DE SEVERSKY 3,130,945
April 28, 1964 A. FP. DE SEVERSKY 3,130,945
Filed Aug. 5l, l959 6 Sheets-Sheet 2
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April 28, 1964 A. P. DE SEVERSKY 3,130,945
6 Sheets-Sheet 3
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April 28, 1964 A. FP. DE SEVERSKY 3,130,945
Filed Aug. 31, 1959 6 Sheets-Sheet 5
April 28, 1964 A. P. DE SEVERSKY 3,130,945
Filed Aug. 31, 1959 6 Sheets-Sheet 6
A4. Exa4 woER /R 4DE 5AEVAEARsaky
United States Patent Office 3,130,945
Patented Apr. 28, 1964
1. 2
by mounting the auxiliary structures to turn about a
3,130,945 horizontal axis.
ONOCRAFT A further object of this invention resides in the provi
Alexander P. de Seversky, New York, N.Y., assignor to sion of a novel stick control using variable electrical im
Electronatom Corporation, New York, N.Y., a corpo pedances for control of the posture and for maneuvering
ration of New York
Filed Aug. 31, 1959, Ser. No. 837,150 the craft through variation of the voltage applied to dif
29 Claims, Ct. 244-62) ferent portions of the craft.
A second principal object of the present invention is to
This invention relates to improved heavier-than-air air provide a combination Ionocraft and antenna system for
craft, and more specifically to structures which are capable 10 radio frequency energy wherein the structure of the Iono
of either hovering or moving in any direction at high craft is so arranged as to serve in whole or in part as a
altitudes by means of ionic discharge. structure of an efficient electromagnetic antenna system.
The present invention is an improvement over well In accordance with this object of the invention, the device
known electrostatic generation of winds used in a novel contains one or more antennas that may be used for com
manner to supply propulsion and sustainance forces for a 5 munication signal transmission, for detection, tracking
heavier-than-air aircraft. Crafts of the types herein dis and/or identification and for eventual destruction through
closed having effective areas of several square feet have collision of oncoming airborne or space vehicles or
been successfully flown and contemplated platforms will missiles and the like. The Ionocraft structure may be
inherently be of large size since the lift force is propor used, for example, as the main antenna element, as a
tionate to the area through which large quantities or 20 series of directing or reflecting elements or as a parasitic
masses of air are accelerated downwardly from discharge element and may be shaped to provide arrays parabolas,
electrodes to collection electrodes, the latter being a corner reflectors, horns or lenses and be adapted to trans
meshed-screen, bars, strips or any other structure that mit a single or complete spectrum of frequencies from
provides maximum collecting electrode area with perfora the extremely low frequencies to the highest frequencies
tions, slots or other types of opening to allow the air to 25 including infrared.
pass through with a minimum of drag. Such a craft will Another object of this invention is to provide a com
be referred to in this application as an Ionocraft. bination antenna-Ionocraft with scanning means for de
Such Ionocraft may serve as platforms which would be tecting and/or tracking airborne vehicles or missiles.
stationed above the earth for long periods of time and Such combination may also include suitable servo-control
serve other purposes as will be explained below. The 30 and other conventional equipment either on the Ionocraft
output power from microwave generators, such as mag or at a nearby ground station for causing the Ionocraft to
netrons, coupled with high power capacity amplifier tubes "lock-on' automatically and/or be guided into the path
may be beamed to the Ionocraft while airborne or the of an “oncoming' vehicle or missile.
craft may carry its own power Supply. A further object is to provide an antenna which con
A principal object of the present invention is to pro 35 stantly locks on a radiation beam, such as a microwave or
vide a novel Ionocraft with space provided by the struc light beam for example, projected from the ground or
ture, preferably at the center of the craft, for installation from an aircraft in flight to change the position of the
of electronic equipment, and for the power plant, and Ionocraft in flight.
crew where used. These and other objects of the invention will become
Another object is to provide a novel Ionocraft con 40 more fully apparent from the claims, and from the speci
struction wherein lightweight reinforcing members are fication when read in conjunction with the appended
provided to form a structure sufficiently rigid to cope drawings wherein:
with the dynamic and static loads and to maintain a FIGURES 1 and 2 (Sheet 1) are top plan and eleva
desired distance between discharge emitting wires and the tion views of the basic structure of an Ionocraft made in
collecting grid. 45 accordance with the present invention;
Still another object resides in the novel configuration FIGURE 2a is an enlarged pictorial view of a portion
and arrangement of the emitting wires to assure uniform of the structure showing how the grid wires are connected
spacing from the collecting grid and to provide a maxi to the frame members;
mum number of ionized particles for producing the de FIGURE 3 (Sheet 2) is a pictorial view of a modified
sired lift. form of basic structure;
A further object is to provide an improved Ionocraft FIGURE 4 is a view in elevation of an embodiment
of the foregoing type wherein some structural formation similar to that shown in FIGURE 3 which is equipped
such as dihedral is provided for stabilizing the craft during with dihedral;
flight. The dihedral may be positive or negative depend FIGURE 5 (Sheet 4) is a schematic view of a craft
ing upon whether the hovering flight or horizontal motion equipped with dihedral in two perpendicular directions;
of aircraft is a primary consideration of performance of FIGURES 6 and 7 (Sheet 3) are top plan and side elle
the craft. A multiple deck structure may be used where Vation views respectively of a further embodiment of the
desired to increase the lifting force, and dihedral may be present invention which is equipped with negative
provided in two or more angularly related directions to dihedral;
provide stability in all directions. A conical shape with 60 FIGURE 8 is a cross section of collecting grid struc
the apex or nadir at the top or bottom center may also be members which may be used in lieu of the wire
advantageously used. nesh;
Still another object is to provide auxiliary ionic dis FIGURE 9 is a view in elevation of an emitting wire
charge structures mounted for rotational movement which 65 vide having short wires suspended from the main wire to pro
are oriented to provide a horizontal propelling force and a point source for ion emission;
steering forces which can change the direction of the craft. FIGURE 10 (Sheet 4) is a diagrammatic view in eleva
By mounting such auxiliary structures to turn about a tion of an Ionocraft in accordance with this invention;
vertical axis, the craft can be made to turn in a hori FIGURES 11 and 12 are top plan views of two em
zontal plane about a vertical axis passing through the 70 illustrated in of the Ionocraft having a side elevation view as
craft to thereby provide a scanning or target searching FIGURE 10;
FIGURES 13 and 14 are top plan and elevation views
apparatus. A similar scanning motion can be achieved of a further embodiment of this invention;
?? \"?
---? - . .3 4.
FIGURE 15 (Sheet 6) is a schematic diagram of a support members 45 and 46 are provided to serve as a
control circuit for causing the Ionocraft to lock-on and landing support to hold the craft with the collecting grid
follow a radiation source at a ground station; 14 above the ground-supporting surface 47 when landed.
FIGURE 16 (Sheet 5) is a plan view, partly diagram The outer ends of emitting wires 12 are supported from
matic illustrating a control system for the craft of the masts 48, 4.9, 50 and 51 of insulating material mounted
present invention; . . . . . .
on opposite sides of the craft. In this embodiment, emit
FIGURES 17 and 18 are side elevation views in section ting electrode wires 12 pass diagonally across the craft
of a novel control stick box and assembly to permit steer and cross each other near the center. One terminal of
ing and guiding of the craft by the system illustrated in a high voltage D.C. potential is connected to leads 52
FIGURE 16; IO which are connected to masts 48 and 49.
FIGURE 19 (Sheet 2) is a view in elevation of a craft The lower edges of masts 48 and 50 and of masts 49
having two vertical grid structure assemblies for control and 51 are connected together by tension member 53
ling horizontal movement; (FIGURE 2) such as a lightweight cable to hold the
FIGURES 20 (Sheet 5) and 21 (Sheet 2) are side masts in their vertical position by providing a force to
views in elevation of different embodiments each having 15 balance against the tension force of emitting wires 12.
several horizontal grid structures stacked one on top of Suitable lead-in wires 54 are provided for connection
the other; and between collecting grid 14 and the other terminal of the
FIGURE 22 is a diagrammatic view of a gas turbine power Supply, and are preferably at ground potential.
engine and mounting which are adapted for use with craft Variable impedances, such as variable width spark gaps
of the present invention. 20 which serve to reduce the applied voltage, are provided
Referring now to the drawings, FIGURES 1 and 2 in lead-in wires 54 for control of voltage between emit
(Sheet 1) are plan and elevation views of a typical basic ting wires 12 and collecting grid 14 to thereby control
embodiment of my improved Ionocraft 10. The Iono the vertical movement of the craft.
craft proper comprises a plurality of emitting electrode An actual embodiment built in accordance with the
wires 12 mounted above and in a plane substantially 25 foregoing description which lifted itself into a self-sus
parallel to the collecting electrode grid 14 which may be taining flight had a collecting grid surface area of approxi
composed of a meshed screen, bars, strips or any other mately 150 Square inches and the space between the col
structure that provides maximum effecting collecting elec lecting grid and the emitting wires 12 was approximately
trode area with perforations, slots or other types of open 2 inches. With a craft having the foregoing dimensions,
ing to allow the air to pass through with a minimum of 30 a voltage of 20 kV. and a current of approximately 0.5
drag. A plurality of hollow, lightweight rods or bars of milliampere was sufficient to make the craft more than
conductive material or crossed wires forming a mesh Self-sustaining. The total weight of the structure was
which is open to pass air downwardly, but with the wires approximately 5 grams. Other craft having the space be
sufficiently closely spaced to effectively neutralize the tween the collecting grid and emitting wires of 5 inches
charged ions which pass from emitting electrode wires 12 have been successfully flown. Such craft require voltages
are preferred structures. A high D.C. voltage is applied of the Order of 50 to 60 kV. Where the grid area is about
between emitting electrode 12 and collecting electrode 14; 7 or 8 Square feet, currents of the order of 2 milliamperes
one pole or terminal of the high voltage generator is con exist. Variations in humidity and air pressure cause
nected to the emitting electrode 12 and the opposite pole variations
in the current drawn and in the lifting
or terminal of the same generator is connected to the col 40
lecting grid electrode 14, thus creating a high potential The lifting capability of the craft was found to in
field between the electrodes. crease as the diameter of the grid wires is increased.
In this form of improved Ionocraft, a basic structure Crafts were tested with wire diameters of 2, 5, 8 and 12
sufficiently rigid to cope with the dynamic and static loads mils for the collecting grid. With wire diameters of 8
and to maintain a desired uniform distance between dise 45 mils or more, the current requirement to provide the same
charge emitting wires 12 and the collecting grid 14 is total lifting force shows a detectable decrease thereby in
utilized comprising an outer square or rectangular frame dicating a higher efficiency. Hollow tubular conductors
composed of members 22, 24, 26 and 28. Diagonal having an outer diameter of one-quarter inch also give
frame members 30 and 32 extend between opposite cor Substantially the same lift force and efficiency as the 8
ners of the rectangular frame and a circular frame mem 50 and 12 mil wire diameters.
ber 34 is fixed tangentially to the midportions of the A modification of the foregoing structure is shown in
frame members. Said frame members are coplanar and FIGURE 3 (Sheet 2) wherein a central compartment sec
collecting electrode wires 14 are interwoven, as with a tion 60 is provided in the center of a Surrounding large
loom, to form a closely meshed wire screen and supported area collecting grid 14. A plurality of rigid support sec
from frame members 22, 24, 26 and 28. The ends of tions 62, each comprising an upper member 64, a lower
each wire are wrapped over and glued to the lower half member 66, and an intermediate foil 68 extend from the
26a of the frame member and then cut off as shown in corners of the central section 60 to the periphery of the
FIGURE 2A. The upper half 26b of the frame member framework surrounding the collecting grid 4.
is then secured in position as with glue. A considerable Near each of the corners of the outer periphery of col
improvement in lifting force was achieved when the frame 60 lecting grid 14 a mast 70 made of insulating material is
members and cut ends of the grid wires were covered provided which supports the outer end of emitting wires
with an aluminum foil. 12. A second group of inner support masts 72 mounted
Four lightweight rigid structural members, 36 and 38, on central section 60 provide support for the inner ends
of which two show in FIGURE 2, are mounted beneath of emitting wires 12.
the plane of collecting grid 14 in the vertical planes to 65 In this embodiment, the central compartment 60 is
diagonal members 30 and 32. Members 36 and 38 meet adapted to house electronic equipment and the power
in a common junction 40 at the center of the Ionocraft. plant and crew where used.
Four perforate lightweight rigid metal sheets or foils 42 In practice, it has been found desirable to increase the
and 44 of aluminum or the like, of which only two show lengths of emitting electrode wires by adding a series of
in FIGURE 2, are mounted between diagonal members 70 wires 74 which are supported on the main emitting wires
30, 32, 36 and 38. These foils provide additional stabili 12 and which are parallel to each other and at a distance
zation against tilting by guiding the air flow vertically approximately equal to the distance of the emitting wires
along the surfaces of the foils and have been found to from the collecting electrode. The outermost wire is posi
provide an increase in lift which more than compensates tioned inwardly about one-half the distance between the
for their weight. Beneath junction 40, a pair of crossed 75 parallel wires (i.e., from 1 to 3 inches) from the outer
5 6
frame member on the collecting grid to take full ad intersect and are secured together above and inwardly
vantage of all the ionized particles which are produced. behind member 604. Members 614 and 615 also inter
The radially directed emitting wires 12 are used to elec sect and are secured together, as do members 616 and 617
trically connect the non-intersecting wires 74 together. and members 618 and 619. These points of intersection
However, the emitting wires 12 should be fewer and much 5 are joined together by four struts 620 shown in FIGURE
less closely spaced than collecting grid wires 14 in order 6. Secured to the centers of each of struts 620 is a
to avoid electrical symmetry. If the configuration of four-sided chimney 622, each of the sides being flat sheets
the emitting electrode wires 12 and the collecting electrode of a lightweight insulating material such as wood.
wires 14 are identical, no lifting force is provided. A center frame member 624 is mounted between the
A further embodiment is shown in FIGURE 4 (Sheet O center of cross brace 626 and the top of chimney 622
2) which is identical with the form shown in FIGURE 3 along each of the diagonal frame assemblies. This con
except that the structure is equipped with positive dihedral struction gives adequate rigidity to prevent Warpage of
for greater stability. Center section 60 is used as a center the collecting grid frame assembly.
load carrying or cabin section and the rigid support sec The emitting wires are illustrated diagrammatically as
tions are attached thereto so as to tilt upwardly to form 5 waving lines and make up a pattern of three parallel
a small angle C. Collecting grids 14 and their associated wires 640, 64 and 642 and one transverse wire 643 across
emitting electrodes 12 on opposite sides of center section each grid area. Four supporting masts 646, 647, 648 and
60 are thus angularly related. 649 are mounted on cross braces 628 and secured to center
This particular craft, because of its horizontal Sym frame member 624 in each of the four diagonal frame
metry, is well adapted to be equipped with dihedral in 20 assemblies 608, 609, 610 and 611. Emitting wire 640 is
the fore and aft direction as well as in the lateral direc supported on the upper end of each of masts 646, 647,
tion. FIGURE 5 (Sheet 4) represents in an exaggerated 648 and 649 with sufficient tautness to be substantially
schematic form an apparatus of this type. In FIGURE 5, equidistant from the collecting grid at all points.
the central section as shown in FIGURE 4 has been Four supporting masts 650, 651, 652 and 653 are
omitted and the four collecting grids 14 are of a triangular mounted to cross braces 630 and center frame members
shape with the inverted apex or nadir 69 of the System 624 in each of the four diagonal frame assemblies for
at the bottom and center of the apparatus. Separate supporting emitting wire 641. Four additional masts
emitting wires 12 are mounted from masts 71 Supported (not numbered) are mounted to cross braces 632 and
centrally of the side edges and at the nadir. Each of the center frame members 624 to similarly support emitting
four collecting grids may be insulated from each other 30 wire 642.
by a gap or insulating material and variable resistance At the mid-points of each of the outer frame members
incorporated in their lead-in connections (not shown) to 600, 601, 602 and 603, masts 656 are mounted to support
the power supply. By independently varying the resistance the outer end of emitting wires 643, which extend under
of the collecting grids the craft, which is here assumed and in electrical contact with each of emitting wires 640,
rigid, may be tilted in any direction. 641 and 642 to a center mast 660 which is suitably
FIGURES 6 and 7 (Sheet 3) are top plan and side elle mounted to the top of chimney 622.
vation views respectively of a further embodiment which One electrical terminal 662 for the emitting wires is
has a negative dihedral. In this embodiment, the collect shown on the right side of the craft of FIGURES 6 and 7.
ing grid frame comprises four outer peripheral light Four individual electrical terminals 664, 665, 666 and 667
weight wooden or metal members 600, 601, 602 and 40 are provided for each of the four grid sections. If it is
603 which are mounted in a lower plane and four inner not desired to control the posture and movement of the
members 604, 605, 606 and 607 which are parallel to the craft by the four separate sections, collecting grid termi
respective outer members but in a plane higher than the nals 664, 665, 666 and 667 may all be connected to
plane containing the outer members. In an embodiment gether. -
where the outer peripheral members were three feet long, Also, it is obvious that the four electrically separate
the vertical distance between the planes carrying the inner sections could be achieved by using four insulated emit
and outer members was four inches. This negative di ting wire sections, either with the four separate collecting
hedral has been found to provide greater stability dur grid sections or with all the collecting grid sections con
ing hovering flight than the positive dihedral though nected together, -
the positive dihedral appears to provide equally good sta 50 The foregoing craft weighed about 100 grams and with
bility for horizontal flight. a 5 inch spacing between the emitting wires and collecting
The collecting grid is divided into four equal areas by grid, was self-sustaining with a voltage of about 50 to 60
diagonally oriented frame assemblies 608, 609, 610 and kv. and a current on the order of 2 milliamperes.
61. The collecting grid area visible in FIGURE 7 is Instead of using a crossed wire mesh construction for
bounded by rigid frame members 612 and 613 of diagonal 55 the collecting grid as shown in detail in FIGURE 1, it has
frame assemblies 608 and 609 respectively and inner and been found that tubes of conductive material having an
outer frame members 604 and 600. The collecting grid, outer diameter of about one-quarter inch are equally as
as pointed out above, may be a crossed grid of Wires. good. Such tubes may be made of aluminum foil
The other three collecting grid areas are of identical size wrapped around paper or may be hollow lightweight alu
and construction. 60 minum tubing or of a similiar construction. For ex
Inside of inner frame members 604, 605, 606 and 607, ample, material such as an air-tight nylon base fabric hav
no collecting grid screen is provided and the space may ing an evaporated metallic coating of for example alu
be left open or if desired, covered with a lightweight foil minum may be fabricated in the form of tubes having a
of insulating or conducting material. This air-tight foil wall thickness of less than 1 mil and be adapted to be in
forms a pocket under which a pressure appears to build up 65 flated with air or an inert gas to form a hollow lightweight
to provide added lift. The insulation material is preferred tubular member. The cross section may be circular, oval
since this does not interfere with the electrical isolation or the like; a tear drop shape as illustrated in FIGURE 8
between the four quadrants of the collecting grid which, as (Sheet 3) is a preferred configuration since airflow across
will be pointed out below, are used for guiding and/or the tapering lower edge provides additional lift. For the
propelling the craft. craft configuration as shown in FIGURES 6 and 7, the
Diagonal frame assembly 608 contains four cross braces inflated tubes of FIGURE 8 are mounted parallel to each
626, 628, 630 and 632 between frame members 612 and other and to the outer and inner frame members 600 and
613. The cross braces are made of an insulating material 604, or to their corresponding members in each of the
such as wood to thereby insulate each of the four grid other collecting grid sections, with their ends secured to
sections from one another. Frame members 612 and 613 75 the diagonal frame assemblies 608, 609, 610 and 611.
7 8
Other emitting electrode constructions may also be With either of the configurations of FIGURE 11 or
used. For example, emitting wires 640-644 may have FIGURE 12, the view in elevation will be substantially
Suspended from them a plurality of short wires 680 as as illustrated in FIGURE 10 where the particular antenna
shown in FIGURE 9 (Sheet 3) which provide a point of structure is indicated schematically and designated by ref
discharge rather than a line of discharge to thereby in erence numeral 92. A ground station antenna which is
crease the efficiency of ionization. In FIGURE 9, only indicated diagrammatically at 94 on FIGURE 10 may be
emitting wire 640 and its supporting masts 646 and 647 provided for directing the signals downwardly to the
from the embodiment shown in FIGURES 6 and 7 are ground station. Antenna 94 may be of any desired con
illustrated. It is to be understod that all of the emitting ventional type and connected on the Ionocraft to the main
wires may be of similar construction to that illustrated in antenna structure 92 by a suitable transmission line such
FIGURE 9. Each of wires 680 is about 1 to 3 or more as coaxial cable, twin lead lines or hollow pipe wave
inches in length and separated at least one inch apart. guide, depending upon the particular frequencies utilized.
The lower ends of wires 680 are kept at a uniform distance Amplifiers or frequency converters may also be provided
from the collecting grid. This construction may offer in the transmission line where signal strength is weak.
Some pre-ionization, though measurements show this emit The amplifiers and/or frequency converters may be
ting electrode construction to be about comparable to the powered by well known self-contained batteries or by
use of plain wire as the emitting electrode. the power supply unit for the Ionocraft (not shown).
FIGURE 10 (Sheet 4) illustrates an elevation view, Referring now to FIGURES 13 and 14 (Sheet 4), a
and FIGURES 11 and 12 illustrate plan views of modified further embodiment of the invention is illustrated which
triangular and rectangular shaped Ionocrafts 10 respec 20 has a plurality of side sections, four of which are shown
curved. The contour of the curves may be parabolic or
tively. The craft of FIGURE 11 is triangular in config of any other shape as is conventionally used for antennas
uration and is provided with emitting wires 12 suitably in high frequency systems such as radar or the like. In
Supported from masts 48 as illustrated. In practice addi this embodiment, an outside frame of lightweight rigid
tional emitting wires may be used. Collecting grid 14
members 96, 98, 100 and 102 is provided to define the
extends over a large area beneath emitting wires 12 and 25 contour
may be formed of crossed wires as diagrammatically illus of the antenna shape. Lightweight wires or rods
trated. 104 extend between members 95 and 192 to serve as part
The electromagnetic energy antenna carried by the fore of the antenna. Lightweight sheet metal of a material
going Ionocraft embodiments may comprise a series of 30 such as aluminum may be used in lieu of wires 104 for the
reflector Surface if desired.
generally horizontal, parallel conducting elements or di A plurality of horns 106 are illustrated in the drawings
poles 70 arranged along the basic side structure on which to effect simultaneous radar scanning through 360. By
the wires 12 and 14 of the craft are attached. Dipoles 70 oscillating the illustrated Ionocraft about its vertical center
may be of differing length so that the antenna provided line through an angle of only 45 on each side of a center
may receive or transmit several different frequencies. 35 position, complete 360 scanning may be effected. Al
For frequencies of the order of 10 megacycles, for ex ternatively, the Ionocraft may be rotated continuously
ample, several dipoles 72, 74 and 76 may be arranged about its vertical center line and 360 scanning effected
as a tuned array, such as the yagi array, with one or more by one or more antennas. Such scanning may be effected
dipoles 72 serving as a director, dipole 74 serving as the
main antenna element and dipole 76 serving as a reflector. 40 by warped corners, reactive or propeller blasts of aux
iliary power plant, or by auxiliary grids which are mounted
Such antenna is highly directional and with an Ionocraft for movement relative to the main lifting grid as will be
of triangular configuration, the antenna may be used with described below. Scanning may be effected by other
signal transmission in three separate directions simulta means as will become apparent from the following de
neously. scription. In lieu of or supplemental to some of the mi
The antenna wires 70-76 may be small diameter rods
of a conductive material such as aluminum, supported 45 crowave tectors
antennas 166, antenna reflectors for infrared de
may be carried on the Ionocraft. Such antennas
on lightweight rods or bars 78 of either a conducting or serve to collect the infrared energy over a large area and
insulating material, as dictated by conventional antenna
construction techniques. Additional antenna elements focus may
such energy on a small infrared detector, and they
be of any conventional construction. The basic
80, 82 and 84 may be present as metal rods or wires sep
arated electrically from the adjacent antenna elements by 50 equipment10tobetween
structure spaced antennas may contain such
transmit via wireless signal channels to the
insulators 86 of a suitable light material such as wood, ground station through ground station antenna 94, signals
plastic or the like, indicated on the drawing by spaces. corresponding to the electromagnetic and radio frequency
The various antenna elements 70-84 and insulators signals received.
86 may comprise a rigid frame forming the basic struc
ture for the craft and inside of which the collecting grid 55 theHorizontal
movement of the craft may be effected by
set forth in Serial No. 760,390 of Glenn E.
14 is supported and upon which the discharge electrodes Hagen filed September 11, 1958, by tilting the craft
12 are mounted. The antenna elements 70-84 may be
stacked vertically if desired to improve both the efficiency downwardly
in the forward direction whereby the ionic
force provides a horizontal force component
of the antenna and the rigidity of the basic structure. To to cause the craft to move in a horizontal direction. Tilt
the extent that the antenna elements may be galvanically 60 ing of the craft may easily be effected through variation
connected together without interfering with the operation of the voltage between emitting electrodes 12 and col
of the antenna in its conventional manner, the antenna lecting grid electrode 14. For example, by electrically
elements are preferably connected to the same D.C. po separating the craft into four sections of substantially
tential as collecting grid 14. Thus, the antenna elements
may also augment the operation of the Ionocraft by neu 65 equal voltage
size as illustrated in FIGURE 15 (Sheet 6), the
applied to two of the adjacent sections can be
tralizing charged ions which provide the propelling force. reduced by adding resistance in series with the current
In the rectangular embodiment of FIGURE 12, the sev path and this will cause the lift produced by these two
eral antenna dipoles 90 have different lengths so as to be sections to decrease relative to the lift produced by the
equal to one half the wave length X of the frequency being
transmitted for an entire spectrum of frequencies having 70 two other sections. Thus, horizontal movement of the
craft may easily be controlled from the ground station.
different wave lengths X1, A2, A3 . . . An Since the length For manual control of the posture and flight movement
of a side of the Ionocraft may be several hundred feet or of the craft of the present invention, it has been found
greater, such construction is ideally suited for communi
cation systems, whether operating with high or low fre desirable to provide a control stick assembly which func
quencies. - 75 tions similar to that familiar to persons flying other types
of aircraft. The control stick must function in both the 18 is mounted for unitary movement in a plane perpen
longitudinal and lateral directions simultaneously and in dicular to the longitudinal axis Y of pin Q. This as
dependently. Variable control elements such as poten sembly comprises bracket F which has secured to one
tiometers and variable transformers (powerstats for in side face spur gear G which need have only a segment
stance) may be used for control of the present invention. thereof with teeth to mate with the pinion gears on the
The posture of the craft may be controlled by dividing shafts of potentiometers B and D. The housings for
the collecting grid into three or more electrically separate potentiometers B and D are mounted on housing walls
regions as illustrated by the embodiment shown in FIG W, and the center of the gear segment on gear G coin
URES 6 and 7 and by individually varying the electrical cides with axis Y of pin Q.
potential to each of the separate regions. The potential O The ends of pin P are mounted in opposite sides of
may be increased to act as an elevator or may be decreased bracket B to enable the control stick to rock in a plane
to act as a spoiler, and the voltage may be increased on perpendicular to the longitudinal axis X of pin P. The
one side while being simultaneously decreased on the lower end of the control stick is bifurcated as shown in
other side to increase the effectiveness of the control. FIGURE 18 and adapted to pivot about pin P. Gear
Also, the emitting wires may be divided into three or 15 segment H, having its center at axis X of pin P, is se
more electrically separate regions and the electrical po cured to the control stick for driving pinions on the
tential individually varied to each separate region. Again shafts of potentiometers A and C which are mounted
file potential may be increased or decreased, and may be on bracket F.
simultaneously increased in one region and decreased in The foregoing construction permits the control stick
the opposite region. 20 to function both in a longitudinal direction and in the
To change the voltage to an individual region of the lateral direction simultaneously to function as an elec
craft, a separate power supply for each region may be trostatic spoiler in the sense that when the craft is air
provided and the variable control element for changing borne, the addition of resistance in the lead-in wire to
the output voltage may be adjusted to produce the desired a particular grid section spoils the lift of that section
voltage level. Where a single power supply is provided, 25 to thereby control the posture of the craft in flight.
variable resistances may be placed in the electrical con In the described embodiment, stick movement was
ductors leading to the appropriate terminals on the craft. limited to about 40 by mechanical stops not shown.
If the craft is normally airborne with resistance present The pitch diameter of each gear segment G and H was
in the conductors, then increased voltage can be Supplied about 6 inches and the pitch diameter of the pinion gears
to one region of the craft by decreasing the resistance in 30 on the potentiometer shafts was about 1 inch. The po
the conductor connected to that region. A decreased tentiometer gear shafts were capable of rotating through
voltage can be supplied similarly by increasing the amount 240, and were spring biased to a zero resistance con
of resistance, and combination of increased and decreased dition.
voltages may be supplied to opposite sides of the craft As is apparent from FIGURES 17 and 18, the posi
to increase response of the craft to the controls. 35 tion of the pinion gears for the four potentiometers
One of the more simple ways to utilize the power sup A, B, C and D is at the exact ends of the corresponding
plied to the craft, I prefer not to have extra resistance in gear segments so that when the control stick is in its
the power supply circuit of the emitting wires during nor illustrated vertical position, each potentiometer is rendered
mal flight and to control the posture of the craft by in ineffective to add any resistance to any of the collecting
dividually adding resistance into the circuit connected to 40 grid sections. As the control stick is tilted, one of the
each individual region of the collector grid. Such method potentiometer shafts is rotated and there is absolutely
of control has been found to provide adequate control of no possibility that the potentionmeter to the opposite grid
the Ionocraft and a control stick assembly will be de section can be made effective at the same time because
scribed which utilizes variable resistance elements which the partial gear segment and the spring loaded potentiom
are conventionally known as potentiometers or rheostats. eter shafts are used. The length of each gear segment
In FIGURE 16 (Sheet 5) the collecting grid construc 45 must be at least as large as the maximum angle through
tion as shown in the preceding embodiments (see for ex which the stick can be moved, and the pinion gears are
ample FIGURES 6 and 7 on Sheet 3) is illustrated with preferably at the precise ends of the gear segments.
each of the four grid sections W, X, Y, and Z connected It was found that if the potentiometer shafts were not
through a separate correspondingly designated potentiom spring loaded, the gears would upon occasion rotate
eter to one terminal of the power supply. The emitting 50 slightly so the teeth did not always mesh when the stick
wires shown diagrammatically as waving lines are con was moved in a direction so that the gear segment should
nected through a throttle control potentiometer, which is have engaged the potentiometer pinion. By the manual
used to control the maximum voltage applied between control stick just described, adequate tilt of the craft is
the emitting wires and all of the collecting grid sections. readily achieved.
When this voltage exceeds a certain level but yet remains 55 The position of the craft in air may be remotely con
less than that which causes arcing, the craft will rise. trolled from a ground station through wireless control
The effect of potentiometers, A, B, C and D is to con systems which may be of any suitable known type. The
trollably reduce the voltage between the emitting wires horizontal position of the craft may also be controlled
and any one or two specific grid sections to thereby re automatically.
duce or subtract from the effectiveness of that portion of 60 For example, the position of the craft of the present
the craft in producing its lifting force. This then causes invention may be automatically controlled in space
the craft to tilt downwardly in the direction of whichever through means of suitable centering or tracking appara
of the grid sections has the reduced voltage. tus operating on well known principles, such for example
Referring now to FIGURES 17 and 18 (Sheet 5) front as are disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos. 2,513,367 to Scott
and side elevations of the control stick are shown with 65 or 2,604,601 to Menzel. In such tracking apparatus,
the respective shafts of the four potentiometers labeled A, one form of which is diagrammatically illustrated in FIG
B, C and D. On each of these shafts spur gears (not URE 15 (Sheet 6), a beam of electromagnetic energy,
shown) are provided to be driven by gear segments se such as light or infrared, is centered on a suitable photo
cured to the stick. cell 128 which generates control signals that are used to
The control stick is mounted for pivotal movement 70 control variable impedances to reduce the voltage ap
about pin P having axis X and about pin Q having axis plied to various sections of the craft to thereby control
Y beneath, but in the same vertical plane as axis X. the position of the craft in accordance with the position
Pin Q is mounted with its ends in opposite side walls W of the beam source at the ground station.
of the control stick housing. FIGURE 15 illustrates in detail suitable horizontal
The entire stick assembly shown in FIGURES 17 and 75 positioning control arrangement. The common grid elec
11 12
trode 14 is connected to the negative terminal of the pairs of similar grid assemblies 204 and 205 are supported
power supply and the emitting wires 12 are electrically by a suitable superstructure 208. The turning axes 212
separated into four sections, viz. left front LF, left rear and 213 for auxiliary grid assemblies 210 and 211 in this
LR, right front RF and right rear RR. Each of these embodiment are substantially vertical and extend through
sections is connected through variable impedances 130, support members 214 and 215 to the upper grid assemblies
132, 134 and 136 respectively of the elevator control 204 and 205 to provide added rigidity to the craft struc
unit and the variable impedances 138 and 140 of the ture. Retractable antennas 220 and 221 may be provided
aileron control unit to the positive terminal of the power beneath cabin 200 for establishing communication chan
supply. The elevator motor 142 drives the movable con nels to the ground station (not shown).
tacts on variable impedances 130, 132, 134 and 36 10 In general, it makes little difference whether the emitting
and the aileron motor 144 controls in a similar manner wires 12 are connected to the negative or to the positive
values of the impedances 138 and 140. Each motor 142 terminal of the power supply. By tests, it has been de
and 144 may be driven by separate amplifiers 146 and termined that with emitting wires 12 connected to the
148 and pre-amp 150 in a manner as conventionally used negative terminal, there is an improvement of about 5%
in servo systems to position photocell unit 128 directly over that obtained when the emitting wires 12 are con
in alignment with a source of electromagnetic energy nected to a positive terminal.
positioned on the ground. V In the multiple deck constructions, it is preferable to
Referring now to FIGURE 19 (Sheet 2), a craft hav connect emitting wires 12 and collector grid wires 14 of
ing a central cabin 160 and equipped with dihedral is the adjacent decks to opposite terminals of the high voltage
illustrated. The collecting grid 14 and emitting wire 2 20 generator as illustrated in FIGURE 20 (Sheet 6), thus
construction may be similar to that described in connec making discharge or emitting wires 12 in alternate decks
tion with FIGURE 4 (Sheet 2) and be positioned on positive and the collector grids negative which is the
alternate sides of cabin 160. Beneath cabin 160, a reverse of the polarity shown in FIGURE.1. In that case,
suitable wheeled, skid or pontoon landing gear 162 may tilting is effected by varying either the negative or positive
be provided. 25 potential of the corresponding emitting electrode wires
Depending beneath frame members 164 and on op and grid sections to provide a rolling movement longi
posite sides of cabin 160 are a pair of auxiliary grid as tudinally and laterally.
semblies 166 and 167 that are mounted to be operable All the above mechanisms and procedures provided for
in a generally vertical plane. Each auxiliary grid assem manual control can be utilized for automatic control ac
bly 166 and 167 is provided with laterally spaced emitting 30 tuated by an automatic pilot director through suitable
wires 168 and a collecting grid within outer frame mem servo-mechanisms.
bers 170 so that upon receipt of a suitable D.C. potential, The tilting of the craft in the case of embodiments like
a horizontal thrust is provided in the manner hereinbe those diagrammatically indicated in FIGURE 15 (Sheet 6)
and 16 (Sheet 5) provides forward gliding movements
fore set forth.
Each auxiliary grid assembly 66 and 167 is mounted 35 much in thedirection. manner that a helicopter is propelled in a
on frame members 164 for independent rotational move horizontal horizontal propulsion,
Where other means are used for
such for example the auxiliary grids
ment about substantially horizontal axes 172 and 173. shown in FIGURES 19 and 21 or in conjunction with
With the emitting wires 168 of both auxiliary grid assemi propellers or jet stream, then the tilting will be used to
blies facing in the same direction, the craft will pro maintain a desirable posture in space. All these move
ceed in the direction toward the emitting wires. With ments may be controlled automatically by conventional
the emitting wires 168 of auxiliary grid assembly 167 Stabilizing and steering mechanisms borne by the craft or
facing in a rearward direction and emitting wires of grid Such movement may be accomplished from remote trans
assembly 166 facing in a forward direction as ill mitting points either on the ground or from another air
lustrated in FIGURE 19, the craft will revolve about
an axis mid-way between the effective centers of the two 45 The craft,
maximum size of crafts of the type here involved
grid assemblies. If the craft is simultaneously tilted in is theoretically
a cyclical manner, an effective radar antenna searching tions, since theunlimited,amount
except for structural considera
of lift provided increases con
motion is provided which may include a large vertical tinuously with area. It is thus contemplated that a par
angle as well as a 360 horizontal scanning operation.
Except where rotation of the craft for searching or ticularly useful function of the craft of the present inven
scanning operations is a principal purpose for the craft, tion may be to serve as means for destruction through
collision oncoming vehicles and missiles through air and
the emitting wires 168 of each auxiliary grid assembly Space. Intercontinental as well as space missiles enter the
166 and 167 are mounted to face in the same direction. atmosphere over a target area in predictable trajectories,
When landing or taking off, which is always accomplished the
in a vertical direction, auxiliary grid assemblies 166 and 5 5 Thus,terminal end of which is a substantially vertical path.
the large horizontal area of the craft of the present
167 are preferably pivoted into a horizontal plane. This invention is particularly Suitable for the purpose of pro
not only retracts them to prevent interference with land tecting sensitive target areas such as large cities, naval
ing operations, but also provides a multiple deck struc task forces, troop concentrations and the like by its mere
ture to give additional lift and control of stability. Hori physical presence during hovering operations. By ma
Zontal speed may be controlled by varying the angle of 60 neuvering the craft laterally it is possible to protect an
auxiliary grid assemblies 166 and 167 with the vertical. area much larger than the area of the craft since present
As shown in FIGURE 20 (Sheet 6), the Ionocraft may detection systems give identifying information of the
comprise several decks 180, 182 and 184 each of which is target area about 15 minutes prior to arrival of the missile
of similar construction to the single-decked craft shown and the lateral movement of the craft may be effected at
in FIGURES 10-14 (Sheet 4). Each of the basic struc 65 speeds of the order of 60 miles per hour, or more depend
tures 180, 182 and 184 may comprise different antenna ing upon the horizontal propulsion system used. If the
types if desired. Several separate ground station antennas target area is vast, several Ionocraft could be maintained
186, 188 and 190 may be provided particularly where in aloft to assure collision with oncoming missiles.
dependent signals are transmitted and received by the sev While the craft may be powered through conductors
eral antennas of the Ionocraft. 70 extending from ground or ship towers or via microwave
In FIGURE 21 (Sheet 2), a multiple decked craft is power transmissions, it is contemplated that lightweight
illustrated which comprises a central cabin. 260 from power plants such as gas turbines or the like, be used to
which two lifting grid assemblies 292 and 293 extend drive Suitable high voltage generators which are aboard the
laterally on opposite sides which are equipped with di craft. As shown in FIGURE 22 (Sheet 6), turbine 239
hedral. Above grid assemblies 202 and 203, one or more 5 may be so mounted that its exhaust is directed vertically
13 4.
downwardly to provide additional lifting force while pro means for applying a high D.C. potential between said
viding shaft rotation for producing the electrical power electrodes and said grid to cause air to move from said
for the Ionocraft. Turbine 230 is here shown to be electrodes toward said grids to provide a propulsion force
mounted for pivotal movement about the axis of shaft for said flying apparatus, and antenna means for use with
232 which is driven by a tilt motor 234 to change the direc radio frequency energy signals, said antenna comprising
tion of the exhaust gases from vertical toward a horizontal a plurality of elements which serve also as part of said
direction. The entire tilt motor 234, shaft 232 and tur structure for the flying apparatus by being connected elec
bine 230 assembly may be mounted to be rotated in azi trically to one terminal of said high D.C. potential to
muth by azimuth motor 236 driving annular ring gear assist in providing propulsion force for said apparatus.
238. Thus, in emergency operations where maximum 10 2. In combination with flying apparatus composed of a
horizontal speeds are desired, motors 234 and 236 may be structure supporting discharge electrodes for causing ad
controlled to advance the craft at higher velocities. jacent air molecules to become electrically charged spaced
Other types of convention airborne power plants, such from a grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing
as turbine propeller combinations, may also be utilized for the charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge
providing additional lift and aiding in maneuvering in the 5 was caused by said discharge electrode and means for
atmosphere. The turbine of FIGURE 15 may be pro applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
vided with a reverse thrust device or such propellers may and said grid to provide a propulsion force for said flying
have a reversible pitch, and steering may be accomplished apparatus, an antenna for use with radio frequency energy
by rudders or vanes located in the jet stream of the tur signals, said antenna comprising a plurality of elements
bine. Also, high voltage generation by radio-active iso 20 which serve also as part of said structure for the flying
topes is another method of obtaining the necessary high apparatus by being connected electrically to one terminal
voltage energy or a primary source of ionization for the of said high D.C. potential to assist in providing propul
propulsion and sustenance of the Ionocraft. sion force for said apparatus, and the flying apparatus
It is also contemplated that this craft may be supplied structure having a configuration such that at least one side
with electrical power transmitted to the Ionocraft while has a length greater than one-half the wave length of the
in flight by microwaves. It has been demonstrated 80% radio frequency energy transmitted by the antenna.
of the energy emitted from a ground station microwave 3. The combination as defined in claim 2 wherein said
antenna array can be collected in the form of heat by air antenna comprises a plurality of conductive elements
borne vehicles. In this case, such heat may be readily having differing lengths whereby said antenna is tuned
converted into high voltage by conventional means such 30 to different frequencies of radio frequency energy.
as turbines operating high voltage generators, suitable 4. The combination as defined in claim 2 wherein said
thermocouples and vibrator-transformer convertors or the antenna comprises elements which serve as part of the
like. The use of high power microwave amplifiers, such mechanical structure of the neutralizing grid.
as Amplitrons (Raytheon Co.), for power transmission 5. In combination with flying apparatus composed of a
via microwaves can provide the requisite power for a 35 structure supporting discharge electrodes for causing ad
craft of this type. Therefore, it may be not essential that jacent air molecules to become electrically charged spaced
a self contained power unit be carried by the craft for from a grid of electrical conducting means for neutral
special uses. izing the charge on electrically charged molecules whose
In the preferred form of the craft adapted for military charge was caused by said discharge electrode and means
purposes, directional detecting apparatus such as radar 40 for applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
or infrared equipment will be carried by the craft to en and said grid to provide a propulsion force for said flying
able an antenna on the craft to lock-on any target object apparatus, said flying apparatus having on a plurality of
in air and space for the purpose of guiding the craft into different sides thereof antenna means for directional trans
the path of such oncoming target object. An ionocraft of mission of radio frequency signal energy, the length of
sufficient lift capacity may carry its own computers to a side being greater than one-half the wave length of the
process the electromagnetic information to provide the 45 signal energy being transmitted, and means for effecting
necessary impulses to the controls of the propulsive means a scanning movement of said antenna means by rotating
to place the craft in the path of collision. Such craft said flying apparatus about a vertical axis.
may also be guided from the surface of the earth or from 6. In combination: flying apparatus comprising a struc
an airborne vehicle in flight, by remote control means ture supporting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent
to accomplish the collision with an oncoming object. air molecules to become electrically charged spaced from
Explosives may be carried by the Ionocraft for destroy a grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing
ing such oncoming objects if the mass of the Ionocraft the charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge
is inadequate for destructive purposes. Such explosives was caused by said discharge electrode and means for
may be of any known type and adapted to be detonated applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
either upon impact or by proximity fuses where desired. 55 and said grid to provide a propulsion force for said flying
Other types of countermeasures or defensive devices for apparatus; said apparatus being divided electrically into
causing premature explosions of the warhead of a missile different sections with separate circuits individual to each
may be carried by the Ionocraft as occasions arise. of said sections for connecting said D.C. potential to the
The invention may be embodied in other specific forms electrodes of the respective section; means including high
without departing from the spirit or essential character 60 ly directional radiant energy sensitive means on said fly
istics thereof. The present embodiments are therefore ing apparatus for receiving energy from an electromag
to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not re netic energy source at a control station, mounted on said
strictive, the scope of the invention being indicated by apparatus for generating control voltages; and circuit
the appended claims rather than by the foregoing descrip means for connecting said control voltages to impedance
tion, and all changes which come within the meaning and 65 varying means to reduce the voltage to various ones of
range of equivalency of the claims are therefore intended the sections of said apparatus to cause said apparatus to
to be embraced therein. assume a position determined by the energy source at
What is claimed and desired to be secured by United said control station.
States Letters Patent is: 7. A system and apparatus for effecting destruction of
1. In combination with flying apparatus composed of 70 flying vehicles including a flying apparatus composed of a
a structure supporting discharge electrodes for causing large area structure supporting discharge electrodes for
adjacent air molecules to become electrically charged causing adjacent air molecules to become electrically
spaced from a grid of electrical conducting means for charged spaced from a grid of electrical conducting means
neutralizing the charge on electrically charged molecules which neutralize the charge on electrically charged mole
whose charge was caused by said discharge electrode and 75 cules whose charge was caused by said discharge electrode
15 16
and means for applying a high D.C. potential between 14. In flying apparatus composed of a structure Sup
said electrodes and said grid to provide a propulsion porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air mole
force for said flying apparatus; tracking means carried by cules to become electrically charged spaced from a grid
said flying apparatus for generating control signals, means of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the charge
responsive to said control signals for guiding said flying on electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused
apparatus into the path of said flying vehicles and to by said discharge electrode and means for applying a high
effect destruction thereof by impact. D.C. potential between said electrodes and said grid
8. In flying apparatus composed of a structure support to cause air to move from said electrodes toward said grid
ing discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air molecules to provide a propulsion force for said flying apparatus,
to become electrically charged spaced from a grid of elec O an auxiliary discharge electrode and neutralizing grid
trical conducting means for neutralizing the charge on structure supported by said flying apparatus for move
electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused ment relative to said flying apparatus about a pivot axis
by said discharge electrode and means for applying a high for controlling the posture and direction of movement of
D.C. potential between said electrodes and said grid to said apparatus.
cause air to move from said electrodes toward said grid 15. In flying apparatus composed of a structure sup
to provide a propulsion force for said flying apparatus, porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air
structural Supporting means for said neutralizing grid molecules to become electrically charged spaced from a
separating said grid into two substantially equal sized grid grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the
areas, and means securing said grid areas in an angularly charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge
related position to equip said apparatus with dihedral for 20 was caused by said discharge electrode and means for
stabilization. applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
9. In flying apparatus composed of a structure support and said grid to cause air to move from said electrodes
ing discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air mole toward said grid to provide a propulsion force for said
cules to become electrically charged spaced from a grid of flying apparatus, a pair of auxiliary discharge electrode
electrical conducting means for neutralizing the charge on and neutralizing grid structures supported at spaced posi
electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused tions on said flying apparatus, each of said grid structures
by said discharge electrode and means for applying a high being mounted for movement about pivot axes for con
D.C. potential between said electrodes and said grid to trolling the posture and direction of movement of said
cause air to move from said electrodes toward said grid apparatuS.
to provide a propulsion force for said flying apparatus, 30 16. Apparatus as defined in claim 15 wherein said pivot
structural supporting means for said neutralizing grid axes are in a horizontal plane.
separating said grid into two pairs of grid areas, the grid 17. Apparatus as defined in claim 15 wherein said pivot
areas of each pair being of substantially equal size and axes are vertical.
on opposite sides of the apparatus, and means securing 18. In flying apparatus composed of a structure Sup
the grid areas of each pair in an angularly related position 35 porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air
to equip said apparatus with dihedral in both longitudinal molecules to become electrically charged spaced from a
and lateral directions. grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the
10. The apparatus as defined in claim 9 wherein each charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge
grid area is planar and the center of the craft is higher was caused by said discharge electrode and means for
than the outer peripheral edges to thereby provide a nega 40 applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
tive dihedral. and said grid to cause air to move from said electrodes
11. The apparatus as defined in claim 9 wherein each toward said grid to provide a propulsion force for said
grid area is planar and the center of the craft is lower than flying apparatus, a rigid frame for said neutralizing grid
the outer peripheral edges to thereby provide a positive including intersecting support members lying in a vertical
dihedral. plane, and air foil means secured to said intersecting Sup
12. In flying apparatus composed of a structure sup 45 port members to provide added stabilization to said appa
porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air mole IratUS.
cules to become electrically charged spaced from a grid of 19. In flying apparatus composed of a structure sup
electrical conducting means for neutralizing the charge porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air
on electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused molecules to become electrically charged spaced from a
by said discharge electrode and means for applying a high 50 grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the
D.C. potential between said electrodes and said grid to charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge
cause air to move from said electrodes toward said grid was caused by said discharge electrode and means for
to provide a propulsion force for said flying apparatus, applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes
the improvement wherein the collecting grid comprises and said grid to cause air to move from said electrodes
a plurality of lightweight thin wailed tubes having an 55 toward said grid to provide a propulsion force for said
outer surface of conductive material, said tubes being flying apparatus, a polygonal rigid inner and outer frame
inflated and spaced to provide neutralization of the for said neutralizing grid, a center portion of said grid
charged particles and permit air flow between adjacent surrounded by said inner frame being without the elec
tubes. trical conducting means forming the grid, and diagonally
13. In flying apparatus composed of a structure sup 60 disposed frame assemblies extending between corners of
porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air mole said outer frame and said inner frame.
cules to become electrically charged spaced from a grid 20. Apparatus as defined in claim 19 wherein the ap
of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the charge paratus is provided with negative dihedral and the center
on electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused portion is covered with an air foil to provide a pressure
by said discharge electrode and means for applying a high 65 wave beneath the craft for added lift.
D.C. potential between said electrodes and said grid to 21. In combination a base member; bracket means sup
cause air to move from said electrodes toward said grid ported on said base member for movement about a first
to provide a propulsion force for said flying apparatus, pivot axis; a first gear segment on said bracket; a first
the improvement wherein the discharge electrodes com pair of electrical circuit elements having parameters which
prise wires of conductive material mounted above the are variable in magnitude by rotation of a shaft individual
neutralizing grid, and a plurality of short wires mounted to each circuit element; a gear on each of said shafts;
on the discharge electrodes with free ends thereof sus said gears being positioned at opposite ends of the gear
pended beneath the discharge electrodes at substantially segment on said bracket so that only one shaft is rotated
equal distances from said neutralizing grid to thereby from a reference position at any moment; a control stick
provide point sources for causing ionization, 75 mounted for pivotal movement on said bracket about a
17 18
Second pivot axis perpendicular to said first pivot axis; ed, and which are positioned in different horizontal planes
a second gear segment on said control stick; a second to thereby provide the craft with dihedral; and said dis
pair of electrical circuit elements similar to said first pair charge electrodes comprise a plurality of substantially
of electrical circuit elements mounted on said bracket parallel wires, each mounted parallel to the outer periph
means; and separate gears for controlling said second eral frame members and in different horizontal planes so
pair of electrical circuit elements, said gears being mount that all wires are substantially aquidistant from said neu
ed at opposite ends of said second gear segment so that tralizing grid.
only one gear is rotated from a reference position at any 28. A system and apparatus for effecting destruction
11)Oínent. of flying vehicles including a flying apparatus composed
22. The combination as defined in claim 21 wherein 10 of a large area structure supporting discharge electrodes
each electrical circuit element contains a shaft spring for causing adjacent air molecules to become electrically
loaded to a reference position. charged spaced from a grid of electrical conducting means
23. The combination as defined in claim 22 wherein which neutralize the charge on electrically charged
the electrical circuit elements are variable resistances. molecules whose charge was caused by said discharge
24. The combination as defined in claim 23 together 5 electrode and means for applying a high D.C. potential
with flying apparatus composed of a structure supporting between said electrodes and said grid to provide a pro
discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air molecules to pulsion force for said flying apparatus; auxiliary discharge
become electrically charged spaced from a grid of elec electrode and neutralizing grid means mounted for pivotal
trical conducting means for neutralizing the charge on movement for controlling the forward direction of move
electrically charged molecules whose charge was caused 20 ment; tracking means carried by said flying apparatus for
by said discharge electrode, said grid comprising four generating control signals, means responsive to said con
electrically isolated sections of substantially the same size, trol signals for guiding said flying apparatus into the path
and means for connecting one terminal of a high D.C. of said flying vehicles and to effect destruction thereof by
potential source to said electrodes and a second terminal impact.
to each of the four sections of said grid through different 25 29. A system and apparatus for effecting destruction
ones of said variable resistances. of flying vehicles including a flying apparatus composed
25. In apparatus for thrust generation in atmosphere, of a large area structure supporting discharge electrodes
composed of spaced emitting and collecting electrodes for causing adjacent air molecules to become electrically
energized with a voltage sufficiently high to be capable charged spaced from a grid of electrical conducting means
of causing ionization for effecting an ionic discharge from 30 which neutralize the charge on electrically charged
an emitting electrode to produce thrust on at least one molecules whose charge was caused by said discharge
of the electrodes of said apparatus arising from elastic electrode and means for applying a high D.C. potential
molecular and particle collisions occurring in the space between said electrodes and said grid to provide a pro
between said electrodes during molecule and particle pulsion force for said flying apparatus; a gas turbine
movement in the direction from the emitting electrode to 35 mounted on said apparatus with its exhaust gases directed
the collecting electrode, said collecting electrode being downwardly during hovering operation and means for
composed of crossed grid wires of conductive material deflecting said exhaust gases in a direction providing a
forming an open surface that is generally normal to the horizontal propulsion force to increase to the forward
direction of molecule and particle movement, the im velocity of said apparatus; tracking means carried by
provement wherein said crossed grid wires have a diam 40 said flying apparatus for generating control signals, means
eter of at least 8 mils. . responsive to said control signals for guiding said flying
26. The apparatus as defined in claim 25 wherein the apparatus into the path of said flying vehicles and to effect
collecting electrode ends are covered by a layer of con destruction thereof by impact.
ductive material.
27. In flying apparatus composed of a structure sup References Cited in the file of this patent
porting discharge electrodes for causing adjacent air UNITED STATES PATENTS
molecules to become electrically charged spaced from a
grid of electrical conducting means for neutralizing the 2,495,748 Matson ---------------- Jan. 31, 1950
charge on electrically charged molecules whose charge 2,503,109 HarTiS -------------------------- Apr. 4, 1950
was caused by said discharge electrode; and means for 50 2,598,064 Lindenblad -————-----——— May 27, 1952
applying a high D.C. potential between said electrodes 2,613,887 Woods ----------------- Oct. 14, 1952
and said grid to cause air to move from said electrodes 2,842,645 Dalgleish et al. —-—-------- July 8, 1958
toward said grid to provide a propulsion force for said 2,888, 189 Herb ------------------ May 26, 1959
flying apparatus; the improvement wherein said neutraliz 2,892,949 Hardy ----------------- June 30, 1959
ing grid comprises outer peripheral frame members and 55 2,949,550 Brown ----------------- Aug. 16, 1960
a centrally positioned inner frame between which the con FOREIGN PATENTS
ducting means comprising the neutralizing grid are mount 1,174,334 France ------------------ Nov. 3, 1958