HD 49209
HD 49209
HD 49209
Interferon gamma release assay .
Gamma Interferon,Antigen tube 1.51 IU/mL
Gamma Interferon,Nil tube 0.78 IU/mL
Gamma Intereferon , Antigen-Nil 0.73 IU/mL Negative: < 0.438
• Interferon- gamma release assay (Quantiferon TB) is an in vitro, indirect method for documenting cell mediated immu
ne response using a peptide cocktail of ESAT-6, CFP-10 & TB7.7 protein antigens that are associated with M.
tuberculosis complex infections. The interferon-Gamma released in plasma by the stimulated white cells (effector T
cells) is estimated by ELISA. The assay is thus dependent on host immune status.
• The pooled sensitivity & specificity of the test for diagnosing M. tuberculosis infection in developing countries is 78 to 8
3% & 98 to 100% respectively
1.A positive result favour the persons exposure to M.tuberculosis complex or certain Atypical mycobacteria (M.kansasii,
M,szulgai or M.marinum) & should be followed by further medical and diagnostic evaluation for tuberculosis infection.
IGRA cannot distinguish between latent tuberculosis infection versus tuberculosis disease. Latent TB infection (LTBI) is a
noncommunicable, asymptomatic condition with a positive IGRA or tuberculin skin test but no clinical, radiological or
bacteriological evidence of active disease & can persists for many years. LTBI has a risk to progress to tuberculosis
disease, in about 5-10% of immunocompetent hosts and this risk increases with immunodeficiency. The magnitude of
the measured IFN-g level does not correlate with stage of infection or likelihood for progression to active disease. IGRA
is superior to the tuberculin skin test and it does not give false positive results in BCG vaccinated patients, However,
booster effect leading to false positive result, due to earlier Mantoux test has been reported is some studies.
2. Management decisions for persons with a positive IGRA result should be based on Risk Assessment findings for the
likelihood of M.tuberculosis infection & for progression to tuberculosis disease. IGRA test is not recommended to be
used for monitoring the response to treatment.
3. IGRA test can be negative in recent contacts of TB exposure (8 - 10 week false-negative "window" may exist),
co-morbid conditions impairing immune function such as HIV infection;immunosuppressive drugs (corticosteroids,
TNF-alpha antagonists) ,organ transplantation; hematolymphoid malignancies, Carcinoma in head, neck, or lung;
Diabetes; Silicosis and Chronic renal failure. 4. Interpretation of serial IGRA testing in health care workers with an
increased LTBI risk & working in countries with low and intermediate incidences of TB have inherent challenge of
significant inta-individual variability of the IFN-γ response, hence it is recommended to use a borderline zone from 0.2
to 0.7 IU/ml for the interpretation of repeat IGRA results in these cases.
REFERENCES : • American CDC(2010) & European CDC(2011) guidelines on TB Quantiferon.
• Ringshausen et al.Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 7:6, 2012