#1#2018 Gaber
#1#2018 Gaber
#1#2018 Gaber
Case Reports
Article history Abstract: Most of the numerical studies on stone columns are based on the
Received: 20-12-2017 unit cell concept. However, the impact of interactions between adjacent
Revised: 27-12-2017 columns and between the columns and the surrounding soil has not been
Accepted: 15-01-2018 investigated thoroughly. In this study, the finite element software,
Corresponding Author:
PLAXIS-2D-V8.2, was used to simulate a stone column as a unit cell and
Maryam Gaber as a plane strain model in order to specify the difference between the
Department Civil and Structural performances of each model. The key factors that were investigated
Engineering, Universiti included the diameter and c/c spacing of the stone columns, friction angle
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 of the stone column material and undrained cohesion of the soft soil. The
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia emphasis of this parametric study was on the settlement improvement
Email: mm_gaber@yahoo.com factor and excess pore water pressure, since these are critical to the design
of stone columns. The main findings of this study were that in the plane
strain model, the settlement improvement factor ranged between 2.2 and
3.2, which means that the settlement was improved more than twice.
Meanwhile, in the unit cell concept, the settlement improvement factor did
not exceed 1.53. The results of the settlement improvement were compared
with the theoretical solutions that are commonly used for studies into the
behaviour of stone columns. The unit cell model showed a lower peak
value of excess pore water pressure than the plane strain model.
© 2018 Maryam Gaber, Anuar Kasa, Norinah Abdul-Rahman and Jamal Alsharef. This open access article is distributed
under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
(Elshazly et al., 2008); (iv) the homogenization thickness of each stage are summarized in Table 1. In order
technique, which can be used to model the improved to consider the long- term performance, the modelling was
homogeneous soil with stone columns using the extended to 1000 days after the end of construction.
composite soil parameters (Jellali et al., 2005;
Abdelkrim and Buhan, 2007); and (v) the full 3D model, Generation Modelling and Material Properties
which is the most complex approach to the stone column The construction and consolidation of the
system (Weber et al., 2008). embankment on soft soil was simulated by two different
Compared to an experimental investigation, the constitutive models, the unit cell and plane strain model,
numerical analysis of stone columns is more flexible, as using PLAXIS 2D, where the 2D and 3D models gave
well as efficient in terms of cost and time. The results that were similar to each other, especially on the
understanding of this system has been greatly improved settlement performance and the failure mechanism
due to numerical studies. However, most of the numerical (Ng and Tan, 2015). The 2D-axisymmetric model with
studies adopted the unit cell modelling method, while only 290 (15-node) triangular elements was built with an
a few adopted other approaches such as the plane strain equivalent diameter, (de = 1.13S). Meanwhile, in the
and 3D models. In practice, the plane strain model has plane strain analysis, the representative model consisted
been used to simulate embankment projects on soft soil of 1189 (15-node) triangular elements. Due to the
with a high groundwater level. The current study focused symmetry of both models, only half of the cross-section
on the impact of the selected model on the behaviour of was simulated to save computing time. The phreatic
stone columns by a direct comparison between the unit level was set at 1 m below the top surface. Figure 1
cell and plane strain approaches. shows the cross sections of the two models that were
The unit cell concept is commonly used to design and used in the analysis with a finite element mesh and
evaluate the performance of stone columns (Baumann and boundary conditions. The lateral boundaries of the
Bauer, 1974; Ng and Tan, 2014; Abhijit and Das, 2000). models were closed (impervious), while the drainage
The unit cell model involves a single stone column with boundaries were assumed to be at the ground surface and
an equivalent circular zone of influence. The equivalent at the bottom of model (the excess pore pressure at the
diameters of the stone columns for triangular, square and nodes along the boundaries was set to zero).
hexagonal patterns are 1.05, 1.13 and 1.29 S, After the generation of the initial stress and pore
respectively, where S is the c/c spacing of the columns water pressure, the stone column was modelled by
(Balaam and Booker, 1981). replacing the soft soil element. The Mohr-Coulomb
In the current paper, 2D finite element analysis was failure criterion was adopted for all the material
utilized to simulate a single as well as a group of end- elements. The properties of the soft clay, stone column
bearing stone columns embedded in soft clay soil below and sand for the modelling were taken from the case
an embankment. In addition, the study focused on some studies of Adnan (2014). A drained behaviour was
factors that impacted both the Settlement Improvement assumed for the stone column and the fill material,
Factor (SIF) and excess pore water pressure in the unit whilst the soft clay was assumed to be undrained. The
cell and plane strain models. Moreover, the study tried to input parameters of the Mohr-Coulomb model involved
fill the gap of knowledge about the difference between the stiffness modulus (E), drained cohesion (c), internal
using the unit cell and plane strain approaches in friction angle (φ), dilation angle (ψ), Poisson’s ratio (υ)
numerical models and checked the accuracy of each and unit weight (γ). All these parameters and the
through the results that were obtained. interface strength between the stone column and soft
clay (Rinter) are tabulated in Table 2.
Geometry and Ground Conditions
A consolidation analysis was selected to investigate
The selected problem in this study involved stone the soft soil reinforced with ordinary stone columns.
columns that supported a large embankment with 2:1 This type of analysis should be used to consider the
side slopes. A synopsis of this project that was relevant dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Each
to the current study is described as follows: For the modelling was divided into three major steps: (1)
purpose of ground improvement, columns, with a Initializing the stress field and hydrostatic pore water
diameter of 1 m, were installed in a square grid with a pressure distribution (after the construction of the last
c/c spacing of 2 m between the columns. The 8 m long layer, the calculations were taken until the excess pore
columns were fully penetrating and rested on a firm pressure had dissipated to a residual value of 1 kPa to
stratum to support a 10.5 m high embankment. The determine the final consolidation settlement); (2)
embankment was constructed in stages to allow partial building the embankment in stages; and (3) applying and
dissipation of excess pore water pressure during maintaining the traffic load. The traffic load was
construction. The construction of the embankment was simulated by applying a uniformly distributed load (20
modelled in two stages, where the duration and fill kPa) to the top of the embankment.
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
Fig. 1: Site cross section with geometric characteristics and mesh of embankment project modeled using axisymmetric and plane
strain conditions
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 2: Factors influencing SIF: (a) c/c spacing ratio (S/d); (b) stone column diameter ratio (d/S); (c) friction angle of stone column
material; (d) undrained cohesion of soft clay
Fig. 3: Total displacement distribution with differential settlement calculated at GL (plane strain model)
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
Fig. 4: Total displacement distribution with differential settlement calculated at GL (unit cell model)
Validation of the Results pore water pressure; and (ii) high column stiffness, which
leads to reduced vertical stress on the soil body, thereby
The Priebe method has been used widely for stone reducing the generation of excess pore water pressure.
column ground improvement projects. Priebe (1976) and In this study, the two approaches that were used to
Balaam and Booker (1981) came up with the simulate the stone column behaviour resulted in different
computation for the settlement of a stone column. As can excess pore pressure values at the reference point (C)
be seen in Fig. 2a and 2b, the analytical methods (located 2 m below the water table level (Fig. 1)) for all
indicated similar behaviour with the FEM results. the tested models as this factor requires more attention
However, the plane strain calculation tends to during the design stage. Generally, at the beginning of
overestimate the SIF comparing with the Priebe and each stage of construction, the dissipation of the excess
Ballam methods meanwhile, the derived SIF based on pore water pressure increased suddenly due to an
the unit cell model were much close to theoretical used increase in the embankment loading and each sudden
methods. This result is expected since both of Priebe and increase was followed by a gradual decrease.
Ballam methods were derived based on unit cell concept. Figure 5a shows the simulated excess pore water
Unfortunately, both Priebe and Ballam did not consider pressure with time when S/d = 2. The excess water
all the parameters in this part of the study such as the pressure had peak values of approximately 24.3 and 3.87
undrained cohesion of soft clay. In order to judge the kPa due to the embankment construction and then
results of the numerical analysis, a comparison was dissipated at different rates to nearly zero after 90 days
made with the results of some case histories, as for the plane strain and unit cell models, respectively.
summarized in Table 4. This fast dissipation resulted from the drainage and
stress transfer from the soil to the columns, as noted by
Excess Pore Water Pressure Han and Ye (2001) when they studied the consolidation
Stone columns can significantly accelerate the rate of of the soft soil treated with stone columns.
consolidation of soft clays due to the following two Figure 5b indicates the difference between the
mechanisms: (i) High column permeability, which causes results of the excess pore pressure when a stone
radial drainage resulting in faster dissipation of excess column with a diameter of 0.6 S was used. There was
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
a clear difference in the peak value of the excess d/S = 0.6 at approximately 66 and 110 days based on
pressure and dissipation time. Moreover, the residual the unit cell and plane strain models, respectively
excess pore water pressure was less than 1 kPa when from the start of construction.
Fig. 5: Compression between unit cell and plane strain models factors influencing excess pore water pressure-time curves: (a)
c/c spacing ratio (S/d); (b) stone column diameter ratio (d/S); (c) friction angle of stone column material; (d) undrained
cohesion of soft clay
Maryam Gaber et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, ■■ (■): ■■■.■■■
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.■■■.■■■
When the column had a friction angle of 38°, the Ir. Dr. Anuar Kasa: Is the supervisor and
results of the excess pore water pressure with time were coordinator of the research. He participated in the
plotted as in Fig. 5c in order to make a comparison conceptualisation, coordination and designing of the
between the two models that were used in this study. As research,contributed to the the analysis and
usual, the graph of the excess pore pressure indicated interpretation of results.
that the plane strain model resulted in higher pressure Dr. Norinah Abdul-Rahman: Is the co-supervisor
than the unit cell model. The difference between the of the research. She participated in the conceptualisation
excess pore water pressure of the soft soil at 15 kPa and designing of the research,contributed to the analysis
became less significant in the undrained cohesion state and interpretation of results.
and was about 5 kPa after 60 days (Fig. 5d). The peak Mr. Jamal Alsharef: He participated in the
values of the excess pore pressure for the plane strain modelling and simulation, analysis and interpretaion of
model were higher than those of the unit cell model in the results, drafting of the manuscript.
relation to the measured points and the impact of the
columns and the soil interaction. Ethics
The current article is original and contains
Conclusion unpublished material. The corresponding author confirms
The current paper presented a comparison between that all of the other authors have read and approved this
two different approaches to the simulation of stone manuscript and there are no ethical issues involved.
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