Speed Control of DC Motor Using Particle Swarm Opt
Speed Control of DC Motor Using Particle Swarm Opt
Speed Control of DC Motor Using Particle Swarm Opt
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Abstract-The objective of this work is to design a speed problems and a comprehensive view of applications of ABC
controller of a DC motor by finding of PID and FOPID can be found in [1]. The main advantage of PSO over other
parameters using bio-inspired optimization technique of swarm intelligent methods is its simplicity in
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Here, model of a DC implementation, followed by a well-organized exploitation
motor is considered as a second order system for speed control.
In this work bio-inspired optimization technique in controllers
and exploration phases. These characteristics enabled ABC
and their advantages over conventional methods is discussed to be a superior contender among various evolutionary or
using MATLAB/Simulink. This proposed optimization swarm algorithms. In our current research, ABC has been
methods could be applied for higher order system also to chosen as optimization algorithm for finding the optimal
provide better system performance with minimum errors. The parametric gains of FOPID controller. The design method
main aim is to apply PSO technique to design and tune focuses on minimization of time domain based objective
parameters of PID controller to get an output with better function. In parallel we also designed optimal PID controller
dynamic and static performance. The application of PSO to the and analysis was made for both PID and FOPID controllers
PID and FOPID controller imparts it the ability of tuning itself in terms of time domain indices and also via frequency
automatically in an on-line process while the application of
domain stability.
optimization algorithm to the PID controller makes it to give
an optimum output by searching for the best set of solutions The significance of fractional order control is that it is a
for the PID and FOPID parameters. generalization of conventional integral order control theory,
which could lead to much adequate modeling and more
robust control performance. The advantages of fractional
Keywords: - Particle Swarm Optimization; PID controller,
FOPID controller; Parameter tuning. order control in modeling and control design motivated
renewed interest in various applications of fractional order
control [6].Some MATLAB tools of the fractional order
dynamic system modeling, control and filtering can be
Because of to the excellent speed control behavior of a DC found in [7]. Reference [8] gives a fractional order PID
motor, it has been widely used in industry, in spite of its controller by minimizing the integral of the error squares.
maintenance costs are higher than the induction motor. As a
Some numerical examples of the fractional order were
result, researchers have paid attention to position control of
DC motor and founded several methods to control speed of presented in [9]. In reference [10], a controller was designed
such motors. Proportional–Integral-Derivative (PID) to ensure that the closed-loop system is robust to gain
controllers have been widely used for speed and position variations and the step responses exhibit aniso-damping
control. In a FOPID controller, apart from the proportional property. For speed control of two-inertia systems, some
(KP), Integral (KI) and derivative (KD) constants, there are experimental results were presented in [11] by using a
two more constants i.e, order of derivative (µ) and order of fractional order PIαD controller. A comparative introduction
integral (λ). Hence, designing an optimum FOPID
of four fractional order controllers can be foundin [12].
controller requires fine tuning of parametric gains {KP, KI,
KD, λ, µ}, which in return calls for real parameter
optimization in five-dimensional hyperspace. To carry out The concept of FOPID controllers was proposed by
this optimization task, we chose a recently evolved swarm Podlubny in 1997 (Podlubny et al., 1997; Podlubny, 1999a).
intelligent based Particle swarm optimization (PSO) He also demonstrated the better response of this type of
Algorithm. Since its introduction, PSO has shown controller, in comparison with the classical PID controller,
remarkable performances on wide variety of optimization when used for the control of fractional order systems.
Design of fractional-order controllers based on optimization scouts. First half of the colony consists of the employed
methods is one of the intensively developed methods of the artificial bees and the second half includes the onlookers.
present time. There are several quality control criterions to For every food source, there is only one employed bee. In
other words, the number of employed bees is equal to the
check the controller performance and to design the
number of food sources around the hive. The employed bee
controller parameters by optimization methods. All of these whose the food source has been abandoned by the bees
objective functions are almost always multimodal in this becomes a scout. The position of a food source represents a
case - so they have too complex geometric surface with possible solution to the optimization problem and the nectar
many local extrema. In this context the choice of the amount of a food source corresponds to the quality (fitness)
optimization method is very important. A great contribution of the associated solution. The number of the employed bees
to this area have been the works (Chen, 2003; Nonje, 2005; or the onlooker bees is equal to the number of solutions in
the population. In proposed ABC-PID controller, ABC
Bettou, 2006; Cao, 2006; etc.), oriented toward the
algorithm is used to optimize the gains and the values are
optimization-based design (Zelinka, 2002; Laciak, Kostúr, applied into the controller of the plant. The objective of this
2000; etc.). There are several quality control criterions to algorithm is to optimize the gains of the PID controller for
evaluate the controller performance and to design the the given plant. The proportional gain makes the controller
controller parameters by optimization. All objective respond to the error while the integral derivative gain help to
functions have too complex geometric surface with many eliminate steady state error and prevent overshoot
local extrema. In this context the choice of the optimization respectively.
method is very important. The methods based on classical
deterministic linear or nonlinear function minimization often II. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF DC MOTOR
failed (Dorčák, 2006/a, 2006/b).The requirement for the no In armature control of separately excited DC motors, the
steady-state error can be fulfilled by properly implementing voltage applied to the armature of the motor is adjusted
the fractional order integrator in the controller, which without changing the voltage applied to the field. Figure 1
provides the steady-state error cancellation. The other shows a DC motor equivalent model.
requirements constitute the main optimized function and the
optimization constrains.
since many process plants controlled by PID controllers
have similar dynamics it has been found possible to set
satisfactory controller parameters from less plant
information than a complete mathematical model. These
techniques came about because of the desire to adjust
controller parameters with a minimum of effort, and also
because of the possible difficulty and poor cost benefit of
obtaining mathematical models.
to balance the load torque at a particular speed level. and when Va =0.
Figure.1 showing the basic block diagram of DC motor
model including their transfer functions. Va is the input
supply, TL is load torque and ω is angular speed.
where Va= armature voltage (Volts); Eb= Motor back Emf
(Volts); Ia= armature current (Amps); Ra= armature
resistance(ohm); La= armature inductance (H); TL= load
torque (N-m); Td= developed torque (Td); J = Moment of
Inertia (Kg/m2); B =friction coefficient of motor; angular
velocity (rad/sec).
Va(t) = Raia(t) + La +Kbω (t) …(5) III. SPEED CONTROL USING CLASSICAL PID
Ktia(t)= jm +Bmω(t) …(6)
The PID controller is the most common general purpose
Taking Laplace transform of equation (6) and (5), controller in the today’s industries. It can be used as a single
unit or it can be a part of a distributed computer control
Va(s) = Raia(s) + sLa Ia (s ) +Kbωs …(7)
KtIa(s)= s jm ω(s) + Bmω(s) …(8) After implementing the PID controller, now we have to
tune the controller; and there are different approaches to
tune the PID parameters like P, I and D. The Proportional
There are two possible conditions:
(P) part is responsible for following the desired set-point
When TL = 0 while the Integral (I) and Derivative (D) part account for the
accumulation of past errors and the rate of change of error in
the process or plant, respectively.
presented by Ziegler and Nichols is based on a registration IV. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION (PSO)
of the open-loop step response of the system, which is
characterized by two parameters. First determined, and the 3
tangent at this point is drawn. The intersections between the James Kennedy an American Social Psychologist
tangent and the coordinate axes give the parameters T along with Russell C.Eberhart innovated a new evolutionary
and. A model of the process to be controlled was derived computational technique termed as Particle Swarm
from these parameters. This corresponds to modeling a Optimization in 1995.The approach is suitable for solving
process by an integrator and a time delay. Ziegler and nonlinear problem. The approach is based on the swarm
Nichols have given PID parameters directly as functions of behavior such as birds finding food by flocking. A basic
variant of the PSO algorithm works by having population
T and. The behavior of the controller is as can be
(called a swarm) of candidate solution (called particles).
expected. The decay ratio for the step response is close to
These particles are moved around in the search-space
one quarter. It is
according to a few simple formulae. The movements of the
smaller for the load disturbance. The overshoot in the set particles are guided by their own best known position in the
search-space as well as the entire swarm's best known
point response is too large.
position. When improved positions are being discovered
TABLE I Ziegler Nichols open loop method these will then come to guide the movements of the swarm.
Controller Kp Ti Td The process is repeated and by doing so it is hoped, but not
guaranteed, that a satisfactory solution will eventually be
Ziegler- P T/Kθ - - discovered. Here in this technique a set of particles are put
Nichols in d-dimensional search space with randomly choosing
Method velocity and position. The initial position of the particle is
(Open PI 0.9T/Kθ θ/0.3 - taken as the best position for the start and then the velocity
Loop) of the particle is updated based on the experience of other
particles of the swarming population.
PID 1.2T/Kθ 2θ 0.5θ
TABLE III Parameter for ABC
Parameter Values
No. of Particles 10
B: Cohen-Coon Tuning Method
No. of Iterations 30
Cohen and Coon based the controller settings on the Velocity constant C1 1.5
three parameters, T and K of the open loop step response. Inertia(weighing ) .5 to .9
The main design criterion is rejection of load disturbances. Velocity constant C2 2.5
The method attempts to position closed loop poles such that
a quarter decay ration is achieved. PSO Flowchart
The flowchart of the Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
The PID tuning parameters as a function of the open based PID control system is shown in figure 8.
loop model parameters K, T and from equation (14) as
derived by Cohen-Coon:
Fig.13. Speed versus Time plot with reference speed for PID tuned
with Artificial Bee Colony optimization (Step response)
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