Kaylee Wu - Literature Review
Kaylee Wu - Literature Review
Kaylee Wu - Literature Review
Kaylee Wu
ENGW 3315
29 July 2023
Software for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Disaster Relief Search for Survivors
1. Background
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or more commonly known as drones, are an emerging
technology used by first responders to provide a birds-eye view of the aftermath of natural
disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, and conduct brief searches of inaccessible areas
(Papaioannou et al. 1). Recent research demonstrates that UAV technology has much more
potential in disaster relief. This paper will discuss current approaches to develop software for
UAVs to assist in the search for survivors after natural disasters, the limitations and concerns of
2. Current Research
The process of searching for survivors after all natural disasters involves assessing the
disaster area and locating survivors within the area, both of which can be optimized through
software algorithms. UAVs can and have been equipped with a variety of sensors to detect
survivors depending on the type of natural disaster and the accessibility of the sensor. Some of
the options include infrared and thermal cameras, temperature and carbon dioxide sensors, and
microphones (Alali and Alabady 3). Software techniques such as computer vision and artificial
intelligence have been used to develop algorithms that can detect survivors from the images and
data collected with sensors (Alali and Alabady 4-6). While sensors are useful, they are easily
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influenced by environmental factors, require close search to detect survivors, and do not address
the need to scan and search large areas without the knowledge of where to look (Oh and Han 1).
The next significant advance in UAV search technology seems to be automation, which can assist
in guiding UAVs to survivors in a more focused, safe search of disaster areas, as explored by
Sandino et al., Papaioannou et al., and Oh and Han. Automating the search process can provide
great support to the use of sensors in UAVs, as the UAVs will have an estimate of where to look
complex, unknown, or partially unknown” (2). Therefore, to account for this, Sandino et al.
expands upon previous research and proposes adding cognition capabilities to UAVs, so the
drones are able to navigate through uncertain and unknown environments and make proper
decisions if they detect survivors, without the dependency on human control (3). The framework
creates UAVs with a set of modules with each module responsible for a different operation.
Vision-based sensors collect images of the environment (Sandino et al. 5). The computer vision
module collects and processes that data using artificial neural networks to determine whether a
survivor is detected in the frame, and if detected, the estimated location of the survivor and the
confidence of the detection (Sandino et al. 6). The decision-making module then uses a Partially
Observable Markov Decision Processes algorithm to develop the optimal sequence of actions to
accomplish the flight mission, which in this case would be to maneuver in a manner that makes
the view of the survivor more clear. Finally, the motion module controls the hardware to have the
UAV move accordingly (Sandino et al. 5). Many types of external sensors are used by the UAV
to estimate its position. This process allows the UAV to not only detect survivors, but also can be
applied to efficiently avoid obstacles and plan paths to locate survivors based on the certainty
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level of detecting them (Sandino et al. 9). Manual control of UAVs is inefficient and ineffective,
as there is no knowledge of where the survivor is, and even if the sensors detect a survivor, it is
difficult to pinpoint the exact location of where the survivor is. Additionally, maneuvering
manually through unknown environments is difficult. Thus, this proposed framework utilizes
Papaioannou et al. have a slightly different approach to automation for similar reasons.
Low-level mission constraints, mission objectives, and search mission specifications are
provided as input by a human operator to an algorithm that creates a search plan for the UAV to
follow. The mission constraints refer to the abilities and hardware of the UAV, including the
geometry of the sensor’s field of view. The mission objectives mainly refer to the mission
execution time and the energy efficiency of the UAV. The mission specifications refer to the
objects to be searched, the objects to be avoided as obstacles, and the probability of detecting
survivors (Papaioannou et al. 2). When deployed, the UAV will follow a path that optimizes
these inputs, search objects with a higher probability of detecting survivors more closely, quickly
scan objects that have a lower probability of detecting survivors, and avoid objects that resemble
obstacles (Papaioannou et al. 4). The purpose of this framework, as Papaioannou et al. states, is
“to augment the traditional SAR [search and rescue] missions with precise and efficient
automated search capabilities and with improved organization and planning”, as manually
operating a UAV in an optimal manner is “an error-prone process and requires a high degree of
human expertise” (17). This method is similar to the previous in that it allows the UAV to
navigate autonomously to avoid obstacles and search for survivors but differs in that it doesn’t
utilize artificial intelligence or require the UAV to make decisions. The UAVs merely follow the
programmed instructions.
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Oh and Han similarly recommend an automation approach to UAV search flights but
have a varying perspective regarding the sensors and how to detect survivors. Vision-based
sensors like cameras require close inspection of land, taking a long time to cover large areas, so
Oh and Han choose to utilize sensors that detect radio waves from mobile communication, WiFi,
and portable radio frequency units (2). The drones will launch in random directions, and when a
radio signal from a survivor is detected, the UAV will exchange the information with other UAVs
and the Ground Control System (GCS), which will all deploy their Smart Search module. The
module will estimate the survivor’s location with the Smart Search algorithm, and the UAVs will
generate and autonomously fly a direct path to the location while avoiding obstacles seen by the
flight algorithm (Oh and Han 6). As the drone gets closer to the estimated locations, it will
update that location based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and Time of Arrival
(ToA) data accumulated from the survivor, resulting in a more accurate location estimate (Oh
and Han 2). The GCS with a human control can also track the flight environment of the UAVs to
improve the accuracy and speed of the tracking, but this is not required, as the UAVs can
maneuver themselves (Oh and Han 6). The goal of this framework is “to expedite the search
operation in the disaster areas outside the mobile communication network where distressed
persons cannot request rescue”, as it functions in non-cellular and GPS shadow areas, which
improves upon previous research that cannot (Oh and Han 2). This approach is similar to the first
in that the UAV takes the lead in estimating the location of survivors and similar to the second in
that the human operator can influence the flight path by providing input.
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There are a few limitations and concerns with UAV automation that are shared across all
the mentioned approaches. The first and most obvious is the limit of the hardware. UAVs are
small, so they have a limit on how many sensors they can have and the size of the
microcomputers that are used to compute the search and flight algorithms (Alali and Alabady
14). UAVs are also battery powered, so there is a limit on flight time and the number of complex
tasks it can perform (Oh and Han 1). Current and future research must discover ways to optimize
systems (UAS) into the existing air traffic management (ATM) system to reduce the risk of
collisions with other aerial vehicles (Lieb et al. 1). Current regulations force UASs “to evade
manned aircraft or immediately initiate an emergency landing in order to guarantee their safety”,
hindering and interrupting UAS search and rescue missions (Lieb et al. 4). Therefore, to increase
air traffic safety and allow the UAS to perform their necessary tasks in disaster relief, it is
imperative to develop a system that takes into account the UASs and allows them to coexist with
other aerial vehicles in the national airspace. There is potential for future research and
advancement in this area to improve the communication and organization among aerial vehicles,
manned and unmanned, and develop an integrated crisis traffic management system that
minimizes collisions and allows all aerial vehicles to accomplish their missions (Lieb et al. 7).
Ethics is also a concern in the automation of UAV search and flight operations. The use
of software and AI in disaster relief must be fair, transparent, and accountable (Gevaert et al. 1).
Without an effort to work towards these, AI cannot be considered ethical. Regarding fairness,
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“bias can also be the result of algorithm design or decision around metrics used to evaluate a
particular phenomenon”, as Gevaert et al. explains (2-3). With the mentioned approaches, the
data that is used to train the algorithms may be susceptible to bias, leading the algorithms to
make biased decisions. For example, in Oh and Han’s approach, the UAVs detect survivors based
on radio waves, but some vulnerable populations may not have devices that emit radio waves,
making it more difficult to detect them. Regarding transparency and accountability, it is essential
that those utilizing the AI and automation technology are able to understand, communicate, and
evaluate how the systems work, because “the introduction of AI techniques and their associated
complexity into disaster risk modeling processes may reduce the ability of government, the
public, and other important stakeholders to meaningfully participate in DRM [disaster risk
management]” (Gevaert et al. 3). If other involved organizations and stakeholders are unable to
understand how the UAVs are being used, the entire operation is at the mercy of those who
control and deploy the UAVs, or the UAV technology itself if no one is able to understand it. As
AI is able to make decisions and detect survivors, search and rescue teams may feel less
accountable and act with less intensity, because their decisions aren’t entirely their own so they
don’t have as much responsibility. Moreover, with AI being a new and promising technology,
there are high expectations for its potential, which may lead some to deploy and use immature
and untested technology (Gevaert et al. 3). Ethical use of AI and software in disaster relief is
4. Conclusion
This paper discusses current research regarding software utilized by UAVs to search for
survivors of natural disasters. Three main studies are evaluated to demonstrate the variety of
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software solutions for UAV search tasks. These proposed search solutions, written by Sandino et
al., Papaioannou et al., and Oh and Han, collectively suggest introducing automation into the
search for survivors performed by UAVs. Following that, some limitations and concerns
regarding AI and automation are presented along with directions for future research to address
them. Overall, UAVs still have much potential to improve disaster relief.
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Works Cited
AlAli, Zahraa Tarik, and Salah Abdulghani Alabady. “A Survey of Disaster Management and
This research paper focuses on the role of sensors in disaster management. The
discussion includes research regarding the types of sensors used in detection of disasters and
survivors, the impact of sensors on the disaster management process, the supportive and assistive
use of sensors for other technologies, and advantages and disadvantages of using sensors in
disaster management. Authors Alali and Alabady have an educational and professional
background in mechatronics engineering and computer engineering, so this peer reviewed paper
has accuracy and validity. Furthermore, it specifies information regarding what sensors are
traditionally used with unmanned aerial vehicles, for what purposes, for which disasters, and
Gevaert, Caroline M., et al. “Fairness and Accountability of AI in Disaster Risk Management:
disaster risk management (DRM) from an ethical and social perspective and considerations to
ensure AI is used responsibly in assisting societies in preparing for and recovering from natural
disasters. The main concepts examined in the text are fairness, accountability, and transparency.
Fairness refers to the mitigation of bias in the data and algorithms used in DRM. Transparency
and accountability refer to the necessity of understanding and communicating how the AI models
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work and how to evaluate the outputs of those models. The text suggests following these
guidelines to utilize AI ethically and inclusively in DRM but recognizes that much discussion
and research still needs to be done to fully address the issue. The authors of this source are
highly educated university professors from a variety of backgrounds, such as computer science,
earth observation science, philosophy, and geo-information, providing this source with
credibility and validity. Little published research has been done specifically regarding ethics in
AI for DRM, yet this is an important consideration when using AI, thus making this source
Lieb, Joonas, et al. “Identifying Needs and Requirements for an Integrated Crisis Traffic
This study outlines the challenges and limitations of integrating unmanned aircraft
systems (UAS) into the existing national airspace system. Research done through workshops and
online meetings with Public Protection Disaster Relief organizations reveals other air traffic in
disaster areas threaten UAS missions operated by first responders, and communication and
coordination with other first responders is a challenge. As a result, the requirements and
specifications for a framework to integrate first responder UAS operations into the existing
airspace system, called integrated Crisis Traffic Management (iCTM), is developed in the text.
The new proposed system specifies air traffic rules and regulations for UAS first responder
missions, discusses required technologies and operational procedures to enable the framework,
and emphasizes the use of automating certain disaster relief UAS processes, such as the
supervision of UAS safety conditions. As this study was done recently by experts from the
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Institute of Flight Guidance or the Bavarian Red Cross, the information is relevant and accurate.
It provides a useful perspective on the current limitations of unmanned aerial vehicles in disaster
relief and conveys the potential and necessity of future research in integrating UAS into current
airspace systems.
Oh, Donggeun, and Junghee Han. “Smart Search System of Autonomous Flight UAVs for
This research article proposes an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) smart
search system to search for and locate survivors in disaster areas. In this system, the UAV detects
radio waves from WiFi, portable radio frequency terminals, and mobile devices and exchanges
the information to other UAVs and the ground controls server. The UAV then estimates the
survivor’s location and flies toward it without the need for human intervention or control,
collecting data from the signal to update its estimation of the survivor’s location. This process
repeats until the survivor is found. This proposed system speeds up the process of searching for
survivors and lowers the cost, as the UAVs do not need mobile communication networks, GPS,
or expensive cameras to pinpoint locations of survivors. Authors Oh and Han are educated in
electronics and information engineering and have performed similar research before, so the
source is valid. The text is useful in that it introduces a new method of locating survivors in
Papaioannou, Savvas, et al. “Towards Automated 3D Search Planning for Emergency Response
Missions.” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 103, no. 1, 3 Aug. 2021,
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This research paper aims to develop a framework that automates the planning and
mission constraints, mission specifications, and mission objectives, the framework creates a
search plan that guides a UAV to search all the faces of a specific object of interest and avoid
collisions with obstacles without the need for manual control. The human operator would
provide all the details regarding a search mission to the UAV, but ultimately the UAV would be
able to navigate and identify objects, namely survivors, on its own. This proposal is unique and
builds upon previous research in that it allows the human operator to provide mission specific
information to the UAV to better inform the search for survivors, whereas previous research only
aims to avoid obstacles. Written by several highly educated experts in electronics engineering,
computer engineering, and telecommunications engineering and peer reviewed, this paper is
current and accurate. It offers a unique method for UAVs to perform search missions with more
precision and efficiency and introduces a concept that improves the organization and planning of
Sandino, Juan, et al. “UAV Framework for Autonomous Onboard Navigation and People/Object
Detection in Cluttered Indoor Environments.” Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 20, 16 Oct.
This research article analyzes and tests the feasibility and utility of adding cognitive
capabilities to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in terms of natural disaster relief. With
cognitive capabilities, UAVs would not need supervision and the physical presence of a human to
victim detection, UAVs would have the ability to navigate autonomously. The new system
tasks onboard the UAV to avoid the dependency on communication modules to transfer and
potential of the system to increase the speed of monitoring damage and locating survivors, but
also demonstrates limitations that are necessary to address, including dynamic obstacles, an
increased dependency on the local position estimation system that makes the vehicle more prone
to collisions, and the endurance of the UAV. The authors, all specialized in UAV research, have
technology along with future suggested improvements, rendering the recent article valid,