Projet Skillshare PDF
Projet Skillshare PDF
Projet Skillshare PDF
(A trip to France)
Here is a project that you will be able to complete throughout our lessons. It is called "Un voyage en France".
After a group of lessons or sometimes just one, you will apply the new knowledge learned to realise a task that you
would typically encounter during a trip to France.
For each situation, add pictures and recordings to make the exercise even more real !
Lesson 1 to 7 :
You just arrived in France and meet with your guesthouse host. Talk about yourself !
Exemple :
Lesson 8 :
Your host is curious and would like to know more about you and your family. Present your Family !
Lesson 9 to 10 :
Your host needs more information for your stay. Will you be able to give him the information needed ?
Lesson 11 to 12 :
You are already a local ! A French lady is asking YOU information how to get from the train station (Paris Gare de
Lyon) to Panthéon and she wants to walk ! Give her the itinerary.
Lesson 13 :
It seems that you just met your first French friend. While having a drink at your local café someone sits at the table
next to you. A discussion starts : " Qu'est-ce que tu aimes en France ?" "Qu'est-ce que tu aimes en général ?"
Answer him !
Lesson 14 :
It is time to visit Dijon ! You plan to stay one night there and need to book a hotel. Create the dialogue !
Lesson 16 to 18 :
You remembered that Yohann your teacher is actually from Dijon ! It would be great to hang out. Before calling him
you are repeating the sentences in your head. It's you French teacher, it has to be perfect ! What will you say/ask ?
Lesson 19 :
Back to Paris for some shopping. It's unbelievable how French people don't speak english !
Use your best French to ask :
The type of clothing you are looking for / the size / the materials and colors / if you can try it / the price and payment
Lesson 20 to 21 :
Your mom is calling you. She is asking what's your daily routine during your holidays in France. Answer her !
Lesson 22 :
Have you ever been to France ? Can you describe your last trip in France ? (Or the last country you visited)
Lesson 23 :
That's pretty unlucky ! You are sick during your holidays and you need to go to the doctor's here in France … What
are you going to say ?
Lesson 24 to 28 :
Tomorrow is your last day in France. Instead of being sad to leave the country, you decide to make the most of it and
write down the things you are going to do tomorrow. "Demain je vais …"
Bravo à vous ! Le projet est fini ! Pensez-vous être maintenant capable de faire la même chose en France ?