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skilled medical professionals who contribute to the general uplift of society. Students of nursing
in Ghana should make achieving academic excellence a priority because it has a direct impact on
the quality of healthcare services that are provided to the general population. To establish
effective interventions and support systems that can improve nursing students' academic
performance and achievement, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the challenges that
nursing students face during their studies. The Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training College
is important for Ghana's overall nursing education system. It is located in the Ashanti Region of
the country. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of nursing students' challenges in
this particular school experience. The goal is to provide valuable information on the unique
investigating the challenges nursing students face on their path to academic success. The findings
of this study will not only benefit students at Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training College,
but they will also have implications for nursing education on a national scale. The objectives of
this study are twofold: first, to identify the specific challenges that nursing students at Agogo
Nursing and Midwifery Training College experience, and second, to evaluate the consequences
of those challenges on the student's level of academic achievement and overall performance in
the classroom. The study aims to provide useful insights that can influence the development of
interventions and assistance systems tailored to the requirements of nursing students in Ghana by
This study is important because it can potentially drive the creation of curricula, decisions
about legislation, and the provision of student support services in nursing schools. The
challenges that nursing students in Ghana confront and how they impact their academic
performance need to be identified so that stakeholders may work together to develop focused
initiatives to overcome those challenges and improve the overall learning experience for nursing
students in Ghana. In the following parts, the research will employ a technique known as semi-
structured interviewing to directly gather data from nursing students enrolled at Agogo Nursing
and Midwifery Training College. The analysis of the data that was acquired will illuminate the
challenges that nursing students face and offer suggestions for improving their success and
academic achievement. This research will be significant as it will help improve nursing
education in Ghana and produce a nursing labor force that is highly trained. This will be to the
advantage of the country's healthcare industry as well as the general welfare of the Ghanaian
It is essential for nursing students studying at the undergraduate level to receive both
theoretical and clinical instruction. Educational researchers worldwide have been investigating
the challenges experienced by students attending higher education institutions (HEI) in general,
specifically the challenges that impede students from succeeding academically. Academic
achievement and performance are multifaceted concepts heavily impacted by diverse factors
(Jahanpour et al., 2016). Academic success and performance in this area refer to a student's
requirements specified by the educational institution. Students who choose nursing as their major
face many unique challenges in the classroom. According to Abukari (2018), these challenges
may result from the interaction of many circumstances, including the internal context, the
context of the family, the context of the school environment, the social context, the economic
Internal student concerns, such as the student's profile, academic barriers, psychological
and emotional issues, and family issues like family background and economy, are just some of
the factors that might affect the academic performance of nursing students (Carlson & Idvall,
2014). In addition, several studies have found that the academic achievement of undergraduate
nursing students is highly impacted by aspects of the educational institution itself, such as the
professional integration of the curriculum, the quality of the teaching and learning environment,
The historical background of the study highlights how important it is for nursing students
in Ghana to have theoretical and practical training. Academic accomplishment and performance
are complex phenomena influenced by many factors (Jahanpour et al., 2016). These factors
(Carlson & Idvall, 2014). The academic performance of nursing students is impacted not just by
elements linked to the students' schools but also by factors related to society, the economy, and
public policy.
laboratories, all contributing to additional challenges. As Bell et al. point out, students may get
significant value from opportunities to build cultural competence and a global perspective in the
colleges, not teaching hospitals, are the primary educational institutions for registered nurses in
Ghana (Jahanpour et al., 2016). Teaching hospitals are the secondary educational institution.
Students in baccalaureate nursing programs nationwide are given many opportunities to enhance
their research and leadership skills to better prepare them for positions of authority within the
nursing profession (Abukari, 2018). The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana administers
bachelor's degree (Jahanpour et al., 2016). It is crucial to evaluate areas for growth and devise
strategies to improve nursing education and training in Ghana. To do this, one must be aware of
the challenges nursing students face in their quest for academic performance and success.
nursing curriculum. The theoretical education that nursing students get equips them with the
knowledge and comprehension of nursing concepts, theories, and principles necessary for
practice (Bell et al., 2013). On the other side, students benefit from clinical education since it
provides them with hands-on experience and the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge
professionals, nursing students must acquire training in both theoretical and clinical settings. In
nursing school, one's academic progress and overall performance are impacted by various things.
In the works of Budu et al. (2019), internal student-related issues, such as academic
elements (like study habits and time management), psychological and emotional variables (like
stress and motivation), and familial issues (like family background and financial assistance), can
all affect a student's ability to perform well academically (Amankwaa et al., 2015). Variables
connected to the school, such as the curriculum design, the teaching and learning environment,
and the support systems, all play a part in the process (Carlson & Idvall, 2014). In addition,
social, economic, and policy-related factors may influence a student's educational path. Many
nursing schools in Ghana are experiencing challenges due to the country's inadequate educational
resources. This includes insufficient access to information via the Internet, outdated library
equipment that may be used in a disposable classroom setting. Because of these resource limits,
it may be difficult for students to access current information, which may restrict their learning
Nursing students in Ghana may greatly benefit from their exposure to worldwide
contexts allows students to extend their viewpoints and increase their cultural competency
(Abukari, 2018). Collaborating with foreign organizations may facilitate the expansion of
Ghana's local nursing education and training capacity. These collaborations encourage mutually
beneficial empowerment, the growth of trust, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences
between students and academics from various countries (Mthimunye & Daniels, 2020). After
graduating from a nursing program in Ghana and completing their education, candidates for the
certification exam administered by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana are eligible to
appear for the exam (Carlson & Idvall, 2014). For candidates to be awarded the necessary license
to work as a nurse in Ghana, they must pass this examination, which tests their knowledge and
Ghana to improve the quality of nursing education and foster academic success among nursing
students. These aspects include the challenges students encounter, the relevance of theoretical
and clinical education, and the integral part of international partnerships in nursing education
(Mthimunye & Daniels, 2020). To accomplish this objective, it is necessary to have an in-depth
Students majoring in nursing face a wide variety of challenges throughout their time in
school, any one of which could hinder their capacity to learn and ultimately achieve their
educational goals. Students training to become nurses have a unique responsibility toward their
patients, families, and communities; hence, academic success is necessary to fulfill this
obligation (Mthimunye & Daniels, 2020). It is generally agreed upon that markers of academic
achievement in nursing schools include advancements in theoretical studies and clinical practice.
The study focuses on the challenges that nursing students in Ghana face as they strive to improve
their academic performance and achieve their goals, with a special emphasis on the clinical
training component of their education. Even while gaining clinical experience is necessary for
aspiring nurses, not all students learn as much as they should during school (Bell et al., 2013). If
a student has a negative experience in the clinic, not only will their trust in the educational
Consequently, time and effort will be wasted, money will be spent, stress will be
experienced, and progress toward the course goal may be slowed (Budu et al., 2019). Ineffective
clinical teachers, a scarcity of good role models, a hostile learning environment, limited duration
placements, unclear goals and restrictions, and a lack of orientation and help from employees at
clinical sites have been pointed out as the primary challenges in this research (Amankwaa et al.,
2015). Understanding and finding solutions to these issues is vital to improving the clinical
training that forms part of nursing education in Ghana and raising the achievement level attained
by nursing students.
c. Purpose of study
This study aims to investigate the challenges nursing students face at Agogo Nursing and
Midwifery Training College in Ghana's Ashanti Region. The main objective is to identify and
comprehend the particular challenges that students majoring in nursing at this institution
encounter. To develop interventions and support systems for nursing students in Ghana, the
research aims to shed light on these problems. By identifying the barriers that hinder academic
performance and achievement, the research intends to assist in developing more effective
procedures and structures that can enhance the educational experience and outcomes for nursing
students nationwide.
Also, the study aims to boost nursing students' standards in Ghana and increase their
interventions, the research intends to enhance nursing education and contribute to developing a
highly skilled nursing workforce. The results of this study will be used by Ghanaian
policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders in nursing education to address the particular
problems that the nation's nursing students face by guiding their choices and helping in the
creation of evidence-based treatments. The ultimate objective is to raise the standard of nursing
I. What are some of the more specific challenges that nursing students at Agogo Nursing
and Midwifery Training College in the Ashanti Region face to be successful academically, and
what kind of impact do these challenges have on the academic progress and performance of
II. What kinds of internal problems, such as academic, psychological, emotional, and family
problems, do undergraduate nursing students at Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training College
III. What educational barriers, such as the teaching and learning environment and the
program's design, do nursing students at Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training College in the
Ashanti Region face that impede them from performing well academically and achieving their
IV. To what extent does the Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training College in the Ashanti
Region provide undergraduate nursing students with academic support through programs or
other activities designed to help them succeed academically? In that case, what kinds of things
are they?
V. To what extent does the nursing school mentioned in this study make available to its
undergraduate nursing students any specific programs, tools, or opportunities for mentorship
designed to aid these students in overcoming challenges and improving their academic
VI. How effective have the efforts and interventions been in assisting the undergraduate
nursing students at the designated nursing school in overcoming their challenges and achieving
academic success?
This research is significant because it will contribute to developing nursing education and
support systems at the undergraduate level in Ghana. Higher education institutions (HEIs) and
other stakeholders can benefit from this study by understanding these students' challenges on
their journey toward greater academic performance and achievement (Carlson & Idvall, 2014).
The findings of this research provide information that can be helpful to educational institutions
that are working to improve the resources available to undergraduate nursing students. When
schools are made aware of their students' challenges, they are in a better position to assist those
children by providing services such as counseling and mentorship (Odom et al., 2007). If this is
the case, nursing students will have a greater chance of success in their academic and
professional endeavors.
potentially affect curriculum development and instructional methods (Abukari, 2018). Higher
education institutions can modify their course offerings to better suit their students' needs and
solve the challenges that their students have recognized (Carlson & Idvall, 2014). One strategy
for achieving this goal is to create a classroom setting that is warm and inviting to students, and
another is to use methods that help students become better at managing their time, their studies,
The results of this research can be utilized to improve faculty development by directing
actions about faculty development. Higher education institutions (HEIs) can help teachers
become better mentors and educators by providing them with training and assistance. This can
help instructors become more effective in their roles. Consequently, nursing students may
receive improved guidance and training, resulting in higher grade point averages. The outcomes
of this study can contribute to informing policy debates and choices. If policymakers and
institutional leaders know the specific challenges that undergraduate nursing students face, they
can more effectively deploy resources to assist these students (Delaney & Sainsbury, 2016). This
objective can be accomplished by providing more funding, improving school facilities, and
to increase the number of students who remain in the nursing undergraduate program and the
percentage of those students who graduate by addressing the challenges they face (Odom et al.,
2007). According to Delaney and Sainsbury (2016), by making available the resources required,
institutions of higher education (HEIs) can create an environment that encourages student
empowerment, inspiration, and support. Consequently, the healthcare system as a whole, as well
as individual students, stands to benefit from greater retention and graduation rates.
The importance of this research lies in the fact that it has the potential to bring about
policymakers, and stakeholders with evidence-based proposals and insights. By addressing the
challenges that undergraduate nursing students face, educational institutions can boost academic
Ghana that is qualified and well-trained (Odom et al., 2007). Students majoring in nursing at the
undergraduate level in Ghana could benefit from a few different programs (Delaney &
Sainsbury, 2016). Policy regarding nursing education can include a broad spectrum of themes,
and it can assist students in achieving their goals by supplying them with the necessary tools.
Governments and educational institutions can improve funding for nursing programs by
allocating additional funds specifically for this objective. According to Eta et al. (2011), the
funds could improve infrastructure, replace outdated instructional materials, and modernize
educational and clinical settings for medical training and practice. Nursing students may benefit
from grants, scholarships, and other types of financial assistance that are available to help lessen
the burden of their mounting student loan debt (Delaney & Sainsbury, 2016). Mentorship
programs, in which experienced nurses or faculty members serve as role models and advise and
counsel undergraduate nursing students can benefit these students. With these programs'
assistance, students can receive individualized advice and assistance as they pursue their
academic pursuits.
colleges and universities can cater to the specific requirements of nursing students (Odom et al.,
2007). Examples include counseling for mental health issues, support with finding a job, and
workshops on developing better study habits (Eta et al., 2011). If these services are included in
the curriculum, nursing students can acquire the assistance required to succeed in school and
overcome challenges (Odom et al., 2007). The educational program for nurses ought to be
analyzed and revised regularly to guarantee that it is current with the most recent advancements
in medical care. In addition to including a healthy balance of academic knowledge and practical
skills, the curriculum should emphasize critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and cultural
competency (Amankwaa et al., 2015). Nursing students can gain a lot by taking classes that teach
them how to study, manage their time, and cope with stress.
The establishment of policies can support the currently active faculty development
opportunities to acquire new teaching approaches, remaining current with developments in the
field of nursing education, and growing as mentors (Gardner, 2014). The training and mentorship
of undergraduate nursing students can benefit from having faculty help, which can increase the
bar (Odom et al., 2007). There needs to be collaboration and partnership between nursing
schools and healthcare providers to improve the clinical training opportunities available to
nursing students. Students can reap the benefits of these collaborations by increasing their
chances of receiving hands-on experience in various clinical settings and gaining exposure to a
broad spectrum of patient demographics (Odom et al., 2007). Policies can potentially cultivate an
research funds, the provision of financing for research initiatives, and the promotion of
collaborative efforts between faculty members and students are all ways to cultivate an
in research.
These guidelines can make Ghana's undergraduate nursing program a friendlier and more
engaging environment for its students. By addressing their challenges and providing the proper
resources and support systems, these policies can improve academic performance, raise success
rates, and stimulate the creation of competent and trained nursing practitioners (Gardner, 2014).
These outcomes can be achieved by addressing their problems and providing the relevant
f. Research design
approach have been employed to guarantee that the researchers acquire insight and
understanding into the academic success and performance of undergraduate nursing students in
Ghana. A qualitative research approach was used for this study because of the intricacy of the
elements that influence the academic success of undergraduate nursing students. Researchers can
investigate their subject matter in great detail when using this methodology. It comprises
gathering in-depth information utilizing methods such as interviews, focus groups, and
observations to gain a deeper understanding of nursing students' challenges and their strategies to
solve them.
An exploratory research approach was utilized for this study so that the challenges that
undergraduate nursing students face on their way to achieving academic achievement may be
better understood. It makes it easier for the researchers to focus on the most pressing issues,
formulate hypotheses, and acquire additional information on the current subject matter. On the
other hand, descriptive research is concerned with comprehensively analyzing the phenomenon
while attempting to describe it. It helps document the current condition, identify patterns, and
provide a detailed account of how nursing students work to find solutions to problems.
The study's design was based on an interpretive approach, which emphasizes exploring
the participants' unique perspectives and experiences and attempting to make sense of their
experiences significantly impact how they view the world around them. The research employed
performance and outcomes by considering the participants' unique points of view and the many
g. Population
The study's population comprises all nursing students at the Agogo Nursing and
This research paper will employ stratified sampling and simple random sampling
techniques to select participants for the study from a range of different levels of undergraduate
nursing students. Random sampling ensures that a cross-sectional view will be obtained while at
the same time preserving the element of unpredictability that is necessary for an impartial
process. A population (in this case, undergraduate nursing students) is stratified using a relevant
attribute (here, the different levels: 100, 200, and 300), which separates the population into
distinct groups or strata. This eliminates the risk of discrimination by ensuring that individuals
from all levels are selected at approximately the same rate. A sample of two students from each
This study selects participants from all four years of undergraduate nursing school using
a combination of stratified and simple random sampling to ensure that the necessary random
component for a valid study is maintained. If it is drawn in this manner, the sample will be more
representative of the population being studied, and it will also have a greater chance of capturing
i. Research instrument
The primary instrument of data collection for this study will be semi-structured
interviews. This choice was made so that the researchers could gain a deeper understanding of
performance among a subset of nursing students. Interviews with a semi-structured format are an
adaptable and systematic approach to acquiring information. They allow the interviewer room to
explore relevant issues while allowing the interviewee to freely express their thoughts. When
conducting a semi-structured interview, the interviewer typically has a list of questions or topics
they want to cover. Researchers can dig further into the participants' responses and identify
repeating trends with open-ended questions and follow-ups. This strategy finds a wonderful
balance between rigidity and adaptability, allowing me to cover all the bases while also allowing
During the interviews with the chosen nursing students, questions concerning study
habits, methods of time management, challenges encountered, support networks utilized, and
factors that affect success or failure are asked of the students. The comments that participants
give to open-ended questions can be used to gain information about the participants' personal
experiences, viewpoints, and insights regarding how to enhance their academic performance. For
this study, the researchers will conduct semi-structured interviews with the nursing students so
that they can learn more about the phenomena of academic accomplishment among nursing
students. The researchers will gain a new perspective on the matter at hand as a result of the
interviews, which will open up opportunities for them to learn more about the factors that
To gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that first-year nursing students at the
chosen nursing school encounter, the research project used a wide range of methods for
collecting data. The interviews with the key informants were attended by three core faculty
members from each of the two programs. In-depth interview questions that included program
operations and daily faculty issues were produced. Various topics were discussed During the
interviews, including student evaluation, academic challenges, and faculty research efforts. A
comprehensive perspective. The interviews focused on the educational needs of the students,
their long-term goals, the challenges posed by the curriculum's objectives, and infrastructure-
related issues such as limited computer access, overcrowded lecture halls, and insufficient library
resources. The research team also collected observational data when students participated in
clinical practice at prominent teaching hospitals. Informal interviews were conducted with
preceptors at each institution to glean more information from the experiences. Each program's
course descriptions and curricula were analyzed as part of the research project to build a solid
foundational grasp of the topics covered in each class and various instructional methods.
The student leaders also carried out a comprehensive investigation of the school's
infrastructure. This investigation covered classrooms, libraries, computer labs, and the
professors' offices, among other public spaces. A school tour was undertaken as part of the
survey to evaluate the program's physical assets and infrastructure. In conclusion, the study
utilized various research methods, such as focus groups, one-on-one interviews, observational
data collection, curriculum analysis, and infrastructure surveys, to investigate the challenges
faced by undergraduate nursing students at the chosen nursing school. There are many different
The transcripts were analyzed by creating them in Microsoft Word and importing them
into Atlas.ti for Mac version 1.6. Atlas.ti is an application that may assist you in managing all of
your information, whether written, recorded, graphical, or some other form (Smith, 2015). To
facilitate efficient and timely data management, using Atlas.ti was important in helping to
As a guide for doing this analysis of the data, Smith (2015)) six stages were utilized: In
the initial stages, we spent some time getting familiar with the content by repeatedly listening to
the audio and reading the texts several times to get to know the material. The entire data set was
initially coded, ensuring all information connected to a particular code was saved together. The
categorization and renaming of codes made it possible to group and organize pertinent data into
overarching themes and subthemes (Smith, 2015). The responses from the participants were
utilized to define and label the pieces, giving them more evocative names. Following the
completion of the investigation, the findings were compiled into a report by presenting the
To demonstrate and support the analysis, excerpts from the participants' responses were
used, and these excerpts were selected based on how vivid and convincing they were. I employed
ID codes to ensure that our respondents' direct quotes could not be traced back to them in any
way that could compromise their privacy. After carrying out these steps correctly, the researchers
could conduct meticulous data analyses, identify significant themes, and report their findings. By
storing and organizing the data with Atlas.ti, we were able to conduct an analysis that was both
students in Ghana, focusing on those attending the Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training
College in the Ashanti Region. Semi-structured interviews with nursing students yielded rich
data that shed light on the unique obstacles these students faced in pursuing a nursing education.
This research reveals several significant difficulties that Agogo Nursing and Midwifery Training
College students confront. Academic burden, lack of resources, insufficient support systems,
financial limits, and time management and stress were only a few of the human variables
contributing to these difficulties. The pupils' overall success and academic performance suffered
This study's importance lies in the fact that it may lead to developing interventions and
support mechanisms that help nursing students in Ghana overcome the problems they face in the
improving student support services, and encouraging healthy approaches to dealing with stress.
To accomplish the necessary adjustments, the study's suggestions stress the need for cooperation
sufficient funding, incorporating stress and time management instruction, and encouraging a
positive classroom climate are all suggested improvements. Ghana can increase the quality of
nursing education and, in turn, healthcare delivery if it takes steps to alleviate the difficulties
nursing students face. Improvements in patient care, health outcomes, and the healthcare
industry's growth should be expected from a more supported and academically successful
nursing workforce.
The study has certain flaws, such as its exclusive emphasis on a particular institution and
its unique difficulties. To better understand the factors influencing nursing students' academic
performance and success in Ghana, further study is needed to investigate the issues experienced
by nursing students across different areas and institutions in the country. This research shed light
on the difficulties encountered by nursing students in Ghana, specifically those attending Agogo
Nursing and Midwifery Training College. Ghana can foster a qualified and successful nursing
workforce that will contribute to the growth of healthcare in the country by tackling these