original idea or perceive the absolute truth may be beyond the scope of mind. However, mind can catch those impulses which come to it when it is free (empty) and thoughtless during Meditation. Most of the original scientific discoveries are made in the stage of Meditation only. Newton was lying under a tree in a meditative mode and an apple fell before him. He grabbed the intuitive idea which flashed to his mind on that particular day. It may not have been the only day, when Newton was lying under a tree and apple fell. But probably he was in a meditative mode at that moment of time, when he noticed and caught the phenomenon called Laws of Gravitation. Whenever we want to work on computer, then we switch-on it but generally it is kept OFF or in the IDLE mode. Same treatment is needed to keep the mind fresh and virus free. Just like any operating software mind is prone to many kind of temporary and permanent viruses. Meditation is like the IDLE mode of Computers. Analytical & Conventional route of learning involves agitation of Mind, which was popularized by the Western Philosophers. Logic is the route. Western Philosophers discovered Truth thru Logic. But Indian Philosophers had an alternative route of learning also besides agitation of mind, which was based upon the Meditation of Mind. It is beyond the scope of logic. Sometimes Truth comes after Logic...and sometimes Logic comes after truth. Noble Prize winner John Nash (Beautiful Mind) has also acknowledged this fact while summarizing his experiences, which led him to discover some very innovative theories & concepts. According to Sri Sri: "A mind without agitation is Meditation." I also feel the same way as under:
Meditation is also a technique of learning like the Agitation. It is also just opposite to Agitation of mind. Meditation is also known as a relaxation technique of MIND in popular terms. Meditation also clean Mind from the Viruses. Therefore, meditation also works as the Anti virus Software of mind. However the Meditation is beyond the description of words or may be even Mind, and if one will meditate then only one will come to know what Meditation is? No Guru is required to learn Meditation, although GURU may be helpful. Universe has provided us the total capability to become our GURU also. But there is no harm if one learns a few lessons quickly under the guidance of experienced Guru. DEMOCRACY & WESTERN VALUE SYSTEM Actually the Religion & the Government are the two sides of the same coin. By looking into the history one will find both of them vested in single authority at many occasions. However, in the modern times separate institutions are generally controlling them with the exception of Islamic World. Even then an Individual comes under tremendous stress very often, because most of us are still being controlled by both i.e. the Religion as well as Government. The purpose of Democracy (modern concept of Governance) as well as Spiritualism is to lead to a situation of self-Governance only, which is not happening unfortunately. Without realizing the importance of Spirituality, the concept of Democracy may also prove to be ineffective in the long term. It is the High Time that people residing in great Democracies like US & Europe etc should realize the importance of Spirituality to move forward in the targeted direction i.e. towards self-Governance, so that maximum potential (material as well as Spiritualistic) of our birth in the Human race can be harnessed in totality. Western concepts & value system had served a limited purpose only. They did lot of good things at materialistic / social/ national level, but could not integrate the Individuals life. It provided some comforts in our lives but only with the addition of some new miseries in the world. Western concepts also failed miserably in the homes. They provided more tensions to the individuals life than providing any durable relief and peace. But Spirituality is different because it can take care of every front- be it individual, be it home, be it society, be it a nation, be it the humanity or the universe. The western knowledge and value system is the result of hard and tiring mental labor. Western concept of learning involves logic and analysis. Perhaps to understand various scientific and technological phenomenon this approach is most suitable also. But when it comes to learning of human psychology, conflicts and various social and international
problems then western system of learning / understanding comes to a cropper/ naught. Solution of social and psychological problems requires a different approach, which is not yet available in any Western/ American universities and institutions. For example1. After the Second World War, the United Nations was launched with an aim to solve the Global problems. But what happened to it? It remained paralyzed during the COLD WAR era and thereafter become a tool to legitimatize the various moral and immoral expeditions of USA. 2. The west has devised a discriminatory NPT by having the categories of Haves and Have nots. Just see the fate of it, when India and Pakistan exploded Nuclear Bombs at the fag end of the last century? Tomorrow if some other nations want to follow the suit, then what moral authority UN or US has to check anyone when Huge pile-up of Nuclear weapons is still being maintained by the only super power of the world. Conventional knowledge acquired by the west or US will not empower them with the Moral Authority. Moral Authority can only come with a knowledge acquired thru Wisdom & Realizations. To avail this route of acquiring knowledge, Hinduism is the only way and alternative. MATERIALISM vs. SPIRITUALISM If Spirituality is exactly & directly opposed to Terrorism then many of the concepts of Materialism are also in conflict with Spiritualism. But to look at such conflicts, a spiritualistic orientation may be necessary. Conventional logical & analytical approach may be of little or secondary use only. Generally it is believed that Communism & Capitalism are opposed to each other but it may not be true in absolute sense. What is Capitalism? Sometimes I feel that the Communists have probably coined this term to make distinctive their philosophy which is also having the same basis of MATERIALISM, which is exactly similar to the basis of Capitalism. There is not much difference between Communism and Capitalism. In fact these are only the two sides of the same coin i.e. Materialism. The difference lay in the practicability. However, both of these philosophies are in conflict with the spirituality and also with the nature. Communism gives importance to equitable distribution, while the concepts of Capitalism support concentration of Capital and productivity. Therefore, Communism is grossly unnatural & impractical while the Capitalism may be a somewhat practical and natural phenomenon. Capitalism does not violate the basic human nature, although it is also based on Negative Emotions like greed and jealousy. These are the human tendencies; therefore the concepts of capitalism are not directly in conflict with nature in the same manner as those of Communism, which violates the basic laws of nature or freedom. Not only this, but
Communism also requires the manure of Hatred to flourish. Jealousy is a human tendency but not the Hatred, until it has been cultured for many centuries by the people in their genes. Islam has succeeded in cultivating hatred into the genes if the concepts of Talibanisation and persona and deeds of Bin Laden are any indicators. Capitalism is focusing on Individuals but to spoil them, while Communism ignores the basic individual instincts/ talents completely. Communism was concerned of society only and not of the individuals. This was the basic blunder / flaw with Communism, which resulted in so sudden downfall of this philosophy. It would have been better if Communism had focused on the development of an individual, but in that case concepts of modern Communism ( Marxism) would have not been born. Individuals constitute the society and not the vice-versa. All Marx/ Lenin / Maos have failed to understand this much little truth even. STALIN decided to destroy the best Russian genes only during the genocides of 1950s. Mao also followed this ruthless policy during Cultural Revolution of 1960's in China. Communism interfered/ collided with the NATURE and met with a just & most appropriate fate only. Capitalism is although not based upon Hatred but it is also based upon a jealous, materialistic and bloodthirsty competitive philosophy, which is devoid of LOVE. Lack of Love, Compassion and Co-operation make the capitalistic thoughts unsuitable for the humanity. Love, Compassion and Co-operation are the chief constituents of spirituality as represented by the noble philosophy of Hinduism. It was not only Gandhi who demonstrated the universal ness and practicability of Hindu philosophy, but currently Mr. Narayanmurthy of Infosys is also displaying the commercial viability of Spirituality i.e. the core philosophy of Hinduism. Spiritualism is the only way where Individual talents can have healthy and unhindered growth, which will result into the betterment of the society also. Without taking recourse of Spirituality, social problems of the society / individuals can't be solved perfectly in a conclusive manner. Concepts and phrases like 'equality or social /economic equity are misnomers only when Nature has diversity. Actually it is the materialistically overdeveloped society which is becoming more and more eager to learn Spirituality to have happiness, peace and equilibrium in their life. Hinduism is capable to cater the needs of everyone. To rich it inspires to take the responsibility of the society, while to poor it suggests to feel content in whatever they are having. Hinduism neither favors the concept of brute Capitalism nor it supports the idea of creating hatred / expectations in the minds of poor like the Communism did in the last century. Spirituality encompasses every subject in it, be it subjects like Science or Economics, be it psychology or any kind of relationship, be it the material needs of an individual, be it the need of prosperity in the society. Every thing is only a sub-set of Spiritualism with the exception of Terrorism. When we truly develop a faith in spirituality then all fears, greed and negative emotions are gone and only a positive state of mind is left which is called LOVE. With this state of mind we really do not need Communism, capitalism, socialism, and anarchism to solve any kind of human problem. Also there is no need to read an irrelevant subject like Psychology. The state of Love surpasses every kind of philosophy
because it is always capable to fill all those philosophical and emotional gaps and blanks which are generally left unaddressed by other kinds of incomplete philosophies. For Example, Communism can never address the emotion of Hatred because it is based on this emotion also. Similarly the Capitalism is based upon the emotions of Greed & Jealousy therefore we cant redress the problems caused by the emotions of greed & jealousy by following Capitalism. Case of Islam is very difficult because it can thrive upon a combination of many negative emotions only, some of which are dangerous also, as we have seen in last few decades. ROLE of MARKET in OUR DESTINY The role of market is increasing everyday in our life and it will continue to grow in future also. Till a few decades back Indian Villages were not aware of Market, but now the human relationship in remotest villages is being controlled by the market forces only. Call it by any names like Maoists, Naxalism, Kidnapping Industry etc, but every such problem has been caused due to lack of faith in Market by the all concerned, which include not only the criminals but also the Legislature, Executives, Judiciary, Intellectuals, Religious leaders & Media. The societies which supported and revered ancient sages of India dont exist any more. The society has become a marketplace now. Without any doubt, money has a very big and growing role in the modern societies. This is KALI YUGA or the AGE of MONEY. Those thinkers / philosophers, who described the money as the enemy of Humanity / Spiritualism, were either Communists or Idiots without any doubt. If the doctrine of Communism or a nation like USSR tried to kill the Market, then the fate of doctrine and nation is now well known. Market survived but not the Communism or USSR. Market has a very big role in the lives of future generations. No one can escape the Market as has been witnessed by the examples of Russia, China & Eastern Europe during the last century, when Marxism/ Communism tried unsuccessfully to throttle the evolution of the Market. When a Marxist brain is incapable to understand the Dynamics of Market even, then how can he is expected to understand the DIVINE aspects of the Market. If these Lenins & Stalins would have realized the power, dynamics & divinity of the market then USSR would have been much taller than US today. Why US become so much synonymous with Human Values & Pragmatism, while the Communism & Marxism become synonymous with the Human decay & Chaos? The difference seems to have been caused by their approach towards MARKET. One respect Market as a divine force, while the other tried to destroy the concept of Market. But what happened ultimately? Market survived whereas Marxism/ Communism become vanished due to their jealousy, hatred & rivalry towards the Market. Money can't be cultivated in the fields or grown at the plants or trees. It can't be manufactured in the factories also. But even then it comes and passes thru our hands. From
where it comes then? Money comes from Market. Money is a fruit /product of the Market, whereas the Market is the real/ ultimate force just like the Nature or God. To have money in abundance and also to meet the requirement of human beings, various projects/ missions aimed at the welfare of the planet; one must have total, unconditional and irrevocable faith in the Market. Without having full and firm faith, it may be difficult to meet the requirements of the most pious Cause even. India had a tradition to collect donations to pursue Noble Causes since ancient times. Similarly other societies of this globe had similar provisions. In the west, such traditions evolved into the EQUITY CULTURE, a few centuries back, but in the East, natural evolution of such a phenomenon was stunted by the Brahminists, Islamists & Buddhists. It has resulted into most disastrous consequences for the East, and it was subjugated by the West for many centuries. Europeans had Colonies all over the world on the Strength of Innovations like Market, Science & Technology, while East has no option other than to follow them in spite of having reservations & dislikes for such innovations for long time. There was hardly any contribution of the East to the mankind / humanity particularly during the last millennium. It raises some very pertinent questions also about the so-called Spiritual Legacy of the East particularly of Hindus. Does Spiritualism promotes / encourages the Innovation/ discovery or shun them? If Spiritualism was dominated by the Brahminsim/ Islam during the last millennium in India then after Independence Spirituality was dominated by the Idiocy, Communism or Casteism. However, now we have started taking very liberal & keen interest in many western innovations but even then we do not forget to criticize west in our every dialogue. It seems to be a diabolical stand only. There is nothing bad if we discard or depart from some of our useless and irrelevant traditions and display full and firm faith in useful western innovations to make our lives and planet better. It is going on also and the success stories of Indians in the areas of Science/ Technology/ Software etc are very impressive and inspiring. But still some thing seems to be missing, which may be crucially important also. What to mention of stagnant or decaying societies / nations of our planet, when the Developed Societies/ nations of the whole world has not yet learnt one thing as under: IT IS ECONOMICS, which is a SUB-SET of MARKET and not the vice-versa. Market is a sub-set of Ultimate Humanity or Divinity only. Real Humanity is no different from the divinity and one can find many elements of Divinity in the persona and deeds of excellent human beings like VivekaNanda, Gandhi or Sri Sri, who walked at this planet in the very well recorded history of modern times even. Just like any other Spiritual concept, Market is also a Neutral Force. It can be utilized for the betterment of our lives and the Globe, but at the same time it is also capable to destroy the planet if allowed to be used by the enemies of Humanity.
I am an Original Investor in the Infosys, company promoted by Shri N.R. NarayanMurthy, who definitely has strong spiritualistic leaning. This Banglorean & his company not only changed the face of corporate India today but also changed the perceptions about Indians around the Globe. I invested in the INFOSYS in 1993, on the basis of just one or two Spiritual Statements only as contained in their prospectus at the time of IPO. Today this company is inspiring Indians and corporate India beyond my imaginations even. Benefits are not limited to employees or Shareholders only. Whole nation is enjoying the material / spiritual benefits caused by the presence of Infosys. India has become the hottest destination of the worldwide investor community in this 21st century. To end the supremacy of Money in our world, it is very necessary that some new innovative parameters are devised. MARKET does not mean PROFIT always. It will be Performance ultimately which will replace the concept of Profit to redefine and enlarge the scope of market. MODERN TRINITY of SCIENCE, MARKET & DEMOCRACY Man is the only creature in this universe, which has been gifted with the divine powers of creation & destruction. SCIENCE is also a manifestation of GOD only i.e. The Godly values or description. Not only the Science but Market is also a manifestation of divinity only. Science & Market may be a creation of man, but now controlling the destiny of mankind. How it happens? Such kind of relationship in which Creator is being controlled by the Creation besides vice-versa, can only be explained by the Dvaita philosophy and examples from the Hindu Scriptures. Besides Science & Market, the concepts of modern Democracy are also the result of great churning or evolution of various kinds of Social Systems, which were experimented by the mankind since the beginning of the Human Civilizations in the different regions of our planet. Parliamentary Democracy of West may differ from Indian Panchayati System in outlook but the underlying SPIRIT is the same. The spirit of Democracy is a Universal Outcome, irrespective of what kinds of systems were followed in a particular region. This spirit of the system can not be curbed, overlooked or ignored by any kind of Sociopolitical or religious system in these times. People will reject such a Religion also, if the Social Code opted by the same is not in tune with time or democratic in spite of all the sentimental attachments. Democracy is itself a Social Institution, and we do not need any other social system, when we opt for DEMOCRACY in true spirit. Moreover, MARKET is also the manifestation of DIVINE force only, which is beyond control of any group or people or Nation now. Powerful Nations are succumbing to the divine aspect of Market. Market as well as Democracy can take care of people's abilities & ambitions in a very balanced manner.
It seems that the modern TRINITY is represented by the Science, Market & Democracy only. I am not aware of the existence of GOD but Godly or Divine values are embodied in these three manifestations of GOD namely the Science, Market & Democracy. Our aim should not be to make a discovery of GOD or deny his existence. Rather we can aim for having maximum synergy between the Science, Market & Democracy by nourishing the Godly values and by targeting the demonic values of this modern TRINITY. COMMUNISM vs INDIVIDUALISM? No doctrine succeeded like the Communism in the matter of SPEED. During last century itself Communism had replaced Islam & Christianity in the regions of their influence to record the number of followers nearly 2 billion at this planet. But within just a decade only, mighty doctrine of Communism crashed like a pack of cards. By the turn of century, country of its origin (Russia) was lying at the feet of US like a beggar nation. A foundationless Castle has to crash during the construction period only. Similar was the fate of Communism which crashed during the formation years only. It is very painful to visualize somewhat similar fate of Islam by the turn of current century. But if Islam will continue to be controlled by those people, who take pride in TERRORISM or take pride in Counting Numbers, then future generations of Muslims can become disillusioned and frustrated by Islam and may opt for freedom from this kind of Slavery of an outdated Religion. Communism is a concept opposite to INDIVIDUALISM. Every religious / social philosophy has made the use of communistic concept since ancient times. Man & humanity has gone thru a great Evolution. Evolution means organic growth i.e. Growth with Continuity. CONTINUITY is very essential feature of EVOLUTION. The evolutionary process of human race has also passed thru a stage of true Communism to arrive at this stage of Individualism. Thus, INDIVIDUALISM is only a natural & final result of this great evolution of human race and their civilisation. The unit is Commune in a communistic system. Barring certain primitive tribes, one can not find a true example of Communism elsewhere because most of the societies have replaced the Communes by the families or individuals. Artificial Communes can never be a replacement to natural communes, which have been destroyed world over by the man-made Religions and Materialism. Although few Tribal Societies still follow Communism, but they failed to develop at the Individual level, therefore the natural result was stagnation at the Social level also. Real Communism can only be witnessed among various spices of animals/ birds only now. MARX INVENTED MODERN COMMUNISM BUT NOT THE 'COMMUNISM Communism was neither an original thought nor a parent philosophy given by the western philosophers like Marx etc. Marx has given the concept of Modern Communism, which is entirely based on Materialism like its cousin Capitalism.
Ancient Hindu Society of India also invented and incorporated some communistic principles and made the best use of them for a few centuries. Ancient Varna System contained communistic ideas along with many other noble features. There was a perfect division of jobs/labor in the four groups (Brahmin, Kshtriya, Vaishya & Shoodra) according to individual fitness, talents and abilities. Every person of the Society was assured of job and had a place in the society. But what happened after some more centuries? Varna System started degenerating into a birth based & hierarchical social system known as the CASTE SYSTEM. This new Caste System of CASTES was obtained by corrupting the old Varna System by various discriminatory and racial concepts. Therefore it proved more detrimental to the interest of the Hindu Society than a society which was devoid of any kind of social systems. All these things happened within a few centuries only or at the most in a millennium. If one will have a look at the history of Hindu Social Systems then he will find that Varna System got collapsed & replaced by the Caste System just before the beginning of Christian era. This Caste System retained some of the communistic concepts in India till the 18th century at the village level. Although some Islamic Rulers have destroyed many Hindu Temples in India but even then they did not ruin the village autonomy and Indian Economic System popularly known as the Panchayat System. Of course, the Low castes used to do all kinds of manual/ labor jobs, but they were at least secured for their lives & materialistic requirements. Before the arrival of British Rule in India, Indian villages were not aware of ownership concepts particularly in the matters of landed property, which used to vest in the village Panchayat (Body) instead of an individual. But now there is no scope of the revival of the Varna System or Panchayat system etc in India even, where it was followed till 18th/ 19th century. Yesterday is behind us and we can only take care of present & future. If Varna System failed to survive then fate of any Centralized Communistic system can also be easily imagined. It is bound to become corrupted very soon in view of human nature & tendencies. Decentralized Communism is not possible when the village & local economy has been destroyed all over world. At the most one can aim for retrieving the FAMILY SYTEM only, which has also fallen victim of Materialism especially in the Western countries. INDIVIDUALISM & COMMUNISM: DUALITY OF HUMAN NATURE Individualism is a reality of modern age. We can not ignore it. If we will accept this reality then only we can devise & develop a suitable mechanism to restore the balance in human psyche (nature) to provide momentum to the feelings and concepts of CoExistence. Option of Communism is like reverse journey only, which is also not possible now, in view of continuous genetic development and improvement of the human race. We are moving forward, and can only move forward, which means: Communism => Individualism => Co-existence
We only need a suitable mechanism to develop the concept and feeling of COEXISTENCE, which can operate simultaneously at Personal as well Group (Social) level to redress all the contradictions & confusions caused by the dualities related to our social life & personal lives. Such a mechanism can only be developed thru the concepts of Spirituality only, and not by Science or Technology. Only a naturally evolved Spiritualistic Philosophy can ensure the development of such concept and feeling of CO-EXISTENCE instead of any artificial doctrine or man-made Religions. If Individualism or a feeling of Competition has been ensured by the Nature then Spirituality has also been a gift of the Nature or Creator only, by which we can manage dualities without causing any harm to self, others, society or the environment. The philosophy of Hinduism deals with the Dualities of human nature so perfectly that besides personal excellence, the Marxist objective of SOCIAL JUSTICE can also be achieved to a large extent. But even then it does not echo those concepts of Modern COMMUNISM, which are in conflict with our basic nature. Modern Communism is grossly based on the materialism and Materialism nurtures the emotions of greed, hatred and jealousy mainly. We can do justice with ourselves/ others by tackling negative and harmful emotions like greed, hatred, jealousy etc thru the Spiritualistic concepts of LOVE, COMPASSION & SACRIFICE only. Although Materialism is not a proper replacement of Spiritualism even then Modern Communism is entirely based on Materialism, just like the concepts of Capitalism. Marxism or Modern Communism is only a reaction to Capitalism; therefore it had failed to address the dualities of human nature miserably. Rather it has given a jolt / setback to the concepts of real & true Communism. Communism is a complimentary feature of our nature like the Individualism. Similarly, Materialism; Intellectualism etc are also part of our nature. Managing all such Dualities is known as Hinduism or Spiritualism. India and Indians (including me) were too happy when Prof. Amartya Sen was awarded the Noble Prize of Economics a few years back for his works on Welfare Economics. I got a chance to scan thru many books written by Amartya Sen but failed to trace anything useful for the welfare of the humanity and Globe. I just feel that Mr. Amartya Sen has also made a decent contribution to the stock of irrelevant philosophies and a few brilliant minds are now wasting their valuable time to find something useful in the brilliant non-sense of a noble prize winner instead of doing any worthwhile service of the humanity or Globe. So when a genius and gentle person like Amartya Sen can spoil so many minds then just imagine how much havoc has been created by the thoughts and philosophy of MARX & ANGELES in last 150 years or so. Modern Communism is a product of Intellectualism, and not of the Spiritualism. Modern Communism has only the credit of butchering millions of people by Stalin & Mao in their respective countries in the name of cultural cleansing (Or Cultural Revolution). Incidentally it was also the cream of Russian & Chinese Society. Not only these genocides, but millions of other mind & people were also corrupted by these ill-doctrines, which were also much inferior to the concepts of Capitalism even. The concept of Capitalism is a Parent Thought at least, but the concepts/ philosophy of Modern
Communism was only a Reaction to Capitalism. Any reactions will always fall short in respect to the Parent Thought in quality as well as quantity as per Laws of Nature as well as Science. This seems to be also applicable in the case of Communism Vs. Capitalism. A Religion or Social philosophy should always have a basis in SPIRITUALITY & TRUTH only, but the humanity and world has become flooded & polluted by the number of bogus Religions, cults, doctrines & philosophies, which lack the most important ingredient of Truth even. In such a situation it is very natural that more and more Ego & Illusions are being accumulated by the individuals, Societies and the Nations. Everyday a new cult, doctrine is being cultivated without giving a chance to the only natural, universal & divine philosophy of spiritualism as contained in the various characters, scriptures & techniques of Hinduism. Even the birthplace of Hinduism i.e. India is not providing any chance to Hindu Philosophy, then what to mention of any other society or nation. We dont know when the ongoing process of fragmentation / disintegration of spiritual values by the greedy or ambitious individuals/ groups will be reversed into a process of unification / integration under the universal concepts of Spiritualism. But one thing is sure that the process of Evolution can not be reversed. Where it will lead, we dont know yet. Since we can not go back, therefore, we need to devise a suitable & smooth mechanism, which can deal with this great & unique duality of our nature which has found expression in the concepts of Individualism & Communism. COMMUNISM & INTELLECTUALISM While Modern Communism was largely Anti-Spiritualism, the Intellectualism is also devoid of Spirituality. This also explains why Communism failed miserably and so swiftly in spite of catching the imaginations of half of the world in the last century while Intellectualism is surviving since ages. Intellectualism is introduced in the human society to counter the concepts advanced by the Spiritualism. Besides making use of the potential of human mind, Intellectualism also introduced the concepts of superiority & inferiority within the human race by using the maximum but manipulative skills of the mind. In India, the roots of Modern Intellectualism can be traced into ancient Brahminsim. Brahminism was although based on Racism but its main weapon was Intellectualism only than the Axe of Parsurama. Intellectualism has definitely made use of human potential but only partial. Moreover, it also leads to disturbances / imbalances at personal level like the Individualism. However thru Spiritualism, anyone can harness his/ her total potential as gifted by the nature/ creator/divinity or GOD. Most of the solutions of our problems can be achieved thru Spiritualism only and can not thru Intellectualism. Intellectualism finally results in hollowness/ emptiness only, which is filled by the Ego, a waste product of Intellectualism. Intellectualism also results in alienation/ aloofness & disconnection of the intellectuals from the main stream. Sometimes it results in Madness & Schizophrenia.
In contrast, Spiritualism melts & drains out the accumulated Ego. We find more peace & space within to fill it with positive thoughts & pious feelings of love, compassion & belongingness. Spiritualism is capable to ensures oneness/ connection with the nature/cosmos, what to think of different races of human & different spices & creatures of the nature. Intellectualism also results in wears & tear of the mind, which is a tool gifted by nature, whereas spiritualism offers rest to the mind, so that it can be used more effectively, whenever desired. Science is very different from Intellectualism, because it deals only with the material or external life situations & phenomenon in a logical & analytical manner. Logical analysis is also different from the Ego based Hollow Intellectualism. DESTINY & LAWS of KARMA / DHARMA The average man is neither well versed with the core and complex concepts of spirituality, nor greatly concerned of it, but the laws of Karma and Dharma are concerned with the matters of routine life. These laws are not only popular in India but are also becoming very popular in US now-a-days especially after the incidents of 9/11. The principles of Karma and Dharma are not exclusive of the spiritualistic concepts but constitute the very core of spiritualism i.e. Hinduism. Linda Goodman was not only a great scholar & philosopher but a genuine spiritualist also, who has described the Hindu Law of Karma in her books namely SUNSIGN and LOVESIGN very convincingly. The Law of Karma is already popular in US but the Law of Dharma is yet to find wider acceptability and recognition in the US culture & value system. When there will be Rule of Dharma then only US will have a quantum leap forward, which many Americans are also eagerly expecting for all these years. The concepts and laws of Dharma and Karma are also not easy to understand and practice. Even a nation like India had mistaken in the past, therefore the whole nation went thru the unparalleled humiliation for centuries. Still many people, who matters in the society and are controlling the lives of the people of India are not fully aware of these principles & laws, which operate quietly. However, there are many happenings of this world can only be explained on the basis of Laws of Dharma & Karma. But only an accurate and precise observation can reveal how these laws operate. For example, the humiliation of Hindus/ India for nearly a millennium can be explained on the basis of Law of KARMA & DHARMA only. Because Brahman ( creator) is absolutely secular, therefore he did not spared the Hindus even, when they went against the concept and spirit of Sanatana Dharma by inventing and imposing a unique birth based and discriminatory CASTE SYSTEM on the Hinduism & Hindu Society of India. Impartial Brahman came too heavily on those smart groups of Hindu Society, who succeeded in suppressing the low caste Hindus in the name of DHARMA so much that the Semitic concept of SLAVERY was even put to shame. During the Islamic Rule of nearly 800 years,
it was mainly the upper strata of the Hindu Society, which was subjected to maximum humiliation and insults by the Islamists. These laws can also explain the murder of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who didnt checked the problem of Punjab in the initial phases deliberately and postponed it to the election time so that sentiments of people can be manipulated to win the elections of Parliament in 1985. It resulted in excessive bloodbath in Punjab for extra 2/3 years, for which Mrs. Gandhi was more responsible than the Terrorists led by Bhindrawale. Destiny proved smarter and Mrs. Gandhi was murdered just before the elections as per the spirit of laws of Dharma & Karma. Similarly the destiny took a toll of Rajiv Gandhi life also, which can also be explained on the basis of Law of Karma only. He also unreasonably sacrificed the lives of thousands of Indian soldiers in an experiment in Sri Lanka known as IPKF mission. Similarly, the tragedy and humiliation of US on 9/11 can also be explained on the basis of Law of Karma. Americans had a clean record prior to 6th Aug 1945, but from this day to 9/11, US was also ruled by insensitivities and insane desires and committed many crimes against the humanity to fulfill its ambitions to control the world thru opportunistic combinations with rogue nations even, like the Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The tragedy of 9/11 became unavoidable according to the Law of Karma, because this nation also committed many blunders & atrocities between 1941 and 2001 as inspired by the US Ego. On the previous occasion, US took nearly 4 years to take full revenge, when it dropped Atom bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki to crush the Japanese EGO. But this time it has initiated War against Terrorism very swiftly. The Terrorist regimes of Afghanistan and IRAQ have been demolished by US in just one and half years. By making a comparison of intensity of American revenge during 1945 with the intensity of their revenge in 2002, it can be concluded that US has become more humble after having the setback of 9/11. This time world has witnessed a unique but determined sanity in the US missions against the terrorist regimes of Afghanistan & Iraq, where indiscriminate and mass killing of innocent citizens was avoided consciously in spite of very high cost of a highly focused war against terrorists only. Food packets were also dropped to feed the innocents besides cleaning the land from terrorists by dropping the Bombs & Missiles. It was really a big relief to see that US was targeting only the terrorists this time and the revenge was not directed against the civilians (or humanity) in general. It is perhaps the most positive and welcome shift in the US policy in the recent times because US seems to be determined to acquire a human face now. Therefore, Law of Karma has also rewarded US with relatively easy successes without any major setback or losses besides providing a new kind of respectable Global leadership. I have no doubt and hesitation in predicting that next victim of the laws of Karma & Dharma is going to be none other than ISLAM. The sins committed by this horrific philosophy have no parallels in the Global history since its inception. No Hitler, Stalin or Mao can match those gruesome crimes and terrible acts of violence as were perpetuated by this Doctrine in last 1400 years of its existence. The list of its sins and crimes against humanity is very long to mention here, however the latest crime of 9/11 has not left any
thinking person in doubt that real culprit is the Hate philosophy of ISLAM only and not the Bin Laden etc. The process of dismantling Islam has already been initiated in the beginning of this century i.e. on 9/11 itself by the last prophet of ISLAM i.e. Bin Laden. The evening of this century is going to synchronize with the decimation and burial of Islam in all probability. Good works are also rewarded by the destiny always. Vajpayee was preparing for retirement in the nineties but unexpectedly he was rewarded by the destiny to become a unanimous choice of Prime Minister of India to prove himself as one of the most pragmatic PM, India ever had. He exploded the nuclear bomb knowing fully well about the hostile policy US over this most sensitive issue. But instead of moving away from each other, India and US have become so close in next 2/3 years that no one in India & US (including Strob Talbott & Jaswant Singh) may have imagined. Today both the biggest democracies of the world are being considered as the Natural Allies in spite of having a very prolonged history of antagonism and hostility. All this is happening because destiny wanted it. No concrete efforts were made by the Indian Parliament / US senate or Indian Diaspora but the Indo-US relations have improved dramatically in last few years. It is very sad & strange that the Laws of Karma and Dharma did not found any mention in the Indian Constitution, even when Mahatma Gandhi was a firm advocate of these principles. Sangh Parivar is still dreaming to include the provisions of discriminatory and outdated Manu Smriti into the Indian Constitution, but they are not enthusiastic about GITA, which is only a compendium of the universal Laws of Dharma and Karma. However, I am very sure that debates & researches in India & US will replace various Constitutions by the laws of Eternal Dharma and Karma some day. Due to various obvious constraints such researches may not take place in India, but US has already taken lead in establishing many Hindu Research Institutions, which will ultimately prove the universal ness and eternality of the Laws of Karma and Dharma. EGO, PRIDE & NATIONALISM The concept of nationalism is the result and manifestation of collective Ego only and it is more an illusion than truth. It is not only the individuals, but the nations and societies also suffer from the virus of EGO. In the case of nations, it is generally called Nationalism but sometimes it is known as National Pride also (like in case of US). There is not much difference between these two terms, which are only the manifestation of EGO at the group level. Ego is not always the result in negative emotions or developments. In case of groups, it generally works as a motivational factor to excel. Even then the root cause of Ego is always ignorance and only ignorance. Such concepts are not going to survive forever. Actually these narrow identities have created more problem and confusions. Three big powers of this world have suffered from this GROUP EGO VIRUS in different times. First was the philosophy of Marxism, which survived for a few decades only. A super power like Russia finally turned into a beggar country. The nation controlling the largest natural resources of our planet failed to arrange food even for their citizens, because it
became sick of Group Ego Virus caused by Communism during the last century. Instead of saving the planet or serving the humanity, energy of people and resources of Communist Nations were diverted to serve an illusionary identity created by accumulation of Group Ego generated by the philosophy of Marxism. Second is US pride, which many Americans also refer as American Pride, while many non-Americans call it as American Arrogance also. Whatever one may call it but it is also a version of Nationalism only. US Ego scaled a new peak since the demise of Communism. US ego has been hurt twice only in its history of more than 200 years. Once when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 and second time, when the one man army of Bin Laden crushed the US EGO on 9/11 to the amazement of the whole world. All the logical or technological superiority of US could not save it from the worst damage & unparallel humiliation. Third culprit is of course the ISLAM, which is solely based on Group Ego Virus only. It had lost many chances of making introspection & improvement in last half century since when it was humiliated by a tiny nation like ISRAEL. In fact, ISLAM never learnt any lessons in its 1400 years old history. Due to continuous supply of fuel (OIL), Islamic Ego started inflating at a very fast pace during the last few decades to finally manifest in the name and style of Islamic Terrorism as unveiled by Bin Laden & Talibans. But ISLAM is going to pay the maximum prices also for their sins against the humanity as the indications are now available. It is very much possible that WaT will finally turn out in a War against Islam (WaI), because US will not stop before uprooting the root cause of terrorism, which lies in the Doctrines of ISLAM. It may also like to see that the doctrine of Islam, which is based on hatred do not survive current century. Presently it is US & UK mainly, but in near future Islam may have to face the joint wrath of a whole, united and determined world, which is currently divided into mainly 4 camps of Secular, Hindu, Buddhist and Christian world respectively. The day on which all the Non-Islamic world will become determined to punish the Islam, may also be the day of Kayamat (sudden death) of Islam. Sins & atrocities committed by ISLAM can never go unpunished as per the Law of Karma & Dharma. Recent US operations in Afghanistan & IRAQ were not directed against Islam, which has matchless track record of committing sins & crimes against the humanity in every part of our planet but gradually global consensus will be reached in the matter of identification & punishment of real sponsor of Terrorism, which is Islam only.
WaT & 3 RELIGIONS It is true that Christianity has played a big role in shaping the humanity & the Globe in last 2000 years as is evident from the progress of European countries and by the birth of USA, but there have been handicaps also because Christianity failed to take care of the families in a proper manner. Not only this but it is also incapable to wage a War against Terrorism (WaT) in a determined manner. Although almost every European nations had supported the US-led War against Terrorism ( WaT) in Afghanistan, but when US decided to punish Saddam also then most of the European Nations have developed cold feet in spite of having far more conservative Christian outlook than US. This provides us an opportunity to look into the relevance and prospects of Christianity during this millennium. Has the Christianity ceased to be a motivating factor in such matters of supreme importance OR it was never a supreme motivating factor in the past also in dealing with difficult situations? Perhaps it failed to play a decisive role in the destiny of the people / nations. In spite of Christianity, Nationalism remained a supreme motivating factor in all the European countries. Christianity remained content with a secondary role, while the lead role was always played by the Race/ nationality & language in the Europe. In contrast, ISLAM became a supreme motivating factor among its subjects whereas Nationalism & Race played a minor role only. During the wars between Christian nations, peoples were inspired to sacrifice their lives by the supreme feeling of Nationalism. In contrast in the long history of wars between Islamic nations, subjects (peoples) of both sides were inspired to sacrifice their lives by making use of ISLAM as the motivating factor, although such wars mainly caused by the personal ambitions/ rivalry/feuds between the Islamic Rulers. However it does not mean that Islam is a better or complete philosophy since it dominated the thought of nationalism. It is also very strange that whenever these European countries felt threatened they looked towards USA due to Christian affinities and considerations but once the threat was over, they started asserting their nationalism like before. It first happened when the Communist dragon was trying to swallow the whole of Europe. Then it was US only, which intervened and put the brake on the expansion of Communism in Europe & elsewhere after the WWII. It even entered into unholy alliances and made use of immoral techniques in the WaC (WAR AGAINST COMMUNISM) in the different parts of the world. The WaC was fought alone by US in the various countries of ASIA like Vietnam/ Korea etc. Everyone including many Americans now questions the US role in such missions but nobody perhaps want to imagine a scenario what would happened to our planet if Communism would have been allowed free march to convert & recruit the nations in the Communist Block like the Islam did in their long history. It is not very difficult to imagine the fate of humanity & Globe in such a scenario. Is it not true that the virus of
communism turned the fertile lands into the barren ones while the Enterprises have been reduced into the white elephants & Ghost's Houses? US was not provided any active support by the European community during American Hostages crisis in IRAN even. But when IRAQ captured Kuwait then Christian Nations of Europe felt threatened once again due to growing Islamic menace. They rallied behind US and joined the mission to liberate Kuwait. But they again started looking for their narrow interests under the cover of moral values to block further initiatives against IRAQ soon after they got rid of fears of SADDAM. Islamic Terrorism kept on growing as is evident from their attacks on humanity in NY in 1992 / Mumbai in 1993 / Bombing of US embassies in Africa, besides seizure of Afghanistan by the Talibans, but the European countries never recognized the threat till Bin Laden made the worst ever attack against the humanity on 09/11. The main reason of European countries supporting WaT in Afghanistan was their own fears and feeling of insecurity than any feeling of Christian brotherhood OR moral values. They remained more or less hesitant with the exception of Britain till US completed its mission in Afghanistan. In contrast to lukewarm response of European nations to WaT, US received more serious backing and support from the two Asian nations namely India/ Pakistan, who were very low in American priorities /strategies so far. Pakistan may have acted out of compulsion but India offered their total & unconditional support due to moral and spiritual considerations only because of its Hindu & Democratic legacy. This is not the first time when India extended its support to US action, but during 1990 in IRAQ war also, India provided support to US, when its relations with US were at low ebb and a Pseudo-secular Govt. was in power at New Delhi. One can say that in spite of all their cries and noises of seculari, India could never suppress/ strangled its Hindu & Democratic spirit, which always found expression at the times of grave crisis in the world. American policy makers were hostile to this moral Indian attitude in 1971 during the Bangla Desh Liberation War. They also overlooked the Indian gesture in 1990 also, during the IRAQ war. But this time they have truly realized and recognized the potential of India, even when the main help/support to their mission in Afghanistan came from the Indias arch rival Pakistan. This was the first time when US have recognized the importance of India for US strategic missions. It is also very interesting to note that, although Americans old ally Islamic state of Pakistan remained hostile to US during Afghanistan Mission but its President General Parvez Musharraf supported the mission wholeheartedly. Was it due to some Hindu influence in him? Parvez was born in Delhi and is a Mohajir; therefore he is very different from Punjabi / Pathan Muslims of Pakistan in his spirit, outlook and blood. Parvez represents a Hindu - Muslims Lineage to my definitions, who can never be so ruthless and unreasonable like the 100% pure Muslims of Arab Nations, who are credited to have delivered the evil products like BIN LADEN or SADDAM to the humanity. So, if Pakistan supported US in Afghanistan then one should not consider it as a support of Islam by any logic and standard. It became possible only due to some internal compulsions of Pakistan & due to personal initiatives of a Hindu- Muslim President of this Nation.
Islamic Pakistan remained much hostile to US during this period also as is evident from the incidents of protests/ violence against Americans and their establishments in that country. US received full backing from Hinduism/ India only in the WaT, while the Christian world had only extended a hesitant and lukewarm support. US mission found maximum support and enthusiasm at public & Govt. level in India, which can only be matched by the public support in the US or Israel only. Islamic countries have become more hostile towards US than they were before. It will be revealed only after few years when the situation will become more stabilized and US will become more relaxed/ lenient in their attitude. Danger to humanity was not from the BIN LADENs and SADDAMs, but it was always from the religion /doctrines like of ISLAM & COMMUNISM only. ISLAM is becoming more & more synonymous with TERRORISM in the same manner as Hinduism symbolizes Spirituality. It can perfectly be summarized in the following equation: ISLAM : HINDUISM :: Terrorism : Spiritualism I wonder sometimes if WaT is only the first phase of WaI i.e. War against ISLAM? Although US is a mighty nation but even then it is a later evolution. Sometimes I feel it may not be proper for US to ensure the demise of Islam. It is still not equipped to fight with philosophies, which are much older to it. Onus to expose the philosophy of Islam lies mostly on India & Hindus, because India has experienced the Real Islam for more than a millennium. I think it is the duty of the followers of Hinduism (natural evolution since unknown times) to expose and ensure the demise of each & every anti-spiritualistic Philosophy including Islam, so that future generations live in peace at this planet. However, it is painful to see that when US is doing a Divine Job of saving Muslims from the designs of terrorists & Islamists, even then educated Muslims are failing in grasping the right clues and message. It is better if instead of unleashing a Hate Campaign against US in the Islamic world, they project US as the savior of the lives & freedom of the Muslims. Someone commented as under after reading the above article: Hope the WAR doesnt become WAS. WAR = War Against Religion WAS = War against Spiritualism My answer: If the Religion i.e. Islam's support to Terrorism will be withdrawn, then I am sure WaT will remain WaT, and will not result into WaI or WaR. WaS is going on since ages and in these times it is being fought by the combine of Talibans + RSS. Who will perish in this WaS is foregone conclusion. US is not a NATION but GREAT DEMOCRACY created by MARKET
Even many Americans don't know this and certainly not the likes of American Prez like Late Nixon, who bullied India & abused Indira instead of nurturing the only other GREAT DEMOCRACY of this planet. Thanks to Kissinger, who realized his as well as his Prez & America's mistakes during seventies, but such realizations are still insufficient to realize the whole scenario, in which Great Democracy of US( May be of India) has a unique place. US is not a Nation actually. It is 'United States' only. It is not incidental that when the concept of NATION was becoming popular throughout the EUROPE, founder Fathers of US used the tag of 'United States' to label this new creation or concept. They may not have been very categorical in the description of Great Evolution of US, but they have certainly experienced it and recognized it by establishing US without recognizing any Tradition, Norms or even Values of the European Nations or Culture. They may not have discarded anything but they recognized only those values only which were Purely American. Even Christianity was not recognized by the State of United States in view of the limitations and uselessness of the Christianity for an innovative concept of US. It will be very incorrect to say that MARKET was invented by US. Market existed much before than the Columbus Visit to the New World. In fact it was Market only which has prompted Columbus to discover US or sent Vasco-de- Gama to India. Just like the Concept of Religion or Nation, the concept of Market is also a Discovery or Creation of Man only. Just like the concept of RELIGION is controlling the human minds for time immemorial, the Market has also started controlling the Human Mind very distinctly since the beginning of the last millennium itself. Just seein what a wonderful & mysterious manner Divinity or Nature operates? It has Gifted Humans a MIND, which has created the concepts like "RELIGION or "The MARKET". But now these Man-made concepts are controlling the Human Mind & Lives. Similarly the concept of NATION is also a creation of Human Mind only, which is now controlling the Psyches of the peoples, especially those living in Europe. Thus all these following concepts were the Creation of Human Mind only, which are now controlling the Human Mind. 1. RELIGION 2. NATION 3. MARKET All these three creation of the Human Mind have served useful in the development or evolution of the human being. Except the Market, rest two are prone to stagnation and hence decay. Market is of course the most fantastic discovery of human Mind because it cant remain static. Market is always dynamic. MARKET was knocking the boundaries of the European Nations but they failed to respond timely to the Call of the Market. Instead of having a European Union in the beginning in the last century, some of the European Nations decided to CRUSH the MARKET via a new Doctrine known as MARXISM. Had
they EURO in the beginning of the Last century then the Havoc created by Marxism could have been easily avoided, and may be the two World Wars also. The problem of this planet begin when Europe failed to grow beyond the concept of NATION in spite of recognizing the force of Market, although it was successful in avoiding the bondage of a somewhat static Religion namely Christianity.When the whole Europe was engulfed by numerous ideological crisis, at such a time US shot into prominence as ensured by their faith & dedication in the Market. This new found prominence has prompted US and its many Presidents to have such ambitions also, which were not approved by the founders of US. At one occasion, it was forced to look at the regressive concept of Nationalism/ Revenge, when provoked by the Pearl Harbor Bombing in 1941. The Islamic Bloc could not move forward beyond the concepts of KORAN i.e. their uniquely stagnated Religion of Islam. It failed to respond to the Call of Nationalism even, what to think of recognizing the concept of Market. If the Islamic Bloc is divided into many nations today then it is the result of ambitions & rivalries between the rulers / ruling tribes, and not due to any under current of Nationalism. Islamic Nations may differ from each other in racial composition but all of them swear by KORAN in a very peculiar manner. Koran is the only Model Constitution for every Islamic Country. How can anyone write a Modern or Pragmatic Constitution for the Islamic Nations, until the Koran or at least the obstacles created by the Koran are not removed? Success of US model has posed a great challenge and opportunity before the old world, which is infested with the viruses of Nationalism, Communism and Religious fanaticism & Terrorism caused by the rivalry between 3 Semitic religions. Great Democracy of US may turn into a Wonderful SPINELESS CREATURE also. USA is also a great evolution of the modern times. For the purpose of creation, Nature has prescribed the route of evolution only, and the success of US Model also confirms this hypothesis. At the same time failure of USSR reinforces this theory once again that nature has not prescribed the route of revolution for the creation. There are many virtues in US Model, which has helped this most recent Nation to become the World's Leader & Savior in just 2-3 centuries. American History can be best summarized on the basis of following turning points (land Mark days), which have also played a very big role in shaping the destiny of modern USA. These events can also help us in tracing the inconsistencies the US Character, whenever it came into conflict with the Charter adopted by the founder fathers of this nation. Americans are also learning from their mistakes but one can trace positive developments in the US evolution between 1945 & 2005. It is different matter that US is mainly criticized for their various missions during this particular period only. 1. July 4, 1776 2. April 10, 1862
3. The day of 1941, when Pearl Harbor was bombed 4. The days of 1991/92, when Communism was dismantled from the Globe 5. 9/11/2001 US may not be the most hated nation but the world is not having a genuine respect also for US. Cant there be some better solution so that US maintain its leadership in the globe with dignity and respect? American Policymakers perhaps need to strike a balance of Power and Trade with the concepts of Spiritualism; otherwise their efforts may result in establishing a different regime of terror than those of Islamic Terrorists. One cant deny the history that mighty US was humiliated by the one man army of Bin Laden. Americans are still PROUD & FREE as they were prior to 9/11, but even then they were hit hard at heart. It is time of introspection and learns lessons. But that is not happening except a show of revenge, anger and hatred. America has definitely has an impressive record of helping other nations, but they also supported oppressive regimes, when they agreed to become US stooge. This may be the reason why Americans faced such kind of humiliation because US never helped those who really deserved. The pious guiding principles of US Democracy were blatantly and violently violated to pursue some immediate business & commercial interests only. That was not the way a responsible democracy and super power like US should have behaved in view of the noble guiding principles contained in their charter. US can not be termed brutal although it is the only nation which has made use of Nuclear Bombs in a War, that too against the Civilians. I can say only this much that it is arrogant & revengeful. Its a very rare kind of intolerance also. Some Americans are so much arrogant that they consider it as their right to topple the governments in other countries but hate to listen if any non-American will even appreciate US. Remember those terrorist who sacrificed their lives to claim many more lives and to create terror across the Globe were also PROUD ISLAMISTS only like any PROUD AMERICAN. Most of the evil has generated by this feeling/ emotion or virus of EGO & PRIDE only from which not only average American but most of the human beings are suffering. But this is only a proof of illusion and ignorance and not the enlightenment or truth. There is really no qualitative difference between such ignorant people or the hypnotized Terrorists. There may be some difference of volume or quantity only. Terrorists have befooled CIA, they had succeeded in hitting the US Heart but even then many Americans are not ready to shed their ego & illusions. Its only surprising. I can say with certainty that the whole US was under a great illusion prior to 9/11. I sent a message to the great detective agency of US, the CIA in Aug 2001 about the suspicious activities of some Pakistani Muslims by giving their name & addresses, but did not received any auto acknowledgement even to my message, what to think of any follow up action. I become suspicious when during a discussion at Pak News Service Message Board; one Pakistani (living in US) lost the argument & temper and become so much furious that he gave a call for a terrorist attack on India, on the same pattern as LTTE did in Sri Lankan a few weeks ago by blowing many aircrafts. It was very outrageous that Pakistanis employed by US
companies indulge in such activities & incite for terrorist strikes in India. I sent an urgent email immediately by assuring my full co-operation in locating and uprooting such mischievous and terrorist elements from the US soil. But there was no response and after nearly 5/6 weeks, the tragedy of WTC happened. God knows if CIA or FBI would have acted on my tip then tragedy of 9/11 could have become avoidable. The CIA may be like a God in the eyes of many Americans but in my eyes it is only a culprit and most irresponsible agency of US, which is also greatly responsible for the 9/11 tragedy. I am not a Proud American citizen but I am certainly a humble but responsible citizen of this world, who had discharged his obligations better than many of those, who are running US administration and agencies on 9/11.. The kind of Slogans are being shouted in America may suit some small nation but in case of a big, democratic, mighty US, they look very cheap only. US is of course a Leader & Super Power as a nation but not the Americans. Americans are not special or super human beings even if they are also full of Ego & any kind of ignorance. Unless they will not shed Ego, they cant get rid of illusions, ignorance & confusions in which most of the Americans are trapped today. SLOGANS will not help because any permanent solution lies in SPIRITUALITY only. Let the US become sinner or spineless creature, many Americans will hardly bother. Most of them are also slaves of big spiral molecule of their DNA, and are only concerned of their petty material requirements only. Such people are turning the great democracy & nation of US into a wonderful but SPINELESS creature. It is really painful for me to see that mighty US is sleeping alternatively with the Saudi Arabia (the honorable father of Taliban) and Pakistan (Mom of Taliban). Is it not true that whole DNA molecule of TALIBAN was fertilized by utilizing the Arabian sperms in the Pakistani womb in the presence of CIA cops? Was the CIA not proved an inefficient and ordinary Cop only before the infant ISI, the intelligence agency of Pakistan? If the democracy of India will explode a nuclear Bomb on its own merits in view of the security threats from the conclave of Islamic Nation & unreliable communist neighbor like China then US will shamelessly impose the sanctions. But none of the Pure or Proud Americans girls & boys will question the American policy makers, why they are supporting the oppressive Communist regime of China, Feudal Sheikhs of Saudi Arabia or the Military dictators of Pakistan in gross violations of American Guiding Principles. I dont think the modern Americans are realizing the dreams of founder fathers of US by making a naked show of might and power. The event of 9/11 has forced American think tanks & policy makers to look at globally for the first time. They have realized for the first time very consciously that they are very much part of the humanity and Globe because whole world felt the pain of tragedy of 9/11. The events of 9/11 have unified the humanity and galvanized the Globe temporarily for the first time. This is also a basic truth of our existence that we belong to one Globe and humanity. The distinctions caused by false identities of Nationality and Religions got blurred so much for the first time in human history that even those nations who parented the concepts of
Taliban & Terrorism became the front allies of US during the first phase of WaT. However, now again the Commercial interests & false identities of religion and nationalities are interfering with the objectives of this pious & divine mission, which is known as WaT. Many Americans have not started thinking in terms of materialism, while the Islamic nations are becoming increasingly concerned of Islam once again. The European nations have also started thinking in terms of their Nationalism and narrow self interests in such a scenario. If such self interests of nations will dominate then the whole exercise may result into some new complications for humanity & Globe by negating all the progress made. US have many attributes to become leader and capable to bear the responsibility as savior also, but it has to rise above their Commercial Interests. There may be some temporary hardships to Americans for which they should be ready. Americans are not the citizens of an isolated nation but belong to a Globe which is suffering from various kinds of viruses & malice produced by various doctrines of Religions, Nationalism and Materialism. To get rid of all these deep rooted negative emotions like Hate, Greed, Jealousy, Lust and EGO etc, doses of Spirituality seems to be a must. Because US is an undisputed world leader therefore Americans should transform themselves first. Once America will start moving in the directions provided by Spirituality then rest of the world will also join this GREAT MARCH. Islamic nations will also get rid of concept of Terrorism and also those peoples, who still have dreams of Communism may become free from slavery of irrelevant and outdated doctrines & philosophies. The integrated philosophy of Spiritualism neither negates Materialism nor opposes Capitalism/ Communism. Rather it incorporates every such concept to such extent only, which is required for maintaining the healthy growth of humanity & dynamism of the society. I always had great faith & admiration for the great virtues of US Democracy like I have in many spiritual concepts of Hinduism. But it is also true that in spite of having a genuine democracy & creating so many great institutions and noble persons, US has failed to check the unhindered growth of MATERIALISM. This failure of US is very similar to the failure of India which could not check the growth of CASTEISM in spite of having a wonderful spiritual philosophy of Hinduism. Who is responsible for such failures? I think it is the CONSERVATIVES only in every society & nation, who does not allow reaping the full benefits of wonderfully perfect philosophies. US is not an isolated victim of the conservatives but India has also suffered an unparallel humiliation due to similar kind of a few conservative CASTEISTS, who considered themselves very great & special Hindus. But the fact remains that CASTE SYSTEM is only an anti-thesis of Hinduism. Similarly I feel over emphasis on Materialism is also proving counterproductive to the guiding principles of USA i.e. DEMOCRACY, LIBERTY & FREEDOM.
ANTI-AMERICANISM: Great Paradox of Semi-CIVILISED Peoples One most common prejudice amongst the peace loving citizens noticed by me is their Anti-Americanism. It is not only the Muslims of world, who have become the victim of Anti-Americanism Syndrome, but many loving people of other Religions & Nationalities are also falling victim of this syndrome due to ignorance. I will always wish that Muslims shed their prejudices against US, because they are absolutely baselessjust illusions created by the vested interests. It is causing Harm to them and will cause more harm in future. What is ANTI-AMERICANISM? Why it RULE the Psychology of the Peace Loving & Civilized Community of the World? Actually Anti-Americanism is a product of residual hatred, jealousy and greed of the semi-civilized populations of the Globe, who has assumed themselves CIVILISED before becoming FULLY CIVILISED. It is one of the greatest PARADOX and ILLUSION in which most of the most intelligent people of our Globe are trapped badly. It is not only the Terrorists & Fundamentalists but every Nationalist & Traditionalist also see a great threat from US, which is basically the most vibrant & real Democracy at a Planet dominated by the Nationalists, Traditionalists, Religious Fundamentalist or even the Dictators & Terrorists. What is the reason that all enemies of humanity ranging from super Islamic Terrorist Bin Laden to emerging Hindu Talibans like Sudarshan/ Tagodia/ Modi see a common enemy in US only? Why not only the Islamic Terrorists but Hindu Talibans also fear & hate US most? Why it is so? All of them want to derail and throttle the process of Evolution, which has been duly recognized & being nurtured by the Great Democracy of US since last few centuries. This does not mean that the Process of Evolution was identified and inaugurated by the Founder Fathers of the US only in the human History. In fact Nature always wanted men to recognize this feature i.e. the process of Evolution, so that she may be able to unfold all/maximum mysteries of herself. Probably the Rama was the first person, who has recognized the Natures this urge & established the first Democracy (Ram Rajya) in his times by providing a voice/say to everyone including the oppressed classes. But the momentum was lost after Rama. Thereafter Krishna & other great people from India tried to revive this Spirit of Democracy, which is a must & foremost requirement to keep going the process of Evolution at a prescribed pace desired and decided by the nature. In last few decades almost every other nation of this planet has developed some kind of jealousy or hatred towards US. Although at the time of any problem/ trouble they generally look towards US only. Is it not ethically wrong? I have seen Indians complaining of US
even when their son/ daughter are doing well in US and do not want to come back to India at any cost. Even many Indians living in US are not faithful towards such a nation, which has changed their lives for better so much that they never had such dreams in India. Most common charge/ complain everyone has is about US Arrogance. So what if US have little bit arrogance when other nations have much more dangerous attributes ranging from hatred /jealousy to terrorism. Why it should result in a syndrome like Anti-Americanism only and not in syndromes like Anti-Islam, when proximity between Terrorism & Islam is not a hidden secret now? Is it not the Talibanism is much more dangerous phenomenon than Anti-Americanism? I feel one must utilize his time, energy and resources on demolishing Talibanism and Terrorism as the first target. But I am also very sure that unless we get rid of syndrome like Anti-Americanism, we will never be to eliminate Terrorism & Talibanism from this Globe. Such people, communities & nations must ask themselves, which nation has the real determination to fight with Terrorism or Talibanism? Is it not the only great Democracy & Super power of USA, which has the real, genuine and absolute determination to give a final Blow to TERRORISM from this GLOBE? Their genuine ally is UK only in this pursuit of finding a durable peace across the Globe. Rest every other nation is either harboring TERRORISM or a mute Spectator in this WaT. For example, Pakistan is an ally of US in this WaT, but in reality Pakistan has acted as a Mother of ISLAMIC TERRORISM, while the role of Father was played by the Saudi Arabia. Similarly, ISRAEL also happens to be a great ally of US for last 5 decades, but in fact it has acted like a catalyst to help Islamic Terrorism to attain this size so that it become the biggest threat to Global Peace. If US is facing the maximum wrath of Islamic Terrorists today then Israel & powerful Jewish lobby of US can be given maximum credit for creating such a situation thru carefully planned conspiracies. Some Nations, who are extremely zealous of US progress and prosperity, are simply wishing for WaT converting into a mess so that they get an opportunity to take on USA later. China may be such a Nation only, who can never be relied till it does not become a genuine Democracy. Since the ANTI-AMERICANISM rules the psyche of the majority of the civilized & peace loving community the Globe, therefore US has no choice but to rely upon irresponsible nations like Israel and Pakistan, which have born in the name of RELIGION only amidst all kind of Hatred and bloodbath. CHRISTIANITY vs AMERICAN RELIGION Father, son & Holy Spirit is a very confusing concept and probably was not coined by Jesus Christ, who only wanted to remove the confusions & illusions from the mind of the people caused by the concepts of Racism & Materialism in the west. Illusions & Confusions of
Christianity may have been caused by the manipulation of his followers like Paul & Peters etc, who failed to understand Christ message, which was very simple only and comprised of Love, Compassion & Sacrifice only in conformity with core of Hindu thoughts in those times. Problem is not with Jesus Christ. He was indeed a very noble soul, and a Hindu by thought & action. Problem lies with the Institution of Christianity because Christianity has become CHRIST-ANTI during the last two millennium. Jesus Christ was like many other Hindu Saints & Avataras like the Buddha only...whose teachings have enriched the continuum or natural evolution known as Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma. Jesus Christ was a noble soul but not his followers, who have started the Religion of Christianity & institutionalized the same thru Church. Christ was wholly spiritualistic and may have attained realization/divinity but Saint Paul contradicted & manipulated the whole thing to start a Religion in the name of Christ itself. This was the greatest blunder because Christ wanted to introduce the concept of 'Way of Life' in the western world to replace the concepts of religion and racism. Christ probably had visualized a concept of a evolutionary kind of 'Living Religion' on the Hindu Patterns but Paul & Co. idolized and created a new deity of Christ itself to Revolutionize the western world thru some more Semitic concepts . Christianity may be a very well organized Religion but it is not a Natural Evolution like the Hinduism. Christ certainly come into contact with the Hinduism in those times and was greatly influenced and benefited by the spiritualistic concepts of Hinduism. He probably wanted to spiritualize the western world on the Hindu lines by introducing the concept of KARUNA & TYAG (Compassion & Sacrifice) in the extremely selfish western society of those times. But it is really very unfortunate that only a few Christian saints understood the real message of Christ in last 2 millenniums while the majority of the followers remained in the grip of illusions and dogmas created by the Church. When Christians came to US then they indulged in such horrific crimes & sins that even ISLAM was put to shame. But some of them really become disgusted from the irrelevant, opportunistic and anti-spiritualistic tendencies of the Christian Philosophy .These gentlemen were only pragmatic and positive thinking Businessmen but not the spiritualists or saints, who could have challenged the Christianity itself. In newly born US, the numbers of people frustrated & fed up with Christianity kept on rising and finally on 4th July,1776 they decided to assert themselves to sign the historic document namely THE DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE and decided to debar the Christian Philosophy at least in the matters of Nation Building. This was the biggest defeat of Christian Philosophy in 1800 years and biggest win of Jesus Christ, who cherished the Hindu thoughts of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice and Sacrifice 18 centuries years ago. It was probably a divine instruction or intuitive thought which prompted Late Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin etc to embark upon a new path without seeking the guidance of Christianity and thus a nation born with a resolve to keep away Church from having any control or say in the matters related to the people's life. The progress of US is a proof of the fact that founder fathers of US have accomplished a
charisma before which every achievement of the Paul's Christianity looks pale only. After witnessing the success of US Model, one should not have any doubt that Jefferson, Washington etc are really great than Paul, who invented and started the concept & Religion of Christianity. One can also say that founder fathers of US have started a new religion namely 'American Culture' to meet with the modern challenges before humanity where Christianity failed miserably. Actually US has left behind the Christianity to move forward. For example, Christianity recognized the slavery as well as allowed the followers to convert people by force, bribe and tricks against the spirit & examples of compassion and sacrifice established by the Jesus Christ. But the American Culture got rid of SLAVERY at a time, when it was very popular among the rest of Christian world. More over US abolished it in spite of facing a most potent threat of Civil war and division of the nation between North and South over this issue. Abraham Lincoln, who was a more American than a Christian got murdered later, but Christian World could not stop him from taking this historic and momentous decision in view of the cherished ideals of new American Religion known as Freedom, Liberty and Justice. But the American Culture / Religion are also a product of Mind only and not a natural evolution like the Hinduism. Hinduism is complete and universal philosophy while the American Religion is mainly concerned with the materialistic needs of the humanity, societies and the Globe. It does not address the impact of the Materialism on the human psyche and resulting disequilibrium, problems and contradictions caused by it. Thus a bigger void and imbalance has been crated in the spiritualistic and material life of average Americans which results in distress and dissatisfaction in the personal and family lives of the most. Most of the Americans are largely & truly following the 'American Religion' only, which was invented and inaugurated by the secularist founder fathers of the nation. But the founder fathers of US were only true Secularists and not the Spiritualists, therefore their this gift to Americans also fell short of becoming a 'way of life' or a 'living religion'. Since 'American Religion' is materialistic only therefore it has a natural affinity & urge towards Hinduism, which has the maximum content of Spiritualism in its philosophy. In such a scenario CONVERGENCE OF HINDUISM AND U.S. is bound to happen, but there are some hiccups also as mentioned in the following paras. It is not clear yet if the American religion will surrender before the Hindu Religion or it will try to absorb those techniques/knowledge only, which provides boost to the individual caliber and potential? Till now Americans are very selective and learning some techniques of Yoga/ Pranayam and Meditation only to boost their physical and mental potential but not adopting the Hindu way of life by surrendering 'American Ego', which is popularly known as the 'American Pride' also. The American Hindus are in a dilemma. They want to learn Hinduism but not at the expense of American Ego. But without sacrificing Ego how much Hinduism one can learn is evident from the behavior of upper caste Hindus of India in last 2 millennium. Ego shedding is only the first step of learning Hinduism. Prevalence of Caste System in the
Hindu Society of India probably also creates some doubts regarding the sanctity & universal ness of Hinduism because no concrete & conscious efforts have been initiated by the Hindu Society for eradication of Caste system yet. However, the following equation summarizes the whole thing precisely: American Religion - Ego + Spiritualism = HINDUISM US & HINDUISM US is has great affinity towards Hinduism, which was demonstrated by Swami Vivekananda in 19th century itself. But after independence, India was pushed into the COMMUNIST block thru a great conspiracy hatched by the leftist and anti-Hindu elements in the Congress. However all these efforts were bound to fail and failed also ultimately because INDIA always had a HINDU Soul which remained intact during the Muslim rule even, which was extended for nearly 8 centuries. But Indias this honeymoon with Communism / Socialism delayed those happenings which were visualized by great SWAMI VIVEKANANDA in the 19th century. US also had many compulsions during the cold war era to support the dictatorial regimes of Pakistan etc. But now both the biggest democracies are having a good rapport & great time because they are the real, natural and most perfect & compatible allies. In the following few articles I have detailed out the natural affinity US with Hinduism. 1. India/ US & Hinduism 2. Should US Become a Hindu Nation now? 3. Will US become a Hindu Nation by 2100 AD? 4. US need Gandhi now INDIA / US & HINDUISM American Indians are doing extremely well materialistically as well as spiritually in the US. They are not only having the highest per capita income in US as an ethnic group but are also the carrier of spiritual message of Hindu Philosophy, which remained confined to only India in the last 2 millennium, when many other inferior religious philosophies used all kinds of tricks and propaganda to reach at every corner of this Globe. Hindus/ Indians have done wonders in US but the progress of India is just satisfactory as constrained by the bumper growth of Population and the age old liability like the RIGID CASTE SYSTEM. Unfortunately all the political parties are unanimous on these two issues only and want to maintain the current growth rate of population as well as Caste System due to vote-bank politics. In spite of such kind of drags, there is no parallel to success story of India in the third world countries. Many developing nations are still struggling to have a proper kind of democracy. Although India has achieved a stable democracy but
Indians are still suffering from ignorance and poverty, which give rise to the fears of vulnerability of Indian democracy by the manipulations of the ever increasing vested interests. Although India is considered as a Hindu Nation but in reality it is not a Hindu nation. India opted for a perverted or Pseudo-secular character only after attaining independence. Hindus of India are largely following a Hindu Religion as represented by the Caste System. Caste System may be close to Anti-Hinduism, but it is certainly nowhere near to the Real Hinduism. In contrast to Indian Hindus, American or Non-Resident Hindus are following Hindu way of life in a better manner, which is also resulting in better success ratios of NRHs vis-a vis Indian Hindus. Hindus are basically very smart people but Caste system prevented them to make full use of the Hindu Philosophy in a truly objective manner. Hinduism may not flourish on the strength of India but it can only be vice-versa. Slogans like Long live India may not work till India has a discriminatory constitution and Casteist, Communalist and corrupt politicians like they are having at present. Courtesy US, many living in America have realized their full potential. They have sympathies for India also but it will be better if they provide priority to US & Europe in their schemes because they cant do much for India, which is burdened by so many self created problems. It will be better if American Hindus start believing in slogans like Long live US and long live Hinduism OR Globalization of Hinduism & Spiritualization of Globe instead of slogans like long Live India ,Mera Bharat Mahan or India Shining etc.. Although US has many virtues but homes and families in US requires some doses of spiritualism. This can be possible only after popularizing Hinduism in that country. EGO is very typical element in US environment / culture and many Indians/ Hindus living in US also suffer from this virus very often. Some call it American Pride also, but it is nothing but only a kind of EGO only. This virus of EGO always corrupt the supreme software (operating system) known as intellect. In Gita, Krishna clearly stated and narrated such facts about Ego Accumulation and its after effects. Hinduism makes available the anti-virus software to clean the mind/intellect from any kind of virus emanating from EGO. Americans also have too much faith in the data and data analysis. But with corrupted software any analysis can only be misleading. A nation always has a soul also besides body. India has Hindu Soul, while most of the European countries also have a Christian soul. US is still looking for their soul but not found yet. Christianity has failed to inspire US since the beginning as is evident from the decision of founder fathers of US to debar Christianity to have any say in the matters related to the nation building. Now Islam has lost their growing appeal in US in the post 9/11 era. American Pride may be a better option than conservative nationalism but even then it is also a slogan only. Even the most excellent slogan can not be the substitute of the SOUL. India preserved its HINDU SOUL even during the 1000 years of foreign rule in this country. Soul always has a religious/ spiritual content, therefore, SCIENCE/ TECHNOLOGY/ MATERIALISM or any type of Doctrine cant be a replacement to the concept of SOUL .We have seen in case of USSR ,when COMMUNISM failed to become
the soul of RUSSIA in spite of its tremendous efforts continued for more than a half century. Everything is evolving. Americans have started liking Spiritualism (Hinduism) lately because they have become addicted to the thoughts of freedom, liberty & democracy. Such thoughts can find acceptance, echo and convergence in Hinduism only. Islam and Christianity can never accommodate such concepts and aspirations of people perfectly or in true spirit. I think Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is very fit and appropriate to the requirements of American soul. It is also capable to free US from the ongoing crisis of spirituality, which has become grave in the current century and is particularly more severe with more innocents like the American women & children. This century may witness that Indian Hindus will not only contribute in material success of US but American Homes/ Families will also find a lot of respite thru the spiritualistic philosophy of LOVE as sponsored by Hinduism. India is also learning and will learn more lessons from US .There is no harm, if India learn to honor the individuals freedom, liberty and creativity from US which ultimately make a nation truly strong. This process will get further momentum as the appeal for Spirituality will become more pronounced in US in the years to come. Hindus of US should also be watchful to prevent any subversion of Hindu Philosophy into some inferior kind of Hindu version for which many forces are very active within US. US democracy is also evolving. It is true that US acted in self interest/ revenge till few decades ago but now the things have changed a lot. One can see a contrast between the ruthless/ inhuman American action of 1945 when it dropped Atom Bomb at Hiroshima/ Nagasaki and the humanistic American approach during WaT in Afghanistan in 2002. Lot of consistent positive developments can be noticed in the US foreign policy during the period of 1945-2002. India may continue to have an uncertain future but even then Hinduism will prosper, because it has already established strong roots in the US. Not only the Christian Extremists but Zionists & Islamists are also afraid because they know very well that the appeal of Spiritualism or Hinduism can not be ignored by the average Americans in the current century. Americans are now feeling too tired of the Materialism in their country, which was never, checked by the Christianity. Even today the people like Pat Robertson are cursing Hinduism instead of making Christianity viable to meet the requirement of modern man and American families. Pats remarks against women are very outrageous only although Christian Philosophy is not so ruthless towards women. It is the time when American Hindus should focus their attention on American women/ children by rescuing them from the evil designs of religious mercenaries. American women will get a boost from Spiritualistic philosophy of Hinduism because women are not only equal to men, but both have a complimentary role to play in the development of the society. The idea India belongs to only to Hindus is only very dangerous and counter productive. It is similar to those immature feelings of some Christians like US belongs to Christianity alone. If the idea of former group violates the basic principles of Hindu Philosophy, then
the idea of later group is also a violation of basic American tenets. Let there be healthy competition between the religions also in this age of SPIRITUALISM. Someone said: "Indians are American at Heart" I said: I feel the same thing in the following sequence of the words. AMERICANS are INDIAN at HEART Should US become a HINDU NATION now? Their intentions may be genuine but it is also true that Americans have also contributed in creating more complications and controversies before the humanity instead of resolving the challenging issues successfully. They are talking and confronting with the challenge of Terrorism or Islamic Terrorism these days but I have a feeling that many American Cults can be more dangerous for the humanity than the nuances caused by Communism/ Islam or Nuclear Bombs so far. Frustrated people in US are coming together under some umbrella organization to clone and propagate some frustrating & negative idea /thought in this age of human cloning. How the guiding principles & Laws of USA will find the solution of the problem of human cloning is still not known? Perhaps they will act only when Some Company will announce that it has the EMBRYOS created out of BIN LADEN's Genes. If the PRIDE is the result of EGO then ARROGANCE is the result of IGNORANCE only. Call it Ego / ignorance OR Pride/ Arrogance, but it constitute only a proof of illusions & confusions accumulated by the Americans as caused by their excessive reliance on the materialism in a vacuum caused by the absence of spirituality. In spite of lack of Spirituality, US was following the route of Dharma & Karma (Righteous Action) till it was provoked by a cowardice act of Japan on Dec 7, 1941. Thereafter US got derailed from their sacred principles for the first time in its history. Between Dec 7, 1941 and Aug 6, 1945, US witnessed a negative transformation in the matter of policies as well as outlook. An innocent, happy, healthy and playboy kind of nation decided to become a SUPER POWER now by making every possible weapon/ technology to suit such an ambition. Finally by destroying the Hiroshima and Nagasaki thru Nuclear Bombs, they achieved the supreme status of a Super Power in a world, which recognizes only one principle MIGHT is Right. Cold War era provided them an opportunity to pile up every weapon & device of Mass Destruction. Gradually US area of influence kept on enlarging till their arch rival Russia become bankrupt and fell at the feet of Uncle Sam. After becoming the only Super Power of the planet, US become careless & irresponsible, as happens with unchallenged super power generally (Indian mythology is full of such examples) .History repeats itself. Same thing happened again. Pearl Harbor was away from American mainland but the Islamic Terrorists
attack of 9/11 was made in the Heart of US. It also provided a long awaited opportunity to Americans for carrying out an overdue introspection. As an optimist I wished and hope US will avail it to the full extent to list out the threats and priorities afresh by getting rid of all misconceptions and illusions, the biggest of which is so called American pride or American arrogance itself. But it did not happen the way I imagined. However, it is still too early to predict anything where Post 9/11 events may lead to USA? Signals are both mixed and confusing. A justified WaT in Afghanistan raised many hopes but it was unfortunate to see that Yankees become afraid of Saddam instead of focusing on the mother of Taliban (i.e. Pakistan). If Islam is a threat to US & World then how can you overlook the fact that chief financier and architect of JEHAADI ISLAM, Saudi Arabia & Pakistan are also the American allies? Only a fool will expect that by eliminating Bin Laden or Saddam, Islamic Terrorism will be crushed when it is aided and abated by Arab Sheikhs in the Terror Coaching Institutes of Pakistan along with moral support by the whole Islamic world. Same is the case of Neo- Terrorist Clubs or Cults which are being cultivated in USA at present. Call it by any name but many of them are having the capacity and potential to become American Taliban. US can check the entry of Immigrants to filter out Islamic fundamentalists & extremists, but what will happen when some more intelligent Bin Ladens of future will hire some frustrated neo - cult of US to launch an internal attack on US by making use of Americas NATIVE CITIZENS than utilizing the services of IMMIGRANT Terrorists. American think tanks still do not have any answer of this question probably? Should US have full faith in those NATIVES, who are being brain washed by the various Cults in the US? But what is the ultimate SOLUTION of challenge posed by Terrorism or Islamic Terrorism? Solution is Spiritualism i.e. Hinduism only because it is the Spiritualism only which is directly and exactly opposed to the terrorism. US should go for spiritualism without any delay i.e. US should adopt the Hindu way of life at the earliest Except Hinduism there is no other time tested remedy to face the challenge of Terrorists or Brain washed cultists. Hinduism has faced constant oppression and suppression in the hands of not only aggressors but also by the own people (Natives). However everyone (including the self serving natives) has been ultimately defeated by the universal and spiritual philosophy of Hinduism. This can also be considered as the only dynamic and constantly evolving type of philosophy of the Humanism since the unknown times. Hinduism has every in built features of tackling challenges and dissent of modern times in a very unique way.
I think time has come when Americans can ask their SENATE to pass the resolution to adopt Hinduism as the Ideal Path or Way of Life for its citizens to elevate US to a higher Plane, to which it truly deserves also. US MAY BECOME A HINDU NATION BY 2100 AD. The agenda for this century has been set up in the very beginning itself by the BIN LADEN. There is no doubt that this century is going to witness the biggest tussle between the Religion (shell) and the Spiritualism (Core). Many religions will be exposed in this process and shall be proved a Shell only with dried core. Islam has least spiritualism, therefore it will be the first casualty and the process is already on. Many liberal Muslims and Pseudo-Secularists are concerned of this inevitability and trying hard to defend ISLAM thru various manipulated versions & theories, but it is virtually impossible for anyone insert a Spiritual Core in Islam. Islam is not a philosophy but a doctrine only akin to Communism. It has already outlived more than it was due. Doctrines are doctrines only, therefore have limited lifespan. Islam has many outdated & ill -concepts, some of which are very violent and cruel also. Islam is not fair with FAIR sex also. Christianity is already facing a rebellion or revolt from within since last few decades particularly in the US. One can see many new Religious CULTS have sprung up throughout US in last few years. The failure of Christianity has been mainly resulted due to its failure in resolving the problems of women and family. Although Christianity is not intolerant like the Islam is, but in recent years the scandals of the Churches has brought a very bad name to it. Many Americans are now seeking refuse in new Cultic Religions, some of which are inspired by the Buddhism also. But Christianity will have a different fate than Islamsince Jesus will always be honored and recognized by the Hindus as a great person (like an incarnation). Thus Christianity may get submerged into the Hinduism in next 3/ 4 centuries from where Jesus seems to have been inspired also. Recent researches on religions evolution are indicating that the original pious thought of Love, Compassion & Sacrifice, on which major religions have also been based, has its origin in the philosophy of Hinduism only. Hinduism means Spiritualism and not the Hindu Religion as represented by the amalgamation with peculiar Hindu Caste System of India. Hinduism means basic & pure spiritual thought & philosophy only. Natural calamities and wars isolated the populations and thus many religions have also sprung up, which are comprised of both spiritual and cultural elements in varying proportions. In India, Hinduism developed into two distinct system or religions, one was the Hindu caste system (or religion), while the other was the casteless Buddhism. In both these religious systems, the basic concept of Hinduism i.e. Spirituality were retained to the maximum in comparison to other religions. Islam has minimum spiritual element as per the T-S scale, while the Hinduism has maximum element of Spiritualism on this scale. Christianity lies in between Terrorism (T) & Spiritualism (S). All this happened due to isolation of population. Now the age of integration of spiritual thought has arrived courtesy internet/cable. After passage of some more time one will see more influence of Spiritualism (Hinduism) on all the religions including the Hindu caste
system (religion). The Religion of most of the Hindus in India presently is the Hindu Caste System only and not the pure Hinduism i.e. Spiritualism. Unfortunately, India never offered opportunities for growth of Hinduism in the last 2000 years since it was/is badly trapped in the anomalies created by the Hindu Caste system. India is facing all kinds of dilemma / contradictions/ problems since the original Varna System started degenerating into this present Rigid Caste System nearly 2000 years ago. Divisive & rigid Caste System also ensured the unparallel humiliation of the Hindu Society for nearly one millennium in the hands of Islamists & Evangelists. The version offered by Sangh Parivar is more inspired by the Islamic/ Talibani thoughts than by the real and noble thoughts of Hindu Philosophy. Hindu Philosophy is not a property or asset of Hindus/ India alone. Similarly, US will not belong to Christianity always since it is also not a property /asset, but a Nation. Everything is evolving. US has evolved itself more on Hindu philosophy of KARMA and DHARMA, or Justice, Action, Truth and Democracy. US is dynamic and so the Hindu Philosophy. Both are complimentary to each other in this hour of maturity and spiritual crisis. Therefore it will not be an expansion of Hinduism but rather a convergence of Hinduism with the great democracy of the world, which will be witnessed by the humanity in this century. India denied an opportunity to Hinduism, which shall be provided by the US in coming years so that journey of mankind is not halted for want of spirituality. Spiritualism has to play a key role in not only in the development of humanity but also in the further growth of Basic Sciences, which requires doses of spirituality to understand and resolve the more complex Scientific & Technological concepts of todays universe. In this spiritual revolution, India may not play the key role rather it will be the US only which will take the lead. Of course the Hindu Society of US will provide the required impetus and inspiration for such a movement which shall be very much intensified after 50 years, when US will have a Hindu population of 20% thru migrations and thru selfmotivated conversions of persons mainly belonging to Christian faiths at present. Everything can't be left to the Religious persons/ Institutions only. Every Indian Hindu can play a big role in the transformation and future destiny of US. If one will look at the exponential growth rate of American Hindus in numbers and resources then it can be easily concluded that a Hindu population of 50% is not an impossible target for year 2100 AD in the USA. Caste system has proved itself an antithesis of Hinduism in India but in US it will not pose any threat. It will be the CASTELESS HINDU SOCIETY of US, which will emerge as a biggest spiritual force and movement of this century ultimately. US NEED A HINDU GANDHI NOW What does the Statue of LIBERTY means? It does not only mean liberty from slavery. It perhaps has some deeper meaning. What is that? Perhaps it also means the liberty from the Slavery of Mind. But what to think of liberty from the slavery of Mind, when average American is also a slave of Materialism even.
The thought of greed and arrogance is eating US from inside in spite of their robust external appearance. I feel very disgusted when I see Americans are not humble yet even after the setback of 9/11. I am not a pacifist, who sees everything bad in a war, but when I notice the Ego, greed and lust is still ruling the psyche of Americans then I just feel very bad. I don't want to see US as a spoiled nation. If US will be spoiled than whole Globe may get spoiled. US has to lead the Globe in this century. It is an undeniable fact. US is really a great country but it always remained a little confused also due to lack of a proper religion/ spirituality. Lack of Spirituality has resulted in a factor known as US arrogance, although it is much less harmful than more dangerous attributes of hatred and jealousy against US as harbored by many nations. As a well wisher of the great Democracy of the world I expected more soul searching than the usual rhetoric, anger and revenge. I dont believe in isolated actions and reactions because I can relate with all incidents & the total history of USA. Therefore I see something more into 9/11 than just a terrorist attack. Was it just one man army of Bin Laden which humiliated US so much? Was it possible for Bin Laden to succeed so much in his precise attacks in the US Heart without a solid backing of Destiny or Luck? Why a formidable technological giant & super power proved so much helpless? Was it sheer bad luck or something more? There was enough time between the strikes of 1st & 2nd tower of WTC, but the whole nation remain perplexed for few hours by the shock of the events and failed to react promptly and properly. Something was supporting to Bin Laden on that fateful day, which was also simultaneously working to the disadvantage of US resulting in such a big tragedy. Was it Destiny as actuated by Law of Karma?? There were many lapses in US policy which led to the unfortunate incident of 9/11. US failed each time to learn any lesson since 1970s, when Islamists made their first target US only in Tehran by taking hostages all the Americans of American Embassy of Iran. Each time the US was blinded by their Super Power Ego and even allowed Islamists to have Pilot trainings in Florida, when the attacks of Islamic militants were continued against the US establishments worldwide. Was not the WTC attacked earlier also in 1993? But US waited till 9/11. On 9/11 also, the lag between the first & second attack was substantial to avoid the second strike at least, if all the responsible agencies would have become alerted instead of retiring into a paralysis. Of course Jefferson & Washington were great people but many Americans are still not aware of their biggest contribution of these noble souls properly. Let us think afresh why they disallowed Church in the matters of State? Was it because Church & Christianity was incompetent? Perhaps it was so, therefore only these enlightened founder fathers of US decided to debar them in the matters of nation building. They may have been not so vocal/ categorical obviously due to emotional reasons. Founder fathers of the US had more affinity for
humanity than Christianity as was displayed and demonstrated by their resolves & deeds. But the movement initiated by them has not reached to its logical conclusion yet. Christianity is still alive in US but not as a spiritual force but only like a parasite. Such a situation creates more hurdles in finding out the permanent solutions of US problems. World is expecting an appropriate American initiative to go along with it in forward direction. Terrorism is a negative phenomenon and so the words like against & WAR. The opposite, positive and appropriate terms to replace the words like Terrorism, against & War may be Spiritualism, for & the OPPORTUNITY respectively. Why this War against Terrorism (WaT) can not be converted into an Opportunity for Spiritualism (OfS), with the help from spiritualistic inputs. It is only absurd when people say it is a Problem between Christian & Muslim world. It is essentially a decisive WAR between good and evil and not between Christians and Muslims. US may be just calling it as a War against Terrorism or WaT, but if they want to win it peacefully then it must be described as a War between Spiritualism & Terrorism. If Islam has least Spiritualism then Islam will have a similar fate, which Communism met after WaC during the 1990s. If Islam will continue to support the Terrorism then this WaT is bound to result in WaI( War against Islam) in very near future. However, a lot of violence & other problems can be avoided if the ongoing tussle/war is converted into a War/ Tussle between Terrorism & Spiritualism instead of between US & Islam/Iran/ Iraq or Muslims etc. In that event whole humanity/ Globe may like to participate into it willingly. I genuinely appreciate US for the role they played in liberating the huge population & the Globe from the slavery of Communism. I also welcome WaT also, which may ultimately turn out to be a WaI (War against the doctrine of Islam) in near future. WaT is a divine mission only therefore it should never be directed against the Muslims. It is necessary to understand the difference between Muslim and Islam also because they are not synonymous. In fact, Muslims are the biggest victim of Islam. Similarly Christianity & American Religion are different concepts. Hinduism is also not synonymous of Hindu, Hindu Religion or India. In India many races and tribes of Europe/ Middle East have become absorbed and amalgamated without replacing the indigenous races and tribes. Unfortunately in US, the natives were totally replaced by the Europeans. It were the efforts of Jeffersons & Washingtons that a new beginning was made in whole of American by the rejecting the discriminatory & opportunistic Philosophy of Church. Lincoln took too much risk (of civil war) in abolishing slavery in those times when Church was not opposed to slavery. Lincoln got murdered later but he upheld the truth. The time has come when America open their borders for immigrants to take the first step towards the most cherished goal of the humanity i.e. ONE PEOPLE ONE GLOBE. If the religions cause illusionary divisions then concept of nation, nationalism & national boundaries also proved counter-productive to the aims & objectives of the humanity. India always remained more liberal towards the immigrants than the US. Still it is absorbing
more immigrants from neighboring nations than US without the hassles of colorful cards as practiced by the USA. I wonder how US allowed to continue the discriminatory provisions like Native Citizens and Naturalized Citizens in this 21st Century also. Why these Naturalized Citizens are not asking to remove such a discriminatory provision in the land of Liberty, Freedom & Democracy. US & Americans can take a clue from India in this matter where Sonia Gandhi will not be debarred by the Constitution to head an Indian Government, although she does not have an iota of Indian Blood. Actually US has a big body & big Mind but not a soul yet. Soul can only be Religion or Spirituality. I just want US should have an appropriate soul, which can be real Hinduism i.e. Spiritualism only. When US will have proper soul then nuances created Materialism / Capitalism will vanish automatically. Only a Native American Hindu (not any Indian Hindu) can do such Charisma which will not only result in the all round transformation of American Society & USA, but will be able to transform the whole planet ultimately. Therefore, I feel that US need a Gandhi or Vivekananda now. There are so many Bill gates, Rockefellers and Warren Buffets in USA but there is no trace of any tiny Gandhi even in such a wonderful and versatile nation. India has already produced many Gandhis & Vivekananda. I think it is now the turn of the great democracy of US to produce a Hindu Gandhi so that to a durable peace and prosperity across the Globe is ensured forever. Gandhi is not only a name, book or an idol. It is a phenomenon only, that too most recent one. It is not something about certain fixed ideas but it means a living philosophy to meet the challenges of present and future by minimizing/eradicating violence, hatred, ego and greed. Every society needs Gandhi to become more perfect. Gandhi is a scale to measure the human values or human perfection. Therefore Gandhi was also not an ABSOLUTE GANDHI. He may have achieved maximum perfection in recent times but it was certainly not 100%. Someone can surpass him also in future. World can accommodate more than one Gandhi because GANDHI is not synonymous with any kind of stereotypes. Media projects a different image of Gandhi because it is incapable to understand the concept of Spiritualism. Mahatma Gandhi renounced his clothes to resemble and assimilate with cloth less & poor Indians of those times but an American Gandhi will have to get rid of attachments only and not the clothing. Till US have the discrimination of Natives & Naturalized, it is better if the American Gandhi be a native citizen only and not the naturalized Indian. Racial considerations may not allow naturalized Indian to become a Gandhi in America, even if there are no bars if one wants to become a BILL Gates. In such a scenario my humble opinion is as under: -CLINTON should have new AVATAR as MAHATMA GANDHI So that humanity may witness some welcome and charismatic developments in the tense Global Scenario of our times. Mr. Clinton's new Avatar as Mahatma Gandhi can only into a
new ERA of peace, Global Co-operation and prosperity of every human being of our Globe. BUSH VINDICATES ME During his recent visit to India, President Bush has vindicated me in no uncertain terms, when he has said so much to underline the Made for each Other theme in the contexts of India & US. On India US Nuclear Agrrement: What this agreement is that things change, time change, that leadership can make a difference .its not a easy job for the PM to achieve this agreement, I understand, Its not easy for the American President to achieve this agreement, but its a necessary agreement. From the ramparts of the Purana Quila: Connecting to the audience instantly with a Namaste, Bush said he was dazzled by the ancient land, which was the birthplace of many great Religions that lived side by side peacefully. When you come to India, you are reminded by the past, and you can see the future. He stressed on the Civilization & Systematic Compatibility between India & US and said "Our partnership has the power to transform the world. The partnership has taken sturdy roots in the values we share," he said, listing the commonalities as "freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion". Freedom-hungry world needs Indias leadership. As a Global power, India has a historic duty to support Democracy around the world. Together America and India will bring the light of freedom to the darkest corners. As a multi-ethnic, multi-religious democracy, India is showing the world that the best way to ensure fairness & tolerance is to establish the rule of law. If justice is the goal, then democracy is the way. India has a culture & tradition thats truly compatible with modern world. Men & women from North Korea to Burma to Syria to Zimbabwe to Cuba yearn for their liberty. In Iran, a proud person is held hostage by small clerical elite that deny basic liberties, sponsor terrorism and pursues nuclear weapons. Our nation must not pretend that people of these countries prefer their own enslavement. Though the Indian Govt. views nuclear Iran as a threat to its security interests, parties within the ruling alliance have been backing the belligerent stand taken by clerical radicals, who now control Tehran. Terrorists are the followers of violent ideology that calls for murder of civilizations, Hindus, Sikhs and a vast number of Muslims do not share their radical views.
Same Terror Merchants, who struck on 9/11, had not bared their murderous wares at India Parliament, the London Tube & New Delhi Markets. While terrorists murder innocent office workers in NY or kill shoppers at a market in New Delhi or blow up commuters in London, they think these attacks will break our will. They target democracies becoz they think we are weak & can be frightened into retreat. The terrorists have misunderstood our countries. Americans & Indians love their freedom, and we will fight to keep it. For many years, the US & India were kept apart by the rivalries that divided the world. Thats changed now. Our two great democracies are united by opportunities that can lift our people, and by threats that can bring down all our progress. From East to West, we have seen that only one force is powerful enough to replace hatred with hope and that is the force of human freedom. "America and India are allies in the war against terror. America and India are in this war together and we will win this war together," he asserted. As Bothers in the cause of Liberty, the partnership between India & US has the power to transform the world, George Bush declared as dusk dawned on the historic & visually stunning environs of Purana Quila. Indo-US partnership can transform world: Bush "Our partnership has the power to transform the world. The partnership has taken sturdy roots in the values we share Bush in Hyderabad Earlier on Friday, Bush flew to the southern city of Hyderabad to get a glimpse of rural India. He interacted with farmers and members of women self-help groups, patted a buffalo at a farm through which he trudged in shirtsleeves and saw farm implements used. Bush spent about 30 minutes visiting the National Seed Project at the Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University and saw an exhibition that replicated a typical village. During an interaction with 16 young entrepreneurs at the Indian School of Business - that has partnership agreements with the Kellogg School of Management, The Wharton School, and the London Business School - Bush delivered a strong message against protectionism to prevent outsourcing of IT jobs to India, saying the US welcomed competition. He also termed India's nuclear non-proliferation record as "excellent", saying this would enable him sell to the American people the civilian nuclear energy cooperation deal the two countries have struck.
The US President today spent some time with farmers, weavers and women volunteers in Hyderabad, one of the country's hitech hubs, on day three of his visit. He was dressed casually, in a blue shirt with sleeves rolled up, and showed a keen interest in all that was shown to him. Image: US President George W Bush surrounded by women at a discussion group during a visit to the Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University.
governmental organisations helping in the fight against HIV/AIDS. He visited an exhibition where handicrafts and colourful lambada (a kind of traditional embroidery) dresses were on display. He bought a few straw hats as mementos, and even tried his hand at the thread-weaving looms on display. Image: President Bush examining a display of fibre products with Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Yedugiri Sandinti Rajasekhara (2L).
Folk dancers tapped their feet to drumbeats as Bush walked past at a leisurely
pace, waving to artistes and planting kisses on the faces of children. He was also accompanied by his wife Laura, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and US Ambassador to India, David Mulford. Image: An Indian farmer helps President Bush lift a pumpkin.
replica of an Indian plough -- to remind him of the great strides taken by Indian farmers in recent years. He was also presented mangoes, an oil painting by city-based artist Narender Reddy, and a silver veena. The famous Hyderabad pearls were a special gift for First Lady Laura Bush, as was a rich handloom-weave sari for Condoleeza Rice. Image: George W Bush being shown a farming implement as Chief Minister Rajasekhara looks on.
US President
George W Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh emerged from their summit of over an hour, at the Hyderabad House in central Delhi, to make an announcement on their deliberations and address questions from the press on the sunny, flower-lined lawns. Also See: President Bush in India Smiles, that appeared to be ready to break into grins, hovered on both their faces as they came up to the podium. Bush particularly looked very relaxed and he warmly said "Please!" when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked if he should start. Prior to their arrival members of Manmohan Singh's Cabinet could be seen congregating and chatting. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice emerged first dressed in a stylish black suit. Singh and Bush followed about five minutes later.
US President George W Bush and Laura Bush paid homage at Mahatma Gandhi's samadhi on Thursday morning. This is what President Bush wrote in the visitors' book at Rajghat: I am grateful for the opportunity to honour Mahatma Gandhi at this sacred site. His life was an inspiration to people around the world and his contributions to all mankind place him among the great leaders of history. Signed George W Bush The American President did not mention his designation in the vistors' book. The wreath he placed at the Mahatma's memorial merely said President Bush and Laura Bush What President Bush's father, George H W Bush, then US vice-president, wrote in the visitors' book when he visited Rajghat in 1984: It has been a moving experience to honour the memory of a man who has been an inspiration to justice and peace. The message of Mahatma Gandhi still reverberates in the US as it does in India and other nations around the world. Photograph: Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty Images
VINAIRE & Others Vinaire i.e. Vinay Agarwala titled is the only Sage at the Hindunet.com with a record 4655 messages on various issues. He is definitely a very genius & analytical person, who did his B.Tech from IIT, Kanpur and then left for US for higher studies. His resume at http://www.geocities.com/vinaire/ read as under: Originally from India, Vinaire is now settled in the United States. He graduated from M.I.T., Cambridge in 1971 after completing the Master's program in Nuclear Engineering. He is currently employed as the Senior Engineering analyst at Pall Aeropower Corporation. Vinaire's main interests belong, however, in the field of education. He has written the TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR MATHEMATICS (Volume 1) for the parents of Elementary school children. He plans to complete subsequent volumes for Middle and High school as his own two children move through these schools. Vinaire also enjoys analyzing the subject of Religion from an engineering viewpoint. Here also, he does not mention that he is/ was the Chief of New Civilizations of Church of Scientology (CoS), a fact, which he failed to acknowledge during the extremely surcharged debates at hindunet.com during late 2002, when the idea, name & concept of Hindulogy also flashed in my mind during an intimate debate with Vinaire. When debates started then I have no idea of his deep & official involvement with the CoS, and the designs of CoS against Hinduism. But gradually everything came to our knowledge. Thereafter, Vinaire decided to run away from Hindunet.com after getting completely exposed with the hollowness of philosophy of Scientology. He repeated Communication is the universal solvent nearly 5000 times at hindunet.com, but failed to communicate when some Real Hindus challenged him in some of the very unique debates in the internet world. L Ron Hubbard( founder of CoS) has succeeded in fabricating an appropriate & eyecatching word like Scientology by welding the words like Science & Technology, but he grossly failed in properly galvanizing the themes of Science & Technology with Scientology, what to think of making it synonymous with any kind of Religion. Religion can only be based upon the concept of Spiritualism or Terrorism. It can also be a mixture of both, but can not be devoid of both these elements. For Example, Islam is such a controversial religion only which many people feel contains more terrorism & least spirituality as its ingredient. Rajsand Name: Rajagopal S. Iyer Background is in Electronics and Information technology. He is Heading the IT department of a leading construction company in Mumbai.
SoV (sickofviolence) He is working as Chartered Accountant in US at present and hails from UP originally. A follower of Sai Baba also. AmH ( Americanhindu) She is an American of European descent and married to Indian setteled in USA. She is a mother of two kids, and also microbiologist with keen interest in Studies of Hinduism & Races. She live in Chicago. Mashar Name: Manish Ashar He was just 19 years old Student in 2002 and lives in Australia. He is also of Indian Origin with ancestors from Sindh. Raghuvamshi Name: Vinayak Raghuvamshi Occupation: Computer Engineer Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Philosophy, Photography, Literature, Classical Music, etc. Grames Name: Ramesh G Hobbies: Spiritualism, Music, art and Genuine debates Location: Florida, USA Willie Occupation: Financial services analyst Hobbies: Gardening, Religious study Location: USA The following intimate as well as extremely surcharged discussions with Vinaire & others will reveal how the idea, concept & name of Hindulogy was landed into my mind besides touching some finer aspects of Spiritualism, Hinduism, Scientology, Art of Living etc. In a bid to promote Scientology in India, Vinaire also raised many relevant questions related to Hindu Philosophy as well as Society in the modern context, on which debate should continue so that objectives & purpose of this newly born theme & subject named as Hindulogy are fully achieved.
DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY Vinaire: (Post #20845 - 09/22/02 04:26 AM ) http://www.hindunet.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=20845&page=&view=&sb= 5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1 I have started this new thread to answer your questions about DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY. Scientology was preceded by Dianetics in the 1950's. Dianetics was first introduced in a magazine essay in 1948. You may read that essay here: Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science Dianetics is a science of mind and needs about as much licensing and regulation as the application of the science of physics. Dianetics is not psychiatry. It is not psychoanalysis. It is not psychology. It is not personal relations. It is not hypnotism. Man is intended to be a self-determined organism. That is to say that as long as he can make evaluations of his data without artificial compulsions or repressions he can operate to maximum efficiency. When man becomes exteriorly determined, which is to say compelled to do or repressed from doing without his own rational consent, he becomes a push-button animal. The whole pain-drive effort at handling human beings, and most of the data accumulated in the past by various schools, has been, unwittingly, this push-button material. The handling of human beings and what people have been calling, roughly, psychology has been actually push-button handling of a persons aberrational phrases and sounds. It might be said that there is no necessity to appeal to reason when there are so many push buttons around. Communication is the universal solvent. AKMehta: (Post #20850 - 09/22/02 10:47 AM ) Thanks Vinaire, for providing such a useful link. Last 2 hours I just spent on reading Dianetics, Scientology and L Ron Hubbard only. It was very interesting, especially to note that someone has dedicated his life to find some answers (related to mind) at least in a logical/ scientific manner. I have only one grievance against Hubbard, that why he has not visited India the land of Spiritualism (Hinduism),
when he traveled to Far East likes China etc. Perhaps his successors in this Foundation will look at some aspects of Hinduism now to develop Scientology in most optimum manner. I conducted the personality test of myself and the results appeared almost 100% accurate and convincing to me in the first glance. They matched exactly with my own understanding of myself. What else you want from Scientology? Scientology is not opposed to Hinduism but it can very well play a supplementary/ complimentary role to popularize Hinduism in the US, where people are also interested in the data also. Ultimately, the techniques of Hinduism (like Pranayam and Meditation) will provide the solutions of the miseries of those people who will become aware of their existence of by the AUDITING of Dianetics. SCIENTOLOGY should never be called a CULT by any meanings or standards. Scientology is also not confined to the definitions of science only, but perhaps it is much more and beyond than the SCIENCE, but it has route thru Science only. Further comments I will make only after gaining some more idea about Scientology/ Dianetics. But overall my first experience was very good today. Vinaire :(Post #20853 - 09/22/02 12:13 PM) But Hubbard seems to have visited India in the 20s. In the book Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science he mentions learning hypnotism from a Hindu who could hypnotize cats. Many, who call Scientology a cult, consider Hinduism to be a cult too. So, you can see where they are coming from. I am very happy to hear about your first encounter with Scientology. My first encounter was back in 1969. I was lucky enough to work pretty close to Hubbard too. Anyway, sooner or later you shall be encountering bias against Scientology (but not so much against its philosophy). I have already expressed my opinions on that. CRITICISM OF SCIENTOLOGY BIAS AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY AKMehta:( 09/22/02): But his Chronicle has no mention of his visiting India. Perhaps he met him (Hindu) elsewhere in Asia in those days of 20's when he visited China; Japan etc. This is perhaps the reason why it is considered that Scientology has its origin In Buddhism. It would have been perhaps better, had Hubbard established a Corporation or Institution instead of Church of Scientology. Perhaps this notion of cult has found some acceptance since they call it as the CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY. But this philosophy is basically having scientific basis and flavors. If it has any religious basis then it has been ultimately provided by HINDUISM only since Buddhism also has its origin in Hinduism only.
Vinaire : ( 09/22/02):You may be right. (On Hubbard visit to India). The subject became very popular in 1950 as DIANETICS which was scientific rather than religious. Subsequently, Hubbards research led him to encounters with past life memories that start popping up in auditing as auditing procedures improved. At first he thought it was just imagination on part of the preclear, but imaginative incidents in auditing do not bring about relief. Further research on a pure scientific basis led him to the determination that an individual is an immortal spiritual being. However this idea was not acceptable to many early Dianeticists. At that time, Hubbard did not own copyrights to Dianetics. So, he had to abandon Dianetics. He then continued his research under the name Scientology. My understanding is that Hubbard incorporated Scientology as a religion because he was researching into the spiritual nature of the individual and he did not want to get into a similar trouble as with Dianetics. He also knew that his idea of religion was very different from the conventional idea of religion, such as Christianity. His idea was much closer to that of Buddhism and Hinduism. Another reason was that he wanted to defend Scientology from attacks that had started with the publication of Dianetics. Besides, incorporating as a Church did have tax advantages. The Scientology movement needed money to expand fast. Nobody helped Hubbard with money. Hubbard had to make it go right totally on his own. The above are my opinions. You may get the official reasons here: Why Scientology is called a religion? AKMehta : Why then you have not suggested to visit India also , when he was a wanderer of such caliber. Vinaire: It was too late. But Hubbard did have great fondness for India. I once told him (around 1973) that I felt that the best approach to introduce Scientology in India was through his researches in the field of education (Study Technology) and he agreed with me. At that time I felt that introducing the religious aspects of Scientology may not find acceptance in India as it would be looked upon as a competition by many Hindus. AKMehta: Perhaps there is lot of scope still exists on these lines by taking help from Hindu Philosophy. I think some zealous Hindu should attempt to pursue further research on these lines independently, which perhaps are not the top agenda of the Church of Scientology after passing away of Hubbard. Perhaps Hubbard also spent more on having mansions and ranches than promoting worthwhile research in this area. Vinaire: Well, Scientology has arrived in India. Several small Scientology missions have started to deliver auditing and other services. I am watching with interest how this would fly. Yes, I am all for Scientology and Hinduism working together hand in hand. They both
can learn much from each other in a practical sense of how to get people moving toward greater awareness and spiritual freedom. By the way, Hubbard became rich on his own right with the sale of his books and tapes. Of course, he loved to live life to the fullest. Lord Krishna did that too. There is nothing unethical about it. I remember watching Hubbard during the seventies how hard he worked to solve difficult cases in auditing. He slept very little during those days. AKMehta : Sri Sri Ravishankar is also in look out of those people who are in a position to do some worthwhile research on VEDAS and other Hindu scriptures from scientific point of view. I don't think funds may be constraints with AOL Foundation now, if a worthwhile project in this direction is suggested to them by anyone. There is no point in carrying the VEDAS near to one's heart and learning nothing out of them. This is a typical wishful Hindu thinking. Many people and many organizations do that. But I think efforts should be made to decode them fully with the help of Modern science and technologies , so that they can be fully utilized for the benefit of Humanity and popularizing Hinduism in those regions where it has yet to become popular as a way of life. Vinaire: What kind of research do you think is needed? What would be the purpose of this research? What I see lacking in Hinduism is the APPLICATION part. It is one thing to have the knowledge, but totally another thing to communicate and APPLY that knowledge to raise man to a higher level. How many common people have been raised by Hinduism to a higher level in the last 100 years since Swami Vivekananda passed away? I do not think that Hinduism can become popular without producing positive results in large numbers. The only technology that Hinduism has exported is meditation and Yoga. That little bit of technology is producing some good results. But these results are too slow and far in between. I think Hinduism has much more potential of bringing about spiritual benefits, and one of the minor benefits is a good control over ones life in this material universe. But people in the West dont see this being the case in India. Hence Hinduism does not draw that much attention. AKMehta: Frankly speaking, I found Hubbard could have done much more in this field of Dianetics and Scientology has he been inspired by the Hindu thought of Selflessness also besides the Buddhist concept of SELF- DETERMINISM. May be Hubbard remained too possessive of his findings and to some extent secretive also. He also became too much attached with his findings. Of course he helped people but his ways were perhaps typical of the Christians. Hindus way are very different in this regard. Art of Living is equally popular in the naxalite infected poor villages of Bihar as it is popular in the rich & busy suburbs of NY & CA. Christianity's basic concept of LOVE is based on attachment, but in the Hinduism, LOVE is LOVE only, and not dependent on attachment .It encompasses
COMPASSION though but even then it is not dependent on Compassion also. It is their in entirety- Vivekananda/ Gandhi displayed it very recently only. Vinaire: Maybe he could, but I think the solutions are not so easy and obvious at higher levels. It is nice to talk about SELFLESSNESS but, in practice, SELFLESSNESS seems to be something mysterious. I do not think that one can get rid of SELF (Atman). If you are talking about getting rid of ego, well that is another story. The ego is a part of the Reactive Mind. It is very rarely that that one can simply wish the ego off. It takes a lot of work. Hubbard found the solution to Reactive Mind at the level of the individual dynamic, but there are still seven more dynamics to go. But whatever solutions Hubbard found have proven to be very workable. Each individual has to work to get rid of the reactive mind at the individual dynamic before he can move forward on other dynamics. From my experience Scientology is very different from Christianity. But you seem to be hinting at something else. You haven't stated that clearly. I do not think that Hubbard became "too attached to his findings" I think that once a person arrives at a workable solution after long and hard research, he does not want it to be applied differently. He knows that the workability would be lost if the process is altered. It may not be the best solution. But, at least, it is a workable solution. If you have a better solution, by all means, go ahead and apply that better solution. I do not think that Hubbard would have opposed that. AKMehta: I meant Selflessness only in reference of his extremely materialistic orientation and also the EGO. I will say something more about it some careful deliberations in my mind in next few days. Actually I read about Dianetics and Scientology yesterday only for the first time in my life. It was akin to something which used to be there in the back of my mind due to my keen interests in the Sciences, and also due to my faith in the potential of Hinduism in this regard. It was therefore a very nice feeling initially that some one has done something in this direction. But later, probably an intuitive feeling also arose after reading for 2/3 hours with absolute concentration, that Hubbard was very different from Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi, who led totally selfless lives. Was it because of this reason that he did not come into the contact of Hinduism? Vinaire: I evaluate people based on their actual accomplishments, and how much they have influenced others for the better. SELFLESSNESS by itself is just a nebulous concept. AKMehta : I perhaps rely more upon a totalitarian approach in this matter. May be in India this is the most popular approach also of evaluating a person. I have never been outside India, although I have a lot of exposure of American ethos since many of my relatives are based in US since very long time. You are also perhaps very right in a way.
BIRTH of HINDULOGY AKMehta : HINDULOGY( Post #20875 - 09/23/02 06:18 AM ) Some things came to my mind in 1996 when I did the Basic course of AOL in 1996, but I could not proceed a little bit in this direction due to my various personal constraints, which are typical in India and are worst in Bihar. I think vast scope of development exists in the Hinduism on the pattern of Scientology. One can create a new name like HINDULOGY for this purpose or some more appropriate name can also be explored. This should be developed with a purpose of having greater interface and interaction between Science and Hinduism. Since Hinduism is already having very scientific concepts, therefore I don't think one will witness any friction between religion and Science here. Rather it can be a very smooth development of HINDULOGY in US, where large technocrat population of Indian Hindus and American Hindus is eager to provide a new scientific and pragmatic face to Hinduism. But in absence of any alternative, it is falling into the traps of Pseudo - Hindu organizations, who have an eye on the Dollars and dream/ plan of having a temple only. Hinduism had application in every sphere of life / small things in ancient times due to its scientific traits and flavors. But due to gradual rigidity of Caste System in last 2000 years, it has lost its flexibility/ mobility and the scientific approach completely. Now only inertia is left, which could not be totally removed in spite of all kind of efforts made by the great souls like Vivekananda and Gandhi in last hundred years. The inertia in Hinduism in India may remain for many years but if one is vigilant and pragmatic in his approach then HINDUISM in US can be saved from this India Virus. The main reason of down fall / Inertia of Hinduism in India was the Caste System only, and the benefit of Hinduism (Hindu Philosophy) in a Casteless Society can be imagined only by persons like you. If the infant CASTELESS HINDU SOCIETY in US will take a giant leap into its interaction with SCIENCE also, then the benefits can be beyond imagination also. Till now Christianity has not made any conscious efforts of interacting with Science. If it will make a step in this direction it may not succeed very much because there are contradictions between this Religion and the Science. They are perhaps aware of such shortcomings, therefore only, not making any conscious efforts in this direction. But why should we (Hindus) hesitate when we know fully well that Hinduism is very scientific only. When I did the AOL basic course in 1996 then I had an intuitive feeling that this man is going to play a very big role in shaping the future of Humanity. At that time he was hardly known in India. But today I feel my imagination has turned into a reality, in just a span of 5 years only. Since last 2 years I have a very strong feeling that this man is looking for someone/ some persons, who can initiate interfacing of Hinduism with Science to conduct some innovative researches. My reading habits had taken a beating in last few years, therefore I could not read Sri Sri very much in his books, but I know very well that he is a great scholar of Vedas & Upanishads. He had devised Sudarshan Kriya, which has a magical touch. He is a Celibate and perfect YOGI. But he is not a Scientist probably. Here perhaps he will depend on others. But he does not want to dictate anyone. He is just waiting
/ looking for such persons, who have their own ideas and zeal to work. He has created his team consisting of young Engineers/ Doctors / Professionals in this manner only, which is very professionally managing all activities of AoL at the Global level. One thing is assured that Sri Sri will not only provide backing of every kind and his experience to such a project, but he will also ensure a total liberty of doing the things also. I would have loved to do such a project myself, but my links with Science are broken since last 20 years now. I am therefore now totally diverted myself to comparatively easier things like writing / Journalism etc. to promote and serve the cause of Hinduism. Vinaire : ( Post #20884 - 09/23/02 08:08 AM) I won't worry about the name. AOL is just as good as any other. What are more important are well-thought-out services and other activities that will raise the DYNAMICS and INTELLIGENCE of a person rapidly. Hindu Technology is not packaged very well for consumption in today's world. It is still continuing with its old packaging that is not attracting much attention. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh made some good effort, but I am not sure where that effort is today. It certainly encountered a lot of opposition from conservative Hindus in India. You may call this materialistic, but, don't forget, that this universe is materialistic. You have to overcome this materialism, and you don't do it by shunning it. That approach has been failing for quite some time. You have to confront this materialism to overcome it. One should differentiate between Science and the scientific methods. Science is basically "scientific methods applied to understand and control the material phenomena." What we need is "scientific methods applied to understand and control the spiritual phenomena." So it is not a matter of "having greater interface and interaction between Science and Hinduism." It is a matter of bringing on board people who are educated in the application of the scientific method. What is the basic technique underlying Sudarshan Kriya? AKMehta: I agree with it totally. By the way AOL already has started a VED VIGYAN MAHAVIDYALAYA at Bangalore a couple of years ago, which shows the commitment of Sri Sri towards this end. I don't know how it is faring now, but I feel US also offers good prospects for such studies and researches. It is very good that you brought OSHO also into these discussions, who had a very revolutionary approach in these matters. But he faced resistance. One of the main reasons of this was his revolutionary approach only, since Hinduism feels comfortable with EVOLUTIONARY or conciliatory approach only. Sri Sri has perhaps learnt his lessons from the experiences of OSHO also; therefore he has opted for an Evolutionary Route only for his various courses and discourses. And one can see the success of this approach. On one side, AOL is very popular in Silicon Valley and Manhattan, while on the other side it has become equally popular in the wrecked and most poor villages of Bihar also. I think Sri
Sri is more liberal than Osho in every aspect, which is the hallmark of Hindu Philosophy, which has been earlier displayed by the Vivekananda and Gandhi also. If you will compare the approach of Swami Vivekananda and Swami Dayananda , then you will find the same difference. Dayananda succeeded a lot and established the ARYA SAMAJ. He was the first revolutionary in the modern Hindu Society, who targeted the Caste System to establish CASTELESS ARYA SAMAJ, but ultimately the Arya Samaj has also lost it appeal and has become disintegrated. Whereas, Vivekanandas philosophy is still relevant although he did not initiated any such movement in Hinduism. He just ensured that the Evolutionary process is not throttled by the conservative & feudal elements of the Hindu Society. Same thing happened when Subhash C Bose gave a call of revolution, but in spite of giving Subhash a title of the HERO, Indian Public remained rallied behind Gandhi only. Why? Because Gandhis philosophy & methods were only evolutionary. Hinduism has a tradition of Hero worshipping, but it follows the path of evolution/ non-aggression and conciliation only. Therefore I feel Dayananda, Subhash and Osho falter here and become partly unsuccessful in their missions in spite of their valuable contributions & Heroic efforts. However Vivekananda and Gandhi succeeded in their missions much more due to their fine tuned conciliatory and evolutionary Hindu approach. Sri Sri is also perhaps destined to attain all successes in his missions due to evolutionary features of his approach. Kindly read sometimes about Mr. Narayanmurthy also, who is the founder of INFOSYS. He has who ensured a corporate and software revolution in India ( yes , this was the first & only successful revolution in India) . This billionaire is utterly spiritualistic in his approach but not an iota materialistic. Perhaps Bill Gates is also not materialistic. But I don't think materialism is bad, but greed should be checked. Sudarshan Kriya is a special Pranayam technique only. According to Sri Sri , Breath has a very important role in all creatures of the nature. Nature has prescribed a standard amplitude and frequency of breath to every creature. Every other creature of the nature is very much responsible and disciplined in this matter but it is only the men, who has become irresponsible in this respect. Men alters the frequency and amplitude of breath due to pressures cause by various emotional reasons and stress. As per this theory, if we will maintain the natural frequency and amplitude of our breath then our emotions will not be in a position to disturb us greatly. In other words, by better breath control, miseries and worries can be checked successfully. But since negative emotions are accumulated within us for last many years, therefore without cleaning them it is not possible to break the vicious circle in which almost 99 % humans are trapped in these jet times. So he devised this powerful PRANAYAM technique namely SUDARSHAN KRIYA (half an hour duration), which successfully cleanse the accumulated negative emotions of yesteryears and a person can feel the innocence, freshness and energy of the childhood. In short it works like a vacuum cleaner, while other Pranayam techniques are slow and hence able to do the conventional cleaning only.
But Sudarshan Kriya is better an experience than the explanation. Vinaire :Could you please expand on this revolutionary approach further? You may find that people have ego simply because they dont want to get rid of their ego. People have aberrations because they do not want to get rid of their aberrations. You will find that many a time an effective technology would be opposed because it is being too effective. People who oppose are those who do not want to get rid of their aberrations. The definitions that I am using are as follows: MATERIALISTIC: A person who is being controlled by materialistic considerations. SPIRITUALISTIC: A person who is controlling materialistic considerations. There is nothing wrong with being rich and enjoying life if it is your hard earned money. Others who are playing poor mouth can also be rich and enjoy life if they only work hard with full responsibility. AKMehta : Evolutionary approach is like a organic process, without involving any destruction. But revolution involves destruction of existing values, system and also the humans sometimes. Evolution is always natural but sometimes revolutions are also natural. Nature also causes destruction sometimes. Hinduism believes in Evolutionary approach, while Communism & Islam are Revolutionary approaches. However, the RSS is not revolutionary even. They can only be called Reactionary only. Christianity became successful since it also believes in EVOLUTION to a limited extent (like raising plants in a green House). People are attached with their EGO since they are not aware of it. Only sometimes EGO results in total blindness, but vision always become affected due to presence of EGO. I have seen many people, who want to get rid of their EGO in AOL, once they become aware of its existence. Even then many are very stubborn also and suffer from this VIRUS lifelong. But generally the people are not aware of it. I am in agreement with you on the definitions of Spiritualistic & Materialistic. Vinaire: "selflessness" actually would mean EGOLESSNESS. This point must be understood clearly. Here EGO means a part of the mind impersonating as the "I" as mentioned in THE VEDIC PANTHEON AKMehta: I can not quote and debate Vedas etc, but History of Hinduism is full of many examples of supreme sacrifices, which can't be covered under the definitions of Egolessness. In fact journey of spiritualism i.e. Hinduism start only after achieving Egolessness. This is the first step in Hinduism to my knowledge and not the last, as may be the case with Christianity or some other philosophy. I can't say where it ends.
Buddha was only a Hindu in my opinion and also the Mahavir. Both of them entered into a very high orbit, but could not explain there final experiences in the words. Same was the case of Vivekananda also. So it is very difficult to say with certainty about the last stage. However, ruling out Selflessness can only limit the scope of your journey / experiments. In fact the concept of SHIVA is lot of indicative here, which says there is no beginning and there is no end. In simple words - one can say there is no difference between the zero and the Infinity at absolute levels. Similarly one can recognize & relate with the concept of SELF and SELFLESSNESS to pursue spiritual journeys. One should have the options open till they are rejected by the realizations. The interpretation of Hindu scriptures is not as easy as some people may think. Many people with knowledge of Vedas could not achieve anything but those, who simply meditated or did their duties in truly unattached manner, made all kind of realizations. Hinduism does not prescribe to read Vedas to start your spiritual journey. Anyone can do it without reading GITA even, which is not only a concise dictionary of Hinduism but a very useful guide also. I can't say with certainty about the existence of a state of truly 'selflessness', but definitely a stage beyond the Egolessness has been realized by me, myself. EGO is like a cloud only, which is very difficult to recognize since it has no definite shape and mass, but even then capable to block the incidence of Light. Until the basic illusion (EGO) is not given up, one will remain prone to the Hypnotism only. If one will give up EGO then no one can hypnotize him but if not, then he/she may himself like to get hypnotized by someone (say by a guru). ISLAMISTS gives up life due to hypnotism only. No one in ISLAM can think/ practice of giving up EGO even, what to talk of having further steps into spiritualism. The whole crux of Islamic Philosophy is mainly concentrated in just one word EGO. Those doctrines increase it instead of shedding it. They are doing reverse things perhaps in each matter, in relation to Hinduism. Islam, therefore always appeared to me the funniest concept in the world, funnier than the concept of Communism even. Vinaire: To me that simply mean that the optimum solution computed by the SELF required giving up the life in this body. SELF continues to survive. It goes and picks up another body. Sacrifice does not lead to getting rid of the SELF. From what I have studied, the highest orbit would be the ability to command MEST (matter, energy, space and time) with full responsibility. At that level one would be able to create, sustain and destroy universes. You are that SELF (ATMAN) that creates sustains and destroys universes. AKMehta: To me self means 'swa' only. Atman is spirit. The words SWARTH & PARMARTH can explain the meanings of the word SELF, as used by me previously. 'Parmarth' contains deep spiritual message and understandings.
Sacrifices of Hindus are very different than those of Islamic Terrorists. Their sacrifices are the result of hypnotism (unawareness), while Hindu's sacrifices were mostly the results of awareness (CHETNA). I have just had a cursory look at Gita and read Vivekananda years ago (Karma yoga & Rajyoga) . I become convinced about the route of meditation thereafter to reach at higher orbits. I started meditation in the guidance of SSRS, and felt the glimpse of Consciousness (perhaps a higher orbit) due to which I became a little more curious about all these things. But I am still not sure if one can say with certainty, whatever you are saying in the above para without making any realizations yourself. Vinaire :I would like to refer you to the article ZERO, ONE, INFINITY, AND GOD that I wrote sometime back ( In response of what you mentioned about Shiva). AKMehta: Theories of Creativity & Relativity. (Post#21091 - 09/27/02 06:56 AM) I have just read it. I also always considered it one of the most important concepts of our religion/ philosophy, upon which scientific studies of Hinduism can be based. Some ideas just flashed into my mind upon which I am also working to generate some workable and useful ideas. But I am just mentioning them in raw form only here, because I can forget them also easily if my mind became involved into some other things or Topics. You can also work on these ideas if you find them useful OR we can discuss them further here on the basis of yr feedback. This concept of ZERO, ONE, and INFINITY & GOD can very well become the base (ZERO) of the research / studies of the HINDULOGY. The concept of creativity and relativity are very prominent & popular in Hinduism. Even many truths are considered relative only. These concepts are also equally popular in the Science also. This gives us an opportunity to take up the studies of HINDULOGY to establish basically two theories, initially: 1. Theory of creativity 2. Theory of relativity At the later stage convergence of these two theories and evolution of new theories can be planned. Vinaire: Most Hindus are unable to apply Hinduism because they have been told by vested interests that it is very difficult to understand.
INTELLECT is simply the ability to recognize differences, similarities and identities. It is no more mysterious than that. INTELLIGENCE and SANITY are two terms that one associates with intellect. The ability to see the past is similar to the ability of the "cpu to access the disk storage." The ability to see the future is similar to the ability to "add two and two together." The difference is one of degree only. AKMehta: That is very true. But I know very well Hinduism is most easy to understand without any help from scriptures even. Route of meditation definitely helps. Some Hindus have realized it without any meditation even....i.e. thru LOVE or BHAKTI only. Materialism/ Ego / 'Swa' have simply suppressed a very natural and original function/phenomenon of our existence. Perhaps it was very easily accessible to those Rishis of ancient times, because at that time this very important Genetic Code was not so suppressed/ locked, as it has become so inaccessible now-a-days. We have forgotten the PASSWORD perhaps. But thru meditation one can remember the PW or simply activate that Genetic Code, which relates us with the rest of the universe and has the capability to take us beyond this universe also. It ensures some sort of connectivity perhaps with everything known and also with the UNKNOWN.
THE WEAKNESS OF HINDUISM Vinaire: (Post #21337 - 09/30/02 12:27 PM) Recent interactions with SoV pointed to glaring faults in Hindu thinking if SoV is taken as a typical Hindu. I shall list these faults or weaknesses here. (1) SoV maintains that we do not need to examine anything other than Hinduism because all required knowledge already exists in Hindu scriptures (Vedas, Gita, Ramayana, etc.). This kind of thinking to maintain the status quo is against growth. This is the kind of thinking we find in the Semitic religions, each of which still maintain that no further revelations are possible. Those religions have been on a decline for some time. (2) Thus we find that SoV is against the dynamic nature of Hinduism. He quotes from Vedas but he ignores that Vedas do not prohibit further exploration as long as the basic Vedic principles are not violated. He is, therefore, against Hindus looking into anything new, such as Scientology to make progress towards the goals of Hinduism. Scientology may be looked upon as a Hindu venture to look further using the Vedic principles. (3) On the other hand SoV is heavily campaigning to "love" Christian and Muslim ideologies that do violate basic Vedic principles. This, to me, looks more like appeasement of these non-Vedic ideologies than "love." (4) SoV sits there complacently spouting high-flown principles of "love" etc. while the social conditions continue to decline. He thinks he has a "solution." But, factually, he doesn't have any technology to implement that "solution." So, in spite of all the high principles and knowledge of Hindu scriptures, SoV does not have a workable solution. Is this a weakness just with SoV? Or, is it a weakness over the broad spectrum of Hinduism? Are Hindus just waiting for something to happen? Why are they not energized to do something about the situations around them? That is not the Hinduism that Swami Vivekananda talked about. That is not the Hinduism that I have known. What is SoV's Baba accomplishing? What progress has he made in improving the conditions in the society? How many souls has he freed? Are those souls really free or are they just hypnotized into thinking that they are free? Are they functioning adequately in the society helping others go free? What is their success rate. Is that success rate good enough? Obviously not. Where is the application of Hinduism? Where is the technology? That hole leads you directly to the weakness in Hinduism in spite of all its knowledge.
AKMehta: (Post #21341 - 09/30/02 02:03 PM) I will probably fail in my duty here, if I don't offer my absolute frank comments on this post. I hope others will also express their opinions frankly to remove/ lessen the misunderstanding between SoV and Vinaire here. I do not think SoV represents case of typical Hindu, by any definition or considering the popular sentiments of this MB. I will not say he is a most perfect Hindu or a traitor, but he is certainly not a typical Hindu. He himself claims to be a follower of SAI BABA only. I think only two persons on this MB are not typical Hindus, one is SoV, who has leanings towards ISLAM also, a philosophy, which is just opposite to Hinduism basically. And the other is Vinaire, who is more influenced by the concepts of Scientology than those of Hinduism. Both SoV and Vinaire are opposite to each other, because they have only supplementary Hindu qualities in them besides having dedication mostly elsewhere. SoV claims to represent love ( compassion ) here but ignore 'reasoning' completely, Vinaire represent 'reasoning' but ignore the concept of love completely. But the YOGIRAJ KRISHNA represented both of them with in full proportions only. Gandhi also tried to take a lessons from Krishna's life & GITA , and thus established a near perfect example of Karmayogi in the modern times. Vivekanand , if wrote Jnana Marg , then he also thought it necessary to write Bhakti Marg also, which is based on love. I feel both of them should sincerely make efforts to supplement each other in a positive manner instead of confronting each other on the basis of half truths borrowed from the philosophy of Hinduism. The glass is half -filled, a positive approach (SAMVAD) describes it as half-filled and try to fill it completely, while the negative approach (VIVAD) describes it as Half Empty and try to empty it completely. Love is very important and noble concept of Hinduism. Incarnations like Rama & Krishna, themselves established so many examples like Shabri/ Radha/ Sudama to specifically underline the importance of love in Hindu philosophy. Love as described in Christianity is superficial type only, as is evident from all kind of family problems in the entire Christian world. Christianity has definitely taken some concepts from Hinduism, on the basis of which it could evolve and prosper from a 'dark age', whereas Islam is still decaying to ultimately get lost in next few decades only. The problem of Hindus lies with the society and social systems/ customs (like caste system) in India. Hinduism as a philosophy has no weakness at all. It is very capable to serve the most modern requirements of the most modern society even. Rather I would like to say that if Islam is capable to turn the humans into ROBOTS, then Hinduism has a caliber to convert the ROBOTS into the Human beings. Who knows if it really comes out true sometime in future by the convergence of GENOMICS with the CHIP TECHNOLOGY, while the formula /code is made available by some Upnishads. Vinaire : (Post #21342 - 09/30/02 02:51 PM ) In my humble opinion it is no use saying Hinduism is capable of this and that when that capability is not being manifested.
Decide whether Hinduism is going to play the game or is it just going to sit on the sidelines. Talk of love is fine but how much love do you see going around? Open your eyes and see. What workable technology is there in Hinduism today? AKMehta :(Post #21367 - 10/01/02 12:10 AM ) The capabilities of Hinduism has already been exhibited by many Hindus in the last 100 years, since Vivekananda' s Call to Awaken Bharata. This is very true that majority of Hindus in India have ignored the call of Vivekananda , and are still engaged in unnecessary things only , but many of them took his message in right spirit ,and did such wonders , which have no easy parallels in the Human History. Gandhi was just one example of that kind, which do not have any parallel in the whole Christian world even. Britain / Mountbatten created many states in India before leaving India, some of which were having very complex character like Hyderabad / Kashmir etc. Patel did a wonder by merging all of them in India within no time, when Mountbatten left Indian shores. Indira Gandhi was faced with a difficult choice in 1971, when the Nixon/ Kissinger team of US was backing Pakistan blindly although Pakistan was engaged in genocide in Bangla Desh. She displayed such a unique courage, which has no parallel in the Indian history. She had not only defeated Pakistan conclusively, but also liberated Bangla Desh after crossing Borders besides humiliating the super power like US. India has developed its own nuclear capability and displayed it to the world in 1974. Many Hindus have won Noble prizes in the field of Science, although the Study of Science became popular in India in last 50 years only. See how many Muslims have done it. Perhaps it is only one from Bangla Desh, who also has Indian Roots. India's business community was having rich traditions and supported the Rajput Kings in their wars with the monetary support with open heart, whenever there was need. This tradition continued in India's Freedom struggle also, when Birla & Bajaj made the funds available to Congress. However, the Businessman community was ditched / humiliated after independence, when the corrupt politician/ bureaucrats/ criminal nexus went for the nationalization by crushing the Entrepreneurship in India. 40 /50 years rule of Congress converted India into a most corrupt nation in the world. Hopes were dying when 1990 arrived. But Hinduism asserted once again, when the Congress was forced to wind up its corrupt socialistic agenda and inaugurate the policies of reforms, liberalization and privatization in true Hindu spirit. Thereafter NarayanMurthy & many others wrote the
success story of Software Boom in US, and the Indian talent found its due recognition in the scientific fields for ever. IN the spiritual field many persons like Deepak Chopra/ Sri Sri RaviShankar etc. are destined to write such success stories, which are perhaps beyond the imagination of many. Vinaire: ( Post #21382 - 10/01/02 07:08 AM) There are always a small percentage of people who are enlightened. Such people have been in India, but such people have been in the West too. Hinduism cannot take credit for all of them. Hinduism has no monopoly on Knowledge. There is no doubt that Hinduism is a repository of the deepest knowledge that exists on this planet. That fact is not under question. What is under question is the effectiveness of communicating that knowledge to the general public to actively bring about improved conditions. That requires technology. Today we need a better technology than the "technology" of traditional rituals. Those rituals lost there meaning long ago resulting in the deterioration that we see in the Hindu society today. That deterioration has occurred under the onslaught of the materialistic aspects of the Western culture. There has been no new technology to replace the discredited old Hindu technology of rituals. Now you can sit in your happy complacency that those old technologies are still working and hope for your "avatar" to suddenly appear and set everything all right. But, unfortunately, that is not the reality in this physical universe where all the souls are stuck. You have to wake up and do something about the current deteriorating conditions. Swami Vivekananda made that call one hundred years ago. Since then Hubbard has devoted his whole life to come up with new technology that would counter the materialism of the West. That technology is contained in Scientology. You can at least get up from your slumber and examine the new technology and not be like SoV who wants to remain complacent. It is up to you alone. AKMehta:(Post #21389 - 10/01/02 08:18 AM) The success of Hindus in US has been well acknowledged by the persons like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates themselves on a number of occasions. Exact data will be available with Willie, but I can say with certainty that many Hindus are working as Chief Executives in Silicon Valley, which has caused too much jealousy in many other ethnic groups of US. I would suggest you to look around in US only, and you will become convinced that if Hindus are given a proper opportunity, then they can outperform any other religious groups.
Perhaps Hubbard responded to the call of greed, but certainly he was intelligent enough to do some innovative researches also to make money. I feel the BILL GATES is much more spiritual than Hubbard in that sense. I dont know if it is merely a coincidence only or it is due the fact that Bill Gates has lot of contact & proximity with the Indians. Same thing has happened with many Americans, who co-incidentally came into India contact and become a little or more spiritual without any deep study of Hinduism. Vinaire:(Post #21393 - 10/01/02 08:27 AM ) I think that assessment to be hasty and incorrect. It is designed to take one's attention from what is important. Now you can sit here and try to convince everybody how greedy Hubbard was. That is your prerogative. But, to me, the better thing is to apply the effective technology that Hubbard developed to help others go free. AKMehta: ( Post #21394 - 10/01/02 08:40 AM) But I don't think Greed is always bad. It can also be a motivation factor in the case of Hubbard. Greed has been a chief motivating factor in the society since ages. It is not always spiritualism only, which can create noble persons on this earth. I have respect for his researches on human mind, but equating Scientology at par with Hinduism is perhaps unnecessary. Vinaire:( Post #21396 - 10/01/02 08:52 AM ) But I think that greed is bad. I also think that Hubbard did not develop Scientology out of greed. Your evaluation is quite off the mark here. Greed may be a chief motivating factor from your viewpoint, but from my viewpoint it is an indicator of attachment. Greed has never created noble persons. Your viewpoint is not in accordance with Hindu precepts either. The statement, "It is not always spiritualism only, which can create noble persons on this earth" is quite mischievous and false in my view. As I have said in another post, I am not attempting to equate Scientology with Hinduism. Your emotions seem to be clouding your vision.
Vinaire :( Post #21491 - 10/02/02 12:24 PM) Hinduism as it exists would not go very far in USA. Hinduism must develop a better technology than what it has right now to succeed in the international arena. The false pride of "We know it all. We do not need to learn anything from anybody" will only hurt Hinduism in the long run. Actually, that is the kind of attitude that has suppressed Hinduism in the past. The chip that some Hindus have on their shoulder is the worst enemy they have -- worse than Islam and Christianity. Vinaire: ( Post #21505 - 10/02/02 07:54 PM) I think Raghuvamshi summarized it insightfully when he said, Most people seem to be confused about their beliefs. They attack Advaita philosophy but say they are attacking Scientology We may draw the following conclusions from the recent discussions. If we regard this trio (SoV, AKM and AmH) to represent the Hindu reaction to Scientology, we may say that (1) For these Hindus, Hinduism is reduced to its Dvaita aspect only. The Advaita aspect of Hinduism is pretty much lost to them. This is evident from their inability to recognize the Advaita principles in the subject of Scientology. (2) Hinduism has been under the onslaught of Christianity and Islam for over a thousand years now. Both Christianity and Islam are Dvaita in nature. The reduction of Hinduism to Dvaita under this onslaught is the first phase of the victory of Semitic religions over Hinduism. (3) For these Hindus, Hinduism has been pretty much reduced to a political symbol to be protected. Thus, they are threatened by another symbol, Scientology, even when that symbol represents the same truths as Hinduism. (4) Thus, for these Hindus, status of Hinduism has become much more important than any truths. To them, a mere mention of Scientology and Hinduism in the same breath is therefore insulting and degrading to Hinduism. As a result, (a) Their reaction is immediately hostile to Scientology because how can anything be as good as Hinduism. (b) There action is only to find fault with Scientology to prove that it is less than Hinduism. (c) They are not interested in finding any truths in Scientology. (d) They would be resistant to reading the technical materials of Scientology. (e) They would deliberately falsifying if they came across any truths in Scientology. And this is what we see happening in the postings made by this trio.
AKMehta :( Post #21513 - 10/03/02 01:07 AM ) Raghuvanshi is now making very relevant and mature observations. But if you will notice carefully, then you will find that I also never criticized Scientology for the same reason only. It was a different matter that I was not very impressed by Hubbard since he opined in a way as if there is no further scope of doing any scientific studies except the route discovered by him. Science does not allow anyone to close the routes once discovered. Even the Buddha, Shankaracharya, Vivekananda did not closed the routes. However, Islam's Prophet Mohammed Saheb closed the routes and one can see the fate of Islam now. Trios at these discussions keep on changing on the basis of the facts revealed by the time. Somewhere it may be Vinaire, Ishwa, AKM and somewhere AmH, AKM and SoV. Such combinations are the result of the facts/ situations only. In my opinion, one must not attempt to see anything more in such things. I think Hinduism can very well make the use of Hubbard's research in Scientology to develop the HINDU techniques on similar and better lines. He has definitely made the use of Vivekananda 's theories to secure some patents in his name, but best way for us to make use of some of his researches to provide a scientific flavor to Hinduism , to the market savvy west, which looks first on packaging before looking at the contents. Adi Shankaracharya and many saints after him clearly recognized and addressed the confusions caused by the Dvaita and Advaita. Swami Vivekananda also spoke on it, that it does not make any difference in the pursuit of Truth/ Divinity, which path one is following. Hindu History is full of achievements of Davitins as well as Advaitins. Buddha rejected Dvaita completely and India also rejected him finally. Dvaita is manifestation, while Advaita is mysterious. To the illiterate and common masses of India, Dvaita suited most. It has also served the purpose beautifully with so much interesting and inspiring stories related to various Gods and incarnations. I appreciate Advaita also, although I am generally Dvaita follower. I simply do not find any confusion here; rather the Dvaita and Advaita philosophy of Hinduism look perfectly complimentary as witnessed by me. Perhaps Advaita Philosophy has come out from Dvaita Philosophy at a time, when the UPNISHADS are being compiled. The most popular Dvaitic Gods like Rama / Krishna born much before the SEMITIC thought was conceived in the west, what to mention of the birth of Christianity and Islam. Of course during Islamic rule, when other routes were closed, then Bhakti Marg (Dvaita) became very popular to have (Save) the HOPES at least. A religion which has survived the tyranny of ISLAM and faced the cunning and false propaganda of Christian Missionaries, but came out with shining personalities like Vivekananda and Gandhi in the end, can hardly be bothered about Scientology etc. But when you speak in terms of threats to Hinduism, then it is natural for a person like me to search into the Hidden Agenda of Church of Scientology, and expose it. Even those Hindus will remain very dear to me, who speak extremists language or behave like cowards under the influence of Emotions, than those types, who are trying to subvert
Hinduism into something other than Hinduism, be it in the name of Hindutva or be it in the name of Scientology etc. In my dreams even I can't do this sin of comparing Scientology with Hinduism but the way you are pushing Scientology at this forum has already created many doubts and concern about the purposes and objectives of SCIENTOLOGY, which was merely an interesting subject for me earlier. I am now determined to find all truths of scientology including the hidden agenda of Church of Scientology. This thing came to my knowledge only 10 days back and the material available on the website speak more about personality of Hubbard than Scientology. But now I will definitely read those books also, which have referred by you.
WEAKNESS OF HINDUS Rajsand :( Post #21519 - 10/03/02 05:16 AM ) I think the Thread should read as "Weakness of people practicing Hinduism" as I have corrected it above. SoV is yet to reply convincingly to many people's legit and logical queries. There is confusion in this forum about many terms used here. Some examples are: Hindutva, Hinduism, Paramatman, Brahman, Islam-Muslim, Christianity, Jusus Christ and so on and so forth. Fundamentally there is lot of disagreement about the definitions, and interpretation of events - past and present. I should note that some efforts have been taken by people to clear the confusion. We cannot generalize based on the postings here that Hinduism has weakness. It should rather be stated that the people who are practicing it, as it were, are imperfect in their understanding of the intent of the words and messages that are posted here to communicate. As the ground reality vis-a-vis Hinduism (in social, economic, political, personal context) in India has multitude of dimensions. None of them are linear. So the technology that you are talking about has to be locally tailored with the master architecture / order / structure (shall we call it R^ita?) as there in the scriptures. Obviously, it means (re-)interpretation of our scriptures in that particular context to arrive at a solution. There cannot be a "one shoe fits all" technology. There can be a unified framework though. Scientelogy and dianetics are something I heard first in these forums. Another important thing to be noticed is that any such thought school can easily take root, grow and spread in western nations far more easily that in India. There are many hurdles: communication, close mindedness, inability of people to dedicate / commit to it due to various other primary responsibilities, educational system, and sensitivity (should be long term for these things) and so on and so forth. Hence you will find that any movement / approach will produce entirely different results in different geographical and time locations. 400 years of political and 200 years of intellectual slavery will definitely take more that 50 years to clear off.
I can tell you that the process has started. Each process, of course, takes its own time. We will see some positive results in our lifetime. I can vouch for it. It is just that we have probably seen too much of negativity in out lifetime that increases our impatience. Vinaire: ( Post #21530 - 10/03/02 10:13 AM) I think the Thread should read as "Weakness of people practicing Hinduism" as I have corrected it above. That may be good idea to avoid inadvertently pushing buttons of those who happen to be very touchy. I want to let these touchy people know that I am not pointing out weakness in the KNOWLEDGE contained in Hinduism. But anybody can see that we do not have a perfect society among the Hindus in India and that a lot can be done to improve that society. To say that everything is fine in India would be a flat lie. So, there is a weakness somewhere among the Hindus. If Hinduism has all the knowledge then, obviously, the weakness is in the APPLICATION of Hinduism. And that means a lack of a workable TECHNOLOGY. Hindus are not dumb. If there were a workable technology then Hindus would be applying it. By technology I mean ways to rapidly educating Hindus in the knowledge of Hinduism... Ways to making Hindus more productive so they can be more prosperous... Ways to make Hindu masses more rational so they are not reacting irrationally and wasting a lot of time arguing and fighting with each other. Just having knowledge is not good enough. Knowledge must be applied to get the benefit of it. And that requires a workable technology. But if the leaders among the Hindus feel that Hindus have all the knowledge, and that nobody should point out to them that they are not applying that knowledge, then little can be done to help the Hindu society. May be the Hindu society doesn't need any help and nobody should be trying to help them. The idea of technology comes from the word TECHNIQUE. Hindu scriptures do not spell out all the techniques for all times. They deal with the basic laws and principles. A book on Physics deals with mathematical description of natural laws of the physical universe. It may provide the concept of a motor; but it does not lay out all the details of all different kind of motors for all kind of environments. It does not lay out all the details of the tools and techniques of manufacturing of these motors.
One must differentiate between the concepts of KNOWLEDGE and TECHNOLOGY. The technology needed for Kaliyuga would definitely be different from the technology appropriate for the Satyuga. Do we have the technology required to handle the present state of affairs? Should we insist that we have it even when we don't see it existing? Should we take it as an affront to Hinduism if somebody points out this lack of technology? I don't think so. We have the knowledge. We have the principles. Now from this knowledge and principles we need to design a technology suited for the present situation. Tailor it whichever way you want. The important thing are the results. LACK OF RESULTS = A LACK OF EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY. It may be self-satisfying to just announce "love everybody," "discard hatred and jealousy," etc. But if you do not have the technology that people can use to achieve these goals or objectives, then you wouldn't have any results either. I would call it APPLICATION of the knowledge contained in the scriptures rather than a re-interpretation. An engineer does not reinterpret the Laws of Physics. He applies them to create a new technology such as that of light bulbs. Technology is simply a set of techniques created to facilitate a desired result. Yes, India is rebounding indeed. But this process can certainly be speeded up with better techniques. USA came up with the computer technology which India is now taking an advantage of. Similarly, USA has come up with the mental and spiritual technology which India can also take advantage of. Interestingly enough, Dianetics uses the computer model for the mind. This is very different from the model used by Psychology. Psychology derives its basis from Christian principles. Dianetics and Scientology derive their basis from the Vedic principles. If we have to free all the souls on this planet earth, then India is a part of it. Yes, India would be one of the tougher nuts to crack, but that is all a part and parcel of the problem we are trying to solve. Vinaire : ( Post #21522 - 10/03/02 05:39 AM) In recent discussions "ego" has been used to discredit another person's argument by discrediting that person. The moment a participant becomes assertive in his argument he is labeled as having an inflated ego. The effort is to force the person out of the discussion. "You have an ego. So your argument is invalid," is the logic used to shut the other person in a discussion.
But is this a valid logic. I don't think so. First of all to tie ego with assertiveness is incorrect. If that were true then Lord Krishna's assertiveness in the Bhagavad-Gita would characterize him as having the most inflated ego? I don't think that characterization would be correct. So, it is false to say that somebody is demonstrating an ego simply because he is being assertive in his statements. So how does one identify ego? The truth is that a person may be completely inoffensive, yet specious and irrational. His emotional fervor may appeal to others, yet his passions could just be the result of jingoism (fanatic patriotism) devoid of all rationality. Is such a person without ego? No, I don't think so. I think that ego has nothing to do with assertiveness. Ego has to do with irrationality. The more a person is irrational in his thinking and in his displays of emotions, the more ego that person can be said to have. So, the argument, "You are assertive, therefore you have an ego, therefore your argument is invalid" is an illogical argument simply designed to shut the other person. A person using "ego" to invalidate the other person in a discussion is unable to counter the other person's argument with a logical argument. Thus, we find this trio (SoV, AKM and AmH) trying to defend their position in a discussion simply by accusing the other person of having an ego. If we use the correct definition of EGO as, "irrational display of thinking and emotion" then we find that this trio is infected with the most ego. They are countering logic with illogic. My advice would to be to just discuss a situation without any rancor or envy. Present your logical arguments without accusing the other person of having an ego or calling him names. The present discussion is about THE WEAKNESS OF HINDUISM. Let's not accuse this topic as being "insulting" or "degrading" of Hinduism because it is not. The intention is to discover the hurdles that Hindus are unable to overcome to improve their society. And to discuss the technology that is needed to overcome those hurdles. AmericanHindu: Re: USE OF EGO IN DISCUSSIONS [Re: Vinaire] If science is for your body, religion is for your mind, intellect and memory. Your science can only fix material genomic defects as in "prakritic defects", but can never fix your emptiness or loneliness.
AKMehta : (Post #21560 - 10/04/02 08:43 AM) AmH , You are unnecessarily panicked about Scientology. Even Illiterate Hindus of India are very smart how to befool those guys, who want to befool them. Some of them will take money and support from missionaries, but will remain Hindu only thereafter. I don't think it is bad to befool such persons / orgs, which want to change the faith of poor people of India. But if any organization is just working with a holy purpose, then it does not face any difficulty. Actually Indian masses may be illiterate but not devoid of intelligence and knowledge. Oral learning process was ON, even during the dark periods of Indian History. So many interesting and inspiring stories of our scriptures have provided lot of common sense to the ordinary folks of India. Such latent knowledge finds manifestation also, when these people come into the contact with Modern Education and Science. I don't think Science is going to usher any bad era in India. Perhaps it is needed here to overcome the accumulated INRTIA of more than a thousands years. It is going on at a very fast pace in India barring a few Casteism ridden regions. Hinduism and Hindu Society perhaps are most capable to absorb the positive aspects of Science without having any side effects. SoV: ( Post #21582 - 10/04/02 01:44 PM) The Sangh Parivar supporters always call Hindus and Hinduism weak so they can push their hateful, wrongful ideologies on Hindus along with brutal force on Muslims....This is the way during Spanish inquisition Church controlled the masses.... The idea is to break the morale of Hindus and attack Hinduism and divide us from Muslims and Christians to rule over us... Religion and politics mixed are more deadly that Potassium and Cyanide mixed. SoV: Udhav Geeta: Bhakti vs. Jnana Uddhav Geeta Bhaagvad Geeta means the The Song of the Lord The Geeta, which is mostly studied and read, is the Arjun Geeta. The latter is the one, which the Lord expounded on the battlefield, when Arjuna felt despondent about waging a war against his own kin. #21624 - 10/05/02 06:35 AM
The Uddhav Geeta comprises of the wisdom imparted by the Guru of Gurus, Krishna to His dear friend Udhav, just before Krishna left the world in His Transcendental Body. Uddhav asked Krishna which Spiritual process, Krishna would recommend to achieve a perfect a life. Krishna lovingly tells Uddhav, that: No one, not even His own Self, is as dear to Him as his devotees are. Krishna says that He purifies the material worlds with the dust of His devotees lotus feet. Krishna then proceeds to explain to Uddhav, that sense gratifications are not the ultimate goal of man. That the hunt of Material desires, generally land man into disquiet, as the fruits of these pursuits lead to unexpected unwanted destinations. Therefore, the Blessed Lord urges that: Man should fix his consciousness on the Lord. Krishna says that: He who does not desire anything, (Be it an Empire on Earth or Heaven, Liberation from birth or death), controls his senses (Is equally unmoved by joy and sorrow), shows mercy to all Creation, finds happiness, that is impossible to achieve by those who are attached to the material world. Krishna tells Uddhav that: Even if a devotee is unable to conquer his senses, he will not be defeated, because; The Blessed Lord promises that just as a blazing fire turns firewood into ashes, so devotion, burns sins committed by His loved ones. In fact the Lord states that He is under the control of those who offer Him pure devotion. Krishna explains to Uddhav that gold when melted, sheds its impurities, and returns to its brilliant state, similarly, the soul, when consumed by the fire of devotion, reaches Godhead! Also when one applies ointment to a diseased eye, it recuperates and is able to perceive the world clearly, similarly when material contamination is removed from the consciousness, one is able to see the Lord as Sat-Chit-Aanand meaning THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH in ITS BLISSFUL CONSCIOUS FORM! How does one achieve that experience? By chanting the Lords Name and by hearing the narrations of HIS Glorious Life. How does a devotee behave? Well according to the Blessed Lord: He cries, or laughs sometimes. He chokes (with emotion) while he speaks, His heart melts with love, He dances blissfully! He chants the Lords name and is cleansed of material impurities.
Vinaire :WHO AM I? [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21571/72 - 10/04/02 12:45 Reference: WHO AM I? From the site provided by Raghuvamshi. This article is quite capable of sending AmH into screaming fits. She would soon be accusing Sri Ramana Maharishi for falsely claiming that an individual is truly the Atman. She would continue to insist upon the Semitic idea that "man is just a body." From this article by Sri Ramana Maharishi: 'Who am I' I am not this physical body, nor am I the five organs of sense perception... I am not the five organs of external activity... I am not the five vital forces... I am not even the thinking mind. Neither am I that unconscious state of nescience, which retains merely the subtle Vasanas... Therefore, summarily rejecting all the above mentioned physical adjuncts and their functions, saying "I am not this; no, nor am I this, nor this," - that which then remains separate and alone by itself, that pure awareness verily am I... Atma (atman) alone exists and is real... Just as the pearl-diver, tying stones to his waist, dives down into the depths, and gets the pearl from the sea bed, even so every aspirant, pledged to Vairagya can dive deep into himself and realise the precious Atman. The prescribed technology: (1) Meditate on "Who am I?" (2) Reject all physical adjuncts and their functions, saying "I am not this; no, nor am I this, nor this," (3) Alternatively, you may continuously repeat inwardly 'I - I' with the entire mind fixed on 'Hrdayam' (the physical heart???). (4) Even when extraneous thoughts sprout up during such enquiry, do not seek to complete the rising thought, but instead, deeply enquire within, 'To whom has this thought occurred?' (5) In this manner persevere more and more in the practice of Self-enquiry, For the subsidence of mind there is no other means more effective and adequate than selfenquiry. Even though by other means the mind subsides, that is only apparently so; it will rise again. For instance, the mind subsides by the practice of pranayama (restraint and control of breath and vital forces); yet such subsidence lasts only as long as the control of breath and vital forces continues; and when they are released, the mind also gets released, and immediately becoming externalized it wearily wanders through the force of its subtle tendencies. Other technologies: (These are aids to control the mind only. They do not bring about the extinction of the mind)
a) Murti-Dhyana (meditation on form) b) Mantra or Nama-Japa (repetition of sacred syllables or of names of deities) c) The regulation of diet Vinayak, Yes, you are getting the drift of where I am coming from. You nicely pointed out the very first hurdle that an "average" person usually does not have the inclination to learn about SELF REALIZATION. It takes a lot of studies and some amount of wisdom before a person could yearn for self realization. So, we need a technology to find the ENTRANCE POINT to a person. What technology does Hinduism provide to accomplish this?
USA and Spirituality Raghuvamshi : [Re: vinaire] Post #21576 - 10/04/02 01:20 PM It all depends on your perspective. Hinduism, as you know, specifies different approaches to realize the self and God. Some of those approaches are Devotion, Knowledge, etc and even those approaches are subdivided into many sections. But if you will, you could call things like Pranayama and Yoga as TECHNIQUES that could be used by the aspirants. Technique is defined as the systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished. What we know as Science deals mostly with the material world. God is above all Sciences, His knowledge belongs to the subject of Divinity and we cannot expect to have any TECHNIQUE by which any man can realize HIM. For people who cannot practice the "Techniques" of Yoga, Pranayam etc, the great sages have prescribed two simple and powerful "techniques" for attaining God - they are called Devotion and Patience. These are the two "techniques" that saints like Sai Baba and AkkalKot swami prescribed for the Common masses. Let me ask you a simple question. But before doing that, let me say that I really do not have anything against Scientology or Dianetics. The question is which is the Most Scientifically Advanced nation on earth today? The answer is USA. But then, how far have they been able to produce Scientific Techniques for attaining GOD. I have been living in the US for many years myself and I know that Americans are among the most spiritually deprived people. It is not because they do not try to invent Techniques for attaining spirituality, but because they try to depend on TECHNIQUES and TRICKS and SET OF RULES for achieving ANYTHING in life. They try to rely on Mathematics and Science for dealing with things that are far beyond the scope of these subjects. The only way you can make an American believe that HE contains GOD within himself, is by getting the DNA of GOD and matching it with his own DNA :-) thats the mindset.... -Vinayak Vinaire : [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21597 - 10/04/02 06:59 PM Yes, Science deals with the material aspects of the universe, but there is no reason why the scientific method cannot be applied to the spiritual aspect of the universe. The ten thousand year old Vedic concept of THE CYCLE OF ACTION (birth, growth, decay, death) was arrived at through the application of this scientific method. Pranayama and Yoga are part of the techniques developed in Hinduism for the individual to realize his utmost potential (God). By the way, what are the steps for the techniques of Devotion and Patience? How effective are these techniques?
To find about Scientific Techniques for attaining GOD developed in USA please check out Dianetics and Scientology materials. Dianetic techniques focus on subduing the mind. Scientology techniques focus on strengthening the spirit. You must be keeping a pretty bad company to come up with the conclusion Americans are among the most spiritually deprived people. You will get a much better idea of American spirituality if you compare the general ethic level in USA to the general ethic level in India; or if you compare the number of inventions and discoveries made in USA to the inventions and discoveries made in India. Spirituality has to do with creativity and originality. The opposite of spirituality is becoming mechanical like a robot with no originality. America is a very young nation. It is still growing. Assembly line manufacturing and computers are the product of its genius, and so are the techniques of Dianetics and Scientology. America is only now entering the field of spirituality. Christianity is a religion not native to America. The truly American religion is Scientology. Scientology furthers the Advaita tradition. Its truths have been arrived at independently through the use of the scientific method. These truths scientifically verify the ancient Vedic principles to be the real McCoy. This scenario started to change with the Cultural Revolution of the sixties. A lot of these changes may be hidden from your view but I ran smack into them when I arrived in this country as a student in 1969. I remember marching in one of those Vietnam War student protests in Cambridge, Massachusetts when I was attending classes at M.I.T. Youll be seeing a lot of these cultural changes surface in your current lifetime. Just keep alert and stay in-charge of all your faculties. Dont surrender them to some imaginary god. And you will do just fine. These Bhaktas of today who slavishly try to propitiate some imaginary god in the sky are simply trying to reduce their guilt feeling without taking any responsibility for their past actions. It will take them a long, long time to come up to the realization of the truth about God. Vinaire : [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21635 - 10/05/02 10:02 AM ETHICS is contemplation of optimum survival. Selfish viewpoint of survival is unethical. An irrational person cannot be ethical because rationality is needed to contemplate optimum survival.
ETHICS is the basis of religion. Without an ethical discipline one cannot be a Hindu. Empty stomach is just an excuse. Why is somebody with an empty stomach in the first place? The reason for that is unethical behavior. The theory of Karma applies. USA is not perfect. But on average, the level of ethics is much higher in USA than what exists in India right now. Prosperity comes from being ethical. It is not the other way around. India will be more prosperous if its citizens can be made more ethical. A person deserves to own what he has created or invented. I dont see anything wrong with the patent laws in USA or elsewhere. It is communism that maintains that nobody owns anything. It is very obvious how harmful that ideology has been. I am glad to see the influence of communist ideology at a minimum today. I dont see any physical evidence of any anti-gravity devices today. Past is past. Past no longer exist. A person who is living in the past is not productive. We are talking about the creativity of Indians in the present time. That creativity is nowhere near the creativity that you see in USA. A lot of people are jealous of USA on that account. As I said already, USA is not perfect. But India has a long way to go before it can catch up with USA in the areas of ethics, creativity and prosperity. These are the demonstrations of spirituality and not some mawkish sentiments. Spirituality locked up in books is no good. Vinaire : [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21648 - 10/05/02 12:27 PM India was not looted and plundered because it was spiritually advanced. Somebody is feeding you bull. India was weakened due to disagreements and in-fights, so it could be invaded, looted and plundered. How come Hindus could not stay united? Hindus must have lost the purpose that united them. I believe that it was the disintegration of Hinduism which weakened India in the first place. Then Islam came and completed the job. It was not Islam that suppressed Hinduism initially. It was Hindus themselves. One is totally responsible for ones condition. That principle applies to societies and nations too. Law of Karma applies. That is the overriding law. All you have to do is to go and look. You dont need any further evidence than that. The sexual misconduct that goes on among the general population of U.P. and Bihar would put the worst area in USA to shame. History is full of atrocities, but history is also full of lies. A valid discussion can only be based on what currently exists. Go and look at the corruption in India at every level. Would you call that spiritually advanced?
India is much better than many other countries. But to call India more ethical than USA in the present time is a joke. That India never invaded any other country has nothing to do with it. Vinaire : [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21658 - 10/05/02 05:42 PM The point is that USA is coming up in the area of spirituality as well and it is no pushover. You will see the spiritual development of America in your life time. USA owes it to the Hindus as well as to the Western philosophers. By the way, technology applies not only to material processes but also to spiritual processes. For example, Hindus developed the technology of meditation that forms the basis of the processes of Yoga. The technology of meditation also forms the basis of the processes of Scientology. Vinaire : [Re: Raghuvamshi] Post #21663 - 10/05/02 08:13 PM Vinayak, I am happy to see that you have more understanding. You are not walking around with a chip on your shoulder like some others on this forum. Their prejudice prevents them from recognizing what actually is being offered. I did not propose Dianetics and Scientology as something which was challenging Hinduism. All I said was here is some technology that is complimentary to Hinduism. I was not saying that Hinduism lacked any knowledge. I simply made the observation that most Hindus did not seem to be applying that knowledge. In my opinion, if Hindus were fully applying the knowledge of Hinduism they would be more prosperous than USA. I therefore pointed out that most Hindus didnt seem to be benefiting from the knowledge of Hinduism. There seemed to be a definite lack of technology in India. But some Hindus on this forum took it as an attack on Hinduism. You can still see the disdain coming from SoV, paranoia coming from AmH, and suspicions coming from AKM. This is not the first time that I have provided this essay on THE BASICS OF MEDITATION to the members of this forum. And this wont be the last time either. You will see SoV, AmH and AKM continue to operate with their prejudices. The reason may be that some people get rigid in their thinking, as they grow old. They stop learning as they get more set in their ways.
Fortunately, I can still think in novel ways with the same enthusiasm as a 19 year old. I feel that I shall be able to communicate better with the younger generation of Hindus on this forum. The other day, I showed my 16-year-old son the following essay that I wrote: YOUNG ADULTS AND RELIGION My son read it and exclaimed, This is exactly how my friends and I feel. How did you know this? I said, Well, I was your age once. I remember what I went through. The young Hindus want to see effective results. I dont blame them for it. It is not impossible to get rapid results from the APPLICATION of the ancient knowledge. One can come up with new and effective techniques to accomplish that. And it has been so accomplished in Dianetics and Scientology. Yes, mystery has a great attraction. But, today, we need effective results more urgently than ever before. Americanhindu : [Re: vinaire] Post #21682 - 10/06/02 08:02 AM There is nothing wrong in using "Science writings or finding to explain Hinduism now. I do it all the time to my kids. Because they live in "materialistic world" and they have been conditioned to understand things only if presented in terms used by modern science. Now that is different from saying man is God himself, because he is good at science or Holding science=God kind of mentality. Science is one of the subjects only. Ego is responsible for a man's actions; for it prompts him to do good or bad or evil things coupled w ignorance. BRAHMAN has nothing to do with Bin Laden's evil thoughts, feelings or actions at any time. Our BRAHMAN will never ever die for your sins or mine. That is our Hindu philosophy and don't you dare twist it. Vedas if it did declare science as number one priority or equal to GOD or BRAHMAN then people in India, from Vedic period would have gotten into scientific experiments a long time ago. ATMAN is the term that we use in Hinduism to denote "soul spark". SOUL in Hinduism is not created at all. SPARKS of ATMAN emanate from our MAHAVISHNU whenever a living organism is formed by the species of its kind, according to Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Whew! That was a long word! Ego is not installed by our ATMAN in our human beings. Ego is a byproduct of your own material based mind, intellect and memory, mostly from the inherited vasanas only.
You are not able to answer any of my questions, but accuse me of being abusive? Who the hell you think you are? Your sintology is evil. Don't push your evil sintology on to Hindus. AKMehta : [Re: Americanhindu] Post #21687-10/06/02 09:23AM Ego is not installed by our ATMAN in our human beings. EGo is a byproduct of your own material based mind, intellect and memory, mostly from the inherited vasanas only. This is just wonderful explanation of Ego creation and Ego boosting. Actually, this three letter word creates a big difference between the Semitic religions and Hindu religion. They want to create it, preserve it and boost it by different techniques & doctrines. Even their meditation techniques are basically different from Hindu meditation techniques. They talk of concentration and confrontation during meditation, but in Hinduism meditation is just de-concentration, de-conditioning and naturalization, so that a person becomes unattached with his ego for some time. Ego shedding is very important aspect of Hinduism. In the third stage of Vanprastha , one is expected to completely become free of EGO , so that one should be able to do self realization during the fourth stage of Sanyas Ashrama. But even in the first and second stage of our life, various techniques of Pranayam, Yoga and Meditation are available, which put a check on Ego, and to go beyond so that there is no harm to the environment consisting the person like family, friends, society, wildlife, vegetation or probably to this MB even etc. Americanhindu:[Re: AKMehta]Post #21690 -10/06/02 09:35AM AKM: Thank you. I always considered you as an expert on this Hindu philosophy. Ego is part of your mental or mind processing the "stimuli that are both external and internal". ID, EGO and Superego are comparable to our Hindu gunas of Tamasic, Rajasic and Sattvic aspects of a personhood. Sigmond Fruit from Austria copied it from Hinduism. You may wonder how? You see, those tribes from Eastern Europe came over to India thru Khaibar pass to escape their local invasions at that time. Sigmond Fruit's ancestors were there. So was Jung's. But Jung has very much acknowledged the Hindu's Mandala About Collective unconsciousness which he renamed it and included it modern psychology in early 1900s as "ARchetypes" (Vasanas). You go ahead and read about Semitic views on how they try to place importance on Egoism and GODISM as one and the same.
We Hindus believe GOD is within you, yet GOD as in BRAHMAN is above everything, never equal to man. The Semitic religions have no definition of GOD at all, as Hindu religion does. Also, they have no clue as to what happens to life after death. Their philosophy is totally flawed. It can never answer any of the myriads of questions that I have had in the past, THANK my fellow Hindus daily, that I found GREATEST Phil in the entire universe- HINDUISM. Hinduism rules! I can get enough words to express my gratitude to you all Hindu philosophers today. Thanks again. AKMehta:[Re: Americanhindu]Post #21692 -10/06/02 09:56AM AKM: Thank you. I always considered you as an expert on this Hindu phil. No, no, certainly not. If that would have been a case, then I would not have gone to a Guru. But my Guru is perhaps very well versed with all philosophical, practical and scientific aspects of Hinduism. He is perhaps developing effective technologies also based on Hindu philosophy purely. Sudarshan Kriya is one such very important development, by which one can remain happy, healthy, positive and very energetic by making most effective and optimum use of just breath only. But some people (who do not have any idea of Pranayam even) are just not ready to see anything, experience anything or learn anything, except doing talk, talk and talk, to preserve their EGO, even by cursing the Hinduism, which is so beautiful, lively, inspiring and innocent still, in spite of facing so much humiliation and tortures caused by our own peoples and by the aggressors. Many Egoless people are doing wonders in this Globe by popularizing and marketing 100% Hindu Technologies in a most dedicated but professional manner in the Islamic countries even, with just a SMILE on their faces to inspire an SMILE on other's faces. Thanks a lot AmH for yr comments Vinaire [Re: Americanhindu] Post #21698-703 - 10/06/02 12:14 PM AmH is off the topic here.
The subject being discussed is, "WHO AM I?" I take the Advaitic position that an individual is basically the Atman. This thread started with Shri Raman Mahrishi taking the same position. AmH is continuing to indulge in unsubstantiated attacks based on miscomprehension of what is being said. AKM is simply egging AmH on in her insane temper tantrums Both AKM and AmH are patting each others back because they have found a common enemy, Vinaire. Both are off the original subject of discussion. AmH is using force, invalidation, misrepresentation and unsubstantiated attacks instead of calmly discussing a simple subject. Here AKM and AmH seem to massaging each others ego. SoV: [Re: vinaire] Post #21711 - 10/06/02 01:01 PM Vinaire: You seem to be very disturbed from attacks on your ideologies involving your belief in scientology from AmH and AKM. If your foundation was strong, you will smile and ignore them and pursue what you believe in. Truth always stands on strong foundations. Atma remains unaffected. For you to prove scientology is connected with Vedas and is another way of discovering oneself or realizing the knowledge within (all knowledge is within us) then you will have to set an example by achieving that BrahmJnana (knowledge) through this scientology and the world has to respect you then. You can never command respect or demand it but by setting an example of your achievement you will obtain it or reach a spiritual status to demand it. Stand as a rock, you are indestructible. You are the self, the God of the Universe.
THE KEY WEAKNESS Vinaire: (Post #21678/80/720 - 10/06/02 01:22 PM Here SoV is joining AmH and AKM in his attacks on Vinaire instead of calmly discussing the topic of this thread. SoV represents the key weakness of Hinduism. That weakness is the corruption of Bhakti Yoga by the Semitic religions. SoV's Practice of Bhakti Yoga. Bhkati means focus on devotion. Bhakti does not mean "being devoid of common sense and logic" One should simply identify the issues facing Hinduism and not just indulge in namecalling. AKM start attacking Vinaire and Scientology when Vinaire introduced Scientology as something complementary to Hinduism where APPLICATION of knowledge was concerned (not knowledge itself). AKMs first unsubstantiated attack was, Scientology came about due to the greed of Hubbard. This was totally off the subject. He did not even look at the effectiveness of Scientology as a technology. He totally ignored anything positive about Scientology. This was similar to Pat Robertson calling Hinduism Demonic. Now AKMs attacks on Vinaire are taking the form of insinuations. Following are two recent posts from AKM: Udhav Geeta: Bhakti vs. Jnana Jingoism and Rationality I always wondered why Hindus cant unite. Here is a good example of it. Some people take offense on imaginary things. If Hindus could only discuss the issues without attacking the other person things would go much better. I have written this post with that intention in my mind.
Challenge to AmH, SoV and AKM: Vinaire:[Re: vinaire]Post #21735 -10/06/02 02:22PM I take the Advaitic position that ATMAN is the true self. ATMAN is what the individual basically is. ATMAN is ultimately responsible for all the individuals actions. This is also the position taken by Scientology. If you have disagreements, please state them categorically without indulging in namecalling, ego-calling, and any other types of personal attacks. Thank you. Americanhindu:Challenge to AmH, SoV and AKM( Post #21740-10/06/02 03:01 PM) We have gone thru this route several times, Vinaire. You need to read "NIRVANA SHATAKAM" BY ADHI SANKURJI, THE FOUNDER OF ADVAITA PHIL HIMSELF. It IS PART OF SRI VEDANTA STROTRANI. In the very first sloka, it is said very clearly that "BRAHMAN is spiritual entity".. >>MANO BUDDHY-AHANKARA-CITTANI NAHAM NA CA SROTRA JIHVE NA CA GHRANANETRE NA CA VYOMA BHUMIR NA TEJO NA VAYUH CID ANANADA RUPAH SIVOHAM SIVOHAM>> Translation: This is BRAHMAN saying in first BRAHMANSELF: I am Neither MIND NOR Intellect. I the neither thought nor cognizing ego! Neither am I the ear or the tongue, the noise, the sky NOT! Nor the earth, neither the fire nor the Wind! For I am only Bliss-consciousness! I am Shiva and Shiva am I" You see, Lord Shiva is one of our Trinity GOD representatives. Bliss consciousness is not just an ability to solve your daily life problems. Bliss consciousness is not scientific analysis of all matters concerned or considered. Bliss consciousness will never be manifested in people w certain congenital or hereditary birth defects, but that does not mean they have no "ATMAN or BRAHMAN" within them to sustain their life. That is because some kids w certain genetic Prakritic damages can never speak or perform normal cognitive functional skills. It is not their fault, but they have
inherited past Karmaphalas and vasanas, when their ATMAN brought them in to instill prana. All I know is that they are still kids and we love them very much. Bliss consciousness= pragyanum. Pregyanum means being aware of the fact that you are alive only. . A person in a coma may not know he is kept alive by life support systems. But people around him know he is. It happened to my own mother. She was in coma for 3 months, but not totally dead. Her vital signs were all good. She was not relating to her environment in a way that normal people would. But her ATMAN kept her alive, w heart beatings, her pulse was on at a weak rate, she was able to urinate, pass stools, tube fed, but we never considered her as being dead, till the last moment when her Electro encephalogram showed a straight line. We kept her alive. In this case, my mother's ATMAN was preparing to leave very slowly. There are cases where, people have come out of coma after many years. You cannot assume they are not having ATMAN in them or they are just equal to GOD, just because a person has ATMAN within. Atman is a life principle only. Atman would be an indicator as to whether a person had prana or not inside for the body machine to operate on. ATMAN if present in NB babies you see them show signs of life, by their movements, crying, making faces, reflexes, jerky movements etc. They are smart babies, but they do not fall under your definition of ATMAN being fully aware and being scientific. Atman is there even in single celled "amoeba" at the heart of its cell, which is nucleus. That doesnt mean an organism has to be equally considerate like high functioning animals -a man. You are misunderstanding the concept of ATMAN. If Brahman and ATMAN was equal to human beings, our great Hindu Rishis would have told that a long time ago and gotten rid of all deities, temples, and there is no need to seek solace from a personal deity of our choice. Pragyanum is Brahman. Which means without the prana you will have no life. Without being aware that you are alive by yourself, whether you are a good person or a bad person, you have not realized that your body is kept alive by ATMAN only. PRANA is instilled by ATMAN our soul. Soul is not created by man w his scientific knowledge and expertise. You can challenge me. I am not scared of you or any one. I would not agree to the statement that ATMAN is responsible for your material based mind, body and intellectual malfunctioning or their resultant behaviors. There are two worlds only- Material world and Spiritual World. BRAHMAN/ATMAN is above material or matter world. Man and woman are made up of matter only, from head to toes. All behaviors verbal and non-verbal are arising from matter only. Energy comes from matter as well. Force is
provided by ATMAN at individual level. Individual person's ATMAN is not capable of regulating other people's ATMAN, as it is operating on a unique customized machinery of each person's body matter. Mind, body, intellect, memory are all material genomic in origin. Sabda is introduced when ATMAN comes in to NB baby's body as PRANA. I wrote all this in your "lingo" in science biology so that you would understand. But science is not my BRAHMAN. It will never be. BRAHMAN and ATMAN are one and the same. But the loci are different for each. The point is whatever a person does or says has nothing to do w ATMAN. ATMAN did not make Bin Laden to be evil. His prakritic genomic aberrations did it. He has a mental illness. His ATMAN is ever in Bliss, conscious of what he has been up to. Does ATMAN know what faith you are following? I don't think, ATMAN is even considering that aspect to instill prana into a human body machine and keep it functioning. ATMAN is a functioning phenomenon. Not definitely a criterion for judging a person's behaviors. Your behaviors are yours only. Vivekananda and other philosophers from East were tricked or intimidated into saying or agreeing with what biblical fools are saying that man is a soul. I don't agree w that one at all. That is not what I have read in all Upanishads and GITA. GOD can never be equated or brought to such a low level as human beings. AKMehta: ( Post #21774 - 10/07/02 02:42 AM) AmH, I am really amazed at the wonderful knowledge you have on Hinduism. I am not a Hindu philosopher, who read Hindu scriptures very much except a few. I am just a Hindu warrior, who can gather a sufficient knowledge of Hindu philosophy thru the characters of Rama and Krishna to discharge various duties and obligations acc to Hindu Dharma. Earlier I never read yr posts properly, which requires a careful reading perhaps. But now I developed an interest in yr posts, which provides me a lot of insight to Hindu Philosophy also. Your posts are generally complete and convincing in all respect, therefore one can make hardly any comment. But I will make any, only after some careful deliberations in my mind. Thanks for providing a true insight into Hindu philosophy by making those detailed comments.
Rajsand: [Re: vinaire]Post#21783-10/07/02 03:30 AM My humble observations: Vinaire views Brahman / atman with pure objectivity. AmH is doing the same subjectively. I view subjectivity as a feminine characteristic and objectivity as a masculine characteristic. Why subjectivity is feminine? Because it is female which undergo the labor pain when a child is born. It is said that human can withstand at the most a pain of 10 DOLs which is caused under two circumstances: 1. Pain experienced when the fingers of the hand are bent backwards and about to be broken, 2. Labor pain Having experienced the highest level of pain a human can withstand with every child birth, a female automatically tends to view others pain with empathy. This subjective identification in times of pain by females has been root cause instrumental in Indian society's joint families system and values for millenniums. An important point to be noted here is it is the physical awareness of immediate environment which keeps the females going. We do not find very many late raising females. That is the shakti. On the other hand the male can only imagine, but cannot go through the labor pain. He can only have some idea about it. Hence he has only the objective identification with the pain. Objective identification requires multitude of correctional cycles to arrive at the correct perception. But it is not the same as the subjective experience. Only highly evolved humans can achieve this state. Only they can transfer the high and detailed understanding into experience by making their mind follow their body. In other words, Technology has to be given birth by a feminine force after understanding the detailed analysis of the male objectivity and engineering. Necessity-->curiosity-->science-->process-->engineering-->technology-->product-->consumption. I leave it to other erudite and capable participants to expand and expound further.
Vinaire: [Re: rajsand]Post #21786-10/07/02 03:57AM Each individual has been in male and female bodies umpteenth of time over the past "trillion" years. Each individual has experienced that excruciating pain that you are talking about. Concepts are concepts. Understanding does not depend on the sex of the person. The key point is: Is Atman responsible for the actions of the individual? AmH says, "NO!" Vinaire says, "YES!" This is pretty cut and dry issue here. Raghuvamshi :Challenge to AmH, SoV and AKM(Post : #21801/05-10/07/02 07:47 AM) AmH, Please read AKM's smart reply carefully before feeling flattered. He is admitting that he never gave much importance to what you were saying before. He is interested only now because he thinks you both have a united "cause". He is being true and frank in admitting that he did not read your posts "properly". What guarantee that he reads Vinaire's or anyone else's posts properly? What guarantee that you read them properly? I think we all do that I will NEVER support the church or the MOSQUE. You will believe this if you have read my previous posts. But I really think that there has been some mistake and / or confusion amongst some members of this group who assume Vinaire = Christian and Vinaire = church. If that was the case, I would have supported you long back. That is not the case, definitely not. I am supporting the truth. The truth is that Vinaire is as much a Hindu as you, me or AKM. Why should I be against you? I dont even know your true name or nature, American Hindu is just an alias, anybody could be behind that alias and I realize that. I am saying this to assert that I am not against you or for you. I am just for facts and truth and against groupisms, personal attacks etc. This is a request to you, to Vinaire, To AKM and others (even SoV), can we please stop attacking each other? SoV, I really dont intend to attack even you, but you really put me off by preaching so many good things but then totally failing to implement them. It makes the preaching lose their value. It makes our scriptures look like a joke. Hope you understand.
There is a lot of potential in this MB for getting true knowledge gained through constructive criticism and intelligent discussions. Can we all please try to make this MB more meaningful? Please? For the sake of Hinduism? (My turn now). I agree that scientology probably contains philosophy that was already contained in our scriptures. -Vinayak AKMehta : ( Post #21784 - 10/07/02 03:30 AM) Vinaire , I am not a Hindu philosopher but a warrior only. I can decide my strategies accordingly to the facts and situations. But now you should say clearly and categorically state whether you are still a Hindu? Moreover you also need to disclose the extent of your involvement in the Church of Scientology. Are you a Director there or what sort of association you have with the Church of Scientology? Any sort in the official capacity also or NOT? Only after getting this information only, any further communications with you can be planned by me. To yr questions you can refer books / guide / Gurus/ websites on Hindu philosophy. I am none of them. But as per my knowledge and experience your question can be answered by yourself only by making some realizations. Such questions are never solved by debate and discussions. At the most you can seek some guidance from Vivekananda books. At least I am least interested in any such discussion with you for the time being. Raghuvamshi: ( Post #21811 - 10/07/02 09:51 AM ) You should be asking the same question to SoV too. But with a modification. 1. Name of the Madrasa/Masjid he is associated with 2. Name of the mullah who is training him... If Vinaire's posts make him look like a Christian, then SoVs posts make him look like a Muslim. Let us be fair to everyone... BTW, someone asked me why I kept thinking that Vinaire is a Hindu and why I support him. I support him because I know he is a Hindu. And I support him because he is well
versed with Hindu scriptures. I may be against scientology, but not against Vinaire, I dont see any reason for that. If we can tolerate SoV then why not Vinaire? If we can tolerate SoVs Muslim partiality, then why not Vinaire's scientology stuff... Here is one link I came across. Vinaire's real name is Vinay Agarwala (sorry Vinaire, for saying this without your permission). http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/3958/introgc.html Scroll down and you will see a link to an article by Vinay Agarwala, check that out. I agree attacking subjects and topics but I do not like to see a fellow Hindu being attacked by a group of Hindus, it is a shame. Vinaire ( Post #21814 - 10/07/02 01:25 PM)
Thank you for coming to my defense, Raghuvamshi, but I do not understand why a name should make any difference, or the fact that I was born and raised in India as a Hindu. Truths are truths. Truths should be recognized for what they are. "Truths" should not be judged on the basis of who is uttering them. This is a sad state of affair that people want to depend on authority instead of using their own observation and analysis. A person, who would blindly trust authority, but not his own god-given sense, must be suffering from quite an inferiority complex. I deliberately decided to use a Western name (actually my pen name) while talking about Hindu principles to see if these would be recognized as such. Well, my actual name was not too hidden. The moderators of this MB know about it. The newcomers may not know it. I bet some of the people on this forum looked down upon me because they thought I was a non-Hindu talking about Hinduism. I can empathize with the prejudice David Frawley may have encountered. But I know that any intelligent Hindu would have recognized the Hindu principles regardless of who uttered them. Prejudice similar to what I have personally encountered here can be predicted for the subject of Scientology too. I can already see the prejudice coming from the association most people have in their mind of the word "Church" with "Christianity." That is not the fact always. Scientology is as different from Christianity as Hinduism is different from Christianity. Scientology is basically an extension of Buddhism.
Anyway, I think it was about time to end this game. I just hope that the participants of this forum will be more on guard against prejudice of any kind for the sake of good quality discussions. Sincerely, Vinay Agarwala P.S.: Let me state that I hold no grudges against AmH, SoV, and AKM. That gave me a good fight. I had a lot of fun. Every person can be more able than what he is right now. I laud those who are making an effort to become more able. The people to be despised are those who try to feel better by pulling others down. Americanhindu:Challenge to AmH, SoV and AKM( Post #21818-10/07/02 04:42 PM) Nice try Vinaire. It does not make any difference and I really don't care even if you are not angry w me or trying to pretend like you are very cool. I have no problem in Hindu born Indians becoming westernized! But I have never seen any Hindu Indian from India telling his own people that "Hinduism is weak" etc. You wanted to be a Western sell out Cultish leader for Sintology>>>>>>> By all means go ahead w it. I don't give a care. But to come to this MB and insult my fellow Hindus is another thing, we will not forgive you for that. I can forgive you, but will not forget what you wrote to insult us.
A journey from KORAN to SCIENTOLOGY AKMehta : ( Post # #21826 - 10/08/02 12:32 AM) Raghuvanshi, you are too innocent. But I don't know why you are behaving like a Shikhandi? I don't think if we had any such brawl in our past incarnations, as the Bhishma and Ambalika had in MahaBharta times. I don't know what has prompted you to make an unnecessary and immature attack on me thru a bundle of lies, mischievous and baseless allegations besides sheer nonsense and childish arguments. I don't know if you have failed to understand what your Guru (Vinaire) said about you or opted for such kind of slavery at your own. But if a person utter some sentence like this "Somebody is feeding you bull for you then instantly I can read everything in the mind of the person uttering such words. (See the thread "USA & spirituality" once again, to see how you have been manipulated and being used by him for a very shallow kind of purposes and for EGO satisfaction). I do not support the whole agenda of RSS, but ISLAM is a common agenda, where I have a some convergence of opinion with them. The extreme Hindutva elements ( including the owners/ moderators) of this website do not oppose me here, because they are intelligent enough to guess that I am only serving a big Hindu cause here and there by speaking new & innovative truths about Islam besides saying some hard truths of Hindu society also. But I am diehard opponent of the Opportunistic elements of the Hindu Society also, for examples the likes of Modi. If your Guru will represent RSS, then I may not have any objection but if he will pursue only opportunism to put down/ degrade the innocent, inspiring and holy philosophy of Hinduism, then I have no option but to speak against him also. Better you teach him 'Hindutva' than learning 'Opportunism' from Him. I have seen a long journey of your Guru here from, when he was justifying Islam & Koran to promote SCIENTOLOGY, and now his desperate attempts to prove himself a Hindu by manipulating RSS followers like you. Once he tried to justify and compare the verses of KORAN with VEDAS under the thread KORAN: THE cow etc, around 3/4 months back. On my very little satirical comments he gave up this dirty job and joined with me to take up the cause of Hinduism. I taught him many things about Hinduism / Islam by giving extra time here. But then suddenly to my surprise he brought SCIENTOLOGY at this Forum. I never objected him and decried or condemned Scientology so far, but I came to know his intentions intuitively and took a position to defend Hinduism without offending him. He was successfully checkmated here also, but then out of revenge he started attacking the philosophy of Hinduism itself under the thread of WEAKNESS Of HINDUISM. It was perhaps too much of him and he met the fate he deserved as per the Law of Karma, without much effort by us. He failed to make a reply of my many posts here in last few days, while started complaining of victimization to expose himself much more than the expectations of anyone here. He did not found any
takers of his theories/complaints with the only exception of you. Even a newcomer like 'RoseDragon' asked him why he is so enraged and unhappy in spite of claiming otherwise. 'Mashar' took leave after saying that Vinaire is pushing Scientology in every discussion even when there is no need to do so. Earlier I thought he has perhaps invented the theories of SELF- DETERMINISM, Reactive Mind etc, but only in last fortnight I came to know that he was copying all this stuff from Dianetics/ Scientology only. Obviously he does not know anything about Hinduism also, but even then he is adamant to make its comparison with Scientology. Even then I did not used the words like CHALLENGE, MASSAGING, EGGING etc to attack a person like him ,in spite of having so many opportunities for one reason only that that he is senior to me in age and EQs also . We, the Hindus in India still make such considerations but he is not realizing all this and still making all his tantrums / tirade against me. He is clubbing me with SoV and AmH , who have their own independent styles and stands in each and every matter. If you will look at the previous 2 months posts than you will find it was only Vinaire only, who always supported me in my attempts to attack Islam, as well as in my mild attacks on RSS to uphold the true spirit of Hinduism. I know exactly, where he has misunderstood me. I am still observing him in my cool and unfazed manner, and looking for the opportunity to make some healthy initiatives, but he has so much EGO that it has become impossible to sell any good ideas to him anymore. He is perhaps tired now, that is the only positive development has happened in last few hours, but his EGO is still intact. His Ego is his enemy, and not me. If he wants to capitalize and accumulate more and more EGO then what can I do? It is purely and solely his prerogative and discretion only. However I can say this much that his EGO has some dangerous components also like that of Ravana / Duryodhana/ Hitler and Bin laden only. Better you leave these things on time, which takes care of everything in an automatic & natural manner. But still I have only sympathies for him and not an iota of ill will, because I am still very certain his Hindu sanskar will force him to get rid of this EGO one day , which has been so successfully identified and pointed out by me here. Vinaire: ( Post #21829 - 10/08/02 03:14 AM ) Reporters thrive on seeing conflict even when there is none. AKM is a reporter. Vinaire wrote these articles on Islam to discover where Islam departed from the wisdom of the Vedas. The key points of departure were found in the definitions of God (Allah) and Kafir. Islam treated Allah as having a form even when claiming Allah has no form. Vedas treat Brahman as formless. Islam defined kafir incorrectly as a non-Muslim. The correct definition of Kafir should have been an Anti-social personality.
I dont even remember AKM influencing me in anyway in what I wrote. I stopped writing when my curiosity was satisfied about where Islam went wrong. I still refer these articles to others as and when necessary.I became aware of AKMs duplicity as explained here. DISCUSS ISSUES INSTEAD OF NAME-CALLING AKM appears to share with AmH and SoV an inability to read and grasp English and/or deep thoughts.This conflict is AKMs own creation. Vinaire: ( Post #21831 - 10/08/02 05:41 AM) THE TRUE DANGER TO HINDUISM The true danger to Hinduism is from Hindus who fail to understand the depth and beauty of Hinduism. This danger is not necessarily from illiteracy. There are many illiterate Hindus who are simple minded and who understand Hinduism correctly by absorbing it from simple cultural practices. The danger is from a mindset that is complicated and devious and suspicious of everything. An educated person infected with such a mindset would have no understanding of the depth and beauty of Hinduism even when he is highly educated. A person with such a crude mindset would filter out all the depth and beauty of Hinduism. He would reduce Hinduism to just a crude set of beliefs and cultural symbolism. And that is the true danger to Hinduism. I became aware of this crude mindset while writing this recent post. AKM's Lack of Understanding I was amazed to read AKM's interpretation of the recent events in the following post of his: A journey from KORAN to SCIENTOLOGY AKM totally missed the boat. And therefore I wrote: "AKM appears to share with AmH and SoV an inability to read and grasp English and/or deep thoughts." This trio (AmH, SoV and AKM) who are beating the drum for Hinduism has no idea what Hinduism truly is. They are not aware of the depth and beauty of Hinduism. Unfortunately, Hinduism is lost to these three poor souls.
What this trio is defending is just a crude set of beliefs and cultural symbolism. True Hinduism is a lot more than that. Worse, they are now attacking anybody who tries to talk about true Hindu principles. This is so because such principles appear totally foreign to their crude mindset. It is a sorry state of affairs. But this situation is not without a remedy. The danger to Hinduism is not so much from outside today as it is from the inside by Hindus themselves who do not understand Hinduism. It was the strategy employed during the colonial days to deliberately introduce erroneous material in the original Hindu scriptures to corrupt the Hindu philosophy. Ishwa recently provided examples of this strategy in the thread Hindu Scriptures on Killing Animals. Today we have Hindus who do not understand Hinduism, and who are stridently trying to defend a corrupted form of Hinduism from those who are trying to bring that corruption to notice. This is the classic outcome of the strategy employed during the colonial days to destroy Hinduism. Those seeds of corruption are bearing fruit today. Now Hindus are fighting against Hindus as a result. Grames, Loc: Florida, USA [Re: vinaire] ( Post #21835 - 10/08/02 07:07 AM ) God! Veda Don't treat or Consider Brahman as Formless instead it says, Brahman has Form as well as Formless at same time. Itz both ISLAM is confused about GOD and both Islam and Christianity got same root and have same sort of confusion about GOD. Christians believe JESUS is the ONLY Savior! Muslims believe ALLAH is the ONLY God! Judaism also talks same. But, Hinduism talks about many avatars and many forms of God and formless nature of Supreme. These religions never evolved from the basic flaws in their design and knowledge about GOD and the utmost relationship they know about is Trinity and Father to son! Vinaire:[Re: grames] (Post #21838 - 10/08/02 07:26 AM) Hello Grames! I am sure we can sort out this disagreement without attacking Vinaire or Grames. My understanding is that all forms of Brahman are created by Brahman. Therefore, inherently, Brahman is formless.
Americanhindu: ( Post #21848- 10/08/02 01:36 PM ) AKM: I know how you feel really and truly. I am with you. I had the suspicion from the beginning I got aboard on this MB and I was very concerned about our Hindu minds here. Day light robbery and hijacking of our Hinduism has happened and it may even be supported by some funds. Who knows what else vinaire is going to pull now? Sin-tolgy FYI has no faith or definition of GOD or BRAHMAN at all. I find it very distressing to see that Vinaire under disguise would try to pull "wool" over all Hindu eyes. I never bought it and will never. We Hindus know what is best for us. Hinduism it is. VHP and Other great Hindu organizations must sue this Sin-tologist guy and his organization today and stop other cults from trivializing our Hindu philosophy and Dharma. Believe it or not, I love Science and Tech. But would never think or consider that ego=GOD or Science=GOD or intellect or ego has anything to do w spiritual awareness. All of us have BRAHMAN within us for sure; even if you are a total retarded person or blind or deaf or dumb or disabled or old or infirm or immobile. ATMAN therefore, is just an essential principle of life. AKMehta : [Re: vinaire]( Post #21872 - 10/09/02 12:10 AM) What happened to you, Vinaire. You are losing control of yourself now completely. I can see yr Reactive mind is controlling yr actions now, whereas the Analytical mind has been suppressed under the piles of yr Ego layers and loads of illusions. This situation if will persist, then it can cause you more damage and can result into some depression and loss of self esteem. Why? I will tell only when you will give up yr attitude of confrontation with everyone. Kindly check it now, without further delays. Sincerely yours Atul
AKMehta : [Re: Americanhindu] (Post #21873 - 10/09/02 12:11 AM) Thanks AmH, I was also a little hypnotized ( like many others on this forum) earlier by this confused person namely Vinaire, due to the glamorous terminology like SELF- DETERMINISM, REACTIVE MIND, ANALYTICAL MIND etc. due to my lot of faith in Science. I always felt that Hinduism is has a natural affinity for Science also. But I can remember now that you never recognized him. In fact I was never deep into Spiritualism. My interest is confined to an extent like it should be in case of an aware Hindu. But when I was forced to peep into his mind in last two weeks, then his disapproval for Hinduism, Ego and secret Agenda to promote Scientology could not remain hidden from me any longer. I am a liberal Hindu warrior. I will not mind if someone promotes Scientology or even ISLAM on this HINDU Forum. It is up to owners of this website to look into such things. But this can only be done without maligning the Hinduism. But Vinaire is so adamant then he wanted to denigrate Hinduism in comparison to some vague thoughts conceived by a person like Hubbard without providing logic. He is trying to play so smart that he will seek the logic from us only to pursue his secret agenda. I am not a fool, who can get into such traps, even if the moderators of this website are not raising any objections. Now it seems to becoming an END of some suspense / thriller movie, where finally the Hero of the movie is found to have committed the crime. Vinaire was like a Hero here, who has reduced to Zero now for his sins. He can now lead a fresh humble life here, by learning Hinduism from you & others. I am not a scholar, philosopher of Hinduism. I am just a warrior of Hinduism and I did my job to the best satisfaction of myself. I would also like that he should not be humiliated further, if he shows any sign of recovery, sorry or remorse. Hinduism teaches us tolerance, compassion, love and forgiveness. To uphold the truth sometimes we have to go the KSHTRIYA way also, but basically I still love him since he has a nice soul wrapped in the layers of illusion and Ego only. If he will show some positive signs, then of course we can initiate the last measure of PERSUATIONS. Hate the crime and not the criminal. Why to bother about them (VHP & Other Hindu Organizations) when such petty/ individual threats can be tackled by individuals like us easily. He is not a threat/ enemy to Hinduism. He is an enemy of himself only. He is not even faithful to Hubbard and Scientology. He is a classic example of an opportunist only, who stands exposed now. Just see how he lies at the feet of Hindutva Brigadiers like Shiwaji/ Madan in the thread "Ignoring the obvious". I generally agree whatever you have said in your post. Earlier I never read your posts with the required attention they deserved. One of the reasons may be that I am more inclined to pursue the duties of warrior (Kshtriya) than those of philosophers (Brahmins). You are a Brahmin as per my definitions. Vinaire has a potential to become a Brahmin, provided he discovers himself truly by shedding his EGO and illusions about Scientology.
AKMehta: It was a Vinaire's Show only [Re: vinaire] (Post #21874 -10/09/02 12:26 AM) Reporters thrive on seeing conflict even when there is none. AKM is a reporter. This is not Vinaire speaking, but it is the soul of Hubbard perhaps. Hubbard also used similar sentences & the tactics of cheap confrontation to seek popularity in US in those days. Vinaire had used the same tactics to silent many sane voices here, as noticed by me here in last 6 months. He tried to intimidate me also unsuccessfully many times, before coming to terms with me. But now he is again resorting to manipulations and inciting people to attack me by exchanging Personal Messages even besides crying for help by posing a VICTIM. But now He stands exposed naked and his only disciple has also deserted him after seeing the true colors of his newly found Guru. But Vinaire , who said that I am a reporter. Basically I am also an Engineer like you are. I work in Stock market since 1988 after leaving ONGC. I never served any newspaper like a reporter. Like you write articles, I am also a freelancer writer, and my articles get published in newspapers/ websites sometimes. But why are you taking so much trouble to publicize all this when everything is already mentioned in my personal profile here since the beginning. Does it not constitute a proof that you are now short of logic, arguments and truth, while trying to malign me by speaking all sorts of lies? I love to speak truth fearlessly. Now you have seen here how a HYPOCRITE of your caliber can be exposed s without any efforts of journalist or reporter. Who has exposed you here? Not me or anyone else. It is you only Vinaire. Now look into your soul (or self). I mean do some introspection instead of wasting time here. No one is listening to your tantrums now anymore. At least you have accepted the TRUTH here that you were serving the cause of ISLAM prior to taking up the cause of SCIENTOLOGY since last fortnight. Your long journey from ISLAM to SCIENTOLOGY has come to an end on 7th of this month when you surrendered before Shiwaji and Madan in the thread Ignoring the Obvious" by championing the cause of Hinduism for the first time here. You can learn Hinduism afresh from AmH/ Grammes, besides learning Hindutva from Shiwaji/ Madan/ Vinayak etc. About Hindu scriptures, Rajsand and Ishwa are always ready to help you, and if you want to serve the cause of Hinduism then I can tell you everything provided you are willing to give up your EGO and Scientology for ever. But I know you will not give up your EGO before me at least, even if you will surrender it before your arch rival SoV . Actually Vinaire, you have become so much blinded by your EGO and attachment for Scientology that you cant see this much that no one is supporting you in the matters related to Scientology. Vinayak is just sympathetic towards Vinaire only. Same thing happened when you took up the cause of ISLAM earlier. At that time, even SoV did not approve and supported your attempts. People used to remain silent only, because who has so much time to talk uselessly and endlessly here, when everyone know well that you are stubborn and refuse to see the point in spite of all efforts. I also do not have much time but since I had developed some affection for you, therefore I am still trying to help you, so that you come out of this present mess , in which you have become trapped courtesy SCIENTOLOGY. Do some PUJA/ Meditation in Hindu traditions also besides
introspection if you really want to give some meanings to your life. A JAP of Hanuman Chalisa will also help you in this condition of panic and confusions. I am not responsible for any act or any behavior of SoV or AmH. I have not made any circulation of Personal Messages in last few days with them. With AmH , I never had any such communications so far. But is it not true that you have manipulated innocent and emotional Vinayak thru the Personal Messages in last few days. Better you stop now this kind of manipulations and personal attacks, otherwise only you will become exposed further. Have some faith in the LAW of KARMA at least, if you are not ready to believe in GOD. Now do 'Satkarmas' only in your pending life and leave this track of manipulations/ intimidations for ever. You have the potential and will succeed as a Hindu, this much I can tell you. This conflict is AKMs own creation Ponder on this question deeply, do introspection, and you will get the right answer, who has created this mess from a position of high respect till few days back. If you can't do it then ask the saner elements here. Take responsibility of your actions- is it not a favorite quote from you? Now apply this to yourself. I can help you but only when you are ready to help yourself. I have no personal rivalry with you. I have shared maximum time with you only in last few months. I am a bit emotional, therefore still trying to help you out. Although I told here many a times that in India, Internet is still a costly affair, and one can only use it for some productive purpose only and not for useless / endless debates. And one thing more... enter in a thread only when you have something worthwhile to say. You have a very bad habit to get into every thread to kill the spirit of every discussion only by injecting the dry superheated steams of Scientology. Hinduism is lovely, lively and not dry like Scientology. Have you ever listen a Bhajan of Meerabai or someone else in your life? Better enjoy some devotional chants like SHIVOHAM.... then you will come to know what meanings a two lettered word OM contains.
LOVE Vinaire: ( Post #21912 - 10/09/02 04:20 PM ) Probably no single subject in the concerns of man has received as much attention as love. It is not untrue that where one finds the greatest controversy, there he will also find the least comprehension. And where the facts are the least precise there one can also find the greatest arguments. And so it is with love. Without doubt, love has ruined more lives than war and made more happiness than all the dreams of the paradise. Entangled with a thousand songs a year and submerged beneath a solid tonnage of poor literature, love should have a proper chance to be defined. It has been discovered that there are three kinds of love between woman and man: the first is covered under the law of affinity and is the affection with which mankind holds mankind; the second is sexual selection and is a true magnetism between partners; the third is compulsive love dictated by nothing more reasonable than aberration. - L. Ron Hubbard AKMehta to Vinaire: Re: LOVE (Post #21926 - 10/09/02 10:16 PM ) Without serving any purpose, this piece of information constitutes only a proof of the gross Ignorance only of the person saying this entire untruth. But there are always persons who may like to believe into anything which has been said by a commercially/ materialistically successful person. This can only fit into the category of some CarSalesMan's arguments only. SoV: Re: LOVE (Post #21971 - 10/10/02 10:33 AM ) Vinaire: Like I said before, Hubbard focused on mind level only and did not adventure into soul level principles as a result you can see he totally missed out on 'altruistic love' or true form of God's love, which is unconditional love...he is only discussing family and human relationship problems and thats the limitation of scientology....which operates at worldly level and not at spiritual level... You have tried hard to give it an atmic spin but even Hubbard did not do that... AKMehta: Re: LOVE ( Post #21972 - 10/10/02 11:12 AM) Your observation seems to be very true only.
He is perhaps not faithful to even the Church of Scientology perhaps. He has coined some corrupted version here which can be named as Sintology or Vintology only. But any of his attempts to denigrate Advaita, Dvaita, Traita or any concept / God of Hindus is mischievous and having malafied intentions only. AKMehta :Agent/ Opportunist or Spineless Creature?(Post #21970 - 10/10/02 10:29 AM This opportunist and a probable agent of SCIENTOLOGY is jumping from one thread to other without giving any reply to the questions posed to himHe has come here by skipping following posts. The agent of the CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY Why are you feeling so guilty? P.S.-K/A- MODERATORS: Moderators are also requested to seek the necessary information about him and inform us, if he has any links with the Church of Scientology, so that he can be dealt accordingly here. Kindly also clarify at the earliest, if it is a Hindu Forum or has become a forum of the Church of scientology for last few weeks? I do not want to criticize Scientology etc. here unnecessarily, but the stubbornness of Vinaire alias Vinay Agarwala to look into the points raised by many members warrants your kind attention also now.
REAL TRUTH of SCIENTOLOGY AKMehta: ( Post #22486 - 10/17/02 09:29 PM) (I decided to hold it back when Vinaire said to ambrish in "contradictions, that he will maintain the restraints, but he again started his mischievous from the "Learn Hinduism thru insults from certain people" thread on 17/10/02 at 05:00 PM. He is perhaps like a Dog's tail only, therefore one need a optimum and appropriate technology to handle such cases. Kindly see below) OBSERVE & IGNORE TECHNOLOGY (An Internet Technology to tackle peculiar insane like Vinaire) It is very difficult to determine what constitute an offence. Committing an offence is even more difficult. But without a jury / trial it is impossible to determine if an offence has been committed OR not. Sometimes the guilty person starts crying/ complaining / confronting and starts evaluating and pronouncing judgments on others to invalidate them with a purpose to divert the attention from himself. But the system of natural justice is such that criminal get caught in the web created by him only. I will not make any evaluation here of others including Vinaire. In my opinion Vinaire is suffering from some deep fear psychotic problems, the reason can be many, which one can guess only. But he is definitely posing here as a VICTIM and is crying, complaining and confronting with most of the members of this MB for last so many weeks. Sometimes he went to the extent of making challenges even, which is very contrary to the spirit of such a discussion forum. I think in last one month, out of nearly 500 posts from Vinaire , approximately 75 % carried no substance except crying, complaint and/or confrontation. It is a serious matter, since he is a senior member here, who is expected to show more tolerant and positive attitude here, but he has proved himself totally irresponsible & negative in all respects. I or Nobody is a JUDGE/ MODERATOR here and can not say if his posts are OFFENSIVE or DEFENSIVE. But I or anyone can definitely do OBSERVATIONS. It is very easy to determine if the post is genuine or merely constitute a cry, complaint and/ or seeking confrontation with others. Just record the observation and then ignore it, this can be best strategy (technology) to deal with such a case. I therefore will number from now-onwards such posts of Vinaire only, since he has exceeded the limit of evaluating, invalidating, intimidating and insulting other members of this board. I will simply put a serial number like this Crying/Complaint/ Confrontation by Vinaire # __ ., the post which will qualify for this category. Till today he has posted 4271 posts. We will
see after a week/ month how many posts from Vinaire are genuine and how many are just false and were aimed to score some vendetta / sympathy here. I will like to request other members to give these numbers to such posts of Vinaire, if they come to their notice. I will not mind if Vinaire or anyone does such kind of observation in my case also. The results will be very quick and fast , moreover no time will be wasted in reading and replying to Vinaire's non-sense/ mischievous posts which are increasing everyday , but deserves an OBSERVE & IGNORE treatment only. Thanks. P.S.-1. Any Suggestions are most welcome. 2. Kindly also see followings: His propaganda against Hinduism -A chronology ! ! Janaka: Science of the Mind [Re: vinaire] ( Post #23050 - 10/30/02 03:22 PM) If Dianetics "needs about as much licensing and regulation as the application of the science of physics" then why is the Church of Scientology one of the most litigious Churchs in history? Anyone who uses, or even writes about Dianetics or Scientology without the approval of the Church is sued for millions of dollars. They are investigated with PI's and framed for crimes they did not commit. See Paulette Cooper, Gerry Armstrong, Keith Henson, John Atak, et al. The Religious Technology Center ruthlessly protects all the trade marks and service marks of the Church.Was L. Ron Hubbard lying when he said that? Janaka :Science of the Mind [Re: vinaire]( Post #23051 - 10/30/02 03:53 PM) Vinaire wrote: "Many who call Scientology a cult, consider Hinduism to be a cult too. So, you can see where they are coming from." This is another Scientology black public relations technique. Hubbard taught Scientologists to find a person's "buttons" (the things they are most concerned about) and use them to "position" yourself in their favor. Vinaire knows that most here are concerned about Hinduism. So he discredits the person's statement that Scientology is a cult by positioning the person or, generally, "those people"
who criticize Scientology, as also criticizing Hinduism in the same way. This, of course is fraught with logical fallacies. Ad homenim attacks on the person, rather than their statement, is a stock-in-trade of the Scientology PR person. False generalizations that anyone who would criticize Scientology would also criticize Hinduism for the same reasons. Masking "where [critics] are coming from" with the fact that they criticized, rather than on what they actually said. It is important for a Scientologist to speculate on the *intentions* of the speaker, rather than on what the speaker said. If some of you have felt Vinaire's onslaught, then you'll know where it is coming from. His Scientology "PR" training. AKMehta : Science of the Mind [Re: Janaka] ( Post #23055 - 10/30/02 07:44 PM) This observation is very true about Vinaire from my own experiences with him. BTW, he has not yet replied in affirmative or negative to my repeated questions about his official involvement in the Church of Scientology activities. Mashar : Vinaire must be banned soon from this MB(Post #23116 - 11/01/02 06:45 AM) Namaste For long long time we have been told that scientology is this and scientology is that... Even as said in many other posts for years now those who agree with scientology are praised and those who do not are given s-h-i-t. Even if you raise questions about scientology, Vinaire gets offended even by our Namaste or salutations! Many times we have asked him what are his links with Church of Scientology? But we have had no reply. I have found this link and would like to share it with all forum members and leave it to them decide what it the link between pushing scientology on Hindus here and the messenger here. On the following links http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/kent/isc.html http://home.snafu.de/tilman/j/general.html
Here on these links we find __________________________________________________ After evaluating its unsuccessful, eighteen year efforts to establish Scientology in Japan, New Civilizations Chief Vinay Agarwala proposed specific steps to establish a Japanese operation. He recommended that the Guardian Office send a mission to the country in order to determine: Who's running the country? Opinion Leaders and potential allies to align with or avoid. Extent of any squirrel Scn activities [unauthorized groups using Scientology materials] and entheta [hostile information] on Scn [Scientologyl. Political activities/parties who'd influence our actions... (Agarwala, 1981: 7). In resource mobilization language, Scientology was planning to assess the country's elites in an effort to determine who might become constituents or opponents in its anticipated legitimation efforts. The reaction by elites to Scientology's efforts would be influenced partly by the manner in which the group marketed itself within the confines of Japanese culture. Consequently, the evaluation recommended that: Between surveys plus the GO CGuardian Office] Mission, a broad strategy of operation is then [to be] formulated for Japan covering: Do we go religious or Dianetics? Corporate identity of org[anization to be established]. Finance system the org will operate on. Key buttons to use [words, phrases, or ideas that elicit a strong response or reaction~. Key PR moves to make (who to ally, who to help/avoid). The exact dissemination pattern. (Agarwala, 1981: 7) Central, therefore, to Scientology's entry efforts would be a decision about whether it should represent itself as a religion or (presumably) a mental health technique. Indeed, when discussing how to handle the issue of materials translation from English to Japanese, the evaluation indicated that "[e]ven the point of whether to go religious or non-religious has to be covered as it will determine whether the books mention the Church or not and whether they have Church symbols, etc." (Agarwala, 1981: 7). __________________________________________________
If these links are correct and referring to our Vinaire here then we all need to stop for a moment and think is there any hidden agenda/mission here??? A new civilization chief... is he trying to brainwash or sell scientology here??? Manish Ashar AKMehta : VINAIRE, the Chief of NC, Church of Scientology? (Post #23128 11/01/02 08:09 AM) Thanks Mashar for this new discovery. He never responded to my questions about his involvement therefore only. CHOR KI DADHHI MEIN TINKA. For VINAIRE, the Chief of New Civilizations, COS. Hello, Mr. Chief of New Civilizations, Church of Scientology. Are you still holding this assignment or has been promoted / removed from this post? What is yr current title and assignment, since this piece of information was a little old. Your techniques and technology are very CHEAP only, considering yr standing in the COS. BTW, neither Hinduism and nor India is a new Civilization. These are the oldest civilizations therefore you and Yr Scientology has been a mismatch here since the day one. Japan is also not a new civilization. But of course the US is a very new civilization, where you can have some hopes, that foe a little time. Although US is also growing older therefore seeking its proximity with Hinduism now-a-days. BTW, your assignment seems only very interesting: -Who's running the country? -Opinion Leaders and potential allies to align with or avoid. -Key buttons to use [words, phrases, or ideas that elicit a strong response or reaction~. -Key PR moves to make (who to ally, who to help/avoid). My intuition proved exactly right. No Scientologist can be expected to be so sensitive about Scientology/ Hubbard, as you were for all these months, because it was a matter of your profession also. How much money you are getting for making propaganda here on this MB? You people charge fees for everything, therefore I do not think you are here for charity purpose.
Do you remember all those questions of me, when I requested you to declare your association with Church of Scientology specifically? You avoided and ignored those questions always, and for this reason I became more certain about your neck deep involvement with CoS. But yr Scientology could not equip you with this much guts even that you could say boldly that you belong to the Church of Scientology. But there are ways to come out from this mess, provided you have a desire. SHAKUNISM always fails at some point, Naarad/Vidur/ Chankya were also tactful & smart, and they represent Hinduism and not the Shakuni. Your Scientology is based on Shakunism only, it was clear to me from day one, when I went thru the Scientology website on your request and later it become confirmed when all colors of yours unfolded in last one month. Now you can see who is SMART? Is it a Scientology OR the Hinduism? Obviously Hinduism teaches us some such techniques also, by which we can read what is going in your mind, by just sitting thousands of miles away from you in a backward state like Bihar. Now it is up to other members and Moderators of this MB for you to deal with in a manner, which they deem fit. I am happy to see that whatever I expected of you has been now conclusively established. You failed miserably to admit /accept or reject the Truth about your involvement, which has been disclosed and conclusively proved by Manish Ashar now, by sitting in Australia. Best of luck, my dear Vinaire. Kind Attn Moderators : If throwing out of VINAIRE from this MB is not possible due to some reason , then at least you may include this important information in his PERSONAL PROFILE here, so that any new member automatically become aware of his TITLE and strong affinities with the Church of Scientology. You may also put in small letters " Chief NC, COS", just below his title ELDER" at this MB, so that it becomes instantly available with every post sent by him. Janaka : ( Post #23150 - 11/01/02 01:31 PM) I am an ex-Scientologist, having been involved with the cult for over 16 years. So far, I have been able to determine that Vinaire has been involved in Scientology for at least 25-30 years. If he was once the Chief for New Civilizations, then that means that he worked in the very highest levels of the cult internationally. On another forum, he said that he worked closely with L. Ron Hubbard.
It may be that Vinaire is in what is called The Sea Organization, which is the most ruthlessly brainwashed group within Scientology. They sign contracts to work for Scientology for 1 billion years. However, on that other forum, Vinaire said that he had experienced an injustice in the Church and that he was "no longer involved with the Church." I have asked him to elaborate on that, but he has so far refused to tell his story. This makes me very suspicious that his statement is a lie. On the other hand, Vinaire may have pledged to bring Scientology to the Hindu world, and he continues on this project on his own personal quest, very similar to Don Quixote and his quest to vanquish all the windmills in Holland. As an ex-Scientologist, I know the fanaticism that Hubbard injected into each of his followers. And from what I have observed from Vinaire, he was injected with the full dose. I am heartened by the ease with which every single member of this board has seen right through Vinaire and pointed out every single logical fallacy and manipulative rhetorical device that Vinaire has learned from Scientology, and tried to employ on you. His Scientology tactics have not worked at all! This gives me hope that this cult will not achieve its aims of world domination, and the subjugation of all human rights any time soon. If you have any questions about Scientology, I would be happy to answer them. Mashar to Janaka ( Post #23152 - 11/01/02 03:49 PM) Namaste A thief is not born as a thief and that is true. We all did not come here with a message against scientology or Vinaire and please verify that yourself. I became attracted to the forum due to Sri Vinaire postings only and have also been to his websites and read his various articles. But I always had the feeling that he is pushing Scientology among Hindus in a very well planned manner and with a purpose. I am always very happy to appreciate his postings and say that I do not know as much as him. But there is a saying in Sindhi/Hindi Main bhi Ann khata hu, pann nahi. As I also eat food and think for myself, we all can see that Scientology is being forced here.
I do not ask other members to take our words for granted, and please go and explore for yourself SCIENTOLOGY and also ITS OPPOSING VIEWS. You would find that something is terribly wrong. Please can you provide us with more information on this CULT? Namaste Manish Ashar Jai Shree Krshna Janaka : ( Post #23157 - 11/01/02 04:20 PM) I would first provide these websites for you to find out more. 1. www.scientology.org. This is the Church of Scientology's official website. They will give you a good overview of what they say their beliefs are. However, because of the secret levels in Scientology, they will never tell you what their true beliefs are until you pay almost $100,000 or more and reach a state where you are "ready" for the real beliefs to be revealed to you. Without paying, you may see the real beliefs of Scientology outlined here: 2. www.xenu.net This is probably the most comprehensive website ever created on the Church of Scientology. A person could literally spend weeks here absorbing all this information - if one were so inclined. 3. www.gerryarmstrong.org This is a brand new website by a person with a fascinating history. He was L.Ron Hubbard's personal estates manager, and he did work as LRH's biographer. When he was searching through diaries and papers in order to prepare the biography, he found all kinds of evidence that LRH lied about himself, and almost everything he ever did. When he went to his superiors in the Church about this, they threatened him with his life. They have been pursuing him ever since. His site is a fascinating view into the criminal activities of the upper eschelon of Scientology - all documented with original documents and court records. 4. www.ronthewarhero.org A devastatingly factual account of LRH's lies about his own history, through the use of his official naval records. This site was a big reason for my leaving the cult. I began to wake up and see that I had been living a lie while studying and verifying for myself the information here. Go to these resources and see for yourself.
Vinaire now is just like I was. He is not insincere in the least. But he has been taken in with a mindset which does not allow him to see things in a moral or ethical way. Scientology cripples a person's ability to reason. Vinaire should be helped to come out of Scientology so that he can think with his own mind again. I am sure that Hinduism, without Hubbard's lies about it, will be a restorative and therapeutic haven for him once he begins to wake up. I am sure that some of you may help him in that way, too. Vinaire:Who is ramming Scientology down people's throats?( Post #23158 -11/01/02) Some people on this forum appear to be obsessed with Vinaire and Scientology. I think with the precision that I have learned through Scientology. I have mentioned Scientology as a subject complementary to Hinduism, but I have never tried to push Scientology down anybody's throats. Like Hinduism, Scientology also believes in finding the truth for oneself through one's own efforts. The obsession of some participants on this forum is making their imaginations run wild about Vinaire and Scientology. All my posts are on this forum. They can be checked to verify what I am saying. I think it is AmH who started this campaign with Scientology because she disagreed with my statement that the individual is truly the ATMAN. It would be better if we discuss the subject: IS THE INDIVIDUAL TRULY THE ATMAN OR NOT? I would like to see how many Hindus agree with AmH's assertion that she is speaking for all Hindus when she says, ATMAN is just a power supply. ATMAN has nothing to do with the self of the individual. ATMAN is not responsible for the actions of the individual Is AmH speaking for all Hindus as she claims? Vinaire
Mashar to Vinaire ( Post #23159 - 11/01/02 05:17 PM ) Namaste Running abound the bush now!!! Are you a member of Church Of Scientology??? Are you being paid for this job of selling / promoting scientology among Hindus here? Members please take note on how Sri Vinaire in many posts does not answer questions/topics raised and just poses one question out of know where for discussion. Just sit back and think why so many people are saying the same thing and they do not claim to be Brahma Gyani. But why is that so many people over the years have had same opinion?? Manish Ashar Jai Shree Krshna Vinaire to Mashar ( Post #23160/61 - 11/01/02 05:31 PM ) I do not answer questions that are irrelevant? Why should these questions arise in the first place? Please see the revision of my earlier post on this subject explaining the obsession with Vinaire and Scientology. Mashar is operating on false data provided by AKM. He thought that I was mentioning Scientology in every post when in fact it were AmH and AKM who were bringing Scientology up in every post of their own. AKM is on this campaign because he felt slighted when Scientology was mentioned as being complimentary to Hinduism. There may be other reasons that I am not aware of. I think AmH, AKM, GRAMES and MASHAR are reacting this way because their buttons got pushed hard and they didn't like it. I can push their buttons and can get the same reaction any time. They all react to the button EGO. Recently, GRAMES just exploded in response to that button. These are the kind of buttons that are keeping the majority of Hindus in the state they are in. Hindus (or for that matter Muslims and Christians too) can make rapid progress if they can get rid of such buttons and start acting instead of reacting.
Vinaire :Re: Vinaire's CRY # 4 [Re: Janaka] ( Post #23212 - 11/02/02 02:57 AM Janak appears to be very much of a "bihari" like AKM. I know I shall get some interesting response to this button. By the way, I do not consider Shri Nand Kishore Singh ji a "bihari" in this sense of the word. He is from Bihar but he is not a "bihari." Similarly, Janak (ALANZO1) is not from Bihar, but he is a "bihari." "Bihari" is a character trait of sliminess well-known to Indians. Edited by vinaire (11/02/02 04:31 AM) AKMehta :Re: Vinaire's CRY # 4 [Re: vinaire] ( Post #23223 - 11/02/02 04:32 AM) O shameless IDIOT, I am not aware of Janak but I belong to the same place from where you have originated. I feel therefore very sorry for those unfortunate mother and father of yours. But you must not forget that Shri Nand Kishore Singh ji is a pure and 100 % Bihari. AND this noble person is my neighbor also. We have a common boundary wall. Better you return to your sense by giving up your EGO. Otherwise you and your scientology will land into further mess only. AKMehta Re: Vinaire's CRY # 4 [Re: vinaire] ( Post #23224 - 11/02/02 04:39 AM) When this CHELA of HUBBARD saw the BIO-DATA of NKSINGH (IAS) then he panicked and EDITED the message promptly. Now Go to HUBBARD, and ask him, why this "Push-Button Technology" is failing at this Hindunet Forum for last 3 years. Vinaire: AKM's CRY # 5 [Re: AKMehta] ( Post #23229 - 11/02/02 05:53 AM) Dear AKM, Well you are as good a friend as a slimy snake. One simply needs to handle you carefully. I know you prey on the goodness of people and not pray for people.
Many people like keeping snakes as pets. Once your kind is recognized for what it is, it is not much of a danger or threat. I never left the Hindu fold. You are simply not awake enough even to appreciate Hinduism. You are a veritable LIE FACTORY. You cannot be trusted with anything you say. I dont think that even you can trust yourself. You are that miserable a creature. After all you are just a bihari in the worst sense of the word. Sleep well, my friend. AKMehta : Vinaire's CRY # 6 [Re: vinaire] ( Post #23232 - 11/02/02 06:20 AM ) I have sympathies for you. You are taking it as a defeat now. But one day you will realize that I did a great favor to you. Perhaps no one on this earth was going to provide so much time & attention to you, as much I had provided in last one month, because I thought you are like my ELDER BROTHER here for many months. I have no time & sympathy for all that BAKWAS of HUBBARD & his SCIENTOLOGY, but I always had a very genuine concern for you. I don't know - why it was so? The same feelings I observed in at least SoV, Rajsand, Sridatta etc also for you. You may like to identify it as a weakness of WE HINDUS". But it is there in many of us here also. Except some exceptions no one incl me & manish is still hostile to you, when so much revelations have been made here about you. This FORGIVENESS is a very special attribute in Hinduism. We have suffered also because of it, but it is still a part and parcel of Core Hindu philosophies, because Hindus feel responsibility not only towards themselves, but also towards world/others. I never enjoyed all this, because it was all painful only. But I was also duty bound for this unpleasant job. It was a costly affair for me, but even then I pursued it till the logical end, because I am genuinely interested in your welfare also. Now my time to have a long rest has finally arrived, because you have been awakened by me from a deep slumber. I know that you will never forget these lessons learnt from an INTUITIVE HINDU from BIHAR. For advance courses you will have to enroll with Rajsand, Sridatta & Grames at this MB. Every assignment & Role is tailor-made only. You will forget the pain gradually and remember me as a most genuine friend only, this much I know.
Not only me but any aware Hindu can outsmart HUBBARD, if just make a resolve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I never left the Hindu fold. You are simply not awake enough even to appreciate Hinduism. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will always consider you an HINDU only, even if you become the OVERALL CHIEF of CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY even. With best wishes only. Janaka : Vinaire's CRY # 4 [Re: vinaire] (Post #23234 - 11/02/02 07:00 AM ) "Similarly, Janak (ALANZO1) is not from Bihar, but he is a "bihari." "Bihari" is a character trait of sliminess well-known to Indians." Again, Vinaire employs the ad homenim attack - attack the person rather than what the person said. Another kindergarten debate tactic that Hubbard taught him. Vinaire - you are smart enough to see that this tactic has never worked, aren't you? Pick an actual point and make it. Let us see your ability to defend Scientology on its own merits.