Iet-Gtd.2018.5168 Ohg
Iet-Gtd.2018.5168 Ohg
Iet-Gtd.2018.5168 Ohg
Research Article
Abstract: This study presents a new method for detecting an islanding event in a microgrid with embedded converter-based
distributed generation (DG). Unlike other schemes, the proposed scheme injects negligible perturbations into the microgrid after
the generation of an alert signal. The proposed scheme then uses another index called superimposed impedance, ΔZ. The ΔZ
is characterised by a low steady-state magnitude during the grid-connected mode and a high magnitude during the islanded
mode. Furthermore, for a fault at the point of common coupling (PCC), the magnitudes of ΔZ and PCC voltage are both very low
– except during the initial transient period, where |ΔZ| momentarily crosses the threshold. Therefore, an islanding event can be
detected if the magnitude of ΔZ is high for some specified time. Moreover, a fault event will not be misdirected as an islanding
event because the steady-state magnitudes of both the ΔZ and PCC voltage are very low in the case of a fault. The robustness
of the proposed detection scheme is evaluated against different islanding conditions and also, for a fault at the PCC, first by
using MATLAB-based simulations and later by using a laboratory-based experimental setup. A comparison with a recently
published detection scheme shows the superiority of the proposed schemes.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 23, pp. 5365-5374 5365
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Therefore, unlike many islanding detection schemes, the proposed
index (ΔZ) provides uniqueness in differentiating the fault and
islanding events, which is one of the main advantages of the
proposed method. The generation of the AS and calculation of ΔZ
are explained next.
dV PCC −
> V dthN (1)
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
reported in [20]) but based on performance evaluations, it was
found that the proposed scheme can successfully work with a 1%
perturbation ratio which effectively reduces the power quality
degradation to a minimum. Furthermore, contrary to other reported
schemes (e.g. [20]), which use periodical injections, the proposed
scheme injects the perturbation only when AS is logical 1 which
further improves the power quality. Fig. 3 shows a comparative
Fig. 3 Plot of PPAM versus PDM for proposed scheme and scheme of [20]
analysis of the proposed scheme and that of [20]. It presents the
percentage perturbation amount per minute (PPAM) with PCC
disturbances per minute (PDM) for both the schemes. The PCC
disturbances include load disturbances, capacitor switching events,
islanding events, fault events etc. The PPAM can be calculated as
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 23, pp. 5365-5374 5367
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 5 Control scheme of converter-based DG
4 Results
The proposed scheme is first evaluated using an off-line
environment using MATLAB. Afterwards, the scheme is validated
using a single-phase laboratory prototype setup.
4.1.1 Islanding during nearly perfect power-match conditions Fig. 6 Islanding event with nearly perfect power match
including UL1741 test condition: Fig. 6 presents the results (a) ROCONSV, (b) AS, (c) Pdg, (d) |ΔZ|, (e) ID, (f) VPCC, (g) fPCC, (h) PL and ΔP
obtained for an islanding event occurring at 0.6 s during the nearly
perfect power match (i.e. ΔP and ΔQ are almost zero). After an Table 1 Comparison of power quality with [20]
islanding event, the ROCONSV just crosses the threshold VdthN, Parameters Scheme of [20] Proposed scheme
which can be seen in Fig. 6a. It is clear from Fig. 6b that as per the PCC voltage THD, % 0.49 0.24
algorithm, the change in AS from logical zero to one is delayed by fundamental voltage, V 437.34 439.88
0.4 s after detection of a disturbance at the PCC occurring at 0.6 s. DG current THD, % 1.09 1.00
The generation of AS causes a decrement in the DG output power fundamental current, A 64.81 65.55
by 1% of its rated value, as shown in Fig. 6c. Now, the |ΔZ| is
calculated which settles at nearly 12.5 PU (base value is |ΔZ|
connected). Since the |ΔZ| is greater than the threshold value ‘|ΔZthr|’
is detected but the scheme of [20] injects the perturbations at pre-
[i.e. 3 PU; obtained using (5)] for >0.3 s as depicted in Fig. 6d, the
selected regular intervals which cause more degradation of power
islanding event is detected and the islanding detection indicator
quality than the proposed scheme.
(ID) moves from logical 0 to 1, see Fig. 6e. Further, it is also clear
To investigate the effect of load QF, |ΔZ| is calculated for
from Figs. 6f‒h that voltage, frequency, and active power hardly
islanding events with different QFs, i.e. 0.3, 1.8 (UL1741 test
change from their steady-state values after the occurrence of an
condition [22]), and 2.5. The plots of |ΔZ| under different QFs are
islanding event. Therefore, passive techniques (e.g. UOV) find
depicted in Fig. 7 and the values of |ΔZ| are included in Table 2. It
can be seen that |ΔZ| is nearly equal in all three cases. Therefore,
To observe the power quality degradation due to perturbation
the proposed technique is able to detect the islanding event during
injection, two cycles (one pre-injection and one post-injection) are
the nearly perfect power match conditions including UL1741 test
considered. A comparison of various features with that of [20] is
condition and has a negligible NDZ, as depicted in Fig. 8. The
presented in Table 1. It is found that the proposed scheme is better
scheme has been tested for all the possible/practical conditions.
in all aspects such as PCC voltage THD, DG current THD, and
However, next sections report results/plots of some representative
fundamental magnitudes of voltage and current. Furthermore, the
cases only.
proposed scheme injects the perturbation only when a disturbance
5368 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 23, pp. 5365-5374
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Table 3 Comparison with voltage/frequency-based scheme
Mismatch during islanding, VPCC, PU fPCC, Hz |ΔZ|, PU
−0.161<ΔP<0.313 0.88< V <1.1 49.5 < f <50.5 >3
−0.016<ΔQ<0.013 0.88< V <1.1 49.5 < f <50.5 >3
Fig. 7 |ΔZ| during islanding with nearly perfect power match for
(a) QF = 0.3, (b) QF = 1.8, (c) QF = 2.5
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 23, pp. 5365-5374 5369
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 14 Equivalent diagram for switching of a capacitor bank
than |ΔZthr| as shown in Table 2. Therefore, it is considered as a 4.1.9 Starting of induction motor: A three-phase squirrel cage
non-islanding switching event. induction motor with the following rating is connected to the
system at 0.6 s, as depicted in Fig. 16.
4.1.7 Unbalanced load: Most of the time, the distribution system
is subjected to unbalanced loading. Therefore, it becomes
important to investigate the performance of the proposed scheme
5370 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 23, pp. 5365-5374
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 16 Equivalent diagram for the starting of induction motor Fig. 18 Equivalent diagram for the switching of three-phase rectifier
Fig. 17 Starting of induction motor Fig. 19 Switching of three-phase rectifier
(a) Te, (b) Speed, (c) Im, (d) ROCONSV, (e) AS, (f) Pdg, (g) |ΔZ| (a) Rectifier voltages, (b) Rectifier idc, (c) Rectifier iac, (d) ROCONSV, (e) AS, (f)
Pdg, (g) |ΔZ|
Rating: 18.45 kVA (0.369 PU), 440 V, 50 Hz, Rs = 0.5968 Ω, Ls
= 0.0003495 H, Rr = 0.6258 Ω, Lr = 0.005473 H, inertia = 0.05 kg can be seen in Fig. 19d. A perturbation in DG power is caused by
the generation of an AS and then |ΔZ| is calculated which is found
m2, friction factor = 0.005879 N m s, pole pair = 8. to be less than |ΔZthr| with some fluctuations, for about 0.5 s, as
When the motor is connected, electromagnetic torque (Te),
depicted in Figs. 19e–g. So the event is assumed to be a switching
motor speed, motor current (im), and ROCONSV are depicted in event.
Figs. 17a–d. The AS is generated since the ROCONSV crosses the
corresponding threshold and |ΔZ| is calculated the following
4.2 Offline verification for modified IEEE 13-bus test feeder
perturbation injection – see Figs. 17e–g. This event is assumed to
be switching event because |ΔZ| does not remain greater than the To test the proposed scheme for a microgrid with different
threshold for >0.1 s. configurations, a modified IEEE 13-bus test feeder [23] is used, as
depicted in Fig. 20a. A 50 kW converter-based DG is placed at bus
4.1.10 Presence of non-linear load: To investigate the 671 and the model does not include the regulating transformer
performance of the proposed scheme under non-linear loading, a between nodes 650 and 632. Both the conditions, i.e. switch ‘SW’
three-phase half-wave rectifier with a series inductive filter is close and open, are considered for testing the proposed scheme.
connected to the microgrid at 0.6 s – circuit shown in Fig. 18. The The value of |ΔZthr|, calculated using (5), is 2.42 PU (base value is |
power drawn by the DC load is 0.145 PU. The rectifier voltage ΔZ|connected). An islanding event is created at 0.6 s and it is found
(DC side and phase-a of AC side) and current (DC side and phase- that the proposed scheme successfully detects this islanding event
a of AC side) are given in Figs. 19a–c. Following the rectifier as |ΔZ| is more than |ΔZthr|, which is clear from Figs. 20b and c.
switching, there will be variations/fluctuations in ROCONSV as
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 21 Block diagram for experimental setup
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Fig. 26 System schematic under disconnected mode with two DGs in the
Fig. 23 Nearly perfect power match with dependent mode of operation
(a) ROCOVPA, (b) |ΔZ|
Fig. 24 Modified IEEE-33 bus system with three DGs [24]
Fig. 28 Short-circuit fault at PCC
(a) ROCOVPA, (b) |ΔZ|
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