2008 Business Pulse©: CEOs See Green Long-Term - No Fad!
2008 Business Pulse©: CEOs See Green Long-Term - No Fad!
2008 Business Pulse©: CEOs See Green Long-Term - No Fad!
(78%) believe that Green is a here to Much lower levels of activities are
Long-term – stay; only 22% think Green is a short- present in a series of actions that
term fad. These are some of the key perhaps only certain businesses could
No Fad! findings from the latest The Nicolet
Bank Business Pulse© - a survey of
actually implement. For example, the
reduction of toxic emission is much
CEOs in Northeastern Wisconsin. more likely to take place in the
manufacturing sector than in the
Another three quarters (76%) indicate service sectors. About a quarter (26%)
that going Green is the right thing indicate that they have reduced their
to do even if it cost them a little water use; 18% say they use energy
more ‘Green’. In many cases, while efficient cars; 17% have reduced their
additional up-front costs may exist, emissions; 16% have reduced their
these costs are often times recaptured. use of pesticides; 12% use renewable
More than half (60%) of the CEOs energy; 9% use Leadership in Energy
and business owners believe going and Environmental Design (LEED)
Green could also be an important certification for building design.
differentiator for the economy of
NEWi. These appear to be strong The lowest level activities are
numbers that provide a foundation programs that provide incentives
for an effective Green and sustainable to employees to engage in certain
business movement in NEWi. behaviors and practices. Nine
percent indicate that they have
To what extent do CEOs believe a telecommuting program so
employees can work from home
going Green is a competitive
or a remote location; 7% have an
advantage for their business incentive program that encourages
employees to use alternative
Great transportation such as biking to
Extent work; 6% have a program to
10% encourage carpooling.
Not at all
Executive Summary:
End of Q1/08
Part Two
Some Extent
Motivation For “Green” Fewer (42%) were motivated to this as a competitive advantage
make environmental improvements specifically for their company
While 76% percent of CEOs indicate because their competitors were (31% say to a Great or Moderate
that going Green is simply the doing it (Very Important 12% / Extent) compared with those in
right thing to do, many are also Important 30%) and 49% because the manufacturing/construction
influenced by other factors when their suppliers may demand it industries (48% Great or
it comes to developing Green and (Very Important 10% / Moderate Extent).
sustainable business practices. Important 39%).