Quantum Information Entropies For A Soliton at Hyperbolic Well
Quantum Information Entropies For A Soliton at Hyperbolic Well
Quantum Information Entropies For A Soliton at Hyperbolic Well
F. C. E. Lima1, ∗
1 Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC),
Departamento do Fı́sica - Campus do Pici,
Fortaleza, CE, C. P. 6030, 60455-760, Brazil.
mass are calculated. To investigate the concept of Shannon and Fisher entropies of
the solitonic mass distribution subject to the hyperbolic potential, it is necessary to
obtain the analytic solutions at position and momentum space. For the Hamiltonian
operator to be Hermitian, we consider the stationary Schrödinger equation ordered
by Zhu-Kroemer. This ordering is known to describe abrupt heterojunctions in
semiconductor materials.
E-mail: cleiton.estevao@fisica.ufc.br
In quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation was initially treated considering physical
systems with constant effective mass [1, 2]. Theoretical advances in solid-state physics have
unleashed a new problem, i. e., the existence of non-relativistic particles that behave like
a position-dependent effective mass [3–5]. Later, the discussion of the concept of position-
dependent mass (PDM) in a relativistic scenario was accomplished in Refs. [6–8]. The fact
is that the concept of position-dependent effective mass has attracted the interest of many
researchers, this is due to its applications, see f. e. Refs. [9–13].
A feature of the PDM concept is that it becomes ambiguous in the non-relativistic quan-
tum regime. Nonetheless, they are very important to describe some problems, such as, the
study of electronic properties of semiconductor heterostructures [4], harmonic oscillators
[12], impurities in crystals [14], some applications related to hermiticity from the Hamilto-
nian operator [15], to atomic and molecular physics [16], to supersymmetry [17], particle
dynamics in crystal structures [18], among others.
The ambiguity of the kinetic energy operator (KEO) in non-relativistic models with PDM
was discussed in Ref. [6]. The fact is that there is no agreement on the most appropriate way
to order the KEO. Despite several literary discussions, several researchers and supporters of
the concept of PDM propose that the most appropriate way to organize the KEO is
~2 ~ r)β ∇m(~
~ r)γ + m(~r)γ ∇m(~
~ r)α ∇m(~
~ r)β ],
T̂ = − [m(~r)α ∇m(~ (1)
where α, β, and γ are the parameters of von Roos (1983) [3], such that α + β + γ = −1. The
four most popular proposals in the literature are: BenDaniel-Duke (1966) [19], Gora-Willian
(1969) [20], Zhu-Kroemer (1983) [21] and Li-Kuhn (1993) [22].
Together with the advance of the concept of PDM, arise the theory of communication
(or information theory), proposed by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 [23]. The construction of
the concept of Shannon’s entropy arises inside of a framework of the mathematical theory
of communication [24]. This concept can be considered a section of probability theory that
studies communication systems [25], cryptography [26], and noise theory [27]. In the quan-
tum scenario, the interpretation of the Shannon entropy in the position space Sx is related
to measuring the uncertainty of the particle location at position space [28, 29]. Meanwhile,
the Shannon entropy at reciprocal space Sp is related to the uncertainty measurement of
the particle’s momentum. In this way, the Shannon entropy [23] is presented in quantum
mechanics as a new formalism for the uncertainty measures of the particle’s positions and
Another interesting element from communication theory and a precursor of the Shannon
entropy is the Fisher information (or Fisher entropy) [30]. In the quantum context, Fisher
information is intrinsically related to the uncertainty of a measurement, see Refs. [31–33].
In other words, Fisher’s information is a way of measuring the amount of information that
certain observable carries concerning a parameter with an intrinsic probability related [30].
In this work, we are interested in the calculation of quantum information entropies for a
position-dependent mass (solitonic mass) and subject to a deformable hyperbolic potential
(hyperbolic well) with KEO of Zhu-Kroemer. It is important to mention that some studies
have already been carried out using this mass profile and with the kinetic energy operator
proposed by BenDaniel and Duke, see Ref. [34]. Throughout the work, the influence of the
mass distribution in the system is discussed, the entropic quantities and the measurement
uncertainties of the model are studied.
The work is organized as follows: In Sec. II, the one-dimensional PDM problem ordered
by Zhu-Kroemer is discussed. In Sec III, some basic concepts about Shannon entropy are
presented. Afterward, the calculate of the Shannon entropy is performed. In Sec. IV, the
concept and results of the Fisher information of the model are demonstrated. Finally, in
Sec. V we discuss our findings.
Throughout this section, we study the analytical solutions of a solitonic mass distribution,
i. e., a position-dependent mass with a soliton-like mass profile, namely,
where m0 is the asymptotic mass of the system when x → 0 and a is a parameter that
adjusts the dimension of the hyperbolic secant argument and controls the width of the mass
Here it is interesting to mention that the solitons are structures that have drawn attention
in several areas of physics from solid-state physics [35, 36] to field theories [37]. These
structures arise in a nonlinear theory, keeps their shape unchanged when interacts with
another soliton, and have finite energy. The soliton mass distribution has the form of eq.
(2) (for more details about the solitons, see Ref. [37]). The plot representation of the mass
distribution investigated is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Solitonic mass distribution for several values of parameter a and m0 constant.
where the expression (5) represents a confining potential, to appropriate values of V0 and
V1 . For convenience, let us restrict our study to the case of the positive values of V0 and V1 ,
i. e., the case of a hyperbolic quantum well. Depending on the values of these parameters,
the well transforms into a barrier.
Constructing a theory that the Hamiltonian is Hermitian, and considering that mass
distribution describes an abrupt heterojunction of a material, as discussed in Ref. [21], let
us order the KEO of Schrödinger’s theory as
~2 1 d2 1
T̂ = − , (6)
2 m(x) dx m(x)1/2
1/2 2
The expression (7) was proposed by Zhu and Kroemer [21] to describe a mass distribution
in an abrupt heterojunction.
It is essential to remember that in an abrupt junction of two materials, a particle restricted
to the periodic potential, the wave function must respect the condition
1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
= , (8)
m∗L ∂x x→x+ m∗R ∂x x→x+
where xj is the position of the well (or your wall). The subscripts L and R respectively
indicate the left and right limits having the location of the wall, see Refs. [19, 38]. In
fact, Eq. (8) is known as the BenDaniel-Duke boundary condition. In the case of an abrupt
heterojunction described by a Hamiltonian with Zhu-Kromer ordering (Eq. (7)), a boundary
condition analogous to the BenDaniel-Duke problem is
1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
p ∗ =p ∗ . (9)
mL ∂x x→x+
mR ∂x x→x+
This condition of the derivatives of the wave function in a system with effective mass distri-
bution guarantees the conservation of the current density of our [39, 40] system. Here, we
advance that the solutions discussed in the future respect this boundary condition (9). The
case (9) is valid for every case in which a bond chain produces bands described by the theory
of effective mass at low energies. In truth, this condition can be appropriate to construct
the wave functions of tight-binding through the junction between regions with effective mass
Allow us to make a small connection between the Zhu-Kroemer ordered model and the
ordinary Schrödinger theory. Let us start by considering the operator kinetic energy, i. e.,
~2 1 d2 1
T̂ = − , (10)
2 m(x) dx m(x)1/2
1/2 2
Therefore, the stationary Schrödinger equation (7) for a position-dependent mass ordered
by Zhu-Kroemer is
~2 1 d2 1
− ψ(x) + V (x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x), (12)
2 m(x) dx m(x)1/2
1/2 2
i. e.,
0 2 00 0
~2 d2 ψ(x) ~2 m (x) dψ(x) ~ m (x) 3~2 m (x)2
− + + − + V (x) ψ(x) = Eψ(x). (13)
2m(x) dx2 2 m(x)2 dx 4 m(x)2 8 m(x)3
For convenience, the variable change ψ(x) = m(x)Θ(x) is considered in Eq. (13). In
this way, Eq. (13) is rewritten as
~2 d2 Θ(x)
− + V (x)Θ(x) = EΘ(x), (14)
2m(x) dx2
where the equation (14) is similar to Schrödinger equation for constant mass. Therefore,
here we can conclude that the effective potential due to the spatial distribution of mass is
equivalent to the ordinary potential of the system in the space of Θ(x). In truth, this is
the great advantage of using the Zhu-Kroemer ordering [21]. Despite the BenDaniel-Duke
ordering [19] being more used, it produces an effective potential due to the mass distribution
making the problem more complex. Meanwhile, the effective potential of the Zhu-Kroemer
model in the transformed space (i. e., the Schrödinger equation with PDM for Θ) is the
trivial case of the Schrödinger equation with position-dependent mass.
For the solitonic mass distribution (2) and the hyperbolic potential (5) with the positive
parameters V0 and V1 , we have that the equation that describes our theory is
1 d2 Θ(x)
+ [δ − α sinh2 (x) − β cosh2 (x)]Θ(x) = 0, (15)
sech2 (x) dx2
i. e.,
d2 Θ(x)
+ [δ sech2 (x) − α tanh2 (x) − β]Θ(x) = 0, (16)
In fact, perceive that the Schrödinger equation ordered by Zhu and Kroemer [21] with mass
the solitonic mass distribution m(x) leads to an eigenvalue problem with a Poschl-Teller-like
potential, see Ref. [41].
Figure 3: Plot of potential V (x) = V0 sinh2 (x) + V1 cosh2 (x) with V0 and V1 positive.
d2 Θ(x)
+ [(δ + α) sech2 (x) − (α + β)]Θ(x) = 0. (18)
so that
d2 Θ(z)
2 dΘ(z) α+β
(1 − z ) − 2z + δ+α− Θ(z) = 0. (20)
dz 2 dz 1 − z2
Equations that are written in the form:
d2 L(y)
2 dL(y) κ
(1 − y ) 2
− 2y + s(s + 1) − L(y) = 0, (21)
dy dy 1 − y2
are known as the associated Legendre equation. Its solutions are the associated Legendre
functions, i. e.,
(1) 1 1+y 1−y
L (y) = 2 F1 − s, s + 1; 1 − κ; , (22)
Γ(1 − κ) 1 − y 2
π Γ(s + κ + 1) (1 − y 2 )κ/2
(2) s+κ+1 s+κ+2 3 1
L (y) = s+1 2 F1 , ;s + ; 2 . (23)
2 Γ(s + 3/2) y s+κ+1 2 2 2 y
Comparing to Eq. (21) with (20) it is observed that
1 1p
s= − 1 + 4(δ + α), and κ2 = α + β. (24)
2 2
Therefore, the stationary solutions of the model are given by
(1) 1 1+z 1−z
Θ (z) = 2 F1 − s, s + 1; 1 − κ; , (25)
Γ(1 − κ) 1 − z 2
π Γ(s + κ + 1) (1 − z 2 )κ/2
(2) s+κ+1 s+κ+2 3 1
Θ (z) = s+1 2 F1 , ;s + ; 2 . (26)
2 Γ(s + 3/2) z s+κ+1 2 2 2 z
By rewriting the solutions in terms of ψ(x), we have that
(1) sech(ax) 1 + tanh(ax) 1 − tanh(ax)
ψ (x) =A 2 F1 − s, s + 1; 1 − κ; , (27)
Γ(1 − κ) 1 − tanh(ax) 2
(2) π Γ(s + κ + 1) (1 − tanh2 (ax))κ/2
ψ (x) =B s+1 ×
2 Γ(s + 3/2) tanh(x)s+κ+1
s+κ+1 s+κ+2 3 1
2 F1 , ;s + ; , (28)
2 2 2 tanh2 (ax)
with A and B system normalization constants.
For wave functions to be physically acceptable, normalization of the eigenfunctions is
required. To preserve the normalization, ψ (2) (x) is disregarded, as this function tends to
diverge at the origin of the system. Similarly, for that te wave function ψ (1) (x) conserve the
system normalization, it is required that
1 − tanh(ax)
lim 2 F1 − s, s + 1; 1 − κ; = 0, (29)
x→±∞ 2
|κ| ≤ n, (31)
with κ interger.
The Eq. (30) leads directly to the quantization of energy in the system, i. e.,
a2 ~ 2
En = n(n + 1) − V0 , with n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (32)
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Probability densities of solitonic mass distribution when subjected to hyperbolic potential.
where Eq. (34) describes the probability of finding the particle in the state Ψ(x, t) between
the spatial interval x and x + dx [46]. The quantity |Ψ(x, t)|2 is the probability density of
the system in (1 + 1)D [47]. For a probability density of a continuous system in position
where Z ∞
Φn (p) = √ ψn (x)e−ipx dx. (37)
2π −∞
Shannon entropy plays an important role in the Heisenberg uncertainty measure
[2, 28, 29]. The relation of entropic uncertainty related to position and momentum was
initially obtained by Beckner (1975) [45], Bialynicki-Birula and Mycielski (1975) [48]. The
uncertainty relation is
Sxn + Spn ≥ D(1 + ln π), (38)
Indeed, to calculate the Shannon Entropy, the Eq. (39) is expanded to the first energy
levels, and the investigation of the eigenfunctions in the reciprocal space is performed. The
eigenfunctions at position and momentum space are shown in table I. The plots of the real
eigenfunctions at momentum space and the probability densities of the system are exhibited
in Fig. 6.
Figure 6: Plots of eigenfunctions in reciprocal space for the first energy levels, i. e., n = 1, 2, and
The numerical study of the Shannon entropy was carried out considering the eigenfunc-
tions at position and momentum space, as well as the definition of the Shannon entropy,
i. e., Eqs. (35) and (36). The numerical result of the Shannon entropy is presented in the
table II.
Analyzing the Shannon entropy results (see table II), we observe that it tends to decrease
in the position space as the width of the mass distribution increases. Meanwhile, Shannon
entropy increases in momentum space as the width of the mass distribution increases. An
interesting result arises in the model, i. e., the quantity Sx + Sp is a constant independent of
the width of the spatial distribution of mass (this occurs in all eigenstates of this system).
Further physical interpretations of this result, will be discussed in the final remarks.
Communication theory has been studied in several areas of research [49–53], including
quantum mechanics [54, 55]. In the quantum regime, information theory seeks to describe
and make use of the different possibilities for processing and communicating information in
a quantum-mechanical system [56, 57]. The fact that the properties of quantum systems
differ from classical objects offers an opportunity for new communication protocols.
The Fisher information concept was introduced in 1925 [30], its basic properties are not
yet fully known. Despite its early origins in 1925, the most relevant contributions of Fisher’s
information theory emerged around 1980 [58]. As discussed in Ref. [59], it is interesting to
note that the KEO in quantum mechanics can be considered as a measure of the distribution
of information.
Fisher’s information has reached a prominent position in several areas, for example, using
Fisher’s minimum information principle, is obtained non-relativistic quantum mechanics
equations [60, 61], i. e., the time-independent Kohn-Sham, and the time-dependent Euler
equations [62]. One application that has drawn the attention of researchers in the study of
the Fisher information for systems with PDM [56], is due to the large applications of the
concept of PDM in quantum mechanics, see f. e. Refs. [6–8].
Fisher’s information for an ξ observable is defined (see Ref. [56]) as
∞ 2 Z ∞ 0
[ρ (ξ)]2
Fξ = ρ(ξ) ln |ρ(ξ)| dξ = dξ > 0. (41)
−∞ dξ −∞ ρ(ξ)
To calculate Fisher’s information for an observable ξ with probability density |Ψ(ξ, t)|2 ,
we have 2
Z ∞
2 d 2
Fξ = |Ψ(ξ, t)| ln(|Ψ(ξ, t)| ) dξ > 0, (42)
−∞ dξ
where for one-dimensional stationary quantum systems, at position space, ρ(ξ) = |Ψ(ξ, t)|2 '
|ψ(ξ)|2 is the probability density.
Meanwhile, Fisher’s information at reciprocal space is given by
Z ∞ 2
n 2 d 2
Fp = |Ψ(p, t)| ln(|Ψ(p, t)| ) dp > 0. (43)
−∞ dp
To perform the Fisher information calculation, let us consider again the eigenfunctions
(37) (or the eigenfunctions of the first energy eigenstates of the model, see Table I) and
rewrite the definition of the Fisher information (39) at both spaces, as follows:
Z ∞ Z ∞ 0 0
ψn (x) ψn∗ (x)
n ∗0
Fx = 4 ψn (x)ψn (x)dx + − ∗ |ψ(x)|2 dx > 0, (44)
−∞ −∞ ψ n (x) ψ n (x)
Z ∞ Z ∞ 0 ∗0
n ∗0 Φ n (p) Φ n (p)
Fp = 4 Φn (p)Φn (p)dp + − ∗ |Φ(p)|2 dp > 0. (45)
−∞ −∞ Φ n (p) Φ n (p)
Let us also remember that the standard deviation of the position and momentum measures
is given respectively by,
where hxi, hx2 i, hpi, and hp2 i are the expected values of x, x2 , p and p2 , see Refs. [2, 47].
Using the definitions of Fisher’s information presented in Eqs. (44) and (45) and the
definitions of the standard deviation shown in Eq. (46), the result of the relations uncertainty
and fisher information measure are obtained and presented in Table III.
With the obtained results, we note the existence of an “information propagation” for the
solitonic mass distribution when subjected to the confining potential V (x) = V0 sinh2 (x) +
V1 cosh2 (x). We observe that the Fisher information tends to increase with the width of the
mass distribution, i. e., at position space the information increases proportionally to the
term of a2 . On the other hand, the information tends to decrease with the width of the
mass distribution, i. e., it decreases with a factor proportional to the a−2 at momentum
space. Finally, with the results of standard deviation, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
was investigated, as a consequence, the following relations were obtained
Fx Fp ≥ 4~2 . (48)
Finally, the plots of Fisher information as a function of the width of the mass distribution
are shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
Table III: Results for the uncertainty relation and Fisher information measure.
nκa Fxnκ Fpnκ σx2 σp2
In this work, Shannon entropy and Fisher information for a solitonic mass distri-
bution were investigated. The analytical solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equa-
tion with position-dependent mass when subjected to the hyperbolic potential V (x) =
V0 sinh2 (x) + V1 cosh2 (x) (with V0 and V1 positive) were investigated. It was shown that
the wave eigenfunctions for the solitonic mass ordered by Zhu-Kroemer is described by the
Figure 7: Plots of the Fisher information as function of the width of the mass distribution at
position space.
Figure 8: Plots of the Fisher information as function of the width of the mass distribution at
momentum space.
(Sx + Sp ) = 0. (49)
In other words, the expected value of the information contained in each wave packet tends
to increase significantly as the solitonic mass distribution tends to become more localized.
This result is a consequence of the symmetry of the mass distribution used. In fact, the
amount Sx +Sp becomes constant because when the parameter a increases, i. e. the width of
the mass distribution increases, the uncertainty in position measurements increases. How-
ever, in the reciprocal space, when the parameter a increases, the effective mass becomes
more localized, decreasing the uncertainties of measurements of the momentum. Further-
more, for each state, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is constant. Therefore, the con-
stancy of the amount Sx + Sp in Eq. (49) is a consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty
By investigating Fisher’s information, we observe that the information tends to increase
proportionally to the factor a2 (width of the mass distribution) at position space. In contrast,
Fisher’s information decreases with the factor a−2 at momentum space. An interesting result
of the model emerged when we noticed that Fisher’s information for our model is related to
the uncertainties of position and momentum, namely, Fx = 4σp2 and Fp = 4σx2 . It was also
possible to conclude that for more localized mass distribution, the greater the transmitted
information, i. e., the greater the position uncertainty, the smaller the model’s momentum
Finally, we note that
lim sech2 (ax) · V (x) → 0, (50)
i. e., the mass distribution seems to have a dominant characteristic in the system. Therefore,
the results presented here can be reproduced as long as the condition (50) is preserved.
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