Final Results For The GRC Supporting Technology Development Project For The 110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)

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Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology

Development Project for the 110-Watt Stirling
Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)

Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme

Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

June 2007
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Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology

Development Project for the 110-Watt Stirling
Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)

Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme

Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Prepared for the

Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF–2007)
sponsored by the Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies at the University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 11–14, 2007

National Aeronautics and

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Glenn Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135

June 2007

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Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology Development
Project for the 110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)
Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported the development of a high-
efficiency, nominal 110-We Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for potential use on NASA
missions, including deep space missions, Mars rovers, and lunar applications. Lockheed Martin (LM) was
the system integrator for the SRG110, under contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). Infinia
Corporation (formerly Stirling Technology Company) developed the Stirling convertor, first as a
contractor to DOE and then under subcontract to LM. The SRG110 development has been redirected, and
recent program changes have been made to significantly increase the specific power of the generator.
System development of an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) has now begun, using a
lightweight, advanced convertor from Sunpower, Inc. This paper summarizes the results of the supporting
technology effort that GRC completed for the SRG110. GRC tasks included convertor extended-duration
testing in air and thermal vacuum environments, heater head life assessment, materials studies, permanent
magnet aging characterization, linear alternator evaluations, structural dynamics testing, electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) characterization, organic materials
evaluations, reliability studies, and development of an end-to-end system dynamic model. Related efforts
are now continuing in many of these areas to support ASRG development.

From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported the development of a high-
efficiency, nominal 110-We Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for use on potential NASA Space
Science missions (Thieme, 2005). Lockheed Martin (LM) was the system integrator for the SRG110
(Cockfield, 2002), under contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). Infinia Corporation (formerly
Stirling Technology Company) developed the Stirling convertor, first as a contractor to DOE and then
under subcontract to LM. The SRG110 development has now been redirected, and recent program
changes have been made to significantly increase the specific power of the generator. System
development of an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) has now begun, using a
lightweight, advanced convertor from Sunpower, Inc.
This paper summarizes the results of the supporting technology effort that GRC completed for the
SRG110. GRC tasks included convertor extended-duration testing in air and thermal vacuum
environments, testing for controls development, heater head life assessment, materials studies, permanent
magnet aging characterization, linear alternator evaluations, structural dynamics testing, electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) characterization, organic materials
evaluations, reliability studies, fastener evaluation, and development of an end-to-end system dynamic
model. Related efforts are now continuing in many of these areas to support ASRG development.

The 110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)

Development of the Technology Demonstration Convertor (TDC) for a space radioisotope power
system was begun in 1998 by Infinia, under contract to DOE. At that time, a Stirling power system was
considered a backup to Alkali Metal Thermal Electric Conversion (AMTEC). The TDC was designed to

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Figure 1. —SRG110 generator with dual-opposed Stirling convertors.

convert heat from one general purpose heat source (GPHS) module to electric power and used flexures to
achieve non-contacting operation. A power output of over 55 W and efficiency greater than 27 percent
(heat input to AC electric power output) were achieved. The TDC had a mass of about 6 kg, with mass
reduction expected during flight development.
After AMTEC development was discontinued in 1999, a joint DOE/NASA/industry team evaluated
the readiness of Stirling power conversion technology to transition into formal flight development. A
3-month study was conducted that looked at the following key issues: (1) launch load capability,
(2) EMI/EMC, (3) performance mapping, (4) radiation tolerance, (5) controller design, (6) failure modes
effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) of the Stirling convertor, and (7) fault-tolerant system
configuration. Based on the findings of this Technology Readiness Assessment (Furlong and Shaltens,
2000), development of a 100-W class Stirling radioisotope generator (SRG110) was authorized.
LM was selected as the system integration contractor, and development of the SRG110 began in
May 2002. The designs were initially for use in deep space; however, a modification was later issued to
include operation on the surface of Mars. The LM design enclosed two GPHS modules and two Stirling
convertors inside a beryllium housing that acted as structure and radiator (Cockfield and Chan, 2002).
The final design resulted in a projected 116-W power output at beginning-of-mission and 101-W power
output after 14 years in space, with a mass of 32.5 kg and specific power of 3.6 W/kg. Figure 1 shows the
final design of the SRG110.

GRC Supporting Technology Development for the SRG110

In 1999, a technology effort was started at GRC to address many of the key aspects of the Stirling
convertor development and its eventual integration into a generator. Since the technology effort was to
support flight development, all of the tasks ultimately contributed to life and reliability. The results of the
various tasks completed between 1999 and 2006, as part of this effort, are summarized below. Various
project summaries are included in Schreiber (2006a), Schreiber and Thieme (2004), Thieme and
Schreiber (2000; 2005), and Thieme, Schreiber, and Mason (2002). GRC also provided technical
consulting for the convertor development under Space Act Agreements with DOE.

Extended-Duration Convertor Testing

Free-piston Stirling convertors have been operated at GRC since the late 1970s for a diverse set of
applications, including residential heat pumps, terrestrial power generation, nuclear space power, and
radioisotope space power. To support the SRG110 development, GRC tested a total of 10 convertors built

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by Infinia. TDCs numbers 5 and 6 were received by GRC in September 2000. They were early
developmental convertors and were first used for a wide range of tests, including performance
characterization and a variety of controller tests. All of these tests were relatively short-term, focused tests
that were conducted in the presence of a test engineer. TDCs numbers 7 and 8 were delivered to GRC in
March 2001 and were similarly used for a range of short-term tests. Following the selection of LM as the
SRG110 system integration contractor, TDCs numbers 13 and 14 were sent to GRC for extended
operation testing in February 2003, as were TDCs numbers 15 and 16 in February 2005. These TDCs
were the first convertors built by Infinia under the Quality Assurance Program that was being developed
in preparation for the eventual fabrication of flight hardware. TDCs numbers 13 and 14 were put on
extended operation in June 2003; testing began on TDCs numbers 15 and 16 in March 2005. Finally, a
brief performance test was run on a pair of convertors, SES numbers 1 and 2, that were built for use in the
SRG110 Engineering Unit. A summary of convertor testing at GRC is given by Schreiber (2006b).
A pair of dual-opposed TDCs is shown on a test station at GRC in figure 2. The test station includes a
rack with the data system and controls, the test stand, the cooling system, and the gas management
system. The data system is based on LabVIEW (National Instruments) commercial hardware and
software, and is used to monitor operation and record data. The software was developed for unattended
operation to include automatic shutdown of the convertors in the event of a failure or detection of an out-
of-range reading in a monitored operating condition. If a loss of utility power is sensed, the test stand can
be operated by an Uninterruptible Power Supply for 5 min before a controlled shutdown is initiated.
Additional safety is provided by hard-wired shutdowns that monitor both steady state and dynamic
parameters (including piston positions and accelerometers) and do not rely on the LabVIEW software.
A gas charging system was developed that is used to monitor the emissions from the convertor during
bake out, charge the convertors with high-purity helium with measured composition for operation, and
monitor the composition of the working fluid during operation. The system makes use of a Residual Gas
Analyzer (RGA) for analysis of gas composition. This capability was developed to help meet the goal of
extended operation, to seek and measure any changes that may occur over time.

Data system



Figure 2.—A pair of TDCs on a test stand at

GRC under extended operation test.

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Extended Operation of TDCs Numbers 13 and 14
The test facility and testing of TDCs numbers 13 and 14 are discussed by Roth, Schreiber, and Pepper
(2004). A 500-hr vacuum bake out was first conducted on TDCs numbers 13 and 14 to remove any
moisture or other sources of oxygen that would allow the stainless steel regenerator to oxidize at the
operating temperature. The convertors were maintained at approximately 80 °C while the turbomolecular
vacuum pump evacuated the internal volume. The total pressure was measured at 4×10–6 torr, with about
1×10–6 torr of water. A small amount of isopropyl alcohol was also detected by the RGA, which was
believed to originate from cleaning during manufacturing.
Early in the extended operation test, there was a loss of about 3 psi of helium per week from the
nominal fill pressure of 365 psig. By October 2003, it was apparent that the efficiency had decreased
slightly, from about 27.2 to 27.1 percent on TDC number 13 and from about 26.7 to 26.5 percent on TDC
number 14. At the same time, the gas analysis of the working fluid was showing increased concentrations
of argon and nitrogen. It was hypothesized that helium was permeating outward through the o-rings and
that ambient atmosphere was permeating inward. The source of argon was believed to be pockets, formed
by blind fastener holes, which filled with argon during insulation loss tests. The source of nitrogen was
thought to be the ambient atmosphere, with the oxygen being consumed by oxidation of the stainless steel
regenerator and thus no oxygen appearing in the gas analysis. The consumption of oxygen by the
regenerator was also hypothesized to be the reason for the slight decrease in efficiency.
To resolve this, purge rings were installed (after 2,800 hr of operation) around the bolted flanges that
would provide a controlled inert atmosphere outside the o-rings, using argon to cover the o-ring flanges.
The choice of argon was based on an original goal of 5,000 hr of operation and calculations that showed
that the concentration of argon that would result from this amount of operation would not affect the
thermodynamic performance to a measurable extent. The results were immediate, with the concentration
of nitrogen remaining constant and the concentration of argon increasing. This result was consistent with
the hypothesis that the gasses were permeating through the o-rings during operation and that the oxygen
was being consumed by the regenerator. The test was then extended in duration, and the argon purge was
changed to helium after 6,500 hr of operation. This resulted in the argon and nitrogen concentrations
staying constant and even decreasing slightly over time. As operation continued with permeation of
oxygen into the convertor eliminated, the performance became level with no change in convertor
efficiency, even though it is believed that the regenerator suffered damage during the early operation.
After about 19,000 hr of operation, TDCs numbers 13 and 14 were shut down for hermetic seal
welding of the bolted flanges. When the heater heads and the pressure vessels were removed, a
noninvasive inspection was performed. The inspection, conducted by a team from GRC and Infinia, was
visual and had very limited ability to take samples. The inspection team looked specifically for
indications of wear on surfaces, particles that may have resulted in wear, debris from the regenerator,
accumulation of particles on the magnets of the linear alternator, and visual evidence of aging of the
organics in the linear alternator. The inspection found no evidence of wear during operation or debris.
Slight markings that were observed were generally attributed to the original build process. Prior to
welding, the TDCs were operated for a short period following inspection to verify that the inspection did
not alter the operation in any way.
Hermetic laser seal welding was completed by the Edison Welding Institute (EWI) of Columbus,
Ohio in January 2006. The TDCs were then tested for a short period at a low-temperature operating point
to verify proper performance. Operation was nominal and generally in agreement with the pre-weld
operation. The TDCs were then shut down for bake out to allow for a high purity fill with helium. This
bake out lasted only 125 hr and resulted in a total pressure of 4.5×10–7 torr, with the dominant species
being water. TDCs numbers 13 and 14 were then returned to full-power operation.

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80 40
A B C E 35
60 30
Power Output (W)

Efficiency (%)
50 25
40 20
30 TDC #13 15
20 TDC #14 10 TDC #13
10 5 TDC #14

0 0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
Tim e (hrs) Tim e (hrs)

(a) Power output from the linear alternators (b) Net efficiency, heat in to electric power out

Figure 3.—Performance data from TDCs numbers 13 and 14 through 24,000 hr of operation.

Test data from TDCs numbers 13 and 14 are shown in figure 3. The measured power output was
corrected, using a linear correction proportional to the difference between the measured and design mean
pressures, to account for changes in the mean operating pressure prior to hermetic sealing. The slight
degradation in conversion efficiency can be seen through the first 5000 hr of operation. The transient in
performance around 8000 hr is a result of the move to a new test facility causing some disturbance to the
insulation and changes in the coolant flow rate due to modifications in the cold-end plumbing. The
change in performance at 12,000 hr (A) was due to a change in coolant composition (pure ethylene glycol
to 50/50 mixture with water and then back to pure ethylene glycol). The transient at about 18,600 hr (B)
was in preparation for hermetic seal welding, with a return to full operating conditions at about 20,000 hr
(C). Changes noted at 20,600 hr (D) are due to failed heaters on both convertors and a subsequent
adjustment in the heater temperatures; all heaters were replaced on both convertors at about 22,000 hr (E).
To date, over 24,200 hr of extended operation have been completed on TDCs numbers 13 and 14, with
over 5,000 hr since the hermetic seal weld. No failures or otherwise anomalous operation have been found
that could be attributed to the TDCs. The extended operation test is continuing as part of the ASRG effort.

Extended Operation of TDCs Numbers 15 and 16

Operation of TDCs numbers 15 and 16 was initially limited to a low-temperature operating point of
500 °C hot-end temperature, since these convertors had not been baked out to eliminate residual oxygen.
In October 2005, the convertors were shut down for hermetic sealing, with approximately 4400 hr
accumulated. The hermetic seal welding was completed at EWI, and TDCs numbers 15 and 16 were
returned to operation at GRC in December 2005. Convertor performance after the weld was found to be
nominally the same as before the weld. The convertors were then shut down for bake out to remove any
residual oxygen. Bake out lasted approximately 250 hr and reached a total pressure of 2.3×10–7 torr, more
than an order of magnitude less than had been achieved in 500 hr with TDCs numbers 13 and 14 in their
original bake out. It is believed that this more rapid bake out to lower levels of pressure is the result of the
low-temperature operation.
TDCs numbers 15 and 16 were then filled with high-purity helium. Nominal operation was achieved
at the low-temperature operating point, so the temperatures were increased to the design point of 650 °C
hot-end temperature and 80 °C cold-end temperature. To date, over 10,200 hr of extended operation have
been completed on TDCs numbers 15 and 16, and the convertors have been operating continuously for
about the last 4,000 hr. Test data from TDCs numbers 15 and 16 are shown in figure 4. The data show
flat-line performance in both power and efficiency for both convertors. There is a slight difference in the
performance, which can likely be attributed to tolerances in the clearance seals. The transient at about

NASA/TM—2007-214839 5
80 30

70 28
Power Output (W)

Net Efficiency (%
TDC #15 20 TDC #15
TDC #16 18 TDC #16
0 16
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
Time (hrs) Time (hrs)
(a) Power output from the linear alternators (b) Net efficiency, heat in to electric power out
Figure 4.—Performance data from TDCs numbers 15 and 16 through 6000 hr of operation.

Figure 5.—TDCs numbers 5 and 6 configured for thermal

vacuum extended operation test.

4,400 hr is the shutdown and restart for hermetic seal welding. The small transient at about 4,500 hr is the
shutdown and restart for bake out. The transient near 5,000 hr is an adjustment in the operating condition,
following replacement of all heaters on both convertors due to two heater failures. No failures or
otherwise anomalous operation have been found that could be attributed to the TDCs. The extended
operation test is continuing as part of the ASRG effort.

Extended Operation of TDCs Numbers 5 and 6 in Thermal Vacuum

Following the early testing with TDCs numbers 5 and 6, a decision was made to put these convertors
into extended operation in a thermal vacuum environment that would simulate operation in deep space.
The test article, as installed in the vacuum facility at GRC, is shown in figure 5. New heater heads were
fabricated with prototypical heat collectors similar to those that were designed for transporting heat from
the GPHS modules to the Stirling convertors in the SRG110. Borelectric (GE Advanced Ceramics)
heaters were clamped to the heat collectors to simulate the GPHS modules. The heat collectors were
instrumented with thermocouples to characterize the temperature distribution during operation. The heater
head was fabricated with a nickel flange brazed to the heat rejection area to conduct waste heat to the
radiator panels. The nickel flanges were sandwiched between copper plates to enhance net conductivity.
The operating temperatures were determined by the conduction and radiation paths inherent in the
hardware. Two sets of radiator panels were made to allow adjustment of the cold-end temperature during
operation (Oriti, 2005).

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TDCs numbers 5 and 6 were initially operated in the thermal vacuum facility in November 2004.
Nearly 1,000 hr of operation were first completed at a 500 °C convertor hot-end temperature. As the
temperature was increased to slightly more than 600 °C, it was found that full-temperature, full-power
operation was not possible due to the temperature of the pressure vessel, and it was evident that the
alternator temperature was nearing the temperature limit of the permanent magnets. An analysis indicated
that the desired thermal conditions could be reached with larger radiator panels installed on the cold
flanges and with the emissivity of the pressure vessel increased by surface treatment. The experiment was
shut down at about 4,300 hr, the larger radiator panels were installed, and the pressure vessel was covered
with Kapton (DuPont) tape to increase the emissivity. With the hot-end temperature at 500 °C, the
resulting cold-end and pressure vessel temperatures indicated that acceptable temperatures would result
for a hot-end temperature of 650 °C. Therefore, the TDCs were baked out for a high-purity fill with
helium. After 5,200 hr of operation in thermal vacuum, the temperatures were increased to the design
point of 630 °C hot-end temperature and 70 °C cold-end temperature, with a resulting power output of
about 63 W per convertor.
TDCs numbers 5 and 6 completed 10,016 hr of extended operation in thermal vacuum in August
2006. The test was ended at this time to prepare for thermal vacuum testing of the lightweight, advanced
convertors. Once the thermal operating conditions were resolved, performance over the last 4000 hr was
constant. All of the issues encountered with operating TDCs numbers 5 and 6 in thermal vacuum
originated from extended operation of the thermal vacuum facility itself or from the supporting control
systems. None originated from the TDCs themselves.

Controller Development
As part of the GRC technology development effort, tests have been performed to investigate the
characteristics of various controller architectures. Initial performance tests used the zener-diode controller
that was developed by Infinia. This controller was found to be ideal for performance mapping of
convertors in a laboratory environment; however, it leads to significant harmonic content in the output
current from the linear alternator. A first-generation digital controller was developed at GRC that
significantly reduced the harmonic content of the current and maintained the near-unity power factor of
the output. This controller used digital logic to apply an analog resistive load to maintain control of the
convertor. Little difference was found in convertor performance when operating on the two controllers.
The digital controller allowed the alternator output voltage to vary slightly as the power output changed; a
second-generation digital controller was developed that maintained constant output voltage. Tests were
also conducted in direct support of LM controller development. These included tests to explore the limits
of operation with off-nominal tuning capacitors and unbalanced tuning capacitors between dual-opposed
convertors. DC node and frequency response tests were also completed. Finally, an active power factor
correction controller was under development at the end of the SRG110 project. This controller uses power
electronics to eliminate the heavy and large tuning capacitors needed in the other controllers.
An end-to-end System Dynamics Model (SDM) was developed at GRC and was used for controller
development by both GRC and LM. This model includes the Stirling engine thermodynamics, linear
alternator, controller, and case and mounting dynamics. Single or multiple convertors can be simulated in
various mechanical and electrical configurations and with a variety of controllers. The model is a non-
linear, time-domain model containing sub-cycle dynamics, allowing it to simulate transient and dynamic
phenomena. An interface with the Sage Stirling code was added to improve predictions of Stirling cycle
thermodynamics. The SDM and examples of studies completed with the SDM are described by
Lewandowski and Regan (2004) and Regan and Lewandowski (2004).

Heater Head Life Assessment

The heater head is a critical component in achieving long life in Stirling convertors where all wear
mechanisms eliminated by design. The heater head is known to have the potential to creep over time,

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depending on specifics of the design and the operating conditions. Inconel 718 (IN718) was selected for
the heater heads in the SRG110. An approach was developed at GRC to characterize the long-term
durability of the heads based on probabilistic analysis, material testing, and an existing Oak Ridge
National Laboratories database with creep data up to 87,000 hr (9.9 yr). Initial creep tests were completed
to optimize the grain size, since larger grains that normally provide low creep rates resulted in too few
grains through the thin walls (Bowman, 2001). Creep testing was conducted on two purchases of IN718,
with the maximum time on a single test specimen being 43,700 hr, as of September 2006, at a stress level
of 414 MPa (60 ksi) and a temperature of 593 °C. Structural benchmark tests were used to factor in the
true biaxial stress state and to validate the analysis. The analysis was based on probabilistic techniques
that project Probability-of-Survival (PoS) of the heater head over a given life. This technique considered
uncertainties in the material properties, heater head geometry, and convertor operating conditions. End-
of-life was defined as the onset of tertiary creep, which occurs at about 70 percent of the time to creep
rupture for this material. Early life assessment efforts led to a significant increase in the heater head wall
thickness in the regenerator area. Life assessment calculations based on the revised design showed a
heater head life of 188,000 hr (21.5 yr) for a PoS of 99.9 percent and 116,000 hr (13.2 yr) for a PoS of
99.99 percent (Shah, Halford, and Korovaichuk, 2004). A recent update to this calculation, factoring in
additional GRC IN718 creep data on the two heats of material, showed a heater head life of 218,000 hr
(24.9 yr) for a PoS of 99.9 percent and 140,000 hr (16.0 yr) for a PoS of 99.99 percent. Change in internal
volume of the pressure boundary is negligible even at the maximum allowable creep.
Four accelerated structural benchmark tests of heater head pressure vessels have been completed. The
results are summarized in table 1. The tests shown as Bitec1, 2, and 3 were done on thin-walled (0.38 mm
thick) pressure vessels made by Bitec Sample Machining, Inc. of Dayton, Ohio, specifically for these
tests. The reduced wall thickness and increased pressure levels (relative to the Stirling convertor wall
thickness and operating pressure) were used to accelerate the testing and were chosen to reach the onset
of tertiary creep in 1- to 3-month time periods. A fourth accelerated test was completed on a tapered-wall
pressure vessel, STC209, built by Infinia with the same geometry as used in the SRG110 convertor. Two
non-accelerated tests with tapered-wall pressure vessels, STC206 and STC212, were run at the convertor
design operating pressure. STC206 included a brazed heat collector similar to that used in the SRG110 to
transfer heat from the GPHS to the Stirling convertor. All tests were run at 650 °C in the gage area at the
hot end of the regenerator, which is the primary area of interest for creep. These tests are discussed by
Krause and Kantzos (2006) and Krause, Kalluri, and Bowman (2007).


Benchmark test type Accelerated Non-accelerated
Test article Bitec1 Bitec2 Bitec3 STC209 STC206 STC212
Predicted Creep rate high mod. high mod. high moderate very low very low
Time to tertiary (days) 22 67 67 moderate high high
Observed Creep rate very high high v. v. high low very low low

Test duration (days) 30 59 25 (rupture) 131 235 330

(ongoing) (ongoing)
Creep rate anisotropy 1.2:1 3:1 2:1 1:1 5.5:1 20:1

The test results showed that the average response for the SRG110-design test articles is in agreement
with predicted creep strain rates, based on the high scatter common in experimental creep results.
However, the testing revealed significant variations in creep rate around the circumference of the
measured gage area; this condition, if not alleviated, would reduce the calculated median heater head life.
The three Bitec test articles used for accelerated testing produced less anisotropy but higher than expected
creep strain rates. An investigation of this found a significant creep response dependency on the cooling

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rate used during these test articles’ less-controlled heat treatment. It is theorized that variable and lower
than desired cooling rates resulted in out-of-specification formation of precipitates, causing increased
creep rates compared to those predicted and possibly some creep rate anisotropy. A post-test
microstructural evaluation is expected to be completed soon on the STC212 specimen with the highest
anisotropy to see if precipitate differences may be the explanation. Earlier tests had ruled out any
significant impacts of circumferential temperature variations and measurement error. Even with the
variations seen in the benchmark testing, results for all six benchmark tests fall within the 99.9 percent
probability-of-survival curve (approximately three standard deviations) that was based on uniaxial creep
testing and related stress and secondary creep rate.
Axial and lateral load testing were also completed at GRC on a heater head test specimen supplied by
Infinia, in support of LM and Infinia quantifying the heater head cold-end design margins. The design
temperature gradient was applied to the cold end of the heater head. The maximum lateral load, where the
reaction modulus weakened very significantly, was about five times higher than the required test
verification load. The observed final failure mode was inelastic buckling of the thin heater head wall on
the compressive-stress side. The test results compared well with pre-test predictions.

Materials Studies
The regenerator is a matrix of sintered random metal fibers. This has posed a concern with respect to
reliability if some fibers could became detached from the matrix during operation, possibly traveling to a
critical location that cannot tolerate the physical presence of the fiber. Known cases of fiber shedding
during convertor testing can be attributed to improper processing of the regenerator (sintering and/or
cleaning), or improper operation of the convertor (oxidation). The sintering process of the regenerator
matrix was optimized for strength by varying time and temperature. Sintering schedules were evaluated
by optical inspection, tensile tests, and measuring the amount of fibers that were shed when the
regenerator was cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner. It was found that regenerators could be made with no
fibers being shed under continued testing, by using an optimized sintering process followed by a
controlled cleaning process.
The oxidation resistance of stainless steel regenerators, as typically used in Stirling convertors, was
investigated by GRC and Infinia. Processed and unprocessed regenerator material and regenerators tested
in various convertors were studied. Oxidation effects were evaluated in both air and helium environments.
Possible alternate materials with higher oxidation resistance were also studied, and one was selected to
replace the stainless steel material for the regenerator. A further effort looked at the need for coatings on
the displacer radiation shields to maintain a stable, low-emissivity surface over the life of the convertor.
The level of cleanliness of the flight convertors, including the helium fill, and any possible outgassing of
organic materials are factors in minimizing any oxidation effects on these components.
GRC and Infinia collaborated to verify that the heater head brazing and heat treating procedures that
were developed on laboratory samples would yield the desired microstructure in the final heater heads.
Infinia fabricated and processed two heater heads and included witness coupons in various locations of
the brazing furnace. These coupons were first examined at GRC to document their initial microstructures.
After processing at Infinia, the heater heads and coupons were analyzed by GRC. The study showed that
no grain growth had occurred during the processing and that the precipitate sizes and distributions were as
expected, based on comparisons with small samples run at GRC with the desired heat treating procedures.
Thus, a combination of laboratory experiments on small IN718 samples, temperatures measured directly
from the heater heads during processing, and the microstructural analysis all confirmed that the heat
treatment procedures for the heater head should meet the requirements. The witness coupons were also
found to accurately reflect the heater head microstructure and thus capable of verifying the heat treatment.
An analytical model was used to predict the internal pressure loss due to helium permeability through
the heater head walls over 14 yr of operation at 650 °C. The results were based on analytical predictions
of permeability, using diffusion data reported in the literature along with values of solubility derived from

NASA/TM—2007-214839 9
both experimental and computer models. The predicted loss was found to be only 0.23 Pa (3.3×10–5 psia),
using a best estimate for helium solubility in nickel.

Evaluation of Convertor Organics

Organic materials are used in limited amounts in the Stirling convertor, primarily in the linear
alternator for such uses as electrical insulation, structural bonding, and as a surface in close clearance
seals where there might be temporary contact of moving parts. Organics issues in the SRG110 project
included radiation tolerance, outgassing, and bond strength. The primary emphasis was placed on the
epoxy bond used to hold the permanent magnets to the stator of the linear alternator. The bond was made
with 3M Scotch-Weld (3M Company) 2216 B/A Gray epoxy. A cure cycle was selected based on GRC
cure kinetics testing, as shown in figure 6, and by evaluating lap shear strength at various cure times and
temperatures. In collaboration with Infinia, this cure cycle was then incorporated into the standard
processing steps used by Infinia for fabricating the linear alternator. Lap shear samples cured with the
optimized cure cycle showed an increase in adhesive strength of about 40 percent at the SRG110
operating temperature, compared to using the standard room-temperature cure cycle. Short-term
accelerated aging tests of the epoxy were conducted for up to 150 days at temperatures of 150 and 180 ºC,
with no degradation being observed. Fatigue testing and aging tests were underway when the SRG110
project was redirected. One issue that remained was achieving acceptable bond strength with adequate
margin for the magnet-stator laminate assembly at the expected operating temperature. Two higher-
temperature epoxies, Master Bond EP33 and Master Bond Supreme 10HT, were also studied as possible
alternatives having higher bond strength at the operating temperature.
The organic adhesives and insulators were not tested specifically for radiation tolerance; however,
some limited tests were performed on the Xylan (Metal Coatings Corporation) coating. Literature
searches were conducted and vendors were contacted to evaluate compatibility with the SRG110
requirements, and expertise was provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In all cases, there was
evidence that the selected materials could survive the SRG110 requirement of 50 Krad (Si) behind
1.5 mm aluminum. Radiation tolerance for missions such as Europa, which could reach 4 Mrad (Si)
behind 2.5 mm aluminum, would require further evaluation, although organic material selections were
made during the project with this goal in mind.

10% 20% 80%
30% 90% 95% 99% 100% Cured
80 50%
temperature (ºC)


Cure Temperature,

70 70%

60 d

on c

50 Re acti



0 1 10 100 1000 10000
Cure Time, minute
Cure time (min) (= 17hrs) (= 7 days)

Figure 6.—Time-temperature-transformation diagram showing

cure kinetics of 3M Scotch-Weld 2216 b/a gray epoxy.

NASA/TM—2007-214839 10
Outgassing of the organics was a concern since it could indicate decomposition of the organic, and
the gas generated could deposit on or react chemically with other components. One of the features of
Stirling testing at GRC is the ability to sample the working fluid during operation and analyzed it with an
RGA. More than 90,000 hr of operation have been accumulated, with over 23,000 hr on TDCs numbers
13 and 14 and over 9000 hr on TDCs numbers 15 and 16. The Stirling convertors were hermetically
sealed for some of these test hours, with the exception of the fill tube. The fill tube was purposely not
sealed, so that gas samples could be analyzed. Sampling of the working fluid has shown no evidence of
decomposition or outgassing of the organics. A very small amount of carbon monoxide has been
observed, which is known to adsorb to stainless steel and desorb during operation. Experience at GRC has
indicated great benefits of (1) an initial pump down and bake out of a convertor, (2) followed by
operation at a reduced temperature to suppress oxidation, (3) followed by another pump down and bake
out, and (4) then, full-temperature operation. Based on the experience with Stirling cryocoolers in flight
and terrestrial application and operating experience at GRC, it appears that outgassing or decomposition
of the organics in a Stirling convertor will not be an issue for flight.

Magnets and Linear Alternators

Long life and reliable performance require the magnets of the linear alternator to maintain their
properties throughout the mission. Characterization tests were performed on 1-cm cubes of candidate
neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnet materials from various vendors. The remanence, intrinsic
coercivity and the magnetization were measured for each of the samples over the temperature range of
20 to 140 °C. The purpose of this test was to verify performance of the magnet material against vendor
Following characterization, the preferred magnet types were selected for a 200-hr, short-term aging
test, with the samples exposed to a field of –5.0 kOe and at 150 °C, conditions far in excess of expected
convertor operating conditions and chosen to accelerate any possible aging. Short-term aging tests and
initial results are discussed in Niedra (2001). Magnet grades that demonstrated minimal change in
properties during the short-term test were then evaluated in a long-term aging test. The long-term test
exposed the magnets to a field of –6.0 kOe at 120 °C, conditions somewhat in excess of SRG110
convertor operating conditions to add some test margin. Long-term aging tests of 18,000 hr were
completed on two NdFeB magnet grades; additional tests were underway when the project was redirected.
The hardware for magnet aging tests is shown in figure 7. Magnets are used in long-life cryocoolers that
operate at similar conditions, and thus far, the cryocoolers and the convertors under extended operation
test at GRC have not shown signs of degradation. A magnet paddle and testing technique has been
developed to characterize the material of a curved magnet as would be used in the alternator, and initial
test results indicate that the technique is able to properly characterize the curved magnets.

Magnet cube Magnet test


(a) Magnet sample being inserted for test (b) Aging fixture in electromagnet

Figure 7.—Magnet aging test capability to support Stirling development at GRC.

NASA/TM—2007-214839 11
NdFeB Grade 1 Onset of Demag.

Alternator Terminal Voltage


74 Onset of Demag.
NdFeB Grade 2


72 Predicted
Demagnetization 117°C 132°C
71 Temperatures

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

Elevated Magnet Temperature (°C)

Figure 8.—Comparison of linear alternator demagnetization test

results with predictions for two NdFeB magnet grades.

While the magnet characterization tests and aging tests provided data on the strength and
demagnetization resistance of the magnet material, a parallel effort developed the capability to predict
accurately how the magnets were stressed during operation. Techniques in magnetostatic finite element
analysis were developed that predict either two-dimensional or three-dimensional stress states within each
magnet. The analysis was validated by demagnetization tests in which the linear alternators were operated
at increasing temperatures on an alternator test rig (ATR) until demagnetization was sensed. The analysis
and data agreed within the measurement accuracy and variances of the magnet material properties, as
shown in figure 8. The overall performance of a TDC linear alternator was also characterized on the ATR.
The magnet aging and linear alternator evaluation efforts are discussed by Geng et al. (2001) and Geng,
Niedra, and Schwarze (2005).

Structural Dynamics and Launch Environments

The ability of a Stirling convertor to survive launch loads, while mounted in a generator, was
unknown when the 1999 Technology Readiness Assessment prompted the vibration test of TDC
number 1. Only the Stirling convertor was vibration tested, since a generator design had not been
sufficiently developed. The Stirling convertor was tested up to 12.3 g (0.2 g2/Hz) in the GRC Structural
Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), in both the lateral and axial directions relative to the convertor piston
motion. This was the level specified for input to the generator. This test made no assumptions about
amplification or attenuation of the vibration by the generator housing. The results of these initial tests are
discussed by Goodnight, Hughes, and McNelis (2000).
Since that time, six additional vibration tests have been performed on relevant Stirling convertors.
Two significant design changes were made to the SRG110 generator design, based in part on results from
these tests and launch load considerations (Hill et al., 2005). First, the Stirling convertors were connected
to one another structurally at the aft end of the pressure vessels to eliminate rotation around the cold
flanges that serve as the mounting structure between the Stirling convertors and the generator housing.
The two convertors act as a single structure, mounted to the generator housing by the two cold flanges.
Figure 9 shows an example of the response of the design prior to this change compared to the response
with the connecting tube. The second change was the development of a compliant interface between the
spacecraft and the generator.
A simulator of the generator and the spacecraft interface was developed to verify the approach and
validate the analytical models. The generator simulator was tested at the GRC SDL in August 2005. Mass

NASA/TM—2007-214839 12
(a) Original configuration of generator

(b) Configuration with connecting tube

Figure 9.—Comparison of response of Stirling

convertors with original mounting and improved
mounting configurations (displacements
exaggerated for clarity).

Hard Mount Flight* Level Isolation Mount Flight Level

Isolation Mount Flight +4.8 dB * Scaled ¼ Flight Data
Lateral Response / Allowable

Inboard Inboard SCA Outboard Outboard
Figure 10.—TDC mass simulators
attached to a common pressure Tube
*Scaled 1/4 Flight Data
vessel in preparation for vibration
test. Figure 11.—Lateral response of SRG110 simulator test
article in hard-mounted and isolation-mounted
configurations; SCA: Stirling convertor assembly.

models of the TDCs were used in this test, mounted inside a cylindrical housing that simulated the
SRG110 generator. The TDC mass models were accurate, since they were assembled with actual TDC
components. They were connected to one another structurally, as shown in figure 10. The generator
simulator was an aluminum tube designed to have dynamic characteristics representative of the SRG110
beryllium housing. Mass models of the GPHS modules were located as they would be in the actual
generator, thus providing realistic loading on the generator and the Stirling convertors.
Tests were run up to 15.1 g (flight level + 4.8 dB) (peak input 0.3 g2/Hz), and the test data confirmed
the analytical predictions. The rotation of the Stirling convertors was essentially eliminated by connecting
the convertors in one subassembly, mounted inside the generator. The preload needed on the GPHS
modules was maintained throughout the test. This test also demonstrated the feasibility of using a
spacecraft interface mount with tuned isolation, as a method to reduce the response of the generator.
Response levels were two to nine times lower with this mount than with the hard-mounted configuration,
as shown in figure 11. The hard mount flight-level values are scaled from the ¼-flight level test, as tests

NASA/TM—2007-214839 13
could not be run at higher levels in this configuration without exceeding component allowables. The test
proved that the generator simulator mounted on the spacecraft interface could withstand vibration up to
15.1 g (0.3 g2/Hz). The results for this test are discussed by Lewandowski et al. (2006).

Limited effort has been undertaken on EMI due in part to EMI being an integrated system issue. The
tests performed to date have generally been intended to support the SRG110 requirement of MIL–STD–
461E, with a modest effort at investigating means to lower the EMI. Three tests have been conducted:
(1) 1999 EMI test at GRC that was a part of the Technology Readiness Assessment, (2) 2001 test at GRC
to characterize the magnetic field from a TDC, and (3) 2005 test conducted at JPL to investigate electric
and magnetic field emissions and methods to reduce the emissions.
In the 1999 test, GRC and JPL measured radiated emissions from TDCs numbers 1 and 2 in the GRC
EMI facility (Sargent, 2001). The TDCs were designed with no consideration for EMI, yet it was
concluded that the emissions of the TDCs would meet the requirements for the Europa Orbiter and Pluto
Kuiper Express missions, but not for the Solar Probe mission (Furlong and Shaltens, 2000).
The 2001 magnetic field characterization test was conducted at GRC to aid in developing an initial
strategy for emissions management. The tests used TDCs numbers 5 and 6. Tests were conducted with
two controllers, one with harmonic content in the current, and the other with a resistive load resulting in
very little harmonic content. The emissions did not vary greatly between the two controllers. The AC
magnetic field emission was found to be below that allowed by MIL–STD–461E.
The 2005 test conducted at JPL with TDC number 7 measured the magnetic and electric DC and low-
frequency emissions. The low-frequency, electric field tests showed that the emissions were below the
levels set by most flight instruments and were primarily due to unshielded cables. The low-frequency,
magnetic field emissions were dominated by the 80 Hz operating frequency; 0.5 mm of mumetal
shielding reduced the emissions at 1 m by about 20 dBpT. The DC magnetic field was reduced to less
than 10 nT, at 1 m with shielding. The conclusion was that the emissions appeared to be able to be
reduced to acceptable levels with proper shielding.

The most fundamental requirement for a space power system is reliability. Since it is difficult to
prove life of a device that has no wear-out mechanisms, the reliability effort was multi-faceted. It
included classic methods such as failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA); reliability
block diagrams; and fault tree analysis. Probabilistic techniques were applied to many of the critical
components. Extended operation tests were conducted to investigate life and reliability. Also, the
experience that has been accumulated by cryocoolers in both terrestrial and space applications was
studied to find relevant information. The GRC reliability efforts were complementary to and coordinated
with the overall LM reliability effort.
A FMECA of the TDC was constructed, and no items were found to be fundamentally lacking in
development for the long-life application. Most of the items were addressed by updates to process and
inspection procedures, ultimately improving the quality control. This is similar to the experience for the
long-life cryocoolers.
Probabilistic analysis was used at GRC on many of the components, with the first being the heater
head since it is known that this component will creep and therefore age. This analysis is described in
detail under the section on Heater Head Life Assessment. Probabilistic analysis was then performed on
other components, including the flexures, magnets, fasteners, and regenerator (Shah et al., 2005a; 2005b).
In each case, a model of the component was created, and the influences of all key parameters that could
affect proper operation of the component were studied. The parameters that may have a random variation
include material properties, physical dimensions, and operating conditions. These analyses utilized, in
part, the test results and understanding gained in the various project tasks; in essence, most all GRC tasks

NASA/TM—2007-214839 14
were aimed at improving reliability. No cases were found in which the life requirement of greater than 14
years was unable to be met with high reliability. An effort was also begun at GRC to combine the
individual probabilistic reliability analyses into a single probabilistic reliability projection for the
complete Stirling convertor. This can be complex as there can be significant interaction among the
components and subassemblies. Determination of the method to obtain this convertor probabilistic
reliability projection is being continued as part of the ASRG effort.

From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported the development of a
high-efficiency, nominal 110-We Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for potential use on NASA
missions, including deep space missions, Mars rovers, and lunar applications. Project highlights over this
period were described in this report and include: (1) over 23,000 hr of extended-duration, in-air testing of
two Stirling convertors in a dual-opposed configuration, including working fluid sampling throughout the
testing; (2) over 10,000 hr of extended-duration testing of two Stirling convertors in a thermal vacuum
environment; (3) heater head life assessment, including probabilistic analysis, which showed a life of
24.9 yr with 99.9 percent probability of survival ; (4) 18,000-hr magnet aging characterization on typical
neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets; (5) linear alternator demagnetization analysis and
verification testing; (6) structural dynamics testing of a single convertor to 12.3 g in both lateral and axial
directions to evaluate robustness for the launch environment; (7) structural dynamics testing of a
simulated generator to 15.1 g and 0.3 g2/Hz maximum; (8) physics-based reliability evaluations of various
convertor components; and (9) development and verification of a system dynamic model that includes
Stirling engine thermodynamics, linear alternator, convertor mounting, controller, and load.
Key findings include: (1) no degradation in performance in extended operation of hermetically-sealed
convertors, (2) no convertor issues found for operation in a thermal vacuum environment, (3) generator
should be capable of withstanding launch vibrations up to 15.1 g and 0.3 g2/Hz, (4) EMI/EMC levels
should be sufficient for most science missions with some mass penalty for shields, (5) reliability studies
and supporting technical efforts showed no cases for which the life requirement of greater than 14 yr
could not be met with high reliability, and (6) no fundamental barriers found that would preclude use of
the Stirling convertor for long life, radioisotope space power applications. Related efforts are now
continuing in many of these areas to support the development of the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope
Generator with significantly higher specific power.

1. Bowman, R.R., “Long-Term Creep Assessment of a Thin-Walled Inconel 718 Stirling Power-
Convertor Heater Head,” in the proceedings of 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Savannah, GA, 2001, paper no.
2. Cockfield, R.D. and Chan, T.S., “Stirling Radioisotope Generator for Mars Surface and Deep Space
Missions,” in the proceedings of 37th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2002, paper no. 20188.
3. Furlong, R. and Shaltens, R., Technology Assessment of DOE's 55-We Stirling Technology
Demonstration Convertor (TDC), NASA/TM—2000-210509, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH, 2000.
4. Geng, S.M., Schwarze, G.E., Niedra, J.M., and Regan, T.F., A 3-D Magnetic Analysis of a Stirling
Convertor Linear Alternator Under Load, NASA/TM—2001-211084, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH, 2001.

NASA/TM—2007-214839 15
5. Geng, S.M., Schwarze, G.E., and Niedra, J.M., Overview of NASA Magnet and Linear Alternator
Research Efforts, NASA/TM—2005-213411, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2005.
6. Goodnight, T.W., Hughes, W.O., and McNelis, M.E., Dynamic Capability of an Operating Stirling
Convertor, NASA/TM—2000-210527, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2000.
7. Hill, D. et al., “Dynamic Characterization of STC Stirling Convertor and Improved Mechanical
Integration in SRG110 Power System,” in the proceedings of 3rd International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Reston, VA, 2005, AIAA–2005–5746.
8. Krause, D.L. and Kantzos, P.T., Accelerated Life Structural Benchmark Testing for a Stirling
Convertor Heater Head, NASA/TM—2006-214267, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH,
9. Krause, D.L., Kalluri, S., and Bowman, R.R., “Structural Benchmark Testing for Stirling Convertor
Heater Heads,” in the proceedings of Space Technology and Applications International Forum
(STAIF-2007), edited by M.S. El-Genk, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, 2007.
10. Lewandowski, E.J. and Regan, T.F., Overview of the GRC Stirling Convertor System Dynamic
Model, NASA/CR—2004-213366, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2004.
11. Lewandowski, E.J. et al., “SRG110 Stirling Generator Dynamic Simulator Vibration Test Results and
Analysis Correlation,” in the proceedings of 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2006, AIAA–2006–
12. Niedra, J.M., Short-Term Aging of NeFeB Magnets for Stirling Linear Alternator Applications,
NASA/CR—2001-210952, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2001.
13. Oriti, S.M., Extended Operation of Stirling Convertors in a Thermal Vacuum Environment,
NASA/TM—2006-213984, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2006.
14. Regan, T.F. and Lewandowski, E.J., Application of the GRC Stirling Convertor System Dynamic
Model, NASA/CR—2004-213364, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2004.
15. Roth, M.E., Schreiber, J.G., and Pepper, S.V., Extended Operation of Stirling Convertors,
NASA/TM—2004-213388, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2004.
16. Sargent, N.B., The Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Challenge for Scientific Spacecraft
Powered by a Stirling Power Converter, NASA/CR—2001-210945, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH, 2001.
17. Schreiber, J.G. and Thieme, L.G., “Accomplishments of the NASA GRC Stirling Technology
Development Project,” in the proceedings of 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2004, AIAA–2004–
18. Schreiber, J.G., “Developmental Considerations on the Free-Piston Stirling Power Convertor for Use
in Space,” in the proceedings of 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2006a, AIAA–2006–4015.
19. Schreiber, J.G., “Summary of Stirling Convertor Testing at GRC,” in the proceedings of 4th
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2006b, AIAA–2006–4061.
20. Shah, A., Halford, G.R., and Korovaichuk, I., Reliability Based Life Assessment of Stirling Convertor
Heater Head, NASA/TM—2004-213077, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2004.
21. Shah, A. et al., “Reliability of Radioisotope Stirling Convertor Linear Alternator,” in the proceedings
of Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF–2005), edited by M.S. El-Genk,
AIP Conference Proceedings 746, Melville, NY, 2005a, pp. 641–647.
22. Shah, A.R. et al., “Stirling Convertor Fastener Reliability Quantification,” in the Proceedings of 3rd
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2005b, AIAA–2006–5507.

NASA/TM—2007-214839 16
23. Thieme, L.G. and Schreiber, J.G., NASA GRC Technology Development Project for a Stirling
Radioisotope Power System, NASA/TM—2000-210246, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
OH, 2000.
24. Thieme, L.G. Schreiber, J.G., and Mason, L.S., Stirling Technology Development at NASA GRC,
NASA/TM—2002-211315/REV1, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2002.
25. Thieme, L.G., and Schreiber, J.G., Supporting Development for the Stirling Radioisotope Generator
and Advanced Stirling Technology Development at NASA GRC, NASA/TM—2005-213409, NASA
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2005.

NASA/TM—2007-214839 17
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14-06-2007 Technical Memorandum
Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology Development Project for the
110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110)



Schreiber, Jeffrey, G.; Thieme, Lanny, G.


WBS 138494.04.01.01
National Aeronautics and Space Administration REPORT NUMBER
John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field E-16053
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191


National Aeronautics and Space Administration ACRONYM(S)
Washington, DC 20546-0001 NASA
Subject Category: 20
Available electronically at
This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 301-621-0390


From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported the development of a high-efficiency, nominal 110-We Stirling
Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for potential use on NASA missions, including deep space missions, Mars rovers, and lunar applications.
Lockheed Martin (LM) was the system integrator for the SRG110, under contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). Infinia Corporation
(formerly Stirling Technology Company) developed the Stirling convertor, first as a contractor to DOE and then under subcontract to LM.
The SRG110 development has been redirected, and recent program changes have been made to significantly increase the specific power of
the generator. System development of an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) has now begun, using a lightweight, advanced
convertor from Sunpower, Inc. This paper summarizes the results of the supporting technology effort that GRC completed for the SRG110.
GRC tasks included convertor extended-duration testing in air and thermal vacuum environments, heater head life assessment, materials
studies, permanent magnet aging characterization, linear alternator evaluations, structural dynamics testing, electromagnetic interference
(EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) characterization, organic materials evaluations, reliability studies, and development of an
end-to-end system dynamic model. Related efforts are now continuing in many of these areas to support ASRG development.
Stirling; Radioisotope; Space power; Reliability; Organics; Magnets; EMI/EMC; Structural dynamics

ABSTRACT OF Jeffrey G. Schreiber
a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGES 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
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Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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