Level of Political Awareness of Grade 11 Students
Level of Political Awareness of Grade 11 Students
Level of Political Awareness of Grade 11 Students
As time went by, the young generation, known as “millennials” became more dominant,
and have played an important role in the society. According to Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the youth is the
hope, and thus have a big part in building the nation (Ferriols, 2017). In addition, the 1987
Constitution of the Philippines, Section 13, Article II states that, “The State recognizes the vital
role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote their physical, intellectual, and social well-
being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism and encourage their involvement
in public and civic affairs.” Moreover, the participation of the youth in the political governance
has been also recognized as early as 1970 in the Presidential Decree no. 603 or the Child and
Welfare Code. “Youth can actively participate in civic affairs, and in the promotion of general
welfare, always bearing in mind that it is the youth who will eventually be called upon to
discharge the responsibility of leadership, in hope for the nation’s future.” as stated in Section 3,
Article II.
Awareness about the political issues is necessary for the young generation so they can
understand what is happening around, and how it would influence their life as the future hope of
the nation. As a citizen, it is important to be conscious on the different events that your country
has been facing (Davis, 2018). In exploring different kinds of issues, they would be able to
understand how they can influence in making a change and that the students will start to
appreciate the purpose of government. Also, understanding politics is another way to navigate
individual’s right and moral compass and can make an individual less ignorant.
especially inclined to the ignorance trap and are being encompass to political conflict because
they often fail to follow politics. This gives idea that young people don’t care about politics nor
on the future of the country because unawareness of it (Anderson, 2018). A study conducted by
Ahmed, et al. (2017) proved that there is a low level of political awareness of the Secondary
level students in Pakistan. Also, a study conducted by Ogunlade and Yunusa (2013) showed that
there is a low average level of secondary students that are aware on politics.
Furthermore, some studies shown that there are factors that may affect the student’s
political awareness. Gender might be a factor affecting the political awareness of an individual
and this has been proven by Kittilson (2016) that women are have greater political interest,
discussion, knowledge and attention to news about politics. Also, according to the recent studies
as cited by Fraile (2014) revealed that women appear to participate differently than men in terms
of political participation, and thus prove that women are more aware about politics than man do.
The study showed that there is a gender gap, there is a significant relationship between gender
Political awareness must be instilled in students to clearly build their character and
encouraged them to express their political views whether it is inside or outside their campus
awareness among students is a good thing (Ward, 2019). To intensify the youth awareness and
included in the specified Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand under the K-12
program for it is under the branch of Social Sciences. The researchers, under the Humanities and
Social Sciences strand are likely to study the level of awareness of the HUMSS students in Dulag
National High School and correlates the factor that may affect the political awareness such as
gender of the chosen Grade 11 HUMSS students. There is still no further local study about the
correlation of gender to the level of awareness so the researchers chose to conduct this kind of
This study generally aims to determine the relationship of gender towards the level of
awareness on Philippine political issues among Grade 11 HUMSS students of Dulag National
1.1 Gender
This study is focus on correlating the relationship between respondent’s gender to the
level of political awareness among Grade 11 HUMSS students of Dulag National High School.
The study was conducted in Dulag National High School, S.Y. 2019-2020. Only the grade 11
HUMSS students took part in this study. Data gathered from August to September using
structured questionnaire.
This study will serve as an instrument to the students on how important to be aware on
political issues. Also, this will make significant attributes in molding the students to be
concerned citizen on the country’s political system as they are the future leaders and nation-
builder citizens.
This will give them the prior understanding on the level of awareness of the students on
political issues. Moreover, this can also be their basis to equip and educate more the students
This study will serve as a key information to them about the political awareness among
the grade 11 HUMSS students of DNHS. Furthermore, this can be their guide and basis to
Chapter II
This chapter presents related literature that are found to be helpful in contributing
knowledge for the study. With the hopes of having better comprehension regarding the study,
included in this chapter are bodies of literature that provide conceptual knowledge that have been
Today’s young people are a source of growing social and academic concern. It is often
expected that schools serve as a potential agent of socialization which influences the formulation
of political awareness, values and attitude among children. It is also believed that is an effective
instrument for creation of political awareness which prepares the youth to perform their function
to the nation effectively as they grow up (Ogunlade, A. & Yunusa, B., 2013). According to
Willia et al (2007), many high school students believe that political awareness and being
politically active is only for adult duty. Previous studies have also claimed that ignorance about
politics among citizens is spread in most industrial democracies as cited by Clark (2017). Thus,
students who have this kind of mindset are unaware of their own personal political beliefs. Also,
the inactiveness of young people to the discussion of political issues may affect their awareness
in politics. Youth are being marginalized because of their young age, limited opportunities, and
Young people, being considered as the hope of the nation are importantly to be politically
aware, should have an active engagement in political issues discussion and should not be
ignorant on this matter. In connection to this, the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Section
13, Article II states that, “The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and
shall promote their physical, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth
patriotism and nationalism and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.” Indeed,
political awareness among young people is highly important, not just for academic purposes but
most essentially for cultivating their mind to be patriotic concerned young Filipino citizens.
level of political knowledge of the students are very low due to not intensified politics subject in
Pakistan educational curriculum. However, a study conducted on Senior High School students of
St. Paul University Manila are revealed to be aware about political issues and current related
topics in the Philippines. Yet many of them are not willing to join any discussions about these
topics. Many of the students admitted that they find Philippine politics as boring and they don’t
have interest on it. Also, the lacking of good and intensified education contributes why they are
Gender-based differences in political knowledge are prevalent in the United States and
abroad. Previous researches showed that gender gap is real in terms of political awareness (Jerit,
J. & Barabas, J., 2017). In connection to this, it has been proven by Kittilson (2016) that women
are have greater political interest, discussion, knowledge and attention to news about politics.
Also, according to the recent studies as cited by Fraile (2014) revealed that women appear to
participate differently than men in terms of political participation, and thus prove that women are
Gender plays a vital role on an individual’s level of awareness as the gathered studies and
articles being revealed. Various studies from international and national established different
conclusion regarding this kind of study. Some studies shown that it has significant relationship
with level of political awareness, otherwise, some indicated that there is no clear relationship
between the two. There is still no further local study about the correlation of gender to the level
Conceptual Framework
The diagram above shows the correlation between the level of political awareness with
the gender of the research participants. This framework illustrates the relationship of the factor
that may affect the participant’s level of political awareness. The study intent to show the simple
flow of the study which is to demonstrate the relationship of the independent variable to the other
dependent variable.
Definitions of Terms
Political Awareness
(Puertollano, 2015)
- This refers to the awareness of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students
- It is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that
are considered appropriate for men and women. (Collins Dictionary, 2019)
- It is the other variable that has a potential relationship with the level of political
awareness and thus being compared if there is a gender gap between male and female
Research Hypothesis
There is a significant relationship between the level of political awareness and the gender
of the research participants. The researchers hypothesize that female students are more aware in
Chapter III
Research Design
This study utilized quantitative correlational research design which uses simple random
sampling to determine the level of political awareness among Grade 11 HUMSS Students of
Research Sampling
The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Dulag National High
School, S.Y: 2019-2020. The students will be selected through random sampling under
probability sampling.
The research instrument that will be used in the study is survey questionnaire. The
content of the research survey focuses on the Level of Political Awareness Among Grade 11
HUMSS Students of Dulag National High School. The survey is composed of 10 structured
statements and have 5 option where the respondents can choose. The given options have a
Data Procedure
Before the survey begins, the researchers ask permission to conduct the data gathering to
the respected classroom. The students are selected through simple random sampling. The
researchers allow the respondents to answer the survey in their most convenient time. After the
data being gathered the researchers allow the respondents to answer the survey in their most
convenient time. After the data being gathered the researchers facilitate in the process collecting
Statistical Analysis
The researchers will find the weighted mean of the data gathered from each of the two
variables which are the male and female respondents. The after finding the weighted mean, the
result will be interpreted and will be analyzed if there is a significant relationship between the
Chapter IV
This chapter presents the results of the study, which includes analysis, interpretation of
data gathered.
Values Interpretation
1.oo – 1.80 Not aware
1.81 – 2.60 Low aware
2.61 – 3.40 Moderate
3.41 – 4.2 Aware
4.21 – 5.00 Strongly aware
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the gathered data and as shown from the chart above, male HUMSS students
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the gathered data and as shown from the chart above, female HUMSS students
Level of Awareness on Political Issues
Mean of Awareness
Male Female
Figure 3. Level of Political Awareness of the Male and Female Grade 11 HUMSS
Thus, it can be observed that the variation in gender has a significant relationship with the
student’s level of political awareness. Female grade 11 HUMSS students has an average
weighted mean of 3.66 which shows a higher level of awareness on political issues than male
Chapter V
The following conclusions were inferred from the findings presented in receding sections.
This study has been concerned with the correlation of the Grade 11 HUMSS student’s
gender to their level of political awareness. Its focal point was on the influence of the gender on
the students’ awareness on the current political issues or events. Based on the research findings,
student’s gender has a significant effect and matters on the respondent’s political level of
awareness. It has been shown that female students showed higher level of political awareness,
The researchers recommend that HUMSS students must be politically aware regardless of
their gender. Because being under the Humanities and Social Sciences strand needs to be
inclined with the politics and issues relating to this field. More especially, youth are the hope of
the nation as quoted by Dr. Jose Rizal, so therefore it is much important that young people or
students must be politically aware because they are the future nation builders. Moreover, to the
future researchers, it is highly recommended to conduct a deeper study on the other possible
variables that may affect the student’s level of political awareness aside from gender – male or
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