IRQS is accredited with National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) Indian
Accreditation Body since 2004.
2. The National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) is the national accreditation
body of india.
3. ISO 9001 , ISO14001 , ISO18001 , ISO 22000 , IMS , ISO TS/16949 , ISO/IEC 27001 , ISO
50001 , ISO 28000 STANDARD is applicable for IRQS
While non-accredited certification bodies can provide an in-depth assessment of your business’
compliance with international standards, you cannot guarantee their competence or impartiality for
customers and suppliers.
5. Global presence
Professional management
Qualified, experie nced pool of Assessors , Expe rts within India and overseas.
Functioning with ethical business practices, ensuring impartiality, competitive with a vision to be the
first choice of the customer
Large clientele base with few Corporate houses for more than 3 decades
6. Yes , IRQS can .
7. The Certificate of Approval shall be suspended, withdrawn or cancelled if it is found
that: The certified client does not allow surveillance or recertification audits to be
conducted at the required frequencies; The Organization does not complete corrective
action within the agreed time scale The Organization fails to conform to the
requirements of relevant standards The Organization fails to comply with the financial
requirements of the agreement of Certification The Organization undertakes actions
which may bring IRQS into disrepute The Certificate or Logo is misused in any way.
The organization goes to liquidation or ceases to exist or ceases its activities for which
it has been certified. The activities of the organization are stopped by directives from
court / statutory authorities. If the certification to one or more Management Standard(s)
/ Specification(s) is subject to suspension / reduction / withdrawal, IRQS shall investigate
the impact of this on the Certification to other Management System Standard(s) /
9. Training Certificate Verification.
Organisation Certificate Verification.
10 . Indian Register Quality Systems (IRQS) with effect from 1st June 2014 is a Division of
“IRCLASS Systems and Solutions Private Limited” which is wholly promoted by the Indian Register of
Shipping (IRS) which is in existence since March 1975.
IRQS is the first Indian Certification body established in 1991 as a division under the Indian Register
of Shipping to provide Management System Certification Services under various ISO standards which
was gaining popularity and was the need of the hour since the release of ISO 9000 Standards for
“Quality Management Systems” in 1987 and is today known among the top certification bodies of the
Currently IRQS is into the Management Systems Certification of QMS (ISO 9001:2015), EMS (ISO
14001:2015), OH&SMS (ISO 45001:2018), FSMS (ISO 22000:2005)/FSSC 22000, EnMS (ISO
50001:2011), ISMS (ISO 27001:2013), IATF 16949 & SMSSC (ISO 28001:2007) and many more.
IRQS is the first certification body in Asia to get accreditation from RAAD VOOR ACCREDITATIE
(RvA), the Dutch Accreditation Council in 1993 and continued to maintain the accreditation. Currently
accredited for QMS, EMS, OH&SMS, FSMS, ISMS Scheme(s).
IRQS is accredited with National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) Indian
Accreditation Body since 2004. Accredited for QMS, EMS, OHSMS, FSMS/FSSC, EnMS & ISMS
IRQS was the first in India to be accredited for EnMS Scheme in India by NABCB, in Dec 2013.
IRQS is accredited with ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) American Accreditation Body
since 2018. Accredited for SMSSC Scheme(s).
IRQS is accredited with SMMT-IATF, accredited for IATF 16949 Scheme since 2007.
IRQS is in a License agreement with Foundation for Food Safety System Certification, FSSC 22000
Scheme since 2013.
11. The validity period for a training item is the time period during which the training item can be
completed and used towards completion of the certification. After the validity period has passed, the
training item is expired and no longer counts towards the certification requirement.
12. Under accreditation rules, there are various circumstances that could lead to the suspension of your
certification, such as the following:
Your management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet the requirements of the standard
If a major non-conformance is raised, you have a 30-day window to address the non-conformance and have
the corrective actions verified and closed out. Until the non-conformance is closed, the status of the
certification will remain as ‘suspended’ (assuming the non-conformance has resulted in temporary suspension
of the certification in the first place).
Please note that a major non-conformance may be raised if QMS receives external evidence that a major
failure in compliance has occurred. This may happen at any time if we are made aware of a major failure of a
client’s management system – not just during a scheduled assessment.
13. Suspension: Time-limited invalidation of a certificate.
Withdrawal: Permanent invalidation of a certificate.
14. It shall be communicated by sending a notice to the client that in case the suspension is not revoked or issue
not resolved within 6 months time from the date ...
15. Auditors are required to demonstrate certain knowledge and skills including the following:
For Lead Auditors, in addition to the four Knowledge and Skillsets, the following are also required:
Auditor competence, then, goes beyond a knowledge of the standard or the completion of a Certified Auditor