Vol XI Oppenheimer
Vol XI Oppenheimer
Vol XI Oppenheimer
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306 Ninth Street. N. W ~
Wcmbin910n 4. D. C.
Telepho.,.., NAtional 1120-1121
lllf 3283~ Docid:364792 Page 3
• ------------------------------
In the l4atter of
Room 2022,
Atomic Energy Commission,
Building T.,.3,
Washington, D. C.
Monday, April 26, 1954.
C. A. KOLANDER, JR,, Counsel for the Board.
ALLAN B, ECKER, Counsel for J. Robert Oppenheimer.
HERBERT S. MARKS, Co-Counsel for J; Robert Oppenheimer •
llW 3283~ DocXd:364792 Paqe 4
P R 0 C E E D I NG S
this point.
to state that I think Dr. Bush was in error when he stated that
serve on this Board unless the letter from General Nichols was
under oath?
MR. GRAY: Mrs. Of,penheimer, do you wish to testify
the testimony you are to give the Board shall be the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
was called as a witness, and having been first duly swo·rn, was
Commission and its officials on the one hand, and Dr. Oppenheimer
witnesses will take the same view •
THE WITNJrns: Right.
A I am.
• Q
You were attending the University of Wisconsin?
That is right.
As an undergraduate student?
A Yes.
• Pittsburgh •
Joe Dallet?
Will you tell us the circumstances of your meeting
It was Selma who said she knew a Communist, and would we like
• period?
We did.
A We did.
q Is that what you did?
A Yes •
A He was.
A Yes •
q During your life with him, dicll you join the Pir ty?
A Yes, I did.
A Yes.
A Yes.
• A
I believe mine were ten cents a wetk •
A Yes.
• Q As time went on, did you find that you became devoted
• A
I am afraid so .
Did you and Joe ultimately separate?
We did.
When -s that?
About June of 1936.
Q Would you say that your disagreement with Joe about
I felt I didn't -nt to attend Party meetings or do the· kind
Q That was about June of 1936.?
r Did a time come when you wrote Joe that you were
• Q
Where did you meet him?
Q That was in 1937?
A That ia right.
A Thorez.
Be was a Communist?
A Yes.
• that mipt be called one during that period or tat ten days
or so?
that one place I saw where people who were going to lpain were
(' During that period did you meet Steve Nelson?
A Y-. I met him :i.n Paris. I saw him several times.
I think Joe and I had meals with him occasionally.
Q Whit did you talk about with hi•?
other things the only thing that interests this .Board is the
fact that we talked of various ways of getting to Spain wh:llh was
not easy •
or so?
A Yes.
A Yes.
• A
Yes .
Did you talk with Steve?
Q Did you discuss witb Steve what-you would do now?
A I did.
O Will you tell us what that discussion was?
A For a little while I bad sQma notion of going on
to Spa.b anyway.
Q Why?
A I was emotionally involved in the Spanish cause.
Q Did Joe's death have something to do with your wanting
to go on anyhow?
would be out ot place and i.n the way. I then decided that
probably I would go back to the United States and resume my
university career.
continue to see any of the friends that you had with the
A When I first got back I saw som friends of Joe's
in New York who wanted to know about him and to whom I wanted
to talk. I saw some other members of the Communist Party in
New York. I went to Florida with three girls. I know one was
a Communist. I think another one was, and the third one I
• Q
Did that relationship with Communist friends
Q What happened?
said, "You know all of us, why don't you stay here?·• I stayed
• A
It became my major interest.
Did you continue to do professional work as a
A Both.
Q Where.
A University-of California.
Q Dti you remarry?
A Yes.
c Would you give us the date of your remarriage and
A No .
Q Did he go to California?
A Yes.
• Q
Did you go out there to join him?
Yes •
A Yes .
A Yes.
married Dr.
• She was in
action theria.
that I had
I met her
at this party, sl:& said did I know that Steve Nelson was
pleased that they finally bad a child, because they tried fer
• a bit vague.
THE WITNESS: I didn't say, !llr. Gray, beeause I am
Q Are you fairly clear it was not later than 1942?
A Fairly clear.
Q Have you seen Steve Nelson since 1942?
A Since wbenever it was?
Q Yes.
A No.
You are no longer a member of the Communist Party?
A No.
Q When would you say that you ceased to be a member?
A When I left Youngstown in June 1936.
• Q
Rave you ever paid any dues to the Party since then?
antiT neutral"/
A You mean now?
Q Now.
A Very strongly against.
Q And about how far back ., uld you date that?
I have seen some people, the ones that
That is all.
By walkiDC away •
D:ld you hive a card?
While I was in Younptown, yes.
MR. GRAY: Did you turn this in or did you tear it up?
THE WITNESS: I have no idea.
MR. GRAY: And the act of joining was malting some
sort of payment and receivinc a card?
THE WITNESS: I remember getting a card and signing
my name.
MR. GRAY: When you were in the Party in Youngstown,
er when you were in the Party at any time, did you have a Party
TBE WITNESS: No. I had lllJ' own name, Kitty Dallet.
I believe tba t there must have been such people, but I knew
of none.
under an ass~d name and bad that name in the Party, but
whatever year this was, 1940, '41 or '42, did you discuss the
helped me a great deal and the much later meeting with him
v1as something that was still simply friendship and nothing else.
in Youngstown?
That is right •
you suppose they were aware of the
knew me.
MR. GRAY:· This is a question not directly related
a general discussion here before the Board. In your mind as a
The Soviet Union bad its Co111111unist Party and our country bad
its Communist Party. I thought that the Co11111Unist Party of the
call an intellectual ~ommunist and just a plain ordinary
no more questions.
llR. GRAY: Thank you very much, Mrs. Oppenheimer.
(Witness excused.)
• Lauritsen?
JIR. GRAY: Do you wish to testify under oath, Dr.
MR. GRAY: Charles Christian Lauritsen, do you swear
tbat the testimony you are to give the Board shall be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help
you God?
MR. GRAY: The p1~ovisions of section 1621 of Title
18 of the United States Code, known as the perjury statute,
A I am i:rofessor of physics at the California Institute
of Technolou.
Q How long have you held that post?
A I believe as full professor since 1936. I !are
Are you an experi-ntal or theoretical physicist?
Q Dr. Lauritsen, will you describe briefly the nature
of the more important war work that you did during World War II?
Let - sunest that yoll leave out the preliminaries and just
describe as what you regard the most important.
A All right; StaL"ting in July 1940, Icame to Washington
just been formed in June. The organization consisted of four
divisions, and I was appointed by Dr. Bush as vice chairman
• louder?
Q Yes.
A As a result of my report to Vannevar Bush, he asked
me to organize an expanded effort on producingaf rockets for
to Pasadena with me and started this rocket program .
The result of this was that ultimately we produced
all the rockets that were used in World War II by the Navy
.and the Marines and the Air Force.
Q When you say ·•we produced", who do you nean by ·"We"?
A I mean this rocket project at the California
Institute of Technology.
Q Who was the bead of that?
A I was the technical director of that program and
• Q
You mean you produced at the project in Pasadena?
budget in tbe Navy for rockets was a 111illion dollars a month, ,/
. /
• I understand •
. . ·-- .- .
Did I understand you to say, however, that your
project in Paaadena produced all the rockets that were used
in World war II.
A All the rocket types, not the individual rockets that
were fired. We produced them only until .large companies could
take over production, which was usually something like a year.
We made all the rockets Wiled in the African landings , in the
Sicilj.an landings, and in a number of the landings in the
can you tell what importance you attached to tbe
rocket program and why?
A Personally I like' to think that tbe most important
in the Pacific with almost no losses. Of course, the same
thing was true at Inchon. The coast line 111as --
Q Inchon when?
A During the Korean war. The coast line was heavily
• Q
Did the me of rockets represent any change in the
nature of fire power?
It is an enormous increase-in ~ire power at the
moment you need it, in a very short time. You can fire
• short period •
was received with some understanding and used in a reasonable
way and. that the equipMnt was kept in operation, and that the
crews were trained. It was usually necessary to spend som
time training crews.
Jrs an example, I might Mntion that I was together
with one or two of my colleagues to Normandy in 1944 to
introduce these rovkets to the Air Force. We equipped some
squadrons and trained them in their spare time, usually at
night after they had been carrying out their daytime missions
and operations. Tiiey were enthusiastic enough about it to work
field work in the introduction of the use of new weapons that
you have been concerned with?
often other members ot our organization were the ones that went
• 114r. Marks?
'pres•nt inquiry?
THE WITNESS: I think I have not said anything that
is classified.
• go back?
in these bearings.
• Q
lrlR. GRAY:
Let us proceed •
what later work did you do in World War II apart from the
rocket work?
A During 1944 it beca• apparent to \ll that the war
The Navy agreed with us. At that time they decided that they
decided that they would take that over gradually and also to
committee• and in general tried to assist Dr. Oppenheimer
in any way tb&t I could on -king decisiou, particularly on
Q What do you man by hardware?
produce a weapon and all the components that are iecessary for
the weapon itself. They may be electronic gadgets or castings
produc,ing these.
Q Did you hlae a title at Los Alamos? Where did you work?
A I had no title I worked directly iD Dr. Oppenheimer's
Q, Bow long was that?
A Just about one year. I agreed to stay one year, and
A That is right.
came to Pasadena.
In 1928 or 1929, when 18
of our faculty.
Q Comnencing when?
Q Bas that friendship continued?
A Yes, sir.
and the Forties, and can you say anything about his political
war. This was the first t i • that I kn- that he bad any
political interest. Up to that time I have no recollection
A It is a little difficult to say because l think
they dlanged a great deal l7ith time. I would say that at one
cause, and took the attitude that wa• taken at that tims
it, and that they would 1:1.ke to help the Spanish Loyalist cause.
by tut?
A I think it1111s probably a gradual increase in
interest in social causes, a compassion for the underdog, if
vei·y few .&n.ricans had very little idea abo11t what Communism
• Communism.
Fascism see-d tbe i~iate threat, rather than
Also, I think perha115 my own views were colored
the fact that I was born and raised in DellllllU:lr, v1here
Germany was the natural enemy, rather than Russia. I think
for that reason ~e did not pay as much attention to the evils
of Communism as we should have done.
Q Were you mixed up in any ColDlllunistic activity?
A No.
story of the Communist ideology I think was not realized by
very many people at that time. Does that answer the question?
fact, at the date we are talking about, namely, the early part
of the Spanish-American war, I didn't know there was such a
thing as
A I was not.
Q Was there a difference betw-n :vourself in that
respect and whatyou observed of Oppenheimer at that tine?
A I think I was more pessimistic about what liberals
could accomplish, even if they were trying to accomplish good
things. I was less optilllistic about what you could do about
these activities. Therefore, I took no part in them .
A This was 1933, was it not? Shortly after that.the
war started. The war was a reality. Tbat is Germany went
into Poland.
Q What if anything djd you .observe ab~ut Dr. Oppen-
Forties progressed?
A You mustrealize that our most intimate contacts at
this time during the late l'hirties were limited to the spring
term, because Dr. Oppenheimer spent most of the year in
Berkeley, and only the spring term, part of llay lllll June, in
Pasadena. So: there were considerable intervals when we did
not spend a great deal of time together.
The next thing that I recall was in 1940, and it
• not tell me what he was working on, I did not tell him what I
was working on, but he did ask me if I thought that there
would be an opportunity possibly later of his contributing to
the work that we were working on. When I say ."we", I meant
contact you had with Dr. Oppenhei•r is'lben you caae to Los
Alamos into his off ice?
A That is rigbt.
o Did you observe anything about his political
attitude then?
A At that ·ti• politics didn't seem very important.
The job was to win the war.
o What did you do after tbe war?
A After the war I -nt' back
,, to teach school at
California Institute of Technolo!if.
Q And how lone did You do that without eztensive
outside interests?
Q What cha111e occurred in your owh work after the
commencement of the Ker ean war?
The purpose of it was to study possible improvements in
• ~· ~ .. -,
After this study, which was according to the Navy
people that I know quite satisfactory and quite useful to
-~ '_, - -
a study that was c&lled the Vista study. ('The purpose of that
- -- was .....to..... see if methods and tactics and weapons could be devised
- _, ... _ :.- - ,__ '
' ~-- -
• undertook the program the Army and the Navy joined, and it
was done jointly for all three services and under the
d:liection of the three services.
Q What other connections have you had with military
work since 1950?
Frequently I visited at his request. Somewhere around 1949,
be requested from the Chief of the Bureau of Ordilance an
advisory board which was set up on a formal· bas:ls It was setting
up this thing for the same purpose, but on a formal basis.
This board was organized, l believe in 1949. I was the first
chairman. We reotate the chairmanship •
This was the only direct connection I had 'l'li. th
mill tary affairs, as I say, until 1950 .
The next thing I was requested to do was to go to
Korea for the Secretary of Defense's office, the Weapens
System Evaluation Group. I went there in October and November
of 1950. The Korean war started, I believe, in June 1950.
Q Since 1950, how 1wch of your time has been devoted
to this work connected.with military affairs?
A Including hamework and travel, it is probably about
• half my time.
Since 1950?
• Q
these matters?
yai have what is called a o clearance :Ill all of
Board •
Wba t other conmctiom did you have with Dr.
Oppenheimer in this work? By "this work" I mean the general
activities of yourself in the mil~tary field since the Korean
war· ..
to help us on a particular chapter cm whic:bhe was better
informed than most of the rest of us.
Q In connection with tie work at MIT on continental
defense, did you have any association with Dr. Oppenheimer?
A Yes. I cbnot recall whether Dr. Oppenheimer was
present or took part in tbJ first study, 1he one I referred
to as the Charles study, but after the Lincoln Laboratory
got under way, there was a subsequent study the following
work that you have been doing since Korea, speaking generally?
A My own purpose is to contribute to avoiding a war
•. ··- .)~~:..: ..... -...~...-:l~·.-.:;:-r·1-..:-·:::...• '"·-·' ·- .
air combat --
Q You are speaking of Vista.now?
A Of Vista. Bow we could get more effective
cooperation, more effective assistance from the Air Force,
so that the armies could hold, or at least so that they would
spend t i - with us. As an ezample, I misht mention that Dr .
& good deal of tine with us. We kept notes during these
discussions and tried to write up wha~ 'IV9 thought was a sensible
program aa a result of these discuasions.
daily strategy sessio1111. If be was, it was only one o~ two
Q What part did be play in the ultimate formulation of
• done
A Yost of the preliminary planning and writing was
, , - - - --.-·
Not at all •. It llleant that -
• _..: ·rc.--..0 Jt •. ~.~- ,._.,: •' :-.•.; ,r,':'......_=.'-!- -
· -
~ " -
b~ ·o~t~rat..,til~pons.
--- • ,.,J
;ise to devote.all
Q There has already been testimony in these proceedings
about a trip to SHAPE which was made by yourself and a number
of others in connection with the Vista report in the latter
part of' 1951. Could you dercribe the circu-tances of that
trip, why it was made and what you did?
A This was at the t i - when the Vista report was
1118ariug completion. It was in what we coDBidered very close
to its final form. so- of tbe people on the project,
especially Dr. DuBridse, felt that it would be very. important
·to discuss the proposals, especially the more radical
especially Secretary Lovett, thought this was ~ound before
and Dr. DuBridge, Dr. Oppenhi!imer, and Dr. Whitman nnd I went
Supreme Headquarters.
learns very fast, and we thought we might lea.'!'n soeeth:i.ng
your report?
in strategic?
range fb:m our troops and in all kinds of wea tiler. f·~;s
( because you would blow yourself ~P if you tried to clo eo. So one
economize on material. You see if accuracy is poor, yc.u must
a very
have/large explosive to destroy a target.· If the accnracy is
many people.. The purpose was ~till the sam. Thex·e ·~m:s notl11:l.ng
changed tba t made :l. t les:;s useful for our pw·pose. T.oore was
I can say I was still ha19py with the final \"ersicnof the rep•:ll"t.
• f-
r/,..operate an army in Western Europe and to
. Western Euor!'pe.
One plan in this was to df1velop weapons
I . ·1
\...,__The second W'dS to des~~oy mass attacks which a3 we b1ve '
'·"'5'-,__,,. ___
,--~.- ....... - . - .,,- • --.-. ... . . -- ..
.... -.--..-.
·-~ ~
---· ---- .__,..---
• ~-
appropriate atomic weapons, we believed a breakthrough would
be vel"y difficult.
!n fact, it might not be a.ttempted.
• you mean .
the attac:k on Rusn:~
Q Again by this development, ym mean tactical use .
Q Will you turn your mind now, Dr. Lauritsen, 1:0 the
the ·efforts that were being made in those studies, what was
Q That is correct •
us i,,i th
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• because they are already here when these radar stations
pick them up. They were primarily for the purpose of !
- ...
warning while under the old system you bad no warning.
--..... ~ .. , -~· .. . .. - -. . - --- - . - - , --r-__.
question that I put to you rather badly a moment ago. Do you
believe that we Dled a strong strategic air?
A I do.
Q Do ym believe that we need strong developments and
A I do.
Q Do you believe tbat we need a strong continental
A Yes.
Q Taking into account what you know of the relation
• that the views you have j11:5t described are similar to or diff-
erent from the views tbat you know Dr. Oppenheimer to hold?
• A
Than in any other person that I know as well.
Do you know many people better?
Not many. I suppose I know my own son better,
but I don't trust him any more.
( To what extent would you trust Dr. Oppenheimer's
discretion in the handling of classified information,
restricted data?
A You are referring now to recent years when he under-
stood these problems, I hope. In that case I think I would
get some work done •
Q Do you have any idea about whether your views about
the needs far and the possilbilities of being discreet are any
different than his?
<i. I think they are 110 different n~, certainly.
you went to IDs Alamos. Is that the span of years you are
talking about?
BY J.IR. R<lm:
A That is correct.
Q Dave you visited him from time to time at his ranch
in New lllexico?
A I have visited him I think twice.
• A
I do.
• A
Be was a graduate student.
Under you?
A Yes.
• Yes, I did •
• Q
Have you seen him since tben very frequently?
Q Up until the end of if, did you have any reason to
A I have no reason. to doubt his loyalty.
Q You would Eke about tbe same ans-r about l!-im that
you do about Dr. ~penbeimer?
take it.
Q Would you care to tell us, Doctor, when you think
that change took place?
that period?
A That would be my judgment. I think this was true
of most of us that bad bad little to do with military things
A I knew of bis friends in Pasadena and sae of bis
• friends in Berkeley.
;, That .is up until 1:be war years, is that right?
That is right.
<' Did you know a man named Frank B:. Malina at Pasadena?
A Yes, I did.
personally •
in this projec·t.
come help you on the project?
him since be was a student;
with Cal Tech. It has tbe same relation as Los Alamos has
• i
Did you know Dr. Thomas Addis at Berkeley?
A No.
• A
At Los Alamos?
Q Who were they?
A Be was a doctor, I believe.
Q Who was she?
A I think she was a secretary.
Q To whom?
A To Dr. Oppenheimer, I believe, or assistant secretary.
• Q Did you ever have any reason to suspect that they had
A No.
Q Did you ever suspect that?
A No, sir.
A No, sir.
name sounds familiar. Was he a physicst at Los Alamos?
I believe so. In all events, you didn't know him
Isaac Folkoff?
A No, sr.
Q Did you know a ma~ at Berkeley nall¥lld Max Friedman?
A No, sir •
• A
Did you know David and Francis Hawkins at Los Alamos'!
You didn't join until September 1944?
That 1s right.
• Q
Did you ever suspect that he ever had any Col!'.111unist
up there?
No, sir •
A Yes.
A He was a theoretj.cal pbysics t •
A No, sir.
A Not any.
0 Did you know a man at I.Os Alamos named Bei·nard Peters,
Q Yes, sir.
A No, sir.
Communist connections?
• A
I heard that after the war.
A The way I heard about :l.t was that two years ago the
Q The senior officer present .
this, because he might not be able to get permission to go
• A
No, sir.
'-l Did you ever know a man in the San Francisco area
named William Sellneicierman?
A No, sir.
• Q
It do<SSn't aean anything to you?
No, sir.
• A No. There again I ha(i known them long bef=e the war.
Dr. Serber was again one of the students that callie clown during
long before the war, and saw qu:l.te a bit· of tbe111. at !.os Ala.inos.
Communist connections?
• such, went?
That :l.s as far as your suspicion, i1 you can call it
That is right.
A In Pasadena or in Berkeley?
Q In Berkeley or Pasddena.
Q You don't know anything about him?
A No.
e.vly Forties?
Q No, sir. E mean the other organizations •
A No.
5 of the Vista report. ; Would you tell us just what that part
Q Yes, sir.
• understandably.
• draft?
the same.
• Pasadena?
A That is right.
naclear weapo11.s?
a: They may have been mentioned, but the;r were not pru~ -~
weren't they?
hydrogen wepons bad not yet been established, aud we did not
was still going on and the investigation <f the technical
go~ per~•PS
• a sub:e::i::r t::c::s:::s::=ble,
bu mean from the point
That is right.
a~ , .. iew of security?
. Ji"
Do you want to pursue this?
Perhaps I might finish up otl!er matters !
. .... . ~ ...... ' - ,. '
. . . _'·•-....,... -~· ,___.--/I
Q Doctor, do you remember in the spring of 1952,
• Ivy Shot?
I reMember 'the Ivy Shot, yes.
thermonuclear device.
MR. !MRKS: Mr. Robb, what was the date of the Ivy
• test?
MR. ROBB! It was in the fall of 191:\'l, was.n' t it,
A It wa.s my position that some effort :;hould be devoted
an effort to make an ag:t>eement?'
B bomb?
A Yes.
O Had you finished"?
Q Yes, sir.
namely, the weapons that the Vista study indicatod were needed
for ground support and for resisting e.ggress!on ;In Western
Europe .
JI: to conclude from your answer that you were C>pp1)sed to tile
• Q
In May 1952?
I think. so .
• A
That is right.
about that, do you?
conclude that you would trust him with any secret, whieh I
war projects during the war and including nuci.ea'I:' weapons work.
MR. GRAY: This was not after it waf; known he was a
lllR. GRAY: You would accept as evidence of that his
own statement?
THE wr1 NEss: Not necessarily. I thilll; some people
you can teust, nxl others you can't trust. I think it depends
on what other attivities he bas been involved in and what he
how it operated.
MR. -GRAY: Let 100 ask this queF ti011: . Would it be
' -
a rather accurate s~ry of at least parts of your testimony
to say that you :never really understood very much about the
That is right.
At that time.
Because eacll of these people that Mr.
Not personally, no.
So membership in the Communist Party is
something you re:ily have not concerned yourself with in any way?
know him.
MR. GRAY: But you had no more suspicion of him
than you did of the others whose na-s have been mentioned hel·e?
MR. GRAY: If asked at the time would you have said
I had nothing to lb
of his loyalty?
THE WITNESS: I would say it would tie one in his
DR. EVANS: . Yes. Doctor, you said you were born and
raised in Denmark.
THE WITNESS: That is correct.
DR. EVANS: Would you tell.us just where you were
THE WITNESS: I studied in a technical school called
Odense. I graduated from there in 1911. Then I studied at
the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen subseq\lently .
DR. EVANS: Jou got a degree from there?
discretion, you say?
You have faith in Dr. Oppenheimer's
I do.
DR. EVANS: Have you ever been approached for
security information?
DR. EVANS: Men have approached you?
MR. GRAY: I want to make sure the witness understands
• this question .
I don' t mean the FBI.
I am sox•ry.
DR. EVANS: I mean somebody that might be a Soviet
agent •
DR, EVANS: You ha.ve never been approached?
THE WITNESS: Not to my knowledge, !llO.
DR. EVANS: You are not always able, Doctor, to
tell these ·communists when you 1:1eet them, are you?
THE WITNESS: That is right.
THE WITNESS: I think it is true of anybody. I don't
think professors·. are any better a- any worse tlia.n any other
• b!imer better?
if not at. the same age, at least more nearly the same age.
I should know him better. Also, I bave known him a longer time
• Communism.
No, I don't.
had with them. Are there any people on that list that was
read to you by ll!r, Robb with respect to whom your knowledgG was
A No.
Q Would you consider it a departure from di3cretion
A No.
A I would like to very much •
your questioning.
MR. MARKS: I thiiak B>.
be vel-y W1•ong for the Physical Society to throw him out of the
ii" . . '
Society. It is not a political society.
Q No, but from what you have hear.d abo\'lt Pet~rs, would
about that •
• Q
You couldn't be sure either way'?
• L'-·j~~-!ia:.···:.:·t~s..::or:..:t,;.?...,,__...-=--'"="='-"""-~"'"·_"",."".-~,""---'--~~-~·-__ ~-..-.--~~~-......_.__
... ·: ..
A I do not remember the exact wording, il•ut, li_ know
A Yes.
A I believe so.
O Did your views and Jh•. Oppenheimer's pretty ge:reall3•
A I think so •
A In J.t\y of 1952?
A Yes.
MR. RCBB: I think that is all .
mt. GRAY: I have just one other question, D:;:o.
Lauritsen. l'/ould :l.t b<? fair fer me to assU!l'le ti.mt your viow
for it?
that you would just prefer not 'fD have to go into it?
That is right.
in general, and the opinion that you hold \V-l th respect to JOr.
is not a security risk, I \Vould like now to ask you whether :u1
complete clearance ..
MR. GRAY: I think his earlier testimony pretty
describad as thermonuclear
. and devices?
ll---=~-·.~ . ·•' .
A I think it is clear from the way I an.swered these
A May I state it a little differefltly? It is a little
discussion has been on the basis of whether. l'W are for oir
against a crash prog&'am on hydrogen bombs. This ·~xpTess ion
• {
went into a crash program ori hydrogen bombs, s:ta'<"ting in 1950,
needed urgently.
it seeilllB to me •
• lliR. GRAY:
Thank you very much, Dr. Laur:•.tsen.
Tll\ank you.
(Witness excused.)
Do you Jllave anybody here now?
I should point out to you that every witness who has appeared
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help yw God?
the pe1•jur~r statutes, and the fa.ct tha. t there 21re pt,no.l ties
Ne., sir •
of security.
express the hope that the witnesses will take the s~ime viev1.
No, I
x dio .
I am gui te sure he
commencing with World War J:I. Stat! th:li.s very briefly, if you
Jersey. I spent about four months at the end of the war, just
Walter Whitman, and known as Project Lexington. I think it
:·.~~.:::~ ::::.:::::-:~ ::::~::·:·~~:~:. )
• \ ·. mostly about defense of co11t::nental North A1ner:l.ca..
.-:.. - .
- -·..
in almoi;t ail phases o1~ it. I tli:l.nlt w:i. thout gatt:l.ng into
Q What i3 :;iom: aSStl)(Jiation with him s:i.nce tha.t tin!.e?
tbe period during which you have had close associations with
Q Regarding the support of science where?
Q Just to be sure I understand you, you are speaking
now, I take it, about two different aspects of your postwar
association with Dr. Oppenheimer?
A Yes.
Q One is military.
A One is you might say military in matters of national
• policy and that sort of thing, and tbe other has to do with
• Q
Did you have much contact with Dr. Oppenheimer
in connection with Vista?
Not really. I saw him there. I was at that project
only about two or three weeks. Be was tllere at tho time
extent a moderl.tely
~---'·--=--. ·- ~·
contr.over~~al th~ng~l,Continental
-- -
-~·- · ..
bas been \l
f' to a certain extent controversial. Present national policy
\ \
i on continental defense is especially gratifying to those of
I: us who did work on that study because natical policy has turned
i enough in the direction of making continental defense so
,.\ think it is an important thing to get on the tabl:_::•_:_·_ _,__~-~
·--. ···--- .
'- - Q Let - interrupt you there to ask you if you ca.n say,
A Surely. The Air Force bad then and has considerable
interest in continental defense, and was going alone certain
technical lines, and with the buildup of a certain amount of
counter force for the protection of the continent. In fact,
the ·Lincoln Laboratory itself, which was by then a year and a
half to two years old, is a laboratory that is under contract
to the Air Force. It is a joint ArlllJ', Navy, Air Force
laboratory, but the Air Force holda the contract and is the major
that we should talk this over with certain others whom we knew
very well. First of all, Dr. Bill, who was then the director
Dr. Bill, who is th.e director of the Lincoln
Ji.ab, and I felt that if Dr. Oppenheimer, Dr. Rabiand Dr.
Lauritsen agreed to work on this in part, that it would be
easier for us to recruit a number of very brilliant people and
same of the lllOl'e experienced people to do the job. Indeed,
we set up a study •
We ca- out with three reconaendations, one of 'lllhich
I would like to say something about, and the other tYfo I will
just mention and not go into more deeply because of security
/,.. classification.
- ' -. ;
,;/ _,_._,, .......
___ ,,.,_ .:·.. . ·- -··
On the first, which was clearest in our minds,
\ \
and which has been enough in the newspapers so that I can say
it, - formulated the technical side of a warning system against ,;
aircraft that might be launched from Russia toward the United l
s:ystem. We foriaulated tentative plans for carrying the air
battle out be:yond the continental confines of the United
States. We formulated plans to tr:y to earl')' an:y possible a:ir bat- f
tle out away from the cities. i
to learn how to fight an air battle out awaJ: from the country
in order to pull its sting,
..In <Ol"der to reduce it, and I
possibly to turn it back altogether.
The last part af that stud:y was devoted to posaible
intercontinental ballist:i.c missiles, and on these last two
Q Let us not go into those matters, Dr. Zacharias.
You spoke of resistance to these ideas in som quarters ~-
I national policy apropoe of continental defense is quite in :~
' keep:l.ng with the reco-ndations that -re made by that study,/
.......... :t·-- -,
.- .,~ -- . ,,.-""
Before the study,, tbey were notj I don't want to bring
. ·.. ~·, . ::. .-.. .: -" '~- ' .- ... ,. .. . . "':· --c _,,
in the confusion of post hoc ergo propter hoc, but it is
true just before the t1- of the study and before the
discussions that folloWed it, there was not a strong policy,
and there now is a strong policy.
In other words, I don't want the su-r to be
credited with change of national policy no matter wbil.t I
happen to think when I am by myself.
Q Did you conceive the recommendations of this summer
. UR. GRAY: Are you still on the continental defense,
or are you about to leave?
MR. l\fARJCS: I was about to get to a final couple of
MR. GRAY: P.lease proceed if you are ;tbat close to
MR. MARKS: I think I cculd finish in just a few
rm. GRAY: Let us so ahead.
MR. MARKS: That is all •
heard of bJ the -mbers of that group, bJ any one of those
four until it appeared in the national magazine.
Q I waa going to ask JOU if you could tell us what
you know about the origin of that no-nclature.
A I have no knowledge of the origin of that nomen-
clature. I do know one friend of mine went around to a
meeting of the Physical SocietJ, and hunted for people who
had heard of it. Found one and I would rather not mention
the name because it haa nothing to do with this thing. Be
• Q
summer study?
Wei•• you four people the nucleus of that LINCOLN
No, sir. The four were not. I would say the nu-
• of it. So, I was in it. There are no two ways about that •
Dr. Rabi, Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. Lauritsen spent a small
fraction of their time. However, let me say this. We had
for the first week of that study a briefing for four days,
as I remember it, that was packed with as much meat as you
can get into any four days of technical briefing. I wanted a
summary of that technical briefing, and there were about 65
people there, all very fully informed, and the only man I could
turn to to give a summary, who could pull the thing together,
was Dr. Oppenheimer. He did a lll&sterful job. It was per-
fectly clear to everybody in that group how Oppenheimer felt
about all.of the issues, so that if you questioned any one
of those you could find a statement of what he believed.
Q. Was there any discussion, Dr. Zacbarias, about the
the other?
other, you do not have time for when you are trying to think
how you fight.
• was it?
A I know of no one who really knows the inside of
That is all I care to a~k.
llR. GRAY: I think that is a very fair statement •
May I just ask this one further question. At one
ti-, did you beein to be conscious that association with the
Communist Party had elements Of dancer? Is that a clear ques-
Yes or no will not quite do •
MR. GRAY: I understand.
THE WITNESS: I went to college in New York, at
Columbia·, having come from the South. I learned about that,
that there was such a thing as Communism, as a college student
• with all of the people who tried to band out the Co111111unist
line, so I would say that at no time since even my first dis-
covery of Coanunism did I ever think there was anything very
• and I can remember some bitter batJ;les with the pinks of the
mind, would Party membership be an automatic bar to a man who
was being considered for work of a classified nature?
TDE WJT!IESS: Certainly.
JIR. GRAY: Would this have been true in your mind.
in the war years of World War JJ?
ion of their attitudes. In the case of some whom you might
call American Communists, there was a fanaticism that left
little doubt about whether you would want to have them on a
secret project. There are many who saw the light and when
they did -- the Russo-German Pact certainly cut a lot of tbose--
aad the less fanatical ones were probably hireable.
llR. GRAY: It follows, I .suppose, from what you
have already said that youteel that today a man who might have
been a member of tbe Co-nist Party can be in 1954 a perfectly
sate person security-wise. That is possible?
them and know them in a certain way and not know they are
THE WITNESS: It depends OD how you define it. Some
had been a communist or perhaps he said close to communistE,
but who no longer was, cons·idering his present hirability for
secret work, you said you would have to take account of the
extent of his involvement in the communist movement. Would
project," tilts is a positive statement, and I think should be
hacked up with good, full knowledge and appreciation, pro and
Q In response to a question by Mr. Robb abol1t conti-
nental defense and strategic offensive, I think you said that
what you -re advocating and what your group in the sullllller
study was advocating was a little of both.
• Mobilization?
A Yes, sir. I am either a consultant or a member,
depending on whether the namas have been changed in the last
month or two. There are so many people who are members of
the Science Advisory Coll!lllittee and so many people called con-
sultants and it was decided two switch the titles of the
Q Do you attend those meetings regularly?
A Yes, sir •
• have Buffered somewhat from this lack. llind you, there are
• clear focus.
THE WITNESS: The ability to bring ideas into a
I am afraid it sounded --
DR. EVAim: You say that is the ability or is not
the ability?
THE WITNESS: It is the ability.
DR. GRAY: Be said it may he.
(Witness excused.)
lllR. GRAY: We will recess until 2:15 p.m.
(Thereupon, at l: 10 p.m., a recess was taken to
reconvene at 2:15 p.m. this day.)
llW 32835 Docld:364792 Page 115
I am quite willing to do so.
All the earlier witnesses have done so.
If you do wish to, would you raise your right hand and stand
please? lllay I have your full name?
MR. BIX:KLEY.: Olliver E. Buckley.·· If you wish the
middle name, it is Ellsworth -- Olliver Ellsworth Buckley.
MR. GRAY: Olliver Ellsworth Buckley, do you swear
that the testimony you are to give the Board shall be the
• truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help
you God?
MR. Btr:JCJ-EY : I do.
not state them •
MR. GRAY : I think that is adequate.
MR. BIX:Kl-EY: I should like to ask, sir, if the
cours~ of your testimoney should indicate to tou that is
Finally I should say to you what I have been saying
Would you proceed, lllr. Garrison •
• Whereupon,
• A
lllorgan left the bearing room.)
Before that, I waa President of Bell Telephone
President for a period of ten years and
in connection with our defense work?
A There was another collllllittee an ad hoc committee --
that I served on for a short time durinc the war that perhaps
deserves mention. That was the !rational Academy of Science
from October, 1947 to A\\gust 2, 1948, when I was appointed
to the General Advisory Committee and dropped off the Indus-
trial Advisory Colllllittee.
Q And you served on the General Advisory Committee
for six year?
A It will be six years the first of August. I am
In 1941?
That would be 1947, when the Gt.C. met with the
looking up some notes in the AEC and recall some. things about
Q Did you join in the so-called majority report at
the October meeting?
A I did •
Q Did you later at the next meeting in December or
before then aubmit and additional atatement of your own?
A Yea. That was the meeting early in December
that statemeDt to express the views of other members of the
committee, but rather my own interpretation of what the
committee statment sienified.
Q Would .YOU care to summarize as briefly as you can
for the Board what your position in the matter was?
• llR. ROBB:
Would. you like to see that?
• it •
Yea, indeed.
Do ;vou wish to have the text before
TEE WITNESS: No, I don't have to bave the text
be fore 11111 •
asked for the Classification Officer.
I am the security officer.
MR. ROLANlER: I will try to be of service.
TEE WITNESS: I see no danger in discussing it, but
I don't wish to violate any security regl.ation.
lllR. GAJUlISOllT: Perhaps while we are waiting· for
him I could ask you one or two preliminary questions •
the ..re statement itaelf save •
Shall I proceed.
MR. ROLAHDBR: The Classifi.cation man is here now,
Dr. Buckley, so if you would like to proceed you can check
with him any question that might arise.
THE WITNESS : This memorandum was based on the
question of an immediate all out effort on what was called
the Super, which was a hypothetical kind of a weapon at that
time, as I recall. I was at the time still opposed, as I
had been something a month earlier to a Crash Program to
• it so quickly.
I assumed those thinss were so.
others might not agree with those assumptio1111.
I noted that
It was the
way it looked to me. I 'endeavored to appraise what I would
be hysterical about an all out development and production of
a weapon of which we knew so little and without compromisingo
our position and restricting production to weapons of pre-
dominantly military value. llfy notes are not too clear on
thi.s point. I am rather cryptic and I would refer you to
A-Bomba at the same time that we pursued this Super iclea
further in the laboratory aDd by test shots of various sorts
that would lay a sound engineering foundation tor doing the
That is what I scratched in an obscure way out ot
my notes and the document lllBY not be entirely consistent
with those words, but the general idea that I had was that
I thought we ought to proceed with reF;t.Jarch aDd development
parts of these things rather than an all out production
immediately of something we didn't understnad either physi-
time consuming job. Be was our unaminous chairman during
the period that m.y service overlapped his and he was so out-
staDdiDClY good in that position that if you give value to
the services of the G&C you must also give irreat value to
classified material of a very secret character?
A I assumed and believed him to be discreet with
reference to •uch .. terial.
Q You read the Commission's letter of December 23,
1953, to Dr. Oppelllleimer which initiated these proceedings.
you had when you served with him in the past-war years?
A Yes.
I think tbat is all, Mr. Chairman •
• Q
Whose opinion did you rely on, Doctor?
I gave i:reat weight to Dr. Oppenheimer's opinion.
I st41sequently to the letter of which I just spoke visited
Los Ala- and heard a di&CUS!Sion of it by Dr. Teller and got
A I tlliuk that is stated in the document that I
wrote and, I think, misunderstood.
Q Would you explain that to us a little bit, Doctor?
A Yes. As I look back on it, that statement doesn't
fully reflect our discussion at that meetins because I
believe that it was the general opinion that research in
the direction of thermonuclear weapons should be heavily
pushed. I can't prove that but I think that was the posi·~ion.
wrote this memorandum, But further than that, I can't recall •
That was not brought outin the October statement, you see,
Q I see.
and work planned ahead at the time of this thiDC beins set up.
recall it. l(y memory may not be accurate but that is the
beat I can recall.
I think that memorandum which I endeavored to svii:
up is consistent with that point of view because in the me1110-
randtllll I did not take exception to the prior statement •.· I
was in my lllind elaborating on it. I did not attempt, as I
said, to reflect the opinion of all the others. But I
believe on that point it was consistent with the position
that the GAC took at that time and had taken previously.
Q Doctor, do you recall in your later memorandum
Yes (handing) •
don't recall it,
Q Bad there been any discussion as to declassifica-
A I don't recall that there was any at:all.
llll. ROBB: That is· all I care .to ask, llr. Chairman.
or partial development on the one band, and an all-out pro-
duction effort on the other. This is .a distinction I believe
you made and I believe you have stated that you were opposed
to what has been called the crash or all-out effort on the
Super. At least this was your position and was the maJority
position of the GAC in theOctober, 1949 meeting.
I think you also testified that you felt, however,
that we should bave an active program of research.. I believe
those wereyour words.
Did you later feel that the interpretation of the
written report of·the October, 1949 meetina lead people to
believe thatyou had been opposed as a committee to active
research? Is that one of the reasons you felt that you
wanted to make a clarifying statement later?
THE WITNESS: I now believe, or, as I recall,
that was my position on the thing. I wasn't aware that there
was any great difference in the comnittee on this thing. I
wanted to state it more e:s.plici tly. Perhaps in that colllllli t-
tee I had been rather often making the point that we ought
• appeared to be i:ood to do •
MR. GRAY: Would you forgive ma just a moment
while I glance at your letter.
Your feeling is that your participation as a member
of that October ••ting <lid not in any way commit you agaiDSt
the development of this weapon althouch you did oppose all
out production?
THE WITBESS: You could say an all-out development
and production program. I thought that a more careful study
of the problem based on further ezperimenting than had been
done and based on oar military objectives might lead to some
major modification of the program, but it was not to my mind
a determination advice on our part not to pursue the study
TBB Wl'l'HESS : That is the way I now recall my posi-
I wrote.
MR. GRAY: Thank you very much, Doctor; we appre-
• (Witness ezcused)
~. h
nm. GRAY: You are not required to, but all other
• DR. BACBBll:
nm. GRAY:
·1 should be &lad to do so.
• the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
m. GRAY:
I do.
press and on behalf of the Board I e:cpress the hope that the
witnesses will take the same course of action.
1111". Garrison, will you proceed.
visiting his father there. Between then and tbe war period
attended the conference. It waa decided during; the confere:ace
that I would join the laboratory and I did, in charge of the
Division of Experimental Pbysica.
In the aU11111er of 1944 tbe laboratory was re-organized
and I became tbe head of .the Bomb Physics Diviaion, which
was a position I held until tbe end of the war. This involw
in both capacities very close contact with Dr. Oppenheimer
and this contact waa, I would say, daily and very close.
Q What was your ne:t g;overuaent service?
A lib' next g;overDlll8nt service, I f I recall correctly,
UDited Nations Atomic EDer17 Connntasion •
Q In tbat coDDectioD you had an opportunity to see
Dr. Oppenheimer aome more?
A Yes.
Q What next after that?
A After that in October of that year, or it was
the first of November I became a member of the Atomic Energy
Commission and was a member of the Atolllic Energy Commission
until I left in mid-May, 1949,
Q Have you had government service since then?
•• Q
Was Dr. Oppenheimer a member of that committee?
Dr. Oppenheimer was a meaber of that committee. I
am presently a member of the technical panel on atomic energy
of. tlie Office of Auiatant Secretary of DefeDSe for Research
owers fols
memory on this point by consulting some of the minutes of the
Commission, because when I started to think about it, I found
I didn't have all of it so clear in my mind.
the second meeting at wh:lda this was discussed •
Q Of whatyear?
A It was , Jes •
• whole?
This was a recommendation of the Commission as a
the Atomic Enera Act into full operation. So this was the
first basis of clearance. For new emploJ... , there had to
to what, but I think in response to a query to the CoDDDission •
this (indicating).
MR. GARRISON: Mr. Chairman, in connection with the
examination of llr. Lilienthal• there was put into the record
at page 1409 of the transcript a melllOl'andum from Mr. Jones,
the security officer, to Yr. Bellesly, which contained a
reference of·which·I,·wou--ld···just read one sentence. This is a
note by llr. Volpe in longhand on the file, and it says--
• llR. ROBB:
What - s that?
This is a letter of llr. Lilienthal
of April 3 to Mr. Hoover, referred to in llr. Volpe's longhand
note on the Jones memorandum to Bellesly of July 18.
MR. Ram: I am sorry. I fell off on the first
lllR. Ram: I have it before me. Shall I read it?
This is a copy. I assume it is thG one of April 3, 1947:
"TOJ/D", !n the upper right hand corner.
"Honorable J. Edcar Hoover,
"Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Dear Mr. Hoover:
''Enclosures: cc llr. Lilienthal
"File 2."
Then some lonchand notes: ''EnclO.ur-, papers on
Medal of Merit, letter from Conant, Patterson,· Groves, Bush.''
That is in longhand.
• the meetina;( they had with llr. Hoover, referred to in Lilienthal 's
submit to the Board, but I don't want to talla the time now
while Dr. Bacher is on the stand. I thought possibly the
llR. ROBB: Maybe I can throw some light on it, if I
MR. Ram:
What is there, Mr. Robb?
I don't know' whether I am at liberty
• in this file.
MR. ROLAHDER: The only record in the file of such
Oppenheimr • ·•
extraneous mattei"s, but only that portion which relates to
that you do not think the ·pertinent portioDB al the minutes can
be read into the record?
DIR. ROLAMDER: That is my understanding, yes.
MR. RCBB: I might say, llr. Chairman, that I don't
llR. GARRISmi:
that sort , Mr. Chainan.
I would like to make a formal request
As I read the rul- of these
• set forth explicitly in the rules Should make this infor. . tiOD
available both to the Board and to us.
UR. R<BB: I - not deb&tinc tbat with Yr. Garrison,
Jlr. Chairman. We would be happy to transmit the request to
the Commission, but I don't think I !me the opportunity to
say whether or not they will do it.
Im. GARRISON: Then 9e have made the request, !.Ir.
MR. GRAY: Yes.
A At a later date, if my -mory -rvea me correctly,
I believe - -nt over a very much thicker file, and I believe
it - . revie~ by the other COllllllissionera, too.
Q Do you remlllber discua•inc this with other Conmissioners·
A Yes.
much at the moment just what was said about that. Butvre did
• of the people with whom Dr. Oppenheimer bad worked during the
war other than ourselves. I can't remember exactly'l'lbo was
·- Do you know Mr.
I do.
• A
when I arrived.
• Q
at the time?
Did you know anything '1 their political tackground .
There was a certain amount of deroptory information in the
file that appeared. I bave forgotten exactly what happened
in the local office out th_.e, but it was concluded that there·
Francisoo office, and I can't remember 1111 members of. that
hearing board, but if I remember correctly, Admiral Nimitz
was the Chairman of it. Tbe hearins board me a report
• Q
What was the date of that?
MR. RCBB: I don't have it.
• of
I would think this was 1947 or perhaps the beginning
I am not clear on the date.
Do you have occasion to see Dr. Serber now from time
to tim?
A Yes. Be ila professor of physics at Columbia
he ha• the - t interesting information on what is going on
Q Do you know whether a Q clearance is called for by
at that ti-.
A No.
Thia was natural because I was the only one with a scientific
was vigorous 011 this point, and very helpful in getting the
laboratory into shape both by reason cl. the reco-ndations
·Which they made, and also the direct help that they gave us in
the comiittee.
Q What was your normal routine when the General
afternoon, but usually there was a session at the end c1
tbe start of the meeting, in ether words?
A I think this initial meeting was apt to be somewhat
less recular. Usually most of tbe members of. the Commission
went down; if I remember correctly,the Chairman, Mr. Lilienthal,
would generally convey to tbe Committee questicms which had
some up either within the Commission or from members of tbe
There was verbal discussion?
There was verbal discussion.
Q You left the Atomic Energy Commission in ll!ay of 1949?
A l.lid-Jlay 1949.
A Yes. I bave been an advisor to tbe Commission since
I left in 1949 and still am.
Q At the time of the Rusaian exploaicq did you lave
to do with assesaing tbe infor111&tion about that?
A Yes.
group called together in mid-September 1949 to assess the
information which was relevant to the determination of
the end ctlilarch 1950. This 1s open and available for the record
and I am sure that looking this over will be much better than
any memory I have of what is in tbat speech.
Q I just want· to ask you two gemralquesti011s about it •
A No.
• A
Yes •
And that you became Chairman at it and served. as
Chairman from 1951 to 1953?
A Yes.
A I was a member of a panel tbat was convened about
A Yes.
Q Yes. If I recall correc1'J', llr. Oppenheimer was
chairman of that panel and other •mber• were General Nichols
and Admiral Parsons, and I think General Wil•on from the Air
Poree, Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Lauritsen and lll)'Self. Some of these
may not be correct , but I think they are •.
Q Do you have any particularcommit. .nt on Dr.
Oppenheilller's service on both 'Dbe colllllittee and on the panel.
A If I recall correctly, the panel - t for two or
three days to discuas what might be the important areas for
• 1951 to 1953, have you any judpient which you could express
went, allaf the effort tat could be put on this was put cm it .
say if we had not done this, we would bave aaved some time.
A Yea. ..
Q You had todo with the Vista program?
A Yes.
You were in charge of that section?
A Yes.
r There bas been a good deal of testimony about 1his
project and I don• t want to duplicate the record about Dr •
like to ask one or two questions about it. Was tbere a question
tactical weapons?
A Yes, but I believe it wouldtake a little further
discussion to make clear just what was -.nt by that I am not
• exactly sure ai
classif:ied inf.ormatim.
this point whether one 4oes not pt into
I think it could be answered without
would have affected the hydr9Sen bomb prcsram then under way,
A I am not even sure I undersand the question.
• know.
- --- A I wont.
_a.. ~
,.,- '
:e ~
had a sufficient stockpile~ atol!lic weapons that
• A
I recall correctly.
The Vista Project was started in April 1951, if
Is that correct?
who worked with this group we~e Dr. Lauritsen and Dr.. Christie.
I think it.was abcut this ti•, I don't remember the
date, OCtober or Nwember, that we were fortumm to get Dr.
Oppenheimr to come and spend a week or ten da711 with us. Be
was very helpful to us in formulating tbese ideas. I think
• before.
Bol!I well do JOU f-1 that JOU know Dr. Oppenheimer?
closely with him du:lng the war, have seen him frequently since
the war, and feel I know him really very well. I justdon't
worked with Dr. Oppenheimer during the war without !mowing him
very well.
• States?
I lave no question at all of his loyalty.
loyalty .
the use that ·11e would make of the knowledp that bas come to
in irovermnent work?
together and it was essential tbat be carr7 a memorandum,
tbat evm in note fora ~ claaaifieci, and be T11U1 ao careful
and be pinned it in his hip pocket. I thousht here ill a m.n
who really ia very careful about these things. .But to say
more generall7 as to hill discretion, I bave alwa,. found Dr.
Oppenheimer to be very discreet in hi• bandling of classified
Q ts there anythins else you care to say to this
Board about his character aa a man and as a citizen?
A I have tbe highest confidence in Dr. Oppenhe:Li.r •
BY llR. R<JlB:
Q Dr. Bacher, you were asked bf llr. Garr:laon what you
• him to be a Democrat.
Did 7ou know anything alD ut hill interest mother
political philosophies?
• Q
Did you know that?
amnot exactly sure what it would take to know that. I was aware
which I am not allowed to dlacuss or disclose here •
1111.rch 14, 1947 •
MR. GARRISON: An unsigned document?
t•, file.
MR. aam: I dodt know what it 1.s. It is a memorandum
• ''It is known"
read first
JIR. GARRISON:· f.lr. Chairma.n, could we have this
YR. Ram: I think it relates to Dr. Bacher's
testimony, and I want to put some questions to him about this.
MR. GARRISON: Does it relate to him personally?
YR. ROBB: Not at all.·
JIR. GARRIS(J(: WhJ' caa 't you put yaur quest.ion without
and I would like to do it in m,y own way •
MR. GARRISON: I am conductinc '1111 question to the
MR. aces: You asked me and I ans-red it.
MR. GRAT: Where is that?
MR. ROOS: Start:•.ng at pace 4 of the report, at the
bottom of the page, the next to the last paragraph.
MR. GRAT: And bow much?
MR. RceB: Reading from there tbroucb the first full
paragraph on page 6 •
• counsel aloes not want to bear this, and wants the Board to go
ahead and consider it without him la aring it, that is all right
with me.
is safe1D assum that even though Dr. Bacher may not re-bar
-•inc this particular document, that at oue time he certainly
bad seen it in connection with the clearance procedures involved.
llR. GARRISON: Mr. ChaiZ'llll.D, if this was a part al
the material which Dr. Bacher went over, wh7 can't it be shown
to him now, and then questions put th him about individuals,
r~tber than reading this into the record. Tbere certainly
•Jan be no objection to a fOl'IUr member of tbe Commission
readine solllthing from the C~asion'• filea, - I understand
it, particularly if he has already read them in the past.
llR. GABRISOJ: Why can't you abow it? Mr. Chairman,
shown to Dr. Bacher so he 1181 read it, and then queationa put
to hi.Ill about particular individuals, whatever questions that
counael wan.ta to ask. I just have thia f-liDS that to
read into the record these anon)'lllOlls paaaages about particular
people is not sound procedure.
llR. R<Jm: Of course, Ill'. Chair-.n, I cadt quite
follow m:v friend becauae this report is. before the Board in
its entirety. I can't •-why putting a portion in the
• MR. GAllR!S<»J:
MR. Rema:
llR. GRAY:
It •Y becom public •
It won't beco• public through us.
I think it is not unreasonable to
assum that same time this transcript •Y becom a public
record. I would hope not, but I think we can make no guarantees
I would like to have a consultation 'llU:h my colleagues on the
Board. I think we will just move into the otber room briefly
so we won't have to send all of you out of the room.
lllR. RQLAHDER: Yes, but Dr. Bacher should not refer
to references in discussion.
llR, Rema: May we take time out 1111.le he readll it?
llR, GRAY: Yes.
YR. Rema: May we proceed?
I fear that the inference whi:h the question may wish to have
drawn 1s that if the witness'allllWera the question in the
'negative somehow that will be taken as directed to Dr.
-maraudum under diacwsaion, and the related -ttera you
pointed out about it.
TBB WITKISS: ·. !!>Uld you rep•t the quution?
(Question read by the reporter.)
TRI WITNISS: ID order to &D8111'er that queation, Ill'.
Robb, I think it 1a neceau.ry to go back and -ke a bit of a
statement about what the baaia for aecurity clearance waa at
Loa Alamos.
approached were unavailable for security reasons at Loll
Alamos, I.took the. precaution of not talking to people until
I cleared it with the security officer. In other worcla, :It
was clear from this that the responsibility for as fo wbo
came to Los Alamos was held with the security office and not
with the scientific director or any member of the scientific
In the case of Philip Morrison I interviewed him
in Chicago. Subsequently, if I recall correctly, a question
was raised as to whether it was advisable for him to come to
LoB Alamoa. We pointed out that he was a very able an, would
help us more in our work out there than most of the other
people that we mteht get, and after ••view somewhere, it was
decided that he would come i:o Los Alamos and he did, and -de
a nlllllber of valuable contribtions to the project.
I think this is only to indicate that judpent as
• Q
BY MR. aam:
May I interpose, since we digressed a little bit,
you have here, have you not, given a judgment CD Dr. Oppen-
Q Suppose the aecuri ty officer told yai the fac~a
set out in this -orandua, and asked you for your opinion
as to whether she should be there or whether she should noi,
wbat would you bave done?
A In any aecurity case, there are lots of acts and
these -.y only be a part of the facts. A security j udc-nt ,
as I understand it, is as a matter of balancing one thins
against another.
r In other words, you don't think you are qualified
to 1ive an opinion?
• A
I do think I am qualified to give an opinion.
Would you sive one on Cbarlotte Serber?
A In answer to tbat question, I think you need all
the facts and not just wbat you bave 1iven ...
• tacts. I am _111.,.
of security atandarda.
tryinc to explore tbs witnesa' criteria
sba should be cleared for service on a secret war project auch
as Lea Ala-?
A In the case that all those facts are correct
as stated, and werecurrent at the time, I would aay no.
Q Yes, sir. What was llrs. Serber's job down there?
YR. GARRISON: Mr. Chairman, please believe m, I
am not trying to delay or obstruct. I think abce - now have
bad put to the witness questions about these facts, those
facts now ought to go in the record. I hoped when counsel
had shown this document to Mr. Bacher that the course of
• this turn. But I didn't auppoae that the questioaa would brine
about that result.
MR. ROBB: I am perfectly -tisfied with the recDrd
as i t stands, Jlr. Chairman. Ur. Garri&on didn't want1t read.
I wanted to read it. I foresaw exactly what would happen.
How he wants it read.
MR. 41AJUllS<lf: Ill'. Chairman, I really think it
should iro in. I have thouirht from tbe arirument that the
question d. couDMl - l d put would be of an entirely different
out a word -- "known to be eitber Coliauniatll or active
Comwiiniat aympa.thiaera" - om1saiom·- "Bobert and Charlotte
Serber. 'l'ith r-pect to the persona •ntioned above, it ia
known the Cbarlotte Berber• s taailJ' i• prominent in Co•nnli•t
Par~ ranks in Philadelphia, PenDSFlvania; tbat •be beraelt
wu probably a Par~ member aDcl po•ibly a •llber ot the
Comintern, and tb&t abe baa alwa:ra been active in radical
activiti• and front orirani•tiom wherever •he ba8 lived.
Ber buabancl, Robert Berber, perbapa under her influence, ba8
been active in tbe aa- c:lrclea since he mrried her, althOush
• technically very well qualified for the 'lfOrk for which subject
wanted them, despite their youth.·•
wife's background must also have been taken into account. Here
now are two people that I don't know fram Adam, but it see•
to • most unfair to use them u a framework for a hypothetical
question. A docuaant of this kind, anoD)'lllOUll and full of
blanks, in the cue of people who Jave been cleared by Admiral
Bimita·and llr. Neyland and .General .Joyce, and by the
Commission itself. Tom it serves no purpose in proceeding and
• A
No, I - • not present.
May I ask you, Doctor, do you recall 111hether or not
in 1947 the co-ission had it• security officer prepare some
analysis of the FBI reports in tbe file for you?
llR. GARRISON: Which file is this, Dr. Oppenheimer's
TBB WITJIBSS: Ill'. Robb, I r•Mmber readintr a euwry
• record before?
llR. Ram: Yes, eir. "At tbat ·-.ting the General
llanarrer reported tba t a detailed an&lJ'Sie of tbe FBI •""!""rY
wae in procese of preparation by the co-iseion •s security
• llll. GRAY:
You certainly •7·
In view of the fact now that this
has bHn read into the record, I tried in my a1111-r to you
about llrs. Serber on the hypothetical question to -ke it
clear that if tbat information wa11 (a) fact, and (b) current,
that the answer I gave then applied. I think the qu•tim
tbat I bad in 117 mind, and the reason I found it so difficult
to answer the hypothetical question which you posed was tbat
• reviewing a caae did not believe tbat was either (a) fact,
or (b) current.
-king a decision.
I think these are the pertinent questions in
BY MR. aam:
Q Are you talking about the Com:lllaion or the Board
considering Dr. Oppenheimer's case?
A No, I am talking about the Serber case, which is
the question you asked me about.
Q Of course, llr. Serber's case -·distinct from
• you.
llR. RCBB: J tbink tbat a-nrs
That is all I b&ve to ask.
IQ' question. Thank
........ .....
a lot of pbysics.
lfe was a chemistry student, but be took
TBB WJ'l'DSS: No •
DR. EVAIJs: B&ve JOU beloupcl to &nJ of thoee
subversive orpnisatiou that the AttorneJ General l:lllted?
TBB WITDSS: Aa far aa I know I beve never beloupcl
JOU re-mber that Chevalier incident?
TBE WITNESS: I don't rmiember the point you refer
to, I am afraid.
DR. EVANS: Someone approached Dr. Oppenheimer
about setting security infClll'-tion, and Dr. Oppenheimer
refused to irive the name of the man that approached him.
·rs WITNESS: . I thought he did irive the DaM, Dr.
DR. EVANS: .Be refused twice I think, and for quite
a long time he didn't !five it. Am I right on that?
• MR. R<Jm:
I believe that is correct.
That is riirht.
DR. BVA1'8: • - that d·iscreet?
'DIE WITNESS: Could )'OU ask the q-stion again, Dr.
· DR. EVAllS: Yes. If ,. were on a project, and you
had acceaa to a lot of secret infor11111.tion, and I came to you
• and tol~ you that there waa soabody that knew that l could
cive intor11111.tion to if you would cive it to - . would you
have cone and told somebody tbat I bad approached you?
TBB WITNESS: I think that should have been reported.
mt. GARRISON: llr. Chair11111.n.
DR. EV.AKS: llaybe I put tbe question very badly.
MR. GARRISctt: All richt. I accept it as a
hypothetical question.
DR. EVANS: You ha9 never been approacbed by people?
No, never •
Do you believe a man should place
him there, kn- hi• fairly -11 at Loa Al&ao11, and have known
and did some work, I think, at the end of the war in finishing
MR. GRAY: At the time you kn- him at Los Alamoe
or later, did you have any intonation about his what I believe
know anything abouthis connection•?
TBB WITNESS: I did not diacu.. politic• with him.
MR. GRAY: I don't believe he ~ testified to any
current affiliation.
Did you know anything about his political
No, I had DO relation to that.
a scientific person was concerned entirely
or not was left to tbe security officer to pasa on •
llR. GRAY: That was tbe aystem you used; that
probably ls not the syatem today, is it? Everybody concerned
with the project is exp8cted to take some interest in security?
TJIB WITNESS: Yea, I would say alao at tbe t i - I
intervie-d Jlorriaon, I didn't know all)'thinc at all about his.
llfR. GRAY: On tbe question of identification af
people and with no conclusicma to be drawn from the question,
did you know Fuchs well?
THE WITJIESS: I knew him reasonably well at Loa
Alamos, because be was a -ber of tbe Theoretical Divisio n
and d,id a certain amount of work fO!!" the Division for which I
was responsible there. I didn't know him well outside work,
but within the laboratory there I saw him fairly frequeatly.
DR. EVANS:. ~ou were very surprised when tbat ca- out
THE WITNESS: I was certainly surprised.
DR. EVABS: You migbt have lost a little faith in
• as a prospect?
llR. GRAY:
Did Dr. Oppenheimer succest Morrison
A Yes.
Q And in interviewing them what did you seek to find Oil
about what the circumstances -re, because they didn't have veri
A Yes.
as Dr. Oppenheimer?
A No •
• Q
Do you think you could be?
I doubt it.
l1V 3283~ Docid:36~792 P4ge 197
- pm
Q I am reading, Dr, Bacher, from the COlllllission'a
ing the information. It was further reported that you did not
you did not identity yourself as the perPon who had been ap-
Charles !ltenton; and that it was not until several months later,
when vou were ordered by a Fuperior to do Fo, that you so
wai;i engaged.
Supposintr that the evidence here showed that
tlwl fact that there were three people and not one; that in
g2-4 into account the fact that General Groves pressed Dr. Oppen-
·that Dr. Oppenheimer said he would tell him if ordered and
General Groves said that he did not want to order him and
said he must have the name and that if it were not told to
this question that this is the record before you, would your
g2-5 2187
about the matterP that you exprepsed about bis loyalty and
immediately, but tbiR doeP not change my judgement of Dr .
• iately, but what vou have told me and read into the record
Q Do you think that Dr. Oppenheimer would today do
• on that
by your statement there.
at that ti-.
of judgement than discretion.
It seems to me this is more a question
Q Was there involved in this case, Dr, Bacher, as I
Q Would you i;ay it was the fact here that quite contrary
and after much delay revealed finally the names of the people
judging from what you read me, Tbe only queation see- to be
one of time.
an outrage. There are 1>ome, I f!ay, would feel that way. You
to ask you whether you feel that this matter is. of such
• I am not talking a~out the publicity angles and the rest of it.
I will put it tbiP way: lf such a hearing had been
lf2-8 had in 1947, it would not have been an outrage, would it?
by an outrage.
haps exprees it this way, but to say that there are those in
which exist11?
your question.
I am not sure that I get the flavor of
and I afl11ume your having felt at the time that they were fair,
I have no seen any such in reading the set of charges that have
have. But on the list of charges that were there, I did not
may have been passed upon by the Commission must have been
There may be others with which I am not
held under nll of the reg'ullltions that have been set up and
lllr. Chairman.
the pres;s, but I do not want to involve the President of the
• do not know.
MR. GRAY: You certainly may.
• lilR. ROBB:
I have to leave.
Mr. Chairman, as I advised the Chairman,
1(2-13 (At this point, Mr. Robb departed from the hearins.)
llV 3283~ Docid:36•792 Pave 210