10QM 2023-24 Preparation
Chapterwise DPP #4
Number Theory #4
01. Find the sum of all positive integers ‘n’ for which 3n-4, 4n-5, Sn-3 are all primes.
02. For how many n € N, does n! ends with exactly 2020 zeroes, ie. has 2020 trailing zeroes?
03. How many 4 digit integer are there such that the sum of their digits is equal to 18?
04. If 5Cis a three digit number such that 4BE = a" + bs + co Wn EN.
Find the number of ordered pairs (a, b, c,n).
05. Find the smallest prime number ‘p’ such that p? + 4p? + 4p have exactly 30 positive divisors.
06. For each n € N, let d, denote ged(n, 2017-n). Find the value of S(dv+ dz ...+ doors): where S(kd denotes the
digital sum of
07. Find the number of Natural solutions to the following equality =
08. . Let ‘m’ be the least positive integer divisible by 13 whose digits sum to 13. Find S(m); where S(k) denotes
the digital sum of k’
(a+i)?=Sho +i"
09. Find the number of solutions of [x-1| + [x| = [#1] + 2.
10, If p(x) = 42 and p(y) = 55 where x & yare verfect squares. Find the unit digit of |x - yy!
11. Determine the greatest number, who is the product of some positive integers, and the sum of these numbers
is 1976. [IMO 1976]
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