The Penn State Agronomy Guide 1
The Penn State Agronomy Guide 1
The Penn State Agronomy Guide 1
About the Guide Precautions on Pesticide Use
• Use of restricted pesticides requires certification.
The Penn State Agronomy Guide is designed for easy reading • Use pesticides only when necessary.
and quick reference. • Use pesticides only at the recommended dosages and
timing to keep residues on crops and animals within the
In Part I: Crop and Soil Management, the sections on specific limits set by law.
crops include information about: • Avoid spray or dust drift to other crops and bee yards.
• Varieties • Cover food and water containers in livestock areas.
• Nutritional Requirements • Read the label and follow safety precautions listed.
• Establishment • Maintain a pesticide use record and inventory. Wear
• Harvesting protective masks and clothing if so directed on label.
• Special Considerations • Avoid inhaling pesticides.
• Never eat or smoke while spraying or dusting.
In Part II: Pest Management, the sections on pest control for • Avoid spilling spray materials on skin and clothing. If
specific crops include information on: spilled, wash off immediately with soap and water.
• Weeds • Wash hands and face and change to clean clothing after
• Insects spraying or dusting. Wash spray clothing after each day’s
• Diseases use.
• Store pesticides in original containers and out of reach
The College of Agricultural Sciences strongly recommends of children, pets, and livestock, and away from food
that you have a soil test made to determine your lime and fer- and feed; keep in a locked storeroom or cabinet marked
tilizer needs before using the suggestions presented through- “Pesticides—Keep Out!”
out this book. Success is directly related to correct analysis of • Dispose of empty containers so that they are no longer a
your soils. hazard to people, especially children, and animals.
This guide is not a substitute for the product label. Please • Do not contaminate streams, ponds, and water sources
consult a current product label for detailed usage information. or endanger wildlife.
The Penn State Agronomy Guide was prepared by • If poisoning symptoms develop from pesticides, medi-
extension and resident staff members in the Departments cines, or any other poison source, show your physician a
of Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Agricultural label of the material involved. He or she can phone one
Economics, Sociology, and Education; Ecosystem Science of the Poison Control Centers for complete treatment
and Management; Entomology; Plant Pathology and Envi- information.
ronmental Microbiology; and Plant Science; representatives • Before using any pesticide, read the directions.
of the U.S. Pasture Laboratory; county agricultural extension • The National Poison Center Hotline number is
educators; representatives of the fertilizer, lime, pesticide, and 1-800-222-1222.
seed industries; and representatives of state agricultural and
environmental government agencies.
Project Coordinators
Part I: Crop and Soil Management
John Tooker
II Pest Management
1. Pest Management...................................................... 179
2. Corn Pest Management............................................. 238
3. Sorghum Pest Management....................................... 345
4. Soybean Pest Management....................................... 374
5. Small Grain Pest Management................................... 455
6. Forage Pest Management.......................................... 486
Weights, Measures, and Conversion Factors................. 547
Key for Identifying Common Grassy
Weed Seedlings in Pennsylvania.................................... 549
Key for Identifying Common Broadleaved
Weed Seedlings in Pennsylvania.................................... 550
Plant Parts and Leaf Shapes and Arrangements........... 551
Part I
Part I, Section 1
The Climate of Pennsylvania�������������������������������������������������� 2
The Soils of Pennsylvania������������������������������������������������������ 3
1. Eastern Lake Shore������������������������������������������������������� 4
2. Glaciated Region of the Appalachian Plateau��������������� 4
Soil Management
3. Allegheny High Plateau�������������������������������������������������� 4
4. Glaciated Low Plateau��������������������������������������������������� 4
5. Pittsburgh Plateau��������������������������������������������������������� 4
6. Allegheny Mountain������������������������������������������������������� 4
7. Ridge and Valley Province �������������������������������������������� 5
S. W. Duiker
8. Blue Ridge��������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Professor of Soil Management and Applied Soil Physics, Penn State
9. Triassic Lowlands���������������������������������������������������������� 5
10. Conestoga Valley��������������������������������������������������������� 5
11. Piedmont Upland��������������������������������������������������������� 5
12. Coastal Plain���������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Soil Health������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
Improving Soil Health������������������������������������������������������ 11
Soil Erosion�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Water Erosion����������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
Tillage Erosion���������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Soil Compaction������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Tillage Management������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Tillage Tools��������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Tillage Classification�������������������������������������������������������� 19
Status of Soil Tillage in Pennsylvania������������������������������ 20
Agricultural Drainage������������������������������������������������������������ 20
Table 1.1-1. Selected properties and typical capabilities of major
Pennsylvania soils.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Table 1.1-2. Ideal soil bulk densities and root-growth-limiting bulk
densities for soils of different textures.������������������������������������������������11
Table 1.1-3. Typical crop residue production of different crops in
Table 1.1-4. Land use statistics.���������������������������������������������������������20
Figure 1.1-1. Average annual precipitation in Pennsylvania,
Figure 1.1-2. Mean departure of 28°F during spring in
Figure 1.1-3. Mean onset of 28°F during fall in Pennsylvania.����������������2
Figure 1.1-4. Average moisture balance for Meadville, Lewisburg,
and Lancaster.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Figure 1.1-5. Soil regions of Pennsylvania.��������������������������������������������4
Figure 1.1-6. The textural triangle quickly helps to determine the
textural classification of a soil from the percentages of sand,
silt, and clay it contains.����������������������������������������������������������������������10
Figure 1.1-7. No-till soil profile changes compared to changes
in a tilled soil profile.����������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Figure 1.1-8. Three causes of erosion resulting from tilling soils
on slopes.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Figure 1.1-9. Topsoil compaction is caused by contact pressure,
whereas lower subsoil compaction is caused by axle load.�����������������16
Figure 1.1-1. Average annual precipitation in Pennsylvania, 1981–
The Climate of Pennsylvania 2010.
Soil Management | 3
Figure 1.1-5. Soil regions of Pennsylvania. 3. Allegheny High Plateau
Soils in the Allegheny High Plateau of northcentral Penn-
sylvania developed primarily in sandstone. The dominant
3. ALLEGHENY HIGH PLATEAU texture of these soils is sandy loam. They are mostly well
drained. If slopes are steep, erosion potential is substantial.
Rock fragment content can be high. The available water-hold-
ing capacity of the root zone of these soils is often low due to
their coarse texture and the presence of rock fragments. The
growing season in this region is short (fewer than 100 days)
because of the high elevation. Due to their low agricultural
productivity, most soils of the Allegheny Plateau are under
MOUNTAIN RIDGE UPLAND forest vegetation, but there are some notable exceptions, such
as areas used for potato and pasture production.
Soil Health
tain significant amounts of rock fragments. Steep slopes are
common, giving many soils in this area high erosion poten-
tial. The available water-holding capacity in the root zone of Soil health (also called “soil quality”) is defined as “the
the soils is commonly moderate. The high elevation results in capacity of a soil to function within ecosystem boundaries
a short growing season. Much of this area is under forest. to sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental
health, and promote plant and animal health.” Soil properties
9. Triassic Lowlands that determine soil health include soil physical, chemical, and
The soils in the Triassic Lowland section of the Piedmont biological properties. This section focuses on the physical and
developed in reddish sandstone, shale, and siltstone. The soils biological aspects of soil health; chemical aspects are dis-
are generally silt loams, well drained, and located on sloping cussed in the soil fertility section (Part I, Section 2). Some soil
land. The erosion potential of these soils is moderate to high. properties are a given and cannot be readily changed by man-
The Abbottstown-Doylestown-Reading association in Bucks agement. This information can be gleaned from the county
and Montgomery Counties is an exception to this rule; those soil survey, your local USDA Natural Resources Conservation
soils are poorly drained and located on level land. The soils in Service (NRCS) office, or on the web at https://websoilsurvey
the Triassic Lowland section can contain substantial amounts
of rock fragments. The available water-holding capacity in the The concept of soil health focuses on properties that
root zone is moderate. The region has a long growing season. are readily affected by management. The best soil quality is
usually found in soils under permanent vegetation such as
10. Conestoga Valley trees or sod. However, intensively managed soils can be very
low or very high in quality depending on how they are man-
Limestone-derived soils predominate in the Conestoga Valley
aged. Soils with poor health often have inferior tilth, lower
section. These soils are comparable to the limestone soils
Soil Management | 5
Table 1.1-1. Selected properties and typical capabilities of major Pennsylvania soils.
Crop Corn Corn Sudan
Depth Drain Leaching Prod. Grain Silage Alfalfa Clover Wheat Oats Barley Silage Soybeans
Soil Series Class1 Class2 Potential3 Group (bu/A) (tons/A) (tons/A) (tons/A) (bu/A) (bu/A) (bu/A) (tons/A) (bu/A)
Andover D 4
PD 1 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Armagh D PD 1 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Basher D MWD 2 7
2 160 21 6 5 70 100 100 4 50
Bath D 4
WD 1 7
2 160 21 6 5 70 100 100 4 50
Birdsall D PD 1 7
5 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Birdsboro D MWD 2 7
1 200 30 7 5.5 70 100 100 5 60
Braceville D 4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Buchanan D 4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Canfield D 4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Cavode D SWPD 1 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Chippewa D 4
PD 1 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Clarksburg D 4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Crop Corn Corn Sudan
Depth Drain Leaching Prod. Grain Silage Alfalfa Clover Wheat Oats Barley Silage Soybeans
Soil Series Class1 Class2 Potential3 Group (bu/A) (tons/A) (tons/A) (tons/A) (bu/A) (bu/A) (bu/A) (tons/A) (bu/A)
Dormont D MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Ernest D4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Fredon D SWPD 1 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Glenville D4
MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Hanover D4
WD 1 7
2 160 21 6 5 70 100 100 4 50
Holly D PD 2 7
4 130 15 58
3.5 50 8
80 50 8
3 40
Kreamer D MWD 1 7
3 160 21 5 4.5 60 80 75 4 40
Lackawanna D4
WD 1 7
2 160 21 6 5 70 100 100 4 50
Soil Management | 7
Figure 1.7-2. Growth stages of cereals.
STAGE flowering
STAGE 10.1
STAGE “boot”
ligule of
STAGE last leaf
STAGE last leaf
second visible
STAGE node of
6 stem
first visible
STAGE node of
STAGE 5 stem
4 leaf- visible
STAGE leaf- sheaths
STAGE 3 sheaths strongly
STAGE 2 tillers lengthen erected
1 tillering formed
one begins
when there is about a 50 percent stand remaining, or seven to spring barley is less tolerant of low pH and poorly drained
nine plants per linear foot of row. soils. Recent varieties such as Benefit, Bailey, Stephen, and
Ontario have performed satisfactorily in Pennsylvania. Refer
Small Grains | 99
Part II
Part II, Section 1
Activities Involved in an IPM Program�������������������������������� 181
Monitoring the Crop for Pest Damage�������������������������� 181
Identifying the Cause of Crop Damage������������������������� 185
Pest Management
Determining the Need for Management������������������������ 186
Evaluating, Selecting, and Implementing
Pest Management Alternatives���������������������������������� 187
Assessing the Success of a Management
Alternative������������������������������������������������������������������ 189
Keeping Records����������������������������������������������������������� 189
Weed Management: Weed Management������������������������������������������������������������ 189
J. Wallace Weeds and Their Impacts............................................... 189
Assistant Professor of Weed Science and Extension Weed Specialist, Weed Management Techniques������������������������������������ 190
Penn State
Herbicides��������������������������������������������������������������������� 193
D. Lingenfelter
Insect Management������������������������������������������������������������ 221
Weed Science Senior Extension Associate, Penn State
M. VanGessel Disease Management��������������������������������������������������������� 222
Professor of Weed Science and Crop Management, Extension Weed Fungicides and Fungicide Resistance��������������������������� 222
Specialist, University of Delaware Pesticides and Their Application���������������������������������������� 223
Q. Johnson Pesticide Formulations�������������������������������������������������� 223
Extension Associate, Weed and Crop Management, University of Compatibility of Pesticides�������������������������������������������� 227
Delaware Spray Nozzle Selection and Use����������������������������������� 228
K. Vollmer Boom Sprayer Setup and Calibration���������������������������� 229
Extension Specialist, Weed Management, University of Maryland Sprayer Calibration�������������������������������������������������������� 230
T. Besancon Sprayer Cleanout����������������������������������������������������������� 232
Assistant Extension Specialist, Weed Science, Rutgers University
Using Pesticides Safely������������������������������������������������� 232
M. Flessner
Associate Professor and Extension Weed Science Specialist, Virginia
Table 2.1-1. Comparison between activities of an ideal
V. Singh
IPM program and a routine spray program.���������������������������������������181
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Weed Science and
Precision Agric., Virginia Tech Table 2.1-2. Key times for corn insect activity.�����������������������������������183
R. Chandran Table 2.1-3. Key times for alfalfa insect activity.���������������������������������184
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist, West Virginia University Table 2.1-4. Key times for soybean insect activity.�����������������������������184
Table 2.1-5. Key insects that attack oats, wheat, barley, and rye.������185
Insect Management: Table 2.1-6. Field characteristics that increase the likelihood
J. F. Tooker of certain pests in corn.��������������������������������������������������������������������186
Professor of Entomology and Extension Specialist, Penn State Table 2.1-7. Important herbicide groups for corn, soybean,
small grains, commercial vegetables, and forages.���������������������������196
Disease Management: Table 2.1-8. Selected glyphosate (Group 9) products and
A. A. Collins premixes for agronomic use.�������������������������������������������������������������199
Associate Research Professor and Director of the Southeast Agricultural Table 2.1-9. Common herbicide safeners used as
Research and Extension Center, Penn State commercial products.�����������������������������������������������������������������������202
P. D. Esker Table 2.1-10. Selected generic (or post-patent) alternative
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Field Crop Pathology, herbicides for agronomic use.�����������������������������������������������������������203
Penn State Table 2.1-11. Herbicide rotation restrictions
(months after application) for cash crops.�����������������������������������������210
Table 2.1-12. Weed species prone to resistance and of concern
in the Mid-Atlantic region.�����������������������������������������������������������������220
Table 2.1-13. Fungicide modes of action.�����������������������������������������224
Figures Since the beginning of agriculture, crops have suffered losses
Figure 2.1-1. Percentage of alfalfa fields with above-threshold to various kinds of pests. Although much progress has been
weevil infestation in Maryland, 1983 to 1989, and Pennsylvania, made in managing pests, many persist and crop losses con-
1986 to 1989.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������182 tinue to occur. Pests that contribute to crop losses in Pennsyl-
Figure 2.1-2. Percentage of alfalfa fields with above-threshold vania include insects, weeds, diseases, nematodes, slugs, and
weevil infestation across locations in New York in 1988.�������������������182
Figure 2.1-3. Relationship between the economic injury level
and the economic threshold with changing economic and Single pest management techniques are no longer
biological conditions.������������������������������������������������������������������������187 considered reliable to combat most pests. Many management
Figure 2.1-4. Surfactant.�������������������������������������������������������������������208 practices have limited periods of effectiveness, while others
Figure 2.1-5. Herbicide group numbers on product labels.���������������220 can create side effects worse than the crop damage. Success
in managing crop pests depends on how well economically
effective technologies, old and new, can be integrated while
minimizing risk to health and the environment.
With increasing concern about food safety and water
quality, the objectives of pest management are changing. Pest
management decisions now must include environmental and
human health risk considerations. While these factors are
difficult to measure, they are of growing importance in crop
production. Simplistic approaches such as routine applica-
tions of pesticides are no longer acceptable pest management
practices. There are numerous effective pest management
methods that when properly used reduce pest populations to
economically acceptable levels. Using a combination of meth-
ods is the best approach to handling most pest problems.
Integrated pest management (IPM) may be defined as
the use of multiple pest management tactics to efficiently pro-
duce crops, while minimizing the risk of undesirable environ-
mental and health effects.
• IPM is a systematic approach to crop protection that
utilizes increased information to make better pest man-
agement decisions, with an emphasis on integrating all
available alternatives.
• IPM is a philosophy that promotes the collection of
field-specific information to make rational pest man-
agement decisions. The goal is to increase information
through field scouting and monitoring to facilitate
selection of appropriate pest management alternatives,
including the judicious use of pesticides.
• The IPM philosophy does not advocate completely
eliminating pesticides, but rather recommends their
appropriate use as a final defense against pests whose
populations cannot be maintained at acceptable levels
using other pest management tactics.
• An important function of IPM is to help avoid the
development of resistance to pesticides and other
control measures. Historic overreliance on some pesti-
cides favored populations of resistant pest populations,
including insect populations that became resistant to
hydrogen cyanide and DDT. Current overuse of glypho-
sate and other common pesticides carries similar risks;
thus, the multifaceted approach favored by IPM holds
potential to prevent the development of resistance.
10 20
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 0
NW NY Finger Otsego Rens. Total
YEAR Lakes
midseason pests such as western bean cutworm and brown
marmorated stink bugs should not be ignored. In situations
where European corn borer is prevalent and non-Bt corn the small number of severe focal pest species, several insect
varieties are used, continue monitoring to assess the degree of pest species, most of which are leaf feeders (mostly caterpillar
stalk lodging and ear droppage. This information is useful in and beetle species), can still cause significant damage in a lim-
assessing the population potential for the next growing season ited number of fields within a season, particularly if a few pest
and in determining if another more resistant variety should species are active at the same time. Table 2.1-4 lists the key
be planted in the future. pests of soybean and the stages of plant development when
In alfalfa, monitoring should begin when the crop they are important. Monitoring should begin about a week
begins to regrow in early spring. Early infestations of alfalfa after planting and continue until late podfill. After growth
weevil can be seen in March if conditions are warm. The stage R6, few insect pests influence yield.
potential for significant damage by this pest, however, does Scouting for insects in small grains should begin after
not occur until late April to mid-May. Monitoring from the plant emergence and continue until harvest. In wheat, corn
beginning of spring growth to late April should involve only leaf and English grain aphids and Hessian fly can attack young
a quick visual inspection for signs of feeding. Table 2.1-3 lists seedlings in the fall and early spring. Armyworm can clip off
the key pests of new seedings and established stands of alfalfa wheat heads as the grain begins to reach maturity. Table 2.1-5
and cuttings where the pests occur. Monitoring can be termi- lists the key insects of small grains in Pennsylvania.
nated when potato leafhopper populations begin to decline
around the middle of August. Importance of Complete Monitoring
Only a few economically important insect pests of Monitoring crops for pests should not be a series of indepen-
soybean exist in Pennsylvania—namely, slugs, soybean aphid, dent processes, but part of an overall integrated monitoring
and in some areas, brown marmorated stink bug. Soybeans plan. For instance, scouts do not walk into an alfalfa field and
are particularly sensitive to slug feeding because, unlike corn, look only for insect pests. Instead, they are observing insect
the growing tip is above the ground and vulnerable to feeding; numbers, diseases, weeds, the general health of the crop, and
if the growing tip is eaten by slugs, the plant will die. Despite the stage of crop growth, while assessing potential problems.
Methomyl R 0.23 to 0.45 lb 21 48 Do not apply more than 2.25 lb ai per crop
(Lannate LV) 0.75 to 1.5 pt per season. Apply when insects first appear
in significant numbers. Highly toxic to hu-
(Lannate 90SP) 0.25 to 0.5 lb mans. Lower rates help conserve beneficial
Phorate R 5 lb 1 lb 30 48 Broadcast into whorls. See label for details.
(Phorate 20G)
Sulfoxaflor 0.75 to 1.5 oz 0.023 to 0.047 lb 14 (grain); 7 24 No more than two applications and 3.0 oz
(Transform WG) (silage) (0.09 lb) per year. Highly toxic to bees.
Zeta-cypermethrin R 2.72 to 4 oz 0.017 to 0.025 lb 30 (grain); 12 Do not apply more than 0.1 lb ai per acre
(Mustang Max) 60 (silage) per season, including at-plant plus foliar
Zeta-cypermethrin + 4 to 10.3 oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 30 (grain); 12 Do not make applications fewer than 30 days
bifenthrin R 60 (forage) apart. Do not apply more than 0.4 lb ai per
(Hero) season. Only for use as a foliar application.
Suggested insecticides, rates, and restrictions for CORN ROOTWORM (BEETLES, not larvae).
Rate per Acre Restrictions Comments
Harvest Reentry (Read the label for dosage, method, and
Insecticide Formulated Active (days) (hours) limitations)
Threshold: control usually not needed; treatments not suggested unless there is an average of five beetles per ear and corn is less than 50% brown
Alpha-cypermethrin 2.7 to 3.8 fl oz 0.017 to 0.025 lb 30 (grain); Do not apply more than 11.4 fl oz of product
(Fastac) 60 (forage) (0.075 lb ai) per acre per season.
Bifenthrin R 2.1 to 6.4 oz 0.033 to 0.1 lb 30 12 Direct spray over tassel and into ear zone.
(Bifenture) Do not apply more than 0.3 lb ai per acre per
(Brigade 2EC)
(Discipline 2EC)
Carbaryl 1 to 2 qt 48 24
Cyfluthrin R 1.6 to 2.8 oz 0.013 to 0.022 lb 21 12 Maximum of four applications per acre per
(Baythroid XL) season and 11.2 oz per acre.
Methomyl R 0.23 to 0.45 lb 21 48 No more than 2.25 lb ai per crop per season.
(Lannate 90SP) 0.25 to 0.5 lb Apply when insects first appear in significant
numbers. Highly toxic to humans. Lower rates
(Lannate LV) 0.75 to 1.5 pt help conserve beneficial arthropods.
Permethrin R Many formulations available; see label for rates and restrictions See label for further limitations.
(Ambush 25W)
(Arctic 3.2EC)
(Pounce 25WP)
Zeta-cypermethrin R 2.72 to 4 oz 0.017 to 0.025 lb 30 (grain); 12 Do not apply more than 0.1 lb ai per acre
(Mustang Max) 60 (silage) per season, including at-plant plus foliar
Zeta-cypermethrin + 4 to 10.3 oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 30 (grain); 12 Do not make applications fewer than 30 days
bifenthrin R 60 (forage) apart. Do not apply more than 0.4 lb ai per
(Hero) season. Only for use as a foliar application.
(Defcon 2.1G)
Tefluthrin R 1.25 to 1.5 oz 0.125 to 0.15 lb Not appli- 48 At-planting applications can be placed in a
(Force 10G) per 1,000 feet cable 7-inch band over the row in front or behind
of row the press wheel, or in-furrow. When applied
at cultivation, place at the base of plants on
both sides of the plant (split boot). Cover the
treated band with 2 to 3 inches of soil.
(Force 6.5G) 1.8 to 2.3 oz 0.1 to 0.12 lb Application may be by in-furrow, band, or
per 1,000 feet T-band; see label for details.
of row
Terbufos R 4.5 to 6 oz per 0.75 to 1 lb Not appli- 48 Do not exceed 6.5 lb per acre. Counter is one
(Counter 20G) 1,000 feet of cable of the few compounds that can help reduce
row some nematode populations.
Seed Treatments
Clothianidin 1.25 mg per Not for hopperbox treatment. Research sug-
(Poncho) kernel gests only effective against low to moderate
rootworm populations.
Thiamethoxam 1.25 mg per Not for hopperbox treatment. Research sug-
(Cruiser) kernel gests only effective against low to moderate
rootworm populations.
Corn rootworm larva notes: Liquid formulations have advantages: they are cheaper and may be mixed with some herbicides and liquid fertilizers to reduce applica-
tion cost; however, the relatively high content of active toxicant in liquid formulations makes them more hazardous to handle than granules. Use of an organophosphate
insecticide, such as Counter, Lorsban, or Phorate, with a postemergence sulfonylurea herbicide can cause corn plant injury. Counter shows the greatest tendency for this
because of its systemic properties, but the CR20 formulation has helped reduce this problem. For band application, the rate (ounces per 1,000 feet of row) is constant
and independent of row spacing. Therefore, the pound of formulation per acre rate needed increases as row spacing decreases. Read the label to determine the proper
rate for your row spacing. Research indicates that at-planting insecticide applications may have a reduced level of effectiveness when corn is planted before May 1. Lar-
vae are believed to begin hatching between June 1 and 15 in central Pennsylvania. The total hatching period is 3 to 4 weeks long. Hatch may occur 7 to 10 days earlier
in southern areas of the state and 7 to 10 days later in more northern and higher elevations. Under average conditions most rootworm insecticides remain effective for
approximately 6 to 8 weeks. An alternative to at-planting application is at-cultivation or sidedress between June 1 and 10 (possibly a week earlier in southern areas).
Suggested insecticides, rates, and restrictions for EUROPEAN CORN BORER (FIRST GENERATION).
Rate per Acre Restrictions Comments
Harvest Reentry (Read the label for dosage, method, and
Insecticide Formulated Active (days) (hours) limitations)
Threshold: see chart in the Field Crop IPM Reference and Training Manual to calculate economic threshold.
Alpha-cypermethrin 2.7 to 3.8 fl oz 0.017 to 0.025 lb 30 (grain); 12 Do not apply more than 11.4 fl oz of product
(Fastac) 60 (forage) (0.075 lb ai) per acre per season.
The following herbicides can be added with postemergence herbicides to improve residual weed control. They will not provide control of emerged
weeds, so they should be applied to weed-free soil surface or with products that will provide postemergence control of weeds present at time of
application. Consult labels when tank-mixing with any herbicide. Some pesticides or adjuvants used in combination with the following herbicides
could increase the chance of soybean injury.
Dual Magnum 7.62EC S-metolachlor 15 grain, POST 1–1.67 pt 0.95–1.59
• Application timing is not specified on label.
• Do not make more than one application per year
• Make applications at least 75 days before harvest.
• Water quality advisory.
Prowl 3.3EC pendimethalin 3 grain only 4-inch growth 2.4–3.6 pt 1–1.5
stage up to layby
Prowl H2O 3.8CS 1.5–3 pt
• Do not apply preplant incorporated or preemergence.
• Do not make more than one application per year.
• Do not apply on sorghum planted in double-row beds.
• Do not replant sorghum if crop loss occurs.
• Do not apply in liquid fertilizer.
• Use only where adequate tillage is practiced to provide good seed coverage and plant seeds at least 1 inch deep, or crop injury may occur.
• Prior to application, crop must be cultivated in such a manner as to throw at least 1 inch of soil over the base of the crop plants to prevent direct
contact of Prowl with the zone of brace root formation.
Warrant 3CS acetochlor 15 before 11 inches 1.5–3 qt 1.125–2.25
• Acetochlor is similar in activity to Dual, but it is more active on certain broadleaf weeds.
• Do not apply POST using sprayable fluid fertilizer, or injury will occur.
The following treatments are applied after sorghum emergence to control established weeds. See specific product label to determine correct rate
for soil type and weed species found in individual fields.
2,4-D amine 4S 2,4-D amine 4 grain only 6 to 15 inches; 1 pt 0.5 ae
over 8 inches,
drops recom-
• Sorghum is not as tolerant to 2,4-D as corn.
• Apply between 6- and 15-inch-tall sorghum; if sorghum is over 8 inches tall, consider drop nozzles to keep spray off the foliage; do not treat
during the boot, flowering, or dough stages.
• Do not apply during periods of rapid growth (high soil moisture, warm temperatures, recent nitrogen application) due to increased risk of crop
• Make only one application per season to emerged sorghum.
• 2,4-D is volatile; be cautious of off-target movement.
• Surfactants can increase risk of injury; be cautious of surfactant use when tank-mixing with other herbicides.
• 2,4-D does not provide any residual weed control.
Aim 2EC carfentrazone 14 grain only 4 inches to boot 0.5 fl oz 0.008
• At rate labeled for Aim 2EC, control is limited to weeds less than 3 inches tall, or morningglory with no more than 3 leaves, and velvetleaf up to 4
• Application timing is 4 inches tall to just prior to boot stage, but application should be based on small weeds.
• Tank-mix with other herbicides to increase weed control spectrum.
• Aim does not provide residual weed control.
• Use a non-ionic surfactant (NIS); do not use crop oil concentrate (COC) on emerged sorghum with either formulation.
Atrazine 4L or atrazine 5 grain, before 12 inches 0.75–2 qt 0.75–2
Atrazine 90DF 0.83–2.2 lb
• Apply before sorghum exceeds 12 inches; apply before weeds are 1.5 inches tall.
• Sorghum is not as tolerant as corn to atrazine.
• If no atrazine was applied prior to sorghum emergence, maximum application rate is 2 qt/A. If POST application is following an earlier atrazine
application, total atrazine amount cannot exceed 2.5 lb ai.
Site of
Common Action Sorghum Application
Trade Name* Name Number Type Timing Product/A lb ai/A
• Length of residual control depends on rate applied.
• Add 1 qt crop oil concentrate (COC)/A to spray solution. Do not include oil if sorghum is under stress from prolonged cold, wet weather or other
Site of
Common Action Sorghum Application
Trade Name* Name Number Type Timing Product/A lb ai/A
Site of
Common Action Sorghum Application
Trade Name* Name Number Type Timing Product/A lb ai/A
Milestone 1
PastureGard POST
Plateau PRE3 or POST3 PRE or POST
Permit/Sandea POST
Poast POST
Prowl EC/pendimethalin PPI or PRE
Remedy Ultra POST
Starane Ultra POST
Stinger POST
Weedmaster POST
This table contains herbicides that are available for use on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres seeded to grasses or legumes. Many products labeled for use
on grass forage have the same label requirements for CRP grasses. These uses are listed in the first column of the table, and the grass forage section of this guide also
applies to use on CRP acres. Some products labeled for use on grass or legume forage can be used on CRP acres but have specific label recommendations or supple-
mental labels for CRP acres (columns 2 and 4). Other products are not labeled for use on forages grown in Delaware, but their use is allowed on CRP acres (columns 3
and 5). When choosing products for CRP acres, it is very important to consult the herbicide labels to determine non-target plant, environmental, and human risks, grass
or legume species tolerance, weed species susceptibility, use rates, rotational crop or overseeding restrictions, and adjuvant requirements.
For Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia only.
For Virginia and West Virginia only.
Primarily for use on warm-season grasses.
Not on all metsulfuron labels.
Atrazine 4L1 Forage sorghum, PPI, PRE, POST/ 3.2 to 4 pt Up to 12 inches 5 pt PPI/PRE: 60; Second year Next year Second year
sorghum-sudan broadleaf (see label) POST: 45 to second
hybrid year2
Dual II Magnum3,4 Forage sorghum PRE/grass 1 to 1.67 pt5 N/a 1 appl. n/a Next spring 4.5 4/9
1 Forage sorghum POST/broadleaf 12.8 to 16 3-leaf but prior 32 fl oz 7/7 1 (9 for 1 week 4/bioassay
fl oz to flag leaf or 30 timothy)
Maestro 2EC Forage sorghum, POST/broadleaf 1 to 1.5 pt 3-leaf but prior to 2 pt 45 1 1 1
(Buctril) (for 4EC sudangrass, sor- preboot/4-leaf but
formulation reduce ghum-sudan hybrid prior to preboot
rates by half)3
Permit/Sandea1 Pearl millet POST/broadleaf and 0.5 to 0.67 oz 2-leaf but prior to 0.67 oz 0/0 (forage); 37 2 2 9
nutsedge head (hay)
Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Extension is implied.
The University is committed to equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment for all persons. It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment free of
harassment and free of discrimination against any person because of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and
federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender, perceived gender, gender
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Code AGRS-026