GRC Supporting Technology For NASA's Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)

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GRC Supporting Technology for NASA’s Advanced

Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)
Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

July 2008
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GRC Supporting Technology for NASA’s Advanced

Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)
Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Prepared for the

Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF–2008)
sponsored by the Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies at the University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 10–14, 2008

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Glenn Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135

July 2008

The work described in this paper was performed for the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and the Radioisotope Power
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GRC Supporting Technology for NASA’s Advanced Stirling
Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)
Jeffrey G. Schreiber and Lanny G. Thieme
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported a NASA project to develop
a high-efficiency, nominal 110-We Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for potential use on NASA
missions. Lockheed Martin was selected as the System Integration Contractor for the SRG110, under
contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). The potential applications included deep space missions,
and Mars rovers. The project was redirected in 2006 to make use of the Advanced Stirling Convertor
(ASC) that was being developed by Sunpower, Inc. under contract to GRC, which would reduce the mass
of the generator and increase the power output. This change would approximately double the specific
power and result in the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG). The SRG110 supporting
technology effort at GRC was replanned to support the integration of the Sunpower convertor and the
ASRG. This paper describes the ASRG supporting technology effort at GRC and provides details of the
contributions in some of the key areas. The GRC tasks include convertor extended-operation testing in air
and in thermal vacuum environments, heater head life assessment, materials studies, permanent magnet
characterization and aging tests, structural dynamics testing, electromagnetic interference and
electromagnetic compatibility characterization, evaluation of organic materials, reliability studies, and
analysis to support controller development.

The NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported the development of a high-efficiency, nominal
110-We Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) from 1999 until the project was redirected in 2006
(Schreiber, 2006). The SRG110 was intended for use on potential NASA Space Science missions.
Lockheed Martin (LM) was selected to be the System Integration Contractor for the SRG110 (Cockfield,
2002), under contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). Infinia Corporation (formerly Stirling
Technology Company) developed the Stirling convertor, initially under contract to DOE and then as a
subcontractor to LM. The SRG110 Qualification Unit (QU) was projected to have a specific power of
3.45 We/kg, with the generator meeting the original targets of greater than 110 We output power and a
mass of approximately 32 kg. While the generator did provide a significant increase in efficiency and
thereby a reduction in plutonium inventory required compared to alternative radioisotope generators, it
was felt that a Stirling generator would also need to improve the specific power for it to become widely
accepted for space power applications. The development was redirected by NASA HQ in March 2006, to
use the Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC) that was being developed by Sunpower, Inc. under a NASA
Research Announcement (NRA) contract with GRC (Wong, 2006). This change has resulted in the
Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) that is projected to have a specific power of 7.0 We/kg
for the QU (Chan, 2007). The greater than twofold increase in specific power of the generator has been
accomplished with as much heritage as possible being used in design and hardware from the SRG110
generator; therefore, the ASRG generator does not represent a system-level optimized design. However, it is
worth noting that the SRG110 generator and the Stirling convertors from Infinia were achieving their
programmatic goals and were on track to providing a long life, high efficiency flight generator.
GRC had established a supporting technology effort for the SRG110 project to reduce risk as the
Stirling Technology Demonstration Convertor (TDC) was transitioning from technology development

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toward flight development. In response to the redirection of the generator development effort, the GRC
supporting technology effort was replanned in response to the technologies that are used in the ASC and
how it operates within the ASRG system. This paper provides an overview of the GRC supporting
technology effort for the ASRG project. The GRC tasks include reliability analyses, extended operation
testing of convertors in air and in thermal vacuum environment, materials work in metallics and organics,
structures, analysis of controllers, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility
(EMI/EMC), advanced analysis including computational fluid dynamics (CFD), permanent magnet
characterization, and structural dynamics. All of the tasks are intended to mitigate risk as the technology
progresses towards a potential flight application, and not to enhance performance. Accomplishments from
some of the areas will be highlighted.

The Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)

The ASRG Engineering Unit (EU) generator is shown in figure 1. The purpose of the EU is to
validate the engineering of the generator and it therefore uses electrically heated simulators of the General
Purpose Heat Source (GPHS) modules. Two GPHS simulators are used; one for each of the two ASC
convertors. The generator is based on a configuration of dual-opposed convertors for dynamically balanced
operation. The generator shown has end enclosures with feed throughs for the electric heaters and
instrumentation that will be used on the EU. The QU and flight units will have a simplified end enclosure.
The ASRG EU uses one of the existing beryllium housings from the SRG110 for the outboard housing of
the generator, and a shorter housing being fabricated for the inboard end. The shorter housing was
required as the ASC’s are approximately 200 mm (8 in.) in length compared to 330 mm (13 in.) for the
SRG110 convertors. The overall dimensions for the ASRG EU are 724 mm long (28.5 in.), 457 mm high
(18 in.), and 292 mm wide (11.5 in.). Vacuum foil insulation provides superior performance for deep
space missions; however, Microtherm HT (Microtherm, Inc.) bulk insulation was selected to satisfy the
requirement for multi-mission application, in the vacuum of space or in an atmosphere as exists on Mars.
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is investigating aerogel to further enhance the specific power of the
generator. Aerogel has flight heritage on Sojourner, Mars Exploration Rovers, and Stardust for comet
sample collection. Aerogel is slightly more than half of the density of Microtherm HT, which would
result in further mass saving.
Waste heat from each ASC convertor is conducted through a cold side adapter flange (CSAF) to the
beryllium housing. Beryllium fins are attached to the corners of the housing to provide extended surface

Management Interconnect
Valve Tube
Relief Device
Spacecraft ASC (2)

Heat Source
Support (2)

End Enclosure
Inboard (2)
Radiator Fins Electric Heat Insulation
Cold-Side Controller Source (2)
Adapter Flange
Figure 1.—ASRG engineering unit with two ASC-E convertors and
showing many of the key components.

NASA/TM—2008-215196 2
to reduce the temperature at which the waste heat is rejected and thus improve cycle efficiency. The 66 mm
(2.6 in.) length of the fin remains from the SRG110 design and may be optimized in the future. The fins are
bolted to the corners of the housing where a cooling loop may also be attached if desired by the mission.

The Advanced Stirling Convertor

The ASC was developed by Sunpower, Inc. under an NRA contract managed by GRC (Wong et al.,
2006). Development of the ASC was planned to be a three-phase effort, resulting in the Frequency Test
Bed, the ASC-1, and the ASC-2 in each successive phase. The specifications for the ASC development
effort called for high efficiency and low mass, with long life consistent with a mission of up to 14 yr. At
the time that the generator development was redirected, the ASC NRA effort was in the second of the
three phases, and therefore the ASRG would make use of a derivative of ASC-1, which would become
known as the ASC-E (Shaltens, Wong, 2007). The designation of E was based on the intended use in the
generator EU (Wood et al., 2006). The NRA design was based on the use of MarM-247 for the heater
head material which allows operation up to 850 °C hot-end temperature. With this hot-end temperature
and a temperature ratio of 3.1, the efficiency of the convertor can reach nearly 40 percent from heat input
to alternating current output from the alternator. Due to the ongoing development of the MarM-247 heater
head and the time required for fabricating heater heads from that material, it was decided that the ASRG
EU would use ASC’s fabricated with Inconel 718 (IN718) heater heads, thereby limiting the hot-end
temperature to about 650 °C.
The purpose of the NRA project was to develop the power conversion technology, and did not
consider integration into a generator. The ASC-E’s required thermal, electrical, and structural interfaces
with the generator for successful system integration. A nickel heat collector was designed for the heater
head, and a copper-alloy flange was designed for heat rejection. Both were similar to the configurations
used in the SRG110 integration. Flight quality electrical feed throughs for power output from the linear
alternator were integrated into the convertor design, and a flange was added to the aft end of the pressure
vessel as a structural interface for the interconnect tube. The convertors developed under the NRA effort
had externally mounted sensors for piston position, so an internal version of the Fast Linear Displacement
Transducer (FLDT) was developed.
Three ASC-E convertors were fabricated by Sunpower and GRC and delivered in October 2007 to the
DOE/LM team for integration into the generator. Two of the convertors will be used in the EU generator,
and one will remain as a spare. The convertors were designed, fabricated, assembled, and tested to
specification in less than 20 months after redirection. Two of the convertors are shown in figure 2
following testing. They are hermetically sealed units, with all interfaces prepared for integration into the
generator. All three convertors exceeded the performance specifications, following a workmanship
vibration test at GRC.

Cold side adapter



Figure 2.—Two of the ASC-E convertors ready for

integration into the ASRG-EU generator.

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GRC Supporting Technology Development for the ASRG
The GRC supporting technology effort that addressed issues for the SRG110 has been widely
reported (Schreiber, 2006; Schreiber and Thieme, 2007). The primary purpose of the effort was to reduce
risk and enhance reliability wherever possible for the long-life generator. With the programmatic
redirection for the generator to use the ASC convertors, the GRC technology effort was replanned. Some
of the technical issues to be addressed for the ASC-E’s remained the same as for the Technology
Demonstration Convertors (TDC’s), however, others were different. The GRC technology efforts focus
on issues related to the Stirling convertor and not the generator; however, by the nature of the integrated
system, these technology issues inherently overlap. Since the technology effort supports flight
development, all of the tasks ultimately contributed to life and reliability, and do not pursue reduction in
mass or increases in efficiency.
The various tasks that are underway at GRC are outlined below. One additional task has been
undertaken by JPL, where aerogel compositions are being formulated to try to achieve a comparable
thermal property to that of Microtherm HT with greatly reduced mass. The insulation in the ASRG is
used not only to reduce heat loss during normal operation, but also to dump heat when the GPHS modules
are nearing their upper temperature limits. This is done by the insulation shrinking as the temperature
rises and heat is then radiated from the GPHS module to the beryllium housing. Aerogel shrinkage testing
at elevated temperature has been performed by JPL to demonstrate the emergency heat dump capability
required for the ASRG. To date, the Aerogel insulation has demonstrated the mass reduction that was
anticipated, and now the formulation is being tailored to reduce the thermal conductivity. At the current
state of development, the Aerogel insulation has not resulted in the significant increase in generator
specific power that was being sought.

Extended-Operation of Stirling Convertors

Operation of prototypical free-piston Stirling convertors for radioisotope generators began at the GRC
Stirling Research Laboratory (SRL) in 1999 with the arrival of a pair of TDC’s, and now continues with
operation of ASC’s. The total operating time at GRC has surpassed 146,000 hr on 14 convertors. Six
other convertors have been operated for short-term, focused tests. Many tests were performed initially to
investigate issues such as transient response, dynamic balance, operation of a thermally-imbalanced pair
of convertors, advanced controllers, and stability tests. However, due to the long-life requirement of the
application, operation of convertors at GRC has centered on extended operation to investigate any aging
effects that may exist. Over the past year, the lab has transitioned to operation of ASC’s and other
convertors containing the same technologies. Throughout these tests, there has not been any evidence of
degradation in convertor performance, other than what can be attributed to the facility or the operator.

Extended Operation of ASC Convertors

As mentioned previously, the NRA contract was planned to have three phases, resulting in the
development of the FTB’s in Phase I, the ASC-1’s in Phase II, and the ASC-2’s in Phase III. The FTB’s
were used to demonstrate operation at frequencies over 100 Hz, the ASC-1’s demonstrated operation at
hot-end temperatures up to 850 °C based on the use of a MarM-247 heater head, and Phase III will
demonstrate a hermetically sealed convertor with a MarM-247 heater head. Fabrication of additional
convertors ordered by GRC was underway as details of the ASC-E design were being completed that
addressed system integration issues. The additional convertors were based on the most current designs
that existed prior to the ASC-E, and were ordered to exercise the Quality Assurance (QA) system that was
being established at Sunpower. Since the MarM-247 heater head was still under development, it was
decided that the ASC-E’s and the additional precursor convertors would use IN 718 for the heater head.
The precursor convertors were designated ASC-0’s, indicating the use of a less advanced heater head
technology than would ultimately come out of the NRA development effort.

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Hot-end Heat
insulation Cold flange collector

Cooling collars


Figure 3.—One of the ASC-0’s showing the nickel Figure 4.—ASC-0’s operating on the test stand in
heat collector, the copper heat rejection flange, the GRC Stirling lab.
and the aluminum cooling collars.

The ASC-0 design was based on the ASC-1 of the NRA project, but included an IN718 heater head
and thermal interfaces for heat input and waste heat rejection. As shown in figure 3, a nickel heat
collector was incorporated on each heater head that could interface with an electric resistance heater for
operation in air, or a Borelectric (GE Advanced Ceramics) heater for operation in thermal vacuum. A
copper flange was incorporated to conduct waste heat from the convertor to a heat rejection system. For
operation in air, a nickel heating block is bolted to the nickel heat collector, and aluminum collars with
coolant flow passages are attached to the copper flange as shown in figure 3. For testing in a thermal
vacuum environment, a Borelectric heater is fastened to the heat collector and radiator panels are attached
to the copper heat rejection flange.
The ASC-0’s are hermetically sealed convertors, with the exception of the fill tube. It was decided
that the fill tubes would have VCR (Swagelock Company) face seal fittings so that the convertors could
interface with a gas management system that included a Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA). This feature
allows the helium working fluid to be sampled during extended operation to look for signs of aging of the
organics used in assembly of the convertor. The system takes a sufficiently small amount of helium that
the loss of convertor charge pressure is not detected by the data system. This configuration maintains the
option of sealing the fill tube at some later time to have a fully hermetic convertor. Gas analysis has not
shown an indication of decomposition; however, it has proven itself useful in developing techniques for
achieving very clean bake out of the convertors and subsequent back fill with high purity helium. A total
of four ASC-0’s were fabricated and delivered to GRC, the first pair beginning operation at GRC in
February 2007 and the second pair beginning in May of 2007.
ASC-0’s nos. 1 and 2 were operated in air for approximately 600 hr, as the performance was
characterized. A pair of ASC-0’s installed on a test stand is shown in figure 4. They were then fitted with
the heater and cooling hardware needed for operation in a thermal vacuum environment, and installed into
Vacuum Facility 67 (VF-67) at GRC. Figure 5 shows the test article including the controller, the radiator
panels, and the insulation that covers the heated section. The heating system simulates the heat generated
by a GPHS module, and the radiator panels are cooled by radiation heat transfer to the cold walls of the
vacuum facility. As of October 2007, the convertors have operated for over 4,600 hr in thermal vacuum,
for a total operating time at GRC of greater than 5,200 hr. Performance over this time has remained
unchanged. The test article will remain in extended operation in the vacuum facility until the facility is
needed for testing of other hardware. When the convertors are removed from the vacuum facility, they
will be returned to extended operation in air. The second pair of ASC-0’s, designated as nos. 3 and 4, has
been placed in extended operation in air. The convertors have accumulated approximately 800 hr and are

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Radiator facility

Hot-end insulation

Figure 5.—ASC-0’s nos. 1 and 2 in thermal vacuum

test configuration.

continuing operation. Similar to the first pair of ASC-0’s, the performance has remained unchanged
throughout the test.
Sunpower produced four ASC-1’s during the second phase of the NRA technology development
effort. Development of the ASC-1’s was intended to investigate the manufacturing issues related to use of
a MarM-247 heater head and to demonstrate operation at temperatures up to 850 °C. Accomplishing these
goals did not require the convertors to be hermetically sealed, and they are therefore sealed with o-rings.
ASC-1 nos. 3 and 4 were installed in the SRL at GRC for extended operation, with initial operation
beginning in May 2007. These convertors were based on the same mechanical design as the ASC-E’s and
make use of the same system of gas bearings for non-contacting operation. The heaters are commercially
available electric resistance heaters that use nickel-chromium resistance wire. For operation of the heater
head at 850 °C, it has been estimated, and data has confirmed, that the heating elements would operate
between 900 and 1,000 °C. To extend the life of the electric resistance heaters, a mounting system was
fabricated that includes the capability to control the atmosphere around the heating elements. This will be
used to maintain an inert gas atmosphere of argon when the heater head is operated above 650 °C. Cans
similar to those shown for the ASC-0’s operating in air support the thermal insulation for the hot end of
the convertor and are also used to contain the argon cover gas to protect the heaters. The ASC-1’s have
operated for over 1,200 hr since delivery to GRC.
A pair of convertors similar to the ASC-1’s has been fabricated by Sunpower, but with the assembly
being hermetically sealed with the exception of the fill port. These have been designated as ASC-1HS
nos. 1 and 2. Extended operation of the ASC-1HS pair should begin at GRC late in 2007. Following
characterization in air, these convertors will be moved into thermal vacuum operation as convertors
ASC-0 nos. 1 and 2 return to in-air operation.
Throughout these extended operation tests, data will be taken are regular intervals and studied to
investigate any potential aging effects. Similar to gas analysis of the working fluid, other parameters will
be monitored to check for any changes. Accelerometers are mounted on each test article and the
acceleration data are checked in magnitude and in frequency content. A system of acoustic measurements
is being investigated that will be used to characterize the acoustic signature with contact of the moving
components and compare this to the signature when the gas bearing system is functioning properly. These
data will be used to check for no change over time, and to verify that the convertors are operating at all
times with non-contacting operation.

Extended Operation of TDC’s

Extended operation of TDC’s nos. 13 through 16 continues. This was previously described in
Schreiber and Thieme (2007). While these convertors are somewhat different in configuration from those

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being integrated into the ASRG, they do contain some of the same features as used in the ASC-E’s.
Specifically, the magnets are very similar, and some of the organics, including thread locker, adhesives,
and surface treatments, are similar or identical to those used in the ASC-E’s. Continuous operation of
these convertors has been maintained, and gas sample analyses continue. TDC’s nos. 13 and 14 surpassed
32,000 hr in September 2007, with only facility issues causing any down time. These convertors continue
to show no signs of performance degradation other than what can be most likely attributed to oxidation of
the regenerators early in the test program, which was found to be due to permeation of atmospheric air
into the convertors through the o-rings. The gas sample analyses also are showing no indication of
decomposition of the organics or any other chemical processes. TDC’s nos. 15 and 16 surpassed
18,000 hr of operation in September 2007 and similarly had no down time other than that due to facility
issues. No failures or otherwise anomalous operation has been found that could be attributed to the
TDC’s, and extended operation is continuing as part of the ASRG effort.
TDC’s nos. 5 and 6 had been operated previously in the VF-67 that ASC-0 nos. 1 and 2 now occupy
(Oriti, 2006). After completing the 10,000-hour test, the TDC’s were removed from the vacuum facility to
begin preparation for the upcoming test of ASC’s. After numerous facility issues and support equipment
issues were resolved, the TDC’s operated reliably in the vacuum facility. As of October 2007, over
126,000 hr of operation has been accumulated on TDC’s at GRC with no failures or change in
performance, other than that attributed to operator error.

Heater Head Life Assessment

Heater head life is a critical element for achieving the 17-yr life of the convertor. The heater head is a
thin-walled pressure vessel fabricated from IN718 for the ASC-E convertors and operating at a hot-end
temperature of 640 °C. The heater heads of the ASC-E2 convertors, to be used in the second-generation
ASRG, will be made from MarM-247. This material was selected based on a GRC-screening study of a
wide range of superalloys; this work is described by Bowman, Ritzert, and Freedman (2003). The hot-end
operating temperature for the ASC-E2’s has not yet been determined but could be as high as 850 °C. The
MarM-247 material is expected to significantly increase the operating margins on the heater head,
compared to IN718, which was being operated very near its maximum use temperature in the ASC-E’s.
GRC materials and structures personnel have developed an approach to characterize the long-term
durability of the heater head. This involves both deterministic and probabilistic methods, material creep
data based on GRC uniaxial creep testing, an extensive long-term creep and creep-rupture database (up to
87,000 hr) for IN718 using data from the Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL), and heater head
structural benchmark tests to factor in the true biaxial stress state and validate the analytical models.
Uncertainties and variations in the material properties, the heater head geometry, and the convertor
operating conditions are considered in the probabilistic analysis.
A linear elastic finite element analysis was completed for the ASC-E heater head geometry, and a
preliminary probabilistic life assessment was performed. For different hot-end temperatures, allowable
stresses were determined that achieve greater than 17-yr life with 0.999 probability-of-survival. The
overall result was that the ASC-E heater head dome and tapered-wall thicknesses were increased to meet
the required life at 640 °C. Efforts are now fully focused on the MarM-247 material.
Uniaxial creep testing is being completed on fine-grain (Microcast), medium-grain (conventional
casting), and large-grain MarM-247. The large-grain test samples were provided by Pratt & Whitney
Rocketdyne (PWR). Sample thicknesses vary from 0.25 to 1 mm, and tests have been conducted at
temperatures ranging from 750 to 927 °C and over a stress range of 68 to 276 MPa (10 to 40 ksi). Over
215,000 hr of total creep testing have been completed, with a maximum of over 23,700 hr on a single
sample (ongoing test at 850 °C and 138 MPa (20 ksi) for a medium-grain sample). Recently, creep tests
have begun on samples taken from Microcast near-net-shape castings. The final selection of grain size for
the ASC-E2 heater head will be based on the creep test data, helium permeability testing, and machining

NASA/TM—2008-215196 7
Susceptor Heater head

Laser micrometer
(a) Susceptor and laser micrometers. (b) Test heater head with thermocouples.

Figure 6.—Heater head structural benchmark test rig.

The first heater head structural benchmark test facility for testing ASC heater heads is nearing
completion. The test setup is shown in figures 6 (a) and (b). Figure 6 (a) depicts the susceptor and laser
micrometers for measuring diameter of the heater head. Figure 6 (b) shows a close-up view of the
thermocoupled heater head. A second test facility is also being constructed. The first test article will be a
large-grain MarM-247 heater head shell (pressure vessel only), that was originally built as a machining
trial specimen. Once the final MarM-247 material has been selected and the heater head design approved
for the ASC-E2, both a heater head shell and a full-up heater head will be fabricated for structural
benchmark testing. The full-up heater head will include an external heat collector, which transfers heat
from the heat source to the heater head, and an internal heat acceptor, which contains the Stirling heater
helium passages.
Previous heater head creep testing performed at GRC for the SRG110 project relied on increased
internal pressure to accelerate creep deformation. This experimental method produced data under just one
stress-temperature condition for each generally lengthy test. GRC has now developed a “cascade” test
procedure for ASC accelerated structural testing. Cascade testing, so-called for the cascade of
experimental creep rates produced by a single test article over a wide range of stresses and at the
temperature of interest, subjects a large volume of material to creep strain measurement. The method uses
an inductively heated silicon carbide susceptor to generate uniform temperature over a major portion of
the test article’s tapered wall. In this way, internal pressure creates a multitude of biaxial stress ranges at
the desired temperature: near the heat acceptor, the thicker wall results in a lower biaxial stress state, and,
toward the cold rejector end, the thinner wall produces higher biaxial stresses. Two diametral
extensometers, located 90° apart, will measure real-time, gage-area strains at a critical hot-end location.
In addition, two laser micrometers will be used to make periodic diameter measurements at discrete axial
locations. Hot scans will record diameters at five axial locations approximately once a week. Room-
temperature scans will be made at about ten axial locations during planned and unplanned shutdowns,
with these scans being made at least once a month. Heater head structural benchmark testing is described
in more detail by Krause, Kalluri, and Bowman (2007).
Analysis has been completed of the GRC creep strain versus time data obtained from uniaxial creep
testing of thick and thin specimens of the fine-grain Microcast MarM-247 material, which is the leading
candidate for the ASC-E2 heater head. A creep model was developed that will first be used to perform
deterministic, non-linear creep analysis of the heater head. This will be followed by a heater head
probabilistic life analysis. Structural benchmark test results on the actual heater head and heater head shell
will be factored into the life analysis, as data become available, to include the biaxial creep effects and
validate the analysis.

NASA/TM—2008-215196 8
Materials Studies
Material studies are underway in multiple areas to ensure high reliability of the Stirling convertor.
Some of these tasks are in their early stages, and few results are available; therefore, a brief outline of the
activities will be presented. A few long-term creep samples remain under test from the SRG110 effort
with much of the attention now being devoted to characterizing MarM-247. MarM-247 has been selected
for future ASC builds primarily because it offers significant operating margin compared to IN718. MarM-
247 has a much higher temperature capability and is therefore not as sensitive to changes in the operating
point. With the higher temperature capability, the operating temperature of future ASC’s could be raised
to approximately 850 °C, although there are diminishing returns at the generator level as hot-end
temperatures are increased. Initial characterization has been based on uniaxial creep tests at three grain
sizes. This test investigates the possibility of grain size influencing creep characteristics, as was found for
IN718. As the data are accumulated, a selection will be made of the preferred grain that ensures long life
with robust margin.
To further mitigate risk, a test rig has been designed and is being fabricated to characterize
permeation of helium through a MarM-247 heater head. At the high hot end operating temperature, some
relatively small amount of helium permeates through the heater head. For the IN718 heater head, it was
determined by analysis that the loss of helium over a 14-year mission resulted in an immeasurable change
in Stirling convertor performance. For the permeability testing, a MarM-247 heater head will be brazed to
a stainless steel plug that will allow pressurization of the internal cavity of the head. The test fixture has
been designed such that a vacuum can be pulled in the cavity around the outside of the heater head, and
an RGA will be used to monitor the presence of helium in the surrounding cavity. The purpose of this test
is to provide data to ensure reliability similar or better than that with the IN718.
As the hot-end temperature of the convertor is increased to take advantage of the capability of
MarM-247, other features need to be studied to maintain reliability. Internal to the heater head, the heat
acceptor and the displacer will operate at higher temperature, as will the heat collector on the outside.
Higher-temperature, nickel-based superalloys are used for the displacer, and joining techniques must be
evaluated to determine the life of braze joints. Typically, diffusion bonding is considered when
temperatures are too high for long-life, high-reliability braze joints.
The ASC-E’s with IN718 heater heads attach the heater head to the transition of the ASC-E by laser
welding. This is not possible with a MarM-247 heater head, so another joining technique was needed. An
inertia-welded joint was originally pursued under the ASC NRA effort, and proved to be successful. The
MarM-247 head was inertia welded to an IN718 component, which could then be laser welded to the
IN718 transition. An alternate method was developed at GRC that brazes a ring of IN625 to the heater
head, which is then laser welded to the IN718 transition. Samples have been made and tested to verify
sealing at proof pressure; however, full MarM-247 heater heads based on this fabrication technique
remain to be tested in operating convertors.
Other activities in support of the ASC development include further refinement of regenerators made
with oxidation-resistant materials and with techniques that eliminate shedding of fibers, evaluation of
techniques for pinching and sealing the fill tube, exposure of Resistance Temperature Detectors to elevated
temperatures to characterize potential aging effects, alternative materials that provide improved matching of
thermal expansion coefficients of running components, and measurements of heater head grain texture.

Evaluation of Convertor Organics

Organic materials are used in limited amounts in the Stirling convertor, primarily in the linear
alternator for such uses as electrical insulation, potting compounds, and structural bonding, and as a
surface in close clearance seals where there might be temporary contact of moving parts. Organics
characteristics being evaluated by the GRC Polymers branch include outgassing, magnet bond strength,
thermal stability, long-term aging, and radiation tolerance. Resolutions of any organics material-
processing issues that come up during convertor fabrication are also supported.

NASA/TM—2008-215196 9
Samples of each organic used in the ASC were received from Sunpower. The outgassing potential of
each material was assessed using a methodology based on normalized weight loss measurements, as
determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The typical bakeout used during ASC processing was
completed for each sample. The outgassing characteristics for all the organics after bakeout were within
the acceptable range. Short-term thermal stability tests were also completed. Most organics were
thermally stable to 200 °C or higher, and the thermal stability of all organics exceeded the maximum
operating temperature of 125 °C with margin.
Cure kinetics testing was completed on Hysol EA9394 epoxy, used in the ASC for bonding magnets
and lamination stacks and potting the linear alternator coil. A cure cycle was recommended based on the
time-temperature-transformation diagram developed from the cure kinetics testing and outgassing
characteristics. Mixing parameters were also optimized, based on the degree of epoxy cure, phase
separation, and minimization of outgassing and trapped voids. Various parameters for both hand mixing
and mixing with a Thinky mixer were evaluated, including mass of the epoxy resin, mixing time, ratio of
revolution to rotation frequency for both Thinky mixing and defoaming, vacuum degassing time, and
mixing sequence. An optimized sample achieved with the Thinky mixer is compared to hand-mixed
samples in figure 7.
A long-term aging test was recently initiated for key ASC organic materials, including Hysol EA9394
and the FLDT potting epoxy. Test samples were randomly distributed into four sets for three aging times
and a baseline control. The sorted samples were loaded into three pressure vessels, one each for four-
month, one-year, and two-year aging. The pressure vessels were then installed in the aging test setup in a
high-temperature oven. A vacuum was initially applied to the test samples in all three pressure vessels for
an hour, and then they were heated to 115 °C and baked/dried overnight under the vacuum. The final test
conditions were then established by pressurizing the pressure vessels with ultra-pure (99.999 percent)
helium to 515 psig and heating to the aging temperature of 125 °C. Following completion of each aging
period, test samples will be characterized and used for static bond strength, fatigue, and thermo-
mechanical fatigue testing.
Nearly two years of aging were completed on 3M Scotch-Weld (3M Company) 2216 B/A Gray and
Master Bond Supreme 10HT epoxies that were under consideration in the previous SRG110 project.
Samples have been characterized for four-month and one-year aging, and characterization of the two-year
samples is now underway. These two epoxies represent classes of epoxies with low- and high-glass
transition temperatures, and this work is continuing to give an early idea of aging of the Hysol EA9394
epoxy. Epoxies with similar glass transition temperatures are expected to have similar aging
characteristics in terms of bond strength.
Test samples are now being prepared for magnet bond strength testing to be done at both GRC and
Cincinnati Testing Laboratories of Cincinnati, OH. Testing will include both static bond strength and
fatigue testing. Short-term accelerated aging tests will also be completed by GRC. Radiation effects are
initially being evaluated through a literature study. Radiation exposure testing will be done in the future in
conjunction with the Fission Surface Power project, which is evaluating higher-power Stirling convertors
for lunar and Mars surface applications.

(a) Epoxy sample from thinky mixer. (b) Epoxy sample from hand mixing. (c) Epoxy sample from hand mixing.
Figure 7.—Epoxy samples from optimized process with thinky mixer compared to hand mixing.

NASA/TM—2008-215196 10
Magnets and Linear Alternators
Long-life testing of candidate magnet samples continues. Techniques for characterizing and testing
for potential aging effects have been reported by Geng, Niedra, and Schwarze (2005). Tests were
performed on 1-cm cube samples to characterize the performed of the magnet material selected for the
ASC-E. The magnets are high performance neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets that provide margin
under all operating conditions. The remanence, intrinsic coercivity and magnetization were measured for
each of the samples over the temperature range of 20 to 140 °C. These tests are used to verify the
performance of the magnet material against vendor specifications and to check for consistency of the
Following characterization, the selected magnet grade underwent a 200-hour, short-term aging test,
with the samples exposed to a field of –5.0 kOe and at 150 °C. These conditions exceed the expected
operating conditions of the convertor and were chosen to accentuate any possible aging effects. Magnet
grades need to demonstrate minimal to no change in properties during the short-term test and are then
candidates for a long-term aging test. The long-term test is exposing the magnets to a –9.0 kOe
demagnetizing field at 130 °C in a helium environment. This condition is in excess of what would be
expected in the ASRG system to demonstrate margin. The long-term aging test is planned for 18,000 hr.
As of October 2007, approximately 7,000 hr of the test have been completed.
In anticipation of potential higher-temperature operation, as would exist at some locations on the
lunar surface, a long-term magnet aging test of five Samarium-Cobalt (SmCo) magnet samples from two
different vendors has been initiated on a second test rig. In this test, the magnets are maintained at a
temperature of 250 °C in a helium environment while being exposed to a constant external
demagnetization field of -9 kOe. The magnets have now been under test for over 2,000 hr of the planned
18,000-hr duration.

All of the aforementioned efforts were created to mitigate risk and address reliability for the long-life
application. Stirling convertors of this general type, based on non-contacting operation and the
elimination of wear mechanisms by design, prove challenging when establishing life and reliability.
While components can be tested at accelerated conditions, the full operating Stirling convertor cannot.
Because of this, the GRC reliability effort has been formulated to be multi-faceted. It makes use of classic
techniques such as failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA); reliability block diagrams;
and fault tree analyses. It also includes probabilistic techniques that are applied to many of the key
components such as the heater head. Extended operation of convertors provides further data regarding
potential aging effects. The approach follows a sequence of (1) identifying risks and failure modes, (2)
characterizing the failure modes, (3) mitigating the risks associated with each failure mode to a level
where (4) the resulting risk can be accepted.
Assessing reliability of the ASC can also rely on experience and data gained from cryocoolers that are
used on a variety of spacecraft and ones that are based on the same technology (Ross, 2005). Data from
Super Conductor Technology (O’Baid, 2004) and from the company web site indicates more than
120,000,000 hr of operation with over 5,000 units in the field, and a demonstrated mean time between
failure of greater than 1,000,000 hr for a cryocooler based on much of the same technology as the ASC.
This technology has also been used in space on the RHESSI mission. The cryocooler on RHESSI has
operated continuously since February of 2002 and has accumulated over 50,000 hr in space, in addition to
the greater than 16,000 hr of operation prior to launch.

NASA GRC continues to support the transition of Stirling power conversion technology as it
progresses towards flight development. Tasks at GRC have transitioned from supporting the TDC-based

NASA/TM—2008-215196 11
SRG110 generator to the ASC-based ASRG generator. The tasks have the overall goal of mitigating risk
and enhancing reliability for the long-life application. Project highlights of the redirected effort were
described in this report and include over 15,000 hr of accumulated extended operating testing of ASC
convertors in air and in thermal vacuum environment, heater head life assessment, including structural
benchmark testing, and magnet aging characterization on neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets.
Numerous materials-related efforts were also described in the areas of metallics and organics.

1. Bowman, R. and Ritzert, F., and Freedman, M., Evaluation of Candidate Materials for a High-
Temperature Stirling Convertor Heater Head, NASA/TM—2003-212734, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH, 2003.
2. Chan, J., Wood, J.G., and Schreiber, J.G., “Development of Advanced Stirling Radioisotope
Generator for Space Exploration,” in the proceedings of Space Technology and Applications
International Forum (STAIF–2007), edited by M.S. El-Genk, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville,
NY, 2007.
3. Cockfield, R.D. and Chan, T.S., “Stirling Radioisotope Generator for Mars Surface and Deep Space
Missions,” in the proceedings of 37th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2002, paper no. 20188.
4. Geng, S.M., Schwarze, G.E., and Niedra, J.M., Overview of NASA Magnet and Linear Alternator
Research Efforts, NASA/TM—2005-213411, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2005.
5. Krause, D.L., Kalluri, S., and Bowman, R.R., “Structural Benchmark Testing for Stirling Convertor
Heater Heads,” in the proceedings of Space Technology and Applications International Forum
(STAIF–2007), edited by M.S. El-Genk, AIP Conference Proceedings 880, Melville, NY, 2007.
6. O’Baid, A., Fiedler, A., and Karandikar, A., “STI’s Solution for High Quantity Production of Stirling
Coolers,” in Proceedings of Cryocoolers 13, New Orleans, LA, 2004.
7. Oriti, S.M., Update on Extended Operation of Stirling Convertors in Thermal Vacuum at NASA
Glenn Research Center, NASA/TM—2006-214424, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH,
8. Ross, R.G., “Aerospace Coolers: a 50-Year Quest for Long-life Cryogenic Cooling in Space,” in the
Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Keystone, CO, 2005.
9. Schreiber, J.G., “Developmental Considerations on the Free-Piston Stirling Power Convertor for Use
in Space,” in the proceedings of 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2006, AIAA–2006–4015.
10. Schreiber, J.G., and Thieme, L.G., “Final Results for the GRC Supporting Technology Development
Project for the 110-Watt Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110),” in the proceedings of Space
Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF–2007), edited by M.S. El-Genk, AIP
Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, 2007.
11. Shaltens, R.K., and Wong, W.A., Advanced Stirling Technology Development at NASA Glenn
Research Center, NASA/TM—2007-214930, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2007.
12. Wong, W.A., Anderson, D.J., Tuttle, K., and Tew, R.C., “Status of NASA’s Advanced Radioisotope
Power Conversion Technology Research and Development,” in proceedings of Space Technology and
Applications International Forum (STAIF–2006), edited by M. S. El-Genk, American Institute of
Physics 813, Melville, New York, 2006, pp. 340–347.
13. Wood, J.G., Wilson, K., Buffalino, A., Wong, W.A., Frye, P., Matejczyk, D., and Penswick, L.B.,
“Continued Development of the Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC),” in the proceedings of 5th
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, published by the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2007, AIAA–2007–4704.

NASA/TM—2008-215196 12
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01-07-2008 Technical Memorandum
GRC Supporting Technology for NASA's Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG)



Schreiber, Jeffrey, G.; Thieme, Lanny, G.


WBS 138494.04.01.01
National Aeronautics and Space Administration REPORT NUMBER
John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field E-16467
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191


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Washington, DC 20546-0001 NASA
Subject Category: 20
Available electronically at
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From 1999 to 2006, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) supported a NASA project to develop a high-efficiency, nominal 110-We
Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG110) for potential use on NASA missions. Lockheed Martin was selected as the System Integration
Contractor for the SRG110, under contract to the Department of Energy (DOE). The potential applications included deep space missions,
and Mars rovers. The project was redirected in 2006 to make use of the Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC) that was being developed by
Sunpower, Inc. under contract to GRC, which would reduce the mass of the generator and increase the power output. This change would
approximately double the specific power and result in the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG). The SRG110 supporting
technology effort at GRC was replanned to support the integration of the Sunpower convertor and the ASRG. This paper describes the
ASRG supporting technology effort at GRC and provides details of the contributions in some of the key areas. The GRC tasks include
convertor extended-operation testing in air and in thermal vacuum environments, heater head life assessment, materials studies, permanent
magnet characterization and aging tests, structural dynamics testing, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility
characterization, evaluation of organic materials, reliability studies, and analysis to support controller development.
Stirling; Radioisotope; Space power; Reliability; Organics; Magnets; EMI/EMC; Structural dynamics

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