Assign 1
Assign 1
Assign 1
STUDENT ID : 921219-13-5185
Instructions to Candidates:
The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to evaluate a real
ethical problem in management and to recommend a suitable analytical method for
solving the identified problem as discussed in the module or other relevant books.
Identify TWO real ethical problem in Workplace. Evaluate why it is considered as
ethical problem and recommend a suitable analytical method for solving the
identified problem.
Ethical problems are found in daily life and at work. Workplace ethics are the set of values
and moral principles that need to be followed by both employers and employees in the
workplace. It is the set of rules and regulations that requires to be followed by all staff of the
workplace. A truly ethical workplace should model ethical behaviour from the top down, and
from the inside out. Workplace ethics are reflected in how organizations treat their suppliers
and customers, how they interact with others, how they perform their tasks, and how they
There are several ethical problems found in workplace which is affects the growth of a
company and productivity of employees. Following are two real ethical problems in
workplace and suitable analytical methods for solving the identified problem.
Sexual Harassment
Workplace harassment is all too common, and can ruin a great job and turn a company into a
toxic and unproductive environment. Often, harassment goes unreported, as victims may be
unsure of what qualifies as workplace harassment and what to do when they experience it.
protect the employee no matter what gender. Sexual harassment has broad categories can be
broken down into different parts. It can be verbally and also physically. Sexual Harassment
Workplace harassment includes different types of discrimination and acts of violation that are
not confined to one specific group. The wide-ranging types of workplace harassment can be
loosely categorized into emotional and physical abuse. All of these forms of workplace
harassment target various groups, including men and women. The victim can be co-worker, a
supervisor, or a customer.
A common ethical problem about workplace harassment is simply sexual harassment in the
discrimination and a violation of human rights. Sexual harassment in the workplace increases
absenteeism and turnover and lowers workplace productivity and job satisfaction. The ethical
problem still remains pervasive and underreported. Strong workplace policies prohibiting
sexual harassment, workplace training, and a complaints process that protects workers from
harassment as being more than just sexual harassment. Workplace harassment may also
involve of offensive conduct that is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile or unsafe
common among employers to verbally harass employees This will reduce employee morale
inappropriate sexual images or posters in the workplace and telling lewd jokes, or sharing
sexual anecdotes.
Firstly, an employer has the major responsibility to prevent sexual harassment. Which means
imposing a strict code of conduct good behaviour, and possibly implementing a whistle-
blower hotline for anonymous reporting of unethical behaviour. Each employer also needs to
train their employees on what harassment is, how to recognize it and how to report it.
Training can do drastic changes. If any complains receives on sexual issues. The employers
have to take immediate action. To avoid this ethical problem an internal complaint
investigation should be introduced that can make employees feel safe and secured.
Companies need to have predefined rules and regulations regarding workplace ethics. These
rules and regulations should be given to new staffs. After a domestic inquiry is done
necessary action should be taken towards the harasser as a act of zero tolerance to unethical
sexual harassment.
All employees deserve a workplace that is physically and emotionally safe, where they can
focus on their job responsibilities and obtain some fulfilment, rather than worrying about
unsafe conditions, harassment, or discrimination. Workers also expect respect for their
Misuse of company technology may feel like a minor problem., The inappropriate use of the
internet and company technology is big cost for organizations, worker productivity and
company money. Not only is it a misuse of company tools and technology, but it’s also a
Examples of misuse of technology is using the internet on company time, gambling and also
watching and downloading pornographic images or videos. Technology abuse can also from
answering personal e-mail to running a business on company time. The misuse of technology
in workplace is becoming a serious ethical problem. Employers should have in place an email
and internet policy, setting out clearly how employees can use its email and internet facilities.
The employer should clearly explain company rules on what is and what is not acceptable
regarding the use of the internet, emails, smart phones, tablets and social media in the
workplace. This should include the internet access, and work email are all company property,
and the company reserves the right to monitor use and access. The company also should limit
the use of computers, tablets, smart phones or other technology access for personal use only
Training Employees plays important role in preventing this unethical behaviour. On the
company policy, it should be clearly defined expectations, proper use, and abuse that will
result in corrective actions. The employees should be asked to be vigilant in using their work
The employees need to be supervised to ensure obedience to all company policies and
procedures. Train leaders to remain aware of employees’ computer activities and other
indicators that show there may be a problem. For example, decreased productivity, missing
deadlines, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, and shifting to another site
when someone walks by can indicate there is a potential problem. Raise awareness, set
expectations, monitor, give feedback and reinforce the need to use the Internet appropriately.
Employees who violate the technology policy should be held responsible. The level of the
violation drives the corrective action response. For minor violations, they may give them
support and coaching to help them improve. For more serious violations and repeat offenders,
written warnings and ultimately discharge may be the best recourse. It is important to keep in
mind that other employees know when abuse is taking place. If they realize someone getting
away with wasting time and misusing the technology, it causes resentment, negativity, and
may lead to them adopting poor Internet habits as well. Be consistent and take needed actions
to enforce your policy. Technology abuse can be a hidden activity that requires clear policies,
training, monitoring, leader reinforcement, and corrective action to use the technology in
good way.
Ethical issues exist in almost every workplace because workers often face situations, which
involve ethical dilemmas. Moreover, when ethical issues are not resolved in time, they result
in a hostile work environment making it harder for the employees to give their maximum
potential. The effective management of ethics is sound business practice. Employees’ morale
choose to form business relationships with companies that adhere to high standards of ethical
conduct. One of the key management tasks is to persuade employees to accept your
Berrey E, Nelson RL, Nielsen LB. Rights on trial: How workplace discrimination law
perpetuates inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 2017.