ACH-2A Advanced Reading Course

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{Jnif" Í I l

$-1í0t$SeS ffifXffi lr.{,üflifüeS

i?er-rc inq L : T"h¿ l"'{* use Ti'lr.f ,Jo,c[q Buiii"

A: Á Rhyrne fo l-eorn
Thi"s is ü very well known rhyme. Rhymes ore ú'g,too uray fo ,r,::ri"i-::¡:her
§ng llsh. Pracfice reacfl nE and s«ying i-hrs rhyrne. C*n you r'¡: t¡ .is ¡T¡ h t : í' í' 1' )'
ltave funl

llhis is.Iac1i.

'liris is the ]rousc th¿rt Jaci< built.

T'ilis is t,lic corn.

'l'ir¿Lt l¿1.¡ in thc housr-- ti:ai.ilr:1,' liriilt

This is Lhe r'¿rt
'Iir¿rl a'l;e the corn
'I'h¿rt 1ey in the house tha¡ Jaclc built. #Íl*,1-lS

This i:i i.he cat,

T'irr,LL kilie:l i.he r"at
'ihat ate iire corir
That irL;", in. i,he l:ot.isc t,iral. ,I,-rl;i, ¡ilil i

is is tiic
'l'1llt ch¿rsecl t,he c¿rt
1'Ir¿lt liiliec'l l.ire rirl
'l'h¡-r[, ¿r{,e 1,he corn
'l'li¿.t 1ry in the house that Jack burlt.

This is 1;he l:orse

T]:at kiclieci thr: dog
Tl:a.i; ch¿rse C rirc car
Tliat killeci {.he liLt
'lha-1. ate the cori:
Tl:¡il,1ay in thc iroi-isr: lirLi,,lacii Jr'"rilt,.

'I'iris is Lhe rllarl
\Yho rocic 1.he irorse
T'haL iiicli.ecl the clo¡3'
Tir¿rt chasecl the cat
Tirat liillecl the r¿rf,
'L'liat ate the cor.n
T'hat 1ay in the hor-rsr: thaü Jacli built.

Tiris is the 1ac15,

Who marrierl the n:an
i /ho rcde tire hoise
That hickecj thc Crog
'Ihat chased the cat
That killecl the ral,
T'hai ate the corn
That ia1, in tire hcuse L5al, .I¿icli ¡iii ii

B. Ansuu,¡er|'hese quesf ions obor:'l the rhyrire. Try to snswer t'he questiúns
f i",:m memory. Try not ?o lock at the rl'ly¡1s.

l-Whql_cj d-Lhe
¡ rs I dq? §'f sfe the eorm,
2. What c{id the cr:l do,)

3. \,4/he1'did the dr¡c¡ rjo?

:1--Vll:-rl. dre{jhe¡prs e d-0 ?- -

5. V/hat did fhe mcin a'r:?

ftmr:si íotq ¿*. 0 $*{ouses erme{ §*{o r'nes

Á. nt the pietr:ne.* [:e[erur. Whc"i' l-ype. of hr¡n,ies d* y,ru se*? Sl'l*nss f,l'*:rn
the wCIrds !n the hCI¡r. Wriie ü r"rfiffil€: next 'il'*r eaeh 'iype o'f hr:trie.

fl,'ür'i yür-l *him$< of o't'[ter VBes of, ho¡mes

tk¡eit y:criple eota !ive i¿r? brer,p¡ m pief"urre. tt.fl
ít *mC uu,nitm the nrnme fon !t.o¡,1 the lins. I

t_.__ *..,

f ,nprmn'f'rlrenf
, {-i*sf§e }-{*use ]:enf i.j¡t- i
F. I
Tneller Iql+o llo«1. i
i su ]

B. fieuci the sl'ory. bCI no'l use *
eJietionflr\r. Virhefl )rc,ui reoc'j. i't' is i-rr)-l r-iiwcys;
rte.cessü:'1l'l-o unders'["and evet'1¡ uvr:rd. roli"h;s r¡nit y'ül=i nniy ftnve t.t

,,-j,¡: l
, i. L.r::

¡,.:í'r* j''

ver-y counti"y ts ctiÍereni., wiill

rts cwi
ccunrr-ies are very large, bur otilei"s are q
;-noi-rntiiins and rivers, oi' r¡Ér'I iei,r,. C,¡r.intries have clifferent cliiii;iies, ancl si.
have clitíerent I<ind.s of plants aircJ ¿ninrais. ¡1,11 of the:;e rliings ¿iltcct Lhc ii',,es $ilitiii-*l.r:,,ri:i
of tl'rc people. ?|ff ,i.j:,-.'.t i',,.r

f"lost coitntl-ies have great. cities v¡i'ch hsuses, buiiciings and rnonLlments af ,,.{í:-. .,,.,,.,',,',¡;,'íi,¿)"..
ever\/ i<ind. Vv'hen rn¿e tlrini< oia large cir¡we often thir;l< oi'rhe gi"eac
? .--:r
buiicirrr¿s in the cicy rather than rhe city as a'whole ,{;- Ol_ ...r,0
",f^r:*,- ". i¡i,.,i ir
in the past., cities were oftcn built arouncl castles or palaces yyhe¡-e emperors K
or" l<ings iived. These ruler-.s lived in c;rstles or palaces, whose nrain prri^pose
'\¡,1as to l'arti{y thcnr agair-rs'c ati¿rcl.l" ,,1;{,íl:
iiii't' 'l' ;'13 fd"'i:
ln rirot'e ¡:,:aceíLtl tír¡es,.Sorr¡e der;:cnsri^are their
buik: palzrces to der;:cnsti^ate
tít¡es,.Sorr¡e i'ulers builr: "t"-"' "i
t'íii "t"--
irn¡:ot'{.ance. T}iese wet^e great holnes that,,,n,er-e rnagnificent: to iool< at, r-lichcr- \*_._,,:;lry'
.^sr.rrjng. ille
tl'ran -sirr:ng. Tlie palaces
Palaces along
alonS [he
[ne river
I'iver Loirc
Lo|l'c i¡r
t¡] i:rance
i..r'ance are wcrld famous.
tamous. ,i\-']f,.i\-.1'i,.9.;'i
;l \.;r,.¡.\,.1.i3r_,_Y_,/
l. of rlre,-n havc tali, porntecl turrets ancj ar-e sur'rouncJecl L;y
i'''1;i i;
i-., br:;rirriful

Tl-re l¡¡-11,r5tLlirce in the world is i:he Inrperiai Paiace in Pel<ing, L-hina. Lii<e fl$fl1':'""t1"'
n,.an':r' other"olri palaces, it is no\^/ a mltseurn. -""" ,

i.he nrost spierrdici ¡:r;rlaces are theVatic¡ri-r Pelace in í?.ome and the
,-,ai;ice c¡tVei'sailles, near Paris.These palaces lrave grea.t rconrs ',vith
S#, ..*"._.,c..*. liii
t-,:rir¡ted c-e ilings, br:a.utiful fu¡'¡riiure.and nrany ¡:ai¡ririg.r, sc{-ilpiu¡L'3 añcl -#fl'
-- }:r-X.t,l!,,,',,
a^" ü¡ ili
r .r,r'',
:iii.:i-.u'L ¿i'c;rsr.r r-cs. .:r
..'\.,.. -.r'

ioi;i¡ tl'ie¡':'ir^c con,¿erted into n'lur íiL:n-,'s ¿rnd rre r great tor-li-isi attl"action.

¡ -..
C. Recdi nq Carnprehsnsion
Did you unders"i'snd f ire iiepor'ioRt inform,:tíon? dornplete the seiii.ry.t{ii3s
r¡¡ith inforn'rcfinn .frorn fhe r"e,seJina.

1. Every.courn'fry hcs it*< ow!1 ... , *n*,

countries hava c{ifferent plants snd rurirr¡,¿¡ls beenuse fh.r1r hcrirr:
oifferent ...

3. fn the post citíes vretra buih anr:und ... 0Í"

4. fn tire p«st emperúrs and l<inels livee{ in ...

5. ilre moin purpúsa a{ c«s.Iles tryns .fc¡ ...
é. The,re fire mol,ry rruorld farnous paloces rn .,.
7 'fhe lorgest pcrlnce 'l.he ín t¡¡orld is i¡"r ...

8. Tr¡vo more worrderful pa[qces c(r€ the .. nrn-i

r-t I {L.l

9. TocJay many palaces snd casfles cre useel 6s ...

D. Disr:ussion
V/hoi types of buildings ore in yCIrrr eountry? \4/hqt type.s cf
hcrrres Cc
people líve in?

rf could live irr any type of home, whot fype of home wouid
tr'r iive in? tuhy? Who.t would you¡ life be iike
there? F-{or¡; r¡;oulcl yo., tol.u
core of thct horne? Who would live there with you?
Vi/h,rt ro¡r:ulcJ you C,
everyclay in that hCIrne?

[üenc{ing 3; 'the \rVine }"rester d1¡tmrisru;r

A. Discussioti
Dr: you believe Iri qh*ts'i's?
I--J«l,e you ever he,en insleia * i"r«1.¡*ttec{ ltaii::e?
Í-"1*r¡e you evqr c,r" he*rd q[¡ou'i fin'ii s-it'ünge !rieicicn'i's írr a ]lcusr:
or builCi;"rgl
Vi/haj"w¡c-ild yc¡u c{r.¡ if sj'rnnge inciejenl'.rl s'lcrr"tr:r:i I'1,:rppaninr4 ii1 116¡1¡"l"ioLrs¿¿?

il. ilr:«,-j-ih¿ s'i*ry. 15¿;tne gt,*,:ple beli*.ve $nr''s s'i"r;ry. Cther pr:oplc'ihitrl<
1"1'rcrf .:;he wcs cr"oz)/. \4/hst dci yotl think?

ll:-e-!üi¡e h ester- li'4 a n s l-q¡l

In 1862, Sar¿rh ilardee inaried William 'vViff \4¡inchester. Williarrr u'as

ihe son of the inventor and maker of the famous Winch*str:i'iiíir:s. het
husl;ancl clied, a inecliuin in Boston t.rld §arali that iris cleaiir hail i:eell crtiscti
by spirits of the tliousar:ds cf people wlio had been sllot by Winciresler'¡'illr::;
I-{e also toid her that the only lvay to escape tire ei,,ii spirits u,as to bi"rjlci a
ho,¿ise ancl increase its size constantly. Sarah ntovecl to air eigiri-becll'oottt
iiou:ie in San Jose, Califbrnia. After si>r montlts she haci builr an e::ti¿i
eighteen rooms, and she continuecl to ad.c1 on rooin§ foi'the next thiii-v-e igirl
years. V/hen she clied r*,1922, at the age of eighty-five, tire Itouse had a toiirl
of'a iruilcli:ecl and sixiy rooms. Appa:'entl)' the hcitse pians trlaij been ¡;ivt:rr tcr
Sar¿rh over the. years by the spirits who iived with her.
Today tlie honse is a tourist attracf.ion. if you go io San Jose, Caliibrnja,
1'orr caü take a tour of the liouse. There you witri fincl lliirisual ai-ctrlitectut'e.
J-here are stairways leading to tire ceiling, a x'oom r.vith no floor and e.,,eit A
l'oorl witLr two doars - a sinail dcor fcr silort girosts anct a big door ioi" tali
ghosis. The most popular: time to visit the mansion is l-iaiiorveeir. I-Iuitch'ecls
of 1teotrlle vislt tire m.ansion on tlle night oiO*foL',er 31si to t;ike tlir: sp*ciai
midiright ghost tor"rr.

C. Look at the pictures. Whot unusual a.rchitecture do yot.r see in lhe

r. f I

&/ ,ir,

D. Vocobulory Proctice

Underling tlre words on the previous page. Can you moke se.n'l-ences r¡¡ifh the
words? fn pnirs or smollgroups, decide whot the words meon onrrJ moka one
sen'lence for'esch word.

fnventor ii

Ríf le
Shot (shoot)
Evi I


Resdinq 4: Tco ffir-¡ch Noise
By Ánn rt4c6avern

A. The nsxf s'l",ory is eboutq rnon r,vho thinl<s there is too much noise in his
I'ioUSe .

rs your hpuse noisy or quiet?

What mokes o lot of noíse in your houseT
What noises dc ycu Iili*?
Whot noises don'-t'you iil<e2

',] E. Reqd fhe story. Answer tLre questions irf "ler ecr.:l't scri

A long Lilne ago tirere \^¡as ¿1 rnan narrerl Pi-llt;r'.

lived in an oici, o,[c] irouse. 'l'he I;oci cic¿ikcil. 'i'hc
flor¡r sclueai<ed, 'I-hc le avcs f,;li oi-l tiic: r'or:f- -..,;ri';s1r,
"T0o noisy," saic]. peter.

Peter -vvellI

to see the wisest person in iire -,,i]tragc.

"lVhat can I do?" Petel asliecl the r,r,isc m,ail. ,',\,ly makes too rnucti noise. b,{y bed c.reaics. tr,l.,,
f1oo. sclueaks. The lea"ves fall o* tl:te roof-sr,r,isli,
sr,yish. My teapot rn,histles--*jriss, hiss.,,

C,. Whert r5 Pe'ierrs prert:lern?

,, rl,,

". \A/hat do you thinl< fhe rruise niar¡ u¡[ll sny?

J, 1.

it/ .,?'
j \. -)--.. rii
--i.iitl:\ '\ '



:1;\\/': ;) '1 '\

: i;!; '1
I ¡' t..' r'". ;

"I can help you,,, the wise rilan s¿rid.

k::c¡rv ¡,,vha I
yoli can do. Get a cow,.,, I ,,:,,,

So Peter got a cow.
: , ii.
i r|:l l.
I{l l 'r ll J: i
Tire corr,, said, '_'lvloo, moo.', ¡1.' l¡¡I. 1",
, ili.r.:i;1;.1 .j
'llhe beri creakecl. 'I'he Jl'or
.sq.ueakeC. The lea,es il t,lrl\ir i
ii¡ii'¿;. t i

leli on tire roof'__sr,yjsii, ldritrii.'i

s¡,r¡i,s]l. The Lea.pct
iviristle cl---hiss, iri ss.

"Too nois\r," ,said Fgl-el"

ileter -vrrr:nt back to i-hc r"t"ist illi-ln'

"Get a clanlielz," s¿titi tllc "'"'isrl

; So Pr:ter gót a ionkel''

'f'he dor-i']<e1' saicl' "l Ice-havi''"

Th-e cov,¡ said, "l,zioo, mÜo"'
w'histled-hiss, hiss'

"SLii.i too noisY," said Pcl-ei"

/Lnci 1-¡e r've¡lt back to Lhc r'visc nlail.'

"Gei a sh.eep," s;a-icl tllc i'i'isc nlan'

.ü,# #



ffi,ffiffi,ffi Eij:ri'r
I'*Í,,ffiii'i,: .i§.
I ii
:r\*flii:,{ l\i,ll
i .
¿'ii';ltilit, \t

So Peter got a sheep.i't'tí,$,üffi ,\l i1"l('.\ri,"; i r;i¡,,.,
l, l{.i}, l. (:
l'i\; I ,¡,r'1 .i.:\\r')
,r¡,;ir I ¡-..rr, l'r
',i {\iiu,\\.\'.\
rf-'¡Á,i,\[tdb]il¡ih i
f,;,',":ii, ldF,S+iíI,l

llhe sheep sairl, "Beia, llaa." 'iíf,' -Jlt,; Tllfl i5l. : i. Ili,i:l
i.r+,r c iJ ¡'i.ü. rü1'_rYi

The clonkey said, "FIee-lta\Ar." !I'C/',Yis[tl,'¡'t

Wi, .jit /1.j,1: r¡, r tr ';i
.:i,¡ ,¡ ,
k¡i ii! ;fñ E\ \:l-..!.

The cow said, "lv{oo, m.oo." 'i r1,I''tllif

il, lirlr¡
. 9'!'ri$ü¡,{iti}}¡n3
. r¡' !
I Í1,.!,?-"rf.. t\1 -q,

r Iiili'1)B'íSi[] I
;i'll ii;rt:-,:
The bed creakecl, The floor sq ueahed. The lea \¡ ,..

"" li¡l,,riilaiii 1iÍl,Hii

!:{;''; il't,¡i¡
fell on the roc¡f-.srvish, slt,ish . The teai-rot iñiir'ir-t;
I \ II

'l ,\ii
r,vhistled__hiss, hiss. Il.\i. ilt\üri,lilt I

) :,+(,rtr\¡i
"Toü noisy," said Peter. Ancl h e \,verlt back to t Ii uar .l
.! r'i\rt-,:;i.l
r,vise man.
\ .'. .) '
r'l ') . i'ii. '.
, ' 'l':.
l'.t, 'r,,,'.,

'1'.. . ..i;,,. ¡,
"Get a dog and a. cat,:' saici the lt,isc mairü. \\'\,'ji,.',.
.:\ "

,, {i;.r¡;i.i
_-,ii; i
i \ {r{r
r,\i..\i r

''t 'i r
'" i,',li t

So Peter got a clog anci a cat. \1,'


'.1'il¡: rlog said, "z'\^i'i, .':i'i'.'
'i'jl0 c;al s;rid, " \,[,-lr:lir,'. il]Ji\.v. "
li\,Y{ Tlie shcc;: saic1, "iJii.1, l-i¿ia."

Ti:"e donliey saici. "i-Ior:-ilit\i' "

v iiir 'f1:.e cow sirici, "l'rlc,c, iIr:rt.''

l.Jr:v,i j}e1-e¡ \i/as iinlir¡'. J-ic \\¡clil ic.r s¿c Lhc ';, lrlirll

"il-iiillq Pete.r'uu;Ii :sa':¡,) \'i,ih,:-i'l¡,'ili -iire uvisr. tTliiit sc\,/;r

t,. \,Vlrrr"l c{n yi.;r.l

"l tolci you my r,l'as too troisy," PeteL saio'
"l told J/ou n})¡ hecl creaks. I\4y flool squeaks'
lesves fa1l on th.e roof*-si,yisft, svvjs-ft.
'Il:e t.capct
r¡,¿hist1 es-:hi ss, hi s-q' "

"l.lo¡,t, co,o' says nfoo, n'loo' Al1 ctair. tiie

all day the
clcnkey says hee-haw' AIt da¡,'the sheep sat's iiaa' i , \,'tl
baa. All day the clog says arf, alf, and tire cat savs 'tiitl
rnoc'!\r, nloovv, Yor¿ q]i11 nr:¡t l:o].p mo," sajc], Peier. ,rilt1ii"'iffi
\1,--/ 1,1li,i$++ ';i,,
¡,.'i': )i{,'il:L-iil,

r ;\,iy

¿ r l,ililhii,
'I'he i,irisc s¿tici, what i teii yLru. I-et the i¡ffi¡¡¡.ra1¡$jir
arrimals ga."

5lo ireier Let th.e anir¡rais go.


l'.joi,^¿ no üo\,r/ s¿rid ilc¿r, ¡¡oo, i\lc ijlnkr:l¡ l;¡rili

ir':r-.-lla,.n,. irio sl:eep said ltaa. itaa. i'vo clcg saicl
arf', ai'[. lrlo cat sa.ic] n:ecr,v, meo\\/.
'llire bed creakecl. "()h." saicl lrcii,i'
noise." The fiool srlucalic'.1. "Ch,"
"Vl/hat a qrriet noise."

Cutside tl:e le¡nrcs fcil on thc l'oof*-sr.r, jsJr, .sii i:;ii

insicie the teapot r,vhistlcci__lr jss, iriss, "-.)h.' sr ri
Peter. "i-Ic,rn¡ quiet mi/ irouse is."

And Iretel got inlc his becl ¿ritcL.,vcrrt io sict-'t, airil

cireaineci a very q.uiet, ch'e¿rn¡.

-ih* -ic*¡ic"i i-¡t-r'i"l'lr-r

E. V/hy dic;ln''["1he rrolses f i"ain tire. h*rd , i'rie- lert,.'-rs eind
Pett; s" rinYrl or"l l'i'r"?

E. Voc«bulory Pnoefice

\¡i/hni'is an onomnfopoeícr? Arr crromctopoeia ls a uvo¡"d tho'1'ciescr"rnes rr
sound. rt is spellad Ií[<e J"]ra sourrC. rn the story tr-here were ffifiriy

Belouir is o list of the onomsf*poeius in 1'he s-lory. Naxt to esch r:ne r,vrii'e
"t'he thing or" onirnml thu* ritakr,s i"he sound.

ff pcssible, think c¡f ono-lher cnirrrol ar"fhing'rhct m*kes the sarn¿: nr,.ise.
Wriie the nome ir.r the third c*lurnn.

Animal or fhínE in the ,4nofl¡er anirna/ ar f'hing

Sound sfory thaf make:r fhe 'thaf make.s fhe s«¡ne
noise ?1nt<4r

I""{ee * f'{auu
¡4 rlj

Recrding 5; ¿l"&oving 6mmne
#y'Arllne tihellis

A. l4we you evor nicived? Huw did you fe¿tr ohout rn*vinq?
ff yoti had l'o rilmvü. to a aJifferent house ne)LV, lia'+,¡ r^;duícJ you f¿r¿1,;' \riili;r,r
if you hcd 1'o tnoil# t-,: n c{ifferent city nr,u,l, he;u,,¡ r¡,,,:uki }¡ou i:¿rei? ítllty'?

ü. ileüC J'he stony. ,r{nswer "f'he questions after each se*'iicn, Ra¡nr:rriber, "lhot
it is rrot necessür'y'io'iderstcnde.very r¡ord. ff yr:i: c*n,tnsuver ti'le quesi:r:iis
ot'f'he. end of eaeh ssctic,n, the¡'i you undersfcod the ii'npoi'tant ii"rforit,:iion.

Gail iooked out il-re v,¡irr.iow, ancl watcired ihe

hurnmiirgbirds. Tire,v leaii¡, seemecl to like tire
feecier she haC rnacle fo¡-" them. Beyoncl Lheni, Cail
cr-rnlil .cee the sar-rd beaci:. She was thínking, "This
is home I've eveL known. Who r,vanLs a
Lhr: c-inl;r
r'ic¿¿r Lrorne? But that's i.t,lra-t lvlorrr ;rnci l)ac[ Liave

goilc lo fiird-a new home in Toierlo, Ohio.

.An1rh¡ia,, I'nj cia.1 that ivÍr's. ianal<a is sta1,ii1s
,,r,iill II-iu. "
Giril n,eni oui tl-re bacl< door airt-l i1o,.'",11 irr iirc
beaclr. Shc tl-roriql-, f, "Fio,.,\, ce,.irlcl illl-r¡ ilai\r,.t ;r
be ttci' placc fol mc to p)41,?" Cl.rrl ..,,1t,,t:\.\,ij i)ii l]ltt

sancl ;rrid r.valchcc-l i'l-rc bir"ds iititirt i:, .'lnri rli,tt rii
' the t,r¡¿ "Dct bir-cls hairc Lo ttrot'r-r il ",, t-l tl i-i
. i.

vi,ailt lo?" slie rl,onderc,l.

. {:¡",

IL.. C. l-íor,u <ioes &ait f etl?

\ti l'r'y.?
¡ -1.
Caria, the girl iv'}-ro lived lrext dool, cailrc i,:'¡ri'.ti,--i
Gail. ,,yíí,,, Carja :^aid.
drici jr_r:ri. tclci l,:ri¡ liir¡i,r1
Lre r¡roving to Chic soon,"

Gaii rroc{rleC unhaprily.

"We've mo¡¿ecl Lols oi tilles bcc¿r'-tse of \'iol:¡':r ]':l-¡ ''

Car'la saicl. "So ] aivval's play iiu tltc,t'iLir1 1,,:r,r, "

"\¡Vhal's ti'le nroving garnc?" asketi Cl¡ii, lr:i.liiir:,

hanCful of sar¡.cl ti'ic}<le tirro.rsh hct' fr:rqr":.s.

'_ ,.,.-¡r.<ti,!l , -,1""

' fl-.i ; . r :.:
, . r- , '
il l, -i.i.-l. '
¿¡ ü, ,í-1,," i, '\
,rr- l
a:'t'ii'! -r
' "11;':

"11's a give-and-Lake ll-rirrg," Cai'la sai'1. "You ltrtll<'

arolrncl yolll: o/d l^roilc al'it'l fllrcl sor:refhiilg )/oLi
waltt fo iake wifir )/o'rt to \ior¡r il¿:¿¿r i-tiline.
yOLl CAlt a.l"ur,,A)r5 ret"uCirtbCr hO,rV lilttCi-l .[:1111 '"'¡r¡1 1i'¡i

/Í *)1,,,,.,-a )r{lu 1'tsecl ttl lir,'e. "

Carla r,verrL oü.talldng. "Then, aftcL. iir¿-,1's donc,
)¡ori {hinl< abor-rt the fanlily v,,ho vvili rlrorre iilto
)/or-rl oli iroine. Yi:¡-r ciecic'1e n,hat tr'¡ lc¿'ri,,e íoi Lirt
nerv chilc{ren. You see, C;,ii, rtrayl,c i}rc1, Con'L
want tO move any nl0r.r: lt-iarr )/ou rio."

Cail lool<ed slowl), arourr d,. "1. woulci¡L,t ]<norv

whaL to take or r^rhll't. ieave,,, sl-)e saict ,l,liv.
"l jlrst cl.olr'r u,alri io ntovr:,.,,

D. rn yclur own words, explain whnt tlle "r1rov,itrrE Gi:m,r::" is

"I i<ttow, Gail," saicl. ,,BLrt iL,s so,retiri.g yor.i

have to do. So pla,v the sarne
anci rnake il fun. I
broi-rght a si,ooth wrrite :;to.e
wifrr rittle greerl
sire¿rl<s i.
fro,l our o]ci ii.,rc i, Al.iz:or=,]. A,-,.1 l
left one of n-ry best kites lr;r. ihe
.elv chilciie¡.r.,,

C¡ri^la.g¿ffiql at Cail,s hanci. ,,Ccntc ojl oi,cr",,,

said excilediy. ,,I,ll show you all
tire things f: om
my old homes. And I can Leli yor-r
abor_ri.all ihe
tirirrgs'I Ieft t:a9.,,

Gail jumped up. She saicl , ,,1,'d better teil Mrs.

Tanaka r,vhere I'll be.,,


,/rs Gaii ¡an tr: her horne, :;he \,rr,--¡nc1rt:¡ecj. ',+,i-Lat shi:,
coiiid leave for the childrl,n r.vlro ,,r,riLrlcl Iir',: tlrcr',-,
ne)itr. She lhought, "CrLe Lrf rn;z sirelis? FIo, tirr:
chilclren can find lois r-rf sheiis ,¡n ti-re ttr'¡;'¡¡|1. .i\il-i:
ne14/ book about L-rilclsi' Irir-r. I'li leeri i1-,at in T'oir'cir;.
I knc'vy r,,vhat I']1 leave---lhc bircl['ecr-1cl I r:urde i:t-.i
the i-rr-tr:.rrn.i¡rgbirds-.-Then thr. bir',:-J:.: \.,;üil"r. l-r¡lr.¡c i.rr eL t-te\\¡ pliirti...,,

Gail L:eg"an to feel vvarrlr ¡nc1 bLrbbil jn:.;ir-ic ¿,s sh,.:

lhoueht about other chilr'¡ r'r.r,i r,,,aLchinr¡ iltc
hir irrrriirifL;jrtlt; .rl ihc iccti':i'.

"iVow, whaL shoi-rld I take?" Cail lvonclciccl. "\'\"t'll,

.['Ln. s;Ltre i'll
sotiió iLica:; vi,i-icn i i,-;c.k.ri {.irc

tl¡ings Carla i-ras broLr,,lliL frcrlr l-rcr i,ld ltoil-,cs. flui

I lcrrorr,, I'il tak:e s(l1uc sllrd f'itiit.: thc Lrcacil so I,.:,rli
¡l1,rl;rizs relllLrllrllcl' liris oici l-rortrit ci: niirie."

::';l Ili'

E. What does 6ai[ lemve?
lt/hcrt is 6ai,l goi*'rg to 't'oi<e, tn¡ifh lrer?
l"Jc'uu does 6ü,iI feio?l cit'l;'he errd of the. s1ori'?.

f. pluy the rnovi ng gayyr*. Pretend that you ore Eoivtg fo nrove i'c,' nu;riy. Decid¿
luhaf you woulel take with you to help you re.membei" tha ho¡ire vúu live in
nCIuv. Cecirie wtr,rat you i,voulrl lec,ve {or the, children who r*igii'i rtiove
írtto your home nex.l".

G. Vocabulory Pnactice
'the followinE words in the story. C*n you make sentencss i,,',¡ith 'lhe
vuorris? fn pairs o¡" small gror,rps, c{acide what the words ffieün ntir{ r;uii"r. ane
senl'ence for each wonci.

i-{t¡rnrníngbirds Kite
Wondered (wonder) Tugced
Ntodcjed (nod) Shells
I fl ctr,ile BirdfeecJer (feeder)

Unit 2

ffitmrafs, ffimhüíms, mmC ffim$ries

Old sforIes nnd fo.irytales often havegoblíns, giants nnd fri¡^ies. -:-irey iall<
obout magic spells, wifches ancl mogical ani¡ncls.

Do yoLt like to reod stories abor¡t ihese. creafures? Do you b,:lie:v¿ in

fhese things?

What fairytoles or stories hove you read fhof hniie i'hese tliirrqs? Vy¡th
the other students rnake o list of oll the storiss thni you cüfr i'hinl< o'f ih.:i
l'rsvs some of these thirrEs in thern.
Reading tr: Tops nnd Boftorns
By Lesley Conger

A. Reading for Genenal Lli'rdersfonding

fnsfonies 6oblins,Gionts cnd Foiries often try fo tríck people. Sr:me'firnes
tha people'try to tricl< t]re goblins, gianfs cnd fairies. This s'fory is abouf ,r
f*rnrer and q goblin. Reqdthe story one time. Do not use.o dictionary. ft's
okmy if you don't understand every worc{. After you read the storv, onsuver
this questlon:
b'l/ho fricks Whol- Does fhe farmer frick fhe goblir,t 0t. r!*es fits
goblin fríck the f«runer?

lflhg-»m *hlrtdi
by Les ic'; L--c t'r tJ i; ¡"

üilCa i,,,iils i1 f¿:.fnlef Wiir-; i,.Ll--i a. iii-ie Íieli"i, i:Ut
no'it"ring erJ'ú, [:revil there. f-'{e ii:l-i iii;ee oii-rer iic'i'Js
A.S tveil*--ül-ri,r tu i.he f¡Or'.iif lt¡he;i"-, i,,, !i"er.,v O¡.i:, Oi-iü

to tl-ie soutl-r iu'l¡eri"€i iie grew poii''ilirr;, ¿itld l.\.J

tiie east yvt-r€,i'e the g¡rass grew iL;r thie Crivvs

Ljut trhe r¡¡esi: i:trlei just lay rnpty. ar-i,j iio'iliiiig 't f a:' ,,.1

lhere'---notl"i il lil ;ii

nri\/ei" planteci anyilring tilere.

',1-.iümernhei', doii't evei" pla¡t anyth¡ncj in ilia.t i¡iesit

fieid," his fatlrr:i' li¡rcj iolci him. "\i'':''l'l-i i-ietiei" get at

ci'op froni thalt fieid anywa.y. Just iet it be."

lic; thal's v,r¡itat the fa¡-rner ciici. H¿.rt ii L:otl'¡c;l'sci hirrr"

Lrrh, l"ior,r¡ it bc¡t['-rt':i'et:i hir^n!

he fei"rner vr¡ouir:i \¡rreili.( aroui-itj f.iie i-:i1¡c lf iirt: r,v¿:St
fielcJ. "AIi tl-riS iS gOírlg i'u vv¡,:iSi';!" ht¡ r:'r'¡i¡iCj Sa:i¿.
"il's silly ncLI ir: t-isr: tl-ii:; fieicji"
.11 fl-
Finaliy, one spring the far''rler said to l'liirsell. '',ii'ii¿il
possible harm can ii ciü'?" (iir: he \¡.,.ilit tur tii* w':st
iield wítl"r his lrorse anil his r":iotr¡.

tlut as soon as tl-re plow dr-l;r irrtn the gloari, i:i¿,iüii

dir-i--pop'--there in froni of i:inr stoclLj a p*l:iin.
ti.. 'iil


"/'// tü1,:e the crop, I crie* tii* gr:["rlin.

J.he i¿ii,r¡ler tcolt cne looll a[ ihr: goi"'ii:-i arlti slii'-i,

"'y'eoWl Nr: u¡orlder nr"ri:*rJy hasi üV*r pi;lltei* ini-i'Yii'riiig
irr this íielcJ." [*ie thi:L.iclfit, "BLlt í ivnil't i-:i;.r."

A[ot..¡cl, tl"r* farnrer to 'i,h* E*l-riirl, "f']¡-¡l¡s¡iry"li

plaintetl a trop h,¡:re fcrr a l*i"lg tirile. §iu¡-,¡":,*r::r3 vlie qir:.)
l"ratrves*-halt for qne ar;rJ iirilf fr.:i'VürJ. i'\ni:l i'il 'lr; ¿tll
the vuorlt" Wor-rlciri't th¿tt be fair'?"

"ü['i, fhfif'-q f'aig'enorigh!" cried tlie g,ohiir¡. "ii;lii ii:i'

me:, [ralf fo¡" 1¿c,t¡-"*;anr;i yerr-r ciu eil tl-re wc;ii,;."

"Hit-¡t whieh half of the crop cJt: you vvant'/" asl.,ei-j ilrc
farnlen" "¡)6 r/Lrlr vya,nt the tnp l''¡alf or ti'¡,: i.ritir :,,
lra[f?'fog:s or bottorr;.$, whic]r'i,"

á) la
The gotrlin ircotqed at the f[ne, rlcfi sci§. "Bottcn:s!"
he cleclared.

"Bottoms it !s," saicl tfie farrnen, hiding a snrile"

"l'll be back at han¡est tirrle," said tl"re goblirt"

And-?op-*-he was gümú" ltt
.\ 'l

Sc the farmer planted the west'field witt'l ccrn. And

a beautiful field of corn it grevu to he.

When harvest tl¡xe oa.rne, there was the Errf:fin. "l've

come for rny I'lalfl" he orieci.

"Flemernher, Srou said boffo/ns," $aicí the farn¡er"

Then he cut tl-re fieid of corn ancj t'nok the loveiy
golden ear,§ ts the inarket" Atl the 67cN:iin gut was the
useless stuhble ancl the roots.

ülr, that goi:lin cfance<j wiih rage, he did.
LJntil-*po¡; __iie uras gCIll§.


l-he next spl'ilig, a$ $üüit,as; iii* plei,r,; i::tr: li-r,:

dir"t, thgre vvr:isr tltr* gr:[:lil: uge-ii'i. ,,-f,:]iir;, ii:is tir.rr.,;,,,
he grr:,.ruIed. "l say io¡:s/ ./or¡ ci:ernte¿i ¡ne üni:e, i:rit
yoLi wor]'t c[.rcat rne'trruice."

"Tcprs lt is," sai,J tire fa.rnter, and he sir:iiieiJ.

So the farn¡er ptented the u¡est fielcí witl-r carrcts.

And a beautifr¡l fielcl of carrcts it grew to i:e.

wher¡ ha'vest tíme carne, tr'iere vuas the gci-rrin

a.gain. "l'v6) coil)e for rny Llaff!,, l-re grii:necí.

" ii rni:er, y,llu seiicJ /ops, " said the 1'a.i-mr:i-. -ihen

he pulleC the carrots u,n oui ai'tl¡e grr:uncf

twistecJ ofli il¡*i¡. to¡rs. Í-"{e iei"t the useless to¡:i; for tfie
gobfin, i,vhile Ile tc,ok the g;oiden carrct:;
i¡ i'ni:i"iqet.

Oh, tl-rat gc-rl:filr cla¡ir:ecl '.r'iit!-r rafrre, kie ciiri.
Ljntil**pop '-he \r/as üonü.

But tl'¿e rrext s¡rrírig, t[.iei'e w&* ii'ie ü*hlin again.

"Wliich fia[f?" askeri the farmer" "i"CIp,s *i"i:i-rttorns]?"

"hlever nlndi" ct-ied the gohlin. "l i'ris 'iirne 5r¡(J'fI ¡:iani
wheat" l'il ta.lce; fh,rs l-ralf r;í t:re fielc; arlci yc'r'll i;:k+
fh¿rf l-rali. i:ai¡" en0ueh?

"Oh, yes, f'air enüugh," agreecl the farrner"

The goblin grinned, "And then 'r'¡e'll h¿ri¡e a ntoivir"lg

r¡atch. '\'oi.t'll rflo\rv your half and I'il mow r¡ine. l-i-¡e
one wl-rci fir-:ist"les fírsi uets it all. Fai¡' enoi-¡ri!t?"

'[he farrrlel'cJidn't realiy heve a.nir chcicr,- in tl¡e

matter, "i:eíí' 0nouüh," he sighe,J.

So the fa.rrr¡*r s*u¿eiJ the v¡est ii,:lij wiiir wnea.t. Arrd

a be¿rutift¡l fle ki r-¡f wlre¿it it grew to L:e.
fa,rm<:r sharpenecl his ot-u.!.ll"* a bii
[r¡ery riay the
l'astei'. I'd
ma.trh if he clicln't tliir:i< he c;r:ultJ rilo\4/
bettcr prractice molvingl,"

§CI ttle farmer took his scYtire arici \ryerli ofÍ to

practice. Elut, on tl"re ven5r first si¡'oi;e, l"re l-rii a roci<.
l"-le haci to sharPen his scYthe aga!rr. Wi:ile
he was

sharpening it, he i"lad ¿rn idea' So he hungi uP lltc

sc1'tlie and rorje into i.or¡u'i't"

"ü¿iri you nral<e rne twcl hunrjred thin lroii rCIds'1" ihe
farrr rer asl<ecl the blacltsryrith.

"l L)iLn," efiswerecJ the blacltsrrliih. "Hut woi"llcl You teil

nre wlrat you're going to rJü lslith then:i?"

"i thin[< !'m

rrioing to

¡:i*nt Ihetl,"
saicl the
tr-,s¡-,.1 ,1¡

l,,ud that's
just what
hel ciid"

Whe 0st
this n ne,
a¡rcJ' |l¡e
the fi 'hís

irjoui, rncwír:g v,¡ireat is one tirili,t and nlcru¡inq iroir

roc1s is quite anol.l¡ei". -l"hosei i;'cri rocis r:oulii i-;oi l_r¡
seen, hu¡t they \htere there.

"-i"oughest wheat I'tre ever fftoi¡ired," ntiltlei-aci tl^¡e

goblin. "[Vly scythe's getting dr-rll. Sorreihrng's
wrong"" And before long, the goblin's scliiiie was sü
cJull that lie couid¡t't morru.

"When's sf-rarpening t!rle'?" ci'iecj the gcllliri. fjcr i^¡,:;

l<new that it rrua.s only in a Trrowiri6; conrest Íc;i
hoth of theni to shar¡:en their scirlhes iogetlier'.

"i)h, abou¡t rloon," saici the farn:er cheerfully.

,,i\0on!,' shrielqecl 'tl"le goblín. "'T't.'len I've lnst ali'eia.iÍ7!"
[-Je threw'áoo,rn hi*.rrcythe, and oh, ltow t]-:at goi:rii¡i

rJanced with ragr*. Ljntil-*^pop-*he was §ions' 'Anr!

ft¡) nev'er cam€ bttclt again.

The farmer finisheci n-lor,ving his half of the field'

-f"hen he pulir*cJ r-rp all the iron rods in the goblin

helf r-rf ttre fieici antl mtwec! t/raf half tr*.

"t-a,ir eflouglt," the fari'ller 5;aid.

L}, L,i:ol,q n'i- the siory ogaitt. Fin,ri lhese i¡o cn h i"¡ | nt'y rru,r.: i"Cs ancl i; nrje r i i ¡1 ¿ j I
r:-, i'n .

ff: you c{c¡n'f knc¡w tntho'f 1'hey rnr¿ün, reo,l -ll"le seg:'ir,nce.s arr:lurrd ti-ii: u,,¡crcls,
-l-ry 1o ¿lues.s rruhc¡."l '['he'-r¡ niefin f rr.¡rtr 'ihe story. Vf,'hen
)ror.i f inil;lt c*r'r,iicri"-e.
yüur ideos wi1'h \/our clnssrnntes.

Fi¿i,'l C:"c¡:
Plor¡u ;' Oii

i-{r:rv¿s'!" [\*r¡';
5t:w 5,:'¡t'l're

ú1" tniii
t,Jn'r':kr,line cil.'1, othr.¡" worr-lsl't"hal"yot-¡ EJor¡'f unci¿rt"s'iand. i-n sl'riollqrcLtlr:; the werds J'l"rcrf y,:u unnJe.rlinecl. i-le l¡:r ecrch c-iher, rnnyb* crr{, Íiiiirii:rri,rws one word nncl una'f-he'.i" s'iu<le,irt l<,no,¡vs r: cli'ff*re¡¡t worc{.

- r-\

D. Recrd the story frgüin slowly. Answer these que.stions irt coniplr:te;
, seri'f"etlce5.
.1, Whr¡t dicl tlre fcrr-m*r" qroulr in the nr:rth I:ieici,.l'he scL:ih i:i,:,iii ,,iii.i ll.iil
. 2 \¡Un',, dii fh,z j-,*t'ir,¿l'c-{¿:cide fc pinrri' 'i'l'i¿ m¡ :tir.lcl}
t 3 l-lpur ciicJ fLtr. 'f:crrn'fn¿Í" tr"íck ihe qo[:lin 'Iha: f irst iii';ii¿,)
¿tr". l--{o,¡¡ cJic{ the"fú,ri'ner trick the goblin 'ihr: sec,;ird tirr,e.)

i. ',,¡/'haj'ciicJ fhe eAahiin s*y'ro'fhe fcirmer the tltirC iimaT

í.,. l{ai,v iiC tha1'cr'ttter fr"ick -r'he. goblin ¡}"r¿'iilirrj iiirt,:,)'

[:. Ac'i"i'.,i-iy
Acl' ,.,ru'i' '¡l're- story uuith )1c:ur clsssrnates,


Resciíng 2: The cüiun1 on'i-l'¡e F{íll
Frances 8" Waf'fs

A" P¡'eCictirrg
g'¡ ¡"'eclding th*l ii"iie. oncl li:nkinr;0.1- 'rY*z'pi¿:-iur*s iii,;i.:;tr:i'y,'u\!(,- i I'.'i fl
qoci{ idea at r¡,,,hst i-l"re si'ol"y will he abor":'í-,,Thr:i is ccrll¿c fii":iii,, ti;r'::
PrnCicting helps us Frrsi'rore'far a s-iar1t cnci rnci<es i'i ccsisr'1-l ¡'¡'-r..i fle¿iij
th¿ fitle and loal< crl"the pici"ures,:n th¿: fcil.:r,vinq pr:ig,J.s t-,,: lqj r'¿rLi liríi
$t,:n1i. Vlihut clo y*u think rvili h':ppen rn 1!'re stai"'y?


B. Pt'eiiic.iinc¡
,4nc.ihe.r way to precJicf i.*"ir: reaci tlle firs"i feu¡ pJr"*Ura¡:l^is *tr,.i-ii',t:ir ihr:'ri<
ub*u.i the sfor1,. first feuv pcinagr"apl^rs give us a lot ol'clues r:ihr:tl'i rhe
5f rry{ ihe clrrirrtc fel".:;.
[.lr,rc,l tnrly "ih*: f ir'.t-i" 2 l:rnrnr,]r"api':S an,iJ c¡-trs',¡i¿r" i'hr, qt.l'-:'f iii:l'iS

-fi'lr,S. {i'f [,]fr!''iirin is tirt:. r;ir.rt'i'i?

.t". \¡rihri"l-

i--lt'¿, r1..:1'l'i'; f,'e,:i:l*: in'i"hi': viiincin it*¿l ahor'r"i tirr' qinrli'')

-: ,i-

\-, T'irere otlce !\ras a gianl n,llil ii,¡e...i r.)r-i il [ri][ ¿'ri..,¡t1,¡.1 ,-.
v' , §rnali ',¡jllage. I-Ie hacl ficlcjs crl'L.¿tll rl(¡t'n, l-r."1lii1ircsr (',,

_ :
;;il1"ili;,iT"fl:';:::'l#::: :;fi.;,:;""
lJlorley foolishly. I-ir: \'\¡itli \/e 1"r' ;'it,i't.

: people in i}-ie vili¿ri-lc c;:ipcci'eci licrres i',,.iijit:til

l^/ori(ing. They L-ratccl lhc gi;rnt. '/\ry'lii,' rii:oLrit-i tirc
w'c:r *'c h.\/c s(i iiitlc?"
: il:;"1'ffi':Jvthing
v{ l'ire rrext thrve pürüqro.i:l'i:; an,J rlil§lrrierihe qires'ii.ons

v L" \4/hot typ* of p*:r'scii is L'i;ro«?
'l'ha s'ir';i"/?
2- '¿\ ¿rr"r. r:iciilc'lt: [:s'-ll'ie itain charc,ci'ei^s ii'r
v "ia di;i
..J, \¡i.ilii:j
t/!i Il'\.t¡'-{t/ ,:.ia yr:i;
:' i..-rnor¡ r:llrl iter qrnncltt:otilf.i" «r'e gcing

v ,1.. l,'fi'1.;úiiii 'l'fici<,;ui-roi

in i,iliage a girl uat1red. Linda livecl u,'ith ircr

grandmother-. Lincla r,r¡as strorrg iluci cuiLe
good-rlaLtiLect, blit shc \'\/'t:l ia;¿,y' \Aihat lii'tlc
llloncy sire eat'rrcC was quickllr spclrl"

said, "C.olcL '¡¡e;rtirci'

Or-re clay Liucl¿-r'S grancll-uoti-rer
jS rto crri-'l
iS almOst here. Cnr rr:Ci lc.ll'ls, ¡rnci thcrc

fooci is nearly gorre. \,VLr¿rt afL. Hrc gililrg i.(.] i-icr?"

,,1)on,t \^,r)rry, clanrlniofl-rtli'," 1,inrla I'c¡Liict-i . "I'li

,¿e t vr,h¡it we need frotl tile giarrt (J11 ii'ic Lrili."

Its,ü,j i'he r¿st olt the s1'ory tc se¿ if you ore correcf .

-: -)
: - -'.--.')
"l..lo. 1['s 1'\¡]:o1Ig to steal," crieci l^rql' 8'fi1lr"'--1rl-Loihei"' i

v ,l I


stea1," saicl T,ilrda- "l Lt;li'e

ffifl .i;il:.*. :-l'Ti.::'illi :ii,ri r I'-- ::iiiÍ;?.#i ,;:l
.. I





The i'Lexi. tlaf i-,inc{a ci'il-l¡;i-ii" a

brigi-rtly coic;reci sicriies tu ii:t

she c¿lrrie cl it Lo thc siarli otr

"IA/hat i*: you \t'¡-i11il" !'o'll'L"i tilt l-1i'ii'i

"lvÍy gr;indmotlrer a¡ici I lr':'eti

s¿rid. "We ha'.'c ihis jtlrtrcicci -i:

no.t iiiy eggs. i'li trricie ii ior

_3Ét Y

l'.Jow iLre giant cr:uicl sct t.h¡r1. tlic i:taioci'; ti'¿,S Oi:11'
rr pireasant, bltL he pretentlcd la be iooit:tl'
Ca¡ilot take tliiS irailri,Lri,: bir,-1 fr't¡Ln li trt.l," iltl :.;aici.
,,Iirstniici it,i1l allow ¡rorr lr.; cQrl-1C ur¡: hr:i"r: Ll\-cf i;
clar¡ apd g;rther eggs. }',-lii ma1' ke.-ll ortc t'il,{ a}tii:
of evei"y tetr Y611 gathcl. "

I_iucia .w;Ls pieaseci" She a1lci hci gr"airdrnoLiit:

*o.ii.l have fresh eggs. Thei'e ,ivoiilC Lre pieiri.), lrri
over: to seLl. And l,iri'Ci:r Lraci fr:olecl thc giant'

Tlre next clai, I-inda cl1red the ful of her shagg'iu Pet
dog sil.zer. T'iren sl^Le took tlte dog to llie giant an
the hil}.

\,Vhai is that?í' the giant askect.

Ir,{y graircitnotirer neecls r,r'ooJ. to spin,"' saicl

'Iiri:; is t-)i:r sl'rc-e¡,. Its ..¡ihrel fleece is toa iirre
spin. LíLlt I'11 tracle it fol Lhree of yor-rr sheep

'fhé gi;rnt pretenclecl to beJieve LinCa. "Yor a;.'€:

kind,," l'rc s;rid. "Ilttt irrsteacl of giving ycr-t thret-
;her:i-: for ll-ris o1-re, I will allow yolr tLr coll-Ic hr're
ancl sl'lcar all the :;hce¡' I¿ou wisir' Yoit lLl¿ry I':r:ep
one i:',;\B of r,r,ric.,i fol evcr¡¡ tctt baigs yott Íill."
Í , a | - 1. - !::11 rt

,\i.lairr T-irrd¡ Ir;,ii gtitictl itiiri'e lll ';r :;]it I t.i,.l

expr:cl-ec1. Iier grar-ldn-Lcl'ht,i'':,\'()Li i.i ll¡-rrC ir,,t,tli i,

spin, antl solle tt'ottld bc lcft o1¡'{.li' !i;Sr'ii.

, !t I .

I il-

irad foale.l ti-ie ¡¡iarlt orlcu t-lroi'rr.

'.') f--

The irr:xt day Lir:rcla ri¡eni irrlo a iric,lci oi il,ji'\:,.ri', I

and fiile ci a sllr¿,rll bi'g it¡jtli golcicn i-rclici-i. 'il :r::

sire c¿rn"ied it io ihe giant or, lirc liril.


"What'-q in thai bag?" askecl llr.e l,;ialri.


"TÁy gratrd.mothel neee1s I'lor-ir ['t-r

Lirrda saicl. "l{crr'.' is ii b:rg ,;f 'iolr{crl Íj,;rrr. t\:',

t:i¿ikc L,rr',r,.i."
grandmolHel ancl i do not lil,:c tire \^/a)/ j'L i,'i:;i,r ,
I'11 iracle the whole bag for ser.en ba-rgs cl t'oi¡¡ !-

cor'r. r ItloLtt. "


.Again the giariL p:.ctended i.o l:c i'c:r.>1,:,.1. li:.ri',i

uror-r].d rrot lr¿-lc'i.c. I{r: s¡rid, "hls[,.]aci t.:i ¡,,i,".'irii: -,' i;

corn flou:r io;: iire golcicrr i'lonr", i iviil ¡ilr¡i',. -\;,,,. j r.,.i

cOlne and r-isc my n-.i)l. For everv ten L:iq..:r ()l ,'i):i-r
f]6ir-:r yor-r grir-rd, yotr nlalr keep onc."

Nor¡¿ therc' rvolilC be plcntl, o{ iioirr' Í:cl irt.r:¡rii.

Some r,r,o,-rlcl Lre left ovcr t.o seli. Lirida \\.¡s 1...j.
pie;r-secl. She hacl fooled tire eiant aq¿rin.

Soori l.iri,:h's ciays !\,¡el'e fillecl. Sirc g.rLl-icrect c,gil*s,
r I ; r'l
sl-Lr:¿i¡:ecl :;i'tür:¡:, rritd gi'ctttltl col'tt. Silc sc;Iii tl'i-'

tltirrgs th¿ii r,t¡el'c lci:t ovcr. \'l¡ith the Lrr¡rrr',' sl'Le

iilacle, Lin<-la fi:<ed tl-re roof ¿rnci l*rcil'gl-ii: coai ícl tl-ir*-

r.,,¡irttcr'. She v'rag busl' anct ccntclrt.


Cne ciay Lind,a saici, "Craircirncliiici:, oLli- l-LilLl'cr I .-l

sntlg, rve hat¿e 1/Va1"i1r. i' i

CiOtheS. ;tii,.} Or,ti ¡-lil:ii:

full. i n,ouicl be 1'.appy, t-'xcept lcl- r'':ie iiiillr;"'

"What is ihat, Linciir?" l-tel: gi'anEjr¡otl-rcr' ''''li':{ 'i'

"A1l that r¡¡e har¡e, \'\/e ou¡e to the gialrt cn "li;: i:ril'"
saicj. i.ind-a. "I kno',r' ii u'¿rs \''ri'ollg to iool

"YoLt ktlow what Yotl innst cto," saici irel'


Lincia noctcied and seL off to sce ti-re rlianL'

I .j"i l
{i*;gj,i;1¡,¡, ',';:i ,:
+i;iili, ¡,i,, : r-rlrll:'
IYJü i ii, i;.l.i¡. ,il;
.:i. r . ',

i1,'.: :,J'i '.'\,,,1';'

' . - l. ,r;i ;:'-

i:; I:.,- .. l'
1 ii-:i r. "
!iil .l:+,.
,ll +' 'i

Whcn thc giant operreci the cloor, L,incla tolci l.rirl
all that she hacl c1one. "Ali I receiür:cl l:t'otrr 1''ott
was gainccl bv tljcks anrJ lies," shc s¡lici' L'i:lcla
u¡aited tor the qiant's aflgel'.

'fhe lar-rghecl. I-iis

¡1iapt thlerv bacl< Irís head airci
Iautg[ echoecl ir.rcu'ily over tfie va]lc1r' "l¡'s Ir Llt],"
he said. ")1ou triecl to fool rnr:. 13r-tt all fh¿r[')'o'-t

have, ),or-t e'at'ltecl. Lly J.rar,C vvork."

ll-hcn L.iii,la realiz-ccl tliat slte h;tcl i;;,Ii;,:t'etl r:r1'1js

arrci she al'cc1 shec¡r, She had"grortlr'--l i:crrL'L ill tcl
ilor-rr tocr. Shc: ltutl. wc>il<cci. halc1. "il- i:; \'ort t'i'llo
have foole ci [)re," s]rc said.

"l-\le yoLr urlhí.tpp'f?" asl<ccl tire giani.

"lrlo," slte saicl. "l aIn tn-rl',' üoni.tlnt."

!, ,jr C.Dicl you r.rnc{ers"ianci tlie storyT Look st thr: se,ni'¿:nces belc,ur.
senl"ence.s da:scrihe tl're story but'i'f'rey clrr¿ not in tl"re correc'I orcler', V!'rit'e
Iturrrtrer'.s nr.:x'f til eocfi se,n'l"ence to ¡tr.rt 1'henr iri the. r:orrect o¡rCei',

'fhe qinnt rs not'fooled [.¡r"¡t hr¿ k¿'i.:; l.incin qi"iirr{ f lour iri lris nrill.

[.inclo, puts:i'l"ottes on a ¡:he«sctt"ii"i'o nrul<e it iuok lil.<¿ n przcri:oci<,

l,-iriciü telns 1"['re qicrn'i'il'rst ke:r c]rsq is cl sh¿ep r,n¡ith sil'¡eu, wr.r,::1.

Linc{a anc{ her ErnncJrrtother rJici no'i hrrve crn'y corrl, woCIl orilr.:o:

Thie g[rrn'l'is nc¡'t fooled but he le1's L.írrd,:.shear ]ris sheep.

l-incft: tells the qioñt tlral' ,'he polk¿n is golc{en f lour,,

Linclo is r¡e,:ry busy r,vorl<ing'for 1'lre; qicn'|, irixing her r'0nf flnd
pre¡rarírrg for" lher winter.

L.indu recllzes tficll' the clitrnt tricl<ed her.

L.inCcr tells fhre qinnt thnt she tricl<e-c.l him,

The gianf is no'I'For:lecl but he r¡llows LinCci 1"o colleci eggs,


tb. Vocobulary Pructlce

Cantpleteflre sanfen{:es with words froni i"he bo:<.

,l4t Íar.Dt4. ¿.4.4'¿tu,y ¿ u $,¿¡!s,l .u ¿ e pa,¡. I s. ¿',¿.lt.aa 4, at &- ú.n ¡.-. - + .t .,,,..., .. . f ;'|t

f; Oc:rher Leoks Foo lecl Sheor

lI W aol Po llen Woo lly' Pl'recrscrnJ' L.air
i Peacock Conrlent /'^ill
no,-.urz*.t 1u¿r--unp.zútu.¿!.rÍp/4aw§/.€ilL.¡.§.u.rab'¿&.i ¿la¿ e.z,tt ¿..¿. u ,,:o.s.+..¡-'.2' ., .o *. -t .ta 4t'
.r,.¿-). ,J ¿, e ! r'-a .-. .,,

A sheepr hos A sheen wi1'h s lot o'f r¡rool is

'l:'he giont's geese

[.inrja's rooj:
Lindo courght a ancl'iie,c.i s'lone$ io it so thut It !,:ol<ecl
lil<e cr

Tha giont qllowed Lindq fo eügs.

The giont ollowecJ Lincjü 1'0
'tlre si'reep.
l.-indo wen"f itrto a f iel,J of f lowers gnc{ filled cr L:us r,1ri'il'l

1'he, giant ollowecl'{n to Lls¿.[ris r¡ttr:l c0rn

f lour'.
9. l,índo wos busy culcl ---,-,.-,
10. I-inc{a thougt'r'i s!'le. ..,.-.- lhe qiuni', hirt the ginn1' rlt,,fls rio'i


[. Vocobulory Pi'ocf ice

fn t['re le{t coli¡n"rtt ore verbs. fn fhe riqh'i" coluiln üre nouns. Look iri 'i'l'ie story
ngain üncl mfitch ecich verb to 0 noun bcrseci on tl're cornbirtstiott.s use':i i¡r "ihr,:
\* s'iory.
.- - /_^ñla
¡'..\/¡ I
d. I t


eggs I
v e. l''oof

.1, L{.J(l I

q*, \n,,r:oi
k 'l'
g" she.en
h cr bcrq

think of un'y ofh¿r conibirrotions hesides vuhr:'i orrr. in the s"toroi? i;oi"
C,rn you
exomple,it is slso possit:le to c{ye wool nnd to dye eggs. Many peopk:, d¡,¡1 p.!jgi
st [:o,ste"r.

Con'yo,.i thinl< of otl'le.r noun.l; to ¡ncrtcli thr: verb:;",i' l-or e;<antple, in ¿icidi'l'ion'io
she.e¡:, people also she.crr qocrts.

i?aading 3: fn Searr:h c,-É' 'ihe L-ittle P,:.c¡ricr
A the pictures of fniries.
Lool< o,t
Are- thqre {airies in yrJilr r:uli'ure?
Which picture shows:
- how people userl to imngine 'tairíes;?
- how people im*Ei¡Te 'f'cries t'odoy?

Which of these vuorrJs clo you associote irui'i['r fni ri,*s?

Prett'¡' clanqerolts tlrry ug ly

Dcrrk cruel kirrcl l"io nest

f oir wilcl funny Powerful

B.' Preclic.ting
V/lre,n you reocl, yo{,.t cün predicf usinq tha: informcition'ilt<r1'you ttir*cicly
kn,rr,v. ff
you alreody know informotio¡r nboLl,i'it 1-ri¡lic, tirs.n yoLl al"e iflrii'(::
prepared ¿rnd tha reciclirrq will [:r¿ eosier.
f:ollowiug reac{rrrq is r:br.¡uf fsiries in ,3reot Liritcrin. Vl/hai inf or"rlr,"rii,.,,it
rJo yor.r l<now aborl"t fciries? An.stvar the f ciioivirrq r{tlos r"ions urith
i nformcrti on you olreody l<ttr:w.

.1. \4,il.rn'i'do fr:i¡"ies lo.,-il< iit<e? V!¿lrclt 1'.vpc:s cf,r:lo'ih,:rs do"ihe1, tnre*r'?

|..\,tlJ li¡¡.r e,cic lai t-i r::.s ii v,.:?

3.1)'r fuirir,:.s nnrj [rilirr,,t]r:i cfr¿1'cr!r:nq.) [yo fcriries l'icl1l ftuttr,:iris] VL/l'l*'i rlrr
i:ui r'i,:.s rio 1'o l':tltnrcrrts?

4,.Wh¿r'i'isJl'ie nricrirr o"Í'fcriries? tlihi, (lo r,,¡u ]l'ritrlo. Feol::le i.req<in to'iell
f i e$,,:b,.: ri ¡- í:r;ii i-,i e,:::,j i)

ü, l{,randlrig "flor thr: rir,:iin idem..
i"he reariiarq [.reis.i.ü ¡:cl"ogr^*phs. Eaclt p*roqi'"fi¡]h hcis r.:r Ci'Ífer¿vri ii;lc r-',t"
nlt:in idecl. Remc{ 'lklu: l"erc¿Cing *nd decici¿: t["le nie:rn;a*ci r:'¡t er:*li u'*i',:eirci¡:h.
\¡,/r'i1"r*, the nurul::¿*r'o'l-"ll'ne pclrr,:gro.¡:fir ne;<t-io olre of tl"rs ¡'noiLt icie.ns il"stec

Ther*l ür"s i'fi'-,,[ly cflf f-ererrl" irmmes ti¡r" 'i:niri¿s.

Tl'r InEs;'f l'ln'f 'f'mi rias sto le

lU\ost''f c¡i ri es hr.l'teri h unreins.

F,:liri,zrs 'inrJr:y mre ciif'feren't f i'err* feiiries in tlia. ¡rnst'.

In s*rne t'eginrrs foíries mrrd humfifls i5{:ri" ml*ng.

dre"ss crnd fi[:]psrrrünce, eif i:ulri,i¿.s

Füi ri e.$ ho.rj Xn u rmcr,q not :Í u perfl et"iu rct i nrr,::cld§.

fÉ,uny pemple usee{ 'lo be af raid oft feiiri¿:l*.

CnE. irieel c.L;*r.¡'t I'ior¡¡ the sfories r:boi-¡'l' l-i:r¡ries st«ntad

S'tonies crl:*ul fuis"ia:s úre verli old eilc{ r,,¡e,.,,iiii n*,re¡'knoir,, iloi,v they

i. ",,\ cu[e iitt]e i'enrale airoirt sii. inclr.;s iri¡]r rv rtl'i r',,iirir,;
ancl prefty¡ di'css."",i'hat ii; tiie iisrr¿,rl ilr:t;r:r"i¡rtinn 1.ii:ri ]tirLrltlü \', iii
give yoLr il yLrLr it-cii thenl i¿,ll¿:l a [liiy 1r.,.rtks; 1i1':i: 'ir;ci;i','s itilli::,
clf i'r laily is as atiiri¡, l,¡r¡¿ible, ailgl*-ljlic cic:tir,ri'r.. rf r'*is,rri ir:
u¡hite. I{ov',,ever, this inrage r-i;13, gol,'s bacii t,-r Iirr scr,,--iiiu]cniit
century. llefori: ti:al iir¡te, liiii'ics r.ricrL: \,eri; 6iiilii'citt. i-l.e icru iii,.
ser¿enteenth ci':trti-ll''/ pflople iin¿ril:;re,.1 1i¡irii:;; as cni,;l ¿-r.nil
dattgeroLrs üreatni'es tiiat iivi:d rii tiir: jriils ¿ind iirri:sts r¡i'Cic¿il
.). .Farr.ners anii innters ti:crrglrt tl:ey \\/ei'a l..l lc;il ¿lild
ciairgeroLrs ;i5 trr,rgl1u:s ¿ind. be¡ils. Ii'eople it;rle11 ihiui s,:¡ niLich
tLrat people riu'eiy s¿ii.l illi: v.¡ciii'fai¡'ies' or.rl loiiii. irisi*rcl iltcl
Lrsed llore respectfirl rl¿unes Iiirc 'illc litLlc pc;,tplr:' or 'tire
liiriclen peotlle'.
3. 'I'here \4/ere lrany diÍT'ereiit ilantes ltr il'ic iiiilt.r
fairies, eli¡es, pixies, ieprechaLurs, bfowilies ¿uiri goblrils to
llarne bLri;r lew. llhere w0r0 also a rnultbci c1'r:¡lpl;llltiicrirs
their origiu. -Qonre saic they \\/er-e spirits of rvooij ¡rnd r', ¿.r1.-,i'. :11
Cornw¿rll they were ihoriglrt to bi; titc lr:stles:r gltosl"< otl
trrtbaptized babies. Cthel'ireopJr: Lielievi:cl their tol.ic i,i süijiu.ilrl
species as real as hunlatis or any othel'aliiil¿il.
The little peopie liarJ the apilü¡.ranLrr: t-¡[dar].'.-sl.linnecl a;rrl
tjalk-haired htu:rans, but of course ilre1, 11,si's l:.lrii]r sntaller ill;:ir
regLrlal peoi-rl*. lfoday we inragine lairic's as i'eil¿ilc. l,.trr in rirc
¡rast they vvele bo[h m¿rle alcl itnr¿rle . i\lost 1rcc1r1r rtcscliLrcil
therr as beiugtire sii:e of childri:n, ¿ti-.,orrt fbLir íi:ef tali oi'sr-r. lir
nrost stories their cl;thirrg iva-s greeir cr bror,,,,n rrlthcLigir soilc
storics desr:ribecl 1?riries as going nairei-I. lVfany, car ly, si,rr.ics
clescribeci fairies as noctuntail - lr-ieanilg tiiat ii,.1, .,.,*,,L oiil lt
uight ancl siei;t clurlng tire day. ]'hey also saicl that faii'ics jrrci
their honlcs in loltcJ,¡ anll isr.-i;ricd ¡rlaccs,
5. In mosl okl stories íilii-ii:s iiated Iilrii;¿uis iiii,i i,,,er[r '',,ei'\,
cruetr to the;r-1. '.fhey cÍlen i:i;lyed triclts un iir,: iiLrn¿urs. I'niiics
l, wouid steal liLirn¿rt bal;ies, r:streciai1l, ii:ose u.itii lilii-ll¿rir ¡iird
blLre eyes aiid leplar:e tilcr.r.r i.r,ilir cnr cf tileir Lri.:,,ii. oi liisi a
i iricc,,:

I o{'rvoocl.

riseil tü
Steal. i'he1i ¡ilso stOle toois, plates, pots ailcl ¿1l11,ilrir1''r elsc til¡rl
was Sll}all alrd easy t0 c?tr1r.
1 Iu ."oilie regions of Great Britain tlie stolies i¡,iloiii i't¡il it:,i
anctr tlieii r.elai;onij lviilt ltunlans \ryere tlot s0 liegalirri:
Soiretimes l.hoy were ii"rendiy r,¡iih llrttllarls. Fc-rr e.tlt;t¡;ie, itr
Scotland ancl \rVales fai¡.ies did iroLrsehold.iubs ¡inil fl:tccl thing:i
ai'ouncl the Lrl-ur irr ex.chatigc llrr olcl ciothe:; ¡iilii ítrutcl.

¿1. People v,'¡el'{) f ightenerJ oi'fi'iiries beciiLtse lilr:1; ililr"'i¡i

they hacl nragical pcwei's. lJill liiilic,s 1l.liL)/ tlot irllr c bce it
srrpct'natLrr¿;.l cre¿ii-ttrúls At all. l'lte stories Sircr.v ililt iirel' liaii
regular'hruriaii neeclS. They ',veit;icil lbOri aiid i.iisr,, 'ii'¡i's ¡'eilri" li
woi'ii ol steal tLi ge:t it.
lr q Íiottlr; pcople iililil< 'Lhat firir jcs wci'Lr tlui irll¡lilirl;ii'l'
Ii cre¿itLires L;r-it ra-thel the pre-Celtic inhabitant-q oi'f.ilcitl llrit¿li¡r.
il 'vVhen the Celts invaclecl Britain over?,000 ycai's ago. lt'tititt' r-'i'
li the original irihabitants hid in tire l'orests ailii isclateci p1il,-rc:;.
l. tllaybe legencls about these people h¡ir,e beel piissect clt.¡ivrl b',,;
lr rvorcl of'nioL;lh lcr o..,er 2,000 years 'l-ire stct"ieS ita.,,e cllitrlgcti ii
ll littie e:rcli genelatict urttil alter 2,000 3,'ears we 1ia:"t,e {iLii'citi'rur¡l
li ilLa¡te ol' thc sittall, .l: irlcl, artgelic faiLy
li I t"l. 'l'his is jList one theory al,,otii liow stoii'::s of f¡iil'i':s
ii siarted. We r¿,iil Ile ver lincw tlie truth abotit fhii"ies. \l/'* e-arlrlot
ii say it fairies ever r"ealiy existeri a-tld ive clo itot i,llcw lbl' srirc
ii wheiirrvlLere or i¡,hy the siories ¡rbout fairics stalti:d.

I). (Secigr.aphy
Sorlrr,ti:iics lve oalt unclerstand a story bcttei jl'rve c¿ttt see tiri: plitcr:s tllal
thcy are tali<ing about o1l a mall.
1. L,ocat,.'; Greai Bl'itain oll a lnap of tlie lvcrlci.
2. ür-¡ a rüail of Creat lJritain, í;nd thc fbllow,iiig 1;iaces trieiriioreii ill tltt:
ú\,-/r r- r¡) ¡

Cornr,vall Scotlancl \\i aie s,

E, Reaciing Cornprehen¡;irin
'l-he lcft
Ltead the story again anci fincl infbnnation to corlplete the cliart
colulnn is for what peopie j:elie'¿e about fairies tociiry - ti;c 1,.t'tsciit tirttc -_
and the rip-ht. colnmn is ibr ryJrat peopie b*li*ved ii-r the past. If'tlte rcatiir:g
cioes iiot give inlbnuation fcr a. topic, plti- ait,X in the bo¡1.

It4oclei¡r ]iaii'ies

Ap¡rearance - how they cttle, ii //lc, iirtgL:l *ll/rc,

l,or:l., yti¡tgs

'\I,/l:at clothes ancl colors

tllct, lve'r

Size- hor,v they ai'e

Se,x - male female

Pe,'';onaiil.y - wlrat they aci

Rel¿r1.ionsliip to hnmans -
wh¿rt tiiey clo and horv they
acl to'warcl hurlans

Iioi.r-res * rvhere they ]i:,'s

ll. Mt¡st crtltiires have legei.rcls or very old -qtorics tliat they pass rvoi'ii oi'';:,.)Lillr.
Tcgether with yoLrr classinates try to thiril< of oid iege;rds ft'olr l/üirr cuill¡r'i:. i\,ir:1<i,::r Ii¡L
of the ciifTerent stories theit you czur thiniq cÍ'. J''hen,Jecicir: one stcry io ti:ll ,;orri¡ri,.:tei.y.
iiid.iviiiually or in sineJl groups rvi'iie do,¡¡r the stoly anci ie li ll tc vc;Lri r:lri:i§ilji{ii

Unit' 3

,r4mñsffin$s ffiffid Fe'frs

Psrt ,4

Do !,sLJ like ctniffiüls?

Do ynu iíke pcts?

\*,'hnt animols ntake goorJ pef"s?
fn s list of the 3 anirnals thai yr:u thi¡il< rncri.r:e-iiicz b¿:si
a srnall group inske
pets. irlext toecch aninicrl on fhe list uv'rite r,,lhy you fhink ttite.,t fir,,---. r,he i;i_:li
p*1'.s. üornpare your list wifh ihe other groups in your cluss.

i#hnt cr¡imcrls co ¡"rof nrcrf<e go:od pets? /,Aoke a lis.i- c,f s onínrais iircii,,ycrir,
". rneike fhe wonst pe'l's" Nlext to each snimol on the lis'i i,vrite wlry i¡cu tiiinj<
they ore no'i goocl pets.

RemrJinq i: Ftreüse Senrd n panda

By'Ru/'h ürbach

Skinrming for. .fhe A4oin frJeo.


Sorn¿times it is iin¡:orfoni fo reod quicl<ly to fincJ the rnain ic1ec *:f

n s,iory If
we !<now the maiir iCeo, wt can clecide if we ryuont fo reqc{ f}re sfory.
we cort understarrcJ tli¿ story eqsier. Usuolly rve can guess the ,*cíir i¡:,ea
fr*rn the first feuu pürogrspl'ls iri r.l story. Read only the fírsi-tr¡u*
pnrogrophs of ti"ttz s1"*ny. Skim (recrd r¡i.rickty) tc finrf -ihe i.¡sin
reJ¿* of j.i.rr:

Wffiffi,elfuffiffi ffiffimqffi AA Hsffiruffiffi
by Ruth Orbach

Agatha wanteci an erephant for her birrhcray. Her

nrother thought she shoulcJ have a puppy, bu.i
thought puppíes u/ere boring. Her father thorlghi
goldfish would be nice, but Agatha thougrrt goldfisl-r
were too ordinary.

Agatha warrted io have an extraorcinary pet. so síic

wrote a letter ro ¡s¡;'grandnrotl-rer and aslied r'r)i .r.;

B. ll{onsl l,

Aiicny sfories hnve morsls. A ¡qrorsl í.s o riressnge or sornething thnt an suthoi-
wmnts to teseh us. Resd fhesfery l tirne u,vithouf usirrE o á¡.-;'¡**er,y. When
yoir finish the story, declcie whst fhe'nrorsi is. Whot does the uuthor r¡yont
"lo teach us?

Grandi-riother always
u n d e r-*stoc d c ve t-v ih i n cl.

Besides, silü v,,,¿ls ,1i"r

ani,"nal docli:i'. .::,i-ri i ,,,:i

tal<en care ci alil,",'.,' ,,,

OVer the V,.,Orid, 1,,.{.,:i¡i.¡r-r

G rar¡dnrothor c,cultl Íind

an elephant for Agartlra.

Agatha ran doi,irnto iire

rnailbox anci maiir:ci
tire lerteir.
/ tA
That night, alter'o\re¡1¡ol',t irad gone to sieep, Agatha
lie¿rrcÍ a ioucl thunrpírrg orr the front,lor-rr. She rushecl
cjówn to open it. l*i,'ere stootj the biggest pacl<a-ge she'cl
ever seenI

"üf course, -v-ou're ray elephant.

Do conle in," saicl
Agaiha. Eut tf¡e elephanl couldn't get through ihe
ciooi-. Á,gatira pultecJ" The eiepi¡a.nt strugglecl. The
hcuse creaiked.

Then, crashl elephant entereci.


Agatira i¡rolte up v,ríilr a jui-i"tp, I-he e iepirani had been

oniy, a dreanr.

in the nioi'irirrg¡ Agatha toid her pai-enrs all abctrl tl'rr:

i-ler, "\t/eli, Agaihal Wliy rjo \',;u u/í:r.i-ii Iiil

exiraordirtarl [;east lil<e art eiepharri'/ Surel] & pu¡li;¡'
wourlC nrake a betier ilet."

"BLrt i don't wani an orclinai"y pet," saic{ Agatha.

That afiernor:r'l thei'e ivas

a TV shou¡ about rare
animals. Agatha Iikecl iirE:

giant parida best" "Thü.t'i,)

¿i wonrJerful pet," slre
ihougiit. "Ai":d it cei''i,lit'r\,'
isn't ordinary. [ivr*ii i:
giant ¡:anda wr:itloi-i't i- :i
as i:ig as an eiephai'tt."

.-qo Ailaiil¿i vúi'ote a secr:t^rd letter tr: her granclmoil'lr+r"

She; asiied for a giant pancia inste;rd c¡f an elepirani.
Then sl-¡e r¡railed the leiter'.

L-erie thai iiight, Agatlra heard thumping at the front

cioor again. She openeo the door. There stoocJ her
panila! li was ¡rruch bigger tharr she had expecteci.
§tiil, tiie ¡;;irucia was n,:t as biE as an elephant.

* Tire
pancja ir:+ked so ci,idcily, Agatha tried tc hug it.
Bt-rt the pa.rrcÍa ran under the piano tp hide.

;r,i¡atha thought siie iliigi-rt ternpt th* panria out u"rith
soirls foocl, so she u,/ofit to the kitchen. Wher¡ she
h,eard a loud crunchii-rg noiss, she ran bacl< to the
living rconi. 'ilre pancia lr¡"rd already found a. snacl<**i1:
was just fir-iishing ofi il":e iast ieg of ihe bamboo sr:fi;t.

#-w e_ro
n,. .ffi
-ot!* \rrr

i !,iri
'i 1,jr):'

Agaiha vvrilie up sucidenly. She r,tias ElacJ tl-ta.t the

pancia haii i:een only anotlrer d,-e an"l.

The next tili:i'riing Agatira read ' br:r-ll< abr:ut cl:inlils.

She founcl oi;i that cirinrps were clever a.nimals atld
that they couiC iea.rn to behave lii<e peopie. "l'!o onü
woulcJ miircl a cier¡er, r¡¡eli-L:ehaved ¡iei," A.gatl-ia
ihought. §o she wrote a third letter to her greinc'r-rt,-:Ll:r.:i-

and asl<ecl icr a clritnpa-rnzee.

Eariy S tt nd a1' rn*:rrrrr-rg.

Agaiha vvas r-."aiing [

on the frr:nt steps v',¡hen sh'le

sav/ sontetl^iing cil rolier

ska.tes. It,ru;rs a,:;hln:¡r!

The chinip tcol<,ó'üiiiha's

bo',ryi of cerea.i ancí finisheci
it. tlre clrir¡-rr.: i.:ut Iiir:
bowl on lts heac.

"Nrf ! hlol" s lro i:tr:cl Ág attl'i a.

"l'lo borryls on headsj"

chinrp ciisappeared int'r the lrorise. Ága.iha ran
afier it-Lrut she lvas too late**

. !r:i.l '


,":n -a\. ..
\.'u,lj tr'.t,1: *'
'--j\l'l:-ir -J l''14 Vi "'
¡-,:¡t \\.i

"r\gathai You'rs dayrJ¡sr,n-,iriEl" Agatira. loolred up al-rcl

saw l-ie i'f,'iencl l*iz;tie. Tirey Iracl plarrne,c to go ska:liriq.

"l thr;i-leiit yclu wül'ü a cl-rii"n¡l," Apatlra s;¿td. She tolcl

Lizzie ali abcur'th,E elepliar:t, the parrc;r, ancr the cl':irlp.
'I gue-ss í'il irave to cancel lhe cl^iiilp." Agaiira. saicJ.

"üheei' i.rpI" I*izzie said. "YoLlr- b!rifrciay's Sariui-cJay.,,

Agaiha dirjn'i cheer iip thor-rgll, r-in'lil the evening [:eÍr:re

iier i':lrii"rrir-i1r.T-n*r* \¡i;is a [qnocf< al the cjoor, This tirne
she pincheij her cheei<s; i'rarcJ. She hac'l tr: be sLlre tlra.t
she was r":ai cjrea¡rrirrg again.

Y lrl


/tgatha was not rjreanring;. it was her grandrnoiher.

$he had brougirt an add-h:oking bo;< witlr hei'. Agatha
wisiieci she knew wh;rt vr'as insicie.


! I

+l-- -., ,-,.JI ' iLrr

,V(}c tr le ilrlL
Granr )In.:r sar.tuIA -t ct, I en,Jo)
\g¿i,ith ¡

aboui )ca:
,x nrclirnarry'/ atInli.--.,.r **¡'
l)l¡(1l ls- -,"-¡l¡ L^.t-
Lid trti¡¡e3r{

isn't o 'l:.^,
rllüUUIld br^h raf. inaalhoi)l
rppliy¡ !ivi;ngJ ril (:A
l(]/ . it ",ullii

V8t0irl ¡ct tre'c,r,:]- ioprinna^;,,

yrlu off ttollivr ,- .!^
be lil<t ¿ i rr ,-:
\¡l ¡\-l -iilcglcii(r-\
c1 ILI

Agatha knew Grandmotirer was rigltt.


r* f--
-.-) -)
(ira.rrci-nitiiier coliril',uec1, "i sliall

ha'¡,.) tc gr: ar,va_V a.gain $o,ün.

Hut tiiis iin-le I ca¡l't ia.ire ili'y, cat,
i i"<¡-rcw, lis is;i-i't
i:Lr.:;*y, witi-i mr_;,
e;<tr¿lcidineiry. But hc doe:; r:e,sd
soirüonr] spscial to íor;e hinr
;i¡d tc, rai<e care of l':irll""

rrilllfiha ilrouglrl, "üais ;ire preltlr

r:r-r:iii-ra,ry, Llut I c1on't wa.rr't to h,*rfr
,,j r'a irciriroti ier's feelirigs. "

"C)i(," Agatha. said finaily. "i'i! l<eep

l'l! take caire of lrinr, a.rld I'li eiyeii trlr io

;l\gat[-ra cjiC r¡ct have ic rlry very iiard. 'T'hat nigirl i:jju;:zi.
tiir.rrl-:ed Llo on f'rer bed. iickecf her face.
rL-ie he
cur'lecj Lrp orr her piliow, ¡:urriiig solily.

",¡rri eleph,:iiii r¡,roillcj neve¡- fit in nlv b€,,c1," whisperecl

Agaiha. "A giarit canda. coi_lld noi Ire on ntv piiiow, ancJ
l'cJ h¿lte to have m5r fa.ce lic;i<ed by a clrirnp. i'i-ii

le1--1!rrninq to icve Voi; already. i.uzzy " Agatira g¿r\re

f:l.'--.-.r : i-r rri
r;'2i,, -.',*:i.

::, : i\¡',rii-,
, '!J-.1,...r
r ¡;-.-l
r L,!i---r_'-,,, Ígil faSi
,u!!,/r asieep
r?,\/¡\ 1l'




C, \,1/riting
frtrugine fl'raf' you cfin hclve crny type of
urrusuo,l pet a¡cl that you l,rcve
cf rrione,y to feed it sfl1d rn¿¡ke « ho¡tre for it. What a lot
p", *r*ic{ y:u til:c f.o
hav*'? !4/rife fr p0rog;"aph oh;rut the ¡.inusual
pet thct you woulci lil.:,, t* fi¡1,,3
f¡\¿¡ke sui"e yüu cnswer these q*-esfíon6
[n y*ur par*gr-*ph:
!,i/fiq¡ animcl rn¡ould it b**?
\,t¡rli«t nüffie. r¡rüuld you giv* íi,l
\¡f.liat wor¡ld i"r loof< like?
V1/h«,r r¡,,oulC if cjo? v.

utrould ít fívs.r H/her rype *flho** woui*,'ycu make fonir?

'4,'ha.t w(lulii i.i eutl
rtriiaf waL{jtr yci","ftlo ur"líih íf.+-


s7 Y

[\ !" F!
+<€,ffiffi [rXr¡' d: V#[tmt i¡,: t[re WorId?
,§y §ve ¡üle¡"ri¿vm

&. Feerns

Foenis *r'e fu¡r to neeid r¡rlr:{ w,¡'rJ'e, bu? sorn.¿i"ltt,ss

they e,¡'e eliff !e,.¡Ít "tro neeld. \fl/rIt"en's o'f fr¿r'r eh*ttge
,¡he ur*CIre{s iit poelT}s ix lit'ite" so th¿,r? th,:y soqine{
goeid^ Sorn* ef 'n[te urmrds ii'i fh*':se p$¿srfis hr¿:t;c
ehargeei, f*uf Vou cü¡.l sfi[[ utnrjerstame$ ¡'&te oi'['t,en"
*vendá «r:d Xi6¡i1 eün gils$s Lv[,lat "3h,* poetfls fire


Re*d eosh fissyn r:r,d guess ihe eurí¡m¿li i"h<rf i*i- { {r' [\ \á
is mhout. ¡14*'ie*-: 1'he pcems fp flre m[c$'ures. flt=*

\i, \

n-! \{
y- \l


a-., a


I,\/hat in the worlc{

goes u,hisl<ei.y friskery
r:tEplrl:ling .aIC p¡o:L*Ing
nap1_titg ancl {gping.
at siik¡r milkT
Pssi', :
\,Virat is it? What in the r,rror.ld
goes ,9ile*:r41no. anct part,i,r¡;
qcra tcliihg anci Ia lrt_r_rig

§_lliffing anc{ sc1r-rifí.ing

nibbling for ticll:jrs of icf' 't?
Cfi iC('l:;.:?
' ple¡rse? -

WhaL in thc w.or'Icl \/

goes lea¡;iirg and beeping
onio a iily pacl onto a log v
onio a tree stump or down to the brog? \-'
Sirlasii, bltirp, v/

- \--,

lAihat in the \^/orid
clirnbs chattcr:ing pa.if-t:r i; irl ;..1,:'i;iriir:ig li'r,n¡ tre es,-
like a {lying trapezr: \r''
witJr a tail that can cuii
lil<e fhe rope co\^,Lroys lr¡¡irl? .v

Wahool v

Flere's a b¿rnana for yorrl \-/

Wha-t'in the in-,orlci \-
jr-ri'r'r¡:s r.r'ibh a "l1qg"nnd. ¡ 'b'i.rnr1: . \

anci ¡r laii that can tlir,lil1p_ ;


l-rirs pirrk p,oir-rtv e¿rls and a trviLchy rlose

Iool<ing for anything crunchy that grovrs?
A ci¡ri'citv IeiÍ ttce), c¿ibba-?e'/ ilrncheon v
'j'rt i'irirrrr-'h crr? v

B. Vccahulory Practíce
TI're following ver"bs
üre in fhe poems crlthour;h their i:orms üre a little I

different. Find these wnrds in thp po€m"§ nnd *nclerline thr.rn. I


lllieü¡W Prr:wf
'Í; -,¿*:: No¡: I
, f-Li.¡r , Lecrp 6nüuu. I

Fnwj,' ,
§crctclr, l-eitch

Snif N¡bbte H*p I

1-hump, fl,tunci'¡ Clirnh

\-/ .)wf ng

duri Ti,viri I

(-. 'fiih*t clo ycu think the
uuCIrels rneün? fulatch each wor,c ta a defirii f.ior¡ Í:elor¡¿ I

\-/ I

U To junrp farwerd li[<e s r«bbit I

To forrn círcle t¡uíth hs!r, a tail ar a rope
CI i

To gnch 0nf0 sonrething I


To mcke ü very biq.jilfi¡p
5L To srnell i

t, ",

r'i l-o müke tha sound of n cn.f I

7--- : Ta cernfinue {:iJ'ing or eo.i'ing

-'J somethln
- -'' g,like u piece o.f

Y t*o'OOC{. '':
L). ¡; To e«t sarnethinq
_*.____¡ To sleep f,or n short J'inre, usunlly in the rnidd!e of day
I-o.clrink cut of « bouy! using your tongue.
.f,1. -i-o
'f So up using you hands and fee_,t
i'j -i
--': o rncke sorne.thinE múve in cincles rnony f,imes,
Iil<e o Nasso.
\_/ 12
't t'-'-

i To cof somefhing uvith very smslJ bites

\,, 4 .il
ts--__e To hunt samething quietly

\_/ "io hcng

,¡ .,J r_
from a "l"ree u¡ij'h )/our ho¡rc{s'anEj mov e ba.c.i<un,:j forti.r
1{,. , -'fo i"srich §omÉthinq wifh ü pcu/
f'7,----i,"I-o rnb something witlr youn {ingernails or" an animr-rf's ¿:lnlvs
4 ''j i-.^

l8--- 'j-o ynakel * iouci h*or¡¿ souncl , .


v é0
h l-ls¿:d tl're Í'inr:i poelrr
n*cJ cha,¡se the picture that rna"iches il. Ji
1'here. *re
u,,errds thnt you do no-i' i:ndersj"onc{, i.¡nderli¡re -il.reni
a¡rd nsk \lñt ri'i e iciSsirits,trzs
r¡r ir:r-rcl-ter'.

lAihaf iir ihe ¡r'orlci

-qccs sfalkinc ani, L-rll..jlrrl

rr-rnning ¡rnd s ri rini n,r;

thun-rping ar-rcl c1 llmpi rr 11

i:l o cri ¡'rrij

r L.SErr a 11.{ h
r-r anci 1.,, *.*;.....
stt,ingir-rg ancl sineirr g
r,vr-iggiing anC rigglrrr_.
-sJiclin g uncl hiclinii
tiilo,,n¡ing a rrii 1<rrüi,,i i-li1 it i t, i

erolnrii'rg ;tnd,qr',ctvj ri tI
n-iuch lco t,ig foi.
last vear.,s cioiircs?
\A/iro i<no',",';?

e.=.1'tx)'rx)ErffirECri:Jcl]Il:;Li{Er¡irf;]Itr-;il,1-ialilílri::r. i.-ii_ r ;,-
- Ío"
choose tire picir-irc fhat gocs r,r,iiir ll-re last,

k **eJing 3 : The Kruig's fl{íql.liíng*le

'''1.-"i"l'ts' fflllot',ring story is on olc{ Chinese fotktale. Tha stor" ylsa.sf; r.}.r0r"r-rf. F.errc
-ih¿ st*i y ane tirne cncl c{scide r,v*hat the is.

A,rigl:tingale is a si,ali bir.d, buü it .or_, *i,_.,,,

irr:eu[iflLrl]v. lVhcn a l¡iolnan
r,i:¿1, sile sings iil<e ¡i nightingale.
t.rrrrilriir. *,. ,n,
J'']rere was once a rcrrfi of üiina
living near a forcst.
Ü::e night he r1q sittin! by a lvincloou,
.Ilc ]:e¿r,d a .ightingut*
i*.li,rg'a book.
I;rüigin the'ro..rJ.}-t *org.
fol half an hour.
"'\\rhat lii,d of birci is iha'?" he
said. ,,r must rrave it.,,
;{e orde.ed rris servants t,l bring'rri-m
thc L-;.J.'r:r.y
rverit i¡:to the fore-st a-nd. lcolcecl fo:f
lt. ¿riurt ilr_,
fr;i:.nci it in a ti"ee, nea:: a
li¡ii,h chem.
st::ear:r. fhei;;il;
ir'r; ro
clid not rr¿a.nt to go with them.
ji,;cci to live i. the
lb¡est. B"ti; r,vantecl to make
]r1:,g'happ;,, so it went lvitir thern and sa,ng fbr ihe
hin¡1,The-)iing v/as very happy
áncl aslcecl thc
nigiri,iirgaie to stay r,viiÉ hú:Í¿u
or¿u.eci. his ser.vants
i? !"y a gotden qap"e rlru
nisirtir.r¡.¿rle livecl in t'e lor "ülrtingale.t.or?lJre
c\ri3'-¡, cia3r. IL ¡,,¿as ¡:ot h".p,pi, Ll:e l<in'
iiing for many months.

:1,::* I?:fIq
offin *,: co,rn r,.r, {ff l rrcsc,:r


oÍ'glii".* rr_u,¿rs * rq,/ i;

l:^|]:;,:llle "l*iJrr""r;;.
ioolie¡'. il<e- a ni girtingaiu, b.,t
;;r;;';, i.? J ii'f. r,
a.ll o.,¡er it airrl
it l:ac1 a k"yl .","ü ;;"
rhen ir sans ii;,u o,=ui
fbr{ivc minutes. .:p. "rgr,;i"*,,r"
'-l'h* lcirrg was \¡ely pleased.
I-l.e rvounci it r_rp a.gain
ir"ncl' agai:-r anrl iü u3.g. its so.g'ntii
- i"ri-r1 ,ightingalc. hi r¿rsr
#r,: ,"ea.r.,rig]rti;ga; fl"",,
- o,. oi'tirc windo\",, aryci rveni; back to ihc
l:; L, ;..r ftl'¡ jn
floro.i¿. iU ,"r,

'i'h¡: .'ting pi-rt the tol¡r iriehtingaie on á ta]:lc by his
beci" lr.L sa¡,g all ti:e Í;i:::e and never: seemect tireil.
crc ¿i¿iv" sornetjrir:g insiCe l¡::.olie ancl ii.stoi:pe c1.

si;rqing. Tl-ic lriirg crdered, his se¡vani,s i¡ ¡l.r-,¿

srcilic(-rile to iepair il,. lli.last ii:ev found ¿i sn:ar,ü
clcc]<-¡iralier. I{e unclicl scme ,.rJroyl,¿itl: a-,¡c,y slnali
:;clc'¡,'rl¡-iver a¡:d icci,:ei:L inside t}:e io¡r:rlghting-aie . FIe
;'r-,i,-,irii'erJ iü and pui the s{;retv}j bacjr.

"Ll-irive rc¡:aircci it," ite tolci tha 1iing. "Ii r^,,i11 sing for
j/oL1 llo\i¡. irr,it, it, is rrery old. It ruust irol, sing iliore 1,han
OllC(: A.)tC.¡*1"""
T'li,: iiirrg ,,v¿rs \rery saci. 'Iire nighiin¡4aie once a ts:fa*'ilf;"r.::.!.,'i.'r:- r' -r ':{'|i l1 t'U"r'iJ.l

),car fci' fii,e j,ears. Then ttrre king J:ecame sicli ancl he
ir-1, 1,1 i:is bed with liis eyes closed. lfire cloct,ors ',vent
Awn';,' iud said, "Tiie triing is d.eadi"
Sr.:.r.i.clcr-..i3r Lire ]iing hear"d the ::'eai nig]
sín¡;iiiq cutssiie tl:e rvinclo'¡¡. The }'"ing o1:eired ]:is eyes
:uic1 s¡.lci, "LtIy iil,tle fi"iend has come b¿lciil"
lli;c i:i¡;i:L,ir:g:iie saltg ali night, and in t}:e rrorning
1;Jlc l,:iiril' .¡as -,\,oii again..
"Y'oil ltlLtst sfn-,'¡ ,¡rritir me aiwa;"rs," Sá1iC1 the [ing, "I
rr'jli bi'c¿rl' tire ioy bircl into ei ¡housand pieces."
"liol'L; ilo tirat," sai*l the real nigl-rlingale. "Keep ib
a:.i'-l lr,ru:i; si;rg to ¡rq¡1 ea;:relilaeg, I rvill corno anti sir:.g
{,r., )ror: ,3\,¡i.)r')/ ever:ing,'}:¡"it I canno{,live v;ibh
¡,¡11. I i:rus'b
sing li: ot;iir,ri's. 1{o-,r, } will sing to i,ou befoi'e I go."

I L,:ok «f the s'fory agaln anc{ erisruer ques,rions.

L M/h«t is cr niglrtíngal,:?
2. whnt was the kinq doing u",hen he- firsl',her:rcj the- bircl?
§. Did the nlghtingole wanf to live ruith ttrre !<ing?,
4" \'iihy clid the nieht¡r/gulu ga ta trive u¡ifh the [<inq?
ti. WlicJ'cliC the ki*"q [,uy for the rriqhtirrgr:le?
(:" Wrrs the nighfingmtre, ir,:ppy r¡¡ifh the tr<íng?
V. Whst pr"ese,n"i die{ the king rece ive-?
I \a/hat diC ¡r lool< iike?,

9. \rlihof dirc the. niqhtingcle do r,r¡hen the king for"gof ob6r:t hirrr?
10. M./h«t hoppened tc the king,s foy?
fI. Wnsthe nisn ¿rbfe to repair the king's toy? Í-.lou,r rficn)/ firnes couir-f it
<i nn)
¿ú-. What happerred to the I.;inq?
ÁlJ" \4/hst happened uvhen .ihe king hejrd the neal riiEh'fi ngcrle singling
oi¡fside [.lis windcyu?
Dic{ the nightingale Íive LVith the king?

Rc,*et i ng 4- : -l"l"le B iqqr:s"F ¡4 n ír'nn I
r¡ I
t¿ \,4/o r I d

/\" [."r-r*[< ct 'lhe; prietui"r.. Vfh*'r' is the [-:iqgesl'cu'rimr:I in l"he i,rrorícii?

5 c:unrrir,g
Íie,rnetimes url'la.r11 \¡de tr'ead,vue an[y t{/o.rri- 'io 'l:rnd .soriie particuier
iilformntíclrr. T'a finci this inforrnot'ion ur¡e. dc,no-f hcve fc¡ nead'i'he wl"rr:le.
s"iory esr*fully. fnste.nel, we scfl.r1 (r"*,ccf qulckly) nncl ior:l,< fori]re, rlr.rrrrbers
*r worcls i'tr"rn*'vuill gi',,e us fhe irrl"onrnaJ'l*n tl'ra'f we need.,liecC l"lre, c¡uestlclns
L:aIsLv. T"hr.:ri scfin'l-he s'i¡:1"\¡ srrd finC'ii'¡e fl.n$wers l'o the,:¡ue.*'l"iot'lri.

l-"{c,inr IonE can t}re hlue u¡hnle grou,r?

i{c,r¡u rriuch c,:n i-i're [:riuu:: wh.¡.lel wr:!g;lt,i

i"iow inuch fna c,rti i'lltz hli"¡c. ti,ihrrlr:r h*ki iil its s'i"srnme;lt]

i-lorru lonq ccrl''l lrril>y hlue r,o¡hcics [:e. uvheri i'l:ey ,;.r'e l:orn.]
!-l,rv'v, ¡,nilcit cu.i"i [:.:h'r¡ blue t¡ul^,ales werqh ttrherr ttrey clre [:orn,i

-. Y-
'I']re bliic u,iraie is itre biggest animal in thc u'or']cl. Ii
gl"o*'s r,rp Lo thirt¡r-f]1¡ee meLers in iength a.ncl mal'
- r,¿eigh ;-rs rnucir'as 1i10,000 kiiograms. It is e\/eil biggcr
th¿rn the hr-rge animal.s that1ivecl on earth iong rrgo.
i'irc blure wiiaLe can hold up to 1,000 liiiograms of
fooci ln its stornach, but it has no teeth! Sonre r¿'hales
- h¿i.,'e hceth a.ncl feed on flsh and other sea creatrll'e§,
'[¡l'uc wi*¿tla {s tooultltlile
8t,d11 cühoi, r,vir*Jer:, 1¡ut t]:ú
ar..Lcl harmless. From the top of its mouth there irrng
t.,.¡o .r:ou,s of rviraiebone, soüLetirnes calleci "baleen."
lli.rr:se are rather lihe ti:.e hairs of a- b:'ush c:r the teeth
of'e conrb. The bl.ue.¡¡hale rises tilese to catch ancl eat
\,'er.y small sea creaLures which- are so sma1l thal ib is
harcl io see them. The blue rvhale takes a mouthfi-ri of
se:r. rvater ancL then pushes it outthrorigh tire baleen.
- Tlle tiny creal,ures, calied "hri)-i," are car-rght by the
b¿rleen antl are s\,va.lloliec1. Then the bhie t'hale bahcs
aiiother rnouLhfuL of u'aier.'
Some people tirinir ti:a.t a bl"ue lvhaie is a fish
becrruse it lives in th.é ocean ancl has a. tail lil<e the t¿rii
cf ¡L fish. llo,,vever, :it is nct a fish. Fistr t¡reathe r'¡¡ater
J¡,rt J¡}ue lr,hales breabhe air. They can stay uncler
l¡¡'Li,er for' i,riror-rt an houl" }¡ut th.en they have to come to
i'l:e surface to Lri'eathe' iheS' blo-w out air and
i,,¡¿itei', ühey can be seen l:nany rriles awa-y. You can see
¿1 l-.iue r,.¿hitic doing this in th.e ill'ustration.

'l'herc a:'e trvo other',vays in r,'¿]rich the blue ivhalc

is ciiffelent frorn a frsh. First, its blood is vrarm, btrt a
fisir hi-rs colcl biood. The bl¡:.e rvhaie has a thicl< coat of

- jn
;-icccnd.Jl', tlsh lay egg's and the baby llsh starl,life
L,hes;c cg'gs. Baby blue whales ai'e born a'iive. They can
]le ..¡e.,,en o:.'eigh.t meters long at bi¡:th and ''¡'¡eigh ui: to
1ü,000 iiiloEi:arns! Iror about six n:onbhs, thc baby
- bl'-rc r,',,hale f'eeds on i.i.s mother's milh.
\¡fhales are very interes'Ling creatures and there a::e
"_ nl¡-lily t,hingo ifraú wa ,Ja ritI yBü l""now nhor¡t tlrom,
|ilirerje is one thing, hov'/e';et', that'¡¿e do kno'w. lVo
- iiirow tirat tirc nun:l:er oi'v¿haies'in the ocean is
- clecreasiitg evel'y year. Socn i,-iere inay be none' This
- is I¡cc¿ruse men hunt them iiill them, because
- ¿rinrost er.'et"y l-rart of a rvhaLe's }:ody cari l:e used to
mai;.e someihing r-iqefui or valuable.
in 193'7, eigir'r, countries agi'eed irot to liill so many
i.,,i:¿ries, ancl in 1946 irore ccunti'ies agreed to 1'.ii1
icrver lvho.,Ies, I{olveve;.", too ::iian;z u;hn)cs are si,iil
beiul- I'ljlleC evel'J\¡ -/eaL" riild unl-ess lhis stops, tl:lc cl:ry
Ljtcr-c irtalr'i,,e no nlo.r:e r','haies. á.t
C. Read thr" story slol,'rly «nd carefulty «nd circ!e the worc{s thot best
conrple're the foIlowíng senl'ences.

l-he blue r,,r,hcr[e has no . Two hclnq from the

top cf tne r¡uhale's rfioui'h. They üre ccilied uriha[e cmtches


very large
anc{ eaj.S I v'er¡, ¡¡s¿¡ I I

SuA *:reqtUr as called kriitr.

I vei-y sr,raii


The, blue wh«la breothes i ;;. i ff . con stny urrder" the wsJ'er'
lai' !,

É^ L-l I

"foi- *irar:t ,:.rn

The h,iue r,'uhsle !§
l*, I

Hii" I [¡loocjed snc{ hss n Íe¡'F of far


otrl'¡'i'o get food

_] l.l
lrave c blonkef o{ {at v/
have live bcri:ies , its bcbir-s {rre born
i'ry eqgs
fish eqqs
oiive. The haby whsie f,eeds on its rno'il' miik i fo. sbouj'si>< ryionjhs. The J


I increased
riumb¿r cf whaies h«s I remained the sa¡¡e
I decreasccl
ln I


M*ni¡ corr'tri¡s lhou" agreed'ro

' ] co;;iplirties I, d f ev¡er wholes.


,Amürmm$s mmefl Feths
Fsrf E

I e,iding i: fzzcrd
Lonzo Anderson

,q. \4ie,learn a lot about c{iffenent places when we nesd. -l-'hís sf*ry is nbou'f a
hi:y ivho lives on St. Joirn island. Can you firid 5t. John ún ü mdp of the
urrof iCil

Ti'ris st'ory feaches us abouf the people elne{ anirn«ls fhof liize on 5i'. John.
llead the stor"y l time anei make e lis"f'o¡É tha crrimc¡is l"hnt the- s1'*ry

I found a lizard egg, tiny and w}:iLe and round. I

brought it hoine" i held it in my irancl rn¡hile I took
my nap in the hammock. Tic}<ie-tickle. I vrol<e up.
Sornething 14/as alive in my hand.

I opened my paim" There iay t"wo pÍeces of eggshell

and a tiny, shiny lizard staring at me.

Iviy n:,other 1ootr',ed, "FIow s\,reet," she saiC. "But
theie ale lizards a]l ovey th.e place. V/e dcln't need
ernir P¡-*."

lvfy father and sistel saiC that the heat of m.y hand
rnade it hatch.

'I'iis lizild started to walk. I rvas afraid it wouicl r"un

a.¡/,1\r. After a r^¿hile it sc;ampered up rny a::rn. it
looir-ed up at rne, right in rny eyesl trt ran up my
sl(le\¡e to m1r shouldar, aird onto rny chin"

"lA/hat ':an I give it to eat?" I r¡r¡cindered"

"hlrithing," m1r fatirel said, ".It will k-now

-vr,l:at tr: do wh.en the cornes to eat."

"N.4ay I keep it?" I asked.

"YoLr h¿lven't much ch.oice,"

m1,ihihei'said. "l.t Lhinirs
VCu are ils mother,"

"ils h4OT'HERI But I'rrr a boyl "

J saii.

Iví,y father laughed" "A,e ).ong as

it iliini<s )roli áre its mother
ii n,ill stay with yoll." _----

",AIi right," I saicl. ';'Ih.en i'ii §-'i
be its ir:other."

I-,ater on,i triecl to stridv my lessons for school. {
couldrr't. The baby lizarcl '¿¡as starting to eat. Ít sat on
tirlr li¡.gg, r,t'atching. ,/r. sancl fly carne to 'tai<e a biie oux
of me. The baby iizarcl jr-rmpi:ri
aad caug"ht it. It s',va1lr-rr:r,r:d

the bug.

Jl: \:i:


I sh.outed. "He did it all bv

"l-Ie?" h4y mother soundecl doubtful. "I thinl< that it

: - - - -.. I 1: 't
rs a g1:[] l:lzarfl. ,,

"f)h," I said. "lA/ell! Flello there, Izz:ard-*niy daug]lter.,

tlie liza.:rcl l "

\'Vhen n'ight
Izzard \/as an an':le, a daytiure lizarC'
I prrt her in
came she tuiecl t,: hide inside rny shirt'
tl-Le p:ocket of ¡r-v pajarna top 1'n¡lten I wenl to beci'

ñliu mothtlL r¡rolriecl'' "Vr/cn't you

¡oli an hel?"

"Oii, nol" I saici, "i'iI alrvavs know sh.e's there, even
r,i,i:.en I'm asieep."

in ihe molning when I rn¿cke up,Izzarcl was
on rriy cheek, iool<ing for breaitfast. Whil"e I "vVBS
biinicing mli eygt th* car:gir.t a sand fly eir:d chern¡ed
and sivall.or¿,ed it.

Ir"Ic one told me I coulcin't take }ier to schcol, so I did'

I s¡on tvished i hacirr't"

Sire sat on my desk, snapping at whaiever insects

üilnle i:y, even lvhen tirey vilere too ilig fol her. I
think she v,¡as showing c'ff'

The othei' c}üliren in rny class could not pay

aitention to the teachei" They coi:ld only watch Ijttle
iz;r¿i¡'cl and laugh.
':- . fr
itl '¡1
i. ]j;


*'Jarlie, you "vui.ll have io get rid of that lizard," titcr
t*ac}:er saici.

"l carl't," I said, "I'm its mother."

That was tiie \^rrong thing tr: sa5r, because everyboclS'

laugiied and the teacher ior:ked angri/'

"Jamie, give it to rne," rlru r*id. She hekl out her ]:ancl.

Izzatdhicl inside my shirt. She peeked out frorn

under m]¡ chin at the teacher.

The teacher iaughed. She couldn't help it, I coulci tell.

From then on I had to leave \zzarC at horne i¿rhen 1

went to school. As soon as I can'Le }:ome , she nroLrki
rliir to meet roe

Izzard made a very good living i:y eating the irisects

that came a:'ound ine. She macle such a good living
that she grew very f.ast.

When I playect with rny friends, izzard lilced to go

with m.e. She v¿culd stay in my shirt pocket. But she
wouid alin ays keep CIne eye sticking out to keep
Lractrr of what was going on.
The more I watched" her and thought ai:out it, the
more I realized that Izzard didrr't lcnow that she rvas
a lizarcl. There are lizarc{s everytvhere here oir St.
Johr:., l:ut sho paid n.o attontion to any r:f thom.. She
i,r¡as intete-sted only in me.

Iir lune, whiie Izzar"d uras stiiL young, rny parents

took my sister and me on a long trip to New Yoric.
Iv4/c went ttr vlntt mff gqrrlnehnotirer for tlle sun"nl161'r '

Izzard rrsas not allorn¡ecl to go vyith ns."

I i¡¿orried about her during the whcle trip. lVe

returned home in the fall in time for scirool'. Izzarcl
'i,vas norvhere to be fo,"rnd. .tr felt sacl and loneiy when
i r¡¿onL to i:ocl.

i.n the morning, as soon as it ¡n¡as

iight, pJop,l-there r¡¡as Izzard.

,She danced. -Qire jumpeC. I tr<¡rew

sire lvas trying to sa5r, "f'rn so glod
to -see you! Where have you been?" ;Yi,{-$;
Sbre]rad been sleeping in some safe ,i \*"tnl't
place through tire night, bnt now rh"{ffi,,44u.i
r:oLlld move back into my pt:cket.

I-Ier t¿ril hacl a bend in it. ,sometiring

iioC hapnened to her. But I n¡as
happ5, tirat she r+,as still aiirre !r

¿:n cl ,,ve ll ;l! ?r!

Cne ctay rvhen I car:.e horne from scliool she r''¡as
nowhere in the house. I went out the back doclr and
iookerl. There she r^/a.g, six feet up a pa)'rn tree'

She started runninfi do,,un the tree tr¡ corn"e to me. At

that instant I sa'¡¡ a mCIngoose, waiting.

I i¡elied, "Izzard., l\'TÜl "

She couidn't understand. She came on'

The nrongc|CIse v,¡as like lightning. Ízzard' was even

quicke.r. Terrified, she jumped straight up into the air
ald came dov¿n right on top of the mongoose's }:eacl!




Before the mcngoose i"new what had happenecl'

izzaicl was off again' Izzud got to me just as L v¿as
chasing the mongoose away' She ran up my leg

inside my shirt. sh.e would not corne out for an



Soon afLei that trzzarcl foi-rnd, oul she v,¡as a liz¿rC

and nol a hun:an'being.

lr big male lizarC came near lne to catch a brg.

Li,i:zard was jealous. She stareC at irim, then at ¡¡.e"



rri.:. i ---:jj j.'

ieft, sire follc¡,.,,eci him a littie

\,rv']ren he r,r¡&y. Then
she came back ti'l iooi.. at me again.

I put out my ira.nd to pick her up, She jumpeC back.

Sire rn¡ouidn'r let me tcuch her.

\/\las lzzard aÍ:aiC of me? I corildn't helier¡e it. llut she

was. She ra/ou.ldn"l stay ''rviilr. ITle anymore' Sire sta.yed
lvith lhe cther lizarcls. ,I r¿,as s]rocl<ed" I was hLrrt.

"She's a gro14/ir-up lizard norrv," my father explaincri.

My moiher said, "AlL of a sudden you look as big as

a mountain to her. Suppose a mountain shoukl
reach dou,n to pick you üp. You'd be scared stiff."

"But jamie's her moth er!"'my sister saicl, Oncc iu a

wh.iLe a sister reall5, understancls a person better

than anyfuo6, else,

The nexi time I came home from scirool I tiroughL,

"By nol lzzard iras had iime to lhink it over. She
wcn't be afraÍC of me anymore."

i found irer on the hrack of a chair in the livi¡rg roonr.

I went up to her-and .she ran away from ¡ne!

N4y father said, "You'il just have

to.forget about her."

I ccuidn't, ancl I didn't.

Sr-r.r¡mer came, and once lllore we v¿ent to
visit rny grandmother in lrJew Yorj<'

\¡Ve came back in the fal]" As soon a,s I'^'Ie c;ame i*to
tlrr: lrouse, piopÍ Ünto rny ieg caine lzz:.ardt'

-§he ranup to :ny shouider. Then she ran onto m3r

hancl and I raised l:er in front of my face. She stareo
into my eyes, anci wriggled. It v¿as like old times'

IrrÍy father said, "i thi.nk she misserl you and

clecrCecl to fcrrgive yon for not being a lizarcl'"

"l th.inl< so too," m5r incther saicl.

"You iuciry thing," i.i{¡
.l ',titi
íi!.; j:,
ilLv srslei saLü. r

Iilrarr-i liacl f ,rrgiYeir i,ittü, br-ri she clirln't stay i,,,,iti-r titr.'.
She 'i,'rouiC visi't ¡ne of[ern, bui sire lil¡ec{ lyii:h tlir,
Itiier li::a:'cis.

"S}-re's giol&".ü-l?"p anC llas a life.of 1:el o,,,,¿ir no!.r," m'i,'

ilrciiier sairl.

A.::yhorir, Izzald rc
stili my r,/ery gr:ocl Íliencl.

i fcurrr.l ún nr.y piiiow last riighi when I

Guess r¡i'i:rit
rn¡enl to bcd? A lizii'.j rrr-,r/i

Do "ucu supilose it is Izzar6l's-¿ speciai present jr-rs;t

fol inr-:'i'

; ¡l' ,' I



'.., l

',,:t .ii
j',¡r ,l:'
, ,i''.;1"i]
, ' ':. : ,i1,¡
. i;l
.,,, I


(;. Vv'l'rcrtinforniafír:n ejo )/üu leclrii clh,¡ui life on 5'f'. 'Iohn7 Whrtl t,)ct 'yotl learrl
abor-¡'i children qnd i:rrrnili*s? R.erucl t["¡a st*ry ac«in, l-hen in smnli grorr¡rs
ryc!<e « { oit cll 'ilte irifoirinatior,r thoi' you [<noi,; ahai:i'
'ihe people nnd tl,eir
iives on 5t. ,fr;h¡. 'úollirn )/cr:r clncuis is f!¡risheC, sftcre yourinit,:ritlo"tioii uvii'ft,
'ii'ier c1-h¿r'' qroLlli.s in 'll"¿e ¿:lnss.

5enei íng 2 : Rí kki-ti I'qL(í-tmvi
By Rudyard Ki¡tling

F. f nJ'roduction
l?il{ki-fikki-fsvi is a.short story [:y Rudyarc{ Kipling. He is a very fnn'rous
author who wrol'e Tha JunEle Book. Do Xrou lqnou¡ J"ungle Br:oL<? Where
- did ¡t toke place? Whaf qninrnls are in it?
:. áit<Ul-tikki-tavi tokes plar:e ín fndio. \Álhot ínforrnafion do you ltnotu obout
fndis? Whaf animals do yor: thirrk **ul.l he irr "the- story? .

c: Here is a short descriptlon of the story,.
Enemies lurk ir: tl'lc i ¿i l: r :ri:il
.v Deatfr tcrrorizes thc ncig;iri-,ri¡ li;¡i¡cl--
until fütrdci-ritrrhi-tavi ;r r ¡.iyr: ¡; "

: tsaseci on the description arisw er t'ytese ques'iions:

v Whe,re u¡ill the story tcke pl«ce?
v cr) fn fhe jungle [:) rr a qarden or bcrckyard c) frr frhe í:iq ci'i-y
v \¡U'ho ís Rikki-titr<ki-tsvi?
*) -i"he
good guy b) A coword c) The bcrd guy
t'- Many of the eharclcters hsve fndian nflrnes, r,uhicl'l canbr,* ctifficul.I i'r:
I-<rneffiber. Here is o list of the chnrscter's no.mes and who they «re. fieoc{
lxt. fry to decide if the ehciracfers ore EooC guys or b«d Euys.
k-+{ki-tik[<i-tovi /* mongoosa
l><trze.e. Á tailorbird
[x1i^zere's wife .4 tailorbird
l.Ytuclrundro A mr"rskrat
A iíttie boy
ú I I ¡ .t
I P,ddV Í ¡T.OTNCT A wo¡rion
x.oddv's fothe,r A mt:n
.r A cob,ra
tfrgriin.a (nog's wife) A cobra
1"r«i'i' A srrioll l:ror¡yn snoke
' ua (Chuchurrdra's cousin) ,A rot
E. Voenbulor"y prepora.fion
Becar¡se rndis wcs fi Britísh folony for
many years,a nur*ber oi -I; .ji..i,rr¡ric¡i,ir¡
cr"r' now conimon i* EngJish'
For exCImple ,l"h,e.Ernglísh miord pcijariras c{:}rnes
nri 'fncii«n uuord whicfr nieans fron:
leg + e lothss. Fleresre some
in F"nglish buf cüme frart'r imeiiet. woniJs th*t are used
Some words hove fhe. same ¡fleq,i*r1
cs Í'h'ay cid in rndio' I-iouuever. others irr Engrish
have a di'rfe,e-i*--.,n.q Írür,v
origincilly did in fndia. Try to mstch r.i.rorr they
the wo¡.d to ij.s menninE.

I t. *¿*üoto* A. Porch

I 2, :Versnds B. Bracelet


, _rheeroh V/ool from o go«f

A regian fcmous for its goaf:s

I '+. unqle D. Eng.: .4 scarf or hondk.erchief


-i f nd.: the of tying cloth in


knots fo dye it - tie_d,yeiÁg.

I E.
E. Eng.: A dense tropic«l f orust
/ -Bandarrnc fnd.: deserl'
6 __ *Cashmere

I F. House
I /. *B(:ingle G. A large spot-fec{ cat

['. Readi nE CornPrehension
R,eacl 'the storY and *nsYrer fhe quesfions nfter e«ch se'c'!"io¡'t"

Tr,i. is the story cf the great ivar chokccl. So they vrmpped ilinr in cotton
r',,ool, and warmecl him ovc¡'a iittlc lil-c, ltnd
tiiat Rikki-til<ki-tavir fought single-handed,
lhrougli 'ihe bathror:ms of the big bungalow he opencd his cYes ancl sneczctl.
- in Segorvle* cantonment.2 Darzee3 the Tai-
"No\'/," said ttlc big man (l':c tvll:; litl
the Englishman v¿ho had jttsi movctl intt': tl'c
-'iorL.irci hclperl him, and Chuchunclraa
who never comes oul into the bungalorv), "(lon't fi'ightcn hiln, ttnLi rlt'll
nlicldle of the iioor, Lrut always creeps round see what he 'll clo."
by the '"vall, gave hin-l advipe, but lR'!kki'
*iiktii clid the real íightiiig. ' 1- n¡tthl-tlkk!-lov, {r¡k'ó ti'kÓ tav'Ó).
;'.';;;;';;i;; iL s';;iról ",,ron,n",, (k'n ron/mrni)' rrt'íj 0riri5r)
v FIe vvas a mongoose, ratirei' Iike a little nrilitcry slation al,sego'dlce, lnd¡a.
vcírt'in his fur anci his tail, but quite like a 3. DDHce (dár 2é ).
4, Chuchundra (chü chun'drc).
in his head and his hai:its. L{is eyes
and tlic enci of his restle§s nose were pink'
- H" coLrld scratch himseif 'anywhire he
-plcased rvitli any leg, front or back, tliat l-rc 1. Where did fiikki-tikki-t«vi {iqht his
.- chose io tlsc. He could fluff up his taii tilt it
greot tÁJor?
like a bottle brush, ancl his war cry
-.lookecihe scuttled ihrcugh the long grass \"/as: 2. Who helPed hirn?
* RasilÁ-¡ifr k - t ik ttí- t i k ki-t c hk I
! Cne da)', a high sLimmer floocl v¿ashed
3. Wiro gave him advic¿?
cLrt of thc burrow rvhere he lived r'¿ith
What does o mangoase iotik iike?
- Iiim
.,- l'¡is fttlher ancl mother, and carriecl him, 5. ,,fuho''r took Ril<lll-f ii<|<i-'irivi ou i. oi his
i..iciting i:nd ciucking, down a roadside
'- ciitci-r. I-Ie found a iittle of grass iicat- f crnily burror,tr?
--ing lhcre " and clung. to it tili he Iost his ú. lVhere did he woke uP?
senses. !V!'len he reviveel, he was iying in
- ti:c hct surl on the midclle of a garden path, 7. {Vnot did l"ha boY anci l'ris i'irc.iher ar:
r"r'y clragglecl incleed, and a small boy was when theY founci him.i
- sa1,;¡n, "l{cre's a dead mongorrse' Lct's
- lr¿ive ¿r l'u¡reral,"
'¿ "No,"' s¿licl his mother, "let's take l¡im in
.- anc! clry him. Perliaps he isn't really 'lead.''
: They took him into the house, and a big
- ,,.,r,r, picl<ccl him up between his finger and
*'tliumb and s;aid he w¿is nol clea(l lrrrt l-rall

it is the harrJest thing in the ivorlcl to "l clon't Iike that," saicl .l-ccl,ly's ntothct..
fi-ighten a mongoose, because iie is
eaten irp "l-le ntay bíte rhe chiic.l."
Ii'onr nose to tail ivith cL¡riosity. The
rnotto "l{e'li rio no suclr tlring," r;lrirl tllc Ilr-
of all thc mLlngoose famiiy is ,iRun ¿rnd
fincl thcr. "'fcilrly i..; sll-cr vvitlr tllat Iirtie [:eiu; i
oirt," ¿:nd li.ilci<i_tiliJri y/as a true nrongoosc, than il- hr: liircl a b]oodhoLrnri 1r,,, r,r,,.rlcl¡ l¡ir¡¡.
. I-Ic iooj<ed at ti:e cotton rvooi, cler:ic.lecl that
''jt II a snake canlc inio the rrrrr..sci.¡, 1161i,_.,,
iv¿rs not goócl to eai, ral: ail araunci
lal;ir:, sat up and put his fur in order,
t!_:e Bui '}'cr.iciy'.s mothcr rvoLlldrr'L thini< oI.
anytlring so ur*zfLtl.
scratiihed hii-nself, and jr.rm¡:eci o¡.r the
smaii Eariy in thc nlorning itil<l<i-tiliki cirnrc Lo
bcil's ,,¡or.,,0...
early [rreahftrst in Lhe ver¿rncl¿t r.irling on
"l)on'i i:e frighfenecl, Teclcly,,, said his. T'ccidy's shoLrlr,lcr, ¡rntl thcy gavc hini ba_
f¿iihi:i". ',1fhat's his ivay of nraliing
friends.,, nana and somc boiled t:gg. F{e sat on all
"Ouchl He's ticl<ling under my cliin,,,
ihcir ltt¡:s one aftel. tllc otllci., cvci.y
s¡ iC l'cddv
.between wcll-broughl-r¡p mol) llwrys liopcs
Rikki-iikki L¡c.,i<eC clow¡r the Ilc ¿l ntor:goosc .sontc cllry ¿rl:d Il¿rvc
bolr's coiiar and neck, snuf,fcci et his ear,
l'oor'¡"ts lo r.u¡l ¿rbout in; ;rncl Iiil<ki-tikki,s
lnrl cii¡¡rbed dorvn to tlie .liooi-, whei-e lie sat
rubi:ing his nosc. mothcl' (sJrc usecl to ii,re in lhc gcner;rl,s
"'Cood gracious," said Teddy,s rirother, lt Scgou;lec) hacl car.cliriiy
rJt¡ lt¡tii;
"ancl lirai.'s a rvild creature! I suppose rvh¿rt to ilo il' evcr hc c¿tntc
acluss rylliit:
so iiime bccausc we 've been kincl tc him.,, fl)cn.

mongooses are like that,,, ,*i¿ 1.,.,
ilusl;¿rici. "ii Tedciy doesn'I pic.i< him up by
tire rari. or tr-v to put him in tcage, he,il run
in and out of the house all day long. Let's
givc iiini sonretiring [o e¿rt.',
Tircy gx1,s hinl a little ¡riece of rarv meat.
Rikkr-iiliki likecl ir immensely, anci when it
u,as ii¡¡isiled he rvent oul into the r¡erancla
a¡rrj .slt in the sunshine and fluffeci up his fur
[o lrtrkr it cli.5, ¡e the roots. ]lherr lle felt L:et-
Ic l'.
"l'llclc i, liVhy is it difficult to frrgh+üt.r
ntore things to find out about
in tllis liorrse," he said to himselí, ,,tha¡i all i ncnqoose?
iiry f irmil.v ccLrlcJ find out in all their livrs. I - Whot is'tlie motto
t. CIÉ ji,, r -; 1, ,r1)!.{..
slirill c¿l-luinl,"- stay a¡lcj find out." ,- tt
tcil'ilily./ ^

FIc spcnt all titat day roaming over the

hou:;e. Iie ncar-ly rirorvnecl himsell in tile \A/ny does Rikki decicje'iü s:,ay' crt the
bathiubs, pLrt his nose inio tlie ink on a house2
vu,r'itin¡: ¡¿rblc, ancj [:ul.neci jt on the end
of 4.. V/licit Llre 3 things thcrt Rikki
thc big ruan's cigar., foi he climbeci up in thc cjicl when
big mari's iap to scc how lvriting l,,,as clone . he vvas roonlinq di.ounc, -i-he lrouse?
At niglrtllll he inio Tedcly,s nursery to Fi
Wher"e clicl Ftikki sleep?
rv¡rLch lloiv iicl'oscne Iamps t¡¡ere lightecl, lvVily
o. clici i.iii{ki sif on the peopí,2,s lops
lnd ',i,hcn Tcddy went to bed llikki-ti,lrki
clintbcil LrJ,; Ioo, BLrt he tvas a restjess com_ at irreal< Écst?
panicln, ircc:rrise hc hadJo get i.rp encl attenc.l
l-ooi< crt 'ii'repicfure. Who.-i c1o you thinl<
to c\rcr'j/ nois,: ¿rll titrough the night, arirl
lincl r-iLit ,r,ilrt, ntltde it. Tccicly,s motller ¡rrrr.l
tiilct(i will discover rlext?
liithcr clinrc in, thc Iast thinr, to iook ai
tlre ir' [>riy, unel Ril<ki"tilcki rvns arviii.:e on thc
l**.ü I
fil*rl I

lilr* '{ ii

lrdJ li

i.;c**i; '
ll>*$l , ll
p**"tl n

f,t¡uw¡1 ll ,l
it*-vi'l li

tl ftri

I,u Irii

I,lc spread out his lloocl nlorc lhltn cvcl.,
Thcil Rikki-riliiti weni out into the gilr- altcl llil<ki-tiklti s;al,¡ Lhc tspcctacie r:llrk
clcn to scc rvh¿rt u¡as to be seen. It u,as a on
thc lr¿rcl< ol'it tllat lool,:s; exnctly lii<c tirc cyr.:
lalge galdcn, only Ilall cultivatecl, rvith . llur'I ol' a I:ook-;rnrl-eye I.astcning. Ilc rvrrs
l:irshcs. as big Íls slrmmer houses, of Mar- fol' thc nrinritc, bL¡t ir is irtrpo.ssiblc Jbr.
:sllll fJici roses, linie and orange trees, a rnongoose to stiry fi.ightcneLi Ibr alty
clunt¡ts- oÍ' banlboos, ancl ¿hickets of higlr icngtlr ol' tinrc, zrrrci though Ililiki_til<lií li¿rl
L{rirs:1. ILikki-rii(l(i Iiclted his Jips. .,This is a ne vcr-nleI a live cobr¿t beforc,
l.¡is ntotlicr
s;:lcniiirl hLrntirrg gi.ound, " hc saicl, anrl itis had l'ccl hinl on cleacl ones, anci hc lillcrv l.llut
lail gi'erv bof tlc-L¡rustry at the thoLrgirt oi it,. ali a grorvn fitor)goosc's bL¡sillcss in lil.c ivas
ancl hc scuttleci Lrp and down the garclen, to fight ¿Lnd c¿rl .snakes. Nrrg l<.rrci^z t.haI tor-r
.srrLrl'f irig Iicre ancl thel.e till hc hcnrC vcry
¿rncl, at [:ottorn of hi.s colci hc¿u.t,
lrc ivas
sorroii,l'ul ,,,oiccs in a thornbush. Il rvas l fl'airi.
Darzcc tire "1' ancl his wife. They "\Vell," .said liiklti-ril<l<i, anct his rail bc_
h¿rd rnade a be¿iutifril nest L,y pullíng tlvo big gan lo flul1'Lrp again, "llr¡rrl<.s or no nlr¡.ks,
Icl,r,cs together- ancl stitching theni up the rio yuu thinl< it i.s r.ight for
¡,6¡¿1 t.o cat llcclg_
erlges rvith fibcrs, and haci filled the hollow lings oLrl ol'a ncst?"
rvilir cotton aircl clorvny fluff. l'he nest I'Jag rvas thinl<ing to I.¡imscll', anrl r,v¿Ltclt_
srvu\¡cci to and Ii-cl, ars they sat on the rjrn irig thc Ieast littlc ¡lovcnre nI in the gr.ass bc_
rncl crie d.
hind Rikki-tikki. I{e l<ncrv rliat mongooscs
"V/llar is rhc nlattcr?" asl<ecl Rikl.ti-tikki, í¡l f.hc gar'<jcn rncílnt cJcaIh sor:n.,. oi. ]nt.,.
"lVe arc vcry nriscrable,'i s¡ricl l)arzce. lor him and his f,arniiy, but ile wiulti;rl [o gct
",I*)nc ol'orr¡' b¿rhics fell orrt of tl:c nest ycs-
Il.ikki-tikki off.his guarcl. So ltc¡r1;ccl his
tcl'd¿ry itntJ iring'5 ¿¡tc hinr."
ilcad a littlc, ¿rncl put it on sicl,_..
"l-{'nl," saicl R.ikl<i-tikl<i, "thirt is ver.y "LeI us titll<," jtc s¡Lid. "'r (,u ..r, , l{]1,.
slrrl--[¡ill i ¿rrn a stl.irnger hcr-c. \Vho is
lVlry should not I cat bir-d:;'.,"
"Behind youl Lor_rli [:clun,. r,t.,;l ,,:rnr]
irncl his wifc only corvel-erl dor¡,,n
in thc ncsi tvithoui ansr,r,el.illg, for fronl tlic
tlrick ¡¡r'irss at the f,oot oi'tl:e [:lish thcr.e
círi'rtc :t Iorv horrid colci sounrl thirt 5, ¡,/rg (ná9).

nllLcie li¡i<kr-trkl<i jump bacl< two slc¡ri. I'ceL. 6, The greal 6od Brahm (brám), thc suprcrr¡,' ¡¡orl (,1 llrri llrrl(itl
'Ihcn inclt lry inch out of the grass rrfsc r.lp reliqion, usually knourn as Brahnra {Dr;l'rilil.

thc Ire¿rd irncl r;prced hood of l'.lag, thc big

blrrcli co[:r'¿r, ¿Lnd l:c rvas fivc fcct ioiig I'
l0nguc to tail. When iic hacl Iiftecl onc-third 1. Did tlikk¡ like'i'he gorde:n?
of hi;¡lsclI clc¿ir of the ground, he staycci 2. Wfry were Dcrzee ond [ris wif e crying?
bai:ritci,ng to anci fio exactly as a clancleiion
tr¡fl Lr:rlanccs in the rvincl, anr] he looked at 3. Why clid Ril(ki jrmp bock 2 tee.t?
l¡.ikki-rikki rvirh the rvicked snake's eye.s 4. Who is Nag? Whot does he lool< like?
li¡;ri ncver clrilngc theii- c;i¡:ression, what_
cvct l.hc sn¿rke may lre thinking of. 5. Vi/hy r,vosn'i-Rikki «froitJ?
"\¡/ho i.t Nug?" s;aid he. ,,/ an1 Nag. 'I'hc
,5. V/hy was NJog ro.treid?
grclt üoiJ Br:rl'tnr6 lll¡t his mark upou all oul.
¡rcr;plc, rvhcn the lirst cobi.a spre acl his 7. Whof do you fhink is be:hind Rikki?
hoL:tl t,o l:ce ¡r the sun off Bi.¿rhu :i.s lie slept. 'iA/h<rf will hoppen rlexi.?
l-i.rriii . lrnrl bc al'raid i"

I?.il(l(i-iil<ki knew belter than to r,r,astc
time'i¡t staring. He jumpcd up in tlre aír' alt
high as he could go, and jtrst trnclcr hirn
ivhizzecl by the heacl of i.laglrina,T Nag's
rvicked wife. She'had crept up behind hinr
as he rvas talking, to niake an end of him.
He heard her savage hiss as thc stroke
nlissed. I{e came clorvn alnrost across lrer
back, and if he had been a¡r old monSoosc
he woulrl have knowri that thcn was thc
time io break her back lvith one bitc; but he
rvas afraid of the ten'ible lashing rcturrr
siroke of the cobra. Fle bit, irrdeccl, bLri clid
not bite iong enough, and hc jumpecl clcar
of the rvhisl<ing tail, icaving Nagaina tot'n
and angry.
"Wickeci, rvicked Darzeel" said ltlitg,
lashing up as high as he could reacir torvarcl
the nest in the thornbush. tsut Darzee had
built it olrt of reach of snakes, and it only
s\\layed to and fro.
Rihki-t;kki felt i:is eyes gror.ving rccl ancl
hot (when a mongoose's eyg5 grow red, hc
is angry), ancl he .sai back on his tail arrd
hind iegs like a Iittle kangaroo, and lookcd
all roünd him, and chatterecl with rage, Ilut
Nag ancl Nagaina had disappeared into the
grasi. When a snake misses its stroke, it
never says anylhing 'or gives any sign of
r.vhat it means to do next. Ril<ki-tikki dicl
not care to follorv [hem, fbr he did not fecl
sure lilat he could manage tu,o snirkes at
once. So ire trotted off to the grar,,el path
near the house, and sat down to thinl<. It
ivas a serious matter for hinl.
-_-__.__- - I
7, NagBIn? (ná gán'c).

t. Who was behind Rikki? Why? Whot did

she wsnt to do?
2. Vfh.y r.lídn't Rikk¡ blte her hard enough2
3. Why, 66x¡,1n't l{cg recch Darzee's nest?
4. \s/i'ry were ltiki<ios eyes red?
5. Why didn't Rikki foll,rv¿ Nog and
6. Whcrt do you thin!< tr?ikki will do nz.rt?

if you i-e aci tire old bool<s of na[Liral i:is- Anrl Itiliki-tikl<i he; ¿i .scr.cÍrr)r J' 'l.crl_
lory. ;r6¡1 ri,ill find tlie5, 5n, lh:ii rvhen the iil,,'r r.,t,,,rai'. I-lis fjrliict-r-iri.l nrri rvitil l stick,
rncngoosc fi.thts ihc srial(e aiici I.taplrens to bLrt by lhc tirilc hc clinrc up, i(;u.¿rit lrrrtl
¡1ci l.riti.en, hc i'uns off a¡ici eais sotle herb Iungctci oLrt oncc too f)rr., rinii iií:llti-lililti hritl
ilrirt r-'urc.s ilil'¡i. ii'hiit is nol irue . The victory sp¡-rrng, -jrrnrpeci c)n tltc sllil(.'.s lrlrc!.,
i:; orriy ¿t n']attei' of quickness ol eys ¿n¿ tii'opltcil his lic¿rti firr. bctu,cc,r Irir lirr r:lrls,
qriiciinc:;s of foot*"snal<e's biorv against bittcn ir.s Itiglr Lr¡r tlrc l¡ltclr. lr:. lre eorrltl ¡lui
,. ¡rlongoose's jLrrnp-and as no eye can lc',i- hr¡ltl , lrntl rollcrl ir,!viry.
lorv thc ntr¡l.icn of' a s¡lake's iieaci rvhcn ít 'fillt L'¡iie plrrllyz-cd l(¿r¡.rrii, lrrrtl Riltki-
st¡'ilte .s, this things nluch rnore rl,on- tikki rv¿rs jLrst going fo c:rt hirLr rr¡r lr.or¡r thc
cii:r'l'L¡l thir¡r ¿tn\/ magic hcib. F"ikki-til<ki t¿ril, lJ'tci'tllc cLtslont ol his f anlil-1,lrt tlirrnci..
linci,r¡ ilc \.\/iis a young mcngoose, and it tr,hc¡l ilc rcnrcnt[;cl.cri thlif ¿r íirll iltcll rlliic.s
ni¿iilu hirlr all thc nrole ¡rieasccl to thinl< th¿it a slolv nlorlgoosc, ¿r¡trl i1'ltc ,,,r,ll-rlcrl ;ril llis
)rc hurl nlrnir¡1cd to escape a l;lorv ü'onl l¡c- strcngth ilnrl quiclcrrc..;s r.cacl1,, ltc nrirst l:cc¡t
Irircl. hir:¡sclf'thin. I-{c r.yenl ¿rw¿lt/ íi¡r,¿r tlL¡si l¡irlil
ii grrr,c itinl conñdeilcc in hii:tseil', ¿ind L¡ntlci' tilc c¿r.sior'-oii [ri¡shcs, rvhilc'l'ccfrltr'.s
tvllcll 'l'crjtl¡, cante rttnning ciorvn lhe path, firlhcl bcat tlte rlc¿Lri Ii:Lr-¿rit.
Rii.:ki-tikki was I'eacly to be pettecl. But jList "Wjt¿lt is tltc Ltse ol'lluit'1" thouglrt
lls 'l-cticlt, rvas stor:ping, sonrething wrigglcd Iiiklii-tif<ki. "l Ir;rvc scttlcd it lll."
ii Iittlc ilt the dLrst, and a tiny voice saicl: Anrl thcn'l-cclrl.v's r¡oi.licr. Jriclicrl hinr ri¡l
"l-r,c c¿u'clir1. I am Dr::ithi" Il wrs Iiai'ait,8 I'r'oilt thc clLtst tulil hLrggccl ltinr, cr.ying tlxri
thc riListy L¡roii,i.l snakeling that iies for hc had sui,cii Tcddy fl.onL cic¿rtii, ¿Lnrl 'l'cd-
cili-ricc oil tllr: clirsly earih; anci his bitr: is irs cly's fathr:r'said ilttt hc r'.,¡¡s li 1-ii-ilviilcirr:c.
ciiii:gci"ctLrs as thc cobr'¿r's, But he is so sinlll irnd 'icrlciy lciohcci r_lt rvilh biJl scrlcrl cycs.
tir:Ll nobod), thinl<s ol' hinr, iinri so he does Jlii<ki-tilil<i r,¿¿rs rathei.irn)uscd lrt ¿tli tirc.
l1¡e nrc¡¡'e hal'nl tO people . fiiss, r.vhich, oi', Ile iiiel not Llnricl.
ll.ikki-iikki',s e)/es grew red again, ancl he stli¡rci .'l"edrll,'5 r"¡rotltcr.nright jrrst lrs u,cll
liluiccii iip to I(arait ri,ith the peculinr rocli- hitvc pcticrl 'fcclrl1, lbr' ¡riaying í¡r tllc ,Just.
ing, S$'a)¡ing nrotion that he haci inheritr:cl Itii< Ii i u,¿rs tlroroughly c rr.joyi ng hinlscll'.
f':'cr-ir his f'¿rnlilv. It Iool<s ve11, funnlz, but it
is sr: pe ri'ccti1, 5,,1tln.*d a gitit th¡i ¡/ou can B. ¡{rr|ll (ttd r¡t').
l)¡.' ol'i'li'onl it ¿it Írny arrgie yoir ¡:leasc, and
in dcirling r,,,ítli snal<es this is an aclvantugc.
ií'iLiklti-tiltki had onlSu fu¡1st"n. he rvas
rlrtiur¡ l rt'luclr rnoi'e cllngclous thirrg ilurn
ñghtirg I.l¿rll. lbr l(arait is so small, :incl crn
tulii so, th¿rl rrnicss Rrltl.:i bit hinl
cl.)su lo thc b¿rc:k ol titc heacl , he v,zoLrld ¡lct
I. Can Mongooses eal irl:rl-rs 1t-, ¡,r¡'i: t)'ir.:iil

Ihc lctrr¡'ir strokc in his eye or his !ip. 13rrt from a srra!<ebite?
itiiil<i ci irl not knolr," I-Iis eyes rrzcre rll rccl , ?. Why wüs Rikki pleoserl,)
rt¡lr.i lrc rocitcd bacl< anil fortii, lool<ing for a
¡¡cr.rcl ¡;liicc tc holcl. i(arait strucir oLrt. Ril<ki
J. W[ro is l(oroi'l? lVhy is l'rc dungerousZ
.junr¡led :;icicu,e),s and trie d to run in, but thc ^¡. WIT«t no'lion does Rik!<i rnoke when he
r,"'ic:liccl little clLrsty gray head lashecl r¡,ithiil
is rearJy'lo ctttock2
li 1l'aci.ion oi' ilis shor:lder, anci hc ir:rr-i lo
.jirnr¡, ovcr tirc Lrociy,r and tlie hcrri fblloivecl 5. l-low did Rikki l(ill l{oraii?
Iris ilcclri ülL)sc.
'i'crlr.iy sitoLrtecl io thc liousc: "Oh, Iool<
Why didn'f tiikk¡ eot l(ornif?
hcrc l {)Lr l n.}ongoose is I<íi}ing a snukc. "

(> -7
\) /-
,.. f
1'lrLrt night at cfinner, waliiing to and lro llikki-tiklti Iistenecl''l"hr-r ittrtt:ic \\'irs ir:i
nmong the r, on .tlle tablc, hc
still as still, but hc thotrgltt ltc cotritl 'itl'st
nriglit huve stLrf'[tcl himsel{' Lhl'ec tinlcs ovcr
clrtch the fnintcst t;c't'ttlc'lt''t't't'ttlt'lt i¡r tllc
rvith rricc thir:gs. Bt¡t he t'cttlenrbc¡'ctl Nag
lu,orlcl*lt noisc as l¿rirlt as thlil' trl'll \vi"lsl)
irrrd Nuglirtir. ¿tucl thotrgh it rv¿ts vet'y plt:its-
ant tt¡ bc pirttccl artcl petted by Teclcly's rvirlliirrg oll the q'i¡1{6r'l'¡llttlc--ihc tlt-;'
scr'utch oI it str¿tke's scitlcs o¡l briuli ivtli'l( '
nrothcr, ancl to sit on 'lcdcly':; sltoLtlcler', his
cyes rvoulcl gct rcr-l from tintc to titile , ancl
"'l'hirt's Nag or Naglinl." hc sltitl ltr
hc rvoulcl go of'f into his lorrg war cry of hinlself, "arld he is crarvling irlto tllc bath-
" 1lilr/i-rilrlr- t ililti-tiltlti- ¡ch li!" roonr sluice. Yotl'l'c right, ClrLrchuiltll'ii; I
'feclil¡, c¿u't'ied hirn of'l' to bcd ltnr.l in' should huve ialkcd to Cltttl."
sistecl or) Ilikki-tikl<i s'lceping turclct' his l-lc stole off to 1'etlcly's [r;rlll¡oi:tll. [:ul
chin. liiltki-til<l<i w¿rs too rvcil tr¡'ccl to t¡ilc Lhglc lvrts notlring tltct'e, ltntl tllcrl ltl'l'ctl-
or scr¿tf clt, [:rrt as soon as'l'eclcly tvas ttslee¡r riy's ntolltcl''s b¿tth¡'oottl. ¡\t tilc htltit¡lll ol'
hc ycnt ofl' fbl' his nightly lvall< rotrrlcl the tllc snlooth pla:;tct' tt'ltll tlici'c rt"l''r I l'r i' !i
housc, irncl in tllc clal'l< he l'¿tn u¡: agttittst prrllccl orlt lo illitlie it slt¡icc lirl' lllr i¡ rtit rr"rr-
Clluclluncll'it the MLr.skr;rl ct'ec¡rittg at'ottrtcl ti:r', r.rncl ns liil<lii.tiliki stolc irr ll" titr: ,lrr-
sclnr'), r:tt t't: rvllc't'e the birth is ¡rrrt. llu licili'tl
Uy ttrc rvirll, Chr¡cltutldra i:; a bl'ol<cllhei¡l'ted
Nng artcl Nitglailrl rvitis¡ret'ing to¡lcIltct' tlttt-
littlc l:ctrst. I-lc lvhirl¡rcrs atlcl cltce¡rs ali the
night, trying to tnitl<c tr¡r Iris ¡llirtcl lo ¡'ttn sicle in tirc rlr.:onligltt.
into thc nlÍclclle of thc l'oon'i, Bt¡1 Ilc never "Wl-rcn tllc I¡ousc i.s cnr¡rtictl t)l'¡rr"'¡¡¡11¡,"
gct,s tlterc. siricJ I'iir¡lirirtíl Lo iler htlsbn¡ltl, "/tt'rvill illrt'c
"Don't I<ill rtie," saicl Chirchu¡ldt'a, al- ttt go awit¡r, ¡ncl thcn tltc glrt'tlr:tt u'ili [rc ottt
rriost rvce¡ring. "lliltki-tilil';i, clon't kill rllc!" r)ivn írgititt. Co in c¡rrictly, ittltl ;e ltlct:l[lct'
"Do yr"rLr thinl< a s¡rake-liiller l<ills nrLrsk- thlt thc big nian rvho Iiillctl l(¿rritit is thc:
r'Írts'1" s¿titl I{il<l< i-t i lil<i scorn lirll )i, ilrst onc lo bite , l'hcn ctllti,-' ottt ¿ttltl tcll lllc,
"'l'hosc who l<ill srlal<cs gct l<illccl Lry rurtl r,,,c tl,ill htinl lor I(iklti'tiklii ttrS,clltcr'."
snirlics." sltid Chtlchtt¡rcll'4, ¡llorc sol'¡'o!v-
f\rlly tlrirn cvct'. "AIltl how ¿ttlr I to bc,sttl'c g, C/¡up (chü'¡).
thirt Nlg rvotr't ltlist¿tl<c tlrc I'tll' y()l¡ liolllc
tlurk rriglrt')"
""1'hc¡'c's ttot tl"lc IcitsL cllrrtget'." siti'.1
I{iklti-til<lti. "1311t Na! is irl flrc gat'clcn' attil
I I<ilorv ),ou clo¡r't go tltere,"
"N4y cousin Chttae thc Rilt tolcl tlre--"
1. Why didn't Rikt"ri eot G lot ot diirner?
sairl Chuchirntlt'it, ancl Lhcrr hc stoppccl.
- 'i'eddy wos
""I'oltl you u,hat'?' \Mhere dicl R,¡kki go of1':e.r
"l-l'.sh! Nag is evcryrvlte¡'c,<lii-tikki. ssleep?
You shoulcl have tall<cd to Chrra in thc ga:'-
rlcn. " 3, Who did Rikki rTreef in fl're dcrr[<?
"l tiitln'1.-_s() yor.l nrtrst tcll nre: Qtricl<, 4. Why is Chuchundrq of roicl?
Chuciruntlt'it, or' ['ll bitc )/ou l"
Chucirttntlt'a s¿it clowtl ancl c¡'ietl till thc 5. V/hot does Rikki heor?
tciu's t'olled o[[ liis whisl<crs. "i anr a vc¡y 6. Where ore Nog ond Nrrgrlinr'

i)0(,r' nriln," hc sobbecl.

"l ilcvel' lracl s¡lilit
cncruglt Io,l'un otlt into tlie lllicltllc oI tltc
7. Whot is their Plon2
r0orn. l'l':;h I I nlLlsttl't tell yotr arrything.
Citrt't yott /¡c«r', Ilikl<i-tihl<i?"

:',l7 8{
"lirit that thcrc is an;rtl1l¡g
a¡-e .volr sure 'fherc tvas no answer fl.oin ouisíclc,
Yo bc gainccl by killing thc per:ple?" said I¿.ikl(i-t¡kki I<ncr.v hlagaina h¿rcl gonc ¿ru/ay.
*Jlg. Nag coiled himself down, coil by coil,
"ijvcrylhing. lVhcn ther.e u,ere no peo- , rouncl the bLrlge at the bottom c:f the warcr
lc in the bungalorv, clicl rve have any mon- jur', and Rikki-iikki staycd srill a*c ¿leath. Al.-
it)o¡;e iit the garcien'? So long as tlle bunglr- tcr an hour he begirn to n'to1./c, r:rusclc by
Yor.v is; enipty, we arc king and queen of'the mirsclc, to',v¿rrd the jar. Irlag was nslccp,
Eilrr-lf,n: ¿irid remenlber th¡t ¿ls soon ¿1s our anil Iiil<ki-ril<ki Iooi<crl at hí.s big biicli, rvon_
in the lnelon beci hritch (as they ma}' dcring whicl'r rvoLrlcJ bc thc besl ¡:lacc ftrl li
-.{Es goocl holcl. "11'I clon't L¡t.eak his brLcl< ¿rt the
._,i11(li'i'or,,,), oLlr cltildl'en rvíll nee cl room ancl
.',r ic
L.' Íir'.st junrp," slid I{il<hi, "he cln srill fi¡1hr.
"i not thoughi ol'tli¿rt," sai<.I Nag. ,.1
A.nd il' hc f)glrts-*O Ril(l(il" i-le loolicr"l rrl
the thir:kncss ol'thc nec!-t Lrclr:rv Lllc ht_rorl ,
vill go" bLlt thcrc is no necrJ tltat wc shoulcl but tlLlt was Loo much for ltírn; :rnrl a bite
:-*rnt fbr Iiikl<i-tikki afterwarcis. I rr¡ili kill
ncar thc tail woulcl only makc Iiag s:rv;rec.
-r:'n,[:ig rlran ancl his v,,,íf'e, ¿rnd the chilcl if I
ancl conte awav qLrictly. Then tl-re i,¡Lln-
"it rnust 'oc the head," he saicl at llsi;
"thc heacl ¿rbove thc hoocl., Ancl, whcn i ¿in:
ólo,v u,ill [:e emi]ty, ancl R.ikki".tiki.l! rvill
once therc, I must not lct go.,'
Then hc .junr¡:ecl. TIte lle¿rcj wzr:l lyíng a
' P.ihl<i-tik!:í tinglecl all over ivith iage ancl
little clear oI the \.v¿1tcr jar., r-rnclcr. thc
irL this, and then Nag-s head c¿rnle
-tr"ccl ol it; and, as his teetlr mct, Rjl<l<í L¡l.accd iris
. _roLr¡th the sluice, and his ilve f'eet of cold bacl< against the bulgc of' thc rcil c.lrr.thcn-
" l-.ld)/ Ibllorved it. Angry as he rvas, Rii(ki- ware to holcl tlr-lv,zn f.hc hclrl , 'l-l:i,l -ltrr,c Iririr
ñ<k, ,n,¿,s \/ery fr.ightened as Ire slr,v the si.-¿e jLIst orre scc0ncl 's prrr.clli.t:;c, itn,, j(:¡,ic
bi thc big coi:ra. Nag coiled himse If thc most of it. Thcn hc u,lls l¡;rll,r.t.,l lii turti
.*isetl his head, ¿rnd Iookccl into tlle .up,
baih_ l)'cl ir.s lr r'¿rl is sl¡tlccn l)-\, il r I ,,, t, . ,,r { ll-¡
onr iit thc clar-k, ancl I(iklci corricl sce his
,- 'cs giittcr. orl Lhc iloor'. ¡¡p itnrl tlot,n. lirtt, lr r.,r¡,1 iri
gt'clt circics, but his cycs \\,:tr.c rcrl ;ulrl hc
- "Nou,, il'I kill hjm here, l.{agzrina will helrl on as thc body car.l.rvlri¡:rpcrl rr, [llc
lvror,,,:rnd if, I fight itim on thc open floor, fioor, up.scttin¡1 the tirr cli¡r¡ici. tlnrI il¡¡ ,;¡.1,1
¡,"e odcls arc in his favor. Vy'hat anl i tc¡
tlish ¿rnd the flcsh b¡-u,,-h, ¿utrl ilrnrir-.ri ;r1¡lirrst
r. '.)" slid rlik ki-ri1<lii-tavi. thc tin s-icle ol- the barh.
__ I'lag 'uv¿rvecl to anc.l fi.o, nnd thcn Rikki_
t;t'kí hcarcl him clr.inking the biggesr
$Ziter jili thirt rv¿is useci to fiil the bath.
'-h¿it is goocl," saicl the snake. ,,NoLV,
r.._cn was l<illed, fhe big man hari a ,

s-'k. I{e nla-y Iave that stick stiil, but whcn


il,icctnrcs in tu Lrlf irc in the nro.,ri,.,g t.,. ru;ii Why clid hJog ond llcrgaino tv«nJ-fo [<ill
¡rtY hlvr:.a stick. I shali wait here rill hc f he peopÍe?
lL.rires. I'ilguina--clo ),oit hear me?*l sh:rlI
V/hy dirJ Naq decide'N.o wnif? Where
,r.._"t he re in tlre cool till davtime."
did he L1rüiJ'?
]-'lor¡r did Ri[<ki attock Nrrg?
4. Whot h«ppened after Ril{l(i L,ii Nog?

As ire held he closed his jaivs righter ancl
tighter, for he made sure he rvoulcl bc
bangecl Io cleath, ancl, lor the honor ol his
faniily, he ¡ri'eferred to trc lbLrncl lvith his
tccil: loclieci. He wiis dizz,v, aching, ancl felt
shake¡r to pieces when somcthing wcnt oll
like a thLriirierclap just behind him. A hot
ri,inc[ knocked hi¡n .sensciess ¿rnii r.ccl fire
singed his fur. The big man h¿rrl bccn lval<-
ened by the noise" ahd h¿rci fl.ecl [:oth bar-
rels of a shoigun into Nitg just bchincl tlic
Rikki-tiklii held on rvith hi.s c¡res shut,
for norv he was quite sure hc was dcatl. Ilut
tiie heaci dicl not move, ¿rnrl thc big man
picked him u¡: and said, "lt's the mongoose
again, Alice. Thc little chap iras savcc! r¡¿¡r
lii,es n0u,. "
Then ;feclcly's n:other ci-rrlrc in r,vith a
vcry rvhite fhce, ancl .s¿nv rvh¿rl was lcfi ol
Nag, a¡rcl Rikl<i-tikhi draggcd hinrs-clt' to
'l'ecldy's beill'oon: and spcnt half'thc rcst ol'
tlre night nhuking hinr¡re If' l:lrrlarly ro firiil
ottt rvl"rether lrc rcnlly rv¿r.s [:t'olicrr into fiirty
pieces, as he f¿incied.
WI:en morning can'¡e hc ivlrs very stifl,
'cLrt rvell pleasecl rvith
his cloín¡is. "Nolv I
h¿rve Nagain¿l to settlc with, ancl she lvill bc
worse than five I..lerg.s, aud there'.s no know-
ing rvhen the eggs sl:e spoke ol'will hltcl:.
Cooclness! I must go and see Dlrrzec," hc

:1. Why dic{ri't Rikk¡ let go?

¿. \ffhat wos fhe loucl sound?

WiLhc¡r"lt rvariting fo¡' breal<l'ast, Rikki- "On the rubbish heap by tirc s;t¿rblc:r,
nrourning for I'lag. CI'eat is ltilllti-tiltki rvith
_'kki nrn to the thornbLrsh rvhere Dztrzec
',lr:; singi¡lg ir song of trium¡:h a[ thc top o[ the rvhite tecth."
is voice. The news of Nag's deaih rvas all "Boihcr my '"vlritc tee titl I-l¿tvc yrtu cvcr
Ilealcl rvhcrc si-lc I<éeps hcr cg1l.s'/"
ñ,er iiie garden, for the sl/veeper hacl
IÍrown the trldy on 'Lhe rubbish heap.
"ln the ntclorr bccl , orr thc c¡l'.1 tlt::tl'csl
..- "Ch, ','oLr .stupid tuft of feathel'sl" said thc iva]1, ,,vherc tlte sttn stl'il<cs ¡lc:Ltir¡ itll
day. She hid lhcnr thcre r.r'cclis lg()"
* l'ki-tikt(i :iirgrily. "ls tiri.s the time tr.t "Ancl yoll ncvcr thoL:gltt iL worlllrr.'lrilc tir
- te ll nle? The enLl ncarest ihe r.vnll, yt-'Lt :;aiti'1"
" l'lrg is clcad-is cleacl-is cleaci l" sang
"Rikl<i-tikkj, l,oti are not going to cat hc¡'
)llrrz,::c. ''Thc vaiiant Rikki-tikkí caLrght hinr
rro c')'
ev5-5', '
.o¡/ th? hcacl and held fasi. T'ire big man .

rl-re bang stick, and Nag feli in tr¡¡o

"Not cat exactly, no. Dltt'zcc, il- 1'p¡¡
'tccsl h¿rve a grain of sense yol¡ will fly cfl' tc thc
* "Ali }-le rvill never eat tny bal¡ies again." stables ancl pretend that yotlr wing is l-rro-
ihat's true enough. But v¿l:ere's Na-
l<cn, anrl Ict l{againir chasc you.í1wÍIy to this
Erina'?" saicl I{ikki-tikki, Iocking carefully
>-ountl hirn.
bush. I nlust get to thc mclon becl, ¿rrld if i
"Irlagainir came to the b¿riltroom sluice wenl thcre now she'd sce mc""
,rr.l called lor Nag," Darzee r,vent on, "ernd
'''rg canre'out on the end of a stick-the
,i.*p"r. pickcci him up on the enci of a stick
¿iírcl threr.r, him upon the rubbish heap. Let
r,:, sing about the great, the red-eyed Rikki-
.-.kii" And Darzee filleC his ihrcat and'"
'"il i coulcl geL up to ¡rs¡t nest, I'd roll
v-oirr babics outl" said Rikki-tikki. "You
ron'i l<no',r.,when to do the right thing at the
1. What wüs Dorz¿e doing in the gorden?
-;h'L tinrc. You're safe enough in your nest 2. Where wos lrJag?
_ 3rc, i¡ut it's war for me, dorvn hcre. Stop 3. \Nhere was lrJagcino?
":nging ii lninttte, Darzee."
".Iioi' thc great, tl-re beautiful Rikki- 4. Where were Nag's eggs?
¡'.r;l<i's sal:e I will stop," said Darzee.
is it, O Killer of the terribi¿ lrlag?"
5. What is F.íkki's plon?
._ "\i/ircre is Nagaina, for the third tinre?"

\ q,
Darzee was a feather"br-ained iittle fel- Darzee's wife lcnevr bcl.tcl. tir¿rn {.r¡ dcr
Iorv rvho could never hold rnore than onc ¡hut, tor a bird rvho iool<s at ¿r snaltc's eycs
iiiea at I Lime in his l-iead. Anci.just l:ecause gcts so frightened that she cairllüt ntove.
hc kneu, thai lrlagaina's chíldren were bcrn D¿rrzee's li,ife flutte¡"ecl on, pi¡:in¡¡ .sorrov/-
in e¡1gs like his orvn, he didir't think at lirst IL-rily, and never Ieaving thc gr.ouncl,
tiral it lvas lair to Itill them. But his v,,ife Nagaina qLrickened her pace.
\\/¿ts a sensil¡le bird, and she l<nevv that co-
Ril(ki-tikki hearcl thcnr going rrp
bt'a's c¡1gs nrcant yorrng cobi"as later on. So fi'oni thc staLrics, and hc rlccrl l'crr.
shc ílcii, ofi fronr thc ncst, and left Dal.zee of thc nleion pirtclt ncirr. llic u,lrll. ,i
tr: kecp the bat:íes warm, ancl continuc his lhe rvat'nl iittcl.abclvc ihc l¡tu,rrr.t: \ r

scn¡t about thc death of lrlag. Darzce rvas nirrgly hiddc¡l. llc f'oLrntl t,,t., tr ii ,,r,.
ve ry Iikc ¿l miin in some v/ays.
¿t[:out thc sizc of a [:iurtlrrit'r: c.rlr .. irril
Shc fiutterecl in front of Nagaina try the whitish sl<ins instc¿rcl of'slrcll :.
rubbísir IiLlnp aüd cried out, "Oh, my rving "l lvas nol;r dlry tc¡o..ioori,";,i_. .: ;,i. ¡irr
is, brolicirl The bo¡l in the house tltrer.v a ,hc coirld see LIlc baL"ry col-,r;r*; r_:ui.lctf
Lr¡r i11_
stonll ált me and broke it." Then shc flut- side the .skin, ancl l:e kncrv tlirrt {l:t: rilinutc
ierecl nrol'e clesperately than ever. thcy- were h¿rtchccl the¡r c11¡¡¡,¡ t:;reh hill rr
Nagaina lil-ted up her iread arrd hissccl. nran ()r a ntontloosc. i-lc ltit ,rl'l' tirc to¡ls ol-
"YoLr lv¿rrned Rikki-tikki when I v¿or:ld havc
thc cggs as l¿tst ¿rs hc cuLllrl, tlrkirrg clu.c Iti
kille cl hinl. indeed ancl truly, you've choscn
a [:a,.1 placc to be lame in."' And sile movecl .cl'usit tlre your:g cobras, ¿lnrl trrr.netl ovcr.
the littcr fi'ont Lintc to tinlc t() scc ,,r,llc{hcr
tov¡arcl Darzee 's rvife, slip¡:ing aicng over
Ilc h¿rcl missccl ¿uty. A( l¿rst tltcr.c ,.vcl.c only
lhc cJLrst. three cggs lclr, and ii.iklti-tikki l:cgiln ro
"'f ilc boy broke . it u,ith a stone l" chricl<le to himsclf, rvhcn lic helrcl l)ar.zcc's
shriekccl Darzee's wife. i,'zilc screanring:
"Welll It ma1, be some consolation to
¡,oLi when you're clead to l<now that I shall
set{.le accounts rvith the boy. fufy husband
lics án thc lLrbbish treap this morning, [:ut
bcfbi'c night the boy in the house i.vill lie
1.. Why didn'f Dorzee think it was fair to
ve r'/ still. Wllat ís the use of running arvay?
I ¿rnl sure to catch you. Little fool, iook at kili Nogoino's eggs?
nrc i' ' 2. Who pre'fended to hove s brol'.en wing?
J. Why didn't Dorzee's wife lor:l< ':'l'
4. V/hqt do snoke's eggshave insteod of
5. Does Iiikki destroy oll the eggs?
6. Whot does Rikki hear?

"itrkki-tii<l<i, I led l.jagaina io.,varcj thc I'Jagzrina spun r;le¿tr t'oLutrl, Ibr'.¡lc tt i:tg

ro¡Tjc, ¿rnd .shc h:rs gone into lhc verflncla, everyihing for the sake oJ'tlrc ()rrc ctr.r-I.

. r)-*L) lr, co ntc qr-r icJrly-._s ltc fftcans kii i ing i " I(il<ki-tjltlti :iaw Tcddy's lirthcr sli(.¡oi rrrl rt
_likki-tiklii sntasiiccl iwo eggs, anci tl-im- big hancl, c¿1lch Tedcly by thc slltrttlri.rrt'. lttltl
,1, 'lrlrciili,ir¡'ci clor,,,u IlLc nlr:lc¡l i.¡ccl r.r,itll ijlc cirag hini acro:is the litllc llLblc rvith tlir: tcrr-
Ir,',1 egfi ¡l Ilis m<.¡uth, an¿l scuttlcd tcl the ve - cups, i;afc and out ol rciLch of' Iriirgiti¡l¿r.
lrielt ¿rs ir¿ircl ;rs ilc could put foot to the " j ncl.:eri l 'i ricked l T'r'icliccl I lLil;l¡-tt'l;-
.rs*rn(-1. Tecliiy aild his ,no,l',.t. and father tr:lil" chuchled Ril<lii-tikki. "'l'hr: bo1, is
vr*,,t1-rüi'c ilt crtrlv bre¿rl<f ¿rsi. bLrt itiklri-tiklti sirle, anrl it v,,,as I--l-*I thzrt c:uLr¡¡iri IrJag by
it' lilrrt tllü',, 1,,,9¡'., not etting any,thing. 'Ihe;7 the hood last night in the bathrooru."'l'hcn
ruÍ stonc-still, :rncl thcir ihces were tvhite,.
he l:egan [o-itrnip up and dou,n, all lbLr icct
lr§iirili r,r'¿ts coiied up on the ilatting by Teci- together, lris heacl clc¡sc tr: Ihc llr¡r¡r'. " ljc
yv ci::iir, rr,'ithin e¿rsy stril(ing distance of lhrr:rv nre Lo and fi'o, but lre ccrrlcl riot :;llakc
'c-1 \,"; blirc 1cg, and she was sr,'ra),ing anri
to nle off. He r,¿as dcad bclbrc tl¡c big rnirir
'c . irlgiirg ír so ng of triu mpit. blcrv him in Iu,o. I ciicl itl;lii-til,.l;i-tt'l;-¡rl;!
=Si:n'ot' thc big mnn that kílled Nag," Coine the n, I.lagirina. Conrc lilci liqlrl 'r,ith
rc¡risscrl . "5-[a\/ stil], i L'rnl noI rearJy '7s¡. nie. Yo',r sirall not [re a r.trirlt¡',v Iong."
i.* u Iittlc. i(ccp vcry still, ali you ti"lreel Nagitina satv thal si¡e hrrrl io:rl Irt:r'
_)Lr ntoi,,t' J slrikc, irncl íf you clc nOt chancc ol killing 'fedcly, ;rnrl thc c,¡g l:rv i,r,-
c : I stlii-lr:. Oh, íbolish people i'¿ho kille d lwcen l{ikki-til(ki's ¡litws. "Clivc nr(: {lrr) .:gti.
\/ r\¿illi
*:'cr-ldi,'s cycs wcl'e flxeci on his Ihther,
Ilikhi-tikki. Cive ln,: tllc last r:l' ni1, cg¡1s,
and I will go away and ncvc¡' cr¡nrc lxrcll,"
lr*.rll llis I'rrf he¡' couicl do \yas to ',vhis¡:cr-, she said, lowering he r hoocl.
f- stiil;'i'cddy. You ñ)ustn't rrovc. "Ycs, )¡,cu r,vill go awíli/, ¿rrtr.l vclu t',i11
'r''it¡ l¡¡ tlill " ncvcr conrc back. For yoLr r,,,ill go to LItc
Yiicr¡ l-tílii:i-tikki camc up ancl criecl, rLrbbish l:eap ,"vith Nag. [tright, u,irlorvi "l-hr:
lr'r'n rrliritd, l.legaina. Turn and frghtl"
big nran lias gone I'or his gLrn. I;igl:t1"
--;\li í¡ good time," said she, i'¿it_hout Rikki-tikki u,as boLrntling all roulrrl Na-
' il!l l,c;'rlr)/es. ('l will scttle rny acCüuilt gaina, ltec¡ring jusI out ol rcuch r¡l hcr'
1r- .),.;¡, ili'rscntly. Look al your ii.iends, strolic, his little eyes likc Irot coul.s. l'.lli-
l.i'líi-tiki.ri. 'l-hcy arc still anc{ r.vhite. The1,
gilina gathcrecl hcrsclf to¡:cthcr ancl firrng
:.¡l'l'¿irri. i"hcy ciirre nol ntove, and if yoLr
oul at hirn. Ril<ki-tikkijunrpccl Lri'i antl b¿rcl<-
r..- ¿i slüJ) nc¡u'e¡' I .strike. 'e tlrirr,i. r\guin lrrcl zigzrin and lgirin silc slt'Licli.
'r-cofi írt l/oLrr eggs," said Riiil<i-rikki,
allrl cach tiile l:cl' hclcl cantc ri,iLh a w,iurclt
1 tl1,; ;¡islr-,rn bcd ncai- the rvali, Co ancl
on Ihc rtratting of tl:c vcranr]¿r irnrl shc glrtit-
,í i', it:.liin;r l"
c-'r'ecl hcrsclf'togctlrer likc ¿r r.r,alch s¡rrirrg.
,"rc big .s¡:alie tur.ned half ar-cuncj , and
fhen itikki-tikki clanccrl in I cir.clL: ro gci
u.-irc cgE r--n Lh,¡ r,ei'¿rnd¿l. "Ah-hi Givc it
'_," bchincl hcr, ancl hlagainn s¡rLr n rounr-l ltr
slrc siritl.
l'';i<k!-tiltki ¡;Lr t lris p¿lws one c,n each kcep hei- he¿rcl to his he;rcl, so'f"hat Lhc lirstlc
of lrer taii on tl-re mattíng soLrntlcrl lilic dry
:-cl' thc cgg, ancl his eyes v¿e¡.e L-.,1r:od-
lc¿lr,es [:lou,n along by t.he li,inc].
.-'Vr,'iilrt i;i-icc lor a snakc's egg? For a
,= col,ri':i'/ Fc;r' a yoLrng king cobra'? Fi:r
_st---t[;c \/cl')/ I¿st of the brocc]? T'he
, 'rrc r.:¿rling tll ti:c other.s rJown b)¡ the
iirl [r11¡1. "

]-le liacl fcrgotten ttie *gg-. ii stiil lay or:
Lhe vcrancla, and irlagait'la camr: nearer and
nc͡rei' to it, till at last, n'hile Riklti-tikki rvas
t" Where did lQikiqi finc{ Ncrgcrins} \4/[r*t
ciriiii,iilg L¡re:tth, she caught it in Iitl' il1ür"lth,
wss she doing2
rurued to,the ver¿rnda steps, and flew lil<e
íur í1rlcw cloti¡n the path, lvith<ki-tikki 2. Hci¡r does Rikki gef Nogoin( 1.o
beliirlrl her. When the cobr-a runs for her ürouncl ond loollqt him?
iil'e, she goes like rr v,'iliplash fiickecl across
ii lirlrse 'ri neck. F'iki(i-tikki knev¡ ihat he .i. Whof dc,es Nagcrino clo,:r,she qets
tnr,lst calch her, oi all the trourbie ',voulci bc-' rhe egg?
(i; !-, 1l (, ,r i !f
Srrt .¡elí¡,r. 4. How did Durzee's wi{e he}¡: I;lii,itir
,She ile adecl straight ior lhe Icng grass by
the thornbLtsll, and as he ll'as runrling Riklci- 5. Where did l\.ioq«ina go7<[;.i hearci Darzee stili singiirg his fooiish 6. Did Riki(i foliow he.r?
littlc song of triumph. Br-rt l)arzeels rvile
r,.,as rviscr'. She flerv oil hei' nest as hiagaina
7. Why ivcrs i't- d«ngerous fc,r F:ikki 1o go
can-ie iiiong, and llapped hci wings abo"rt into the hole?
lJagain:L's hcael. lt Darzee had hel¡rerl her B. What cloes Darzee do?
lhe¡' n:igl:t llave turired irer, but I'Tzrgain¿i
6¡i¡r ]¡v"s1'ccl her hood ancl ivent on. Still,
the instailt's ciclay brought Rikki-tikki iip to
ller', ancl as she piungecl into the rathole
wheie she ¿rncl irlag useci Ío live, his little
. i,;l'rÍte Lecth tvere cienciled on irer tail, ¿rnd
he rvcul clor.vtt ll,itl: her--and very l'ew mon-
lloose s, hon'cver u'ise ai"id oicl they nray be,
cilrc to lbllou, a cobra into its holc.
It rvas cl¿tik in the irole; and I{ikki-tikl"i
lrrJVer knew u,hen it might open c;ut ancl
givc i'.jugaina roonl to turÉ and strike at
hinl. I-Ie llcltl on savagel'v, ancl stuck '¡ut his
Ítci to act :ls brakes on tile dark slope ol'
. Lhc hot, nloist earth.
')'irc¡l lltc grlrss i:y the mo¡-rth of the hr¡lc
stollDc(-i r,,,aving, and D¿rrzee said, "trt is all
¡1,¡i' ,,vi111 ILil(l(i-til(ki! We mLrst sing his
cieaih song. Valiant Rikki-tikki is cl¿¿icll For
N;igltirra rvill sLtrell' kiil him unclergrouncl"'

v very mournful song that'he
Sc, he r,,ng o "FIe saved oui' Iivcs antl 'l'erlrly's lil'c."
v nracic Lrp on the spurof the lninute, andjust as she sairl tri hcr husbancl. ".lust lhinl<. hc
l-rc got to thc inost iouching pirri, the grass s^rIVed all our livcs.'
r; u i,zc rc d agÍri n, a n cl R i l<ki-tikk-i, co' rv j th liikki-til<.I<i woke irp with a jrrnrp. iirr tlle
iiírt, clraggeci himself out of ihe hr¡ie ieg by nrongDoses a:'e light slccpcls.
v lcg, iicking his' r,vhiskers" Ilarzee stopirecl "Ol:, it's yoü," saicl Ile. "lVlirrl lrc yor.r
v ll Iittlc shout. R.ikki-tikki shooli some of bolhcring for'l AII the cobr'¿rs ¿rlc c!carl. And
v thc clust oLrt r:f his fi¡r and sneezecl. "It is ¿tll il'they vvel'cn't, I'm hcrc."
o\i cr'," hc snirl . "The rviclow ,'r,ill never conre Ril<ki-tiklti had ¿r right lo bc ¡rroLrcl of
oLlt ag,.rírr. "Ancl t['ie recl ants that live t¡etw,:en himself. But hc clid nol grou,/ too ¡.>r'orrrl , urrcl
the gi'a:is steixs he ard him, and bcgan to tloop hc kept that garclcn rs ¿r {lrongoosc slroulrt
tl,Jii,¡l onc ¿rflcr anoil:e r to see if he lraci spo- kcc¡r it, \,vith tooth lncljLrnrp *ucl sprin¡1 arrtl
_ lic,r tllc ti'rr{.i1. bitc, till no\/cr'¿r cobr¿r d¿rrcr-1 ¡;llorv its llclrl
lr.ikki-tikkí curled himsell'up in lhc grtiss ir:sidc tlrc lvall:;.
arrci slc¡-'I tl'hei'e he lvas-slcpt ancl siept fi]i
Y it ,,,,,:rs late in the afteriroon, fcr he hacl clone
¿t l:lr"cl r"lny's rvork.
\- "i'.lo\'/," he saic!, rvhen he aloke, "I will
\__ go brck to thc house. Tell the Coppersmith,
, t)¡,.r';:ee , ancl he will tell the garclen ihat Na-
\-I rl;lrnit ls cle¿r(1 .

fcrppcrsmith is a bird rvho makes a

\-. noisc exactly tike f lre beating of a Iitile ham-
v rrrei on ¿r copper pot. The rczrson he is al-
v rvliys nrelting it, is.bec¿luse he is tire ioivn
cr"icr to cvcry lnclian garulen, allcl tells ¿rll
v illc rLcrvs io everybocly u,,ho carcs tc listcn.
! As l.likki-tiltki went Lrp the p¿tth, he hcard
\__ his "atterltion" note-q lil<e a tin,v dinner
t. \¡Vho r,von tlr¿ bstf le l:elwer,n [lik[<i ancl
\_ frr:'r§, 2rnd then the steaciy "Ding</ong-lock!
irvrL¡1is tlc¡tl-dongl Nagaina ís c!cail! Ding- I'lagoino?
u rlot:¡1-tttclt!" That se t all the birds in the gar-
L. Whaj'does Rikki do nfi,:.r it¿ cr:mes out
ricn singi,rg, linC ihc it'ogs croal<ing, for- hliig
rr:il hJagain:r usccl to ea.t frogs as rveil as lit- of i'he hole?
v ll,. )',i,'¡lc 3. W["ro is 'ihe ,ÍoPPersrnii'Ir7
lVheri Rikki got the hoLise, 'fecldy and
¿ 'i r'r-itl1,'.s inolhcr (siietoiookeci ve ry r,yhjls s1¡i¡,
.+. l-low did Teddy's tomil';,' reüct r,^rhen

v l-crr sllc ii¡rl L:ccn firintin¡J anrJ "fedci.rz's fhthcr. they.sor,rr Rikki?
\-/ crrn¡c rJLil ilnd alrnost u'icel oi,er hirn; and thitt 5. Did llil«l<i stúy u/ith f he fnmily?
\r- nigtii ire rrtc xll that r,v¿rs given irim lill hc coLlid
{}. Dicl «ny more cobros qo into 'ihe
c:li ito ruL)t'e, and lvent 1o bccl r:n -feclrly's
v shoL:1,;lci', u,here Tedely's mother s¿-rr,'¡ him garden?
v rvll.n r;he canlc to loot< Iatc at niglit"

J ?s

ü. Survey

Dicl you líke it? Why *r rvhy not?

\{¡hat pori o{ f'lte. s'fory Cid you like best?
V/l"rst par'i wss 1'hs mcsJ-diffícult? Werethe,re ony p«r,fs of the s"Í'ony that
y0Lr c{iC not like?
\¡/ho'f od,iectives lvoulci you llse j'CI dascribe the story? (For exri.mple:,
¿;<ci'r'ing, k:oring, funny , diÍtfícirii, l*nE, inrt¿resting, s-l-r:pid, e.'ic.) Tlrink of 3
ndjectives i'hat eiescribe 1'he stor"y well.

'You are gainE

io comple.te ü survey about fhe story. Walk rrrounc{ the class
nne{ osk your clsssmc'¡'es the cl:ove questions. Take notes on a ¡riec e otr
' pope,r. Then, comple""ie the' befow uvith the in'formo'fíon 'l"hot you
cc llected.

Class Surve

o ,t students who

tl'iz t,r,f__.=-
tr,t storv:

+ o i' srud¿nrs who ciicí
I not iil<e: the story:

The part that mcst

I stuctúrn'rs liked b¿st:
'I'he parf
fhat most
stucler'ts found
dif f icult:
porl' that niost
.";rudents did rrot Iike:

3 rnost popr.rlor
cic{j ecf i,res:


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