1 s2.0 S1474667016310631 Main
1 s2.0 S1474667016310631 Main
1 s2.0 S1474667016310631 Main
actuator saturation
D. Lehmann ∗ K. H. Johansson ∗
Automatic Control Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, 100 44 Sweden (e-mail: dlehmann,kallej@kth.se).
Abstract: Event-triggered control aims at reducing the communication load over the feedback
link in networked control systems by adapting the information exchange to the current needs.
This paper firstly extends a common approach to event-triggered control by incorporating a
PI controller and by showing the setpoint-tracking properties of the extended scheme. Second,
it investigates the consequences of actuator saturation on the behavior of the event-triggered
PI-control loop. Simulations show that the effect of actuator saturation depends on the selection
of the event threshold which might even destabilize the closed-loop system due to integrator
windup. Finally, anti-windup techniques are discussed to overcome this problem.
w(t) d(t) • the plant with state x(t), input ũ(t) subject to actu-
u(t) umax u~(t) Plant y(t) Event
ator limitations, output y(t) and disturbance d(t),
u x(t) • a smart sensor node which incorporates the event gen-
erator based on which a communication is invoked,
controller generator
y(tk) y(tk)
• and a PI controller which gets the reference input
w(t) and produces the control input u(t).
Digital network
The controller and the sensor node are connected by means
of a digital network. Only at event times tk (k = 0, 1, 2, ...)
Fig. 1. Event-triggered control loop determined by the event generator, the output y(tk ) is
sent from the sensor node towards the controller which
1. INTRODUCTION is indicated by the dashed lines. The solid lines indicate
continuous-time signals.
1.1 Event-triggered control
1.2 Literature
The communication network used in networked control
systems (NCS) has a considerable influence on the closed- Almost all approaches to event-triggered control, e.g.
loop performance since its load affects the quality of service by Anta and Tabuada (2010); Cervin and Henningsson
by inducing delays or packet losses which degrade the (2008); Heemels et al. (2008); Lunze and Lehmann (2010);
system performance or even cause the instability of the Wang and Lemmon (2009), consider an event-triggered
control loop (Nair et al. (2007)). control using a proportional controller. Here, the analysis
In this context, the analysis of event-triggered control has is concentrated on showing the stability as well as the
gained attention by considering event-triggered control as communication properties of the event-triggered control
a means to reduce the communication load of the network loop.
(Årzén (1999); Åström and Bernhardsson (2002); Bem- However, in practical applications further requirements
porad et al. (2010); Tipsuwan and Chow (2003)). The become important especially setpoint tracking for constant
main aim to be reached by this feedback structure is the reference and disturbance signals. In this context, first
adaptation of the communication among the components papers by Årzén (1999); Otanez et al. (2002); Vasyutyn-
of the feedback loop to the current needs. In fact, by skyy and Kabitzsch (2006) showed by simulations that
reducing the information exchange to the minimum com- event-triggered PID control is able to significantly reduce
munication that is necessary to ensure the required system the computational and communication effort while only
performance, an overload of the digital communication slightly degrading the control performance.
network can be avoided.
Lehmann and Lunze (2011) presented a model-based ap-
The event-triggered control loop as considered in this proach to event-triggered PI control. It provides a theo-
paper is depicted in Fig. 1. It consists of retical framework to analyze the stationary behavior of
⋆ This work was supported by the VINNOVA project WiComPI, the event-triggered PI-control loop for constant and time-
the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research varying reference and disturbance signals. However, the
Council, and the HYCON2 EU project. scheme proposed is computationally demanding because
the sensor node has to run the model used for producing with | · | the absolute value. Moreover, the output y(t) is
the control input u(t) which also requires a continuous assumed to be given by the plant state x(t).
access to the reference input w(t).
Consider first, that
Donkers and Heemels (2010) considered a very general dy- ũ(t) = u(t), ∀u(t) (5)
namical event-triggered controller. For this purpose, they
proposed an extended event-generating mechanism which holds (no actuator saturation). Then, it is a well known
simultaneously monitors the evolution of the measured fact that the PI controller
state x(t) and the control input u(t) produced by the
controller. Using linear matrix inequalities, the behavior ẋCTI (t) = y(t) − w(t), xCTI (0) = 0 (6)
of the event-triggered control loop was analyzed in terms u(t) = kI xCTI (t) + kP (y(t) − w(t)) (7)
of its stability and L∞ properties. guarantees setpoint tracking
However, event-triggered PI control brings about further lim |y(t) − w(t)| = 0 (8)
questions which are important in practice. One of these t→∞
questions concerns the consequences of actuator saturation for constant exogenous signals
(see Åström and Hägglund (1995); Zaccarian and Teel
(2011)) on the event-triggered PI-control loop which, up w(t) = w̄, |w̄| < wmax ∀t (9)
to now, has not been treated in literature. ¯
d(t) = d.
In a relaxed form, this aim can be formulated as
1.3 Contribution of this paper
lim dist(y(t), Ωy (w̄)) = 0 (10)
The contributions of this paper are the following: where Ωy (w̄) is the set of acceptable output values around
(1) It proposes an event-triggered PI control which uses the desired setpoint w̄ and the term dist(y(t), Ωy (w̄))
the event condition introduced by Otanez et al. (2002) denotes the distance between the output y(t) and the set
and provides new theoretical results with respect to Ωy (w̄) according to
the steady-state properties and the minimum inter- dist(y(t), Ωy (w̄)) := min |y(t) − ŷ|.
event time of the closed-loop system (Theorem 2). ŷ ∈ Ωy (w̄)
(2) It investigates the consequences of actuator satura- With plant (1), (2), controller (6), (7) and by considering
tion (Proposition 1) illustrated by simulations which condition (5), the resulting closed-loop system is described
show that the closed-loop performance depends on by
the selection of the event threshold.
(3) To improve the behavior of the event-triggered
ẋCT (t) a + bkP bkI xCT (t) −bkP
PI-control loop in terms of overcoming integrator = + w(t)
ẋCTI (t) 1 0 xCTI (t) −1
windup, anti-windup methods are evaluated by sim- | {z }| {z } | {z }
ulations showing promising results. ĀI xCTI (t) fI
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- e xCT (0) x0
+ d(t), = (11)
tion 2 introduces some basic notations and the continuous- 0 xCTI (0) 0
time PI-control loop. In Sec. 3, the continuous-time con- | {z } | {z }
trol is used as a reference system to evaluate the event- eI xI0
triggered PI control without actuator saturation. The x(t)
y(t) = ( 1 0 ) , (12)
effect of actuator saturation on the event-triggered PI- | {z } xI (t)
control loop is studied in Sec. 4. Finally, this section cT
also evaluates anti-windup techniques applied to event-
triggered control by simulations. where xCT is used in the following to denote the plant state
of the continuous-time PI-control loop without actuator
saturation and (·)T denotes the transpose of a vector.
Definition 1. (Khalil (2002)) The solution xCT (t) of the
Throughout this paper the plant is given by the scalar continuous-time PI-control loop (11), (12) is globally uni-
state-space representation formly ultimately bounded (GUUB) if, for every xCT (0) ∈
IR, there exists a positive constant p and a time t̄ such
that holds:
ẋ(t) = ax(t) + bũ(t) + ed(t), x(0) = x0 (1)
xCT (t) ∈ Ωx = {xCT : |xCT | ≤ p}, ∀t ≥ t̄.
y(t) = x(t), (2)
Theorem 1. (Khalil (2002)) The plant state xCT (t) of the
where x ∈ IR denotes the state of the plant with initial continuous-time PI-control loop (11), (12) is GUUB if the
state x0 , ũ ∈ IR is the input given by ũ(t) = sat(u(t)) with matrix ĀI is Hurwitz and the signals w(t) and d(t) are
umax , for u(t) > umax ; bounded.
sat(u(t)) = u(t), for umin ≤ u(t) ≤ umax ; (3)
umin , for u(t) < umin , Henceforth, it is assumed that controller (6), (7) is de-
signed such that the state xCT (t) of the continuous-time
and d ∈ IR is an unknown disturbance which is assumed PI-control loop (11), (12) is GUUB (ĀI is Hurwitz) and
to be bounded according to possesses the setpoint-tracking property (8) for constant
|d(t)| ≤ dmax , ∀t (4) exogenous signals (9), and that a + bkP < 0 holds.
z1 = eāt −1 (22)
Z t
3.1 Setpoint-tracking property z2 = eāt ds, (23)
This section firstly investigates the event-triggered PI- xmax , xImax given by Eqs. (32), (33) and ā = (a+bkp ).
control loop without actuator saturation according to con-
Proof. The proof can be found in the appendix. 2
dition (5) in order to show the setpoint-tracking properties
of the unconstrained scheme. The main difference to the The theorem shows that the steady-state error of event-
continuous-time PI-control loop is given by the fact, that triggered PI control solely depends on the event threshold
the controller gets new information about the plant output ē (Eq. (20)). Hence, by decreasing ē, the error can be made
y(t) only at event times tk (k = 0, 1, 2, ...) invoked by the arbitrarily small which, however, increases the possible
event generator (Fig. 1). That is, the controller can be information exchange (Eq. (21)).
described in the time interval [tk , tk+1 ) by
3.2 Simulation results
ẋI (t) = y(tk ) − w(t), xI (tk ) = xIk (13)
u(t) = kI xI (t) + kP (y(tk ) − w(t)), t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ). Given is the first-order plant
By introducing the output error
ẋ(t) = 0.1x(t) + ũ(t) + 0.1d(t), x(0) = 0 (24)
e(t) = y(t) − y(tk ), (14)
this controller can be rewritten according to y(t) = x(t). (25)
With the PI controller
ẋI (t) = y(t) − e(t) − w(t), xI (0) = 0 (15)
ẋI (t) = y(t) − w(t), xI (0) = 0
u(t) = kI xI (t) + kP (y(t) − e(t) − w(t)) (16)
which holds for all times t ≥ 0. u(t) = −xI (t) − 1.6(y(t) − w(t)), (26)
the exogenous signals
With this controller representation and plant (1), (2) and
by introducing the augmented state vector
T w(t) = w̄ = 1.5
xI (t) = ( x(t) xI (t) ) ,
d(t) = d¯ = 0.1,
the state-space model
and under the assumption that condition (5) holds, the
ẋI (t) = ĀI xI (t) + fI w(t) + gI e(t) + eI d(t) (17) continuous-time closed-loop system is given by
xI (0) = xI0
ẋCT (t) −1.5 −1 xCT (t) 1.6
= + w̄
y(t) = cT ẋCTI (t) 1 0 xCTI (t) −1
I xI (t) (18)
results with ĀI , fI , eI , cT
I defined above and gI = 0.1 ¯ xCT (0) 0
+ d, =
( −bkP −1 ) . Note that this description holds indepen- 0 xCTI (0) 0
dent of the event condition used and, hence, also in the with yCT (t) = xCT (t). Figure 2 shows the behavior of
sampled-data case. the continuous-time PI-control loop (grey dotted curves)
To prove the stability and the setpoint-tracking property which stationarily reaches the setpoint w̄.
of the event-triggered control loop, the output error e(t) The black curves in Fig. 2 depict the behavior of the
has to be bounded (cf. Theorem 1). An obvious choice corresponding event-triggered PI-control loop using event
for limiting this signal is given by performing deadband condition (19) with
sampling according to Otanez et al. (2002). The proposed ē = 0.2,
event condition invokes a communication whenever the where the black dashed curve indicates the output infor-
output error e(t) reaches a predefined threshold ē, i.e. mation y(tk ) used by the controller between two consecu-
|e(t)| = |y(t) − y(tk )| = ē. (19) tive event times. The middle plot shows the control input
Theorem 2. The event-triggered PI-control loop (17), (18) u(t) produced by the controller, and the event times tk
using event condition (19) has the following properties: (k = 0, 1, 2, ...) are indicated in the lower plot. With 18
events occurring in the time interval considered the event-
• Its plant state x(t) is GUUB. triggered PI control is able to drive the output y(t) into
• It possesses the relaxed setpoint-tracking property (10) the set
with Ωy (w̄) given by Ωy (w̄) = {y : |1.5 − y| ≤ 0.2}
Ωy (w̄) = {ŷ : |w̄ − ŷ| ≤ ē}. (20) and to stationarily keep it there despite the exogenous
• The minimum inter-event time Tmin = mink {tk+1 − disturbance d(t) (see Theorem 2) while only slightly de-
tk } (k = 0, 1, 2, ...) is lower bounded by grading the performance compared to the continuous-time
PI control.
T̄ = arg min {z1 xmax + z2 (|bkI |xImax (21)
However, the stationary limit cycle leads to undesired
+|bkP |(w̄ + ē) + |e|dmax ) = ē} communication events. To avoid this stationary behavior
with either the PI controller has to be adapted, e.g. by using
y(t) w
t in s
In the previous analysis, it is assumed that the PI con- 4.2 Simulation results
troller produces a control input u(t) which can always be
applied by the actuators of the plant (cf. Eq. (5)). However, The plant (24), (25) is now considered to be affected by
in practical applications the actuators are almost entirely the actuator saturation
subject to physical limitations, so that condition (5) does (
0.4, for u(t) > umax ;
not hold. ũ(t) = u(t), for umin ≤ u(t) ≤ umax ; (30)
For continuous-time PI control, it is known that this −0.4, for u(t) < umin ,
nonlinear effect can deteriorate the performance of the and u(t) according to Eq. (26).
closed-loop system and might even cause its instability
(Åström and Hägglund (1995)). In the following, the Compared to the unconstrained case (Fig. 2), Fig. 3 shows
influence of actuator saturation on the event-triggered PI that the transient behavior of the continuous-time PI-
control is investigated. control loop (grey dotted curve) and the event-triggered
PI-control loop (black solid curve) with event threshold
By introducing the control input error ē = 0.2 deteriorates due to a large control input error
eu (t) = ũ(t) − u(t), (27) eu (t) = ũ(t) − u(t) (see upper plot of Fig. 4). This is
the plant (1), (2) and the event-triggered PI controller (15), caused by integrator windup depicted in the lower plot of
(16) yield the state-space model Fig. 4 which is increased in the event-triggered case since
the controller uses old information y(tk ) about the plant
output between two consecutive event times. However,
ẋI (t) = ĀI xI (t) + fI w(t) + gI e(t) + hI eu (t) + eI d(t) (28)
a stable behavior and the respective setpoint-tracking
xI (0) = xI0 properties can be retained.
y(t) = cT
I xI (t) (29) The consequences of increasing the event threshold ē are
T highlighted in Fig. 5. For ē = 0.45, the integrator windup
with hI = ( b 0 ) .
forces the control input ũ(t) to be almost all times t at
Proposition 1. The state x(t) of the event-triggered PI- its saturation bounds (Fig. 4) which leads to an unstable
control loop (28), (29) using event condition (19) and behavior of the closed-loop system.
subject to actuator saturation (3) is GUUB provided that
the control input error eu (t) given by Eq. (27) is bounded. In summary, the simulation results show that integrator
windup due to actuator saturation cannot be neglected
Proof. The proof follows directly from Theorem 1 and when dealing with event-triggered PI control and that it
Theorem 2. 2 strongly depends on the selection of the event threshold ē.
x(tk) - u(t) umax u~(t)
~(t), u(t)
u umin
kI ∫
u(t) (e=0.2) ksat
u(t) (e=0.45)
Fig. 6. Smart actuator including the controller and a
dynamic anti-windup scheme (CTAW)
w(t) d(t)
y(t) (CTAW)
y(t) (ETAW)
t in s
4.3 Anti-windup methods for event-triggered control Fig. 8. Behavior of the continuous-time control loop and
the event-triggered control loop using anti-windup
In continuous-time control, the performance degradation techniques
due to integrator windup is faced by applying anti-windup
techniques. These methods generally use a static or dy- The simulation results are depicted in Fig. 8. It is shown
namic feedback of the control input error eu (t) to affect that by using the continuous-time anti windup, the tran-
the evolution of the integrator state xI (t) and to reduce the sient behavior of both the continuous-time control loop
(grey dotted curve) and the event-triggered control loop
integrator windup (see e.g. Åström and Hägglund (1995);
(black solid curve) can be significantly improved (cf.
Zaccarian and Teel (2011)).
Fig. 3). The control inputs are shown in the middle plot
In the following, two methods are applied in order to of Fig. 8.
overcome the problems due to integrator windup in event-
Moreover, the behavior of the event-triggered control
triggered control:
loop subject to the event-triggered anti-windup scheme is
(1) A continuous-time anti-windup scheme (CTAW), drawn by the grey solid curve in Fig. 8. It shows that the
where a smart actuator includes the controller func- behavior of the closed-loop system can be further improved
tion and uses a dynamic feedback of the control input by invoking more sampling events whenever the input is
error eu (t) (Fig. 6). saturated (lower plot of Fig. 8). Additionally, this may
(2) An event-triggered anti-windup scheme (ETAW), even lead to a reduced stationary communication.
where a separate node (EG) uses the information
The simulations bring about, that continuous-time anti-
about the input saturation and the evolution of the in-
windup techniques can be successfully applied to event-
put signal u(t) in order to invoke additional sampling
triggered control. However, alternative methods should be
events and reset the integrator state xI (t) (Fig. 7)
also taken into consideration as they might even better
meet the requirements of event-triggered control including
|u(t) − u(tk )| = ēc if eu (t) 6= 0 situations in which a continuous-time feedback of the
holds, where ēc is a new threshold to be designed. control input error eu (t) is not feasible.
5. CONCLUSION time tk , respectively. Then, for t ≥ tk , the output error
e(t) = y(t) − y(tk ) is given by
This paper investigated an event-triggered PI-control Z t
e(t) = eā(t − tk ) −1 xk + eā(t − s) (bkI xI (s)
scheme with respect to its setpoint-tracking properties and
the consequences of actuator saturation. It has been shown tk
that the influence of actuator saturation strongly depends −bkp (w(s) + e(s)) + ed(s))ds.
on the selection of the event threshold but can be avoided As an event is generated whenever |e(t)| = ē holds, this
by applying anti-windup techniques. relation can now be used to derive a lower bound T̄ ≤ Tmin
Future work will include the extension of the stability anal- on the minimum inter-event time which is given by
ysis for plants subject to actuator saturation, a theoretical T̄ = arg min {z1 xmax + z2 (|bkI |xImax
investigation and a possible adaptation of common anti- t
windup techniques applied to event-triggered control, and +|bkP |(w̄ + ē) + |e|dmax ) = ē}
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