Women in Ministry
Women in Ministry
Women in Ministry
From the day of the fall in Eden, woman hood has faced a peculiar problem: a certain kind of
perception of being harbingers of the sad loss of the awesome mantle of God for humanity.
Unfortunately contributions to the Eden story tend to flow from that narrative alone.
Two key facts will help us put the issue of womanhood on a more balanced footing.
The problem with religion is the thick veil it casts upon truth. From a religious perspective, the
creation of Eve was an afterthought. This is based on a textual interpretation of Genesis 2:18.
Proponents of this theory of creation would have us believe that Adam was the only one in the
mind of God when He first created the world. Let scripture deal with that foundational lie:
Genesis 1:26-29
King James Version (KJV)
26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth.
27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living
thing that moveth upon the earth.
29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which
is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of
a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
It is necessary that we look at the fine prints of the Word and the intent of the Spirit to understand
the vital truth in verse 27 above: all that God was saying about the dominion mandate of man
who He was to create was in the context of male and female!
In creation of man, God took time to do an original work, with earth as His raw material, so to
say. Here is the account:
Genesis 2:7
King James Version (KJV)
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The breath of God or measure of the Holy Spirit imparted into the lifeless figure caused a
quickening which led Adam to come alive with a distinct soul. That triune nature has been passed
down to all humans from that day.
There has been a strong wind of delusion propelled by religious perceptions that Eve was an
inferior being. This is based on a negative reading of the account of how God created Eve.
In creating Eve, God could have repeated the same procedure He used in making Adam. However
He chose not to because He was still at work on creation and had not entered into His rest. How
He chose to create Eve is a classic study in the Law of Process! God made Eve out of Adam as a
refined product!
Genesis 2:18-24
King James Version (KJV)
18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I
will make him an help meet for him.
19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field,
and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he
would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that
was the name thereof.
20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to
every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet
for him.
21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept:
and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a
woman, and brought her unto the man.
23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave
unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
This refined product was obviously equipped with a womb as Adam rightly discerned in verse 23.
More importantly, this refined creature called Eve had some capacities which we need to
understand as we allow the Holy Spirit to take us into the deeper waters of the subject. Let us
examine a few of those capacities:
1. A ‘womb’ to conceive and bring forth that which God had ordained in Genesis 1:28which
is fruitfulness and ability to multiply. Take note of this capacity and the fact that Satan,
enemy of mankind has been ‘jealous’, so to say of this facility through which mankind
would perpetuate rule the earth which he (Satan) coveted. To corrupt this capacity of
woman hood is one of the battles Satan has continually fought. That fight did not end
with the fall. It is still raging till this very day.
2. An advanced soul and body which had greater sensitivity to things of the spirit.
Ordinarily, this implied a greater capacity for women to ‘see’ things, even far in the
horizon and very active ability to flow in the revelatory gifts. When applied to God and
His ways, this produces near perfect discernment and declaration of His mind.
Unfortunately too, with this capacity also came the easy tendency to contact spiritual
persons and mysteries even on the negative side of the spectrum. That fact was exploited
by Satan who bypassed Adam to tempt Eve! Over the millennia, Satan, his spiritual and
human agents have actively sought to exploit the desire of women to ‘know’ and ‘see’
leading many to be attracted and easily soul-tied with Prophets, Prophecies, various
revelatory gifts and in the process opening doors divinations to negative spirits also.
When God pronounced that the Seed of the woman (Jesus Christ) would crush the head of the
Serpent (Satan), Satan received it as a declaration of war! Genesis 3:15. Rather than relent, he
went on an all out war to destroy the capacity of women to produce the Seed. It is interesting that
Satan bypassed an obviously careless (and one may add irresponsible Adam) to converse with
Eve and tempt her like he did. A careful reading of Genesis 3:1-6 reveals that Adam was close to
Eve in the Garden. This inability to cover his spouse has been passed on throughout the ages
leading many women to operate without effective spiritual coverage by their husbands.
The New Covenant was sealed by the Blood of Jesus at the Cross and confirmed with His
resurrection on the third day. The fact that only a woman (Mary) knew when the incarnation took
place (Luke 1:30-38); women were witnesses to the Last Breath of Jesus (John 19:25-30) and
were the first to see the resurrected King (John 20: 1-18) is instructive that something critical
was at work concerning this specie of creation who had suffered vilification for too long.
Let us proceed with this exhaustive exposition, representing the full counsel of the Scriptures
on the issue of Women and The Call to serve God in Ministry! These are germane questions:
Are redeemed females supposed to just marry, work a job, bear and raise children and
‘go to church’ to be told how to cook well, take care of husband and children and
allow men to do the work of ministry?
Are females redeemed by the Blood of Jesus supposed to carry the stigma of Eve and
on that basis live with inherited guilt all the days of their lives?
Are some functions, callings and ministries ‘no go’ areas for women on account of
assumed defects that have to do with their gender?
Is it abomination, as some say, for a woman to head a ministry where men are?
We trust God to bring forth an exhaustive treatise which examines all sides of the issue of
Women in Ministry!
To do justice to the subject matter, we will put these issues under the spotlight:
What was the context in which Paul charged women to be silent in church?
Did Paul recognize, receive and promote the ministry of women?
When Satan fights the agenda of God for saints, one clever way approach of his is to
take the words of scripture, quote them out of context and uses them as a bait to trap
the unwary! This was on full display when he tempted Jesus Himself, very God and
very man as Matthew 4:1-11 shows. Just as Jesus used the right interpretation of
scripture to silence Satan, so are we called to do in these Last Days!
The Old Serpent knows that women are the secret weapons of God for conceiving and
birthing paradigm changing ministers and ministries as he discovered too late in the
matter of the Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of Mary Luke 1:35. Knowing that like
Mary, Abba will do great things through womanhood that are outside his fiendish loop
and influence, Satan wants to tar brush feminity as a liability and make many to reject
off-hand the great deposits of grace in them for the Last Days.
One of the most controversial aspects of the bible is the interpretation of two Pauline exhortations
concerning women and public ministry. We are commanded to compare scripture with scripture
to understand the full counsel of God on any subject matter. This course then takes a holistic view
of all the provisions of scripture to establish the mind of God that women are called to minister
just as their male counterparts. To properly understand the mind of God, it will do us well to
examine the principle in Isaiah 28: 10, 13.
Isaiah 28:10-13
King James Version (KJV)
10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line,
line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
13But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept
upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a
little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared,
and taken.
By this approach, we can lay out each precept upon a preceding one to comprehend the whole
mind of God concerning this sensitive subject.
To do justice to the subject matter, let us start with the scriptures which many use to hold the
position that women should not preach the gospel or exercise authority of any significant degree.
One of the most controversial aspects of the bible is the interpretation of two Pauline exhortations
concerning women and public ministry. We are commanded to compare scripture with scripture
to understand the full counsel of God on any subject matter. This course then takes a holistic view
of all the provisions of scripture to establish the mind of God that women are called to minister
just as their male counterparts. To properly understand the mind of God, it will do us well to
examine the principle in Isaiah 28: 10, 13.
Isaiah 28:10-13
King James Version (KJV)
10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line,
line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
13But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept
upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a
little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared,
and taken.
By this approach, we can lay out each precept upon a preceding one to comprehend the whole
mind of God concerning this sensitive subject.
To do justice to the subject matter, let us start with the scriptures which many use to hold the
position that women should not preach the gospel or exercise authority of any significant degree.
What was the context in which Paul charged women to be silent in church?
This was the instruction Paul gave to Timothy concerning how to run the fledgling Church
at Ephesus:
1 Timothy 2:11-12
King James Version (KJV)
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,
but to be in silence.
Of all the Mission fields in which Paul laboured, Ephesus ranks among the most challenging.
Here, the apostle to the gentiles encountered the worship of one of the ancient wonders of the
world, the giant statute of Diana, the goddess of the land. The worship of this idol was rocked by
the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom to the extent that one of its devotees, Demetrius
stirred up a riot against Paul Acts 19:1- 41.
The Church that was planted out of spiritual warfare, power evangelism and deep teaching on the
nature and identity of saints and the New Testament Church was an exceptional one. Please read
the whole epistle to the Ephesians to grasp the base upon which the first converts stood.
Unfortunately, false teachers who had backslidden from the truth preyed on this vibrant church!
In Acts 20: 17-38, Paul addressed the leadership of the Church to warn them of the impending
effects of false teachers. Those false teachers were to wreak havoc on the church so much so that
when Jesus appeared to John at the Island of Patmos, He found the church wanting in a vital area:
loss of first love Revelation 2: 1-7.
Paul was so concerned for the Church in Ephesus to have the right oversight that he posted his
trusted protégé, Timothy as its first Bishop Philippians 2:19 – 24; 1 Timothy 1: 1- 4. Jewish
women who embraced eternal life in Christ were coming into a pure culture shock. Gentile
women were loose in morals, had unbridled freedom to do whatever they pleased and were
generally given to fashion that was seductive in nature.
Because of the influence of the goddess Diana, women saw themselves as liberated to live
anyhow. Because Diana was a goddess (female principality) many women in that culture were
wild and controlling. The Church that was planted in this environment needed to understand some
principles of the Kingdom. Those principles Paul instructed Timothy to teach had to do with
moderation in fashion and the need for order and respect for lines of authority in the House of
2. Women, who were coming into the faith of Christ, were instructed to concentrate on
studying rather than seek to teach and instruct 1 Timothy 2: 11 – 12. For Jewish women
in the city, this was an extraordinary opportunity since in the synagogues; they were
basically on the margins. Faith in Christ had broken down the middle wall of partition and
they were now given the opportunity to diligently study the word of God even in public.
3. To drive home his point, Paul pointed out what happened in the Garden of Eden when
Eve upset the line of authority God had created for them, by passing Adam to converse
with the stranger, Satan who took the form of a serpent 1 Timothy 2:13,14. This allusion
was tied to the fact that false teachers who had reared their ugly heads in Ephesus were
targeting women first and may have made some progress in their nefarious designs.
4. It is important that we bear in mind the context of the early Church which was birthed
amidst Judaism. The full counsel of God was yet unfolding so the Church was evolving
based on the degree of light that was released and accepted. Men generally had the head
start in hearing and therefore receiving the word in many of the cities of the diaspora.
Logically, they became the first set of ministers available. At various times, certain truths
were fully understood and integrated into practice of the early Church. We need to
recollect that the Church had to even convene a conference for the purpose of settling the
cultural issue of circumcision. At issue was whether gentiles needed to be circumcised (a
practice God required of Abraham and his off springs as seal of His covenant with them)
before they can be accepted as Christians. James, the half brother of Jesus who moderated
that First Jerusalem Council was to deliver a wise judgement which saved the day when
he ruled that circumcision was not necessary for gentiles as a precondition for conversion.
He went on to counsel that gentiles who come into faith in Christ must abstain from
idolatrous contamination, from sexual immorality and from eating strangled animals as
well as blood. Acts 15: 1-29.
5. The point here is that the Church was addressing issues as they came up. Furthermore, the
entire counsel of God for the present dispensation of the Kingdom had not yet been
collated as they were still being downloaded from God to His people through various
vessels. Even Peter found it exciting to note the depth of some of the great revelations
God committed to Paul 2 Peter 3: 15,16. It must be noted, for instance, that almost all the
first set of disciples of Jesus had died by the time John the beloved received the massive
prophetic master piece, the Book of Revelation!
As we proceed with this exhaustive exposition, representing the full counsel of the Scriptures
on the issue of Women and The Call to serve God in Ministry! These are germane questions:
Are redeemed females supposed to just marry, work a job, bear and raise children and
‘go to church’ to be told how to cook well, take care of husband and children and
allow men to do the work of ministry?
Are females redeemed by the Blood of Jesus supposed to carry the stigma of Eve and
on that basis live with inherited guilt all the days of their lives?
Are some functions, callings and ministries ‘no go’ areas for women on account of
assumed defects that have to do with their gender?
Is it abomination, as some say, for a woman to head a ministry where men are?
We trust God to bring forth an exhaustive treatise which examines all sides of the issue of
Women in Ministry!
When Satan fights the agenda of God for saints, one clever way approach of his is to
take the words of scripture, quote them out of context and uses them as a bait to trap
the unwary! This was on full display when he tempted Jesus Himself, very God and
very man as Matthew 4:1-11 shows. Just as Jesus used the right interpretation of
scripture to silence Satan, so are we called to do in these Last Days!
The Old Serpent knows that women are the secret weapons of God for conceiving and
birthing paradigm changing ministers and ministries as he discovered too late in the
matter of the Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of Mary Luke 1:35. Knowing that like
Mary, Abba will do great things through womanhood that are outside his fiendish loop
and influence, Satan wants to tar brush feminity as a liability and make many to reject
off-hand the great deposits of grace in them for the Last Days.
Tomorrow, here on face book, we will examine these issues you don’t want to miss:
Of all the Mission fields in which Paul laboured, Ephesus ranks among the most challenging.
Here, the apostle to the gentiles encountered the worship of one of the ancient wonders of the
world, the giant statute of Diana, the goddess of the land. The worship of this idol was rocked by
the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom to the extent that one of its devotees, Demetrius
stirred up a riot against Paul Acts 19:1- 41. The Church that was planted out of spiritual warfare,
power evangelism and deep teaching on the nature and identity of saints and the New Testament
Church was an exceptional one. Please read the whole epistle to the Ephesians to grasp the base
upon which the first converts stood. Unfortunately, false teachers who had backslidden from the
truth preyed on this vibrant church! In Acts 20: 17-38, Paul addressed the leadership of the
Church to warn them of the impending effects of false teachers. Those false teachers were to
wreak havoc on the church so much so that when Jesus appeared to John at the Island of Patmos,
He found the church wanting in a vital area: loss of first love Revelation 2: 1-7.
Paul was so concerned for the Church in Ephesus to have the right oversight that he posted his
trusted protégé, Timothy as its first Bishop Philippians 2:19 – 24; 1 Timothy 1: 1- 4. Jewish
women who embraced eternal life in Christ were coming into a pure culture shock. Gentile
women were loose in morals, had unbridled freedom to do whatever they pleased and were
generally given to fashion that was seductive in nature. Because of the influence of the goddess
Diana, women saw themselves as liberated to live anyhow. Because Diana was a goddess (female
principality) many women in that culture were wild and controlling. The Church that was planted
in this environment needed to understand some principles of the Kingdom. Those principles Paul
instructed Timothy to teach had to do with moderation in fashion and the need for order and
respect for lines of authority in the House of God.
8. Women, who were coming into the faith of Christ, were instructed to concentrate on
studying rather than seek to teach and instruct 1 Timothy 2: 11 – 12. For Jewish women
in the city, this was an extraordinary opportunity since in the synagogues; they were
basically on the margins. Faith in Christ had broken down the middle wall of partition and
they were now given the opportunity to diligently study the word of God even in public.
9. To drive home his point, Paul pointed out what happened in the Garden of Eden when
Eve upset the line of authority God had created for them, by passing Adam to converse
with the stranger, Satan who took the form of a serpent 1 Timothy 2:13,14. This allusion
was tied to the fact that false teachers who had reared their ugly heads in Ephesus were
targeting women first and may have made some progress in their nefarious designs.
10. It is important that we bear in mind the context of the early Church which was birthed
amidst Judaism. The full counsel of God was yet unfolding so the Church was evolving
based on the degree of light that was released and accepted. Men generally had the head
start in hearing and therefore receiving the word in many of the cities of the diaspora.
Logically, they became the first set of ministers available. At various times, certain truths
were fully understood and integrated into practice of the early Church. We need to
recollect that the Church had to even convene a conference for the purpose of settling the
cultural issue of circumcision. At issue was whether gentiles needed to be circumcised (a
practice God required of Abraham and his off springs as seal of His covenant with them)
before they can be accepted as Christians. James, the half brother of Jesus who moderated
that First Jerusalem Council was to deliver a wise judgement which saved the day when
he ruled that circumcision was not necessary for gentiles as a precondition for conversion.
He went on to counsel that gentiles who come into faith in Christ must abstain from
idolatrous contamination, from sexual immorality and from eating strangled animals as
well as blood. Acts 15: 1-29.
11. The point here is that the Church was addressing issues as they came up. Furthermore, the
entire counsel of God for the present dispensation of the Kingdom had not yet been
collated as they were still being downloaded from God to His people through various
vessels. Even Peter found it exciting to note the depth of some of the great revelations
God committed to Paul 2 Peter 3: 15,16. It must be noted, for instance, that almost all the
first set of disciples of Jesus had died by the time John the beloved received the massive
prophetic master piece, the Book of Revelation!
12. To successfully discuss the issue of Women in Ministry therefore, we need to firstly go
through the whole gamut of the Word to see what is said in various sections. Secondly,
we will need to compare scripture with scripture in order to ascertain the mind of God.
Thirdly, we need the fresh insight of the Holy Spirit to reveal the mind of God. These, we
will do, by the grace of God as we examine this critical issue.
Some Critical Issues about Paul and women; Jesus and women.
Another instruction of Paul who was settling questions arising from disorderly conduct in public
meetings of one of the most undisciplined group of Christians – the saints in Corinth is what
explaining. It is the instruction many have used to insist women should never speak or preach in a
public setting:
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
King James Version (KJV)
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:
We could not have put the explanation of this instructions than one of our sisters here on face
book, Texas based Renate Pattis-Mcwright. Hear her:
“If I may interject also that in Hebrew Synagogues where most teachings took place there
was a divider between men and women called a Mechitzah. Sometimes the women would
call over this divider to their husbands and ask them "what did he say?" seeking an
explanation on things they had not fully heard or did not quite understand. Paul exhorted
the women to be silent and ask their own husbands at home for an exposition of the
scriptures discussed that day so as not to disrupt the Torah service.”
This is why the bible exhorts us to study (not just read) to show ourselves approved so that
we can function effectively as workmen who cannot be ashamed. To take scripture out of
the over all context it was given will easily lead many astray. To prove that Paul was not the
chauvinistic champion of male-dominated clergy he has been wrongly cast as, we need to
examine his own relationship with women in the gospel of the Kingdom and also the
doctrines God used him to release to the Church concerning the New Creation and New
1. Priscilla. This woman and her husband Aquila were tent makers. In Corinth, they met
with Paul and became part of a holy company of ministry partners Acts 18: 1-3. The next
thing we hear of this remarkable couple is that they became instruments of making a true
disciple out of Apollos, who was to become a notable Apostle! Acts 18: 24 – 26. In effect,
Priscilla “taught a man” and was commended for doing so by Paul.
In Romans 16:3, 4, Paul describes the couple as “my co-workers in the ministry of Christ
Jesus”. Paul took note of their remarkable ministry with him also in 1 Corinthians 16:19
and 2 Timothy 4:19. The couple were among those who built up the house church system
and were the earliest practitioners of active couples in ministry Romans 16:5.
2. Phoebe. This remarkable woman was a Deacon in the Church at Cenchrea. She served so
well and in total consecration that Paul sent an outstanding recommendation concerning
her to the Church in Rome.
3. Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis were part of the company of women who secured
niches for being active co-laborers with Paul. Romans 16: 6, 12.
4. Junia, a woman, was recognized as an apostle and senior in the faith to Paul. Romans
16: 7.
5. Euodia and Synthyche were commended by Paul for labouring with him in the gospel.
Philippians 4:2, 3.
Throughout His ministry, Jesus broke all the barriers which the religious system set as barricades
against women. Anna, the Old Prophetess was one of the first three outside Mary and Joseph to
recognize who Jesus was Luke 2: 36 – 38. Before her, Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist had
recognized that the baby in the womb of Mary was not ordinary! Luke 1: 39 – 45. As Jesus grew
up, He made clear to Mary and others that acceptance to God was not based on family pedigree
but rather on acceptance of the Word He declared Mark 3: 31 -35.
Jesus allowed women to come the same way men came to Him. The woman with the issue of
blood even touched the hem of His garments and was made whole. Mary and her sister Martha
and Lazarus ministered to Him regularly, the way deaconess do. He ate freely in their house.
Jesus related with women in a way no rabbi could. Even the woman of Samaria was shocked that
she could have access to a Great Rabbi like Jesus! John 4: 1-26. Mary anointed His feet with
costly oil of spikenard after washing them with her tears and drying with her hair, an act of strong
devotion which scandalized the religious leaders who watched John 12: 1- 8. As a matter of fact,
women were faithful to Christ till the very end, even when all but one of the men (John) fled.
They were at the Cross when He paid the price of redemption John 19:25 – 27. On the day He
rose from the dead, it was Mary Magdalene who had the privilege of seeing the One who had
completed the redemption mission! John 20: 1- 18. In effect, when it came to the Great High
Priest of the New Covenant, Jesus, it can be safely said that women had the first knowledge of
His incarnation and were there at the Cross and were the first to see the risen Christ. It was no co-
incidence! God was announcing a new order in which access to the Throne and a service to the
King were no longer based on religious structures, gender or family inheritance but on the state of
the heart! John 4: 21 – 24.
It is important to remember that the Old Tabernacle had compartments which were strictly
conformed to. At the outermost was the court of gentiles followed by the Court of women.
Thereafter was the Court of Israel which was accessible only to men. Thereafter, there was the
Holy Place where only priests and Levites of the old Levitical priesthood could minister. A thick
veil separated this place from the Most Holy or Holiest of Holies in which only the High Priest
could enter, once a year to make atonement for the whole nation. It was in this last compartment
that the Ark and Mercy Seat were located. It is significant that at His death, the very first thing
that happened was the renting of the veil which signified exclusion! Matthew 27:50, 51. As if that
were not enough, in AD 70, the invading army of General Titus completely destroyed the Temple
as prophesied by Jesus on the Olivet discourse Matthew 24:1, 2.
Before the eyes of Israel, Jesus had just fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets! The Old Levitical
Priesthood which was based on the principle of exclusion for which ONLY ABLE BODIED
MEN(hunchbacks and others with any visible deformity on their legs or bodies were excluded) of
the Tribe of Levi and the family lineage of Aaron were deemed qualified! In that Order, women
could not be priests. Occasionally, God would throw up a Judge like Deborah or Prophetess who
would declare His counsel.
Even unto today, very few people realize how mind boggling the assignment of Jesus was. He
completely fulfilled everything that the Old Covenant required of mankind and then proceeded to
institute the New Covenant based on better promises. The New Covenant was also based on a
better and more inclusive priest hood – the Priest hood of all saints! In this new priest hood, your
family background, gender, former life and all potential limitations do not count. What counts is
summed up in John 1:12 – “As many as received Him, to them He gives Power to become the
Sons of God” and John 3: 16 “you must be born again”. To be born again is a spiritual exercise
requiring a change in the nature and primary loyalty of the human spirit. Ephesians 2:1-10.
Jesus came therefore not to foster a religious system or priestly construct but to announce the
arrival of the long awaited Kingdom of God! In the Kingdom, God is Father and King of all those
who accept the basis of the Kingdom which is the Blood that was shed by Jesus at the Cross.
Such people become four things to Him: His Sons and His Citizens John 1:12; Galatians 3:26 –
29; Ephesians 1: 3-7, Ephesians 2: 11-19; His Priests and His Ambassadors 1 Peter 2: 9; Acts
1:8. The first two deal with their personal and legal relationships with Him while the last two deal
with their strategic roles to those who are outside the Commonwealth of Israel, the Kingdom:
sinners who have made themselves the new gentiles!
Essential reading. Please diligently read Hebrews chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
What is the biblical basis of women to function in ministry? Isaiah 28: 10,13
Having laid this foundation, we now need to come into the core of the subject matter. This, we
shall do straightaway, trusting God for His will to be expressly stated. A systematic exposition of
the Word will reveal the following:
1. There is no biblical basis for the age old concept that women are inherently
inferior to men. The notion that the woman was an afterthought of God flies in
the face of a true understanding of the intent and purpose of God. It is necessary
to go back to Genesis chapter 1: 26 – 29 which defines why God created mankind.
We see there that:
- Genesis 1:27 indicates that God clearly had the male and female gender in view
when He decided to create mankind.
- The dominion mandate of man was over all the creation such as animals, plants,
fishes and the environment was equally given to male and female.
- Mankind was to be fruitful, reproduce and fill the earth. Since the male cannot
reproduce alone neither are the created beings allowed to cross breed, God had to
create the woman out of the man. Genesis 2 18 – 21.
- The process of creating the woman showed additional skill and care on the part of
God to bring forth additional refinement in the woman that emerged. Rather than
create the woman out of raw earth, she was made as a refinement from the rough
hewn Adam. This accounts for why women tend to have greater sensitivity to
things of the spirit and thus flow easier in the prophetic realm. Genesis 2: 21, 22.
- In effect, the woman is the man with the womb or the womb man! The capacity to
receive, incubate and bring forth seed at maturity is an inherent gift of God in the
woman to play a crucial role in advancing the divine cause on planet earth.
- The deception of Eve by Satan was because of realization that the best way to
truncate the plan of God for mankind to increase and multiply was to trip over the
one with the womb! While Paul acknowledged that Eve was the one who fell first
in 1 Timothy 2:14, he also acknowledged the fundamentally flawed gross
irresponsibility of Adam Romans 5:12 – 21.
- As we shared in a previous lesson, a careful reading of Genesis 3: 1 – 6 shows
that Adam was present when Satan tempted Eve. In the law of responsibility as a
covering, Adam failed to resist Satan and protect Eve.
2. The incarnation of Christ through the womb of a woman, Mary, was God’s
own way of wiping off the age old blame on womanhood and their demonization
by religious folks for the fall of man at the Garden of Eden. It must be borne in
mind that God laid the foundation of this vindication when He told Satan that the
SEED of the Woman (who he tricked) would crush his head! The Lord went on to
make it clear that the Messiah would indeed come through a process that would
exclude the seed of man. In effect, man was the carrier of the sin gene through semen.
The womb of the woman could be sanctified and made holy as a vessel through which
the purpose of God will be fulfilled. Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7: 14; Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Luke
1:26 – 35.
4. Jesus came to fulfil all the rites of passage which religion represented. His ministry
and death put to an end the following:
- A priesthood that was essentially ethnic and gender based. That Levitical
prieshood was exclusive to the sons of Aaron who were men and had no
physical deformity! The death of Christ effectively put an end to that order
and instituted a new one. Hebrews chapter 5: 1 – 14; Chapter 6:13 – 20; Chapter
7: 1-28; Chapter 8: 1-13; chapter 9: 28.At His death, the veil which represented
the ultimate limitation to the Presence of God of God was rent into two indicating
that a new way of access had been consecrated through His broken body!
Matthew 27:51; Hebrews 10:19 – 22.
5. The New Priesthood that Christ came to institute was to be based entirely on release
of spiritual gifts and other graces which saints receive from the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit comes into the spirit man of saints and operates from that realm. As a matter of
fact, the correct definition of ministry is “EXPRESSION of what we are
IMMPRESSED with by the Holy Spirit. The spirit man of saints is neither male nor
female. Both the office Gifts of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:11,12); The Gifts released
by God(Romans 12: 3-8) and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Romans 12: 1- 14 are all
received in the spirit realm! Ephesians 4:7 and 1 Peter 4: 10, 11 when taken together
reveal that every saint has received one or more spiritual gifts from God! The
ministry paradigm of the Kingdom of God for ministry at the present time is this:
whoever has the gift needed should release it to meet the needs of saints!
Concerning Women as Apostles
This section is culled from the teaching note of GSoM Course 112 The Ascension Office Gifts
(Five Fold). The broad principles enunciated here are valid in considering women for any office
or function in the present dispensation of the Kingdom manifested as the Church of Jesus Christ.
Some people are willing to accept women as Prophetess and even Evangelist where the soul
winning capacity and charismatic flow is very evident. Concerning the calling as Apostles,
Pastors and Teachers (not Sunday School but Fivefold), many recoil and seem uncomfortable!
As to the question of whether women can be called as apostles, the answer is unequivocal: yes
indeed! It is not a gender exclusive mandate. It is a spiritual assignment and function, bestowed
on people who are willing to die to the demands and pull of gender.
Living with Jesus Christ as compass means that a true apostle will emulate Jesus by loving
righteousness and hating iniquity Hebrews 1:9. Drawing on the grace released through the
aforementioned means that one called to be an Apostle must find it necessary to presses into the
fullness of Christ giving no place in the heart for the things of Satan. This by no means implies
the apostle will be sinless. It simply means that the one so called understands that light and
darkness cannot dwell together in the same heart and a conscious decision is made for the way of
The totality of life is thus entrusted into the hand of Jesus Christ who supplies grace for His
servant to do the work of the Kingdom above reproach. Because of the great esteem with which
the commission is apprehended, the question an apostle will ask when faced with temptations and
life threatening persecutions is akin to what Paul asked in Romans 8: 3139.
Nothing of course including money, power, fame, sex or persecution, evil speaking, conspiracies
or martyrdom should ever have the power to cause an apostle to miss the mark. When life is lived
this way, the authority of Christ over His Church is thus delegated to a worthy vessel who has not
received the grace of God in vain. God has always valued discipline, contrary to what many false
preachers advance. In the New Testament, saints are enjoined to work out their salvation with
fear and trembling Philippians 2:12 even though it is God who by the Holy Spirit does the actual
work of holiness as Philippians 1:6 and Philippians 2:13 reveal. We have a role to prove our love
of God by our obedience and those called to this high office of apostle must lead the way. John
14: 15; John 15:14; Philippians 2: 12 – 16. The Kingdom of God is built on
obedience of the Word of God, out of love and holy reverence!
Deriving from this complete submission of self to Jesus and enthroning Him first above life and
all else, according to Matthew 16:24 – 26, emerges a man or woman who is dead to the old
nature, life, ambitions and inhibitions. One that is crucified with Christ has nothing to boast of in
the flesh and of the flesh. Galatians 2:20; Galatians 6:14. Out of this broken being whose sacrifice
as laid on the altar has been accepted by God, emerges a Son of God who is neither male nor
female any more John 6:33; Romans 12: 1,2; Galatians 3: 26 - 29. Such a one functions primarily
in the spirit and knows no one after the flesh because of the renewed mind.
1. It is in the realm of the spirit man that the spiritual gifts and callings of God are received.
It is in the realm of the spirit man that the apostolic commission is received. The flesh
profits nothing because flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom and God does not
want any flesh to glory in His presence; hence He uses the weak things of this world
more of the time to bring to pass His purposes! John 6:33; 1 Corinthians 1: 26 – 31. In the
early church, Junia, a woman, was recognized as an apostle and senior in the faith to
Paul. Romans 16: 7.
When we understand this dynamic, the religious mindset which questions whether women can be
apostles will naturally fizzle away. The issue is the election and calling of God. It is not of him
that wills or he that runs but of God who shows mercy. And this God says He calls who He
wishes and fortunately, no one is qualified to ask Him any questions or to counsel Him! Romans
9:14 – 16. Instead of engaging in dry
religious arguments of whether a woman can be an apostle, the main issue is to understand who is
an Apostle, the functions and mandate. When you see an individual manifest what the word says
of that Office and Calling, please give him or her right of way, lest you strive against God!
For the hard of hearing: The Order of Melchisedek replaced The Levitical Order!
For the hard of hearing, a recap of what we have downloaded so far will not hurt. The sum of the
thesis so far is this: the Old Levitical priesthood which was essentially an exclusive caste limited
to the sons of Aaron was valid only as far as the Old Covenant went. The Old Covenant was a
shadow of better things to come. When Christ Jesus, the reality of all the types, symbols and
shadows of the old order came to earth, He was anointed to fulfil them in every respect! As He
fulfilled the righteous demand of the Law concerning sin, it was meet that He be the Lamb of
God on who the sins of the whole world from Adam to the very last generation was cast upon.
In Him is the only valid life acceptable to God. As He instituted the Communion and decreed its
regular performance, He announced the New Covenant in His own blood. That New Covenant
was not just based on better promises; it was to be mediated by a new priesthood. The writer of
the Book of Hebrews took time in an extensive stretch of the Holy Writ to show that Jesus was
not qualified under the Old Covenant to be a priest since He was born of the tribe of Judah. So
Jesus became a priest, not after the Levitical order but after the Order of Melchisedek. See
Hebrews chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The Order of Melchisedek was a priesthood made in heaven. It was a priesthood based entirely
on divine election, publicly confirmed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit that came upon Him at
the baptism of John in River Jordan. This new priesthood was passed on to, not just to the
12(save Judas Iscariot) but also to all of the 120 who gathered in obedience for the same
anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room at Jerusalem. With those original 120 saints and
all those who received Him and yielded themselves to Him to use them since then, the Kingdom
of God is being preached by those who, like Jesus Christ, have become priests after the Order of
Melchisedek. We are all part of the Royal Priesthood inherited who are sons of the King, neither
male nor female!; Hebrews chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
1 Peter 2:9
King James Version (KJV)
peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
In the Kingdom of God to which we are called, everyone has been ordained before the foundation
of the world to function as priests. In this present life, we are engaged in a dress rehearsal for
what we will be doing when Jesus returns.
Revelation 1:5-6
King James Version (KJV)
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten
of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved
us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be
Revelation 5:9-10
King James Version (KJV)
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us
to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and
And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on
the earth.
The problem with those who question whether women, uneducated and uncultured people can
become ministers of the gospel is essentially that of trying to put new wine in old wine skins.
Jesus Himself considered this an abnormality.
Luke 5:36-39
King James Version (KJV)
new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent,
and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.
And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will
burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish.
But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.
No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he
Brethren who question if a woman should be a minister or better still serve in any of the five fold
offices are trying to live the New Covenant life with Old Covenant mentality and mindset. Just as
Jesus received unlearned fishermen, tax collectors and all manner of men and mentored them to
be world changers, so is the New Testament Priesthood open to all who will respond to the new
life in Christ and relationship with the Father by the in dwelling Holy Spirit – irrespective of their
gender or status!
John 1:11-12
King James Version (KJV)
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
Galatians 3:26-29
King James Version (KJV)
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is
neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
to the promise.
The more weak and unqualified in the eyes of religious leaders such people are, the more the
Lord will even use them to confound the mighty! 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31.
1 Corinthians 1:26-35
King James Version (KJV)
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty;
And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God
chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
That no flesh should glory in his presence.
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom,
What Rome adopted and which makes it a unique religion, powerful and rich beyond measure is
the Old Levithical exclusive priesthood with its pomp, pageantry and exclusive priestly caste!
The architects of the religious giant declared with imperial decrees fashioned by its brilliant early
theologians and scholars, that Jews were excluded from the favour of God because they killed the
Messiah and therefore all the promises of God for Israel were now appropriated by the Roman
Church. This is the heart of what is called the replacement theology. As Rome had replaced
Jewry, in their estimation, it was meet for it to take over continuity of the Levithical priesthood.
So the Pope had to take the place of the High Priest wearing the rich and colourful robes of that
office. In the same manner, the Roman priest hood had to be exclusively reserved for those who
passed the rigorous universal system of training and liturgy management.
The so called Protestant Movement and its off springs the Anglican, Pentecostal, Prosperity
gospel movement have betrayed their profession of faith by adopting this Levithical concept of a
tiny professional clergy which does all the ministry to a largely passive laity whose main
assignment is to bring tithes, offerings and possibly play committee politics! Purported “Kingdom
preachers” who love the colourful robes of Rome and relish in religious titles not found in
scriptures betray their calling and re-enforce the wrong perception that Rome is indeed “Mother
of the Church”. The Lord is still saying to His true saints, “come ye out of Babylon and its
seductive religious system”
Women of God, come out of Babylon! Come out of the popish robes and attires that some are so
attracted to with their pretensions to power and piety! Come out of love of the microphone, klieg
lights, strobe lights and Hollywood type stages and yearning to face so called Christian paparazzi!
Come out of the fake nails, fake busts, fake hair, ungodly exposure of sensitive body parts in
pulpit pornography and indeed all kinds of plasticity! Come out of the world and its attractions
which are turning women in ministry into imitators of Hollywood and the Catwalk! Come out of
seductiveness and become carriers of the Water of Life in pure vessels!
1 John 2:15-17
King James Version (KJV)
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the
Women in ministry must be real and holy! They must be who God has made them to be and not
seek to be any other! It is to such women that God has committed the ultimate birthing of His end
time will. That war declared upon the Seed of the Woman and Satan did not end with Jesus
Christ! Every woman who is on the Lord’s side must realize that the battle that was joined at
Eden will be consummated by Holy, anointed and fearless women of God who will look Satan
and his human cohorts eyeball to eyeball and re-enact the slaying of the mighty warrior Sisera
by an insignificant Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite!!! Will all the Jaels stand up to be counted?
Judges 5: 19 – 31.
Lesson #6.
Constraints to women ministry are worthy of consideration?
There are many constraints to women ministry which are worthy of consideration. The key ones
can be broadly summed up as follows:
1. Opposition by Satan, the arch foe of womanhood
It is evident from the account of the fall of man in Genesis 3 that Satan deliberately
targeted Eve because he must have seen a tendency for her to yearn for colourful and
exotic things and also act independent of her husband, given by God as a covering.
Unfortunately, this weakness has subsisted till today, even among women who are
redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and filled with the Holy Spirit. As it was with Eve,
so shall it be with any woman in ministry whose soul yearns for things that are
“forbidden”. The Lord makes it clear from a careful comparison of these scriptures that
Satan has a central strategy of making saints to miss God by offering them what they can
see, smell, desire and be special: Genesis 3:1-6(Temptation of Adam & Eve); Matthew
4: 1- 11(Temptation of Jesus) and 1 John 2: 15-17( the core tools Satan uses to tempt
saints). That is why the charge to be separate from the world and its attractions/dainties
must be taken seriously by any woman or man who wants to serve God and His saints
acceptably. 2 Corinthians 6: 14 – 18; Revelation 18:4.
It is the role of every woman in ministry to guard her heart least Satan tugs it away from a
God centred pose. What to eat, what to wear and look special, what perfume to spray on,
what will make heads turn and cause men to grovel has always been a chief strategy of
Satan to unhook the hearts of women in ministry away from Christ. When a woman of
God begins to look to Hollywood for her dress sense; when a woman of God begins to be
overly concerned with impression she will make on television audiences and those who
will watch the video, her heart inclination can focus more on what to wear and how to
make up so much so that waiting on the Lord to receive a fresh word for the people
becomes a secondary consideration. Because the anointing of God is without repentance
and the name of Jesus has power in itself to deliver miracles, such a backslider in heart
can still manifest the Charismatic gifts, even though her heart is far away! Prating over
the stage, showing off her figure and becoming, so to say, a “superstar” may cause such a
minister to turn aside into vain jangling.
Because she is now projected by Christian Television and media as a successful minister,
such a person may be flaunted as a role model. She begins to sell doctrines of demons and
humanistic reasoning as the gospel truth, leading many astray. Such people essentially
begin to use the pulpit to model bad behaviour, infuse a spirit of error into the
congregations where they are received and generally become Satan’s chief tool to
destabilize families and the household of faith. Spearheading a satanic “women liberation
movement”, such ministers begin to teach women not to submit to their own husbands
and at the same time take their every word as gospel truth! The same preachers, who will
cause women to despise their pastors, exercise a real control over every aspect of the lives
of women who are beholden to them! Satan is a patient foe who can target his quarry for
many years. What we have described here often does not come suddenly but rather creeps
in subtly just like the tiny foxes of Songs of Solomon 2:15.
The religious spirit does not stop here. It has another equally dangerous assignment: to
make the Church adopt the Roman model of Levitical priesthood. This leads to a situation
where the work of ministry is done by a tiny professional clergy of between 1-5 percent
of the population. They spend quality years in seminaries and Bible Colleges learning
how to be part of an exclusive all-male priestly caste, complete with special robes, special
chairs and restricted access to the altar. From the lofty bully pulpit, they minister to the
vast majority who are referred to as “Laity”. These laid back people are to “come” to a
particular building once or twice a week called “the Church” to ‘experience the presence
of God’, hear from the preacher, sing some songs and be prayed for. In so doing, the
religious spirit is on assignment to make the saints set aside clear provisions of scripture
which paint a different picture!
Scripture teaches that the Church is not the building but the people of God who have been
called out of the world system! The Scriptures teach that these people who are
individually called out are joined together by the Holy Spirit to become the Body of
Christ. Just as a human body is made up of many parts, the Body of Christ is made up of
individuals who function as cells and body parts, based on their gifts and callings. This
organic presentation of the Church as a living, loving and holy organism is opposite to the
model the religious spirit offers of the Church as an organization! 1 Peter 2: 9-12;
Romans 12: 1-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4: 7; Ephesians 2:11 – 22.
The job of leadership in this organic mode is to teach, train, equip, activate and release
each saint under their charge into the fullness of Christ. The leadership which will deliver
this outcome is not a Pastor who is the founder/owner of a “church” but the fivefold
offices of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers acting in concert to
deliver the fullness of the Presence and Power of Jesus Christ! Such a congregation
becomes mature, able to discern between truth and error! Ephesians 4:11, 12 – 16
The latest postulation of the religious spirit is that women can indeed serve in other
offices except that of Apostle and Pastor! This spirit is tenacious and must be seen for
what it is: on assignment to ensure that women are not able to function fully as God
intends in the Church. The religious spirit is also on assignment to foster the dichotomy
which Christ broke down at the Cross: the age old issue of classification of humans on the
basis of gender. It must be noted that the remnant of God are called to embrace the
wholesome truth that in Christ Jesus, such classifications are obsolete for our life in the
Body of Christ, even the Kingdom life. Galatians 3: 26-29. Woman hood is however valid
in the marriage institution and there, the rules vary from relationship of spirit filled saints
who are collectively “The Church”!
4. Inadequate understanding of the nature and principles of the Kingdom of God even
by self professed Kingdom preachers and teachers.
The sad truth is that many so called Kingdom preachers, teachers, speakers and writers
are afflicted by ignorance of the Kingdom and its constitution, on the one hand and
confused about the glorious truth it entails. If we will systematically explore and practice
the true Kingdom message, neither the spirit of religion nor cultural mindsets would have
the potent hold they have on saints till today. The message of the Kingdom of God is truly
revolutionary and liberating! It says, unequivocally, that God has made a way back to
Himself for fallen humanity in Christ Jesus. Embracing the person and sacrifice of Christ
at Calvary leads to a transition from Satan’s to God’s Kingdom.
This translation which was instantaneous, is reinforced and experienced when saints are
soundly taught that the Kingdom of God is in their hearts(Luke 17:21). Therefore, they
are to stop the old self based life and begin to live for God and His Kingdom. This
happens when they willingly submit to the total rule of Christ in every area of life and
ministry (Matthew 16:24-26; Romans 12:1). Though physically here on earth, such
people are not of this world system. They are actually dual citizens: of the world to come
when Christ will return to set up His reign as well as citizens of the land where they live
or were born. So they put their whole strength into pursuit of the purpose, agenda and
priorities of their true King, Jesus (Matthew 6:33; Romans 14:17, 18). As they do so,
people may consider them foolish but they are actually wise. They trust God to deliver on
His promises to be their sole source here on earth and are strongly motivated by the
eternal rewards. Matthew 6: 25 – 35; Matthew 19:27-30. In this present phase of the
Kingdom of God which is spiritual, they are given gifts and callings by God according to
His Sovereign will. Our obligation is to receive people not according to fleshly
considerations such as gender, age or socio-economic status but according to what the
King has committed to them! Luke 19:11-27
Those who live by these Kingdom principles mature to the state of son ship where there is
neither male nor female. Such people are no longer to be known by gender, socio-
economic background or financial weight but by their standing in the realm of the Spirit!
Their authority is not derived from genealogy or the desires of humans but from the Lord
God who called and commissioned them. Romans 8:12 – 17; Galatians 3: 26-29;
Galatians 4: 1-7. However, the same Lord requires that in His Kingdom, every authority
must be subject to another authority! Romans 13: 1- 7.
Please add some other constraints you have experienced or which the Holy Spirit has
revealed to you....
What are peculiar challenges and weaknesses which women in ministry must recognize
and deal with at the cross to ensure the fullness of spiritual liberty?
2. The challenge of submitting to husbands in the home and exercising the authority of
the office Christ has called them to in ministry
Marriage is a solemn choice. Women can certainly fulfil their ministries without
marriage! If they choose to marry, they must know that they open themselves up to
another law which is sure and certain: the law of relationships with their own husbands.
Clearly articulated without equivocation, the law has these to say:
A married woman’s first covering is her husband. This precedes the covering of her
pastor, overseer or indeed anyone else. As a matter of fact, even Christ Himself
recognizes this shift in a woman’s priority when she marries! 1 Corinthians 11: 1 - 16
A wife therefore has as a chief duty, engaging in every lawful activity to please her
own husband. This very strange truth is articulated in 1 Corinthians 7: 3-6, 10,11,
33,34,39; Genesis 3: 16.
A wife is charged to submit to her own husband, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22-24;
Colossians 3:18; 1 Peter 3: 1-6. Submission is not weakness but rather a wilful
surrender of one’s own wisdom, strength and ability in respect of God and the
husband. Even if the man is an idiot, unbeliever, in addictive behaviour, the woman
who willingly went into marriage is required not to despise but to receive and honour
him! Ephesians 5: 22-24; 1 Peter 3: 1-6. By so doing, a woman can reflect Christ so
much so that the unbelieving husband can be converted.
These provisions do not confer on men, by any means, the license to mistreat their
wives. As a matter of fact, men are also enjoined to submit to their wives Ephesians
5:21 and to love them just as Christ loved the unworthy Church! Ephesians 5: 25-33.
Failing in this duty can attract closed heavens and poverty! 1 Peter 3:7. It must be
emphasized, however, that if a man abuses his authority and begins to deliberately
mistreat the person God gave him to love and keep; he has depreciated the moral
authority of being her head. If a man makes demands on his wife that put her in direct
conflict with God’s ordinance, his authority is thereby nullified using the rule in Acts
4:19, 20. In such cases, the woman is bound to submit to the higher power which is
As Paul exhorts in 1 Corinthians 7:1, 7,8,17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27,29-32,34,3537-39 the best
estate for successful and productive ministry is the state of single hood. Singlehood
enables a minister to be focussed on the Lord and the assignment with a singleness of eye
and passion which delivers measurable results. It is erroneous for Pastors to literally
harass single ladies to marry. It is equally reprehensible to stampede spinsters who have
the call of God on their lives to marry before they can be used by the Lord in ministry.
The bogus religious reason is “so that they will have a covering over them”! Celibacy in
holiness is an extraordinary force for good in ministry. As many as were made so by God
or who have consecrated their sexuality to Him should be encouraged to remain so and
not confused with ill advised theories which exalt marriage beyond what God says for this
generation. Matthew 19:11 – 12.
The rash of ill prepared marriages contracted out of soulish whims which proceed
assuredly to crash and the sad sceptre of saints living in adulterous relationships
occasioned by marriages not recognized by God is a very sad reflection of how far the
hearts of saints are from Him who they claim He is their Lord. The truth is how many
saints can pass the test of Matthew 19: 1-12? How many ever care to ponder whether it
may stand against them on the day of judgement? How terrible that saints are living like
in the days of old described in Judges 21:25. The truth is that God expects those whose
marriages fail to CONSECRATE their sexuality and lives wholly to Him so that He can
use them. As saints go into marriage counselling, Pastors should be bold to tell them that
the only opt out is singlehood. The sceptre of saints jumping from one marriage to the
other in record time is not supported ANYWHERE in the word!
6. Over reaction to lazy men and wrong interpretation of the phrase ‘weaker vessel’
God has blessed women with strength and versatility. The Proverbs 31 depiction of virtuous
womanhood is universally known. Unfortunately, some women in ministry have husbands who
are not so enterprising and able to bear the rigors of managing home and ministry while the
women concentrate on receiving from God and ministering to the saints. To allow offence to
build up because of such husbands is to miss the point. That kind of husband may well be like the
Barak of old who will only rise up when Deborah engages with his weaknesses.
The truth is that it will be difficult for any man, no matter how strong to carry a full length
pregnancy! Even if any tried to and had to do a Caesarean section, it is doubtful if such persons
would ever agree to go through the trauma a second time! Yet these are experiences women go
through with smiles and even ready to bear additional burdens!
For the reader: Please share some other challenges and weaknesses you know about women in
Tomorrow: Balancing demands of home, ministry & career + pitfalls to avoid in ministry
Bridget Trent
Apostle George, praise God for this wonderful word. I enjoyed reading it. The one thing that I've witnessed as far as
constraints is women in ministry who reject other women in ministry because they are fearful that another women in
ministry may get more invitations, become well known, etc. Rather than embrace women who have accepted their
calling and are being processed some become clichy and jump on bandwagons of the elite and well known in order to
be a success. Their success is made by the hands of man who will invite them to speak at conferences because they
are crowd drawers with their theatrics, their physical beauty, yelling, and alike. May more Aquila's and Priscilla's such as
you rise up for the female Apollos' in ministry who are who need guidance in their fivefold office. God bless you man of
God for His wonderful and glorious truth!
Truly, singlehood is of great advantage for those called to ministry. However, with the grace of
God, those called to be married can still succeed holistically provided they minister according to
spiritual rules God Himself set in place.
One of those rules is that no spouse should be allowed, for any reason under the sun, to take the
place of God in terms of inclination of the heart! God is jealous for His undivided place in the
hearts of the redeemed Matthew 16:24-26; Matthew 10:34-39. Jesus enjoins citizens of His
Kingdom to always make the main thing the main thing: Know God intimately, loving Him
above all else, seek first His Kingdom and posture to do His will in all situations. Matthew 6:19-
34. Those who live by this rule learn the great virtue in dying to self so that God is enthroned
securely as the fulcrum of life.
When spouse, children, ministry, business and other commitments emerge, they all take their
bearing in the heart of the woman of God on the basis of her relationship with Jesus Christ. The
outcome is a God kind of life displaying the three benchmarks of the Kingdom: righteousness,
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Those three benchmarks sum up the teaching in the Sermon on
the Mount articulated clearly in Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7. As long as women in ministry
observe this simple rule, all other relationships will fall in place except where the Lord allows a
Cross to emerge. When this is so, He will supply sufficient grace to carry same. 2 Corinthians
The gifts and callings of God are without repentance as stated in Romans 11:29. It is easy to miss
God and still be “flowing” in the charismatic gifts! Satan can use this flow to confuse a woman
whose life is falling apart at the seams on the home front or engrossed with the cares of this life in
business which tears her heart away from God. Further conceit can arise when financial and
social successes seem to be in the bag. Romans 14:17-19 clearly say that the Kingdom of God is
not food and drink! The presence of finances, fully booked speaking engagements and flow of
charismatic gifts can confuse one who is carnal to believe that she is successful.
If a woman of God is married, the need to give her husband adequate attention, second only to
God, cannot be over emphasized. This matter is so serious that Paul the apostle was used of the
Holy Spirit to state clearly that the need to fast or pray cannot take precedence over fulfilment of
conjugal obligations, except there is prior mutual consent! 1 Corinthians 7:3-5.
As children begin to come, a woman of God must avoid the temptation to have them take pride of
place over husband. Neither should they be loved more than Jesus Himself otherwise children
become idols! Matthew 10: 34-39. The same way God tried Abraham by demanding Isaac, the
apple of his eyes will He require us to surrender that child the woman in ministry loves so much!
Women of God who are called to the Market Place will discover great grace to flow therein
without sacrificing their personal relationship with God or responsibilities to family. The grand
secret is ensconced in application of a few concepts.
>Number one is to tap into the grace of God at the place of prayer so that she can cease from her
own works which drain the anointing of God.
>The second is to trust God completely by walking in Faith, not sight in all things. This is
possibly as she dwells in the word which renews the mind and refreshes the spirit-man.
>Thirdly, women of God need to apply balance in all things.
>Fourthly, the woman of God who seeks to please God and succeed in all realms of life like the
virtuous Proverbs 31 woman will find it necessary to shut down all potential avenues for the
enemy to get at her. This includes abstaining from all appearance of evil including ungodly
chatter on face book, separating from the spirit of this age and its purveyors, even if they are old
friends! This may sound radical but nevertheless entirely necessary! The key is to seek holistic or
wholesome success and be willing to pay the price!
On the other hand, it is dangerous to have covering whose mouth is shut because of
tithes and offerings given regularly or the sweet nonsense both of you exchange in the
name of conversations. Many who purport to have mentors and or coverings have
simply heaped unto themselves religious equivalent of boyfriends or sugar daddies!
The man who cannot rebuke, correct, chasten or discipline you including asking you
to step down for a period if you fall into sin is not a covering. The one who is blind to
your faults and does not address them is giving you a false sense of security! True
love of a protégé must flow in line with the love of Christ which is holy, pure and
tough when necessary. Hebrews 12:5 – 13; Revelations 3:19.
Since the soul of humans can never lie fallow at any time, God invites all women to look
to two women called Mary as models. The first Mary was the simple woman God chose
to use as vessel to bring forth the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This extraordinary woman was
distinguished for her yeildedness to the voice and demands of God; humility and
simplicity. She was willing to suffer rejection and abuse in order to fulfil the very
assignment for which she was brought into the world – to receive the divine seed, nurture
the baby Jesus and be there for Him till the very end. Luke 1:29-38. The other one, Mary
Magdalene had multiple demons cast out of her. In gratitude, she sold out entirely to
serve Jesus with everything and was commended for so doing John 12: 1-8; Mary
Magdalene made sure that Jesus received attention and care whenever he visited Bethany
their home.
Let us remember that the Womb-Man was created to be the instrument through which the
reproductive capacity of mankind would be essentially fulfilled in heterosexual
relationships (let he/she who reads ask for understanding of why Satan is hell bent on
attacking this God ordained way of reproduction):
Genesis 1:26-28
King James Version (KJV)
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living
thing that moveth upon the earth.
The spirit of religion has caused mankind to dwell on the fact that Eve ate the forbidden
fruit and thus opened the door to Satan to take over the dominion mandate of mankind. A
careful reading of Genesis 3:1-6 reveals that Adam was present when Eve was conversing
with Satan, failed to exercise his oversight responsibility as her covering and did not
protest or resist eating of the fruit. In effect, from a God perspective, both of them were
culpable. As a matter of fact, the attempt by Adam to deny responsibility was roundly
rebuffed by God as Genesis 3: 8-19 shows.
Right in the first Book of the Holy Scriptures – Genesis – God made a declaration that
has been obscured by religion. In pronouncing judgement on the three personalities
involved in the Fall, here is what Jehovah Elohim said concerning Eve and Satan:
Genesis 3:15
King James Version (KJV)
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
This was no ordinary statement. It was a declaration of war. Many know about the war
between Jesus as the SEED of the Woman and Satan whose incarnation would crush the
head of Satan who in turn will inspire men to kill Him at Calvary Cross. Beyond that
specific prophecy of the incarnation, lies a wider message. That veiled message has been
unfolding since the dawn of history but will be playing out in the final chapter of the
human age. We have a release from God to share a snapshot at the glorious end time plan
of redemption!
The truth which is devoid of controversy is that mankind – both Jew and Gentile has since
the days of Eden lived an essentially male driven world. Men have run the course of
human history and as the 7 Up commercial would say ‘the difference is clear’. Humanity
has been run based on savagery disguised as courage which has spawned uncountable
wars that have claimed billions of lives and polluted the earth with innocent blood. Men
have built empires based on deceit, raw ambition and covetousness for resources in
foreign lands.
In the gospel program, men have used the grace of God and His irrevocable gifts to snare
women into immoral relationships to satisfy their libidinal excesses. Rather than protect
and nurture in Christ like love, men have misused their powers to control their wives and
batter them physically and psychologically! Men have built ego driven ministries with
their names and personalities looming larger in the heart of their followers than Jesus who
died for them. Rather than make disciples of Jesus Christ, so called men of God have
gathered crowds of ignorant un-empowered folks who believe in them and receive them
as their access to the Throne Room, an idolatrous proposition of epic proportions! Men
have been driven by the enemy to create cults and denominations which run on the
principle of dividing the Body that Jesus died for into parties and camps called
Check out all the great moves of God and how men messed them up. The gospel which
came from Jerusalem to Rome was hijacked by a segment of men and married to the
establishment to create the greatest religious power in the world till today. Check out the
Protestant reformation and how it was messed up first with the embrace of the obnoxious
replacement theology and later the spirit of division over doctrine and dogma which led to
emergence of denominations. Till today, the war between Calvin and Arminius – though
long dead - essentially drives deep divisions in the House of God.
Even Asuza Street - that great out pouring of a little over a century ago - has been so
bastardized that heaven has been put to shame by the children of Pentecost who are long
on the ‘anointing’ but short of character! As men exalt tongues over obedience, order and
character, the chicken has come home to roost with myriads of Pentecostal congregations
in a permanent state of hostility – the moral equivalent of unending civil wars!
What shall we say of the Gospel of the Kingdom? Men have turned the Holy Scriptures
upside down and have created a Kingdom message which is not just off base but a
highway to perdition! Many today have believed the false gospel which has been
packaged by hell by voraciously consuming the opinions of men who have gone into
apostasy while leaving their bibles to gather dust! The true gospel of the Kingdom which
Jesus taught has been negated and the opinion of ‘experts’, men of fertile imagination is
now standard fare and by so doing, many are marching blindly to hell and damnation
straight from the House of God!
But as in every dispensation, God will choose and anoint the weak, neglected and forsaken as His
appointed arrow heads of reformation as 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 reveal so that no flesh will glory
in His presence. Satan has been laughing his head off for the way he has corrupted the gospel to
become a matter of relativity and personal perspective where soulish manifestations are embraced
as prophecy and deliverance and where Babylon sits enthroned as accepted lifestyle in many
congregations! Satan has commissioned the chief proponents of the New Age movement to
entrap great ministers with a poisoned chalice of free media exposure and no one is able to spot
the absurdity of God haters doing Public Relations for ‘men of God’
Unfortunately for him, God will be using that same situation to set the stage for emergence of the
redemptive assignment of a special breed of women. These are women He will use to reform the
broken system! Women He will use to awake the sleeping giants who are fearful like Barak of
old. These women are not going to spawn feminism. Their spiritual womb is carrying godly seed
in terms of both visions and special kind of ministerial assignment!
They will birth spiritual sons – neither male nor female! Sons who are beyond the neat boxes of
gender classification! Sons who will have the true gene of God and manifest His DNA in all
aspect of their lives. These sons will speak with the enemy at the gate and crush the head of Satan
in the Church with holy indignation, not minding how many years they are appointed to live on
earth or how they will exit this world – by natural death or martyrdom! Of these, the power of
Satan and death will be broken as they are liberated by the knowledge of the truth and are lost in
These are those who will constitute the fourth race of God on earth: the Remnant. They will come
from the three principal races of Shem, Ham and Japheth but will be delivered from their cultural
and religious baggage! They are the One New Man of God eloquently spoken of in the Book of
The truth is that all have sinned – men and women alike – and come short of the glory of God! If
the truth must be told, the Body of Christ is in a sad mess! The time to take responsibility has
come and the remnant must heed the words of Joel 2 and weep between the porch and the altar in
several places across the world. Let holy prayerful women of God begin to sound the Trumpet,
calling saints to solemn assemblies where repentance will be brought to God on behalf of His
Joel 2:12-18
Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your
heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:
And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto
Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind
him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?
Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom
go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and
the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine
heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore
should they say among the people, Where is their God?
Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.
Considering the totality of the revelation God granted Paul which emphasized the reality of The
Church as the Body of Christ where all humanity – Jews, Gentiles, Free, Bound, Male, Female –
find a commonality and community (Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 1, 2,3, 4; Colossians 1,2,3)
there is no way this distinguished vessel was asking all females to keep quiet and only be passive
learners in the House of God perpetually. The Holy Spirit has illuminated for us, the peculiar
circumstances of the Church at Ephesus and Corinth to which Paul gave specific instructions for
maintaining order and decorum in 1 Timothy 2:9-14 and 1 Corinthians 14:34,35.
If he wanted all women to be quiet at home, never functioning in public settings, Paul would not
have so glowingly commended the ministry of Phoebe and Priscilla and Aquila among others.
The Holy Spirit have not have moved Luke who was Paul’s biographer to record the deeds of
Priscilla and Aquila or even put the woman’s name first a number of times!
Paul had a revelation from God that for the Church to be healthy and strong, Christian families
must be united in love, practising the dual principle of supreme love for wives by men and
willing submission by wives to their own husbands(Ephesians 5: 21 – 33).
The entire 1 Corinthians 14 was given therefore to make a case for order and unity of the Body
and not to lay the basis of excluding women from active ministry in the Church of Jesus Christ
throughout the ages.
Satan knows that from the days of Mary who bore the promised SEED, God had set aside women
as His secret warriors and arrow head to birth the final move of God! The sheer brilliance of the
divine plan of salvation was so profound that angels and prophets of old alike had no idea how it
would pan out, though vessels like Isaiah were used by Jehovah to provide a sneak peek. That
Divinity would demonstrate the power of humility to become humanity took Satan by surprise.
That God would allow women to minister to Christ till the very end when all but one man fled;
that women would also visit to minister to the dead body and be granted the privilege of being the
first to see the resurrected Messiah was no accident! God had indicated at the Incarnation and
Resurrection that women would play a vital role in His Kingdom.
To all women in ministry – both in the public space or in the closet, hear this: Jesus has already
affirmed, accepted and deployed you as co-labourers in His Kingdom Vineyard through His Call
and Spiritual Gifts manifesting in your life!
Those who refuse to accept you because their minds are trapped in The Levithical Priesthood of
the Old Covenant are exercising their universal human rights to associate with or accept who they
wish to. Leave them to face God who called you and do not try to fight for Him!
The tragedy will be when you hang around them, seeking their endorsement. It will be tragic
indeed for you to allow any human being, out of prejudice or misunderstanding of the whole
counsel of God to exercise control over your destiny or continually injure your soul to the point
where you function at sub-optimal levels!
Refuse to let the new Pharaohs on the block put a fresh yoke of bondage over your spiritual
necks! Refuse to fellowship where you are regarded as fit only for marriage, children bearing and
keeping the home! Refuse to fellowship where you God given call, gifts are rejected, downgraded
and where your soul is constantly grieved.
For eternity sake, separate yourself from environments which Satan can use to inject a root of
bitterness which will make you fail of the grace of God! Hebrews 12:14-15.
The Word of God makes it clear that as the New Creation, you are called to be part of a Kingdom
of Priests 1 Peter 2:9. The Priests after the Order of Melchizedeck to which you are called by God
Himself in Christ Jesus means that no one should judge you after the flesh! Exercise your
priesthood rightly by serving rather than seeking to be served! Exercise your priesthood rightly
by preaching in and out of season, out of the klieg lights so that sinners are saved; Exercise your
priesthood by teaching them to observe all things so that they become disciples of Jesus, not your
followers or fans; Exercise your priesthood in an empowering manner by making sure that all
disciples committed to your trust are trained, equipped, activated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit
and releasing many into ministry as fit for purpose co-labourers with the King.
Ultimately, The King will return on the day and time known to only the Father! That time is
sooner than later. He is coming back to set up the full phase of the Kingdom and will reward all
those who faithfully discharged their priestly functions as described here with dominion over
territories and nations. Some of the most powerful Proverbs of Jesus clearly showed that
judgement will be required for the spiritual gifts, callings and life assignments committed to our
trust Luke 19:11-27; Matthew 25:14-30. The truth is that spiritual gifts and callings are deposited
by the Holy Spirit in the spirit-man which is neither male nor female. That is the part of humans
which will live forever before God or perish forever in Hell fire with Satan!
John 8:32; 36
King James Version (KJV)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Whereas many religious leaders are willing to set aside a day or two to honor women in a
year; Whereas many male ministers acknowledge that without women many congregations
will go bankrupt; Whereas it is the age old plan of Satan to degrade and decimate the
strength of the Church of Jesus Christ by taking out women as critical factors for nurturing
saints who will walk in maturity as sons of the Kingdom; Whereas those who oppose women
in ministry do so out of ignorance of the New Covenant and New Creation due to the thick
veil of religion;
We therefore who Abba delivered from that self-same bondage of Satan, culture of the
world and religion and graciously granted us revelation and understanding of His whole
counsel in Christ Jesus and principles of His Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit stand
upon that mandate to issue the following Proclamation and declare it sure and certain,
sealed by The Blood of The Lamb :
“Standing in the office where it pleased the Lord God of heaven to place us as Apostles and
Teachers in the Church of Jesus Christ in our generation and as those to whom He committed
understanding of the mysteries of the Kingdom which He has given us charge to teach
systematically to all who will learn and proclaim same with all fidelity, we declare, without
That Women have the same rights and privileges to engage in ministry as their male counterparts
at all levels.
And to that end, we further clarify, by the utterance granted us to take a clear and unambiguous
stand these affirmations that constitute the core of this Proclamation:
The operative parameter for receiving ministry from women at all levels is the specific and clear
call of God, not fleshly ambition; evidenced by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which He freely
bestows on all who He wills, not natural talent or ability to speak eloquently.
Where any woman therefore manifests the spiritual gifts, attributes and callings evident for any of
the five fold offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or Teacher, no one should hinder her
from exercise of that which God, in His sovereignty conferred!
We declare, according to the whole counsel of God that every saint who happens to be female in
this present life will one day stand at the Judgement Seat of Christ to account for what she did
with the spiritual gifts and callings of God received while in the Body as the core instrument to
occupy until He returns. Those who can show proof that they pursued and fulfilled their
ministries will be exalted and rewarded by the Lord. Those who allowed men, culture and
religious traditions to hinder them will be ashamed and miss the eternal blessings of the hereafter,
even though they will be saved if they remain in the faith till the end. The choice therefore is
clear and no woman of God should ever allow herself to be side tracked or confused! 2
Corinthians 5:1-11; Luke 19:11-27.
Those who oppose ministry by women because of culture, traditions of men, carnality arising
from minds un-renewed by The Word or out of religious zeal with inadequate knowledge of the
New Covenant and New Creation will do well to remember that they may well be opposing God
who gifted and called His saints who happen to be women! Spiritual gifts and callings are
received in the spirit man who is neither male nor female and not in the physical body which is
marked by gender, age and other carnal considerations! No woman should be known after the
flesh but by the spirit and its election by God for service!
We call on all women who are called by God into ministry to give themselves over to serious,
diligent study of the Word; get immersed in the Holy Spirit, live in holiness and sobriety and
function with wisdom and deep compassion for the flock committed to their trust.
We charge all women of God to reject the world and its ways including seductive fashion and
behaviour and any tendencies to be over bearing and controlling including carnal recourse to
feminism and triumphalism over men for these are manifestations of the spirit of the world.
For those who are married, we charge them in clear language: submit to your own husband, as
unto the Lord Jesus at home and be that wife and helpmeet Abba made you to be for him because
this is the ordinance of God!
To all men whose wives are called by God, we charge you to emulate Joseph and be helpmeets to
your wives humbling allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to support them so that they can fulfil
the counsel of God and their election for service in His Kingdom. Where this is done as unto the
Lord, there is nothing to be ashamed of and the blessings of God And His Kingdom will flow for
generations to come unto the return of Jesus!
For the single in ministry, we charge you to be married to Jesus Christ and be lost in Him to the
degree that those who will find you will first be lost in that same Christ where you are! Until the
one sent by God comes, let the Lord be your joy and satisfaction!
Let no one trouble or hinder any woman called to ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ!
Giving under our hands, this 14th Day of May 2012 on conclusion of the 40-page download from the
Throne Room titled GSoM Course 122: Women in Ministry.
Holy Women who love God passionately and are sold out to pursuit of His Kingdom!
Women who have encountered the Old Rugged Cross and despise the New Plastic Cross!