Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders: Research Report R967

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January 2021

ISSN 1833-2781
Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

Copyright Notice

School of Civil Engineering, Research Report R967

Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders
N S Trahair BSc BE MEngSc PhD DEng
January 2021

ISSN 1833-2781

This publication may be redistributed freely in its entirety and in its original form without the consent of the
copyright owner.

Use of material contained in this publication in any other published works must be appropriately referenced,
and, if necessary, permission sought from the author.

Published by:
School of Civil Engineering
The University of Sydney
Sydney NSW 2006

School of Civil Engineering Research Report R967 Page 2

The University of Sydney
Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders


Steel crane runway girders are subjected to torsion by their eccentric loads. The twist rotation of the principal
axes caused by torsion induces additional bending moments, and reduces the resistance to lateral buckling.
There is little guidance on how to design for torsion, and design procedures are often intuitive, with varying
degrees of rationality and precision.

This paper seeks to establish a logical procedure for designing crane runway girders which is based on an
extension of the limit states methods of designing for biaxial bending. An additional term for the ratio of the
design torque to the section torsion resistance is included in the interaction equations. Proposals are made
for determining this section resistance. Research has shown that this addition can allow for the reduction in
the lateral buckling resistance caused by the twist rotations. A linear elastic analysis of the twist rotations is
used to determine the moment increases caused by torsion.

An example of the proposed method is developed and illustrated by a design example. The small twist
rotations are not enough to have a major effect on the bending moments. The additional torsion term is also
small, and the design capacity is primarily governed by the resistance to lateral buckling.

Analysis, Bending, Capacity, Crane, Design, Steel, Torsion

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders


ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
KEYWORDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................... 4
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 TORSION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................. 5
3 TORSION DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4 ANALYSIS OF COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION .............................................................................. 8
5 DESIGN FOR COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION ............................................................................... 9
6 WORKED EXAMPLE ................................................................................................................................. 11
7 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 13
9 NOTATION ................................................................................................................................................. 14
TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders


Steel crane runway girders (Fig. 1a) are subjected to biaxial bending and torsion by their eccentric horizontal
and vertical loads (Fig. 2a). However, design codes for steel structures [1-6] generally give little or no
guidance on how to design against torsion or torsion and bending. Consequently, the design procedures [7-9]
used for crane runway girders are often intuitive and based on adapting existing methods of designing against
biaxial bending, with varying degrees of rationality and precision.

Limit states methods of designing for biaxial bending use the results of structural analysis in the checking of
the member and section capacities, usually through the use of interaction equations which combine the
separate effects of major and minor axis bending. First-order elastic analyses under the factored limit state
loads are used, which ignore the non-linearities caused by the bending rotations, it being assumed that these
are accounted for in the interaction equations. Non-linearities due to yielding are accounted for in the
individual moment capacities.

Torsion affects the strength of crane runway girders in two ways. The first is the additional minor axis bending
moment caused by the rotation of the principal axes. This needs to be included in the design actions
determined by the structural analysis.

The second is the reduction of the lateral buckling resistance caused by the twist rotations. Research on
major axis bending and torsion [10] has shown that the reduction can be modelled conservatively by the use
of an interaction equation which incorporates the torsion section capacity. It is therefore logical to allow for
the effect of torsion on biaxial bending by adding a similar torsion section capacity term to the existing
interaction equations.

This paper seeks to establish a logical procedure for designing crane runway girders which is based on an
extension of the accepted limit states methods of designing for biaxial bending, such as that of the Australian
code AS 4100 [1]. The elastic analysis of crane runway girders is first considered, and proposals are made
for determining the torsion section capacity. Design interaction equations are then developed for checking the
section and member capacities under combined biaxial bending and torsion. Finally, the design method is
summarised and illustrated by a worked example.



A crane runway girder of length L and its hoist trolley loading are shown in Fig. 1a, and an idealised girder in
Fig. 1b. The girder is simply supported at both ends, where horizontal and vertical deflections and twist
rotations are prevented but minor and major axis rotations and warping are unrestrained. A typical girder
section shown in Fig. 2a consists of an I-section with a channel section welded to the I-section top flange.
Other girders may consist of a mono-symmetric I-section member with lips welded to the top flange, as shown
in Fig. 3. The idealised girder is loaded at midspan by a vertical load Ny with an eccentricity ex and a
horizontal load Nx with an eccentricity ey from the girder shear centre, as shown in Fig. 2a. A similar model
has been used in [7].


The girder section is modelled as a hybrid top flange, a rectangular web, and a rectangular bottom flange.
The shear centres St, Sb of these two flanges are shown in Figs 2a and 3, as is the shear centre Sg of the
complete section.

The flange shear centre distances from the girder shear centre are given by



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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

in which Iyt, Iyb are the second moments of area of the top and bottom flanges and


is the distance between flange shear centres.

The warping section constant is


The uniform torsion section constant is


in which Jt and Jb are the torsion section constants of the flanges and Jw is the torsion section constant for the
web, and Jpfc and Jub are the torsion section constants of the channel section and the I-section.


The mid-span forces Nx, Ny shown in Fig. 2a are statically equivalent to forces Nx, Ny acting at the girder shear
centre Sg and a torque


as shown in Fig. 2b. The torque Mz is resisted by a combination of uniform torsion Mu and warping torsion Mw.
These actions are statically equivalent to the vertical shear centre force Ny, the uniform torque Mu, and the
flange forces



as shown in Fig. 2c.


The exact first-order twist rotations θ caused by the moment Mz can be determined by finding the solution of
the torsion differential equation


which satisfies the boundary conditions, in which ‘ ≡ d/dz. The solution is


in which



and A2 = − A1 and A3 = 0.

The exact mid-span twist rotation is


in which kz is the torsional stiffness of the girder.

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Approximations for the uniform and warping torques Mu and Mw may be obtained by assuming that the central
torque is resisted only by uniform or warping torsion [11], in which case



These approximations may be used in Equation 6 to obtain a conservative approximation for the central twist
rotation as


The accuracy of this approximation is displayed in Fig. 4 by the variation of dimensionless stiffness kL/4GJ
with 12EIw /GJL2 = kw /ku. Low values of 12EIw /GJL2 correspond to long slender girders for which uniform
torsion is dominant, while high values correspond to short stocky girders for which warping torsion is
dominant. The approximation using kuw is conservative and close to the accurate solution using kz. Also
shown in Fig. 4 are the approximations using ku and kw. It can be seen that these are conservative, and
generally very much so. The warping approximation using kw corresponds to what is sometimes called “the
twin-beam analogy”, for which it is assumed that the torque Mz is solely resisted by the warping torque through
flange shears Mw/hs, instead of by the sum of the warping and uniform torques Mw and Mu.

These results are different to those which follow from an analysis in [7]. The difference arises because of an
incorrect assumption that the line of action of the top flange shear passes through its centroid, instead of its
shear centre. It is also assumed there that the total torque Mz is solely resisted by the warping torque.



Only section capacity design is required for pure torsion, because there are no destabilizing second-order
effects. The torsion section capacity Msz is assumed to be the lowest value of the torque Mz which satisfies all
the uniform and warping torsion capacity requirements.


The significant uniform torsion actions are the uniform torques at the supports


The nominal uniform torsion first yield capacity is


in which tm is the maximum thickness and 0.6 fy is the shear yield stress used in AS 4100 [1].

For plastic design, the plastic shape factor for uniform torsion is 1.5 [11], and so the nominal uniform plastic
capacity is


This is consistent with the AS 4100 use of the plastic section modulus for the moment capacity.


The significant warping torsion actions are the flange moments

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and the flange shears


at midspan.

The nominal warping torsion capacity Msw is the value of Mw for which the combination of the moment and
shear of the smaller flange satisfies the capacity requirement of AS 4100 [1].



The analysis used to determine the bending and torsion actions to be used in design need to account for any
significant second-order effects. Examples of second-order effects are displayed in the differential equilibrium




in which Ix, Iy are the second moments of area, u and v are the displacements, and Mx, My, Mz are the
moments and torque.

In these equations the second-order effects caused by the terms u’Mx and θMx are associated with the
flexural-torsional buckling of beams bent about the major axis [12, 13]. In biaxial bending there are additional
second-order effects because the bending rotations u’ and v’ induce secondary torques v’My and u’Mx. In
biaxial bending and torsion, there are even more terms which induce additional secondary moments θMy and
θMx acting about the rotated principal axes.

Other non-linearities are caused by yielding. Accurate predictions of inelastic second-order behaviour are
difficult to make.

The different methods of elastic analysis are discussed below.


First-order elastic analyses are usually made to determine the design actions for biaxial bending, even though
the response of a girder is non-linear. This use implies that the small non-linear terms u’Mx and θMx
associated with buckling and v’My are accounted for in the interaction equations used in design.

The use of first-order analysis for biaxial bending and torsion omits these terms, and also the term θMy and
the non-linear components u’Mz and v’Mz of the torque. These additional non-linearities need to be accounted
for in the design interaction equations if first-order analysis is to be used.


While the non-linear response might be analysed by using a second-order elastic analysis, it is difficult to use
the results of this in a limit states design environment without duplication of some effects. This is because in
the design for biaxial bending, the important non-linear terms θMx and u’Mx are already accounted for in the
allowance for lateral buckling under major axis bending. A second duplication would occur for the interaction
between lateral buckling and torsion [10] if an additional term for torsion is used in the interaction equations.
These duplications might be avoided by using a second-order analysis of the girder under minor axis bending
and torsion alone.

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An advanced analysis method of design is permitted in AS 4100 [1]. This method is limited to the in-plane
design of plane frames for which local and lateral buckling is prevented. The analysis is required to take into
account the material properties, residual stresses, geometrical imperfections and second-order effects. The
design is satisfactory if the structure can reach equilibrium under the factored loads.

Suggestions have been made for the development of second-order inelastic methods of analysis using line
members which can qualify as such a method of advanced analysis [14, 15]. Suggestions have also been
made as to how to extend this method to plane frames which may buckle out of the plane of loading [16].
Such methods do not consider primary torsion and so are not relevant to the analysis of bending and torsion.

Second-order finite element programs are available for the inelastic analysis of 3D frames. These can be
used for the analysis of bending and torsion, but they need to be augmented by making provisions for residual
stresses and geometrical imperfections. A possible method of doing this is to extend the proposals of [15] to
use small self-equilibrating load sets, but such a method has not yet been developed.



Limit states design codes [1, 3, 4] allow for the interactions between axial force and biaxial bending by using
equations of the type


in which M* is the design action and фM is the design capacity. These equations are intended to allow for
interactions caused by second-order effects and yielding. The indices γ are selected using available research,
intuition and caution. Thus, indices equal to unity generally represent caution, while values greater than 1 are
less cautious.

It is proposed that the interaction between torsion and biaxial bending should be allowed for by adding an
additional term Mz*/фMsz to the interaction equations for biaxial bending, in which Msz is the nominal torsion
section capacity of Section 3 and Mz* is the design torque determined by analysing the girder for the limit
states factored loads. It has been shown that the additional second-order effects that occur in the major axis
bending and torsion [9] are allowed for by the use of such a term.

The method of design to be used to determine the design actions to be used in the extended interaction
equations is discussed below, and then the development of a design method is illustrated by using the limit
states equations of the Australian code AS 4100 [1].


None of the analysis methods discussed in Section 4 are suitable for designing against bending and torsion
without modification because of the second-order effects omitted or duplicated. The duplications of second-
order analysis might be avoided by analysing the girder for minor axis bending and torsion alone.

However, a simpler method is to use first-order analysis and ignore the non-linear terms v’My, θMy, and u’Mz
which are very small or small in crane runway girders. The remaining significant non-linearity not then
included is the term θMx which adds to the minor axis bending moment My. This may be approximated by
increasing the calculated design minor axis moment Mym* to Mym*+ θMx*.


5.3.1 Girder section and member capacities

It is proposed that the girder section capacity should be checked by using

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and the girder member capacity checked by using


5.3.2 Girder web capacity

The girder web capacity should be checked for the interaction between uniform torsion and bending shear
near the supports. Mono-symmetry causes the distribution of bending shear stress in the web to be non-
linear, with the maximum stress at the centroid. Because of this and because the average uniform torsion
shear stress is zero across the web thickness, it can therefore be expected that there will be only a small
interaction. For stocky webs, the shear interaction may be allowed for using


in which Vv is the shear yield capacity of AS 4100, or more cautiously by using


For slender webs, the bending shear stresses are smaller, and so any interaction might be ignored.

The uniform torque near midspan is small, and so the girder web there need only be checked for bending and
shear using AS 4100.

5.3.3 Top flange section capacity

The top flange of the girder is subjected to increased bending moment and shear caused by the twist rotation,
as well as an axial compression arising from the major axis moment. While the top flange web capacity may
be checked for combined bending and shear using AS 4100, it is unlikely that this check will govern the
design. The top flange section capacity should be checked for axial compression and bending using AS


In practice, the designer of a crane runway girder needs to investigate a number of different situations in order
to allow for the different load combinations [5, 6] that may act as well as for any trolley movement. For each
situation, the method of using limit states design to check the girder’s capacity should include the following

(a) Make first-order analyses of the major and minor axis bending to determine the distributions of
bending moments and shears. These allow the design actions Mx*, Mym*, Vy*, and Vx* to be
determined for use in the girder section and member interaction equations.

(b) Determine the midspan design torque Mz* on the idealised girder using


(c) Determine the mid-span twist rotation θ (θe or θa), and the design end torque Mu* and the midspan
design bottom flange moment Mf* and shear Vf*. (These will be conservative, because the idealised
torque distribution is more severe than the actual distribution).

(d) Use Mu*, Mf*, and Vf* to determine the design torsion section capacity фMsz.

(e) Increase the calculated minor axis moment to My* = Mym* + θMx*.

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

(f) Check the girder section and member interaction equations.

(g) If these are both satisfied, check the girder web and top flange capacities. It is probable that these
will be satisfied.


The data for a worked example of the analysis and design of a crane runway girder are shown in Table 1.
The units used in this and the following tables are Newtons (N) and millimetres (mm), and combinations. The
results of the analysis and AS 4100 [1] design of the girder are summarised in Tables 2 – 8.

The section properties of the girder and its compound top flange shown in Table 2 were calculated using the
program THIN-WALL [17].

The central twist rotation of θ = 0.0301 rad shown in Table 3 is close to the exact value of 0.0283, and much
closer than the value of 0.0451 calculated by assuming that the total torque is only resisted by the warping
torque. Even though the twist rotation is small, it has a significant effect on the minor axis moment shown in
Table 4, increasing it from Myb* = 15.0 e6 Nmm to My* = 43.2 e6 Nmm.

The uniform torque Mu* = 2.78 e6 Nmm shown in Table 3 is a significant portion of the total torque Mz* = 8.35
e6 Nmm, and the torsion section capacity Msz shown in Table 6 is controlled by the uniform torsion capacity
Msu at the support.

The elastic buckling moment Mob shown in Table 5 was calculated using the approximation

in which

is the elastic buckling moment of a simply supported beam in uniform bending [12, 13], αm = 1.35 is the
moment modification factor for central concentrated load [1, 11], and

in which

βx is the mono-symmetry section constant [11, 13], and yNs is the distance below the shear centre at which the
concentrated load acts. The value of Mob = 1.84 e9 Nmm given in Table 5 is close to the value of 1.82 e9
Nmm calculated by using the finite element computer program PRFELB [18, 19]. The lateral buckling design
capacity Mbx = 1.60 e9 Nmm shown in Table 5 is significantly less than the major axis section capacity Msx =
5.90 e9 Nmm shown in Table 6.

The girder section design ratios shown in Table 7 are not large, and the girder section capacity check of 0.385
easily passes, as shown in Table 8, despite the significant increase in My*. The girder web and top flange
section capacity checks are passed even more easily. The controlling check is the girder member check
value of 0.717, which is dominated by the value of 0.653 for the major axis bending ratio associated with
lateral buckling. The contribution of 0.145 for torsion is small, and that of 0.064 for minor axis bending is even

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

Steel crane runway girders are subjected to torsion by their eccentric loads. The twist rotation of the principal
axes caused by torsion induces additional bending moments, and reduces the resistance to lateral buckling.
There is little guidance on how to design for torsion, and design procedures are often intuitive and based on
adapting existing methods of designing against biaxial bending, with varying degrees of rationality and

This paper proposes a simple extension of existing methods of designing for biaxial bending, in which a
torsion term is added to the interaction equations. The additional term is the ratio of the design torque to the
design section resistance to non-uniform torsion. Proposals are made for determining this section resistance.

Research [9] has shown that this addition can allow for the reduction in the design lateral buckling resistance
caused by the twist rotations. The additional bending moments caused by the twist rotations might be
predicted by using a second-order elastic analysis, but there may be duplications when the results of this are
used in the interaction equations.

Instead, a simpler method is to use a linear elastic analysis to determine the twist rotations and the
corresponding moment increases. A linear elastic analysis of an idealised girder is made which is
conservative and of good accuracy. It corrects errors made in some very conservative “twin-beam” analyses.

An example of the proposed method is developed for the Australian limit states design code AS4100 [1], and
is summarised and illustrated by a design example. The additional torsion term is small, and while the small
twist rotations appear to increase the minor axis moments significantly, they are not enough to have a major
effect on the design strength, which is dominated by the resistance to lateral buckling. The effect of uniform
torsion on the web shear capacity is small, and strengths of the flanges are more than adequate.

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

[1] Standards Australia, AS 4100 Steel structures, Sydney, 2020.

[2] Standards Australia, AS 4100 Supplement 1, Steel structures - Commentary, Sydney, 1999.

[3] British Standards Institution, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1.1 General rules and rules for
buildings, BS EN 1993-1-1, London, 2005.

[4] American Institute of Steel Construction, Specification for structural steel buildings, Chicago, 2011.

[5] Standards Australia, AS 1418.1, Cranes, hoists and winches. General requirements, Sydney, 2002.

[6] Standards Australia, AS 1418.18, Cranes, hoists and winches. Crane runways and monorails, Sydney,

[7] Gorenc BE, Design of crane runway girders, 2nd edition, Australian Steel Institute, Sydney, 2003.

[8] Woolcock ST, Kitipornchai S, Bradford MA and Haddad GA, Design of portal frame buildings, 4th Edition,
Australian Steel Institute, Sydney, 2011.

[9] Bradford MA, Woolcock ST and Kitipornchai S, Lateral buckling design of crane runway beams, Structural
Stability and Dynamics, 2002, 39-45.

[10] Pi YL and Trahair NS, Inelastic bending and torsion of steel I-beams, Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, 120 (12), 1994, 3397-3417.

[11] Trahair NS and Bradford MA, The behaviour and design of steel structures to AS 4100, 3rd Australian edition,
E & FN Spon, London, 1998.

[12] Timoshenko SP and Gere JM, Theory of elastic stability, 2nd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 1961.

[13] Trahair NS, Flexural-torsional buckling of structures, London, E & FN Spon, 1993.

[14] White DW and Chen WF (eds), Plastic hinge based methods for advanced analysis and design of steel
frames, Structural Stability Research Council, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, 1993.

[15] Clarke MJ and Bridge RQ, The design of steel frames using the notional load approach, 5th International
Colloquium, Structural Stability Research Council, April, 1996, 33-42.

[16] Trahair NS and Chan S-L, Out-of-plane advanced analysis of steel structures, Engineering Structures, 25,
1627-37, 2003.

[17] Papangelis JP and Hancock GJ, THIN-WALL – Cross-section analysis and finite strip buckling analysis of
thin-walled structures, Centre for Advanced Structural Engineering, University of Sydney, 2021.

[18] Papangelis JP, Trahair NS and Hancock GJ, PRFELB – Finite element flexural-torsional buckling analysis of
plane frames, Centre for Advanced Structural Engineering, University of Sydney, 2021.

[19] Papangelis JP, Trahair NS and Hancock GJ, Elastic flexural-torsional buckling of structures by computer,
Computers and Structures, 1998, 68, 125 - 37.

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

9.1 Principal Notation

M, N, V = Moment, force, or shear

9.2 Subscripts and Superscript

b, t = bottom or top flange

p, y = plastic or yield
s =section capacity
u,w = uniform or warping torsion
x, y, z = beam axes
* = design action

9.3 Additional Notation

A = area
a2 = EIw /GJ
b = width of rectangular element
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity
e = load eccentricity
fy = yield stress
G = shear modulus of elasticity
h = distance between flange shear centres
Iw = warping section constant
J = uniform torsion section constant
k = stiffness
L = span length
Py = π2EIy/L2
s = flange shear centre distance to girder shear centre
t = thickness of rectangular element
tm = maximum thickness
u, v = displacements in the x, y directions
yNs = distance below the shear centre at which the load acts
yt = distance between top flange and girder centroids
Z = section modulus

αm = moment modification factor

αs = slenderness reduction factor
βx = mono-symmetry section constant
γ = index, or factor for load height and mono-symmetry
λw = web slenderness
θa, θe, = approximate and exact midspan twist rotations
ф = capacity factor

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Table 1. Example Data Table 2. Section Properties

fy 300 bt 420 yt − 496.4 y0 − 909.54

E 2e5 bw 1220 A 39520 J 4.332e6
G 8e4 bb 300 Ix 8.912e9 Iw 65.19e12
L 15000 bl 140 Iy 0.4154e9 βx 982.2
Ny 250e3 tt 20 Zx 12.32e6 yt0 − 64.47
Nx 4e3 tw 16 Zy 1.978e6
ex 23 tb 20 ytt − 28.0
ey 650 tl 20 At 14000
Iyt 0.3704e9
Zyt 1.764e6

Table 3. Torsion Table 4. Bending Table 5. Lateral Buckling

Mz* 8.35e6 Mx* 0.938e9 αm 1.35

ku 92.4e6 Mym* 15.0e6 yQs − 650
kw 185e6 My* 43.2e6 Py 3.64e6
θ 0.0301 Nt* 0.690e6 Myz 1.83e9
Mu* 2.78e6 Vt* 0.125e6 γ − 0.299
Mw* 5.57e6 Mob 1.84e9
h 1257 Moa 1.36e9
Mt* 13.2e6 αs 0.200
Mbx 1.60e9

Table 6. Section Capacities Table 7. Design Ratios

λw 82.2 Vsw 3.51e6 Mx*/ФMsx 0.177

yp 860 Vsm 3.51e6 My*/ФMsy 0.064
Mpx 5.91e9 Nst 4.20e6 Mz*/ФMsz 0.145
Mpy 0.752e9 Mst 0.617e9 Mbx*/ФMsx 0.653
Msx 5.90e9 Msu 64.1e6 Vy*/ФVm 0.040
Msy 0.752e9 Msw 2.23e9 Mu*/ФMsu 0.048
Msz 64.1e6 Nt*/ФNst 0.183
Mt*/ФMst 0.024

Table 8. Design Checks

Girder section capacity 0.385 <1 Pass

Girder member capacity 0.717 <1 Pass
Girder web section capacity 0.050 <1 Pass
Top flange section capacity 0.207 <1 Pass

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L L/2 L/2

(a) Girder and trolley loads (b) Idealised girder

Fig. 1 Crane Runway Girder

ex Ny
St (Nxsb+Mw)/h
ey st
Sg Nx
sb Mz = Mw + Mu
Sb (Nxst−Mw)/h

(a) Section and loads (b) Shear centre actions (c) Flange forces

Fig. 2 Girder Section and Actions

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Limit States Design of Crane Runway Girders

tt St y0t
ytt st
tl yt
bl Sg x y0

tw sb

Sb tb


Fig. 3 Section Dimensions

Dimensionless torsional stiffness kL/4GJ

6 kzL/4GJ



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12EIw /GJL2

Fig. 4 Torsional Stiffness Approximations

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