Aethz 24 Bausi Nachruf+Haile HUP
Aethz 24 Bausi Nachruf+Haile HUP
Aethz 24 Bausi Nachruf+Haile HUP
In memoriam Getatchew Haile (1931–2021)
by Alessandro Bausi
in cooperation with
Bairu Tafla, Ludwig Gerhardt, Susanne Hummel,
Alexander Meckelburg, and Siegbert Uhlig
Editorial Team
Sophia Dege-Müller, Francesca Panini
Academic News
The Edward Ullendorff Medal of the British Academy ‘for scholarly distinction
and achievements in the field of Semitic Languages and Ethiopian Studies’, estab-
lished thanks to the generous support of Edward Ullendorff’s widow, Dina, was
awarded in 2021 to Professor Olga Kapeliuk (Professor emeritus of Linguistics and
African Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) for her significant contribu-
tions to the field of Ethiopian Semitic languages over the course of her career
Obituaries and statements concerning the passing away of the great scholar
Getatchew Haile (b.19 April 1931 Yärä Kärräyu, Šänkora, Ethiopia, d.10 June
2021 New York) have been published on media by his family and the Hill Mu-
seum and Manuscript Library (HMML) at Collegeville, Minnesota, the institu-
tion where he had worked since 1976.1 He was regents professor of Medieval
Studies at Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, and curator of the
Ethiopia Study Center at HMML, corresponding member of the British Acade-
my, MacArthur fellow, recipient of the Edward Ullendorff Medal, and definitely
one of the most brilliant and knowledgeable scholars in Ethiopian studies ever.
The task of this short note is not that of repeating what can be more precisely
and appropriately reported by closer sources, but to express the modest tribute of
Aethiopica 24 (2021)
Alessandro Bausi
the Ethiopian studies community of the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian and
Eritrean Studies at Universität Hamburg to Getatchew Haile’s memory and
scholarly contribution. For this, Aethiopica offers a revised and updated version
of a bibliography of his writings to obtain a greater appreciation of the breadth
and impact of his work.2 This bibliography is far from complete, as it comprises
only a few of Getatchew Haile’s writings that appeared in non-scholarly jour-
nals, particularly in Amharic. Yet, we remain confident that it can be of valuable
service. A tentative list of reviews of his writings is also included.
To add a personal note, I did not have many opportunities to meet Getatchew
Haile in person. Due to a great many commitments and a life spent commuting, I
was never able to reserve a few days to visit Getatchew Haile at the HMML
premises, with all its treasures, and the eminent Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm
Library collection. This was made available to us, to the greatest extent, by the
doctrine, dedication, and unique knowledge Getatchew Haile offered to the ad-
vantage of all researchers marked by a generosity unparalleled in our field. As a
result, he opened upon a new era in the study of the Ethiopian written heritage,
and actually a new world. Never in the field of Ethiopian studies was so much
owed by so many to just one. I can recall a few occasions, at the International
Conferences of Ethiopian Studies (my first one in Paris in 1988) where it was
barely possible to come close to him, crowded as he was by so many colleagues.
But over the last ten years, upon moving to Universität Hamburg, I was able at
times to engage in an intense and much rewarding correspondence with Get-
atchew Haile, initiated by the humble yet tricky task of converting into Unicode
the many files of Gǝʿǝz and Amharic texts he had produced in the course of
time, which he passed on to me, and eventually used in his publications. I also
took on the not too simple task of publishing as many of the works and articles
he so prodigiously produced as possible, in series and journals I happened to be
responsible for (well beyond my merit). Even at this distance, I feel privileged to
have been among those who enjoyed, albeit mostly in the words of electronic
correspondence, his profound humanity and his extraordinarily vivid and pene-
trating intelligence.
2 A tentative list of his writings had already appeared on the occasion of his Festschrift: A.
Bausi and T. Rave, ‘A Selected Bibliography of the Publications of Getatchew Haile’, in
A. C. McCollum, ed., Studies in Ethiopian Languages, Literature, and History: Festschrift
for Getatchew Haile Presented by his Friends and Colleagues, Aethiopistische For-
schungen, 83 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017), 609–619. A few titles, corrections,
and English translations of Amharic titles have been kindly provided by Mersha Alehegne.
—, ‘A page from the History of Emperor Tewodǝros II, EMML 1558, f. 27r’, Ethiopianist
Notes, 2/2 (1978), 31–34.
—, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Micro-
film Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville,
IV: Project Numbers 1101–1500 (Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library,
St. John’s Abbey and University,1979).
Reviewed by Stefan Strelcyn, Journal of Semitic Studies, 26/2 (1981), 345–348; Edward
Ullendorff, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 44/1 (1981), 168–169;
Wolf Leslau, Northeast African Studies, 3/3 (1981–1982), 95–99; Lanfranco Ricci, Ras-
segna di Studi Etiopici, 29 (1982–1983) 239–245.
—, ‘Panegyrics in Old Amharic, EMML 1943, f. 3v’, Israel Oriental Studies, 9 (1979), 28–36.
—, ‘Some archaic features of Amharic’, in Robert L. Hess, ed., ጉባኤ ኃምሥ በሐውርታዊ
ዘትምህርተ ኢትዮጵያ Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ethiopian
Studies. Session B. April 13–16, 1978. Chicago, USA (Chicago, IL: Office of Publications
Services of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1979), 111–124.
—, ‘The Kalīlah wa-Dimnah and the Mazmura Krestos’, in Robert L. Hess, ed., ጉባኤ ኃምሥ
በሐውርታዊ ዘትምህርተ ኢትዮጵያ Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Ethiopian Studies. Session B. April 13–16, 1978. Chicago, USA (Chicago, IL: Office of
Publications Services of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1979), 373–386.
—, ‘The Homily in Honour of St. Frumentius, Bishop of Axum (EMML 1763, ff. 84 v–86r)’,
Analecta Bollandiana, 97 (1979), 309–318.
—, ‘A note on writing history from forgotten documents’, Northeast African Studies, 2/1
(1980), 73–77.
—, ‘A Preliminary Investigation of the Ṭomarä Tǝsbǝʾt of Emperor Zärʾa Yaʿǝqob of Ethio-
pia’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 43/2 (1980), 207–234.
—, ‘From strict Observance to Royal Endowment: the Case of the Monastery of Däbrä Halle
Luya, EMML 6343, ff. 117r–118v’, Le Muséon, 93/1–2 (1980), 163–172.
—, ‘Some notes on “A text in Old Amharic” of Roger Cowley’, Bulletin of the School of
Oriental and African Studies, 43/3 (1980), 578–580.
—, ‘The Martyrdom of St. Peter Archbishop of Alexandria (EMML 1763, ff. 79r–80v)’, Ana-
lecta Bollandiana, 98 (1980), 85–92.
—, ‘A new Ethiopic version of the Acts of St. Mark (EMML 1763, ff. 224 r–227r)’, Analecta
Bollandiana, 99 (1981), 117–134.
—, ‘A Study of the Issues Raised in Two Homilies of Emperor Zärʾa Yaʿәqob of Ethiopia’,
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 131/1 (1981), 85–113.
—, ‘An Anonymous Homily in Honor of King Ǝllä Aṣbäḥa of Axum, EMML 1763, ff. 34v–
35v’, Northeast African Studies, 3/2 (1981), 25–37.
—, ‘Fǝkkare Haymanot or the Faith of Abba Giyorgis Säglawi’, Le Muséon, 94 (1981), 235–258.
—, ‘From the Markets of Damot to that of Bärara. A Note on Slavery in Medieval Ethiopia’,
Paideuma, 27 (1981), 173–180.
—, ‘Religious Controversies and the Growth of Ethiopic Literature in the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Centuries’, Oriens Christianus, 65 (1981), 102–136.
—, ‘The letter of Archbishops Mikaʾel and Gäbrǝʾel concerning the observance of Saturday’,
Journal of Semitic Studies, 26/1 (1981), 73–78.
—, ‘Review of Bairu Tafla, A Chronicle of Emperor Yoḥannes IV (1872–89), Äthiopistische
Forschungen, 1 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1977)’, Northeast African
Studies, 3/2 (1981), 73–84.
Getatchew Haile and William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed
for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic
Manuscript Library, Collegeville, V: Project Numbers 1501–2000 (Collegeville, MN: Hill
Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John’s Abbey and University, 1981).
Reviewed by Edward Ullendorff, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
45/2 (1982), 362–364; Roger W. Cowley, Journal of Semitic Studies, 27/2 (1982) 317–
321; Lanfranco Ricci, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 29 (1982–1983), 239–245.
—, ‘A New Look at Some Dates of Early Ethiopian History’, Le Muséon, 95/3–4 (1982),
—, ‘Inside the royal confinement’, Northeast African Studies, 4/1 (1982), 19–25.
—, ‘On the Writings of Abba Giyorgis Säglawi from Two Unedited Miracles of Mary’,
Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 48/1 (1982), 65–91.
—, ‘Power Struggle In the Medieval Court of Ethiopia: The Case of Bätärgéla-Maryam’,
Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 15 (1982), 37–56.
—, ‘The Homily of Aṣe Zärʾa Yaʿǝqob of Ethiopia in Honour of Saturday’, Orientalia
Lovaniensia Periodica, 13 (1982), 185–231.
—, ‘The Monastic Genealogy of the Line of Täklä Haymanot of Shoa’, Rassegna di Studi
Etiopici, 29 (1982–1983), 7–38.
Getatchew Haile and William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed
for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic
Manuscript Library, Collegeville, VI: Project Numbers 2001–2500 (Collegeville, MN: Hill
Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John’s Abbey and University, 1982).
Reviewed by Edward Ullendorff, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
46/3 (1983), 560–561; Roger W. Cowley, Journal of Semitic Studies, 27 (1982) 317–321;
Lanfranco Ricci, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 29 (1982–1983), 239–245.
—, The different collections of Nägs hymns in Ethiopic literature and their contributions,
Oikonomia, Quellen und Studien zur orthodoxen Theologie, 19 (Erlangen: Lehrstuhl für
Geschichte und Theol. des Christlichen Ostens, 1983).
Reviewed by Arthur K. Irvine, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
48/2 (1985), 364.
—, ‘Anqäṣä Haymanot (or the Gate of Faith)’, Northeast African Studies, 5/1 (1983), 29–37.
—, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Micro-
film Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville,
VIII: Project Numbers 3001–3500 (Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library,
St. John’s Abbey and University, 1985).
Reviewed by Osvaldo Raineri, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 52/1 (1986) 220–221;
Manfred Kropp, Oriens Christianus, 70 (1986), 212–215; Lucas Van Rompay, Orientalia
Lovaniensia Periodica, 17 (1986), 281–282; Lanfranco Ricci, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici,
30 (1984–1986, pub. 1987), 179–186; Roger W. Cowley, Journal of Semitic Studies, 32
(1987), 372–374; Edward Ullendorff, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Stud-
ies, 50/1 (1987), 144; Bernd Manuel Weischer, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 85/3
(1990), 324–325.
—, ‘A Christ for the Gentiles: the Case of Zä-Krǝstos of Ethiopia’, Journal of Religion in
Africa, 15/2 (1985), 86–95.
—, ‘The Homily of Lulǝyanos, Bishop of Axum, on the Holy Fathers’, Analecta Bollandiana,
103 (1985), 385–391.
—, ‘Who is Who in Ethiopia’s Past, Part II: The Zagwe Royal Family after Zagwe’, Northeast
African Studies, 7/3 (1985), 41–48.
—, ‘Materials on the theology of the Qǝbʿat or unction’, in Gideon Goldenberg, ed., Ethiopi-
an Studies: Proceedings of the sixth international conference, Tel Aviv, 14–17 April 1980
(Rotterdam–Boston, MA: A. A. Balkema, 1986), 205–250.
—, ‘The end of a deserter of the established church of Ethiopia’, in Gideon Goldenberg, ed.,
Ethiopian Studies: Proceedings of the sixth international conference, Tel Aviv, 14–17
April 1980 (Rotterdam–Boston, MA: A. A. Balkema, 1986), 193–203.
—, ‘The Unity and Territorial Integrity of Ethiopia’, The Journal of Modern African Studies,
24/3 (1986), 465–487.
—, ‘Review of Steven Kaplan, The Monastic Holy Man and the Christianization of Early
Solomonic Ethiopia, Studien zur Kulturkunde, 73 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag,
1984)’, Journal of Religion in Africa, 16/3 (1986), 236–239.
—, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Micro-
film Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville,
IX: Project Numbers 3501–4000 (Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library,
St. John’s Abbey and University, 1987).
Reviewed by Osvaldo Raineri, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 59/2 (1993), 524–525;
Richard Pankhurst, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 2/2 (1992), 252–
253; Manfred Kropp, Oriens Christianus, 90 (2006), 270–272.
—, ‘An Ethiopic Letter of Timothy II of Alexandria Concerning the Death of Children’, The
Journal of Theological Studies, 38/1 (1987), 34–57.
—, ‘Introduction’, in Wolf Leslau, ed., Comparative dictionary of Geʿez (Classical Ethiopic):
Geʿez–English/English–Geʿez, with an index of the Semitic roots (Wiesbaden: Otto Har-
rassowitz, 1987), xv–xvii.
Heldman, Marilyn E. and Getatchew Haile, ‘Who is Who in Ethiopia’s Past, Part III: Found-
ers of Ethiopia’s Solomonic Dynasty’, Northeast African Studies, 9/1 (1987), 1–11.
Rubenson, Samuel, Getatchew Haile, and John Hunwick, Correspondence and treaties 1800–
1854, Acta Aethiopica, 1 (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, Addis Ababa:
Addis Ababa University Press, 1987).
Reviewed by Luigi Fusella, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 31 (1987, pub. 1988), 281–288;
Merid W. Aregay, Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 20 (1987), 113–115; Richard Pankhurst,
Quaderni di Studi Etiopici, 8–9 (1987–1988, pub. 1989), 259–260; Emeri van Donzel,
Bibliotheca Orientalis, 46 (1989), 755–757; Marina Tolmacheva, Middle East Studies As-
sociation Bulletin, 24/1 (1990), 52–53; James C. McCann, The International Journal of
African Historical Studies, 21 (1988), 125–126; Donald Crummey, The Journal of Afri-
can History, 29 (1988), 335; Christopher Clapham, Africa, 59 (1989), 140; V. S. Jag’ja
and Marija Veniaminovna Rajt, Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Serija 2, 2/9
(1990), 117–118; Rainer Voigt, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesell-
schaft, 145/2 (1995), 437–441.
—, ‘A History of the Tabot of Atronǝsä Maryam in Amhara (Ethiopia)’, Paideuma, 34
(1988), 13–22.
—, ‘A text on the saints of Kädih’, in Taddese Beyene, ed., Proceedings of the Eighth Inter-
national Conference of Ethiopian Studies, University of Addis Ababa, 1984, I (Addis Ab-
aba: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Frankfurt am Main: Frobenius Institut, Johann Wolf-
gang Goethe Universität, 1988), 653–664.
—, ‘On the House of Lasta from the History of Zēna Gäbreʾēl’, in Anatolij A. Gromyko, ed.,
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Ethiopian Studies, Moscow, 26–29
August 1986, VI (Moscow: Nauka–Glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury, 1988), 7–21.
—, ‘The Forty-Nine Hour Sabbath of the Ethiopian Church’, Journal of Semitic Studies, 33/2
(1988), 233–254.
—, ‘Balambaras Šah Ergät on Ras Mäkwånnen’, Journal of Semitic Studies, 34/2 (1989),
—, ‘Empress Tayitu and the Ethiopian Property in Jerusalem’, Paideuma, 35 (1989 = Herrmann
Jungraithmayr, Andreas Kronenberg, and Karl Heinz Striedter, eds, Afrika-Studien, I: Eike
Haberland zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1989)), 67–81.
—, ‘The legend of Abgar in Ethiopic tradition’, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 55/2 (1989),
—, ‘Review of Edward Ullendorff, Studia aethiopica et semitica, Äthiopistische Forschun-
gen, 24 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1987)’, Journal of the Ameri-
can Oriental Society, 109/4 (1989), 716–718.
Getatchew Haile and Ewald Wagner, ‘Die Geschichte Nūr b. Muǧāhids von Harar oder The
History of Aẓe Zärʾa Yaʿqob’, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft,
139/1 (1989), 43–92.
—, The faith of the Unctionists in the Ethiopian Church (Haymanot mäsiḥawit): I: Textus; II:
Versio, ed., tr., Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 517, 518, Scriptores Ae-
thiopici, 91, 92 (Lovanii: In aedibus E. Peeters, 1990).
—, ‘The Homily of Abba Ǝlǝyas Bishop of Aksum, on Mäṭṭaʿ’, Analecta Bollandiana, 108
(1990), 29–47.
—, ‘The Translation of the Relics of Abunä Filǝppos of Däbrä Libanos of Shoa’, Rassegna di
Studi Etiopici, 34 (1990, pub. 1992), 75–113.
—, The Epistle of Humanity of Emperor Zärʾa Yaʿǝqob (Ṭomarä tǝsbǝʾt): I: Textus; II: Versio,
ed., tr., Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 522, 523, Scriptores Aethiopici,
95, 96 (Lovanii: In aedibus E. Peeters, 1991).
—, ‘A Hymn to the Blessed Virgin from Fifteenth-Century Ethiopia’, Worship, 65/5 (1991),
Entries in Aziz S. Atiya, ed., The Coptic Encyclopedia (New York, NY: Macmillan Publish-
ing Company, 1991): ‘Ethiopian Heresies and Theological Controversies’, III, 984a–
987b; ‘Ethiopian Monasticism’, III, 990b–995b; ‘Ethiopian Prelates: Minās (fl. sixth cen-
tury)’, III, 1000b–1001a; ‘Ethiopian Saints (Libānos or Maṭṭāʿ. The Nine Saints: Aragāwi
or Zamikāʾēl; Panṭalēwon (Pantaleon); Yesḥaq (Isaac) or Garimā; Afṣē or Afāṣim;
Gubbā; Alēf; Yemʾatā; Liqānos; Ṣeḥmā; Oṣ or Oẓ. Yārēd (Jared). Lālibalā or Gabra Mas-
qal. Iyyasus Moʾa. Takla Hāymānot. Ewosṭatēwos (Eustatheus). Giyorgis of Gāsečhā.
Zarʾa Yāʿqob (c. 1399–1468). Esṭifānos. Gabra Manfas Qeddus)’, IV, 1044a–1056a.
—, ‘Qǝne poems in older Amharic’, in Alan S. Kaye, ed., Semitic Studies: In honor of Wolf
Leslau, On the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday, November 14th, 1991, I (Wiesbaden:
Otto Harrassowitz, 1991), 521–530.
Getatchew Haile and Misrak Amare, ስነ፡ ፍጥረት። Beauty of the creation, Journal of Semitic
Studies Monographs, 16 (Manchester: Oxford University Press, 1991).
Reviewed by Richard Pankhurst, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 2/2
(1992), 253–255; Monica Devens, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 113/1
(1993), 127–128.
—, The Mariology of Emperor Zärʾa Yaʿǝqob of Ethiopia: Texts and Translations, Orientalia
Christiana Analecta, 242 (Roma: Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1992).
Reviewed by Osvaldo Raineri, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 58/1 (1992), 571–572;
Richard Pankhurst, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 4/1 (1994), 85–86;
Walter W. Müller, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 145/1
(1995), 211–212; Michael A. Knibb, The Journal of Theological Studies, New Series,
46/1 (1995), 389–390; Ugo Zanetti, Analecta Bollandiana, 113/2 (1995), 421–423;
Michel Van Esbroeck, Oriens Christianus, 80 (1996), 272–273.
—, ‘A fragment on the monastic fathers of the Ethiopian Church’, in Piotr O. Scholz, ed., in
collaboration with Richard Pankhurst and Witold Witakowski, Orbis Aethiopicus: Studia
in honorem Stanislaus Chojnacki natali septuagesimo quinto dicata, septuagesimo
septimo oblata, I, Bibliotheca nubica, 3 (Albstadt: Karl Schuler Publishing, 1992), 231–
—, ‘Amharic Speakers and the Question of Nationalities’, Ethiopian Review (18 April 1992),
—, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Micro-
film Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, X:
Project Numbers 4001–5000 (Collegeville, MN: Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St.
John’s University, 1993).
Reviewed by Osvaldo Raineri, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 60/2 (1994), 641–642;
Richard Pankhurst, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 5/2 (1995), 260–
261; Franz A. Dombrowski, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 115/3 (1995), 554;
Edward Ullendorff, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 59/1 (1996),
205–206; Ute Pietruschka, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft,
146/1 (1996), 204–205; Ugo Zanetti, Le Muséon, 109/3–4 (1996), 409–410; Manfred
Kropp, Oriens Christianus, 90 (2006), 270–272.
—, ‘Ethiopic Literature’, in Marilyn E. Heldman and Stuart C. Munro-Hay, African Zion: The
Sacred Art of Ethiopia, ed. Roderick Grierson (New Haven, CT–London: Yale University
Press, 1993), 47–56.
—, ‘Builders of Churches and Authors of Hymns: Makers of History in the Ethiopian
Church’, in Claude Lepage and Étienne Delage, eds, Études éthiopiennes, I: Actes de la Xe
conférence internationale des études éthiopiennes, Paris, 24–28 août 1988 (Paris: Société
française pour les études éthiopiennes, 1994), 369–375.
—, ‘Martyrdom of Abunä Täklä Ḥawareyat of Shoa and the Translation of his Relics’, in
Yaqob Beyene, Rodolfo Fattovich, Paolo Marrassini, and Alessandro Triulzi, eds, Etiopia
e oltre: Studi in onore di Lanfranco Ricci, Studi Africanistici, Serie Etiopica, 1 (Napoli:
Istituto universitario orientale, Dipartimento di studi e ricerche su Africa e Paesi arabi,
1994), 93–113.
—, ‘On the Identity of Gorgoryos and the Provenance of the Apocalypse’, in Bahru Zewde,
Richard Pankhurst, and Taddese Beyene, eds, አሥራ አንደኛው የኢትዮጵያ ጥናት ዓለም
አቀፍ ጉባዔ Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Ethiopian Studies,
Addis Ababa, April 1–6 1991, I (Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Aba-
ba University, 1994), 625–639.
—, ‘Ethiopic writing’, in Peter T. Daniels and William Bright, eds, The world’s writing sys-
tems (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1996), 569–576.
—, ‘Invited talk on the battle of Adwa’, in Teshome Tadesse, Getachew Begashaw, and
Abraham Engeda, eds, Conference on Adwa Victory Centenary Celebration, East Lan-
sing, Michigan, 1996. Adwa Victory Centenary Proceedings, 1–2 March 1996 (East Lan-
sing, MI: Michigan State University, 1996), 14–25.
—, ‘ክልል ጽርፈት ነው።’ (Kǝllǝl ṣǝrfät näw, ‘Kǝllǝl is an insult’), Ethiopian Register, 3/2
(1996), 51–56.
—, ‘Review of Edward Ullendorff, From Emperor Haile Selassie to H. J. Polotsky: An Ethio-
pian and Semitic Miscellany, Äthiopistische Forschungen, 42 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Verlag, 1995)’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 6/3 (1996), 411–413.
Getatchew Haile, Aasulv Lande, and Samuel Rubenson, eds, The Missionary Factor in Ethio-
pia: Papers from a Symposium on the Impact of European Missions on Ethiopian Society,
Lund University, August 1996, Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums,
110 (Frankfurt am Main–Berlin–Bern–New York, NY–Paris–Wien: Peter Lang, 1998).
Reviewed by Vincenzo Poggi, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 64/2 (1998), 437–440;
Lanfranco Ricci, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 41 (1997, pub. 1998), 122–126; Adrian Ha-
stings, The Journal of African History, 40/3 (1999), 486–487; Verena Böll, Aethiopica, 3
(2000), 225–231.
—, ባሕረ ሐሳብ። የዘመን ቈጠራ ቅርሳችን ከታሪክ ማስታወሻ ጋራ። (Baḥrä ḥassab: yäzämän
qwäṭära qǝrsaččǝn kätarik mastawäša gara, ‘The sea of computus: our heritage of recko-
ning time, with notes of history’) (Kolleǧvill, MN: self-published, 2000).
Reviewed by Lanfranco Ricci, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, Nuova serie, 1/1 (2002), 156–157.
—, ‘Daily Life and Religious Practice in Ethiopia’, in Deborah E. Horowitz, ed., Ethiopian
Art: The Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, ML: The Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery–
Third Millennium Publishing, 2001), 19–43.
—, የአባ ባሕርይ ድርሰቶች ኦሮሞችን ከሚመለከቱ ሌሎች ሰነዶች ጋራ (Yäʾabba Baḥrǝy dǝrsätočč
ʾOromoččǝn kämmimmäläkkätu leločč sänädočč gara, ‘The works of Abba Baḥrǝy with
other documents concerning the Oromo’) (Kolleǧvill, MN: self-published, 2002).
Entries in Siegbert Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, I: A–C (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Verlag, 2003): ‘Aḫbǝro: Mäṣḥafä aḫbǝro’, 153b–154a; ‘Anqäṣä bǝrhan’, 278b–279a; ‘Arga-
nonä Maryam’, 329a–330a; with Ute Pietruschka and Amha Asfaw, ‘Baḥrä ḥassab’, 445b–
446a; ‘Baḥrǝy: Mäṣḥafä baḥrǝy’, 446b–447b; ‘Bǝrhan: Mäṣḥafä bǝrhan’, 533a–534a.
—, ደቂቀ፡ እስጢፋኖስ፡ በሕግ፡ አምላክ፡ (ትርጕም፡) (Däqiqä Ǝsṭifanos: Bäḥǝgg Amlak
(Tǝrgwǝm), ‘Sons of Ǝsṭifanos: by the God of Law (Translation)’) (Kolleǧvill, MN: self-
published, 1996 EC = 2003/2004 CE).
Reviewed by Tedros Abraha, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 70/2 (2004), 471–477.
—, ‘Journey to Heaven: The Popular Belief of Reward and Punishment in Ethiopian Christi-
anity’, in Verena Böll, Denis Nosnitsin, Thomas Rave, Wolbert Smidt, and Evgenia Soko-
linskaia, eds, Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th
Birthday (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004), 41–66.
—, ‘Two Hymns for Emperor Ǝskǝndǝr of Ethiopia (EMML 2063, ff. 116a–119b)’, in Enzo
Lucchesi and Ugo Zanetti, eds, Ægyptus Christiana: Mélanges d’hagiographie égyptienne et
orientale dédiés à la mémoire du P. Paul Devos Bollandiste, Cahiers d’Orientalisme, 25 (Ge-
nève: Patrick Cramer, 2004), 321–332.
Crummey, Donald and Getatchew Haile, ‘Abunä Sälama: Metropolitan of Ethiopia, 1841–
1867: A New Gǝʿǝz Biography’, Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 37/1 (2004), 5–40.
—, ‘An Archaic Amharic Poem on Condemning Wealth and Glory’, in Geoffrey Khan, ed.,
Semitic Studies in Honour of Edward Ullendorff, Studies in Semitic Languages and Lin-
guistics, 47 (Leiden–Boston, MA: Brill, 2005), 255–275.
Entries in Siegbert Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, II: D–Ha (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Verlag, 2005): ‘Däbrä Ṣǝyon’, 43b–44a; ‘Ǝččäge’, 212a–213b; ‘Ǝgziʾabǝḥer zäbǝrhanat’,
249a–b; ‘Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library’, 413a–414a; ‘Ethiopian Orthodox
(Täwaḥǝdo) Church: History from ancient times till the second half of the 19th c.’, 414a–
421a; with Denis Nosnitsin, ‘Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church: Church Organisation
in History’, 426a–427b; ‘Fǝkkare haymanot’, 516a–b; ‘Fǝtḥat zäwäld’, 536a–b; ‘Gǝʿǝz
literature’, 736a–741b; ‘Gwǝnṣ’, 944b; ‘Haymanot mäsiḥawit’, 1072a–1073a.
—, ‘The Mäṣḥafä Gǝnzät as a Historical Source Regarding the Theology of the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church’, Scrinium, 1 (2005 = Denis Nosnitsin, in collaboration with Sergei
Frantsouzoff, Leonid Kogan, and Basil Lourié, eds, Varia Aethiopica: In Memory of Sevir
B. Chernetsov (1943–2005) (Saint Petersburg: Byzantinorossica, 2005)), 58–76.
—, ‘The Works of Ras Sǝmʿon of Hagär Maryam’, Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 38/1–2
(2005), 5–95.
—, The Gǝʾǝz Acts of Abba Ǝsṭifanos of Gwǝndagwǝnde: I: Textus; II: Versio, ed., tr., Corpus
Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 619, 620, Scriptores Aethiopici, 110, 111
(Lovanii: In aedibus E. Peeters, 2006).
—, ‘Amharic poetry of the Ethiopian diaspora in America: a sampler’, Diaspora, 15/2 (2006),
—, ‘Ras “Amdu: His and his Ancestors” Role in Ethiopian History’, in Siegbert Uhlig, Maria
Bulakh, Denis Nosnitsin, and Thomas Rave, eds, Proceedings of the XVth International
Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg July 20–25, 2003, Aethiopistische For-
schungen, 65 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006), 251–259.
Getatchew Haile, Moges Yigezu, Baye Yimam, Hirut Woldemariam, and Yonas Admassu,
‘የመልካም ምኞት መግለጫ መልእክት። Getatchew Haile: Good Will Message’, in Pro-
ceedings of the first international symposium on Ethiopian philology, October 15–16,
2004, Ras Mekonnen Hall (Addis Ababa: Department of Linguistics, Addis Ababa Uni-
versity, 2006), xvi–xvii, xviii–xix.
—, The Gǝʾǝz Acts of Abba Ǝsṭifanos of Gwǝndagwǝnde, I: Textus; II: Versio, ed., tr., Corpus
Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 619, 620, Scriptores Aethiopici, 110, 111
(Lovanii: In aedibus E. Peeters, 2006).
Entries in Siegbert Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, III: He–N (Wiesbaden: Harrasso-
witz Verlag, 2007): ‘Ḫǝdar: Mäṣḥafä Ḫǝdar’, 6b–7b; ‘Karra’, 348a–349a; ‘Mälkǝʾa
Gäbrǝʾel’, 702b–704a; ‘Mängädä sämay’, 725b–726a; ‘Mary’, 808a–b; with Denis Nos-
nitsin, ‘Mary: Mariology’, 808b–811b; with Denis Nosnitsin, ‘Marian Literature’, 814a–
817b; ‘Mäzgäbä haymanot’, 892b–893b; ‘Mäzmurä Krǝstos’, 897b–898b; ‘Mǝʿǝraf’,
910a–911a; ‘Milad: Mäṣḥafä milad’, 964b–965b.
—, ‘Synaxary Entry on Abunä Śärzä Maryam of Leba Matʾaya Śǝllase’, Journal of Ethiopian
Studies, 40/1–2 (2007, pub. 2010 = Heran Sereke-Brhan, Baye Yima, and Gebre Yntiso,
eds, Festschrift Dedicated in Honour of Prof. Pankhurst & Mrs. Rita Pankhurst), 37–43.
—, አንዳፍታ ላውጋችሁ፡ በግል ሕይወቴ ከደረሰውና ካጋጠመኝ (Andafta lawgaččǝhu bägǝl
ḥǝywäte kädärräsäwǝnna kaggaṭṭämäñ, ‘Let me tell you a while: from what happened and
run across to my personal life’) (Addis Abäba: Grafik attamiwočč, 2000 EC = 2008 CE).
Getatchew Haile, Melaku Terefe, Roger M. Rundell, Daniel Alemu, and Steve Delamarter,
Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, I: Codices 1–105, Magic Scrolls
1–134, Ethiopic Manuscripts, Texts, and Studies Series, 1 (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publi-
cations, 2009).
Reviewed by Michael A. Knibb, Journal of Semitic Studies, 57/1 (2012), 185–186; Paolo
Marrassini, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 67/5–6 (2010), 622–623; Alessandro Bausi, Aethiopica,
13 (2010), 236–241.
—, ‘A Miracle of the Archangel Uriel Worked for Abba Giyorgis of Gasǝcčča’, in Svein Ege,
Harald Aspen, Birhanu Teferra, and Shiferaw Bekele, eds, Proceedings of the 16th Inter-
national Conference of Ethiopian Studies, I (Trondheim: Norges teknisk-naturvitenska-
pelige universitet, 2009), 23–35.
—, ‘The Kebrä Nägäśt Revisited’, Oriens Christianus, 93 (2009), 127–134.
—, ስለግዕዝ ሥነ ጽሑፍ የተሰበሰቡ አንዳንድ ማስታወሻዎች (Sǝlägǝʿǝz śǝnä ṣǝḥuf yätäsäbässäbu
andand mastawäšawočč, ‘Some collected memories on Gǝʿǝz literature’) (New York,
NY: self-published, 2010 EC = 2017/2018 CE).
—, ‘A Miracle of the Archangel Uriel Worked for Abba Giyorgis of Gasǝčča’, in Harald
Aspen, Birhanu Teferra, Shiferaw Bekele, and Svein Ege, eds, Research in Ethiopian
Studies: Selected papers of the 16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies,
Trondheim July 2007, Aethiopistische Forschungen, 72 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Ver-
lag, 2010), 1–14.
Entries in Siegbert Uhlig, ed., in cooperation with Alessandro Bausi, Encyclopaedia Aethiopi-
ca, IV: O–X (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010): ‘Raʾǝya täʾammǝr’, 321b–322a;
‘Rǝtuʿa Haymanot’, 382b–383b; ‘Sälama qǝddusan’, 490b–491b; ‘Sǝmʿon’, 617a–618b;
‘Sǝnä fǝṭrät’, 618b–619b; ‘Ṭomarä tǝsbǝʾǝt’, 971a–972a.
—, ‘Review of Tedros Abraha, I Gädl di Abunä Täwäldä-Mädehn e di Abunä Vittore: Edizio-
ne del testo etiopico e traduzione italiana, ed., tr., Patrologia Orientalis, 51/2 (227) (Turn-
hout: Brepols, 2009)’, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 76/2 (2010), 519–526.
—, A History of the First Ǝsṭifanosite Monks, I: Textus; II: Versio, ed., tr., Corpus Scriptorum
Christianorum Orientalium, 635, 636, Scriptores Aethiopici 112, 113 (Lovanii: In aedibus
E. Peeters, 2011).
Reviewed by Massimo Villa, Aethiopica, 19 (2016, pub. 2017), 276–279.
—, ‘History of Abba Elǝyas Gädamawi’, Oriens Christianus, 95 (2011, pub. 2013), 100–155.
—, ‘Manuscript Production in Ethiopia: An Ongoing Practice’, in John Haines, ed., The Cal-
ligraphy of Medieval Music, Musicalia Medii Aevi, 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), 37–44.
—, ‘One more text in ‘older Amharic’’, Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, Nuova serie, 3 (2011,
pub. 2012), 63–74.
Six, Veronika, Steven Delamarter, Getatchew Haile, Kesis Melaku Tefere, Jeremy R. Brown,
and Eric C. Young, Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, II: Codices
106–200 and Magic Scrolls 135–284, Ethiopic Manuscripts, Texts, and Studies, 3 (Eu-
gene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011).
—, The Homily of Zärʾa Yaʾǝqob’s Mäṣḥafä Bǝrhan on the Rite of Baptism and Religious
Instruction, I: Textus; II: Versio, ed., tr., Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium,
653, 654, Scriptores Aethiopici, 114, 115 (Lovanii: In aedibus E. Peeters, 2013).
Reviewed by Stefan Weninger, Aethiopica, 17 (2014), 269–273; Tedros Abraha, Oriens
Christianus, 97 (2013, pub. 2015), 238–242.
—, ‘Praises of the Cross, Wǝddase Mäsqäl, by Abba Giyorgis of Gasǝčča’, Aethiopica, 14
(2013), 47–120.
Getatchew Haile and Alessandro Bausi, ‘In memoriam Taddesse Tamrat (1935–2013)’, Ae-
thiopica, 16 (2013), 212–219.
—, Voices from Däbrä Zämäddo: Acts of Abba Bärtälomewos and Abba Yoḥannǝs, 45 Mira-
cles of Mary, Aethiopistische Forschungen, 79 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013).
Reviewed by Stefan Weninger, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 110/4–5 (2015), 408–409.
—, አንዳፍታ ላውጋችሁ፡ በግል ሕይወቴ ከደረሰውና ካጋጠመኝ (Andafta lawgaččǝhu bägǝl
ḥǝywäte kädärräsäwǝnna kaggaṭṭämäñ, ‘Let me tell you a while: From what happened
and run across to my personal life’), 2nd edn (Addis Abäba: Grafik attamiwočč, 2006 EC
= 2014 CE).
—, ‘One More Archaic Amharic Poem on Christian Virtues and Vices’, in Alessandro Bausi,
Alessandro Gori, and Gianfrancesco Lusini, eds, Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Stud-
ies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014), 445–475.
Entries in Alessandro Bausi, ed., in cooperation with Siegbert Uhlig, Encyclopaedia Aethiopi-
ca, V: Y–Z, Supplementa, Addenda et Corrigenda, Maps, Index (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Verlag, 2014): ‘Zämikaʾelites’, 131b–133b; ‘Zenahu lägalla’, 180a–181a; ‘ʿAmdä Mi-
kaʾel’, 235a–236a.
—, ‘A Miracle of the Holy Trinity on Honouring the Sabbaths and the End of the World
(EMML 4769, ff. 130r–134r)’, in Rafał Zarzeczny, ed., Aethiopia Fortitudo ejus: Studi in
onore di Monsignor Osvaldo Raineri in occasione del suo 80° compleanno, Orientalia
Christiana Analecta, 298 (Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2015), 235–251.
—, ‘Emperor Zärʾa Yaʿqob to Augusta Helena, ‘Your deed followed You’’, in Alessandro
Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, and Eugenia Sokolinski, eds, Essays in Ethiopi-
an Manuscript Studies: Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and
Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa,
and run across to my personal life’), 3rd edn (Addis Abäba: Grafik attamiwočč, 2013 EC =
2020/2021 CE).
—, Teaching and Tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Older Amharic, ed., tr.,
Supplement to Aethiopica, 9 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021).
—, ‘A Fragment of the Late Aksumite or Early Zagʷe Period on the Commentary on the
Gospel of Matthew’, Aethiopica, 24 (2021), 223–232.
—, ‘Conversation of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus with His Twelve Apostle Disciples at Jeri-
cho (EMML 7229, fols 93r–109r)’, Aethiopica, 24 (2021), 7–77.