Company Profile 2021
Company Profile 2021
Company Profile 2021
2 Int ro d u c t i o n
5 About Us 14 Accreditation
8 M a n u fa c t u r i n g Fa c i l i ties 16 M anagem e nt Te am
The Company
accredited with ISO 9001 standards and preapproved by
major companies like Aramco, Sabic, Maaden and many others.
Alwasail started production in Saudi Arabia as “Alwasail Ag- Alwasail Industrial Company produces plastic pipes
ricultural Company” in 1979 producing polyethylene pipes (Polyethylene) of different sizes and lengths for irrigation
for irrigation. It changed its name to Alwasail Industrial systems, drinking water, wastewater, sanitation, gas, electricity
Company in 1990 as it increased its production lines, then conduits and telecom ducts. It also complements its pipe
transformed to a closed Joined Stock Company in 2012 by production with a diverse production program for pipe
increasing its paid up capital to reach SR 250 million. Alwasail fittings and irrigation accessories. Saudi Rubber Prod-
also has a much smaller affiliated company called Saudi Rubber ucts produces rubber rings, joints’ seals. It has recently
Products (SPR) that complements its pipe and fitting commissioned its foam rubber production lines, which
manufacturing line; which specializes in rubber rings produces insulations tubing and flat sheets for air condition-
flat-foam and pipe-foam insulation. ing pipes and ducts respectively.
The company’s head office is in Buraydah, Qassim, with The Company’s management and board of directors
four manufacturing plants for Alwasail and one plant for consists of five members, which are also the shareholders. The
Saudi Rubber. Sales for the past 4 years averaged over SR shareholders are taking steps to develop a professional
300 million annually. The company has more than 550 em- corporate governance structure that institutionalizes the
ployees, 25 branches in the Kingdom and 4 branches in the management of the company. The management
Gulf States and Egypt. The branches are served via a central team consists of experienced engineers, finance and
warehouse and a transport department managing its own management professionals.
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
The company has 25 local branches in
KSA and 4 international branches in UAE
Alwasail served industries include: and Egypt.
Product Lines
The company has the following major product lines that transform into thousands of end use products:
1. High Density Polyethylene Pipes (HDPE) and Low Density Polyethylene Pipes (LDPE) of all sizes up to 1,200mm with fittings
used for water, firefighting, gas, wastewater, irrigation, electrical ducts and telecom.
2. Lining pipes of all grades and material to meet client’s uses, including high temperature and chemical resistant
3. Corrugate Pipes, mainly used as wastewater and conduit for electrical and telecom applications.
We have a wide range of resources for our products. These include brochures, specification documents, and more to aid
you in specifying and installing our products.
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
4. Fittings and accessories to its pipelines and irrigation systems and industry.
5. Linking installations services in association with its lining installation partners.
6. Rubber and foam insulations for pipes and ducts.
The products are produced through extrusion or injection molding applications. A complete list of produced
product portfolio is available in its catalogues and website (
Alwasail manufactures microducts with The company is also manufacturing Wastewater products includes
variety of sizes, corrugated pipes and high quality gas pipes for gas infra- manufacturing drainage pipes and
electrical products such as electrical structure. accessories for sewers and drainage
box, sunk box and cable clips. structures.
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
Manufacturing Facilities
Alwasail is ranked as one of the top manufacturers of pipes and fittings in the Kingdom. It sells its
products through 3 main channels:
It has 25 branches in the Kingdom and plans to open another 2 in 2017. These branches cover the entire Kingdom and bring
cash sales to the company. The company also has 4 international branches in Egypt and UAE.
Production Facilities
Pipes Extrusion Plant (A)
Pipes Extrusion Plant (B)
Injection Molding Plant
Production Facilities
executing processes
• High technology cad cam systems
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
• +40 Heavy Trucks supply products wherever needed
• +25 Local branches and agents all around the region
• +125,000 m2 in main warehouses in addition to the
• warehouses to cover immediate requests
Alwasail is keen on keeping the most stringent accreditations and certificates for its products as they are required by
contractors and best practices, starting from being an ISO 9001-2015 certified company and accredited by domestic, European and
American certification bodies for many of its product lines. The companies are Saudi Aramco, Ma’aden, NWC, SWCC and many
others approved vendor for key products and has the proper accreditations to produce water and gas lines in accordance to
international standards. A complete list of accreditations is available in its technical prequalification document.
Alwasail strives to meet the highest quality control commitment to its customers by providing the highest quality products and
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
We proudly serve and collaborate with many industries and brands throughout Saudi Arabia and international
companies. Below are some of our major clients.
Sharing success with our partners is one of the Alwasail’s goals to sustain the needs of the company. Being part of our group
always brings pride and pleasure to the company.
Alwasail Industrial Co. (
T he company is a closed joint stoc k co m p a ny ow n e d by
Almushekih family, five brothers, a n d t h ey re p re s ent
t hemselves at the board. Mr. Saleh A l m u s h ek i h i s t h e
managing director and board mem b e r. S a l eh i s t h e key
business founder with highest amb i t i o n s to t h e b u s i n es s
a nd se r v ing its operations .
+966 16 3813914