RMO No. 11-2017
RMO No. 11-2017
RMO No. 11-2017
Quezon City
5. Immediate Supervisor – is a BIR employee who oversees the tasks that should be
done by the Student-Trainees in the office where they are assigned.
1. The BIR shall adopt an open policy for all colleges/universities nationwide
expressing their desire to have their OJT program with the Bureau. Thus, BIR does
not accept Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with any college/university.
2. The PD shall take charge of the OJT in the National Office and shall likewise conduct
the OJT Orientation Briefing to discuss the BIR Profile, Office Rules and
Regulations including Rules on Confidentiality of Information to the Student-
Trainees before they officially report to the Head of Requesting Office.
3. On the other hand, the AHRMD shall take charge of the OJT in the Revenue Region (RR)
including the conduct of the OJT Orientation Briefing in the RDOs co-located in the RR.
4. Corollary to this, the RDOs not co-located in the Regional Office shall take charge of
the OJT Orientation Briefing to the Student-Trainees once they have officially reported
for duty in their office assignment.
5. The PD shall provide the training materials for topics mentioned in no. 2 to AHRMD who
in turn shall communicate and coordinate with RDOs not co-located in the RRs for
accurate, complete, and uniform OJT Orientation Briefing.
7. The Head of Requesting Office shall submit the Report Regarding the Student-Trainees’
Behavior/Performance/Withdrawal/ or Completion of On-The-Job-Training (Annex B)
to PD/AHRMD, who in turn shall copy furnished the Practicum Coordinator.
9. The Head of Requesting Office where the Student-Trainee is assigned shall prepare and
issue the Certificate of Completion (Annex C) after the Student-Trainees have completed
the required number of duty hours/service.
1. The Student-Applicants for OJT shall submit the following documents to the Personnel
Division if in the National Office/the Administrative and Human Resource Management
Division (AHRMD) if in the RR or its Revenue District Offices (RDOs) not co-located
in the RR:
a. Two (2) copies of Résumé together with recent two 2x2 ID pictures.
2. In order to maintain modesty and proper decorum in the office and for security purposes,
the Student-Trainees must register and sign in the Student-Trainees’ OJT Logbook
found in the entrance lobby counter of the BIR building. The wearing of Student-
Trainees’ prescribed school uniform and ID must be strictly observed when entering
and while inside the BIR premises.
4. They shall render eight (8) hours of duty/service per day when reporting for OJT. If
duty/service is for a half-day only, they shall render at least four (4) hours of duty/service
per day, either from 8am to12pm or from 1pm to 5pm.
5. The Student-Trainees in the National and RRs including its RDOs shall personally
punch in their respective Bundy Cards and shall register in a separate
Logbook/Attendance Sheet where they are assigned every time they report for duty.
6. At the end of each month, the Bundy Card shall be signed by the Student-Trainees and
their Immediate Supervisor for submission to the college/university upon completion of
7. The photocopy of Student-Trainees’ Bundy Card shall be certified by the Head of Office
as proof of their attendance before filing with other office records.
8. The Student-Trainees shall not be allowed to transfer from one office to another
once they have officially reported for duty at their office assignment. Otherwise,
they will be denied continuation of OJT including the disapproval of the number of
duty hours/service rendered in the Bureau.
7. Take charge of communicating to the Practicum Coordinator whatever
appropriate action to be undertaken by the Bureau regarding negative
behavior/performance of Student-Trainees. In this case, the Bureau shall deny
continuation of Student-Trainees’ OJT including the disapproval of the number
of duty hours/service rendered.
(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue