The Traveller's Guide Through Ireland 1794
The Traveller's Guide Through Ireland 1794
The Traveller's Guide Through Ireland 1794
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C Fira Column tefets to the Page in which the Road is defcribed; s«ood
ColuDlo, the Name of the Town or Stage; Third Column; the County in which
it lies; and FOW'th, the Di11anccs from Dublin in Miles and Furlo.~;
Pate M, r. Pag' M. F.
SI Abby!~aJe Limerick u3 :1 6 BaJbriggen Dublin 15 4
SI Adair Ditto 102. 0 69 BaltilIl1lre Cork 166 6
Ahughill Antrim
94 2. 76 Baltinglafs Wicklow 2, •
92. ,.
Aghnacloy 10 4 9 Ballycury Antrim
50 Aghrim Galway 75 4 "0 Ballymena Ditto 93 4
8f Aghrim Wicklow 3J 0 I~ BallycalUe Ditto II33
64 Aglilh Waterford 100 1 13 Ballymoney Ditto 101 4
10 Antrim Antrim 84 0 76 Ba:?v:more Euila. Dublin 17 5
14 Armagh Armagh hll 18 Ba yhoy Monaghan 546
18 .Arae.: Louth 34 4 18 Ballygawly Tyrone 13 6
23 Ardra Doneg31 130 0 2.I Ballyboft:y Donegal 112. 1
59 Ardfert Ken')' 144 .. 2.I Ballyboghill Dublin 10 3
19 Arklow Wicklow 36 0 113 Ballyjamea.DIIff Cavan 45 :I
58 Alkcyton Limerick 107 6 113 BalJy~annon Donegal 100 S
39 Athlone 'We.&.Rof. 59 5 119 Ballynanaght Cavan 54 4
48 Athenry Galway 91 6 79 Ballycanoe Wexford 494
29 Athboy Meath 28 4 31 BalIyconnel Cavan 674
60 Athy
32 I
46 11
11 11
14 5
,28 Baillicborough Meath 430 43 Ballynacargy Weameath 45 6
44 Ilall 105 6 44 Ballymahon LOIIg£ciId 524
4S llaHaghy . Sll,. 91 6 44- Ballyhaunis Mayo 9~ [
16 l3allaghy Lon.D 914 45 BaIla,hadireCIJ . Diu. S9 J-
P::l~e • M. F. Pilj:!e 'M. F_
King's Co. SI I
Tipperary 9S"
19 Callle Blaney
19 CaiUe Shane I Munaghan
5 I ..
59 1
55 B.lllyboy King's Co. 54 6 U Ca£H.:b DOIlcg~ 105"
74 0
73 3 31
Ddvin Inn l' Weftmcath 34 1
32. Ballii1af:!d tiligu 88 Cl 69 Calhel TipperafY 76 6
"3 Ballintra Donegal 105 j .31 Caftle Pollard Wdlmeath 42 5
:; 7 B.llintra Leitrim 83 5 44 Caftlebar Mayo 113 0
39 Ballinrabe Mayo 1c:8 0 44 Caftlereagh, Roftommo 83 0
.61 Bo.Ili"akill . ~ecn'sCo. 47 J :49 caruc Blakeney Galwa,.- 8. &
44 Ballintobbrr Rpjcommon 78 6 SI Caftle Inand. Kerry 133 S
62 Ballinamult Waterford' 91 4 60 Caftlecomer Kilkenny 45 I
4-1 Jjjllinluugh Rolcomnwn '8& I Caftledermot Kildare 33 1
(;8 Ballyburris C"r1uw 1 54 2 SI Carnew Witl<low 46 7
z. 5 Ballina Mayo J 10 6 1 Carlingford Louth 51 .,
(,9 Ballyr<>an ~e.en's<lo.' ~4. 3 6~ Carline Fort Cork. 30 ..
47 B"llin'dine Galway I 99 f 6" Carlow Carlow 39 0
.~8 Ballylongford Limerick 128 0 9 Carrickfergus Antrim 811 I
48 Balliuafloe Galway 71 6 . I~ Carriekmacrofs Mcnaghan 44 0
60 l3alljra!(g~t Kilkcvny 49 5 31 'Carrick Leitrim 77 0
1 Balru9deJY Duhlin 14 " 64 Carrick·on Suir Tipp,c=raty 15 0
79 Bann(J\Y· Wr1<fQrd' 81 0 "9 Dtlh. F~rmaBagh 90 3
1 Banbridge Down 60 4 1.3 Cavan Cavan 54 e
69 Bandon Curk 136 I 38 (',rberry King's Co. 25 6
90 Bangor Down 90 0 37 Cdbri~c Kildare 9 6
74 Bautry (' .. rk 74 0 '1. I 'Clogher Tyrone 76 5
3ll.. Banllglu:r Killg's·C... 64 4· ,69' C10gher T'ippes1U'}'> : 91 1,
43 Barry. Lon~(Jd 54 1. 8 Cloug\t ·D&W11 .~ 0
29 Ballnboy. C .. v~1l (,9.4, ,10 Clogh. Alltrim. 99 4
l: I3clfdl: Antrim 80 0 98 Clady Lon.Derry 107 S
~9 Belturhct ('""an 61 I • '1.] Clones l.'avan 61 :a-
~~ Bellrcktown r. 1 mJllagh 91 " W.meathl
66 Benne!'s Bridge Kill.CllllY I 56 7
J'1. Cl, nard Bridge & Kilda.S 260
S 5· Birr. or Par- t 37 Clain Kildare IS ,.
fon'. Town (: King'. Co. 6.1 7 6l Clurne Cork IU ..
14. Bt..ckwaterTo,,1l ,\,magh. 66,4 37 CI0nbl.lIock King!a Co. '3'1. I
79' Bhck Bull Wirkl.,w· 20 0 3& Cl4"han Dittu bz 0
n' B\o,e1< Lyon. M,·~th '.9 0 47 Cla~e Mayo 101. j
23 mark B"n 1\1, oth. 23 0 5" Clare Clalll II4 6
76. I3kllingtoll. \I ickJow. 14 c ~3' Clonmines' Wexford 81 5
:la. lloyle H"(.',,"'lI1on 84 5 61 Clonmd Tipperary 81 6
79' Bray \\'i .. kl"w 110 0 76. <.'Ion,,"al
47 Cbra 0
Carl"w 45 0
'7 Broadfnrd. Clare 95 4 , King'. Co. 48 4
I Cl Br,J1)gh!h.1nCl :\ ntrim 1 95 0 69' Clonckilty ! Cork . 145 I
26 Brooltfb(.)rnugh l'trn\a,>agh i3 3 .15 Clllnegowan King's CIl. 39 0
) 4' llulb.·mili3. A Iltrim 114 6 04 Cloneen ,Tipperary 74 5
2.1 Hlltler's Bridge CavaL! 157 0 14 CharlLmont ! Armagh 6& ~
.<1', l~urrjfakane 'I ipperar,.· 74; I2 Charl~ville Cork 108 I
51 nuni. iil Ofi'o~y ~eel"'Co. 5.1 I 23 Church Hill Fermanagh 88 I .
-; 1.'. llunis.o-leigh. 'I i!,p"'''''y i 76 5 14 Coal Illalld Tyrone 73 7
69: C.hier
Tipperary I ll.J 4'
14 Cdcraig
17 Cookftown
Lon. Uerry
[08 4.
81 6
I'J c"n.,..1;m Ty ....n e , 67 6 18 Colilln I.uuth 29 3
61' Call()d. l')'r,rary i (,. 3 '1.7' C"otehm· CJ'>an 5Z 4
29. Call.ohill·: }'erm,"a~h, 68 6' 3'1. Cob,li'ny Sligo 91 6
I Cappdquin ww:crIUH!'197 5 43 Colchill, L,gngfOl'd 50 7
9. 1Ca./llcBellillgham l.outh 343 75 Cove Cork 130 0
.1 Caftltmar'lT Cork 1 J 8 4' 51 Corrofin Clare 109 3'
~L, CaflkwelliIR. . f ~-. I ~ fJ 6Sk! CllrA I .cork IU 6.
29 Cro(,doh,. CJ\'Jn
M. F.
56 0
45 frenchpar!c
I •
Ro(comm lln 8.;
f M,
29 Crofs Roads l" nnanagh 77 5 18 Frc(,k ri cl:(town T)'rene 188 ~
31- Crors K ey. M eoth 37 0 G
50 Crufhec n Clare r06 3 48 Galway C,lwJY 10 1- 6
9 Cumber Down 84 0 -:1 9 Carilon Ferm anagh '100 '1.
D 14 G iHv agh Lon. D elT)' 99 7
2.9 Daly's Bridge Cavan 46 1. " 10 Clanf v)' AlItrin. 77 0
l 6 Dawfoo's Bridge Loo. [krry
89 11 9
Gl cn arOl D itto IOS S
'14 Def.rtm.rein Ditto 87 J1. 20 G len Inn D onega l 1-:13 'i
S I Dingle Kerry 164 0 , 50 Gort G alway 98 :i
17 Donard Wicklow H 5 ' 1 65 Go wra n Ki lkenn y 5! 0
I Donaghadce Down 94 I , 68 Gore s Bridge Di t to 51 I
8 Downp.trick Ditto 74 0 68 Graige Dilto 57 6
73 DoneraiJe Cork III 3 77 Gla nd clou gh Wicklow 'l,l
~3 Donegal D oneg al I rr 0 20 GOrl ahurk non e~ a l t38 •'1,
~3 Donough Fermanagh 67 3 2 2- Crecnogc l\'kath 9 4
I Droghed;:l Louth 2? 5 3 2- Gran ard l, ong ford 51. 0
I Dromore Down 66 0 H
:3-:1 Drumfnare Leitrim 72 6 77 Ihcket aown C,r1··w j~ S
~7 Drumkeerin Ditto 90 6 141 H . milt on's Haw n :\ r1l1Jg h 60 -+
,1. Drumcallagher Cork !I S O I d ilJfb omugh , Do w n 69 .3
'37 Drum.hail' Leitrim ~8 0 so H eodforJ ! G alwa y r OJ 0
'74- DrulIlaIcaguc Cork 155 6 9 Holl ywood j .Dllwn 84 4-
77 Dungannon Tyrone 7" 6 77 H ollywood I
W icklow ,8 4
.1(i9 Duncannon Fort
)7 Dungin n
L on . Derry
79 3
99 0
7 20
I luhnf1:own
~:r Fintown T yro ne I24S i\1a)' o 10 4 0
~ Five-mile T own T yronc 78 3 20 Ki lm ,c rcnna n DOll g:l l 1 [7 4
F in ae
& Cavan
Kin~'s C o.
47 5
55 5
65 K ilm"c th umas
37 Ki lmeage
z9 K iHef:m 1;1
W aterford '8 3 J
Kil<l are
C ~9a ll
60 6
M. P. Page M. if;
Kilrea I.on.Derry 99 •
u6 I
39 Moatagrenogc Wdlmeath sa 0
~8 s
KilIenora Clar~ 3' Mullingar Ditto
3Z KinD~gad Wellmeath 2~ 4 N
1).1 King's Court Cavan 38 1 SI Naas Kildare rS 4
;6 Kinfale Cork 134 I Z~ N,van Meath '3 6
65 Knocktopher Kilkenny 63 0 :u Naul Dublin 14 ,;
L 1 Narrow-water Down 49 0
Longford ~ 33 Narcn Donegal 134 --4
44 Landborough & 'Rof 6z 11 I Newry Down 50 4
common I Newtownudes Ditto 844
9 Lame;- Antrim 97 S u Newtown Glens [,ntrim 109 Z
29 Largay Cavan 84 3 14
80 0
H"-} ~r~agh 53 et
37 Ltitrim Leitrim
20 Letlerkenny Donegal IU 3 Newtown Li-l
Lon.P,1iYY 106 S
:;z Leixlip Kildare 80 17 mavady
61 Leighlin Bridge Carlow 4S e 18 Newtownftewart Tyrone 93 I
119 Lifnarick Fermanagh 87 5 23 Newtown Butler Fennana,h 6S I
51 Limerick Limcri~k 94 0 32 Newtown Forbes Longford 61 I
I Lifbtnn .:\ntrim 73 0 39 Newtown Bellew Galway hS
62 Lifmore Waterford lOO 4 76 Newtown Barry Wexford 415
20 Lifford Donegal 101 7. 44 Newport Mayo, 17.2 2
23 Lifn~ea Fermanagh 70 2 51 Newport Tipperary 860
Lifrowell K<r,y 131 I 48 New Inn Galw"'Y'" 820
113 Lifbcll_ Fermanagh 75 3 32 New tnn Meath- 7.00
14 Loughgall Armagh 65 5 58 New Bridge Limtrick 109 S
18 Londonderry Lo:ltDerry 11:1 I 68 New Rofs Wexford 67 s
1 Loughbrickland Down 58 3 51 NewcanIe Limerick 1 r4 3
3 1 Longford Longford 5& 3 Newb.rllUgh,
50 Loughrea Galway' 86 4 79 or Gorey } WCxror( 45 4
$2 Luean
]0 Lurgan
6 Lulk
6 4 57
67 5
\ ~~
Nine-mile Houfe
. 7'5 0
33 4
71 0
M '0
73, Mallow Cork u6 7 1 51 O'Brien'lllridge Clare
I Man of War
14 Market-Hill
Dublin CO. U1 ' 79
Armagh 58 0 I 29
.1, Wexford
41 ~
Pa M. F. P'g M. r.
~3 ,Ratoath Meath 12.6 45 SwilleEord Mayo 103 3
:1.0 Raphoe Donegal 10 5 7 T
J:3 Ralldalftowll Antrim 88 I) 61. Tallagh Waterford 1044
IOJ ° 58 Tubert
13 Tandcragee
Limerick t'l4 0
57 .. Armagh 6, z.
J4 Rich Hill Armagh 6:t I Longford ~
Tipperary 59 1.
Rofcommon 69 3
1& Rof-
64 S
ISI " 69 z.
7 Rofi"trcvor Down 51. 0 59 Terr'i\', Paf. Weltmeath 40 0
6~ Royal Oak Carlow 47 0 6S Thomallown Kilkenny 58 1
6 Rulh Dublin 13 4 71. Thude. Tipperary 70 3
3'1 Rulkey Bridge Leitrim 66 1. 50 Tob"mlonny Galway 101. 5
:l.J Rutland D,.ncgal 153 6 77 Toghtr lun Wicklow 17 3
S 51 Toomavar. Tipperary 69 4
9 Sainttield . Down 78 0 81 Tinehaly Wicklow 4[ 0
~3 Screen Meath 19 4 61 Timahoe ~cen·.Co, 41 'I
King'scf}. ~ 62 TinlOlin Kddaro 1.9 6
47 Shanno!l Bridge & Ref. 65 0 7i. Tippcrary Tipperary
- 86 3
comnion '19 Trim Meath 1.14
!Z3 Shalagan Bridge Do,!egal [4 1 6 51 tralce Kerry 141.3
2.7 Shircock Cavan 44 6 66 Tramore Waterford 81. I
,51 Silver Mines Tipperary 77 0 14 Tubbermore Lon.Derry 90 0
6 Skerries Duhlin 17 0 57 Tullow Clare 102 0
Shibberccn Cork (60 0 45 Tullk Rofc(lmmon 75 .3
31. Sligo Sligo \03 6 39 Tu.m Galway 9.10
211. f-lanc Meath HO 38 I Tullamore Kiug's (:0. 46 1
. 8 Straogford Dowp 80 0 76: Tullow Carlow 38 0
J1. Stranocum Antrim 108 5 19 I Tynan Armagh
14 Stewartllown Tyrone 76 3 V 6S "
17 Stramore Ion Loo.Dary 91 0 '13 Iv' ..
IrglDla Cavan 40J
Q.!!een'.C" . 38 6
100 4 23 Wattle Bridge Fermllnagh h"
45 Strokellown Rofcommon 70 I 66, WaterforJ Waterford 76 r
I Swords Dublin 70 39 Weltport Mayo IllS
29 Swanlinbar Cavan 74 I 79 Wexford Wexford 665
l6 SU/IUUer HiU Meath 20 0 79 Wicklow Wicklow a4 0
6 •
Cities are printed in fmaIl CAPITALS; and ~orough8 in ltaJ;es. The lettor
. . R.. an4 L. are
," .
placed a8 Contractions for ~ight
and lcf~.
laft Dublin. A little more ·than 3 miles Crom Dublin,
S'WorJ., DIIIJ/i" Co
M. r. ~ r. . on the R. clof. to the road is Santry
church, and on the L. Santry-houfe and
ManoCWar, 5 7 12. 7 dem'efne, the feat oC Mr. Domvillc.
Ballruddery, 1 3 14 ~ Oppofite to ~ miles ~n the R. is Willf-
DIIII/• ."
g 3 32.3
7 0 4
5 '"boro: Mr. SkeppY'I, and Clinlhogh,
the Rev. Mr. Jacllfon'l; and ata con-
Came Bellingham, 3 7 34 3 fiderable dillance on the R. is Be),.
DIIIIJa/I, .. 6 2. ,\01 5 camp, the feat of Sir Edwatd. Newen-
Jonefborougb, 4 7 ham,Knt.
Nrw.y, DfJ'!I1l1 45/4
0 50 4 Near 5 miles Crom Dublin, OD the L. i$
4 66l!Il
3 69 3
. Thmora, the feat of Counfcllor Wil-
kinfon; and Curther to the L. Foller-
flown, Baron Hamilton's; half a mile
beyond which, on the R. and a little
~~I; ~
elevated on a limellone rock, is Clogh-
Bfl/a), ran church, and on the I •. more th:lq
3r 84
H; 4
a mile didant, Foreft-houfe, Reverend
Mr. Flood's; and a little further on,
To Donaghadee.
Braeken!lown, a feat nf Vife. Mold- At 6! miles from Balruddery, is 1uliaa.
worth I on dte a. Abbeyvillc, the ek- ftown turnpike and bridge; on tht
Fallt and highly impro\',d feat of the R. of which, :md on the South bank o~
ri~ht hon. John Bereaford. the Nanny w.u~r. in a beautiful fitlla-
Oppofite to 6 miles on the R. more than tion, .is B.lllygarth, the fcat of Mr.
a mile from the road, is Fdtriun-hill, Pepper; and on the North bank a lit.
the feat of Sir Annefly Stew.rt, Ea~,. tic mc;rc to the R. is Nynch, that of
and On the L. Cum"" .. , i.:r. Klog's; Mr. Doran.
a little further to the L. Brazil, Mr. On the North fide or the Nanny water.
Bolton's. and R. of th~ road, is:1 houfe of Mr.
Entering Swords, on the R. jull behind Moore'. on the L. and morc than half
the town, is a feat of Mr. Cobb's; a a mile from the road, on the South
little further to the R. Drinham, Mr. bank of the riV\:l' is Dardillown, Mr.
ernfe's, and {till further to the R. Mal- Ofborne's, and on the North fide near-
Jahide caftle, the feat of Mr. Talbot. ly 0P1>0fite, Cooper-hill, Mr. Coo-
About a quarter of :l mile on the R. of per's.
Swords, is Mantua, the feat of Mr. A little forward from thc bridge, on the
Keene; o. the 1.. and more than a R. is JuIianftown church.
mile diflant, is Catherine's'gro'fe, M;r. 1 miles f~om Ballrudde ry, on the L. juft
Gorge's. at the road, is Smithftown, Mr. Of-
Half a mile beyond Swords, is LiJfcn·haIJ borne's.
turnpike, near which, on the L. are At 1! miles on the L. is Baybl!g, Mr.
the feats of Mr. Guin, Mr. Gordon, Smith', ; and Baymore, Mr. Knock's;
and Mr. Gunn; and on the R. thofe and a great way to the R. and Dear
of Mr. Orndby, and Mr. Hatch, "nd the lliore, i. Momington, the fcat of
Seafield, Mr. Arthur's. Mr. Brabazon.
One Inile from Swords, on the R. is Bal- At 81 miles and a little before Drogheda,
linadraught, Mr. Mercer's, and the is a turnpike. .
ruins of Laundefiown Taille; a little fur- To the L. of Droiheda, on the South
ther to the R. Newbridge, Mr. Cobbe's. bank of the river Borne, on a bold, '
:: miles beyond Swords~ is the village of clented, and beautiful fiiuation, over-
Turveyj and on the R. i. an old man- lQ~king the town, river, and fi!ipping.
fion-houfe and demefne of the Kingf- fia!lds Ball's-grovc, the feat of Mr.
land fa!1lily. . Mr. Ball.
d from SwOrds on the ~. i. Card"ff, th\! Entering Drogheda from ~he South there
. feat of Mr. Baker. ' is a very noble improvement in the
At the Man of War i.,a turnpike, and to f9ad carrying on, and neu!&' fmilhed;
the R. of it is the feat ef Capt. Evans, the !leep bank going down to the town,
but lJotTeea from the road. which fornlcrly was fo dangerous an..!
A mile to the R. of BaIJruddery, plea- difficult, has bcen cut away in the high-
. fantly fituate on the caaft, but not fecn dl part, and the hollow ground fill-
from· the 'road, is Profpcel:,· the feat ed up with it, fupported by franc walis,
Clf Lord Headford; and half a mile in fuch a manner a& to prefent an in.
further is Hampton·hall, that of ~aron clined plane of an eafy afcent from the
Hamilton. . bottom to the top.-Thisimprovement,
To the L. 'of Ballruddery is Knock, the and all the others on the road from
feat of Mr. EvaDs. l>ublin to DUhleer, owe their cxiftence
Half a mile from Ballruddery, on the 1. to the public fpirit, abilities, and in.
js HuyfiowtJ, the' feat o~Mrs. Tigbe; defatigable attention of the rij1;ht hOfl.
three quarters ofa mile further, on the John Fofter, fpeaker of the houfe oi
L. is NewtOIl, Mr Crilly's. commons.
3 miles from BaIlrudf!ery, on the L. i. DroghtQa is a large rea-port town, plea-
lCock-lgen, Mr. Martin's. fantly fituated on both fides of the
a! mile~ from Ballruddery, on the L. is ~oyi1eriver. On the North fide ftands
Gorrnanfiolm, an old fest and demefne· the greater and ben built part of the
of l.ord Gormanftown's. t0v.:n, .a handfome church and fteeple,
sf miles from B:lllruddery, on the L. i. wlmh IS feen at a confiderable diftauce
Rockbdlcw. a reat of the Earl of Lud- to the South and E:IfI:, and a barrac.k
low's. for infantry.
'r~ gr~lIlQ rif~s .qIotic~ {rOOl the, belQ.llling fll~j:l'ly to
ri ver 011 bQth fides, and the houfcs over- , the Tipping f~mily, DOW the feat of
topping one another on the afceBt,ibow . Mr. Montgomery whl/ married tho
the town to cr~t advantage. T~ heirtfs.
Boylle is na.vigable for fuip& of J50 HIIU a mile fC(lIIl Dcpg/ledll, on tbe L. it
WDS burden to the toWJI, where there Mell, the feat \If l\Jr. Singleton.
l$ a very han<)fome well-built'lDd con- ~t miles from D.rOiheda, YOl! cOoRle to
1I~t quay for their rcCt.j>tion eci the t\le hilI of Tullye[car, where the toad
difchuge of their cargoes. has been changed J"u;.i, to av.,id· ~hat
k baaao excelJent market, moll plen. fieep,!lg the hill to the .R.
tuully f~ with provilioos of all 3! ailes {rGm D(ogheda, 0Jl the L. ,and
kinds, the co)lQt.ry aroWld being one in rather ww ~rQund, it the r~ined
-oftbe richci a....t bell cultivated N1 du: cb..urcp ;wi ronn,;! tower of MOIl~er
.kingdom. The "Iltat flour mills .,r hoice. The tower is mo!l:1y ~tire.
Siane are only 7 mile,; (Uil~nt, and they " m.i.Ic.s from Drogheda, on th~ R. is
have the adnntage of wa.tor carriage Carterilown, the feat of Mr. HaMJlin,
.by a [l1li81; a get:at deal fIi coarCe li- aoa about a mile dilJ:ant, fit.uat~ at the
nen, and lUleu yarn, fi;Dd a reaOy lIlar- Loot of a riling ground is .$tone.
ket here, a"" there is a gre..t ~ort houfe, the feat of Jo/l.n TllQtD,a8 roller.
trade io fJ{ovjfiQlls .and grain. }:fq.
It hasbceo walled, and the wall.s are sI miles Ir~ ProgOe4a QD the L. clo[e
fo eDUne "" to I>e <li1UnOUy feen I'f/IIInd to the l'(!ad is Athclare, Mr•. ~1acker's_
the tQWll; it was deemed arong iD .for- To the R. of Dunleer,on a height II ,miles
Jner times, it woul<] not be thought fo - dillant, is Bauru:~th, a &n~ fea~ fRd
IIOW, the gro)loQ on both fides clJm- demefne of w Pattic.kllellew, ~rt. a.
lIWldiDgit. little fwther to t,he R.. i8D)'Ifart~hlJl'Ch
.6t Old lkidge, two miles above D!'O(he~ and Glebe-houfe, the Rev. l\:tr. Gib-
da, tihel'C i8 an obelillc, ere&ed 00 the ton'..
North bank of the Borne, where King ,A ~dentble dill:ance to the ~. of Bun-
William p;ltfed that river to attack the leer, is Rathefcar-lodge, ~r. Co.r'..
Rebel anmy, in J6,90. Juft leaYitlg ;o~lI'r, pn the L. dofe to
The gr.ound QD the South fide of the ·the r{)ad, is the !j;3tof Mr. Fpllec.
~iver, .... here t.he "ebels ·were polled, If mile fr0lll D~ on ~he J .. on the
was ilrong and well chofeu. .It tof~ North bal1k !>f th.e ~.riv~r, ~s Clill-
'from the watAjlr's edgeverr tuickly to toa(l;O)\1(Jl call:t~, lIIr. Tifdale',I!, fu~ther
above 20 feet in front, their left too to the L. and on tb", ~ fide of the
was cover.ed by·the river, which here rivU', is iP.oe'IH;Q\II't. !.be ,kaj pf Mr.
make•.a great ·U!rn til IIhc SouthnCBrly Poe.
lit ~ight I!Ilgi(lS, and ih'etthe. o11t in 11 miles from D\)&leer, .to ~ R. and
that direCl:ion, between .ficep b,mk. South J::all Ude of·the Dee riv4\J', on aD
.hove two miles. The river wal im- elevation bei\utifully wooded, jIIId com-
patfable fronl Droghoda for many miles manding a ~iety of pr9fpe!\l oyer the
above Old Bric)ge, except at this yery Meanders of that river, whicll here
(pot, and fo difficult even here that ma- are many IIQd pia;urefque. is l)rum-
ny.fff * iIIliI.ntry, and even fllme of
the ~valry were carried away .by the
QU, a new hoofe, aM fiI~t 9f John
M'Clintoc.k, Efq; and half a m,i1e from
ftream; oppofite to this ford (u it de- it to the L. OD the oppoute fide of the
ferves that name) on ruch advantageous river is CooliJ\:IIWD. the feat of Tenifoll
ground were the Rebels pofted and en- Smith,Efq.
trenched with cannon. ' 2! miles from Dunlecr, is the (mall vil.
There WAS formerly a bridge at this lage.of OrCCIlUlQUnt, .w~ there it a
plaee, which the name imporu, and it Rath, or Daniih Mo.unt.
would be a great advantage to the On the L. J# Oreellmount, there .is a.
communications of the c:ountiea of new houfe on the heigh): 1;1I!1c!l Spen-
Meath aDd Louch, and a1l the North rcr,hill.
to have one acre again. :; roilea from t>unle~r ,()n the R.. it Main
lua h:aving Drogheda, and on the R. is the feat of Mr. Stidford_
Green-hills, .the feat of William Meadc At CaJUeBeUingbam to th, .1,•.Qi1the
Ogle, Ef'!. and further to the &. is North bank of LbocLaglD 'N.Ii.lC't, .is die
Bz .
"'] To Donagbadce.
feat of Mr. Bellingham; to the R. S miles from Duodaik are the YilIag~ or
and on the South lank of th .. river Jonefborough, and Flurry-bridge, aud
is Mileftown, that of the Rev. Mr a turnpike.
Ogle. To the R. of Jonefborough OB the
At Caftle Bcllingham, the fine beer is Eaft fide of the Flurry river, and ex-
brewed, fo well known by that name. tended upon the fides of the ClirImg-
I! mile from Caftle Bellingham is Dre- ford mountains, are the plantations of
milkin church and Glebe-houfe, the Ravenfdale Park, the feat of Mr. For-
Rev. Mr. Pratt's. tefcue.
3 miles from Came Bellingham is the From Flurry bridge toward~ Newry, you
ftraggling village of Lurgan-green, on pafs over moory ground between two
the South fid .. of the river, and flour bogs for half the way.
mills belonging to MeJfn. Ogle and Newry belonged formerly to the Bagnell
Maxwell. family, who improved it greatly in the
On the North fide, and to the L. of the reign of queen E1iz~beth. Tt ,qlfered
road is Clermont, a fine feat and de- much in the rebellion in 1641, and in
mcfne, oC the Earl of Clermont; and 1680 was {et on fire by the Duke of
a little further on the L. is Hain1loWD Ber,vick, in his retreat from Duke
church in ruins. Schomberg and the Englilh army, who
Four miles from Cafile Bellingham is on their approach found it in Dame. ; a
Haggardftown church anti caftle, Re- few houCe. and two or three caftles
verend Dodor Fofier' •• (The taille is were all that ercaped the conDagration.
in ruins.) It has increafed confiderably of late
si miles from CaRle Bellingham, on years, both in trade and population,
the L. is Priorland-houfe, and further owing in a great meafure to the Canal
to the L. is Fair.hill, the feat of Mr. lately made through it, betwellD Car-
Mercer. lingford bay and I,ough Neagh. The
-On the L. of Dundalk is a fine park of the town ftand. in hollow ground about a
Earl of Clanbrafiil'l the houfe ftands in mile from the head of Carlingford bay,
the toWD. on both fides a brook of its own n~e,
Dunda~s an ancient town, fituated on and is increafing and improving very
the South fide of a fm'1ll river, and near faft. It belongs to Mr. Needham.
the lhore of a large open !hallow bay of Half a mile from Newry on the L. nearly
the fame name. The river ;U:\miu fuips oppofite the turnpike, and on the South
')DIy of fmall burden. It has been for- fide of the canal, is Lifdrumgullen, Mr.
tified, and fome part of the walls are Needham's.
flill to be feen, and a!fo of a came de- 3 miles from Newry is Sheep bridge on
flroyed in 1641, a tower of which re· the Newry brook, half a mile further,
maining moftly entire, the gentlemen pn the R. i. Maryville, the feat efMr.
of the town repaired the fiair cafe and Arbllckle.
battlemellts lately, and ereaed a flag- 41 miles from Newry on the L. is Tre-
flatf and colours, from whence you mont, Mr. Johnfton's; about half a
have a very fine view of a rich improv- mile beyond which, on the R, is Do-
ed country to the South and Weft, the ncghmore church.
bay, and Carlin~ord mountains to the Near 7 miles from Newry on the R. is
Eaft and North; there are feveral llallintagart. the {eat of Mr. Gor-
branches of the linen and cotton manu- don.
factures carried OD here and conduaed Loughbrickland was built by Sir Manna-
with {pirit. The town belongs to the duke Whitechurcb, in the reign of
. Earl of Clanbraffil. . queen Elizabeth, and was the 6rft ge-
!Z miles from Dundalk, on the R. is lower neral rendezvous in Irdand of the En-
lIallymafcanlan, Mr. M'Neale's, and glilh army under king William.
further to the R. Mount Pleafant, Mr. About a mile from Loughbrickland there
M'Neale's. is a turnpike.
af mile. from Dundalk, on the L. near Banbridge is a ilourilhing little town; the
the road., fituated on the top of a linen manufaaure i. carried on to great
hill, is the old church of Faughart. extent, and with great fpirit. It has,a
3! mile. from Dundalk OD th~ L. is the good weekly market, and S very great
old caftk of M yra. . fairs annually.
Tu DonagMdet. [5
About 7. miles Crom Banbridge on the R. Lagan has been Inade: navigable to
is Magherally church. Belfaft.
4 miles from Banbridge on the L. i. Tul- Thi. town and a great Jr.Irt of ,he
lycarn, Mr. M'Gill's; and further to country belongs to the Earl of Hert-
the L i. Spring hall, Mr. Waddel. ford.
4-i miJe,; from B'lDbridgc on the L. and F.-om Llb:lrn 10 B'/fajllbtrt art 11"" roods,
North bank of the Lagan river is Gill- that by J.'HiJIOIlI ;1 t/;~ flort:}l, am! /ifS %l/g
hall, formfrly the f~at of the M'Gill th, p/eafo~1 holnis of tb, Logan ri'l!:r,
family, but now of the countef. of "ll..'hicb it croffa !,u'iu in itl tOllrft.
Clanwilliam. William Hawkin., of Leaving Liihurn yon meet another turn-
London, ancdlor of this family, did pike, and on the L. Belfize, the reat of
many ads of figna! fervice to th~ Pro- Mr. Hudfou.
teftants of this country during the re- About I-! mile from Lifburn clofe to the
bellion in I6.1I. H~ and his friends road, and between it and the river is
advlfIl"Ced the 'amazing fum of 45000 Lambeg church, and furth~r to the R.
pounds to prevent them from ftarv- beyond the Purdiftown road, is Hill-
ing. han came ruins; and half a mile furthcr
Dromore frauds upon the river Lagan, i. on the L. is Derryaughy church.
a market town, and the fce of-a hifhop, z! miles from Lifburn on the R clofc to
founded in the 6th century hy St. Col- the road, is Drumbeg church, and fur-
man in 1641; the Rebels burnt the ther to the R. i. Drumbo ch urch; a
bifhop's-houfe, the church, and town quarter of a mile f,mhe)' on the 1•. is
to the ground. In the 14th century, Willmount, Mr. Stewart'., 011 th. R.
two Englilb judges, Sir J. Holt, and a charter-fchool, and further to the R.
Sir Robert Delknap, were banifhcd to Thornhill, Mr. Maxwell's.
this place for delivering as their opini- 3! miles from Lifburn on th. R. i. New-
ons that king Richard tbe ld. was grov., Mr. M'Neill's; and a little fur-
above the law •. ther Edenderry, Mr. Beer' •.
I! milefrom Dromore is a turnpike. Near 5 miles from Lifourn on th. R.
Hillfborough ftands on high gravelly clofe to the road, is the feat of Mr.
ground, commanding fine views of the Legge; and further to the R. beyoRd
Lagan river as far as Belfafi; through the river is Purdiftowu, that of Mr.
a beautiful well improved, and thickly Wilfoll.
inh3bited country, and 31ro of Belf.a At 5 miles from Lifhurn i. the village of
bay to CarrickfcrRUs. The marquis of Malone, on th. R. of whi,h, and Eaft
Downfllire, whofe property it is, has fide of the river is Bdvoir, a beautiful
inlprovcd it ml1ch, he has built nn ele- feat and d.mefne of lord vifeount Dun-
gant church, with a fine fpire .nd peal gannou's; a little further Caidwally,
of bells, a market houfe and good inn, tkat of Mr. Porti,; to the L. i. Beech-
and repaired the old cafile or fort, and m,lUnt, the ["at of Mr. Wallace.
othcrwife improved it very much. His 6 miles from Liilil!m 'un the R. i. the fcat
Iordlhip has a neat houfe or rather of ]\lr. Black, nedr which is a turn-
lodge, on the L. clole to the town, and pi!;,,; oad on the L. New York, Mr.
a handfome demenfc. Creig s.
Entering J...ifburn you have a turn- Bdhfl: is /ltuat:d on the North fide orthe
pike. l,agan riv!.·r, at its confluence with
Lifburn !land. on the North fide of the Carrickfergus bay, or (as it is murc
Lagan river, a ne1t well built and pu- commonly called) Belfaft Lough.
pulous tewn. It has an excdlent week- The tc\'.'n i. wdl built, molUy of
ly market, well fupplied with pro';ifi- brick, and the frrcct. broad an~
ons of all kinds, and linen, an,\ lium frrai~;J.t. The bridge over the Lagan
yarn fold in it to the amount of 5 or river whieh connects it to the county
6000/. of Down is 2560 feet I"ng, with u
The linen mantlf.elure is carried on arches, it is the longcft in Ireland, was
to great "tent, and the fineft linens h built about the time of the revolution
th" kingdom arc madc heT<!. It h:u; thc at the jonit expence of bl1th counties,
adYJn~a;;c of \Vat("r carriage to Lough aud coH I ~.oo;;,/.
NC:tc.;h h:r ~ c~ll::,d, and the ri\'~'r With rcfl·dl: to traJe it is the tbird
ill 1;'c~";;J, b \,:ll~; ;r.Ol', faip' In t.he
6J 1'0 Thlnaghadee.
Well Indian trade than eithCl' Dublin buildittgs of a Aeat and unifonfl ~,
or Cork, aDd a very great elIJIOlt in here are !l:ill the remain. of the caftk,
l'r6VmC'lllS and linen; fhip6 of 2.00 once the refidencc of tile Ior"s MGot·
tons, half ladtD, may GOlDe .p w the ~cry; and near it the rum.. ai an
quay, but larger veffels mufi lye - 2.! Abbey.
miles below the town. a miles from Newtewnarda, far to the 1-
The people of this town feem to paf- i. Ballu, the fc:at of Mr. Nicholfoa.
fcfs the fpirit ofenterprik in the high- 51 miles from Newto~·nards on the L. i3
ell: degree. Their mUlufaCl:ures of Portavo, the feat of Mr. :Kert.
cottoa, camhrick, linen, fail ciotla, At 7 mila you enter Donaghadee, iituated
glafs, and earthen-ware, are c:uTiN on on the North eaft fide of tAe Ardell, amI
with a [pirit, and to an extent Dot to nearly oppolite to Port Patrick ill
be met with iD any other town in tlIe Scotland, from wbich it is diftant ...oout
kiflgdom. ~ miles; Uti. is the Northern paffage
The whole town is the property of of the paekds to aDd from Great Eri-
the marqnis-of Donegal. wn, aDd from hence i. a contiderablc
Half a mile from Belfaft OD the R. is exportation of hones and horned cattle
MolIIIt Pottinger, thefeat of Mr. Pot- aftnuaUy to Scotland; it haa a good
tinger. pier, lately much improvetl, and a
It m.i1e from Beifa;ll; on the R. is Orange- light-boufe built Oft the Copland-Ules,
ield, Mr. Bater....'.; and near it the jut!: off the entrance of the haa-oour.
great ruins of Knock came. On the top of a hill, North of the
~ miles from BeltiHl: on the L. i& Bel- town, is a Rath or Danith MOlHlt, from
moUJlt, rile feat of Mr. Bamber; and which there is a pleafing profped: of
near it Carue-hili, that of Mr. Halli- the coaft of Scotlant\ Hie of Man, '
day; and on the It. Thorny-hill, that Belfa!l Lough, and all the adjacent
of Mr.'Mathen. • . conntry. Thi. tewn is the property
3! miles from Belfa!l: on the R. is Tully of - ' - Montgomcry, Efq.
carnet,Mr. Montgomery's; and on the
:Near 4 miles on the R. is Dundonald
church, and a little more than 4 nliles From DUBLIN to RuaH and
on the L. is Dunlady, the feat of Mr. SKERR.IES.
Near 7 miles fr&m Belfall: on the L. i.
BallyculieD, Mr. Simon's; and further
to tlle L. Mile-crofs lodge, Mr. Brad- Sword" p. (I) D"hJin C.. 0 0
4 0 II
M.' 1'.
At 7 miles on the L. i. Springlield, Mr. Rulh, ~ 4 13 4
Dalziel's. Skerries, 3 4 17 0
Juft entering Newtown Ards, on the R Forward to
Derry-houfe, the feat of lord London-
Balbriggan. I 3 2. 0 0
Newtownards i. agreeably fituated at the FrotII Swo,d, ,ou lit" th~ great rtxul k,,".
bottom of Strangford Lough, which is ing t. tb~ Man of War, (a, cltftri6tJ
Day~ to the town for boats at high in pt1g~ I) 'till YOil paft 'Tur."" • lit·
,water. It was created a borough by tle rlijian" from which, the ,.ad 6ra""/',,
king Jame. 1ft. Sir Hugh Montgo- ojf to th: R. leading t. L".f/:, ,uar ~ .,i/"
mery, ancc1ior to the earls of Mou nt tliJlallt.
A.lemnder, being Ill: provoll; the One mile from Lulk: is Knockdrummond.
town and a great part of the adjacent Near a mile beyond Rulb, on the L. is
country' wu the property of Rulb·houfe, the feat of Sir RogcrPal.
that 'liable family. It i. IlOW lerd Lon- mer, and further to the L. HayfioWD,
donderry's, and muchiodebted to him that of Mr. Onge, a little further, and
for its many improYemcnts,his lord· on the .1.. clofe to the road is the
Ihip ha.ving lately crded ~D hlUldfome church.
market-houfe, fituatejn a (pacjoulopen About 2. miles beyond R1Hh, on the R. is
fqUlll"e, laid out, ar.d Cllrrouaded by Loughlbinnf, Mr. Dempfy's. aDd OB
1'0 R.1.1lhand Skerriu.
tlic L. a mile
dillant the ruiBa of Ball- on the L, of the village, is the feat of
dungan call1e. Mr. M'Neill. •
At at miles on the L. is Mr. H3J!lilton's, At 4 miles on the R. is Bellurgan
aDd further to the L. the feat of Capt. park, the feat of Edward Tipping,
Enns. J:fq.
Entering Skerries on the L. clofe to the 1-1 mile. frlltJl Dundalk, PIl the I.. is
road, are the ruins of a church. Piedmont. a feat of the Earl of Clet-
One mile from Skerries on the LJ is Bar- mG1'!t's, near lVhich are the ruiqs of a
nagiragh, Mr. Hamilton's.' , caltle; and OD the road fide, half a
At I't mile on the L, isProfped:,a CeatoC mile further, thofe of a church.
'lord Headfonfs; and near is Hampton- At 10 milc3 on the R. is Iriii Grange, the
h'all, that of baron Hamilton. feat of Mr. Clarke; and on die L.
Rufb and Skerrics are two fmall portl, on the rllins of a c3ltlc
0 ,
the lrith channel, North of Dublin, in- CarlingfOl'd is' 'an old and decayed bo-
habited chiefly br fifhermen, and much rough, fituatcd on the Wefl:ern !hore
fre'lncnted .!fo by fmugglers. Qf .. bay of t1ie fame name; this W3&
formerly an harbonr of much confe-
quence, and defended by a caille, and
though little frequented now, i~ Rill
from :PUBl.UI to BUBllIGGIIi. capable of great ad-varitages, being perr
fecUy fafe, eafy, and commodiou ••
r. M. r. At ~arlingford, on the R. is Cathe-
Ballrtrddery, p. (I)
, Du61in Co.
I lIC.
14 a rine's grove, the feat of Mr. Benfon;
and on the fame fide, c10fe to the
BaJbriggen, I s 15 4
town, are the feats of Captain Stan-
nus, and' Ephraim Stannu$, Efq; neat
Forward to} Ltndh CD. which are'the ruins of a cafile. '
Drogheda. , 11 5 \ \ .
Balbriggcll 'is ilio a flltRll and cOIIIJllodi-
ous fea port, 'much indebted to Baron
H2milton, by whofe mean. it ha. heen Fro~ ~UBLI¥ to ROSSTllEYOB.
not only cODfiderably improved but
almoft new buik, and who has here
eftabliihed an extcnfive and lioutilh- M. r. M. '0
ing nuinufal!iure of cotton. ' , Jonefbol'O,p,(I)LDllthCD. 0 0 4S ..
Holif a mile beyond Balbriggen on the Narrow Water, Do'll?" 3 4 49 0
IM./F·I M'l
At Downpatrick, to the L. are the ruins
Qf an old ~jlthedral, faid to ha vc been C~ough,p. (8) Down Co. 69 F.
built by St. Patrick. .. Killough. 7 6 76 6
t! mile from Downpatrick, on th, L. !iaIf \! mile beyond Clough, on the L. is
clofe to the road, is a church, and a the feat of Mr. Annefly.
little ¥.»'thcr \!> the L. the ruins of ;j 3 miles from Clough, on the R. is Te-
caft\e. . re~la, the feat of Geerge Hamilton, Efq.
~ear 3 mike from Downpatrick, is the S mIles from Clough, on the L. is Rath-
village of Raholp, to the L. of which mullen church, h;Uf a mile further and
is Lifbawn, a lodge belonging to lor4 on the L. is lIallydargan, the re;t of
Bango:, ple~fantly ~tn:ltcd on the lake, Mr. Harrifon.
and at 5. mde. on tile L, came ".ard
the beautiful ftat of that nobleman.' '
lItrangford, is fituated on the Wcfrern From DUBLIN to KILLYLEAGH.
flwre of the frraight or gut, forming
the entrance from the fca into Strang-
ford Lough, which forms a deep and Dowr.patrick,p. (8)
TCry confiderable bay, beautifully in- DO'wn Co.
lerfperfed. with a number of luxul'i~nt Killyleagh.
To CUmb!!r, Bangor and Glenarm •
.ct mile from Downpatrick on. the L. is wood, on the L. is Cultra, Mr. Ktn-
Finebrouge, the feat of Mr. Maxwell. nedy's.
3~ miles from Downpatrick on the R. is At smiles OJ] the L. is Craigavade, M:s.
Dallymount. Pottinger's. .
On the L. of Killyleagh is the feat of 4 mile. from Hollywood, Oft the L. i.
Sir John Blackwood, Bart. and on the Crawford~3-burn; the feat of Mr. Craw.
R. Mr. Hamilton's and a church. ford; and a good diftance on the R. is
Ballylcedy, the feat of Sir John Black-
wood, Bart. .
R 0 A D from DUBLIN to 41 miles from Hollywood, .on the R. il
CUMBER. .Ballywilly, Mr. Jackfou's. .
I Diftance
From the From
5 milee from Hollywood, far to the R. is
Before you enter Bangor, on the R. is
'Iaft St1.g:e. Dublin. the church, and a good dillance further
M. F. M. r. to the R. i~ Ballu, the feat of Mr. Ni.
Dromore, p. (I) DlJ'Wn CD. 66 cholfon.
Ballynahinch, \ 8 74 At Bangor, on the R. is the feat of Mr.
Saintfield, 4 78 Knox.
Cumber, 6 84 Bangor is a borough and market-town oE
Near a mile from Dromore on the R. is great anti~ity,- Iituated on tha filU-
Marymount, Mr. Smith's. them coall of Belfall LOllgh. St.
At '1t miles on the R. i. Drummara Congall founded a monaftery here in
church and glebe houfe. the 6th century; the lands of which,
At ' mile., on the L. near the road is upon its dilfolution, were granted by
Ballykee1e, Mr. Smith's; and near 5 King James I. to Hamilton, Vifcount
miles, on a high ground to the L. Clanebois, which with the manlioD
Clintagh, Mr. Roger's. and fine gardens adjoining the town,
A little before Ballynahinck on the R. is are now the property of Jobn Knox,
Montalto, a beautiful feat of the Earl Efq.
of Moira's. Near Bangor is Graham's or Gyoom's.port,
On the R. of Ballynahinch Ilands the where Duke Shomberg landed with the
ehurcR. Englilh army, IjthAugull, 161:9'
At Saintfie1d on the R. is the line feat of
Mr. Price. R0 AD from DUBLIN to CAR:.
Half a mile from Saintfield on the R. is
Ballyagherty, Mr. Bunet's; and at '11 • llICKFERG-US and G1.EIiAII.M.
milea, on the L. is ProfpeCl:, Mr. Sol- M t p. p,f. r.
vage's. Belfaft, p. ( I) Antritll Co. 80
On the R. of Cumber near the /hore of CarrickfergUs, 8 I 118:r
Strangford Lough is Cherry Vaney the
fest of Mr. Hall, and on the L. the
97 5
ruins of a calHe. Glenarm, a 105 5
At one mile from Belfafi, there is a turn-
From DUBLIN to BANGOR. pike, and· near it, on the L. Mount
CoBier, the Rev. Mr. Hamilton's; •
Belfaft. p. (I) Antrim c•. /
.! V'I;;/
a little further is J ennymount, Mr.
Thompfon's, and Grove, Mr. I.ewis' ••
Hollywood, Down 4 4 84 4'
Bangor, 5 4 9 01
z miles from Belfall; on the L. is Fort
William, Mr. Lendrick',.
l& miles from Belfafi, on the R. are· the At ~1 miles, on the L. is Parknlount; :I-
great ruins of Knock caftle. feat of the Marquis &f Dooegall' ••
4 miles from Belfaft, on the R. near the At 31 miles, on the R. i. White-hoore,
road, is HoUywood, the feat of Sim&n Mr. Stewart"s.
Jfaac, Efq. Near four miles from Belfaa, on the L.
Half a mile from,Hollywood, on the R. are the nuns of a call1e, anol at 4t
is Ballymenagh, the feat of Mr. Ha- miles, White-abbey, the feat, of Mlj.
nUlton; and one mile from Hony- Batefon.
10] "0 Moira aM Ballyeaik.
At ". miles 011 the L. are the ruin. of a Glehe-houfe; a little further to the
~aJlle, and a little further th~ feat of R. is Green6cld, the feat of MF. Bul·
Mr. Alien, called the Three Sillen. lock. .
At 1 miles on the L. are the ruin~ of I! mile£rom Ban bridge, thert; ia a turn·
Southbulh carue. pike.
On the L. of Carrickfergu. I, the (eat of At two miles, on the L. is Rofehall, the
the Rev. Mr. Blakety, and Jlear it, feat of Mr. Monroe. and at 3 mib,
Woodbum, that of Mr. Ellis; and a ilieenfidd; U l i ll1ilca. ia Lamh'"
little further Northlodge. ifland; and at 4\
miles on the R. be·
Carrickfergus Gands on the Borth cod yond the bridge, 11 Donaghcloney, the
of Bclf.a Lough, near the fea •. was feat of Mr. DempGer. and Dear it Lur·
formerly defended· by a came, the re- gantamery. that of Mr. CaRlp!!.ell; on
mains of which fpeak its former confe.. the L. are Banagh ruins; and further
quenec, though now Cnbje~ to the in_ to the L. beyond the river, i. the feat
fult of any d"ring enemy, as experienc- of Mr. Paterfon,
ed in the year 1159, when Thurot, 5! miles from Banbridge, on the L,. and.
with a fmall force landed here. on the well fide of the river Lagan,
Near 2. miles from Carrickttrgus, on the is Perry-mount. the feat of Mr. Ar·
R. is Killrout, the feat of Mr. Bruce, nold; ,half a mile further, is H,arryo
and on the L. Mount Pleafant, that mount, and near it, on the fame fide
of Mr. Alled; half a mile further is the river, is 8Finghill.
Callle Dobbs, the feat of C. R. Dobbs, Near 7 miles from Banbridge.. on R.
Efq; and Ba)lihill, that of Mr. Dal- aDd 01\ t&e lOu th fide ofi the. ri_
way •. Lagan, is NewIorgo, the foat of N.r.
Before :ijallicarry, on the R. are the ruins Clofe.
. of CorreD church. At 1t Maea from. Banm:idge. is. ~ ~
Half a .iniie ftom Balliearry" on the R .. is lage of Magheralin, 00 the. R.. of
Redhal), 'the Ceat of Sir A. Edrnon- which i. a chw:clL and g\eQo.lwule;
{lone, Bart. and on the L the iCe.-UuJ.e of: !ha
l! miles from B~Jlicarry, on 'the L. is Lord Biillap IIf DroJDDI'a; a little fUr.
Glynn, the Ceat of Mr. John~n. ther on the L, is,.ha&, Mr.
To the R. ofLarne, OD a fmall peninCula, Douglas's. <Wld n~aI t.o Moiz-a a Mr.
clolmmanding the entrance into Lough Bateman's.
Lame, ar~ the ruins of Fleet Came. On the R. of Moin i.a a c1uu:ch, aad on
One I)1ile on the L. of LaD/e, ~ the Ceat the L. is Moira-cafile, the beawW'ul
of Mr. Allen, and a mile furthe,r to manlion and deme.Cne of th.c, Ead cl
the L. is Kilwater-houfe, the feat of Moira.
Mr. Agnew, and near il; that of the
Roev. Dr, Tl'ail.
Ii miles 'from f;.arne, and near two miles R 0 A D from 1)UB.LIN to ~A~
to the L, is Killygkns, the reat of I.YCASTLE by ANTIUM.
Mfs Blair. Diftance.
3 miles c,:o~ Larne, on the R. is Bally-
From the From
ga,l1ogh, Mr. Shaw:'s, and on the L. 1.1t Stage. Duhlin.
Carncaftle church and glebe-houfe. M. r. M. r.
6 miles from Larne, on the R. is the leat
of Mr. Robinfon, and a little further Banbridge, p. (1)
Foxhall" that of Iv11'. Huntcr_
At Glenarm, on the L. is Glenarm-cafUe, Lurgan.
]).u'n Co.
Armagh 7
I 60 4
r 67 5
Ballinuary• Antrim 5 6 73 3
a feat of the Marchionefs of Antrim. 1
3 5
Banbridge, p. (1) 1.
DO"lvn Co. S. 1M·t F'1 l F~
8 '6 {i9 z
Near 3 mile from Banhridge, on the L.
Baliyca[l\e, 13~I ,
1 9~ 4
,99 4
113 3
'IhiJ and that '" .lt4pira (tU ab...t) ar.
tbtJamt for 3 milufr.m Ban6ridgt, ...hln
is Seapatrick Church, and on the R. the tb, ,.Ild t. Moira Dranc/m ajfl. Ih. right,
At 3 miles there is an inn, and at 4~ Newry, p. (I) Down Co. 0 C <0 ..
miles, on the L. is Killagan, Mr. Tanderagee, Armagh. 10 6 01 :7r
Moore's. PortadowD, <4 3 65 5
Near Stranocum, on the R. is the feat of
James Lenie, Efq; and on, the L. near Half a mile from Newry, on the R. of
a mile difiant Bellille, the· feat of Mr. the road, and Edft fide of me ri ver and
Legge, both fitU;lted on the Bulb river. canal, is Demolly, the fedt of Mr. Car-
A little beyond Stranocum, is Clover-hill, lyne.
the feat of Mr. Henry. Near one mile from Newry, on the R. i.
Lifdrllmgullion, the feat of Mr. Need-
ham; and at I! mile, on the L. clof~ to
the road, is Moorevale, me feat of Mr.
M. F. M. F. ~ miles from Newry, -on the R. and the
Antrim,p.(Io) d"tr;",Co. 0 0 84 0 oppofite fide of the canal and ri ver, ~
Randalftown, 4 0 88 0 Carmeen, the feat of Mr. Laing, and
Ahoghill, 6 ~ 94 1, on the L the ruins of a church
IUlbarkan, 6 ,6 101 0 At ~t miie3, on the L. is Greenficld, the
Ballymon<y, 6 4 10 7 4 fc~t of Mr. H~milton, and at 4t mil~
a church.
From dntrim t. Ranllaljlown, the road rrrns At si miles, on the R and on the opp.,.
wdlward at tb.• nortb end of Lough Neogb, fite fide of the canal dnd river. i.
pajJing the fiats of Lord Ma.fforcenc, ilnd Drumilltine, the fcat of Mr. lnnes.
the Right H.". ']. 0' NeW, d1'rilx:d jn At 6 mile., on the L. is Drumbanagher.
pages 11 and I~. ..Mr. Moore's.
On the L. of RaBdalftown, is the church, 7 miles from N ewry, on the 1.. is the
and on the R. flour-mills; near one fmall village of Points Pafs.
mile diftant, on the R. of the road and Near 8 miles is the vilIage of Adon, ana
Eaft fide of the river Main, ii Holly- on the R. the feat of Mr. Stewart.
brook, the feat of Mr. Dicky. 10 miles from Newry, on the oppofits
On the R. of Ahoghill, and between it fide of the river Culber, /lands Clare-
. and Ballymena, i. a feat of lord Mount- caftle, the fine feat of Mr. Dawfon;
Calbell's, with the villages of Gillgorum and Redhrae, that of Mr, Lee.
and Gracehill. At IO! miles, on the R. is Glebe-hill,
3 ~lts fronl Ahoghill, and about ~ miles Rev, Dodor l.e!lie's.
to the R. is the feat of Mr. Hill, and About a mile from Tanderagee, is the
near it Craigs, that of Mr. Agnew. church of MullivilIy.
Entering Ralbarkan there i. a turnpike, ~ miles f(om Tanderagee, on the R. ia
and on the L. a church and glebe houfe, Brackey, the fedt of Mr. Trl\eman;
the Rn. Mr. Briftow's. . and at ~! miles, on the L. is Dawfon's-
It mile from Ralharkan, on the R. ia a grove, the feat of Mr. Kdly.
feat of the Rev. Mr. Nelfon. At 3t miles, and near I'ortadown, on tRe
At at miles, and far to the L. is Defart- L. is Mahone, the feat of Mr. Work-
derry, the feat of - - - Rowen, Efq; man.
a little further, and near me road, mat Nearly parallel to this road, and at, 11
of Mr. Rowen . fmall diftance to the R. runs the canal
.3 m ile. from Ralbarkan, on me L. i. from Newry to near Portadowl!, where
Finloy church; and half a mile fur~ it joins the Bann River, which is navi-
ther, on the fame fide, is a feat of Mr. gable from Lough Neagh to this june--
Holland. tion.
~\ t Bdllymoney, on the L. is Leaie-hill, A little beyond Portadown, on the R. i.
the fille feat of James Ldlie, Efq; and the feat of Mr. ObeD., and a little ful'-
futher to the L. O'Hanlibrook. that of mer Drumcree church and ,lche houL:,
~. O'Hala. me Rev. Mr. Perry.
It 0 A D from DUBLIN to
R 0 A D from DUBLIN to Cou-
Diftance [:'1'0(11 thcl Fr.Om
From the From lalt Stage Dublin.
lall Stage. Dublin. M. F. M.IF.
M. F. M. F. Dundalk, p. (I) Loulh c". 0 0 40 S
Dtmdalk,p:,<l) L.NthCD. 0 0 40 5 NewtowD Hamilton'l U
Mark~t Hill, Armagh. 11 3 58 0 Armagh 3 53 0
Hamilton's BawD, ~ 416C 4 Am'2gh, 9 1. 6:a ~
lUck-hili, \ I 5 6z I Bbckwater Tow., 66 4
Loughgall, 3 4 65 S Charlem<lnt,
Coat Iiland,
1 "
6 68
'Tyrf17l'. 5 5 13
At Dundalk, 011 the L. is the beautiful Stewartfiown, 76 3
feat and demefne oI the liar! of Clan-
Mnneymore, LondDllderry. "6 4
6 83 I
Der.rtmartiu, 4 2 81 3
" miles from bundalk on the L. beyond Tubuermore, 2
the river, are the ruins of Ballrigan
5 90 0
Maghera, :I. I \/2 J
came. Garvagh, 7 6
" mile. from bund.lle, on the R. is the
99 1
Colerain, 8 54 108
feat of R. Jackfon, Efq; beyond which Bulhmilla, Antrim. 6 Il4 6
a little, to the L. of the road, i. the
fmall village of Fo! khill; and further At one mile from Dundalk, on the L. i. "
to the L. Cariffe, Mr. M'Cann's. Cafiletown ruins; and at 2 miles on
S miles from Dundalk, on the L. is a the R. the ruin. of Ballrigan caille-
church; and a mile further, tbe Glebe auout a !nile further, un the L. are tb;
houfe of the Rev. Mr. Woolfey. great ruins of Caftk:roch. At 4 miles.
About 6! mile. from Dundalk, on the R. 011 tho R. near the Dundalk river are
is Slievcgl111ion mountain. , the ruins of another caftle; and ~t SJ.
.At I:1. milesl 011 the L. i. Ballymoyer miies, on the R. is Cariffe, the feat ol-
lodge, the feat of Sir Waiter Synllot . Mr. M'Canll .
. and a little beyond it Ballywirc church: Near 9 miieG from Dundalk, on the R. it.
Near 14 miles from Dundalk, on the L. ROl<borough l1oufe, the heautiful fcat
is Loughlhaw's lake; and [It IS miles of Mr. J"hnilon; ab-out a mile further
the little village of Mawhan. on the 1,. is Fews barrack. •
Juft leaving Markethill, on the R. is At lOt miles, ()f1 the R. is Comoley, the
Gosford Cafile, the feat of Lord Gof- fl·at of Mr. M'Cullogh, and oppofite
ford. to it on the 1.. is the church of N ew-
It mile from Markethill, on the R. clofe toWn·halnilton.
to the road, is Mullibrack church and Near Z m;!cs beyond Ne"l'oto'Wn-hamilton
near it the glebe houfe of the' Rcv. on the It. are the ruins of Blackbank:
Dol!l:or Godley. caflle, and almoft oppofrte to them OD
About half a mile Oft the I.. of Hamil- the L. other tuins; on the R. are 'the
ton's-bawn, ia Dunnenaught, Mr. J/ews rnountain~.
M'Dowa!'s. At 5 miles, on the L and on the South
At Rich-hill, on the R. is the feat of Wm. Well fide of the river Call en i.
Richardfon, Efq. Groure Lodge, the feat or Mr. NobJe.
One mile from Rich-hill, on the L is Near , nliles from Ncwtown-hamiltnn
Cafile.dillon, the feat of the Right on the R. is Lifnadill church and
Hon. Sir C. Molyneux, Bart and near about half a mile further, tIle 'glebe..
it, Hackley, that of Mr. Graham. houfe, the Re\". Mr. Hamilton's.
At 2 miles, on the L. i. Drumughar, At! miles, on tht L. is Ballyheridao, the
Mr. Donaldfon'.; and at 3t
nliles, on feat of Mr. M'Gough, and further to
the. L. Ballyards, Mr. Syrupfun's.
the R. Drummilly, the feat of th~ Lord
Bilhop of Clonfert. St tmles from Newtown-hamilton and iD
At Loughgall, on th~ R. is the feat of the vicinity of .Armagh, on the
R. i.
th~ palace of h,s Grace the ArchbUhopo
Mr. Cope, and oil the L. a church.
l'nmatc of all Ireland.
Annap is a largt, Mat and well- About a mile from Coal·jiland on the L
built town, lttuate on tho Ealt fide of arc the ruin. of RoUgru.n calUe.
the river Callen, in a rich and porul~ " miles from C031-ifland, on the R. and
country, chielly occupied iD tne Linen- near ~"lewartfiow[j, is MulleDline, th'e
manufaduse. feat of Mr. Lyne, and near it Hams-
It is the Metropolitan Sec! of the k illg-lUll, Rev. Mr. LiU's.
aom, and inckbted t<l the pr"fent Right On tha R. of Stowartfiown, is Caflle-
Rev. Prelate DoCl:or Richard Robinfon, Slewart, the feat of Mr. Caulfield
Jlaron Rokeby, for its many recent and with a fmalllake and ifland b~tween i;
confiderahle improyements. Hi. Grace 1\11.4 the town; a.nd about a qlilc to the
has been the means of a1mofi new L. of Stewartllown, is Don;tgh-hcn.rr.
building the town in a permanent and the fe!lt of Mr. Bayky_
comfortable fiile; he has aJfo Ol)e mile from Stcwartflown, and 2. mile.
lilhetl it with an handl:ume new church to the R. is Stew"rt-klll, tile IlQble
and fpire, a public fchool or college of feat and demdne of Lord C;"flle-
confiderable eJ.tent, a public library Stewart.
weIJ endowed by his Grace and fur- At 2. miles is Killoone, the fcat uI Mr.
lIiihed with a large and valuable col- Benry, on tbe R •. a.nd on the L i. &1-
ledion of books, with apartment. fur a lydog church; at 3 mile., IItuatcd un
librarian; a new barrack, built under riling ground, to the L. is AnJ,~reagh
hi. own infpedion, being 8 large and cburch. .
handfome cdiJice, a puhlic infirmary, On tbe L.juft enteriug Moneyrnore, i.
and a neat lRarkt:t-houfe and fhamblt:s. the g~cbe houfe, Rev. Mr. Manin's ;
His Grace has Iikcwife repaired and and abeu.t half a mile to the R.
IUuch. improved the cathedral, and Spring-hill, the beautiful f~t of Mr.
ereded a new and very elegant epiko. Conyngham.
pall'aJace on the demcfne in the viei- Ell,tcring Defart.martin, nn the R are the
nityof the town, with fuitable offices, clll.1rch a.nd glebe houfe, the Rev_ Mr.
funounded by an undulating and wide 'Vaddy's.
fpreading lawn bordered and adorned 2. miles from Defart.martin, on the I~
with beautiful and luxuriant planta- are Kil,cronaghan church a.nd gkb~-
tions. hou1e, tbe Rev. Mr. j<,dt'u·a.
On ue R. of Armal(h is Ballymahnne, :Moueymore, Defurt·m;jItin and Tubber.
the feat of Mr. CUll, and other pka- more have the: great mountain SIi.;vc-
fant reiidenc;es. A little beyQRd Ar- gallion overlooking th'Dl Crom the
magh arc dlOfe of Dean Hamilton, and Weft.
Mr. Gerva';l on the faJ;Do, and on A little beyond Tui>bermore, on the L.
the L. taat of Mr. M'Cann. is Fort WilIiam, the feat of Mr. Stc-
On the L. of Blackwater t<lWI) is Tully- venfor.; aDd at about 11 mile is Clo.vcr-
dowan, the fe;at of Mr. Houfion, a.nd hill, on. the R. the ftat of Mr. l:orcf-
on the R. i. Dartry lodge, that of Mr. ter.
JeIUlY. At Maghcra, on the R. are. the ,bW'ch.
At Cbarlemont, which !lands on the ri- ;and gl.cllc houLC.
ver Bla.ckwater, there is a fo;la11 forti- 4 miJ,es froUl Map.hera, is the fmall viI.
ucation, allot not kept in repair; hav· Jage of Swatt<:ragh.
ing palfed the river, on the R. i. Ro:!:- At 7t nUks, and a good Jillance to the
hocolIgh, the feat of Mr. Caulficld. L. is the feat of the Rev. Mr. Manf-
Near 2. mile. fr.qm CharlclUunt, on the field.
L. is GraJIg<', the feat of Mr. Grier, at Entering, on the L. is the feat
2.1 miles i. KillYll1:ln church, anJ Dear of P. Canning, Efq; and 1>0youd
it, on the R. the glebe houle, the Re:v. vagh, df\- the R. is Glellc·hill, the Rev.
Mr. Caulficl<J; a. Iiule further, and Dr. Borrows.
on the R. is DruDlefpill, the feat of Mr. About a mile from Garvagh, on the R.
Stewart.· and onth. E"fi fide of the river Agivey
At Coal·illand are confiderable coal- flands Bovaugh call1e, a kat of the
works, and a cam,l whicl. runs froin Mar,¥lis of Waterford.
Lough Neagh to Dlmgannon, on the Near 3 miles frolU Garvagh, on the R.
L. is' Fairloul;l;b, lM feat of Mr. Ri·' are Aughadoway church and glebe-
eJw-dfon. houfe; and at 61 milea, Maquafq"jn
I:G] . 1:0 Bnlhmillsf Portn1fil f and Ballaghy.
chUrch and glebe houfe, the Rev. Mr. Entering Bofh-mills, on the L. i. the (elIIIl
Briftow. of the Rev, Mr. Lefiie. .
7 miles from Gal"V3gh, on the R. is Tam- it miles to the L. or North, Welt or
namony, the feat of Mr. I"ine, plea- BufhmilD, is the town of Dunluce with
fantly fituat.:d OD the banks of the river the ruin. of Its callle on the fea coaft ;
Bann; and about half a mile further, and jmilea N. E. of Bufhmills is that
is Summorfeat, that of John Richard- remarkable phenomenon called the
fon, Efq; near which is a remarkable Giants Caufeway, confifting of a bold
I falmon leap. and rocky c1iJf pro}eaine: into thc f~
and formed by a multitlide oC many
Colerain in large and very populoul
and various fided pillan ftanding dofdy
town, fitu.ted on the great river Bann,
together and forming, with corref-
about 4 miles bouth of the Northern
ponding fides, an uninterrupted con"
Ocean The fifheries and the linen-
tinuation of ftonr pavemen~ abOlrc, v.&-
manufadure chiefly employ the inh"abi-
ried wmetimes only by the different
tanti, and are carticd on here to a great
heights of the pillars, each oC which
extent. The Bann is one of the largeft
confills of a nllmber of pieces of vari-
rivets in the kingdom, having itS riCe
OUI len~hs, but fo exadir fiti-ed at
among rh.: Mourn mountains within
their horizontal junaion not with le-
3 mil~e of the bay of Carlingford, and
vel fUTfaces, but correfponding curves,
running N. W. by B"rrbridge, Gilford,
alternately convex "nd concave, as to
and Portadowrr to Lough Neagh, a
occalion matter of gs:eat {peculation
little northward of which it fornls ano-
relative to ita formation; whether it be
ther lake called Loagh beg extending
a fpedes of lava, and to be attributed
about 3 miles, trom whence it takes
to the effeCl! of tire, or the produaion
its courfc by Portglcnonc through Cole-
of a flow and natural cryftalization.
rain, and falls into the Northern Ocean
The fubllance is a dark coloured grit.
'" miles beyond this town: a bar at the abounding with iron ore. There· is
mouth of the river prevents {hips of
alW a confiderable falmon fifhery ou.
burthen from coming up to Colerain,
this coaft.
but it is navigable for fmall craft to its
jundion with the Newry canal above
Portadown. The Salmon amt Eel From DUBLIN to PORTRUSIf_
Fifheries of t"hi. river and of the lakes,
whith are the property of th~ London Colerain, p. (14) Lom/on-?
companies and of lord Donegal, let at de"y. S 4-
6000\. a year. The falmon are taken Portrufh, Antrim. 4 7 II 3· J
from the middle of January to the b,·- Ahollt a ",ile fro", Colerllin the road ii-uitle&
ginning of Auguft, neat Colerain, N orth__'!Ji and NortfJ-."tJ'; that t. the R.
fometimes, more than' 400 ton in a or Norlh.eaJI leading to Bllfomilu as al-
{cafon, half of which is faved· and ex- ready difcriiJed; that t. the L. or North-.
ported to London, Spain, Italy, &c.- ""11 to Portrujh.
The eels are caught at Toome, near 3 miles from Colerain, to the L. c10re by
the northern extremity of Lough Neagh the'road on the fummit of a hill, is ~
during the autumn, by night, and the f~at called Mauybane, and on the L.
more dark and flormy the night, the a mile d iftant is Ballylcifh, the
~reaur i. the take Tbi. fifhery alone f~at of Mr. Cromie.
tets at 10001 pcr ann. 3 i miles from Colorain, and about It
At Colerain, on the weftern hank of the mile on the R. is Banywellan thurch.
river Bann, i. the fine feat .,f Georgc Portrufh is a fmallfifhing town, fituate
Jackfon, Efq; and on tlto Eaft fide of on a peninfula, and on the N. E. coafi.
the river, is Millhurn. the feat of Mr. of a fmall bay of the Northern Otean.
Cary. '
It mile. from Colenin, on the R. is From DUBLfN to BALLACHY.
Clyfin, Mr. Lylc'" and near 4 miles i.
Bardy-field, on the L. the of Mr. Moneymore,p.(I4)L:Dtrry. M~ ~ ~~3 P;
M'Naughten; about a mil... to the L. Magherafelt, 4 0 87 J:
of which is Ballyma~arr1, a feat of the Dawfon's-bricige. ~ I 89 ~
marc hioner. of Antrim. Ballaghy, ~ i \I 4-
To Kilrca and Newtownlimavady. (17
Oa the R. of Mooeymol'l:!, i. Spring-hill, S miles from Dungannon, i. the fmall
the feat of Mr. Conyogham. vill3ie of Dunagby; on theL. of which
~ miles from Moneymore, 00 the R. is and weft fide of the river, are Defart-
Drumbaun church; and at 21 miles, on creat church, and the feat of Mr. Ha-
the fame fide, Killyfaddy, the feat of milton; and on the R.Donagh,henry,
Mr. Muwell. the Ccat of Mr. Bayley.
Juft leaving Magberafelt, on the L. ftao':' 6 miles from Dungannon, but a little to
the church. the R. of the road, i. the village of
011 the L. of Daw{on's-brid~e, is Caftle· TuUyhog, near which is a glebe-hoofe,
Da"foo, the fioe feat of Mr, Dawfoo, Rev. Mr. Lowry'.:
Near 2 miles from Dawfon's-bridge, on At 6i mile., is Loughry, the feat of Mr.
the L: is Mount-thomas, the feat of Lindfay, on the L. of the road, and
Mr. Rankin; amI on the R. Rofegift, pleafandy fituated near the banks of the
tbat of Mr. Downing. river.
8 miles from Dongannon, on the L. are
From DUBLIN to KILREA. Derrylorn church and glebe-houfe.
And about a mile to the R. rleafantly
Maghera, p. (14) L..,q,,"_III4~1 F~I:~11 r~ iltuated on the north bank 0 the Bal-
Jiaderry river, i. Killymoone, the beau.
. tit,."" S tiful feat uf Mr. Stewart.
Kilrea, 7 I ~9 2 I,eaving Cookilown, keep the road to the
At about 4 miles from Magbera, on the L. or north-weft. •
R. and at fome diftante, is Tamlagh Near ~ miles from Cookftown, on the Re
church. i. Litren, Mr. Staples'.; and at 3 mile~,
5t miles from Maghera, on the L. i. the Mr. Jackfon' .. From this to Stramore-
(lebe-hoofe of the Rev. Mr. Torrens, inn, the road is moftly over hilly and
barren ground.
3 miles beyond Stramore-inn, the road
R 0 A D from DUBLIN to NEw- runs' through Emyfeore glen.
TOWNLIMAVADY. A little before Dungiven, on the R. i.
the church; and on the L. is a demefuc
M and (aftle, beloaging to the Rt. Hon.
Char1emont, p. (14) Ac-l M. 0 Fo·l. 6 8"1 "2'
magh Co. S Edward Cary, pleafantly fituated on
Dungannon, • 'IY,O/I,. 4 4 72 6 the north-call: bank of the river Rowe. '
Cookll:own. 9 0 81 6 Half a mile from Dungiven, on the L. i.
Stramore Inn, LOIItlontle,,,. 9 2 91/ 0 Mattfmount, the feat of Mr. Fanning.
Dungivan, . 8 0 99 0 Near I! mile from Dungiven, on the L.
NewtownlimavaJy, 7 5 106 S and on the weft fide of the river Rowe,
Near 2 mile. from Charlemont, on the R. i. Derryard, tbe feat of Mr. Kyle.
is Grange, the feat of Mr. Grier. !It miles from Dungiven, on the Ih i. the
31 'miles from Charlemon~, and witbin glebe-boufe; to tlac L. of which, about
one mile of Dungannon, on the L. is .. mile, and on the oppofitc fide of the
Form.hill, the feat of Lord Vifcount river, i. Boveagh church;, and about a
Nonbland. mile further, on the fame fide of the
On the R. of Dungannon, are the ruins of river, is Stra, tbe feat of Mr. Edward ••
a caftle.
Near onc: mile from Dungannon, on the At 5 miles, on the L. is Mr. Smith's; and
L. is the glebe-houfe of the Rev. Mr. at 6 miles, on tbe L. il Mr, Camp-
Vefe),; near which tbere are coal works, bell's; and a little Curther,DafyhiU, Mr.
~om whence a canalis carried to I,ough M·Cafland's....
Neagb. About a lJIile to the Re of Newtownlima~
~1 miles fmm Dungannon, on the R. and vady, i. Fruit-hill, the feat of Mr.
nearly oppofite Coal-ifiand, is Fair~ M'Cafiand.
lougb, tbe feat of Mr. Richardfon. On the L. of Newtownlimavady, ia the
3·miles from Dungannon, on the L. is church; and a little beyond the town,
Aughnaginy, the feat of Mr. Mitcbdl ; on the R. il Strievc, the feat of Mr,
and at 3! miles, are the ruins of Rough- Thomton.
all caftle, on the, R. D
18] To Clady, Fredri,kftown and Londonderry.
ROAD from DUBLIN to CUDY. L. is Tullyhalea, DcK!or Moore'. i &
linle beyond which is Townlcy-'haU.
, \M.\ P.,.!. F.
Dungiven, p. (17) LDII-'l 0 0 99 0
the fat of Bla )'Dey Balfour, Efq; and
half a mile farther, Ardagh, that of
d.""."y. S Mr. WaIlh.
Clady, . 8 5 10 7 5 About 3! miles, and rar to the R. are the
, miles from Dungi,{en, on the L. i. ruins of Monalluboyce church aad
Banagher Lhurch; and at 3! miles, on round tower.
the R is prumcumet. At Collon, on the R. i. the line f.... t and
6 mile. from Dungiven, on the L. are the deDleflle of the Ri(ht Hon. Jojm Fofter,
ruins of Sttaid church; and about a Speaker of the Howe of Commoti.; by
mile further, to the L. on the other whofe uncommon eurtiOllI and un-
fide of the river Faughan, is Lare- bounded li~rality, 'fucceeding that of
mount. the feat of Sir George Montgo- his predecdIor, many thoufaad acres of
mery, Bart. this country have heeu retlaimcd front
OIl the L of Clady, i. the houfe of Mr. an unprofitable wild, covered chidy
Rofs; anJ on the oppofite fide of the with heath, furze and fern.-A barrea
rivet, lieaufort lodge, the feat of Mr. wildcmefi planted with an indutlrioWl
Raf., near which i. Clady church. yeom~nry, and fmiling with cultivation,
and the numerous and furrollllding hills
cloathed with rich and 1ll:lU1'iant Woods
ROAD from DUBLIN to FRE- to their utmoft fummiu.
DRICKSTOWN. Near z mile. from Collon, oD,the L. i.
the hill of Mount Oriel; and near 4
Near a mi1t from LiB'ord are the ruins of 1-1 miles from Caftlefin; on the ~Kil-
I chl:'rch; and at 3; Die., on the R. lygordoJl" the feat of Mr. MantfieJd;
i. Port-hall, the feat of Mr. Sampfon.. on the L. Mount-hall, that of Mr.
4; miles from Lilford, on the R. is Ma- Young; on the fouth fide of the river,
gaveJen, a feat of the Marquis of Aber- about a mile further, i. Kikadden, the
corn'.; about a mile further, and within feat of Mr. Knolt.
half a mile of St. Johnftown, is Tul- Near 6 miles frOm CdUdin, and within
lao",en, the feat of Mr. Thompfon, on half a mile of Ballybofey, are the
the R. church and village of Stranorlane.
On the R. of Ballybofey, u DrUmboc, the
feat of Mr. Batil.
Juft entering Dallybofey there is a bridge
and CLUGHEIl. ~ver the river fin, from whence the
!M'j F./M I
road turning to the R. runs on the fouth
Emyvale,p.(18)M."agb.."Co. 0 0 66 r.I fide of the ri ver for about " miles,
Augher, T;y"''''. 8 7 75 0 where croffing it again, it continues on
Glogher, I . S 76 S the north fide, and nc:iU'ly parallel to it
At little more than 2 milel beyond Emy- to Fintown.
vale, (fee page 18) where the road di- 2! miles from Ballybofey, on the L. is
vides, keep to the L. which leads to Dooifh, Rev. Mr. Cox's; a little fur·
Au~her•• ther, Mr. Ramfey'l; and on the R. the
2; miles from Emyvale, on the L. i. En- little village of W dlfiown; on the other
gill church. fide, the river.
Near S! miles is Favour-royal, on the R. S miles from Ballybofey, on the R. is
the feat of Mr. Mourray; near a mile Cloghan, the feat of Mr. Knox; on
beyond which, on the fame fide, is the L. is the church of Kilteevagh.
Mount-plcafant, the feat of another
gentleman of the fame name; hoth
finely fituated on the fouth bank of the R0 A l> from DUBLIN to
Dlackwater river. Beyond Aughc:r, NAUL.
IM., r./M., F.
and fepanted by the lake, is Caftle-hill,
the feat .of Mrs. Marven. BaUyboghill. D.t/in Co. 0 0 10 3
OD the R. tJf the road to Cloghcr, are
Naul, 31 S 14 0
the feats of Mr. Story, and Mr. Soott.
At Cloghcr i. the Bifhop's palace; a 2 mile. from Duhlin, is the village of
little beyond it, are the deanery-houfe, Glafnevin; on the L. i. the feat of Mr.
and the pleaCant feaIB of the Mr. Gled- CofiClUo; and, on the R. Hasnftead.
~anes. the feat of Mr. Davi ••
. At 21 miles f,-om Dublin, on the L. are
From DUBLIN to FINTowN. the feats of Mr. Geale and Mr. Hamil-
ton; half a mile further i. Stormaof-
Ill. 1"1111.' 1'. town, the feat of Mr. Stephens; and
Lilford,p.(:to) D''''l0IlC•• 0 0 101 2 un the R. H Slntry, the feat of Mr.
Caftlefin, 4 S. 105 7 Domeville.
Ballybofey, 6 21 II 1 I Near" miles, on the L. oC the road, i. a
Fintown. u 4 H4 S charter fchool.
From l.iJford thi. road takes a direc!tion, At si miles, on the L. i. Pickerfio\vn.
nearly weft, following the courfe oC the feat of the Right Hon. Sir Henry'
the river Fin lIbe whole way. Cavendilh, Bart.; It little further.
Near It mile beyond Lilford, on the L. Dunbro', that oC Mr. Flood; and on
and 011 the oppofite or fouth fide of the the R. l'orreft, that of Mr. Hill.
river, i! Canicklee, the Ceat of Mr. At 6 miles, on the L. is the feat of Mr.
M'Caufiand; and at 2 milelJon the fame Butler; half a mile further, Brackenf-
fide of the river, are the church and town, a Ceat of Lord '/ifcount l\{olcf-
glebe-houfe of Umey; and near them, worth'''; and on the R. Brazi" the feat
the village of Clady. of Mr. Bolton; Dear which arc the ruim
Leaving Caftlefiu, on the I,. is the church, of a caftle.
and 00 the R. il DonoughmOl'~, the At 7\ miles, ·on the R. is Catherine'..
feat of the Rev. Mr. Spence. grove, the feat of H. Gorges, Efq;
To Slaoe and Duleck.
and at 8 miles, on the L. Mount Stew- on the R.; aad on the oppofite U« M
art, the leat of Mr. facken. the river, a feat calkd Robenftowu.
At 9 miles from Dublin, on the R. and J! mile from Grrenoge, where the road
near the road, is Skidow, the feat of croffes the river, i. Arched~oWD, ot
Mr. M'Dermol; further to the R. is the R.
Cookftown, that of Mr. Plunket; and At 21 miles, are the l11in& of Killegbnd
on the L. i. Lifp"ple, the feat of Mr. church; and about a mile further, thafe
Cobhe. of Curraj!ha church; near wbi.:h it
At Ballyboghill, on the L. is the feat of Crcckftown, the fe.t of Mr. Gorges,
Mr. Cuningham; and about half a mile all on the L. .
further, to the L. Wtllpelftown, that 41 miles from Greenore, is the £mall vii,
of Mr. Radwdl. hge of Curragha.
It. little beyond BaJlyhoghill, on the L. 5 nli'es from Greenoge, and ahout Ol\e
are the ruins of a church; and further mile to the L. is Killhrew, the feat of
on, near a mile to the R. i. Petryfidd, Hamilton Gorges, l'fq.
the feat of Mr. Bowen. At Killmoon the road divides; that to the
At ~ miles from BaIlyboghill, are the R. leads to Duleek; and that to the L.
ruin. of a church, on the R.; and on the to Slane.
L. MalIahow, a feat of Mr. Rowley'So About a mile to the I.. of KilmoQD, au
:I! miles from l3ailyboghili, on the L. and the ruins of Macetown caftle; and
juft before you ceme to Nalll, i. Weft- Ilear the road, the ruins of • church.
town, .. fcat of the Earl of Beaulieu. On the ll. near the Black LiOD, are the
ruin. of a church.
ROAD fr'om DUBLIN to SLANE. Half a mile beyond the Black Lion, OD
the R. is Summerville, the feat of Sir
Greenoge, M./ F.rM. F.
Mtalh Co. 0 0 9 4
James SomerviJIe, Bart. ; and further to
the R. is Mount A ylmer.
KiUmoon, 6 0 Ij 4 <4 mile. from the Black Lion, is Calkn,
Black Lion, 31 4 19 0 the fcat ef Mrs. AikiJll; OD the R. and
Slane, 5 0 24 0 nearer to Slane, the ruins of Firmar
Q!!itting the fuburbs oC Dublin, and paf- church; cm the R. jufi before Slane, arc
fing to the L. of Mr. CofteHo'. de- very extenfive flour-mills, fituated on,
mefne (which divide. this road from and wrought by the great river Boyru:;
that leading to Naul, dcfcrihed in page and on the L. of Slane, i. Slaoc-carue,
?'I); at 2t miles, is Edview, on the the charming feat and demefne of the
R.; and at :I miles, the village of Fin- Right Hon. Burton Conyngham, titu-
glafs. :lted on the banks and commanding ex.
At 4 mile., are the ruins of a call1e, on teoli.e views of the river Boyne, a.nd
the R. • of this heautifully diver/Hied and richly
At 5 miles, are the ruina of Plunket caf- wooded demefnc.
tie, on the L.; a little further, is the
fmall village of St. Margaret'., with ROAD from DUBLIN to DULEEI.
the remains of a church.
At 6-! miles, i. New Park, the feat of Mr.
Garnet; on the L. and at 7 mil.. , the ~llmoon, p. (22) M.ath CO'lM~'1 :;1:;1 ';
vilbgc of Chapelmidway; at fome dif- Duleek, 5 31~ 7
tanc< to the L. of which lie the Com- From KilImoon, (f.e above) the roM to
mon. of Killfallaglun. the R. leads to Du!eelt •
At 8 miles, on the R. is l\1ount Stewart,. Near It mile from KilmoOD. on the R.
Mr. Facken'.; and on the L. near the are the !'\Iins of a church; lUld, Dwc.
Commons, Dunmickcy, Mr. John- further, thofe of Athc:amc caftle, oD
flon's. the L.
At 8 miles, is the fmJII village of Kill- At 4 miles on the banks of the Nanny-
fallaghan; and on the R. ncar the water, is Annlbrook, \he fe&t of Mr.
church, the ruins of a cafile. Hamilton. .
9 miles from Duhlin, at fome diftance OD Entering Duleek, on the L. i, the f.:at of
the R. i. Fieldllown church. Thomas Trotter, Ef'l; and a little be-
At Oreenoge, on the L. are the ruins of. yond the town, i, MoUDt. Hanover dial
cafile; half a mile further, other rum. of Mr. Curtia. •
To Screen and Rutland. [as
ROAD from DUBLIN to SCI.EEN. 11. F. M. r.
Navan, Meath Co. 9 6 13 6
Ratoath, M,1IfI,C':III~J r~I:~1 r6 Kells, 7 7 31 5
Screen 6 61 19 .. Virginia, Ca'IJa•• 9 0 40 5
" mile~ from Dublin, on the R. is Ca- Cavan, Bally Jamea DulT, 4 4 45 I
bragh, the feat of Neal Segrave, ECq; Butler's-bridge, 8 7 54 0
and a little further, is Great Cabragh, 3 0 57 0
Wattle-bridge, Fcr"'llIIJgh. 5 :1. b
on the! L.
Near 3 mile. from Dublin, on t~e R. is Donough,
NewtowD Butler, :1. 7 65 I"
:1. :1. 67 3
Carduffs, the feat of Mr •• Walte; and Lifneikea.
on the L. Scriplellown, that of Mr. :1. 7 70 1
Rathburn. Maguire's-brillge, :1. 4 7:1. 6
Li1bellaw, :1. 5 7S 3
4 miles from Dublin, on the L. are the Ennilkillen,
ruins bf Cappoge catlle; .furt~er to the 'Church-hill, 3 6 79 I
L. is Duhfink, Mr. Hanulton ". 9 0 88 I
At 4t miles, is Kildona~, Mr. Chnch's. Ballylhannon,
9 ,I 97 :1.
IJ.,ugall. a 3 100 5
.At sf miles, on the R. IS Hun.tllown; to .8allintra,
the R. of which, about a mile, are the Donegall, 5 o 10S 5
ruins of Dunthaghlin caltle. . 5 3 III <»
Mount Charles, 3 0114 0
6! miles from Dttblin, on the R. 18 Mount To the turn at Killybegs,
!>Hollywood, the feat of Mr. ,Wood; 9 o la3 0
not rar from which are the rums of a (Into Kil1ybega 6 fur-
church. ' longs further.)
a miles from Dublin, and near a mile to Naren,
the R'. il BalIymacarnon, Mr. Braf-
lington's' about a mile further, and Shala~an-bridge,
7 0130 0
4 4 134
6 4 141 0
Dunglo, 9 o ISO 0
on the fa:ne Ode, are the ruins of KilI- Rut1and,
bride church' and near it Mabottlo~n, 3 6 15J. 6
Mr. Greene';; near 9 miles, on the L. The puhlic road from Dublin to the Black
Pr ieftown , Mr. Armllrong'l. Bull, is on the outlide, and to the north
Jot miles from Dublin, is Kilbrew, the eall of the Phenix-park, for' 3 miles.
charming feat of Mr .. Lo.wth~r; near There is a!fo a road through the Park,
a mile to the R. of which IS Mllntown, which communicates· at the porth-weft
that of Mr. Gaffny; and half a mile extremity tllereof with the public road.
further, the ruins of a church.
Leaving Ratoath, on the R. ftand. the In the Phenix'park are the lodge, for the
, church. . fummer rcfidence of his Excellency the
Half a mile from Ratoath, on the L. IS Lord Lieutenant, on the R. and that
of hi. Secretary, on the L.
Ballymore, the feat of ~r. Rathburn \
a mile beyond Ratoath, IS Laggore, the In the Phenix-park il the feat of Mrs~
Rev. Mr. Norman·s. Talbot, on the R.; beyond which i.
About 1 miles from Ratoath, and far to the lodge with a handfomc demefne,
, 'the R. are three feats contiguous to each the fummer relidence of his Excellency
other, and belonging to the family of tht Lort! Lieutenant, alfo on the R.; a
the Gorges. . little further on, that of .his principsl
3 miles from' Ratoath, on the L. 11 Ge- Secretary, on the I •. ; the feat of Sac-
rardftown . ville Hamilton, Efq; on the R.; and miles from Ratoath, on the R. is Sydn- beyond them, a feat of Lord Mountjoy,
ham Mr. Corbally's; and near it on the L.
Cookellown, Mr. White's. . Before you come to Ca!lleknock, i. the
Entering Screen, on the R. are the ruml glebe-houfe, on the I •• ; and a little
of a cafile, on the L. fiands the church. further on, the church. At 4 miles
from Dublin, is the feat of Mr. War-
ren' near which, a little more to the
ROAD from DUBLIN to RVT- L. ;nd on a riling ground, arc the rllin.
of the cafile. , '. .
~Iack Bull,·
LAND. !M.!
Jl,l'elllb C..
r. 1'M'I At 4t miles, i. Dllnfink, th,. feat of Mrs.
0 0 10 1 Malone; on the R. a little further, i,
p~lhaghlin, :; 7\14 0 Sheer-bill, that of Mr. Hamillon; and
To Rutland.
near j miles, AbbotftoWD, the feat of mile further, Nether Kllic&nl., the fezt
Mr. Faulkner, all on the R. a!fo of Mr. Bury.
51 miles from Dublin, is C"rdi1f", the feat 81 iniles from DmUhaghlin, is a bridge
of Mr. Warren, on the R.;. and at 6 acrofs the Boyne ; a little to the R. of
miles, are the ruins of Mallahidert which, ad commanding a fine view of
church, alfo on the R. the river, is Athlumney, the feat of
Ne~r 1 miles, and on the R. is Damef- the Hon. Baron Metge; from this the
town, the feat of Mr. Proby i and 71 road continues OD the L. or wdl of the
miles from Dublin, near the turnpike, river to Navan.
and on the L. is the feat of Mr. Gar- Entering Navan, on the ·R. and on the
net. taCt .fide of the river, are the ruin. of a
S mile. from Dublin, on the L. is Dun- came. .
boyne church; and near it, the feat of At Navan, the Boyne river i. joined by
Lord Dunboyne. the Black wattri fouth-weft, and nearly
Near 9 miles from Dublin, on .the R. is parallel with which, the road continues
Norman's.grove, the feat of Mr. Jones i to little more than one mile beyond
and one'mile further, on the L. Wood- Kell.; where, crolling that river, it
paIk, the feat of Mr.Sheill .. proceed. eaftward thereof to Virginia.
At the Black-bull, you meet a turnpike i 11 mile Cram Nann, on the oppofitc Illk
one mile beyond which, i. Rathtreggan, of the Blackwater; is RahalderD. the
the feat of Mr. Tyghe; on the L. half feat of Mr. Gamett; and ilear • miles
a mile further, and near a mile, on the from Navan, arc the min.l of a caftle,
R. is Porterftown. on the R.; on the L. u the cxtenfive
Near :& miles /iom the Black-bull, is the demefne of Ardbracan, the feat of the
fmall village of Ten-mile Bulb; and Lord Bilbop of Meath.
hlf a mile further, another feat, called ~~ mile. from Navm, on the R. and on
Rathtreggan; near which is Parfons- the oppofite fide of the river, is Ran-
town, the feat of Mr. Wilfon, both on dalftown, the feat of Mr. Everard;
the L. - . and half a mile further, . but ou this
At Dunlbaghlin, on the R. is the feat of fide the river, Batchelor's-lodge, that
Mr. Webb i a little beyolld it, is the of Mr. Wade; about a mile on the L.
church. . i. Oatland, the feat of Mr. Thompfon.
!li miles from Dunlbaghlin, . there are the Near 4 miles from Navan, is Tankard!-
mins of a church, and of, Killeen-ci!- town, Mr. Gcrard's, on the R.; near
tie on the L.; beyond them, i. War- which, and on the other fide the'river,
renftown, the feat of Mr. Johnfton; is Donaghpatrick church; a little fur-.
and about onc mile from the road, on ther on. arc the ruins of a caftle; and
the L. alfo, the feat of Lord Dunfany. near 4 t miles, fat to the L. is .Allenf.
At 31 miles, is Clownll:own, on the R. tOWD, the feat of Mr. Wailer.
3nd on the L. are the ruins of a thurch. 5 miles from Navan, on the L. is Hurler-
5 miles from Dnnlbaghlin, are the village town, the feat of Mr. Lowther; about
and church nf Tara-hill; at the foot of one mile to the L. is Charles-fort, that
the hill, on the R. i. Newhall, the (eat of Mr. Tifdall; half a mile further,
of the Hon. William Brabazon; and at and on the other fide the river, is
fume dinance, to the R. is Lifmullen, Bloomfberry, the feat of Mr. Tifdall;
the f~at of John DilIon, Efq. and at 6 miles from Navan, on the fame
Near 7 ~ile. from :Ounfllaghlin, and about fide the river, and more to the R. is
a mile to the L. is Ballinttr (finely fi- Fyanftown, the fcat of Mr. BarnwalL
tllated on the Boyne river), the feat of 7 mile. from Navan, and within ODe mile
Mr. Prefton; OD the R. are the ruins of Kells, on the river Black water, is
of a calUe; a little further, on the I .. the fnperb manlion and magnificent de-
and oppofite fide of the Boyne, i. Ard- mdne of H.eadfort, the feat of the Earl
{allagh, a charming feat and demefne of Bedive.
fir the noble family of.Lud1nw, beau- A little l\eyund Kells, on the R. i. Stone-
tifully fituated on the river, which brooke, the feat of Mr. Stone.
bending round, fitim t.hefe grounds on I! mile from KeJl., where the road crof-
the call and fouth fides. fes the Black-water, and about a mile
,At I miles, on the It. is Killearn, the on the R. iI; Willianl's-town, th~ fe~'~
feat of l\1r.. Barry; and aix!llt half a of the Hon. Mr. Cu!fe.~
To RutlaDCt
:Nur • milc:a from KeUt, 011 the L. oC the and Dear it, is HoIl,woob, that of Mr.
river, and on very riGng ground, is Armftroog. .
»rumlmra, the COlat of Mr. Wood- On the L. of l.ifuelkea, i. Balfour caftfc,
ward; and at ~l mile. is Maperath, tbe feat of Mr. Bal£our; and r-l mila
the reat of Mr.ltowley, on the R.; on beyood Lifilelkea, is Lifnagoal, the· reat
the L. beyond the river, are the ruins of Mr. Auchinleclr, 00 tbe R.; and 011
of a church; about a mile further, and the L. on a riling ground, a foat caUed
on the fame fide the river,is Jondboro', Keragbony.
the feat of Mr. Jone.. On the L. of Maguire's-bridge, about
To the L. or well: of the road, at 6 mile. half a mUe, is Dromgown, the Ceat of
from Kell8, lies the Lake or Lough Ra- Jofeph Hall, Ef4
mor, beautifully interfperfed with It 'Nean miles from Maguire's-hridge,on the
variety DC illand., on one of which are R. is Millwood, the feat of Mr. Craw~
the ruins of a ,aflle. The lake extend. ford; and a little further, Snow.hill,
from hence to the town of Virginia, that of Mr. YOllog; about two mile.
built on a river of tltat name, which aDd half, OD the L. i. BellHle, the Ceat
difcharget itfelf into the lake. A little of the Earl of Rofs ; an i1Iand de-
below the·toWn, on the L. of the road, lightfully fituare in Lough Erne.
within half a mile of Virginia, are the On the R. of Lifbellaw, is the church;
nins of a church; and a little beyond and.Ji mile from Lilbellaw, OD the L.
the town, thole of a catUe, on the Came the aburch of Derryvolco; and one
fide. mile further, Dromc:oo, the feat. of
One mile from Virginia, aDd neat one Alclr. Gordon, Efq.
mile to the L. is Port-Frederick, the 3 miles from Li1bellaw, 00 tht! R. i. caC~
feat of James Tuite, Efq; finely fituate tlecoole, the Ceat of Lord Belmore.
OD a riling ground at' the head of the Within half a mile of EnnilkiUen, on the
lake. R. is Chanter.hill, the feat of the Rev._
st miles from Virginia, on the R. i. Lur- Do&r Smith; and half a mile beyond
gan church. Ennilkillen, on the R. a free-fchool;
Prom hence through Bally James Dull' to near which are the ruins oC a call1e.
Cavan, there is nothing remarkable. Enniflrilltn ftands upon a (mall iflancl
Between Cavan and' Butler'e-bridge, on in the narrow between the upper aDd
the L. is Farnham.houfe, and cxtenfive lower parts of Lough Erne; and is.
plantations aDd demefne, the noble feat from its fimatioD, colpable of making
of Lord Fambam. . an drec!lual refill:ance againil an inftd~
1t mile from Butier's-bridge, on tbe L. iog enemy, 8. was the cafe in the year
are tbe ruinl of a church; near which 1641, when the rebels were repulCed;
is the glebe-houfe; and at at miles is and the French aod lrifh, in the year
Clover.hill, the feat of Mr. Sanderfon, 1689: during that war a regiment of
on the L. cavalry and another of infantry were
At Wattle.bridge, wbich is over the Fin raifed here, who fignalized themfelvetl
river, on the R. are the remains oC a at the battles of the Boyne and Augh-
druidical temple; and on the L. is Ca!- rim, aDd are called by the name of the
tie Saunderfon, the feat of Mr. Baun- Enniflrillen Regiments 'to this day, in
dcrfim. memory of their gallant Cervices in de-
A little beyond Wattle-bridge, on the R. fence of their religion, and eflablifh-
is St. Mary's church; and one mile ment of our glorious conftitution, by
further, Parfon's-grtco, the glebe- the revulution. About 8 miles footh
houfe. of Enniflrillen, are the falubrious wa_
Entering Donougb, on the R. are the ters of SWlIDlinbar; and 9 miles well:-
ruins of a church; al,out a mile Cur- ward, at Largey, is a remarkable and
ther, to the R. is GooleD, the feat of et'lebrolted well of intenfely cold water,
Mr. MaYDe. _ much frequented a. a bath in ocrVOll1
One mile from DODOUgh, on the I.. i, complaint.. At Ballycafheady, 4milea
Manor.water-houfe,' the Ceat of Mr. N. E. of Enniflrillen, are the Daugh-
Madden. toris, immenCe fubterraneoul enes,
~! mil~. Crom Donongh, on the R. i. forme d by the hand of nature, in the
. OWTdrummin, the feat of Mr •. Noble; reeks, and cxteJldinJ' iD 1IJIaplored
To Rutland:
ma:tes in MOUI diteCliont. Lough built on a ptninfula on the G4e or tIur
Erne, with. its numcroua ar"l richly lough, are the ruins of a caftle.
wooded in"nda, it. promontories of From Church-hill the road runs fouth-
bold and matchlef. beauty into the lake ward of, and nearly followinr; the di-
under the fhade of diftant mountains, redion oC Lough Erne to Ballyihannoa..
prdents an objeCl: highly interdling to where, taking a north 'eail diredion to
the curious traveller; and from Came Donegall, it proceeds along the bay of
Caldwcll, the beautiful feat of Sir that name; from Donegall it runl well-
James Caldwell, Bart. at the northern war'! to within near a mile of Killy-
extremity, to the fouthern near Bel- beggs OD the northward of the bay, anci
turbet, a reach of upwards of 40 miles, from thence northward again to Naren.
exhibits (cenes of the greateft variety Near 5 miles from Church-hill, and 4
and moft enchanting beauty. On the from Bdleek-town, about two mile. to
S. W. coaft of the lake, a little above the R. and delightfully lituated on a
Enni1ki11en, i. Came Hume, the mag- peninfnla, projeCl:ing into Lough ErDe.
nificent feat of Lord Loftua, with its and feparated from the main by part of
extenlivc woods projeCl:ing into the the lake, is Ca!l:le Caldwell, the feat of
lake, and fpreading over many of the Sir J ame. Cald well, Dart. ~ and near it
l1eighbouring illand •• there ia a church.
• mile. north of Ennilir.illen, is the About a mile nearer to Belleektown, is
ifland of Devenifh, in which ia one of Leurea, the fc"t of Mr. Johnfton, fi-
thofe roune! towers and a crypt, or tuated on the fame peninfula; and at 6t
vaulted hewn fionc: building fo pecu- miles from Church-hill, un the R. i.
liar to this kingdom, and probably of Rufcur church.
neap 1000 years ilanding, with the re- On the R. of Belleektown, are the ruins
mains of an Auguftinian monafiery and of a church; and, miles from Belleck-
church, of very ancient origin; and in town, on the R. is Cherry-mount.
the lower lake S. E. of Ennifk.illen, is Half a mile from Ballyihannon, on the L.
Bellille, the charming feat of the Earl of are the ruina oC an abbey.
Rofs, all· inand of ,co acreo, confill:ing One mile beyond Ballyihannon, on the L.
of hill and dale, rich and luxuriant and on the north fide the Abbey-river,
woods of various Ihades hanging to the is Park-hill, the feat of the Rev . Mc.
water', edge, or afcending the gentle Neil; a little beyond whkh, the road
l1ope., and ,adorned with the view of croffes that river; ,And at Z miles, is
numerous other Hies of variegated Coveut·gardcn, the feat of Mr. Atkifon.
fcenery, interfpcrfcd through the fmooth on the L.
and f"rruunding lake; the whole 4i miles from Ballylhannon, and entering
bonnded by a diililDt coall: of rich and Ballintra, on the L. is Moneymore, the:
cultivated grounds and luxuriant woOds, feat of Mr. Knolt.
backed by many lofty mountain •• On the R. of Ballintra, about one mile,
It mile from Enniiltillen, on the R. is is Brown-hall, the feat of Mr. HamiL-
Silver-hill, the feat of Mr. Johnllon; ton; and on the L. about the fame dif-
furtfter to the R. fituat. on an iIland tance Dromhome church.
i1;l Lough Erne, are the remains of the ,t mile. from Ballintra, ia the village of
church and tower of Devenifh. Laghy; and about 4 miles on, i. Brook-
At St milcs from Ennilkillc:n, 011 the R. field, the feat oC Mr. O'Hara, on the
i. Dunbar, 'the feat of Mr. Crozier; , L.
and uear one mile further, i. Caftlc:- At Doneg:Lll, o.n the L. is the church; and
Hume, a feat of Lord LuCtna, finely on the R. are the ruins of a caiUe ; and
lituated on, and commanding extenlive about It mile diftant, the ruin. of Rof-
and delightful views of Lough Erne Iingan-ca!l:le, to the L. and on the coaft
and itl iIlands, over many of which the of Donegall bay.
plantationl of this utenlive demeIne Near, mile. from Donegall, on the L. il
cxt~nd. Killymard-church.
11 mile. from Ennilkillen, and within one On the L. of Mount Chariea, are the feat.
of Church-hill, on the L. i. Wheat-hill, of the Right Hon. Mr. Conyngham.
the feut of the Rev. Mr. Nixon. and of Mr. Montgomery, both on the
%r!teringChDrch-hill, on the R. is the co.Ll of the bay.
murch; and ",bout onc mile to .he R. ~ nlil~s from Mount Charles, on the R.
To Rutland and Clones. [27
ooul! on the banks of the Inver river, is M. F. M. F_
Clover-hill, the feat of the Rev. Mr. Kingfcourt, Cavlln Co. S 3 3 8 7
Montgomery; and on the oppofite fide Shircock, S 7 44 6
of the river. is Inver church. CootehiU, 7 651. 4
... miles from Mount Charles, is the Port- Clones, 8 661 ~
village; and near half a mile further, From Navan there are 4 rOlds; that to
Kilmacredon, the feat of Mr. Neihit, the north-weft, and nearly paund with
on the R. the river leading to Kells,a~ already de-
At 51 miles is Ballymacdonel, on the L. fcribed page (1.3); that leading to
the fen of Mr. M'Dowall; and half a Nobber almoll: north, i. to be now de-
mile furtkr on, the village and church rcribed; and that to Slane ..ftward,
of Duncanely. • and Trim weftward, follows in the fuc-
6i miles from Mount Charles, far to the ceeding pages.
L. are the ruins of M'Swine'. cafile, About one mile to the R. leaving Navan,
on the coall: of Donegall bay; and half are the ruins of Donaghmore church and
a mile further on, are Barny fait-works. tower.
'Vithin half a mile of Ardra, on the R. 3 nliles from Navan, on the R. is' IOI-
is Wood-hill, the feat of Mr. Ndbit; berry church; far t~ the L. 311d at 4
and between 1. and 3 mile. to the L. of miles, Arch-hall, thc.f~at of Mr. Payne.
Ardra, on a peninfula, ftretching into 41 miles from Navan, there is a turn-
the Atlantic, i. Lough-hill, belonging pike; ;md aQout I! mile to the L. are
to another gentleman of the fame the ruins of a ca!lle.
name.. S miles from N a van, on the L. is Flet-
From Naren, the road takes a dire&ion cherftown; and a little further on, Nif-
eaft·ward followiog the coaft as far town, the feat of Mr. Beath.
as Shah gaD-bridge ; 2 miles beyond Near 6 mil~ from NavaD, on the L. are
which, mnoing Rorth.ward, it croifes the I"!Iins of a church; near which is
Gibarra river, which difcharges itfelf, Mountainftown, the f<at of Mr. Gi~
" few miles below this, into the fea. bons; and near 1 miles, Gravelmount,
From Dunglo, the road runs weft-ward the feat of Mr. \'iT delon, on the R.
to ltutland. 11 miles from Navan, on the R. are Caf-
00 the L. of Naren, is Ennilkeel church; t1etown church and glebe-houfe; and
and on the R. the glebe-houfe of the at 8 miles, another turnpike.
Rev. Mr. Montgomery. 8! milea from Navan, fituated on the
Qne mile from Naren, on an illand in the fumrilit of a hill, is the feat of Mr.
fea, arc the ruin. of a church, on the Cruice; and near it, Cruicetown,. ~he
L. feat a!fo of a Mr. Cruice.
RutJand is a fmall but neat town, lately :t<:ntering Nobber, rou me~t a turnpike;
eftablilhed in aD iilanel upon the north- Ilnd on t4e L. of Nobber, {!.and. the
caft coaft of the kingdom, and in a bay church.
of the Atlantic, by the exertions, and Near 1 mile from Nobber, on the L. i.
I1nder the patronage of the Right Ho- Brittas, the feat of Mr, Bligh; and
nourahle Burton Conyogham, for the near one mile further, is Whitewood, ~
purpore chidly of filhing, in which it feat of Lord Gormanftowll.
promifes to become of the utmoft con- 201 mile. from Nobber, on ~e R. i. Car-
fequence and advantage to the kingdom. rickl~ck, Mr. Sillery's feat; and on the
in general; a. thofe feas aboand with L. a feat called Kilmainham. .
IIn abundance of that article, in the 3 miles from Nobber, on the L. is New-
purfuit of which we may hope to fee a cafile, the reat of Mr. Verner; near
young colony .ncreafe to the population which is a village; and at 41, is In-
of an hitherto unprofitable country, ni!k:eene church, on the R.
and to the eftablilhmcnt of a hardy race A little beyond Kin&reOllr" on the R. Ii-
of mariners. . tpated on a rifing ground, i. the feat <?f
Mr. Pratt; and at 3 miles i. Drough-
From DUBLIN to CLONES. lope lough, near a circular mount alfo,
)lavan, p. (l3)
Mlath Co. !M.!F.[M.[It.
0 0:13 6
9 6 33 4
on the R.
On the L. a little beyond Shircock, i.
Lough Swillan, from which 11!nl tl>e
river Annalee.
To Bailieboro and FivcmiktowD.
Near S miles from Shitcock, OD the L. i. the feat of Mr. Kellctt; OD the ll. is
lJe}lgreen, the feat of Mr.; Smithpark, Mr. Smith'.; and Curther
aad half a mile further, Newgrove, to the It. Peterfville, Mr. Tucker'..
that of Mr. Mayne; to the L. of which 3 miles from M"ynalty, on the L. and
OD the oppofite fide the river, arc the oppofite fide the river, is Lima, Mr.
ruina of a church; and at 6 mile., is Mortimer's; and half a mile funher,
Keighan, Mr. P:1tten's, alfo on the L. are the ruins of a caftle, near the road.
, mile. from Shircoclr., about a mile and 5 miles from Moynalty, YflU Gter tile
half to the I .. on the oppofite fide of, county Cavan; a little funher, 011 the
.lId nearly fWTounded by the river, is R. arc the fuins of a church; and lit 6!
Anualee, the feat of Mr.·WilIis. miles irom Moyalty, ia the Yilla,e of
On the It. of Cootehill, is Bellamont- WilItown.
Foreft, the noble feat and demcfoc of On the ll. of BaUicboro, is the feat of
the E.arl of Bellalnont. Mr. Cnn>y; and about a mile beyond
.bout.I mile from Cootehill, and a mile it, IIn the L. Bailieooro Caille, thefeat of
to the R.. after you pafs the river, is Mr. Stewart, in a Iioc !ituation among
Dromore, Mr. Mayne'.; a little beyond lake. and plantation. iAterfperfed with
lIFbi~h is Dawfon's.grllve, the feat IIf ruins.
Lord Cremorne; and a little further,
Jlearer to the road, and on a rifiJJg
cround, Freamount, Mr. Mayne's.
.Neat" 3 mile. from Cootehil1~ is the vil- From DUBLIN to FlvEMILETowN •
, Jage of Drum; I mile further, and on M. 'I. M. F •
. 'he ~. near the road, Currygarry, the Donough, p. ("3) F""Il-1. 0 0 67 J
feat of Mr. Higgin.; and near it, at ""gh Co; S
the foot of the hill, ,is Lillea, that of Brookfboro, 6 0 73 3
Mifs WaUh. . .
Fivemiletown, TyrlNf'. S 0 78 J
Near 6 mil.. from Cootehill, on the ll. is
Drumfwords church; near z miles fur- From Donough followin~ the road, as de-
ther, and within" miles of Clones, on Ccribcd page (".1), and pafling by Ma-
theR. is Lifuabl1ck, the Ccat of Mr. Brad. nor Water-hllufe, on the L. at z mile.
~aw; and on theL. of Clone., are fome diftance, the road divides, the L. or
remarkable ruin.. north. weft leading to LifnaJlcea, as de-
fcribcd in that page; that to the R.
Iealh to Brookfuoro, running between
Glalfdrumin, Mr. Noble'., on the ll.;
and Hollybrooke, Mr. Armlhong's, on
lage oaf Ballycailleddy; about a mile
' p. (1-3) 1. JM'I F./ N'I r.
beyond which, is Rofcfadd, the feat of
Mr. Richardfou, OIl the L. near the Doug,,1I C,. ! 0 0 97 1-
edge of the lake. GariCon. F,,,,,a""gb. • 3 0 100 :z.
Near 6 miles is ltock6eld, Mr. Irvioc's, At Beleektown, inftead of proceeding for-
on the It.; and half a mile further, are ward to Ballyihannon, turn to the L. or
the ruiAs of a caftle, fituate near and (outhward, which brings you to Garifon.
commanding fine "iewl of the lake and Ope mile from Beleektown, on the L. i.
its numerous iflands. Farencafady, Rev. Mr. JOhDfton'S.
lialf a mile from Lifuariclc, 00 the L. At Garifon, which lies at the eaftem ex-
and near the ruins of another caiBe, is tremity of Lough Meiven, il the feat
CafUe.ArchdaU, the feat of Mr. Arch. of Mr. Hamilton; OJI the L. and about
dall, finely fituated near the lake • a quarter of a mile beyond Garifon, ar~
. s! mile from Lifnarid:, and about I! the ruins of a barradt.
mile to the R. is Ardvarny church and
glebe-houre; and on the L. on an ifland
in Lough Em., an: the ruins of a caf. From DUBLIIf to MANOR. HAMIL-
tie. TON.
On the L. of Calh, at fome dill:ance, are
the ruins of a cafUe ; and on the L. of 'M. -F.IK. F.
To Manor gam:lt01l.
A little more than 9 miles, il Galtrum, 10, on theL. isLOIJp
Mr. Cortington'f, OD the L. i about a crew, the rut of Napper Duttlln, Efq.;
mile further, Adamfton, Mr. O'Reilly's; near iq a church j and about a mile, OD
and h"lf a mile fbrther, on the R. are the L. are tbe ruins of a call1e.
the ruin. of Scurlackftown eatHe; from At IX miles, are the ruins of aoother car-
whence to Trim, the road runs parallel tIe, 00 the R.; and a little further nD,
with the Borne river. within one mile of Old Call1e, is the
Within one mile of Trim, and lituated on village ef Ballynaganny, where there i.
the L. iIKnight1bruok, Mr. Percival'sj a flour mill; about a mile to the L. is
and on the L. alfo, nearer the town, is Baltrafny, the feat of Mr. O'Rei1ly j
ClDe of the charter fchoola, which ftand. and to the R. of Old Caftle, near. mile,
on the river Boyne. is New Caille, the feat.of Plri1ip Twte,
At Trim, are the remain. of fome re- Efq.
markable ancient buildings. I! mile from Old Call1e, on tqe R. i. the
s mile. from Trim, on the R. are the feat of Mr. Freeman I and OD the L.
ruinl of a calUe; and on the L. i. are the ruins of a came.
Trimlefton, the feat of Lord Trim· 3! mile. from Old CallIe, on the R. i.
lefton. Rocbuck; and a little further, Mount-
At 3 miles, i. Killbride, the Ceat of Mr. Pallas, the feats of the Mr. Reilly.. ;
Gamett, on the R. j near a mile fur- 00 the L. about a mile, i. Boh's-grove.
ther, are the ruin. of a church j and that of Mr. Nugeot. beyond which,
far to the L. on the other fide Athboy are the ruins of a calUe, Dear the edge
river, little diftan~ from each other, the of Lough Sheallin ; ·in two ()f the iflaDds
ruins of two caftlc.; near which is of which are alfo other remarkable
KiIldalky, the Ceat of Mr. Flectwood. mina.
4 milcs from Trim, on the L. i, Vefling- 3 mile. from Daly's.bridge, OD the L. is
town, the feat of Mr. Hopkins. FoxhaU, the feat of Mr. Palla.; to the
About 1 mile to the L. of Athboy, and 1•. of which, lituate on the northern
Dear the min. of a caftle, is Fraine, the fide of Lough 5heallin. i. Fortland, a
reat of Mr. Taylor; and at a little dif- feat of the Lord Bilhop of Meath.
~JII~e, Caftletown, that of Mr. Perlfe. 41 miles from Daly' ...bridge, 00 the L. is
I; mile beyond Athboy, and Dear a mile Keil, the feat of Mr. Lanauze j and
to the L. i. GreDaDllown, Mr. Barn- about a mile further, i. Darien'..bridge;
wall's. on the L. of which i. Corglafs, the feat
'"1 miles from Athboy, on the R. i. of Mr. Wilton.
DruelloWJI, a feat' of the Farl I)f Near 7 miles from Daly's.bridge, on the
Farnham; and ncar it, are the fcats L. is llroomhillj and about half a mile
of Mr. Tandy and Mr. Rodrum i on further, B.llintemple church, on the R.
the L. i. the {~at of Mr. Leyburn. Near a mile from B~llynanaght, on the R.
(lDe nlile further, and "n the R. i. St. is Belville, the fcat of 1\1r. Fleming;
LUcy, the feat of Sir Benjamin Chap- aod half a mile further, that of Mr. Nef-
man, Barl. jnear it, are the ruini of a bitt.
church. On the L. of Crolfdony, i. Lifmore, Mr•
.4 miles from Athboy, is the village of Nelbitt', fe.t; and a little beyond it.
. Clonmelloll j on tlte R. i. MilItown, the on the R. Lifnemandra, Mr. ElIiou'••
reat of Mr. Smith; and on the L. about Half a mile from Crolfdony, on the R~ is
a mile and half, i. Ballinluugh, the lIingfield, Mr. Story's; and about a
feat of Mr. O'Reilly. mile further, to the R. Kilmore, the
6 mile. from Athboy, on the R. near the feat I)f the Lord l'lilhop of Kilmore.
Crou Road .. (that to Old Caftle turn- One mile from Crolfdony, i. Ballyhedy.
ing to the R, or N. E. and half a mile bridge, over the Earn river j about a
further. to tbe L. or N. W.) are the mile to the L. of which, fituated on the
ruins of a church; a little further, thofe top of a hill, it Core; and a mile to
pf a caftle, on the L. j and , ml1e8 to the R. on the other fide of the river, i.
the L. i. Artherftown, Mr. Smith'a. DeaDafort, Mr. Nelbitt'So
Alt 7imiles, on the top of a hill, to the , mile. from Croffdony, on the L. is
L. are the ruin. of a cburch; and, Gortinardrafs, the feat of Mr. V catch ;
milesfurthcr, afma1l houfe, called New- and one mile further, I.ahard, that ~
~ow 0, tjle R. .. Mr. Youo,.
To Manor Hamilton, Ballyconnel and Caftle Ponard. (31
c\ mile. from Crolfdouy, .and entering ruin. oC a church; and at 7 mile., arc
Killefandra, OD the R. IS Cafrle Ha- the ruins of Kilmacurrel church, on
milton, the feat of R. Jackron, Efq. the L.
On the R. of KiIltfandra, the 8 mil". from Largay, i. Glenboy Bleach-
church; and a litde beyond the town, field; and on the R. juft before the en-
having palfetl the bridge, are the ruUls trance into Manor Hamilton,is Skreeny.
of a call1e. the reat of Mr. Cullen.
~ miles from Killefandra, on the L. is a
pleafant feat, called l\1akin; a little From DUBLIN to BALLYC.ONNEL.
beyond which, the road divides, that
to the R. or northward, le.ding tn Bal-
lyconnell, (fee Dext column), the L. to
1!aunboy and Swanlinbar.
Killefandra, p. (29) C.... l CD. .s 1:1 :I:~I F~
Ji miles from Killefandra, on the R. U Ballyconnel, 6 6 67 4
Grenville, Mr.ThorDton'l; and on thel .. At little more than 2 mile. b<!ypnd Kille ...
about 3 miles, fituared on the bank. of fandra, the road divide., that to the L.
the Woodford river, is Woodford, the leading to Baunboy and Swanlinbar, a.
feat of Mr. Gore. 011 page (2,9); the road to the R. lead,
6! miles from Killrfandra, on the R. i. to. Ballyconncl. .
Lilfanour; nearly oppofitt to it, on the 3 miles from KilleCandra, on the R. i.
L. are the ruinl of a church; and Kildallen church; and at BallycooneJ,
about a mile further, and on the L. is (which ia on the Woodford river, and.
the church of Templcport, on the fide of at the foot of Slieve Rulfell mountain)
a lake; on the other fide of which, u on the R. are the feat and flour milia
Carboy, Mr. Knox's feat. of George Montgomery, Efq.; and at
On the R. of Baunboy, is the feat of Cap- the further extremity of the town, 011
tain Enery. . the R. a\fo, i. the church.
From Baunboy to Swanlinbar,. the road
lies at the foot of Slieve Rlllfdl mouo- .From DUBLIN to CASTL.E POL-
3t mile. from Baunboy, on the R. are the LAItD.
ruins of a church. M. •• If. ~;
On the L .• of SIlI'anlinbar;before you pafs Trim, p. (29) Mtatb CD. 0 o:n 4'
the bridge, ftand. the church; on the Ca.ftletown Delvin Inn,1. It
R. half a mile, and near the banks of . W!fIlflratb. .s 7 34 1
the river Clodagh whiclt runs through Maypole, 4 5 39 0
the town, is the celebrated fpa·well, Callle Pollard, 3 5 4. S
much frequented and very ellicacloul in Leaviog Trim, after you pars the bridge,
fcarbutic and other complaints. this road turns weft ward, or to the L.
At the Crof. Road., you tWTn to the L. or following the courfe of the Borne, and
weftward, to go to Largay and Manor running between it on the L. and the
Hamilton; that to the northward. or on demefne of Lord Trimlefton, on the R.
forwartl, leads to Enniikillen. I:1 mile Crom Trim, on the I .. and oppo.
11 mile from the Crofs Roads, on the L. il fite fide of the river, are New Hagart
Florence Court, the feat and cxtenfive Mills.
demefne of Lord Vifcount EnnifkilleD. 41 miles from Trim, is the village of
3 mib from the Crofs Road., on the R. Kildalky; on the R. of which, i. the
i. New Church; and It mile further, feat of Mr. Nangle; and near it, are
are the ruins of a church, on the L. . the ruins of a calHe and a church.
, miles from the crne. Roads, OR the I .. i. 61 miles from Trim, on tbe L. i. Bally-
Marli Banlt, Mr. Irwin's; and about a nadrimna, Mr. Kellet's; and at 7!
mile fllrther, on the R. is Belcoo- miles, Woodtown; CounfelIor Reed's;
bridge, over a river conneCling the two half a mile further, on the R. are the
lake. caUed Lough Macknean, which· ruin. of Caufwayftown caftle. ,
lie. to the R. or notthward of this 8:1 miles from Trim, on the L. i~ Lif-
road, extending along it from Iiear lougher, :Mr. Thunder'. feat; near ..
Florence Court for 6 or 7 mile•• mile further, is Adcnftown, the feat of
Oae mile from Larga y. on the R. and on Mr. Cruife; on the R. not far from
the fide of Lough Mackne~n. are .the which, is Crowcnftowll mill.
'1'0 Graftard and' Slig(J;
lot miles from Trim, dn the R. is 9f mile. fl'OJi1 taC!
Crofs Keys:, OD tfle L
Mirc:hellilown, Mr. RenelI's; and on are the ruin. of a caftle; and a little
the L. South-hill, Mr. Tighe's. further on, within a mile of. Finze, 011
A quarter of a mile to the L. of CalUe- the L. of the road, is the race colll'fe.
town Dclvin Inn, is the town; and F"mae ftsnds between Lough Shullin, on
near it, is a feat of rb. Eatl of Weft- the R. or north eaf1:; and Lough Jenny.
meath's; there are alfo the ruina of a on the L. or fouth weft; and on a river
calUe. which runs a fhort way between them.
A little beyond Call1etown Demn Inn, About half a mile after you leave Finae.
on the L. is Cloneen, Mr. Monaghan's; the road turn. to the L. rollDd Lough
and ::l miles further, on the L. i. Jenny to go to Granard, leaving Drum-
Meathftown; about a quarter of a mile hamman church OD the ll.; the I'oad
further. on the R. are the ruin. of forward leads to Cl'I'an.
Scurlogflown catUe. 2~ miles from Finae, and near a mile on
At :1.~ miles from Caftletown Delvin Inn, the L. are the ruins of Abby I,arra.
on the R. is Drumcree flour mill; and
at 3 miler, on the R. the reat of Mr. From DUBLIN to SLIGO.
Smith; and, on the L. is Reafstr'n,
11. ' . r.
Colonel Smith'lIo •.
On the L. of M~ypole, is BarbavilIa, the "
DrtU;"Co. 0
KiWttr.. I
6 ..
8 (;)
feat of Mr. Smith.
Maynooth. 3 5 II S
From DUBLIN to GllANAllD.
New Inn, 5 ..
7 14 4
110 0
Athboy, p. (~)
NI r'/'M. r.
M,ath Co. 0 0:1.8 4
Clonard Bridge, M.ath?
(JIId KiItkzr.. S 6o 26 0
Fort, Mr. Cooper'''; near it, are the . the Kinnegad road, as deCcribed page
ruins of Drum6n call1e. . ~3a) this roadftrikes oift9 the R. hav-
'.At 8 miIIII, are the ruins of Co!)lceell!, on 109 Pierllown, Mr. Gallon's, on the R.
the L.; and a litde further, is Clop&- ~!l Whiteil:own, Mr. Cleghorn's. en
maghce~:' , tIleL. " ,
ri mile, frolll ~nafad, is the village of ~! miles from X,iUcock, is Gallow, Mr.
Tobberf~wjlD. - Flanagan's, on the L.; and a little fur.
On the R. of ColeonJ, ia Merc:rea, the th~r, on the R. Guradice, Mr. Pratt's.
(~at of thF Right iJonourable Jofhua. At 4 miles, and about a mile on the L. is I
Cooper.' ' . Agher, Mr. Winter'..
At Coloony, the road croll"~, the river At Summerhill, is the magnificent feat
, Owenmorc, over which is a hr\dge, and a!l~ extenfive 'demefne of Hcrc:u.lcs L.
another at Ballifadare, a village little Rowley,Efq..; on the L. of which, is
more than onc mile diftant; on the ~ahanllown, Mr. Bamford's; and on
fame river, near whicli, are the lead the; R. SpringVaUey, Mr. Dennls'..
mines of Sir Edward Crofton, Bart. A little beyond Summcrhill, on the L. is
JI:Oducing a1£o fitver and other valuable Bramble HlolI, Mr. Roden's; loBd neal'
JPinerala; aad a little below the bridge, smiles, Dangan, the beautiful feat oC
ill a waterfall bi,bly pidwq.uci; to the Lord MomingtOJl.
To DruDaahalr and Clonbul1ock.
M. 1'. M. F.
Carrick, p. (aa) Lt;,,;. C.. 0 • 7'1 0
About half a mile beyond Lucan thia
~oad Ilrae. off to the L. or (nuth we.
of the gre.t road to l.ei:dip aud May-
J.eitrim, 3 0 80 0 nooch, ~e{cribed page (J~) pafiing
Ballintra, 3 5 83 5 itatumnle, the Ceat of Sir Michae1
l>rumk~erin, 7 I 90 6 Crom ie, .\Jart •. ; 01) the L. at ~ miles
Drumahair, 7 a 98 0 dillance, BackweftowD; a~d St. Wool~
Atthc entrancdnto Carrick, fec page (3a) /lans, Oil the R.; alld the beautiful de-
this road liraes oft" to the ll. or north, mefne of C;Ulletown, on the oppofite,
leaving the church on the L. and con- or north fide the river, in its approac"
tQ Cdbridge.
tinuing along the eaftem fide of the
Shannon to Ballintra. At Celbridge, the road Cro1fCI the Lilfy
One mile from Carrick, on the ll. is Car- by a neat £ bridge; Oil the R. is the
towii, Mr~ Cuilningham's; and on the church, in which is ere&ed a magnifi..
L. Corfparrow, Mr. GaUagher's. . cent marble monument to the eonolly
At a miles, on the x.. arel the ruins of . family.
Leaving Cdbridge, OD the R. is 1\1:arl"
Port call1e.
A little before you enter Leitrim, fituate the family feat of the preCent Bilhop of
on rifing ground, is the feat of Mr. Clonfert.
Haughtol); and on the R. of Leiuim, ODe mile from Celbridge, on the L. is a
arc the ruinl of a call1e. charter fchool; Qn th~ R. is Springfield·
At Ballintra, the road cr01l"e. the Shannon, and half a mile further, on the L. Kil=
oyer which is a bridge, and continues ladown, a bandfome fj:3t of Lord Ld..
trim's. . .
for fevera! mile. along the :tide of Lough
Allen; on the R. or eaft, h;.ving the a mile. from Celbridge, is Barberfiown
Mounterkenny mountain. firetchini the feat of Major Cairncrofs; and o~
along on the L.;· in thefe mountains the L. fituate on the banks of the Liffy
are the Arrigna iron and coal works Lodge Park, chat of Hu ..h Hen.....'
Efq. .. -"
cftablilhed aud carried on by Me1l"rs:
At 4 milc!, fituated 31fo on' the Liffy, i,
Reilly. • Straffon, the fcat and extenfive dcmefnc
3 milc!a from Ballintra, on the R. and on
the edge of Lough Alien, are the ruills of Jofeph Henry, Efq.; near which i,
of Curvagh church. Iriilltown, Mr. Atkinfon's. '
, mile. from Ballintra, on the R. arid At 5 mile.. en the R. are the ruins oC
within lefo than a mile of Dr"m1teerin llichardftown caftle; and ·further to)
i. Groufe lodge, Mr. Scaly's. ' the R. is CoUlle BroWD, the Ceat of Mr.
Browne. .
,. mile. beyoRd Drumkeerin, having pa1l"ed
Lough Clean, on the R. the road to Qn the L. of Clain, near the church i.
Drumahair ~ike. oft" wetlward, or '0 Vicar Hall, the Rev. Mr. Weft',· ~d
the L.; and about a !piles further, about a mile, on the L. on the 'other
cro1l"es the Bonet River, within a mile fide the river, Blatkball, the {cat of
oC Drumahair. Theobald Wolfe, Efq.; a little beyond
Half a mile before you enter Drumahair, which, plcafantly fituate on the fide of
on the ll. £land. the church; and a lit- the Liffy, is Millecent, the refidence of
tle further, OR the L. the glebe-houre . Richard Griflith, Efq.
If mile on the L. and on the fouth fid; A little beyond Clain, on the L. is Straw-
the river, i. Killynumry church; ancl berry Lodge, Mr. Wallh'.;· half a mile
at Drumahair, arc Come remafkable further, Fairmount, Mr. Rochfort's.
nins. ODe mile from Clain, on the L. is Bella-
villa, the feat· of Mr. Burdett· anol
li'rom DUBLIN. to CLO·IIBU~L"CK. further! to the L. Landenftown, dtat of
Mr. Dlgby; half a mile further i.
:J..ucan, p. (3 a) DIl6li1l C•• M~ F~IMb ~ KiIlybegs, Mr. Fitzgerald'So '
Profperous i. a neat little village, built in
Celbridge, Kildtm. 3· a 9 6
Clain, 6 1)15
7 the year 1180, by the public Cpiritcd
exertions of Captain Brooke Cor tht;
ProCperous, 211 18 0
• 4 41U 4
6 0:1.8 ..
eftablilhment of the cotton' manufac-
ture. •
CloDbul~dt, Zi;tg', C••llt, • . 3 5 J2 I On tbe L. of Profperou,! about a ma~ i,
"0 13aaagher.
ponore, ~hC; i\-at Qf ~e late ltight Ho- nCU' the atre~ty of which, OR th~ J(.
lJOuiabl~ Chief ~fon ~urgh. is a chart« fdaool; bcyonCl this,lh~
Near a inilefrom Profperous, on the iI a. road,to Edo;nderry turns to the L. roUD.
, D9wnin~, the feat of Mr. Bonyng; hi, LorcHhip's wall (leaving the churcll
i1ear it, IS a nun; about a mile further, and the great ruim of Camecarberry~
Blackwood,Ilod:.r M"Ultoll,'s; nd a fituated QD a riling grouad, on the R..)
little fllrth~r on, Greags, IIll on the R. and prefeotly after to the R. oppoitc to
Near 3 miles from Pro!perou9, the road his Lordlhip's gate. '
croff'es the Grand Canal, ell the verge l i mile frolIJ Carberry, 00 the ll. i~ Wik
of the gr~at bog of Alien. liamllown; and within I~Y than a rpilc. ,
On the L. of Kilmeague, ftaucD the CIf Eden~rry, the road crOIl'CI a btiA.cli
church i aDd half a mile further, js the o.f the BOYDC river.
... mage of Allen or Garrettls Lep j on :&i mile. from EdC;lld~, op t~ ". ie
the It. of which, i& Ne~ Park. BallykiUen, Mr. Cartland's; I/..,lf' a 1QUe;:
!1. miles from Kilmeague, on the L. i. further, fituate on riliq'5!r,d, i4 Bal-
Mayfield, Mr.Ayliner's; onemUe'r~r. IYla~ken., the feat of Mr. i'a e; a li~
th~r, Oll the fame fide, Wheelam, Mr. beyo!1d ~hich, are d/.e ,. of~.u,..
Clibborn's; and near it, Pl1lIches Giauge, nakill church j alld Oil the ll. L~vi11c.
Mr. fitzgerald'.. ' Mr. Cane',.
4! miles from KiIDlC~guC, is Killmoney. 'i miles £ram ~4~, OD tb~ Jl. ~
At Rathangan, on the L. is the (eat of SpriDgfield, Mr. L~c~'s; o~ ljl1ile
Mr. Spe~cer; and on the ll~ a great further,' ¥t~a~!I. on 'th; Qp-
Hour mill. polite bank of the Rivcf "'},ons,· 1J1l
lfcar i miles from ltathall(a/l, is Xill, Mr. J'iw,g grow<\, is Mouot L"'~ u..,:feat
, Clark's, all the It..; a Inik further, are of Jolln Lutas, ~fq. .
the ruins of 'a church • 2 ~le8 £ro~ Edendel1'Y, pd Qlle QJ.ilc tQ
• ! miles fromR:lthangan, is the village the: R.. of Philipno,vn, is Cloucrl. the
~! l!~ynur~. {eat Qf Mr. ~agan.
4t 1'lUlipfroWll is a bar{44:; and on !:he
From DeLIJI to BAIiAGHU. L. DC~ the ~hurc;h. ace tb.,: rWtl3 Qf lit
M.' r. M. P. dlHe.
New 11111,p. (3l) Mealh Co. 0 0 '1.0 0 ~i miles {ro~ ~hiJip~oWJI, is the
Carberry, .['ing" C.unll~ 5 6 '1.5 6 of Banin~;u' i to the L. !If which.
Edenderry, 3 2. 29 0 about :& miles, is Geaibill. the: jjea.t of
Philip!town, 9 4 38 4 the aev. Dean Digby.
Tllllal!1ore, ' 7 5 46 I si ~ika fro~ PhilipUowp, 'fr: tlle l'Vinl
l!'rankford, \9, 4/55 5 of a church, on file R. !If iI riiiPc
Cloghan, , , 316:1. 0 ground; and 'ID the L. i, Caplqlcur, Mr.
~anagherl ' . ~ 64 4
• little beyond the New Inll, 011 the road A~ Tullamore, is a bridg~ ~ the »ru(oa
, from KilIt;ock to Kilmegad, ~s .;Iefcri~d River; on the lIorth bank of wbich.
~e (az) you turD to the I .. or fouth- Ilho\lt !lne mile from Tullamore, to the
weli:, ~ la to Carherry, pal! the R. arc the ruiDs of a caftle.
feats of Mr.lohnllon and Mr. ford, pn I! mile from Tall.more, on the R. ia
the L. and through a little vi14ge called Charleville, the beau.tiful feat of Mr.
JohnfioWft, where there is 'I l}fiqg~ »ury; aDd oppofite to it, OD tbe' L.
Qver the :Black wl\ter, at one mile dU- Merryleld, ¥r. Crofton's. .
tanee. 3m!les from T~lla~ore, on the R. is Scrag-
Q,nthe a. of Johnftown ~ridge, e.llterill~ ,rn, Mr. Bflfcoe s. " ,
the cOUl1~y ~i1dare, i~ a (eat ,al1ed Mar- At 4! miles, is Palla&, the feat of Edward
~lIJloWll ; and a mile further, another Malane, Efq. oD,the L.; andfurthl!r-
eall,ed Kill!llurry, on the L. to the L. MOUDt Plcafant, Mr. O'COD.~
Near 4 miles from the New Il).n, on the norls. ~
R. is Cloukeirn, the f~t of Mr. Bo,t- smiles fr?m Tullamorc, a little ~eyQ,lld.
~an; and a little further, is MylerfiowD Pallas, 1& a church, on the R. an inn 'on
~(,lIVJ:r. the L.; and a little fur~her, are the r,uia~,
~Il the 1.. before you come to Carberry, of a caftle, on the R.; WIth other rUins;;;'
is lIl'ewberry, the feat, demefne and ex· each fide the road betweon thi&
teAli,yc ~I,w,lta.tio~, of .J,.~ lii\d>enull j Frankford. 3 ' . ,-',
'to l\7ellport.
A tttl~ berot. tQU l!liter Jl'ranUord, ia ~l miles, on the R. are the nUDa of a
l'arlt, the feat of Mr. Brifcoe, on the church; and further, to the R. is Low-
L.; and a little further, the feat of Mr. town, Anthony Dopping's, Efq.; on the
baulhat, on the R.; both on the banks L. about half a mile, are the ruin. of •
of the Silver river. over which ia a call1e. . •
bridge in this place. 3! miles Cram Kinnegad, is the Pars of
At Frankford. tum to the It. and again .i:ilbride turnpike; half a mile further,
crofs the river; at one mile diftance, is are the ruins of a church, on the It.
Broghill cante, Dol!lor Daly's, on the. L. Near 5 miles, on the R. is Claremount,
Near ~ milest on the L. and fouth fide of . Mr. Tyrrell's; and half a mile further,
the river, IS Davidftown, Mr. Nugent's. Lemmon Grove, Mr, Wilton's.
At 3 milel, the road again crolfes the ri- 6 miles from K;innegatl, is Gaull1:owa
yer; on whore banks, about <!ne mil7 P'!1'k, on the It. the feat of Lord kil.
to tile R. are the ruins of a great cill.;,; main i and further, to the' R. is Bel·
tie • field; on the L. i. Drommio, Mr.
.$ iiu1es from Frankford, on the R. arc the Tyrrell's; and a little further, i8 G:lUlC.
ruins of a ch~rch; and on the fide of town church on the R.
Macoghlan's Bill, on the L. i. the feat 't miles Cram kinncgad, is the village 01
of Mr. Macoghlan. Beggars Bridge; on the L. of 'Ill' hieh, is
s! miles from Cloghan, i. a lodge called Sidebroolre, and on the R. arc Yu, rUin.
Park; and haH a mile further, are the of a call1e.
I'uins of a caRle. At 8 miles, is Oldto"ln, Mr. Cane's, all
en the R. wiihill b'al£ a mile of Ba- the L; on the R. is a feat or Mr. Cart-
~agher~~ Cubo, a feat of DenbBowes land, called the Weft; and half a mile
·paly, ,u'I'; on. the L. is Garry, Mr. further, Kilbrenan, Mr. Bon)'lll~'s,
· Cpghlall's; anda little further, Britannia, near one mile to the R.
Mr. Warbunon's, Near 10 ~i1es Cram Kinnegad, is Ncw
do the L. oC Banagher, is Alhgrove, Mr. CaiHe, the feat bf Ulylf•• North, Ef".
~rmnrollg's: and more dilhnt, 1;lC;3r on the R.; and T"re, Mr. Pilkington's,
.the fide of the Shannon, is Cogran, Mr. near z miles, on the L.
· Coolaghan' •• On the R. lc:aving T erriIfpat" are the
ruins of a call1e.
From ~LI1i to WESTPOIlT. a millfs from Terrilfpafs, on the R. a is
church i Ileal' it, .is Ncwtown I and
M. r. Id. 1'. further, to the R. Ncwpark, Mr.
lCinnegad,p, (3~) ""11-1. 0 0 S9 4 Lowe'..
".,atb. ~ zt miles £tom Terrilfpafs, en the L. is
Terrilfpafs, 10 4 40 0 Gartydufr Inn i half a mile further, :ile
Jti1beggan, 4 70 44 Z the ruins.f a calUe, on the R.
Moatagrenoge, 7 6 5~ 0 all the L. of ICilbeggau, is the Ccat ot
Athlone. W1l-1II' ""'1 'I 5 59 5 George Lambert, Ef'1' .
Rofl.....",· S One mile from ICilbeggan, and half a mile
~nyfol'an. Roj'&t>6t",DIO, II 5 71 ~ on the R. are Coublough, Mr. Handy'S.
Ballynamore, GIII'WaJ. 83 3 ''4 5 and Dunnore, Mr. Geoghegan's; and
NeWto'WD Benew, 0 81 5 at zmiles, Curriagh, Mr. GaUgan's,on
Tuam, 10 3 93 0 the L.
.aaw u~
~'II~ ~:~ ~ Near 3 mile. from kiJbeg~. on the
'7 jult. entering the Kiug s cou nty, i.
"artree, 5 0 Il3 0 Horfelcp, where is a church; and ahout
Wctfport. 10 5 123 5 a mile further, on the L. is Gagebo-
~ViAg 'kidneg'ad, t~e the road to the rough, the feat of Mr. Jlldge.
L. or fouth well:, to go to T~ilfpafs; Near 5 I!1iles from Kilbeggan, are the
th.J.t leading north weft,. or 'right for. ruins of a cafUe, OD the 1.. jult. heyon4
wud, il to MulUIlgar, as defcribcd page the turnpike.
( S~, 6 miles from Kilbeggan, and near Qne
, ~
~ -~:- Erom Kin.--s_• ~-.1 Oil the R" • 11 m'ile on the L. 18 . Bal J i'
nammton, t he
· (k~Wu. th~ fC1Jl: of Mr. Smith; feat of Mr. March i near which, and
uclfurtlJv, w cbe L arc \he tuiD$. Qf further to the L. i. KiJlfilin, Mr. Bir-
.a lIlin,ham', i en the R. ia Ballybrickudc,
<fO) To Wcllport.
Mr. Genghegan"; and; a little fllrther mountaiAa: in one of thefe ~d GItJ
on. Marchbrooke, Mr. Judge's. vagh, part of the MoUnte~kenny mouo-'
Near 7 miles, on the L. is Myal!1. Mr. tain., on the weft fide of the lake, an:
Manh~ - . the iron mines and collieries of Ar'igna •
011 the R. and L. of Moatagrenoge, are from tllefe called the Sliebhan Erin
the feats of the Clibborn family; and mountains, fin the eall, fORle con1'idera-
on the L. is a Tery neat church, lately ble ftream. run into the lake. Mumg
built. from thence at Ballintra, the Shannon
A little beyond Moatagrenoge, on the R. runs to Leitrim, dividing the counties
h Jonellake, Mr. Jones's; about a milt of Rofcommon and Leitrim, and from _
furth(r, are the ruin. of a cafile, 011 a rir- thence to Carriclt; in which courfe it
ing ground, on the R.; and Oil the L. i5 joined by the Boyle or Gara river,
the ruins.of another c~llk. _ from the N. W. navipble to Boyle, g
At I~ mile, near a mile on the L. i. the mile. above the jundion. From Car-
Hall, the feat of Mr. Clibborn; and rick it wind. to JJ.mellown, and fornU
One mile further, CallIe Daly, Mr. a beautiful curve; beyond the latter to
Daly's . Drumfnave, makillg the naviiation, or
.At 3* miles, i~ Ballynahon, the feat of diftance by water, quadruple that by
Mi. Malone, near a mile on the L. ; land--to ebviate this, and avoid fome
and a mile further, Willbrooke, that of Ibea), in the river, a canal runl from
Mr. Handcoclt, far on the R.; at near abo ... e Jamellown to below Drumfnave ;
timiles, ii Craggan,Mr. Longworth's; from thelatterplace toRulky.bridge,the
and a mile further on, ¥e the ruins of Shannon is exten<kd to a beautiful lake,
Gary callIe, on the R. the upper or northern part called Lough·
Athlone, a large, and once confide- ~dderi" and the lower end Lough
rable town, fituate nearly in the center B.flin, whofe fides or coafts are broken,
of the kingdom, Iland. on the great and indented by irrelrllar and projed-
rivrr Shannon, which, in its courfe, ing points of laud richly wooded; From.
divides it into :z, nearly equal parts. It Rulky-bridge, in a winding courCe, it
was formerly fortified, and is famolls runs to Tarmonbarry-bridge, dividing
in the annals of Irilb Hiftory, as the the county of Longford on the ean.
fcene of onc of the greatell efforts of from Rofcommon on the weft, and
valour on record, when the French and forms 3 miles below Rulk:y-bridge, a
tri!h armies, in the year 1691, were in deep bay or lake; on the eafl:ern coaft
poffeffion of that part of the town on of which are the extenfive demefne and
the weft fide of the Shannon deemed wood. of Callle Forbea, the feat ef the
illlpregnable, as being covered in front Ear! of Granard. Between Caftle-
by the deep and in this place rapid ri- Forbes and Tarmonbarry-bridge, the
ver. Genrr.l Ginckle, at the head of Shanllon receives the Camlin river na-
Kin, William'. troop', much inferi"r vigable to Longford; and near their
to the enemy in nufnhers, paired the juna:ion they form an illand called
river in the face of a heavy fire, Ilorm- Cloondragh, z miles long and I \ broad;
-ed and carried the works in lefs than from hence it winds through a lilt and
half an hour from the time of his en- boggy country to Lanefborough, and
tering the river. The Shannon i. by between Lancfborough and Athlone,
far the greateft river in Irelabd, or fpreads into a great !heet of watre call-
.perhaps in any known illand, being na- (d Lough Itee, upwards of 13 miles i•
vigable for :z,oo mile. with a few Inter- length, interfpetfed with a number of
.ruption. only of rocks and !haUows; to illand., many of them beautifully
avoid which, there are in general fmall wooded along the indented coall. ef
canal. cut to preferve and continue the this lake, are adorned with many pro-
;Javigatlon. Its f"urce is near Manor jeding woods, among which the re"
Hamilton, in the count)" of Leitrim, mains of fome once magnificent cames
Mt for from Lough Gill; it forms a rear their mouldering tops, and the
fmaUlake, called Lough Cleane; near gayer view of fome modem buildings
j~. fource, ~nd a few mile. lower, . enliven the fcene, and unite to form a
rpruds into a ~reat Ibeet of water, delicious profped fOf the admiring
lIbout 1 mile. long and :z, aroad, called Toyager. Eallward of thi. lake, the
l.ough Alien, furrounded br ,,"cat iilannon receives the broad I1ream .f
". To Wefiport:
tbe lnny river Crom the counties of canal is carried about 4 miles in length.
Longford and Weftmeath. From a meeting the river again near Limerick.
little above Athlone, a canal of abuut and another commencing a little below
a mile in length is cut to avoid the this jundion, runs through Limerick,
fhallows in this part, and to preferve to avoid the falls of the;
the navigation, joining the river again beyond which, the river forms the
below the town. .From Athlone, in a King'a-illand, where that part of Li-
winding courfe with Weftmeath and merick called "the Englilh town, frand.
Kirig's county on the eaft, and Rof- furrounded by water or deep moralfc$,
common on the weft, it runs to Shan- and, from ita fituation, uncommanded
non-bridge," where it receives the Suck by any higher grounds, formerly of
after a large and winding courfe navi- great IlrcngtJa and fortified, but the
gable for many miles between the coun- walls are now demolilhed and good
~iu of R.ofcolllluon and Galway. On new buildings ereded in their ftead.
the eaftern bank of the river within a The Shannon here takes a wellern
f-ew miles of Shannon-bridge, are the courfe, aod meeting the tides inereafe.
.remains.of leveral ancient buildings, to a mile in breadth; a little below Li-
called the Seven Churches, once the merick, and at the diftance of 6 or 1.
feat of religion and learning, " and the receives the Maig river from the coun-
ruins of a caftle, raid to have been the ty of Limerick, navigable 1<> Adair; 7
refidence of the ancient kings of Lein- miles above its jundion, and the Buo-
ller. From Shannon· bridge, after a ratty or Oil-mill river, from the ceuoty
courfe of a few miles fouth eaft, it is of Clare, near whofe influx is the caf-
joined by the Brofna river, from the tie of Bunratty, the antient feat of the
King's county, and runs hence {outh· O'Briens, princes of Thomond. A
weft to Banagher, formerly a principal f.:w miles below Bunratty, is the junc-
pafs and defended by a caftle, forming tion of the Fergus with tbe Shannon.
fever.l ifiands; in its courfe it receives a confiderable river fronl the county of
the lower Brofna from the King's coun- Clare, being 3 mi les broad for a good
ty and Tipperary, between Banagher way above its confluence, and inter-
and Portumna. At Ponumna, there fpcrfod with a number of iIlaods, fome
was formerly a bridge over the Shall- of them of great extent. It is naviga..
nlMl, which was defuoyed during the ble fur lhips to Cldrc-bridgc, 9 or 10
wars, fo btal to many parts of the miles up; and for boats to Ennis, near
country; nGar it is the magnificent and 1. miles further. Oppofite the Ferps,
venerable feat of the Mdrquis of Clao- the Shannon receives alfo the AlkeytoD
ricarde. From Portumna to KiJlaloe, river on the fouth fide, from the county
an extent of many miles, the river (lf Limerick, navigable to the town of
fpreads into another lake of various Alkeyton, a few miles above the junc-
breadths, called Lough Derg, in which tion. From Bunratty to Foyn's iflaod.
are man y wooded illands, one of them a little below the junCtion of thefe ri-
Holy-ifland, wntains a round tower, vers, the Shannon is ~ Cl 3 miles broad,
and the remains of feveral religious affording good anchorage free from
buildings. The coafts of this lake are rocks or lhoal.; from hence to Tarbert
unufually broken with numerOUi bold it become. more contracted by the in-
and projeding head hnds, forming trofion of a bold and projeding head- '
many deep bays; and the fmall hills land; but, beyond this, enlarging again,
and improved grounds of the county it [preads from 3 to 4 miles at Scattery-
Tipperary, on the caltern fide chec- illand, oppofite to KiIrufh, in the
.que red with gentlemens f"ats lud en· cnuDty of Clare, where, and at Tar.-
clofures, contrailed with the bol~ lhores pert, is fafe anchorage for lhips that do
.and woods bounded by the lofty moun- 110t go higher up. South of Scattcry,
tains of the well or Galway fide, com- is Carigue-illand, oppotite to Bally-
bine to make the fcenery of this beau- longford, in the county of Kerry i and
tiful lake, on every fide, delightful. 1 or 8 miles beyond thefe, the river
Having received many (onfid<r~hle burfting its contraCted bounds, dif-
fireams, the river proceeds fram Killa- char~s hfelf into the fca betweell
loe by O'Bricn's-bric1ge to Limerick; Cape Lean or Loophcad, in the cOuDty
from about a mile below the former, a of Clare IIn the nll1th, and Kerry"itcad,
.411 , To Weflport. •
in the count)' of Kerry on the fouth; Half a mile tram Newtown Bellew, OB
two promontories of very bold and the R. is the church; and neaf it, arc
high c:llft'., forming, perhaps, the no- the ruins of Moylagh came.
blea: mouth of a river in Europe, 8 l miles from Newtowl1 Bellew, is Wind-
miles over. The rocks of the coall field, the feat of Mr. Blake, on the L.
arc in the boldelll1:yle, hollowed into and C"reloo, that of Mr. Browne, on
immenfe cavern.. where tlje waves of the R.
the lurious Atlantic, rolling with a At 6 miles, are the ruins of a came; at
prodigious fwell, and breaking on the 71, thoc.: of a church, on the L.; aod
rocks with' fuch violence as to raile an Came Meylc, .the feat of Mt. Deane,
immenfe foam, roar with impetuous on the R.
noife, and give an idea of all the gran- Near 9 miles from Newtown Bellew, one
deur Dd horrors of a /lofm. mile to the R. is Birmingham, a feat
0/1. tqe R. of Athlone, i. the charter. of the Earl of Louth.
fchool. 011 the R. of Tuam, i& the palace of his
si miles from Athlone, on the banb of Grace the ArchbllhoJl ; and on the L.
the Cronaugh river, are the ruins ef the feat of Mr. Coleman.
Cartron cank; and It mile further, Little more than one mile: from TU:lI~,
is the fmall vilbge of BaTIymullalon. on the R. and 00 difFerent fides thc
At si miles, on the L. is CQI'k, the feat river, are Ballygaddy and Friendly-
of Mr Tou:,;;" noar a fmall lake; a Q.!!a, ter.. the 1eats of Mefl"rs. Kir.
mile f"nher, a re the ruins of a church; wan.
and at 11 miles, thofe of Dyfert church, 2. miles from TUBm, 00 the L. are the
olithe L. ruins of a church; and at 4! miles, is
, \ miles from Athlone, is the little village Ca!!:!e Grove, Mr. Blake's, on the It. ;
of Thoma!lown. little more than .s miles, is Newborough,
At Io! miles, on the L. is B.Uyna, Mr. M,·. Lynch's; and about a mile fur-
Fallon's; and a little further, on the ther, Blenwell, Mr. Kirwan's, on the
I.. of Ba,lIyforan, i. Cloonagh, the feat L.
of John Fallon, Efq. 8 miles from Tuam, on the R. is Cloghan
At BallyIoran, the road i. continued by ,Callle, the feat .f Mr. Lane; aod
a bridge over the river Suck. \ ahout 10 miles, is Turin call1e, that of
A little beyond Ballyforan, on the R. and Mr. Kirwan, on the L.
on the bank of the ri ver, is a feat of (i)n the R. of Kilmain, Bre the ruins ef a
one of the Mr. Kelly's; and near half church; and on the L. half a mile dif-
a: mile further, on the L. Muckland, tam, tho!'" of a cafile.
belonging to another gcntltman of that One mile beyond Kilmain, is Ellifiown,
lIame. Mr. Browne'., on the R; and the ruins
Jkt' BaUynamlirc, the road again crafl"es of a cafile, at fome dillance more to
the Suck, running fur near 3 miles on the R. t near a mile further, the ruins
the north fide that river, where you of a church, on the L.; and other ruins
mull turn to the L. or fouthward, and of a caille, about a mile to the R.
azain crofs it to go to Newtown BeI- Far to the L. approaching Ballinrttbe, lies
lew; the road forward leads to Dun· the Neale, a leat of Lord Kilmain,
more, &c. with extenfive dcmefne and plantati-
A little beyond the bridge at BaUyna- ons; on the R. entering the town, is a
more, i. Ballybawn, Mr. Kdly's, on charter fchool ; and fome ruins of an
the R.; a mile further, is Clon!yon ; abbey, &c. near the town, on the R.
and a little beyond it, are the ruins of a From Ballinrobe, after you pars the
church, on the R. bridge over the Robe.river, the road to
5\ miles, on the L. are the ruins of a I'artree continues forward, in a north-
church; and furthrr, to the L. is 1IIlouoI , well direction. '
Bellew-bridge, where there are flour- I t mile heyond Ballinrobe, is Crea~h.
rllills; a' little further, to the L. is the [eat of Mr. Culfe, on the L; and a
Mount Iiellcw, the feat of Mr. Bel. little further, but more to the'I•. Cur-
lew; and a mile further ou, i. the Hill, ramore, that of Mr. Martill; about a
that of Mr; French. mile further, the road paJ'fes betwetn
At 7 miles, are the ruins of Ca1l:1e Bellew, Lough Carra, on the R. and Lough
~car a mile all the L~ , ' Malk, on the L. crof\iDJ: the river that
To Tarmonbarry.
runs between them; on the L. are the Between 4 and 5 miles, is ]ohnllown, on
ruins of a callle in Lough Malk; and, tl'-e R.; about a mile further, is Son-
on the R. 3 miles beyond Ballinrobe, naLIt, the fcat of Sir H. Tuite, Bart.
is Cloonlaagheen, the feat of Mr. on the R.; and near 7 miles, i. Trif-
Lynch; on the near bank of Lough ternagh, that of sir P. Piers, Bart. at &
Carra and Clonee, that of Mr. llrowlle, <!lnfiderable dillance, on the R.
on the oppofite. At 7 miles from Mullingar, and on the R.
On the R. of Partree, are the ruins of a approaching Ballynacargy, i. the houfe
church; and at a little diftance from the and extenfi vc demefne of Baronftown,
town, is Port Royal, the feat of Mr. the fine feat of Lord Sunderlin; a lit-
Gildea, a!fo on the R. tle beyond Ballynacargy, is Rock-
At Partree, turn to the L. or weftward, brooke; and half a mile further, Con-
to go to We!1:port; the road forward, lanftown, both on the R.; and the feata
leads to Ca!1:lehar. of the Mr. Ifdells ; half a mile further.
l: t mile from Partree, are fome ruins, on are the ruins of a church, 011 the L.;
the L.; and about 9 miles, Mount and near thefe, is the Buck-houfe IRn.
- Browne, the feat of Mr. Browne, on On the R. about a mile, pleafantly fitn-
the 1 •. and within 3 mile. of Weft- ate on an iiland formed by the River
port; near Wefiport, beautifully fitu- Inny, is Newport, the feat of Mr.
ate on a gently rifing ground near the Dlake; half a mile from which, are
river, which rUlls between the town the ruins of a cafile, on a hill near the
and the fea, i. a feat of the Earl of Al- bank of the river; 3 miles beyond Bal-
tamont's, commanding a fine view of lynacargy, is a bridge over the Inny; a
the bay, with its nUll'lerou.s iflands, little beyond which, are the ruins of &
great and projecting promontories, and church, on the R.; and a little further,
rich and hanging woods. thofe of a cafile; half a mile beyond
thefe, is Cafile Wilder, the feat of Mr.
Wilder, a!fo on the R.; ~nd on the L.
are the ruins of Abby Shrul~, near the
edge of the river.
On the L. approaching to Colehill, is Te-
Mullingar,p. (32.) WtjI-"/.. MO,·) F. nelick, the feat of Lord Annaly, finely
m,"th. ~ 2 fituate on the lony, and pleafantl,
Ballynacargy, 7 4 45 6 Ilcirted by the river.
Colehill, Longfo,d. 5 1 50 7 One mile beyond Colehill, is the church
Barry, 3 3 54 2 and village of Tafhiny. .
Kenagb, 2. 4156 6 11 miles beyond ColehiJI, is Kilcurry, Mr_
Killafhee, \ 4 2.1610 0 Nugent's, on the L.; a little further.
Tarmonbarry, Longford"/.. 5 64 5 Drury, Mr. Jeffop's, on the R.; and
and Roftommo". .\ 3 about a mile further, to the R. are the
Having paffed through MuJlingar, the ruins of a came, furrounded by a grove
road divides, taking 3 different direc- of trees.
tions, that to the R. or moll north- A little beyond Darry, . on the R. i. Lif-
ward, is to EdgeworthftowA and Long- glalIich, Mr. Robertfon's; half a mile
ford, as defcribed page (2.3); that right further, and one mile to the L. is Tir-
forward, and nearly weft to Racondra licken, a feat of Lord A nnaly' s, the re-
and Ballymahon, asin page (44). The fid.ence of John Fetherfton, Ef'i.; !f.
road now to be defcribed lie. between miles from Barry, is Kikommack:
thefe two running north-weft, and to church, half a mile on the L.; and
the fouthward of Lough Owil, palling Glenmore, Mr. Pahller's, one mile on
Irilhtown, the feat of Mr. Johnfton, the R.
Farnaruftie, that of Sir Richard Le- On the L. of :r;:ena~h, is Mofftown, a
vinge, Bart. and Tullaghan, that of feat of Sir William G. Newcomen,
Mr. Nugent, all at fome diftance on Dart. the refidence of Mr. Kingfton.
the R. foon after you leave Mullingar. 2. miles from Kenagh, are the ruins of a
lSetween 3 and 4 miles from Mullingar, church; and a little further, thofe of a
are the ruins of a church, on the R. cafile, on the L. and near the bank of
near the lake; and thgfe of another, rut the Fallen river, over whith there is a
the L. near the road. bridge at this place.
To Newport,
On the L. of KilIalhee, i& the church, on SJndys ; and on the R. near the to'"
a high grolUld; and a little further on, of Ballymahon, and on the oppofite
the glebe-houfe, the relidence of fide of the lnny, Ballymulvey, late the
Archdeacon Hutchinfon, alfo on the relidence of the Rev. Mr. Ahmuty; I
L. mile to the L. beyond Ballymahon, ;.
One mile heyond Killalhee, on the 1.. is Cafile Core, his prefent relidence.
Middle~on, Mr. MOlltford's; and near I! mile beyond Ballymahon, is Tirlic-
~ mile. further, is Aghnagoe; ODe ken, th~ refidence of John l'etherll:on,
mile to the R. of which, is Dricnllown, Efq. on the R.; a mile fnrthn-, i5
the feat of 53!Iluel Ahmuty, Efq.; l.edwithfiown, on the L. the feat of
within half a mile of Tarmonbarry- Mr. Ledwith ; and Kilcommack chum,
bridge, are the n,ins of a church, on on the R.; at 6 miles, i. Newpark, on
an illand formed by a branch of the the L. the refidence of Mr. Kelly; and
Shannon. at 9 miles, approaching Lanefboro',
the houfe of Ratheline, now uninha-
bited, npwards of a mile· to the L.;
From DUBLIN to NEWPORT, and ClonbollOY, on the R. the feat of
through ROIlCOMMON and CAS' Mr. Da vis, pleafintly lituated uear the
TLEB<l.R. great ri ver Shannon.
On the R. of Lanefboro', is the church,
1"'\ .,\ M'I E. with the remaina of a ateple, which
Mulling"r, p. (32) W:ft-?, 0' o· 21 fhew it to have been once a much more
m.atb CQ. S 3 '2
confiderable building; the town i. ea/!:
Racondra, 5 7 44 I and well of the Shannon, over which
Dallymahon, Lon.Uord. 8 3 51. 4 there is a bridge, and OD the battlement
Lanefboro', Longford and?,
Rrfcommon. 5
9 6 6\ Z 2
is ereeled a great Ilone fculptured with
the arms of the antient family to which
Rofcommon, R'!foom11lon. 7 69 3 thi. place has long given the title of
Ballintobber, 9 3 78 6 Earl. The rocky bank. of the river
Call1creagh, 4 1. 83 0
Ilear this town, afford an abundance of
lMlinlough, 5 8~ I
excellent lime Ilone, which nling in
BallyhauQis, MaJo. 4 C 92 I
blocks and flags of great dimenlions,
llall, IJ 5 105 7 and being of great beauty when
Manill., 2 I 107 0
wrought, are ufcd in builcling. and
Call1ehar, 5 I 113 0
other purpofes at many miles dillance,
Newport, 9 2 121. ~
and give employment to Rumbers of
When you leave MuIJingar, keep right the townfmen, who are chiefly mafollS
forward, following the road running and Ilone-cutter~. On the wellward
nearly well, and pailing Ladyllown, on of the boidge; is a fhort canal made for
the L. at ~ miles dillance. the convenience of the navigation, to
At 3 miles from Mullingar, is Greenpark, avoid the rocks and fhallows in the bed
the feat of Sir Robert Hodfon, Bart. of the river.
on the L.; about a mile further, are From Laneiboro' to Ro[comrnon, the
the ruins of a church, on the R.; and road runs fouth-weft, having Lough-
at 5 miles, Feiltown, on the L. Ree, formed by the Shannon, on the
After you pafs Racondra, keep to the R. L. and the mountains called SlievlJ
or north-weR; the road to the 1.. or Bonn, at fome dillance, on the R.
fouth-well, leads to Athlone. . 4 miles from Lanefboro', is Deechwood,
l miles beyond Racondra, is Morinllown the feat of Mr. Hughcs, on the L.; and
church, on the L.; and a little further, a little more to the L. Bobfgrove, that
Mears-court, the feat of Mr. Mears, of Mr. Ormfby.
near a mile on the R.; and at .3t
miles, A t the entrance into Rofcommon, the
the little village of Moyvore. road turns immediately to the R. to go
6 miles from Racondra, . i. Forgney to Ballintohber and Cafilereagh, with-
church, on the R.; and at , miles, is OUt into the town, and palTlng
N ew-ca!lle, the feat and ~xtenfive de- the rum. of a great cafile, on the L-
nlcfne ef l.ord Oxmantown, on the R. once the relidence of the ancient and
pleafantly lituate on the river Inny; noble family of J ones, Lords Rane·
on the L. is Crcva, the fe"t of Mr. lagh,
To Newport and Killala.
Lefs than onc mile from Rofcommun, he· other gentlemen ot that nante; near 3
fore you come to the charter· fchool on miles, are the ruins of a church, on the
the hill, the road to Ballintobber turns L.; and at 6 anel 8 miles, thofe of two
again to the L. (that forward leading call1es, on the R.
. to Tul1k.) About I I miles from Ballyhaunis, are the
III miles from Rofcommon, are the ruins r,uim of three cafiles, on the R. and L.
of a church, on the R.; and a little of the road.
further, is Cloverhill, a feat belonging On the L. a little beyond Ball, are
to Mr. Latouche; ncar 4 miles is AnI- Browne.haU, the (eat of Mr. Browne,
more, Mr. Croghan'8, on the L.; be- and Moat, that of Sir H. BlolI'e, Bart.
yond which more to the L. and on the z miles heyond Manilla,. is Breafy, the
other fide ilie river Suck, is Donamon, feat of Mr. Browne; and on the L.
the manfion and demefne of the re- entering. CalUebar, are a charter-fchool,
prefentatives of the late Lord Chief and the church. On the R. is a feat
Juftice Caulfield. and charming demefne of Lord Lucan;
5 miles beyond Rofcommon, are the ruins a little beyond it, Soho, that of Mr.
of a caftle, on the L. ; and a little fur. Ellifon; and about a mile to the L. near
thcr on, near thofe of a church, is Run- the Lake, MQunt Gordon, that of Mr.
nimede; and a little beyond it, High- Gordon.
lake, the feats of two of the Fallon f.l- Cioft1ebar, which !lands on a river that
mily, on the R. _ runs between the Lake of Cafllebar
Between 6 and 7 miles, i. Emlagh, the and Lough Conn or CuIlin, is a pica-
feat of Colonel M'Dermott, near the fant town, rifing in manufactures and
Suck, on the L. ; 'about a mile further, other improvements, under the patro-
Oran, Mr. Malone'., to the L. of nage of Lord Lucan: the lakes abound
which, and on the oppofite fide the ri· with f.veral kinds of fifh, lamong
"'er, is Glinlk, the feat of Sir John which is a peculia'r fpecies oEtrout with
Burke. gizards called the Gillaroo) but are re·
I miles from Rofcommon, is A/hpark, markable for not producing pike.
Mr. Lyfter's, on the R.; a little fur- From Caftlcbar, after you pafs the bridge,
ther on, are fome ruins on the L.; and the road to Newport turns to the L. or
about a mile diftant, on the L. Lcbag, wdlward, running along the north
Mr. Irwine's; and Dundermot, the fide of the Lake, and winding between
feat of Samuel Owens, Efq. pleafantly the bills to that place.
fituated on the river Suck. Between z a!'ld 3 miles beyond Caftlebar,
On the L. of Ballintobber, are fame fine is Rahe~ns, on the L. the feat of Mr.
ruins of a caftle, on the R.; half a Browne; aud a little beyond Newport,
mile beyond BaUintobber, is Willfgrove, on the L. finely fituate and command-
the feat of Mr. Wills; z miles further, ing an extenlive view of Clew-bay and
South Park, that of the late General its numbcrlefs illands. is Seamount, the
Gifborne; and within a mile of Caftle- feat of the Honourable John Drowne.
reagh, on the R. are the ruius oC an
On the L. of Caftlereagh, are the feats of From DunLIN to KILLALA.
M. P. M.!'.
Mr. Magrnth, and Mr. Young; on the
R. that of Mr. Sandford; and at fome Lane{boro·,p. (44)L."l"'} 0 0 6~ ~
diftance from the town, Harriftowu, fold Co.
the feat of Mr. Young, on the L. Strokeftown, Raft·mm.... 7 7 10 J
One mile beyond Caftlereagh, is Cloun- 'Tullk:, 5 ~ 75 3
malis, the feat of Mr. O'Connor, on French.park, 7 6 83 r
the R.; and 5 miles, Perreboro', that BaIlaghadiTecn, May •• 6 Zl 89 3
3 97 6
of Mr. Wills, fltuatc at the extremity BaIlaghy,
of the Lake, and on'the R. of Ballin- Swindord, Ma,o. 5 103 3
Foxford, 4IU 7
On the R. of Ballyhaunis, are the rains Ballina, 7 120 9
of an abbey; and half a mile beyond, 5 U7 3
the tOWD,is Annagh, the leat of Mr. Dil- Having crolI'ed the bridge over the Shan·
lOll, on the R.; and 011 the L.-are Hazle. non at Landl;oro', keep the R. or
hill and Holywell, the feats Qf two north· we!!: ro.d, to go to Strokeftown;
-4- 6] To Killala.
th:lt to the L. or (outh.weft. leading ford, is Ncwpark, the feat or AIr.
to Rofcommon, as d, fcribed page (44.) Brabazon.
Near 3 mile, from Lanefboro', un the R. 4 mile. beyond Swineford, near the ru ins
is Moum Dillon, the feat of Mr. Dil! of MiJick cburch, is New-caille, the
Ion; further on, you paro ncar thc feat of Mr. Q'Donnell, on the R.; one
mountain called Sli~ve Bonn ; on the L. mile beyond this. the road crofi'es the:
at the fouth weft extremity of which, Guilhaden river.
i. Mullughuafilce caurch, feated on a 6 mile. beyond Swineford, are the ruin!
hill. of Temple-row, on the R.; and one
On the R. of Strokefrown, is the charm- mile further, thoft of BalIylaghan-caf-
ing demefn~ and refidence of Maulice tIc, on the L.; a little beyond which.
Mahon, Hq. the road again croffe. the river. run-
At Stroke!1own, turn to the L. or weft- ning from thence to Foxford, on the
ward, to !(O to TuIlk, pailing the church north fiele thereof.
on your R.; the road forward leads to At the road croffes the Moy ri-
Elphin and Boylc. ver, and rUns afterwards wellwo1rd of.
N c.". 4 miles from Stroke!1own, arc the and nearly parallel to, that river, the
ruin; of a church, on the R, At TuIlk, remainder of the way.
arc the ruins of an abbey; and about z mile. from Foxford, is Moorefield, the
a mile to the R. is FOllborough, the fat of Mr. Moore, on the R. and op-
fcat of Mr. French. pofite fide the river; little more than
Near 3 mile. from Tullk, is l\iantIJi, the a mile further, are the ruins of a church
feat of l...Ir. Underwood. one mile to on the fame fide, and near a fmall
the R.; a"d s! mile. from TulL'<:, i. lake; at 6 miles, are the ruins of ano-
the village of Belanagar; on the R.-of ther church, on the L.; and on the L.
which is the feat of Mr. O'Connor; of Bailina, is Keromore, the feat of
and near a mile further, th.t of ano)- 1\1r. V.l1ghan.
ther gentlcman of that name, .lifo on One mile beyond Ballina, on the R. and
the R. near the bank of the river, which now
'l milt·s beyond Tu:lk" is Clonfhanville, begin~ to widen in its approach to the
on thc R. the feat of ]l;1r. Davies; on f~a, are the ruins of a catHe, and other
the R. of this, are the ruins of an ab- buildings; and near z mile. further.
bey; and not far dif,ant, the ruins of on the oppofite bo1nk. commanding a
two churches. fine view of Killala bay, and the en-
French-park, the heautiful demefne with trance of the river, are the ruins of
rich and cxten{jv~ plantations, the Connor ca!1Ie; and half a mile furtller.
charming fc.lter Arthur french, Efq. on the wellern coaft of the bay, thofe
is on the R. of the ro.d and little vil- of Rofcrk abbey.
lage of that name; about tW() miks S miles from Ballin~, on the R. is Meyne.
further, is the church, on the L.; and the feat of Mr. Knox, finely fituated
3 miles beyond french-park, is Rath. on the bay; half a mile further, and
tra, on the R. the feat of a Mc. within one mile of Killala, are the ruins
l'renoh. of a church, on the R.
Near 4 miles beyond French-park, are the On the L. of KiIhla. is the palace of the
ruin. of a church, on the L.; a mile Right Rev. Bifhop of that diocefe; a
further, is Liilion, on the 1..; and liltle beyond which, i. the church;
about a mile beyon,1 that, i. Long, on and at the further extremity of the
the R. two fe.lts helonging to the Mr. town, one of the round towers peculiar
DilIons; and hoth fituatc near the to this kingdom.
banks of the C~ra River, which here Killala i. a finall feaport town, fituate on
makes a rapid curve, and over which the wenern coall of a large bay of that
there is a bridge; beyond the bridge, name, opening into the Atlantic or
YGu ,enter the county Mayo, within 7- Great Wcllern Ocean north-weft of
nli!~s of BJll.tghadi,·('en~ Dublin; there are fame eoarfe linen
6 miles from EalIagbdireen, are the n:in, and w,)oIlen cloths made here; but filh-
of a ",liIe, 011 the L.; :,nd on the R. i. ing is the chief occupation of the inha-
CIoon M"f<', the leat of Mr. PhiIips. bitants, the bay and river abounding
On tl:e R. at Bal!aghy, are the ruins of with a variety of fifh, and affording an-
a L"na<k; an,I on the L. of Swille- n",.Uy a l'Jentiful fupply of herrings.
To Clare and
Shannon Bridge.
From DUBLIN to CURE, .through. Mr. Bagot, on the L. At Clara, the
road crolfes the river, and runs on the
fouth fide "ther~of to BaUycumber.
IM. F. M. r.
A little beyond Clara, on the R. is the
BalJynamorc,p.(39) Gal-1 , 0 0 74 5 feat of Mr. ArmHrong, pleafantJy fi-
"WfI:J C.. S tuate on the north fide the river; and
Kilkerein, 8 4 83 I on the L. are the ruins of Erry cat1:le ;
Dunmore, 8 0 91 I one mile beyond Clar.., and near a mile
Ballindine, 8 0 99 I to the R. on the oppotite fide of the
Clare, May.. 3· 4 lO~ .5 , river, is Boulart, the feat of Mr. Tel-
Near 3 miles beyond Ballynamore, as m ford; one mile further, and 01\ the Came
page (39) at the Crufs Roads, in~ead fide, is Profpect, that of Mr. Holmes;
of turning to the L. as there defCflbed, on the R. entering Ballycumber, is
which leads to Newtown Bellew and the feat of Mr. Armllong; about a
Tuam, keep on forward to go to Kil- mile, on the L. Cat1:letown, that of
kerein; about a mile fu~her, is a Mr. Wetheral; and at the further end
bridge over the Suck i 2 miles beyond of the town, Twilnham, that of ano-
which is Newforeil:, the feat of Mr. ther Mr. Armllrong, on the R.
·Darcy: on the L.; and ~ miles further,
CroDing the Brofn.. again, at Ballycum-
Fidane, that of Mr. Kdly. bcr, the road from hen~e continues on
On the L. of Killr.erein, near a mile, arc
the north fide of that river.
the ruins of a church i and z miles be-
yond it, Clondowel, ~e feat of Mr. One mile beyond Ballycumbcr, on the R.
Blak~, on the R.; a little further on, are the church and parfonage houfe ;
the ruins of two call1es, onc on the R. and near two miles, is C.llle Arm·
the other on the L.; and on the R. of ftrong, alfo on th.: R. the feat of Mr.
Dunmore, is a fcat of the Earl of Armlhong.
Rofs. Near 3 miles from Ballycumber, ar~ the
Near 3 miles beyond Dunmore, are the ruins of LCRlanaghan church, on the
ruins of a chnrch, on the L.; and near L.; and thofe of a c,llk, on the R.;
5 miles, Dalygan, the feat of Mr. Bir- and It mile further, the ruius of Kil-
mingham, at a confiderable diftaace, on leolgan caftle, on the L.
the L. 5 miles beyond Ballycumber, is Ballyfin,
I! mile -heyond Ballindine, is Callle the feat of Mr. King, on the R.; the
M'Garret, the feat of Mr. Browne, on ruins of Cool-canIc, near the bank. of
thc R. the river, are about ~ mile on th~ L:;
and within half a mile of Fearbane, is
Kincor,the feat of Mr. Je/fop, ·on tht:
BRIDGE. On the L. of Fearbane, and on the oppo-
·M. F. M. ,. fite, or fouth fide of the river, is Gal-
Kilbeggan, p. (39) Wll-1 0 0 44 ~ lan, the feat of Mr. Armllrong; and
"'tath C.. S about two miles further, on the fame
Clara, Xi"g', COIInty. 4 2 48 4 fide, is Ballylheal, that of Mr. Judge.
~ Sj5
5 6 56 7
I Near 2 miles beyond Fearbane, on the R.
is Moyclare, the f~at of Mr. Lowther ;
Shannon Bridge, Xing's1 8 I 6< 0 and a little further, Killygally, Rev.
eou"t, and Rift.mmo". S Mr. Coghlan's, on the L.; near;;
Having palfed through Kilbeggan, at the miles, Belmont, Mr. Holmes·s, on the
other fide the bridge, turn to the L. to . L.; ar.d the ruins of a caftle, on the
go to Clara, the road running along Jt.; further on, Strawherry hill, th"
the Brofna river; on your R. o"e mile feat of Mr. Coghbn, on the other /i.le
beyond the bridge, are the ruins of : the river, one mile to the L.; a littlt:
Moycalhill came. further, the ruins of Clonony caftlc, on
~ miles beyond Kilbeggan, is the little the fille, and- the ruins of another
village of Lifminy; to the L. of which caftle, on the R.; and MuyllowlI, the
on the other fide the river, is Bleech- . feat of "Mr. Lenr~nge, on the L. plea-
field, the fe~t of Mr. Armllron~; and faody firuated on the Broflla, whicl.
at If miles, is Kilcourfey, the feat of f~lls a l:ttle bel()w thi~ into the Sllll;,
'To Oughterard.
non; near Mor/lo.".n, are (ame other Ballinafioe, which ilands on the Ri.,er
ru;ni. Suck, i. a neat and improving tOWD,
6 mile, beyond Fcarbane, on the L. i, ren13rbble and univerfally known for,
Deny Holme., the frat of Mr. Holmes, its three annual fair" io which a great-'
finely fituate near the Shannon. er number of iheep and black cattle,
On the 1.. of Shannon Bridge, at a good and larger quantity of wool, is fold,
Jiftance, i, a feat of the Bilbop of than in any other place perhaps in Eu-
Clonfert; n~ar which is a church; and rope.
on the R. of the village, and other fide From Ballinafloe, extending a confidera·
the river, is Mr. Lynch's. ble way along, on the L. is Garbally,
At ShanooIl Bridge, the Suck Corms a the charming feat, demefne, aod plan.
juuClion with the Shannon river, and tations, of W. P. K. Trench, Efq.
the three counties Galway, Rofcom· On the R. of Kilconnell, are the ruins of
1I1On a"cl Kil,g'. (aunty, meet h(re. a' once very confideraJ>le abbty; I!
mile beyond Kilconnd, and near ..
From Dl'llLIN to OUGHTERARD, mile to the L. is Killagh, the 'feat of
Mr. Donellan; and I! mile further,
through ATHLONE and GALWAY. is WooAlawn, on the R. the delightful
.... F. M. F. feat of Mr. Trench•
Athlone, p. (3g) WtjI-"l
mll.J!.) and B~ol1lmOll. S
o 0 S9 S On the L. a little beyond the New Il)n,
are the roins of a cafile; a little ,fur.
Ballinalloe, GalwaJ. U I 11 6 ther, thofe of a church, on the R.; at
Kilconnel. 6 3 78 one mile from the New Inn, is Beechill,
New Inn. 3 7 82 0 on the R. the feat 'lf Mr. Mahon; a
Athcnry. 91 9I6 1 6 little further on, and more to the R.
981 Cloonclia, Mr.Daly's; and near 3 mi1es.
'I 6 3 I
5 102 6
13 4 1I6 z
Benmore, on the L. the feat of another
gentleman of that name.
After you leave Athlone, having cro{fcd 3 miles beyond the New Ion, isKillemer,
the Shannon and the Canal, a littl~ af. the feat of a Mr. Daly, on the R.;
ter you pafs the Rofcomman road, near a mile further, Rathford, .t,\ll'( ef
which ftrikes off to the R. a fmall dif· another gentlem2l1 of that name, .. the
cance from Athlone, the road again di. L.; and at a conliderablc diftance, ,.011
vides, that to the R. leading to Bally. the L. Tourow, tho feat of Mr. Dol·
.foran and Tuam, as already defcribed phin; at 5! miles, are Kilt;olla, the
page (3g); that to the L. running feat of Mr. D'Arcy, on the.Jt.; and
fouth-weft, leads to Ballinafloe. Carrorowe, that of Mr. Keily, .olf:!i'e
Little more than a mile beyond Athlone, L.; beyond thefe, is the elegant lilfN
the road (ro{fes the CronJugh river, and very extenfive demefue and itf
running to the Shannon; at 4 nliles, provements of Dunf~ndle, the feat ~f
arc the ruins of a church, on the R.; the late Right Honourable Den .. Daft;
and haif a mile further, is Clonalk, the in and near this demefne, are feveral
ft:lt of M ... DIIlon, on the L.; at 5 ruins of churches and cailles.
mile-s, i, Achriny, Mr. Ke11y'.; and a 7 miles from the New Inn, on the R. i5
mile funhl'r, Tholllal1own, Mr. Nagh- Eikar Houfe, the feat of another Mr.
ten",on the R. and the ruins of a cafile, Daly; a little beyond which, are the
on the L. ruins of two cafrlcs, one on the R. th<;
Near 8 \lIiles frohl Athlooe, is Tullei;;h, other on the L. diftant half a mile.
the fc~t pr ~ir Richard St. Geor)[e, On the L. of Athenry, is Newford, the
DJrt. on the L.; and 2 miles further, feat of :-'1r. Brown.
ti1t:re arc fOl~lC ruins, aJfc 0:1 the L. At Athenry, are the ruins of walls and
'V;thin a mile of BJllinafloe, i. Fort- towers, which ihew it to have been
"ViIJiJOl, l\Ir. Landcai1:cr's; and a lil- once a place of firength; he~ween Ihi.
tie nearer the town, Suckvillc, !vlr. and Oranmorc, are the rui",,¥,f three
Lynch '" both on the 1..; on the R. 'ca!l:les, on the L. ,.,
before you enter the town, is CrL"u~h 5 mih-s beyond Athenry,is Frendtfhrd, "
.church; and a little further, on the the R. che feat of Mr. Frenc!!; and on'
b.nh of the river, arc the ruin, of a the L. of Oranmore, is the feat of X.
caftle. ' };lake, Efq. fituate at the eallern q;.
To Oughterard a.nd Moni'\'ea.
tremity nf Galway bay: from Orao- thofe of a came, on the R.; and a li~
nunc, the road continu=.i aJong the tic beyond thefe, is Portaeairn, the feat
north coall. of the bay to G,llway. of Mr. French, near the edge of 'the
Near 2 miles beyond Oranmorc, ::re the lake: within half a mile. of ,Ought.-
tuin • ..r tWo ,·.ak., 011 the I.. north ,rard, is Lemonfield, that of Sir J.
;IlU fouth of the bay; and on the road O'Flagherty, on the R.; and on the
• to G,lway, the ruills of thr~e others,' on L. of Oughter;ord, near a Dule, Fuogh.
the R. audI.. Mr. Martin's.
3 mfic" from Oranmore, is B~llyboghan,
the feat of Dodor Joice; and within From DUBLIN to MONlVEA.
a mile of Galway, Lyuch's Foily, Mr.
D'Arcy's. ' M. r. M. F.
Galway is " hrge, well huilt, fea port n~llin~more, p. (39),GaJ-'l 0 s
town; 'fituate 'Oil the north-eall. coall at 'Wily CO. S' 014
the bottllmo{ a deep bay of the At- Caftleblakeney. S S ,80 :.
lautic or Weilem Ocean, by means of Menlogh, 3 4 83 6 ('41
which, it carrics on a cOllfiderable Monivea, 5 4 49 ~ .... 0',
trade; it invallcd r .. und, and has been At Ballinamore, you tum to the L.;
'a place nf confilerable ll:rength, de- without crolling the bridge, as in pap
fended by a fort; h~re is a barrack for (39) the road to Caftleblakeney, run-
.. a regirnellt of foot, of which its gar- lIing to the fouth.well:; near z mile•
rifon generally confins: it is the capi- beyond Ballinamore, on the L. is
tal of the county of that name, and Clegher, the feat of Mr. French; and
give. the title of Vifcount to the noble about 3 miles, is Alecant, Mr. Sea-
family of MonL'ton Arundd. At the ton's, on the R.; about a mile beyond
entra:;cc of the bay' of Galway, which which, is the little village of Caltragh.
aboullds with a variety of fi1h, are fe- Half a mile ,beyond Catl:leblakeney; is
- veral confiderable iflands, called the Afhfield, tile feat, of Mr. Blakeney, on
South Inands of Arran. the L.; at fome di£\:ance, on, the R. ia
..·}'rom Galway to Oughterard,t~e"'oad Corgery, t~at of Mr. French; and a
runs north-well:, having Lough 'Corrib, little further, the 'oillage of Glentown.
I on the R.; and the mountains of !arcon- t miles beyond Ca£\:leblakeney, is I3Ullrea •
• i, naught, on the L. ' the feat of Mr. Davies, at fome dif-
A little beyond Galway. are the rllins of tance, on the L.; and.on the R. Fair-
two cailles, on the R. fituate oppofite hm, that oC Mr. French; and a little
to each other, on the fidel of the river. further, within a mile of Menlogh, is
Near" miles beyond Galway, i. D.angan, Munnine, that of another Mr. French.
the feat of Mr. II/brtin, on tbe R.; on the L.
further to the R. on the north fide the If mil~ beyond Menlegh, i, Colmanf..
river, is M,nlo~h, the feat of Sir P. town, on the L. Mr. French'll half a.
Blake, Bart.; and on the I .. is Rahoon, mile further, are the ruins of a came;
that of Mr. French'; you next pafs hy . and at 3 miles, Abbert, Mr. Blakency'..
Dufhy l'ark, Mr, French's; a little near a mile to the R.; a little further.
further, by Kcntvillc, Mr. M3Ttin's; Corindo, at f,,:ne diGanee, on the L. ;
ami 3 miles Crom Galway, by Eyre- and within a mile of Monieva, the ruins
Fidd, Mr. Eyre's, all ou the R.; and of a church" on the R.
near 3 mile.further, is Vvood£\:ock, Mr. On the L. as~you approach Monivea, i.
Kent'., on the L. the feat of the late Mr. French" a gen-
S miles from Galway, is Moycullen. the, tleman to whofe public fpirit and great
feat of Mr. French, near a mile 011 the' libcnlity, not only this' town and
R.; near 7 miles from Galway, is' neighbourhood, b'lt the country in ge-
l)rumcong; and half a ~l1ile further" neral, are much indebted, for the ef-
Kilkelly, with other pleafant dwellings, tablifhment of various branches of in-
along tltis thi<kly inhabited country; , dul1ry, ,man'ufadure, and hulbaDdry.
near 8 miles from Galway, are the ruins, and whof~ improvements in draining,
of a church; and near them, is Roli;, plaming, and agriculture, mu£\: 10llg
the feat uf Mr. Martin, on the R.; .1 ' remain a te£\:imony of his 'l.enl:v01'"
miles further, arc the ruins of another and e:JteTl,rifing g:euilll.
,hllrch, on the L. i at a {:u~ll diftance, H
To Head£ord aad Kilru/h.
011 the L. oE the town, is a fchool, db- Having palfed through Loughrca, ttu:
blilhcd alfo by that gCDtIemau. r03d to GaTt, is that to the L. running
fuuth-weft, and Dear the lake; near ~
miles from Loughrea, is Curheen. the
From DUBLIII to HEADFOllD. feat of Mr. Loftus, on the L. and near
,M·I r.J
Tuam, p. (l9) Galw«J c.. 0 0 93 0
111.\ r. the weftcrn extremity of the lake; one
mile further, are the ruins of a caaJe,
Hcadford, 10 0 lOa 0 on the 1,.; and the church and village
PlIl.Uug tbTougb TIWIl. this road tUtD5 to of Kilcrift, 3 miles beyond Loughrea;
the L. running fouth-weft; and 4 miles near ~ miles beyond this, is R01borough.
from Tuam, is Came Hackett, the feat the feat of Mr. Porlfe, half a mile on
of Mr. Ki,wan, on the R.; a little fur- the R. ; and a mile further, are the ruina
tb~r,.are the J'Uim of a calle, OD the L. ;
of Killinan church.
1 miles froll) Tuam, is the church of 6! miles beyond Loughrea, is Corbally,
l>onoghpatrick ; and within one mile the feat of Mr. Blake, on the L; It
of Headford, the lodge of Mr. Shaw, mile further, are the ruins of two ·callle.
~ the il.
and a church. on the R. and of "
church, on the L.; aud" miles beyond
thefe, is Annagh, the feat of Mr. Burke,
From DUBLIN to KILllUSH, tbro' on the L.
LOUGHREA and ENNIS. A little beyond Oort, and about a mile
;;\ r~
on the L. is R yndyfen, a f<at of Pren-
Jl.allilldioe, p. (48 ) G.J-I
OtHJ, C.. S
N~I r~I' dergaft Smith, Efq.; and l.t miles be·
yond Gort, on the R. and L. of a lit-
o\ghcim, 3 6 '5 4 tle village, are the feats of the Mr.
Loyghcea, Il 0 86 4 Fofters; and abeve a mile, to the L. ii
(Jort, 11 , 98 3 Craig, that of Mr. Butler; near which
Tobberdonny, 4 z IO~ 5 are the ruins of a call1e; and other
Cru4been, Clar.. J 6 106 3 ruins, a little further on, on the R.
l'nni., 6 4IU 7 Wi~in one mile of Crulheen, are the
Clil1e, 7 II4 6 ruins of a caftle, near a mile on the R. ;
~iku/b, "S 0 139 6 and near one mile beyond Crufueen,
At the diviwm .of the r.oad, foon after you thofe of another, on the L. curioufly
pafs throllgk Ballinalloe. keep to the fituate OD a pewnfula of a fmalllake.
L. to g., to' Aghtim; after which you 3 miles beyond Crullteen, are the ruin. of
KO on forward. palling the road which a came, on the R.. ; a little further. i.
turns to the L •.about a !DiU: from Bal- Drunaguin. the! feat of Mr. Crow;
linanoe, and leads to l!yrecourt. Gar- and about a mile, on the R. Nutfield.
bally, tNl ~.tenfive and beautiful fellt that of another gentleman of the fame
of W. P. 11>. TtlCDCh, Efq. ill on Yllur name: within half a mile of Ennis, i.
R- LiJford, the feat of Mr. England, on
Cn the R. of ~gluIm, famDI18 for the the R.; and on the L. of Enni., fepa-
battle fought tJu:~e, July nth, 169I, rated by the R.iver Fcrgu., i. Coppag-
betweeft Oeneral OiflCkle and Monfieur hard, the feat of Mr. l.ecltey.
it. Ruth, ID fatal to the latter and his Half a mile beyond Ennis, are the remains
army, are the rains .. III abbey; and of an abbey, on the L.; at Ennis, and
a little bey.mci UHm, is tlae feat of Mr. Clare, are barracks for feveral com-
Kane; ~ miles Ioeyond the town, is panies of infantry.
New-callle, the feat of Mr. Davis; and One mile beyond Clar~, and near one mile
half a mile further, Oatfield, that of to the R. is Newhall, Mr. M'Donnell'.;
Mr. Brabazon, both on the R.; :I miles and a little further, is Barnlick, Mr.
further, Ballydonellan, on the L. Mr. Peacock'., on the L.; ~ miles from
Donnellan's; and near 6 miles from Clare, i. Buncraigy, a fcat of Lord
Aghrim, Newgrove, Mr. Elake's, on Conyngham, in a fine fitutltion, near
the R.; beyond this, are the ruins of the River Fergu., here extended to a
two cafile. and two churches, before cnnfiderable lake; a mile furthcr, ill
•,OU come to Loughrea, and Bally- Craigbrync, Mr. Stackpolc., on the
dugan, Mr. liurk's, within J mil~. of R.
that town, on the L. 6 miles olld Clire, it BaIla her· , Mr.
To Inninymond arid Dinglc.
,O'Brien'!, on the L; a little further, buildings on tl1e· hiHl. to the L.; ,
:lnd more to the L. Portfergus, that of mile. bqond Corrofin, i. Roekllo'l'!'D.
Mr. Rof. Lewen, botb near the lake; the feat of Mr. Blood, ·on the L.; a lit.
a little beyond thefe, id R.::dgdtc Inn, tie beyond whkh, arc the temains of a
in the neighbouroood of which are the great call1e; 31 mile. further, thofe of
ruins of a church and caftle, bdide a church, on tbe It.; and at fome dif-
many other ruics along this road. tance, on the L. near Inniftymond. i,
Between 7 and 8 miles from Clare, is Fa- Wood Mount, the feat of Mr. Lytaght,
radue, tbe feat oC Mr. Henn, on the fep.rated from the road by the river
fide of a hill, from which i! an ex- ayna; at the furrher end of the town,
tenfi vc view over the adjoining lake, i,the fear of Mr. O'llricn.
and it! many ifiand,. in and mar which
arc fome cllrious rains; and at ro From DUBLIN to PINGLE.
JIIiles, thtlfe of Kildrfart, on the L.
M. F. 11. 1'.
lIear the lake.
r6 miks from Clare, i. Cland~rlaw, the Racoole, DuMn CD. 0" 8 0
fCil.t of Mr. Sludcrs, on the L.; and Kill, KitH". 4.. III 4
- lurther to the L. Ballyartrey, that of Naas, J 0 IS 4
Mr. Barday, both near great bay
the Shanoon; and the church of KiI-
"r Kildare.
Emo Inn, !!!.!!..,,',
9 3 114
C"""iJ' 4 si 34
mllrry, a mile farther, O!\ the R.;
Maryboro' , 5 1 40. X
about 2, miles further, is Kilmote. the
feat of Mr. Hickman; and two miles Montrath, 6 4 ,.6 S
m()re, that of Mr. Mannfd, upon the
Bunol-ia-OlI'ory, 6 ... 53 I
I "I'I'j
Ballyboy, on tbe I .. is Derrinboy, JYIr.
Clar!t's; little more than a mile, Cur- Birr, p. (SS) King'. Co. ,M"0 0 63 r.
ra:r;hmore, MI·. Robio!on's, on the R. j Burris-a-kaDe. ']'i/'Pum"). II 0 74 1
· To Burris-a-kane, Tullo, aDd Q'Brien's-Brid~.
Having left Birr•. and crolred the river. a name; little more than 8 miles from
fecond time. as in pag~ (55) you pafs Nenagh, i. Ramlough. Mr. Rollilloo's;
by. the road, on the R. kading to Por- and half a mile further. Derry, the feat
tu IOna. as there defcribed; and a little uf Mr. Head, all on the R. aBd finely
further on. t~ke the next turn to the R. fituate on the acclivity of the hill riling
which leads to' Burris-a-kane. from the yerge of the lough, .f whofe
Little more than 4 miles beyond Birr. are great expanfe. and oppolite woody
the ruins of a call1e. on the R.; near thores. they command full and varied
3 miles further. is the village of Ballin· views; a little beyond Mr. Head's"
garry; on the L. of which. is the arc the ruins of Derry-caftle. on an if·
church; and a little OD the R. the feat Idnd in the Idke.
of Mr. Abbot; half a mile further. is At Kill"loc. as in moll; other places. we
CaIUe-Shepherd, the feat of Mr. Shep- have occafion to mention. are the re-
herd. on the L.; and Lifbrien. that of mains of fame once confiderable build-
Mr. Faulkner. on· the R.; I mile he- ings; there is alfo a bridge over the
yond thde. is Sopwdl-hall. Mr. Sad· Shannon; the town /landing all the
licr's. on the L.; aDd half a mile fur- weft fide of that river; near a mile on
ther, Ifcane. Mr. Carroll·s. on the R., the L. of the town, i. the feat of the
and the ruins of a c:illle. on the L.; Lord Bithop.
and within half a mile of Burri...a·kane. From KilJaloe to Broadford, the road "-
is Greyfort. the feat of Mr. Stoney. on winds in various diredionl among •
the L. number of very eonfiderable hill.; ~
miles beyoDd Killaloe. on the L. is
Rofs. the feat of Mr. Pearce; and 4
From DUBLUI to TULLO. miles, is the village of Bridgetown,
where you turn to the R.; a mile fur-
M r.
ther. is Dallyqnin. the fcat of Mr.
Toomavara, p, (51)
'npprrory Co.
I 0 0
5 4 75: 0
Arthur. 00 thl! L.; .nd half iI mile
beyond it, the village of Ballymalon y.
At Broadford, the road to Tullo again
Killaloe. Clor•• I ! 4 861 4
turns to the R. leaving the feat uf Mr.
Broddford, 9 0 9S! 4 Bendey, on the L.; and the church,
Tullo. , 6 410:1'- 0
near a mile. alfo on the L.
Soon after you pafs Tooma .... r •• the road I mile beyond Broadford, is Doon. the
to Nenagh turns to the R.; z miles he- feat of Mr. MafL,y. on the 1..; near a
yond which, arc the ruins of a calUe. fmalllake, beyond which, mure to the
on theR. L. are Killyderry, . Mr. Ev:rn's, and
3 miles beyond Toomavara, is Ballyma- Woodfield, Mr. Lock's; near 3 mile'
key. Mr. O·Meara' •• on the R.; half from Btoadford. are c,onfiderable mills;
a mile further. are the ruins of a call1e. and on the R. of them, feparated by •
on the L. ; and a little beyond them, is fmall lake, is the feat of their proprie-
Knoekalton, the feat of Mr. Pepper, alfo tor, Mr. Callaghan; 1 mile beyond the
on the L. mills, where the road divides. keep on
Going through Nenagh. keep to the R. ; the L. to go to Tullo; on the R. ~t
the road to Killaloe. runs N. W. wind. fame dillance. are Fort Ann and Llr-
ing round the foot of the mountains. me.ghan, the {eats of the Mr. Wef-
on the 1.. with LQugh Derg. extending trops: within half a mile of Tullo. 011
fdr on the R. the R. i. Garurah, the feat of Mr.
I mile beyond Nenagh. is Sallfboro'. the HarrifoD; and on-the It. .of Tullo, is
feat of Mr. Poe, on the L.; and near Gregane, that of Mr. Malony.
~ miles further. Kilcolman. that of Mr.
Finch; on the R. near the edge of the
luugh. are· the nrin, of feverOll callk.
and From DUBt-IN to Q'BRIEN'S-
N('ar 6 Dli1e. beyond ·~enagh. i. Garry- BRIDGE.
cu,,~ f
l .imCl'ici:, p. (S l ) L;.~· l .,[ "["'["
0 11 9~ 11
rt.c c.or.. rw.~" .tun. 10 I,/Ie ""' t.) (0 III
A~qton; ~Qd ":& ,m~ ~qond
II.InI 10 the L. iceping ,. faWJ- 1\1c,
Sil.Mile- Bridge, 8 1 10'1 1 nu. the road lide, on your It.. LlId pat.
Paj1i ~g throuW Lirpqid., keep to the R. liD, th'CMI,h U:ot; ."i1I.Ojrt. 01 Stoaduu,
, and huing .olred !,he Shoono", I t the 11 I ~lllc ~ft.aDec; half ~ mile ~orul
19Wf ' cn d of t he town, t'hia road 1'\111. WNcb, i. ijo£lrp"', • "U"J hanolfwnc
N . W.; I l1, il.c beyond th,c bridge, >re fo,1 fO.f Mt. Ta,]",", OD the R. ; oa
thcfC31' pr M r. Yx'h hon lnd Mr. WII. the L , .. I;t* f",rtl!., on, il~IIIl"1- , tA,
ler, on t,lic~. haff a miIC further, that pf Mr.HpDI; (,?!!,~dlJ,p,
of Mr. S(IIith ; Ind • liu lc bero.nd il, UUI ~ 'f'lL! fllit},cr, arc W ,raiJ;J1 Ji
dIll of Mr. Pt~ eO(~. on tIw: L. Qall'~s~1·CN!ie.oD the L. ; ~ 9
;;: mila frotn 1,im.".i1. i,'1.f ed icll chur:h, Ibe R • • ,thjll ,bout \ mile .o r biker·
• on the R. lIul the parf",,'ge-houfc. oD I!ln, i.' 8al.IrlDotI.. the (cat of ~r.
the L .; I Ilule further. ~ the "!illl of M.If.,.
a d)uKb, on the L.; .pd heyolld th ~m , or
On the I.. AJkcytop, if JD4rllUrJ, Jkc, the feat of M r.O'Brkn,
;'IOfe to efe r..; ~ man further, arc: the
of Mt. l1wlt.
l"\I;nlof a cinlc, on the R. ; :ond th'o(c
of i cburch. 011 Ihe }"
pn the R. of ~i ... ,Mih,-nr;de<'. it Mn"~.t_
)ven, t he (Ut of ~tr. lun ; and on
~ L . lbon! I zn.i le, ia Donre;ty, thal
~r Mr. Studcn.
ri,,, p, (s')
U.>l ,.'["[W'j .,
0094 0
.Ali<eyloo, fJ 6 I Q7 6
On Ihe ~ from L imrridt to Ada;. , :IS
.scrtn1i@ page (.s ~), near :I mile, (m m
j ,imu iek, rnS ~d tq Jl.l!t cyt0.p ank ...
oR' 10 Ihe R . paBiPi the Iat of M r.
11(11000, lit a ]1Ilk: idinanct, on the R'I
~nd Ihp '1'in~ of MODSn:1 ~b~y, on
Ihc 1.. ; 1nd ,bou t a mile furlhn, Con.
jaiEIT. ,tbe hmdCo mc rea; ;w! .dCDlt.ft:f
To Blifiylbritfoid, Araiert ani i{eillnatetown. (59
tiic.t.••rid on tl'ie' L. StooevlUo; that the tOo ; ,ani at.! mil~" ~si~y, ,he
01 Mr. Matter. f~ of J.I4f. 0.J4DI!.; !!ear ,~ ~iJe. ,fill:"
Ai~ew1irid~, yoy cro'the Deal IUyer, ther, a Woo4f9~. thl\t ,ot Mr. ;Fi~
and ya(i RiddJellown, the (cat of Mr. gerald, in a c!tarming fi.tuatio,!, 01) ~bc
1It:iincrlialtetj 00 tlle L.; .1 miles be- Cou;Ji fide of the ,i v~..1 and ",itfWa
joiid NcWbridse, is Abby, Mr~ Grceh'., half. ~le or l.iftClwc.H. .is, p~o~in.
OIl die It..; ncU ri mile dillant, and on the R. the f,at of Mr, \laym!lnd,.
i;iihin a mile of Shanagolden, on the At Liftowell, tum to' the ,1.. and croCa
L. is dic' cllurch. ~e river Fea!e; Cln,you~R. an4
pti,tJl Sliaria~olden, die road ruDS betWeen tl\,C ~dge, of the rlv~r., 8fe the remain.
~Fat hIlls, to toe Shannun, .aDd af~ or a ca~le.J' r... rmerly bcloniitig, to .the
terwards to :B'k!lylongford, ,With that E.arls of Kerry, and )\e)d by atcJp i.Q
Doble rivcr on the'it. and fame conli- th~ year, 1600, again~ 5,4- H. Wihaoti
derabTe liiJh hills, OD the L. who befiegeq and_ took jt.. . ' ,
N'ear, • titik. froin Siianag'b.!den, is Cappo, 6 mile. be}'oqd Liftowell, i.r~ ~ ,.ina
tlic'Ceat of Mr. Rice, on the' it.; and of a churc,. on the L.; and on __ R.
s mileS further, die village aC Loghill, at fome diftance, ,lice Lixpaw, the an-
with the ruin. oC the c:.lru. OR the ti-en\ feat of the,Earls of ~qry;, a mile
bankt of the ri vcr. f~nher)1 Crotto, the ,feat qI C. B.
fJrf r1i~ 1:.. <et f!ta' ~ GIYD, aD'd-lIb6y
6tdated ob the ide of the rifing hill,
Pontonby. Efq. 0"
th~L.; and ~~k$
beyond qrott9, BalIyhen}" on the Il.
eorimandlD' &It euenfivt view of tHe that of Mr. Hartnct.
river, and iu oppolite coaftl, i~ the fellt 9t miles beyond i..iftoweU. i. the village
of FitJphtd, Knight oC Glyn r aed of AbbydCl"Dey; from w!.lich you I!eep
at TaHlett, • die Ceat' of Mr. l.i:f- on,tonv~d!o go to Ardf~rtl witljn a
ije, which, for muacion, ia llllrivaned,
fcated 011 abolli and' highly improved
mile ~~" ".,ach. ;1 Tqbrid,
the~t of Mr. Cro1bi~; ,and oD t~ L.
promontqry, ftretching into this im- of A·ifert, is the ,noble!' feat IInct de-
mcnfe ,rive~, ,,{hore, expanded fiood, merne, " with e;ttenfive and fipurH\ling
numerous i~ndB, broken and v.riegat- p~ntati.lplr, (amongwhid18re the ruina
cch:o~ fonu. a fCCRe of. great and ma- of a Cit&rt~1l abbey) bel.onginl to the
, jellic beauty, . ' Earl of ~adorc.
Near ~ milca bcyond Tarbcrt, i. Kil£er- \
gus church, on the L.; and half a mile 1 I
~(ure you come to Ballylorigford, aze
the ruins of Ilolheen abbey, 811 the Il.
Yroni Dti\lIf..l1~ td lbit~
To the ll. of BallylOllgford, after you TdWlt.
par. the riter, i, the feat oC Mr. Crof-
• andY" both fituate: neat the Shan- , X'"1 W.
bie; and a little futther, that of Mr. caru,e lf1aod~ p. (s:&) 1 (I 0 #...-. IN.! r'l *.
i£-''' S.
, r.
~CIII, fo.. to enjoy all the variegated Killarney, 9 1 143 4
beauties it a4brda; near thcfe, are the KenmaretDWlJl J{ 611SS 2.
remains of Carrickafoil caftle. From' Caftle lflaiu'l, ~ plA-e (5~), tbia
road run. ntu!t (dud!; little Ihore
rh."n oDe milt diftmt, are the nub 0;
Ftom DtlBLIN to AIlDFUT. Dyfan chlltch, OD tht L.;. tf lnilc
flIrtbcr, thofe of a1I\)thcr chUl'c:h-; OD
the CalDe fide, and a little! lurthet, i.
A"by{~ale, p.(S!i) L;",t'-l 0 0 U3 1
M. F. Ducltfgrove, the f.:at of Mr~ MCrcdith.
rtd Co. S on the Il.
Lillowell, Kerry. 7 6 '3' 1 I! miles bl!Jond Cdle If1atlet, i. DaDeen,
Ardfert, 13 3 144 4 on the L. Mr. Bland'.; aild a little
At AlIbyfeale. as in page (S~), tum to further_Mount Metectitli. 00' the R..
the R. to go to Liftowell; and foon the felt of Mr. O'Donoghoe, wrthia
after to the L. following nearly the one mile of a:iHtrn~r. ,
eourfe of theriver Feale, on your L. OD the R... leavinr the toWn of EiJlamey.
Little more than a mile beyond Abby- i. the delightful cklrltfne of Lord. Een-
feale, are the ruia. of Purt call1e. on mare; beyond whitb. CID .. aed of
'0) To KenmaretoWII and BaDyraggct.
land, projel!ing into the lake, i. the From hence, .the road to Kenmarelown
barraclt, or Rof. caftlc. . . , runs between Turk-mountain, on the
!& miles bcyecd Killarney, i. Cloughreen R. (beyond which, Gn the further fide
church, on the L.; and a little funher, . of the lake, appear the great chain
is MUCntl, on the R. the inchanting calle" Magilly Cuddies Reeks) and the
feat and ckm~fne, with extenlive and prodigious height of MangertuD moun-
luxuriant plantation!, of Mr. Herbcrt, tain, 0.0 the L.; en the top of which.
fomiing a rich p"uinfula, Ilrctching far i. an uncommon lake, called the Devil',
into me lake, enjoying in the full:ft Punch-bowl; trus is thought to be the
extent, aud adding not a little to the highell mountain in Ireland, being up-
beauty of thil celebrated fpot, where ward. of ~500 feet above the level of
nature have mrited all that can the fca; further on, you pafs the upper
contribute to delight and aflonilh th<., on your R. aDd cootinue the road
mind, where a great expanfe oC waters over a region of rock. and mountains,
.1 lH-giten by bold and intrudin\r rocky magnificently wild, to Kenmaretown,
.there., forms into V3riou5 lakes, or where la a feat uf the Marquis of
wind. in Cant.flic mazes through the Lan.dfdown, Earl of Shdburne,
rugged glenl, ftudded with numerous
inand! of varied and luxuriant verdure,
and furrounded by mountain. oC'the From DUB1.IN to BA1.LYIlACCIT.
mofl a....ful m3jefty rearing their proud'
tol's to die clouds, th<: fidea of fome at. p. ai. p.
broken hy foaming catarac!b, threaten· : Naaa,p. (5~) IGII.rr Go. 0 0:15 4
iog impending ruin,. whil<: othen clad Kilcullen-bridge, 5 4 ~I 0
in never-fading foliage, fcem to invite Athy, I I I 3~
the enrapture" beholder to ~ repore Caftle Comer, Ki/lnm" 13 045 I
of thQr _~w.ere the Ballyragget, 4 4 49 5
lordly oak, the alh, the pine, 0It birth About one mile from Naas, and on the L.
and ald.:r, intermixed with wr,{tc·thonl, is Cr.ddoxtown, the feat of Mr. Car-
holly, hazle, yew, and evl'f beautiful lille; and :l utiles Crom Naas, is Kil-
arbutus, defccnding in ful robed lux- lilhee, the feat of Mr. Graydon.
. uri:ance to the very watds edge, join 4 nliJes beyond Naal, is the feat of Mr•
with fpont:mcoua gro~: their tint. of Billing, on the L.; a mile funher. is
, varied hue, to·eapti~/and charm. Brownftown Inn; and at Kilcullco, is
The Lake oC KiIlar"'Y, ~pon th~ whol~, a bridge ov~r the Lilfey; on the other
tKb;p we confider its prodigious woods, fide of which, are Came Manin, on
1rie'iminenfity of its mountains, the the R. the feat of Mr: Cart~; and
uncommon beauty of the prqmontory New.ab~y, on the L. that of Mr.
. 01 ~crus, the charac51:er and variety - , both pleafandy fituate near the
Ut'ltl il4nds, the finguJar cireumftance banks' of that fine river.
tl the lIrButlll, and the w4nderful and Having pa1fcd Kilcullen-hridge, keep to
prodi'giou, echoes produced amoug its the R. to.go to Athy, leaving the re-
mou.t~in., where, bounding from hill mains oC a tower on the hill, called Old
tu hill, aDd at'averfing like a peal oC Kileullen, to YOUI L.; and ~ miles be-
awful thunder, the whole circumfer- yond th~ bridg~, after you par. the
ence, it is loft at length in hollow du- turnpik., turn to the R.; ne&!" a mile,
tant 9,urmurs, amongfl the r cmotoll 011 the R. i. Bdllyfax. the feat uf Mr.
mountain., it will be pronounced with- Anndly; and a little further, you par.
uut a rival, and to be io re.lity fuperior the ruins of a unJe; 4 miles b~yoDd
• to all cunlparifoll. the bridge, i, Ballylhannon, the feat uf
Withi" Mr. Herbert', demefne,artd hang- Sir John Palmer, Bart. 00 the.R.; aDd
i!lg over the lake, are the intcrelling CalverfiolVn, that of Mr. ClIlf~, on the
ruins uf Mucru ..abbey, built during L.; little more than a mile funher,
the reign of Henry V I. half obfculed are the rui!ls of a c3ftle, on the R.; and
by the Ihade of v(nerable afh trees, and at 6 nliles, is Rofilla. Mr. Wall'.; half
dad with ivy.; within' ill ~a grows a a mile further, at Fuuntftown, is Mr.
.prodigious J'ew-trce, whofe branches Bruwn'., 011 the L. and the churc.h, on
tprea..i on cv.:rf fide, and Corm a perrcd the R.; a mile beyond thefe, Youngf-
~ll"'PY to th~ whQl~. tOW1I, <)11 Ih" R.; :lnd Kilmead, 00 the
To Ballyragget, StradbaUy and BallynakilL [61
" L; and GwrcaJy, Mr. Rawfon'., one your R. pamng a feat of his Grace the
- mile to the L. ' , Duke of Leinllcr; and a little further,
• miles beyond Kilcullen-bridgc, is the half a mile Crom the town, Cardc:nton,
Moat of Ardlkull, round which, the that of Mr. B~a vcr, on the R.
road runs, on the L. at the foot of the 3 miles beyond Athy, an!i a little beyond
hill, is the feat of Mr. Medlicott; and the ruins 6£ a caftle, on the R. is Ca!-
within Id;' than l miles of Athy, on the tle-Mitchell, th., feat of Mr, Chapmau.
L. is Foxhill, Mr. Hoyftead's. on the L.; a mile: further. and lL mile
At Athy, a neat town, fituatc on the ri- 011 the L. is Kellyville, Mr. KeJly's;
Ter Barrow, are the ruins of Wood- beyond which, on two riling ground-.
fWek-caftle, DOW ufed H one of the are fome ruins and an obelilk. '
county gaols, the amzes for the county Little more than 5 miles be)'ond Athy, is
of Klldare being held here alternately Ballykilcavan, the feat of Geaeral
with Na3s; cromng the bridge here, WaUh, on the R.; half a mile further,
you proceed forward, keeping the road is Brockley-rark, the feat and hand-
to your L. to go to Came-Comer. fame demoiflle of the Earl of Roden,
2. miles beyond Athy, on the L. i. a neat alfo on the R.; on the L. are the ruina
dwelling, caned Sheffield; 11 mile of a caftle; and a little beyond the
furthu, i. Rahan, the foat of Mr. town, on the L. is Stradbally-hall, the
Weldon, OD the R.; and Ballyaclanu, feat of Admiral Cofby; I mile: beyond
-that of Mr. Butler, further to the R. ; Stradbally, is Rahinduff, the feat of
• little beyond thefe, is the church nf Mr. PiClnan, alfo on the L •
Ballylman, on the R.; aDd about a mile
to the R. a little further on, is Cor-
bally, the feat of Mr. Stratford.
5 miles beyond Athy, ia Maidenhead, the From DUBl.lNto BA.'-LYNAKILL.
feat of Mr. B~mbrick. on the L.; and
Gracdicld, that of Mr. Grace, on th.,
I'M'l F'IM'/
R.; one mile further, are the ruins of Athy, p. (60) Kil:la,·t ,Co. 0 0 32 I
Newcaftle, on the L.; and a little fur- Tim .. hoe. ~Uttll I. 9 1 41 S
ther, Alhfield, the feat of Mr. Gale. Ballynakill, 6 347 S
9 miles beyond Athy, commence the From Athy, foon after you turn to your
Doonlne coal·works, producing that R. as 011 the road' to ~tradbally, cl.!-
uncommon fpecies of coal, known un- ferihed in the foregoing [.,<!lioll" you
der the appellation of Kilkenny Coal, meet another turn to the L. which
and extending from hence on the R. and leads to Timahoe; 3 miles beyond Athy,
L. to Cafile- Corner. at Ballintabert, on the R. i~ the feat of
At CalUe.Comer, is a very handfome feat Mr. SlIlith; 89d Southfidd, that of
and extenfive demefne, with confidera- Mr. Southweil, on the L.; near s
hie plantations, of the late Lord Wan- miles further, is TuUy church; and [!
de_ford, extended along the banks of mile further, is Cloopoke, Mr. Hunt's,
. a branch of the Dynan river; from hoth on the: L.; and a» YOil com~ to
hence, .fter you crofs the bridge, the Tim.hoe, are the ruins of a church, 011
road proceed. Rraight forward, over th~ L.
fame confidcrable hills, tu BaUyragget. On the R. of Timahoe, hear a mile dif-
On the L. of BaUyragget, i. the feat and tant, i. Cremorgan, the of 1\fr.
handfome demefue oC Mr. Butler; and Moore; I milt: beyond Timahoe, a.nd
near it, is an ~xcellent bart~ck. ' as much on the R. is CuUinagh, that of
Mr. Barrillgtf)D; lit de nwre than 3
JIIilcs, is Bland.Cort, Mr. Bland's, on
From DUBLIN to STR.ADB!lLI.V. the R.; a little further, Denyfoyle,
Mr. Vjcker's, on the L.; and half a
J\thy, p. (60)
Kildart Co.
IM'0I 01 :M'; I
v.1 ~
6 5138
mile further, i. DJrnet'.... grov.e, Mr.
namet's, on the R.
On the L. of Ballyn~kill, is the handfome
'-.From Athy, after you crofs the bridge, at feat and demcfn~ of f.rc:dcricl<, Treada,
the further end of the town, tUl'n to Efq.
,. '
To Cat'tiflt F6-rt.
to' the it. ani &n tl\e oaitr file tliC ri-
From DUBLIN to CAllLtSLE F()tT. ver, is Kilkea, the feaf oC Mr. DiiOn.
Kilcullen-bridge, p. (60) t
Ill. 'F. M. F.
At CalHe Dermol, "I' hidi wu torriaerly "
kitd",. C,. oS" 0 0 :u 0
fortified place of fom~ imrirtaiKc' aDd
the rdidente, ot the ,kmga o( that
Timolin, 11 6 2rj 6 name, are the ruin. ot a
Canle Dermot, 4 I 33 7 abbe)', founded by onc of' the EarI8 of
Catlow, Carl""". J I 39 0 Ki,ldarc~, and 0!l, die L. beyond tH
Leighlin-brid:e, 6 0 45 0
Royal Oak,
S 0t
47 0
Xillt"",_ 10 4 57 4
bridge, IS a cllaiter·tdJool.
Near ODe .mile froin ~a.1tte Dmnot, OD
Callen, 7 7 65 3 the L. IS BarnhiJI, Mr. Thornburn's'
:Hiue Milc-hoa!~, '1'q.p,rar)'. 5 5 1,i 0 and If mile to the R. is ~alt1er~, ~
ClonmeJl, 10 6 1ft 6
feat of the Duke of Leinllcr; a- little
Ballynamlllt, Wlllerford. 9 6 9't 4 further, i. Frnnlpleftown, on the Jl..
',{!appoquin, 6 9i 5 3 mih:s beyolld Caftie DertDot, i, ~n
Lirmol'e, 2 1 100 4 hall, on the L. the feat and- flne dl!-
Talhgh, 4 0 104 4 rreli~e, ,with exienG-n: "plaiitatiops of
Dungoumey, C.,l. 9 4 /14 0 Witham Burton, Ef'q. t,the great };6 of
Caftle· martyr, 4 4 II!I 4 this DlanG-on i. fo circumftaDced _ to
Clnyne, 4 0 III 4 tl'and partly hi tlie countyol Kildare,
Carlille Fort, It 0 r30' 4 an4 partly in tl\at of Carlow; half a
From Kilcullen-hridge, as in page (60) is
mile {urther, PamftOwD, on the R.
,proceed forward, keepil1g to your 1:.. the feat oE Mr'. Cooke; I1t4\ mllC9t i.
where die road divi4es, near a mile be- Pol\ertU1l, the (eat ot sii- Charles Bur-
YIlnd the river, and palling Old Kileul- ton, Bart. ; and on tIlc L. of Carfo';: it
len with die church. and remains of a B'rownlhill, with its eiMrifiVe demer~e.,
round tower, c10fe on your L. the tcat of Cdloriel Bruen.
To the L. of Old Kilcullen, is Giltown, Carlow is built' OD the river Barrow in a
the f~at and handfomc demefne of Sir fine andbigbly improved count'rY· it
Erafmus Burrows, Bart ; obe mile fur- is a large ,and, very n~at town, the' ca·
ther, is Hulverftowll; on the L. of pital of tlie cO)lnty or that name, aud
which, is CaftluFilh, Mr. Crofton'» has a barraCK for a regiment ~f cavaUJ
4 miles beyond Kilcullcn-bridge, and far ufQally Ilafibned here; there is a brldgc
on the R. is CalverftowJl, the feat of over tile' Barrow; ana a reaa' from
Mrs. Cuffe; on the L. a little further Iicuce to LCig1iliri-brioge; oil" eacn'lide
(jn, 1& the Hill of Redgap; and confi- that river, tlie poll-road lies OD thcl L.
dcrably, on the R. are the ruina of or well fide, and Corms a molE" agreeable
Blackhall came. ride or chive.
6 miles beyond Kilcullen, is the tine de- Near ~ mile! beyond Carlow; is Be1mont,
mcfne of Narraghmore, the feat of Mr. the: feat of Mr. Gotdbn, on the R. near
Kcating, on the R.; aud a mile and the river; cin the either fide! the river
half further, is the pretty village of and R. of the road, is Springhill, the
Ballitore, at a little diftahcc from the ~at oC Mr. Cramer, one niile beyond
road, on the R. fituatc in a delightful Carlow; one mile further, is Clogten-
valley well planted, and communicat- nan, the lodge of John Rochfort, If'l' ;
ing with the! road by an avenue of Ihady aud a mile beyond this, is FoJitliill, tlfe
trees. • feat of Mr, Tucker. '
On the R. of Timolin, a:nd other fide vC On the R. of Leighliri-brilfge; about 1\
the ri ver Grif., is Moon, the re" t of mile off the road, formerly ftood Old
,Mr. Yeau; near which, are fume Ldghlin, confifting of a monafiery, ca.
ruin ... thedral, Bifhop'spalace,and manyothcr
2 miles from Timolin, on the R. j, Be-, Done of which now remain
lan, the feat and extcnfive demefne of t>l~t the cathedral uf~d as a pvilh
the Earl of Aidborough; on the L. church, and the old walls of (onle
filU;)te at the Coot of the hil1, i. 1>0ul- ot he," ; a little beyond them, ia the feat
tOil, Mr, Higinbotham's; half a mile 0.£ M~. \'i~rs; and an the L. of Leip-
further,are Grangeford Ruins; and on Iln hrldge, IS the. fe'at of Mr. Stewlrt;
,rh ... R. Bal1yv:K,;\Ok Lewi~'.; further, at I.ei~hlin-brid&e, tho road orv1fcau.
T~ ~~r~ Fqrt.
&'l!!W, iD~ I'\lUI from t4~,e o~ ~e
~ fide thereof.
qf the ~14; and *e ruinl or ~1bvf
eallle, on the L. a little further OJI.
I mite beyqnd Lelghlin~brid~e, i. the f~at 4 mile. beyond Kilkenny, i. Farmly. 011
of Mr. MCl'Cer;' on the L.; and a mlle the L. the charmjng feat of tl)1I ~e
Earther, are tJie grea~ ~?ur'mi'l. of:that Henry Flood EfC(.; and a little beyood
'ptleman, on '~ qtIier fi.~e of the it, '~lly_ck, that of Mr. Flood.
riv:er• .
la miles of Ca~. is the handCome
a ~!I~ ~n>na ~e Bridge, i. the ~nn, Within reat and Clttenfive demefne of Lord Dc.
called the llo,yal Oa~ ;'pafting which,
~f ~ Mr 1:t:i ~ li~pe peyond it, 'i. fart, on the R. ; and within I mile, are
the ..alase of wells, wh~re are fOIPe the ruina of Eve call1e, near the river,
OD the L.; on the R.oC Ca1len, it Wei.
~!n'~ near ., mi!el JM:yond Lei~~lill
\ri4ge, is Shapakill. on the R. ~!le &.at court, tile feat of. Mr. Galway.
,or~;' Aldwa~; a little beyond which, 3 miles beyond Callen, is Garryrieken, OIJ
the road divides, that to the!adipg the L. the charming and Clttenfive de-
,to' Kilkenny; the other to Gowrlfl1; mefne oC Mr. Butler; and near 4 miles
half a mile further, i. Kellymount, on beyol)d the Nine Mih:-houfe, is Kil.
the R.;.PIi. mile funher, Mouotrath, ,aib, the feat of another Mr. Butler.
on the L. alfo on the L.; half a nille further, it ~ of KilbllJ\f' j. Tc:mple- the village of Ballypatrick ; and s miJes
~'1i.Pl"'lJl the R. the feat of Mr. CufFe ; beyond it, are the ruins of BaIlyglaf4iD
~vil ~ die L. ~ you apPrpJcb ~ ~OWJl, canIe, on the R.
~.' pleaCant fe~t •• 8 lPi!~s ~eyond the Nine Mile-houfe,' it
'ilk tute upon the river lior,e, ~~ , Newto..,n, the feat of Sir Thomi.s Of.
a • handfq!lle, "ell ~uiJt city, re- J?ome, Bart. on ~e It.; ,nd further' to
'" inirkable for itl black 'marble C(uarries, the R. i. the feat of Mr. Bapdl; a
~ which many !le its ftreets are paved, little Curther, and within a miles of •
ud its buildings conftruded; aDd for C!on~ll, is the fcat of Mr. Mal:rath.
it, coal, which hurnl without eniittin,J half a mile furth"r on, that of Mr. Pat-
.tllat,~ick fmlYolk ufual in qther cotI; ton, on the R.; and withip a mile' of
i~s iUr is by this ~~~s fr!!e from thofe Clonmell, is a charter·fcbool. ' , .
heavy fogs co~on ,n grj:at town.; al ClonmJ:ll i. a confiderable and very i~~
.~ ill waters, rolling over hj:d. of rD:ar- , proving town, fituat" on the northern'
tile, ~ from mud;' here i. a cathedral, fide of ~he great, river Suire, which is
and a poble palac~ )!clonging to the navi&able for large boats. hy meanl. of
BUhop 01 Oi'ory-; there i, a1fo ~ fpa- ",h;.ch, tl)ere i. a great trade catTied on
ciol;ll 'e«?lIcge, creded ~nd endowed by between this pla!=C and Wat,erCord; it
the antient and nohle family of Or- ft~d, in the midft of a rj,ch aqd highly:
'mond. who bave a magnificent mim- improved count.." is the allize8 town
fion or caftle here; there are likew ife of the county DC Tipperary, for which
the remain. of feveral religious buiJ~ there i. a '(ery large and commodiou~
iitgs oC exqwfite workmanlhip, well Jlj!W gaol lately built here; there: are
'wbrtb the attention of the curious tra- Illaoufac!lure. of woollen and cotton ef-
veller. The inhabitants are nunierous, tablilhed and daily improving here; the
wealihy !,od refpel!\able; anel there are ilreet. are long and regular, the hourel
here bar~ck. for infantry an4 cayalry. ~eJI built, and ;unong them the iJlba-
A Jittle 1?eyond Kilken~y" i. ~lr~~n, the bitaota boad of that wherein the cole-
feat' or Sir Mo~res, Bart.; an~ a brated author of Triftram Shandy was.
little further, CatUe Blunden, that of born; on the rivJ9' are feveral con~e,,:
Sir J. Biunden, Bart. both on the R.. ; rable flour mi11s; and there is alfo a
halfa mile fu,ther, is Gofiintlown, the 4rge and handfome barrack for a l'e::-i~
feat of Mr. Barton, on tile 1.. ; and a lJl~nt of infantry. and IInother of ca-
little Cqrthcr, Teina Park. that of Mr. valry. At Clonmcll, you crors the riVer,
lieron, on the Jl.; a little beyon~ over whkh there is a large blidj;c, t~
,.,hic~, are tile ruin. of Call~·Inc/l. KO t~ Ballynamult. ,
~ miles l?eyonll Kilkenny, are the feau ot , miles beyond Cleomell, is Kihllmaek ;
Mr. Shearman and Mr. Purcell, on the and a mile further, Kilmanah,lD, hota
~p; DC" *Pcf.:, UiI "I}IJl'~! CW t11e ~ oD the R. fe~ phhc Mr. Greens; 3i
To Carlifie Fort, Cloneen and YoughaD.
miles, i. \\-hitd\o'll'll, the feat of Mr. to go to Cloynej on the L. of Cloyne,
White, on the R.; aDd 1. miles further, is the feat of the Right R.everend Di.
GIafha, tbat of Mr. Puwcr, on the L.; (hop; and near it, morC' to the L. are
a little beyond this, are the ruins of a the ruins of a catUe.
caftle, on th~ L.; and near 1. miles fur- One mile beyond Cloyne, i, Call1e-mary,
ther, thnfe of another, on the: R. on the R. the haodfome feat and ck.
On tbe 1•• of Ballyoamvk, is c.;arnalcga, meCne of Mr. Longficld; and little
tbe feat of a Mr. Power; and within a more tban a mile further. is R.ofteUaa,
mile of Cappoquin, i. Bcttyville, 00 the charming feat and exteoove de-
che R. belongillg to another Mr. Pow- mcfrie of the Earl of Inmi'luin, finelr
er; OD the R. of Cappoquio, i. BeU- fituate at the eaftan atl;elDity oC Cork
moot, the feat of Mr. Kane; and 00 harbour j from hence, the road to Car-
tbe I .. that of Mr. Green. lille Fort, runs along the promontory,
.At CaJ'P"<juin, you crof. the Black-water forming t4e fouthem bolUldary of that
River, the road running OD the fouth harbour, at the entrance of which u
fide thereof to Lifmore • tllc Fort.
.At l.ifmore, are the remains of rhe reli-
gioul and collegiate buildings, for
which thi. place was in early ages cele- From DUBLIN to CLO!tiU.N.
brawl; there is alfo here a feat be-
longing to hi. Gr.ce the Duke of De-
You/hire, with a handfome bri.lge, Calkn, p. (6%) Kiflmny c.. 0 0. 65 3
erected by that nobleman. over the Mohaber, 'Tipplrary. 69 0
:Black-water River; on the Couth fide Cloneen, ~;;.. 4 S
of wbich, tbis town ftauds; hut the As you pars through Callen, at the Crof...
road to Tallagh contin'le. 011 the Caule Roads, inftead of going forward, as in
fide the river. . page (6::) to Clonmell, you turn to the
Within half a mile of Tallagh, you unn R. to go to Cloneen.
to the L. and crors the River Bride, On your R. near half a mile beY,ond Cal-
which runs a few mile. eanward of this Icn, is 'Weftcourt, on the other fide the
place into the Black·water; on your R. river, the feat of Mr. Galway; further
as you pafs the bridge, are the ruins of on, is Scotfboro', on the f~me fide, the
Lisfinic-caftle, near the ri ....r fide; and fC3t of Mr. Scott; and oear zi milel
to the L. of Tallagh, at fome d;{hn~e, from Callen, where you cror. the river
and on the fouth fide of the river, arc on the verge of the county Tipperary,
the feats of Mr. Kdly, and of the is RuCencharly, the feat of Mr. Poe,
Honourable Mr, Moore. . on your R.. On the R. of Mohaber, is
At Tallagh, you tllm to thot R. to go to the feat of Mr. Scott; and. on the L-
Dungourney, following the courCe of are the ruins of Moddhell thureh.
the river to the weftward, till you come Near :z miles beyond Mohaber, i. the vii.
to Curryglafs, a village on the verge bge of Killaghy; on the R. of which,
..f the cClUnty Cork, J1 mile-from is the feat of Mr. Defpard ; and on the
Ta\lagh, where, turnini again to the L. are the.ruins of Mullinhone caille j
1 .. you proceed fouthward, through a 4 miles beyond Mohaber, is Guneen,
mountainous country, to Dung-oumey; on the L.; near which, are fome ruins;
and from thence, keeping to the L. to on the L. of Cloneen, is Kilburry; Ol!
'Caftle-martyr; on the L. as you come the R. are fome ruins; and a mile be-
to CUrrygi:If.1, is Kilmalcoe, the Ceat of yond it, thofe of Ballynard-calUe.
Mr. P~rcival; and on the R. i, that. of
Mr. Lyfaght j near 4 miles further, is
Ballyfunlogue, that of Mr. Neafom, on
tile R.; and at Oank-martyr, is the
Fro:,n DU8l-IN to YOUGHAl-l-.
!loble fcat and 'extenfi,'c deme[ne, with M.I p. -M', r.
rich plantations, b~autirulJy fitu:lte on Uallynanmlt,p (6:1) W4-l.. QI 0 ~
~ river, belonging to the Earl of Shan- , ">:ford GQ. f I ~ 4
non. Aglifu, 9 3 100, 7
A little beyond CafHe.nlartyr, you come Youghall, 8 0 J081 7
, to a l.ittl" villages on the ril'er, called Little than 1. mil~s h~yond 'B~llyna-
I,.adyfbrid,c, where yeu turn to the R. nl~lt, as in p:lgc (620) where the roaJ
To Dungarvan.
.iYides, keep to the L. to go to Ag- On the L. of Thomallown, where you
li1h; near 8 miles beyond Ballyoamult, crofs the Nore river, is Dangan, on the
is Rocltville, the feat of Mr. Hely, on call, the fellt of Mr. Hewetfon; and
the L.; and within a mile of Aglllh, Grenln Caflle, that ef Mr. Hobfon, on
are the ruins of an abbey; little more the well fide of the river; ooe mile be-
than 3 miles beyond Aglilh, i. Clalh- YOQd Thomatlown, arc, the ruins of
more, the feat of Mr. Power, on the Jerpoint abbey, on the: L.; a little be-
R.; a mile further, are the ruins of a yond them, is the village, where you
ciiUe, on the R.; and 6 miles from Ag- turn to the R. and crofs a branch of the
lilh, is Piltown, on the R. river; and a little further, turn to the
Within half a mile of the Ferry, il the • L. again, to go to Knocktopher, leaving
church DC KinCalebeg, on the R.; on Jerpoint, the feat of Mr. Huot, and
che L. is Profpeci Hall, Mr.',; Mount Juliet, that of the Earl of Car-
and further to the L. Snugboro', Mr. rick, finely fituate on the bank of the
Smith's, both pleafaotly fituate on the river, behind on your R.
call fide of the bay. At Knocktopher, is the feat of Sir Her-
Youghall is a pretty confiderable town, cules Langrilhe, Bart. with extenfive
_ tbe well fide oC a commodious bay plantations; 11 mile. beyond Knockto-
in the fouth of Ireland, where the ph er, is the village of;
Blackwater River difcharges itfclf into and half a mile further, is Callle Mor-
the Cea. From the great road, you ar- rei, the noble feat of Lord Vifcount
rive at the town, by meaDS of a ferry Mountmorres; I mile further, Call1e-
atroC. the river. hail, Mr. Reid's; and half a mile be-
yond it,Snugboro', Mr. Shepherd's, aU
on the L.
From DUBLIN to DUNG,U.TAN. Little more than 4 lI1ilo:s from Knockto-
pher, is the village Gf Kilmagany; 011
M. r. M •••
the R. of which, are fome ruins, and
Leighlin Bridge, p. (6:&)
CarloVIJ c..
IQ' ' 0[45
0 the feat oC another Mr. Shepherd; and
Rofinara, that.of Mr. Flood; 3 miles
Royal Oak; :& 0,41 0 further, is Kilmacollaver, Mr. Of-
Gowran, Kill,,,,,,. 5 Q 5:& 0 borne, on the R.; near :& miles fur-
'Phomallown, 6 1158 7 ,ther, i~ Anllfuoro', another Mr. Of-
Kuoclttopher, 4 I 63 0 borne's; and half a mile beyond that.
Carrick-on-Suir, 'l'ipp.rllry·lul
Kilmac Thomas, Wat'rflrd. 8
03'18153\ 03 Cametown, the charming fcat of Mr.
Co:r, on the L.; within I mile of
Dllngarvao, 9 6 93 1 Carrick, is Wilman, the feat of Mr.
Nur 4 miles beyond Leighlin Bridge. al NitholCon, on the R.; and Tinvoao.
in page (6:&) ie Shanakill. on the R. Mr. Brifcoc's, on the L.
the feat of Mr. Aldward; a little be- Carriclt-on.Suir, which lies about.
'JOnd which, where the road divides, 14 miles N. W. of Waterford, on the
turn to the L.; 1 mile further. is PaulC- Rivu Suir, from which it i. called to
town, the feat oC Mr. Flood; and half , dillioguilh it from other towns of the
a mile more, Butler's-grove, that of fame name on the Shannon and ether
Mr. Roth, both on the L.; on the R. parts ofthekingdom; il a neat, though
• s you approach Gowran, il the feat of (mall'town, much improved '0£ late•
Mr. Bayley; and on the L. with ao al well by the a4ditioo of maDY good
extenfi ye demefne; i3 that of Lord Cll£. houfes, as in the navigation of the ri-
den, pleaCaotJy fituated on a river. ver, by which means velI'els of 100
.At Gowran, turn to the L. and crof. the toos burthen may now unlade at the
Bridge, to go to Thomaftown; :& milee quay: their trade is chiefly in corn.
further, is Bramblellown, on the L.; bacon, and other provifions; they haTe
as you advance. are feveralruins, on the here, Iikewife, confiderable mllnufac-
R. and L. tures of woollen cloths, and are much
Within :& miles oC Thomallowo. is Kil- celebrated for thofe called ratteen ..
fane, the charming feat of the late Gems Carrick·on·Suir is dl:el :ned by many
Parker Bulhe, Efq.; and a little beyond the moP. th!"iving ami opulent town of
it, that oC C. Agar, Efq. its fizc ;11 the kingdom; near the river
66] To Bcnnetts-I3ridge, InniAiogc and Tramorc.
fide, is an old cafile, fuppnfed to be Ballinaoola cafile, 00 the L.; and OD
Danilh now converted into a malln- the R. between Bennetts Bridge and
faduri~g houfe, in part vf .which ';" Kilkenny, are many pleafant fears, on
confidcrahle fait-works ca~rl.d on; ID the banks of the river.
that part, fouth of the river, calk,!
Carrickbeg, are the remains of an old
church and freeple of uncommon archi- From DUIILlN to INNISTIOGE.
tedure, well worth the atteution of the
.s I
Thom.flown. p. (65) Kil-? 0 0 58 M~ '.~
... \ r.
Croffing the river, you proceed forw~rd /fenny CD.
to Kilmac Thoma., and pafs the rum. Inniftioge, :t 63 0
of Muthel church, on your L. 3 miles
dilhnt, Whitellown, the feat of Mr. From Thomafiown, after you crnfs the
Duel:et; a mile further, on the L. ; aod bridge, keep to your L. to go to In-
the ruin. of Clooee call1e, on the R. nil1:ioge, foHowing tbe coune of the
River Nore, at fome diftance, on your
At Kilmac Thomas, turn to the R. to go L.; immediately on leaving the town,
to Dungarvan; l-f miles beyond the i. the eharRling fcat of Mr. HobfoD,
town, is Fagha, Mr. Barron's, on .the on your L. finely fituate on the river;
R.; a mile further, and near the river and little more than a mile further, are
'1'ay, are the ruins of Fox's call1e, on the roins of a cal1:le; h~lf a mile beyoDd
the L.; and thofe of Ballycheroge caf- this, is Bonnybrook, Mr. Chamney's, OD
de, near z miles on; little more than the R.; and near 3 miles from Thnmaf-
7 miles from Kilmac Thomas, is Clon- town, is Ballyduff, MiC. Robins'., on
k~fkron, Iv1r. Humble'., on the fame
the L.; about a mile beyond lnnifliogc,
fide; am! a mile further, Duck[pool, is the delightful fcat of Mr. Tighe,
Mr. Boate's; near the edge of the hay, call~d Woodllock, beautifully feated
and oppofite to Dung"rvan, On th~ near the river, in an extenlive planta-
N. E. fide of the bay, i. Abbyfid" caf- tion.
Dungarvan '" fituate ill a f~ourc hay
of St. G(orge'. Channel, on the ~. 10.
COJil of Ir(bnd; it is a very confider- From DUBLIN, through WATER:
abl~ fifhillg tOWII, and mUlh occupied FORD, to TRAM.RE.
alfo in the culture 0f corn and potatoe,. M __ • M. F.
IlHll'"h of which is exported, and whlreof KMd<topher, p. (65) KiI-?
nUmCr(l1ts carg,oes ar~ rent daily CO!lft:- Jenny Co. ' 5 o 063 0
ways to Du"l!n. Here is a call1e, for- MuHin.lvat,
merl)' of much importance, awl a bar- 6 5,69 5
Waterford, Wa/aforrl. 6 476
rack for l companit. uf iilfantry. Tramore, 6 08:&
From Klloektopher, as in pa,!!"e (65) keep
to the I •• , to go to Waterford, palling
l'rom DUBI.IN to llENNETTS. the iC;;t of Sir Hereul.. Langri/be,
BRIDGE. Bart. on your R. ; and having Dtrry- ,
along the banb of the river; and near
lies on the fide of the river, ·about :I. :I. miles !>eyond the bridge, is Mount.
miles on your R.; and 6 miles beyond Loftu., the reat of Sir Edward Loftu ..
Bally Burri., you pafs through the vil. Barl. fituate on the declivity of a hill,
lage of St. Mullins; 9n the R. of which with extenfive plantation., defcending
is a church; a nlile further, are ~he to the edge of the river.
ruina of a caftl the oppofite bank At Graige. or, •• it is fometimes caUed,
of the river; an ear 3 nliles further, Graigenemanagh, (a fmall town on the
jtther ruin., on our ~. eall fide of the Barrow river, and at
'To Duncannon.Fort and Baltimore.
. . foot oE Brandon Hill) are fome From Emo lnn, yon proceed forward on
S'Iliu. of curious workmanfhip; and at the road defcribed page (JI) for Dear
• fnlall cli1bnce, on the other fide the 4 miles, where the road divides, you
river, the remains of a c~le. there keep to .the L. leaving the road
to Maryborough (defcribed iD that
page) oD your R. and pars Rathleague,
the feat, demefne and extenfivc: planta-
FORT. tions of Sir John Parnell, Bart.; 6 mile.
New Rofs, p. (68)
ford CD.
W'''''lIM~ ·~I:;I r~
beyund Emo Inn, on your L. half a
mile further, is Sheffield, the feat of
Mr. Calfan, a)fo on the L. beyond
DUDcannon.Fort, In I 79 3 which, are fome remarkable ruinl; and
ID the road from New Rofs to Fethard, a. a mile further, is Cullinagh, the feat oE
dcCcribed page (68) you meet a tum to Mr. Barrington, all on the L.
the R. little more than 8 mile. beyond On the R. of Ballyroan, about a mile, is
New Rof., which le'l'ls to Dun cannon· Mount Eagle, a feat of the late Bifhop
Fort; near zi miles beyond this turn, of Waterford; and on the L. at the
i. the village of Ballyhack, on the eaft extremity of the town, is Rockbrooke,
fide of Waterford harbour; and oppo- the feat of Mr. Grey; half a mile be:-
!ite to the town of Pa1Tage, fituate on yond the town, the road divide., that
the other fide the harbour, from whence to tbe L. leads to Ballinakill; little
is a road to Waterford. more than 3 miles dillant, the road to
From Ballyhack, the road to Duncannon· the R. leads to Durrow.
Fort turns to the L. running on the 3! miles beyond Ballyroan. is Alibyleix,
eaft fide of Waterford harbour, formed the beautiful feat and demefne of Lord
by the jundion of the three great rivers, De Vefci, on the R.; aad further to
the Suir, Nore and Barrow. the R. is Knapton, that of Colonel
DUDcannon I'ort is built OD a poiDt of Piggott; Ii mile further, i. Water·
land projeaing into Waterford harhour, Caftle, the feat of Mr. LyolI., on the
about I! mile below the town of par. R.; near which, you croe. the river
fare. on the oppofite fide of the har. Nore; and half a mile further, isDun.
bour; it defends the approach from the more, the feat and dcmefne of Sir Ra-
Cca to that place, near which, all fhips bert !ltaple.. Bart.
of burden lie in fafe anchorage, thofe At Durrow, you again crofa a branch oC
that do not draw more than ro or I I the Nore.
feet water may go up to Waterford.. On YOllr quitting the town, is the de-
mefne of Caftle Durrew, the feat of
Lord Alhbrooke; a little further on,
on the L. is Calfan Ifland, the feat oE
M. r. M. r. Mr. LawreDce; I! mile beyond Dur.
Emo InD, p. (SI) ~..",
'I o 0 34 6
row; is Dertoin, the feat of Mr. Pal·
mer; and half a mile further, Ed·
Ballyroan, 9 5 44 3 . mondbury, that of Mr. Butler, both
Durrow. Ki/l.a,. 7 4 SI
1 on the R.; heyond thef~, are the ruins
Urlingford, 9 4 61 3 of ~ caftlcs. one on the R. the other on
Calhell, 'Iipptr.r]. IS 3 76 6 theL.
Cahier, 8 6 85 4 4 mile. beyond Durrow, and at fome dif·
Clogheen, 6 3 91 1 tance, on your R. are the village,
Ballyporeen, 3 3 9S 11 church and parfonage of Rapla, with
Kilworth, C.rl. 8 I 103 3 the feat of Mr. Philips; aud at 6 miles,
Fermoy, z 5 106 0 i. Ralogan, the feat of Mr. Vickcra,
Rathcormuck, 3 5 109 S OD the L.; a little beyond which, you
WatergraCa Hint 4 4 11 4 I I'af. through the village of Beggar'So
Cork, 8 SIIU 6 InD, with a cburch and fteeple, on the
131 3 136 I
Bandon, R.; and :& miles further, through the
Clonekilty, I village of JohnftowD; on, the R. of
Rof., 4 which, is FOJ:court, the feat of Mr.
691 3 151S 4
8l '
160 3
6 3166 6
Betweca BeIP.'"'..lnn, apd JobnftoWII,
lies the celebrated chalybeate weD, Lord Camer, on the L. pleaCaJltIy utu-
called BallyfpelIan Spa, at fume dif- ate on the banks of the river; .and at
unce from the road, on the L. the other fide of the river, you turn
Within half a mile of Urlingford, is again to the L. which is the read to
Mary Mount, on the L. the feat of Clogheen.
Mr. Nevili; from Urlingford, the road 11 mile beyond Cahier, on the L. i. Kil-
runs over the fide of a fmall hill, and common, the feat of Mr. Ke~ting; :i
from thence, throllgh a great extent of miles further, is Ballyoughan, a fe~t of
fiat country, near the fide of a great th~ Right Honourable Sir Henry Ca-
bog, atrording nothing worthy of no- vcndilh, alfo on the L.; a little farther
tice fur many miles, except the various on, i. Burgefs, the feat of Mr, Aifop,
ruins Gf churches and callks, fcattered on the R. and Tubered church, on the
on the R. and L. fad monumeuts of the L.; a mile further, and within ~ of
ca vagos of time, and tranfitory great- Clogheen, is BaUymafny, the feat of
Bef. of man. Mr. Prcndergaft, on the R.
': nliles beyond Urlingford, near the lit· At Clogheen, turn to the R.; I mile be~
tie village of Ballymoreen, is the feat yond the:. town, is the church of SIum-
of ~1r. Baker; near :1 miles further, i. rahany, on the L.; a mile further, and
Parlltliown, that of Mr. l.alllphier, at fome diliance to the R. is Shanbally,
both on the L.; and about "mile, on the pleafant feat and plantatioR& of Lord
tlle R. lies Shanhallr, the handfome LiCmore.
feat of Mr.' Sloper; I mile further, 1~ mile beyond Ballyporcen, whel'e you
yuu pafs tbe feats of Mr. Max, Mr. meet :1 roads, keep to the L. (the other
Hower and Mr. Carney, on the R. and leads to Mitchelftown, about 4 miles
Mr. Nicholfon's, on the L. diftant) the road from thence, lies
n miles beyond Urlingford, and within through thofe called the Kilworth-
. about 3 of Calhell, is Newparl:, on the mountains, among which is little wonh
L. the handf01lJe feat, extenfive de. 1I0tice.
mefne and plantations of Mr. Penefa- On the L. a little beyond Kilworth, is
thcr; and on the L.; a little further Moorepark, the feat and pleafaut de-
on, is Grange, the fcat of Mr. Alleyne, mefne. of the Earl of Mouutcatbell,
on the R. pleafantly fituate near the winding
Calhdl is a large, well built town, the banks of a riv~r; and ~n the L. ·as you
fce of an Archbilhop, who is Metro- approach Fermoy, i. Rathhely, the feat
politan of Munlier, and ha. here his of Mr. Bryan; a little beyond which,
palace; the church i. a vcry neat, moo you orofs the Blackwater-rivCl', 011 the
~crn building, to which they arc now other fide of which, is Fermoy.
adding a handfome ftee}>le; dn the R. About :1 miles beyond Fermoy you meet
of the town, is that r.markable ruin :1 roads, keep the R. to go to Rath-
called the Rock of Calhell, the beauti- cormuck; the road to the L. lead. to
ful rema.ins of fome Vtry ancient reli. CaMe Lyon" dillant about ODI: mile and
gioas 'buildings. a half, near which is the feat of the late
\\'hen you come to Cafhcll, you tarn to Lord Barrymore.
the R. through the town; and at the On the R. a little beyond Rathcormack,
upper end of the great lireet, turn to i. the feat of Lord Ri veriaale; half a
the L. to go to Cahier and Clogheen i mile beyond the town, you croe. the
and at 3 miles diftonct:, pafs Rockwell, Bride River, and keep to the R. pailing
the f~at of Mr. Roe, on the R.; a mile Killhanick, the feat of Mr. Devonfhire,, and about a mile on the L. is on the L.; and MOllnt Catherine
Weddingfton, that <lC Ivlr. Carey, in r\lins, 3 miles beyond Rathc.ollIl\1ck, on
the lleighbourhood of which are feveral your R.
ruins .. I mile beyond Watcrr,rafshill, is BilhOfls-
Within z miles of Cahier, is Kedragh, the Wand, on th~ R.; alld half a mile fur·
frHt of Mr. Rubins, on the R.; and a ther, Mitchells-Fort, on the I .. the
little further on, Keyling, that of Mr. feats of the Mr. Mitcbells; and within
B!ltler, fituate on the dcdivity of a 4 nliies of Cork, is the village called
hill. l Upper Glanmire.
At Cahier, you turn to the R. and crofs Cork, the fecond city in the kingdom, is
fhe river Suir, palling the feat of the: a larg~, and extrcmdy pO~U6 place,
To Baltimore.
peCJ1liarly well fituate for trade, being Clonekilty, is Mount Shannon, that of
built on the north and '(outh fides of the Dr.Calnan.
great River Lee; and on a number of Clonekilty is a fmall town of little trade,
iJlands, round which the river forms at the bottom of a deep but indifferent
natural ca.als, by which boats come bay of the fame name: It was burned
through the town, to unlade along the down during the civil wars in the time
numerous quays; the export of Frovi- of King Charles 1. fince which time it
fions, as beef, pork, hutter, fifh, with has not recovered its former frate.
hides, tallow and candles, is prodigi- z miles beyomd Clonekilty, is the fmall
ous; they deal largely alfo in woollen, village of Ballenacriat;h; and within
tltere being el'tenfive manufactures of half a mile of Rofs, i. Cahirmore, near
cOIIrfe cloths, ferges and camblets, in a mile on tbe R. the feat of Mr. Hun-
tbe neigbbouring country. The har- gerford; on the R. of Rof., and as far
bour of Cork, called the Cove, is the diftant, is Caftle Sally, the feat of Mr.
largeft and hell fecured in the kingdom, Morres.
wbere ,fhips of any fize and number Rof. is a!fa fituate at the bottont of a bay
may ride in perfed faIety; but the ri- of it. name; but like that of Clonekilty,
ver, not being navigable for fhips of it is fa choak.ed with fand, as not to ad-
great burdea. they muft unlade at par- mit fhips of any burden: Rofs is • Di-
fage, a [mall port in the channel, jf fhopric united to that of Cork, and
miles below the city. has a neat gothic cathedral;. there is al10
In the vicinity of Cork, and in the pro· 'here a barrack.
mORtori •• and illands eal1ward thereof, Half a mile beyond Rofs, and ahout I
are many charming villas, enjoying all mile on the L. is Downeen, the fcat of
the pleafing varieties thi! picturefque Mr. Smith; and on the R. i. D<rry,
country affords, where hIll and dale, that of Mr. Townf.nd; half a mile
wood and water, alternately relieve further, is Barlcyhill, and a mil~ fur-
the eye; near 3 miles beyond the town, ther flill, Sdmollllt, the feats of the
is a feat of the Lord Bifhop, called Mr. Morres's; 4{ mile. beyond Rofs,
Hallinafpeg, on the R.; half a mile and a little beyond the bay of Glandore,
further on, i. Rochfordftown, the feat clof. by the bottom of which, the road
of 1\1r. Whyte; and a mile further, runs, i',the feat of Mr. Jervi., on the
Waterfall, that of Mr. Auftin, both on R.; and that of 1\1r. O'Donovan, half
the L.; and the ruins of a great abbey, a mile further, 011 the L.; a little be-
on the R. I mile beyond thefe. yond thefe, the road divides, that to
8! miles beyond Cork, is Anagh, the feat the L. loading to Caftle TowIlfen<l,
of Mr. Barter, on the L.; the road about ~ miles further; to go to :;kcb-
here divides R. and L.; to go to Ban- reell, you kee" to the R.
don, keep to the R.; the other leads
to Inifhonan, about '2. miles dilbnr. On the L. of Skehreen, i. Corenea, the
The -town of Bandon, which frands upon feat of Mr. Townfclld; and ill the
a riv(>r of the fame name, has bee'! town, which frands 011 the River Henn,
long remarkahle for its avertion to Ro- at the bottom or N.· E. extremity of
man Catholics, who were not formeriy Baltimore bay, are feveral neat houf",
fuffered to enter it, on account of their and on handfom~ church and market-
havillg demulilhed the walls a~d forti- houfe.
fications thereof, in the year [639, • miles beyonci Skebreen, is New Court,
A mile beyond the town, is Roundhill, a feat of Lord Riverfd,I., un the R.
the feat of Mr. Travers, 011 the L.; and o"pefite I;de ef the river; half a.
and Cafrle Bcnard, that of Mr. Ber- mile j~rthcr, are [.It .works, 011 the
n.rd, on the R.; and little more thall fide of the boy ; .'ld • !:trle further, i.
a mile further, is the villag-e of K'lack- Cref, on the R. tk fcat of Mr, Bee.
naville; on tIle R. of which is the [,"It chcr; at fmnc diH:.t:1cc, on the oppofite
of Mr. Poole. liue ;)f the bay, is the pleaf."t f"at of
Within z miles of Clonekilt}". on your R. ll. IlOllS6du, Ef'I'
i, Knocknafoncy, the [nt of r,~r. \\"ithin half a mil" of B,itimore, is the
Stole; and a little further oa, 0",1- church, on the R.; and at Baltimore,
wood, that of Mr. Harri., on the R. ; are tl.o rem:!ill; of jame antient build-
and on the L. ""thin half a nlilc ur illg", a proof of its having once bl.:cn a
72J To Burros-o.Leigb, Holycrofs and Drumcallagber.
place of fome confeqllence, though now
but a fmall fithing town; it is f~atcd From DUBLIN to DI.t7MCAL-
on the eaftern fide of the bay of Balti. LAGHi ...
more. M. r. M. F..
Calhell, p. (69) Tipp-1.. 0 0 76 6
rar] C.. S
Goolden. 3 4 80 s
.From DUBLIN to BURR.oa·o. Tipperary, 6 1 86 i
LEIGH. Kilmallock, Li."ul. 17 0 103 3
Charleville. C.rl... 6 108 J:
Drumcallagher, 1 91 71 uS'1 •
Rofcrea, p. (5 I) Tipp~ra.1..
C.. S 59 ~
69 ~
From Calhell. this road runs nearly weft,
paffing the feat of Mr. Judkcu. near
Burros.o-Leigh, 7 3 76! 5 fome ruins, on the R. jull beyond the
town; and Came Lake. that of Mr.
From Rofcrea, as in page (51) turn to the Burke, a mile further.
L.· pafiing the remains of fome antient Ne-ar 3 miles beyond Calhell, is Ba1Iygrif-
buildings, on your R. and L. as you fin, the charming feat, atenfi't'e de-
leave the town, and the mountain mefne and plantations of the Earl of
called the Devil's Bit, on your R.; near Clanwilliam, on the R. IIIId pleafantly
4 miles beyond Rofcrea, are the rlolins fituate on the banks of the Suir; a lit-
of a chureh, on the R.; and a mile tle beyond this, at Goolden, you croft
and half further, i. the fmall village of that river; on the other fide of which,
Clonakinny; on the I .. of which, are is the feat of Mr. Alleyne, on the R. ;
the rllins of its once great calUe; and with fome remarkable ruina, on the R-
at a confiderable diftance, on the R. is and L.
I t mile b~}'ond Goolden, is the beautiful
Brilkrow, the feat of Mr. Lloyd.
On the R. of Templemore, i. Lloyd£bo- feat and demefnc of Thomafl:oWD, the
rough, the feat of Mr. Carden; leaving refidence I)f Lord Landa1f, OD the R. ;
Tcmplemore, keep to the R.; 3 miles and' fomething more than a mile fur.
beyund the town, is Killalkehan. the ther, the feats of the Mr. Bunburys, OB
halldfome feat of Mr. Willington; and the R.
on the L. within a mile of Burros-u- 2 mile. beyond Tipperary. i. Rofebo.
Leigh, is Filhmoyne, the feat of 1\1r. rough, Mr. Sadler's, on the R.; a mile
Carden. further, Mount Bruis, Mr. Dogherty's,
on the L.; and on the R. is Damer's-
Court and demefne, a feat of Lord
Milton's; It mile beyond this, i.
From DUBLIN to HOLYCROSS. Moore'. Fort, the feat of Mr. Moore,
M. ,. M. r. on the R.; ~ miles further, Mr.
Urlingford,p.(69) ~"n's 1 0 0 61 3 Wheeler's, on the R.; and Ballyvoir,
C.. S Mr. Br.fier's, on the L.; lInd Came-
Thurles, Tipprrary. 9 0 -0 3 (rea, Mr. Bennet'., further to the L.
Holycrofs, 3 ~ 73 5 Near 9 miles beyond Tipperary, is the
church of Embly, on the R.; a mile
About 5 miles beyond Urlingford, on the further, is Caftle J ane, on the L. the
road to Calhell, defcribed page (69) you handfome feat of Mr. Rogers; and at
turn to the R.; about a mile beyond a c6nfiderable diftance, 00 the L. a feat
the turn, are the ruin. o~ Burros 'Caftle, of Lord Mafrey's.
on the L.; and at a great diflance, on 11 miles beyond Tipperary, is the fmall
• the R. are the feats of Mr. Hunt and village of Knocklong; half a mile be-
Mr. Carthy. yong which, is Elton, the feat of Mr.
On the R. I)f Thurl .., rs the fClt of Mr. Grady •. on the R.; and within 2 milr.
l\1atthew; you here crof. the river of Kilma\lock, i. Mount Coote, the'
Su:r. and keeping to the L. follow near· ha!1dfome leat and demefoe of Mr.
.I.,. t)le direction of the river, on your Conte .
L. to Holycrofs. where are fome an· At Kilmallock, you turn to the L. and
~ent ruins. pars AIh-hill, the f~lot of Mr. Coote, OD
the it; and Ballyinacanil, that of Mr. fillitaftie ilen.; Ind drep IDd unaplo....
. HefFeman, a ~le further. . ' . M caverns ftretching beoeath the lofty
" mi1ea beyond Kilmalloclr:, it ClOagh; the and incumbent hille. where all the . .
fea~ of Mr. Holmer, at follle dillallce, iieti" of glittering (part ""' (armed.
OD the L. i and halE a mile further, lining the indented fidei, and hanginc
Mount Blalr:euey, the feat of. Mr. from the loft, vaulted roo&" or fume-
B1alr:eney, on the R.; within .. mile of times (utmed into columns of light and,
CharleYille. i. Maidellhall, the feat oE regular Corms, or pendant in feftoonl or
Mr. Bouchet, on the L. ; and the ruinl :Sowing drapery: fuch is the eave of
of Cragaue Caftle; are at fame difbnce, Skeheenrillky in the road io MitchelC-
ootheR. town. and flich are the iniIwilerabl.
beautiel of thi; magnificently 1l'ild.
toulltrj, Co ably defcribed liy Mr.
Young.iil hi; well Imown Tour, tf)
From DUBLIN to MU...ST........ which, for Cutther puticidal'l. we fha1I.
... r. M. ,. refer our reader.. .
BallyJlooreu,P·(f9) TiP-I'., 0 95 t
s miles beyond MltcheUtown, are thli
ruins of Carriganeitra Caftle, on th.
I"~c.. R.. and dn the op)lolife bank,jf the ri.
:M'ltcheUlown, C~rl. 6 J rOI 3
ltildorery; '" I rOJ 4 1'er; and within near ~ mile of Kil-
dorerr, is AughacroC.. th~ feat eC Mr_
Doneraile; J 7/II I 3 Andcrloil. (,11 the R.; and Ballyeliaghanl
Mallow, 1S 4 116 1 that of Mr. WeIfh, on the L.; on the
MiIIflreet. t 7 6 134 J
R. of Kildorery, are tl1e ruin, of a ~
li miie beyond BaIlJPoorea, where die de. .. _
· the R. to r.
I'OIId divides, I I in page (69) kel"Jlfo
co Mitche1t\own, paffil1g
the ruin, 0 a chilleD, on your R.; and
t iIlile beyond ttildorery, i. Faraghj,' thei
feaf of Mr. Coalbowcn; a little mo~
than 7. mile. funhcr, are the ruin. Of
· approacbing run nearer to the .'taft chain two cafUee, on the L. feparated by "the
· of the Gaf.llty mountain.. estended on river; within 2. mile. of Doneraile, ill
JOIU' R. along thie road, from the time the feat of Mr. Hetinetfey, Oft the L.;
)'011 paP Cahier. and that of Mr. Evanl, on the R.; and,
Within I mile Ilf.MitcheUlowiI, on the' R. lIalf 11 mile nearer ·the town, it that ef
i. KiUhenan, the feat of Mr. Kinjt; Mr. Crea,ghe, on the L.
aad on the R. a little beyond MitcheIC. On the L. of Doneraile, is the charmin,
toWn, i. the beautiful and CIlenfive de- feat of Lord Vifcount Donuaile, finely
mefae, the noble rnanlion. and delig1lt. lituate on • riling ground over a river.
ful planfation. of Lord Kingfborough, whofe banke are richly woOded, and iD.
eJtending to aod bcmoded by the dir. the micHl of a rich, varied, and highl,.
tant and finely rirmg mountaiDl; to his imFroved country,
LonUhip'£ great esertion. aud landable From DOlleraile, at the rurther end of thet .
example, not only this town apd c8nJlo' town~ you turn to the R.; the t'oad tit
try, bue tae pu)jlic ill general are hi&hly Mallow, rllftninr weft'Yard, near the
indebted for the ~ncommon improve. foot of a confiderable hill, and windini
- menta efulbli1hcd here; al!d {or the vi- round the .end ther~ofto Mallo....
Gble chanfe a few yean have wrollght in On the R:, ;within half a mile of Man....
the face 0 a couatry endowed. hy nature i. Annabelle, the fcat of Mr. Roare ;
with the bappieft fertility of foil, and 00. the L. of MaUaw; He the RIIIain.
the moll lively and romanti.: fcenery, of a caftle; and Ileal' the town, which
where nothing wa' wanting but fIlCh. ie liruate OD the river Blackwatci'. i. It
celebrated hot-well, refemb6ng thofe
mvniliceat patro"•.
Amidft this great chaill: of moantaina, the of Brillol. to which then: is a pleafant
philof9Phic, a5 well curious traveller. ihadal walk.
willlind ample mattCf Cor ilia CP.ft1iIa- At .MalloW, is the refideilce ot Mr~
tion; grea.t and unfathomable lake. OB Jephfon. rn~er in paF6ament fot the
the tops of wild and m.glliJic~nt IDOUD- to'flln; leaving Mallow, after yell par.
taiue; numherleCs caCcadea d~g from t:lu: bri4ge; tlll'D to the R. to go to Mill..
the rocks. 'and foaming Ircct. pafIiD, the feat ul Mt. Cotter',
7.+1 To IDc~~ ape). BaDtry.
~ear the ri v~, on ~o~r R,.; aad Q.i!ar- SurJllOQllt, 01 i4r. a.....ka. OIl the
- tertown, that of Mr. DiUon, altq 011 the R. ;' miles ~Jond tl¥: bIA. i.
1l. at I mile diftance. pa1\. the Ceat of MJ;.l¥IJDy, OD the L.;
J:fcar i miles beyond M.allow,. is Viood- and furtile{ 110 .tI!e l,.. OIl the other fide
fOrt, th£ fcuof Mr. Oul1cy, op the a.; ~he rivq, are Kikrea. the liiat 01. Mr.
a Uttle further, MiUfort, that of ~r. Kee6:. and tbe. roil••. all, abbey aad a
:Foote, OD the R.; and near 3 milea ClIfUc·
. from M:illow, are the feats o( the Mr. 3! miies~yCllJd ()~CI).', lap, is Il~
NewDlans, on the R. aitd L. the feat of Mr. Rye, liP thc:L.; i mile.
Neu 5 miles btyond M.lllow,'is the little fllrther, E'arreOo. that of Mr. Spread.
· village of G lanton, at a confiderable on the R.; near 2 miles beyond this. is
diftance, on'the R.; and on the other Shandingon. the feat of Mr. DevonJher,
· fide the river, are t4e feats of Mr. 911 cite lL; aDd Kilcondie, that of Mr_
· .I;onpcld, aud Mr. WrixOn; and near Crooke, on t!\.e L.
· • mile-s from Mallow, is the Ccat of Little uio.c than 8 mHcs bcorond Oven'..
· rtIr: Lolttbard, on your R. Iou, YOII t\!l1l to the L.; the road fm'-
'j.miles beyond l'dalluw, are tpe church. ward leads to ~acrOOll1, di#a!at aboqJ;
ind v.a"rfonage of ClollDl1=eO, ~ the R. ; , 4 mile.; at this turn, you leave Le-
· a mlli: further, is Banty,re, tlte. feat, of ~o,h, t~e fc:~t qf Mr. ·E.eait. on the.
""i4r. CaUaghan, fititate .Dellr the banks ~; and f90n after, pafs t1ie '~ii!efae o~
, ~E: the river; further on, i. the Ceat of War~el\s-tPurt, the handtome: feat of.
-Mr:'Nalb; on the oppofite fide of the ~. \Vanen, on the L;
• rit"et ; and. near i 3 1DJ1(& frOID Mallow, 13 miles Crolt\ Oven'slun, il Coo~l,.
· is II:nockbrack, that of Mr. Ondy, on , the feat of Mr. Barter, 011 the L.; an4-
tJieR. near tJ{e river; within I miJe of ~ .nlil..,ftartMr, Carronagedough, that
¥.tllftreet, and on the 1.,. are the church ofl\l.(r. Btr;ry, on the R.; bCre .re aHb.
·of Drlflw.c,lind the feat QC Mr. W~- the riJin. of a cafth:; aad Within I mUe
·lace. '1. . , of Ip.cIiegeda, i3 CaiTODSCUrr8h, the
f<;at.of Mr. MaAen, with. the rdlllia.
of an.other taftle. OD t~ L.; lit IB-
frp~ DUBLIN to bCHEGEEI;,A.. chegoc;bi. i •. all handfOOJe ban-acto, for
the troops quartered there; a little ~.
JPlld the obUtc:h, on your L. '
Cork, p. (69) Cor.fl :Ir~ ~~ ,.~
C~unt). 'S, ab
Oyen's Inn, .6 3 I~,9, I
Inche~eela,~ ~7 j 14~ 6 Frcn;n)~qJl~IIl: to:a,.,,;r.ll,Y.
S 8 4 54 0 I
6 I 60 I
on th; L. _the beautiful feat of Mr. Taghmon, I f I!. 71 3
Tighe; and near a mile further, Cron. Soon after you leave Gorey, the road di-
roe, that of Mr. ELCles, on tl~c R. . vide. to the R. and L.; that to the L.
5 miles beyond the Black Bull, IS the VII. leading to Wexford, as already defenD-
la!;e of Glandy, with a ncat church on ed, you keep to the R. to go to Fern..
the R.; ncar whkh, is WiJ.Jfborough, and pars the church of Clough, OD your
the charming f~at of Mr. Falrbrother. R. near 3 miles beyond Gorey.
Approaching R;athdrum,. you crols the s! milts beyond Gorey, is th~ vill~ge of
A YOllmore Cl vcr, \V hleh runs from Camolin; on the R. of whIch, 11 Ca..
hence to Arklow, (where it difchargcs molin.park, the feat of Lord Vifcount
itfdf into the fca) through a deep glen Valentia.
over a rocky bed; the lIeep ba~ks.on At Ferns, which is a Bilhoprick united to
eo(h fide highly w~o~ed, a."d.ahormng that of Leighlio, are the remains of
foroe of the richen VleWS It I. Follible fom~ antient buildings; 3 Illilea beyond
to conceive' about I mile frum l/.ath- Ferns, you crofs the river Slaney, at
drum on the weft fide of the river, is Scarewallh-bridge; and within I!. mil",
A vandale the charming feat of Samuel of Ennifcorthy, you pafs Ballnaballen,
Hayes, irq. where. the curious and on your L. near the fide of the rivet,
admiring traveller WIll fin~ all that the the kat of Mr. Newton; and on the
moft refined tall. can contnbute to em- further fide, the feat of Mr. Richard..
bellilh one of the mo!!. fofcinating fccnes At Ennifcorthy, which Rands on the river
in nature. Slaney, is a very extenfive and confidera-
I!. mile. beyond Rathdrum, is the village ble iron foundery, and many other nfe-'
of Ballinaclafh, where were formerly ful manufaCluries are carried' on; from
conuderahle iron works, on the river hence, the road run. on the weft fide of
A vonbeg: half a mile beyon~ this, on and nearly parallel to the river, palling
the L. is the Abbey, the antIent feat, St. Johns, the feat of Mr. Hill, on the
and former relidence of the family of L. I mile beyond the town, foon after
Whaley. . . which, it ftrike. off' to the R.
Ahout a mile to the L. of Aghrlm, IS Near 3 mile. beyond Ennifcorthy, on the
Clone the feat of Mr. Coats; and near R. is Gare, the feat of Mr. Phaire ;
a mi1~ beyond Aghrim, on the R. is and a little further, i. Wiltoo, the
Ballymanus, the feat of Ga~ret ~yrne, charming feat of Henry Alcock, Efq.
Efq.; 4 miles beyond Aghnm, IS Bal· beautifully fituated near the dedivity of
lyheg, on the R. the feat of Mr~. a confiderable hill, and on the bank of
Symes. . a pleafant winding branch 'of the river;
:a miles beyond Tinahdy, and a mIle to and I!. miles further, is Clanmore, on
the L. is Killbrook. the handfome fC:lt the R. the feat of Mr. Donovan.
and demcfne of Mr. Symes; and a mile One mile fouthward of Tagmon, is Har-
further, is MalulD, on the L. a feat be- perftown, the feat of Mr. Hoare.
longing to the l.te Marquis of Rock-
in,;ham, and the refidence of the agent
(If Earl Fitzwilliam, the prefent pro-
p~ietor of this extenfive and valuable ef-
Tin.hely, p_ (81)
tate. . lowac •
.At MaltoD. where the road divide., you Shildah,
To CIon mines.
In the road from Tinahely to Carnew, at the L. is to Bannow, a. defcribed page
in page (81) 3 miles beyond Tinahely, (79)'
is MaltOD, a feat of Earl Fitzwilliam; At Duocormack, are the remains of fom.
near which, the road divides, that to antieDt buildings; little more thaD a
the L. leading to Carnew, already de- mile further, are the ruins of a cafUe,
fcribed; that to the R. leads OD to Shi- OD the 1.. and thofe of a church, at fame
lclah, 1 mile further; near Shilelah, diftance, to the R.
are the Coppiced W oodo, produciDg th~ s! miles beyond Duncormack,. 00 the R.
well-knowD, and much admired lrilh i. Barriftown, the f~at of Mr. Ogle,
oak: timber, remarkable for its fize, fituate near the cOlft of a great bay Br
hardnefs and durability. inlet of the fea; OD the oppofite or
weft fide of which, is Cion mines. This
bay i. called the Scare, and Iy ing in the
From DUBLIN to CLONMINES. way to CloDmiDes, aDd not having 3D
efiablilhed ferry, you mull: wait for
Duocormack,p.(19)W·"'-1 0 0 76
F'IM ....1 low water, it beiDg theD fordahle. Aa
CloDmiDes, are feveral ruins; ~f mile.
ford C.. S beyond it, and near Tintern, is th.z
Clo,nmine., 4 6 81 S pleafant feat 06 iir Vefey <AlldQu,h.
the R. to '0
At Duncormack, take the road leading
to Clonminea; that
~. F. From KtLLIUAGB to K. r.
Jl'rom DUBLIN to HO.TB 7 6
Climber 19 t
Belfaft 6 1 166 IlS
From SItUllIES thro' BALUIGGAN Saindield
To tbe meeting of the Great
Road from Dublin to Drog- 8 S From KILLlLEAGB IQ
heda ,'" Ballynahinch B •
Clogher-head 6 0 Saintfield B S
B~llynahinch , 7 7
From CAR-.INoroRP tOl
9 3
Lijburn 'I ..
From ROSTREvolt to
Kilkeele M. F. 7 4 From BALLl'NABINCB to
Annaiong 4 3 11 7 Liiburn 'I 1
Newcaftle S 7 [1 6 HilUborough 1 0
Dundrum 3 0 ~o 6
Rathfriland 8 0 From CLOGR to
This Road runs on tbe
Eaft Side tbe Mourn learord
Mountains to DUD- Ballynahinch
drum. along the Sea
. CoaO:. . From NIIWCASTLS tl)
From KILLOUGB to Caffiewellan .1 0
Dromore u /
514 S
StraBgford 1 3
Grey Abbey· 8 616 1
Donaghadee 6 Su 6 From RATBUILAND to
Bangor S I ~7 7 Dromore 10 7
Downpatrick ,SO Banbridge
Saintfield 7 S
8 5113 5 Loughbrickland 1 0
Bclfaft 9 2. U 7
From GItEY to From LVRGAN to
15 2. Moira
3 51 8 7 Lilburn
J. F. u. r.
~I g S3
From HJLLS.OR80CB to Bdleektown
Molta 0
Newtown·hamilton 3
Prom LIS.OIII tit
1 ,
Hamilton's BaWl!
3 6
6 510 3
Ballinderry 6 Richill 3 1
Portldown 5 :& 9 I
From BEuAsT to
Aats"im U 0
Lurgan S I
Frolll eAUIONY to
From LuIlGAN tII
Strade 4 :&
Stewarttlown, aoffing
Kell. 1
the Ferries. ' I 14 s
6 5
iZ o 14
6 6 IJ 3
+! 0
From ANTnM to
Maghera 6 [
D~gh 6 0
Ballyclare I sI 7 5 From BALLAGRY t.
From' BALLY(!LAR. to
l3roughlhane 10 0
Ahoghill,crofiing the
New Ferry
I 6
Clogh IS I Maghera S 11
From GUNARM to
9 6 TOQme Bridge
Maghera S 111~ ,
CairoJough 1-
.Newtownglcna 1 I Dungivin 10 0
Ballycafrle ,I 0)( I
Culloville 6
Caftleblany 4 4 s From BALLYMENAGII to
From NEWBY to
Market Hill I
Colerain 6 41?114 S
Armagh 5 511: 6
From 1JALLYMONEY te M. p. From DUNLU:Jt to
Ncwtownlimavady Mill of Louth
Dervock 10 0
From Al.llEE to 11. P.
. 1"lom COLEIlAIN to Dundalk 10 ..
Newtownlimavady 10 ~
From NewTowN-HA-
Caftleblaney 7 3
s c:\
~ ~
4 U 6
5 5
New Ferry e From CAVAN to
Colerain 6 3/ Ib 3 Ballyhays
From KILItEA to
Cootehill 9 o/r! 4
Tynan 6 .
Carvagh 10 I From CASTLUHAIU: to
Monaghan 3 I
From CLOGK to Emyvale 6 S
~allymoney Tynan 7 11
" From TTNAN Co
From DERVOCIt to
lIallycaftle ~
Armagh 6 4
9 Blackwater Town 7 0
From CALl1l0N te
:Sallintoy 3
JJallycaftlc l 111: " Dungannon
9 3
S 6
From NAUL to DIlOGHEDA 8 0
From DIlOGIU:nA to
10 7
Siz Mile Crofl
Omagh 7 !t In
From POMEltOY to
From DUNIoUIt te
Cookfiown S 0
Ardec 6 0 Stewartfiown I 6
10 J/I~ ~3
From ST&AaANII: to Stradon
Clady 6
5 n
6 0
Cavan 4 42.0
From LONDOND!:IlIlT to CootehiU 9 1
Clady 1 .3
Fram DESAIlTMARTIN to Ballybay
Mourne 6 Rockeorry
Ncwtown!l:ewart 2. Monaghan
6 From BELLEEIC to
Pettigoe 9 6
From SCIIEE=< to
From CASH to
N'avan 6 4
Derg Bridge
From NAVAN to Strchanc
661r~8 ~7
Drogheda From DONEGAL to
C"rlan's-towlI TownwiIly \ 3 6
_:;Vi"y".llty 2. 5 u 4 BalIybofey 8 6 la "
Jrrnm MOUIITCaA&LU to 11. .. F~ C...fI.lNl.l.o4I.D to 11. 1'.
The Great
1114 Dunglo
RDad to NanD
I 11 0
GraaIrd. 9
7 4
" 51 ; 5
Oarrit1owa From GI.AlIo4I.lI to
From BLAcr; BULL to Buolaghy
Jaicock 9 7
4 z5 4
Ballynaiht 9 1
From SI1I1111UlS~lL tit
Trim s 0
From Talll to
Navao , S
Kella JI S Cavan
" I
Crof. Keys 6 From LAIOAT to
Crofl'aked 7 37 5
Kdll 5 C IZ 5 EIIDHkillen , ,
Prom lUolI'"n . . to 11. ~. From ST.IJtt&.TQ.... te ... f.
GurUOn 1 Ill: 6
From Tuu" to
Sligo 1 9' 0
Carrick 1 all~ 0
Drumahair 3 s\ ~
From Boy LIt to
g 3
From SLIGO fo
From BAl.LYNAIIO.1t to
BaJlyihannon '.&0 . Mount.talbot I
. I
Athlcaguc a 41 6 S
6\ 7 7
Ballymahon 5 3 Kilkcrein 3
From DUNIIOIlIt to
1 t
Ballinlough 8 S 10
19 t
Longford 10 5 FroM CASTLEIl!AGH to
From CotEUILL to
Frenchpark 7 •
From LANItSBOR~' to
l! 7
From TUAM to
Ballaghy 13 511. 7 .1
Longford . ol : 0
0 From BALLAGHY to
Tobercurry ,
From ROSCOMMON to Baltarra
7 6JI~
3 4 17 g
15trokeftown II 0
Tullk 9
Knockroghery From BOYl.l: to
5 0
Athleague 4 .; Toberc'Urry IX
from HOUJ:M:Ol1NT ~q ~. r. From CLAI~.G.LW;A'" to M. ~.
.Bal{endine 'tuaJp
..97 ..7 .
~alliqrobc CahiroMorrit
13all . Shrule 6 u~ o
From BALL to
Kilmain 3 6 IS .
From CABUI-MoaRII to
Headford 0
From Tobcrcurry to The Neal
o 15
Yobercurry 7 Ill! la
3 From GoaT to
Clarc.-Galway 5 2 183 3
O:r.Cfnllllina 0
13allyvary 1'5
6 3 2.~ 3
From POI.Tl1l1NA to
:Eyrctourt , 7 S
Swi.neford S I IJ: 7 Ballinafloe 9 3'17 0
Loughrea 114 2.
Gort lu 0
(:aLUebar 9. 0
From WEsTPOaT to Athenry 9 I
OranDlore 13 ..
Newport S ..
(:aiUebar .8 3 From SItERRIFF to
Elky Bridge
17 l
1 30
3 °1
10 +:
From KILLALLA to Eyreeourt I
~af\lelacken L011¥~ea 16 3!2{ ..
From B,lLLJNAILOE to From KILL to
. ,6.hllftra
M~yllooth 9 ..
From NAAs tf?
+~ ...
.Prpm SUANlIION BIl~PG~ t~ 7-
~i1cotk 7
Jlallin~iloe 6 2. Carberry 14
Kilmcague 6 0 JlaliaUlawn 4
. AthIoac $ 0
Portarlingtoo I l
9 Ill: .. 5
From CLONA.D BalDGI: to
Carbeny S
Ncaagh 7 •
Edendcny ~
From O'BaUN'f BUOGR to
From MAa,..olto' to Ncnagh 13 s
Ballyboy n
3 S
" so
S9 S
8 1
From NEwpoaT to
Kinaloe 1 4
O'Brien'. Bridge I
GWhiU 0 KilIaloc . n: "0
CiIInegowua 3 41 ;
From B.08lt1l1tLtll to
S 3
From TuJ.LO to
KItLl:AGB to
7 1
FroDl SIE.MuE BaloOB to
I. ,
From TULLAMoal: tD
" From E~1II11 t.
EnDiftimond 6
Terril~..pafa 0 Cori'ofin 4
Kilbeggan 0
" .1
Clara 0
Moat 6
From RO'C~I!:A to
From KILJ.l1SB to
" 4·
lIirr It
Leap 6 Kiimurry Ibrickan
113 s
Birr S 3 ;!1nniftimood 10 4 s3 6
4 4 CharlevllIe
1 311
8 6·
Jl r
o 3
From MUCl:l.oOM to
18 S
IS 6
9 4
11 S
+! "
From MALLOW to
From YOt7GB.I.L t.
Lifcarrol 11 1
5 5 14 4
1 6u II
Midleton ., S}I!
ButteVlnt S 4 Carric.ktohill 3 a 16
N. r. 11. r~
Glenmire 4 5[10 5
Otl ~
Feathard 6
Cork 4 o l4 S Ard1inan
The Road from Toughall
to Cork, through car.
Clogheen 5 "
tlemartyr, i. 3 Fur- From CLOOREUI' to
longs 10llger.
Cappoquin 10
From Cl-O'lN, to
From CUBItLL to
Midleton 3 4
From LIU.OU: to
~eachard ,
3 S
Watergrafa-hill 13 I
From Mouq. to
From LIUIOU to
U 7 Ffont KILUNN'I to
CJoghc:~ ~o 6
Frdhford Z
From F 11.110'1 to Urlingford d 0 Roch
From Dt15GAaVAN to
7 5
Kilmagany 5
'l'i "
Kuocktopher 9 1
~ou~hall 11 6 Bennett's Bridge I
Thomaftown 8 4
From WATEaroaD to
Kilmack.Thomas 11 6 Ffom ENNISCOR.TH'I to
Carrick-on Suir, on the}
South Side the River.
Ditto, on the North Side,
14 a lIallyhurris
9 .,
We~ord 11 S
one Mile Ihorter.
Pall'age 5 5
lI'ew Rofs 10 ~ Fcom SHILE LA to
Inifiioge 13 4 Tullow 7 .(;
From NEW Ross to From CLON~GAL to
Inniftioge 6 4
Carnew J'
Craig 9 7 Gorey 8. 6
Ennifcorthy IS I.
Old Rofs 4 3 From ARKLOW to
Taghl110n a 117. 4
Fook's Mill 8 S llathdrum 9 0
L 0 N D Q N TO H 0 L Y H E A D, f:i&.
Whetf4,ne 9
Bamd, Hert II Weeford ~ 1I4i
The Ohelilk, Midd: lIi Swinfen
I. '" Kitt's End u! LrcaFULD
South MilJlil ~5 ,.. t. Longdon Green 311~1.
Colney, Htrlf. 18t Longdon +11.~t
81. AJOIIII6 ~It Brucnon ~ U4+
Redburn ~5t Rllgtlry I .. 11.6
Matket Street ~9t Wolfdey 2foIl8!
.l>u'!J'aDu. Bedf. 33t I. t. Milford 3t l 32
Hocklilf 37~ Stafford
3tl 1351
Bric1.hill, .BwtAs 43 Great Bridgeford
Walton 3tr8+
Fenny Stratford 45 Ii 140t
Hartford Bridge ~ 47 E"'ijbaU 2 (42
Shenley End 11 48t Broughton ~
54/ 47"
St."ty Stratford 3 52 Mucklellon 3 (SIt
Old Stratford, N. aUlp. 52! Knighton 1. 1~53t
Potter. Purt 55 Wore, Shr.;Jb. I [55
Heaveneott 59 Or,
'IfJ'UJe{j1u 60 From Rugdty to Wolfcley
Foller's Booth 631 Right acrofs the Trent to Col·
Wcedon 68 wich 1119
Da'Ventry 7~ Great Haywood I,130!
DraytoD 73 Shirleywich 2~ I33
BrauDllon 75 SandoD 3 [36 .
Berry Bridge 75t Stoke l.t I 381
WilIollghby 77 Slont I I3~t
Dunchlitcb, War'W. 80 DarlalloD r* £411
Dunfmorc Heath 8z~ I. to Sandifotd 1. 143t
Crof. Foll'e Way Sol;} I. to Stableford Bridge 3 I46!
Knightly Crof. 85 I. 10 Pipe Yate, Shrop. 5~ [52
Ryton 11 , :::6{ Wore I 153
Ryton Bridic I 8r! Bridgemorc, Chtjh. 1 155
OD the L. of ~3, Gorehambary, ,....
N ••,tv;'''
Vat_t Grimtlonc.
Near Market.ftrect, on the R. i. Market
AaOD Cell, the felt of Mr. Coppin, fonDuly
~ flurlftone • NUIUICrJ' of Bcnedic!linea. '"
.. :&r Bridge On the L. of Dunthblc is EatoD Bri.y,
. flighway Side Mr. BcckforcL
Totperley Beyond Hock1iI', OD the LT. GilpiD, Efl{.
Utkinton At 39, on the R. i. Batt1efden, a feat of
Clotton the late Sir Grcgory Parc, :&rt.
Dudden At Old Stratford, 011 the R. is Lofgrovc.
Tarvin Mr. ManCell·..
Stanford Bridge Beyond Pottcn Purr, on the L. Wake- ,
Broughton field Loctce, a feat 01 the Duke of
CHEITER. Graftoa.
BrettoR, At Hnencou, 011 cbe R. U 8toke-Park, .
flawardcn M:n. jona.
Pantry Bridge On the ll. of Towceflcr ia Ea4cm Ndlaa,
Northorp . 11 a feat of the Earl of PomCret.
H.t,vJI .... 6 At l i from Towceller, 011 the L. is
k. AIAPII t 11 Bnddco, Mr.lvea.
"krztlry. Denb.' 8 At 11 milea from Fofter', Booth, OD the
C.IrU1I1J, alias
AM.....wtIJ, Carn.
In R. il Rugbroke, Mr. Warrco',; and
I mile farther u Lower Heyford,Mr.
Over Rafs and Penm Duval'..
Mawr MOUDtaint, to At 61!, on the R. is Flower, Mr.Kirby;
Llandegay U 114:& on the L. Stowe, Dr. Lloyd.
BANGOIl 4 2.46 On the L. of Daventry is Fa'Wlley, a
Bangor Ferry • 2.48 . feat of the ancient Iami1y of the
L1angavcnny, Angl. 1! ass! Knightlcy'..
GwJ""" S lOO! Near Davcotry is Burrow Hill, a Roman
HoIyhtatl ut 2.1S Camp.
At Daventry, on the R. U Nortoo, Mr.
• Lortl AJkifortl "avillg tUNlM t£. rtJIltl
Bret(lft's; and juft beyond it, on the
'IlIbi'" ufitl t. go '" P"'lillgtDII tbr"'g" /;i, L. is Arbury Hill, Mr. Parkhurft'..
larl, it i, ItIl'W ,.,.,.1.., ",ik, frolll C""".t"
At r mile from Drayteo, on the R. iI
t. CoItflill, injl.atl of .k..m a,for."". Welton, Mr. Clarlt'..
I At 8~, Dunfmore Heath, where Guy,
ARlllhtr road t. St. AUPH, 'fiz.
Earl of Warwick, killed the Dun Cow,
To N~horp. (I' BHw 0 1193 il inclofed.
Caerwtl 10 1103
At 93, Aufley, Mr. Neat.
St. AUPB 5 1108
At Meriden, on the L. oppofitc the Inn,
At Kitt', End, on the R. G. Bing, Efq; W. Digby, Efq.
and Mr. Barrone3u. At 99, on the R. i. Paekingtcn Hall,
At 13, on the R. Dance" Hill, Captain Earl of Ayleaford.
Alien; and a little before it. GO'fer· At Colelhill i. the feat of W riothle1Jey
Dor Hnmby. Digby, Efq.
On the L. of Kite'. End is Derehame, At IOS!, on the R. is Ham's Hall, C.
formerly a feat of the Earl of Albe- Adderlcy, Efq.
marie, now oC Capt. Bethd. At I06i, on the R. MoxhuU Hall, A-
Before Mime, on the R. Mr. Vinccot. Haeket, Efq.
Beyond 15, to the R. is North Mims, Two miles beyond, 00 the R. is Myddle.
Duke of Leeds. ton lUll, tbe f~at of Lord Myddkton.
To the R. of 17, Tittenbanger Park. the At 113, on the R. is Canwell Hall. Sir
Earl of Hardwicke. R.. Lawley, Bart.
At St. Alban'l is Holloway Houfe, a feat At II6!, Swirlen Hall, J. Swifen, Efq.
belonging to the late Duche!s of Marl. At UII, on the R. a houfe of Mr. Cobb.
borough, now to coudters Dow~ger Jkfore WolfeleJ Bridse. on the L. is
Spencer. H~rley, Mr. Cunon.
1l0ADS '11.011 LONDON TO HOL YH~AD, &c.
At WolCeley liridge is Wolfeley Hall, Sir. At I .. t, on the.!.. is Afton, Revd. Mr.
W rn. Wolrdey, Bart. oppofite is a Lloyd.
an brick houfe, Mr. Snayd. On the L. about four miles beyond Of.
· ... olf~1ey Bridge, 011 L. is New weil:ry, is Chirk Town and Cail:le, the'
/ . , or. Oak Hedge. late Mr. Whit. feat of Richard:Myddleton, Efq.. .'.
tf •.'. by's, now Mr. A;nfon. Near Clangollen,bn the R. i. Cafrle Dil
: Further on the R. " Shuckborough, the nag Brane, famous in bifrory. '
feat of Mr. Anfon, a fine buildiug. About two mile. from I.langollen, o,n
with a great variety of wood and the R. are the ruin. of a very large ab-
water. bey. well worth the Dotice oft~e ellri-
To the L. a mile beyond-Haywood. is ous in amiquity.
'l'ixaU, ·Mr. Clifford.' About a mile fafr, on the R. are the
At Sandon, late Lord Archib;tld Hamil- ruins of the p r of.owen Glyndwr;
toa, nGW Lord Harrowbv. About ra,
and alfo Llanfil the feat of Thoma.!
four mile. off is ChartIey, the apcient Jone., Efq.
feat of the Ferrers. . ' . .... About a: mile fartber, on the ~ the viI-
· A mile farther, L. Ingeftree Hall, L"rd; 'Jage of Llan St. Fraid. ,
Talbot. . . On the R. half a mile this fide of the Caer
On the L. a mile beyoni:! Namptwich. is' y' Drudion, i. tbe famous citadel of the t
Woodhay, a feat of the family of Wil- Druids, whereto Caraaaeui retired'
braham. '., after his d,feat at Caer Caradoe.
At San~rd, on .the L. t.!I1 Hall,' Between Corwen and Kenioge.Mawr i.
MarquIs of Staft"ord's. '''; . . a famo,,", frolle eheft of the Druids;
"'Phr~e ~ beYolld St.....~;.'~the.. near lCenioge, the feat of - Ken-
,R" Kinmel houfc and par.. . vi . ryck, Efq. • , ,..
berts, E f q . ' " ~ :o)\t L1anrwfr i. a l>ridge o . the~i",
J ~.. " 'l'-Conway, huilt by IniJJ:I!d,'fnirfaid
To Holywell,
. l " 4 ...
1' i .';
611.· i' 9t!' ..•. *~F.e hi. mafler-pieee.
On :rl?e lef[ of LlanryvJl 'Gweder. a feat
Rudland . - 1.tll.; ae
jfkrgcte" ~, '.,' liji" of tilt.~..qj Apf a ,r •
. ',. :&'h~;,t. twloTyhe", viz.
- ~-' i'l' • ..t -
.:....; ~ 1"0Npi'tla,orp, (p. 96)
LONDON to BA~GOa aif. rrOL~- Cra vatelojleh
BEAD, by SBU"'SB~. The Smelt 'Mills
Ponrriflith Bridge DCII~.
To Shrewjbw,." (p. 98) o 154 Delloigh,
Montford Bridge 4 158 Hen Lian
Enfdon 1. 160 Llanwith ,"
· NelfdUf l.t l611 Poatgwithy 13ridge
Ofwe!l:ry 9 171. Bettws
Llangollen Dmb.u 184 Dolven Bridge and Mill
Corwen 11. 196 Crofworth
Kenniogga 13 1.09 Conway Ferry
I.lanrooft II 1.1.0 Ab"coTlway, eaeen.
Conway U '31. When the tide i. out, keep
Bangor Ferry 17 1.49 to the Right over a fkirt of
Crofs to Anglefea Penham- V echan Mountain,
Gwyndy Ut 61-! and along the Sands to Me·
H.lyhead Ut1.74 ney Straits, where yoU ferry
N. B. 'Tb. aiJ__ u hard, jJlfQ()th, ,,.,,1 over to
litoll1llaril, Angll1. 14~
road, alld extremely plfa/ant. A ,,,,,,h
,... .."jlantly the abo-ue road IN''' Shrew/- Tineohet 5~ 14 6
iIIIry, it king pajJabk at alllimtJ. Hildravaught Mill 3~ 1491
Llangavcney l~ 1S1
One mile on the R. beyond Shrew !bury, Mafi"alan 4~ ass!
fee aer"fs the SevcCll, Berwick, Tho- RuJbrand Bridge 1.~ l~ 7i
mas Jcif Powit, Efq. Boddedar 2~1.60
,At Il mile farther the road 1 On tile a.of tIIoe Heath. 811.... CoJe.
divides, where you lIeep to aeld Park and W.()Ods, &lid PO\ll" Oaks
the Rigbt over the C!evCflk I Hall, Hugh Batcmaa, l!fq.
Sand., if the tide is Ollt, At N«too, on tile R. R.idaard -eiIIIut,
otherwife turn to the L. 0' E~ .
pars firaight over the rocks At 129, on the It. StrcttOll, W IIJgbt
and fand. to Hon. Thomas COIIolly.
1' 81 2681 At Weft"", a Ceat« Sir HCIItJ Bri4,,~
man. But.
At W~odcot, on the L. Woodcllt Hall,
John Coat.,., Efq. '
LONDON to PAil_GATE, by t'he
lkfore Newport, OD die L •• feat of tile
Coach Roaq to CHESTER. late Lord Tatbat.
Onc mile and a hatl' beyood Newport. on
To Meriden, (P·95) o 9~
the R. ClsetwJ'll, i.'Ohcrt Pigot. Efq~ ,
1.•• Bacon's Inn 6{ rod and two miles fartftc:r, 011 the L. Stau-
CaJllt Br.m'1l:ich I 106 ford Hel!, R. B&'flcJ, Efq, At SaDII-
Over 1/1It1on Colefield Heat!) ford, on the R. SandforclHall, Wm,
to Burch Baroal. Efq.
Swan alld HII7 Inn at :Before BroxtDO, OD the L. ~ Hall,
St"nal 3taJ[.IO II6 Philip Egerton, Efq.
Norton 5 121 BeyOlW Henley., an the L. OIlvelc.y HJII,
&raitway ~!u3! Philip Egertoo. oEfq.
F ..r Crgffis Inll I 124! At Clu:iftletlXl, CID the R. Rich. Te_~
Iwtfty Ball.. 1! 13 1 Ibend, Efq.
'Wenon 1 134
Pame, Corner Z 136
WooJcot, Slmp I! 131!
LONDON to Sauw.Bl1u.
ChetWYII MOll I r 39
N",,'p.rJ l 140
To MeridclI, (P.95) 0 9B
Stafford Bridge 4 144 Ivetf.y Bank, (1ft col. this p.) 34 ISi
Hinfiock' . 1 14' Weftun ' ,~ 134
Shackeford 148 Oaken Gates, Slmp. 6 1401
~tocke Helth ISO
Watlifl g Street 11 43
'T".nhiO 1 151
Atchalll 7 ISo!
Blotchley I In! Sbre-uflurJ 3 S4
Salldford z11s6
w/'i/,hu,.,h 5 161 AR~t~". RfJII4, 'yiw.
, . Grindley Bridge, l!zh! To Meriden (p. 95.)
Red Lion Inn Cbtj1:. 3 16S! Elmdon
H;tmptoll I! I6 7 Bir.u.glJam •
Broxton 3 17 0 Wedlldbury, or:
Rarllhill I I7~ W~gbury , Stfif.
Hendley z 173 Bilfton' .
Golbourn Bridg. I l74 WW",,,/'a,,,pt.,,
Hatton I!175! King's, Tetnal
Rowton ,~ 177! Slfiffn al .
Chr.ilHetIlD' I! 119 ' Watling Str~ ,
CauTER ~ [81
Mollingtoll ~! 183} 1JhrNfl"~
The Yacht zot t8~t
, Endcrton 4!19~ , 'TI.;, r..d ,. Bi~ ;, jIM", ad
Great Nefton I 1911 gtJOrI ill sw••"~ '11It1Hld m ww.,.
ParSgal. I! 193
A~ 120, on the R. Earl of DartmoutR.
At Cafile Bromwich, an old feat of Sir At IlI3, on the L. Patlbull,Jate Lor4
Henry Bridgeman, Bart, and 11 miles Pip. '. ,
further, 011 the R. Pipe HlIll, David At· uS, fill the R. Wr:Jucdley Hall,5ir
~vies, J::fq. ' Joiul Wrottdley. ' "
f. I tf I §.
,. ....
1'-;'''' J