Rcse 001
Rcse 001
Rcse 001
preprocessing :
Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries
(i) Data Cleaning 4
40 marks.
(ii) Dimensionality reduction 3
(ii) Answer any three questions from the
(iii) Numerosity reduction 3
2. Explain the following architectures :
1. (a) What is Data Mining ? Why is data mining
(i) ROLAP 8
not a business solution ? Explain with an
(ii) MOLAP 7
example. 10
(iii) Real time analytical processing 5
P. T. O.
[3] RCSE-001 [4] RCSE-001
3. (a) Explain basic requirements of data mining 5. Write short notes on the following :
tools. Why framing of relevant questions in (i) Laplacian correlation and its utility 4
(b) Why is “Tree Pruning” useful in decision (iv) Classifier accuracy measures 4
pruning ? 10
P. T. O.