Patriarchate of Alexandria &
AM Aieg
SUTimothy Wonder Worker |g, Hinokas Holy Marr
StTheodore New Martyr of
St Phokas Holy Martyr
Maccabees, St Solomone &|
‘St Heazar
‘StFlesa of Kyra
Heprews 11:33
Marmmew 10:
12:2 | acts68-75847-60
Mion 81-2
‘st Faustos of Dalmation
St Salome Holy Mrrhbearer
St Theaktistos
I Connmaans 14:6 =19
Marnaw 20:17" 28
|Marmew 21 12-14 & 17-20]
‘Manday Tuesday ‘Wednesday Thursday Friday
= _ St Stephen Frovomaneyr a A Foomsr A
= S Holy telis) St Isaakios, st Dalmatos & | 7 Hexy Youms-or Becca | TRANSRURATION
St Eusignios of Antioch
Si Bugene of Ala
5 BUtRymIos
st Christos New Mactyr
1 Pere 131-210
Marnew 32-39
1OAP- TomeranimeA]
oF Crist
Tone (8) LAcas
(hee 8.28 56?
Pea, Teves
‘St Dometios 4
St Nikanoros st THlantaphillos of Zagoras | st Constantine Patriarch of
St Theodosios the New
St Joseph of
St Sozon of Nicomedia
10,000 Thebes Ascetics
St Emilianos Confessor &| Sr Marmew Hoxy Aros
St Myronos of Crete
St Anastasios of ‘Constantinople
“rhessalonika St Euthymios of Rhodes
‘st Anastatios of Bulgaria
2 Conavretans 1:
t Laurence of Rome
‘St Gregory Sinai & Mt Athos | st Anthony of Alexandria |t Chitos of Athens & Rome
St Hlippolytos of Rome:
Su upg archdeacon
‘of Cantania q
seniplet Bianch
eens aa
stipe BS
semlane ASSop of note
2. Conwuans 1: 12-20
. ‘st Kastor
owns 15:30-33
2 Connmaays 2:3-15
‘Marmiew 23 13° 22
Lune 1:39 - 49,8 56 Apostolos’ New Martyrs.
Paros 2520 | i Fuonm 3119-475
Messed? |tine SBreZ Saeed a
se Paul & St juliana
2 Connnaans 4:1>12
‘Marmew 2a: 13-28
\urmew 2427-330 42-5)
Zhen f10-% | 1commewss:2-0 | toons 29-38 | acrst-te-17a21-26 z
farvew Pi "8 We SEF Gime alae | Acne RSP | AGmeeE ae | agommwene-2o | Meee Me
AP-r0p1SrMarneE FonereactDorwmon 144 Dagon or ne Even Arrmreser Domanow 1G Arrownasr Dowenov T) arrerwencr Donenow IG) Agrenrsasr Domenow 1G
Misco Se Aropons | | Beem Auer st Diomedes of Tarsos | ststraton,st Philip, se |S! ¥exoe &Si Lauros ‘SLAnaren G
srpfsss rt Grgecae | SMART ‘eons rate Peremieis| SRG ey |g StMaS 4, | STi SY ems
Serta oftaza™ | st sya ee Aga 1 Gerstno of Cephalonia | St Bemetnos New Marin | 5 sonn dS ego he
Stithom of Zadonsk "frapezoundis Seka Sohn ee rks siiesente ot foros_[Seuyehimos& Statens
sy Matthew Now Nise
3 eB
BAP tim St Ma
The Unwonanne
StSamuel. st tuke of
Rouleutos - St Stephen | of
Hungary’ St Hierotheos of
Artenresst Dowwnon21
St Bassa & sons - St
‘Theognis, St Agapios & St
St Athanasios of
‘Aroooss Dominion
St Agathomikos
51 trenaeos of Lyons
stathanaeoetarsos | grlupos" St Nicholas of
hihamastog Qt Taso | Sikelion St Kalinkos of
Symaxis Holy Icon of Ever Ise charalambos of Kalyviani
St Cosmas or Arroue 4
St Eutyches Hleromartyr
st Dion sos of Zakynthos
St Peter of Moscow felies)
s1 Tos of 70 Holy Apostes
ibs &St
‘Sr Barmouowew
(Fansiation of Relies
St John, § Epiphani
‘Menas’of Constantinople. {ever Blessed Theotokos Icon]
St Jolin Karpathos
Sr Aonunos & St NavaLee
St Joseph
‘of Viadile
Marmew 1916-26
Mane S16" 2
unger St Os Ki
Me CENT NM | Consainple ese totes of Pra | Ch Shrae g hse SNS aah ae
Toate S22? | 2Copmine 5:10-1 | 2copnmuns 515-2 | EMF! SS 1 | 2commume zips | Mos! 32.6 9:7~ Freer 5
Teonnnaane 9:2 13 10, 38 = 7 ao Marirew 20-29-34
femora | *CmmssS Ramet | Ci Ss 328 | GATE nce ew
BAP Tam St MAT Ba 3i
renal Le ++ Jouw Barner &Y Arcos Sr Joy oa
gr Prancumoerst Pimen | St Mgsaeal Ste St Jon Ban St Rigen Sonn
The GroarsiAninousast_ |S! Dicmedes 6! Laurence al the New of oe.
Pomen olfaiesinest | 5 Nipomenian M st Theodora of Thessatonikal — pcanstantinople $t Cyprian of Carta
Hosts the Contessarst Coe ee conora of Thessalonikal sy phantino of Calabria | St Genmadins Scholaros
finesse Contessorst | KevCaverahers fst Anastasios New Martyr | Sytantine of Calabria) $1 Sidan of tindistarne
Tove 3 : G Matyrs of Neen 7
Gos IMATTEW2B 5-20 Mary Bete New Martyrs of Serbia Hew ile
Rewwa 828-39 | 2Commewen 97-8 | ‘Mam 614-30 | 2CoMMNE S217 Ws27= 28
(Coneusn nv Mancuenire Paz ~ Anciiocese or Goco Hore ~ Hoy Onriocox Cruincx oF te Dontanion = Post Euzasem RSA - wancuenrepatis@cuat.com