Novel Techniques For Preparation of Thin Self Supporting Platinum Targets Using Evaporation Techniques
Novel Techniques For Preparation of Thin Self Supporting Platinum Targets Using Evaporation Techniques
Novel Techniques For Preparation of Thin Self Supporting Platinum Targets Using Evaporation Techniques
55 (2010) 730
Introduction: Methodology:
Presently one of the main aims of Nuclear In order to avoid the alloying of Platinum with
physics research is the synthesis of heavy and regularly used sources like Tungsten (W),
super heavy elements. To achieve this goal, Molybdenum (Mo) and Tantalum (Ta), a
understanding of fusion-evaporation and fusion- specially designed graphite boat was used as
fission dynamics is essential. One of the major evaporation source. It was found that; huge
requirements for this study are availability of amount of heat was generated during electron
thin, self supporting and uniform isotopic targets beam bombardment. However it was
of high atomic number (Z) elements. Target with experienced that until 80 mA current, the
some backing may cause problems like loss of Platinum films were free from contamination of
projectile energy before it hit the actual target Carbon. Self supporting Platinum targets were
and it may also result in the stoppage of fission prepared using two different methods using same
fragments or evaporation residue produced in graphite boat.
fusion-fission or fusion-evaporation processes. In the first method, thin Copper foils of
Thick self-supporting targets can also give rise to thickness 2 mg/cm2 was made using rolling
similar problems. Hence, use of thin self- machine. These Copper foils were washed with
supporting target is always essential for precise dilute Nitric acid and water in order to remove
nuclear reaction measurements. any impurities from the surface of foils. Foils
A number of trials were carried out at were kept in air for nearly 2 hours for drying and
different conditions, to develop suitable then pasted on glass slides using silver paste.
technique for preparation of thin self supporting Graphite boat containing 100 mg Platinum
Platinum targets using evaporation technique at material was placed in Copper crucible. Glass
the target development laboratory of Inter slides with Copper foils were kept over the
University Accelerator Center (IUAC), New graphite boat on the slide stand at a distance of 8
Delhi. Two different independent methods were cm from the source in Cryo-Pump based unit.
developed for fabrication of these targets. These After attaining a vacuum of 3 x 10-8 mbar
methods were used in fabrication of enriched Platinum material was evaporated using 6 kW
isotope targets of 194Pt, 196Pt and 198Pt. electrons beam at rate of 1 Ao/Sec. Copper foils
Main problems encountered during fabrication with Platinum deposited on it were removed
of the targets were the formation of alloy of from glass slide. Due to presence of internal
Platinum with source materials (like Tungsten stress the foils were getting curled. In order to
(W), Molybdenum (Mo) and Tantalum (Ta) etc.), remove the internal stress, these foils were
relieving of internal stress in the films and annealed at different temperatures (325o C and
mounting of the film after etching. Besides 225o C) [1] for one hour in Nitrogen atmosphere.
above issues the limited amount of Platinum Motivation for annealing at different
material was also the major constrain in this temperatures was to find the temperature at
work. Finally, different analysis like Energy which the diffusion of Copper to Platinum could
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and be minimized. After annealing, these foils were
Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) were dipped in dilute Nitric acid (100 ml HNO3 + 500
carried out to check the purity of foils. ml Distilled Water) for nearly one day for
selective etching of Copper. When Copper was of elements with atomic number above 20,
fully dissolved, Pt foils were removed from the therefore this technique was used to check the
Nitric acid solution. Foils were cleaned using contamination of Copper. EDXRF was done at
distilled water and mounted on target frame. Panjab University, Chandigarh. It was found that
In the second method, different parting target annealed at 325oC and 225oC have Cu
reagents were used to remove the target film contamination of 40 wt. % and 2 wt. %
from glass slides. For this Teepol, Barium respectively as shown in figure 1.
Chloride (BaCl2), Zipcon (Solution of Collodoin
and Amyl-Acetate (1:1 ratio)) and Potassium
Iodide (KI) parting reagent were used [2]. A thin
layer of thicknesses 100 µg/cm2 of BaCl2/KI was
deposited by thermal heating in diffusion pump
based coating unit. Evaporation was done at
vacuum of 3x10-7 mbar. Then the slides were
placed in Cryo-pump based coating unit for
platinum evaporation. Platinum was evaporated
under the same condition as explained above.
Film deposited on different releasing agents
except Zipcon was tried to float in hot distilled
water. Film with Zipcon as releasing agent was
tried to float in Methanol. It was found that in
case of Teepol, BaCl2 and Zipcon the target foils Figure 1: EDXRF spectra of Pt target fabricated using Cu
substrate annealed at 325oC is shown at top, whereas the
did not float from glass slide, where as in case of spectrum for target formed by annealing at 225oC is shown at
Potassium Iodide foil get floated only for freshly bottom.
deposited KI. Hence, it was decided to evaporate For determination of Carbon content, Elastic
KI and Platinum in same unit without breaking Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) was
the vacuum. performed using 107Ag beam of 120 MeV from
Here the glass slides were placed on a stand the Pelletron at IUAC, New Delhi. Experimental
that can be rotated from outside without effecting data was fitted using SIMNRA simulation code.
the vacuum. Distance of glass slides from the It was found that 2.5 wt. % of C and 97.5 wt. %
source was 10 cm. Lower distances (like 8 cm of Pt were present in target.
and 9 cm) were also tried, but in that case the Conclusions:
foils formed were cracking may be because of
heating affects. In this evaporation first glass We have developed new techniques for the
slides were kept over the Ta boat containing KI fabrication of self-supporting Pt targets. The
pellet and a thin layer of ~ 100 µg/cm2 of KI was graphite boat can be used for evaporation of the
deposited on glass slides. After that glass slide’s Platinum material. Platinum targets can be made
stand was rotated to keep it over the graphite using Copper substrate, followed by dissolution
boat containing Platinum material. It was of Cu in dilute Nitric acid. Here the substrate or
evaporated using 2 kW electron beam. In order annealing temperature should not be more than
to remove the internal stress, annealing at 325o C 225o C, higher temperatures will result in
in Nitrogen atmosphere was done. Finally the diffusion of Cu into Pt. Freshly prepared
films were floated in hot distilled water and Potassium Iodide acts as a good parting agent for
mounted on target frame. floating the Pt foil deposited on glass slides.
Purity of Targets: References
There may be possibilities of Copper and [1]R. C. Yeates and G. A. Somorjai, Surface
Carbon contamination in targets. Hence different Science 134 (1983) 729.
techniques were used for checking the purity of [2] D. Allan Bromley, Treatise On Heavy-Ion
targets. Since Energy Dispersive X-ray Science, Plenum Press, Volume 7, Chapter 4, p.
fluorescence (EDXRF) is sensitive for detection 119-175.