KAY 3,274,603
Filed April 3, 1963 5 Sheets-Sheet, i.
By Jack/a/is?
Sept. 20, 1966 A. F. KAY 3,274,603
Filed April 3, 1963 5 Sheets-Sheet 2
D = 2a >> A
2r, Sin e= 2a =D
BY ?avy6-7,Cze 4
Sept. 20, 1966 A. F. KAY 3,274,603
Filed April 3, 1963 5 Sheets-Sheet 3
way 4,424
Sept. 20, 1966 A. F. KAY 3,274,603
Filed April 5, 1963 5 Sheets-Sheet 4
- FG. 9
BY 4 a? a ?ea
Sept. 20, 1966 A. F. KAY 3,274,603
Filed April 5, 1963 5 Sheets-Sheet 5
United States Patent Office 3,274,603
Patiented Sept. 20, 1966
with the wavelength. This results in degraded perform
3,274,603 ance at one or both ends of the frequency spectrum. At
WDE ANGLE HORN FEED CLOSELY SPACED the low frequency end of the band, the beam tends to be
TO MAN REFLECTOR too broad and the spillover energy too large. At the high
Alan F. Kay, Cambridge, Mass., assignor, by mesne as 5 frequency end of the band, the beam tends to be too nar
signments, to Contro Bata Corporation, South Minner row. While the spillover at the high frequency end is
apolis, Minn., a corporation of Minnesota Small, the illumination taper of the reflector is so great
Filed Apr. 3, 1963, Ser. No. 270,339 that its gain is decreased, its bandwidth decreased and
The portion of the term of the patent subsequent to its resolution degraded.
Nov. 2, 1982, has been disclaimed and dedicated to Another disadvantage of the prior art feed systems
the Public IO
7 Claims. (C. 343-78) arises in monopulse radar tracking systems. This is par
ticularly true where a cluster of two to four horns are
This is a continuation-in-part of application, Ser. No. centered on the focal point. If the aperture of each horn
230,802, filed Oct. 12, 1962, now Patent No. 3,216,018. is chosen Small enough to provide a satisfactory illumina
The present invention relates to Wave translation syS 5 tion taper and spillover for the reflector for the sum mode
tems and devices. More particularly, the invention relates of operation, the difference mode pattern produced is
to directive microwave antennas for transmitting and re too broad. Conversely if the feed horn diameters are
ceiving microwave energy. More especially, the inven Sufficiently large for the proper behavior of the difference
tion relates to microwave antennas having a primary radia mode, the illumination taper in the sum mode is too great.
tor and curved reflector, such as a paraboloidal reflector, 20 Still another disadvantage of the conventional feed
or lens. SystemS appears when a spherical reflector is utilized as,
As used herein the term “wave translation' includes for example, for wide-angle performance requirements.
both the reception and transmission of radiated energy. In this circumstance large phase errors are introduced
In the prior art it is well-known to employ microwave at the feed aperture.
systems involving a paraboloidal reflector and primary 25 In a primary radiator useful in the present invention
feed radiator. In general, the size of the feed aperture it is highly desirable for the E plane and H plane radia
and direction of the primary energy is determined so that tion patterns to be balanced, that is, to have a similar ill
all of the primary energy radiated Strikes the reflector. In lumination characteristic particularly at the aperture.
many large antennas which are located relatively close to This has the result of providing relatively low illumination
a ground plane, the problem of high input receiver noise 30 at the edges of the aperture of the element. In order
is aggrevated by spillover from the reflector or lens. to accomplish this result, it is highly desirable to provide
For the prior art antennas, the diameter of the primary an effective electrical ground plane or impenetrable wall
radiator aperture is chosen with respect to the diameter 'Operative for both the electric and magnetic fields. It is
and focal length of the reflector and the wavelength of Well known that a plane surface provides an effective wall
the microwave energy. The primary radiator or feed 35 for the electric field. The tangential component of the
horn is typically formed from a wave guide transmission electric field E. vanishes on the surface of a good con
line termination and frequently requires only a Small taper ductor. However, no known natural surface has the
in the E plane dimension of the guide and little if any same property for the magnetic field H. In order to pro
taper in the H plane dimension to provide an aperture duce the result of a compatible electric and magnetic field
of proper size. Where a taper is required it is introduced 40 illumination, it is highly desirable to provide a surface
sufficiently gradually so that the phase errors are mini having similar properties with respect to the magnetic field
mized. In general, the true phase center of the feed H as a conductive Surface provides for the electric field E.
appears in the aperture of the feed. Consequently, the It is therefore a primary object of the present inven
focal point of the reflector is located at or slightly behind tion to provide an improved wave translation element for
the feed aperture. 45 efficient reception and transmission of microwave energy.
With such a design, a taper in the illumination of the A further object of the invention is to provide an im
reflector aperture is obtained from 10-20 db, and the proved wave translation element useful as a primary
energy radiated by the primary radiator which fails to radiator for a microwave antenna compatible with ex
strike the reflector "spillover' energy is of the order of tremely low noise receivers.
10-20% of the total energy radiated by the primary radia 50 Another object of the invention is to provide an im
tor. This spillover energy is not focused and is accord proved wave translation element exhibiting low illumi
ingly wasted. nation at the edges of an illumination aperture.
For applications involving a sensitive low-noise receiver, Still another object of the invention is to provide an
the noise figure is limited primarily by the effective noise improved wave translation element for use in a high
temperature of the antenna. In this circumstance the 55 gain microwave antenna of substantially improved ef
spillover energy causes an appreciable increase in the ficiency.
effective antenna noise temperature and a decrease in In accordance with the invention there is provided a
sensitivity. In the range, for example, of 1-10 kilo Wave translation element. The element includes a mem
megacycles, a large paraboloidal reflector antenna pointed ber having a wave translation surface. Radiation sup
away from the horizon, neglecting the signals of radio 60 pression means are coupled to the surface. The sup
sources, should see a cold sky temperature of 5-10 pression means include a groove formed in the member.
Kelvin. Means are provided for coupling the member to a source
With prior art primary feed structure, the spillover char of electro-magnetic energy.
acteristic causes the antenna to pick up the noise of the In one embodiment of the invention, the member has a
warm earth, 270 Kelvin; thus it increases the effective 65 circularly bounded, angle-defining wave translation aper
noise temperature at the antenna to 20-40 Kelvin. ture. It includes a conical wave translation Surface for
A further disadvantage of conventional horn primary producing a substantially spherical wave front at the
feed systems involves the variation in beamwidth directly aperture. Radiation suppression means are coupled to
3. 4.
the surface. Suppression means include a plurality of than one half wave length. Since the groove width g
uniformly spaced grooves formed in the member through is preferably greater than the distance t between grooves,
out the surface. The width of each groove is greater t is preferably less than a quarter wavelength.
than one-quarter wavelength. The spacing between the The electric field component E along the length of a
grooves is less than one-half wavelength. The depth of groove is also zero. The surface presents a wall to both
each groove is between approximately a quarter and a electric and magnetic fields; i.e. Ex=Hy=0.
half wavelength at an operating frequency. Means are It can be shown that the surface has positive or induc
provided for coupling the member to a Source of electro tive reactance if:
magnetic energy. Equation 2
Other and further objects of the invention will be ap O nar--0<kdknit-- it/2
parent from the following description of the invention,
taken in connection with the accompanying drawings where n is an integer. Such a surface Supports a Sur
and its scope will be pointed out in the appended claims. face wave. For a wave traveling across a groove, a Sur
face wave would be excited of relatively high field
In the drawings:
FIG. 1 is a plan schematic view of a microwave an strength.
tenna useful with the present invention; However, it turns out that the surface presents a Wall
FIG. 2 is a front view of the antenna portion of for both magnetic and electric fields, i.e., fails to Sup
FIG. 1; port surface waves if:
FIG. 3 is a side sectional view of the primary feed Equation 3
horn for the antenna in FIG. 1; 20
FIG. 4 is a side sectional view of a modification of (n-l/2) it <kd-(n-1) it for n=0, 1, 2, . . . , etc.
the horn in FIG. 2 and embodying the invention. Such a surface provides a capacitive reactance. In this
FIG. 5 is a front view of the horn in FIG. 4; condition the fields “shy away from the surface” and
FIG. 6 is a side sectional view of a further modifica the surface indeed presents a wall.
tion of the horn in FIG. 3 and embodying the invention; While Equations 2 and 3 are approximate, there ap
FIG. 7 is a front view of the horn in FIG. 5; pears to be a sharp cut-off of excitation or propagation of
FIG. 8 is a side sectional view of another modification surface wave at kid slightly less than (n--/2) t. For the
of the horn in FIG. 2 and embodying the invention; case in Equation 3 in which n=0, and d is between a
FIG.9 is a front view of the horn in FIG.8; quarter and a half wavelength, a wall for both electric
FIG. 10 is an enlarged detailed view of a section of the 30 and magnetic fields is presented effective for a substantial
horn in FIG. 8: band of frequencies. A bandwidth of at least 2 to 1 is
FIG 11 is a perspective view of a primary radiator readily available in practice.
illustrating a modification of the horn in FIG. 8; and Such a wall is useful for wave translation elements.
FIG, 12 is a front view of the feed horn of FIG. 11. For waveguide transmission lines, e.g., such a Wall pre
sents the same impedance boundary conditions to both
PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION electric and magnetic polarizations. If the guide has two
In my copending application noted above, the prin planes of symmetry, such as square or circular guide, the
ciples of operation of an antenna System, in which the pri transverse field distribution is the same in both principal
mary radiator of the present invention is particularly use planes of polarization. Such a waveguide, adapted to
40 provide primary radiation for an antenna System, pro
ful, are disclosed. In that application, the broad prin duces radiation patterns identical for both E and H planes.
ciples of a focusing wave translation device are discussed. Typically such a guide may be coupled to a flared primary
Here we are particularly concerned with a Wave transla radiator or feed horn.
tion element having a propagating or wave translation Optimum gain and side lobe levels may be realized
surface for electromagnetic waves. The Surface presents with a primary radiator embodying the invention. A dual
a perfect wall to tangential components of both the or circularly polarized radiator with proper illumination
magnetic and electric fields. taper in both the E and H. planes is made possible.
It has been found that a radiation suppression means In one form of the invention a primary radiator hav
may be coupled to the surface for balancing the electric ing a wide angle flared member with elongated grooves
and magnetic fields to provide a desired illumination 50 extending transversely to the propagating surface has been
characteristic. Successfully demonstrated. The grooves are uniformly
By corrugating, i.e., introducing a plurality of grooves spaced and extend throughout the surface parallel to the
coupled to the propagating surface a Wall effective for transverse planes relative to the axis of, e.g., a reflector.
the magnetic field H may be realized. This wall is A waveguide transmission line is coupled to the member.
equally effective for the electric field E. As noted above, The waveguide has no grooves. The first groove is dis
the wall condition is realized when the tangential com posed less than approximately X/10 from the junction
ponents of the E and H fields substantially vanish. between the waveguide and the member.
The concept of surface impedance to a traveling Wave Such a radiator eliminates spurious sources of radiation
is well-known. The surface impedance for Waves travel at the feed aperture near or at the edges in the E plane.
ing normal or transverse to elongated grooves of depth 60 The E and H plane beam widths are maintained equal
d, width g and spaced apart a thickness t is given by: throughout the frequency bandwidth of the waveguide.
Equation 1 Only a desired dominant mode is excited in the flared
E, f 9 member. The impedance of the member may be matched
H. on surface --Z +(4, 8 tan ( d) to that of the waveguide by tapered sections, quarter wave
65 transformers, dual mode transducers or circular polarizers.
where E is the electric field component along the direc The latter two take full advantage of the dual polariza
tion of travel, H is the magnetic field component along tion capability of a radiator embodying the invention.
the groove, 8 is the impedance of free space, i=V-1
"and k=2at/A where A is a wavelength. DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION OF THE
For d an odd multiple of quarter wavelengths, Z= Oo 70 ANTENNA IN FIG. 1
and Hy=0, where Hy is the magnetic field component
along the depth d of the groove. The surface thus pro Referring now to the drawings and with particular refer
vides a magnetic wall for waves traveling normal or ence to FIG. 1, there is here illustrated a microwave an
transverse to the grooves. Equation 1 is valid for tenna system embodying the invention. The antenna is
w=g--t= center-to-center spacing between grooves less 75 generally indicated at 20. A primary wave translation
5 6
means or radiator 21 provides the illumination for a focus surfaces of the feed horn 32 into the illumination angle.
ing wave translation means, a paraboloidal reflector 22. The elements as shown are perpendicular to the inside
A receiver-transmitter 23 is coupled through a wave conical surface and aligned in the E plane as indicated
guide section 24 to the radiator 21. The antenna as in the front view of FIG. 5.
shown has an axis of propagation 25. The primary radia The introduction of such blocking obstacles as the rod
tor 21 includes an angle-defining member which is a like elements 36 and 37 produces an illumination of the
conically shaped feed horn having a vertex substantially horn aperture in the E plane which is then similar to
co-incident with the focal point 26 of the paraboloid 22. that of the H plane, having relatively low illumination of
The focal distance from the center of the paraboloid to the edges. The radiation patterns in both planes then
the focal point 26 is indicated as F. A bounded illumina O become compatible. The height, diameter and disposi
tion aperture is defined by the circular aperture of the tion of the elements 36 and 37 are so selected as to
reflector 22. The diameter of the reflector at the plane is reduce the excessive E plane radiation to a level com
indicated as D. The angle of illumination defined by mensurate with the H plane radiation to reduce excessive
the circular boundary of the illumination aperture and illumination of the edges.
the focal point is indicated as p. Half the flare angle of 5 Referring now to FIGS. 6 and 7, there is here illustrated
the feed horn 21 is indicated as 0. Half the angle p is a modification of the radiation suppression means de
indicated as 01 and the angle of a generalized ray of scribed with respect to FIGS. 4 and 5. Here the rods are
energy is a relative to the propagation axis 25. The sector replaced by an annular member 38. By replacing the
of illumination involving a phase error is indicated as 8. rods as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 with a thin metal annulus,
It will be apparent that: 20 the E plane pattern behavior is affected as indicated above
Equation 4 . with respect to the rods. It turns out that the annulus has
8= 01-0 very little effect on the H plane pattern. The annulus
preserves axial symmetry so that a dual polarized wave
and that a phase error exists in the region where: guide transmission line may be used leading into the
Equation 5 25 flared horn with equal performance for both polarizations
because of symmetry. The aperture of the annulus is
chosen to be large enough to avoid cutoff of the dominent
One half the aperture width is indicated as a; the entire spherical wave TE11 mode and small enough to excite a
feed aperture width or diameter being 2a or Dr. 30
sufficient amount of the TE21 mode substantially to elim
The feed horn length is indicated as ro. The dashed inate illumination of the rim of the horn at the feed aper
lines 27 and 28 indicate the boundary, extended to infinity, ture.
of the sides of the flared feed horn 21. The dashed lines Referring now to FIGS. 8, 9, and 10, there is here illus
29 and 30 indicate the boundaries of illumination angle trated a feed horn 39 coupled to a guide 40 through a
p. The plane of ground or the earth is indicated at 31. 35
transition 41. The horn 39 is conical and has an apex
In FIG. 2 there is a front view presented of the antenna at the point 42. Here a conical feed horn 39 is coupled
portion of the schematic diagram in FIG. 1. through a tapered transition 41 to a rectangular wave
Energy is received as captured by the reflector 22 and guide 40. The vertex of the cone of the horn 39 is indi
directed toward the horn 21 which is coupled through a cated at 42. Annular grooves 43 are formed in the mem
wave guide transmission line 24 to the receiver 23. Con 40
ber 39 to provide a radiation suppression means in the
versely, transmitted energy may be coupled through the manner described with respect to the annulus of FIGS.
guide 24 to the feed horn 21, directed to the reflector 22 6 and 7. The modification illustrated here is useful for
and radiated into space along the axis of propagation 25. achieving a similar result by utilizing grooves which are
closely spaced compared to a wavelength at the frequency
DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION OF THE of operation and preferably between 4 and /2 of a wave
FEED HORNS IN FIGS. 3-10 45 length. A deep, or a multiple of a A/2 deeper. The num
Referring now to FIG. 3, there is here illustrated a ber of grooves is so selected as to provide the desired
side sectional view of a conical primary radiation means. effect. The grooves operate to produce an effective wall
A conical angle-defining feed horn member 32 is coupled impedance which is at an apparent negative reactance and
to a section of rectangular wave guide transmission line locally tends to "lift' waves which are polarized per
33. Here the focal point of a reflector is shown at 34 in 50 pendicular to the wall, in addition to "lifting” waves polar
the vicinity of the junction of the throat and the flared ized tangential to the wall. The effect is to “lift' the
section of the feed horn 32. A transition taper indicated Waves away from the wall in a manner similar to that
at 35 is introduced to provide impedance matching be provided by the boundary condition of a metallic wall.
tween the horn 32 and the guide 33. As shown here the 55
This implies that both the normal and the tangential elec
transition flare is indicated with respect to the E plane. tric vectors vanish along the wall. This modification
An appropriate flaring or matching section between the offers improved impedance matching at the throat of the
transmission line and the horn itself is introduced at the horn. In addition, the frequency response is improved.
throat to provide proper impedance match over a broader Furthermore, grooves of this character are fairly readily
band of frequencies. The transition section 35 has a fabricated.
radial surface to form a spherical transmission line, when 60 The grooves extend as shown throughout the flared
the transverse dimension is large enough to support more propagating surface. Here the grooves are of uniform
than one propagating spherical wave mode. Under these rectilinear section and uniformly spaced. The distance b
conditions the phase front in the horn is spherical with from the transition 41 to the edge of the first groove is
phase center at the throat, in contrast with the conven chosen to be no larger than A/10 at the cut-off frequency
tional feed with a phase center at the aperture. 65
of the waveguide 40. The spacing w between grooves is
Referring now to FIG. 4, there is here illustrated a chosen to be less than a half wavelength at the operating
modification of the antenna shown in FIG. 3 wherein frequency. The groove width g is preferably greater than
radiation suppression means are added to improve the E the thickness t of spacers 44; hence, t is preferably less
plane radiation pattern. Without the radiation suppres than a quarter wavelength and g is greater than a quarter
sion means, the edges of the horn are strongly illuminated 70
wavelength but less than a half wavelength. The spacing
in the E plane. This illumination can be reduced by w is, of course, the sum of the groove width g and spacer
means of blocking obstacles which tend to excite some of thickness t. The depth d may be chosen to be between
the second order spherical wave mode, the next highest a quarter wavelength and a half wavelength, or an odd
symmetric mode after the dominant mode. Thus, a pair
of rod-shaped elements 36 and 37 extend from the inner 75 multiple thereof, with satisfactory operation.
7 8
In a primary radiator of the type illustrated in FIG. 8 radiation suppression means formed in said primary
actually constructed and tested the following dimensions wave translation surfaces, said suppression means
and parameters were chosen: including a plurality of transversely disposed, uni
Frequency of operation ----------- 4-8 kilomegacyles. formly spaced grooves, the width of each said groove
Waveguide width (H plane) ------- 1.872 inches. 5 being greater than one quarter wavelength, the spac
Waveguide height (E plane) ------- 872.05 inch, ing between said grooves being less than one quarter
Dimension b -------------------- .192 inch. wavelength, and the groove-to-groove spacing being
Dimension W -------------------. 896 inch. approximately one half wavelength; and
Dimension g-------------------- .704 inch, wave transmission means for coupling said member to
Dimension t--------------------. .192 inch. O a source of microwave energy.
Dimension d-------------------- .670 inch. 2. The antenna of claim 1, wherein:
Said primary wave translation aperture angle is at
It will be apparent that a wide range of operating con least 90.
ditions and dimensions may be selected without departing 3. The antenna of claim 1, wherein:
from the scope of the invention. 5 said wave transmission means includes a wave guide
DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION OF THE centrally coupled to said primary member at a point
RADATOR IN FIGS. 11 AND 12 less than one tenth of a wavelength from the edge of
the first said groove.
Referring now to FIGS. 11 and 12 there is here illus 4. The antenna of claim 1, wherein:
trated a modification of the wave translation element or 20 said primary member is conically shaped and said
primary radiator illustrated in FIGS. 8, 9 and 10. Here grooves are annular.
the radiator includes a pyramidal feed horn 45 intersect 5. The antenna of claim 1, wherein:
ing a rectangular waveguide 46 at a transition plane 47. said primary member is pyramidally shaped and each
The propagating surfaces of the horn 46 have elongated said groove is quadrilaterally shaped.
grooves 48 uniformly spaced throughout the flared Sur 25 6. The antenna of claim , wherein:
faces. The flare of the horn may be separately adjusted said primary wave translation aperture angle is at least
for the E plane relative to the H plane. The indicated 90, said primary member is conical, said grooves
E plane flare angle is 26 and H plane flare angle is 2o.o. are annular, and said coupling means includes a wave
It will be apparent from the foregoing description that guide centrally coupled to said primary member at
the invention has broad application to the field of wave 30 a point which is less than one tenth of one wave
transmission and reception. It is particularly useful length from the edge of the first said groove.
whenever increased efficiency and sensitivity are severe 7. The antenna of claim 1, wherein:
requirements. the depth of each said groove is characterized by
While there has hereinbefore been presented what are (2n-1)N/4<dk(n-1)A/2
at present considered to be the preferred embodiments 35
of the invention, it will be apparent to those of ordinary
skill in the art that many modifications and changes may n=0, 1, . . . , k, . . . ;
be thereto made without departing from the true spirit A=a wavelength of translated energy; and
and scope of the invention. d=groove depth.
It will be considered, therefore, that all those changes 40
and modifications which fall fairly within the scope of the References Cited by the Examiner
invention shall be a part of the invention. UNITED STATES PATENTS
What is claimed is:
1. A primary microwave antenna for use in an antenna 2,283,935 5/1942 King --------------- 343-783
system having a focusing wave translation means with a 45 2,416,675 3/1947. Beck -------------- 343-781
bounded illumination aperture and a focal point, said 2,669,657 2/1954 Cutler ------------ 343-781
focal point and said illumination aperture boundary de 2,912,695 11/1959 Cutler ------------- 343-786
fining an illumination angle, comprising: 3,055,004 9/1962 Cutler ------------- 343-786
primary wave translation means including a primary 50 FOREIGN PATENTS
member having a bounded, plane-defining, primary 656,200 8/1951 Great Britain.
wave translation aperture formed therein and tapered OTHER REFERENCES
wave translation conductive surfaces defining with
said aperture a primary wave translation aperture Slayton article: Electronics-Gain Standard Horns, pp.
angle having an apex at an internal focal point, the 55 150-154, July 1955.
maximum dimension from said apex to said aperture HERMAN KARL SAALBACH, Primary Examiner.
minus the minimum dimension from said apex to said
aperture being greater than one half wavelength of ELI LIEBERMAN, Examiner.
translated energy; W. K. TAYLOR, Assistant Examiner.