United We Stand, Divided We Fall
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Within the past decade, evil was stopped in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She was a loner. She was the total embodiment of malevolency. An entire community was finally able to breathe a long waited on sigh of relief and enjoy freedom from the evil embrace of her ideas. Twisted ideas with horrible results were beginning to influence neighbors and spread like a virus. She was stopped and brought into line with the accepted behavior. She was recycling. She loved the world and thought that she would do her part in protecting it. She sought only products that had minimal and recyclable materials. She had a well maintained compost heap for all of her biodegradable materials such as table scraps. She used the resulting compost for her magnificent gardensboth flower and vegetable. She went out of her way to separate all remaining scrap and took it all to the respective recycling centers. She struggled to find and use only environmentally safe and biodegradable cleaners and detergents. What was her evil? She had no trash pickup. Instead of being lauded for her efforts and proclaimed as a role model, she was threatened, harassed, and fined. You see, the problem is very basic. Her community had a mandatory trash pickup statute which she failed to obey. An even more menacing problem was if more and more caught on to her habits, there would have been no need for the mandatory trash pickup. You cant milk the public for money if there is no need for a service. In feudal Europe, a local tough guy provided his protection from all of the other tough guys. In return for protecting the average person in the area of his control from people just like him, the local tough guy would exact a tax in the form of labor, food, money, and muscle for his actions against his neighbors. They fought so regularly that the church actually tried to declare certain days of the week as The Lords Days which included no fighting to give the average person some days off from having to be worried about being raped, pillaged, or plundered from other people just like the tough guy they looked to for protection. He maintained his power through fear, limiting the choices available to what I shall call his sheep, and the unknown. That is not what he didnt know but what his sheep didnt know. Here is a quick lesson in animal husbandry. You domesticate a wild herd of sheep by corralling them. You give them what they need to survive. Most importantly, you isolate the aggressive animals and eliminate them. The rest will be happy just eating and sleeping in what they learn to perceive as a safe haven. This is what the ancient warlords, political leaders, dictators, religious leaders, and businesses have been doing over the centuries. It is a great position. You live a life of luxury according to what is available in your time period and location at the expense of the sheep. Dungeons, gulags, prisons and favors to enlist the aid of some of the sheep looking to play ball to get ahead with shiny things have been used effectively for centuries for anyone who was capable of realizing who these people are and to silence the voice of the aggressive ones. However, throughout the centuries, bits and pieces of their voices have been heard culminating in the world we have now. Yet, we are free to do as we want. We have been granted these freedoms or illusion of freedom, because they have found that it is far easier to give a little and not have to constantly look over their back. It is easier than having to arm a portion of the sheep to keep the rest in line only to have to worry about the armed ones taking powerhistory is full of examples of this, just look at what happened to Belisarius and many other famous generals. After all, they do need us. I dont care who the business or political leader is, they didnt do it by themselves, although they tend to reward themselves as if they did. Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal, Steve
Jobs did not create Apple, Churchill and Roosevelt did not win War World II; it may have been their idea and their guidance but it was the hard work and sacrifice of millions of the sheep that made it happen. The leaders did profit greatly from it, but it was everyone working together. The idea is a life of luxury at the expense of the rest of the herd. You are encourage to help your community, recycle, live as green as possible (Green is another issue altogether. Here is something to mull over: I dare anyone to find a company that is truly green and where green is not just a marketing gimmick. A case in point is that several years ago, a fabric softener producer started selling refills for their product that originally comes in plastic bottles that are recyclable. The refill is in a wax paper carton which is not recyclable and can survive for many decades in an oxygen poor landfill. You buy the refill and pour the content into your empty plastic bottle then, according to the commercial, you only have the paper carton to throw away. The actress actually smashes the carton to show you how much space it takes up; acting that you are doing something for the environment. First, you are still introducing a toxin with the fabric softener into the environment. Two, you are now reduced to throwing something out as opposed to recycling. Main thing is that they get you to keep your plastic bottle and buy the refill cartonit is just a way of dangling the idea of global responsibility in front of you by getting you to buy what is needed to increase their profit margin while looking like they are trying to make a difference,) but dont do any of these things too much because there is the fear that we may realize that we dont need them as much; especially involved in our lives as much as they are becoming. We may become close and learn not fear our neighbors as much as they were trained in Stalinist Soviet Union and if all of this happens, they wont be able to make as much money as they do. (Our educationit is almost to the point of just math and reading in some communities and experiences are being limited, incomes are dropping while productivity is increasing, developments are being run more and more by corporationsthere are actually communities which have a hometown look complete with shops and full lawn service that are all owned and run by the same corporation, there are less and less variety, it is harder to enter a market place with a fresh idea, we are afraid and encouraged to shop, we have to buy insurance for almost everything under the sun, we are busting our asses only to hemorrhage money from every orifice for themthis is actually in the realm of Malthusian Economics.) In Pennsylvania, there is the possibility being proposed in the capital that everyone will be forced to throw out trash. I find that usually if you follow the money, youll find that this is done to keep the money coming, to take care of the politicians buddies or family members, or to take care of extortion possibilities. Very rarely is it for what is best for the community. People in this country just need to wake up and realize that we are all in this together. Together, there is not a problem that we cant overcomeexcept maybe, the world exploding. We need to take back our communities, our states, our country. As Ive mentioned before, our founding fathers tried to create a system that was plutocracy free, but they knew that the main ingredient was all of us being involved and helping each other. The government needs to go back to taking care of the government and we need to take care of our communities and stop allowing someone else driven by profit margins from stepping in and taking over responsibilities that should be ours. At first I was offended by Safe Auto commercials. Then I started to think that at least they are honest. They point out that auto insurance is in fact more of an extortion by showing the threatening possibilities if you dont pay. A lot of companies make their profits soar because of political actions and not because you need it.
It is our country. The politicians are our employees; make them work for their money and perks. Get involve with your communities. Recycle and strive to be as green as possible. Support local stores and arts. We can take back our government from the pawns of the plutocracy such as the republicans or democrats.