Soil Ex7
Soil Ex7
Soil Ex7
Exp No. 6
Sec : 1 group :1
2 Abstract 15
3 Introduction 5
4 Objective 5
8 Discussion 30
9 Conclusion 20
10 Total 100
The aim of this experiment to know the permeability of soil.
We use this relation in our calculation Constant head:
𝐴 = ∗ 𝑑2
𝑘(20𝑐) = 𝑘𝑟 ∗
Falling head:
𝑎 = ∗ 𝑑2
𝐴= ∗ 𝐷2
𝑉 = 𝑎(ℎ1 − ℎ2)
2.303 𝑉 𝐿 ℎ1
𝑘= ∗ log
(ℎ1 − ℎ2) ∗ 𝑡 ∗ 𝐴 ℎ2
As it plays a significant influence in structural design, permeability is one of the most important
characteristics of soil when designing engineering projects. For instance, permeability and
concrete durability are related. Since soils are made up of both solid particles and a dense network
of pores with well-organized interconnections, they exhibit some degree of permeability. The
history of the soil, the distribution of grain sizes, and the kind of soil are all factors that affect a
soil's permeability. Permeability is defined by this permeability coefficient. Any soil's permeability
coefficient may be calculated using both in-lab and in-situ techniques. The constant head
permeability test and the declining head permeability test are both used in this experiment. The
coefficients of permeability of sand at various unit weights were calculated using the constant head
The coefficient of permeability of sands can be easily determined in the laboratory by the constant
head test and.
The falling head permeability test is another experimental procedure to determine the coefficient of
permeability of sand.
Experimental details:
1. Measure the length (L) of the compacted specimen in the tube.
2. Assemble the perimeter near a sink.
3. Supply water using a plastic tube from the water inlet to the burette. The water will
flow from the burette to the specimen and then to the funnel. Check to see that
there is no leak. Remove all air bubbles.
4. Allow the water to flow for some time in order to saturate the specimen. When the
funnel is full, water will flow out of it into the sink.
5. Using the pinch cock, close the flow of water through. The specimen. The pinch
cock is located on the plastic pipe connecting the bottom of the specimen to the
6. Measure the head difference, HI (cm).
7. Open the pinch cock. Water will flow through the burette to the specimen and then
out of the funnel. Record time (t) with a stop watch until the head difference is
equal t6 h2 (cm). Close the flow of water through the specimen using the pinch
8. Determine the volume (Vw) of water that is drained from burette in cm3. 16. Add
more water to the burette to make another run. Repeat Steps 6, 7 and 8. However,
hi and h2 should be changed for each run.
9. Record the temperature, T, of the water to the nearest degree (0C).
Temperature 21 C
1 75 30 161 0.1863
2 75 60 318 0.1841
3 75 90 445 0.2576
K20= 0.20428
Falling head permeability
Temperature 21 C
K20= 9.435*10^-10
Sample calculations:
Constant head permeability
A = (π/4)*D2
A = (π/4)*64
A =50.26
K = QL/Aht
=161*13.7/50.26*75*30 = 0.1863
K20℃ = KTC * ηT/η20℃
K20℃ = 0.2093* 0.976
= 0.20428
A = (π/4)*D2
A = (π/4)*32
A =7.068
a = (π/4)*d2
a = (π/4)*0.12
a= 0.0078
V=4 𝐷2 𝐿
- K = [ 2.303*a L / A t ] * log(h1/h2)
= [2.303 *(0.0078*7)/(7.068*86400) ]*log(93/92)
= 9.667*10^-10
K20℃ = KTC * ηT/η20℃
9.667*10^-10* 0.976
= 9.435*10^-10
In order to overcome the soil resistance, energy must be expended, which results in head loss.
Hydraulic conductivity = coefficient permeability Based on:
1. Viscosity of the fluid
2. Distribution of pore size
3. Distribution of grain size
Four. Void Ratio
5. Mineral particle roughness
6. Soil saturation level
7. As the degree of saturation rises, permeability of saturated soil increases quickly.
Structure has a significant impact on hydraulic conductivity in clayey soils.
The following elements have an impact on the permeability of clays:
1. Ionic concentration
2. The depth of water layers that the clay particles were adhered to.
Calculating Hydraulic Conductivity in a Lab:
1. Constant Head: A typical setup for the permeability test with a constant head. The water supply
at the intake is controlled in this sort of laboratory setup such that the difference in head between
the inlet and the outlet is constant during the test time. Water is collected in a graduated flask for a
certain amount of time once a steady flow rate has been established.
2. Falling-Head Test: An illustration of how the falling-head permeability test is often set up. A
standpipe's supply of water runs through the ground. Water is allowed to pass through the soil
sample until the final head difference at time t = t2 is h2, after which the starting head difference h1
at time t=0 is recorded.
Temperature adjustment is necessary for permeability determination since temperature affects the
coefficient of permeability.
1. The effect of temperature on permeability
2. For coarse materials, there is a technique called constant head.
3. For fine material, the falling head technique is utilized.
4. Understanding how water moves through permeable soil medium is important for the following
purposes: a) Calculating the amount of subsurface seepage under varied hydraulic circumstances.
b) to look at issues with water pumping for subterranean construction c) to do stability assessments
on seepage-affected earth dams and earth-retaining structures.
5. The permeability of various soils varies.
Bowles, Joseph E. Engineering Properties of Soils. 4th. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1992
ASTM Standard D 854, 2000-2002, “Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by
Water Pycnometer,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,