Fractional Dynamic Symmetries and The Ground State Properties of Nuclei
Fractional Dynamic Symmetries and The Ground State Properties of Nuclei
Fractional Dynamic Symmetries and The Ground State Properties of Nuclei
Richard Herrmann
GigaHedron, Farnweg 71, D-63225 Langen, Germany
1. Introduction
2. Notation
We will investigate the spectrum of multi dimensional fractional rotation groups for
two different definitions of the fractional derivative, namely the Riemann- and Caputo
fractional derivative. Both types are strongly related.
Starting with the definition of the fractional Riemann integral
Z x
(R I+ f )(x) =
dξ (x − ξ)α−1 f (ξ) x≥0
Γ(α) 0
R I f (x) = Z 0 (3)
α 1 α−1
(R I−
f )(x) = dξ (ξ − x) f (ξ) x<0
Γ(α) x
where Γ(z) denotes the Euler Γ-function, the fractional Riemann derivative is defined
as the product of a fractional integration followed by an ordinary differentiation:
α ∂ 1−α
R ∂x = RI (4)
Fractional dynamic symmetries and the ground state properties of nuclei 3
with structure coefficients R,C fijkl mn . Their explicit form depends on the function set
the fractional angular momentum operators act on and on the fractional derivative
type used.
The Casimir-operators of the fractional rotation group R SOα (3) based on the
Riemann fractional derivative definition have been derived in [26] and for C SOα (3)
based on the Caputo fractional derivative definition are given in [27]. We summarize
the major results:
According to the group chain
α α
R,C SO (3) ⊃ R,C SO (2) (17)
there are two Casimir-operators Λi , namely Λ2 = Lz (α) = L12 (α) and Λ3 = L2 (α) =
L212 (α) + L213 (α) + L223 (α). We introduce the two quantum numbers L and M , which
completely determine the eigenfunctions |LM >. It follows
R,C Lz (α)|LM > = R,C ~ sign(M ) [|M |] |LM > (18)
M = −L, −L + 1, ..., ±0, ..., L
2 2
R,C L (α)|LM > = R,C ~ [L][L + 1] |LM > (19)
L = 0, 1, 2, ...
where |M | denotes the absolute value of M . In addition, on the set of eigenfunctions
|LM >, the parity operator Π is diagonal and has the eigenvalues
Π|LM >= (−1)L |LM > (20)
In figure 1 the eigenvalues of the Casimir-operator L are shown as a function of α.
Only in the case L = 0 the spectra differ for the Riemann- and Caputo derivative.
While for the Caputo derivative
C L (α)|00 >= 0 (21)
because C [0] = 0, using the Riemann derivative for α 6= 1 there is a nonvanishing
2 2 2 Γ(1 + α)
R L (α)|00 >= R ~ [0][1]|00 >= ~ |00 > (22)
Γ(1 − α)
Fractional dynamic symmetries and the ground state properties of nuclei 5
Figure 2. On the left the energy spectrum E(α) from (30) for the spherical
case (31) in units of ~ω0 for the Caputo-Riemann-Riemann symmetric rotor is
presented. The right diagram shows the neutron energy levels for the spherical
nucleus 298
114 X calculated within the framework of the asymmetric two center shell
model (ATCSM) [28] near the ground state as a function of increasing strength
of the spin-orbit term (κ0 κ~l~s) increasing from 50% to 100% of the recommended
κ value, while the µl2 value is kept constant. The transition from magic numbers
of the standard 3-dimensional harmonic oscillator levels (34) to the shifted set of
magic numbers (37) is pointed out with thick lines. Left and right figure therefore
show a similar behaviour for the energy levels.
From figure 2 it follows, that for α < 1/2 the second set nmagic 2 of energy levels
falls off more rapidly than the levels of set nmagic 1 . As a consequence for decreasing
α the magic numbers nmagic 1 die out successively. On the other hand, for α > 1/2
the same effect causes the magic numbers nmagic 1 to survive.
We want to emphasize, that the described behaviour for the energy levels in
the region α < 1/2 may be directly compared to the influence of a ls-term in
phenomenological shell models. As an example, on the right hand side of figure 2
a sequence of neutron levels for the superheavy element 298 114 X calculated with the
asymmetric two center shell model (ATCSM) [28] with increasing strength of the ls-
term from 50% to 100% is plotted. It shows, that the n = 168 gap breaks down at
about 70% and the n = 112 gap at about 90% of the recommended κ-value for the ls-
term. This corresponds to an α ≈ 0.46 value, since in the Caputo-Riemann-Riemann
symmetric rotor the n = 168 gap breaks down at α = 0.466, the n = 112 gap at
α = 0.460 and the n = 70 gap vanishes at α = 0.453.
We conclude, that the Caputo-Riemann-Riemann symmetric rotor predicts a well
defined set of magic numbers. This set is a direct consequence of the underlying
dynamic symmetries of the three fractional rotation groups involved. It is indeed
remarkable, that the same set of magic numbers is realized in nature as magic proton
and neutron numbers.
In the next section we will demonstrate, that the proposed analytical model is an
appropriate tool to describe the ground state properties of nuclei.
Figure 3. As a test of the plateau condition ∂U/∂γ = 0 for the Strutinsky shell
correction method, the total shell correction energy δU = δUP + δUN is plotted
as a function of γ for different nuclei.
where A is the nucleon number, aR is the curvature parameter given in [MeV] and the
relative curvature energy BR (Q) given as:
16/3 199 − 288 log(2)
BR (Q) = 9 Q (45)
(2 + Q2 )(266 − 67Q2 + 96(Q2 − 4) log(2))
which is normalized relative to a sphere BR (Q = 1) = 1.
Therefore the total energy may be splitted into
Etot = Emac + Emic (46)
Emac (a0 , aR ) = FRLDM(a0 , Q = 1) + VR (Q = 1, aR ) (47)
Emic (a0 , aR , Q) = + δU + δP + FRLDM(a0 , Q) + VR (Q, aR )
− (FRLDM(a0 , Q = 1) + VR (Q = 1, aR )) (48)
with two free parameters a0 , aR , which will be used for a least square fit with the
experimental data.
For calculation of the shell corrections we use the Strutinsky method [29],[30].
Since we expect that the shell corrections are the dominant contribution to the
microscopic energy, for a first comparison with experimental data we will neglect
the pairing energy term.
In order to calculate the shell corrections, we introduce the following parameters:
~ω0 = 38A− 3 [M eV ] (49)
− 13
ω1 = ω0 Q (50)
ω2 = ω1 (51)
ω3 = ω0 Q 3 (52)
0.46 + 0.000220 Z
Z > 50
αZ = 0.2469 + 0.00448 Z 28 < Z ≤ 50 (53)
0.2793 + 0.00332 Z Z ≤ 28
0.41 + 0.000200 N
N > 50
αN = 0.3118 + 0.00216 N 28 < N ≤ 50 (54)
0.2793 + 0.00332 N N ≤ 28
Fractional dynamic symmetries and the ground state properties of nuclei 9
In figure 4 we compare the calculated δU values with the tabulated Emic , which
is justified for almost spherical shapes (2 ≈ 0). The results agree very well within the
expected errors (which are estimated ≈ 2 [M eV ] for the pairing energy and 0.5 [M eV ]
for Emic ), especially in the region of experimentally known nuclei.
A remarkable difference between the calculated shell correction and tabulated
Emic from Möller occurs for superheavy elements (N = 184, last picture in figure
4). While phenomenological shell models predict a pronounced minimum in the shell
correction energy for Z = 114 [33]-[37] the situation is quite different for the rotor
model, where two magic shell closures at Z = 112 and Z = 126 are given, but the
Z = 112 shell closure is not strong enough to produce a local minimum in the shell
correction energy plot as a function of Z. Instead, between Z = 112 and Z = 126,
Fractional dynamic symmetries and the ground state properties of nuclei 11
there emerges a slightly falling energy plateau, which makes the full region promising
candidates for stable, long-lived superheavy elements.
While this result contradicts predictions made with phenomenological shell
models, it supports recent results obtained with relativistic mean field models [7],
which predict a similar behaviour in the region of super heavy elements as the proposed
rotor model.
In figure 5 we have covered the complete region of available experimental data
for nuclids and compare the calculated theoretical microscopic energy contribution
minimized with respect to the deformation with the experimental values. The influence
of shell closures is very clear. The rms-error is about 2.4[MeV]. The maximum
deviation occures between closed magic shells. Therefore in the next section we will
introduce a generalization of the proposed fractional rotor model, which not only
determines the magic numbers accurately but in addition determines the fine structure
of the single particle spectrum correctly.
Figure 6. For α = 1/2, on the left side the level spectrum for the extended
Caputo-Riemann-Riemann symmetric rotor (62) is plotted as a function of the
fractional magnetic field strength B. The levels are labeled according to the
corresponding [N ljz ] Nilsson scheme and the multiplicity is given. For α = 0.48
the resulting level sequence near N ≈ 126 is plotted on the right. At B ≈ 0.25
the resulting spectrum coincides with the corresponding spherical Nilsson level
spectrum. Brackets indicate the proposed appropriate combinations of rotor
field B acts on the subset nmagic 1 . For B ≈ 0.25 the spectrum may be directly
compared with the spherical Nilsson level scheme, which is given for neutrons between
82 ≤ N ≤ 126 as 2f 27 , 1h 92 , 1i 13 3 5 1
2 , 3p 2 , 2f 2 , 3p 2 , see e.g. results of [39], which
corresponds to a sequence of sub-shells at 90, 100, 114, 118, 124, 126. This sequence is
correctly reproduced with the extended Caputo-Riemann-Riemann symmetric rotor.
With the parameter set, which is obtained by a fit with the experimental masses
of Ca-, Sn- and Pb-isotopes
~ω0 = 28A− 3 [M eV ] (65)
0.480 + 0.00022 Z Z > 50
αZ = (66)
0.324 + 0.00332 Z Z ≤ 50
Fractional dynamic symmetries and the ground state properties of nuclei 14
0.446 + 0.00022 N N > 29
αN = (67)
0.356 + 0.00332 N N ≤ 29
B = 0.27 (68)
the experimental masses are reproduced with an rms-error of 1.7[MeV]. Results are
given in figure 7.
The deformation parameters, obtained by minimization of the total energy, are to
a large extend consistent with values given in [31] e.g. for 264 Hs108 we obtain 2 = 0.22,
which conforms with Möller‘s (2 = 0.2) and Rutz‘s results [8]. However, there occur
discrepancies mostly for exotic nuclei. For example our calculations determine the
nucleus 42 Si to be almost spherical, while Möller predicts a definitely oblate shape.
Finally, defining a nucleus with 2 > 0.05 as prolate and with 2 < −0.05 as oblate
the amount of prolate shapes is about 74% of all deformed nuclei. This is close to the
value of 82% [40], obtained with the Nilsson model using the standard parameters.
Summarizing the results presented, the proposed extended Caputo-Riemann-
Riemann symmetric rotor describes the ground state properties of nuclei with
reasonable accuracy. We have demonstrated, that the nuclear shell structure may
indeed be successfully described on the basis of a dynamical symmetry model.
The advantages of this model, compared to phenomenological shell and relativistic
mean field models respectively are obvious:
Magic numbers are predicted, they are not the result of a fit with a
phenomenological ls-term. There are no potential-terms or parametrized Skyrme-
forces involved and finally, all results may be calculated analytically.
The results obtained encourage further investigations in this field. The next
steps should include the pairing energy term and parameters should be determined
by a more sophisticated fit procedure. With these additional contributions the model
will most probably describe nuclear properties with at least similar accuracy as the
models currently used.
6. Conclusion
Based on the Riemann- and Caputo definition of the fractional derivative we used
the fractional extensions of the standard rotation group SO(3) to construct a higher
dimensional representation of a fractional rotation group with mixed derivative types.
We obtained an extended symmetric rotor model, which predicts the sequence of
magic proton and neutron numbers accurately. Furthermore we have shown, that the
ground state properties of nuclei can be reproduced correctly within the framework of
this model.
Hence we have demonstrated, that a dynamic symmetry, generated by mixed
fractional type rotation groups is indeed realized in nature.
7. Acknowledgment
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