Jpitv02i02p2332 8
Jpitv02i02p2332 8
Jpitv02i02p2332 8
Design Self-Tuning Fuzzy PID Control System for BLDC Motor Speed
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Fuzzy controller Positive Big (PB). These fuzzy control rules were
Fuzzy logic control (FLC) is a control algorithm framed to attain the finest performance of fuzzy
based on a linguistic control strategy, which is logic controller [16]. So that there are at most 49
derived from expert knowledge into an automatic fuzzy rule. The set of rules were assigned as shown
control strategy. Fuzzy sets were described using in below tables and the basic structure of fuzzy
following linguistic labels Negative Big (NB), control system is shown in figure (2).
Negative Medium (NM), Negative Small (NS), Zero
(Z), Positive Small (PS), Positive Medium (PM), and
J . P r a c t i c a l I T , 2 0 2 1 ; 2 ( 2 ) : 2 3 - 3 2 |25
Self-tuning fuzzy PID controller reference point [17]. The traditional PID control
Fuzzy PID controllers are classified into two types: method has no steady state error and it is easy to
the direct action fuzzy control and the fuzzy implement, so it has been widely used in many
supervisory control. Tuning the parameters of a fields. But the speed control system of brushless
PID controller is very important in PID control. DC motor is a complex nonlinear system, the
Ziegler and Nichols proposed the well-known requirements to the control parameters change
method to tune the coefficients of a PID controller along with the system state, so it is difficult to use
and improve the performance by optimization the traditional PID control. The fuzzy controller has an
PID parameters using different optimization advantage in dynamic performance than the
techniques but cannot guarantee to be always traditional PID controller, but it has the steady
effective [8]. For this reason, this paper state error. The fuzzy-PID control combines the
investigates the design of self-tuning for a PID fuzzy control with the traditional PID control, it
controller. The controller includes two parts: takes advantages of excellent dynamic
conventional PID controller and fuzzy logic control performance of fuzzy control and the excellent
(FLC) part, which has self-tuning. The static performance of traditional PID control, so it
proportional, integral and derivate (KP, KI and KD) can obtain a better control effect [18]. The
are the gains of PID controller which, tuned online structure fuzzy self-tuning PID controller of is
to force the system to follow the specified shown in figure (3) [19].
The transfer function of the BLDC motor is defined fuzzyPID control separately, the proposed
as follows: simulation model of speed-loop of self-tuning fuzzy
PID control is shown in figure (5) [21-24].
G(s) = 1 / S3 + 3 S2 + 2 S (4)
For comparison, the speed control system is
operated in conventional PID and self-tuning
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Figure 6: Membership functions of KP output.
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