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ED 205 989 CS 206 544

AUTHOR 'Shit., Nary Lou, Ed.

TITLE Adventuring with Books: A Boriklist,for Pre-K-Grade 6.
New Edition. ,

INSTITUTION National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana,

REPORT NO ISBN-0-9141-0075-9
POT! 481p.
AVAILABLE' FRO! National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon
Rd., Urbana, IL 61801 (Stock No. 00759, $6.95 member,
S8.95 non-memberl.

MIS PRICE 8,02/PC20 Plus Postage.

DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies: *Ooks: *ChiXdrens
Literature: Early Childhood Education; Eleaentaxy
Education: Fantasy; Fiction: Poetry: Reading
Materials: Science Fiction: Social Studies

Intended for teachers of preschool through sixth
grade children, librarians, parents, educational media specialists,
and students of children's literature, thin bibliography contains
annotations of 2,500 recommended books for children. The, annotations,
listed in alphabetical order-by author, are diVided into several
categories, including,the following: (11 traditional literature, (21
modern fantasy, (31 science fiction, (41 historical fiction, (Si
contemporary fiction, (6) poetry, (7) holidays, (81 social studies,
(91 biography, (101 the sciences, (111 the arts, (12) sports and
games,' and (13) hobbies. A.prcifessional category lists authors'
essays, bibliographies, criticism, teaching methods, and textbooks.
The volume concludes with a directory of publishers, and indexes for
titles and authors. (HTR1

Reproductiov. supplied by'EDRS are the best that can be made *
from the original document.
Adventuring with Books
the document his been reproduced as
amed from the person or orpeneehon
omproong It
L I Minor changes hem been mode to improve
A Book list for Pre-K-Grade 6 reproductron quente

Pomp of vow of apemana mod in the docu-

ift` ment do not necesesnly represent of
Position or policy

New Edition

Mary Lou White, Editor

and the Committee on the Elementary School Book list

of the National Council of Teachers of English



National Council of
T9Achers of Fng lieh

National Council of Teachers of English

1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois 61801



NCTE Editorial Board: Paul T. Bryant, Marilyn Hanf Buckley, Thomas J.

ex officio.
Creswell, C. Kermeen Fristrom, Jane Hornburger, Robert Hogan,
Paul O'Dea, ex officio

Book Design: Tom Kovacs

NCTE Stock Number 00759

*1981 by the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved.
in the United States of America. .

provide a forum
It is the policy of NCTE iniss journals and other publications to the teaching of
for the open discussion of ideas concerning the content and
point of view
English and the language arts. Publicity accorded to any particular
does not imply endorsement by the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors,
of policy where. such
or the membership at large, except in announcements
endorsement is clearly specified.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

National Council of Teachers of English. Committee

on the Elementary School Book list.
Adventuring with books.
Includes indexes.
I. Children's literatureBibliography.
I: White, Mary Lou II. Title.
Z1037.N265 1978 [PN1009.A1) 011.62 81-11179
ISBN 0-8141-0075-9 AACR2



Introduction I

Wordless Books 5
Additional Wordless Books 8

Traditional literature 9
Fables 9
Folktales 10
Myths and Legends 26
Nursery Rhymes 35
Riddles _
Additional Traditional Literature 37

Modem Fantasy , 39
Animals 39
Picture Books 39
Longer Stories 67
Fantasy Worlds 68
Ghosts, Magic, the Supernatural 70
Humor 76
New Tales in Folktile Form 82
Strange and Unique Creatures 92 - .
. Talking Toys 99
Time Fantasy 100
Additional Modern Fantasy Books 103

Science diction 106 ,

Additional Science Fiction Books 110

Historical Fiction III

Prehistoric Times 111

The Old World I11

Exploring the New World 113


Eighteenth Century
Colonial America and the Revolution 115
Nineteenth Century
. 416
United States: Early in the Century 118
United States: Civil War and Westward Expansion 119
ze 121
Twentieth Century .,
) 121
World: Early is the Century k_

World: World War II
United States: Early in the Century 125

United States: The Immigrant Era 127

... 128-
'` United States: The Depression Years
United States: World War H and Aftermath 130
Additional Historical Fiction BOoks 131

Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Facing Problems
Growing Up
Young and Old ...,
Additional Contemporary Realistic Fiction Books
Everyday Events
The Feelings of Children
Ghosts and Magic
General Collections
Additional Poetry Books

Contents vii

r Holidays 230

Christmas 230
Easter . - c, 234 -
) Halloween cft , 234
Jewish Holidays 236
Valentine's Day 237
Other Holidays 238
/ Collections 240
Additional Holiday Books 240
Cann,* 242

Alphabet- 242
Color, Shape, Size 244
Counting 245
Space and Time Perspectives 247
Additional Concept Books 248

*NM *ten 249

Careen 249
Communication 252
Contemporary World Cultures 254
Diverse American Cultures 256
Economics 257
Food 258
, 16. Geography 261
Handicaps 262
Religions 263
Shelter and Clothing 264
Social Issues 265
Transportation ,267
United States History 270
World History 274
Additional Social Studies Books 276

Artists 278
Athletes 279
Entertainers 285
Political Leaders 287
Religious Leaders . 288
Scientists - 289
Writers 291


viii Contents
Additional Biographies 296
. .
Aeronautics and Space 299
Animal Kingdom Or- 300
Animal Behaviors 300
Animal Defenses -303
I Animal Habitats 303
Birds 304
Domesticated Animals 307
Fish 309
Frogs 310
Insects 311
Lower Animals 312
Monkeys and Apes 313
Pets 314
Reptiles 317
Seals and Whales 318
Spiders .
Wild Animals 320
The Young 325
Zoos 327
Conservation and Ecology 329
Energy 335
Ent laming
General Nature Concepts 339
Human Growth 341
Emotional 341
Physical 343
Machines 346
Mathematics 347
Meteorology 349
/;:.. .s.008111011111PhY 350
Physics and Chemistry 351
Plants 352
Prehistoric Life 353
Unexplained Phenomena 356
Additicnal Science Books 358

Sporf sod Gauss 359

Chess 359
CYdni 359
Gymnastics 361
Hockey 362
Horseback Riding 362
Kite Making and Flying 363
Skating and Skateboarding. 364
Skiing s - Iff$
Soccer . 365
Tennis 366
Volleyball 366
Water Sports 367
Various Sports and Games 368
Additional Sports and Games Books 371

The 'Arlo '72

Architecture 372°
Circus 372
Dance 373
Drama 375
Fme Arts 376
Music O
Folksongs and Ballads 378
Instruments and Styles 379
Plays for Children 380
edd.itional Arts Books 381

LanPsee 382
Hist3ry of Language 382
Vocabulary 3
Writing 385
Additional Language Books , 386

Craft", 387

Costume Making 387

DraiVing, Painting, Printing 388
Piper Crafts 389
Toy Making 390
Woodcrafts 391
Various Handicrafts 391
Additional Craft Books 394

ft 395
Magic 398- .
Modek 399 '
Various Hobbies 400
Additional Hobby Books 401

Araussositto 402
Curiosities and Wonders 402
kites, Puns, Riddles 403
Piules 406
Additional Amusement Books 40E

t Prolusions! 409

Authors' Essayr 409

Bibliographies 410
4.41,..... 416 .
Storytelling and Booktalki 417
Teaching Methods 419
Textbooks 423

Directory of Publishers
Author Index .

Tltk Index



intividuction A

The 1981 edition of Adventuring with Books is a selective booklist

designed.primarily for teachers of preschool through sixth-grade chiklren
and also for..-the use of librarians, educational media specialists, pareltts,
students of children's literature, and, on occasion, children. Approximately
2300 new children's (node boOks are annotated in this list,rielected from
the10,000 books published from 1977 through 1980.
The current Committee on the Elementary School Booklist of the
National Council of Teachers of English followed the same two criteria for
book selection that previous committees used. One basis for selection was
highRotential interest for children. The other was a significant degree of
Literary welt popularity alone was not enough to qualify books for the
compilation. Two other factors were of concern to this committee: the
equitable treatment of minorities and the recognition of quality booki of
the put Eventually, children's literature about minorities might not need
to be dealt with as a separate topic, but the committee felt that it must be
reflected in the books selected for the 1981 list.
In addition to -soliciting books from° major publishers, the committee
sought books from the multitude of alternative presses that publish books
for children. These books were subjected to the same criteria-of selection
as those of long-established publishers. When we saw reviews of note-'
worthy books not sent to 'IS by publishers, we tried to locate library copies
for consideration. These were not always available. Almost all the boots
recommended in this edition were published between the end of 1976 an
the end of 1980. A few award-winning books published in 1976 that did
not appear in the 1977 edition are included. A few selected older books
have been retained from previous booklists to add balance to the collec-
tion. Because the bookliit's focus is on newness, the outstanding older
books are listed at the end of each major category without annotations.
In general, reissues of classics are not included unless the format is
particularly outstanding.
The purpose of the booklist is"to inform teachers of recently published
good books to share with children. It can,be used'to help find appropriate
books for children who want a good story abotit a particular theme. It can
also serve is an aid when teachers need books for an instructional unit
and want to know what recent books are available on the topic.
AnnotatiOns provide brief summaries of the cooks. All the hooks
selected are recommended; in some cases strengths are noted and other

, I

evaluative comments are given. When books contain language or explicit.

scenes that, alight be offensive to some readers, annotations so indicate.
Occasional suggestions, are made for class use and or integrating the
books into various areas of the-cutliculum. Newbery a Caldccott Award
and Honor Bo, Oks are identified. Age 'levels are' indicated as a matter Of
paramount *crest. It. is possible, as in the case of picture books, that
books noted forages 5-8 could be used witholder children to initiate
discussions or to stimulate creative writing. Likewise, well-illustrated now
fiction books with texts and concepts for ages 8 -12 might be used with'
younger childrtn. While the range of the booklist is kindergarten through
ix some annotations suggest more difficult reading by the desig-
grade six,
nation "12-up." In some instances, books in series or sequels that were
similar in content or style are referred to within the annotation rather than
annotated separately. Each- annotation lisp, bibliographic information.
Where annotated books were translated inte.Spanish, the titles are listed.
A-list of publishers' addreises is appended f4r book ordering Purposes. All
books listed were in print at the time of publication. -

During the-four-year period that the committee worked on the book,

we asked teachers about the, usefulness of Adventuring with Books and
similar bibliographies. Most wanted more help in selecting books ors srieci-
fic topics. The contents was consequently made more spedific, whiCh
required assigning- a particular 'topic to each hook, rather thati .simply
'classifying it by genre. As a committee we realized the difficulty of making
such a judgment; many books havethultiple themes and could bp classified
into several categories. We decided that the guidance offered through a
multi-categorized table of contents outweighed unevivocal categorization.
For example,'a book of realistic fiction-might be considered mainly a
"familj/ story," but the central character might do a great deal of "growing
up" while "facing problems." Such a'book would be placed in the category
that suggested, the most central theme as decided by the committee mem-
ber, realizing that the' judgment might not be shared by all. Although
teachers can be assured of finding many good books` in the appropriate
categories, they will also benefit from checking related categories. The
category assignments are teacher- oriented rather than -arranged by stall-
dard librar-y subject headings. Always, the teacher's use was the paramount
consideration in 'categorizing a book. The expanded table of contents,
derefore, is intended to help teachers find a certain type of book
more readily. Specific titles can most easily be found, of course, in the
title index.
Picture books and easy-to-read books have been integrated iito the
fiction content areas. The philosophy of the committee was that picture
books should be used at all levels and the likelihood would be increased if
the books were integrated throughout the compilation. To make picture
books easily identifiable for the primary grade teacher, the phrase (Picture
book) is at the end of each appropriate fiction annotation.


This edition includes a list of recently published ofessional books

about children's literature. More and more professions book's are being
published as the field of children's literature grows. These books are
valuable tc teachers as they seek specialized ,listings; critical viewpoints,
and suggestions for teaching.
Wordless books have been published in growing numbers over the past
Four years.Those that tell stories are listed in the Wordless Book category,
while those that. relate totpecific content areas are under those categories.
Traditional Literaturt, including folk literature kom nursery rhymes to
world mythology, is available for preschool to intermediate age children.
The fiction booki are grouped &cm .iing to genre. Modern Fantasy is
divided into categories based Primarily on characters. Science Fiction con-
stitutes a separate genre, perhaps suggesting that this dui of novels is
coming into its Own in children's books. Historical Fiction is divided
according to time and place. Contemporary Realistic Fiction i?classified
according to themes, some of which refldct the concert) of,contemporary
childrenb literyture IN social issues, notably "facing pibblems," "handi-
caps," and "yduotand old." These are' balanced by the less controversial
standard fare of "animals," "humor." "mysterr",and "sports."
The Poetry sectioit is divided into thematic groupings; Holiday books
Are listed accordin to individual holidays. A section on Conc....pts inch les
the ve.y basic beginnings of concepts such color, time, and the alphabet.
The Social Studies. Biography, and Scie ces sections are categorized
according to names used in most school cu cula. Here once again, the
t eaching aspect is emphasized in the classification.
gonfiction books of Sports and Gimes are abundant and popular, so
thecommittee felt they should be singled ovt as a separate category. Some
might wonder ab91,1t the "circus" category 41 one of The Arts, but primary
grade teachers will benefit from i separate listing of nonfiction books
about this perforniing art. Books on Language, Crafts, and Hobbies are
also categorized by various content areas. The Amusement section will be
popular with children; we were especially selective. about these books,
which are interesting as well as amusing. The new Professional Books
section rounds'out the listing. .

The help nf many persons was ry for 'Ye preparation of Adven-

turing with Books. The committee members are most grateful to all of
them. Publishers generously provided review copies during the' past four
years. Four graduate assistants served superbly: Sharon Callahan, now
Community Relations Representative, McDonald's Corp., Dallas, Texas;
Jeralyn 'Clayton, now Read.ng Teacher Specialist,. Fairbanks, Alaska;
Sylvia B. Bowel Robin Kemp, currently at Wright State University.
Charlotte Leonard, rector of Children's Services of the Dayton and
Montgomery Count Public Library, provided initial suggestions and
long-term support through her fine libpary `stiff and holdings. Barbara
Fultz, Wright State U; 'versity, assisted far'beyond the regular duties of a

4 Introduction

secretary. Students and teachers at many institutions read and commented

on books, providing additional insights for the committee members. All
these people supported our contin.ed goal of identifying high quality,
enjoyable literature for children.
Mary U White
College of r/.ucation
Wright State University



Wordless Books

Amosky,lim. Nathankl. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978. 5-8.

Nathaniel ba*hes it on a Vermont farm. His funny adventures,
imaginatively exaggerated, are told in the uncluttered, humorous ink
drawings of three wordless picture stories, and in two diary memoirs
penned in black ink highlighted by miniature drawings. Jmorous
stories that broaden life-style concepts.,
Briggs, Raymond. The &Willman. Random House, 1978. 5-8.
A little boy makes a snowman who comes to life at night. They
explore household things such as television, ice cubes, and skate-
boards; then the snowman flies the boy above Brighton-by-the-Sea
during the snowstorm. In the morning the snowman is gone. Cartoon
format; beautiful drawings.
Crews, Donald. Truck. Greenwillow Books, 1980. 3-5.
The big red trailer-truck moves from the loading dock to its destina-
tion. The author's vivid illustrations carry the reader along the truck's
route. 1981 Caldecott Honor Book.
Degen, Bruce. Aunt Possum and the Pumpkin Man. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1977. 4-7.
This wordless picture book showS an indomitable Aunt Possum
refusing to be frightened 'by a Halloween prank played by neighbor-
hood children. Colorful illustrations.
de.'"roat, Diane. Alliptor's Tooth' Illus, by author. Crown Publishers,
1977. 4-7.
Alligator takes a taste of t11-1 ah. g he is pute:ng on cupcakes and the
painful expression on his fact is evidence of a toothache. His lends
arrive with more treats to find him wrapped in a bandage a s fer-
ia& Treatment by a dentist is rejected until his friends trio him and
the party begins. ,
de Paola, Towle. Paucakes for Breakfast. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1978.3 -7.
A little old' living in the country tries to make pancakes.
Although her pets greedily interfere, this determined lady doesn't
give up and comically find, a way to have her pancakes. The colorful

6 Wordless Books

and humorous illustrations present information about supplying

ingredients needed to make pancakes.
Ember ley, FAA Birthday Wish. Little, Brown, 1977. 4-7.
A humorous series of events leads to the granting of a small mouse's
birtt 4 wish. The oblong format is perfect for the cumulative chain
story; the meticulous details of the illustrations encourage readers to
observe the unfolding story carefully.
Giovannetti. Max. Atheneum, 1977. All ages.
Max is a hamster. His captivating antics are told through a series
of highly -expressiVe line drawings. Max was first introduced in
PUNCH, the British humor magazine. His curiosity brings laughter
to his many admirers.
Goodall, John S. Paddy's New Hat. Atheneum, 1980. 5-8.
Paddy Pork buys a handsome new hat, only to see it blown into the
police recruiting office. He joins the police force and inadvertently
captures a thief in the royal apartment. His rewards are a royally
pestowed medal, dismissal from the force, and his retrieved hat with
an added plume. Half pages; delightful illustrations.
Goodall, John S. The Surprise Picnic. Atheneum, 1977. 4-7.
The cat family spreads their picnic lunch on a smooth stone. This
improvised table is actually a turtle, who waddles away with their
meal on his back. the first of many surprises. Another of Goodall's
wordless books of cozy Edwardian scenes painted in soft colors on
full and half pages.
Hartelius, Margaret A. The Birthday Trombone. Doubleday, 1977. 4-7.
Little girl monkey is delighted will. her parents' gift of a trombone
for her birthday! However, she repeatedly makes trouble for the
other animals with her noisy practice sessions, until one loud blast
actually helps someone. The well-characterized illustrations stimulate
children to verbalize about the humorous tale.
Heller, Linda. Lily at the Table. Macmillan Publishing, 1979. All ages.
Lily doesn't want to eat her dinner. As she stares at her plate, she
escapes into a fantasy world where spaghetti stretched between
spooas becomes a tightrope. A chicken leg becomes a violin, and a
celery stalk, a slide. This wordless picture book will elicit a smile
from everyone who has ever toyed with food.
Hughes, Shirley. Up and Up. Prentice-Hall, 1979. 7-10.
One little girl makes everyone's dream come true: she flies. The
townspeople chase, an entire classroom of students follows, and a
man in a balloon tries to catch her. She escapes them all and yet
returns to earth, unscathed and still dreaming.

Wordless Books 7

Krahn, Fernando. Catch That Cat! E. P. Dutton, 1978. 4-7.

Alittle boy chases his runaway cat r. -ough the dock area of a
Md. iterranean port. The chase ends aboard a freighter where the
at releases the boy from a locked stateroom and the boy saves the
cat from being theown overboard. Expressive black and white illus-
trations tell the wordless story.
Krahn, Fernando. The Mystery of the Giant Footprints. E. P. Dutton,
1977. 6-9.
The giant footprints in the snow are very mysterious. All of the
-people in the village join together to trail the giant. They find a giant
surprise. Black and white drawings.

Lisowski, Gabriel. The Invitation. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. 3-5.
Little Pig weeps and sulks because he is the only one not invited
to a party. Trying to get even, he plays a mean trick on the party-
goers, only to discover, to his chagrin, that the party .is for him.
Appealimillustrations, full of expression and action, carry the story
line effectively.

Mayer, Memo. Clops. Dial Press, 1977. 3-5.

Young children giggle over the humorous antics of Ms. Hippo as she
goes about doing her shopping and visits a museum. The town is left
in shambles because of her thoughtless gestures. Cartoonlike illus-
trations capture the humor of the story.
Turkle, Brinton. Deep in the torest. E. P. Dutton, 1976. 4-7.
A small bear enters an empty cabin, samples three boWls of porridge,
tries out three chairs and breaks one, then settles down for a nap in
the smallest of three beds, where he is discovered by the owner, a
little girl with yellow sausage curls. A delightful turnabout tale with
warm and expressive illustrations.

Wetherbee, Holden. The Wonder Ring: A Fantasy in Silhouette. Double-

day, 1978. 7-10.
Clear-cut silhouettes tell a wordless story of fantasy. A poor abused
boy. is given a magic ring when he shares his food with a stranger.
The 136 pictures provide excellent challenges for children to fol-
low the story line. An interesting history of silhouette-making is

Winter, Paula. Sir Andrew. Crown Publishers, 1980. 3-6.

Meet Sir Andrew, an unustml and vain donkey, who dresses ele-
gantly and then takes an eventful stroll on a windy day. Funny,
. - leads him to
pastel illustrations show that Andrew's self-admiration
disaster. Giggles are guaranteed.
Wordless Books

Additional Wordless Books

Bolliger-Savelli, Antonella. The Knitted Cat. Macmillan Publishing, IA. 4-7.

doOdalL John S. the Adventures of Paddy Park- Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1968. 4-6.
Krahn, Fernando. A Flying Saucer Full of Spaghetti. E. P. Dutton, 1970. 4-12.
Mayer, Meier. (Me Frog Too Many. Dial Press, 1975. 4-8.
Ringi, Igen. The Winner. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1969.4 -6.
Ueno, Noriko. Elephant Buttons. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1973. 4-up.
Ward, Lynd. The Silver Pony. Houghton Mifflin, i973. 8-12.
Winters, Paula. The Bear and the Fly. Crown Publishers, 1976. 5-8.

Traditional Literature

Aesop. The IAN and the Mouse. Illus. Ed Young Doubleday, 1979. 7-10.
Restraint in words and pictures typifies this retelling of the fable
about the tiny niouie who repays the :nighty lion by freeing him
from a rope net in which the lion is captured. Expressive black and
white sketches are bordered in red. An outstanding book.
Aesop. The MVO Mom and the Country Mouse. Illus. T. R. Garcia.
Troll Associates, 1979.4 -7.
The country mouse visit's his cousin in the city and finds that city life
is difficult. This age-old tale is illustrated in fresh, vivid colors. One
of twenty-two books in Troll's Fables and Fairy Tales series.
Franko, Ivan (translator Bohdan Melnyk). Fox Mykyta. Illus. William
Kunlek. Tundra Hooks, 1978. 10-up.
This classic collection of Ukranian Fox tales is enriched with folk-
lore and humor. Fox is a lovable, independent rogue who outwits
his enemies, using their moral flaws to triumph. S'irited illustrations
match the author's commentary. Sophisticated readers can discuss
the satirical, social, and political elements.
Rice, Evt, adapter. Once In a Wood: Ten Tales from Aesop. lilua. by
adapter. Oreenwillow Books, 1979. 7-10.
Favorite fables including "The Lion and the Mouse," "Belling the
Cat," and "The Frog and the Ox" are retold in easy-to-read wording.
In most cases the moral is given in rhyme. Handsome black and
white pen sketches grace this beautifully designed collection. A read-
alone book.
Soyer. Abraham (translators Rebecca S. Beagle and Rebecca Soyer). The
Advantures of Ye pima. Illus. Raphael Soyer. Viking Press, 1979.

A young girl outwits a sly fox, greed gets its comeuppance, and coins
literally fly away from a miser in these tales translated from the
Hebrew. The stories are warm and satisfying, and the format is

Thaditional Literature

Stevens, Bryna, editor. Borrowed Feathers and Other Fables. Illus. Freire
Wright and Michael Foreman. Random House, 1977. 4-7.
Seven of Aesop's best-known fables are retold in simplified prose fo
reading aloud and younger readers. Includes "The Fox and the
Crow," "The North Wind and the Sun," "The Milkmaid." Full-color
Weil, Lisl, adapter. Gil lie and the Flattering Fox, Atheneum, 1978. 4-8.
Gil lie the Cock is so vain that he f:-.4-:ves caution in order to be
admired by everyone, including the hungry fox. His friends save him
and teach him a lesson in this clever-retelling of a familiar fable.
Ziner, Feenie, retold by. Cricket Boy. Illus. Ed Young. Doubleday, 1977.
I2 -up.
Scholar Hu lived long ago in the village of Yung Ping. There began
the strange tale of a champion cricket, the death of Hu Sing, the
scholar's son, and the emperor's cricket match. Full-color luminous
illustrations create an Oriental setting for this retold fable.


Aardema, Verna, retold by. Half-a.Ball-of-Kenki. Illus. Diane Stanley_

Zuromskis. Frederick Warne, 1979. 6-9
This Ashanti tale tells how the Leopard gets his spots, his cry, and
his comeuppance (a half-a-ball of cornmeal mush called kenki),
from Dokonfa. Excellent to read aloud and for dramatic play.
-Aardema, Verna, retold by. Who's in Rabbit's House? A Masai Tale. Illus.
Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon. Dial Press, 1977. 6-9.
In this humorous read-aloud folktale, rabbit can't get into her house
because Long One is inside and threatens her. Rabbit rejects her
friend's help, but the problem is unexpectedly resolved. The story
is presented in play form including animal masks that change
Anderson, Bernice G., compiler. Trickster Tales from Prairie Lodgefires.
Illus. Frank Gee. Abingdon Press, 1979. 7-10.
Trickster sometimes plays good tricks, sometimes bad tricks. On
occasion his tricks backfire and he is tricked. All the people of the
prairie lodges tell the stories of trickster but they tell them only at
night so trickster doesn't come back and play tricks again. A delight-
ful collection.
Aronin, Ben. The Secret of the Sabbath Fhb. Illus. Shay Rieger. Jewish
Publication Socihty of America, 1978. 7-10.
In this retelling of a Jewish folktale, the.story of gefilte fish is told.
Two hundred years ago a poor Russian woman known as a fine
.. Follaaks 11

cook had a magical encounter with the prophet Elijah. She was
instructed to prepare a fish according to what had been happening
to the Jewish people. Her method became the recipe for gefilte fish.

Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO, editors. Folk Tales from Asia for
Children Everywhere: Book One and Book Two. John Weatherhill,
1975. 8-12.
Authentic and less familiar folktales from sixteen Asian nations have
been selected, retold, and illustrated by writers and artists in each
country. Stories are from Indonesia, Japan, K. mer, Malaysia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Korea,
Laos, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Colorful illustrations.
' Bang, Molly Garrett, adapter. 'Wiley and the Hairy Man. Macmillan
Publishing, 1976. 6-9.
Humor and suspense abound in this trickster tale from American
folklore, when Wiley's mother and his own quick thinking save him
from the hairy monster who lives in the swamp beside the Tombigbee
River. Both writing style and illustrations are of a quality seldom
found in easy readers.

Belpre, Pura. The Rainbow-Colored Horse. Illus. Antonio Martorell.

Pio, the youngest of three brothers, frees a rainbow-colored horse.
In return, the horse grants Pio three wishes, which he uses to
gain the hand of a beautiful girl, much to the chagrin of his two
older brothers. Striking woodcuts in full-color illustrations make this
Puerto Rican folktale a visual sensation..

Bert, Rennie, retold by. Crocodile's Eggs for Supper and Other Animal
Tales from Northern Ugandsr. Illus. John Paige. Andre Deutsch,
1979. 7-10.
This-collection of folktales from the Acholi tribal society of Northern
Uganda features cleveranimals, a trickster hare, and dramatic situa-
tions, frequently amusing. echoes of Uncle Remus and other folk-
tales will be found. Black and white illustrations.

Berson, Harold, adapter. Kassim's Shoes. Illus. by adapter. Crown Pub-

lishers, 1977. 5-8.
Kassim's neighbors give him a fine new pair of shoes to replace li:s
old comfortable ones. Kassim's efforts to get rid of his beloved old
shoes bring chaos to the village and laughter to the picture-book
audience. Muted wash illustrations.

Bible, Charles, adapter. Hamdaani: A Traditional Tale from Zanzibar.

Illus. by adapter. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 7-10.
Strong illAtrations capture the mood of this African tale about the
lessons of ingratitude. A gazelle brings fortune to Hamdaani, a

Traditional literature

beggar who soon forgets his humble beginnings. When he refuses to

help the animal, he loses his wife and wealth and becomes again a
poor man scratching for food.
Boegehold, Betty. Small Deer's Magic Tricks. Illus. Jacqueline, Chwast.
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1977. 4-10.
Four folktaks of Borneo, sit about how a small deer outwits the
larger, pompous, and aggressive animals, are wittily presented. Large
print and brief text assist early readers. This is a good read-aloud
book with engaging drawings.
Bowden, Joan Chase. The Bean Boy. Illus. Sal Murdocca. Macmillan
Publishing, 1979. 6-9.
An old woman sets out to make her fortune with a little boy carved
out of a bean. A rooster swallows the bean boy, a cat swallows the
rooster, and so forth until the women reaches the king and good
fortune. This retelling of an Italian folktale, with clever illustrations
and weal -paced repetitions, makes an enjoyable first reader.
Bowden, Joan Chase. Why the Tides Ebb and Flow. Illus. Marc Brown.
Houghton Mifflin, 1979- 5-8.
In the world's beginning, a stubborn old woman holds Sky God to
his promise that she may have any rock she wants, even the one that
plugs the hole at the bottom of the sea. The heartwarming solution
to the dilemma of a fast-draining iea results in the ebb and flow of
the tides. Exceptional artwork.
Brenner, Barbara. Little One Inch. Illus. Fred Brenner. Coward. McCann
& Geoghegan, 1977. 7-10.
A Japanese couple who nave prayed to the gods for a child are
happy to accept a very tiny baby. lssun Boshi, Little One Inch.
grows up to have many athcntures, outsmarting both demons and
mortals. The soft Oriental illustrations bring the reader into close
, contact with Japanese culture.
Briggs, Katharine. Abbey Lubbers, Banshees and Bogprts. Illus. Yvonne
Gilbert. Pantheon Books, 1979. All ages.
A delightful encyclopedia fot all lovers of fantasy. Not only are such
creatures as Habetrot, Fenodree, and Capelthwaite identified, but
groups of fairy folk are categorized. This charming book is filled
with fascinating detail and tales of the strange creatures.
Briggs, Katt,arine. British Folk Tales. Pantheon Books, 1977. 12-up.
Schola 'ship and readable style combine to make a rich resource of
folk literature for teachers am. students. Cultural concepts will b:
enrkfoed by reading and hearing the tales in dialect. Briggs' intro-
, duction and her comments preceding each category of tale are
integral to the book's %She.

N . 21
Folktaks 13

Briggs, Katharine. The Vanishing People: Fairy,Lore and Legends: illus.

Mary I. French. Pantheon Books, 1978. All ages.
Various types of fairies and their wide-ranging habits ale discussed
ino.this scholarly study. Included are such diverse topics as fairy
sports and morality. A glossary of fairies is one of several useful

Bryan, Ashley, retold by. Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum. Illus. by

reteller. Atheneum, 1980.7-10.
Five African tales are retold with melodic language that invites read-
ing aloud. The animals in these stories are like people who have
little problems that ;et them into big troubles. Many handsome,
bold black and white drawings and several bright two-color plates.
Bryan, Ashley, retold by. The Dancing Granny. Illus. by reteller. Athen-
eum, 1977.8-12.
In this folktale from the Antilles, Granny Anika, who loves best of all
to dance, even while working, has a duel of wits with singing Spider
Ananse. The elegant prose captures the rhythms of the wheMing,
whirling native dance illustrated by gracefully flowing pen and ink

Carlson, Bernice Wells. Quick Wits and Nimble Fingers. Illus. Dolores
Marie Rowland. Abingdon Press, 1979.8-12.
Ten brief and little-known folktales from many Oils of the world
are retold. Following each tale are several craft activities related
to the theme. The projects are especially interesting and are complete
with easy-to-follow instructions. They include baker's clay orna-
ments, aluminum foil relief, sand painting, and origami.
Carlson, Natalie Savage. King of the Cats and Other Tales. Illus. David
Frampton. Doubleday, 1980.7-10.
Mam Marig relates eight fascinating stories of Breton folklore to,h,
godchild Yvette. She has taught her how to knit and as the needles
fly, the tales continue to unwind. Werewolves, goblins, and korrigans
. perform magic tricks. Strong woodcuts complement these hearty

Carrick, Malcolm, retold by. Happy Jack. Harper & Row, Publishers,
Foolish, lazy Happy Jack must go to work because hig mother has
no money. His hilarious adventures culminate in the traditional
happy ending. This new version of a folktale for beginning rt,uders
has handsome two-color illustrations that are highly amusing and
perfectly complement the simplified text.,

Clark, Ann Nolan. In the Land of Small Dragon: A Vietnamese Folktale.

Illus. Tony Viking Press, 1979.7-10.
A traditional version of the Cinderella story, complete

Traditional Literature

with cruel stepmother, ugly half-sister, fairy godmother, lost slipper,

and handsome prince: Only the pumpkin is missing.
Hill -page watercolor illustrations.
Cohen, Barbara, retold by. Lovely Vasa lisa. Illus. Anatoly Ivanov.
Atheneum, 1980. 7-10.
The Russian cinderelle story is retold in a spirited version with
wicked Baba Yaga portrayed in a terrifying manner. When Vassilisa
confronts Baba Yaga with an even greater spirit, she is granted her
helps her
request. Vassilisa's doll, given to her by her dying mother,
through all her tribulations.

Coombs, Patricia. 'Mabel. Lothrop, Lee 41-Shepard Books, 1978. 6-9.

Til label, a rather lazy groundhog, is the despair of her mother, who
groundhogs. The queen over-
4, wishes that she would act like other
hears her as she scolds her daughter and invites Tillabel to the
castle. This delightful German tale is reminiscent of Rumplestiltskin.
Appealing, soft pencil illustrations.
Craig, M. Jean, adapter. The Donkey Prince. Illus. Barbara
Doubleday, 1977: 6-9.
In this familiar tale, a variant of 'Beauty and the Beast, a greedy
deceives the wizard and must accept his punishment a son who
looks like a donkey. Only the love of someone who accepts him as
he is will break the evil spell. Exquisite color illustrations enhance
this lovely retelling.
Curley, Daniel. Billy Beg and the Bull. Illus. Frank Bozzo. Thomas
Crowell, 1978. 7-10.
A marvelous retelling and expansion of the Irish tales of Billy
Beg and his magical talking bull. Disillusioned by his new
Cate linn of the Broken Nose (who insists on clean shirts every
Billy sets out and eventually finds his
and no bulls by the fireside),
true mother, Brigid the Lovely. A natural read-aloud tale.
Who Mar-
Curtis, EdwardS., compiler (editor John Bierhorsc.). Thr Girl
from the North American Indian. ,
ried a Ghost and Other Talcs
Photographs by compiler. Four Winds Press, 1978. 10-up.
These selected tales are considered to be authentic materials repre-
sentative of Native Americans west of the Mississippi. The transla-
tion maintains much of the flavor of the original language and allows
the reader to savor somewhat incomprehensible events. Illustrations
are copies of photos done in the early 1900s. Excellent.
Cute, Nancy, and W. Towrie Cut!. The Hogboon of Hell and
Strange Orkney Tales. Illus. Richard Kennedy. Andre Deutsch, 1979.
Hogboons or goblins, demons, talking stones, and selkie folk
little-known tales from the Orkney Islands
in this fine collection of

Folksa les 15

off the Scottish coast. Superstition, magic, mystery, and humor are
part of the legends collected by contemporary folklorists. Mick any
white line drawings complement the tales.
Darling, Kathy. Pecos *111 Finds a Horse. Illus. Lou Cunene. Garrard
Publishing, 1979. &- I 2.
Pecos Bill, legendary cowboy hero of Adfietica's wild West, has
no horse to ride. He tries a giant mountain lion, lightning, and
a huge grizzly bear, with fantastic but frustrating results. But the
great golden tsllion, alt, there's a horse! Satisfying illustrations in

Dawood, N. J., retold by. Take from the Arabian Nights. thus. Ed Young.
Doubleday, 1978.10-12.
Translated from the Arabic by a Middle East scholar, this collection
includes ;unifier and not-so-familiar tales that Shahrazad told for a
thousand and one nights in order to-avoid being slain by her hus-
band, King Shahriyar. Although told in modern idiom, the Middle
East flavor has been preserved.
de Beaumont, Madame (translator Diane Goode). Beauty and the Beast.
Illus. by translator. Bradbury Press, 1978.8-12.
The stuff of dream and magic, virtue truly valued, courage rewarded,
and selfishness and deceit appropriately recompensed are combined
in this beautiful translation of the old folktale. The exquisite line and
watercolor paintings portray emotion and fantasy, with authentic
detailing of eighteenth-century French culture. .

Demi, retold by. Under the ;'bade of the Mulberry Tree. Prentice-Hall,
A rich man enjoys sitting under his mulberry tree until a poor man
joins him. The latter buys the tree's shade and goes into the house
whenever it is shaded. The rich man becomes angry; he finally leaves
the house. A Chinese folktak with handsomely rendered color over
line drawings.
de Paola, Tomie, retold by. The Prince of the Dolomites. Illus. by reteller.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980.6-9.
How the Dolomite Mountains became so bright is explained in this
Italian folktak. The illustrations help sustain the mood and fascina-
tion of the story of how Prince Pazzo of the Dolomites fell in love
with Princess Lucia of the Moon.
de Repliers, Beatrice Schenk. Everyone, is Good for Something. Illus.
Margct Tomes. Clarion Books, 1980.6-9
Jack, a kind-hearted boy, is considered by his mother to be good for
nothing. A cat, whose life Jack saves, helps him to clear an island

Traditional Literature

overrun with mice, proving to his mothir as well as to hin...elf that

___,--- ' he is "good for something." Based on a Russian folktale.
DOmanska, Janint. King Krakus and the Dragon. Greenwillow Books,
1Q19. 7 -10.
King Krakus and his beautiful daughter are loved by the people of
Krakow. People are happy and fife' is pleasant until a frightful
monster comes to jive in the river Vistula. The brave apprentice
shoemaker finds a plan to save the king, the town, and the people. A
Polish folktale. ,

dos Santos, Joyce Audy, retold by. The Diviner. Illus. by.reteller. J. B.
Lippincott, 1980.7-10.
Jean-Pierte is both lazy and lucky. He not only persuades the kittg
that he car solve riddles and foretell the future, but he actually
succeeds in 'doing so. A clever twist at the end' makes this French
. Canadian trickster tale a natural for story time. Young audiences
will enjoy responding to the question, "What happened next?"
Duff, Maggie, retold by. Rum Pum Pum. Illus. Jose Aruego and Ariane
Dewey. Macmillan Publishing, 1978.4-7.
The blackbird sets out to rescue his wife, who was stolen by the king.
Along the way he meets other animals who are angry at the king and
they journey together. How the blackbird wins his wife back is color-
fully depicted in this retelling of a folktale from India.
Galdone, Joanna. The Tallypo: A Ghost Story. Illus. Paul Galdone.
Clarion Books, 1977.7-10.
This eerie Tennesseefolktale tells of an old man who cuts off the tail
of a strange little creature. Suspense builds as the tailless creature
comes back again and 'again to call for the return of his "tailypo."
Illustrations in pencil and soft colors capture the mountain setting
and humor.
Galdone, Pa.!. Cinderella. McGraw-Hill, 1978.5-8.
Perrault's tale is retold with delightful touches of humor. While
Cinderella is helping her sisters get ready for the ball, the author
suggests, "Anyone but Cinderella would have tangled their hair for
them." The illustrations, luminous and delicate, have an appropriate
French flavor.
Gauch, Patricia ,Lee, retold by. Once upon a Dinkelsbuhl. Illus. Tomie de
Paola. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 6-9.
The medieval village of Dinkelsbuhl is invaded by Swedish soldiers
who eat all the food and take everything they want. They plan to
burn the town but are stopped by the brave actions and planning of
Lora and the other children. Humorous and sensitive illustrations.
Fo Maks 17

Ginsburg, Mirra, 3mpiler and adapter. The Twelve Clever Brothers and
. Othos Fools: Illus. Charles Mikolaycak. J. B. Lippincott, 1979.7-10.
These fourteen brief, entertaining Russian folktales about clever and
silly fools will appeal to a wide range of readers. Fools may be
young or old, lever or stupid, rich or poor; whatever the type, they
will be met in these appealing tales. Attractive illustrations.
*Goble, Paul. The Girl Who Loved Wild Illus. by author. Bradbur3
Press, 1978.6-9.
A young Native American gieloves horses and understands them in
a special way. A .hunderstonn drives the girl and horses far from
home to ltve with a leader of wilthorses, a beautiful stallion. Award-
winning illustrations sweep the readet through this symbolic story.
1978 Caldecott winner.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (translator Lore Segal). The Bear
the Kingbird. Illus. Chris Conover. Farrar, Straus St Giroux,
Read aloud this Grimm's tale about a curious bear who visited a
nest of baby kingbirds and rudely called them no-good children.
This caused a revengeful conflict betwten the birds and the animals.
Bright, very detailed illustrations highlight the humor of this sense of
justice story.
GrStm, Jakoh, and Wilhelm Grimm. The Beankinner. Illus. Felix Hoff,-
map. Atheneum, 1978.812.
Due to a bargain with the devil, a young soldier is to live clad 9
in a bearskin, unwashed and unshaven for seven years in return
for an endless supply of gold. Published posthumously, the bodk
is illustrated by tH1Partist's preliminary color studies ;hat are dra-
mitically beautiful.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (translators Anne Rogers and Anthea
Bell). The Best of Grimm's Fairy Tales: Illus. Svend Otto S.
Larousse, 1979.6-9.
The artwork makes this %plume a unique treasure: characters and old
European country scenes are at once realistically and enchantingly
sainted in vivid-colors. Tales include Snow White, Four Musicians
of Bremen, Tom Thumb, Puss in Boots, and the Wolf and the Seven
Little Kids. Fine paper and print.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (translator Anthea Bell). The Brave
Little Tailor. Illus. Svend Otto S. Larousse, 1979.7-10.
Ice little Whit; kills flies, seven at a blow, and decides to 'tell the
wprid of his prowess. His cleverness enables him to outwit a giant,
killltwo giants, capture a unicorn, marry the king's daughter, and
gain half a kingdom. Full-color humorous illustratiotis.

2G r.
s 4

Traditional Literature

Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (translator Brian Alderson). The

Brotidets Grimm: !Po Folk Tales. thus. N'ichael Foreman.
Doubleday, 1978. 64.
Thin:. one of the test -roved folktales told by the Brothers Grimm
are newly translated i- this volume in speech modes refreshingly true
to the original language. Illustrations combine authentic detail with
fairyland mood in colorplates and sketches. Fine quality paper and
print add to the aesthetic pleasure. Good to read aloud.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Griffin' (retold by Eric Carle). Eric Caries
Storybook. Illus. by reteller. Franklin Watts, 1976. 7-10.
Modernized versions of seven Grimm tales include "Tom Thumb,"
"Seven with One Blow," and The Fisherman and His Wife."
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Gri ia-an (translator Randall Jarrell). The
Fisk. -man and His Wife. Illus. Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 1980. 6-9.
When the fisherman catches an enchanted prince in the form of a
flounder, his wife urges him to ask for a nice little cottage to replace
their hoveL Humorous watercolors depict the couple as they ask for
more and more until they end up right back in their shack.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm. Hanskand Greta. Illus. Susan
Jeffers. Dial P.e: s, 1980. 6-9.
with a
A magnificently illustrated version of an old gruesome story,
original Grimm text. A benign-looking witch
literal translation Or the
and two plumpish yo.agsters mitigate the horror of this classic tale
of evil.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm. Rapunzel. Illus. Bert Dodson. Troll
Associates. 1979. 6-9..
The wicked witch imprisons Rapunzel in the tower, but the hand-
some prince rescues the beautiful maiden with the long golden
One of twenty-two titles id the Troll Fables and Fairy Tales series
that includ s "Rumplestiltskin," "Cinderella," and "Jack and the
Beanstalk." Full-color artwork.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (retold by Donna Diamond). The
Seven Ravens. Illus. by reteller. Viking Press, 1979. 6-9.
A timeless tale familiar to many is given a new look with outstand-
ing hlack and white drawings. A family with seven sons wishes most
earnestly for a daughter. Finally, their wish is granted. The rejoicing
is short-lived, for her brothers are turned into ravens.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (retold by Trina Schart Hyman).
The Sleeping Beauty. Illus. by reteller. Little, Brown, 1977. 7-10.
The king ignores the oldest fairy, who taliates by putting a curse
on his infant daughter, somewhat tempered by another fairy so

Nadas 19

the princess will not die, but will sleep for ore hundred years. Hand-
some drawings contrast light and dark on each double-pap spread,
paralleling the story of good and evil.
Grimm; Jakoll, and Wilhelm Grimm. The Twelve Dancing Princesies.
thus. Errol Le Cain. Viking Press, 1978, 6-9.
The twelve 'princesses are lacked up by the king each night. Each
morning their shoes are worn. A soldier solves the mystery by
traikng the princesses and discovering their secret dancing place.
lavishly illustrated, this is a worthy successor to Le Cain's Thorn
Rose and Cinderella.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (translator Wanda Gig). Wanda
Gig's Job& and Axing& plus. Margot Tomes. Coward, McCann
& Geoghegan, 1978.6 -9.
While strolling through the woods Jorinda and Joringel are unaware
that they have gone too far and are held within the magic circle of
the enchantress. Joringel discovers a clever plan to outwit the witch.
Igtistratiomi enhance the appealing version of the old folktale.
Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm (adapter Wanda Gig). Wanda Gig's
The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Illus. Margot Tomes. Coward, McCann
& Geoghegan, 1979.6 -9.
A clever boy, apprenticed to a sorcerer, reads books on magic at
night. The sorcerer discovers that the boy knows the secrets of magic
and trickery. The boy cleverly uses his knowledge to escape the evil
Hall, Malcolm. And Then the Moose ... Illus. Stephen Gammell. Four
Winds Press, 1980. 6-9.
Three simple stories in the folklore tradition tell about a clever
mouse who uses trickery to outwit others. Based on ancient Indo-
Persian lore, the short stories can be compared with other trickster
tales in which the small, weak character triumphs.
Harris, Christie. The Ira lie with Princesses. Illus. Douglas Tait. Athen-
eum, 1980. 10-12.
Princesses of the Old World clothed in silks, satins, and jewels are
compared with the princesses of the Northwest Coast in thr..05-fasci-
nating stories. Customs_and-sultural-heritage are revealed. Could be
used-with-uniii-On American folklore. Strong black and white illus-
trations enhance the well- written text,
Horn, Geoffrey, and Arthur Cavanaugh, retold by. Bible Stories for chil-
dren. Illus. Arvis Stewart. Macmillan Publishing, 1980. 10-up.
Major stories of the Old and New Testament approved by a review
board of Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant scholars are retold in
simple language with explanations integrated into the text. The

Traditional Literature

watercolor illustrations on each page are vivid and suited to the tales.
A well-designed book.
Hou-tien, :Arens. Six Chinese Brothers: An Ancient Tale. Illus. by author.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979.8 -12. -
Six look-alike brothers of ancient China save their father and them-
selves from execution through use of their unique magical abilities.
This satisfying tale is beautifully illustrated with scissor cuts, a
venerable Chinese form of art, In classroom study, compare with
The The Chinese Brothers by Bishop.

Jacobs, Joseph (retold by Rodney Peppe). Three Little Pigs. Illus. by

retelkr. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1979. 4-7.
A fresh retelling of the wolf and the three little pigs folktale. Young
readers will delight in the sparkling pictures and simple text.
Jagendorf, M. A., and Virginia. Wens. The Magic Boat and Other Chinese
Folk Stories. Illus. Wan-go Wens. Vanguard Press, 1980. 12 -up.
The colorful introduction and illustrated map comprising the end
pages invite the reader to examine the thirty-three delightful tales
this collection. Each chapter heading indicates the location where the
story originated. Magic tales of boats, shrimp, earthworms, birds,
and waterfalls make up this book. Graceful, appealing pen drawings
complement the text.
Keithahn, Edward L. (editor Kenneth Gilbert). Alaskan Igloo Tales. Illus.
George Aden Ahgupuk. Alaska Northwest Publishing, 1979. 10-up.
A collection of tales gathered from the Eskimos who live along the
Arctic coast and rivers of the Seward Peninsula. These explanations
in the
of natural phenomena and recounting of experiences written
into this American minority culture.
oral style give fresh insight
Kendall, Carol, and Yao-wen Li, retold by. Sweet and Sour: Tales from
China. Illus Shirley Felts. Seabury Press, 1979. 8-12.
These twenty-four carefully selected Chinese tales from different
periods of history have warm,appeal. The wide variety of plots and
length of the tales provide a significant reading or listening experi-
these lively
ence. Graceful black and white drawings blend well with
Collection of
Kovalik, Tibor, editor. From Tale to Tare: An International
Press/ Valley Editions,
- Children's Stories. Illus. by editor. Mosaic
1979. 8-12:
This attractive collection published with the assistance
of the
Ontario, Canada, Arts Council contains ten stories from Europe,
Asia, and North and South America. Although some are available in
other collections, this book, illustrated with beautiful full-color paint-
ings, is useful fociyidying the universality of folklore.
4 tr
Musks 21

Lang, Andrew (editor Kathleen Lines). The Raktbcw Fairy Book: A

Seledion of OntstandAs Fake Tales from the Color Fairy Books.
Illus. Margery Gill. Schocken Books, 1977. 7-10.
Thirty-sewn tales from the famous color fairy-tale books published
at the turn of the a ntury make up this choice collection.
Lobel, Anita. The Pancake. Greened llow Books, 1978. 6-9.
This easy-reading version of the Dani `, tale has the pancake eluding
I woman, seven.. children, a farmer, goose, cat, sheep, and goat
only to be gobbled,up by a pig. They go home with the woman who
cooks another wonderful pancake. Tky all at it and the farmer
does the dishes.
Lava, Ulf, retold by (translator Sheila LaFarge), The Boy Who Ate
More Thu the Giant med Odom Swedish natal's. Illus. by retelkr.
William Collier. Publish-41;1978. 6-9.
Included besides the title tale are "Th e Master Tailor" and "The
. Three Billy Goats Bruse." The detailed illustrations are large and
humorous and just grotesque enough to amuse young readers. Pub-
lished in cooperation with the U.S. Committee for UNICEF.
Lurie, Alison, retold by. Clever Gretchen and Other Forgotten Folktaks.
Margot Tomes. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. 7-10.
This excellent collection of fifteen folktales from various European
countries focuses on rning heroines. Helpful notes at the end of each
tale mention %the: variants of the same tale that could be rend,
compared, and discussed. Illustrations complement the tales.
Luzzatto, Paola Cabocra, retold by. Long Ago When the Earth Was Flat.
Blue. Aimone-S,ambuy. William Collins Publishers, 1980. 7-1C.
Three African folktales related to the creation theme are beautifully
illustrated in a large book handsomely designed by Bruno Munari.
"A Visit from Mister Sea" is a orsion of the well-known "Why the
Sun the, Moon Live in the Sky." Elegant book.
McGovern, nn. Half a Kingdom: An Icelandic Felktele. Illus. Nola
Lan Frederick Warne, 1977. 8-12.
Prince Id disappears in an icy fog, stolen by troll girls who want
him-to rry one of them. Signy, a clever peasant girl, hears the
King's desperate offer of ball the kingdom for Lini's rescuer, and
accepts he challenge. Down- to'earth humor mixed with common
sense courage.
McLenighan,Zaljean Three Strikm and Youire Out. Illus. Laurie Hamil-
ton, Follett Pubkishing, 1981. 5-8.
A poor tray seeks help from his aunt and is given a magic hen,
which h loses,, and a magic cloth, which is also lost. Finally, a

Traditional Literature

magic stick solves his problems. This easy-to-read book with
okl-fashioned illustrations is told comic-book style in modern
lb Penick.
The Magic Coketk Fairytale Book. Illus. Dale Payson and
Random House, 1978. 6-9.
Four much-loved fairy tales arc told in an attached booklet; a
folded out.
tagboard castle pops up when the opposite part is
reminiscent of
The centerfold of removable tagboard characters is
the nineteenth- century toy theater booklets. Useful for puppet
Maher, Ramona. When Whidwagon Smith Cott to Westport. Illus.
Allen. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1977. 8-12.
Windwagon Smith. a dapper bachelor, tries to attract backers for
wind-powered wagons. illustrated with
scheme to build a fleet of
sepia pen and ink drawings, this book would be useful with
arts activities in United States social studies.
Farrar. Straus &
Maitland, Anthony, retold by. Idle Jack. Illus. by reteller.
Giroux, 1979. 8-10.
The familiar noodlehead tale about Jack, the bop who could not do
Bold ink
anything right, is adapted by an award-winning artist.
drawings with delicate watercolors enhance this humorous tale.

Diadja-em-ankh Saved the Day. Illus. by

Manniche, Lise, translator. How
translator. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 8-12.
maidens row-
Bored King Senefeiu of ancient Egy of watches young
ing. When one drops her amulet it is recovered by Djadja-em-ankh's
hieratic and
magic. Illustrations are copies of Egyptian drawings,
hieroglyphic texts on papyrus-like paper in folded scroll form. The
style from right to left. The commentary,
story is printed Egyptian 4500 BC.
printed from left to right. describes Egyptian life around
Queens. Illus.
Manning-Sanders, Ruth, retold by. A Book of Kings and
Robin Jacques. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 8-12.
oafs, all
Kings, queens, fair maidens, handsome princes, and lazy
tricks, inhabit these ten folktales from
with various enchantments or This is
nine different countries, all well-suited for reading aloud.
collaboration of author and illustrator.
another skillful and felicitous
Illus. Robin
ManninglSanders, Ruth. A Book of Spooks and Spectres.
Jacques. E. P. Dutton. 1980. I2-up.
The author, who has many earlier volumes on demons, tales,
wizards, and the like, now brings together twenty-three ghostly
sometimes fearsome, sometimes
humorous. Most of the folk tales
included in this exciting volume are little-known stories, most of
them from Europe but a few from other parts of the world.
Manton, Jo, and Robert flitting/. The Fly* Hanes: Tales from Ciiina.
Mus. Derek Collard. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 8-12.
This is a collection of-short-Chinese legends dating from the twenty -
second century BC to the twentieth century. Each story is told in a
style that helps to retain its Oriental feeling. The black and white
pea drawings,cipture many Chinese k mbols and attitudes toward
Ab and art.
Mayer, Mercer. Rost of the Sun & West of the Moon. Illus. by author.
Four Wind. Pram 1980. All ages.
This ie the retelling of the old fairy tale of an assertive heroine who,
to win back her handsome youth's love, must rescue 1';-1 from his
troll princess captor. Seventeen full-page, full-colot illustrations make
this book a visual delight and invite lingering and Woking. Eicellent
for nading.iloui.
Mitchnik, Helen, retold by. replan and Sudanese Folk-Mies. Illus. Eric
Fraser. Oxford University Pros; 1978.8 -12
A fine addition to afolktale collection. These tales enlighten the
reader concerning the Egyptian and Sudanese cultures, their mores,
social customs, and humor. They could be used for enjoyment, com-
parison with other-cultures, or be included in a unit of work. Black
and white pen drawing enhance the tales.
Obrist, .114, retold by. They Do Map Right in Albers. Illus. by retelkr.
Atheneum, 1978.6 -9.
In Albern, people are solid and hardworking, but not very smart.
Whin a mole is ff,und, no one knows what it is or what to do with it
until a qo' et li.de man suggests i solution. A Swiss folktale dot
. with black and white illustrations.--
Perrault, Charles (translator David Walker). The Sleeping Beauty. Illus.
by translator. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977.6 -9.
This French version of the classic tale differs in several aspects from
its German counterpart and can be compared for variations in the
retelling. Walker's illustrations make strong use of light and color to
jvoke the romantic tradition of the tale.
Phelps, Ethel Johnston, editor. TaBerhood and 'Other Tale:Anus. Pamela
Baldwin Ford. Feminist Press, 1978. 8-up.
A collection of traditional talcs from Europe, Africa, and Asia. All
stories have as the central character a strong active woman. A
welcome addition with new and interesting stories from the oral
Plume, Ilse, retold by. The Bremen-Town Musicians. Illus. by retelkr.
Doubleday, 1981. 6-9.
The skonkey, the cat, the dog, and the rooster band together when

Traditional Literature

their masters try to get rid of them. They start off for the city of
Bremen, braying, barking, meowing, and crowing, practicing to
become street musicians. Distinctly stylized color illustrations add to
the humor of the animals' tale. 1981 Caldecott Honor Book.

Riordan, James, retold by. Tales from Tartary: Russian Taks, Volume
Two. Illus. Anthony Colbert. Viking Press, 1979.8-12.
Tartary is the vast Asian land, now a part of Russia, that was the
domain of Genghis and Kubla Khan; it was the land where Marco
Polo journeyed eight hundred years ago. The tales have a touch of
Oriental flavor; many are qtiite brief. The characters are quick- witted
and the langtiage is rich. This is a sequel to Tales from Central
Russia: Russian Tales, Volume Otw. Well illustrated.

Rockwell, Anne. The Old Woman and Her Pig

and 10 Other Stories.
Illus. by author. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979.6-9.
Ten familiar folktales and fables are retold in simple style and rich
language. Humorous bright watercolor illustrations fill each page.
Included are "The Three Sillies," "Lambikin," "The Shepherd Boy,"
"The Lad Who Went to the North Wind." "The Milkmaid and the
Bucket of Milk," and "The Bremen Town Musicians."

Rose, Anne, retold by. Akimba and the Magic Cow: A

Folktale from
Africa. illus. Hope Meryman. Four Winds Press, 1976.6-9.
Poor Akimba has nothing left to eat and goes our to seek his fortune.
An old man in the forest helps him, but attempts are made to
him out of his newly found magic animals. The simple woodcut
illustrations are appropriate for the setting and flavor of this
Illu.. Think de Paola. Dial
Rose, Anne. The Triumphs of Fuzzy Fogtop.
Press, 1979.6-9.
Fuzzy Fogtop is a lovable, absent-minded character who loses
self in bed, attempts an unsuccessful trip from Pinsk to Minsk, and
mistakes a stranger for his friend. Illustrations thoughtfully and
richly portray the village of Chelm and its traditionally foolish
Ross, Blanche, translator. A Strange Servant: A Russian Folktale.
Paul Galdone. Alfred A. Knopf, 1977.
A poor Russian peasant, Nassir-Yedin, tricks three rich merchants
into believing he has a talented rabbit as a valet. Bidding for the
valet's services begins. A charming tale enhanced by colorful illustra-
Schwartz, Alvin, compiler. Kick). Snifters and Other Fearsome
Illus. Glen Rounds. J. B. Lippincott, 1976.6-9.
The goofus bird flies backward; the billdad catches his fish by
smacking it with his tail; me timber ioodle brigs. This collection of
strange creatures from tall tales and folklore is a sure-fire introduc-

Fo &tiles 25

Lion to both genres. Each creature is fearsomely illustrated by a line


Scribner, Charles, Jr., retold by. The Devil's Bridge. Illus. Evaline Ness.
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978. 3-8.
This French folktale tells how the villagers trick the Devil after he
agrees to rebuild a bridge over a gorge leading to their marketplace.
Masterful woodcuts add to the delightful story. A good book for

Sewell, Marcia, adapter. The Mb Wee Tyke: An English Folktak. thus.

by adapter. Atheneuit, 1979.4 -7.
A wee dog, "smaller than a house cat," is wanted by no one. A little
'girl saves him from drowning and takes him to her bewitched farm.
His courage breaks the spells and banishes the witch and the tyke
becomes a treasured pet. Size isn't everything! Illustrations comple-
ment style.

Shulevitz, Uri. The Tramare. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1978. 7-10.
Isaac' has a dream commanding him to look for treasure under the
bridge in the capital city. He truclinAhere_but-finds the bridge
heavily pardetrThe-ciptiiifileighingly tells him his own dream.
Isaac goes back to his modest home and finds his treasure there.
1980 CaLlecott Honor Book.

Still, James. Jack and the Wonder Beane. Illus. Margot Tomes. G. P.
Putnam's ,Sons, 1977.8 -12.
This Appalachian version of Jack and the Beanstalk uses the lan-
guage and setting of the region. The giaXs chant is, "Fee, fie, chew
tobaccer, I smell the toes of a tadadhackerri-Great fun and matched
with delightful illustrations.
Titiev, Estelle, and Lila Pargment, translators and adapters. How the
Moolah Was Taught a Lesson. Illus. Ray Cruz. Dial Press, 1976.
The Moolah, the richest man' in the village, covets the beautiful wife
of poor Khameed. A simple, funny trick foils the Moolah's sly'
scheme. In each of these four little-known Russian folktales a fear -
:.-me crisis is resolved with wit and courage, preserving human
values. Illustrations are distinct and charming.

Travers, P. L., retold by. Two Pairs of Shoes. Illus. Leo Dillon and Diane
Dillon. Viking Press, 1980. 8-12.
Elegant full-color illustrations reflect the mystique of the ancient
Near Eastern kingdoms from which these stories come. Two men
who Weir worn, battered slippers learn vastly different, yet universal
truths about life. The,two separate Persian tales are linked together
in the retellings.

714iditfonal Literature

Van Woerkom, Dorothy 0., retold .by. The Friends of Abu All. Illus.
Harold Berson. Macmillan Publishing, 1978. 4-7.
In each of three .noodlehead stories, Abu All uses strange logic to
solve his problems or those of his friends. Detailed illustrations
reflect the humor in the stories as well as their Turkish origin. An
guy-to-teed book, a sequel to Abu All.
Wolkitein, Diane, cdmpiler. The Magic Oranie Tree and Other Haitian
Folkhdes. thus. Elsa Henriquez. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. All ages..
These stories collected from the rnabre-conte or professional story-
teller of Haiti are rich in humor and rhythm. Wolkstein's foreword
and the notes that precede each story give insights into Haitian
culture and the an of storytelling. Music for the songs, a part of
many of the stories, is included.
Wolkstein., Diane, retold by The Red Lion: A Tale of Ancient Persia.
illus. Ed Young, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 7-10. .

Prince Azge,d, afraid to fight the fierce Red Lion as dictated by

tradition, runs away. Only after he finds other lions awaiting him
wherever he goes does he realize that it is his fear that makes the
beasts ferocious. This ancient Persian tale has a lesson for today's

Young, Ed, adapter (retold by Leslie Bonnet). The Terrible Nung Gwama:
A Chinese Folktale. Illus. by adapter. William Collins Publishers,
1978.7 -9:
As she carries a gift of cakes to her parents, a poor young woman
!wets a terrible monster. Nung Gwama delights in eating humans
and Iromises to visit her that evening. Taking the suggestions of
peddlers, she outwits the monster, A cumulative tale beautifully illtts-
trifled with fan- shaped pictures.
Zemach, Margot, retold by. It Could Always Be Worse: A Yiddish Mk-
tale. Illus. by reteller. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976. 4-7.
A distraught man seeks help from the Rabbi to deal with his large
quarrelsome family. When he follows thetsurprising advice and
brings the animals and relatives inside the house, things get so
chaotic that he wishes only to return to normal. Funny illustrations
enliven this familiar Yiddish folktale. 1978 Caldecott Honor Book.

Myths and Legends

Anderson, Lonzo. Arkin and the Dolphins. Illus. Adrienne Adams. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1978. 6-9.
Anion's life is threatened because of his huge winnings in a musical
contest. On the return voyage he leaps from the boat where his
friends, the dolphins, change the course of the story. Simply retold,

Myths and Legends 27

the story can be read independently. The sea is beautifully illustrated

in blues and greens.
Aylesworth, Thomas G. The Story of Dragons and Other Monsters.
McGraw-Hill, 1980. 8-12.
Fascinating bits of lore about monsters and dragons from Greek.
Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythology. Black and white photos .
and reproductions of old prints and engravings along with good type
size overcome some possible vocabulary obstacles poor readers might
encounter. Lncludes an index and a listing of other books about
Aylesworth, Thomas G. The StOry of Vampires. McGraw-Hill, 1977.
10-12. 4

Vampire lore from different parts of the world includes material

from ancient Greece to the twentieth century, including information
on, Vlad Tepes and Countess Elizabeth Bathory, bloody historical
figures who were thought to be vampires by superstitious people.
Numerous photographs and old prints illustrate the text.
Barth, Edna, retold by. Balder and the Mistletoe: A Story for the Winter
Holidays. Illus. Richard Cuffari. Seabury Press, 1979. 10-12.
Balder, god of light and joy, was the favorite of all Norse gods
and goddesses. All was well until he was awakened by a horrify-
ing dream of his own death. His mother, Frigga, and 'the others
tried to protect him. Explanation of the symbolic nbstlet : is given.
Bernstein, Margery, and Janet Kobrin, retold by. The First Morning: An
African Myth. Illus. Enid Warner Romanek. Charles , Scribner's
Sons, 1976. 7-10.
Before there was light in the world, all the animals bumped into each
other and continually fell into holes. This intriguing African tale
relates how the mouse, the spider, and the fly brought back light
from the sky.
Bernstein, Margery, and Janet Kobrin, retold by. The Summer Maker.
Illus. Anne Burgess. Charles ScribneesSons, 1977. 6-9.
This easy-to-read text relates how Otter, Beaver, Wolverine, Lynx,
and Bear journeyed in search of summer and found it, although
Bear was unable to return and still remains in the sky. Black and
white pen sketches accompany each text page. A good retelling of an
Ojibway Indian myth.
Blumberg, Rhoda. The Truth about Dragons. Illus. Murray Tinkelman.
Four Winds Press, 1980. 8-12.
This examination of dragon lore fascinates the reader with its facts
concerning both the western dragon and the eastern dragon. The

. Traditional Literature
28 O

differences between the two are striking and are enhanced by full-
page, black and white illustrations. For dragon lovers of all ages.
Brodsky, Beverly. Jonah: An Old Testament Story. J. B. Lippincott, 1977.
Jonah hears a call from God but does not obey him. When he tries
to escape his duty, he is shipwrecked and swallowed by a whale.
There he repents. After he is saved, he follows God's command but
cannot resist questioning God's judgment. Bold drawings make this
an outstanding book.
Brown, Dee, retold by. Tepee Tales of the American Indian. Illus. Louis
Mofsie. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. 8-11.
This collection of memory stories of North American Indians is
written in the language of a modern-day storyteller. Included are
legends relating different groups' first contacts with white people.
Brown. Marcia. The Blue Jackal. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977. 7-10'
In this tale from India's The Panchaiontra, Fierce -How' tv'e jackal,
runs from a pack of dogs and hides in a vat of in, :.,.,. The other
animals are fearful of this strange blue animal and make him their
king. When he howls like a jackal. true identity is discovered.
Handsome prints.
Campbell, Maria. Little Badger and the Fire Spirit. illus. David Maclagan.
McClelland and Stewart, 1977. 8:12.
Ahsinee, an eight-year-old Indian girl, gets to spend the summer with
her grandparents in present-day Alberta, Canada. Her grandfather
tells her the ancient story of how Little Badger, # blind Indian boYf'
brings fire to the human race. Strong, vivid illustrations give power
to the classic legend.
Chaikin, Miriam. The Seventh Day: The Story of the Jewish Sabbath.
Illus. David Frampton. Doubleday, 1980.'8-12.
The story of the Jewish Sabbath is beautifully explained in the text
and artistic black and white woodcuts: It is a joyous time for cele-
bration. Worries and cares are sbt aside to praise God. An excellent
book for parents to use with children. .

Coatsworth, Emerson, and David Coatsworth, compilers. The Adven-

tures of Nanabush: OjibwaY' Indian Stories. Illus. Francis Kagige.
Atheneum,1980. 7-10.
Nanabush is one of the most powerful spirits of the Ojibwa Indians.
He uses his magic and trickery to create much mischief in all sixteen
of these stories, many of which are pourquoi tales. Handsomely
illustrated in stylized full-color drawings; a beautifully designed book.

Myths and Legends 29

Cohen, Barbara. The Minding of Wm. Illus. Charles Mikolaycak. Lothrop,

Lee & Shepard Books, 1978.7-10.
Isaac's grandchildren gather around him to listen to a story: He tells
m of the time God told his father Abraham to offer him, Isaac, as
a sacrifice. Told from the point of view of a person remembering a,
frightening Childhood event. Full-page color illustrations.
de Paola, Tomie, retold by. The Clow; of God. Illus. by reteller. Harcourt,
Bracejovanovieh, 1978.7 -18:
An old Italian legend tells of the traveling juggler who offered 'xis
gift of talent before the statue of the Chriit Child on Christmas Eve,
and of the mhacle that happened. The beauty and artistry of the
watercolor illustrations enhance thi authenticity by showing early
Renaissance life and scenery.
de Wit; Doro thy, -editor. The Talking Stone: An Anthology of Native
American Take and Lew& Illus. Donald Crews.. Greenwillow
Books, 1979: 9-12,
Tales from the Native Americans, were told after the season's work
was finished, when people relaxed together. The time to tell stories
. was regulated by beliefs and customs. These twenty-seven stories
reflect the culture beforesoLafter_Europeari influence.-They repre-
Seofira-- Phic regions' of North America.

Edwards, elavid L., adapter. The Children Bible from the Good News
Bible In Today's Englbh Version. Illus. Guido Bertello. William
Collins Publishers, 1978. 8-up.
Written in a simple and direct style, the meaning of the stories from
the Old and New Testaments is made clear to the young reader.
Many colorful and appealing illustrations accompany the tor.. Map
and index are inclwied. A treasure to be shared with many.
Erdoes, Richard, translator and editor. The Bound of Flutes and Other
Wien Legends. Illus. Paul Goble. Pantheon Books, 1976. 10-up.
Ibis collection of North American Plains Indian tales, edited and
tflihscribed over a twenty-five-year period, represents a great oral
tradition. In their present format, the legends provide us with valu-
able insights into Native American life. The vibrant illustrations ,
coniplement the text.
Farmer, Penelope, compiler and editor. Beginnings: Creation Myths of
the World. Illus. Antonio Frasconi. Atheneum, 1979. 10-up.
fiver eighty creation stories and poems from many parts of the
world make up this collection. Materials are grouped under the
headings of earth, than, flood, fire, death, food plants, and the end

Traditional Literature

of the world. Strong woodcuts capture_ the intensity of the areas.

Includes source list and bibliography for further study.
Fregosi, Claudia, adapter. Snow Malden. Illus. by adapter. Prentice-Hall,
1979. 64.
A Russian adaptation of the Greek myth of Persephone. Lovely
go to live on the earth,
-- -Snow- Maiden is allowed by her parentsoftosunligheand
but only after she promises to stay out never to let
her heart be warmed by love. Warm, folk art illustrations.
Fritz, Jean. Brendan the Navigator: A History Mystery about the Dis-
covery of America. Illus. Enrico Arno. Coward, McCann do Geog-
hegan, 1979. 7-10.
Unusual and breathtaking incidents occur the day of St. Brendan's
birth and continue to take place throughout his life. His nephew's
successful voyage spurs him on to build his own ship and voyage to
the-New World. Grey-blue stylized drawings accentuated with black
illustrate this lighthearted story.
Goble, Paul. Tise)Gift of the Ss' NI Dog. Illus. by author. Bradbury Press,
1980. 7-W
This legend of tndian.s of the Great Plains tells of the gift of the
horse. When his people could find no buffalo and were starving, a
boy climbed high on the mountain and prayed to the Great Spirit.
The horse, Sacred Dog, was the answer to his prayers. Outstanding
Haley, Gail E. The Green Man. Illus. by author. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1979. 7-10.
Claude, the spoiled son of a wealthy squire, ridicules others' beliefs,
`such as theyeasants' tales of the Green Man who protects them and
their crop Claude becomes lost while huntihg and is forced to
survive alone, taking on the role of the Green Man. Richly colored
ihustrations capture the texture and mood of medieval tapestries. v

Hall, Lynn. Dog of the Bondi Castle. Follett Publishing, 1979. 12 -up.
Aubry, a young knight,..is adored by Isabelle, favored by his liege,
and has the steadfast devotion of his dog, Griffon. His good fortune
arouses the envy of Richard Mecaire, Based on a legend and set
in fourteenth-century France, this tale recounts how Isabelle and
Griffon ser that justice isdone.
Harris, Christie. Mous! Woman and the Mischief-Makers. Illus. Douglas
Tait. Atheneum, 1977. 8-12.
Seven legeltds of humor and horror, based on Pacific Northwest
Indian lore, feature a tiny narnauk, a supernatural being that watches
for those who disturb the proper order of things. She becomes
involved in the mischief makers' inherent problems and always comes J.
knits and Leaends 31

up with just solutions. Stark bled and white illustrations. Com-

panion books are Mouse Worntin and the Muddkheads and Mouse
Woman and the Vanished Princesses.
Jamake. Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey. Illus. Fritz
Scholder. J. B. Lippincott, 1977. 12 -up.
The author calls his story "an alternative viiion of the world, and an
alternative process of history," yet it reads like a glorious epic tale as
one man journeys through the history of his pedple. Traditional
North 'American' Indian tales are woven into one story as Anpao
_grows through his heritage to manhood. 1978 Newbery Honor Book.
alesidori; M.. A. Stories mid Lore of the Zodiac. Illus. Anne Bevans.
Vanguard Press, 1977. 8.4
In Polynesia, they are cad the Seven Sisters. The Onondagas see
them as dancing children. We call them the Pleiades, put of the
constellation Taurus: A master storyteller has collected zodiacal lore
from all over the world and accompanied it with both astronomical
and astrological information. Stylized black and white drawings
enhance the text.
Leach, Maria. The Lion Seemed: Folktake and Myths of the Cat..Illus.
Helen Siegl. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977.1-12.
How did the cat come to be? According to folkloristilt was sneezed
from a lion on Noah's ark. This collection includes humorous tales
(some dating back centuries) about cats from various countries. The
scholarly introduction supplies an excellent background. Black and
white illustrations.
Leech, Jay, lind Zane Spencer. Moon of the Big-Dog. Illus. Mamoru
Funai. Thomas Y. Crowell, 19E0. 7 -10.
At the trading fair, all the. pebple of .the plains come tbgether to
exchange goods. When three Sioux huntegs who do the trading for
their people see honks for the first time,, they must have them for
their people. A retelling of the legend of how the Brule Indians got
their name.
Lorimer, Lawrence T., retold by. Noah's Ark. Illus. Charles E. Martin.
Random House, 1978. All ages.
Selected portions of the Old Tntament account of no^h and the
Great -Mont. The . Jarful illustmtions make clear to tt
reader the size of the ark, both inside and out, and th magnitude
of the flood.
Lurie, Alison, retold. by. The Heavenly Zoo: Legends and Tales of the
Stars. Illus. Monika Betiner. Farrar, Straus & Girfux, 1979. 8-12.
Tales from all corners of ihesearth show the intriguing differences
and surprising similarities among the explanations people have

. '40
Traditional Literature

invented for the "pictures in the sky," the Great Bear, the Great
Dog, the Bull, the Lion, and eleven Wier constellationst Lively a d
literate, with outstanding full -color illustrations.
McDermott, Beverly Brodsky. The Goleut: A Jewish Legend. 1,6s. by
author. J. B. Lippincott, 1976. 8-12.
A powerfal retelling of the legend of the Golem, the man-like
monster created from clay by Rabbi Lev to protect the Jews of
the ghetto. When it starts destroying the enemy, it cannot stop,
and must b: returned clay. Large, vivid, sometimes terrify'
illustrations, filled with mbolism. Not for the tender-minded. 1977
Cildecott Honor Book.
McDermott, Gerald, retold by. The Knight of the Lion. Illus. by reteller.
Four Winds Press, 1979. 8-12.
Young Gawain sets out from King Arthur's court on a quest for
glory. Along his path are adventure, danger, love, failure, and, at
last, success as Knight of the Lion. This skillful retelling of an ancient
tale is strengthened by the bold black and white illustrations.
McDermott, Gerald. Sun Flight. Four Winds Press, 1980. All ages.
The Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus is retold with simple text
and exquisite illustrations. Daedalus makes wax wings so that he
and his son Icarus can escape from the Labyrinth of King Minos of
Crete, but Icarus ignores his father's warning about the wings.
McDermott, Gerald, retold by. The Voyage of Osiris: A Myth of Ancient
Egypt. Illus. by reteller. E. P. Dutton, 1977. 10-up.
This ancient myth could easily be followed from the brilliant, lumi-
Osiris is
nous illustrations. Thiough the trickery of his evil ,brother,
entrapped in a large coffer and cast into the Nile. The love and
devotion of his wife Isis and the compassion of Ra restore him to

McKinley, Robin. Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty & the Beast.
Harper & Row, Publishers, I9781 12 -up.
A superb retelling of the old tale of enchantment, this is a fasci-
nating, skillfully written novel. Characterizations of depth and sensi-
tivity, warm family relationships, and a- love story of developing
strength and sensuousness all contribute to the reader's pleasure.
author's sense of humor and un'que concept of enchanted castles are
an added bonus!
Miles, Bernard. Robin Hood: His Life and Legend. Illus. Victor G.
Ambrus. Rand McNally, 1979. 10-up.
Historical background of England is woven throughout this excellent
modern version of the Robin Hood story. The language is easy to
understand and very descriptive. Slightly different twists to events

Myths and Legends 33

add to the episodei with a religious tone iliome of the references.

Colorful, exciting illustrations knd endpaper maps:-
Naden, C. J. )aeon and the Golden Fleece. Illus. Robert Baxter. Troll
Associates, 1981. 7-10.
Jason is presented as a strong and fearless god living on earth
among humans, accomplishing heroic tasks. This tale and three
others are part of a series: Pegasus the Winged Horse, Perseus and
Mtdusa. and Menus and the Minotaur. All four books have a
similar appealing format with an interesting, easy-to-read content,
making mythology attractive and understandable. The colorful illus-
trations are meaningful and extend the stories. Helpful pronunciation
keys are supplied.
Prather, Ray. The Ostrich GM. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978. 7-10.
Based on a Kenyan legend, this is the story of an infant foupd under
a tree rho first learns of her origin from the village chilstren. Oster
seareTei for her true identity and becomes involved with a witch,
dwarf, and giant. At last she returns to her loving parents.
Reeves, James, retold by. The Shadow of the Hawk and Other Stories
by Marie de France. Illus. Anne Dalton. Seabury Press, 1977. 12 -up.
Marie de France was a twelfth-century poet whose verse legends are
exciting stories of courtly love and adventure during the Middle
Ages. Reeves has maintained the vivid language of these spoken
tales, which reflect their Arthurian and Celtic sources. The book is
useful for studying literature of the medieval period.
Rose, Anne, adapter. Spider in the Sky. Illus. Gail Owens. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978. 6-9.
An American Indian pourquoi isle. All the animals in the forest
agree that heat and light would make their lives more comfortable.
Several animals try to bring back a piece of the sun. All ;ail and
are left with visible effects of their attempts. The title identifies the
successful creature.
San Souci, Robert, adapter. The Legend of Scarface: A Blackfeet Indian
Tale. Illus. Daniel San Souci. Doubleday, 1978. 6-9.
He is poor, he has a facial scar, and he is taunted by the other
braves. Scarface loves Singing Rain and she loves him, but she has
promised the Sun never to wed. Scarface faces danger when he
attempts to get Singing Rain released from her vow.: Twelve exquisiie
paintings catch the action.
Silvefthorne, Elizabeth. I, Heracles. Illus. Billie Jean Osborne. .1bingdon
Press, 1978. 10-12.
The first-person account of the twelve exciting tasks assigned to
Heracles by his jealous cousin permits the reader to be close at

Traditional Literature ,f,`

hand during the hero's fantastic accomplishments. Two maps identify

the places of his great feats. An excellent introduction to Greek
Skurzynski, Gloria. What Happened in Hamelin. Four Winds Press, 1979.
Fourteen- year -ofd Geist, a mistreated baker's assistant, meets the
-Pied Piper in 1284 and is promised a new life.in a faraway place. His
gripping adventures include the children's rat massacre, the festival
of ergot buns, and the exodus to the Piper's music. Geist, realizing
the children's fate, does not go and has to live with the knowledge
oftis involvement in the Piper's plot.
. ,
Spier, Peter, translator. Noah's Ark. thus. by translator. Doubleday, 1977.
All ages.
Jacobus Revius' poem, "The Flood," introduces this version of the
Bible story. Spier's illustrations recording the events inside and the
appointments of the ark are visual delights. Aside from the poem,
the book is wordless. 1978 Caldecott Award.
Sutcliff, Rosemary. The Light beyond the Forest: The Quest for the Holy
Grail. E, P. Dutton, 1979. 1-up.
This is a retelling of that section of the romance of King Arthur
that speaks of Sir Galahad and the search for the Holy Grail, the
final quest of the knights of the Round Table. The author's language
reflects superbly the early medieval period without sacrificing lucid-
ity, a real gift to the reader.
Synge, Ursula. The Giant at the Ford and Other Legends of the Saints.
Illus. Shirley Felts. Atheneum, 1980. 8-12.
The lives of a number of saints are told in a way that is in turn
funny, exciting, and moving. Along with the adventures of such
well-known taints as Saint Christopher and Saint George are lesser
known saints such as Mochae, who listened to a bird sing and let
150 years slip by! Inspiring and.enjoyable.

van der Land, Spike, retold by. Stories from the Bible. illus. Bert Bouman.
William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1979. 8-12.
Bible stories are told in modern language and style. Each one is
introduced by a short paragraph to orient the reader to the story or
to relate it to the reader in the modern context. Pictures are full page
and well detailed.
Wildsmith, B ;an. The True Cross. Oxford University Press, 1977. 7-10.
Legend tells that the cross upon which Christ died descended from a
sprig of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Paradise. Centuries later
St. Helena, the mother of Constantine, set out to find the true cross.


Wil liams, Jay. The Surprising Things Mani Did. Illus. Charles Mikolaycak.
Four Winds Press, 1979. 6-9.
This beautiful Hawaiian myth about Maui and his wonderful gifts is
told in a slow, unhurried manner so that the extraordinary, richly
colored illustrations can be enjoyed. Incorporation in a Polynesian
unit would add interest and appreciation of another culture.
Wilson, Kinn, retold by. Agha the Terrible Demon. Inns. Marie Therese
Dubois. Bala Books, 1977. 7-10.
This story from Hindu mythology tells of Krishna as a young boy
who takes part in the usual child play with his young friends. When
Agha, the terrible demon, attempts !o swallow all the children,
Krishna outwits him and saves his friends. Brillizintly colored stylistic
Yellow Robe, Rosebud, retold by. Tonweya and the Eagles and Other
Lakota Indian Tale. Illus. Jerry Pinkney. Dial Press, 1979. 6-9.
Chano is the name 'of a real-life Indian boy who was educated during
his teens in a white man's school, and treasured the ancient stories
itbf his people, the Lakota (Sioux) Indians. Chano's daughter retells
these authentic animal tales. Beautifully and authentically illustrated.

Nursery Rhymes

Ahlberg, Janet, and Allan Ahlberg. Each Peach Pear Plum: An 'I Spy'
Story. Viking Press. 1978. 3-5.
Familiar nursery figures like Jack and Jill and Mother Hubbard are
appealingly illustrated in this read-aloud book. Youngsters will enjoy
finding the hidden figures tucked throughout the pictures and delight
in the continuity of the rhyme from page to page. All the hidden
figures appear in the last illustration.
Blegvad, Erik, retold by. Ournie's Hill: A Traditional Rhyme. Illus. by
reteller. Atheneum, 1977. 4-7.
The question-and-answer format of toe traditional rhyme is extended
and enhanced by iEustidtions that portray gradual seasonal changes
beginning with summer ar ' culminating in siring. The rhyme is
cumulative without the familiar repetitive pattern.
Fiddle-I-Fee: A Traditional American Chant. Ilus. Diane Stank Little,
Brown, 1979. 3-5.
The traditional American chant about a young girl giving a tea party
for her animal friends is delightfully illustrated. The cumulative
rhyme will amuse young readers.

36 - Traditional Literature

If Wishes Wan Horses read Other Rhymes. Illus. Susan Jeffers. E. P.

Dutton, 1979.3-7.
A collection of well-known rhymes about horses illi.strated with
lively, colorful, full-page pictures. Beginning readers and very young
children will enjoy both the pictures and the rhymes.
Kessler, Leonard. Hey Diddle Diddle. Garrard Publishing, 1980.5-8.
The old nursery rhyme has been expanded to include some silly new
characters such as, "Hey diddle doodle, the goat ate some noodles,"
and now ends with, "The men on the moon were very surprised
when the cow flew away on a spoon!" An easy-to-read book.
Livermore, Elaine. Three Ude Kittens Lost Their Mittens. Illus. by
author. Houghton Mifflin, 1979.4-7.
This new rhyming version of a familiar story gets the reader involved
is a clever way. The youngster is asked to help find the mittens by
going back and looking for them hidden among the black and yellow
sketches. Fun and helpful for visual discrimination.
Lobel, Arnold, compiler. Gregory Crisp and Other Nursery Rhyme
People. Illus. by compiler. Greenwillow Books, 1978.4-7.
Soft pastel illustrations make the humorous, less-known nursery
characters come to life. There's Gregory Griggs with his twenty-seven
different wigs, Little Miss Tuckett, Giant Jim, Punch and Judy, and
thirty-two other entertaining rhymes. Table of contents and an inter-
esting afterword that explains the author's choices.

Marshall, James. awes Marshall's Mother Goose. FarrafStraus

Giroux, 197. 3-7.
Familiar and less well-known nursery rhymes are included in this
collection. The unique illustrations give these Mother Goose verses a
fresh and humorous look.
Tarrant, Margaret, compiler. Nursery Rhymes. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978.
Tarrant first illustrated Mother Goose rhymes over sixty years ago.
This reissue has the quaint appeal of the old-fashioned characters
and muted colors and is as charming for today's young children as it
was for their grandparents.
Tripp, Wallace, compiler. Grants' Grig Had a Pig and Other Rhymes
without Reason from Mother Goose. illus. by compiler. Little,
Brown, 1976.4-7.
A lively, colorful, and earthy collection of Mother Goose rhymes, in
which most of the characters are animals. Miss Mullett, for example,
is a rabbit, and Old King Cole a bear. intludes old favorites and
some authentic but unfamiliar verses.

Aardema, Verna. J1-Nongo-Nongo Moms Middles. Illus. Jerry Pinkney.

Four Winds Press, 1978.8,12.
This book is delightful fo- riddle-loving children, but its deeper value
lies itt the insights into African culture it- provides. Eleven African
tribes an represented. Through the riddles one can see what is valued
and enjoyed in another culture. Beautifully detailed sepia pencil
drawings enrich the cultural understandings.
Schourtz. Alvin, compiler. Flandoodle: Pore Nonsense from American
Folklore. Illus. John O'Brien. J. B. Lippincott, 1980.8-12.
This collection of outrageous puns, riddles, spoonerisms, sight gags,
and just pure nonsense draws on sources from folklore archives to
. recent issues of Boys' Life, and is sure to tickle the funny bones of
jokesters of all ages. Copious notes, extensive bibliography, and
clever illustrations. -

Schwartz, Alvin. Ten Copycats in a Boat and Other Riddles. Illus. Marc
Smoot. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980.6-9.
Here is a collection of old and not-so-old riddles for the beginning
reader selected from folklore around the world. The humorous illus-
trations add to the fun.
Young, Ed, compiler. High on Awn. A Book of Chinese Riddles. Illus.
by compiler. William Collan Publishers01980.8-12.
This collection of authentic Chinese riddles, primed in both Chinese
and English, will intrigue riddle fans. Ex4uisite pencil drawings by
the author enhance the text.

Additional Traditional Literature

Asbionuen, P. C., and J. E. Moe. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Illus. Marcia
Brown. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1957.4 -8.
Belting, Natalia. The Sun Is a Golden Earring. Illus. Bernarda oryson. Holt.
Rinehart and Winston, 1962. 8-12.
Brown, Marcia. Once a Mouse. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961. 5-8.
Bryson, Bernarda. Gilgamesh: Man's First Story. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1967. 6-11,
Chase, Richard. Grandfather Tales. Houghton Mifflin, 1948. 9-up.
Chase. itichird. The Jack Tales. Illus. Berkeley Williams, Jr. Houghton Mifflin.
1943. 8-12.
Colum, Padraic. The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the
Mks of Troy. Illus. Willy Pogany. Macmillan Publishing, 1965. 10-12.
Courlander, Harold. The Piece of Fire and Other Haitian Tales. Illus. Beth Krush
and Joe Krush. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1964. 9-12.
Myren, Elphinstone. Why the gl4r1 and Moon Live in theiSky. Illus. Blair Lent.
Houghton Mifflin, 1968.5 -8.
Domanska, Janina. The Turnip. Macmillan Publishing, 1969. 5-9.

Traditional Literature

Graham, Lorenz. God Wash the World and Start Again. Illus. Clare R. Ross.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1971. 7-1 I.
Grimm Brothers. King Grisly-Beard. Translated by Edgar Taylor. Illus. Maurice
Sendak. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973. 6-10.
Grimm Brothers. Tice Seven Ravens. Illus. Felix Hoffman. Harcourt Brace Jovano--
vich, 1963. 5-8.
Grimm. Brothers. Snow .White. Translated by Paul Heins. Illus. Tnna Schart
Hyman:,Little, Brown, 1974. 6-S.
Grimm Brothers. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Translated by Randall
Jarrell. Illus. Nancy Ekholm Burken. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972. 6-12.
Hodges, Margaret. The Wave. Illus. Blair Lent. Houghton Mifflio, 1964. 6-10.
Hogrogian, Nonny. One Rite Day: Macmillan Publishing, 1971. 5-8.
Jameson, Cynthia. The Clay Pot Bov. Illus. Arnold Lobel. Coward, McCann &
Geogik,; n, 1973. 5-8.
Kent, Jack. The Fat Cat: A Danish Folktak. Parents Magazine Press, 1971. 5-8.
La Fontaine, Jean de. The North Wind and the Sun. illus. Brian Wildsmith.
Franklin Watts, 1963. 4-8.
McDermott, Gerald. Ar ginsi the Spider. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. 4-8.
Mosel, Arlene. The Funny Little Woman. Illus. Blair Lent. E. P. Dutton, 1972. 4-8.
Mosel, Arlene. Tikki Tfkki Tembo. Illus. Blair Lent. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1968. 6-8.
Perrault, Charles. Cinderella. Illus. Marcia Brown. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.
Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and His Knights. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1903. 12 -up.
Sherlock, Sir Philip. Anansi, the Spider Man. Illus. Marcia Brown. Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1954. 9-up.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories. Illus. Maurice Sendak.
Translated by the author and Elizabeth Shub. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1966. 6-12.
Sturton, Hugh. Zomo the Rabbit. Illus. Peter Warner. Atheneum, 1966 8-up.
Men, Jane. The Emperor and the Kite. Illus. Ed Young. William Collins Pub-
lishers, 1967. 6-11.
Zemach, Harve. Duffy and the Devil. Illus. Margot Zemach Farrar, Straus &
Giroux. 1973. 8-up.

modern Fantasy

Picture Nooks
Alexander, Martha. I Sure Ane Glad to See You, Blackboard Bear. Dial
Press, 1976.4-7.
Faithful Blackboard Bear again comes to the rescue of his young
friend Anthony when a neighborhood bully takes his ice-cream cone.
Illustrations perceptively capture a small child's frustrations. Other
Blackboard Bear stories relate to a small child's sensibilities. (Picture
Al lmand, Pascale (translator Elizabeth Watson Taylor). The Animals'
Wk. Cleansed Their Colon. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1979.
A polar bear, whale, tortoise, and two crocodiles want to be as
colorful as the parrot. After they have painted themselves different
colon, the parrot points out that they will be very conspicuous and
easy prey for their enemies. They swim home and wash away the
paint. (Picture book)
Asch, Frank. The Last Puppy. Prentice-Hall, 1980.3-7.
The last .of Motmma's nine puppies to be born is the last in every-
thing..When the owners decide to sell the puppies, he is afraid he
will the last to be chosen. Soft color illustrations add to the
'poignant text. (Picture book)
Asch, 'Frank. MacGooses' Grocery. Illus. James Marshall. Dial Press,
This easy-to-read story finds the MacGoose family getting tired of
watching their grocery store and 'their new goose egg, so the egg
looks after himself. Illustrations add greatly to the silliness of the
egg's adventures, as he impatiently waits to,become a new member of
the growing goose family. (Picture book)
Asch, Frank. Moon Rm. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978.4-7.
" Bear loves the moon. He is very upset when he sees the moon getting
thinner and thinner. How Bear tries to help save the moon and what
Modern Fantasy

he finally discovers make a good read-aloud story. The illustrations

catch the mood of Bear's concern. (Picture book)

Augarde, Steve. Pig. Bradbury Press, 1977. 5-8.

A funny, impossible story of barnyard life. All the animals wonder
what Pig's job isuntil one day he makes an unexpected contribution
to their well-being. Color illustrations add zest and humor. Young
children will enjoy this as a read-aloud story. (Picture book)

Bach, Alice. The Most Delirious Camping Trip Ever. Illus. Steven Kellogg.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1976. 5-8.
When the twin bears prepare for an overnight outing with, Aunt
Bear, Ronald comes up with an idea that accommodates is scientific
interests and Oliver's love of food. Anticipating the "worst hike in
history," they are surprised how Aunt Bear provides the comforts of
hothe: Brown and white illustrations. (Picture book)

Baker, Alan. Benjamin and the Box. Illus. by author. J. B. Lippincott,

1977. 3-5.
Ingenious Benjamin Hamster attempts to open a padlocked box
with a screwdriver, a hammer, magic, and finally dynamite. The
story ends with Benjamin discovering that the box contains a delight-
ful surprise. Detailed and action-filled illustrations make the deter-
mined hamster a hit. (Picture book)

Baker, Alan. Benjamin Bounce Back. Illus. by author. J. B. Lippincott,

1978. 4-7.
Benjamin, a nearsighted hamster, cannot read a "no entry" sign on a
door and unexpectedly takes a joy ride through a fun house. Few
words and detailed colorful illustrations make this a good read-aloud
book for preschoolers. (Picture book) .

Berends, Polly Berrien. Ladybug and Dog and the Night-Walk. Illus.
Cyndy Szekeres. Random House, 1980. 4-7.
This is a gentle story of a dog and a ladybug who take Ladybug's
seven cousins for a night nature walk on the farm. They enjoy their
nighttime discoveries until one ladybug is lost. Captivating illustra-
tions blend with this adventure for the young listeher. (Picture book)

Barrett, John M. Oscar the Selfish Octopus. Illus. Joe Servello. Human
Sciences Press, 1978. 4-7.
A modern morality tale. When self-centered and therefore lonely
Oscar is caught inside the mouth of a shark, he is rescued by two
small starfish who also deliver a sermon on being selfish. Oscar
learns that his arms can be used to hug others and not just himself.
(Picture book)

Animals / Picture Books 41

Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Berenstain. The Berenstain Bears end the Miss-
ing Dinosaur Bone. Beginner Books, 1980.6-9.
The Bear Detectives are on a case to find the missing dinosaur bone
before the Hear Museum opens. They find it but not without the
help of hound dog. An asy-to-read book in rhyme. (Picture book)
Berger, Terry, adapter. The Turtles' Picnic and Other 'Nonsense Stories.
Erkki Alanen. Crown Publishers, 1977.6-9.
Three humorous short stories for beginning readers include a suspi-
cious baby turtle who doesn't trust his parents, a fussy dog who
wants his cake baked just so, and a proud, young lion who criticizes
every animal he meets until the mouse leaves him sneechless. Hilar-
ious color illustrations. (Picture book)
Berson, Harold. Truffles for Lunch. Macmillan Publishing. 1980. 6-9.
An unhappy pig wishes to be like other animals. Quite unexpectedly
he meets a wizard who can grant his wishes. Being a lion isn't every-
thing the thought it would tie, but a happy surprise awaits him.
Amusing pen sketches with exeggerr.ed expressions carry the action.
Good for independent reading. (Picture book)
Bohdal, Susi. Tom CM. Doubleday, 1977.4-7.
Understanding the language of other animals makes Tom Cat quite
remarkable. He's. labeled peculiar by fellow cats because he doesn't
hant. After visiting with a wise old hen, he cleverly outwits his
friends and becomes accepted. Outstanding black and white etchings
enrich the text. (Picture book)
Bond, Michael.. Olga Carries On. Illus. Hans Helweg. Hastings House,
Publishers, 1979. o-9.
Olga, a wiry guinea pig, makes things happen in her own backyard
in nine episodic stories. She speaks French, sounds a fire alarm, and
enjoys telling tall tales to Noel the cat, Graham the tortoise, and
Fangio the hedgehog. Humorous illustrations provide delightful
entertainment. (Picture book)
Be Michael. Paddington at the Seaside. Illus. Fred Banbery. Random
douse, 1978.5-7. ,

When Paddington visits the seashore, exciting things happen for the
whole family. Punch and Judy shows need to be explained to the
lovable bear. A good introduction to the harder series of Paddington
Books. (Picture book)
Boyntsp, Sandra. Hester in the Wild. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979.
Hester, the pig, sets off on a camping trir only to face a variety of
problems: a hole in her canoe, a hole in her tent, a rainstorm, and an
Modern Fantasy

invasion of gophers! Hester approaches each problem with creativity

and aplomb. The lively illustrations add to the fun. (Picture book)
Brandenberg, Franz. Nice New Neighbors. Illus. Aliki. Greenwillow Books,
1977.64. 0
The Fieldmouse children are having trouble making friends with
their new neighbors. Discograged at first, they soon create their own
fun and the cables are turned. A read-alone book. (Picture book)
Brandenberg, Franz. Six New Studente. Illus. Aliki. Greenwillow Books,
It's the first day of school and the six little Fieldmice get ready for
the b'g day. Little first-grader Ferdinand isn't so sure he's going to
like it. Who wants arithmetic, calligraphy, botany, art, and physical
education? A read-alone book with appealing pink and green pen
illustrations. (Picture book)
Brown, Marc. Arthur's Nose. Little, Brown, 1976.4-7.
Arthur, an aardvark, decides to change his problem nose, which
stops up, gets red, and Makes him feel unaccepted by classmates.
After trying many other kinds of noses, he makes a surprising deci-
sion. This amusingly illustrated book is easy to read. Good for dis-
cussion of self-acceptance. (Picture book)
Brown, Margaret Wise. Foi Eyes. Illus. Garth Williams. Pantheon Books,
A sly fox steals about the forest spying on the animals to obtain
their secrets. Along the way he encounters opossums, rabbits, bears,
tree toads, and children. His sneeze, "Whiskerchew," makes his pres-
ence known. Unaware of the commotion he is causing, he cozily
. falls asleep. Good for reading aloud. (Picture book)
Brown, Palmer. Hickory. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.6-9.
Hickory, a mouse, leaves the security of his family home to build his
own home in the meadow. Lonely at first, he soon develops a close
friendship with a grasshopper. As winter approaches, he realizes that
he will soon lose his friend. Soft illustrations complement the warm
mood of the story. (Picture book) ..--

BroIme, Anthony. Beer Hunt. Atheneum, 1980.3-5.

An unsuspecting little bear goes for a walk in the forest. Hunters,
wild animals, and even capture await him, but he escapes because of
the little pencil he carries with him. Colored, stylized illustrations
complement the story. (Picture book)
Burningham, John. The Shopping Basket. Thomas Y.'Crowell, 1980.4-7.
Steven is sent to the store to buy six eggs, five bananas, four apples,
three oranges, two doughnuts, and a package of crisps. He gets to the


Assratobl Plasm Books

store, but coming home is quite difficult. Strange animals meet him
at every turn, but Steven is clever. Amusing, colored, cartoonlike
illustrations. (Picture book)
,Calhoun, Mary. Cram -Country Cat. Illus. Erick Ingraham. William Mor-
row, 1979.6-9. $

A spunky cat, Henry, is using his unusual skill of walking on his =1'
hind, legs when the family inadvertently leaves him behind at the ski
cabin. He wears the cross-country skis made especially for him and
catches up with the family as they are searching for him. Outstand-
ing illustrations. (Pietuke bdak)
Carle, Eric. The Gres* Ladybug. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977.6-9.
Bright illustrations and half-pages show a ladybug's pursuit of some-
one to fight. Each challenge is countered with the ladybug's sneer,
"Oh, you're not big enough." After meeting progressively larger ani-.
mals, the bug meets a whale who slaps her back to her starting point,
a leaf she now shares willingly. (Picture book)
Carbon, Natalie Savage. Runaway Mark LiNdse. Illus. Jose Aruego and
Ariane Dewey. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977.4-7.
When Marie Louise, a little brown mongoose, is punished for being
naughty, she decides to run away and find a new home. To her
dismay, no other mother wants her. She finally finds a nice lady who
loves her, none other than her own mother. (Picture book)
Carbon, 'Natalie Savage. Time for the White Egret. Illus. Charles Robin-
son. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978.6-9.
The white cattle egret is impatient to find her own host cow to forage
food for her. A wise cow tells her that time will solve her problem.
The author presents a gentle lesson in patience in this story of the
,egret who is searching for time. (Picture book)
Carrick, Malcolm. Today Is Shrew's Day. Harper & Row, Publishers,
A cheerful little shrew and a disgruntled bullfrog spend an adven-
turous day by the river. Children will identify with the small shrew
who convinces thetullfrog that, despite her size, she can have worth-
while ideas. Real characterization is developed in the exchanges
between the animals. An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)
Cartlidge, Michelle. The Bears' Bazaar: A Story/Craft Book. Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard Books, 1979.4-7.
Eric and Lucy Bear must make something to sell for the coming
bazaar. With the guidance of Mothei and Father Bear, they make
mobiles, paint rocks, decorate boxes, and design p mural. Directions
for the projects are given at the end of the book. Attractive illustra-
tions weave together the story and crafts, (Picture book)

Mode'', Fantasy
44 4

Cartlidge, Michelle. Pippin and Pod. Pantheon Books, 1978. 5-8.

The mouse world of Pippin and Pod' makes for fascinating explora-
tion. When the bilithers wander off from their mother they
exciting adventures :Aid just enough danger and fear to make them
need to find her. Minna re, detailed illustrations create a
illusion of a world poptilated by mice. (Picture book)

Caulelj, Lorin& dryan. The Bake:Off. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 5-7.

Before hibernating, the forest creatures hold an "Autumn Bake-Off'
as a way of fattening up for winter. Parents compete and children
brag On their folks' baking prowess. Conflict between vegetables and
sugars might add spice to nutrition studies. Pen and ink drawings
add charm. Prize-winning recipe included. (Picture bookl
qiiikovsky, Kornei (adapters William Jay Smith and Max Hayward). The
Telephone. Illus. Blair Lent. Seymour Lawrence, 1977. 5-8.
An entertaining classic of nonsense verse by a popular Soviet chil-
dren's poet. The amusing illustrations of the animals by Blair Lent
portray their personalities delightfully. The animals constantly
venience the author with their calls about their problems. Visual
clues add the right touch to this Russian treasure. (Picture book)
Clymer, Eleanor. Horatio Solves a Mystery. illus. Robert Quackenbush.
Atheneum, 1980.4 -7.,
Horatio, the cat, lives alone with Mrs. Casey! He has a great life
until one day things start to disappear. Mrs. Casey blames him
next-door thief. Another tale is found in
he solves the mystery of the
Horatio Goes to the Country. icture book)
Crowe, Robert L. Tyler Toad and tie Thunder. Illus. Kay Chorao. E.
Dutton, 1980. 4-7.
Tyler Toad is'afraid of the impending thunder and hides in a
but Tyler
Other animals tell him their view of what .thunder is,
refuses to believe them. When the thunder clap finally comes, Tyler
follows all the other fearless animals into the hole! Charming full-
color illustrations. (Picture book)
Irowley, Arthur. Bonzo Beaver. Illus. Annie Gusman. Houghton Mifflin,
1980. 5-8.
his little
Older ,brother Bop Beaver doesn't like babysitting for
brother, Bonzo, and he lets him know it. When Bonzo runs away,
collaborates with him on a way to give
he meets Mrs. Grisley, who
this rhymed
Boo his comeuppance. Delightful illustrations enhance
story. (Picture book)
Blake. Alfred A.
Dahl, Roald. The Enormous Crocodile. Illus. Quentin
Knopf, 1978. All sages.
In spite of his secret plans and nasty tricks, Enormous Crocodile

Assbnals1Pieture Books

foiled at every turn in his efforts to eat some juicy boys and girls.
Humorous dialogue and delightful watercolors are enchanting. (Pic-
titre Wok)
Dauer, Rosamond. Bullfrog and GertrOdeoCro Camping. Illus. Byron
Barton. Greenwillow Books, 1980.4 -7. .

This is the third episOde of Bullfrogit adventures. As Bullfrog and

friend Gertrude are campiqg, they meet a lonely snake Itsi, whOm
. they decide to adopt. This funny, easy-to-read story is complentented
by n t illustrations. Other books arc tlffrog Grows Up and
Builds a Rouse. (Picture book)
Dauer, Rosamond. Bullfrog Builds a H . Byron Barton. Green-
willow Books, 1977. 6-8.
Bullfrog decides to Wild a ho , but he isdl sure where to beg/.
His friend Gertrude offers.suggettions and Bullfrog builds the house,
but something is missing. Only Gertrude can supply the answer.
Amusing, colored, cartoonlike illustrations in this read-alone book.
(Picture book)
de Brunhoff, Laurent. Babsr's Mystery. Random House, 1978. 5-8.
This twenty-fourth book of the Babar series proves to be as attrac-
tive and appealing as the previous stories. King Babar and Celeste
are vacationing at Celesteville-on-the-Sea with their three children.
One by one their belongings begin to disappear, and Babar discovers
an ingenious plan. Cartoon drawings. (Picture book)
Delaney, Ned. Rufus theDoofus. Houghton Mifflin, 1978. 6-7.
Rufus, ati energetic animal, attends school. Most of the time he is
shunned, but he longs to be noticed. Thtough a freak accident when
the teacher is out of the room, he rescues one of his classmates.
Delaney, Ned. A Worm for Dinner. 11; by author. Houghton Mifflin,
1977. 5-8. *
Mole and Bird are hungry at the same time and see' the same worm.
In the ensuing struggle and quarrel, the worm gets away. A big
cooperative dinner effort almost res,tilts in a disaster and does result
in lost appetites. The illustrations are bright, bold, and comical.
(Picture book)
Delton,..ludy: Penny-Wise, Fun-Foolish. Illus. Guilio MaestrO. Crowri
Publishers, 1977. 6-9.
Ostrich clips coupons, saves string, and hoards her money so that
she can travel to Amerid with her friend Elephant. Tired of not
having fun becaUse his friend is so thrifty, Elephant tricks Ostrich
into spending some of her money to enjoy life. A lesson on economy
for early readers. (Picture book)

Modern Fantasy

De 1ton, Judy. Rabbit's New Rug. Illus. Marc Brown, Parents Magazine
Press, 1979. 4-7.
Rabbit admires his beautiful new flowered rug. Fox, Owl, and
Raccoon'conte to see, but they aren't allowed to step on it so they
stay away. Rabbit gets lonely and decides to have a party. But what
about the rug? The ending is happy for all. Delightfully illustrated in
vibrant color. (Picture book)

De 1ton, Judy. Three Friends Finti Spring. Illus. Guilio Maestro. Crown
Publishers, 1977. 5-8.
Rabbit and Squirrel try many ways to cheer Duck, who hates winter.
Nothing; helps, including Easter eggs, bright yellow paint, and
shoveled snow. Finally it is Duck who finds a.true sign of spring and
shares it with his friends. Full-color illustrationi (Picture book)

de Paola, Tomie. Bill and Pete. Illus. by author. G. P. Putnam's Sons,

1978. 54.
Bill, the crocodile, is very happy with his toothbrush friend, Pete,
and with school. When he has difficulty writing his name, Pete
comes to the rescue. Later, Bill is caught off guard and captured by
a crocodile collector, but cleverly frees himself. A read-aloud
for preschoolers with humorous, colorful illustrations. (Picture book)

Dragonwagon, Crescent. Your Owl Friend. Illus. Ruth Bornstein Harper

& Row, Publishers, 1977. t.-10.
An unusual story of the strong bond of friendship between a boy
and an owl. In lyrical language the owl and the boy share their
special feelings about the night. The pink and lavender chalk illustra-
tions and the short length would make this a goo, book for reading
aloud. (Picture book)

Dumas, Philippe (adapter Michael Rosenbaum). Caesar: Cock of the

Village. Prentice-Hall, 1979. 6-9.
Caesar, a vivacious cock, leaves his post as a ;athervane and goes
for a walk in the village. He lands in a church garden and is spied by
the priest who tries to capture him. in cumulative style he visits
many craftsmen who in turn join the crowd pursuing him. (Picti"e
Dumas, Philippe (translator Michael Rosenbaum). Lucie: A Tale of a
Donkey. Prentice-Hall, 1977. 6-9.
Lucie, a naughty little donkey from the woods, befriends Louis, a
small boy, and goes to Paris with him. Many escapades, her father's
rescue of them, and a race lead Lucie to realize t',Itt there still are
some good people in the world. Illustrations add dimension to the
subtly humorous text. (Picture book)
Animals! Picture Books 47

Duvoisjn, Roger. Crocus. Alfred A. Knopf, 1Q77.4-7.

The animals of Sweetpea farm think highly of Crocus, the crocodile,
until calamity strikes. His severe toothaches result in the dentist's
decision to pull his four long rows of beautiful teeth. An unusual
solution cheers him and restores his self-image. Children will enjoy
listening to the story. (Picture book)
Duvoisin, Roger. Snowy and Woody. Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.4-7.
Snowy, a polar bear, and Woody, a woodland bear, are befriended
by Kitty, a gvII. All three help each other when hunters come. The
concept of protective coloring is clearly observable in the colored
illustrations. (Picture book)
Freeman, Don. Bearymore. Illus. by author. Viking Press, 1976.4-7.
Bearymore. a lovable circus bear, runs into trouble while trying to
, hibernate and plan a new circus act at the same time. He accidentally
solves his problems and achieves spectacular success. Soft il.astra-
tions complement this high interest story. (Picture book)
Freschet, Berniece. Bernard of Scotland Yard. Illus. Gina Freschet. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1978.7-10.
When Aunt Hilly tells the family that her son, Foster, is an Inspector
-- with Scotland Yard, Bernard's mouse ears perk up. Off he goes to
London where he joins in the search for a notorious jewel-thieving
Mole Gang. Adventure and intrigue delight read-aloud audiences.
(Flame book)
Freschet, Berniece. Elephant St Friends. Illus. Glen Rounds. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1977.6-9.
Elephant and his friends must leave the desert because there is little
food or water. After a perilous journey to the forest, they come upon
their greatest enemy. The friends summon all that is left of their
courage, and determination. In a surprise move they frighten away
the hunters. (Picture book)
Freschet, Berniece. Five Fat Raccoons. Illus. Irene Brady. Charles Scrib-
ner's Sons, 1980.4-7.
Father, Mother, Little Sister, Little Brother, and Uncle Rocky all live
in the same hollow tree. They are hungry all the time and spend
hours hunting and fishing for food. Uncle Rocky is a bit daring
and has a narrow escape. Beautiful sepia-colored illustrations with
appeal. (Picture book)
Fre,, 'het, Berniece. The Happy Dromedary. Illus. Glen Rounds. Charles
Scribner's Sorts, 1977.6-9.
When the camel chose to live in the desert, he soon found that he
lacked certain physical characteristics, so he approached the Animal

5 u"
48 Modern Fantasy

King for help. The author creates a tale to explain why the camel
has a hump. Humorous and sensitive drawings show the camel's
changes. (Picture book)
Freschet, Berniece. Where's Henrietta's Hen? Illus. Lorinda Bryan Cauley.
G. PiiPutnam's Sons, 1980. 3-6.
Henrietta's hen faithfully gives her an egg for her breakfast every
morning. But one day the hen disappears. Henrietta searches with
help from the other animals and finally finds not only her her, but
eight baby chicks. A simple counting tale that will delight younger
readers. (Picture book)
Gackenbach, Dick. Crackle Gluck and the Sleeping Toad. Seabury Press,
1979. 6-9.
The Glucks are strong believers in luckbringers, especially in a toad
that sleeps in their barn. It is pampered and fussed over until Crackle
Gluck, a perceptive young girl, sees the foolishness of her super-
stitious family and takes action. Amusing three-color illustrations.
(Picture book)
Gackenbach, Dick. Hattie Be Quiet, Hattie Be Good. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1977. 4-7.
Although Hattie Rabbit is determined to be helpful, she is loud
when she tries to be quiet and she makes a sick friend feel worse. All
ends well when the Doctor prescribes ice cream for friend Shirley
Rabbitfoot, and Hattie gets to share the "medicine." Easy to read.
(Picture book)
Gackenbach, Dick More from Hound and Bear. Clarion Books, 1979.
Sensible Bear rescues his silly friend, Hound, who falls in a hole. In
a second story he shows Hound how to be a good friend. However,
in the third episode, Hound teaches Bear a lesson. Funny pen and
ink illustrations add to the text. (Picture book)

Gackenbach, Dick. Mother Rabbit's Son Tom. Harper & Row. Pub-
lishers, 1977. 6-9.
Young Tom Rabbit is full of tricks in these two high interest, easy-
to-read stories. Tom refuses all vegetables from his worried mother
and eats only his favorite, hamburgers. Next, Mother says no to a
pet, but he comes home with a surprise. Humorous and warm illus-
trations add chuckles. (Picture book)
Gantos, Jack. Worse Than Rotten, Ralph. 1111!s.. Nicole Rubel. Houghton
Mifflin, 1978. 4-7.
Sarah's cat, Rotten Ralph, decides to reform. His :ife becomes so
dull that he is easily enticed by a gang of alley cats to join them as
they create mayhem. Ralph ends up sa,..., !lack in Sarah's arms, t-t
dreaming of an'other encounter with the alley cats. (Picture book)

Animals' Picture Books 49

Getz, Arthur. Humphrey, the Dancing Pig. Illus. by author. Dial Press,
1980. 7-10.
Humphrey, the pig, wants to be slim like the cat. So he dances and
dances and dances until one day he is so thin that the farmer doesn't
recognize him. A humorous tale with softly colored watercolors.
(Picture book)
Godden, Rumer. A Kindle of Kittens. Illus. Lynne Byrnes. Viking Press,
1978. 5-8.
She-Cat walks alone ,in her English village until she meets He-Cat
and gives birth to a kindle of kittens. Loving homes must be found
for each kitten; the fond mother chooses carefully among the villagers
whose dustbins she knows. Exquisite color illustrations of cats and
an English village. (Picture book)
Grahame, Kenneth. The Open Road. Illus. Beverley Gooding. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1979. 8-12.
Toad goes off in his fantastic new horse-drawn caravan accompanied
by Rat and Mole. This adventure from The Wind in the Willows is
illustrated with detailed full-color illustrations. (Picture book)
Grahame, Kenneth. The River Bank. Illus. Adrienne Adams. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1977. 7-10.
This first chapter of The Wind in the Willows is a complete story in
itself and introduces wise Rat and bashful Mole. This is an enchant-
ing book and an exceptionally good read-aloud story. Many magical
full-color illustrations. (Picture book)
Hall, Malcolm. CariCatures. Illus Bruce Degen. Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1978. 7-10.
Claws and Paws, the world's leading animal newspaper, is in trouble,
sales are down. S.,mething fresh is needed to regain its readers. The
staff brainstorms for a solution. Wasn't Hank Raccoon a cartoonist?
Weren't his lively caricatures just the thing? A lively, humorous story
with enjoyable pictures. (Picture book)
Harris, Dorothy Joan. The School Mouse and the Hamster. Illus. Judy
Clifford. Frederick Warne, 1979. 5-8.
Jonathan's mouse, who appeared in The House Mouse and The
School Mouse, returns. Jonathan helps him share adventures with
the school hamster. The hamster gets to explore the mouse's trails
and the mouse frolics on the hamster's swings and wheels. Beauti-
fully detailed illustrations lend a strong note of realism to this tale.
(Picture book)
Hayes, Geoffrey. The Secret Inside. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. 4-9.
Bear has a secret. He is lonely because his friends don't understand.
Mother Bear hugs away the loneliness, but it is in a wonderful dream

Modern Fantasy

that Bear recognizes the value of his secret. Small homelibrpictures

in warm, gentle colors. (Picture book)

Herz, Irene. Hey! Don't Do That. Illus. Lucinda McQueti. Prentice -Hall,
1978. 4-7.
This brief story is told in the first person by a little girl who goes to
the- playground with her brother. Huge animals invade the play-
ground and use the children's equipment. Te sister and brother
warn the animals as the title implies. ColorfuPillustrations. (Picture
Hiller, Catherine. Argentaybee and the Boonie. Illus. Cyndy Szekeres.
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 4-'1.
Emily Kitten is happy and helpful until imaginary friends Argentay-
bee and the Boonie come to stay. Things get difficult for Emily
and Mother. But the first day of school brings a real friend and
Argentaybee moves to Paris. Delightful two-color illustrations. (Pic-
ture book)
Hoban, Lillian. Arthur's Pen Pal. Illus. by author. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1976. 6-9.
Arthur thinks that his pen pal would be a better playmate than his
little sister. After all, his sister is a girl and can't do much. A great
surprise for Arthur comes when he receives a letter back from his
pen pal. An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)
Hoban, Lillian. Arthur's Prize Reader: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.
Arthur, the chimp, returns in this warm brother-sister story. He and
his little sister, Violet, discover that to read "hard" words is not
enough; they must understand the meaning of the words. Beginning
readers will relate to and enjoy this easy-to-read book that is expres-
sively illustrated. (Picture book)
Hoban, Lillian. Mr. Pig and Family. Harper & Row, Publishers,
When Mr. Pig marries Selma Pig, they need to move into one house.
Their house-moving ends up in a rainy day tea party. Then Mr. Pig
tries to plant a garden and he ends up with a hole full of seeds and
water. More easy-reading humorous adventures of silly Mr. Pig.
(Picture book)
Hoban, Russell. Arthur's New Power. Illus. Byron Barton. Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1978. 6- 9.
Energy problems confront the Crocodile family. The entire family
has to rely on extension cord electricity from the neighboring Boa
household until Arthur generates an unusual solution. They all dis-

Animals / Picture Books 51

cover something about being plugged in ancL plugged out. Bright

illustrations and a fast-moving story. (Picture book)

Hoff, Syd. Walpole. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 6-8.

Walpole, the biggest and strongest walrus, does not want to become
the leader of his herd until one day when he saves the herd from a
polar bear. This easy-to-read book will appeal to the beginning
reader. The cartoon-like illustrations are bold and humorous. (Pic-
ture book)

Houghton, Eric. The Mouse and the Magician. Illus. Faith Jaques. Andre
Deutsch, 1979. 4-7.
The mouse looks longingly through the magician's window as the
snowfalls about him. Food and warmth are woth the risk. But the
mouse is clumsy, the magician frightened, and a nds happily in this
clever tale. Full-color illustrations add to the pleasure. (Picture book)

Hyman, R'bin, and Inge Hyman. Casper and the Rainbow Bird. Illus.
YutaL Sugita. Barron's Educational Series, 1978. 4-7.
One day Casper's daddy tells him that he is old enough to fly to town
by himself. Thrilled with this new privilege, he leaves immediately.
Along the way he discovers Rainbow Bird in a cage and a lasting
friendship iE begun. Appealing, colorful pictures. (Picture book)

Joeths, Consuelo. The Lost & Found House. Four Winds Press, 1979.
Here's a story about the adventures of a resourceful and courageous
mouse, Cricket, who loses his comfortable house. After many mis-
haps, the mouse and the house .ire reunited and find an exciting new
life with a boy and his model trair. Small book size and watercolor
illustrations are bonuses for young independent readers. (Picture

Keenan, Martha. The Mannerly Adventures of Little Mouse. Illus. Meri

Shardin. Crown rublishers, 1977. 3-5.
Little Mouse needs constant reminders to say thank you and please.
but when he joins Uncle Cheddar on a food hunt, he proves that he
has the best manners of all. The loving closeness of the mouse family
comes through in the delicately colored pencil drawings. (Picture

Kennedy, Richard. The Mouse God. Illus. Stephen Harvard. Little.

Brown, 1979. 4-7.
In order to earn his keep, a large lazy bat nyard cat is expected to
catch the mice. He makes himself a complete outfit of mouse skins.
The mice mistake him for a mouse god and find themselves in a
dangerous situation. Excellentillustrations and endpages add to the
entertaining story. (Picture bock)

Modern Fantasy

Pierson. Garrard
Kessler, Leonard. Do You Have Any Carrots? Illus. Lori
Publishing, 1979.6-8.
favorite food,
As two bunnies hop about in search of carrots, their
foxes, raccoons, and other animals eat.
they discover what dogs,
they meet a kind, farmer. Full-Color
They are disappointed until
illustrations combine with the text to make an appealing book for
the beginning reader. (Picture book)
Pantheon Books,
Kimmel, Eric. Why Worry? Illus. Elizabetir Cannon.
they are the
Cricket always worries. Grasshopper never does. Yet
best of friends. The two share a series of improbable, exciting, amus-
ing adventures one summer day and get home in time for tea.
match text.
some full-color illustrations are carefully designal to
(Picture book)
Krahn, Fernando. The Family Minus. Illus. by author. Parents
Press, 1977.6-9.
An ordinary day in the lives of Mr. Harry Minus, Mrs. Mary
description of
Minus, and their eight children is combined with the
household inventions in this humorous
Mrs. Minus's extraordinary
piutlw.- book. The author's full-nage colorful illustrations add to the
fun. (Picture book)
Illus. Robert
Kraus, Robert. and Bruce Kraus. The Detective of London.
Byrd. E. P. Dutton; 1977.4:7.
While being transported to London for Queen Victoria's
bones are stolen. The Detective of London
newly discovered dinosaur
of the city as he
is given the case. His adventures take him on a tour
white illustrations
eats his way to a solution. Charming black and
of Victorian London. (Picture book)
Illus. Hilary Knight. E. P.
Kraus, Robert. The- Good Mousekeeper.
Dutton. 1977 4-7.
little mice
The good mousekeeper knows exactly what to do for the Oval-
in her care. Her work is never finished until late at night.
. shaped illustrations show the kindly mouse feeding the mice,
them at bedtime. A good read-aloud
their clothes, and reading to
book. (Picture book)
Illus. Lorinda
Kwitz, Mary DeBall. Rabbits' Search for a Little House.
Cauley. Crown Publishers, 1977.5-8.
Mother Rabbit and Little Rabbit search for a wee little, warm
home. They just miss renting several places but
snug little winter Rhythmic
finally find a hollow stump and furnish it to their liking.
flowing language; attractive illustrations. (Picture book)

Animals/ Picture Bookr 53

Lawson, Annetta. The Lucky Yak. Illus. Allen Say. Parnassus Press, 1980.

Edward, a successful yak who has everything, is depressed and

unhappy. At his psychiatrist's suggestion, Edward reluctantly agrees
to baby-sit for young Muffin Puffin, who eats a bar of soap and
dents the refrigerator with her tricycle. Edward quickly appreciates
his life and finds happiness. Detailed ink drawings capture the
humor. (Picture book)
Le Guin, Ursula K. Leese Webster. Illus. James Brunsman. Atheneum,
1979.8 -12.
Leese is a spider who weaves beautiful intricate websifiat rival the
palbAings and carvings that are in her castle home. Her webs are so
unique that many people come to see them and Leese is thrown into
the-garden where a whole new world of web-making awaits her.
(Picture book)
Lesikin, Joan. Down the Road. Illus. by author. Pst.ntice-Hall, 1978. 3-3.
A snake and a box turtle set out to seek a suitable home. They soon
discover that- what is good for ohe is not quite right for the other.
Well-drawn black and tan pictures illustrate and carry the action of
the story. (Picture book)
Lionni, Leo. Geraldine, the Music Mouse. Pantheon Books, 1979. 4-7.
Another large picture took for story hour. Geraldine nibbles an-
enormous piece of Parmesan cheese and uncovers a statue of a
mouse holding a flutelike object. Wonderful things happen. Soft and
subdued color illustrations. (Picture book)
Lobel, Arnold. Days with Frog and Toad. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1979. 6-8.
An amusing and humorously illustrated easy-to-read book. Frog and
Toad fly kites, enjoy telling spooky stories, and decide that some-
times they like to be alone. Brown and green pictures. (Picture book)
Lobel, Arnold. Grasshopper on the Road; Harper & Row, Publishers,
1978. 6-8. .

Grasshopper's pleasant adventures with r.ther personified insects are

gently and affectionately reminiscent of human foibles. They deal
with everyday, comfortable matters. The softly colored watercolor
and ink illustrations authentically detail flora and fauna. An easy-to-
read book. (Picture book)
Lobel, Arnold. Mouse Soup. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 5-8.
An easy-to-read book containing four stories from which the ingre-
dients of mouse soup are taken. The mouse convinces a weasel that
Modern Fantasy
amazing stories
he needs all the items to make the soup tasty. The
are charmingly illustrated in muted colors. (Picture book)
1980. 4-7.
Low, Joseph. Mice Twice. Illus. by author. Atheneum,
and eat him.
Cat was hungry and decided to invite Mouse to dinner hilarious results.
Therein begins a battle of wits between the two with
of this
The author's colorful graphic illustrations capture the humor
tale. 1981 Caldecott Honor Book. (Picture book)
McClure, Gillian. Prickly Pig. Andre Deutsch, 19 6. 4-7.
le.s,-s to the ground,
As the cold winds begin to blow and bring :or the winter.
the hedgehog is reminded that he must find a. home
Where will
None of the animals welcome him into their cozy homes.
illustrations make this a fine read-aloud 'book.
he go? Appealing
(Picture book)
Marc Simont.
McNulty, Faith. The Elephant Who Couldn't Forget. Illus.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. 6-8.
remembers all
Congo the baby elephant, has a good memory. Heabout lions and
the things the older, wiser elephants have taught him
important thing
manners and rules. But one day he forgets the most
of all. An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)
Mifflin,, 1980.
McPhail, David. Bumper Tubbs. Illus. by author. Houghton
his good friend
Three tales about Bumper Tubbs, the alligator, and has depicted
and neighbor, Hornsby, will delight readers. The author
brightly colored
his characters and their humorous adventures in
full-page illustrations that add to the reading enjoyment. (Picture
a Illus. by author.
McPhail, David. Captain Toad and the Motorbike.
Atheneum, 1978. 5-7.
the memorable
Captain Toad may well be the great-grandson of hankering for a
Toad from The Wind in the Willows. Instead of
modern Toad is more interested in possessing a,
motorcar, the more soft washes.
motorbike. An exciting book illustrated with pencil and
(Picture book)
McPhail, David. Pig Pig Grows Up. E. P. Dutton, 1980.
Despite the pleas of his weary mother, Pig Pig does not wantOne
sleepers, and stroller.
grow up. He clings to his high chair,
and likes it. Illus-
-day, when faced with an emergency, he grows up acting_
of a very large pig like a very
tratiohs capture the humor
small baby. (Picture book)
Magazine Press,
McPhail, David. Those Terrible Toy-Breakers. Parents
1980. 4-7.
his tricycle all
Walter thinks he lives near the jungle. When he finds

Animals, Picture Books 55

bent and other toys broken, his friend Bernie insists it was done by a
lion, a tiger, and an elephant, so the boys set a trap. Surprisingly,
Bernie is right! Good for creative art and story stimulation; colorful
illustrations. (Picture book)
Mack, Stan. Where's My Cheese? Pantheon Books, 1977. 4-7.
A cat, accused of stealing a piece of cheese, is chased through the
town and becomes part of an incredible chain of events. There is
little text; the story is told through bright, humorous illustrations
done in comic strip style. This is a book that invites children to read
along. (Picture book)
Marshall, James. George and Martha: Tons of Fun. Houghton Mifflin,
1980.4 -7.
There are live easy-to-read, humorous stories about two hippo
friends, George and Martha. Each brief story is introduced with a
numbered cover page. Bright, full-page illustrations contribute to the
hilarity of the problems of this friendship. Another favorite book il,s
George and Martha One Fine Day. (Picture book) j

- Marshall, James. Portly McSwine. Houghton Mifflin, 1979. All ages. i

Portly McSwine worries so about the success of a party he is pl n-

ning for National Snout Day that he nearly makes himself s' k.
Younger readers will enjoy the full -page color illustrations, older
readers will.find even more subtle chuckles hidden within. (PiI ture
Meddaugh. Susan. Maude and Claude Go Abroad. houghton "Mifflin,
1980. 6-9. .

Maude promises, to take care of her brother as the two fox children
sail to France on the S.S. Reynard. When Claude falls overboard,
Maude rescues him and they hitch a ride with a friendly whale. Told
in rhyine, this is a 'humorous read-aloud book. (Picture book)
Meddaugh, Susan. Too Short Fred. Houghton Mifflin, 1978. 4-7..
In five brief tales, Fred learns to accept his short stature and even
finds that being short can bran advantage. The colored-pencil illus-
trations or the cats express with warnith the sensitive but huniorous
content of the stories. (Picture book) u

Miklowitz, Glo.ia D. Save that Raccoon! Illus. St. Tamara Kolba. Har-
court Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 6-9.
A forest fire destroys Raccoon's home and causes han to move to a
town to forage for food. The-tale, told from Raccoon"point of view,
presents some interesting perspectives. Delicate drawings in brown
ink with a red wash add much to this simply told, unsentimental
story. An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)
Modern Fantasy

Miles, Miska. Mouse Six and the Happy Birthday. Illus. Leslie
E. P. Dutton, 1978. 4-7.
Mother Mouse warns all her children not to tell anyone that today
her birthday. Mouse Six sets out to find a suitable gift. When the
neighbors see him they think he is running away. The result of their
plan and Six's day make a happy story. (Picture book)
Miles, Miska. Noisy Gander. Illus. Leslie Morrill. E. P. Dutton, 1978.
Little gosling isn't the only one in the barnyard who wonders
about. This
his father honked when there was nothing to honk
amusing picture book gives the solution and makes little gosling
pencil drawings add to the delight of this
proud of his father. Soft
easy-to-read story. (Picture book)
1977. 7-10.
Miles, Miska. Small Rabbit. Illus. Jim Arnosky. Little, Brown,
Small rabbit leaves the burrow to play after warnings from father
and mother rabbit about foxes, hawks, and humans. Readers will
identify with the small rabbit's heady feelings of adventure,
fear, bravery, and pleasure when she meets a friend at last. Cha,iling
ink and water wash illustrations. (Picture book)
Dutton, 1980. 3-5.
Miles, Miska. This Little Pig. Illus. Leslie Morrill. E. P.
shove her
The runt of the litter is tired of being last. The other pigs
has a chance to wallow. She aims to
aside at mealtime, and she never
have one nice day when she won't be pushed or shoved. Gray-shaded
pencil drawings enhance this read-aloud book. (Picture book)
1979. 4-7.
Miller, Edna. Jumping Bean. Illus. by author. Prentice-Hall,
revealed in this
The answer to one of nature's puzzling wonders is
explanation of why the jumping bean jumps. Precise watercolor illus-
trations combine with a lively text to demonstrate the jumping bean's
metamorphosis from larva to moth. (Picture book)
House, 1980.
Ness, Evaline. Fierce: The Lion. Illus. by author. Holiday
Isobel's lion-tamer parents give her a cub for a pet. She
becomes the star of the circus show, arousing
nurtures Fierce, who Fierce
jealousy among other performers Saddened by their attitude,
job. Quaint, imaginative illustrations
asks Isobel to find him another
extend the action of the story. (Picture book)
Oakley, Graham. The Church Mice at Bay. Atheneum, 1979. 6-9.
the cat
When a new vicar comes to the village of Wortlethorpe,
Sampson moves to save the resident church mice from almost certain
doom. Mice, cats, dogs, and a startled naked vicar stage a mass
chase through town in this very funny book. One of a series that uses
understated text and riotous hilarity. (Picture book)

Aninusb1Pkture Books 57

Orval, Zibby. Turtle and Snail. Illus. Margot Tomes. J. B. Lippincott,

1979: 4-7.
')Turtle and snail are`Mends because they both have something: a
shell. They share good times and bad, have funny misunderstandings,
and learn to laugh together. Delightful illustrations enhance the five
episodes in this easy-to-read book. (Picture book)
Pape, Donna Lugs. Where Is My Little Joey? 'Illus. Tom Eaton. Garrard
Publishing, 1978. 4-7.
'Mother Kara Kangaroo loses her little Joey in a park. People try
many uses for her pocket as she wanders in search of her baby, but
Kara rejects them all, insisting that her pocket is for Joey! The story
ends happily with Joey asleep in his mother's pocket. Cartoon illus-
trations. (Picture book)
Parker, Nancy Winslow. Love from Uncle Clyde. Illus. by author. Dodd,
Mead, 1977. 4-7.
Charlie's birthday present from Uncle Clyde in Africa is a lovely big
purple hippopotamus named Elfreda. Charlie learns to take care of
her and Elfreda learns to love him. Bold, full-color, full-page illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Pavey, Pet I'm Tagprty Toad. Bradbury Press, 1980.4 -7.
The 's a different view of the bragging, adventurous toad at the end
of e book than is seen on the title page. He boasts to the animals
the forest of his daring escapades only to have one of his victims
nd sweet revenge during the boasting. Outstanding illustrations.
cture book)
P rson, Susan. Molly Moves Out. ,Illus. Steven Kellogg. Dial Press,
, 1979. 4-7.
Ten rabbits living in 914 house are nine rabbito many for elder
. sister Molly, who finally moves away. She revAs in peace and quiet
until loneliness sets in. A new friendship and a surprise visit from
jter obstreperous family resolve all problems in this appealing easy
`reader. The illustrations are pure delight. (Pictuve-bokok)

Peet, Bill. Big Bad Bruce. Houghton Mifflin, 1977. 6-9.

Big Bruce, a bear, is the bully of Forevergreen Forest and revels in
scaring smaller animals. One day he antagonizes Roxy, a witch, who
shrinks him to the size of a chipmunk. Roxy, really a kindly witch,
rescues Bruce from predators and keepi him for a net. Colorful,
humorous illustrations. (Picture book)
Peet, Bill. Cowardly Clyde. Houghton Mifflin, 1979. 4-7.
Clyde looks like a great, brave war-horse but isn't. He's a coward
and knows it. When his courageous knight Sir Galavant is attacked

Modern Fantasy

by a fierce ogre, Clyde rides to a spectacular rescue. Bold, big full-

color illustrations. (Picture book)
Pinkwater, Daniel M. The Waggle Norple Story. Illus. Tomie de Paola.
Four Winds Press, 1980. 6-9.
Wuggie Norp le is growing! Lunchbox Louie mentions this fact to
his wife and son but .they ditagree. Each day Louie brings home
another-animal .to compare in size with the kitten. Soon Wuggie
Norple is as big as an elephant and the family has acquired quite a
menagerie. Delightful illustrations. (Picture book)
Provensen, Alice, and Martin Provensen. A Horse and a Hound, a Goat
and a Gander. Atheneum, 1980. 4-7. .
Four special animals live on Maple Hill Farm. They are Bashful
Boy, a horse; a big brown bloodhound, John; Goat Dear, the nanny
goat; and Evil. Murdosk, the biggest, crankiest goose. Colorful,
humorous illustrations bring these characters to life for the young
reader. (Picture book)
Rayner, Mary. Garth Pig and the Ice Cream Lady. Athenedm, 1977. 4-7.
On a bicycle built for the ten little pigs of Mr. and Mrs. fig's
Evening Out, nine of his siblings rescue Garth Pig, who has gpne to
buy Whooshes from the lady wolf on the "Volfswagon" eam
truck. Adventure plus delightfully piggy illustrations mar t of
British whimsy. (Picture book)
,Rice, Eve. Sam Who Never Forgets. Greenwillow Books, 1977. 4-7.
Every day at three o'clock Sam feeds the animals in the 'too the
things, therlike best to eat: greens for giraffe, red berries for bear. He
never forgets anyone, even the elephant who is so big. Bold, full-
color, full-page illustrations. (Picture book)
Roche, P. K. Webster and Arnold and the Giant Box. Dial Press, 1980.
3-5. -

Webster and Arr two little mice, find a large box. They like OP
pretend and the box soon becomes a calif, a train, a restaurant, a
rocket, and a submarine. This amusing story is just right fdr begin-
ning readers. Soft blue, yellow, and green' illustrations. Another story
with these two delightful characters Is Good-bye, Arnold! (Picture
Rockwell, Anne. Honk Honk! E. P. Dutton, 1980. 3-5.
Gray Goose earns the title "bad," as she nips the farm animals and
Billy Boy, who chase her across the countryside. The about-to-read
child or preschooler can laugh at the story's conclusion. Lively,
amusing illustrations suit the very brief text. (Picture book)
Rockwell, Am.:. Willy Runs Away. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 4-7.
Willy, a little dog, lives comfortably with his family. When he decides


, 3
Annnabl Picture Books

. to leave his secure but small world, he becomes lost. His family
anxiously searches for their lost pet. Black and white illustrations
enhance this read- aloi.e adventure. (Picture book)
Romanek, Enid Warner. Teddy. illu s. by author. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1978. 4-7.
Little children will identify with Teddy as he goes about his everyday
experiences that are ito much like4heirs. He plays in the park, eats
his meals, and goes to !bed.-The love he experience. from his safe,
secure homelife will be most satisfying. Exceptional etched illustra-
.tions. (Picture book)
Rote, Gerald. The Tiger-Skin Rug: Illus. by author. Prentice-Hall, 1979.
A very old,-very hungry tiger looks longingly through the windoii of
the Rajah's house. By pretending to be a tiger-skin rug, he securd
food and company until the night phen robbers attack. A delight,'
fully humorous story complement by bold and amusing full-color
illustrations. (Picture book) .

Roy, Ron. Old Tiger, New Tiger. Illus. Pat Bargielski.

AKigdon Pips,
1978. 7-10. . 4
Old Tiger is blind and dying of starvation. His death will mean that
new swift tigers will take over the territory and threatein the small
animals. Wise Monkey's successful plan to help Old Tiger demon-
strates the value of interdependence. Satisfyihg illustrations in yellow
and sepia. (Picture book)
Roy, Ron. Three Ducks Went Wandering. Illus. Paul Galdone. Seabury
`Press, 1979. 4-7.
Three little ducks wander away from their mother and, oblivious to
danger, encounter an angry bull, some hungry foxes, a hawk, and a
snake. AIL of the foes meet undesirable fates but tne little ducks
return home tired and ready for their naps. (Picture book)
. .
Ruck-Pauquet, Gina (translator Anthea Bell). Mumble Bear. Illus. Erika
Dietzsch-Capelle. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. 4-7.
Mumble Bear is a dear bear because he does favors on demand
for everybody. But he never has time to play his violin. Then self-
assertion brings changes. Colorful cuddly-bear illustrations. Good for
discussiny human relationships. (Picture book)
Ruck-Pauquet, Gina. Oh, That Koala! Illus. Anna Mossakowska.
McGraw-Hill, 1979.4 -7.
'A cheerful little Koala is accepted as a new neighbor in a sedate
bear community. Then he upsets their routine life with rowdy sleep-
walking escapades. Young listeners and readers delight in Koala's

Modern Fantasy

need to be himself and laugh at his jaunty singing. Large colorful

illustrations are very effective. (Picture book)
Ruskin, John. Dame Wiggins of Lee and Her Seven Wonderful Cats.
Illus. Patience Brewster. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980.4-7.
.This nineteenth-century tale, which bears resemblance to the tradi-
tional "Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat," is a cumulatve verse
about the marvelous antics -f seven cats who sing, spell, dance, and
care for sick animals. Soft pencil drawings add humor to the gentle
rhyme. (Picture book)
Scarry, Patsy. Patsy Scarry's Big Bedtime Storybook. Illus. Cyndy
Szekeres. Random House, 1980.3-5.
Sixteen humorous brief stories for very young children are illus-
trated attractively in full color with much detail. The animal charac-
ters are childlike in thinking; the rewards of their adventures are
enormous, in their unsophisticated esteem. (Picture book)
Schneider, Rot. The Wide-Mouthed Frog. Illus. by author. Stemmer
House Publishers, 1980.4-7.
A conceited wide-mouthed frog, li,... ;is above the lowly fare of
bugs, seeks Advice from different animals concerning what foods ,re
grand enough for him. Fncountering an alligator who likes oily
wide-mouthed frogs, the frog is satisfied with a mosquito. Illustra-
tions in suodued colors create the atmosphere of the Okefenokee
Swamp. (Picture book)
Seuling, Earbara. The Great Big Elephant and the Very Small Elephant.
Crown Publishers, 1977 6-9.
The Great Big Elephant and the Very Small Elephant are best
friends. They boost each other's spirits and help each other through
diffficult times; the best gifts are the intangible ones. Pleasant illus-
trations in ink and pastel watercolor. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Grum ley the Grouch. Illus. Kay Chorao.
Holiday House, 1980.4-7.
When J. Grum ley Badger's home becomes flooded, he seeks help
. from other animals, but he is too grouchy for them to befriend him.
,Finally he meets Brunhilda, a bad& of like disposition, and both
. lives undergo change, Action and mood are expressed well in finely
detailed illustrations. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. I'm Terrific. Illus. Kay Chorao. Holiday
House, 1977.4-7.
Jason Everett t3ar is s, good. He eats his spinach, helps his mother,
and brushes his hair. However, when he tells his friends how terrific
he is, they tell Jason that he is a "Mama's Bev." Rejected and

Animals! Picture Books 61

dejected, Jason tries to cut the apron strings. A warm story. (Picture
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Mooch the Messy. Illus. Ben Shecter.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1976. 6-9.
Mooch the rat lives happily under a hill in Boston even though his
hole is a mess. Then his father, who likes everything neat, comes for
a visit and Mboch must compromise. Warm family feeling in this
tasy-to-,..ead book with lively illustrations. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Mooch the Messy Meets Prudence the Neat.
Illus. Ben Shecter. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 6-9.
Mooch, who enjoyed being the messiest rat in, Boston, meets his new
neighbc., Prudence, who is extremely neat. Mooch's wonderful mess
causes a problem when he does not invite his new neighbor for a visit.
Illustrations add humor to the simple text. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Mr. Jameson and Mr. Phillips. Illus. Bruce
Degen. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 6-9.
Two animal friends, a writer and an artist, escape the rush of the
city and find refuge on a beautiful, uninhabited tropical island. There
they enjoy solitude until visitors in increasing numbers come to the
island and the friends must seek a new home away from the rush and
pollution. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Maijorie Weinman. Say Hello, Vanessa. Illus. Lillian Hoban.
Holiday House, 1979..4-7.
Vanessa Mouse is very bashful. Each day in school she tries a dif-
ferent way to make frien(ls. Nothing works. How she finally over-
comes her shyness and finds a friend is a delightful story. Black and
white illustrations. (Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Taking Care of Melvin. Illus. Victoria
Chess. Holiday Home, 1980. 4-7.
How much help is too much help? Melvin Dog helps everyone but
himself until the day he is ordered to ,bed, where he becomes as
demanding of his friends as he was generous. Expressive ply and
white pictures on a shocking pink background add just the right note
of incongruity. (Picture book).
Sliarmat, Marjorie Weinman. Thornton the Worrier. Illus. Kay Chorao.
Holiday House, 1978. 4-7.
All the other "nimals are busy with their various tasks. However,
Thornton Rabbit worries about everything: toothaches, bad weather,
mosquito bites, assorted disasters. After meeting an old ma. -tho
does not worry about anything, Thornton gets '# new perspective on
life. Detailed illustrations are gentle and amusing. (Picture book)
Modern Fantasy

Shar t, Marjorie Weinman. The Trip and Other Sophie and Gussie
S es. Illus. Lillian Hoban. Macmillan Publishing, 1976. 6-9.
In these four humorous, easy-to-read Sophie and Gussie stories, the
clever squirrel-ladies bustle about packing for a trip Gussie plans to
take, cleaning Sophie's house, coping with a leak in Gt:ssie's ceiling,
and sharing a forest flower. The watercolors catch the comfortable
warmth of their give-and-take friendship. (Picture book)

Sharmat, Mitchell. Gregory, the Terrible Eater. Illus. Jose Aruego and
Ariane Dewey. Four Winds Press, 1980. 5-8.
Gregory Goat prefers eggs and juice to the diet of junk that is
normal for goats. His parents take him to a doctor and entice him to
eat more jackets and boxes. After a terrible stomachache, Gregory
finally teaches his parents about what makes a good meal. Outstand-
ing illustrations. (Picture book)

Sharmat, Mitchell. Reddy Rattler and Easy Eagle. Illus. Marc Simont.
Doubleday, 1979. 6-9.
Reddy Rattler feels down because everyone thinks rattlesnakes are
bad. His friend, Easy Eagle, urges him to put to good use his greatest
talent, rattling. A humorous easy-to-read book. (Picture book)

Shecter, Ben. The Hiding Game. Illus. by author. Parents Magazine

Press, 1977. 4-7.
Henri Hippoi)otamus gets t;,ed of waiting for Pierre Rhinoceros to
find him during their game of Hide and Seek. When the two finally
catch up with each other they decide that it's more fun playing
together than looking for each other. Humorous illustrations add to
this warm story about friendship. (Picture book)

Smith, Jim. The Frog Band and the Onion Seller. Illus. by author. Little,
Brown, 1976. 7-10.
Marvelous full-color illustrations highlight this story of an aristo-
cratic frog, Duke de Buffo Buffo, who enlists the aid of the eminent
Alphonse le File to track down a treasure chest. Hindered, but not
stopped by the infamous Frog Band, the detective leads a riotous
chase through a monastery. (Picture book)

Steig, William. Tiny Doolky. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1978. 7-10.
Tiffky Doofky, a garbage collector, spends a day of perilous adven-
tures after he seeks advice from Madam Tarsal, a fortune teller, and
her enemy, a chicken witch. Witty illustrations fit this silly animal
fantasy's ending that will delight 17,aders and listeners. (Picture book)

Steiner, JOrg, adapter. The Bear Who Wanted to Be a Bear. Illus. by

adapter. Atheneum, 1977. 6-9.
A bear emerging from hibernation finds a factory built over nis den.
He is mistaken for a lazy worker and, despite his protests that he

Animals! Picture Books 63

is a bear, is made to shave, punch a time clock, and sit daily turning
a light on and off. A satire on automation and corporate business
(Picture book)
Steinew'JOrg (translator Ann Conrad Lammers). Rabbit Island. Illus. by
uthor. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. All ages.
Two rabbits escape from the rabbit factory. Little Brown remembers
the taste of clover, the feel of the sun. Big Gray does not. Little
Brown accepts the perils of freedom; Big Gray trembles and returns
to his cage. Muted full-color illustrations contrast the artificial light
of the factory with sun of the countryside. (Picture book)
Stevens, Carla. Pig and the Blue Flag. Illus. Rainey Bennett. Seabury
Press, 1977.6-9.
Pig experiences the pangs felt by many youngsters when his lack of
athletic ability makes him the last one chosen for team sports. A
game of Capture the Flag and the encouragement of his friends
enable hie,, to succeed in this fun, easy-to-read story. (Picture book)
Stevenson, James. Howard. Greenwillow Books, 1980.5-8.
Howard, a duck, misses his flight south with his flock. He tries to
follow them, but accidentally lands in New York City. His adven-
tures with a frog and three mice acquaint him with the Big Apple.
When his flock returns in the spring, Howard opts for the big city
and his new-found friends instead. (Picture book)
Stone, Bernard, in collaboration with Alice Low. The Charge of the
Mouse Brigade. Illus. Tony Ross. Pantheon Books, 1980.6-9.
This clever spin-off from Tennyson's "The Charge of the Light
Brigade" pictures well-fed, well-dressed mice in battle. The cats steal
the cheese and the mice must recover it. The story is told in lively
prose and poetry. Appealing colored pictures provide delightful
entertainment (Picture book)
Stren, Patti. Hug Me. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.4-7.
Elliot Kravitz is a porcupine in search of love who finds himself
hugging everything in sight. The illustrations make Elliot a very
lovable creature, and the happy ending confirms the belief that two
porcupines can really fall in love, carefully. Simple pen drawings
enhance the-book's unique quality. (Picture book)
Tether, Graham. Skunk and Possum. Illus. Lucinda McQueen. Houghton
Mifflin, 1979.4-7.
Skunk is foolish and Possum is practical; yet they are good friends.
Four short, humorous tales relate how friendship'surVives the ani-
mals' apparent differences. Wartr,, expressive illustrations enhance
the episodes. (Picture book)
Modern Fantasy

Tompert, Ann. Badger on His Own. Illus. Diane de Groat. Crown Pub-
list erg, 1978. 6-8.
A badger seeks irdependence by moving to his own house. He learns
he still has to make his own decisions when his neighbor, Owl,
convinces him to go to the fair rather than unpack. This lighthearted
lesson on choice and responsibility can be read by beginning readers.
(Picture book)
Tompert, Ann. Little Otter Remembers and Other Stories. Illus. John
Wanner. Crown Publishers, 1977. 4-7.
Preschool listeners and beginning readers can sympathize with Little
Otter's three adventures. He experiences indecisiveness trying to
select a gift for his mother, forgetfulness when losing his favorite
pine tone, and disappointment about a coasting party. Soft, three-
color pencil drawings support gentle, nature-filled stories. (Picture
Van Leeuwen, Jean. Tales of Oliver Pig. Illus. Arnold Lad. Dial Press,
1979. 6-8.
Oliver Pig and his loving family are introduced in this new easy-to-
read series. Oliver is the oldest and his little sister Amanda is learn-
ing to talk. Mother and Father Pig are very understanding. Appeal-
ing pictures illustrate the five tales of this special family. (Picture
Waber, Bernard. Good-Bye, Funny Dumpy-Lumpy. Houghton Mifflin,
1977. 6-9.
Five short episodes show a Victorian feline family coping with every-
day life. Common foibles and problems are explored with warmth
and humor. Natura! dialogue adds to the immediacy of the stories.
(Picture book)
Wagner, Jenny. Aranea: A Story about a Spider. Illus. Ron Brooks.
Bradbury Press, 1178. 4-7. .

Aranea, the spider, is a hardworking artist, trying to weave her web

perfectly. Although everything from school boys to thunderstorms
breaks her art apart, she survives. The story weaves for the your j
reader an appreciation for this industrious worker. Pen and ink
drawings exquisitely portray Aranea's encounters. (Picture book)

Wahl, Jan. Carrot Nose. Illus. James Marshall. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1978. 4-7.
After a bunny grumbles, "Not one more carrot," a displeased carrot
elf gives bunny a carr ?t nose. The funny problems Carrot Nose has
with this troublesome nose bring giggles from all young readers.
Black, white, and orange illustrations greatly add to the humor.
(Picture book)

Anbnals1Pleture Books 65

Wahl, Jan. Doctor Rabbit's Foundling. Illus. Cyndy Szekeres. Pantheon

Books, 1977. 6-8.
Doctor Rabbit unexpectedly becomes the guardian of Tiny Tadpole.
Helpless at first, Tiny quickly grows into an adventurous young
toad, the darling of the forest. Detailed pictures enhairce the fantasy
and create a warm homey community. (Picture book)
Wahl, Jan. Doctor Rabbit's Lost Scout. Illus. Cyndy Szekeres. Pantheon
Books, 1979. 3-5.
When Spotty Chipmunk sleepwalks away from camp, Doctor Rabbit
and Miss Mouse form a search party. The simple text gently calls
attention to nature's beauty as the lushly colored drawings concen-
trate on the animals' reactions of concern, fatigue, grief, and joy.
(Picture book)
Wahl, Jan. Wbo Will Believe Tim Kitten? Illus. Cyndy Szekeres. Pantheon
Books, 1978. 5-8.
Tim Kitten doesn't exactly fib but he does tell' stories; the other
kittens laugh at him. With the help of his ball-playing sisters, one
' story comes true and he learns to tell the truth. Captivating black
and white illustrations of cat family and friends. Read-aloud!read-
alone book. (Picture book)
Watanabe, Shigeo. What a Good Lunch! lllus. Yasuo Ohtomo. William
Collins Publishers, 1978. 3-5.
Bear tries to feed himself for the first time and finally overcomes
several difficulties. This second book in the "I can do it myself"
series will delight the young. (Picture book)
Watson, Pauline. Wriggles: The Little Wishing Pie. lllus. Paul Galdone.
Seabury Press, 1978. 4-7.
Wriggles the pig likes to wish he had The characteristics of other
animals he sees. One day the wishes come true and he turns into a
gator-monster. He discovers it is better to be a little pig. Bold,
full-color illustrations. (Picture book)
Wild, Robin, and Jocelyn Wild. Spot's Dogs and the Alley Cats. J. B.
Lippincott, 1979. 6-9.
Four tales of conflict between a gang of tough-looking but law ----,
abiding dogs and the sinister Alley Cats, who have tender feelings
after all, at least at &Christmas party for orphans. The cartoon-strip
drawings are outrageously funny in the best British fashion. Cor, the
whole thing's a lark! (Picture book) .

Williams, Barbara. Never Hit a Porcupine. Illus. Anne RockwIll. E. P.

Dutton, 1977. 3-5.
When Fletcher Fox's birthday comes around, he decides that he 'is
old enough to leave home and seek his fortune. Mother packs a

Modern Fantasy

lunch while father gives him several survival tactics to outwit the
other animals. An amusing picture book with comical illustrations.
(Picture book)
Winthrop, Elizabeth. Sloppy Kisses. Illus. Anne Burgess. Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1980. 5-8.
Emmy Lou's family just loves to kiss when leaving or arriving or any
time at all. This is fine until Emmy Lou's friend, Rosemary, says _.

kissing is for babies. Soft watercolor illustrations. (Picture book)

Wolkstein, Diane. The Visit. Illus. Lois Eh lert. Alfred A. Knopf, 1977.
Clear, brilliant colors and simple shapes are used to portray the
journey of an ant's visit to her friend. She,Makes her way step by
step. over twig and leaf and stone. The repetitive text will appeal to
the young child. (Picture book)
Yo len, Jane. Mice on lee. Illus. Lawrence Di Fiori. E. P. Dutton, 1980.
. .-
4-7. _.-

Horace Hooper, m9si inventor and owner-of Mice Capades, a

dazzling ice show starring Rosa Burrow-Minder, is threatened by
Gdmer Rat Kitig and the Mouse Mafia. Suspense, adventure, and
great good-'humor are all delightfully illustrated in an easy-to-read
format', (Picture book)
Ycgen,iane. Spider Jane. Illus. Stefen Bernath. Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1978. 6-9.
Spider Jane keeps her web so clean that she has nothing left to eat.
Her problem is solved after developing a friendship with a bluebottle
fly. These four easy-to-read episodes provide simple, interesting
language for primary readers. Humorous illustrations are a bonus.
(Picture book)
0 Zalben, Jane Breskin. Will You Count the Stars without Me? Illus. by
author. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1979. 4-7.
Two animal friends, Saba and Shana, share everything until Shana
leaves their island to look for food. While Shana is gone, Saba
feels very lonely and dui: until he begins helping his friends. Large
illustrations capture this tender account of friendship and female
resourcefulness. (Picture book)
Zemach, Kaethe. The Beautiful Rat. Illus. by author. Four Winds Press,
1979. 5-7.
Mr. and Mrs. Rat, a Japanese couple, are very anxious that their
beautiful daughter Yoshiko marry, but not a rat. As they search, the
sun, a cloud, and the wind refuse their invitation. Upon their return
a surprise awaits them. Outstanding bright, bold two-color illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Alaimo!. I/ Longer Stories ,67

Longer Stories
Alexander, Lloyd. The Town Cats and Other Tales. Illus. Laszlo Kubinyi.
E. P. Dutton, 1977. 10-12.
Pescato is a town cat with many relatives. When he needs help in
resolving a crisis in the town, they respond most effectively. This
story and seven others about cats are delightfully told. Even non-cat-
lovers will appreciate the wit, humor, and skill in this collection.
Cunningham, Julia. A Mouse Called Junction. Illus. Michael Hague.
Pantheon Books, 1980.6 -9.
Junction, a poo; little rich mouse, deserts his plush life to seek the
love he has been denied and finds the best in unexpected places.
Detailed, expressive illustrations add much to the reader's concern
for Junction.
Donovan, John. Family. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1976. 10-12.
Sasha tells the story of his escape with three other apes from the
university lab where he was sure they were being prepared for a final
and horrifying experiment. An unusual book, with endless discussion

du Bois, William Pine. The Forbidden Forest. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1978. 7-10.
A witty account of how Adelaide, a boxing kangaroo; her owner,
Spider Max; and Buckingham, the bulldog, put a stop to World
War I. Illustrations of exploding shells and flaming airplanes point
up the futile horror of war; the portrayal of the antics of Adelaide,
the agile heroine, are delightful.

Hayes, Geoffrey. The Alligator and His Uncle Tooth. Harper & Row,
Published, 1977. 10-12.
Corduroy Alligator discovers that his old Uncle Tooth, the family
ne'er-do-we 2,,can tell fascinating stories of his adventures at sea.
He persuades Uncle Tooth to set out one more time. Drawings are
like neatly detailed old black and white photographs.
Howe, Deborah, and James Howe. Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery.
Illus. Alan Daniel. Atheneum, 1979. 8-12.
Brow could Chester the cat convince the family that the cute little
abandoned rabbit they had found was really a sinister creature?
Chester stars in the delicate line drawings as well as in the story, but
everyone wins in the end, including the reader.
Pinkwater, Daniel M. Return of the Moose. Illus. by author. Dodd, Mead,
1979. 7-10.
A very humorous spo6f on the tribulations of being an author or a
publisher. The blue moose, a waiter in a forest-side restaurant, writes

Modern Fantasy

the best book ever written by man or moose and experiences, the
anguish and the joys of writing. A sequel to Blue Moose.
Schaffner, Val. Algonquin Cat. Illus. Hilary Kriight. Delacorte Press, 1980.
Hamlet is a cat living at the Hotel Algonquin in New York City, a
favorite meeting place of literary and theatrical people. One day
Hamlet becomes involved in the disappearance of a diamond. A
contemporary setting with lapies into cat dreams, this funny book is
liberally sprinkled with delightful drawings of cats.
Sharp, Margery. Bernard into Battle. Illus. Leslie Morrill. Little, Brown,
1978. 7-10. ....

It all comes about because a Waterworks Board man carelessly

leaves a manho4e cover ajar, permitting the despicable rats to enter
the Embassy anti spread disease. Bernard, a mouse, realizes the
gravity of the situation and begins training the troops. Lighthtarted
reading with appropriate illustrations. One of the Miss Bianca series.
Tomlinson, Jill. Hilda: The Hen Who Wouldn't Give Up. Illus. Fernando
Krahn. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. 6-9.
Hilda, the hen, wants to see her Aunt Emma's new brood of chicks.
Her misadventures in traveling the five miles to Emma's farm are
described with great humor. Good read-aloud book.
Wyeth, Betsy James. The Stray. Illus. Jamie Wyeth. Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 1979. 8-12.
This story, slightly reminiscent of Grahame's The Wind in the Wil-
lows, centers on a. of animals whose peaceful existence is
threatened byoviolence and 'blackmail. Lynch, the stray of the title,
befriends the unnamed narrator and together they thwart the evil
Sour Kraut. Black and white line drawings add humor to the amus-
ing tale.

Fantasy Worlds

Alexander, Lloyd. The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha. E. P. Dutton,

1978. 10-12.
Lukas finds a new life when a traveling magician creates a new
kingdom for him. He learns that being king is wol k and that friends
can be found anywhere in any world. A fantasy of exquisite dimen-
sion and balance.
Cuneo, Mary Louise. Inside a Sand Castle and Other Secrets. Illus. Jan
Brett. Houghton Mifflin, 1979. 5-8.
This creative fantasy about the interior of a sand castle, the house

77 ,
Fantasy Wor Ids .69

in the haystack; and the little village under the pine tree's lowest
branches awaits the venturesome reader. Blue and tan illustrations
blend with the, text in this story of fascinating miniature worlds.
Eldridge, Roger. The Shadow of the Glook-World, E. P. Dutton, 1978.
This masterful tale of courage concerns a young boy, Fernfeather,
who rebels against a society marked by suppression and conformity.
Banished to the Gloom-World because he dares to question the
t power of Olden, Fernfeather discovers truth and realizes that he can
help his' people escape the darkness of their underground world.
Farm, Stella. The Magic Casale..111lui. by author. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers; 1978.4-7. .
Surprises are in store when readers follow Scott as he explores the
Castle of his dream; colorful, exciting illustrations pop up to add
three-dimensional realism to the fantasy. Last to appear is a teddy-
bearScott's owna most comforting discovery. Sturdy, attractive
construction; good to stimulate creative writing.
Hamilton, Virginia. Maitland. Greenwillow Books, 1980. 12-up.
Justice, her twin brothers Thomas and Levi, and their friend Dorian
are intricately linked by their supersensory powers into a special unit
that traverfthrough time and space. In this sequel to Justice and Her
Brothers, the children encounter much danger in their quest to
unravel the secret of Dustland.
Hamilton, Virginia. Justice and Her Brothers. Greenwillow Books, 1978.
Justice, her identical iwinkOthers, and a neiabor friend have
supersensory powers. They are able to move atint in each others'
thoughts. Ex.,ellent character study and unique plot enhance this
fantasy that is grounded in a realistic setting. First of a trilogy.
Jones, Diana Wynne. Cart and Cwidder. Atheneum, 1977. 10-12.
Clennen is a licensed musician whose traveling takes him and his
family from North to South Dalemark. When he is killed, young
Moril inherits the big, ancient, lute-like cwidder said,to be charmed
by an ancient ancestor. For exceptional readers with a taste for
mystery and fantasy.
Jones, Diana Wynne. Drowned Ammet. Atheneum, 1978. I2-up.
Concerned about unfair and repressive conditions of poor peop
living in Dalemark, Mitt attacks_the ruler. His plans have adver
effects; he looks for safety and stows away on a boat owned by
Hildy and Ynen, who are runaway children. Mitt, soon discovered, '.;
mistrusted, bUt they travel together to the Holy Island.


Modern Fantasy

Karl, Jean E. Beloved Benjamin Is Waiting. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 8-12.

Abandoned (..her mother and harassed by a teenage gang, Lucinda,
a sixth-grader, lives in the cemetery. Her sensitive presence plus an
iron statue of "Beloved Benjamin," a young boy who had died years
earlier, allow the transmission of messages from outer space.

Kee le, Luqman, and Daniel Pinkwater. Java Jack. Thomas Y. Crowell,
1980. 10-up. b
Jack goes on a mysterious journey to Indonesia to find his missing
anthropologist parents. With conflicting information on whether they
are dead or alive, ht searches for the truth in this world and beyond.
A puzzling tale of action and intrigue.

Pittaway, Margaret. The Rainftst Children. Illus. Heather Philport.

Oxford University Press, 1 0. 6-9.
A boy and a girl, Rufodand Lantana, journey from the Australian
rainforest through grasslands, plantations, and swamps to their desti-
nation, the bright gold world beside the sea. They love it. but after a
while little things begin to bother them so they return to the lush
rainforest. Exquisite illustrations. (Picture book)

Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. Until the Celebration. illus. Alton Raible. Athen-
eum, 1977 10-12. J
The final volume of the 'Green-Sky trilogy reunites the Kindar and
the Erdlings through the discovery of the truth concerning their
mutual past, two holy children, and the sacrifice of young Raamo.
For devotees of fantasy.

Ghosts, Magic, the Supernatural

Aiken, Joan. The Shadow Guests. Delacorte Press, 1980. 12 up.

When Cosmos comes to England to stay with his cousin at the old
mill house, he learns about the family curse. His days at school are
miserable being the new boy, but his weekends at home are filled
with great fun until unexplained happenings begin to occur.

Ain.,orth, Ruth. The Phantom Fisherboy: Tales of Mystery and Magic.

Illus. Shirley Hughes. Andre Deutich, 1974. 10-12.
The fourteen stories of unusual occurrences, ghoits, and magic
powers capture the imagination of the readers. The stories include a
water spirit, a weeping witch, a boy who drowned a hundred years
ago, a shivering orphan from the past, an invisible rope. Insightful,
imaginative drawings capture the magic and mystery.

Alexander, Sue, Witch, Goblin, and Sometimes Ghost. Illus. Jeanette

Winter. Pantheon Books, 1976. 4-7.
Three friends, Witch, Goblin, and Ghost: share daily, experiences

1'7 (1
Ghosts. Magic, the $upemaiural 71

about being afraid, grumpy,and le pencil drawings

match the mood of these six easy-to-read short stories. Beginning'
writers may be inspired to compose a 'rook about a friend after
reading "Goblin's Book." (Picture book)
Allard, Harry. Bumps in the Night. Illus. James Marshall. Doubleday,
1979. 6-12.-
Dudley the stork is scared by a ghost in hii house one night. The
next midnight, Madame Kreepy holds a seance for Dudley and his
friends. The ghost's arrival presages a surprising-turn of events. Good
to. read aloud and help allay fears. Humorous pictures add to
enjoyment. (Picture book)
Bellaire John. The Letter, the Witch, and the Ring. Illus. Richard Egielski.
Dial Piess, 1976. 10-12.
As "thirteen- year -old Rose Rita vacations with her neighbor Mrs.
Zimmerman, who is a genuine witch, unexpected mysteries await
them. Looking for a magic ring brings danger to both and they
narrowly escape harm. This suspenseful story of black and white
magic is well -paced and is the last of a trilogy.
\Briggs, K. M. Hobberdy Dick. Greenwillow Books, 1977. 12 -up.
Hobberdy Dick is a good hobgoblin of the seventeenth century.
His loyal care of Widford Manor and his devotion to the family
are crucial when evil forces try to prevent the betstihal of. gentle
Joel Widdison to his beloved Anne Seckar and to steal the manor
treasure. Suspenseful story.
Chapman, Carol. Barney Hippie's Magic Dandelions. Illus. Steven Kellogg.
E. P. Dutton, 1977.
Barney Bipple has man ywishec. but most of all he wants to be eight
R instead of six. Why? Life would be more exciting. A special kind of
magic changes things overnight and then he has second thoughts
;about making complicated wishes. Appealing drawings complement
this lively story. (Picture book)
,Clyne, Patricia Edwards. Strange and Supernatural Ailmals. Illus. Ted
Lewin. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 10-12. '_
A' sequel to the author's Ghostly Animals of America. Based upon
Aperican historical fact and legend, fifteen tales tell of such strange
phenomena as the Demon Cat, who stalks the corridors of the
United States Capitol, and the phantom wolves, who are said to
appear to campers in Indiana. Bibliography.
Coombs, Patricia. Dorrie and the Sereebk Ghost. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Books, 1979. 7-10.
In this thirteenth of the Dorrie books, Dorrie finds a slip of paper
that was dropped by her mother witch. She follows the directions


72. Modern Fontcsy

and conjures up. a friendly ghost. Screebit gives Dorrie man9 exhil-
arating experiences. An entertaining story illusPrated with soft pencil
\ sketches. Good for reading aloud.
Cooper, Susan. Jethro and the Jumble. Illus. Ahsley Bryan. Atheneum,
1979.6-59. -
Jethro wants to go fishing on his eighth birthday with his big brother,
Thomas, who.reneges on his promise. Jethro gets so angry that when
he encounters the magical jumbie, he is unafraid of the fearsome
creaturerrhe jumble conjures. The jurnbie helps Thomas have a
change of hart and all is well. Caribbean setting and language.
(pjlAre book)
Pet 11i. Liang and the Magic Paintbrush. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Liang is a poor boy w one wish is to paint. One day he is given
a magic paint brush and all that he paints comes to life. Unfor-
tunately this is noticed- by an evil emperor! The delicately detailed
watercolors capture the texture of life in ancient China in glowing
colors. (Picture book)

Elwood, Roger, and Howard Goldsmith, editors. Spine-Chillers. Double-

` True to its title, this collection of twenty-three stories of the occult
will keep the reader on the edge of the. chair. Witchcraft, the were-
wolf, the 'zombie, and magic, universal subjects found throughout
'I the world, are included. Brief accounts of tuthors, mostly nineteenth-
century, are appended. Easy reading.

Farber, Norma. There Goes Feathertop:111us. M?rc Brown. E. P. Dutton,

- 1979.5-8.
Feathertop is a scarecrow brought to life by Mother Rigby's witch-
craft. He captivates a town and a lady until a mirror reflects the
truth. Excellent for reading aloud, this is a charming retelling of
Hawthorne's story in verse, handsomely illustrated in black and
white. (Picture book)
Fleischman, Paul. The Half-a-Moon Inn. Illus. Kathy Jacobi. Harper &
Row, ?ublishers, 1980.10-12.
NarOn, as mute boy, searches for his mother during a blizzard.
falls into the clutches of the weird Miss Grackle, the proprietress
of a mysterious old inn. After .many strange experiences under her',
spell, he is reunited with his mother, who in turn has long searched
for him. Gloomy, haunting drawings.
Flora, James. Grandpa's Ghost-Stories. Illus. by author. Atheneum, 1978.
8 -12.- -4/
During a frightening thunderstorm, Grandpa holds the boy in his lap

Ghosts. Magic. the Supernatural 73

and tells about how he, himself, lost in the woods on a stormy night,
found a bag of old bones in a. deserted cabin. One hair-raising
adventure leads to another. Funny ink driwings in blw, black, and
white.-(Picture book) .
Gage, Wilson. Mrs. Gaddy d the Ghost. Illus. Marylin Hafner. Green-
willow Books, 4979. 4 7.
Mrs.' Gaddy has a real problem as she tries to oust a ghost. None of
her plans are successful, no matter how cleverly she carries them out,
but there was one plan that she didn't consider. The story and
rose-tinted illustrations are humorous and satisfying. Good for read-
ing aloud. (Picture book)
Hirsh, Marilyn. Deborah the Dybbuk: A Ghost Story. Illus. by author.
Holiday House, 1978. 6-9.
In Jewish folklore, a dybbuk is a ghost who inhabits another person's,
body. When Deborah, an extremely naughty little girl, dro.vns as a
result of a prank, she enters the body of Hannah, whose most excit-
ing activity is embroidering. A rollicking tale with action-packed
illustrations portraying life in a nineteenth-century Hungarian village.
(Picture book) i

Hoffman, Elizabeth P. Here a Ghost- There a Ghost. Illus. David

Kingham. Julian Messner, 1978. 8-12.
All kinds of ghostsold, new, noisy, real:and imaginary- -are dis-
cussed in an anecdote - filled, calm style. The author suggests asking
questions before accepting storLs as true. Charcoal drawings add to
the eerie quality.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Monsters, Ghoulies and Creepy Crea-
tures. Illus. Vera Rosenberry. Albert Whitman, 1977. 6- 12.
A guaranteed child-pleaser! This collect ?on of stories and poems,
both old and new, is often hilarious. Colorful cover and black and
white line drawings put faces on the monsters, ghoulies, am' creepy
"creatures of the title. This book would be fun for reading aloud.
Johnston, Tony. Four Scary Stories. Illus. Tomie de'Piola. G. P. Putnam's
Son, 1978. 6-9.
Gne night an imp, a goblin, and a scalawag me ,ri a dark place,
and etch one tells a scary boy story. When a boy really comes, they
are at ,first frightened, then intrigued by his scary story, and all
become friends. Full-page illustrations increase the reader's deliglit.
(Picture book)
Kotzwinkle, William. Dream of Dark Harbor. Illus. Joe Servello. Double-
day, 1979. I2 -up.
Jack leaves home with his shadow and flute, and follows the lure of
the Big Water until he climbs far out on the harbor's edge to an

74 4.-dern Fantasy

abandoned fishing shack. Nearly drowned by tide and storm, Jack's

despair changes to courage with the highspirited help of three old
seamen's ghosts.
Krensky, Stephen. The Dragon Circle. Illus. A. Delaney. Atheneum, I , 7.
Magic was a Wynd family tradition, practiced for countless genera-
tions and now being carried on in a modern -days Massachusetts
community. With little call for: sorcery, the five Wynd children con-
jure harmless enchantments until something interferes with their
spells and a family of dragons begins to cause problems for everyone.

Kroll, Steven. Amanda and the Giggling Ghost. illus. Dick Gackenbach.
Holiday 'House, 1980. 4-7.
Amanda is awakened by a crash and is startled by a huge ghost
demanding her favorite baseball hat. Being refused, the ghost grabs
other prize possessions and zooms out the door. She follows it and
is blamed for the ghost's thievery. Illustrations in pink, b-^wn, and
gray washes (Picture book)
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis. Joel and the Great Merlini. Illus. Jim Arnosky.
Pantheon Books, 1979. 7-10.
Joel knows that if he is to become a great magician, he must prrictice,
practice, practice. Whcn a wizard-like magician, the Great Merlin',
transmits magical powers to Joel, the bn!' feels guilty because it is all
too easy. A humorous story with a thoughtful ending.
Myers, Steven J. The Enchanted Sticks. Illus. Donna Diamond. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 7-10.
A simple Japanese woodcutter is tnreatenes b-, a band of outlaw
samurai warriors. Enchanted sticks help him rescue a kidnapped
princess. When danger is over, the sticks lose ti..eir magic ai.d serve
to cook the old man's fish, Soft line drawings enhance this satisfying
tale or innocence rewarded. (Pictur ' ok)
Owen, Dilys. Leo Possessed. Illus. Stzphen Gammen. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1979. 10-12.
When thirteen-year-old Leonora move., with her widowed mother, a
brother, and a sister into an old Georgian townhouse in England,
the her(milec disturbed with the haunting nresence of previous occu-
pants. An emotionAl, dramatic climax forces her to accept he,self
and her changing family. Illustrations enhance drama of ',tory.
Pearce, Philippa. The Shadow Cage and Other Tales of the Supernatural.
Illus. Ted Lewin. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 10-14.
This rollaction of supernatural tales is firmly rooted in present-day,
middle-class English family life. The central figures are children and

Ghosts, Magic, the Supernatural

the'more successful tales are haunting indeed There is an occasional

fillip of humor. The black and white illustrations are especially

Peck, Richard. Ghosts I Have Been. Vik;ng Press, 1977. 12-up,

Blossom Culp ha: the disturbing abi.ity to communicate with
ghosts and the habit of turning Bluff City upside down. Set in the
early 1930s, our heroine's adventures climax in London's Madame
Taussaud's Museum and Buckingham Paine. An appealing and
strong heroine, an intriguing plot, and eccentric characters make an
excellent novel.

Post*, Lidia. The Witch's Garden. McGraw-Hill, 1979. 7-10.

One rainy day, when a group of children try to frighten a witch with
their homemade monster, she sur ses them with her kindness. They
reluctantly accept an inv'tation to her secret garden, which holds
many bewitching surprises. Beautiful detailed illustrations hauntingly
enchant young readers. (Picture book)

Ricks, Charlotte Hall. Look at Me. Illus. Annie Gusman. Houghton

Mifflin, 1979 4-7.
When lonely Catherine consistently fails to get her busy mother's
attention, she threatens to disappear and does. The understated text
is extended ty colorful, stylize illustrations. (Picture book)
Roberts, Nancy. Appalachian Ghost. Photographs by Bruce Roberts.
Doubleday, 1978. 12 -up.
In a collection of thirteen short tales, old ghost stor , of the region
are merged into modern settings and events. In each story, people
long dead haunt the living and test their reasoning and imagination.

Rockwell, Anne. Walking Shoes. Doubleday, 1980. 6-9.

This easy-to-read story te.ls of a sad little red house in search of a
family to live in it. A goblin helps the house by giving it magical
walking shoes to go looking for a famil, Bright child-like illustra-
tions Wend with this happy-er-'.:ng adventure. (Picture book)

Slater, Jim. Grasshopper and the Unwise Owl, Illus. Babette Cole Holt,
Rinehart and Wi' in, 1980. 8-12.
Gg re 'n thp real wnrld can be exciting and
dangerous. That's what happens to Grasshopper, a young boy, after
he ems ma,:c candy that causes him to shrink. He makes friends
with many animals and is able to soive his mother's problems. Pen
drawings and a glossary a.. included.

Sleator, William. Into the Dream. Illus. Ruth Sanderson. E. P. Dutton,

1979. 10-12.
Paul ad I .ancine are linked by a recurring nightmare. They search
for ant, find a small boy, the key to their dream, w'.o possesses

64 °
76 Modern Fantasy

amazing powers of the mind. The three share extrasensory mental

abilities that make them le focus of a kidnapping plot. A unique
chiller that raises thought-f -ivoking questions. .

Van Allsburg, Chris. The Garden of Abdul Gasazi. Illus. by author.

Houghton Mifflin, 1979. 5-8.
A small boy, Alan, a bad tempered dog, Fritz, and a mean magician,
Abdul Gasazi, together make a story of enchantment. The strength
is in the haunting, wonderfully conceived black and white illustra-
tions. Each detailed drawing speaks of mystery and magic. 1980
Caldecott Honor Book. (Picture book)
Wuorio, Eva-Lis. Escape If You Can: 13 Tales of the Preternatural. Viking
Press, 1977. I2-up.
Thine, --I stories set in Canada, tondo, .d Finland provide an eerie
reading experience in the tradition of Eagar Allan Poe A few display
a humorous twist; most revel in the bizarre. For readers who delight
in the supernatural, these well-constructed tales are a feast.

Allard, Harry. It's So Nici to Have a Wolf around the House. Illus. James
Marshall. Doubleday, 1977. 54.
The Old Man and his three old pets advertise for a charming com-
panion. Cuthbert Q. Dem arrives, a Wolf disguised as a German
sht- rd. He does wonders for the household until they learn his
tr /entity: a wolf bank robber. He reforms and they all move to
A,.; Ina for the wolf's health 'Humorous illustrations. (Picture book)
Barrett, Judi. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Illus. Ron Barrett.
Atheneum, 1978. 7-10.
Surreal illustrations set the scene for this tale of calamity in the
town of Chewandswallow. The weather sends all the food to the
town. It rains soup and snows mashed potatoes. When the tomato
tornado ensues, the townspeople set sail on peanut butter sandwiches
to a new town. Flashback style. (Picture book)
Brittain, Bill. All the Money in the World. Illus. Charles Robinson. Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1979. 8-12.
QaentIn catches a leprechaun anti wishk for P II the money in the
world. Of course, that means that no one else has any money at
all. Quentin visits the White House and the world reaches the brink
of war before a way is found to stop Quentin's Midas touch. A
funny story with some lighthearted lessons in economics and racial

Humor 77

Burningham, John. Come Away from the Water, Shirley. Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1977. 4 -7.
Unnoticed by her parents, who are relaxing at the beach, Shirley
ensures hersei; an exciting day as she imaginatively embarks on
an adventure of fighting pirates and buried treasure. Most of the
information about her two worlds is found in the illustrations,
accompanied by only brief text. (Picture book)
Burningham, John. Time to Get Out of the Bath, Shirley. Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1978. 4-7.
Mother is tidying the bathroom while Shirley is taking her bath.
Unknown to her, the little girl sets off on an Imaginary journey.
h:ight colors show Mother's real-life activities on one page and
Shirley's fantasy adventures on the opposite. (Picture book)

Craft, Ruth. The King's Collection. Illus. Elisa Trimby. Doubleday, 1978.
4 7.
The king collects everything: tea cups, keys. buttons, toothbrushes,
and shoelaces. When he gets the flu he finds himself bored with his
usual collections, but finally wafts off to dreamland collecting pleas-
ant sounds. A charming collection of pictures for identifying and
Cole, Brock. No More Baths. Illus. by author. Doubleday. 1980, 4- 7.
Jessie McWhistle runs away t.ecause she doesn't want to take a bath.
She tries living with Mrs. Chicken, Mrs. Pig, and Mrs. Cat but
decides home is best. Good read-aloud took. (Picture book)
Collins, David R. If I Could, I Would. 1.1us. Kelly Oechsii Garrard
Publishing, 1979.;6 -9.
An imaginative young boy wishes he could do magical and marve-
lots thing., with his mother. Since few ,,books are a.ailable for
Mother's Day, this one might serve as a mcdel for a class project on
making wish books Colorful and easy to read. (Picture book)

Cressey, James. Fourteen Rats & a Rat-Catcher. Illus. Tamasin Cole.,

Prentice-Hall, 1977. 5-8. .11110

The problems of-sharing a house together are viewed by both the

nice old lady in her parlor and the happy rat family bepeath the
flo r. A handsome rat-catcher provides satisfy:ng answers for every-
one. The simple colorful illustrations yield fresh delights with each
perusal. (Picture boot()

C..nliffe, John. The King's Birthday Cake. Illus. Faith Jaques Andre
Deutsch, 1979. 4 7
Grandmother Gooseberry bakes a cake for the king's birthday. As it
passes from one traveler to another on its jcurney, unbelievable
78 Modern Fantasy

misie,rtur, accompanies it. This amusing story with brightly colored

pictures reminds one of an old-fashioned picture book. Primary chil-
dren will enjoy this cumulative tale. (Picture book)

Fleischman, Sid. Mc Broom Tells a Lie. Illus. Walter Lorraine. Little,

Brown, 1976. 8-12.
How is Mc Broom going to keep the magical mar\ elous one-acre
farm from evil Heck Jones? Easy. Just mix eleven children, a pop-
cornmobile, self-flipping eggs, and hc.nemade sunshine. This good
read-aloud story offet; excellent possibilities for creative dramatics.
Black and white illustrations.
Gackenbach, Dick. Harry and the Terrible Whatzit. Seabury Press, 1977
Determination to protect Mother, who doesn't return from the cellar,
gives Harry the courage to attack the thing that he knows is hiding
behind the furnace. Under Harry's fierce blows, the terrible thing
shrinks, as all fears do when stoutly encountered. Attractive draw-
ings in brown, bright orange, black, and white. Surprise ending.
Available in Spanish: Harry y el Terrible Quensabeque. (Picture
Gackenbach, Dick. but Fanfanny. Harper & Row, Publisher, 1978. 6-9.
The mountains of Yurt are so high that no weather reaches them
until a reddier sells Ida Fanfanny four magic paintings: Summer,
Fall, woter, and Spring. She enjoys the seasons''they bring and
learns to appreciate the good and bad of each one. Good read-aloud
picture bock for discussion of weather. (Picture book)

Gantos, Jack. The Werewolf Family. Illus. Nicole Rubel. Houghton

Mifflin, 1980. 6-10.
The elegant.y dressed, attractive Werewolf family sets out or a
family reunion, but as the full moon rises their features he. t,
change. Their teeth become fangs and their faces get quite hairy. t he
Werewolves' behavior at the party is as wild 'as their appearance.
Brightly patterned illustrations add to the hilarity. (Picture book)

Gibbons, Gail. The Too-Great Bread Bake Book. Frederick Warne, 1980.
Missy Tilly likes to bake bread and send it to Mr. Simon's store.
One day she prepares the dough and places it on the windowsill for
t yp2Fti,_. heActlec to do their work. She falls asleep and then the
action begins. A lively story with brown and tan folk art illustrations.
(Picture book)
Gilchrist, Theo E. Halfway up the Mountain. Illus. Glen Rounds. J. B.
Lippincott, 1978. 6-8.
An old couple lives 'n the mountains. The old man becomes tired of

0 1,
Humor 79

eating beef every day, but after his wife scares off Bloodcoe the
bandit he learns that there are worse things than a lackluster diet A
clever plot with appropriate Illustrations for this'easy-to-read book.,
(Picture book)
Ginsburg, Mirra. Ookie-Spooky. Illus. Emily McCully. Crown Publishers,
1979. 5-8.
Masha's mother gave her a drawing book. Each page shows the
reader what she's drawn. Gradually something less recognizable
' begins to take shape and Masha's imagination is off and running!
Delightful child-like drawings. '' i for use with primary art classes.
Told in rhyme; based on a story by Korney Chukovsky. (Picture
Hoban, Russell. The Twenty Elephant Restaurant. Illus. Emily Arnold
McCully. Atheneum, 1978. 7-10.
After testing one sturdy table, strong enough for an elephant to
dance on, an old man and woman open a restaurant with twenty
sturdy tables for twenty dancing elephants. Illustrations blend with
this ridiculous, humorous tale. Recommended for the reader or
listener with sophisticated imagination. (Picture book)
Hurd, Edith Thacher. Dinrsaur My Darling. Illus. Don Freeman. Harper
& Row, Publishers. 1978. 5 -'O.
Everybody needs somebody to love,.and lonely Joe, operator of a
steam-powered hack hoe, decides to care for the live dinosaur he and
his hoe discovered in the depths of the earth: Th.. fantastic odd
' couple story is illustrated delightfully with line drawings and soft

, shades of green watercolor. (Picture book)

Kessler, Leonard. The Pirates' Adventure on Spooky Island. Garrard Pub-
lishing. 1979. 5-8.
Captain Ben of the pirate ship Jolly Molly finds a note in a bottle
from prisoners begging for rescue from Spooky Island. With the and
of his parrot Polly and his brave crew, he defeats Bad Bart and
saves the captives. Easy reading; full-color illustra*.)ns. (Picture
Krensky, Stephen. The Perils of Putney. Illus. Jurg Obrist. Atheneum,
1978. 10-12.
Giant Putney, an apple farmer, has had'no experience in rescuing
Fair Damsel. whom has disappeared He is unnrenared for di alink
with sorcer,., . ' r.. ogres, dwarfs, and dragons, but he bas n )
choice. Fantasy lovers w il enjoy this spoof. Could be a discussion-
starter for contrasts and parallels of characters
Kuskin, Karla. Herbert Hated Being Small. Houghton Mifflin, 1979. 5- 8.
Herbert doesn't want to spend his life looking at other people's
knees. He sets out with his teddy bear to travel the world. Philomel,
Modern Fantasy

who is tail, too tail according to her do s the same. What they find
when they meet each other is what the reader will find, short or tali.
(Picture book)
teSieg, Theo. Please Try to Remember the First of Octember! Illus. Art
turnings. Random House, 1977. 6-8.
You can have any frabjous, far-out, marvelous, or plain ,:ornmon
thing you want, if you'll just wait till the First of Octember. March is
too dusty, April's too gusty. This fun-filled beginner's book in rhyme
will stimulate reading interest and laughter. Colorful, humorous
drawings. (Picture book)

Lddf, Jan. Uncle Lottie's Fantastic Sea Voyage. Random House, 1977.
Rusty is sent to visit Uncle Louis in time to help him and his
friend Millpond, a would-be magician, finish their junk parts paddle
steamer. Rusty stows away to sail to Africa; Millpond conjures up a
terrific storm! Detailed watercolor drawings. (Picti're book)

McGovern, Ann. Mr. Skinner's Skinny House. Illus. Mort Gerberg. Four
Winds Press, 1980. 4-7.
Humorous reading for a change of pace is offered in this comical
story. Mr. Skinner's house is very narrow and his big concern is to
find someone to share his new home. Although he does have pets,
he wants a real friend. Cartoon-style drawings complement the ener-
getic story. (Picture book)
Martinband, Gerda. Bing Bong Bang and Fiddle Dee Dee. Illus. Anne
Rockwell. Doubleday, 1979. 6-8.
The old man squeaks too much with his new fiddle, so his wife bangs
all run
on a pan to drown out the noise. When the farm animals
away, the chase leads the old couple through storm and
fright, but
to a happy ending. An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)

Parker, Nancy Winslow. The Ordeal of Byron B. Blackbear. Illus. by

author. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 8-12.
Dr. Clothears and colleagues tranquilize a northwoods black bear
and attach electronic equipment to him for hibernation research.
Byron Bear thwarts science and maintains bear autonomy. Intriguing
illustrations also show simple scientific drawings; labelled Excellent
corollary to class nature study or discussion of values in animal
research. (Picture bock)

Paterson, Diane. The Bathtub Ocean. Dial Press, 1979. 5-8.

Heiry imagines his bathtub is the bottom of the ocean. What he sees
and does there will delight the reader. Colorful lighthearted drawings
add whimsy to this easy -'o -read book. While the ending is excellent,
this book might also be used to allow youngsters to suggest a dif-
ferent conclusion. (Picture book)

humor 81 '..

Pinkiater, D. Manus. The Hoboken Chicken Emergency. Prentice-Hall,

1977.10-12. : z
When young. Art' ur Bobowicz discovers that there are no Thanks-
giving turkeys left in the stores, he brings home a 266-pound chicken.
Henrietta becomes a pet instead of dinner and the difficulties of
keeping her are explored to the any utmost. Simple black and white
drawings add to the wild humor.
Platt, Kin. Big Ma: in the Mystery of the Missing Moose. Illus. Robert
Lopshirc. Harper & Row,"Publishert 1977.6-8.
Big Max, who is reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes on a smaller scale,
travels by umbrella to find Marvin the missing moose. His expertise
as a detective enables him to get on the right track 'n'a short
time. A funny story complemented with hilarious pictu An easy-
to-read book. (Picture book)
Poochoo (trinslator Nelly Segal). Methuselah's Gang. Illus. Hank Blau-
stein.-Dodd, Mead, i980.8-I2.
A grup of children befriend Methuselah, an old man with an
extremely long beard. Methuselah's gang become notorious because
of their hilarious adventures in their quest to find the old man's long
lost son. Good read-aloud book. _

. Quin-Harkin, Janet. Peter Penny's Dane. Illus. Anita Lobel. Dial Press.
1976,4-7 ,

There's no question about it. Peter Penny likes to dance. In fact,

he dances when he should be working and the captain of the shin
tells him to leave. He sets out to dance around the world in Eve
. years and then expects to claim his prize, Appealing illustrations.
(Picture book)
Quin-Harkin, Janet. Septimus Bean and His Amizing Machine. Illus. Art
Cumings. Parents Magazine Press, 1979.3-7.5.
Septimus Pean', wonderful machine is impressive but quite useless,
despite the king and queen's enthusiastic suggestions. Aft last the
perfect solution is found, much to everyone's delight. Clever rhymed
verse that is fun to read; colorful cartoon illustrations. (Picture boa)
Rose, Anne. The Talking Turnip. Illus. Paul Galdone. Parents Magazine
Press, 1979.6-9.
An old woman is amazed and frightened when her cat. spoon, turnip,
and floor start talking to her. She runs off to tell the king only to
find more talking objects on the way. Good to read aloud or for
dramatic play. (Picture book)
Rounds, Glen. Nu. Yowder, the Peripatetic Sign Painter. Holiday House,
-Mr! Xenon Zebulon Yowder bills himself as "The World's Bestest
,and Fastest Sign Painter." In three,separate tall tales, he capsulizes a

Modern Fantasy

lion's roar in hopes of becoming v.ealthy, drives a steamboat through

the streets of New York City, and develops a giant bull snake by
means of body-building exercises. The stories arc also published in
separate volumes.

Salus, Naomi r'anush. My Daddy's Musiache. Illus. Tomie de Paola.

Doubleday, 1979. 4-7.
Not penguins, not tigers, not cows, but elephants inhabit Daddy's
mustache in this Imaginative, funny, warmhearted, offbeat picture
story. Large, open black and white illustrations are a delight. (Picture
book) -

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. A Big Fat Enormous Lie. Illus. David

McPhail. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 6-9.
A small boy experiences deep gangs of guilt when'he tells a fib. A
small, green monster, the Lie, lurks behind a bush and grows to
enormous proportions as the ydungster struggles with his feelings.
He finally tells the truth, the Lie shrinks, and a lesson is gently and
humorously imparted. (Picture book)

Smath. Jerry: But No Elephants. Parents Magazine Press, 1979. 4-10.

Grandma Tildy buys a lot of different animals to become her pets.
She does not want an elephant, but she gets one. The elephant saves
the day by performing a neat trick. The story is made ekien funnier
through the illustrations. (Picture book)

Wiseman, Bernard. Morris Has a Cold. Illus. 1)5 author. Dodd, Mead,
1978. 4 7.
Morris the Moose gets a cold and his friend Boris the Bear becomes
exasperated trying to make his confused, sick friend well. Cartoon
illustrations matzli the silly humor. Youngsters heartily enjoy this
easy-to-read bobk. (Picture book)

Wiseman. Bernard. Morris Tells Boris Mother Moose Stories and Rhymes.
thus. by author. Dodd. Mead, 1979. 4-7.
Boris requests a bedtime story to put him to sleep Morris tells his
version of a Mother Moose story. Boris becomes so frustrated with
the story he cannot sleep. The humour s illustrations and text, plus
eas, vocabulary, will appeal to begin readers. (Picture book)

New Tales in Folktale Form

Andersen, Hans Christian (compiler Edward Ardizzone and translator

SietAttil Corria). Arz.!zzcnes AnAeritin. rornniler
Atheneum, 1979. 7 10.
Fourteen of Hans Andersen's beloved tales, including well-known
ones like "1 he Steaifast Tin Soldier" and "The Emperor's New
. New Taks in Fo lictak Form 83

Clothes" and lesser-known ones suck as "The Daing Needle" and

"The Flying Trunk" are collected in this unique volume. Beautiful
full-color illustrations catch the mood 'and flavor of the tales. (Pic-
ture book)
Andersen, Hans Christian ttranslator Erik Haugaard). Hans Andersen:
His Classic Fairy Tales. Illus. Micliael Foreman. Doubleday, 1978.
Eighteen favorite Andersen tales are newly translated into highly
readable, elegant prose, accompanied by handsome full-color and
black and white illustrations. Included are "Tinderbox," "Princess
and the Pea," "Snow Queen," "Emperor's New Clothes," "Wild
.Swans," "Little Mermaid." Excellent for reading aloud.
idersen, Hans Christian. The isrhwess and the Pea. Illus. i'aul Galdone.
Seabury Press, 1978. 7-10. 43

The test of a real princess is nearly as classic as this Al lersen tale.

The princess in this version is bent over with pain after sleeping on
the pea, even though it was separated from her by twenty mattresses
_and twenty featherbeds. Full-color humorous illustrations4Picture
Andersen, Hans Christian (adapter Naomi Lewis). The Snow Queen. Illus.
Errol Le Cain. Viking Press, 1979. 4-7.
Hans Christian Andersen's tale of how Kay is taken away by the
Snow Queen and how his playniate Gerda searches for him is exquis-
itely illustrated in full color. Gerda finally finds her fi_nd and her
love frees him from the Snow Queen's spell. (Picture book)
Andersen, Hans r..hristian. The Steadfast Tin Soldier. II It.s. Paul Galdone.
Clarion Books, 1979. 8-12. ..
.The tin soldier watches the beautiful ballerina who stands on cne
foot without falling. His admiration for her is resented by the goblin,
Who casts a spell.The soldier has a series of adventures before he
and the ballerina are reunited, sadly, forever. Illustrate' s are well-
' detailed, in bright, clear colors. (Picture book)
Andersen. Hans Christian (retold by Amy Ehrlich). Thumbelina. Illus.
Susan Jeffers. Dial Press, 1979. 7-10.
The sensitivity in this retelling is matched by the delicacy of the
illustrations. The book is large in size, which allows Thumbelina to
appear dwarfed by the birds, animals, and flowers. An elegant tale
of the tiny girl who is rescued by the loving swallow and finally finds
her king. (Picture; book)
Andersen, Hans Christian. Ugly Duckling. Illus. Jennie Williams. Troll,
Associates, 1979. 5-7.
The ugly.duckling is ignored and teased until he realizes that he is a
beautiful swan. One of a series of twenty -two books in the "Fables
Modern Fantasy

and Fairy Tales" collection. )ther Andersen tales in the series are
Emperor and the Nightingale, The Emperor's New Clothes, and
Thumbelina. Fresh, vivid, full-color illustrations. (Picture book)

Bedini, -Silvio A. The Spotted Stones. Illus. Richard Erdoes. Pantheon

Books, 1978. 7-10.
When Brother Magro and Brother Grasso embark to visit a faraway
shrine they don't anticipate getting lost, being suspected as spies, and
worst of all, being row' thto a dungeon, To while away the dreary
hours Brother sso collects spotted stones: eventually this becomes
the enticing gam of dominoes.

Romans. Godfried (translator Patricia Crampton). The Wily Witch and

All the Other Fairy Tales and Fabler Illus. Wouter Hoogendijk.
Stemmer House Publishers, 1977. 8-12.
The collection contains forty-five tales by the modern Dutch master
whose works has.: peen compared with those of Hans Christian
Andersen. the Brothers Grimm, James Thurber. and Oscar Wilde.
Detailed pen and ink drawings extend the text.

Bornstein, Ruth. The Dancing Man. Illus.. by author. Seabury Press, 1978.
Joseph.,:an orphan in a Baltic Sea village, meets an old' who
gives him a gift of silveNlapcing shoes. Joseph's danei g brings joy
to his village, and throughout the region. Finally, his life complete.
he passes the shoes on to another little boy. Softly shaded black and
white illustrations. (Picture book)

Bulla, Clyde Robert. My Friend the Monster. Illus. Michele Cheyare.

thomas Y. Crowell'. 1980, 7:10.
Prince Hal is considered plain and ordinary by the King and Queen.
but his forbidden friendship with the young monster Humbert and
the exciting adventures they share tranifoln him. Youth, loyalty,
and love triumph in a satisfying way over pompous. thoughtless
convention. Sensitive, evocative black and white wash drawings.

Bunting, Eve. Demetrius and the Golden Goblet. ll{us. Michael Hague.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. 7-10. .
A young prince's passion kir the sea is tantalind by a blind old
mystic w..., tells him of the ocean's beauties' When the prince
becomes king, he commissions Demetrius, a young spe ige diver. to
describe the undersea panorama. Demetrius tells only unembellished
,reali and the king learns a major lesson. (Picture book) 4

Chapman. ol. The Tale of Meshka theKvetch. Illus. Arnold Lobel.

.} L. e. o
Dutton, iyay. 4 -7.
The "kvetch" of the village was Meshka. She complained about
everything until one day hevseudocompilaints turned into real ones.
New Toles in Follaok Form 85

This humorous tale about the village complainer is delightfully illus-

trated. Yiddish flavor. (Picture book)
Covill Bruce,sand Katherine Coville. Sarah's Unicorn. J. B. Lippincott,
1979. 6-9. "
Sarah's Aunt, Mag is a wicked witch and Sarah is lonely until she
becomes friends.with the unicorn. But Aunt Mag has plans for the f
special fnagic of the unicortils horn; Sarah and her animal friends '
foil the evil plot. 'Excellent blhck and white illustrations in this easy- '
to-read book... book)
Cunliffe, John. The Giant Who Swallowed the Wind., Illtis;taith Jaques.
Andre Deutsch, 1980..7-10.
When the giant yells for food, people-take him all they have, to save ,
themselves from harm. Young Bob-provq a way to change the -
intolerable situation. In retaliation, the giant swallows all their_ wind.
Bob's coyrageous solution brings good results, even for the giant!
Bright illustrations. (Picture kook)
Cunliffe, John. TIWGreat Dag h Competition. and Other Stories. illus.
.Alex); Pendle,,,Andri-Deutsch, 1980. 8-1.2.
Ten stories about droon,s, knights, prrincessek clever fishermen, and
brave girls are told with wit and style. Fun to read Blik and white
illustration 's.

,sie Paola, -Tomie. Big Anthony and the Magic Ring thus, by author.
larcourt Brace Jova novich, 1979. 7-10.
Spring has come toCalabria 4nd 43 g Anthony moves yillry slowly
Strega Nona thinksa.little night life might make him more speedy.
ti Her magiC ring does the trick but it also brings trouble for handsome
ti 'Big Anthony: Full-page color pictures and gentle, funny text create
a good story (Picture book)
de Paola, Tomie. The Knight and the. Dragon., illus. by author. G. P.
Putnarn's Sons, 1980. 6-12... -
A youthful knight-has iievk fought a dragon; nearby/lives a dragon
whA has never fought a knighf% Both #ad up on_the subject and
practice with dummies. The Big Fight, nowever, is a glorious fizzle.
so the castle librarian starts.then on a cooperative project. Full-color,
Alustrations:(Picturetbrrok) ,
Farber, Norma. A Ship in.iltStorm on/the3Vay to Thrshish. Illus. Victoria
Chess., Grcenwillow %As, 1977. 4-7__
A ship crashes through stormy seas. The narrato exclaiming in
barking verse, is side all is over, essaciaily04, a Pale Aumps the
ship. Narrator Jonah turns. navi tor an leads. the lonely whale
home. Illuitiate with black and wl to dralvingsr this poetic reteill4 7,, \
is . 't to read al ((Picture book)
Modern Fantasy

Fleischman, Sid. Jim Bridger's Alarm Clock and Other Tall Tales.
- Eric von Schmidt. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 7-12.
The real Jim Bridger, who was a nineteenth-century mountain
explorer in the American West, is recast into a legendary figure
resembling Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. Clever stories and delightful
illustrations combine to create innocent humor in these three tall
Flory, Jane. The Lost and Found Princess. Illus. by author. Houghton
Mifflin, 1979. 6-9.
A plump old woman is joined by a civilized dragon and a cat
superior intellect in a bumbling, but finally successful, atte to
locate a kidnapped princess. Humorops black and white drawing
and decorated pages enhance an already appealing story.
Foreman, Michael. AU the King's Horses. Bradbury Press, 1977. 7-10.
Watercolors evoke a dreamlike Asiatic Steppe setting for this amus-
ing tongue-in-cheek tale of a princess who will marry only a man
who can outwrestle her. Will the handsome son of a woodcutter
succeed? The unexpected outcome is likely to be especially satisfying
to today's girlsi. (Picture book)
Fox, Paula. The Little Swineherd and Other Tales. Illus. Leonard
E. P. Dutton,' 1978. All ages.
These six witty and entertaining stories are a real treat for a variety
of ages. One meets ducks, horses, roosters, crickets. raccoons,
the swineherd. All are unique characters and each story is complete
in Itself. Excellent, elegant illustrations.
Garrison, Christian. The Dream Eater. Illus. Diane Goode. Bradbury
Press, 1978. ,6-9.
Little Yukid experiences troublesome dreams and soon learns that
other members in his village are suffering from the same plight.
Quite surprisingly, he discovers a baku, an eater of bad dreams, who
really needs his help. Ink-on-parchment paintings complete
beautifully told story inspired by a Japanese legend. (Picture book)

Greaves, Margaret. A Net to Catch the Wind. illus. Stephen Gammell.

Harper & Rim, Publishers, 1979. 7-10. ---
Princess Mirabelle knows that the silver colt in the forest must
always run tree. Her father covets the colt for his stable and tricks
Mirabelle into luring the colt to capture. After losing both he under-
stands the nit that can catch the wind. A fine retelling of the unicorn
legend. (Picture book)
Haley, Gail E. G Away, stay Away. iiius. by autii01. Charlef Scritt:r's
Sons, 1977.1 -10.
People in ttany parts of the world hold festivals in the spring to
h Plre-nTilierja-F-4-a

lure away any evil spirits that still might be lurking from winter.
Villagers join with masks, chants, and dances t' free themselves of
the Banshees and Hobble Goblins. Bold prints done in full calor.
(Picture .book)
Hunter, Mollie. A Furl of Fairy Wind. Illus. Stephen Gammell. Harper",,,
& Row, Publishers, 1977. 8-10.
Four stories in folktale tradition tell of a Brownie whtcwould not be
ignored, a boy who was put under an enchantment by the fairies, a
peddler who found the secret-OT happiness from the fairy queen, and
a plain girl who saved a baby from becoming a changeling.
Kennedy, Richard. The Blue Stone. Illus. Rotiald Himler. Holiday House,
1976. 7-10.
Jack and Bertie, a loving couple, find a\ blue stone. Bertie swallows
it and turns into a chicken. In turn, Jack becomes a rooster, pigs
become loaves, and loaves become pigs. 'Only after the couple solves
a must I riddle does fife return to normal. A humorous, modern
moralit tale.
Kennedy, iti rd. The Dark Princess. Illus.' Donna Diamond. ,Holiday
Hou 978.8 -12.
.. -
The ess is so beautiful that all who look upon her are blinded '',,,

by her diance. Though 'many seek her hand, none are willing to II,1
risk looking at her directly. She doubts love. The jester finally helps
the princess to know the true meaning of love. The illustrations /
illuminate the ethereal mood. (Picture book) //
Kent, Jack. Clotilda. Random House, 1978, 4-7.
Clotilda, a spunky fairy godmother, turns iii0elieving Tommy into a
donkey. Tommy's sister Betty, who finds magic in her everyday
world, is granted three wishes. Preschool listeners will find the magic
enjoyable, not threatening. Humorous, colorful illustrations comple-
ment the easy-to-read text. (Picture book)
Krensky, Stephen. Castles in the Air and -other Tales. Illus. Warren
Lieberman. Atheneum, 1979. 7-10.
Five short stories are based on cliches that are developed into
humorous tales. Castles in the air, a fine kettle of fish, the last straw,
too clever for words, and a barrel of fun are the themes. These are
brief stories that are fun to read.
Krensky, Stephen. Woodland Crossings. Illus. Jan Brett Bowler. Athen-
eum, 1978. 8-11.
A series of five modern fables, delightfully written, portray life's
cycles and questions. Black and white sketches of woodland plants
.nd Animals arf irnaginative.and detailed Will fit with philosophy,
nature Ftudy, ecology units, and fantasy. (Picture book)
Modern Fantasy

Kroeber, Theodora. Carrousel. illus. Douglas Tait. Atheneum, 1977. 7-10.

After the children and Keeper of the Carrousel have gone home,
the carrousel animals, descendants of mythological beings, leave their
pole positions to gambol on Green Knoll. Proud Pegason flies too
high and plummets into the world of Man, who threatens to cement
him in place as a statue.

Langton, Jane. The Fledgling. illus. Erik Blegvad. Ha-rer & Row, Pub-
Biters, 1980. 10-12.
Georgie, a wisp of a child, wishes more than anything to fly. A
migrating Canada goose teaches her, and the two spend many happy
hours around and above Walden Pond. The philosophy of Henry
Thoreau is interwoven in the plot. 1981 Newbery Honor Book.

Lisowski, Gabriel. Miss Piggy. Holt, Rinehart a' nd Winston, 1977. 4-7.
The wolf brothers invite Miss Piggy to a picnic in this delightful
spoof on the traditional tale. Miss Piggy leads them on a wild chase
that ends when she pushes them out an attic window to a stream
below. Humorous.black and white line drawings highlight the nearly
wordless story. (Picture book)

Lobel, Arnold. Fables. Illus. by author. Harper & Row, Publishers.

1980. 10-up.
Animal characters, from crocadile to ostrich, are depicted in richly
colored illustrations and their tales are humorously told as modern
fables with fresh, new morals. Good for class discussion. 1981 Calde-
cott Award. (Picture book)

Lobel, Arnold. How the Rooster Saved the Day. Illus. Anita Lobel.
' Greenwillow Books, 1977. 4-8.
A robber, wishing to plunder in the protection of the dark, threatens
to kill the rooster who crows up the sun.,,,,The rooster tricks the
robber into accomplishing the task for him. Framed illustrations
provide a stage-like setting for the story. (Picture book)

Lobel, Arnold. A Tteeful of Pigs. Illus. Anita Lobel. Greenwillow Books,

1979. 7-10
5ach morning the lazy farmer tells his wife he'll help her when the
pigs dosome preposterous thing The wife makes the pigs do the
feat, but the husband always reneges. At last she outwits him. Out-
standing full-color illustrations depict a European peasant setting
with much humor. (Picture book)
MacLachlan, Patricia. Moon, Stars,, Frogs, and Friends. Illus. Tonne de
Paola. Pantheon Books, 1980. 7-10.
What happens to a frog prince when he 'oins real frogs in a pond?
New Tales in Folkta le Form 89

Prince Rupert got sick eating bugs, but he made friends with Randall
-.. the frog and had long talks about the moon and stars and friendship.
A funny book with a delightful twist at the end. Illustrations under-
+ line the humor. (Picture hook) J

Maestro, Betsy. Lambs for Dinner. Illus. Giulio Maestro. Crown Pub-
lishers, 1978. 5-9.
Mama Sheep leaves home, warning her four lambs not to let Mr.
Wolf in, for he wants them for dinner. But Mr. Wolf, after two
unsuccessful tries, captures three lambs. However, this story ends
with a happy surprise for Mrs. Sn lip and the reader. Delightfully
illustrated. (Picture book)
McClenathan, Louise. My Mother Sends Her Wisdom. Illus Rosekrans
Hoffman. William Morrow, 1979. 7-10.
The moneylender collects rubles every month for loans made long
ago. Widow Petrovna must pay regularly and include a high rate of
interest: Finally she works out a plan that finishes the paying. Katya
carries out tie plan to perfection. All the other peasants benefit from
Katya's courage.
Mobley, Jane. The Star Husband. Illus. Anna Vojtech. 'Doubleoay, 1979.
A girl admires the beauty of the stars and wishes to have one for a
husband. Her wish is granted. She goes to live in the sky with her
star husband and her son, the Moon. Soon she becomes lonely and
wishes to return to mortal life.
Myers, Walter Dean. The Golden Serpent. II lus Alice Provensen and
Martin Provensen. Viking Press, 1980. 6-9.
The wise man, Pundabi, lives on a high mountain with a young
boy. One day the King demands that Pundabi solve a mystery but
doesn't tell him what the mystery is. Richly colored illustrations
accompany this philosophic tale. (Picture book)
Newman, Winifred Barnum. The Secret in the Garden. Illus. by author.
Baha'I publishing Trust, 1980. 4 -7.
All the people in the village are squabbling over their differences An
old woman comes and plants a garden full of many different flowers
to show the villagers how beautiful differences can he. How the
villagers learn about love and stop their quarreling makes a delight-
ful tale. (Picture book)
Noble, Trinka Hakes. The King's Tea. Dial Press, 1979. 6 9
The milk is sour so the king's tea isn't perfect. He blames the servant,
who blames the cook, who blames the next person. etc When the
90 Modern Fantasy

king overhears the cow Lzing blamed, he stops the blaming and
everyone has a wonderful tea party. A funny cumulative tale. (Picture

Parish, Peggy. Zed and the Monsters. Illus. Paul Galdone Doubleday,
1979. 8-12.
Zed leaves his rockin' chair, with a lunch from Ma in his handy bag,
and ambles away to work `or a little money. The governor promises
Zed a bag of gold for king four monsters. Whimsical illustrations
complement Zed's spunky adventures. Good read-aloud book.

Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River. II Ins Krystylia Turska
Greenwillow Books, 1978. 8 -I?.
In Treasure Valley live three brothers. Two are cruel and greedy
while the youngest one is kind and loving Though his brothers are
as harsh to him as they are to the neighbors, Bluck remains loving.
The King of the Golden River rewards him and punishes the older
brothers. (Picture book)

Sage, Alison. The Ogre's Banquet. Il lu ,. Gian Calvi Doubleday, 1978.

7 .10.
Tom, the seventh son of a seventh son, is sent to serve the ogre His
task of turning a disreputable-looking, gravelly-voiced gryphon into
a sleek and beautiful songster proves impossible Howeser, Tom
manages to charm the cgre and make a better life for the towns-
people. Humorous, colorful illustrations. (Picture book)

Steal ns, Pamela. The Fool and the Dancing Bear. Illus Ann Strugnell,
Little, Brown, 1979. 8-12
A curse by a spiteful queen, a young king in lose with a beautiful
princess, a faithful jester, and a mysterious bear are all included in a
fantasy adventure with elements ot the classic fairy tale Well written,
beautifully detailed illustrations Highly recommended for fantasy

Steele, Mary Q The Owl's Kiss. Greenwillow Books, 1978 8 12

In the title story, the first of three short allegorical stories, a girl
overcomes her fear ot owls when she admits to a dishonest act " I he
Last Great Smoke" tells of a man who regains his honor by making
restitution for a crime he did not commit In -Dita's Story" a girl
resists using her powers of witchcraft for personal gain

Tompert, Ann Charlotte & Charles. Illus. John Wallner Crown Pub-
lishers, 1979. 4 7
Charles and Charlotte live alone on an island. When settlers arrise,
Charlotte is delighted and Charles is wary. Doubts and supe-stitions
New Tales m Folk tale Form 91

among-the settlers threaten the gentle way of fife of the original

inhabitants. ieflecting the wide range of human behavior. Detailed
colored illustrations. ( Picture book)

var. der Meer, Ron, and Atie van der Meer. Oh Lord! Crown Publishers,
1980. 7-10.
Using quantities of paint and clay, the Lord creates the world in
seven hectic days with the help of two enthusiastic cherubs. A funny
book, but not for those who would be offended by a Lord who looks
like Santa: takes showers, eats chocolates. lnd spanks naked cherubs.
(Picture book)

Van Woerkom, Dorothy 0. Harry and Sheliburt. Illus. Erick Ingraham

Macmillan Publishing, 1977 5-8.
An old fable, the tortoise and the hare, is creatively and amusingly
retold. The young reader will relate to the well-defined personalities
of friends Harry and Shellburt Large illustrations capture the gentle
spirit of this easy-to-read tale (Picture book)

Wetterer. Margaret. Patrick and the Fairy Thief. Illus. Enrico Arno
Atheneum, 1980 5-8
Patrick lives in a thatched cottage in Ireland with his mother. His
prize possession is his little brown cow. Trouble appears when the
fair, folk steal his mother and try to steal his cow Patrick's courage
manages to thwart the fairies' evil designs and break the spell that
holds his mother. (Picture book)
Wilde, Osca: (.,bridged by Jennifer Westwood) The Star Child. Illus.
Fiona French Four Winds Press 1979 6 9
The mysterious child found in the forest by woothutteis grows up to
be beautiful, tam, and cruel. Denying his old mother. he suddenly
becomes hideously ugly and is forced to learn compassion in a hard
work; before assuming his rightful place. Glowing, luminous, full-
color illustrations (Picture book)
Williams. Jay The Water of life. Illus Lucinda McQueen Four Winds
Press. 19/11 7 10.
A kind-hearted young fisherman, Pilchard, L,,, out to find the Water
of Life for the king His adenturcs along the way, and the secret he
esentually finds. are told in a simple, eloquent style Full-colorpaint-
ings add humor and warmth to the story with a familiar theme
(Picture hook)

Wolkstein. Diane White Wave. Illus Ed Young 1 homas Y Crowell,

1979 6 9
In ( hula a young farmer, poor and shy, lives alone. One day he finds
a Moon snail and the Goddess White Wave comes to care for him
92 Modern Faniasy

His life is transformed. A beautiful tale, delicately and sensitively

told. Exquisite, monochromatic drawings. (Picture book)

Yolen, Jane. Dream Weaver. Illus. Michael Hague. William Collins Pub-
lishers, 1979. 10-up.
The dream weaver, a blind gypsy storyteller, weaves dreams for the
price of a penny. Seven people seek her stories and she tells haunting,
imaginative tales of love, life, and death. Good for class discussions.

Yolen, Jane. The Hundredth Dove and Other Tales. Illus. David Palladini.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 10-12.
Seven haunting tales make up this unique collection of short stories
for the reader with a taste for the unusual and the imaginative
Superbly written, each story has a flavor of the past with a touch of
modern myth. Elegant, handsome charcoal drawings.

Yolen, Jane. The Seeing Stick. Illus, Remy Charlip and-Demetra Maraslis.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 7-10.
An old man shows a blind princess how to see with her fingers when
he carves scenes and figures on a golden stick. The gentle wisdom of
this tale, set in Ancient China, is made even more dramatic by
exquisite pastel drawings. (Picture book)

Yolen, Jane. The Simple Prince. Illus. Jack Kent Parents Maganne Press.
1978. 4 7.
The pr:nee decides to lead the simple life. He claps his hands and his
servants prepare his plain clothes and lunch He finds a farm where
he learns that simple means hard work, his attitude changes, so that
he becomes a much simpler, nicer prince. Colerful illustrations;
good for choral reading. (Picture hook)
Yoo, Edward Yushin, retold by. Bong Nam and the Pheasants. Illus.
Demi. Prentice-Hall, 19.'79. 6-9
A young Korean boy rescues some baby pheasants from a giant
snake. Days later the snake, disguised as a beautiful young girl,
captures the boy and threaten, to kill him unless he accomplishes a
seemingly impossible task. Delicately tinted line drawings capture
the mood of the tale (Picture book)

Strange and Unique Creatures

Ahlberg, Janet, and Allan Ahlberg. Jeremiah in the Dark Woods. Viking
Press, 1978. 4 7
Jeremiah sets out to find the thief of his grandma's strawberry tarts
and meets many unusual characters The action is fast paced, and
the illustrations whimsical. The total production adds up to fun
(Picture book)
'Strange and Unique Creatures 93

Baker, Betty. Latki and the Lightning Lizard. Illus. Donald Carrick.
Macmillan Publishing, 1979. 7-10.
Latki, a young girl, loves her home in Red Rock Canyon, but she
must leave to rescue her imprisoned sister fromla giant lizard. She's
assisted by her animal friends, the ant, the lion, and the eagle. Illus-
trations contribute to the magical quality of the story. (Picture book)

Balian, Lorna. Leprechtuns Never Lie. Illus. by author Abingdon Press,

1980. 6-9.
Lazy Ninny Nanny tells Gram she'll catch a leprechaun to make
them rich for life. Ninny Nanny catches the leprechaun, but the little
imp ticks her into much more than finding his hidden gold Illus-
trations are in soft browns except for the leprechaun's green hat.
(Picture book)

Barrett, Judi. The Wind Thief, illus. Diane Dawson. Atheneum, 1977 4-7
The wind wants to keep his cold head from getting goose bumps, so
he chooses a special hat to blow off and pull down over his ears. His
blowing causes confusion and surprise. Children will relate to the
ridiculous fun the wind causes. Detailed pen and ink illustrations
add humor. (Picture book)
Brooks, Gregory. Monros's Island. Illus. by author Bradbury Press, 1979
In the midst of a bath, Monroe is transported to a desert island and
back again by his imagination, a blue beastie with two horns on its
nose and a little smile on its face. iMough tresh, clear colors,
economical lines, and a sparse text, the adventnrous spirit of child-
hood is captured in this deceptively simple book. (Picture book)
Brown, Marc. Witches Four. Parents Magazine Press, 1980. 4 7
A delightful picture book for any time of year, and especially for
Halloween. Four little witches, flying upside (town, lose their hats
Four lucky cats use those hats as houses urtil the Kerbooms! Out-
standing art work (Picture book)
Cameron, Ann. Harry (the Monster), Illus Jeanette Winter Pantheon
Books, 1980. 4 /
Harry, a forty -foot monster, is afraid of children Onl when he
bravely rescues his bullfrog friend, does he discover that children are
more afraid of him than he is of them. Soft, detailed illustrations
nicely balance the sensitive subject of being afraid. (Picture book)

Carle, Eric, Watch Out! A Giant! William Collins Publishers, 1978. 4 7

Two children go out to play and are caught by a ferocious giant who
plans to eat them Thev escape through a,die-cut trapdoor, and the

94 Modern Fantasy
11 ,
story has a satisfactory ending. The clever die-cut illustrations will
appeal to young children. (Picture book)

Coville, Bruce, and Katherine Coville. The Foolish Giant. J. B. Lippin-

cott, 197? 4-7.
The good deeds of Harry, a friendly giant, get him into trouble, and
the mayor sends him fromplown. A wicked wizard threatens the
villagers, but Harry returns and surprises them all. Preschoolers will
enjoy listening to the story and sharing its comical pencil illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Cunliffc, John. Saab's Giant sad the Upside Down House. Illus. Hilary
Abrahams. Andre Deutsch, 1980. 4-7.
When Sarah's mother scolds her because the house is upside-down,
Sarah enlists the aid of her giant friend, Mr. Zub, who actually
turns the house upside-down. Children will enjoy watching Sarah
arvi her parents cope with upsidc-down sinks, stoves, television sets,
and stairs. (Picture book)

Cushman, Doug, compiler, Giants. Illus.Nby compiler

Platt & Munk,
Publishers, 1980. 6-9.
This oversized bookappropriately s6-- contains two poems and
four stories about giants. Along with the well-known giant who lived
atop Jack's beanstalk and Oscar Wilde's selfish giant are Fergus
McGrath, the Connemara giant, and the giant who built an enor-
mous hill near Shrewsbury. (Picture book)

de Paola, Tomie. Helga's Dowry. Illus. by author. Harcourt Brace Jovano-

vich, 1977. 5-8.
Helga is a lovely troll who has no dowry To keep the affection of
handsome Lars, she uses her troll cunning and skill to win a dowry
in the world of people -and a new suitor. Charming illustrations.
(P;cture book)
Fi ischman, Sid. The Hey Hey Man. Illus Nadine Bernard Westcott.
Litt*, Brown, 1979. 8 -12.
A thief has overheard the farmer burying his gold beneath the Hey
Hey Man's tree and sneaks out to steal the money. How the Hey
Hey Man pursues him and recovers the gold make a hilarious tall tale.
(Picture book)
Fujikawa, Gyo. Cone Follow Me .. . to the Secret World of Elves and
Fairies and Gnomes and Trolls. Grosset & Dunlap, 1979 4- 7
"Come, follow, follow me .. . " invites the reader to the magical
world of elves, fairies, gnomes, and trolls. The delightful variety of
poems and brief stories is enhanced by the numerous colored and
occasional black and white illustrations Appealing book. (Picture

1 l/"c_i)
Strange and Lintque Creatures 95

Harrison, Sarah. In Granny's Garden. Illus. Mike Wilks. Holt, Rinehart

and Winston, 1980. 6-10.
A young boy. in his Granny's "Jung ly wild" garden discovers a
Brontosaurus with eyes as "bosky and benign ,as warm night skies."
The careful details of the vivid Illustrations make this fantasy seem
quite real. (Picture book)
Hearne, Betsy Gould. Home. Inds. Trina Schart Hyman. Atheneum, 1979
A companion book to the author's South Star is the story of Megan,
daughter of giants, who tries to find the lost King Brendan, her
sister's husband. Aided-by a sun bird and a boy, she locates Brendan,
who is heitl captive by honlike men on an island far out to sea. The
exciting story is enhanced by vivid imagery and several levels of
Hearne, Betsy Gould. South Star Illus. Trina Schart Hyman Atheneum,
1977. 10 -12.
Megan, daughter of the giants, flees for her life whwlie Screamer
attacks her home. Mt- haunting tale of her escape wi"-. the help of
the boy Randall and the south star is illustrated with pen and ink
Hunter, Mollie. The Wicked One. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977 IC up.
The Grollican is a creature who picks on feisty-tempered people.
Colin is bothered by its nasty magic and tries to outwit it When he
leaves Ireland for New York City, he is sure he is rid of it. Alas,
the wicked one is tItere also. A rollicking tale.
-(luygen, Wil Gnomes. Illus. Rien Poortvliet. Harry N. Abrams, Pub-
lishers, 1977. 12 -up.
A glorious feast of color, this book is rich in imaginatfon and fun
The tongue-in-cheek documentary examination of gnomestheir
history, their sociological and physiological data, their folklore and
daily life--provides endless pleasure for readers and browsers.
Janosch (translator Klaus Flugge). Hey Presto! You're a Bear! little,
Brown 1977. 4- 7.
A little boy has the magic-ability to change-people into animals-
When he changes his father into a bear, a wild romp begins. furniture
is overturned, rooms are flooded, and a circus performance takes
place. The illustrations are rich in humorous detail. (Picture book)
Kellogg, Steven. The Mysterious Tadpole. Dial Press, 1977. 4 -7.
Alphonse, the "tadpole" that Louis received from his uncle in Scot-
land, outgrows not only the bathtub but the apartment as well. Louis
Modern Fantasy

realizes that Alphonse needs a swimming pool and the problem of

providing one is solved with the help of the librarian. Large color
illustrations and short text make this a good read-aloud book.
(Picture book)
Kennedy, Richard. Inside My Feet: The Story of a Giant. Illus. Ronald
Him ler. Ijarper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 8-12.
Giant boots appear mysteriously outside the door. First the father
disappears while investigating the noiie made by the boots, then tl'e
mother. Only the boy remains to solve the mystery and to find his
parerts. A fantasy with a different. twist.
Kennedy, Richard. The Leprechaun's Story. Illus. Marcia Sewall. E. P.
Dutton, 1979. 6-9.
A tradesman walking along a country road spies a 'leprechaun who,
according to tradition, must lead the person who discovers him to a
who is
pot of gold. The leprechaun tries to fool the wise tradesman,
determined that he won't be tricked. (Picture book)
Krensky, Stephen. A Troll in Passing. Atheneum, 1980. 8-12.
Morgan senses that he :s not like the other trolls. More interested
in the life of the village, he becomes a forager who steals from the
local people to learn more about them. His knowledge about the
world ultimately enables him to save the troll community.
Lodge, Bernard, Rhyming Nell. Illus. Maureen Roffey. Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1979. 5-8.
Nell, a witch who casts spells in rhymes, can change adders into-
ladders and flowers into' showers. Her mistake is finding a rhyme
her own name. Delightful drawings on full and half-page formats
allow the spells to be surprises. (Picture book)

MacKellar, William. The Witch of Glen Gowrie. Illus. Ted Lewin.

Mead,-1978. 8-12.
Gavin Fraser doesn't believe in itches until he meets Meg Leckie
and watches her heal an injured dog. The mystery of Meg's disap-
pearance and Gavin's discovery of his own talents further the sus-
pense of this novel, reminiscent of a Scottish folktale. Black and
white Illustrations.
Mayne, William. A Year and a Day. E. P. Dutton, 1976 10- 12.
Two little girls find a strange, naked male child on a Midsummer
Eve in Cornwall. Christened Adam, the boy doesn't speak or need to
family, the
eat or sleep. In spite of the loving care of the Ptearne
child dies in a year and a day as the local witch had predicted. When
a boy is born to the family, he is named Adam.
-4- L1 t,
Strange and Unique Creatures 91

Miles, Patricia The Gods in Winter. E.13. Dytton, 1978. 10-12

Twelve-year-old Adam Bramble senses a strangeness about the new
home-help the moment she arrives: His account of the mysterious,
occasionally frightening, event.. that surround his lively family during
an unusually bitter English winter is a fascinating story that Involves
a retelling of the classic myth o; Demeter and Persephone.

Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. The Pig Who Could Contra the Wind. Illus.
Mark Lefkowitz. Atheneufn, 197,8. 6-9.
Miss Folly is a witch pig whose delight is riding the wind. 4hen a
demon casts a spell that causes Miss Folly to crash to earth, she is
,saved by thOse whom she has aided. The poeticilext and pen and
ink drawings capture the joj, of swirling above the earth.

Myers, Amy. I Know a Monster. Illus by author. Addison-Wesley 'Pub-

lishing, 1979. 4-7.
Each child sitting in a circle adds to the story of the horrible monster
the group is creating. When the monster begins to eat children, the
group discovers that they are afraid of their own creation. One, of the
youngsters saves the day and eliminates the monster! Scars, pictures
Picture book)

Ness, Eva line. Marcella's Guardian Angel. 11 1us' by author Holiday

House, 1979. 6-9.
Marcella has a guardian angel who is a pest. She hovers over
Marcella and comments on her behavior, muttering words like
"Rude!" or "Stingy!" Marcella's dislike of the angel grows until she
learns the game of flip-flop. Bold illustrations in reds. greens, and
browns capture Marcella's knobby-kneed charm. (Picture book)

Polushkin, Ma a' The Little Hen and the Giant. Illus. Yuri Salzman.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 548.
Fiery Kurochka, the little hen, has one ambition, "to kill that fool
Giant who takes my eggs!" Little but mighty, she succeeds This
humorous tale with a decided Russian flavor has large pictures that
make it an excellent choice for rea ling aloud. (Picture book)

Robb, Brian. The Last of the Centaurs: Andre Deutsch, 1979. 6 9.

Achilles, the last of the Centaurs; needs new clothes and is fitted by
an English tailoring firm. When the fitting fails, Roderick, the tailor,
is fired. The children help him and, with Achilles' timely aid, all
turns out well. A whimsical tale, colorfully illustrated. (Picture book).
Robison, Nancy. Izoo. 1111s. Edward Frascino. Lothrop, Lee Shepard
Books, 1980. 6-9.
An ice girl lures a boy and a girl into an igloo, which then flies to the
far North. There she leads them into an icy cave from which they
Modern Fantasy

must escape or be frozen as kpecimens of earth children in an ice

zoo. Clever woirdplay enlivens the conversations and cartoon illustra-
tions add to the fun. (Picture book) , 7
Sargent, Sarah. Weird.Henry Bug. Crown Publishers, 1980. 8- 12.
A baby dragon pops up in Henry Berg's life. An older dragon is sent
from Wiles to bring back the baby dragon. An old lady helps in the
rescue, and Henry Berg learns a lesson about dragons and himself.
An unuiall and interesting story.
Steig, William. The Amazing Bone. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976. 4-7. A
A talking bone, fed up with being owned by a nasty witch, takes
up with a plump and pretty'pig and the% saves her from the clutches
of a suave fox. Large watercolor illustrations are rich in humor.
(Picture book)
Stevenson, James. The Worst Person in the World. Greenwiliow Books,
1978. 6-9
The worst perion in the whole world has a change of heart when he
meets the ugliest creature in the world. The story is humorously told
and is an excellent choice for,reading aloud. (Picture book)
Sundgaard, Arnold. Jethro's Difficult Dinosaur. Illus. Stan Mack Pan-
theon Books, 1977. 5-8.
Jethro finds a large egg in the,park and tikes it home to hatch.
Much to his' surprise it turns out to be a dinosaur that grows at a
rapid rate. Rhyme as well as humorous 'drawings make this easy-to-
read book-especially.enjoyable. (Picture book)
Towne, Mary. Goldenrod. Atheneum, 1977. 12 -up
Goldenrod answers the Madden's ad for a baby-sitter and is hired.
On the very first day of hdr employment, the five children discover
she has extraordinary powers. Exciting adventures are in store for
the Madden family as their friend transports them through space.
Wagner, Jenny. The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek. Illus. Ron Brooks.
Bradbury Press, 1977. 4-7.
A muddy creature crawls out -of Berkeley's Creek and asks, "What
am I?" The responses are puzzling and disturbing until he meets
another creature like himself, a bunyip, an Australian folk-monster
Australian terms such as billabong and billy will need explanatiOns:
otherwise, the story is simply written and appealing.
Williams, Jay. Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like. Illus. Mercer
Mayer. Four Winds Press, 1976. 7-10.
A Great Cloud Dragon is the only hope to save the city of Wu from
attack. When a fat old bald man claims to be the dragon, no one
Talking Toys 99

believes him. Only Han, the p or gatheeper, treats him with respect
and kindness. For Han, the ragon saves the city. (Picture book)
Williams, Leslie. A Rear he the AL Ilus. Carme Sole Vendrell. Stemmer
House Publishers, 1980. All a
A boy lyingon his back watch a cloud-filled summer sky spots a
bear in-the air. The bear beco es real and speaks in rhyme, which
.eventually exasperates the boy. The book is useful for word play and
imagination- stretching activities. (Picture book)
Yolen, Jane. The Giants-Go- Camping. Illus, Tomie de Paola. Seabury
Press, 1979. 4-7.
On a hot summer day at Fe-Fi-Fo-Farm, five giants decide to go on
vacation. Dab, the smallest giant,:-organizes a fun-filled camping trip
at a mountain lake. Lively drawings contribute- to the appeal of
this easy-to-read book >(Eicture book)
Yolen, Jane. The Mermaid's Three Wisdoms. thus. Laura-Rader. William
Collins Publishers , ink 8L12.
Melusina, a mermaid who cannot speak, violates the merfolk's code
and is seen by Jesg; a twelve-year-old girl with a hearing i npairment.
Melusina must leave the sea ands\live on land, where the two become
close friends.'A skillfully written tale that blends fantasy and reality.
Zolotow, Charlotte. I Have a Horse of My Own. Illus. Yoko Mitsuhashi.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 19180. 5-8.
A small girl tells of the horse with whom she rides, at night to
beau' Jul and wonderful places. In the morning she eats breakfast
and ;oes to school. The book is sensitive to the role Imagination
plays in the-lives of children, and the illustrations complement the
poetic mood. The book is useful for discussions of imaginary play-
mates. (Picture book)

Talking Toys

Bornstein, Ruth. Annabelle. Illus. by author. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978.

Annabelle, a lonely toy chimpanzee, feels left out when Sarah, her
owner, goes to the park. While searching for her owner, Annabelle
has a number of action-packed adventures. This is a story of caring
and thelo,: children have for toys. (Picture book)
Hoffmann, E. T. A., (adapter Janet Schulman). The Nutcracker. Illus.
Kay Chorao. E. P. Dutton, 1979. 8-12.
Here is tied fanciful tale of a toy nutcracker who comes to life, fights
a battle with the seven-headed mouse king, escorts a 1:ttle girl
through the Land of Sweets, and in the end becomes her true love.
100 Modern Farnas$

Delicate illustrations reflect the nineteenth-century German setting

of this story, which was used by Tchaikovsky in his famous Nut-
cracker ballet.

, Howe, Deborah, and James Howe. Teddy Bear's Scrapbook. Illus. David
S. Rose Atheneum, 1980. 4-7.
Teddy Bear recounts his colorful past to a little girl on a rainy
afternoon as they look at the pictures in his scrapbook: cowboy,
met: performer, even a Hollywood actor An appeal: story with
pen illustrations. (Picture book)

Jones, Hai old. There & Back Again. Atheneum, 1977. 4-7
Bunby, a stuffed rabbit, doesn't tike being left alone and sets off in
a toy sailboat to seek adventure. After a wet mishap he shares a
glorious afternoon with the forest animals before returning home to
the playroom. A gentle story for the youngest believer. (Picture
. book)
Manley, Seon, and Gogo Lewis, compilers. The Haunted Dolls. Double-
day, 1980. 10-up.
This nicely illustrated anthology of eerie tales about dolls with unique
powers and lives of their own will attract reatiers of all ages. Among
the authors are Agatha Christie, Algernon Blackwood, Jerome K.
Jerome, and Hans Christian Andersen.

Vain, Anna. Elsa's Bears. Harvey House, Publishers, 1978 3-5.

Little Elsi.'s three stuffed bears have a way of getting lost and finding
themselves in mischievous situations. Preschoolers will enjoy the
exciting world presented in these adventures The text is brief and
encourages listening. Bright, clear pictures enhance this tin)), appeal-
ing book, the first :n a series of six. (Picture book)

Wright, Dare. Edith and Midnigb' Doubleday, 1978 5- 8.

Lover., of dolls, teddy bears, ponies, farms, and fishing will respond
with delight to this summertime adventure. Edith, z doll, and her
friend, Little Bear, use apples and kindness to tame a wild pony. This
oversize book is illustrated with full-page photographs. (Picture book)

Time Fantasy

Anderson, Margaret. In the Circle of Time. Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 10 up.

This compelling story tells of two Scottish children who visit the
ancient stones of Arden ano slip into future time. There they discover
a world where people with limited resources live in peace, though
parsued by a barbaric tribe. Strong cnaracterizations and an interest-
ing exploration of value systems.
Time Fantasy

Babbitt, Natalie. The Eyes of the Amaryllis. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1977. 10-12.
Jenny comes to Aran's ocean home to take care of her grandmother, 1/4'
who has a broken ankiz. Gran, who has been waiting thirty years for
a sign from her dead husband, soon has Jenny watching for a signal
from the sea. Jenny, her father, and Gran come to a richer under-
standing of each other.
Bond Nancy. A String in the Harp. Atheneum, 1977. 12-up.
The Morgans, three American children and their father, arrive in
Wales, gin grieving over the death of Mrs. Morgan. Mr. Morgan
loses himself in work and Jen and Becky slowly adjust, but Peter
hates everything until he finds the ancient tuning key of a sixth-
century harp. The mystical power of the key opens the past and
allows Peter to be reconciled with his family. 1977 Newbery Honor
Bosse, Malcolm J. Cave beyond Time. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. 12 -up
Fifteen-year-old Ekn, recently orphaned, Ends himself attached to
an archeological team with his uncle in Arizona. Unable to get
involved iii the dig, Ben wanders off toward a mountain and finds
himself in a strange world where sloths and camels roam America.
Later, after his return, he offers a theory to interpret certain findings
of the team.
Cooper, Susan-. Silver on the Tree. Atheneum, 1978. I 2-up.
It is summer in -inland when the Dark rises for the last, most
dangerous time The circle gathers: Will Stanton, the Welsh boy
Bran, and the Drew children. In the mountains of Vales the Forces
of Light, with the aid of the crystal sword, vanquish the Dark. This
highly imaginative, myth-laden novel brings to an .exciting climax
The Dark Is Risplg sequence. Magic departs, and the mortal world
Curry, Jane Louise. Poor Tom's Ghost. Illus. by author Atheneum, 1977
I 2-up.
Roger's life becomes " '44 with that of his seventeenth century
countereart, so the m's ghost may rest in peace in the
Elizabethan house tha family has discovered under the ugly
additions of a later age. roger acts bravely to save his father from
fatal involvement with 21 actor-ghost. Overtones from Hamlet are
subtly woven into plot and theme.
Davies, Andrew. Conrad's War. Crown Publishers, 1980. 10-12.,
Jbsessed with war, Conrad is determined to build a tank. He dream'.
of World War 11 as a thrilling adventure :r. which he is an energeti
IC2 t f o de rn uantast

courageous tank driver The st;:y shifts from reality to fantasy, leak-
ing back into time as Conrad comes to believe that he is participating
in a past war.
Ellerby, Leona. King Tut's Game Board. lilus Susan Hopp 1 erne! Po'
lications, 1980 I2-up
Justin, on vacation in Egypt with his parents, teams up with a
mysterious companion, Nathan Alistant. The tr,,o boys are history
buffs, but their sightseeing trips turn into high adventure as Nate
follows a quest from another time and place in this exciting blend of
mystery and fantasy

Freeman, Barbara C A Pocket of Silence. E. P. Dutton, 1978 12 up

Caroline has a recurring dream of the cottage where she lived until
her mother's death. On her sixteenth birthday she returns to the
village, meets a ghost, and solves a riddle about toe past and future
A fresh twist to the haunted-house theme.

Greenfield, Eloise Africa Dream. lilus. Carole Byard. John Day, 1977
8 10.
A black child's dream fantasy of long ago and far away Africa is
explored through pictures and narrative Black and white pictures
lend a dreamlike quality to a vision of Africa that includes the
familiar and the unknown, the ancient and the modern (Picture
Lively, Penelope. A Stitch in Time. E P. Dutton, 1976 10 12
Perhaps because her parents are so reserved, Maria, an only child,
talks to trees and animals On holiday by the sea, she becomes
involved with people and events of a hundred years ago. A lively
neighbor boy, a formidable landlady, and a sampler contribute to
the fantasy story of a girl on the verge of growing up

Lively, Penelope. The Voyage '.,f QV 66. Illus. Harold Jones. E. P. Dutton,
1979. 10-12.
Floods have caused humans to evacuate Earth, leaving it to the
animals. Stanley, a small, furry, personlike animal, has never seen
another like himself, Aboard a small boat, he and five assorted
animals travel to London to find his identity in this anthropomorphic
satire on human foibles.
Maguire, Gregory. The Daughter of the Moon. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1980. 10-up.
Twelve-year-old Erikka longs for escape from her home and family.
She is determined to become an artist and create a place of peace
and beauty. The magic of a candlestick and a painting transport
Erikka to 'a moonlit mountain where unexpected events help her
solve difficult problems and accept herself and her family.
Time Fantasy 103

MEthiqvist, Stefan. I'll Take Care of the Crocodiles. Illus. Tord Nygren.
- Atheneum, 1978. 5-8.
Papa lies Jown with little Eric until the youngster falls asleep, and
then the action begins. The p :tures on the wall become enlarged,
and Eric and Papa become part of the scene Appealing watercolor
pictures capture the action of the story.
Stewart, Mary. A Walk in Wolf Wood. Illus. Emanuel Schongut. William
Morrow, 198G 12--up.
John and Margaret are picnicking in the woods when they spot a
strangely dr-ssed, weeping man. Curious, they follow him into Wolf
Woods and find that t:iey have been sent back in time to the
fourteenth century to rescue a man under enchantment.
Westall, Robert. The Wind Eve. Greenwillow Books, 1977. 12-up,
Vacationing on a desolate section of English coast, Michael finds an
ancient Viking ship. He and his two half-sisters soon discover that
the Resurre has the power to short-circuit time. An extraordinary
blending of fact and legend about the medieval Saint Cuthbert No
illustrations; some profanity.
Wibberley, Leonard. The Crime of Martin Cover ly. Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 1980. 12-up.
Nick's investigation into the strange sounds and odors in his family's
old Florida house leads him to a late-night meeting with the ghost
of an eighteenth-century pirate. Traveling back in time, Nick finds
himself in the midst of the search for the fabled King Solomon's

Additional Modern Fantasy Books

Alexander, I Loyd. The High King Holt, Rinehartand Wrnston,-1968.. 9 14
Andersen, Hans Christian. Thr Little Match Girl. Illus Bla.r Lent Houghton
Mifflin, 1968 6-12.
Andersen, Hans Christian. The Nightingale Translated by Eva le Galliene Illus
Nancy Ekholm Burkert Harper & Row, Publishers, 1965 8 up
Atwater, Richard, and Florenct. Atwater Mr Popp.r's Penguins Illus Robert
Lawson. Little, Brown, 1938 9 -12
Babbitt, Natalie. The Search for Delicious. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969 8 -12
Babbitt, Natalie. Tuck Everlastlig. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975 10-up
Barrie, J M. Peter Pan. Illus. Nora Unwin Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954. 10-12
Boston, Lucy M. The Measure of Green Knowe. Illus Peter Boston Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 198. 9-12.
Burningham, John. Mr. Gumpy's Outing. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.3 6
Button, Virginia Lee. The little House. Houghton Mifflin, 1942. 4-7.
Burton, Virginia Lee. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. Houghton Mifflin,
1939. 4-7.
Butterworth, Oliver. The Enormous Egg. Illus. Louis Darling. Little, Brown, 1956,

1 4.1 A.,")
Modern Fantasy

Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Illus. John Tenniel. Macmillan Publishing, 1963 (1865, 1872) 10-t2
Cleary, Beverly Runaway Ralph. Illus Louis Darling William Morrow. 1970
Cooper, Susan. The Grey King Atheneum, 1975 10-14.
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk May I Bring a Friend' Atheneum, 1964. 4 8
du Bois, William Pene. Bear Circus, Viking Press, 1971 5-8
du Bois, William Pene. The Twenty -one Balloons. Viking Press, 1947 8-12.
Eager, Edward. Half-Magic. Illus. N. M. Bodecker. Harcourt Bract Jovanovich,
1954. 9 -up.
Freeman, Don Dandelion. Viking Press, 1964 5-8
Gag, Wanda. Millions of Cats. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1938 4-7
Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows. Illus E H Shepard Holiday
House, 1938. 10 -up.
Gramatky, Hardie. Little Toot. Putnam Publishing Group, 1939 4-7
Hoban. Russell Bedtime for Frances. Illus Garth Williams Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1960.4-6
Hoban, Russell The Mouse and His Child. illus. Lillian Hoban Harper & Row,
Publishers, I967.6-H
Horwitz, Elinor Lander. When the Sky Is Lik.:, Lace. Illus. Barbara Cooney J B
Lippincott, 1975.4-6.
Hunter. Mollie A Stranger Came Ashore. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975 12-16
- a
Hutchins, Pat Rosie's Walk Macmillan Publishing, 1968 3 6
Jansson, Tove. Tales from Moominvalley Translated by Thomas Warburton
Henry Z Walck, 1964. 9-12
Jarrell, Randall. The Animal Family. Illus Wince Sendak Pantheon Rooks,
1965. 10-14
Kendall, Carol. The Gammage Cup. Illus Erik Blegyad Harcourt Brace Jovano-
vich, 1959 8-12.
Kipling, Rudyara. Jungle Book Illus. Kurt Wiese. Doubleday, 1952 12 up
Kraus, Robert Leo the Late Bloomer. Illus, Jose Aruego Abelard-Schuman,
1971 6-9
Kraus. Robert Milton the Early Riser Illus Jose Aruego and Ariar. Aruego
E P. Dutton, 1972 5-8
Leaf, Munro The Story of Ferdinand. Viking Press. 1936.4 up
Le Guin, Ursula K A Wizard of Earthsea Illus Ruth Robbins Parnassus Press,
1968 10-up.
Lewis. C S The La,st Battle. Illus Pauline Baynes Macmillan Publishing, 1956
Lindgren. Astrid. Pippi Longstocking. Illus. Louis S Glanzman Viking Press.
1950 9 1 I
Lindgren, Astrid The Toniten. Illus Aarold Wiberg Coward. McCann &
Geoghegan, 1961 4-8
Lonni, Leo. Swimmy. Random House, 1973 5-8.
Lobel, Arnold. Frog and Toad Are Friends. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1970 4 8

McCloskey, Robert. Make Way for Ducklings. Viking Press, 1969 4-8
Merrill, Jean The Pushcart War. Illus. Ronni Solbert Scott, Foresman, 1964
Milne, A A. Winnie-the- Pooh. Illus. Ernest H. Shepard. E. P Dutton, 1926 5-9.
Minak, Else H. Little Bear. Illus. Maurice Sendak. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1957 6-8.
Norton, Mary. The Borrowers. Illus. ueth Krush and Joe Krush. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1953 8-12,

J.1 ILl
Mo..1e n Fantasy 105

Ormondroyd, Edward. Time at the Top Peggy Bach Parnassus Press,

1963. 10-14
Pearce, Philippa. Tom's Midnight ( r.r.den Illus Susan Ening J B Lippincott,
1959. 10-14.
Piatti, Celestino. The Happy Ov Is. Atheneum, 1964. 5- 8
Potter, Beatrix The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Frederick Warne, 1902 4 7
Rayner, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Pig's Evening Out. Atheneum, 1976 4 7
oRey, Hans A. Curious George. Houghton Mifflin. 1941. 4- 7
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de. The Little Prince. Translator Katherine Woods Har-
court Brace Jovanovich, 1943. 8 -up.
Scheer, Julian. Rain Makes Applesauce. Illus. Marvin Bileck Nokia) House,
1964. 4-7.
Sendak, Maurice. In the Night Kitchen. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1970 4 8
Sendak, Maurice. Nutshell Library. Harper & Row. Publishers, 1962 3 8
Sendak. Maurice Where the Wild Things Are Harper & Row, Publishers. 1963
Seuss, Dr. The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cub.nns. Random House. 1938 5 9
Seuss, Dr. Horton Hatches the Egg. Random House, 1940 5 up
Steig, William. Abel's Island. Farrar. Strads & Giroux. 1976. 8-12
Steil', William. Amos and Boris. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1971 4 9
Ste's. William. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. E P. Dutton, 1973 6 10
Thurber, James. Many Moons. illus. Louis Slobodkin Harcourt Brace Jovano-
vich, 1943. 5-8.
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit, Houghtor Mifflin, 1938 12 up
Ungerer, Tomi. The Beast of Monsieur Racine. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1971
White, E. B. Charlotte's Web Illus. Garth Williams. Harper & ROSS. Publishers,
1952. 7- 10.
Williams, Margery. The Velveteen Rabbit. Illus William Nicholson Doubleday.
1922. 1958 8 11
Jane. The Girl Who Loved she Wind Illus Ed Young Thomas Y Crowell.
1972. 5-9.
Zion. Gene. Harry, the Dirty Dog Illus. Margaret !liy Graham Harper & Row,
Publishers. 1956 6 9


Science Fiction

Bonham, Frank. The Forever Formula. E. P. Dutton, 1979. 12 ua.

Suppose a secret formula is invented to prolong life forever" What is
the world like? Young Evan Clark finds out when he wakes into the
year 2164. The revolution of which he becomes a part is violent and
raises questions for the reader. For sci-fi buffs.

Bulychev, Kirill (translator and adapter Mirra Ginsburg). Alice. Illus. Igor
Galanin. Macmillan Publishing, 1977. 8-12.
A father in twenty-first-century Moscow relates six stories about his
adventuresome five-year-old daughter Alice. She befriends strange
animals, makes interplanetary visits, and finds lost Labutsilians visit-
ing earth. Lively illustrations complement a tale that vicariously
transports young readers into a fantastic future.

Corbett, Scott. The Donkey Planet. Illus. Troy Howell E P Dutton,

1979. 10-12.
Two young scientists are sent to Vanaris, a planet in another solar
system; their mission is to exchange metal samples. Suspense and
humor combine when one member of the team is disguised as a
donkey. Black and white illustrations.

DeWeese, Gene. Major Corby and the Unidentified Flapping Object.

Doubleday, 1979. 8-12.
This fast-paced tale includes a bumbling sheriff, the lovable town
drunk, a writer of sci-fi potboilers, and an invisible space pilot. The
fourteen-year-old narrator uses considerable subterfuge to provide
the materials needed to repair the spaceship and prevent it from
blowing up and destroying much of the country.

Harding, Lee. The Fallen Spaceman. Illus. John Schoenherr and Ian
Schoenherr. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. 8- 12.
Within his giant spacesuit, Tyro is small, weak, and totally help-
less. When he crashes in Australia, a young boy crawls inside ..ind
is trapped there just long enough to make a strong personal con-
tact with the frightened spaceman. An unusual tale with unusual


Science Fiction 107

Hoover, H. M. The Rahn of Eridan. Viking Press, 1977. I2-up.

A mysterious terror strikes an expedition of scientists on a hauntingly
beautiful planet. Young Karen Or lov and biologist Theodora Leslie
are protagonists in this well-written novel that portrays the growth
of friendship against a background of fear.
Hoskins, Robert. Jack-in-the-Box Planet. Westminster Press, 1978. 7-14.
Willie has spent the years after the holocaust in a sealed house under
the care of robots. After escaping, he searches for other survivors
from his planet. A story of growing up.
Hugiies, Monica. Crisis on Consheif Ten. Atheneum, 1977. 10 12.
p Fifteen-year-old Kepler, the first child to have been born on Moon,
visits relatives in Conshelf Ten, an undersea colony on Earth. Both
Moon and Conshelf Ten are taxed without representation, and
both are ripe for revolution. A beautiful heroine is diverted from
radical violence to passive resistance. A rousing story with social
and historical analogies.
Kesteven, G. R. The Awakening Water. Hastings House, Publishers, 1979
Set in a regimented twenty-first century, the novel relates how John
begins to question life after he has tasted fresh water for the first
time. As a result, he runs away to join others who by their own
resourcefulness are surviving outside the "Party." The well-developed
plot has an optimistic and unexpected ending and encourages readers
to think about the quality of life today.
Kotzwinkle, William. The Ants Who Took Away Time. Illus. Joe Servello.
DOubleday, 1978. 8-10.
Time stands still throughout the worla when a tribe of huge ants
steals the Great Timepiece. Mr. Fcldhammer, the Keeper of Time,
chooses the wrong moment to go on vacation, ano frantic efforts to
locate him follow. Two-color illustrations capture the action of this
exciting tale. (Picture book)
L'Engle, Madeleine. A Swiftly Tih :ng Planet. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1978. I2-up.
Charles Wallace and Gaudior, the unicorn, travel through space and
time to find the missing link that will prevent the start of war. For
advanced readers this is a companion volume to A Wrinkle in Time
and A Wind in the Door.
McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsinger. Atheneum, 1977. 12 -up.
During fifteen-year-old Menolly's first week as an apprentice in the
Harper Hall, she deals with resentment from adults and other stu-
Sewn( e Fusion

dents, women and men. who don't believe a woman can become a
Harper. Her own feelings of inadegany must be overcome before
she can become the first Harper Journeywoman. Second of a tr.logy.
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonsong. Atheneum, 1976 12 up
The planet Pern has a rigid society in which it is difficult for Menolly,
a novice Harper, to pursue music. Finally. she flees home and dis-
covers a clutch of fire lizards and a Master Harper who accepts her
Well written and inventive with a strong, admirable heroine First of
a trilogy
Marshall, Edward. Space Case. Illus. James Marshall Dial Press, 1980
When the thing from outer space is first observed. it is taken for a
trick-or-treater on Halloween night and then for a robot from Buddy
McGee's school space project. A conversational text with red. blue.
and yellow illustrations boldly outlined in black. (Picture book)

Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. The Ring of Fire. Atheneum. 1977 t2 up

Thorn possesses the gift of seeing a power that. if discovered, means
death in the countries of Ere As one of the Children of Ynell, he is
charged by Anchorstar with finding others who live in the city of
Burgdeeth and leading them to escape. First In a series

Nostlinger. Christine (translator Anthea Bell) Konrad. Illus Carol Nick-

laus. Franklin Watts, 1977 8 12
When Konrad, a welt-behaved seven-year-old from the Factory,
arrives on Mrs. Barto lotti's doorstep, she can't remember ordering
him but good-naturedly accepts him. How Konrad learns to adapt
to Mrs. Bartolotti's erratic life-style makes a delightful read-aloud
Packard, Edward. The Third Planet from Altair, thus Barbara Carter
J B. Lippincott, 1979. 8-12
Aboard the spaceship Aloha, the reader heads out on a micsion vital
to the planet Earth. At each crucial moment in the action. a decision
must be made that determines which page is read next and what
happens to the spaceship

Paulsen, Gary, and Ray Peekner. The Green Recruit. Independence Press,
1978. 10 12.
With scouts from other basketball teams and syndicate members hot
on the trail, Danny has to hide an eight-foot, green-skinned Besumi
from the planet Brennah, whom his father has recruited to play pro
basketball, A lighthearted story that sinks a few well-placed shots
concerning racial prejudice.
Science Fiction 109

Pinkwatcr, Daniel M. Man Mendelsohn, the Boy from Marc E. P.

Dutton, 1979. 10-12.
Tjo boys, browsing through bookstores for collectible comic boris,
purchase occult materials th't deal with mind control With study
and nractico., the boys not only accomplish mind control but expe-
rience a bizarre adventure on the lost continent of Waka-Waka. A
humorous, somewhat scary story.

Pinkwatcr, Daniel Manus. Fat Men from Space. Illus. by author. Dodd,
Mead, 1977. 10-12.
William goes to the dentist to have a tooth filled. From that moment,
life becomes out of this world. The tooth now receives radio pro-
grams and other messages, including the news of an invasion from
outer space to steal our junk food. Fanta-Aic events portrayed in a
humorous vein accompanied by cartoon-like drawings.

Pinkwater, D. Manus. lizard Musk. Illus. by author. Dodd, Mead, 1976

10 up.
Left to take care of himself while his parents are on vacation, Victor
watches a late night television program in which..a liza-d quintet
plays music. Through a hidden community of intelligent lizards,
Victor learns that Earth is to be invaded by the Pod People. While
probing these strange occurrences, he meets Chicken Man, an odd
character who holds the key to these mysteries.
Slote, Alfred. My Trip to Alpha I. illus. Harold Bersol. J. B Lippincott,
1978. 1012.
Jack travels by VOY/VCODE to another planet to visit his aunt;
his body stays asleep on Eaith while a programmed dummy does the
traveling. He discovers that his aunt is a dummy like himself and sets
out to locate her real self. A blend of science fiction and mystery
with a logical plot.

Watson. Jane Werner. The Case of the Semi-Human Beans. Coward,

McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 10-12.
Two twelve-year-old boys discover a strange, slithering, snapping
bean plant. One strange encounter after another leads the pair into
dangerous adventures and UFO investigations from the Air Force.

Wilder, Cherry. The Luck of Brin's Five. Atheneum, 1977. 10-up.

Scott Gale. an earthman, accidentally lands on Torin, a planet
inhabited by a society of marsupial beings. This tale, told by Dorn,
the son in Brin's Five, tells of a shy mountain people whose lives are
altered by contact with Scott.
Science Fiction

Wiseman, Bernard. Bobby and Boo, the Little Spaceman. Illus. by author.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 4-7. -

Boo, a spaceman, visits earth and becomes friends with young

Bobby. Bobby enjoys seeing how many tricks Boo can do, but
Bobby's pa.-egts and friends have difficulty believing an alien being is
really visiting them. (Picturt book)
Yolen, Jane. The Robot and Rebecca: The Mystery of the Code-Carrying
Kids. Illus. Jhrg Obrist. Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. 7 -10.
In the year 2121, in the American apartment city of Bosyork, lives
adventuresome, preteen Rebecca and her family. She and her robot,
Watson 11, form a detective team that helps two lost children. Their
unusual alien friends and futuristic life-style make for stimulating

Additional Silence FictiOn Books

Cameron, Eleanor. Stowaway to the,Mushroom Planet Illus. Robert Henneberger
Little, Brown, 1956. 9- 12.
Christopher, John. The City of Gold and Lead Macmillan Publishing, 1967.
ChristOpher, John The Pool of Fire, Macmillan Publishing, 1968 10-14
Christopher, John. The Prince in Waiting. Macmillan Publishing, 1970 10- 14
Christopher, John. The White Mountains Macmillan Publishing, 1967. 10-14
Engdahl, Sylvia. This Star Shall Abide. Illus Richard Cuffari Atheneum, 1972
II up.
Heinlein, Robert Tunnel in the Sky Illus P A Hutchinson Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1955. 10-14.
Jackson, Jacqueline, and William Perlmutter The Endless Pavement. Illus
Richard Cuffari. Seabury Press, 1973. 7-12.
Key, Alexander Esrape to Witch Mountain. Illus. Leon B. Wisdom, Jr West-
minster Press, 1968 10-12.
Key, Alexander The Forgotten Door. Westminster Press, 1965 10- 12.
L'Engle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in Time. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1962. 10- 14
MacGregor, Ellen. Miss Pickerel! Goes Undersea. Illus. Paul Galdone McGraw-
Hill, 1953. 10-14.
Norton, Andre. The Zero Stone. Viking Press, 1968. 10-14.
Slobodkin, Louis. The Space Ship under the Apr le Tree. Macmillan Publishing,
1952. 8-12.
Verne, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1925, I2-up,
Williams, Jay, and Raymond Abrashkin. Danny Dunn and the Homework
Machine. Illus. Ezra Jack Keats McGraw-Hill. 1958. 8-12.
Wrightson, Patricia. Down to Earth. Illus. Margaret Horder Harcourt Brace
1Jovanovich, 1965. 9-12.
Historical Fiction

Prehistoric Times

Fradin, Dennis Brindell. Beyond the Mountain, beyond the Forest. Illus.
John Maggard. Childrens Press, 1978. 8-10.
i Tor, a young cave boy appalled by the cold, hunger, and death
among his people, courageously ventures beyond the known. Proving
that the land does not end with the forest, he returns to his people,
who follow him southward in the hope of finding a warmer land.
MillsteLl, Thomas. Cave of the Moving Shadows. Dial Press, 1979. 10-12.
Before recorded history, when men live in caves and woolly mam-
moths walk the earth, Kimba is discovered to have the power to
conjure up game for the tribe. His desire to hunt, his tribe's need for
food, and the mystery of the cave paintings make this a fast paced,
exciting novel.
Steele, William 0. The Magic Amulet. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.
Abandoned by his family because he was wounded and thus a
burden, Tragg, through determination and his belief in a magic
bracelet, survives and becomes an important member of another
family. An excitii g portrayal of the nomadic peoples of prehistoric
southeastern America.

The Old World

Bulla, Clyde Robert. The Beast of Lor. Illus. Ruth Sanderson. Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1977. 8-12.
Lud, an orphan boy in Britain at the time of the Roman conquest,
befriends a young elephant that has escaped from a Roman galley.
Lud and the beast help and protect each other, and finally are given
a permanent home where Lud is greatly rewarded for his courageous
act of kindness to a fatally wounded man. Beautifully illustrated, a
vol ..me to treasure.


.1 Z 0
Historical Fiction
I 12

Clements, Bruce. Prison Window, Jerusalem Blue. Farrar, Straus &

Giroux, 1977. 12-up.
A framed piece of Jerusalem blue glass is their only connection with
home aft1r a brother and sister are kidnapped by Viking invaders.
Taken to Denmark, they Are drawn into a political plot that is
certain to involve bloodshed. Set in ninth-century Europe, this is an
exciting tale of courage and intrigue. -
French, Fiona. Hunt the Thimble. Oxford University Press, 1978. 8-12.
Little Edo hides the thimble from older brother and sister Pieter
and Anna. There is a rollicking search throughout their house and
the streets of Amsterdam. Beautiful full-page color paintings authen-
tically detail life iu seventeenth - century Holland. Also useful in the
social studies and art curricula. (Picture book)
Haugaard, Erik Christian. Cromwell's Boy. Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
12 -up.
Oliver Cutler, thirteen, is a good horseman, clever, reliable, and a
spy. for General Cromwell. He is sent to Oxford to infiltrate the
homes and hangouts of King Charles' advocates. In doing so, Oliver
develops his own value system, while contributing to the causes of
Parliament. Sequel to A Messenger for Parliament.
Monk', F. N. The House on Stink Alley: A Story about the Pilgrims in
Holland. 111us. Robert Quackenbush. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1977. 8-12.
Eight-year-old Love Brewster tells the story of the Pilgrims' stay
in Holland before they emigrate to America. His father, William
Brewster, is bitter against King James, and many tensions are in-
volved, Illustrated with,heavy woodcuts.
Palacios, Argentina. The Knight and the Squire. Illus. Ray Cruz. Double-
day, 1979. 10- 12.
This lively and literate retelling of Cervantes' Don Quixote makes
the adventures of the wild-eyed tilter at windmills accessible to young
readers without spoiling them for the full-length version. Large black
and white illustrations capture the absurdities and touching nobility
of the man of La Mancha as well as the more down-to-earth charac-
teristics of Sancho Panza.
Reig, June. Diary of the Boy King Tut-Ankh-Amen. Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1978. 8-12.
This exciting, imaginary diary of Tutankhamen begins with his
eighth year, about 1334 B.C., and continues throughout the events of
his colorful life. The background information it provides answers
many of the questions children are prone to ask. Diagrams and
black and white drawings enliven the entries.

1 .i.,
0 11
Exploring the New World 1 13

)rincliff, Rosemary. Blood Feud. E, P. Dutton, .977. 10-up.

Jestyn and Thormod are tenth - century blood brothers bound by
oath to avenge, the death of Thorenod's father. Their search takes'
them out of the country of the Vikingkind ancklown Russian rivers
to Constantinople. Jestyn finds a home and a new wayr,of life.that
ends his wanderings.
Sutcliff, Rosemary. Sun HonerMoon Hone. Illus. Shirley Felts. E. P.
Dutton, 1978. 12-up.
L brin, a chieftain's son of the lceni, the horse people, is thrust
into a leadership he does not seek but must acceptalong with the
sacrifice of 'is life for the lives of his people. Set in pre-Roman
Britain, the origin of the white horse of Uffington is given plausible
Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Pearl in the Egg. Illus. Joe Lasker. Thomas Y.
Crowell; 1980. 10-12.
Pearl and her brother, Gavin, are orphans. To escape a life of serf-
dom they join a troup of wandering minstrels. Pearl discovers a love
of singing and a gift for composing. A fascinating glimpse of life in
thirteenth-century Englanfd.
Von Canon,' Claudia. The Moonclock. Houghton Miffin, 1979. 12-up.
Barbara Cammerloherin married Jacob Schretter on Christnias Day,
1682, in Vienna. Barbara was twenty, Jacob was forty-seven, and i:.e
marriage was an arranged onc. This fictional account of. Barbara's
life during 1683 is brilliantly constructed through letters, diaries,
municipal records, medical books, and the like. Thus the reader
observes Barbara grow from girl to woman against a background of
historical accuracy.
Walsh, Jill Paton, Children of the Fox. Illus. Robin Eaton. Farrar, Straus
& Giroux, 1978. 10-12.
Greek history comes alive in these short stories that show the courage
and determination of three young people who risk safety and security
to aid Themistokles in the battle to save their country during the
Persian Wars.

Exploring the New World

Gray, Genevieve. How Far, Felipe? Illus. Ann Grifalconi. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 197ii. 6-9.
Travelin! with his family from Mexico to Cra,jifornia, Felipe and his
pet burro, Filomena, grow up quickly. Vivid i trations portray not
only the warmth of the boy-pet relationship but !so the hardships of

114 Htstoncal Fiction

the journey. An easy-tb-read history book, based on the expedition

of Colonel Juan Bautista de Anza in 1775. (Picture book)

O'Dell, Scott. The Captive. Hoeghton Mifflin, 1979.8-12.

Julian Escobar, a young Sevillian Jesuit sem;narian, joins a Spanish
expedition anti sails for are New World to b a man of God to the
natives. Shipwreck, treachery, and greed change his life. He finally
rust choose between death for himself and the enslavement of
others. Set in Mt.tico in the 1500s.

= Rockwood, Joyce. To Spoil the Sun. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976.
Rain Dove, a strong Cherokee woman, tells of her life across two
Ay generations. Through her powerful story, the beginning of the end of
the Cherokee way of life unfolds. Their lands were invaded, the
t Spaniards came, and the invisible fire of smallpox wiped out large
numbers. Well researched and magnificently told.

Steele. William 0. The War Party. Illus. Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Harcourt

.ace Jovanovich, 1978.7-10.

. A young warrior learns that war is horror, not glory, and that the
enemy is not a beast but a man like himself. The story is authentically
told in the context of sixteenth-century Cherokee tribal life. Clear,
beautiful line drawings provide much accurkti detail. Useful in dis-
cussing the social issues raised by war as a sobtion to human prob-
lems. (Picture book)

Eighteenth Century


Burton, Hester. To Ravensrim Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. I2-up.

In late eighteenth-century England the slave trade has been officially
abolished but continues to thrive. Emmie helps a runaway before she
sets out with her sea captain father on a dangerous voyage. A ship
wreck, secrets about her family's past, and a search for her mother's
family add excitement to this fine historical novel.

Cheatham, :. Follis. Sptted Flower and the Ponokomita. Illus. by

author. Westminster Press, 1977.8-12.
Spotted Flower is lost on the plains when she finds a horse, or
ponokomita, the first any member of her family has seen. She sur-
vives the dangers of being among her people's enemy, the Snake,
and returns to her Kainan Indian family with the horse. This event
marks a change in the life of her tribe.

191l'er 4.1
18th Century / Colonial America 115

Parenteau, Shirley. Secrets of Scarlet. Illus. Ann Toulmin-Rothe. Chil-

drens Press, 1979. 8-12.
Picking red kermes bugs to sell for making scarlet dye, Marie is cold
and discouraged. She Sneaks a ride into town in Grandmother's
wagon, hoping to find another way for her family to earn money.
She doesn't realize that people will -notice her lace collar! Set in
eighteenth-century France and colorfully illustrated, the story pro-
vides interesting information about dye-making.

Paterson, Katherine. The Master Puppeteer. Illus. Haru Wells. Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1975. 10-14.
Set in eighteenth-century Osaka, the book focuses on the ancient
Japanese art of puppetry. A thirteen-year-old boy tells an intriguing
and absenting story of the theater and everyday existence during this
lawless period.

Roach, Marilynne K. Presto or the Adventures of a Turnspit Dog. Illus

by author. Houghton Mifflin, 1979. 10-up.
Presto's world is narrow and filled with drudgery as he turns the
spat that rotates the meat on the blazing hearth in London's Fortune
inn. Then life takes an exciting turn for the turnspit dog when
a youiig puppeteer arrives and Presto joins the exciting street life of
eighteenth-century England. Black and white sketches

Colonial America and the Revolution

Avj. Captain Grey. Illus. Charles Mikolaycak. Pantheon Books, 1977

An eleven-year-old boy is captured and taken to a small village on
the New Jersey coast following the American Revolution A bay,
hidden by an island, is the center of a pirate operation led by the evil
Captain Grey. The boy and his sister overpower the thieves, end the
piracy, and escape.

Avi. Night Journeys. Pantheon Books, 1979. 10-12.

Peter, a twelve-year-old orphan, is taken into the home of a stern
Quaker man in colonial Pennsylvania in 1767. Trying to prove his
worth, Peter assists in searching for two runaway Indentured ser-
vants. When h. finds them, he aids them in their escape and in so
doing learns of the complexities of the Quaker's personality.

Benchley, Nathaniel. George the Drummer Boy. Illus. Don Bolognese

Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 6-8.
The start of the American Revolution is seen through the eyes of a
British drummer boy at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Thus
this easy-to-read book offers a point of view not generally familiar to
young readers.

-1 4
Historical Fiction

Burchard, Peter. Whaleboat Raid. Illus. by author. Coward, McCann &

Geoghegan, 1977. 10-12.
Jud Coleman acts as a guide for the raid made by four companies
of revolutionaries against British-held Sag Harbor on Long Island
in 1777. The day's events make an indelible mark on the sixteen-
year-old Jud. A short, moving story with a two-page glossary of
nautical terms.

Monjo, F. N. A Namesake for Nathan. Illus. Eros Keith Coward, Mc-

Cann & Geoghegan, 1977. 10-12.
The events of 1776 are interestingly portrayed through the eyes of
Joanna, the sister of Nathan Hale. The family's grief is poignant
when they learn of his capture and death. Documented. Woodcuts.

O'Dell, Scott. Sarah Bishop. Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 12 -up.

Fifteen-year-old Sarah Bishop is left without a surviving mtmber of
Ilzr family at the time of the American Revolution Her father had
remained loyal to the king while her brother had joined the rebels.
Their possessions are completely destroyed in a raid and Sarah is
forced to find a new life on her own.

Rockwood, Joyce. Groundhog's Horse. Illus. Victor Kalin. Holt, Rinehart

and Winston, 1978. 8-12.
Groundhog, an eleven-year-old Cherokee, sets out on a one-boy raid
to get back his horse, which had been captured by a Creek raiding
party. The story is sensitive and amusing, and the Indian boy is a
likable hero Set in 1750.

Steele, William 0 The Man with the Silver Eyes. Harcourt Brace Jovano-
vich, 1976. 8T 2.
An eleven-year-old Cherokee boy is ordered by his grandmother and
great-uncle to live in an American settlement with a Quaker man.
The boy, who hates white Americans, does not understand the new
living arrangement. Nor does he understand why the Quaker is kind,
even solicitous, to him Set in 1780.

Nineteenth Century


Avi The History of Helpless Harry. Illus. Paul 0. Zelinski. Pantheon

Books, 1980. 10 12.
In this Victorian-style adventure helpless Harry's parents go away
and several people feel they must protect Harry and the family
money box Through deliberate misunderstandings, unrighteous in-
19th Century! World 117

dignation, and simple greed, the plot thickens. In the f nu, a most
unhelpless Harry triumphs. Exaggerated pen and ink drawings com-
plement the vintage text.

Branson, Karen. The Potato Eaters. thus. Jare Sterrett. G. P. Putnam's

Sons, 1979.12 up.
The O'Connor family experiences many hardships in Ireland in 1846.
Potatoes come up black and rent and taxes are high, but the family
stays togeti.tr despite increasing difficulties of illness and hunger.
Finally. they emigrate to America. Expressive black and white wash
illustrations. Suited for advanced readers.

Garfield, Leon. Footsteps. Delacort, .'ress, 1980.10-14.

Haunted by the sound of his dead father's footsteps and hoping to
free himself from the charge of stealing, twelve-year-old William
flees to London, where his life is alternately endangered and saved
by a cast of unsavoryNDickensian characters. Melodrama, high
adventure, and humor in,an historic setting.

Lewis, Thomas P. Clipper Ship. Illus. Joaa Sandin. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1978.6-8.
Captain Murdock is accompanied by his wife and children on the
clipper ship Rainbird as she voyages from New York around the
Horn to San Francisco. This easy-to-read book is based on fact and
the illustrrtions are appealing and well researched. (Picture book)
Lively, Penelope. Fanny's Sister. Illus. Anita Lobel. E. P. Dutton, 1980
Fanny is the eldest of six children and with the birth of each, she has
lost more mtention. Finally, when the seventh baby is born, Fanny
prays that God will take it back. Then, fearing that God will answer
her prayer, Fanny runs away. Set in Victorian Figland.

Monjo, F. N. Prisoners of the Scrambling Dragon. Illus Arthur Geisert.

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 19_130.8-12.
Sam seeks adventure when he enlists as a cabin boy aboard his
uncle's trading ship bound for China in the early 1800s. When smug-
glers capture the ship and kidnap thirteen-year-old Sam and another
sailor, the boy's excitement turns to terro. as the two struggle to
escape. First person narrative.

Zei, Alki (translator .Edward Fenton). The Sound of ie Dragon's Feet.

E. P. Duttor, 1979.8-12.
Sasha, age ten, leads the protected life typical of girls in pre-
Revolutionary Russia. But Sasha is curious and asks questions. not
only about her immediate world Ka also about the world beyond
her microcosm. A compelling view of the effects of oppressive rule
Historical Fiction

United States: Early in the Century

Blos, Joan W. A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal,

1830-32. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979. I 2-up.
This journal account of two years in the life of fourteen-year-old
Catherine Mall presents the joys and hardships of life in rural New
Hampshire in the 1830s. 1980 Newbery Award Book -,

Bowen, Gary. My Village, Sturbridge. Illus. Gary Bowen and Randy

Miller. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977.8-12.
4 True Mason submits 'a portfolio of his work to Isaiah Thomas.
hoping to continue his engraving apprenticeship. The accurate black
and white wood engravings of Sturbridge Village in 1827 are out-
standing, a form of art rarely faund in children's books. True's
commentaries, from his fifteen -year -old viewpoint, are enjoyable

Brady, Esther Wood. The Toad on Capitol Hill. Crown Publishers, 1978
Sprightly Dorsy McCurdy enjoys her life in Washington City in 1814.
until her father remarries. Two undesirable stepbrothers. Tyler and
Brandon, attempt to change this eleven-year-old girl into a young
lady. When the British troJps move into the city, events change the
family's spirit. Fast moving and informative.

Burchard, Peter. Chinwe. Illus. by author. G. P Putnam's Sons, 1979.

12 -up.
The African village in which Chinwe, a young Ibo maiden. lives is
attacked and burned and its inhabitants are captured, transported to
the United States, and sold as slaves. Although the horrors of slavery
are portrayed in vivid detail, the major focus is on the human deter-
mination to maintain dignity and, most of all. hope

Cross, Helen Reeder. 'A Curiosity for the Curious. Illus Margot Tomes.
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978.8-12
In 1800 Hachaliah Bailey brought the first elephant into the United
States, delighting his neighbors and infuriating his wife Based
on fact, this story recounts how Bailey, with the help of young
Phineas T. Barnum, barnstormed New England with their famed
pachyderm, Old Bet. Humorous illustrations recreate the nineteenth-
century atmosphere.
Hall, Donald. Ox-Cart Man. Illus. Barbara Cooney. Viking Press, 1979.
A New Englander gathers the results of his family's work and packs
the goods into his ox-cart. He travels to Portsmouth Market, where
he sells his wares and buys supplies for the next year illustrations
capture the day-to-day life of nineteenth-century New Englanders.
1980 Caldecott Award Book. (Picture book)

d 9"
.1. ow I
l',11 Centurt I United States 1 19

Irwin, Hadley. We Are Mesquakie, We Are One. Feminist Press, 1980.

Hidden Doe's life, from her birth in the early 1800s to the beginning
of a new generation, is chronicled. The story takes the Mesquakie
Indians from thFir home in Iowa to the reservation in Kansas, show-
ing their struggle to regain their homeland while trying to adopt
white ways. The woman's place in Ins Ilan society is realistically

MitcLell Barbara. Cornstalks and Cannonballs. Illus. Karen Ritz. Caiol-

rhoda Books, 1980. 4-7.
The people of one small town in Delaware outwitted the British
soldiers anchored off their coast during the War of 1812 by con-
vincing them that the hoes and blackened cornstalks they carried
were guns. Based on a legend, this is a pleasant look at history in an
easy-to-read format.

Smucker, Barbara. Runaway to Freedom. Illus. Charles Lilly Harper &

Row, Publishers, 1978. 10-12.
fhirteenikar-old Julilly and her crippled friend, both slaves, reach
Canada and freedom via the Underground Railroad. Their story is
mixed with human cruelty and human kindness and conveys the
despair of slavery and the dangerous role of the abolitionist. Char-
coal drawings: an excellent read-aloud book.

Turk le, Brinton. Rachel and Obadiah. E. P. Dutton, 1978 6 -9.

In tl.is delightful addition to the three other Obadiah picture books,
Rachel and Obadiah vie with one another to carry the good news of
the Speedwell's arrival in Nantucket to the captain's wife A silver
coin is the reward and a surprising solution is reached. An accurate
introeucti.i to the Society of Friends. (Picture book)

United nates: Civil War and Westward Expansion

Beatty, Patricia. By Crumbs, It's Mine! William Morrow, 1976 10 12.

Damaris Boyd, fifteen, has a traveling tent-hotel bequeathed to her
by the man who won her father's money at poker. Thus is the St.
Louis family stranded in the Arizona Territory in 1882 rescued, while
Mr. Boyd follows the lure of gold. Considerable 'actual material
about this period of American history is included in the lively story
of a courageous heroine.

Beatty, Patricia. Lacy Makes a Match. William Morrow, 1979. I2-up.

Thirteen-year-old Lacy, abandoned as a baby on the Bingham's
( doorstep, tires of being their housekeeper and contrives to marry off
her adoptive brothers. All the while she follows up clues to her own
parentage. A humorous growing-up story set in a California mining
town in the 1890s.

1 ) ..j
120 Historical Fiction

Beatty, Patricia. That's One Ornery Orphan. William Morrow, 1980.

12 -up.
Blanco County, Texas, is no place for ar orphan in the 1870s, as
Hattie Lee Bake: discovers when she is taken to the county orphan-
age after the death of her grandfather. Her life in the home and her
adventures with the "pickers," the families that come to choose the
orphans, are humorously told.
Coerr, Eleanor. Waza Wins at Windy Gulch. Illus. Janet McCaffery.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 6-8.
Waza, a pure white camel, is part of the Camel Brigade brought to
Texas from Africa by Jefferson Davis in the 1850s. The sneaky plans
of Dirtyshirt Dan, a jealous mule driver, backfire, and Waza helps
capture the bank robbers. The, tale is based on hilarious newspaper
stories of the period and illustrated with witty watercolor paintings.
Hickman, Janet. Zoar Blue. Macmillan Publishing, 1978. I2-up.
Barbara leaves Zoar, a German pacifist community in Ohio, when
the Civil War breaks out to find her only living relative. Her friend,
John, also leaves to join the army. Eventually both return, having
experienced war and the pains of growing up in the process.

Keith, Harold. The Obstinate Land. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. I2-up.

Fritz Romberg is thirteen when his family makes the Oklahoma land
run in 1893. "Sooners" have claimed the land the Rombergs had
selected so they must settle for a less desirable plot. Ranchers resent
the intrusion by the farmers, and crops are often threatened or
destroyed by the weather. When Fritz's father freezes to death in a
blizzard, Fritz assumes responsibility for the farm and the family.
Levitin, Sonia. The No-Return Trail. Harcourt Brace Juvanovich, 1978.
10- 12.
This fictionalized account of the Bidv'ell-Bartleson expedition to
California in 1841 recreates the hardships and dangers of that
journey. The first woman to make the grueling overland passage,
seventeen-year-old Nancy Kelsey, stubbornly persists in spite of her
husband's illness and the discouragement of the other travelers.
Nixon, Joan Lowery. If You Say So, Claude. Illus. Lorinda Bryan Cauley.
Frederick Warne, 1980. 6-9.
Coming from Colorado to Texat to build a homestead, Shirley and
Claude are presented with many chnietn. Each place where Claude
decides io settle proves disastrous. This easy-to-read story set in
pionee: days abounds in contrasts, humor, onomatopoetic words,
and effective repetition. Two-tone and full-color illustrations. (Pic-
ture book)
20th Century! World 121

Packard, Edward. Deadwood City. Illus. Barbara Carter. J. B. Lippincott,

1978. 8-17.
The innovative format of this book involves the reader in a variety
of adventures: "You are a cowhand between jobs areiving in Dead-
wood City; should you decide to visit the saloon, turn to page eight."
Each segment avows the reader three choices for further action, and
foolhardy bravado and cautious retreat have different consequences

Reit, Seymour. Ironclad! A True Story of the Civil War. Illus. by author.
Dodd, Mead, 1977. 8-12.
This exciting account of the first naval battle between ironclad ships,
the Merrimac and the Monitor, is told from the viewpoint of a young
member of the Monitor's crew. The book is full of facts and feelings,
making it a lively adventure in history.

St. George, Judith. The Halo Wind. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 10-12.
Ella Jane, thirteen, is moving with her family to the Willamette
Valley in 1845. Yvztte, a Chinook girl, travels with her. When a part
of the wagon train takes a shortcut, lack of water slows their travel.
Yvette reveals the courage and the sorrow of her people, who have
lost their land and their heritage.

Young, Alida E. Land of the Iron Dragon. Doubleday, 1978. I2-up.

Lim Yan-sung was fourteen when he and his father came to San
Francisco fro-n China. After his father's death during a wanton
clack by prejudiced whites, Lim Yan-sung joins a crew building
the transcontinental railroad. Again the boy meets prejudice and
treachery. First-petion narrative with considerable information about
the building of the railroad.

Twentieth Century

World: Early in the Century

Anderson. Margaret J. The Journey of the Shadow Balms. Alfred A.

Kropf, 1980. 10-12.
In 1903, thirteen-year-old Elspeth and her four-yeAr-old brother
Robbie are orphaned and must travel from Scotland to Canada.
Many trying situations ne-rly separate the two, but EAspeth's courage
sees them through. The story is filled with tension and makes good

Arthur, Ruth M. An Old Magic. Illus. Margery Gill. Atheneum, 1977.

12 -up.
Hannah Lakin is yc..iria zo be a governess when she leaves her
mother, sister, and the New Hampshire sheep farm she loves to take
Historical Fiction

up a new life in Wales. But the new life brings David Morgan,
Morgan's ground, a farm in the Welsh hills, and an intriguing rela-
tionship with gypsies who come to camp. A three-generation story.
Dickinson, Peter. Than. E. P. Dutton, 1979. 12 .-up.
The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 hurls thirteen-year-old Theodore from
the secure world, of his father's mission in China. He escapes with
Mrs. Jones, an eccentric botanist, and Lung, her assistant. Experi-
encing the hospitality and fantastic powers of the Tibetan monks
challenges Theo's way of life. Mature readers recommended.
Garner, Alan. The Miner Gate. Illus. Michael Foreman. William Collins
Publishers, 1978. 10-up.
Robert discovers a secret within his secret hiding place. In the upper-
most section of a bell tower, his great-grandfather, with delicate
precision, shaped the interior stones, left his mark, and signed his
name even though he knew they could never be seen. Robert's touch
with Robert of the past is another link in this four generation story.
Garner, Alan. Granny Reardun. Illus. Michael Foreman. William Collins
Publishers, 1978. 8-12.
The second book of a quartet by the same author. Joseph, called a
"granny reardun" because he is being reared by his grandparents,
takes his first step toward independence when he decides not to
follow his grandfather's stonemason trade, which he considers crude
Language gives a sense of Victorian England.
Garner, Alan: The Stone Book. Illus. Michael Foreman William Collins
Publishers, 1978. 8-12. yak
Set in Victorian England, this story tells of a girl who wants to learn
to read. Her father, a stonemason, sends her into a cave where she
learns that there can be reading even when there are no words and
no books. First of s quartet that traces four generations of a working
class English family. Themes can be discussed at several levels

Garner, Alan. Tom Fobble's Des. Illus. Michael Foreman. William Collins
Publishers, 1979. 10-up.
This is the last of a quartet of books that trace the story of a working
class family in England. The ties that bind one generation to another
are clearly seen in this story of a day in the life of a boy and his
grandfather, a day made special by the building of a sledge and of
new understandings.
Geras, Adele. The Girls In the Velvet Frame. Atheneum, 1980. 12- up.
The five Bernstein girls live with their mother in an old section of
Jerusalem before World War I. Their father is dead and they have
lost contact with their brother Isaac, who went to America to seek his
fortune. Each character is beautifully portrayed in day-to-day living.

1 31
20th Century' World 123

Gutman, Nahum (translator Nel ly Segal). Path of the Orange Peels:

Adventures in the Early Days of Tel Aviv. Illus. by author. Dodd,
Mead, 1979. 10-12.
A wise and witty tale of the author's adventures as a boy of fifteen in
Palestine during World War 1. Caught in the Turkish-British cross
fire, he manages to escape in one piece and complete an important
mission to Tel Aviv, then a village of fewer than a hundred homes.

Heyman, Anita. Exit from Home. Crown Publishers, 1977. I2-up.

The author's search for roots led to this story of her grandfather's
early life in the first decade of twentieth-century Russia and his
immigration to America at fifteen. The devout Jewish family strug-
gles to keep the faith while children are listening to "outside" ideas.
Events leading to the revolution of 1905 are explained.

Steinberg, Fannie. Birthday in Kishinev. Illus. Luba Hanuschak. Jewish

Publication Society of America, 1978. 8-12.
In 1903 Sarah has a wonderful birthday party in Kishinev, Russia.
The guests include the parents of the boy picked for her through
the matchmaker. However, the nappy day turns into a nightmare
when the Jewish population is attacked. Sarah's family survives the
pogrom, but they migrate to America. A true story

Thiele, Cohn. The Shadow on the Hills. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.
12 -up
Set in rural South Australia in the early twentieth century, readers
can readily identify with the mischief of Bodo Schneider's childhood.
Unusual, however, is Bodo's friendship, with Ebeneb..-, a wild hermit
who shouts Biblical quotations from the hilltops where Bodo runs
his rabbit traps. When Ebenezer ,s accused of arson, Bodo must
make a mature decision.

Zhitkov, Boris (translator Djemma Bider). How I Hunted the Little

Fellows. Illus. Paul 0. Zelinsky. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 7-10.
Boris is fascinated by the two-masted steamship on the shelf in
Grandmother's kitchen He promises never to touch it but cannot
control his curiosity about the little people whom he imagines live
in it. He struggles to discover the truth and still keep his promise. A
rich, warm, believable tale set in Russia.

World: World War Ii

Allan, Mabel Esther. A Lovely Tomorrow. Dodd, Mead, 1979 12--up.
The world of fifteen-year-old Frue Allendale, a drama student in
London, crashes when her parents are killed by a V2 rocket in the
early hours of New Year's Day, 1945. Her sojourn with relatives
and at school helps her to rebuild her life and look toward the

1 LI9 I.,-)
Historical Fiction

Anderson, Margaret J. Searching for Shona. Alfred A.,Knopf, 1978.9-13.

Two orphaned girls exchange places at the evacuee center in Edin-
rurgh during World War 11. Marjorie, the lonely, unhappy, rich r 1,

jsumes the identity of Shona, the determined, poor girl of unknown

rigin, and is shipped to southern Scotland. Six years of war change
ar more than destinations for the girls.
Colver, Anne. Pluto: Brave Lipizzaner Stallion. Illus. Sam Savitt. Garrard
Publishing, 1978.7-10.
During World War it the famed Lipizzaner horses are taken to the
Alps for safekeeping. Thirteen-year-old Max becomes their stable
boy. He helps at a Lipizzaner's performance given for General Patton
when the American Army comes to the village. Pencil sketches cap-
ture the beauty of these remarkable animals. Easy reading.
Fife, Dale. North of Danger. Illus. Haakon Soether. E. P. Dutton, 1978.
A terse account of a real incident in World War II in which a twelve-
year-old Norwegian boy risks his life during a two-hundred-mile trip
by skis to alert his father to the Nazi occupat,- 1 of Spitzbergen.
Geese, Arnold A. The Wind Is Not a River. Illus. ulo Coalson. Thomas
Y. Crowell, 1978.10-12.
When Japanese soldiers imia, ieir remote village in the Aleutian
Islands during World War II, Susan and her brother Sidak use the
"old ways" of survival to avoid capture. Tryy two find a young
wounded Japanese soldier, and the three make their peace in order
to survive. Good historical background.
Haugaard, Erik Christian Chase Me, Catch Nobody! Houghton Mifflin,
1980. 12 -up.
It is 1937 and fourteen-year-old Erik Hansen is on a school trip from
Deninark to Germany. Along with his friend Nikolai, he finds him-
self inadvertently involved with resistance to Nazism, in danger from
the Gestapo, and rescuer of a young Jewish girl. This fast-paced
story has the ring of authenticity.
Lingard, Joan. The File on Frau)ein Berg. Elsevier; N Books, 1980.
12- up.
Three girls in a private school in Norther land in 1944 suspect
that their teacher, Fraulein Berg, is a Ger n spy. The girls' harass-
ment of the innocent victim leads to a suspenseful surprise ending
An excellent growing-up story set in a culture unfamiliar to most
American readers.
Little, Jean. Listen for the Singing. E. P. Dutton, 1977.10-12.
Anna must go to high school now instead of to the Sight Saving

20th Century% United States 125

Class. it is the eve of World War 11 and Anna and her German-born
family, who have emigrated to Canada, must choose sides. Anna's
;problem of impaired vision enables her to help her brother.

Mazer, Harry. The'Last Mission. Delacorte Press, 1979. I2-up.

It is 1944 and Jack Raab, a Jew and fifteen years old, lies about
his age to enlist in the United States Air Corps. On Jack's "last
mission," the-plane takes a direct hit; Jack parachutes to safety but
is captured by Germans. Based upon the author's experiences, the
story is a powerful indictment of the horror and futility of war.
Orgel, Doris. the Devil in Vienna. Dial Press, 1978. I2-up.
Inge, a Jewish girl, and Lieselotte, daughter of a Nazi, are thirteen
years old and best friends,since they began school, but their friend-
ship is sorely tried. The novel, in the form of entries in Inge's journal,
is based on experiences of the author, who writes convincingly about
life in Vienna in 1938.

Rees, David. The Exeter Blitz. Elsevier/Nelson Books, 1978. I2-up.

On May 4, 1942, the city of Exeter, England, was blitzed. This story
e tells the events as they occurred in the lives of one family. Fourteen-
year-old Colin experiences the bombing and its aftermia with quirks
and pranks that are familiar to any young teenager.
Rose, Anne. Refugee. Dial Press, t977. 12 -up:
Elleke writes in her diary with all the normal' feelings of a twelve-
year-old girl. But she is a Jew in Belgium in 1939, and her hippy life
is suddenly changed as hatred of Jews spreads. Elleke is sent alone to
an aunt in New York until the war ends. A gripping story based on
the author's life.
Westall, Robert. The Machine Gunners. Greenwillow Books, 1976. I 2-up.
Fourteen-year-old Chas McGill, collecting war souvenirs in his small
English hometown, finds the tail section of a German bember, with
machine gun undamaged. Chas and his friends build a fortress, nurse
a wounded German, shelter two orphans, and grow up amidst air
raids and death. Excellent characterization and compelling plot.

United States: Early in the Century

Cameron, Eleanor. Julia and the Hand of God. Illus. Gail Owens. E. P.
Dutton, 1977. 10-up.
Eleven-year-old Julia Redfern wants to be a writer. She is deeply
sensitive, outspoken, and often in trouble with "sensible" people,
particularly her fundamentalist grandmother. A narrow escape from
a forest fire that descends on Berkeley, California in 1923 adds
I26 Historical Fiction

excitement. Julia's career is continued in A Room Made of Win-

dows. Vivid characterizations; outstanding illustrations.

Constant, Alberta Wilson. Does Anybody Care about Lou Emma Miller?
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979. I2-up. ,

The reader follows the interesting and exciting incidents of fifteen-

year-old Lou Emma's high school activities in Gloriosa, Kansas. She
assists in helping local suffragettes elect the first woman mayor and
becomes more mature in the process.

Eichelberger, Rosa Kohler. Big Fire in Baltimore. Illus. Rex Schneider.

Stemmer House Publishers, 1979. 10-12
Tod and his family, including Gerry the dog, are brou t closer
together by the Baltimore Fire in 1,904. Twelve-year-old T d is given
a chance to fulfill his desire to be a Western Union messenger.
Excellent characterization. Black and white illustrations.
Jacobs, William Jay. Mother, Aunt Susan and Me. Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1979 10-12.
A readable account of Susan B. Anthony's and Harriet Cady Stan-
ton's efforts to win equal rights for women, written from the point of
view of Stanton's sixteen-year-old daughter, Harriet. The epilogue f
reveals that Harriet continues the fight to become another woman of
courage and dignity. Illustrated with prints and photographs.

Moskin, Marietta. Day of the Blizzard. Illus. Stephen Gammell. Coward,

McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 7-10.
Mother is ill and Katie must assume responsibility for the house and
htr five-year-old twin brothers. This is the last day to redeem a
brooch, a faMily heirloom, from the pawnbroker The story of
Katie's journey to uptown New York during the Great Blizzard of
_ 1888 is a rewarding look at people helping people.

Newton, Suzanne. What Are You Up To, William Thomas? Westminster

Press, 1977, 8-12.
When fifteen-year-old William Thomas "reforms," it Is merely in
preparation for the most elaborate practical joke of his career
Disaster is always right around th: corner in this humorous but
realistic picture of small tcwn life ilthe twenties
Sebestyen, Ouida. Words by Heart. Little, Brown, 1979. I2-up
Lena, a young black girl whose family struggles against prejudice in
t their small southwestern town in 1910, wins a scripture reciting con-
test, but she doesn't know that she will soon have to actually live
those words out forgiveness and love. Vicious acts of violence
force the girl to come to terms with her beliefs when she is faced
with her father's killer.
20th Century/ United States 127

Skoisky, Mindy Wal;SPw. Hannah Is a Palindrome. Illus. Karen Ann
Weinhaus. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. 7-10.
Hannah is a palindrome, and so is Otto, her worst enemy in the new
town where her family has moved in order to run a small restaurant.
This quiet story, with very real people, gives a good view of life in
the United States in the 1920s. Another story about Hannah, set in
the depression, is Carnival and Kopeck.
Thayer, Marjorie, and Elizabeth Emanuel. Climbing Sun: The Story of a
Hopi Ian Boy. Illus. Anne Siberell. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 10-up.
This fi enalized account is based on the reminiscenses of a Hopi
Indian, Hubert Honanie, who, in 1928, at age eleven was sent to the
Sherman Indian Institute. The siniply'written story contrasts Ameri-
can Indian and white cultures, dwelling primarily on the young boy's
life in a strange environment.
Wallace, Barbara Brooks. Peppermints in the Parlor. Atheneum, 1980.
Emily Luccock travels to San Francisco to live with an aunt and
uncle of whom she has fond memories. However, their once-happy
home is now a house of horrors; Aunt Twice and Emily are bOth
prisoners and servants in what has become a sinister home for the
aged.,Eveatually Emily uncovers a blackmail plot.

United States: The Immigrant Era

Blaine, Marge. Dvora's Journey. Hlus. Gabriel Lisowski. Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1979. 9-12.
This lively account of Dvora, a twelve-year-old girl, vividly brings to
mind the struggles that the Jews endure as they leave their homeland
in Russia in 1904. After many hardships Elvora reaches America to
. pursue her dream of being a teacher. Easy to read.
Curley, Daniel. Hilarion. Illus. Judith Gwyn Brown. Houghton Mifflin,
1979. 10-12.
Four tradesmen from Linsk come to New York in the early 1900s to
make their fortunes. Finding no work and missing their families,
they become discouraged until young, strong Hilarion from the Old
Country unexpectedly joins them. Amusing pen sketchl illustrate
this witty story. ,

Fisher, Leonard Ev' tt. A Russian Farewell. Illus. by author. Four Winds
Puss, 1980. 10-up.
The third of a trilogy dealing with emigration to the United States
focuses on anti-Semitic terror that drove the Shapiro family out of
Hictorical Fiction

Czarist Russia in 1906. The scratchboard etchings fittingly illustrate

the strength of character and purpose that underlies this novel based
on a family saga.
Snyder, Carol. Ike and Mama and the Block Wedding. Illus. Charles
Robinson. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 8 11
When Mr Weinstein loses his job in 1919, everyone on Fast 136th
Street turns out to provide his daughter Row, with a fine block
wedding. A sequel to Ike and Mama and the Once-a-Year Suit, this
book depicts the warm immigrant neighborhood that refuses to be
ground down by poverty.
Taylor, Sydney. Ella of All of a Kind Family. illus Gail Owens E. P.
Dutton, 1978. 10-up.
This addition to the All of a Kind Family Series updates the reader
on this entertaining Jewish family while focusing on the eldest gift
The story provides clear insight into the customs of this family in
the years following World War 1. Expressive pencil drawings

United States: The Depression Years

Burch, Robert Ida Eitrly Comes over the Mountain. Viking Press, 1980
The four Sutton children of rural Georgia lose their mother during
the Great Depression. Ida Early comes over the mountain and
into the unhappy Sutton household and changes everything. Her
lively spirit and wild stories make tough times bearable During her
seasonal riisappearance, the Suttons realize that she is indispensable

Burch, Robert Wain's. Ghost. Illus. L14d Bloom. Viking Press, 1978
Wilkin doesn't believe in ghosts but he sees something white under
the Hanging Tree When it and Wilkin next meet, in the hayloft
at the Todd's house, they become friends with problems to solve
together. A story set in rural Georgia in 1935.
Chaikin, Miriam. Finders Weepers. Illus. Richard Egielski Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1980 8- 12.
Mollie is thrilled to find a ring, but the ring brings trouble Mollie
is sure that she is being punished for her inability to return the
ring when her baby brother is hospitalized. The book beautifully
details the life of a Jcwish family in New York in the 1930s. Strong
Engel, Beth Bland. Ride the Pita Sapling. Harper & Row, Publishers.
1978. 10- 12
The character of eleven-year-old Ann is clearly drawn as she faces
many complex problems during the summer of 1929 in southern

20th Century! United States 129

Georgia. Her father is out of work, her mc ther is pregnant, and

she must give up her own room to boarders. Well-written and useful
for discussions.
Greene, Constance C. Dotty's Suitcase. Viking Press, 1980. 10-up.
Dotty's adventures begin when she and Jud find a suitcase full of
money from a bank robbery. They decide to go to Boonville where
Olive, Dotty's best friend, has just moved. Olive finds the money
changes a lot of thints in her life, but ndt in the way she expects d.
Set in the depression era.
Peck, Robert Newton. Soup's Drum. Illus. Charles Robinson. Alfred 'A
Knopf, 1980. 8-12.
Soup and Rob discover girls. The town band is trying to make a
comeback for the Fourth of July celebration. After Rob totes Soup's
huge drum thro h the parade and realizes Soup hasn't carried his
share, he gets even.
-,, --,
Peck, Robert Newton. Sou or President. Illus. Ted Lewin. Alfred A.
Knopf, 1978. 9-12.
FDR is running for president of the United States; Soup is running
for president of the school. Robert Peck, Soup's campaign manager,
is involved in tactics only a mother or an understanding teacher
could forgive. This humorous account of growing up in rural Vei-
mont has black and whirr illustrations.
Rabe, Berniece. The Orphans. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 10-12.
The depression of the 1930s is the setting in which the orphans,
Big Adam and Little Eve, experience many difficulties. Big Adam is
r determined to find a permanent home for his twin. After many
' hardships and the intervention of the local sheriff, a satisfying ending
ensues. Well-4rawn characters.
Skolsky, Mindy Warshaw. Carnival and Kopeck and More about Hannah.
Illus. Karen Ann Weinhaus. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 7-10.
Eight-year-old Hannah has a special relationship with t er grand-
mother. After Hannah forgets some promises about behaving, they
quarrel and she sees another side to her grandmother. Universal
childlike concerns occur in this low-keyed, nostalgic 1930s story set
in the Bronx. Hannah is also featured in The Whistling Teakettle
and Other Stories about Hannah.
Thrasher, Crystal. Between Dark and Daylight. Atheneum, 1980. 12- up. /
A companion book to the author's The Dark Didn't Catch M.
Twelve-year-old Seely and her family are finally moving out of the
dark, oppressive hills of southern Indiana. Their k,'d truck breaks
down fore they reach the daylight of a better life. A ivid, moving
story of the rural Midwest in the 1930s.

1 t9o .,,
Historical Fiction

Waldron, Ann. Scaredy Cat. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 10-12.

Tenryear-old Jane has been afraid ever since she read about the
Lindbergh kidnapping incident. Similar events in Alabama's daily
papers add to her fears; evehtually, she is a victim. Insight into the
depression years is given as the story revolves around two well-
rounded characters.

United States: World War II and Aftermath

Asher, Sandy. Daughters of the Law. Beaufort Books, 1980. I2-up.
Ituthie Morganthau is as happy as she can ever remember being, but
her unknown past keeps coming back to haunt her. The heartbreak-
ing story of her struggle to cope with her mother's grief from a
concentration camp experience and to live her own life is sensitively
Mime, Judy. Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself. Bradbury Press,
1977. 10-up.
Sally, ten years old, spends the winter of 1947 in Florida. She makes
up lots of stories about people she imagines are living near her,
including a mystery about Adolf Hitler. The young friends of Sally
and her older brother bring the postwar era to life. A funny, realistic
tale of a Jewish family.
Hurwitz, Johanna. Once I Was a Plum Tree. Illus. Ingrid Fetz. William
Morrow, 1980. 7-10.
Geraldine Flam, who lives in the postwar Bronx neighborhood, is
troubled because she isn't quite sure where she belongs. She is
Jewish, but her parents are nonobservers. Her Catholic friends are
secure in their beliefs. An unexpected imitation settles her doubts.
Meaningful black and white sketches.
Lowry, Lois. Autumn Street. Houghton Mifflin, 1980 12 -up
Elizabeth spends her sixth year at her grandfather's home during
World War H. Her friendship with Charles, the grandson of the
black cook, fills her days with joy and adventure. His murder by the
town lunatic changes Elizabeth forever. Outstanding characterization
and emotion.
Paterson, Katherine. Jacob Have I Loved. Thomas Y Crowell, 1980.
Louise saw her relationship with her twin, Caroline, akin to that of
Jacob and Esau. Caroline got the most and the best of all things,
including parental love, while Louise withdrew behind a facade of
independence and contentment, all the while seething with jealousy.
Set in the early 1940s on a remote island in Chesapeake Bay, 1981
Newbery Award Book.
20th Century! United States 131

Smith, Doris Buchanan. Salted Lemons. Four Winds Press, 1980. 10-up.
Eleven-year-old Darby's family moves fro- Washington, D.C. to
Atlanta during World War H. Darby is a Yankee, taunted by others
for her different ways. She meets other outsiders, Mr. Kaigler, the
German grocer, and Yoka, a Japanese girl who is later interned.
Darby gains understanding of herself in relation to others.
Uchida, Yoshiko. Journey Home. Illus. Charles Robinson. Atheneum,
1978. 10-12.
After a year in a concentration camp to which west coast Japanese
Americans were sent during World War II, twelve-year-old Yuk' and
her parents resettle in Salt Lake City and then, after the war's end,
back home in Berkeley. Because the war has fostered hatred for
Japanese, the refugees are greeted with distrust and violence. A
sequel to Journey to Topaz.

Additional Historical Fiction Books

Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women. Illus. Barbara Cooney. Thomas Y Crowell,
I"1155. 10-16.
Armstrong, William. Sounder. Illus. James Barkley. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1%9. 12 -up.
Barringer. D. Moreau. And the Waters Pre misled. Illus. P. A. Hutchinson E. P
Dutton, 1956. 10-14.
Bawden, Nina. The Peppermint Pig. J. B. Lippincott, 1975. 8-12
Benary-Isbert, Margot. The Ar!.. Translated by Richard Winston and Clara
Winston. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1953. 10-up.
Bishop, Claire Huchet. Twenty and Ten. Pius William Pene du Bois Viking Press,
1952. 10-14.
Brink, Carol Ryrie Caddie Woodlawn 111w.. Kate Seredy. Macm.11an Publishing,
1936. 10-12.
Huila, Clyde Robert. John Biliingion, Friend of Squanto. lilus Peter Burchard
Thomas Y. Crowell 1956. 8 -11.
C tudill, Rebecca Tree of Freewm. Illus. Dorothy Morse Viking Press, 1949
Collier, James L., and Christopher Collier. My Brother Sam h Dead Four
Winds Press, 1914 12-up
Dalgliesh, Alice. The Bears on Hemlock Mountain. Illus Helen Sewell Charles
Scribner's Sons, i952. 7-9.
Dalglicsh, Alice. The Courage a/ Sarah ,lob:e. Illus. Leonard Weisgard Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1954 6-10
De Angell, Marguerite. The Doo in the HA. Doubleday, 1949. 9-12
De Jong, Meindet. The House ,` Sixty Fathers. Plus Maurice Sendak. Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1956. 9-11.
Edmonds, Walter. The Matchlock Gun Illus Lantz Dodd, Mead, 1941 8 12
Field, Rachel. Calico Bush. Plus Allen Lew Macmillan Publish! 4, 1931, 1946,
1966 10-14.
Fleischman, Sid Mr Mysterious and Company. Illus. Eric von Schmidt little,
Brown, 1962 9 12.
Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain. Illus Lynd Ward Houghton Mifflin, 1943. 12 16

1 .;
132 Historical Fiction

Fritz, Jean The Cabin Faced West Illus Feodor Rojankovsky. Coward. McCann
& Geoghegan, 1958. 8-12
Gauch, Patricia Lee This Time, Tempe Wick? Illus. Margot Tomes. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1974. 6-10
Gray, Elizabeth Janet. Adam of the Road. Illus. Robert Lawson. Viking Press,
1942. 12 -up.
Haugaard, Erik The Little Fishes Illus. Milton Johnson Houghton Mifflin,
1967 12-up
Hunt, Irene. Acrois Five Aprils Illus. Albert John Pucci Follett Publishing,
1964. 10-14.
Ish- Kishor, Sulamith A Boy of Old Prague. Illus Ben Shahn. Pantheon Books,
1963. 10-14.
Keith, Harold. Rifles for Watie. Thomas Y Crowell, 1957 10-16
Korngsburg, E. L A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver Atheneum, 1973 12 -up.
Latham, Jean Lee. This Dear-Bought Land. Illus. Jacob Landau Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1957. 10-14.
Monjo, F. N. The Drinking Gourd. Illus. Fred Brenner. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1970 7-10
O'Dell, Scott Sing Down t.' Moon. Houghton Mifflin, 1970. I2-up
Picard, Barbara L. One Is One. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. I I -up.
Reiss, Johanna. The Upstairs Room. Thomas Y Crowell, 1972. 10-16
Richter, Hans Peter. Friedrich. Translated by Edite Kroll Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1970 12 -up.
Speare, Elizabeth George The Bronze Row. Houghton Mifflin, 1961 11 -14
Speare, Elizabeth George. The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Houghton Mifflin, 1958.
Steele, William 0. The Perilous Road. Illus Paul Galdone. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1958. 9- 12
Sutcliff, Rosemary Warrior Scarlet. Illus. Charles Keeping Henry Z Walck,
1958 12 -up
Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of Thunder. Hear My Cry. Dial Press, 1976 11-up
1 urkle, Banton The Adventures of Obadiah. Viking Press, 1972 5-9
Van Stockum. Hilda The Winged Watchman. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1962
8 12
Walsh, Jill Paton Fireweed. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969 12 up
Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House In the Big Woods Illus. Garth Williams.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1953. 8-12
Yep, Laurence Dragonwings Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975_ 12 up
Contemporary Realistic Fiction


Adkins, Jan. Luther Tarbox. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977. 8-12.

One foggy day Luther, a lobsterman, brings into port not only his
lobster pots but a flotilla of boats lost in the fog. This beautifully
prepared book has language so rich that the reader can catch a whiff
of salt air. Pencil drawings with their varied perspectives are enjoy-
able. (Picture book)
Bawden, Nina. Rebel on a Rock.J. B. Lippincott, 1978. 10-up.
A family's visit to Ithaca, a country similar to Greece that is ruled by
a dictator, involves the children in a startling revolutionary secret
and leads them to suspect that their stepfather is a spy. Told from
the point of view of twelve -yeas -old Jo, the story recounts the excit-
ing adventures of the children.
Bawden, Nina. The Robbers. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1979. 10-12.
Philip enjoys living with 1." andmother in a castle. When his father
remarries and takes nine-year-old boy to live with him in a
cosmopolitan section of London, life changes drastically. Philip's
new friend presents a world of altered values and eventually involves
Philip in a theft. A thought-provoking book.
Bodker, Cecil (translator Sheila La Farge). Silas and the Black Mare.
Seymour Lawrence, 1978. I2-up.
Silas is an agile and clever thirteen year old who is homeless and
must survive by his own wits. He wins a high-spirited black mare in
a wager, but the horse is stolen from him. The story tells of his
adventures in regaining the horse. Excellent characr development;
European setting.
Bond, Nancy. The Best of Enemies. Atheneum, 1978. I2-up.
Charlotte Paige is twelve; suddenly her world seems to fall apart
as her close-knit family becomes increasingly preoccupied with indi-
vidual interests. Feeling left out and alone she begins to face her own
growing up during a series of events climaxing on Patriot's Day,
1977, in Concord, Massachusetts. Hometown Minutemen and a mot-
ley group of British soldiers contribute to Charlotte's adventure.

I 4 '1 ,,,,,,,
134 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Branscum, Robbie. To the Tune of a Hickory Stick. Doubleday, 1978.

A country schoolhouse provides protection from winter storms and a
cruel uncle for thirteen-year-old Nell and younger brother J. D.
Humor, loyalty, and love. of learning carry the listener or reader
through a winter of excitement with two children, a teacher, and an
old man and his dog.
Budbill, David. Bones on Black Spruce Mountain. Dial Press, 1978. 10-12
This wilderness adventure story skillfully weaves survival techniques
and outdoor information in a well-paced manner. Seth and Daniel
climb Black Spruce Mountain to investigate the legend of a runaway
orphan who fled to the mountain. Interesting character study and
a satisfying plot; helpful map suggests setting.
Bunting, Eve. The Big Find. Photographs by Richard Hutchings. Creative
Education, 1978. 8-12..
Two boys find 54,200 in a bean can. Louis wants to turn the money
in, but Harp claims half and threatens Louis if he tells anyone.
Louis is persuaded by both his conscience and his friend Marie's
advice to do what is right. Black and white photos; inner city setting.
Bunting, Eve. Magic and the Night River. Illus. Allen Say. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978 7-10
Yashi's faith in Grandfather's gentle skill with their corm°, ant birds
is canfirmed in this story of a night's fishing on the Great River in
Japan. The suspense of whether Grandfather can catch enough fish
to keep his boat and livelihood is heightened by the hostility of
Kano, the boat owner, and by a threatening accident. Beautiful and
precise pictures. (Picture book)
Callen, Larry The Muskrat War. Little, Brown, 1980 8 12
Times are tough in Four Corners, and when two swindlers arrive in
town things get desperate; chickens disappear from their pens and
the money-producing muskrat hides are stolen. Pinch and Charley,
heroes of several previous books, use their wits and a great deal of
feisty enterprise to catch the crooks.
Calloway, Northern J., and Carol Hall. Super-Vroomer! Illus Samnus-
McLean. Doubleday, 1978. 4- 7.
Enthusiasm grows from the title page to the photolkaph of Northern
J. Calloway, "Sesame Street" star, on the back cover. The story is
his true childhood adventure of building a racing car from junk parts
to prove be is the champion racing car builder and driver in the
Adventure 135'

world. Written in black English as told by Northern as a child

(Picture book)
Clymer, Eleanor. A Search for Two Bad Mice. Illus. Margery Gill.
Atheneum, 1980. 7- It).
Sarah doesn't want to go to England and leave Leo, her cat. Older
sister Barbara suggests a search for Hunca Munca, Tom Thumb,
and the dollhouse in Beatrix Potter's classic story. The trip is a
success, friends are made, and the flavor of England suggested.
Evocative drawings of England's Lake District.
Cohen, Peter Zachary. Deadly Game at Stony Creek. Illus. Michael J.
Deas. Dial Press, 1978. 8-12.
Athletic skills assist Cliff and his friend Eddie narrowly to esca;!e
great harm. The author suspensefully captures the fright of two
teenage boys hunting a pack of wild dogs. Black and white Illustra-
tions greatly contribute to the setting and location of the story.
De 1ton, Judy. Kitty in the Middle. Illus. Charles Robinson. Houghton
Mifflin, 1979. 7-10.
A lively, humorous story of Kitty and her two nine-year-old friends,
Margaret Mary and Eileen. Escapades brighten their days while
attending a parochial school. Going uninvited to a strange wedding
and discovering the occupant of a haunted house keep the girls bus;
and the reader entertained. Black and white sketches.
De lion, Judy. Kitty in the Sununer.-Illus. Charles Robinson. Houghton
Mifflin, 4980. -71:10.
Every summer Kitty visits in Norwood, Minnesota, with her Aunt
Katie, a busy woman whom Kitty helps with many chores. This
summer is filled with unexpected events, from "purchasing" a pagan
baby to seeing real poverty. A seque: to Kitty in the Middle. Enter-
taining, humorous, and fine characterization; pen drawings
de Roo, Anne. Scrub Fire. Atheneum, 1980. 8-12.
An unexpected fire during a camping trip sends a fourteen-year-old
girl and her two younger brothers Into the New Zealand Bush to
escape the flames. The story concerns their unusual methods of sur-
vival. The sense of adventure is everywhere in this story.
Dionetti, Michelle. The Day Eli Went Looking for Bear. Illus. Joyce Audy
Dos Santos. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1980. 4-7.
Young Eli sets off with his dog in search of a bear. The snow-covered
bushes and trees provide camouflage as his imagination wanders and
he sights bears in unusual places. The last "bear" turns out to be his
mother, who welcomes her happy adventurer home. Black and white
pencil drawings give us a glimpse of Eli's hidden bears. (Pi- Awe book)

1 4
136 Contemporart. Realistic Fiction

Ehrlich, Amy. The Everyday Train. Illus. Martha Alexander. Dial Press,
1977. 4-7.
A small girl finds delight in waiting for and then watching the freight
train that winds through the countryside each day Simple concepts
of the sights and sounds of the train and the gentie expectation of
looking foward to a daily event combine to make a pleasing story.
(Picture book)
Eiseman. Alberta, and Nicole Eiseman. Gift from a Sheep: The Story of
How Wool is Made. Illus. Tracy Sugarman. Atheneum, 1979. 8-12.
Jenny raises a sheep, goes through all the steps of handling the wool,
and even wins prizes at the county fair! One section of the book
explains how yarn is made and another gives directions for making
a poncho.

Everton, Macduff. Finding the Magic Circus. Illus. by author.

__- Carolrhoda---
Books 1979. 6-9.
Ricky accompanitsbis--fatirefin Yucatan looking for the circus his
father-haditiveled with years before. He learns something about
---the Mayas, a few Spanish words, and a circus act. Outstanding
full-color pictures using a yarn beeswax technique developed in
Mexico. (Picture book)
Furchgott. Terry, and Linda Dawson., Phoebe and the Hot Water Bottles.
Illus. Terry Furchgott. Andre Deutsch, 1977. 4-7.
Phoebe has over one hundred hot water bottles. She loves playing
with them but would secretly rather have a puppy. When an emer-
gency arises, Phoebe and her bottles come to the rescue, for which
she is satisfyingly rewarded. This tale about a spunky girl is realistic-
ally illustrated in lush colors. (Picture book)

George, Jean Craighead. River Rats, Inc. E. P Dutton, 1979. 10 12

Joe and Crowbar, on a dangerous and illegal run down the Colorado
River in the Grand Canyon, flounder in the rapids but manage to
escape drowning. They encounter a feral boy who, after Joe pains-
takingly teaches him human language, guides the boys to an Indian
village and safety. A story of physical survival, it also lias a strong
element of psychological survival and the development of self-image

George. Jean Craighead The Wentletrap Trap, Illus. Symeon Shimin.

E P Dutton, 1978. 7 -10.
Dennis wants to take care of himself. When his father tells him he
can trade a wentletrap shell for all he needs, Dennis works hard to
capture one. Hermit crabs and a storm interfere. Then father returns
from the sea and Dennis is content to let father care for him. Bimini
setting. (Picture book)

1 4
Adventure 137

Hass, Patricia Cecil. Windsong Summer. Illus. Glo Coalson. Dodd, Mead,
1978. 8-12.
Twelve-year-old Tim and his sister Mouse spend their summer in the
Caribbean with busy parents who are away on business. The children
become involved in adventures with a runaway boy who owns a
beautiful sloop. The themes of being free and Icneliness are th
fully described.
Herold, Ann Bixby. ng Day. Illus. Victoria de Larrea. Coward,
eoghegan, 1980. 3-7.
David wants to express his good feelings by helping someone. His
dad, brother, and mom don't need helping, but the ants do. And
worms need rescuing, as does a baby rabbit, and a butterfly Best of
all, Daddy understands. Warm illustrations ext.-nd the concepts of
feelings involved. (Picture book)
Houston, James. Frozen Fire: A Tale of Courage. II!us. by author.
Atheneum, 1977. 10-12.
Matthew and his father move to the Canadian Arctic His father, a
geologist, believes he can locate copper for mining. The predictably
severe weather of the Arctic spring delays the mineral search and
endangers the lives of Matthew, his father, and Matthew's Eskimo
friend. Excellent for social studies curriculum integration.
Levine, Betty K. Hawk High. Illus. Louise E Jefferson, Atheneum, 1980.
A young girl_wants to show others that she can take care of herself.
She sets out to find hawks, but she encounters a thunderstorm in the
dark woods instead. Toni does more than urvne; she learns an
important lesson.
McDaniel, Suellen R. Serpent Treasure. John F Blair, Publisher, 1978
Sixteen-year old Chris and his father grow concerned about an old
friend, Andrew, who lives alone in a canyon that supposedly hides
legendary Aztec gold. Mysterious lights, voices, and Andrew's evil
nephew add to the excitement of this story Flashback style
irk, Jan. Under the Autumn Garden. Illus. Judith Gwyn Brown
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 10 12.

Ten-year-old Matthew wants to make his history assignment interest-

ing so he decides on an archaeological dig in the backy- -d No
one understands or encourages, His dig fails: he fails Too late he
unearths one treasure. Good characterizations of English family and
village life. For better readers

i ;;
138 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Mauser, Pat Rhoads. How I Found Myself at the Fair. Illus. Emily Arnold
McCully. Atheneum, 1980. 7-10.
The Denton family takes 'aura, a nine-year-old only child, to the
state fair with them. Upon arrival she feels alone and afraid as the
Denton children scatter in many directions at the fairgrounds. After
a while it, occurs to her that she is really lost and is responsible for
finding her way back to the Dentons. Pen sketches.
Nobens, C. A. The Happy Baker. Carolrhoda Books, 1979. 6-8.
Joseph, the baker, lives a good life in his Small town but he longs to
see the world. A discovery causes him to redesign his &pny sign on
the bakery shop. Large print, three -color illustrations. (Picture book)
Orgel, Doris. A Certain Magic. Dial Pre,:s, 1976. 10-12.
When eleven-year-old Jenny accidentally discOvers Aunt Trudl's
old diary, she learns many things about her aunt's life as a child
evacuated from World War II Vienna. During a trip abroad with her
parents, Jenny visits places mentioned in the diary and discovers
secrets about her aunt's life that explain present-day questions.
Phipson, Joan. When the City Stopped. Atheneum, 1979. I2-up.
Thirteen-year-old Nick Lorimer and his younger sister Binkie find
out what it is like to be without electricity and water when a chaotic
general strike occurs in their Australian city. Fear overtakes them
when their mother fails to return home. Interesting reading with
excellent character development.
Place, Marian T. The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 8-12.
Ten-year-old Joey, placed in one foster home after another, finds a
real home at last with Sara and Mike Brown near logging camps in
the mountains of western Washington. His affection for Sara grows
as the two of them go out hiking, and share the excitement of seeing
Politi, Leo. Mr. Fong's Toy Shop. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978 7-10.
Ancient customs are kept alive by Mr. Fong, a Chinatown-Tbymaker
who shares both his craft and the legends of his native land with the
local children. Together they prepare a shadow puppet play to per-
form during the annual Moon Festival. (Picture book)
Ross, Pat. M and M and the Haunted House Game. Illus. Marylin Hafner
Pantheon Books, 1980. 6-9.
Mimi and Mandy are bored with their old pastimes so they decide
to play the haunted house game. They plan to scare someone but the
tables turn and they get scared. Humorous black and white illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Adventure 139

Rumsey, Marian. Carolina Htitricane. Illus. Ted Lewin. William Morrow,

1977. 10-12.
Morgan knew the hurricane Would destroy his father's fishing traps
so lie and his dog Tater set out to bring them in. The boy, dog, and
boat are stranded on a remote marsh island off the South Carolina
coast. The desperate fight to survive the fury of the storm is vividly
Seabrooke, Brenda. The Best Burglar Alarm. Illus. Loretta Lustig. William
Morrow, 1978. 6-9.
Belinda visits her aunt and uncle who have just installed a burglar
alarm system. Their three pets were given away, since pets set off
alarms. Belinda is bored until night brings excitement and surprises.
Good for discussions about paranoia vs. sensible home security pre-
cautions. Thii. book is fun to read and includes humorous illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. The Famous Stanley Kidnapping Case. Athen-
eum, 1980. 10-up. 1.11'

A sequel to Snyder's The Headless Cupid, the Italian adventures of

these five lively children include their kidnapping and subsequent
rescue. The family's experiences Arovide unexpected and maturing
rewards, especially for Molly.
Spencer, Zane, and lay Leech. Branded Runaway. Westminster Press,
1980. 8-12.
A young boy is a chronic runaway and is given an alternative by an
understanding judge. He becomes a camp counselor for problem
children and finds his own courage by helping other boys.
Spier, Peter. BoredNot ng to Do! Doubleday, 1978 7-10.
Take a lazy summ r day, two boys, one good idea, a house, and a
yard full of handy terials just waiting to be made into something
special, and anythii can happen. Full-page pictures and very few
words combine to m ke this book appealing to a wide age range.
(gicture book)
Stewart, C. Silas and . Atheneum, 1977. 10-up.
Ten-y -old S. s is abandoned by his parents. With his stray dog
Con, he Sliders through the wilds of northwestern Scotland until
he quite accidentally finds an island home A quiet, contemplative
Stoutenburg, Adrien, Where to Now, Bhie? Four Winds Press, 1978.
Life is dull and unpleasant for twelve-year-old Blueberry when
brother Tod leaves their Minnesota home. With a makeshift house-


140 $ Contemporary Realistic Fiction

boat, she and an orphan, six-year-old Tilbo, run away. Their trip
leads to problems with nature and with people. Fast-paced, contem-
porary language.

Talbot, Charlene Joy. The Great Rkt Island Adventure. Illus. Ruth
Sandersotp.'"Atheneum, 1977. 8-12.
Joel spends the summer on an island with his rather, whom he hasn't
seen for two years. He learns to know his father, an ornithologist,
and his research team. They experience a hurricane, solve the mystery
of the missing tern eggs, and rescue a girl from a neighboring island.
Contemporary ideas, life-styles, and language contribute to a strong

Waldron, Ann. The Luckie Star. E. P. Dutton, 1977. 10-12.

Quincy Luckie, who wants to be an astronon.cr, is at odds with the
rest of her family, who prefer acting, painting, or writing. A summer
in Florida, a hurricane, and a search for sunken treasure reveal the
individual characters and relationships of a number of talented and
attractive people.

Wartski, Maureen Crane. A Boat to Nowhere. Illus. Dick Teicher. West-

minster Press, 1980. 10-12.
Grandfather, Mai, and her little brother Loc are forced to flee their
tiny village in Vietnam when the new government-takes over, burns
Grandfather's books, and places him under arrest. They are aided by
a war orphan who is impudent, street-wise, and, in the erld, Intensely
loyal. The four of them become boat people. A gripping story.

Zimelman, Nathan. Walls Are to Be Walked. Illus. Donald Carrick. E. P.

Dutton, 1977. 4-7.
The illustrations show a little boy on his way home from school.
Within a short distance there are so many exciting discoveries and
adventures! Opposite the full-page picture there- is an oval-shaped
inset with text that brings theillustrated incident into focus. (Picture


Annixter, Jane, and Paul Annixter. The Last Monster. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1980. 8-12.
A teenage boy sets out to fmd the killer grizzly bear that maimed his
father and dog, but he finds himself being hunted instead. The action
leads to a confrontation with a giant grizzly bear. A nature book
with an exciting theme.

Barto li, Jennifer. In a Meadow, Two Hares Hite. Illus. Takeo Ishida.
Albert Whittrian, 1978. 6-9.
Two young hares, Mimi:). and Lepo, mature throughout the chang-

1 4 r4

Animals .4 141
Y r
ing seasons and survive in spite of dangers and natural enemies.
Although the animals have names, the content is factual, not fantasy.
Double-page, full-color illustrations c.re as real as the text. (Picture
Baylor, Byrd. Hawk, I'm Yeur Brother. Illus. Peter P. arnall. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1976. 7-10.
An Indian boy captures a hawk, which he hopes can teach him to
fly. After a time the boy realizes that all things must be free to live
as they are intended. Only then does he understand that the hawk is
his brother. Sweeping -sack an white scenes complement this poetic
text. 1977 Caldecott Honor Book. (Picture book)
Bench ley, Nathaniel. Kilroy and the Gull. Illus. John Schoenherr. Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1977. 8-12.
Kilroy, a killer whale, is captured and trained to be a marineland
performer. His sea gull friend escapes with, him to the open sea. The
illustrations are dramatic anu lifelike. The major question throughout
this book is that of true freedom.
Bourne, Eulalia "Sister." Blue Colt. Illus. Pam Fullerton. Northland Press,
1979. 10-12.
Manuel, an eleven-year-old boy, lives on a poor farm in Arizona
with his grandparents. His special friend Bill entrusts his horse to
Manuel while he is in the NV'V. Excellent character portrayal and
descriptions of the land. An appealing story with woodcutlike illus-
trations. Glossary appended.
Brown, Margaret Wise. When the Wind Blew. Illus. Geoffrey' Hayes.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 4-6.
A serious problem confronts an old lady who lives alone by the sea
with her seventeen cats and one small blue-grey katen. As the wind
blows, the prop:em becomes intensified. The little kitten comes to
the rescue Text and pictures blend to produce a folktale quality. A
lap book. (Pit.it,re book)
Brustlein, Janice. Mr. and Mrs. Button's Wonderful Watchdogs. Illus.
Roger Duvtin. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1978. 4-7.
Mr. and Mrs. Button need a watchdog because their dog and two
cats a too friendly to be of much help. Several times they go to the
ke el and think they're coming home with the right dog. Finally,
th are happily surprised. Vibrant colored illustrations bring the
story to life. (Picture book)
Carlson, Natalie Savage. laity or Dodo? Illus. Gail Owens. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1978. 7-10.
A Parisian mongrel leads a double life, eating scraps Pierre's grand-
mother saves for him one day and feasting on gourmet meals served
at Monsieur Boffu's cafe the next. Each owner enters him in the

1 0
142 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

same dog show. Then comes ih- test. Is he really Pierre's Jaky or
Monsieur Boffu's Dodo? (Picture book)
Chambers, John W. Fritzi's Winter. Illus. Carole Kowalchuk Odell
Atheneum, 1979. 10-12
ne Arnold family is proud of their Siamese cat, Fritzi. Excitement
runs high when they discover that she has been left behind at their
summer hoir. During that fall and winter her survival is all that
matters. An enjoyable, readable story illustrated with black and
white sketches.
Dann, Cohn. The Animals of Farthing Wood. Elsevier; Nelson Books,
1979. 10-up.
Bev ase humans have destroyed their homes in Farthing Woods, the
animals assemble and plan their move to White Deer Park. The
journey is fraught with dangers and narrow escapes, but also inspires
cooperation, her"oirnr,-and love
Dixon, Paige. The Loner: A Story of the Wolverine. Illus Grambs Miller.
Atheneum, 1978. 8-12.
A wolverine is an animal to be feared and respected at all times
according to Indian legend. A hunter sets out to destroy this "Carca-
jou," but the bunter ends up learning a lot about nature, the wotiier-
me, and himself Several illustsations give the reader a view of the
wolverine in its forest home.-7
Dixon, Paige. Summer of the White Goat. Illus Grambs Miler. AfiTeT.:\
eum, 1977. 10-12
Gordon Mohlen goes to CI: _cit.,- National Park to observe taunt=
goats of the region His science class research is recorded from day
to day on his tape recorder He becomes ill and is left stranded.
Detailed informational chart on the mountain goat included. Bibli-
Dolan, Sheila. The Wishing Bottle. Illus Leslie Morrill Houghton Mifflin,
1979 7-10.
Her head full of fairy tales and her heart longing for a pony, Nora
finds a magic bottle into which she repeated., whispers her wish A
pony does appear, though it is not exactly hers. Soft line drawings
co,nplement a satisfying story
Duncan Jane Janet Reachfar and Chickabird. Illus Maui Hedde Nick
Seabury Press, 1978. 4-7.
When Janet Reachfar takes out the horses, a chick is injured acci-
dentally and she feels responsible. Her care of the injured hen
through the change of Scottish seasons provides a warm, well-told
story, eautifully illustrated with elegant, evocative watercolors. (Pic-
ture book)
Animals 143

Dunn, Judy. The Little Lamb. Photographs by Phoebe Dunn. Random

House, 1977.5-8.
Emmy cares for Timothy, a newborn lamb. All goes well until he
grows older and stronger. A. :.,- be,omes a nuisance, a decision must
be eached. Appealing color photographs make this an inviting book
for e young reader or listener. (Picture book)
Fade , Walter. The Black Stallion Picture Book. Random House, 1979.
A simplified adaptation of The Black Stallion. Young Alec Ramsay
is shipwrecked on a desert island with the black stallion, a wild
horse. The two discover that they need one another. Their adven-
tures conti'ue in America after their rescue. Color photographs from
the 1979 motion picture. (Picture book)

Feder, Jane. Beany. Illus. Karen Gurkitrsh:..imer. Pantheon Books, 1979


i..........., Beany is "the most beautiful cat in the world and the smartest too."
That is how the young narrator describes his cat and his interesting
day with Beany as his faithful companion. This small, unusually
shaped book full of appealing illustrations is not reserved for cat
lovers alone. (Picture book)

Fleher, Elizabeth. The Little Goat. Illus. Deborah Niland and Kilmeny
Niland. Grosset & Dunlap, 1977.3-5.
A simply told tale of a farmer who :uses one of his ten goats. He
searches all night long until he finds the goat and brings it home. He
warms it and puts it to sleep at the foot of his bed. Illustrations
in c for alternate th bold pen and Ink drawings. (Picture book)
Gates, Doris. A Morgan for Melinda. Viking Press, i980 10-12.
Melinda, a ten-year-old girl, isn't fond of horses until her father buys
her a Morgan. Her life changes from that day on. Through her
friendship with an elderly writer, Melinda overcomes her fear of
riding. She tells of her interesting and exciting life in the f rst person.

George, Jean Craighead. The Cry of the Crow. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1980 10-12.
Mandy's father aid crows are real enemies. Crows are pests and
must be kept away from his strawberry patch Mandy secretly keeps
a crow in a sheltered spot in the woods and meets with many sur-
prises. A beautiful relationship exists between Mandy and her family

George, Jean Craighead. The Wounded Wolf. Illus John Schoenherr.

Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.4-7.
This story of a Wolf, whose leg was injured by a caribou, is a
scientist's recorded observation of one wolf saving the life of another.
A suspenseful account of the wolf's survival is clearly described. Pen
and ink sketches complement this poetic text (Picture hook)

1dV i,..,
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Harper &
Gipson, Fred. Curly and the Wild Boar Illus. Ronald Him ler
Row, Publishers, 1979. 10-up.
Old Yeller fans and readers of animal stories will welcome another
of this author's books. Curly raises an eighty-pound prize water-
melon but it is eaten by a wild boar. Angered by this boldness, Curly
wants to kill this enemy. Excitement runs high as the battle ensues
Good for reading aloud. Black and white sketches.
Girion, Barbara. Misty and Me. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979 10-12
Kim learns more than how to raise a dog when she buys a puppy at
the pound without her parents' permission. She hires Mrs. Mac as a
dogsitter and everything is fine until Mrs. Mac becomes ill. Then
Kim is faced with some hard decisions. Good for class discussion
about responsibility.
Griffiths, Helen. Blackface Stallion. Illus. Victor Ambrus. Holiday House,
1980. 10 -up
A sensitive and unsentimental story of a wild horse Blackface's
mother is a palomino who is lost on a Mexican desert and eventually
accepted by a herd of wild horses. The story follows Blackface from
his birth until he takes his place as leader of the herd An exciting
story of survival.
Griffiths, Helen. Grip: A Dog Story. Illus Douglas Hall Holiday House,
1978 10-12.
Eleven-year-old Dudley's father is a breeder of generations of fighting
dogs in England He wishes for a dog of his own; his father entrusts
loner, the
one of Madman's offspring, a bullterrier, to him Being a
boy develops a strong attachment to Grip. English terms

Hall, Lynn. 0, ney: The Traveling Dog. Illus. Barbar4 Ericksen Garrard
Publishing, 1977 8-12.
This is an appealing story of a homeless mutt befriended by post
office workers in the early twentieth century. The dog grew from a
starved, cowering puppy to an alert, curious, world-famous traveling
dog. Soft color washes add to the charm A good read-aloud book
Hancock, Sibyl. Old Blue. Illus Erick Ingraham G. P. Putnam's Sons,
Old Blue, a longhorn steer, helps young Davy and his father and
other cowboys lead a thousand cattle over the Goodnight Trail to
Dodge City. The hardships of a cowboy's life on the trail are esident
Large print, easy reading, and softly muted illustrations make this
book popular with youngsters. (Picture book)
Animals 145

Hanson, June Andrea. Winter of the Owl. Macmillan Publishing, 1980

Thirteen-year-old Janey cannot endure the idea of parting with her
beloved colt. She cannot accomplish his gentling alone so she resent-
fully accepts the help of John Yellowfeather, an Indian boy who has
a special way with animals. During the training, Janey learns about
cooperation, responsibility, independence, friendship, and prejudice.
Holmes, Efner Tudor. Amy's Goose. Illus. Tasha Tudor. Thomas Y
Crowell, 1977.6-9.
Amy rescues an injured wild goose, but wants to protect and possess
It when the goose is ready to leave. Traditional Tudor illustrations
make the book beautiful. (Picture book)
Hooks, William H. The 17 Gerbils of Class 4A. Illus. Joel Schick. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1976.8-12.
Rogue brings two gerbils into his classroom, and the students vote to
keep them. The two gerbils become the object of science projects, the
parents of more gerbils, and the cause of class problems. Many
interesting facts about gerbils are Included. Good science Integration
and fun to read.
Hurd, Edith Thacher. Under the Lemon Tree. Illus. Clement Hurd. Little,
Brown, 1980 4-7
One night a donkey makes an awful noise and awakens the farmer
and his wife. They decide to move him away from under his favorite
lemon tree. The next night a fox comes to steal their chickens and
they realize that the donkey's braying was a warning Soft-colored
illustrations. (Picture book)
John, Naomi. Roadrunner. Illus Peter Parnall and Virginia Parnall E P
Dutton, 1980.6-9
A day in the life of a roadrunner, the story of the desert bird depicts
close encounters with jeep and dog, horse and rider, snake, hawk, and
bobcat. The i'arnalls' measured illustrations in tan, green, and black
capture authentic details of the desert and its creatures (Picture book)
Johnston, Johanna. The Fabulous Fox: An Anthology of Fact & Fiction,
Dodd, Mead, 1979. All ages.
True to his name, the sly fox slips in and out of the various genres of
literature Fact and fiction, original sketches, and photographs com-
bine to make this select anthology a real treasure for readers. Refer-
ences found in the Bible and other literature throughout the ages
contribute to interesting reading.

t, 44
146 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Kraus, Robert Springfelhw. Illus. Sam Savitt. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 6-9.

Springfellow, a young colt, wants more than anything to romp with
the one year olds, but his legs aren't strong enough and he continues
to fall. His mother encourages him to keep trying. Action-filled wash
Illustrations accompany this story of overcoming difficulties Large
pictures, excellent for storytelling. (Picture book)
Longman, Harold S. The Fox in the Ball Park. McGraw-Hill, 1980 8-12
A beautiful red fox discovers how she can live in Yankee Stadium
and search for food in the nearby neighborhooa. She has a litter of
pups in the stadium that are in danger because Jesus Garcia a
Puerto Rican boy, tells a worker at the stadium that a fox is living
there This animal survivEl story is realistically told.
McNulty, Faith. Mouse and Tim. Illus Marc Simont Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978. 4-7.
A young boy develops a friendship with a wild mouse Parallel story
lines show the feelings of each as they perceive their worlds Good
for discussion of captivity versus fieedom when the boy reluctantly
releases his pet (Picture book)
Miles, Miska Jenny's Cat. Illus Wendy Watson. E P Dutton, 1979 6- 9
After finding a stray cat, Jenny, who has been lonely, begins to
adjust to her home in the new town. When her mother insists the cat
cannot stay, Jenny takes the cat and runs away Black and white
illustrations make the author's memories more real for the sympa-
thetic young listLner or reader, (Picture book)
Moen, Louise, A Horse for X.Y.Z. Illus. Gail Owens E P Dutton, 1977
8 12
This is a fast-moving story involving Solveig, a spirited twelve-year-
old girl who is determined to ride Snake Dancer before leaving
camp Her thoughts take action and she finds herself astride the
horse, insurmountable difficulties arise. Pen and ink sketches capture
the beauty and action of the horse. Map with legend included
Morey, Walt Sandy and the Rock Star. E P Dutton, 1979. 10 12
Paul Winters, a lonely young teenage singing star v ho is carefully
controlled and protected by others, runs away to a remote island
There a tame cougar named Sandy is being turned into a Nk Id beast
to provide the wealthy island owner with a more challenging hunt
Animal lovers will enjoy this riveting read-aloud story
Parker, Nancy Win .low The Crocodile under Louis Finneberg's Bed
Illus by author Dodd, Mead, 1978. 6 9
he hinnebeigs receive a gift of a crocodile When the crocodile
becomes too big to sleep under Louis's bed, it is donated ti, a
Animals 147

zoo. Louis manages to stay with his pet, but in a most unusual
manner! The text, written as a newspaper _,,,ury, is accompanied by
humorously detailed pen and ink drawings. (Picture book)
Pender, Lydia. The Useless Donkeys. Illus. Judith Cowell. Frederick
Warne, 1979. 4-7.
The Quigleys, a family of seven, live on a farm. Among their animals
there are two lovable but useless donkeys. Father is determined to
get rid of them, but the other family members protest. An unex-
pected flood changes the situation. Unusually striking illustrations in
collage and watercolors. (Picture book)
Pool, Eugene. The Captain of Battery Park. Illus. Leslie H. Morrill
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978. 10-12.
Melanie,.twelve, finds a wounded Arctic tern in New York's Battery
Park. Treated by an eccentric vet, the tern has his own recuperative
encounters. Bewildering new experiences and unorthodox responses
to traditional situations, coupled with the warmth flowing between
animals and humans, make this book a must. Sensitive, dignified
illustrations complement this quality text.
Rounds, Glen. Blind Outlaw. Illus. by author. Holiday House, 1980. 8 -I?.
A blind range horse is captured and a boy with no name and a
speech ilapedirnent befriends him. Trust, love, and friendship trans-
form the outlaw to a useful saddle horse. Riveting horse story with
black anu white ink sketches.
Roy, Ronald. A Thousand Pails of Water. Illus. Vo-Dinh Mai Alfred A
Knopf, I97R. 4-7.
A young Japanese boy fines a whale wedged between two rocks
Kncwing that the great annr al must be kept wet, he carries pail after
pail of sea water until he falls down, exhausted. The %Wage people
come to his aid and together they carry water until the incoming
tide trees the whale. (Picture book)
Savitt, Sam. The Dingle Ridge Fox and Other Stories. Illus. by author.
Dodd, Mead, 1978. 10- 12.
This collection of six short stories about foxes, cats, dogs. and horses
is Illustrated with sensitive watercolor washes that depict highlights
of the stories. The reader can learn much about animals and their
relationships with other animals and humans
Scott. Jane. Cross Fox. Atheneum, 1980. 12 up.
Eleven-year-old Jamie has just moved with his parents to a farm in
Pennsylvania. In the process of adjusting to his new home, he dis-
covers and siltntly watches a cross fox When neighbors organise to
kill the fox, Jamie resolves to sav It. An exciting. fast-moving story
with carefully developed charactEs

1 LJ
148 Contemporart Realistic Fiction

Shura, Mary Francis Mister Wolf and Me. 11 lus, Konrad Hack Dodd.
Mead, 1979. 10-12.
Mister Wolf, a beautiful sable and silver German shepherd that
Miles found as a pup and raised, is accused of killing sheep in the
neighborhood. Excel lenz characterwations and believable depictions
of parent-child relationships raise this book above the formula boy-
dog story

Stranger. Joyce. The Fox at Drummers' Darkness. Illus. William Geldart.

Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977. 12 -up
A four-year-old fox feels safe in Drummers' Darkness, a dense,
isolated forest. Here an army was defeated many years ago and the
phantom army passes by his cave. His daily battles and struggles
with men and animals are cleverly related Rather difficult reading.

Thaler. Mike My Puppy. Illus. Madeleine Fishman. Harper & Row,

Publisher, 1980 7-10.
A young boy discovers that he doesn't have enough money to buy
the puppy that he wants so he creates one in his imagination. He
enters his puppy in a local dog shoss and to his surprise he wins.
(Picture book)

Thayer. Julie. and Ruth Thayer The Lamb Who Went to Paris. Clark-
son N Potter, Publishers, 1980 7 -10
1 hree children vacationing in southern France are given a ian.b th:.:
has been rejected by its mother. Returning to Paris, the children
care for the lamb until it is grown and ready to be returned to the
country Much factual information on lambs and sheep is included
in the warm, poignant story

Thiele, Cohn Storm Boy. Illus John Schoenherr Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 197X 7 10
Storm Boy lives on a deserted beach in Australia with his father
Hideaway, a lonety. qt t.-t man Lack of contact with others causes
Storm Boy to be shy He becomes very attached to a baby pelican
that he rescues Fingcrbone Bill the aborigine, is an added interest.
Black and white pen sketches

Turner, Dona My ('at Pearl. Thomas Y Crowell. 1980 3 5

I he short and simple tale of Pearl. the black cat,
is a dclignt for cat
lovers, The vividly colored illustrations and spark to the text (Pic-
tole book)
Wallace, Bill A Dog Called Kitty. Holiday House. 1980 10 up
When a helpless, homeless pup shows up on the farm, Ricky is
adamant about getting rid of it He is petrified by all dogs since he

1 ti
Facing Problems 149

was attacked by a dog at a very early age. His attachment to this

helpless creature grows and eventually the two become inseparable.
A really good story.

Yates, Elizabeth. The Seventh One. Illus. Diana Charles. Walker, 1978.
There is an enduring lifelong friendship between Tom and his dogs,
a very important give-and-take relationship. Each of Tom's seven
dogs offers him love in a different way. The text is outstanding in
describing a dog's ability to show insight, respect, loyalty, and love.

Zimelman, Nathan. Positively No Pets Allowed. Illus. Pamela Johnson.

E. P. Dutton, 1980. 4-7.
Seymour Goldberg and his mother bring home a gorilla named
aving as a long-term visitor, but their apartment house rules state
that no pets are allowed. This unusual pet story is amusingly illus-
trated with detailed sketches. (Picture book)

Facing Problems

Aaron, Chester. Catch Calico! E. P. Dutton, 1979. 10-12.

Three generations are involved in a sensitive novel set in the moun-
tains. Louis, a fourteen-year-old boy, suspects his grandfather is
dying. He struggles with loss and separation, haunted by memories
of his dead father and a wild cat named Calico.

Angell, Judie. Ronnie and Rosey. Bradbury Press, 1977 10-up.

The new girl in school' has a boy's name, Ronnie. She teams up
with a chubby, humorous girl and a talented boy with a girl's
name, Rosey. Friendship flourishes between Ronnie and Rosey and
takes on an added dimension after Ronnie's father is killed. Some

Ashley, Bernard. Break in the Sun. Illqs. Charles Keeping. S. G. Phillips,

1980. 12 -up.
Patsy Bligh runs away and joins a touring summer theater group to
escape the difficulties of adjusting to a new stepfather. Her return to
reality is encouraged by people whom society might consider to be
outcasts but who exhibit very special human qualities. The children
and the adults do some growing up.

Ashley, Bernard. A Kind of Wild Justice. Illus. Charles Keeping. S G.

Phillips, 1979. 12- up
Ronnie feels he is totally alone in the world when his father is
jailed and his mother leaves home. His neighborhood lives under
the cruel thumb of the Bradshaw thugs. Ronnie seeks revenge;
Contemporar Realistic Fiction

his isolation increases but two adult figures offer sanctuary and
hope. London setting; written in lusty vernacular. Recommended for
mature readers.

Barrett, John M No Time for Me. Illus. Joe Serve llo Human Sciences
Press, 1979. 7 -10.
Jimmy's parents have little time to spend with him, although they
make many efforts to surround him with a loving extended family
His parents' homecoming provokes a tantrum that results in an
honest and fruitful family conference. A good book to promote child
and parent discussions.

Bonsai!, Crosby. Who's Afraid of the Dark? Harper & Row, Publishers,
1980. 4-7.
A young boy has a dog who is afraid of the dark, so he says The
little girl in the story gives good advice to the dog and everyone,
including the boy, is reassured. An easy-to-read book (Picture book),

Bottner, Barbara. Dumb Old Casey Is a Fat Tree. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1979. 6-9.
Casey has a lot of spirit and she needs it to compete with other
ballet dancers. She's too fat but she wants to be a dancer more than
anything in the world. The recital finally takes place and Casey
becomes much wiser about herself. Humorous black and white illus-
trations. ',Picture book)

Branscum, Robbie The Saving of P.S. Illus. Glen Rounds Doubleday,

1977. 10 12
Priscilla Sue is the youngest child of widowed Preacher Blue, a fire
and brimstone minister in the Aikansas hills Rathei than accept her
father's remarriage, she runs away with her smelly olu hound dog
Twelve-year-old P.S. is a gutsy young girl who learns a great deal
about responsibility and life

Bulla, Clyde Robert Daniel's Duck. Illus Joan Sandin Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1979 4 7.
Jeff and Daniel live in a cabin on a mountain in Tennessee. Despite
Daniel's protests, Jeff decides to carve a wooden duck for the fair
He soon learns that art is viewed differently by each individual. An
easy-to-read book with softly colored illustrations that clearly depict
the setting (Picture book)

Bunting, Eve The Big Red Barn. Illus. Howard Knotts Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1979:6- 9
The big red barn burns to the ground and the young narrator loses
another link with that secure and happy time`' hen Mother was
alive An understanding grandfather helps the child accept the new
Facing Problems 151

without forgetting the old. Illustrations reflect the sensitive, natural

atmosphere of the text in this easy-to-read book.

Bunting, Eve. The Empty Wind?w. Illus. Judy Clifford. Frederick Warne,
1980. 8-12. .,

C.G. awakeps his younger brother Sweeney one gray Saturday morn-
ing. This is the day they must capture the wild parrot for C.G.'s
friend Joe, who is dying; just a few dayS ay! left. Beautiful illus-
trations in grays and blacks complement the mood of The story.
Discussion-starter on death.

Byars, Betsy. Good-bye, Chicken Little. Harper & Row, Publishers,` 1979.
When his fun-loving uncle drowns in a foolish escapade, Jimmie
Little has a hard time coping with his own guilt and with the strange
way his family reacts. His mother calls all the relatives together and
gives a party. After watching and talking to these zany, memorable
characters, he knows he Cr 'I say good-bye to the nickname he had
`given himself, "Chicken" Little.
Byars, Betsy. The PINBALLS. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 10-up.
Carlie, a tough-talking, suspicious teenager, labels herself, Harvey,
and Thomas J. "strays" and likens them to pinballs bouncing here
and there. This moving story of emotionally and physically abused
children-could serve as a manual on coping and surviving. Outstand-
ing characterization makes this an excellent read-aloud book.

Carrick, Carol. The Accident. Illus. Donald Carrick. Seabury Press, 1976.
It is evening. Christopher and his dog Dodger are on their way to the
lake when the pickup truck appears. Bodger dashes into its path and
is killed; Christopher reacts with anger. Understanding parents help
the boy come to terms with grief. 'Poignant, sensitive-color Illustra-
tions. (Picture book)
Carrick, Carol. The Foundling. illus. Donald Carrick Seabury Press,
1977. 4-7 ,

Christopher's parents think it is time to adopt a new puppy even

though there will never be another Bodger. Christopher doesn't
agree; he can't bear the thought of a new dog. A stray puppy pro-
vides a happy, satisfying solution. Family warmth is reflected in
sensitive color illustrations of a coastal village. (Picture book)

Clark, Ann Nolan. To Stand against the Wind. Viking Press, 1978. 10-12.
Em, eleven years old and now living in the United States, writes
his memories of Vietnam before and during the war. The war, of
course, permeates every-facet of the story; the real story, however, is
how love of family and love of land can survive tragedy.
152 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Colman, Hi la. Tell Me No Lies. Crown Publishers, 1978. 10-12.

After believing for twelve years that her father is in another country,
Angela learns the truth: he lives nearby and he does not know she
exists. Determined to meet him, Angela discovers that he does not
need a daughter. Useful bibliotherapy for separation of parents.
Cone, Molly. The Amazing Memory of Harvey Bean. Illus. Robert
Mac Lean. Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 8-12.
Forgetful Harvy has a problem: his parents are separating. Secretly,
he spends a happy and unusual summer in a crazy-looking house
with two friendly nonconformists, Mr. and Mrs. Katz Readers relate
to Harry's problems and to his warm relationship with his funny
Cooney, Nancy Evans. The Wobbly Toothy Illus. Marylin Hafner. G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 1978. 5-7.
A very loose tooth that won't e out is the problem. Elizabeth
Anne tries many devices but II resist her efforts. Finally, in an
unexpected way the dilemma is solved. The pictures portray the
surprise ending. (Picture book)
Crook, Beverly Courtney. Fair Annie of Old Mule Hollow. McGraw-Hill,
1978. 12-up.
The clannish Collins family faces many problems. making a living on
a mountain farm, the onslaught of strip-mining by coal companies,
a feud with'a rival clan, and others. But there are joyous times, too.
Seen through Fair Annie's eyes, this is a compelling tale of survival
in Appalachia.
Cunningham, Julia. Come to the Edge. Pantheon Books, 1977. 12 -up.
Gravel Winter is an orphan, unwanted by his father He feels
betrayed when his friend Skin, another orphan, disappears very
suddenly from the foster institution. He escapes and meets an under-
standing sign painter. The other characters he encounters are clothed
in symbolism. For special readers; excellent for discussion.
Cunningham, Julia. Flight of the Sparrow. Pantheon Books, 1980. 10-12.
A ten-year-old girl is adopted from an orphanage in Paris by a
sympathetic street-wise youth. He refers to her as the "little sparrow."
She is forced by the gang to steal a cherished painting, thus betraying
a valued friendship and causing her to flee Paris. Excellent character
Distad, Audree. The Dream Runner. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.
Twelve-year-old Sam takes up long distance running to work off
feelings of inadequacy. His friend, half-Indian Clete, tells of an old
Facing Probknu 153

Indian vision site i.1 the mountains. After the deaths of his father,
who had abandoned him, and his friend, Sam runs away in search of
his vision, which he believes will help in self-discovery.
Dragonwagon, Crescent. Will It Be Okay? Illus. Ben Shecter Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1977. 4-10.
IP The normal fears of people, surfacing in the everyday questions
of a small girl to her mother, are gently and satisfyingly answered.
Pictures are a perfect extension of the simple and creative text.
(Picture book) ,

, Estes, Eleanor. The Lost Umbrella of Kim Chu. Illus. Jacqueline Ayer.
Atheneum, 1978. 8-12.
Kim Chu lives in New York's exciting Chinatown. Her father wins
the coveted prize in the New Year's Day parade, a black umbrella
with a secret compartment in its handle. She loses it and panic
ensues. A suspenseful story to be read for enjoyment. Appropriate
pen sketches.
Filson, Brent. The Puma. Doubleday, 1979. I2-up.
Sonny Street tells his own story of coming to grips with his strong
feelings about his mother's dezth and anger over an inadequate rela-
tionship with his father. The puma, made from a treasured piece of
obsidian, symbolizes Sonny's power as a wrestler and the destructive
force of his uncontrolled fury. The action is fast and the characteri-
zation excellent.
Fradin, Dennis B. Bad Luck Tony. Illus. Joanne Scribner Prentice-Hall,
1978. 7-10. .

Young determined Tony, who lives with his divorced, working

mother, has a problem to solve. He tries to find a home for a
pregnant stray dog. He also wants his visiting grandfather to stay
longer. The sensitive story and soft pencil illustrations combine to
reveal insights into a contemporary family relationship. (Picture
Gardiner, John Reynolds. Stone Fox. Illus. Marcia Sewall Thomas Y
Crowell, 1980. 8-12.
Grandfather, who has always taken care of Little Willy, is ill. Now
Little Willy takes care of Grandfather and tries to earn enough
money to pay the taxes. With Searchlight, his dog, he enters a
dogsled race, determined to win the prize money. Economical writing
style and an unexpected ending make this an unusual story.
Gonzalez, Gloria. Gaucho. Alfred A. Knopf 1977. 10-12.
Eleven-year-old Gaucho wants to take Mama with him back to San
Juan. His imagination tells him that life will present fewer problems

i1 ,4

t..." 0,,,,
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

there. Efforts to earn money for thi' trip lead Gaucho into big city
problems and to an understanding of iSrnily relationships. Presents a
warm picture of Puerto Rican families in New York City.
Gordon, Sheila. A Monster in the Mailbox. Illus. Tony De Luna. 'E. 'P.
Dutton, 1978. 7-10.
A warmhearted, talented family all help young Julius recover from A

the disillusionment of sending away for a 52.99 "walking, talking

monster," only to receive an ugly balloon which pops on /first use.
Clever line drawings enhance the quiet hum; of the story.

Gordon, Shirley. The Boy Who Wanted a Family. Illus. Charles Robinson.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980. 7-10.
Michael has lived in a series of foster homes. At last his social
worker takes him to live with Miss Graham, who may decide to
adopt him. Good to reed aloud in several sessions, and follow up
with class discussions about the need to belong and to care for
someone. Realistic happy ending.

Greenberg, Barbara. The Bravest Babysitter. Illus. Diane Paterson. Dial

Press, 1977. 4-7.
Roles reverse in this story when young Lisa realizes that her ba,by-
sitter is frightened by the thunderstorm The warm, humorous story
will bring a smile of recognition to many faces and serve as a 4ring-
board for a discussion of fears. (Picture book)
Greenberg, Jan. A Season In-Between. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1979.
12 -up.
Twelve-year-old Carrie's- wprries are minimal until her father is
stricken with cancer and leaves for the Mayo Clinic. Then there
is a period of emotional disturbance at home and school, culmi-
nating with the feeling of deep loss after her father's death. Charac- //
ters are well drawn in this fast-moving, first-person i$arrative. For
mature readers.
Greene, Constance C' Beat the Turtle Drum. Illus Donna Diamond.
Viking Press, 1976 8 12.
With her birthday money eleven-year-old Joss rents a horse for d
week. It is one of the best weeks she and her sister Kate can remem-
ber. Then, suddenly, Joss is deaKl; Kate has to learn to live without
Joss and to accept that life goes on.
Greene, Constance C. Getting Nowhefre. Viking Press, 1977 10 up.
Mark, fourteen, rebels at his father's remarriage. He is taunted by
his classmates and becomes very hostile. Mark finallysbegins to catch
hold of his life when he wrecks a car and injures his brother and a
friend. A novel of frustrations and reality.

Facing P'oblems 155

Hahn, Mary ')owning. The Sara Summer. Clarion Books, 1979. 10-12.
After Emily turns twelve, she experiences a growth spurt but gains
no Nitight. Classmates liken her to a giraffe and her best_ oiend
ignores her. Straightforward and domineering Sara becomes a new
neighbor and friend, showing Emily how to speak up for herself.
Eventually Emily speaks out assertively, even to Sara.

Hann, Jacquie. Crybaby. Four Winds ress, 1979. 3-5.

The tot has a disagreement with is mother; once he starts to cry it it
difficult for him to stop. Big other's teasing woisens the situation.
This sto proviges the oppo nity for parents or teachers to discuss
feelings wi 'he young child umorous illustrations. (Picture book)
rlapgood, Miranda.S Martha's Mad Day. Illus. Emily McCully. Crown
Publishers, 1977. 3-5.
When Martha wakes up one Saturday morning she feels mean. She
throws her favorite pig across the room and stays mad all day. The
expressive pen and ink line drawings capture ter angry mood.
(Picture book)
Harris, Mark Jonathan. With a Wave of the Wand. Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1980. 10-12.
Marlee is convinced that a little magic, like her friend Mr. Romaro
does, is all that's needed to bring htr mother and father back
together. She enlists her brother's help in carrying out a spell. How
Marlee copes with her parents' separation when the "magic" fails is
humoro,usly told. California setting.
Harris, Robie H. Don't Forget to Come Back. Illus. Tony De Luna.
Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. 5-7.
Annie's parents are going out for the evening. Bob is going to baby -
sit. Annie tries many ploys, such as hiding, a tummyache, tears, and
a tantrum to make her parents sta5glome. A small child's emotions
are realistically portrayed. lllustrati6ns reinforce the text. (Picture
Holland, Isabelle. Alan and the Animal Kingdom. J. B. Lippincott, 1977.
Alan has learned through bitter experience that adults can't always
be trusted, so when his guardian aunt dies he resolves to make it on
his own. Only when one of his pets gets sick does he venture to seek
help. A moving story of a young boy torn between fear and need.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. Mama. Alfred A. Kilopf, 1977. 9-12.
Mama is independent, opinionated, and a thief. Her whole lite is
devoted to providing the best of everything for her two boys The

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

older boy narrates the story of Mama's adventures, which are often
humorous and usually illegal. He vows to keep loving her while
trying to get her to change her ways.
Hughes, Shirley. David and Dog. Prentice-Hall, 1978. 4-7.
Children understand David's affection for his soft brown toy called
Dog. When Dog is lost the whole family joins in the search. David
forlornly watches the hilarious events of the school fair until he sees
Dog on a toy sale table. The conclusion is entirely satisfying. (Picture
Hughes, Shirley. Moving Madly. Prentice-Hall, 1979. 4-7.
Molly and her family move from their basement home in the city to
a house with a garden ir. the country. For Molly, it is very lonely
until she discovers the hole in the garden wall and excitement on the
other side. (P cture book)
Hutchins, Pat. Happy Birthday, Sam. Greenwi!low Books, 1978. 3-5.
Even though little Sam turns a year older, he is unable to do many
things he would like to do, like turning on the light and teaching his
clothes. A surprise package from Grandpa settles all of his problems.
Complementary, colorful illustrations (Picture book)
Jacobson, Jane. City, Sing for Me: ! coun.*:, Cis= Moves to the City.
Illus. Amy Rowen Human Sciences Press. 1978 8-12.
Jenny waves to the 'ity from the country, but her initial . -eling
about her new home is not good. A new friend introduces Jenny to
the unique places and excitement that exist in major cities.
Jensen. Virginia Ai Icr Sara and the Door. thus Ann Strugnell Addison-
wesley Publishing. 1977. 3-5
Sara closes the large front door on her coat She is frustrated as she
tries to solve the problem of being caught with no ore to help her.
Finally she figures out how to unbutton her buttons and trium-
phantly walks away Sepia and black drawings clearly show her
emotions. (Picture book)
Jones, Penelope. I'm Not Moving! II lus Amy Aitken. Bradbury Press,
1980. 4-7
Emma does not want to move and. most especially she doesn't want
to leave her digging hole. So she tries to find somewhere else in her
neighborhood to live In the enu she decides the best place to be is
with her family. Colorful illustrations. (Picture book)
Keats, Eira Jack. Louie's Search. Four Winds Press, 1980 4-7
Louie wants a new father. Barney, the local junkman, accuses Louie
of stealing a music box, but Teter becomes his new father Large,
Facing Problems 157

bold illustrations emphasize the liveliness of this exciting contem-

porary story. (Picture book)
L'Engle, Madeleine. A Ring of Endless Light. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1980. 12 -up.
Vicki Austin's family has come to stay all summer with Grandfather,
who is dying of leukemia, when an accident takes the life of a family
friend. Zachary, Vicki's former boyfriend, is responsible. Vicki is
torn between her feelings for Zach, for fatherless Leo Rodney, and
fot Adam Eddington. With Adam, Vicki discovers her gift for joyful
telepathic communication with dolphins. She learns that life and
death are part of creation's "ring of endless light." 1981 Newbery
Hr or Book.
Lowry, Lois. A Summer to Die. Illus. Jenni Oliver. Houghton Mifflin,
1977. 10-12.
Elev,a-year-cid Meg is understandably jealous of her older sister
Molly, who is beautiful, clever, and organized. As leukemia overtakes
Molly, she becomes less clever, less organized,., and certainly less
beautiful. A moving study of a young girl's reaction to her older
sister's illness and death.
Lutters, Valerie A. The Haunting of Julie Unger. Atheneum, 1977 12 -up.
Julie's father is dead; the family has moved to Maine with Grand-
mother, and twelve-year-old Julie spends the summer photographing
geese. She is alone now instead of with Papa, who had also been her
teacher and friend. The struggle for emotional stability and accep-
tance of death's permanence are realistically shown
McCord, Jean. Turkeylep Thompson. Atheneum, 1979. 10-up
Betty Ann Thompson's twelfth summer is one of despair, following a
wretched school year She fails to make the boys' basketball team
and remains friendless and disliked. When her father abandons the
family, her mother goes to work and Betty Ann must shoulder
responsibility for her younger siblings. A new friend helps her find a
blighter outlook on self and life
Malloy, Judy. Bad Thad. Illus. Martha Alexander. E P Dutton, 1980
Thae gets into all sorts of mischief at home, in nursery school at the
doctor's office, and elsewhere But even mischievous boys are loved
Detailed illustrations (Picture book)
Mann, Peggy. There Are Two Kinds of Terrible. Doubleday, 1977 9 12.
Robbie thinks breaking his arm is terrible until his mother suddenly
dies of cancer He and his father are virtual strangers who now must
look to each other for support. They learn to love each other as they
Contemporart Realistic Fiction

col* with the ordeal Robbie, his parents, and his best friend Jud are
portiayed as very real people.

Maury, Inez (translator Anna Mutioz). My Mother and I Are Grow-

ing Strong: Mi mama y yo nos hacemos luertes. Illus Sandy Speidel
New Seed Press, 1978. 6-9.
A child describes her life as she and her mother sur aye while her
father is imprisoned. The mother takes over the fatner's job, learns
to repair mechanical equipment, and is concerned about developing
her body through exercise and natural foods. Includes Spanish and
English texts. (Picture book)

Mearian, Judy Frank. Two Ways about It. Dial Press, 1979. 10-12.
Eleven-year-old Annie resents the intrusion of her bossy older cousin
who spends every summer with her and her parents. Only when
Annie's mother faces a mastectomy does she turn to cousin Lou,
who offers her own kind of strength and comfort to the troubled
young girl.
Merriam, Eve. Unhurry Harry. Illus. Gail Owens Four Winds Press,
1978. 6 -9.
Everyone is always after Harry to hurry: get up, get out of the
bathroom, eat breakfast, and go to school. Only at the end of a busy
day can he lie in bed and enjoy the quiet as he slowly drifts off to
sleep A familiar experience in a humorous story (Picture book)
Miklowitz, Gloria D Did You Hear What Happened to Andrea? Dela-
corte Pre, 1979. I2-up.
What happened to Andrea is rape The subject is treated openly,
honestly, and with sensitivity. Strong characters include Andrea's
sister, the Rape Hot Line counselor, a therapist, an understanding
boyfriend, and difficult parents. Pertinent questions are asked Rec-
ommended for mature readers.

Milord, Sue, and Jerry Milord Maggie and the Goodbye Gift. Illus by
authors. Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Books, 1979. 4 7
Maggie and her famil:, nust move when Dad is transferred Bery-
one is sad until Maggie uses an electric can opener, a gift from
Mom's best friend, in an unusual way to help the family to adjust to
the new neighborhood Primit:ve pen and ink sketches fit the humor
of the story. (Picture book)
Moore, Emily Something to Count On. E. P Dutton, 1980. 10 12
It's the end of summer when Ma and Daddy tell Lorraine and Jason
that Daddy is movilg out. Soon school starts and Lorraine's prob-
lems multiply An understar,2,ng teacher helps her recognize and
deal with her feelings about herself and her parents' divorce A
-...., poignant tale.
Facing Problems 159

Moore, Ruth Nulton. Tomas and the Talking Birds. Illus. Esther Rose
Graber. Herald Press, 1979. 7-10.
Tomas soon learns that living with his uncle in a Pennsylvania steel
towwis quite different from living in his home in Puerto Rico A
parrot in a pet shop helps him solve his problems. The Spanish
terms are enjoyable in this easy-to-read story Black and white illus
trations. Available :n Spanish: Tomas v los ptijaros parlantes.
Murphy, Barbara Beasley. No Place to Run. Bradbury Press, 1977. 12-up.
Fifteen-year-old Billy and his Italian friend participate in a prank
that seems to cause a tramp's death. A Spanish-speaking girl be-
comes involved when Billy reacts with self-imposed silence. Set in
Manhattan, this well-written book includes justifiably strong lan-
guage and violence and realistic family interaction
Noble, June. Two Homes for Lynn. Illus. Yuri Salzman. Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1979. 6-9.
Six-year-old Lynn's parents divorce and she is provided with a
second home, her father's apartment. She now has a key to each and
her own things in each, but it is hard to cope with her hurt, angry
feelings. When Janette comes to play, and both parents accept this
imaginary friend,' Lynn it comforted (Picture book)
Ofek, Uriel (translator israei i Tasint). Smoke over Golan. iiius. Lloyd
Bloom. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 10-12
Eitan's life with his parents on a farm on the Golan Heights is simple
and peaceful until one day, home alone, Eitan hears the sounds of
war approaching Thc Yam Kippur War between Israel and Syria
has begun. A dramatic account of the effects of war upon one Israeli
Okimote, Jean Davies. My Mother Is Not Married to My Father. G P.
Putnam's Sons, 1979. 10-up.
Life is not easy when all you want is for your family to be like the
Waltons on TV and instead your father is living with 11'3 girlfriend
and yr-... mother is starting to date Sam. In this realistic tale of
modern IA, with many pointed, sad, and funny observations by the
eleven-year-old narrator, everything turns out okay in the end. Not
great, not like the Waltons, but okay.
Paterson, Diane. Wretched Rachel. Dial Press, 1978 4-7
A new treatment of an old theme humorously exposes the suffering
that is often behind bad behavior, and reassuringly asserts that
Rachel is loved no matter what. The colorful illustrations are simul-
taneously ugly and funny. Good for self-concept st dy (Picture

1 f,... ..d
160 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Paterson, Katherine The Great Gilly Hopkins. Thomas Y Crowell, 1978.

Eleven-year-old Gilly, the child of a "Flower Child" and for years a
foster child, continually waits for her mother, love, and a happy
ending, only to discover too late that she had all this and more in
her last foster home. A well-written, poignant story with universal
appeal. 1979 Newbery Honor Book

Pert, Lila. Piefaccand Daphne. Clarion Books, 1980.10-12.

Pamela "Pieface" Teitelbaum, an only child, takes seriously her
teacher's experiment to cut down on TV viewing and develop a new
interest. Her activity is most unusual. To complicate matters, cousin
Daphne comes to live with her. Characters are well developed.
Excellent for discussion on selfishness. Easy to read

Pfeffer, Susan Beth Awful Eve lina. Illus Diane Dawson Albert Whitman,
1979 7-10
Mr redith hates to go with her parents when they visit her aunt and
uncle because her cousin Evelina is a bully En route, Meredith has
several wild, delicious fantasies About emergencies that could inter-
vene. How Meredith discovers that reality is best aad bullies can be
dealt with makes for good discussion (Picture book)

Potter, Marian The Shafed Room. William Morrow, 1979 !O up

Catherine's mother is sick Everyone except Catherine knows what
kind of sickness. Through her own initiative and courage she finds
ways to help her mother aad herself. Tightly focused with sensitive
treatment of a very ,eal problem.

Rinalch, Ann Term Paper. Walker, 1980 12 up

A special term paper is assigned to Nick) by her teacher-brier her in
order to help her finally release her guilt about her father's death
She feels responsible because he had his fatal heart attack during
an argument with her. Good for understanding about strained
family relationships
Roberts WIN Davis Don't Hurt Laurie! Illus Ruth Sanderson Athen-
eum, 1977 12 up.
Fleven-year-old Laurie has been abused by her mother as long 2, she
can remember She's had no friends, no family to help her until now
when her nine-year-old stepbrother guesses how she gets bruised,
cut, or burned A painful but most worthwhile story.
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport.
Illus. Byron Barton. Macmillan Publishing, 1980.4 7
The narrator, mot ing out west from New York City, envisions all
Facing Problems 161

the dreadful stereotypes about the region, including buzzards circling

overhead while he expires in the desert heat. At the airport he sees
no Gila monsters, but he does meet another boy who is moving east
and is sure that the place is full of gangsters. Clever illustrations.
(Picture book)
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman. Octavia Told Me a Secret. Illus. Roseanne
Litzinger. Four Winds Press, 1979. 5-8.
Secrets are hard to keep, especially good secrets. Octavia's secret is
good enough to be the King of Secrets. Imagining how to tell It and
who might like to hear it creates a problem for the girl in the story.
Her solution reflects a growing maturity. (Picture book)
Shreve, Susan. Family Secrets: Five Very Important Stories. Illus. Richard
Cuffari. Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 8-12.
Five short stories told by a sensitive, perceptive, eight-year-old boy
cover topics like the death of a loved pet, possible divorce of parents,
child suicide, cheating, and old people's problems. Fortunately, the
adults give wise counsel to difficult questions. Black and white
sketches; excellent book.
Shyer, Marlene Fanta. My Brother, the Thief. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1980. 12-up.
Curious twelve-year-old Carolyn discovers he, Jider half brother
Richard and his shady friend Flim-Flam arc involved in stealing.
Richard is also painfully dealing with self-acceptance Meeting these
crises tests the entire family's strength and its ability to face the
consequences. Realistically and compassionately told.
Silman, Roberta. Somebody Else's Child. Illus. Chris Conover. Frederick
Warne, 1976. 8-12.
A chance remark by his school bus driver makes ten-year-old Peter
question the security he ha.; always enjoyed w,'1i his adoptive parents.
Only after he joins the older man in the search for two doss lost .in a
snowstorm does he gain a new sense of belonging.
Simon, Marcia L. A Special Gift. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 8-12
Peter tries to keep hidden the fact that her takes ballet lessons because
he fears he will lose his standing as an athlete. After being selected
for a part in the Nutcracker, he comes to terms with his talent.
assuring himself that a love for ballet is quite all right. Good example
for sex roles.
Simon, Norma. We Remember Philip. Illus. Ruth Sanderson. Albert
Whitman, 1979. 8 12.
Sam has Just leaned that Philip, the son of his teacher, Mr Hall,
has died in an accident. Sam struggles to understand death and the
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

grief that follows. From his struggles he learns how to help himself,
the other children, and Mr. Hall
Skurzynski; Gloria. Martin by Himself. Illus. Lynn Munsinger Houghton
Mifflin, 1979.5-8.
Martin comes home from school with muddy shoes. Mother Isn't
home. He makes dirty tracks on the floor and, out of loneliness,
invites the neighbor's dog in for company. Havoc results. When
Mother returns, she and Martin decide how to solve the problcns
created by his loneliness. (Picture book)
Stanek, Muriel. Who's Afraid of the Dark? Illus. Hehn Coganeherry
Albert Whitman, 1980.7-10.
Kenny is afraid of the dark. But discussion reveals that each member
of his family is afraid of something. Kenny finally discovers a way to
help conquer his fear. A realistic portrayal of feelings through text
and three-color illustrations (Picture book)
Strete, Craig Kee. When Grandfather Journeys into Winter. Illus Hal
Frenck. Greenwillow Books, 1979.10-12.
Little :Thunder's grandfather, Tayhua, rides a wild stallion with a
devastating display of strength. Before Tayhua dies, he explains to
his grandson his view of death, a gift of a journey into winter. A
touching, sensitive story of friendship between old and young on an
Indian reservation
Swetnam, Evelyn. Yes, My Darling Daughter. Illus Laurie Harden.
Harvey House, Publishers, 1978.8-12.
Eleven-year-old Josephine has difficulty adjusting to her fifth foster
borne. Just beginning to feel accepted, she discovers that a baby will
soon be born Into the family. Feeling betrayed, she runs away and
becomes lost A friend returns her to her happy parents, w ho have
just learned they can adopt her
Tennant, Veronica On Stage, Please. Illus Rita Briansky Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1979 10-up
Jennifer hr.s an overwhelming desire to be a ballet dancer Her
acceptance Into the Professional School of Ballet in Toronto begins
a life of tough academic study and ballet training, but the challenge
and inspiration of genuine artistic effort sustain her All the joys and
crises of a youngster in serious ballet training are realistically' por-
trayed in this story by a renowned ballerina Illustrations are true to
good dance technique.
Thomas, lanthe Eliza's Daddy. Illus Moneta Barnett Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1976 4-8.
Eliza's daddy is remarried and she wonders about his new daughter

Facing Problems 163

Surely she is a Wonderful Angel! One Saturday, Eliza persuades him

to take her to his new home, where a happy surprise awaits her.
Softly colored charcoal drawings portray the black family. (Picture

Tobias, Tobi. Petey. Illus. Symeon Shemin. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978

Emily loves her pet gerbil, Petey, but he is dying and she cannot help
him. This beautifully told story treats honestly all aspects of death:
denial, anger, grief, final acceptance. There is a believable little girl
and an understanding and supportive family. Excellently drawn,
monochromatic illustrations capture the grief of the child. the love in
the family. (Picture book)
Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth. The Kenton Year. Atheneum, 1980. 10-12.
Nine-year-old Mandy McPherson's father was killed in an accident.
Her mother rents a cottage in Vermont where Mandy gradually
accepts the painful loss. Her new-found friends, Carrie and Shandee,
a recluse, bring comfort. Well-defined characters and a sensitive
treatment of death make this good for discussion.

Weiss. Joan Talmage. Home for a Stranger. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,

1980. 8-12.
Juana lives in a Mexican orphanage until an American doctor
notices her and takes her to California to correct a harelip. Having
no recall of her past, Juana is amazed and discouraged as the doctors
examine her and find that the deformation is a result of an accident
This discovery unravels Juana s painful past.

Williams, Barbara. Whatever Happened to Beverly Bigler's Birthday? !us

Emily McCully. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 5-7.
Birthdays are big events to a seven year old, but Beverly Bigler's
birthday was completely overshadowed by her big sister's wedding
day. Poor Beverly! Maybe she should run away to Texas Felt-tip
sketches ire used in this easy-to-read book.

Willoughby, Elaine Macmann. Boris and the Monsters. Illus Lynn

Munsinger Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 6-9.
1. Boris doesn't like to go to bed at night because he thinks there might
be monsters in his room. His parents and he decide to buy a fierce
watchdog. Young readers will laugh at the turn-about when :ions
has to protect his dog. (Picture book)

Wold, Jo Anne. Tell Them My Name Is Amanda. illus. Dennis Hod:el--

man. Albert Whitman, 1977. 6-9.
No one calls shy Amanda by her own name. Realising she somehow
must work her way out of this dilemma, she tries several indirect
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

courses. Finally she speaks out for herself and is Surprised and
pleased by the results. Episodes in this concept book lend themselves
to dramatization. (Picture book)
Wolkoff, Judie. Where the Elf King Sings. Bradbury Press, 1980. 12-up.
Twelve-year-old Marcie experiences the agony of the Vietnam War
through her father's depression and alcoholism. Two very different
elderly women provide stability and help for Marcie in this well -
written novel.
Zolotow, Charlotte. It's Not Fair. Illus. William Pene du Bois. Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1976. All ages.
The Marthas of this world are ever with us. This Martha has black
hair, is talented, never freckles, and never gets fat It's not fair!
Martha tells her side in this book that could be used in class discus-
sions on values and fairness (Picture book)

Alexander, M4rtha. When the New Baby Comes, I'm Moving Out. Illus.
by author Dial Press, 1979. 3-7.
Oliver becomes upset when his mother paints his old high chair so it
will be ready for the new baby. He plots revenge His understanding
mother listens to his threats and helps him to see the advantages of
being a big brother. (Picture book)
Association for Childhood Education International And Everywhere,
Children! Greenwillow Books, 1979 10-up.
This collection of stories about children in all parts of the world is
an excellent resource for encouraging children to read about growing
up in other lands Eleven stories are excerpted and two are given
in full
Bornstein, Ruth Lercher. Of Course a Goat. Illus by author Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1980 4-7
During a conversation with his mother, a boy reveals his dream of
having a goat Colorful, luminescent drawings add substance to
the boy's imaginary Journey up the mountain to find his goat
(Picture hook)
Bul la, Clyde Robert Keep Kilning, Allen! Illus Satomi Ichikawa
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978. 4- 7
Poor Allen is always runninw to keep up with h older brothers and
sister They go too fasj, and they never want to stay anywhere long
enough to look at things Finally Allen trips and falls down in the

Family 165

grass where he lies still watching a fuzzy green worm. Of course the
others follow !ant and at last enjoy staying still (Picture book)
Byars, Betsy The Cartoonist. Illus. Richard Cuffan. Viking Press, 1978.
The attic of their crowded home is Alfie's retreat, and there he draws
cartoon by the hour. When his private domain is threatened by the
return °This older_ brother and his expectant wife, he hangs on to It
tenaciously. Only his older sister understands why he needs a place
and things of his own.
Byars, Betsy. The Night Swimmers. Illus. Troy Howell. Delacorte Press,
1980. 10-12.
Retta, who has learned her parenting skills from television viewing,
is rearing two younger brothers without much help from her father,
a country-western singer. The action, setting, and conversation have
a you-are-there quality. Charcoal illustrations.
Carnes, Jeannette. Daddy. Illus. Ronald Him ler. Harper & Row, Publish-
ers, 1977: 4-7.
Youn,' Windy anxiously awaits weekend visits with her father. Week-
ly rituals of making chocolate pudding and finding daddy's glasses
are shared. A tender father-daughter relationship is presented with
few words in this story of a black family with separated patents
(Picture book)
Chaffin, Lillie D. We Be Warm Till Springtime Comes. Illus. Lloyd
Bloom. Macmillan Publishing, 1980. 7-10.
A small boy goes out into the bitter cold to find fuel to warm the
cabin he shares with his mother and baby sister The poetic lan-
guage of the text and the haunting chill of the black and white
paintings celebrate the lose and courage of this Appalachian family
(Picture book)
Cleary, Beverly. Ramona and Her Father. Illus. Alan I iegreen William
Morrow, 1977. 8 12.
Ramona's father loses his job during her second-grade year She tries
to help the family by engaging in moneymaking schemes and by
conducting no-smoking campaigns. Fortunately, there is humor in
her escapades and the family remains intact and loving Another well-
written book about a popular character. 1978 Newbery Honor Book
Cleave,, Very, and Bill Cleaver. Trial Valley. J. B. Lippincott, 197 10- up.
Mary Call Luther, sixteen, knows that life in Trial Valley is not easy
An orphan, she bears responsibility for younger siblings and takes in
an abandoned boy. Appalachian setting, myths, values, and lovely
mountain language make tnis an excellent choice for reading aloud
Contemporart Realistic Fiction

Clements, Bruce. Anywhere Else But Here. Farrar,. Straus & Giroux. 1980.
10 -12.
Thirteen-year-old Molly's determination to move with her widowed
fOther to a new town and a fresh start is thwarted when a strange
woman fanatically devoted to a self-actualization group leaves her
painfully backward young son with them.

Clifton, Lucille. Amifika. thus. Thomas DiGrazia E. P Dutton. 1977. 4-6

Little Amifika fears that his father who has been in the army for so
long will not remember him. He attempts to hide when he learns of
his father's homecoming. Expressive drawings illustrate this touching
story of a black family. (Picture book)

Clifton, Lucille. Everett Anderson's Nine Month Long. Illus. Ann

Gnfalconi. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 5-8.
Waiting nine months with his mother and stepfather provides time
for young Everett Anderson to accept the idea that there's enough
love to share, even when 'a new brother or sister arrives Soft black
and white illustrations sensitively blend with this poetic story of love
in a black family. (Picture book)

Clifton, Lucille. Everett Anderson's 1-2-3. Illus Ann Grifalconi Holt,

Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 4-7.
Everett Anderson worries about the addition of a third member to
his family: Mr. Perry is going to be his new stepfather and "three can
be crowded or can be Just right." Readers will recognize the young
hero from Everett Anderson's Friend, Everett Anderson Year, and
ot"ers (Picture book)

Clifton, Lucille. The Lucky Stone. Illus. Dale Payson. Delacorte Press,
1979 7-10
Tee has a stone that has been bringing good luck to its owners since
the days of slavery. As she listens to her great-grandmother's tales of
its previous owners, Tee is sure that her life too will be charmed by
the stone. A warm family story. (Picture book)

De Huff, Elizabeth Willis. Blue-Wings-Flying. Illus. Dorothea Sierra.

Addison7Wesley Publishing, 1977. 7-10
Blue-Wings-Flying longs for a sister. As he awaits the birth, -he
observes and participates in family clan life: corn grinding, story-
telling in the kiva. When the baby arrives, he plays an important role
in naming her. Two-color illustrations add to th.5 warm view of
Hopi life .

Dolton, Judy. My Mom Hates Me in January. Illus. John Faulkner.

Albert Whitman, 1977. 5-8.
Preschooler Lee Henry's mother is fighting the midwinter blues, and
his behavior is contributing to good mental health. But relief is

Family 167

spelled r-o-b-i-n. The delightful, warm characters ring true, and

mothers can readily identify with Lee Henry's mom. Humorous pen
and ink drawings. (Picture book)

Dickinson, Mary. Alex's Bed. Illus. Char lo to Firmin. Andre Deutsch,

1980. 4-7
Alex's room is a disaster area and his mother complains. He notes
that the only empty space left is near the ceiling. After brainstorm-
ing, Mother puts stilts on the bed. But something. was overlooked!
Appealing illustrations in color. (Picture book)

Galbraith, Kathryn Osebold. Come Spring. Atheneum, 1979. 12 -up.

Moving from one rental to the next is all that Revue has known for
twelve years. Now she's excited as the family is about to move into a
real house.

Gerson, Corinne. Son for a Day. Illus. Velma Ils ley. Atheneum, 1980.
Fatherless Danqy finds companionship, entertainment, and plenty of
good food when he makes friends with an assortment of divorced
fathers and their sons during weekly oulings to the zoo. Before long,
however, his scheme to become part of a family leads to hilarious
chaos and confusion.

Gerson, Corinne. Tread Softly. Dial Press, 1979. 8-12.

Orphaned eleven-year-old Kitten and her brother Peter, live wish
their grandparents, but Kitten yearns for a "normal" family. Her
feelings of loneliness and her need to create a secret fantasy family
are realistically drawn. As the story progresses; kitten realizes that
the people in her life do indeed make up a family that is rich
and satisfying.

Gessner, Lynne. Malcolm Yucca Seed. Illus. William Sauts Bock. Harvey
House, Publishers, 1977 8-12.
Malcolm is the white man's name for the yo4ig son of a present -dat
Navajo family. Malcolm I9ves the traditional life of his people, and
the boy longs to earn a true Indian name as he comes ',ome for
summer vacation from the white man's school. A tender story with
realistic illustrations and much information about Nava, J life.

Greene, Constance C. I and Sproggy. Illus. Emily McCully. Viking Press,

1978. 10-up.
Adam's plans for a carefree summer are upset when his father's new
English wife arrives with her eleven-year-old s'aughter, Sproggy. His
stepsister is taller than Adam, several months and unbearable.
Overcoming his attitude and developing new feelings toward her are
quite a task.
168 Contemporary Realism Ficaon-

Hazen, Barbara Shook. Gorilla Wants to Be the Baby. Illus. Jacqteline

Bardner Smith Atheneum, 1978.4-7.
Gorilla, a child's pretend companion, understands the youngster's
feelings about the new baby who shares the room The story line is a
naturally phrased monologue of child to gorilla, with Mother coming
in affectionately at beginning and end. Charcoal and watercolor
illustrations accurately show big green gorilla's satisfying responses
(Picture book)

Hazen, Barbara Shook. If It Weren't for Benjamin I'd Always Get to Lick
the Icing Spoon. Illus. Laura Hartman. Human Sciences Press, 1979.
This story, told by an unnamed younger brother, speaks to the envy
of the older, bigger brother Events are realistic, as are the excep-
tional three -color illustrations. Adults show love and understaaing
(Picture book)

Herman, Charlotte My Mother Didn't Kiss,.Me Good-Night. Illus. Bruce

Degen E. P. Dutton, 1980 4-'7.
Leon lies in bed wondering why his mothervdidn't kiss him good
night Was it because he let,his pet snake look when Mrs Minkus t
came to:visit9-Was it because lie only pretended to take a bath') His'
questions are finally answered by a sniffly Mother with a cold who
blows him a kiss. (Picture book)

Landis, James David. The Sisters Impossible. Alfred A Knopf, 1979*

8 -12.
Saundra, the haughty ballerina in the family, is surprised and dis-
.turbed when she learns that her younger sister Lily is planning to
take oa" t lessons. Excellent characterization of the two sisters keeps
the ma; interested throughout the usual sibling
Lowry, Lois Anastasia' Krupnik. Houghton Mifflin, 1979 8 12
Ten-year-old Anastasia, an only Mild, has certain things that siie
thinks are wonderful and others that she hates. Her lists of these
likes and dislikes change, sometimes rather rapidly. A baby brothe'
about to be len, ? grandmother in a nursing home, and a special
boy are all part of her story Humorous and poignant

MacLachlan, Patricia. The Sick Day. Illus. William Pene du Bois.

Pantheon Books. 1979 4-7.
\--Emily has a stomachache in htr head and a headache in herb throat.
A She also has a father who makes her sick day a special day as he
fixes he hair, draws monsters, and puts toy giraff,', in her broth.,
A warm story enriched by delicate and nummus iiiu,trations. (Pic-
ture hook), ,s
Tannic 169

Marzollo, Jean Amy Goes Fishing. Illus Ann Schweninger Dial Press,
One by one the family members disappear from the Saturday morn-
ing breakfast table until Amy and Dad are left alone. He suggests
going fishmg. Because her brother and sister had informed her earlier
that "fishing is boring," Amy Is surprised and delighted by the events
of the day. Watercolor illustrations. (Picture book)
Merrill, Susan. Washday. Illus by author. Seabury Press, 1978 4-8
Here is the story of remembered Saturdays when a country famil.
did the wash together. The joys of playing under windblown sheets
and sharing a task are portrayed. A gentle tale, illustrated in cool
blues and greens. (Picture book)

Myers, Walter Dean. It Ain't All for Nothin'. Viking Press. 1978 10-up
Twelve-year-old Tippy must li 'e with his father in Harle.n when his
loving, religious grandmother goes to the hospital His mother had
died at Tippy's birth, and Daddy's survival led to crime 1 ippy's
struggle for identity and acceptance makes a moving s:ory

a Park, W. B. Jonathan's Friends. G. P Putnam's Sons, 1977 3-5

Michael decides to inform his little brother about the toot hIliriairy,
Santa Claus, and elves, but Jonathan remains true to his fr ds
A surprise ending completes the story. This excellent lap book
serves nicely/ to Initiate discussions about inake-belieNe characters
and events Appealing watercolors complement the text (Picture

Power, Barbara I "'ish Laura's Mommy Was My Mommy. Illus Marylin

Hamner. J. B. Lippincott, 1979.6 8.
Jennifer enjoys her visits to Laura's home and wishes her mother
were more like Laura's. When Jennifer's mother goes hack to work,
Jennifer begins to understand and appreciate her. Pencil illustrations
clarify the emotional context of this contemporary, ea' -to-read
story. (Picture book)
Ruffins, Reynold My Brother Never Feeds the Cat. Illus by author
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979.4 7.
Anna tells everyone in the neighborhood how .1 she works and
how little her brother does Soft, detailed pictures blend with the
.brief text to share an amusing conclusion that any young child can
enjoy. (Picture book)

Seuling Barbar The Triplets. Clarion Books, 1980 5 8.

Triplets Mttie, Hattie, and Pattie take refuge in their room because
they are tired of being mistaken for one another 'heir p.. rents.
170 Cortenzporary Realistic Fiction

teacher, and a classmat: think up plan to stop mixing them up

Vivid, childlike illustrations blend with the theme of this creative
storybeing appreciated for oneself
Sharmat, Marjorie, and Mitchell Sharmat The Day I Was Born. Illus
Diane Dawson. E P. Dutton, 1980 7 10.
On Alexander's sixth birthday he recounts all the wonderful things
that happened the day he was born. His tale is intercepted agaii nd
again by his older E, ether, who adds h memories of each event
Enjoyable humor in the two wildly unTering recollect..ms in this
point-counterpoint story (Picturc hook)
Steptoe, John Daddy Is a Mousier . . . Sometimes. JB Lippincott, 1980
According to Bweela and Javaka, Daddy is a monster when they are
messy, noisy, or bothersome at bedtime. But sometimes, really all of
the time, the children know that Daddy loves them 14,ghly styli/ea
illustrations reflect the emotions of the characters in tilt,. black
family (Picture book)

Supraner, Robyn Its Not Fair! Illus. Randall Enos Frederick Warne,
1976 6 12
Baby brother gets lots of special privileges and he doesn't get
punished like big sister does It's not fair' Everyday experiences are
presented with ao awareness children's feelings, especially sibling
rivalry Colorful illustrations. (Picture book)
Tate, Eleanora E Just an Overnie,f Guest. Dia! Press, 1980 8 12
Nine-year-old Margie: Carson is horrified to learn that four-year-
old Ethel, the neglected town brat, will live with her family It falls
to Margie to teach this disruptive, embarrassing child everything
Eventually Margie learns to cope with Ethel and comes to accept her
presence in the family. The jealousy and lo common to all family
ielationships are compounded by prejudice, 4( r the Carsons are a
black family and Ethel is a white child

1 eibl, Margaret Davey Come Home. Illus Jacque! Bardner Smith

Harr :r & Row, Publishers, 197;".
Davey is always the last one lett Flaying outside after school because
he has no one to call him home. One week when Dad works late. a
new baby-sitter comes to stay with Davey She calls him home for
supper before any of the other guys are called. Davey feels good
about that

Vangheli, Spiridon (translator Miriam Morton) Meet Gui;uze. Ilia, Irma

Schart Hyman Addison-Wesley Publishing. 1977 7 10
Guguie lives his just-before-school-age life creatively and at full tilt
Family 171

What he does and feels as a small boy in a Moldavian village will

find lively responses in the feelings and imagi6tions of American
children. Charming folk art. (Picture book)

Vest ly, Anne-Cath (translator Eileen Amos). Aurora and Socrates, Illus.
Leonard Kessler. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 7-10
Gran and Uncle Brandt take turns caring for Aurora and her little
brother Socrates when both parents must work. Their family athen-
tures make good reading, and life in a modern Noiwegian city is
shown to be much like that in a city in the United States Line
drawings with soft gray water wash.

Vigna, Judith. She's Not My Real Mother. Illus by author Albert

Whitman, 1980. 4-7.
Miles visits his father, who has remarried. When Miles gets lost, h"
stepmother comes to his rescue and he wonders if she could become
his friend. This book makes an excellent and necessary statement
about divorce and how it affe s the very young. (Picture book)
Winthrop, Elizabeth. Aa You Sad, Mama? Illus Donna Diamond.
Harper & now, Publishers, 1979. 5-7
A little girl tries a number of ways to cheer up her sad mother and
accidentally discovers the best way of all. An eas,-to-read book
accompanied by mostly black and white sketches, with a touch of
blue. naturally. (Picture book)

Yarbrough, Camille. Cornrows. Illus Carole Byard. Coward, McCann &

Geoghegan, '979. 7-10.
While Grandmother makes cornrows for Sister and Brother, she
sings the old songs and tells the story of how cornrows for braided
hair began The hairstyle, an ancient African syr. Ail, reflects the
courage of today's Afro-Aniericans. Muted black and white full-page
illustrations add warrath and delight. (Picture book)

Zemach, Margot To Hilda for Helping. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977.
Hilda helps. When there are chores to he done, she works without
complaining. Her father makes a medal that says "To Hilda for
Helping." Sister Gladys is jealous and predicts a miserable future for
Hilda. Hilda, however, believes in a more positive tomorrow ;Pic-
ture book)

Zoiutow, Cltariotte. ii Yee. Usti,. Marc Rott,,

Publishers, 1980. 6-9
A mother reassures her daughtel that "if you listen" you can know
that someone far away loses you. f he full-color pictures capture the
172 ontemporari Realism Fulton

mood of the story as the mother offers examples of how to perceive

things by listening and feeling (Picture book)

Zolotow, Charlotte Say It! thus James Stevenson Greer Wow Books.
1980 5-8
A warm story of the love 'etween mother and daughter is set on a
windy autumn day The story is beautifully phrased, and the prose
is matclied by full-page, full-color illustrations that catch the spirit
of a brisk autumn jaunt and a shared experience


Adler, C S The Magic of the Glits. thus Ati Forberg Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1979.8 12.
Twelve- year -old Jeremy must take care of eight-year-old Lynette He
knows his summer at Cape Cod will ruined. Jeremy fantasizes
that t' e Gilts are magical people wh, nt wishes, but eventually he
makes his own wishes come true In the process, he learns a lot
about himself and true friendship.

Ames, Mildred What Are Friends For? Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978
10- up
Eleven-year-old Amy and her friend Michelle both live in single-
parent families Michel/Ls, 6 extremely poy,e;,:,:,e and doesn't want
Amy to have other friends When Amy discovers that her friend is a
shoplifter, the definition of friendship is put to the test

Angell, Judie Tina Gogo. Brad"ury Press. 1978 8 12

F ig behind the facade of a tough kid, 1 Ina begins a tumultuous
ner living with a foster family She pretends that her mother is
oc cling abroad and her father works for the President in Washing-
ton, D C., but when she inviles her new friend Sarajane to meet her
mother, Tina's defenses crumble. Sarajane's persistent questions and
Tina's defensive actions are the prelude to a warm and understand-
ing friendship

Baylor, Byrd Guess Who My Favorite Person Is? Illus Robert Andrew
Parker Charles Scribner's Sons, 1077 7 10
Ili the middle of an alfalfa field a man and a farm girl meet for the
first time They quickly establish a rappc rt through playing the game
of naming their favorite things The mood ,s one of ,apport, and the
easy feeling of the te:st is carried over ii.,0 the gentle illustrations
PirtlirP honkl

Brooks, Jerome Make Me a Hero. E P Dutton, 1980 10 up

A Jewish boy in the early 1940s prepares for his Bar Mark ah Step-
Friendships 173

ping beyond the boundaries of his neighborhood, he is changed by

the people he meets and the challenges he chooses to face.

Child Study Children's Book Committee at Bank Stre t, compiler. Friends

Are Like That! Stories to Read to Yourself. Illus. Leigh Gant.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979. 6-9
This anthology of short and easy-to-read stories introduces all kinds
of friends awd explores the reasons for having close friends. Authors
include Charlotte Zolotow Eloise Greenfield, and Astrid Lindgren.
Black and white pen drawings.

Goffstein, M. B. Neighbors. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 7-10.

Stories can be told in many ways. This time the author conveys the
message through simple line drawings. Two basnful neighbors want
to get to know one another better, and each season of the year finds
them a little close;. (Picture book)

Gordon, Shirley 0-ystal Is the New Girl. Illus. Edward Frascino Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1976 6-?
Each day Crystal, the new girl in 3-B, does something slightly off-
beat. Her actions intrigue Susan and often get both girls in trouble.
This popular easy reader contains lively and detailed illustrations
that depict a middle-class urban environment (Picture book)

Greene, Constance C. Your Old Pal, Al. Viking Press, 1979 10-12
Al, the heroine of two previous books, rages with jealousy wben her
best friend invites another girl to stay with her. The ups and downs
of adolescent fr endship, divorced pr -tints, and life in New York City
are humorously and realistically explored in this popular "girl-like-
me" book

Hansen, Joyce. The Gift-Giver. Clarion Books, 1980 8-12

Fifth-grader Doris meets Am, the new boy in her Bronx neighbor-
hood A gentle loner, he helps her to becon e her own person and to
understand others better Their story offers a positive perspective on
life in the inner city

Keats, E,ra Jack The Trip. Greenwillow Books, 1978. 4 7.

Louie moves with his family to a new neighborhood and is unhappy
because he has no friends In his imagination he takes a trip to his
old home Vibrant illustrations enhance the poignant story. (Picture

Lloyd, Errol Nini at Carnival. Thomas Y Crowell, !9'k 4 7.

It's carnival tim- in Jamaica, tyut poor littlz Nini ha. no costume
But there is lots of =Tic around at carnivai time, and lo and behold,
antemporarj Realistic Fiction

a rea! fail godmother deftly transforms Null into a queen, using

only a piece of bright cloth.
Malmgren, Ulf (translator Joan Tate). When the Leaves Begin to Fall.
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978. 10-12.
Late one summer Lena and Joel, shy, unsure twelve-year-olds, dis-
cover a uniquely perfect friendship. They agree that their secret
friendship will last until the leaves begin to fall. A sensitive, beau-
tifully conceived evocation of adolescence and first lobe.

Mark, Jan. Thunder and Lightnings. Illus. Jim Russell. Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1976. 10-12.
The Norfolk countryside is vastly different from London, and
Andrew dreads the tirst day at a new school. Then he meets Victor,
an unconventional youngster with a passion for airplanes and little
success in the classroom
Numeroff, Laura Joffe Amy for Short. Macmillan Publishing, 1976. 7-10.
Amy is different. She's tall, very tall. Her friendship with Mark is
threatened when she grows taller than he. Youngsters will enjoy
learning the secret of the Captain Crunchy Decoder Ring, and it
may set off a cram of code writing. (Picture book)
Paterson, Katherine Bridge to Terabithia. Illus. Donna Diamond Thomas
Y Crowell, 1977 10-12
Leslie, the 9ew girl in school, is worldly in comparison'to Jess with
his rule( Virginia background Their differences diminish, however,
through their love of running They become friends and create a
secret imaginary kingdom of Terabithia The strength of their shared
experiences enables Jess to cope with Leslie's tragic accidental death
1978 New berg Award
Sachs, Marilyn. A Secret Friend. Doubleday, 1978 8 12
Jessica is unhappy because her best friend won't have anything to do
with her She decides on an unusual plan to make Wendy j -1, us It
doesn't work, but a happy surprise results.
Stepan, Jan The Alfred Summer. Macmillan Publishing, 1980. 10 -up
Four preteen friends seek to fulfill their dreams by building a boat in
the basement of their apartment building Two of them are handi-
capped, but the expert characterintion done without sentimentality
helps young readers to identify with them.
Sorensen, Virginia. Friends of the /load. Atheneum, 1978. 10-12.
Cathy and Pipi.,a aad beccrn:,. frtir.!E Mnrnren where
their fathers are with the American and British foreign services
respectively. Both are distressed when Pippa must return to England
for school. Fine character portrayal and description of setting.
Growing up 175

Stolz, Mary Cider Days. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978 8- 12

To replace a best friend who has moNed is not easy as Polly LeN, is
discovers. But new neighbor Consuela Christina Machado and her
famous artist mother become a special project for Polly and her
warm, happy Vermont family in this sequel to Ferris Wheel. Friend-
ship results.

Wade, Anna. A Promise Is for Keeping. Photographs by Jon Petersson.

Childrens Press, 1979.6-9
Kathy and Susan find a beautifdl bracelet at the beach. When no
one claims it, they take weekly turns wearing it Their friendship
snags when Kathy deliberately keeps the bracelet too long. Discus-
sions of honesty and dependaI ' y logically follow the reading of
this book. Full-page color photographs. (Picture book)

Growing Up

Bridgman, Elizabeth. If I Were a Eloise. lus by author. Dodd. Mead,

1977.5 7
Incongruities result when Jenny fantasizes that she is a horse engag-
ing in her everyday actin toes She enjoys the idea of fooling people
until she realizeg that she might go unrecognized Catoonlike illus-
trations catch the changing moods of this story with its hr-yourself
theme. (Picture book;

Carrick, Malcolm. Tramp, Harper & Row. Publishers. 1977 6 10

A lOnely boy whose only friends exist in his imagination brings food
to a tramp he finds near a 1 ondon railway After -,oral days the
tramp disappears without saying good-bye, leasing the boy saddened
but with a new sense of his own worth (Picture book)

Cleary, Beverly ,Ramona and Her Mother. thus Alan Iiegreen William
Morrow, 1979 6-9
Ramona feels unloved and left cut when both Mr and Mrs Quimby
go to work and many i.cusehold routines are changed She suffers
the trials of learning to deal with growing up in this humorous story,
and her mother finds a special way of showing Ramona how much
she is loved

Cohen, Barbara The Innkeeper's Daughter, Lathrop. I cc & Shepard

Books, 1979 10 up
A young widow in the 1940s entures into the hotel business, and the
story of that enterprise is narrated ht her sixteen-year-old daughter
I he romant vual needs of notn anc caugniei reL.Avt.
tasteful and moderat,:i, ilk treatment in art appealing hook
Contemporary Reahs lu Fulton

Delton, Judy, and' Elaine Knox-Wagner. The Best Nom in the World.
Illus. John Faulkner. Albert Whitman, 1979. 4 -7
Lee Henry's doting mother is the best mom in the world, she does
everything for him. Suddenly a frightening change takes place a
baby-sitter comes in after school, and Mom begins to ask Lee Henry
for help! A useful book for i iscussions on growing independence
and helping others. (Picture book)

Grimes, Nikki. Growin'. Illus. Charles Lilly. Dial Press, 1977. 10 15.
Pumpkin Jackson's fatner understands why she writes poetry When
he dies. it seems that only hatred is left. hatred towards her mother
and everyone else. Pump's friendship with Jim Jim. the class bully.
enables both young people to accept themselves and the indisiduals
in their neighborhood. Black culture is an important part of the
book. but the story is for all growing people.

Hunter, Mollie. The Third Eye. Harper & Row, Publishers. 1979 10 up
Fourteen-year-old Jinty sees with a third eye. knowing things without
knowing now she knows When she is called to tell what she knows
about the Earl of Ballinford. she learns something about herself and
her Scottish family.
Hurtnence. Belinda. Tough Tiffany. Doubleday. 1980 10 12

Tiffany, youngest member of a poor black family in a small North

Carolina city. thinks of herself as a tough kid, the only one who
can stand up to her bossy, stingy grandmother In spite of her brace
front eleven-year-old Tiffany's fears and dreams are the same as
those many young people face.

Iverson, Genie. I Want to Be Big. Illus. David McPhail E P Dutton.

1979 4-7.
A little girl wants to be big, big enough for a second ice _ream cone
but not big enough for even one helping of peas. This book of "big
enough" comparisons is charmingly illustrated with black and white
line drawings (Picture book)
Johnston. Norma The Sanctuary Tree. Atheneum. 1977. 12 up
Fifteen-year-old -Fish's feelings of displeasure and compulsion are
evident as she learns to cope with change. Trying to accept her
grandfather's death and the selling of his farm meshed with other
personal struggles force her tc examine her inner feelings Under-
standing one's self is the central theme.

Klein. Norma Tomboy. Four Winds Press, 1978. 8 12

Toe, who first appeared in Confessions of an Only Oita reit,' ns.
now :en years old and fighting against growing up Toe hates getting
hi period and giving up dolls. Her friendships with Libby and

IL 1
Growing Up 177

Jimmy undergo changes Through it all Toe receives v.-rn and

loving support from her lawyer mother and housekeeper father

Konigsburg, E. L. Throwing Shadows. Atheneum, 1979. 10- up.

The relationship-if five young adolescents with the people around
them are explored in five short stories written in first person Dialect
and gentle humor give each story individuality The problems each
character encounters would encourage class discussion if the book
were read aloud.

Little, Lessie Jones, and Eloise Greenfield. I Can Do It by Myself. Illus

Carole Byard. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978. 6-9.
Donny grows a little when he completes a task he has set for *self
buying a plant for his mother's birthday. He meets a scary challenge
on the way home Beautiful black and white sketches with muted
wash background and a sensitive use of black dialect and syntax
(Picture book)
MacLachlan, ?atncia. Arthur, for the Very First Time. Illus Lloyd Bloom
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980 9-12.
Arthir's tenth summer is horrible; his mother is expecting a baby
and he must stay with an eccentric aunt and uncle. His new friend
Moira dubs him "Mouse," but when he acts with maturity in a crisis.
she calls him Arthur for the very first time Gradually, Arthur begins
to look at himself and others in a new way

Rabe, Bermece The Girl Who Had No Name. E. P Dutton, 1977 12 up

Girlie knows something is wrong when, after Mama's death, every-
one begins whispering. Then Papa doesn't want her at home, so she
moves from one poor sister to another But twelve-year-old G.rlie
has determination and talent. Ultimately she .works out the mystery
or her parentage. copes with the painful facts of growing up. and
c'aims her own identity Mature readers
Sachs, Marilyn A Summer's Lease. E P. Dutton, 1979 12 up
At fifteen Glora is a gifted writer, fiercely compctittvc, and not at all
attractive A summer in the mountains and a tough-minded English
teacher lift her out of a bitter self-absorption that has not allowed
her to form normal friendships A very special book for the sp,:cial

Schick, Eleanor Home Alone. Dial Ptess, 1980 4 7

Andy must stay by himself from the time school is out until his
mother returns from work Her reassuring note enables him to handle
his time nicely and reinforces his mother's confidence in him If the
ld1 tall 1Zu:y can he HtInfid
Comforting illustrations (Picture book)
178 Contemporary Reahstu Fiction

Stolz, Mary Ferris Whet:. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 9-12.
Polly is without a best friend. Accepting that, learning to get along
with brother Rusty, sharing pony Blondel, and welcoming newcomer
Consueta are all part of a summer of growing in Vermont. Style
and content locument contemporary female life-styles and current
parenting practices

Terris. Susan. Stage Brat. Four Winds Press, 1980 :0-up.

Thirteen-year-old Linnet grows lip while playing her first major role
in a repertory theater company. Oddly enough. the role is Peter Pan
The theater detail is excellent, and the plot is simple enough to be
readily understood yet complex enough to hold the reader's interest

Wilkinson. Brenda. Ludell and Willie. Harper & Row, Publishers. 1977
12 -up
Grandmother IS changing from the kind loving person who raised
Ludell to a sick, mean old lady 1 udell struggles with problems at
home and at school, with a lob cleaning for w hite folk. and with the
growing aware' ess of her love for Willie A poignant story of a
young black girl growing up in Georgia

Yep. Laurence Child of the Owl. Harper & Row. Publishers. 1977 10 12
When mei% e-year-old Case: 's father is hospitalised, she goes to stay
with her maternal giandmother in San Francisco's Chinatown I here
she learns a whole new way of life Leaining about her Chinese
heritage h, 1ps her begin to understand h-,!rr place in the world

Yep. Laurence Sea Glass. Harper & Row. Publishers, 1979 10 up

Craig, a Chinese-American, moles to California and has difficulty
making friends and finding Yalue in himself His father wants him to
excel in sports. but overweight Craig has few talents in that direction
and little inte-est An acquaintance with a sag. old Chinese man
helps Craig achiese self-understanding

Young, Helen A Throne for Sesarnt. Illus Shirley Hughes Andre

Deutsch. 1979 4 7
1Sesame and her siblings like tne baby's high chair Just for tut,.
Se,ame squeezes into it and gets stuck. Not one to ni,ss the class
party. Sesame and the high chair go to school Lentually released.
she experiences a sariets of feelings about growing up I iyely humor,
realistic illustrati,ns, and a enciii-ig (Picture hook)

Zolotow. Charlotte Someone New. Illus Frik Blegyad Harper & Row
Publishers. 1978 4 8
A young boy has mixed feelings as he fealties that he is growing up
tsen ihougn eyery wing is in tun. ,61i,

I L-
Handicaps 179

thing is missing: "Someone's gone. Someone's missing and I know

who . . . I am someone new." A simple, perceptive picture story

book about a young child growing up. (Picture book)

AHen, Marjorie N. One, Two, ThreeAh-Choo! Illus. Dick Gackenbach.
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980. 5-8.
Wally Springer has an allergy problem. He cannot have the usual
pets; they make him sneeze He tries frogs and snakes without much
luck. His final pet is a winner: a hermit crab The book is valuable
for youngsters suffering from allergies because it explores alterna-
tives. (Picture book)

Arthur, Catherine. My Sister's Silent World. Photogranhs by Nathan

Talbot. Childrens Press, 1979 6-9.
Big sister describes what the world is like to her deaf little sister.
Heather, just eight years old. Beautiful full-page color photographs
show Heather and her family at the zoo Heather likes what all
children like, but others often misunderstand. (Picture book)

Baldwin, Anne Norris A Little Time. Viking Press, 1978 8-12

Sarah loves her younger brother and easily repeats her mother's
explanation of why he is different But when Matt almost ruins her
birthday party she cannot accept the reality of has ing a mongoloid
brother. Down's Syndrome is. openly and sympathetically discussed
as :!...rah learns to deal with her feelings

Bates, Betty. Love Is like Peat uts.Boliday House, 1980. 10- up

Mariannt. fourteen, has a summer job that leads to romance Her
major responsibility is the care of a brain-damaged girl, whose
brother provides the love angle The story explores these relation-

Clifton, Lucille My Friend Jacob. Illus. Thomas DiGiazia E P Dutton.

1980 6 -9
A warm relationship exists between eight-year-old Sam and his
mentally retarded friend Jacob, who is sixteen Jacob's talents keen
aim for basketball and instant recognit,on of cars are highlighted
The illustrations extend the mood of the story, and the hook makes
a fine starter for discussion. (Picture book)

Cookson, Catherine Go Tell It to Mrs. Golightly. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard

Books, 1977 8 12
Bella Dodd, .i blind girl of eight, is sent to %isit her cold, abrupt
grandfather Befriended by serious, fourteen-year-old ,1ohn, whom

Contemporart Realistic Fiction

the grandfather asks to help her, Bella finds exciting adYenture,

including a kidnapping Ey entually she w las her grandfather's lose

Fanshawe. Elizabeth Rachel. Illus Michael C ton Bradbury Press,

1977 5 -8
Rachel recounts her awl) life in a matter-of-fact, cheerful narrative
that includes discussion of her wheelchair and the limitat.ons of
being unable to walk The overall impression conveyed by the
book both text and eravvings---is that of a child who enjoys
normal activities and who accepts without fuss what she cannot do
(Picture book)

Garrigue, Sheila Between Friends. Bradbury Press. 1978 10 12

When Jill leaves California and moves to Massachusetts during the
summer. Very few girls her age ar. around She becomes friendly
with Dede, a retarded girl Her mother and the friends Jill later
makes exert pressure on her to abandon the friendship

Gold, Phyllis Please Don't Say Hello. Photographs, by Call Baker

Human Sciences Press. 1976 8 -12
I he mother of a nine-year-old autistic child describes the frightening
and disturbing world of her son so Soong readers will understand
and,recognize this childhood disorder Photc -raphs complement the
sensitise, inforMatie text

Hanlon. Emily The Swing. Bradbury Press, 1979 10 up

A swing. a lie, and a bear hunt aie significant elements in this-story
of Beth. an eleYen-year-old deaf girl. and Danny, a thirteen-year-old
boy with family problems A moving story of friendship

Haynes, Henry Louis Squarehead and Me. Illus I en E pstein Westminster

Press. 1980 8 12
Two city boys hate a chance to spend some time on a farm [)a\ id
tries to help Squarehead, who has a learning disability 1 he story
directs attention to the problems of children with handicaps

Heide, Florence Parry Secret Dreamer, Secret Dreams. J 8 I ippincott.

1978 12 up
1he story of thirteen-year-old Caroline, told as she would tell it if
she could talk, is compa,sionateh; written I he reader shares the
menvil handicapped girl's frustrations as she attempts to
in A haunting insight in o the life of a
stand44ibiworld she lies
silent pe

Hermes. Patricia What If They Knew? Harcourt Brace JoYanovich, 1980

12 up
Jeremy's summer with her grandparents naslbeen pei

Handwa 181

finds out that her parents won't be returning from England until
December, she dreads going to a new school because of her epilepsy
How she and her friends handle her fears is a warm, humorous story

!ones, Ron. The Acorn People. Illus. Tom Parker Abingdon Press, 1978.
This is an unusual and touching story of a camp counselor who
works with massively handicapped children. The making of acorn
necklaces at Camp Wiggin draws the campers together and gives the
children confidence. The reader's love for and understanding of these
children grows as the story unfolds.

Kent, Deborah. Belonging. Dial Press, 1978 I2-up

Having attended the Institute for the Blind for nine years, fifteen-
year-old Meg Hollis wants to go to a regular high school Many of
her adjustment problems stem from attitudes she encounters Meg
matures as she realizes that instead of trying to be like others, she
must value and nourish her own uniqueness. Much of the book
is autobiographical.

Kingman, Lee. Hand over Wheels. Houghton Mifflin, 1978 l2 -up

Seventeen-year-old identical twins, Keryy and Terry,i share every-
thing. hats, sports, thoughts, and the automobile accident that leaves
Terry a quadriplegic This story of a family devastated emotionally
and financi 45, but finding strength to pick up life )s told with
honesty and sensitivity

Lasker, Joe. Nick Joins In. Illus by author. Albert Whitman, 1980 6 9
Nick worries about going to school How will he get up the stairs in
his wheelchair? Will he be liked? Nick's teacher in a fnert and
open manner helps his classmates satisfy their natural curiosity a ut
Nick When Nick retrieves the ball from the roof, he is appreciate&
by all and gains self-confidence (Picture book)

Litchfield, Ada B Words in Our Hands. Illus Helen Cogancherry Albert

Whitman, 1980 8-12
Michael's parents are deaf They talk with their hands and nine-year-
old Michael is proud ku them When the family moves to a new
town, however, children make fun of his parents Suddenly, Michael
is embarrassed. A sensitive story which offers much information
about the deaf.

MacLachlak Patncia. Through Grandpa's Eyes. Illus Deborah Ray

Harper & Row, Publishers, 1 gRO 7 I^
A small boyi tells of a day wit\h his blind grandpa, conveying how' the
world :s perceived through grandpa's "eves '! Tbe poctkc text and

Contemporary Realistic Fulton

softly colored illustrations are an excellent combination that enridies

our understanding of blindness and can be1used to stimulate class-
rpom activities on "seeing" without 'eyes. (Picture book)

Reiner, Margaret. My Mother Is Blind. Phptographs by. Philip Lanier

Childrens Press, 1979. 7-10
A young son describes the daily li c of his blind mother. The filtr-'-,,
page colpr photographs and informative text help young readers feel 2
more cofilfortable with blind persons (Picture book)

Smith, Lucia B, A Special Kind -of Sister. Illus (tuck Hall Holt,
nehart and Winston, 1979. 6-9
Changes occur easily in the feeling', of seven-year-old Sarah, sshose
younger brother is retarded; Sometimes she feels overburden led be-
cause she has to do more things than he does; sometimes she is
angry with others becausl they are not axe to him, sometimes she
loves him because he loves her (Picture book)

Stanek, Muriel Growl When You -Say R. Alm., Phil Smith Albeit
Whit 1979. 6-9.
" y name is W'obbie," says Robbie Therein' lies the problem a
difficulty in articulation. A useful book in the best sense of word,
this easy reader can be used for discussion in a variety of sit tions
(Picture book)

ter Haar Jaap (translator Martha Mearns) The World of Ben Lighthart.
Seymour Lawrence, 1977 10 up ..t

An accident legve.: Ben blind, and he is forced to mak,.. a new life tor
himself Gradually he comes to terms with his world of darkness
and agrees to attendcia special school. Told from his point of slew,
the story conveys'the ifficulties of his day-to-day adjustments

Wahl. Jan. Jamie's Tiger. Illus Tonne de Paola Harcourt Brace Jovano-
vich, 1978. 5 8
A sudden hearing loss resulting from German measles leases young
.ramie a lonely stranger in his familiar environment 1 ove and sup-
port from family and professionals help Jamie reestablish his place
The moving -tory and illuttrations sensitwe the reader to the struggle
of a hearing-impaired child (Picture book)

Young, Helen. What Difference Does It Make, Danny? Illus Quentin

Blake. Andre Deutsch, 1980 8 12
Danny, who has epilepsy, is good at sports and loves eserything.
about the gym, esen the smell of old plimsolls Until now, his
disability. controlled by medication. has been handled openly by
parents. teachers. and classmates When the new games master bars

Humor 183

Danny from competitive sports, he reacts by retreating from every-

thing and everyone, but all is resolved when 'ie plays truant and
rescues a child from drowning Youngsteis will enjoy the challenge
of the Britishisms in this story published first in Great. Britain


Adler, David A. You Think It's Fun to Be a Clown! Illus Ray Cruz.
Doubleday, 1980. 4-7.
"Clowning is not fun at all!" exclaims the clown. Clowns are shot
from cannons, cut in half by magicians, chased by wild beasts, and
squirted by elephants. A surprise awaits the reader Lively, colorful
pictures accompany the energetic rhymed text. (Picture book)

Alexander, Sue. Marc the Magnificent. Illus. Tomie de Paola Pantheon

Books, 1978. 4-7. .,

Marc's fantasy of being a renowned magician is "ballooned" on

every other pitge; the intervening scenes offer reality. His attempts
and finally his success in making a coin disappear provide the story
line. Fur-colftr illustrations effectively portray the grandiose dreams,
the failures, and the satisfaction of accomplishment (Picture book)
Angell, Judie. In Summertime It's Tuffy. Bradbury Press, 1977. 10 up.
Tuff)/ and her companions in Bunk Ten are having a wonderful year
at camp- except for Uncle Otto, the head counselor. The girls devise
a plan to get even and the results are disastrous and unexpected
Aylesworth, Jim. Hush Up! Illus. Glen Rounds Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1980 4-7
Taking a nap on a hot afternoon is so easy for lazy Jasper Walker
and his barnyard animals Then a nasty horsefly bites the mule's
nose and sets off a crazy chain of events. Young listeners especially
will enjoy this silly farm tale enlivened by very comic illustrations
(Picture book)

Barrett, Judi. I Hate to Go to Bed. Illus Ray Crui Four Winds Press,
1977 4 7
Humorous drawings help a child envision the many reasons for not
going to bed Further reflection, however, reveals a pleasant side to
bedtime in this reassuring story. (Picture book)

Blume, Judy. Superfudge. E. P. Dutton, 1980. 8 up.

Peter Hatcher is disturbed about the disruptions in family life As if
having an irritating brother like Fudge isn't enough, Dad quits his
job to write a book, the family moves to the suburbs, and baby sister
Contemporari Realistic Fu non

is on the way Eventually family life straightens out to everyone's

Bram, Elizabeth Woodruff and the Clocks. Dial 'ress, 1980 6-9
Four easy-tc-read stories tell about Woodruff, an imaginative boy
who loves his cats, clocks, and dreams Happy feelings and good
ideas to carry over into classrciiim or ;some life abound (Picture,
Bridgman, Elizabeth. How to Travel with Grownups. Illus Eleanor
Hazard. Thomas Y Crowell, 1980 4 7
The text of this clever book gives sound advice to youngsters travel-
ing with adults, but the hilarious, detailed illustrations show the real
story line of twins who do just the opposite. (Picture book)
Bridgman, Elizabeth. New Bog Next Door. Harper & Row. Publishers.
1978. 3-5
The neighbor's new dog likes a boy so much that he helps
with such tasks as taking out the garbage and guarding the houst.
Much of the humorous story is conveyed through line drawings
(Picture book)
Cresswell, Helen. Absolute Zero: Being the Second Part of the Bagthorpe
Saga. Macmillan Publishing, 1978 10 up
After Uncle Parker wins a Caribbean cruise in a slogan writing con-
test, the Bagthorpe family, in their usual deliciously wacky manner,
moves into the Era of Competitive Entering Jack's dog. Zero,
becomes the idol of a dog food company. Second of a British series

Cresswell, Helen Bagthorpes Unlimited: Being th,- TWA Part of the

Bagthorpe Saga. Macmillan Publi.,hing, 1978. 10 up
Even w hen running smoothly, life in the Bagthorr' household is a
fair imitation of bedlam When Grandma plans a tamely reunion,
things inexorably go from worse to disaster Third of a PritisIt series
Mild profanity
C'resswell, Helen. Bagthorpes V. the World: Being the Fourth Part of the
Bagthorpe Saga. Macmillan Publishing. 1979 10 up
An overdrawn bank account sets Mr. Bagthorpe on a course of
self-sufficiency, and the Bagthorpe estate expands to include a goat,
beer making, and vegetable gardens. The situation is complicated by
rich Great-aunt Lucy's visit and four-year-old Daisy's "funerals
Fourth of a British series. Mild profanity
Cresswell, Helen. Ordinary Jack: Being the First Part of the Bagthorpe
Saga. Macmillan Publishing, 1977. 10 up.
The Bagthorpes are highly volatile geniuses, all except Jack, who is

Pumor 185

just plain ordinary. With the connivance of a sympathetic uncle,

horsy/ever, Jack begins to foretell the future, and his extraordinary
behavior throws the whole family into an uproar. Daisy, a preco-
cious four-year-old incendiary; adds to the hilarious confusion. First
of a British series.

Croll, Carolyn. Too Many Babas. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 4-7
Baba decides to make soup and three other babas come to help her.
Each decides what is needed in the way of flavoring. How they
resoive the dilemma of the spoiled broth makes a delightful story.
This easy-to-read book has appealing%ctures and a wordless section.
(Picture book)

Danziger, Paula. There a Bat in Bunk Five. Delacorte Press, 1980. 10-up.
Foi:rteen- year -old Marcy from The Cat Ate My Gymsuit is a
counselor-in-training at Ms. Finney's creative arts camp. Marcy and
her fellow campers have delightful escapades as she deals with typical
camp problems--and falling in love!

Frascino, Edward. Eddie Spaghetti. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.

Eddie is nine years old and growing up in Yonkers during the 1940s
Except for the setting, the ten episodes are timeless as Eddie goes to
the zoo, trains his dog, plays his first piano recital, ar d outsmarts
the neighborhood gang. A humorous look at growing up in the 'old

Gage, Wilson Down in the Boondocks. llius Glen Rounds Greenwillow

Books, 1977. 6-9.
Rhyme, rhythm, and repetition are delightful elements in this story
of a farmer who is deaf in one ear. He uses an ear trumpet, but his
wife hollers, and the rooster crows loudly All this noise scares away
a would-be robber. Lively illustrations. (Picture book)

Giff, Patricia Reilly. Next Year 111 Be Spedal. thus. Marylin Hafner. E P
Dutton, 1980. 5-8.
Marilyn has mean Miss Minch in first grade, but she knows that
school will be different when she has Miss Lark as her second-grade
teacher. She's sure everyone will send her valentines and invite her
to partiesnext year shell be special (Picture book)
Gilson, Jamie. Harvey, the Beer Can King. Illus John Wallner. Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard Books, 1978. 10-up
Harvey is vying with his friend Quint in the sixth-grade Superkids
Contest He's sure hell win because he has the greatest beer can
collection in town. Exaggerations like this get Harvey in trouble ove,
and over again, but his escapades make hilarious reading

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Greenwald, Sheila It All Began with Jane Eyre. Little, Brown, 1980.
Franny loves to read, especially in the closet with a bag of chips She
decides to keep a diary in the hope that exciting adventures will
begin to happen to her, adventures like those experience(' by the
heroines in the teenage romances her mother gives her to read
Curiously, strange things do start to happen.

Hann, Jacquie. Up Day, Down Day. Illus. by author Four Winds Press,
1978. 6-9.
This first-person account tells how one friend caught a fish and the
other caught a cold. Jeremy seems to be on the plus side of life until
a unique turn of events. Simple vocabulary, brief text, and pictures
to make a reader giggle. (Picture book)

Heide, Florence Parry. Banana Twist. Holiday House, 1978 8 12

Two boys meet in their apartment elevator and a hilarious tale

unfolds. Jonah thinks Goober is weird, but they have some fascinat-
ing adventures together Throughout the story Jonah hopes to be
accepted by a private school. He succeeds, and his roommate is a
real surprise. A 'Pugh-filled story

Heller, Linda. Horace Morris. Macmillan Publishing, 1980 7 10

Always-punctual Horace Morris goes to Emmaline's house for din-
ner, but no one is home. Each of the Pottertons- Effimaline, her
mother, and her father arrives late and offecs preposterous explana-
tions. Horace doesn't believe then until he reads about their esca-
pades in the newspaper Uninuat 'perspectives in these intriguing
illustrations. (Picture book)

Hirsch, Linda The Sick Story. Illus John Wener Hastings House, Pub-
lishers, 1977 8 12.
Miranda stays home from school with a slight head cold and :cis
super ;oom service from Mom and Dad But when classmate
Rebecca tells her there is one good part left in the school play,
Miranda finds herself in a dilemma Humorously written and illus-
trated and excellent for discussions on responsibility

Hurwitz, Johanna Aldo Applesauce. Illus John Waldner William Mor-

row, 1979. 7 10.
This sequel to Much Ado about Aldo is entertaining and easy to
read Aldo, a vegetarian, has an accident in the
lunchroom in his
new school, which gives him the nickname of Applesauce He aim,
wins the friendship of Dede, a girl who wears a moustache (Picture

1 95
Humor 187

Hurwitz, Johanna. Much Ado about Aldo. illus. John Wanner William
Morrow: 1978. 6-9.
Eight-year-old Aldo, an animal lover, is intensely interested in school.
His teacher announces that their next classroom science project will
be the study of crickets in the terrarium. All goes well until chame-
leons are introduced and the crickets become their prey Aldo makes
a decision. Pencil sketches.

Hutchins, Pat. Don't Forget the Bacon! Greenwillow Books, 1976 4-7
Colorful drawings illustrate the story in rhyme of a boy sent to the
grocery to get four items for his mother. Despite his best efforts to
remember the list, experiences along the way,lead to confusion for
the boy but giggles for the reader. (Picture book)

Inkiow, Dimiter (translator Paula McGuire). Me and Clara and Snuffy

the Dog. Illus. Traudl Reiner and Walter Reiner. Pantheon Books,
1980. 6 9
"Me" and Clara and Snuffy have days that are filled with action and
mischief. They do good deeds, but they ai =o give their parents'
clothes away, break dishes, and count on their fingers and toes to
solve math problems. Delightful characters and cartoon-like illustra-
tions---just right for reading alotid to a class (Picture book)

Kahl, Virginia Whose Cat Is That? Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979 5 8

The same white cat be:omes the property of seven houses When a
government committee checks on the "seven" cats, the children make
sure that a different cat is at each house The ears become red, tne
paws are blackened, and so on A cumulative tale with a happy
ending. (Picture book)

Krasilovsky, Phyllis The Man Who Tried to Save Time. Illus Marcia
Sewell. Doubleday, 1979 6-9.
A man who lives with his cat has developed a good schedule He eats
breakfast, feeds his cat, cleans his oust:, and gets to work on time
When he decides to be lazy., he has to figure out a way to save time
He has trouble (Picture book)

Levy, Elizabeth Frankenstein Moved In on +he Fourth Floor, Illus

Mordicai Gerstein Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979 8 12
Sam and Robert are on a Frankenstein and Dracula kick dolls,
books, movies, television. When ill-tempered Mr Frank moves into
their apartment building w.th his boxes of wires and radio tubes,
the boys do a little sleuthing A suspense-tilled story good to read
aloud by chapters and a springboard to discussions about fears and

19G /
Contemporary Realistic Fietion

Myers, Walter Dean. Mojo and the Russians. Viking Press, 1977 10-12.
While bicycling, Dean upsets an old woman suspected to have Mop
power. To save him, Ilis Harlem friends become involved with the
Russian consul, New York's finest, and even the FBI

Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Eddie, incorporated. Illus. Blanche Sims.

Atheneum, 1980. 7-10.
Twelve-year-old Eddie wants to operate his own business. Everyone
else in his family is gainfully employed, and Eddie decides to test his
abilities. He opens a baby-sitting agency and learns about profit,
loss, and competition. A humorous story with black and white
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. How Lazy Can You Get? Illus. Alan Daniel.
Atheneum, 1979. 8-10.
Miss Brasscoat comes to take care of the three Megglethorp children
for the week equipped with everything but a smile. The children
attempt to give her one, and their efforts make the reader laugh out
loud. Pen and ink wash drawings add to the humor

O'Connor, Jane. Yours Til Niagara Falls, Abby. Illus. Margot Apple.
l'astings House, Publishers, 1979. 10-12
Summer at Camp Pinecrest brings the new recruit, Abby Kimmel,
and last year's camp klutz, Roberta Harrison, together Abby, dread-
ing a two-month ordeal at camp without her best friend, learns to
survive with style and to extend her friendship to others.

Orbach, Ruth Apple Pigs. Illus. by author William Collins Publishers,

1976 8 10.
With care and attention, an oserachieving apple tree produces so
much fruit that the family doesn't know how to dispose of the
surplus Even the bunk beds and trunks are fiCed' What to do?
Many answers are given, including directions for making apple pigs
Rhyming text and bright drawings. (Pictore book)

Parish, Peggy. Amelia Bede lia Helps Out. Illus. Lynn Sweat Greenwillow
Books, 1979 7 10
Amelia Bedelia has a helper, niece Effie Lou Although Effie Lou
doesn't quite understand the instructions, she is eager to help "dust"
the potato bugs and "scw" the seeds The double trouble these two
make for themselves makes a delightfol easy-to-read book (Picture
Parish. Peggy. Be Rer4 at Eight. Illus. I.eonard Kes ler Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1979. 6-9.
Today is a special day for absent-minded Miss Molly She is sure of
it because she tied a string around her finger All day she goes about

Humor 189

asking he friends what day it is until finally she remembers the

birthday surprise Humorous illustrations add to the fun (Picture

paish, Peggy. Teach Us, Amelia Bede lia. Illus Lynn Sweat Greenwillow
Books, 1977 6 -9.
Imagine Amelia Bedelia as a substitute teacher! She leads the chil-
dren to plant bulbs, practice play, ard take away appl,:s in the most
literal way The day is saved and everyone made happy with her
taffy apples. (P\cture book)

Parker, Nancy Winslco, Poofy Loves Company. lilus by author. Dodd,

Mead, 19is0. 5-8.
Well-groomed Sally and her mother pay a social c..111 and meet
Poofy, a dog whc has no social graces Poofy loses Satly's company
because he triumphs in every encounter A disheveled Sally leases
and Poofy is content with Sally's belongings Marvelous satire in
text and illustrations
Paterson, Diane If I Were a Toad. Dial Press, 1977 5 8
A child imitates the behavior of many creatures With few words
and humorous drawings, this small book will fit tiny hands Teachers
may find it useful for introducing creative movements (Picture book)

Peck, Robert Newton. Trig. Illus Pamela Jolinsor Little. Brown, 1977
Elizabeth 1 rigman hates her name, loves her Shirley h_mple doll
named Fred, idolizes Tom Mix, and proudly owns an official junior
G-man machine gun. This feisty young Vermont farm girl romps
her way through hilarious adventures to the horror of her parents
and the embarrassment of the neighborhood bullies

Phelan, Terry Wolfe The Week Mom Unplugged the TVs, Illus Joel
Schick Four Winds Press, 1979 7 10
Mom pulls the plug on television for a week, and the family expert-
en, :es television withdrawal symptoms 1 his amusing story captures
the problem of three youngsters held captive by the television set

Pinkwater, Daniel M The Big Orange Splot. Hastings House, Publishers,

1977. 6-9.
On Mr Plumbean's street all the houses look alike. One day in
orange splot appeared on his roof. "You will have to repaint your
house," said his neighbors. Mr. Plumbean did but not in the
manner everyone expected (Picture book)
Pinkwater. Daniel M The Last Guru. Dodd, Mead, 1978. 10 up
Twelve- year -old Harold Blau possesses an extraordinary financial
sense, and he soon amasses the world's third largest fortune Al-

190 Contemporari Realistic Fiction

though the story is given a realistic setting, it soon spins into a

humorous tall tale.

Prager, Annabelle. fhe Surprise Party. Illus. Tomie de Paola Pantheon

Books. 1977 6-9.
Nicky wants a surprise birthcliy, party so he asks AI to plan it for
him. Nicky, however, keeps tefftng Al what to do for the party In
the end, Nicky is really surprised! The party is a great success.
(Picture book)

Segal, Lore. Tell Me a Trudy. Illus Rosemary Wells Farrar. Straus &
Giroux, 1977 5-8
The three "Trudies in the book stretch from almost possible to
fantastic. They d.,al with going to bed, sharing, and routing the
Martians from the bathroom. The stories are simply told and reflect
a loving family situation. Watercolor illustrations are warm and
appealing. (Picture booK)

Sharmat, Marjorie, and Mitchell Sharmat 11m Not a Pest. Illus Diane
Dawson E. P Dutton, 1979 4 7
Alicia is not a pest, or so she says Besides, her attempt to disco..'er
the bark in her brother's mechanical dog ioight pay off in some
future important invention, or her trumpet blatting could lead to
musical fame Large black and white illustrations add to the humor
(Picture book)

Snyder, Anne. The Old Man and the Mule. Illus Mila La/arevich Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1978 7 10
Stublibrn Zeke and his old mule, Tully, enjoy a relationship based
on mutual bad temper and mean tricks Inheriting a used tractor
gives Zeke his chance to get rid of "luny, orly to discover that he is
lonely and can't get along without the old mug; Illustrations are
large, clear and funny. Good for discussion of human relationships
(Picture book)

Spier, Peter Oh, Were They Ever Happy! Doubleday, 1978 5 8

When the sitter doesn't show up, the three Noonan children decide
to paint the house Fach page reveals more of the undertaking I he
final double-page spread shows the multiroloied house A colorful
delight (Ficture book)

Spnngstubb, T ricia. My Minnie Is a Jewel. Illus Jim 1 amarche Carol-

rhoda Books, 1980 4 7
The theme of an old Scandinavian tolktale runs through this humor-
ous tale of a woodcutter and his forgetful wife Henry and Minnie
arc very happy with one another, and when th, scenes from her
Humor 191

window captivate Minnie and she forgets what she is doing, i!enry is
always understanding. (Picture book.)
Stevenson, James. "Could Be Worse!" Greenwillow Books, 1977. 5-8
Grandpa leads 'a routine life and always gives a routine answer,
"Could be worse," to anything that is saki. When he overhears Louie
say that Grandpa's life is uninteresting, he decides to tell a great
whopper. The children's comment is, "Could be worse!" Readers
would enjoy trying to top Grandpa's tale. (Picture book)
Ventura, Piero, and Marisa Ventura. The Painter's Trick. Random House,
1977. 5-8.
A poor traveling painter in ItaTy convinces the monks that they need
a mural of St. George and the dragon in their monastery. He then
tricks five of them into believing that the completed painting will
display their likenesses as the courageous Saint. Anticipation runs
high. Colorful cartoon-like drawings add to this delightful story.
(Picture book)
Viorst, Judith. Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. Illus. Ray
Cruz. Atheneum, 1978. 7-10.
Money seems to run through Alexander's pockets like water. Last
Sunday he had a dollar but a series of misfortunes befall him and
soon the money is gone. Humorous illustrations add to the fun
(Picture book)
Wallace, Barbara Brooks The Contest Kid Strikes Again. Illus. Gloria
Kamen. Abingdon Press, 1980. 10-12.
Harvey Small, he cpntest kid, has wort again! And what better to
do with his prize chickens than give them to Hawkins. Mrs Mosley's
English butler, to keep. Unfortunately, someone who is trying to get
rid of Hawkins uses the chickens for foul purposes The results are
Watson, Pauline. The Walking Coat. Illus Tomie de Paola Walker, 1980
Little Scott enjoys wearing his older cousin's cast-off-coat, which
totally envelops him from head to foot. He also enjoys surprising
people who think they are seeing a coat walking about by itself
His humorous adventures will delight young readers as will the
cartoon-style illustrations. (Picture book)
Willard, Nancy. Simple Pictures Are Best. Illus. Tomie de Paola
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976. 6-9.
A shoemaker and his wife being photographed for their wedding
anniversary add one ridiculous thing after another to the scene,
despite the photographer's insistence that "simple pictures are best."

192 Contemporari Reahstic Fiction
A wild melee with an angry bull results in ta very simple picture
indeed. Clever and colorfultlustrations (Picture book)
Wolkoff, Judie. Wally. Bradbury Press, 1977. 8-12.
When two brothers baby sit a chuckawalla lizacd named Wally
without telling their lizard-hating mother, there are bound to be
some problems and a lot of laughs. This large-p 'nt, easy-to-read
book is alsq a delightful choice for reading aloud


Anderson, Mary. Matada's Masterpieces Sal Murdocca Atheneum,

1977. 10-12.
Twelve-year-old Mattie wants to be a detective. When a painting is
stolen 4 lute she is visiting the Brooklyn Museum, Mattie decides
that it is her case and begins investigating.

Baker, Win Chip. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979 8 12

A young drifter comes to a small Idaho town and meets a new

friend He also finds prejudice and a murder in which he. is the prime
suspect -I he story is fast and filled with an unusual number of
true-ta-life experiences

Rellairs. John. The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn. Illus Judith Gwyn

Brown Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978 10 12
Thirteen-year-old Anthony Monday is driven by curiosity in his
efforts to solve the riddle left behind in a poem by Alpheus I
Winterborn, a rich eccentric citizen of Anthony's small town Black
and white sketches; some mild profanity

Bonsai!, Crosby The Case of the Double Cross. Illus by author Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1980 6 9.
The V'izard's priyate eye club does not allow girls to become mem-
bers The boys have a change of heart when Marigold- and her
friends help them solve a puzzling mystery. An easy-to-read book
(Picture book)
Cooney, Caroline B. Safe as the Grave. Illus (sail 0.,kis Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 8 12
Lynn and Victoria are twins but very unlike in temperament Lyn*,
the adventuresome one, quite by accident solves the mystery of a
treasure lost since the Civil War A good story with a believable view
of twin relationships.
Corcoran, Barbara. The Person in the Potting Shed. Atheneum, 1980
10 12
Dorothy and Franklin are eager to spend the summer near New

Myster y 193

Orleans with their mother, but not with her new husband. The two
discover mysterious circumstances bin their stepfather won't listen
The suspense builds until a murder is discovered and the muraerer
confronted. The children are rescued and the (wilily united.

Crayder, Dorothy. The Riddles of Mermaid House. Atheneum, 0'77.

Becky and her family are shunned as newcomersuLdiown. Disap-
pointed, Becky occupies herself by exploring the marsh win re she
encounters some mysterious people, one of whom may be re4ton-
sible for the rash of fires in town. Mrs. Hendrix, who lives in he old
mansion Mermaid House, enlists Becky's help to defend herself and
salve the crimes.

Cunliffe, John. Mr. Gosling and the Great Art Robbery._Illus William
Stobbs, Andre Deutsch, 1979. 6-9.
Mr. Gosling and Sara encounter a terrible mix-up and a mysterious
'Mr. Brown while attempting to deliver a valuable painting Full-
color illustrations combine painting and montage Amusing. light-
hearted mystery. (Picture book)

Curry, Jane Louise. The Bassiimtyte Treast.re. Athed:um, 1978 10 12

All the elements of a successful mystery are Were the old ancestral
home in England with a secret passageway, a ten-year-old American
boy with curiosity and wit, and rumors of a family treasure The
nat...ive never flags and the outcome is believable

Curry, Jane Louise. Ghost Lane. Atheneum, 1979 10 12

Richard's summer with his father turns into an unforgettable achen-
ture when a series of burglaries occur at the inanor house near their
vacation cottage in England. Richard helps solve the mystewh, but
not without great danger to one of his.new friends

Dicks, Terrence. The Baker Street Irregulars in the Case of the Crooked
Kids. Elsevier; Nelson Books, 1978. 10-up.
Dab Robinson and his Baker Street Irregulars have earned the repu-
tation of solving cases that the police can't Their latest escapade
with a kid burglary ring kos them in trouble when the law mistakes
then) for crooks instead of detectives. Another exciting mystery in
this series is The Case of the Blackmail Boys.

Elmore, Patricia Susannah and the Blue House Mystery. Illus John C
Wallner E. P. Dutton, 198P. a 12.
Susannah and Lucy are partners in their own detective agency 1 hey
haven't had much chance to solve any cases until Juliet's grandfather

194 Contemporart. Realistic Fiction

disappears' With Susan,iah in the lead, the girls explore Blue House,
where Grandpa lived, and follow the clues until the mystery is solved

Fife, Dale. Fo That Ghoit! !Bus:Joan Drescher F P Dutton, 1979

Chuck and Jason are in business the following business Glory hires
them to find the ghost who makes noise in her mother's aparent.
When the mystery is solved they get their reward, a plate of salty
peanut fudte
Gelman, Rita Golden. and Joan Richter. Professor Coconut and the Thief.
Illus. Emily McCully. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 7 10
Peter and Sip, eight-year-old detectives, set ,ingenious traps for the
mysterious thief in an anthropologists' camp Linedraw ins illustrate
this fast-moving story about a while boy from the States and his
African friend. The humorous mystery is appropriate for beginning
and reluctant readers

Godden, Rumer. The Rocking Horse Secret. Illus Juliet Stanwell Smith
Viking Press, 1978. 7-10
Tibby's mother works for old ,Mrs. Pomeroy who is %cry rich
T:bby's best friends are Noble., the Rocking _Horse, and Jed, the
handyman. Add a missing will and two nasty nieces and all the
elements for a very happyrading are present

'Hams, Christie. Mystery at the Edge of Two Worlds. lilt's I ou Crockett

Atheneum, 1978. 12- up.
Three teenagers in northwestern Canada set out to discoser who has
been stealing valuable Indian art. Legends of the W 1 Woman of
the Woods make their imaginations run wild as then try to solx e the

Hassler, Jon Four Miles to Pinecone. Frederick Warne, -1977 8 12

While Tom iscabin-sitting in Minnesota, he is attacked by a gang

of thieves, one of whom he knows! How he solyes his problem is the
key to this ,00k.
Heide, Florence ['airy, and Roxanne Heide Mystery of the Forgoitea
Island. Illus. Seymour Fleishman. Albert Whitman, 1980 7 10
Three youngsters fthd adventure and a mystery while on sacation
the north woods The trio helps an old man sase his island and
preserve the environment A fast-paced story for young mystery

Hicks, Clifford B. Alvin Fernald, TV Archorman. Illus Laura Hartman.

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. 10 12
Akin and his friends develop a local tele\ ision news show so success-

Mystery 195

ful that the children ,are invited to appear on network television.

Alvin manages to unravel the mystery of a long-ago hank robbery,
not only cleverly, but on camera and in prime time! Funny and

Hicks, Clifford B. Alvin's Swap Shop. Illus. Bill Sokol. Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 976. 10-12.
Alvin, the "Magnificent Brain," is back again in a sixth adventure. It
all begins when he trades an ant for a collection of dead spiders and
ends up with a swap shop. He becomes involved with Pim, a
Bahamaian boy, and a mystery of a sunken ship develops. Delight-
ful, humorous entertainment.

Hildick, E. W. The Case-of the Phantom Frog. Illus Lisi Weil Macmillan
Publishing, 1979. 8-12.
The McGurk detective organization has taken on another case. This
one involves baby-sitting seven-year-old Bela, 'ho is part of the
mystery. McGurk, Willie, Wanda, Joey, and Brains finally uncover
the solution. HumoroLs black and white drawings.

Hildick, E. W. The Case of the Snowbound Spy. Illus Lisl Weil.

Macmillan Publishing, 1980. 8-!2.
The McGurk detective organization receives a cryptic' message from
an unknown client. In solving this case, they need to have sharp wits
for more code-cracking And for otitwitting a high-level industrial
espionage plot. A good read-aloud book.

Hooker, Ruth, and Carole SMIth. The Pelican Mystery. Illus. George
Armstrong. Albert Whitman, 1977. 10 -12.
Grant and Patti, a brother and sister, happen on a mysterious-acting
diver while searching for a pet pelican and help solve the burglaries
on a Florida key. An easy-to-read mystery with large print and black
and white drawings.

Hooks, William H. The Mystery on Sleeker Street. Illus. Susanna Natti.

Alfred /A . Knopf, 1980. 6-9.
Chase and his seventy-eight-year-old friend Babette observe strange
occurrences at the Star Hotel as they are walking Josephine,
Babette's old dog. Before the mystery is solved, Babette and the dcg
arz kidnapped and ten-year-old Chase must use his ingenuity to save
tnem. Black and white Illustrations.

Keats. Ezra Jack Maggie and the Pirate. Foul Winds Press, 1979, 6 9
Maggie and her pet cricket Niki spend v arm days on the rivet with
frivnds Paco and Katie until one fateful day Nik, is stolen b
I96 Cohteniporart Realistic Fulton

mysterious stranger. I he unexpected, touching ending appeals to

young readers Brilliant collage and wash illustrations accent action
and suspense (Picture hook)

Myers, Walter Dean The Black Peer/ and the Ghost ,v One Mystery after
Another. Illus Robert Quackenbush Viking Pr 1980 7 10.
Dr. Aramy, great detectise, and his friend, Mr Uppley, solse ti e
myste-y of the missing Black Pearl of Kowloon Next, Mr Dibble,
famous ghost chaser, rids Bleek Manor of its ghost Brilliantly color-
ful pictures add sparkle to these two humorous spoofs (Picture
Nayloi, Phyllis Reynolds The Witch Herself. Illus Gail Owens Athen-
eum, 1978 10 12
I ynn and Mouse are sure Mrs. Tuggle is a witch In their search to
prose it, some enticing hints about Mrs 1 uggle's past are uncosered
The girls are desperat.; in their struggle to sase I ynn's mother from
w-hateser has been planned for her by the witch I bird solume of a
trilogy that inclades 14 itch's Sister and Witch Hater

Newman, Robert The Case of the Vanishing Corpse. Atheneum, 1980

10 12
Ar.diew and Sara asses., Scotland Nara not only in locating a missing
corpse but also in recoserirtg stolen diamonds A finely crafted
my stPrs with the same protagonists as the author's earlier Me Case
of the Raker Street Irregulars.

Norton, Brov.ning Wreck of the Blue Plane. Coward, McCann &

Geogni_gan, 1978. 8 "
Alaska becomes the scene for a lost plane containing a fortune
in cash Fourteen-year-old Mark and his older brother are insolsed
in a dangerous search Beliesable characters enrich an exciting plot

Pmpson, Joan Fly into Danger. Atheneum, 1977, 12 up

Margaret Stewart, hying with ha father inAustralia, loses the
beam) of nature and especially the exotic hi in the wilderness
areas of her father's land She is horr.fied to learn that poachers can
profit horn capturing wild birds and smuggling them out of the
country On a thirty-hour flight to England to sisit her mother,
Margaret discosers that there are bird smugglers aboard

itiackenbush, Robert Piet Potter', First Case. Illus by author McGraw-

Hill, 1986 7 10
Piet Potter, boy detective, moses into a new apartment in New York
City and stumbles onto his first case. He helps find - million dollar
inheritance for his neighbors in 3B Mystery tans will also enjoy his
further escapades in Piet Potter Rettern (Picture book)

Mystery 197

Raskin, Ellen. Inc Westing Game. E P. Dutton, 1978. 12 -up

A group of eccentric and zany heirs must discover the circumstances
of a millionaire's death before they can-claim then- inheritance The
clues are funny, the situations are wild, and the whole book is highly
imaginative. 1979 Newbery Award

Rice, Eve. The Remarkable Return of Winston Potter Crisply. Green-

willow Books, 1978. 10 -up.
Rebecca and Maxwell spot their older brother 'n downtown Man-
hattan when he is supposed to be at Harvard. They follow him
discreetly through New York City until they discover his secret N
delightful story that allows the imaginations of children free range

Roberts, Willo Davis. More Mullen Curses. Ilius Sherry Streeter.

Atheneum, 1980. 10-12
Danny accepts the dare to capture Kiler, one of the Caspitorian
cats, in order to earn his membership in a secret club His attempts
at winning over the cat bring him Into contact with its owners, Rosa
and Anna, and the mysteries that surround them

Rosenbloom, Joseph. Maximilian, You're the Greatest. Elsesier Nelson

Books, 1980. 10- 12.
Twelve-year-old Maximilian Augustus Adams is a superior detective
Here is a collection of story puzzles that Max and his friends help
the Mid-Manhattan police solve. The reader is invited to solve them
along with Max. Solutions are given at the end of the book

Schulman, Janet. Jack the Bum and the Haunted House. Illus James
Stevenson. Greenwillow Books, 1977. 6- I I.
Jack the bum gets a new home and almost loses it A mystery in the
house turns out to be more than anyone expected Jack is lucky to
have nice friends An easy-to-read book. (Picture book)

Sharmat, Marjorie W an Nate the Great and the Phony Clue. Illus
Marc Simont sicCann & Geoghegan, 1977. 4-7
Nate is challen,,,u a mysterious clue of four letters. Encouraged
by Sludge, his clt,g, and his friends ne proses his prowess as a
detective to two doubting acquaintances Bold, two-color illustra-
tions. (Picture book)

Shecter, Ben. A Summer Secret. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977 6 9.

During the winter, a young boy tries to leap the summer secret
from those living around the pond A mystery to read aloud and
disk ,ss. Black and white drawings and a small, easy-to-hadle size
make this an interesting selection. Guidance from a teacht.i or parent
will be necessary for developing understanding. (Picture book)

198 Contemporart Reahsni Futum

Shire. Ellen The Mystery at Number Seven, Rue Petite. Random House.
1978 6 9
An antique dealer in Pai is has a secret room that piques the curiosity
of his chef and housekeepei 1 he, soh e the my stet-Y. uncmer a
crime, and reap a reward 1 he bright illustrations completely capture
the Parisian atmosphere with charm and humor (Picture hook)

Shreve, Susan. The Nightmares of Geranium Street. Alfred A Knopf.

1977 10 12
The "Nightmares" is a gang of children who liye in Germantown,
a once fashionable section of Philadelphia but now deteriorating
rapidly. The children, both gals and boys, come from a Yariety of
home backgrounds Acknowleuging the potential for danger. they
seek to solve the mystery of Aunt Tess. a beautiful mysterious lady
who lines in a once- elegant house where strangers come and go at all
hours of the day and night

Simon, Seymour. Einstein Anderson Shocks His Friends. Illus Fred

Winkowski Viking Press. 1980 8 12
Concepts in electricity, motion, heat space. biology. and urology are
presented in story format Readers will want to help sok e the sconce
problems that Einstein Anderson encounters daily An earlier hook
starring the science superstar is Ernstem Anderson Science ,Sleuth

Sobol. Donald .1 Encyclopedia Brown Carries On. Illus lb Ohlsson Four

Winds Press. 1980. 10- up
Mystery fans will enjoy trying to soive the cases in loay We that Chi(
Brown encounters Encyclopedia Brown, his son. is called upon t.
help but the reader is giy en a chance to guess the solution before
reading it


Baylor, Byrd If You Are a Hunter of Fossils. Illus Peter Parnall Char' -s
Scribner's Sons, 1980 8 12
Following the fossil hunter in these .:rtistic, rather sty hied illustra-
tions is enjoyable At times he appears quite large and ihen as small
as a pinhead As the fossils are discoyered. we can picture the lapping
waters that covered the land millions of years ago (Picture book)
Baylor, Byrd Your Own Best Secret Place. Illus Peter Parnall Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1979 7 10.
The author finds her own best private place in the hollow of a
cottonwood tree The spot becomes very special as she realves that
she is sharing it with someone who discovered it before her The
unique integration of text and illustration will 'mite the reader to
share the secret place.

Bram, Eiitabeth One Day I Closed My Eyes and the World Disappeared.
Dial Press, 1978 4 7.
Stark line Drawings accompany the simple text that describes a small
girl's umginative exploration of her senses She closes her eyes and
can no longer see, but she takes delight as she feels, smells, hears,
and tastes the things in her expanding world. (Picture book)

Dabcov'ch, Lydia. Follow tt.c River. E P. Dutton, 1980 4 7

A stream starts in she mountains and the reader follows it as ri floyi
through the countryside as it becomes a river and eventual!) flows
into the ocean Simple text and soft colored drawings. (Picture
dos Santos, Joyce Awl}, Sand Dollar, Sand Dollar. J. B Lippiicott.
1980. 4 6
Beautiful silkscreen illustrations flow with the shoreline adventure
of a small,boy an6 his dog, Urchin. Peter makes a wish on a nev.-
found sand dollar i.nd discovers that the beach, though quiet, is a
satisfying place to spend a day. (Picture book)

Fisher, Aileen. Anybody Home? Illus. Susan Bonners Thomas Y ()owe II,
I98C 4 7.
A small child dreams of being able to peek into a mouse's nest, a
bear's lair, a lox's den, and a beaver's lodge. A simple tale told in
rich and rhymed language. Softly realistic charcoal illustrations cap-
ture the snug coziness of each habitat. (Picture book)

Himler, Ronald Wake Up, Jeremiah. Harper & Row, Publishers 1979
Jeremiah gets up early and hurries to the hilltop to see something he
knows is waiting for him. The sun is beautiful, just as he expected
He hurries home to awaken his parents Magnificent pictures, few
words. (Picture book)
Hurd. Thacher. The Quiet Evening. Greenwillow Books, 1978. 4 7

"Shhhhh. Evervthing is quiet." Mother and Father are by the fire-

place, the ;un has set, everyone is quiet Even nature becomes
tranquil as the sun sets and the evening appears. Watercolor illustra-
tions set the mood A deep blue frame surrounds the pictures
Concept of night is clearly developed (Picture book)

Knab, Linda Z. The Day Is Waking. Illus. Don Freeman Viking Press,
1980. 4-7.
A collection of Don Freeman's illustrations has been gathered post-
humously. The author describes the lovely pictures through the eyes
of a small child looking into the wide wonderful world on a pleasant

200 Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Lapp, Eleanor J. In the Morning Mist. Illus. David Cunningham. Albert

Whitman, 1978. 4-8. ff.
Pale watercolor illustrations evoke a gentle mood as a young boy
and his grandfather go on an early morning fishing expedition The
mist transforms the countryside into a magical Mrsen for sheep,
spiderwebs, rabbits, horses, and deer before the sun breaks through
on a clear, bright day. (Picture book)
McGee, Myra. Willie's Garden. Illus. by author. Rodale Press, 1977. 4-7.
Little Willie happily plants one plant at a time and before he realues
it, he finds himself in a big garden. An appearing story about garden-
ing for the young child with colorful pictures of the seasons. 1 he
names of many fruits and vegetables are introduced to the beginning
reader. (Picture book)

Mack, Gail Yesterday's Snowman. Illus. Erik Blegvad. Pantheon books.

1979. 4 7.
A quiet winter mood book. A mother and two children share the
icys of building a snowman. So great is that joy that they do not feel
sad when the rain comes and melts their handiwork. Soft, realistic
illustrations reflect the mood perfectly. (Picture book)
Norris, Louanne, and Howard E Smith, Jr An Oak Tree Dies and a
Journey Begins. Illus. Allen Davis. Crown Publishers, 1979 6 9
This life cycle story is seldom told. An oak tree dies Part of it fails
into a stream where it becomes home for animals and water plants
Eventually, it travels into Ow ocean and Is was'sed ontc, a beach
where it is claimed as driftwood. Black anu white illustrations
(Pict ire beck)
Rice, Eve Goodnight, Goodnight. Greenwillow Books, 1980. 3 5
Goodnight is creeping through the city. It comes to the police officer,
the little girl, and the chestnut vendor. It finally comes to the kitten
whose mother takes him home Outstanding black and white full-
page drawings with touches of bright yellow. A charming nighttime

F.yder, Joanne A Wet and Sandy Daylllus Donald Carrick Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1977. 4-7
An independent little girl wish "sunny feelings" goes to the beach and
has a glorious time, quite by herself, despite the rain. The full-page
sand and sea colored illustrations capture both the spirit of the text
and the spirit of an adventurous, happy child. (Picture book)

1 rimby, Elisa. Mr. Plum's Paradise. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books,
1977. All ages
Mr. Plum has an idea: why doesn't he make a garden in the back-
yard? The neighborhood is dingy and unattractive and a garden will


transform it into a colorful world of beauty I he neighbors copy his

plan. Unusual visitors come to enjoy it Lseeptionalls beautiful. intii-
cate illustrations (Picture hook)
Ward, Leila. I Am Eyes: Ni Macho. Illus bonny Hogrogian Gieenwillow
Books, 1978. 7 10.
An African child wakes to the morning rharsels of her native land
She sees what the sun sees sunflowers and skies, giralles and grasses
Full-page illustrations gise a panorama of the Kenyan landscape
(Picture book}
Yano, Shigeko (translator Yukiko Kawakami) One Spring Day. Judson
Press, 1977 4 7
Beautiful soft-colored illustrations depict what a young boy believes
Some things he can see, like the meadow over the hill or the stars in
the sky, and other things he cannot, like the song of the bird or the
scent of the flowers These he lust belieses (Picture book)


Allard, Harry. Miss Nelson Is Missing! Illus James Marshall Houghton

Mifflin, 1977 8-12.
Nice Miss Nelson's class is the worst behaved in school I hey throw
spitballs and papee plane, They are rude Suddenly Miss Nelson
disappears and a witch) substitute makes the children work hard
They try unsuccessfully to find Miss Nelson, the surprise ending lets
the reader in on the secret (Picture book)

Atkinson, Mary. Maria Terga. Illus Christine Fng'ii E tier, I ollipop

Power, 1979. 7 10.
Maria Teresa moves to a school where the children laugh at her
name and no one speaks Spanish She is unhappy until she brings
her puppet. Msnteja, who speaks only Spanish Monteja tells the
Lhildren about Maria Teresa and they begin to appreciate her Useful
for discussion on differences, some Spanish words (Picture hook)

Chorao, Kay Molly's Lies. Illus by author Seabury Press. 1979 5 K

It is Molly's first day at school She is afraid and hides her fears by
lying She loins other children in taunting the new boy until she
realizes he might he as frightened its she is (Picture hook)

Cohen, Miriam. Lost in the Museum. Illus Lillian Hoban. Greenwillow

Books, 1979 4-7
Danny':, enthusiasm to see the dinosaurs leads to halt the first-grade
class getting lost in the museum He also saves the day by finding
the teacher Good for class discussion. (Picture book)

202 Coritemporars Realistic Fiction

Cohen, Miriam. No Good in Art. Illus Lillian Hoban Greenwillow

Books, 1980.4 -7.
First-grader Jim thinks he is no good in art He makes his grass
thick and his people with no necks. One day in art he hides his
picture but his friends find it. All the pictures arc hung for everyone
to see The children gather around to admire only one Whose"
(Picture book)
Cohen, Miriam. When Will I Read? lilus. Lillian Hoban Greenwillow
Books. 1977. 4-7.
Jim is impatient to learn how to read. His first-grade teacher encour-
ages him to be patient and assures hir,. that he will read when lie is
ready. Good read-aloud book. (Picture book)
Conford, Ellen. The Revenge of the Incredible Dr. Rancid and His Youth-
ful Assistant, Jeffrey. Little, Brown, 1980. 10 12.
Jeffrey, the skinniest kid in sixth grade, has an alter ego who comes
alive in his secret notebook. In his fantasies he rids the world of
his archenemy, Dewey Belasco. But in real life he would neser dare
stand up to him, or would he?
Delton, Judy. The New Girl at School. Illus Lillian Hoban E P Dutton,
1979. b -9
For the first few days at a new school the little girl feels lonely and
incompetent But she and her mother plc it time, and good things
begin to happen Well written and sensitisely illustrated in soft
colors (Picture book)
de Paola, Tomie. Oliver Button Is a Sissy. Illus by author Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 6-12
Oliver Button likes to draw pictures, read books, play dress-up, and
take dancing lessons, but he messes up at baseball The boys tease
him "Oliver Button Is a Sissy" gets written on the school wall How
and why the sign and the attitudes get changed makes for good
reading and class discussion. Superbly illustrated, (Picture book)
Feder. Paula Kurzband Where Dots the Teacher Live? Illus I illian
Hoban. E. P. Dutton, 1979. 6-9.
In this intriguing easy reader, three classmates become detectives in
order to answer the burning question in the title Perhaps all of the
teachers live in school. Not so. they disco-er. Their teacher lises
someplace very special' in a houseboat! Charming illustrations (Pic-
ture book)
Fife, Dale. Wholl Vote for Lincoln? Illus Paul Galdone Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan. 1977 7 10
Lincoln's class elections are complicated by modern political strate-

S:hool 203

gies and a neighborhood police problem Lincoln learns something

about the pressure of campaigning and about himself Another
worthwhile book about the black child, Lincoln
Gordon,.Shirley. Me and the Bad Guys. 11 lus Fdward 1-rascino Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1980. 8 12.
Mike Berger., one of the good guys, is angry because his basketball
has been stolen by one of the bad guys Life seems even more trill<
when it is returned flat as a pancake. How Mike loses his cool and
almost becomes a bad guy is humorously told

Haywood, Carolyn. Betsy's Play School. Illus James Griffin William

Morrow, 1977. 6-9.
Energetic Betsy decides to organin a play school for the youngsters
in the neighborhood. She discovers that teaching school isn't all that
easy: there's more to it than passing out milk and cookies. Appealing
pencil drawings depict her students and complement the text Good
for reading aloud.

Isadora, Rachel. Willaby. Macmillan Publishing, 1977 6-9

First-grader Willaby loves to draw. During lessons, recess, and after
school, Willaby draws. Instead of copying the get-well poem for her
dear teacher, Willaby draws a fire engine and forgets to sign her
name! Will Miss Finney be angry? The outcome is satisfying and so
are the illustrations. (Picture book)

Mack, Bruce. Jesse's Dream Skirt. II lier Marian Buchanan Lollipop

Power, 1979. 6 9.
Dedicated to all persons who feel out of place, this book tells of a
preschool boy who longs to wear a skirt. When he wears one, his
daycare classmates tease him. The understanding black male teacher
helps Jesse's adjustment by encouraging discussion and dressing up
in homemade costumes Good lot 'pudding sieves of differences (Pic-
ture book)

Morrison, Bill. Louis James Nati. School. Illus by author Houghton

Mifflin, 1978. 5 8.
Louis James quits first grade to seek his fort..mc, starting out as a
skywriter who can't spell and descending through a series of jobs to
end up as a Prune Peeler. He quits in disgust, retnnes his books,
and "turns to page one." Cartoony, but a sure-fire hit. (Picture nook)

Noble, Trinka Hakes. The Day Jimmy's Boa-Vphe Wash. Illus Steven
Kellogg. Dial Press, 1980. 4-7.
Jimmy secretly takes his pet boa constrictor on a class field trip to a
farm. Havoc ensues, from egg throwing to the boa's eating the
farmer's clean clothes. Bright, action-filled illustrations match this
silly, cumulative tale. (Picture book)

204 Conten,porart Pea lam Fulton

Peck, Robert Newton. Mr. Little. Illus. Ben Stahl. Doubleday, 1979 8' 12
Drag and Finley look forward to having pretty Miss Kellogg for a
teacher, but on the first day of school Mr Little makes his appear-
ance instead They plan tricks to make him the spectacle of fist tour)
Twl boys !earl an important lesson Black and white illustrations
Perl, Lila. Don't Ask Miranda. Seitbury Press, 1979. 10 12.
1 his realistically-written story is about Miranda, a thirteen- year -old
girl who is friendless because of her peripatetic parents. In order to
in friends in another new school she .00n learns that painful
decisions must be made Characters are well portrayed Excellent
foi discussion.
Price, Michelle Mean Melissa. Illus by author Bradbury Press, 1977
4- 7.
1 hree kindergarten children experience the problem of getting along
because Melissa is always telling Samantha her pictures are ugly.
With the aid of Jonathan's creative and humorous idea, the children
work out their own problem The wash and pencil illustrations add
validity and insight. (Picture book)
1 hwaitc. Ann The Chatterbox. Illus Glenys Ambrus Andre Deutsch
1978. 4 7.
Everyone at Salad Street School liked to talk, except Miss Walters
who had the Chatterbox built before she and her class could reach a
compromise. Bold and amusing full-color illustrations of a multi-
racial English school (Picture book)
Wolf. Bernard Adam Smith Goes to School. .1 B Lippincott, 1978 4 7
Adam begins his first day of school by entering into many new learn-
ing experiences The realistic photography presents an accurate and
detailed account of what children can expect when they go to school.
(Picture book)


Bonham, Frank The Rascals from Haskell's Gym. 1 P Dutton, 1977

8 12
Sissy Benedict is key gymnast of the Butterflies gymnastics team But
as the grudge match with archrivals Haskell's Raskells approaches.
she is distracted by her f'her's struggle to sase a historic hotel
landmark. Mystery, suspense, and humor are combined with details
of practice sessions and competitions
Etter, Les. Get Those Rebounds! Illus James Calvin. Hastings House,
Publishers, 1978 10- 12.
Basketball is sixt:en-year-old Rick's main interest, but what chance

Sports 205

does he !line (hershadowed by his older brother, e% :ryone seems to

enjoy making comparisons In a fit of anger he quits the team. An
easy-to-read, enjoyable tory with well-developed characters Black
and -pante illustrations

Fenner, Carol. The Skates of Uncle Richard. Illus Ati Forberg Random
House, 197?. 7 10
Young Marsha, nine. dreams of becoming an ice-0 ing champion.
Her first day on ice is wry discouraging, until ,incle Richard
offers encouragement and sound ads ice. Dreams being realued and
family concern are themes the young reader can understand Soft
black and white illustrations blend with gentle story

Gault, William Campbell Cut-Rate Quarterback. E P Dutton, 1977

10 up
Joe Rogers, a 160-pound quarterback, is a superb high school foot-
ball player Later, as one of the Chicago Miners, he is faced with
problems of many kinds, but his tenacious will urges him on A
fast-paced story illastrated with photographs

Harri,, Roble H Rosie's Double Dare. Illus Tony Del una Alfred A
Knopf, 1980 7 10
Eight-year-old Rosie accepts a dare became she wants to be part of
the Willard Street Gang and play baseball with them She gets into
more trouble than she expects In the end she's a hero-when the gang
wins the neighborhood championship baseball game with her help

Kalb, Jonah The Goof That Won the Pennant. Illus Sandy Kossin
Houghton Mifflin, 1976. 8 12
This story of a no -win tkim that becomes league champ is based on
a true went in baseball history The Blares were a collection of
losers until their coach talked them into trying to win and gale them
self-confidence Good read-aloud book

Knudson, R R Rinehart Lifts. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1980 7 10

Rinehart. who can't run or kick a ball, and Zan, who is %ery sports-
minded, are best friends I ()goner they exchange interests when Ian
put Rinehart on a weight-lilt,ng program, and she takes care of his
plants A funny, high interest story

I cc, H Alton Seven Feet Four and Growing Westminster Press, 1978
10 up
1301 Saunders is fifteen years old and tall, really trill Although he is
the best player on the school basketball team...he plays only to please
his father. his coach, and his friends. Actually, he dislikes basketball
and is more interested in animals and the possibility of one day

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

working with them. A rc:erinarian friend and a tall cheerleader help

ciai resolve his dilemma

Levy, Elizabeth. The Tryouts. Illus. Jacquie Hann. Four WI ids Press,
1979. 10-12.
When two girls make the eighth-grade varsity basketball team, a
popular but fat boy is cut. Girls and boys join forces to pressure the
coach into putting him on the team. This humorous book addresses
a timely subject.
Love, Sandra. Melissa's Medley. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978 10-12.
Melissa has a strong competitive streak and vows to beat her long-
time rival in an important swim meet. This success would assure her
a place on the Olympic team and would attract attention from her
estranged father. Shows the tense atmosphere of competitive swim-
ming and the emotional struggles of a teenage girl.

Winthrop, Elizabeth Marathon Miranda. Holiday House, 1979 10-up.

Asthma-and-allergy-ridden Miranda meets Phoebe, an only child
who is lonely, and starts jogging with fier. To build up her lungs,
Miranda works hard in preparation for running a 6.3 mile marathon.
This is an interesting story with good jogging advice A sequel is
Miranda in the Middle.
Wiseman, Bernard The Lucky Runner. Garrard Publishing, 1979. 7 9
Runner Buddy Barnes believes his lucky socks account for his
success in races. His coach says the real reason is that Buddy prac-
tices hard and wants to win During the State Junior Championship
race, Buddy learns the truth. Large print, three-color illustrations,
easy to read. (Picture book)

Young and Old

Adler, C S. The Silver Coach. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979.

Chris, twelve, and her sister, six, do not want to spend the summer
with a grandmother they hardly know in a remote woodland cabin.
As Chris begins to know and love her grandmother, she learns to
accept the truth about each of her parents, their divorce, and her
own growing up.

Alike. The Two of Them. Illus. by author Greenwillow Books, 1979.

All ages
From the day she was born, when Grandfather made a ring for her,
the love between this granddaughter and grandfather ueepens. When

Young and Old 207

Grandfather becomee ill, she cares for him; when he dies, she cher-
ishes her memories of him Realistic description of a beautiful
relationship. (Picture book)
Baker, Jeannie. Grandfather. Illus. by author. Madre Deutsch, 1979. 4 7
A little girl whose grandfather owns a junk sb4p tells her story in the
first person. The shop is full of surprises, and she loves to go there
to work and play. The disorderly store comes alive in the collage
illustrations. (Picture book)
Baker, Jeannie. Graodhvother. Illus. by author. And .: Deutsch, 1978, 4 7.
A little girl comes to visit her grandmother who lives in a house
surrounded by tall bushes. They share a happy loving day doing
things together. The warm grandmother-granddaughter relationship
is illustrated with handsome full-page collages Companion solurne
to Grandfather by the same author. (Picture book)

Bosse, Malcolm J. The 79 Squares. Thomas Y Crowell, 1979 12 up.

Eric, fourteen. is involved with a gang. While on probation, he and
an eighty-two-year-old man become friends. Eric spends long hours
in the man's garden, carefully observing life in detail When the
man's past as a convicted murderer is revealed, Eric defends him
against the townspeople's rejection. A moving story

Cleaver, Vera, and Bill Cleaver. Queen of Hearts. J 13 1 ippincott, 1978

10- 12.
a -fore her stroke, Wilma's seventy -nine- year -old grandmother felt
and acted younger than her years. Now Grann scares away
housekeeper-companions as fast as they are hired Although they
do r^: like each other, Wilma is crotchet Granny'~ choice for a
co-mpanion.. Together they expezaki what it means to grow old

Cliffoid, Eth. The Rocking Chair Rebellion. Houghton Mifflin, 1978

10 up
Fourteen-year-old Opie visits a former neighbor, Mr. Pepper, who
lives at Maple Ridge Home for the Aged Volunteering to work at
the home involves her with the problems of the home's residents
The theme of acceptance and segregation of older people in our
society is sensitively presented

Clymer, Eleanor The Get-Away Car. F I' Dutton, 1978 8 12

Magee lives with Grandma whose motto is, "Fun first, work later,"
and fun it is. Maggie takes off with Grandma in an ancient car, thus
eluding the authorities who are trying to separate them A marvelous
picture of a witty, intelligent, lo%ing, but slightly disorganized senior
citizen and her relationship with her granddaughter fun by itself,
but great for discussion.

21 G
208 Contempc-ury Rea lime herroa

Corcoran, Barbara. The Faraway Island. Atheneum, 1977. 10 up.

Painfully shy, Lynn's problems of growing up are compounded when
she goes to Nantucket Island to live for a year with a grandmother-
wno is becoming increasingly senile. An enjoyable story

Craft, Ruth. Carrie Hepple's Garden, Illus. Irene Haas Atheneum, 1979,
4-7, cn
Luminous shades of green provide a misty background for this gentle
mood story of a midsummer evening romp When their ball sails
over the wall into the garden of the mysterious ::arrie Hepp le, three
children Venture into the unknown where they meet the eccentric,
but enchanting old lady. (Picture book)

Eisenberg, Phyllis Rose. A Mitzvah Is Something Special. II lu,,. Susan

Jeschke. Harper & Row. Publishers, 1978. 7 10
Lisa's two grandmothers are very different from each other One
loves to quilt and,cook; the other loses to make music and dance,
They both love Lisa and she finds a way to make a mitzvah for both
of them. (Picture book)
Girion, Barbara. Joshua, the Czar, and the Chicken Bone Wish. Illus -

Richatd Cuffari. Charles S, ribner's Sons, 1978 8 12

Joshua is the klutz of the urth grade. the leltoser when sports
teams are chosen and, worse, the kid brother of a superstar. His
friendship with an elderly man enables Josh to osercome his sense of
failure and to develop some much needed sell-confidence the humor
appeals to children. both klutzy and athletic

Goffstein, M. B. Fish for Supper. Dial Press. 1976. 7 10.

A twist on the usual here's a grandpa who loses to fish Her entire
day is devoted to either fishing or putting the rest of life's necessities
in order to allow more time for fishing. Economical line drawings.
the book is a size youngsters love. 1977 Caldecott Honor Book
(Picture book)
Greenfield. Eloise. Grand Mama's Joy. Illus Carole Byard William Collins
Publishers, 1980. 6 9
\ Young Rhondy, who lives with Grandmama,,tries to cheer her up by
singing and dancing, but it just doesn't work Something serious is
wrong; they must move. Charcoal drawings blend with this realistic
story of binding love between granddaughter and grandmother in
this black family. (Picture book)
Hauling, Peter (translator Anthea sell). Oma. Illus. Jutta Ash Harper'&
Row, Publishers, 1977. 8-12.
When five-year-old Kalle's parents are killed in an accident, he goes
to live with his grandmother, Oma. They have heartwarming and
Ycang and Old 209

funny adventures for five years The story is narrated in the third
/ person with Oma's brief italicized first-person account at each chap-
ter's end. German setting.

Holland, Isabelle. NowlIs Not Too Lite. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books.
1980. I2-up. e

Cathy's summer on a Maine island with her grandmother/stretches

!ail', ahead of her until she meets the lady who moves into the stone
crttage. As eleven-year-old Cathy uncovers her secret. sh also dis-
covers something about her own past that is both frightening
le and exciting.

Holmes, Efner Tudor. Cirrie's Gift. Illus. Tasha Tudor William Collins
Publishers, 1978. 7-10.
ai \Carrie often wonders about Old Duncan, whose sine-covered cabin
is across thelield from her home. Expressive watercolors illustrate
her attempt to become friends when she takcs a strawberry short-
cake to him. Liter. when Heidi, her dog, is iaught in a trap, Old
Duncan comes to the rescue and strengthens their frie ,:_ hip

Irwin, Hadley The Lilith Summer. Feminist Press, '{q9. 10- 12

Ellen wants a ten-speed bike and agrees to "lady-sit" for Lilith who
is seventy-seven; Lilith wants new screens for her house and agrees
to "baby-sit" for Ellen. Out of initial misunderstanding and distrust.
mutual love and understanding grow. Sensitively written, this book
captures the spirit of a young girl and the indomitable gallantry and
wisdom of an old woman as they share a lingering summer.

(.Jewell, Nancy Bus Ride. Illus Ronald Himler. Harper & Row. PUblishcrs.
1978 4 7
A night bus ride alone can be frightening for a little girl Janie meets
Mrs. Rivers, who helps her enjoy the journey to her waiting grandpa
Black and white illustrations enhance the warmth shared between
an old woman and a" child Good for statulating discussion
(Picture book)
Kesselman, Wendy Emma. Illus. Barbara Cooney Doubleday. 1980 8 12

A lonely seventy-twO-year-old' woman receives a painting oT hei

home town. After analyzing the painting she decides it is not right.
so she buys materials and paints her own picture The hobby con-
tinues and her loneliness sani:,hes. Unique, illustrations with two
styles of painting (Picture book)

Kroll. Steven. If I Could Be My Grandmotg. Illus I ads. McCrady Pan-

theon Books, 1977. 3 5
If Steffie were a. grandmother. she would bar long robes, choke
cookies, and spend weekends with her granddaughter ,Amtking
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

pastel illustrations complement the story, revealing the love of Steffie

for her grandmother. (Picture book)

Lasky, Kathryn. My Island Grandma. Illus. Emily McCully. Frederick

Warne, 1979. 7 10.
This Cape Cod grandmother spends the summer teaching her grand-
daughter how to sail, swim, float, take down shutters, garden, and
make soup and salad from periwinkles and sea herbs. Soft watercolor
with ink illustrations help raisz readers' consciousness about older
people.,Al1 grannies do not .it and knit! (Picture bock)

Mearian, Judy Frank. Someone Slightly Different. Dial Press, 1980. 8-12.
Twelve-year-old Marty is'having a hard time at school and at home
until her grandmother Flossie arrives and helps her resolve her feel-
ings about growing up without a father. The sensitive quality of both
. the story and the characters make the book unique

Pollowitr, Melinda. Cinnamon Cane. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.

10 12
Cassie and her grandfather have a very specia: caring relationship.
She refuses to admit that he is growing old and helps him fight those
who take away his independence step by step. As grandfather's world
becomes more and more circumscribed, Cassie reaches out for a
c:ea er Identity
Roth, David. The Hermit of Fog Ho How Station. Beaufort Books, 1980
12 up
When tvielve-year-old Alex moves to the country, he doesn't seem to
fit in or make fr,, ,ds except for Old Man Turner, the hermit if Fog
,Hollow Station. Here is a poignant story of the friendship between
young and old Each gives of himself until Mr Turner's death.
Vogel, Ilse-Margret 'Dodo Every Day. Illus. by author Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1977. 6 9.
This gentle book's chapter headings reflect a range of human
emotions, sadness, jealousy, shame, pride, and happiness The young
narrator learns to cope with her feelings through the wise and
loving help of Dodo, hei grandmother. Self-acceptance and under-
standing radiate from pages illuminated by soft pencil drawings.
(Picture book)
Walter, Mildred Pitts. Ty's One-man Band. Illus Margot Tomes Four
Winds Press, 1980. 4-7
One hot, humid day Ty goesClown to the pond and spies an unusual
man. He becomes acquainted with Andro, a one-man band with a
washboara:Kmb, spoons, and pail, who later that evening provides
delightful enteiranment for le town. Beautifully written and illus-
trakd (Picture book)

Young and Old 21 I

Wittman, Sally. A Special Trade. II lu- Karen Gundersheimer Harper &

Row, Publishers, 1978. 3-5
Lt-le-Nellie and elderly Bartholomew, her neighbor, are always to-
gether:, their friends call them "ham and eggs." Bartholomew takes
Nellie for a Alk in her stroller every day. As she grows older they
trade places, a very special trade. Humorous pen sketches complete
this story of contrasts. (Picture book)
York, Carol Beach. The Look-Alike Girl. Beaufort Books, 1980. 8 12.
Charlene promotes the friendship of old Mrs. Mayfield and her
eight-year-old cousin because she doesn't want Gracie tagging along
with her all summer. A special bond grows between the old and the
young as Gracie earns a place in the hearts of both Mrs. Mayfield
and Charlene.

Additional Contemporary Realistic Fiction Books

Alexalder, Martha. Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Baby Sister. Dial Press,

Ball, Zachary. Bristle Face. Holiday House, I962.12-up.

Berne !mans, Ludwig. Madeline. Viking Press, 1939:1962 4-8
Blue, Rose Grandma Didn't Wave Back. Illus Ted Lewin Franklin Watts,
Blue, Rose. A Month of Sundays. Illus Ted Lewin. Franklin Watts, 1972 8 10
Blume, Judy. Are You There, God' It's Me, Margaret Bradbury Press, 1970
130dker, Cecil. The Leopard. Translated by Gunnar Poulsen Atheneum, 1975
Bonsall, Crosby The Case of the Hungry Stranger. Harper & Row, Publishers,
Boston, L M. A Stranger at Green Knowe. Illus Peter Boston Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1961 9-11
Burch, Robert. Queenie Peavey Illus Jerry Lazare. Viking Press, 1966 10 14
Burnford, Sheila The Incredible Journey. Illus. Carl Burger Little, Brown, 1961
9- up.
Byars, Betsy. Summer of the Swans. Illus Ted Coconis Viking Press, 1970 10-up
Childress, A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1973.12 up.
Christopher, Matt The Year Mom Won the Pennant Illus Foster Caddell. l ittle,
Brown, 1968 9-12.
Clark, Ann Nolan In My Mother's House. Illus Velino Herrera Viking Press,
1941 7 10.
Cleary, Beverly Ramona the Brave. Illus Alan liegreen William Morrow, 1975
8 12.
Cleaver, Vera, and Bill Cleaver Where the Lilies Bloom. Illus James Spanfeller J
B. Lippincott, 1969 10 up.
Clifton, Lucille. My Brother Fine with Me lilus Moneta Barnett i!olt, Rinehart
& Winston, 1975 5-8
Corbett, Scott, The Turnabout Trick. Illus Paul Galdone Little, Brown, 1967

2 ')f)
Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Cunningham, Julia Dorp Dead Illus James Spanfeller Pantheon Books, 1965
Dunn, Mary Lois The Man ,n the Box. A Story from Vietnam McGraw-Hill,
1968 12-up
Estes, Eleanor The Hundred Dresses Illus Louis Slobodkin Harcourt Brace
Jovanoyich, 1944 10-12
E!s, Marie Hall. Gilberto and the Wind. "iking Press, 1963.3-6
Ets, Marie Hall. Play with Me Viking Press, 1955 3-6
Fitzhugh, Louise. Harriet the Spy Harper & Row, Publishers, 19(x4 10-14
Fox,- Paula. How Many Mg's to Babylon' Illus Paul Giovanopoulos David
White, 1967 9-12 1
Friis-Baastad, Babbis. Don't Take Teddy Translated by Use- McKirnon. Charles 1

Scribner's Sons, 1)67 10-14

Gates, Doris. Blue Willow Illus Paul Lantz Viking Press, 1940 10-12
George, Jean Craighead Julie of the Wolves Illus. John Schoenherr Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1972
George, Jean Craighead. My Side -of the Mountain E P Dutton, 1959 10-14
I Greene, Bette. Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe Illus Charles Lilly Dial
Press, 1974.9 12
Greene, Constance C A Girl Called Al. lllus Byron Barton Viking Press. 1969
Hamilton, Virginia The House of Dies Drear. Illus Eros Keith Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1968 10-up
Hamilton, Virginia M. C Higgins, the Great. Macmillan Publishing, 1974 10-up
Holing, Honing C. Pagoo. Houghton Mifflin, 1957 8 12
Holman, Felice Slake's Limbo. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974 12- up
Hunt, Irene Up a Road Slowly. Follett Publishing, 1966 12 up
Keats, Ezra Jack The Snowy Day Viking Press, 1962 3 6
Keats, Ezra Jack Whistle for Willie. Viking Press, 1964 3 6
kielgaard, Jim Big Red lllus Bob Kuhn Holiday House, 1956 10 up
Konigsburg, E. L. Father's Arcane Daughter Atheneum, 1976 10- 14
Konigsburg F 1., From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E Franloteder
Atheneum, 1967 8 12
Lexau, Joan M Emily and the Klunkr Baby and the ,Vert -Door Dog Illus
Martha Alexander Dial Press, 1972 5 9
I ittle, Jean Mine for Keeps lllus Lewis Parker Little, Brown. 1962 9 12
McCloskey, Robert Blueberries for Sal Viking Press, 1948 3-6
McCloskey, Robert. Homer Price. Viking Press, 1943 10 14
McCloskey, Robert The Morning in Maine. Viking Press, 1952 5 8
McCloskey. Robert Time of Wonder Viking Press, 1957 5 up
Mathis, Sharon Bell The Hundred Penny' Bor Illus Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
Viking Press, 1975 6 I0
Mazer, Norma Fox A Figure of Speech Delacorte Pres- 073 12 up
Miles, Miska. Annie and the Old One. Illus Peter Parnall tattle, Brown. 1971
Mohr, Nicholasa Nilda Harper & Row, Publishers, 1973.10-up-
Morey, Walter Gentle Ben Illus John Schoenherr E. P Dutton, 1965 10-14
Ness, Evaline Josefina February Charles Scribnei's Sons, 1963 5 9
Ness, Evaline Sam, Bangs and Moonshine Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1966,
Neville, Emily It's Like This, Cat Illus Emil Weiss Harper & Row, Publishers,
1963 10 14
O'Dell, Scott Island of the Blue Dolphins. Houghton Mifflin, 1960 I I 14

Contemporary Realistic Fiction 213

Raskin, Ellen. Nothing Ever Happens on My Block. Atheneum, 1966 5-9

Sachs, Marilyn. The Bears' House. Illus. Louis Glanzman. Doubleday, 1971 9-13
Scott, Ann Herber. Sam. Illus. Symeon Shimin McGraw-Hill, 1967 4-7
Slote, Alfred. Hang Tough, Paul Mather. J. B. Lippincott, 1973. 9-12
Smith, Dori:. Euchanan. A Taste of Blackberries. Illus. Charles Robinson Thomas
Y Crowell, 1973 6 -10.
Sonneborn, Ruth A Friday Night Is Papa Night. Illus. Emily A McCully. Viking
Press, 1970. 4-8.
Steptoe, John. Stevie. Harper & t.ow, Publishers, 1969. 4-8.
Ullman, James. Banner in the Sky. J. B. Lippincott, 1954. I2-up
Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Illus. Ray Cruz. Atheneum, 1972. 5-8.
Viorst, Judith. The Tenth Good Thing about Barney. Illus EH( Blegvad. Athen-
eum 1971. 5-9.
Ward, Lynd. The Biggest Bear. Houghton Mifflin, 1952. 4-8.
Weik, Mary Hays. The Jazz Man. Illus. Ann Grifalc:,ni. Atheneum, 1968 8-12
Wersba, Barbara. The Dream Watcher. Atheneum, 1968. 12 -up
Wier, Esther. The Lone Illus. ChristIne_Price. David McKay, 1963 I I-up
Wilkinson, Brenda. Ludell. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975 9-up
Wojciechovsska, Maia. Shadow of a Bull. Illus Alvin Smith Atheneum, 1964
Yashima, Taro. Crow Boy. Viking Press, 1955. 6-12.
Zolotow, Charlotte. William's Doll. Illus. William Pe ne du Bois Harper & Row,
1972 4-8.

( C)

Adoff, Arnold. Friend Dog. Illus. Troy Howell. J. B. Lippincott,
All ages.
A dog, mauled by a pack of wild dogs, is found by a young girl. This
daily joys
story describes the growth of their friendship and the small
of their relationship. A gentle tale illustrated by soft pencil drawings
that capture the depth of affection between girl and dog.

Blegvad, Lenore, compiler. This Link Pig-A-Wig and Other Rhymes

about Pigs. Illus. Erik Blegvad Atheneum, 1978. 4-7.
This collection of twenty-two poems includes old English and
American rhymes that have been favorites for many generations.
Pigs are pictured in ser:aus and jovial moods. Energetic ones go to
market while. others dance a jig and wear a wig. The full-color and
per and ink sketches are complementary.
Cole, William, compiler. An Arkful of Animals. Illus. Lynn
Houghton Mifflin, 1978. 7-10.
Fifty -three delightful poems about animals, domestic and wild.
few (,f the entries are old standards but most have not been antholo-
gized widely. Light and humorous, the poems are enhanced by
black and white illustrations.

Cole, William, compiler. Dinosaurs and Beasts of Yore. Illus Susanna

Natti. Putnam Pub !Ishii-1g Group, 1979. 7-10.
Fossil fans enjoy these thirty-nine humorous pocms by British and
American poets. Various poetic forms and black and white
add to the amusement of the verses about extinct animals

Farber, Norma. Never Say Ugh to a Bug. Illus Jose Aruego Greenwillow
Books, 1979. 6 -9.
The microscopic world of insects and creeping animals provides an
unusual and interesting focus for these twenty poems about
crickets, and caterpillars.

Gardner, John. A Child's Bestiary. Alfred A Knopf, 1977. 6 up

From "The African Wild Dog" to "The Zebra," sixty poems celc-

Ev:sryday Events 215

brate the alphabet from A to Z. The humor of the poems ranges

from nonsense to subtle satire.

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Kits, Cats, Lions and Tigers. Illus. Vera
Rosenberry. Albert Whittan. 1979. 8-12.
This collection/of stories, verses, and poems is about all kinds of
cats. Some cats are impossibly wise, others impossibly foolish. All
are amusingespecially for cat fanciers.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. My Mane Catches the Wind. Illus. Sam
Savitt. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 8-12.
Twenty-two poems about horses, each contributing to a sensitive
understanding of this servant and friend of humans, make up this
collection. Handsome halftone illustrations enrich each selection.
Table of contents and index make selections easy.

Hopkins, Lee Bennett. compiler. Pups, Dogs, Foxes and Wolves. Illus.
Vera Rosenberry. Albert Whitman, 1979. 9-up.
Stories, poems, and verse on members of the canine family are
collected here. Some stories are funny and others may cause the
reader to blink back a tear- but all are absorbing. This would bt.
useful for units on dogs or domesticated animals as well as for
reading aloud. Black and white sketches.

Lewin, Betsy. Animal Snickers. Photographs by Vincent Colabella. Dodd,

Mead, 1980. 4-7.
Nrarly everyone has a favorite snack, including animals. In catchy
Juf-line rhymes, the reader learns what eleven animals like to eat
Raccoons raid garbage cans while puffins enjoy herring. Creatively
illustrated with bread-dough animals; also includes a simple recipe
for making them.
Oliver, Robert S. Cornucopia. Illus. Frederick Henry Belli. Atheneum,
1978. 8-12.
Witty poems about familiar and fabulous animals are alphabetically
conceived. The verses cleverly express clmmon experiences with
other living creatures and give ribtickling presentations of animals
unusual or rare. Meticulous ink drawings perfectly complement the
poet's humorous conceptions.

Everyday Events

Adolf, Arnold Eats. illus. Susan Russo Lathrop, Lee & Shepard Books,
1979. 8 12.
A recipe for apple pie, an ode to French toast, and a lament on the
paucity of morsels when using chopsticks are the (food) stuff of this


poetry collection. The avant-garde nonpunctuated spacing of the

lines and the surreal illustrations of food make this a visually pleasing
gastronomic experience.

Fisher, Aileen Out in the Dark and Daylight. Illus. Gail Owens. Harper &
Row, Publishers. 1980. 7 10
"Let's pick clovers between our toes out in the yard where the clover
grows." Going barefoot, getting presents, and watching birds are but
a few of the experiences of a child in this lovely collection of 140
poems by the recipient of the 1978 NCTE Poetry Award. Graceful
pencil illustrations.
Greenfield, Eloise Honey, I Love, and Other Love Poems. Illus Diane
Dillon and Leo Dillon Thomas Y Crowell, 1978. 8 12.
Sixteen tender, rich, and varied poems make up this book about the
wonderful things in a child's life: playing with dolls, jumping rope,
and dressing up The illustrations are an interplay of realism and
fantasy that highlight the relationship between sensory word and
seised world Small in size and scope, a tine format

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler Morning, Noon and Nighttime, Too.

Illus Nancy Hannans. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980 6-9
These poems reflect everyday happenings, such as early morning
"toothpaste foam," school giggles, and "listening to the day shut
tight Soft pencil illustrations are a bonus
Mitchell, Cynthia. Playtime. Illus Satomi Ichikawa. William Collins Pub-
lishers, 1978. 3 7
Simple rhymes about children playing are exquisitely pictured in full
color The playtime activities encourage childrei, to participate

Thurman, Judith Lost and Found. Illus. Ream Rubel Atheneum, 0978
4 7.
The concept of lost and found is explored in poetry through such
illustrations as sand castles lost to the waves but replaced by sea
treasures washed to the shore, and ice-cream cones lost to the child
but found by a hungry puppy A fresh perspective on commxi

Worth, Valerie Mere Small Poems. Illus Natalie Babbitt Farrar, Straus
& Giroux, 1976. 8-12
The content of these poems about everyday objects and events
appeals to the young, and the clear style leaves definite images in the
mind of the reader or listener Black pen drawings

Worth, Valerie Still More Small Poems. Illus. Natalie Babbitt Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, 1978. 7 11,
Another fine collection following two similar hooks, the twenty-fivc

2 )A.:--
The Feelings of Children ).17

poems are on simple topics like a cat bath, the backyard, and rags
Childlike in theme and form so that they are easily understood, they
contain thoughtful kernels Delicately illustrated.

The Feelings of Children


Adoff, Arnold. I Am the Running Girl. Illus. Ronald Him ler Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1979. 10-up.
"I am the running girl who runs to win" is how a young girl describes
her joy and pride in running. Adofrs use of free verse is artistically
interwoven with the black and white drawings.

Adoff, Arnold. Under the Early Morning Trees. Illus. Ronald Himier
E. P. Dutton, 1978. 7- 10.
A girl walks under a long row of trees early in the morning to
awaken and to be alone The animals, birds, and plants share her
solitary moments. fhe author's skillfully crafted poem helps the
reader see and feel the girl's closeness to nature.

Adoff, Arnold. Where Wild Willie. Illus. Emily Arnold McCully. Harper
& Row publishers, 1978. 5-8.
Wild Willie runs away for the day and explores all the exciting places
where she can hide. When night comes, Willie is glad to return home
to her urban black family and still be flee. Strong rhythmic verse
and soft pastels add apical to this small poetry book that stresses
Cole, William, compiler. I'm Mad at You. Illus George MacClain Within
Collins Publishers, 1978.6 up.
This anthology of humorous verse centers on feelings of rage and
temper. Such poems as Cole's "I'm So Mad I Could Scream" and
Merriam's "Mean Song" help children to recognise the fact that
frustrations are faced by all and to see how laughable reactions to
those trying moments can be.

Grimes, Nikki. Something on My Mind. Illus. Tom Feelings. Dial Press.

1978. 10 up.
Poems in a city setting of black and white cover a broad range of
feelings: love, isolation, loneliness, and friendship. Unrhymed, the
poems evoke powerful images and emotions related to growing up

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. By Myself. Illus Glo Coalson. Thomas

Y. Crowell, 1980 8- 12.
Black and white drawings add to the expressive mood of this collec-
tion of poems about being alone Poets included are Myra Cohn

218 Poory

Livingston, David McCord, Karla Kuskin, Charlotte Zolotow, Felice

Holman, and Lilian Moore.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Go to Bed! Illus. Rosekrans Hoffman
Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 6-9.
A poem to telLof loneliness, or nighttime antics, or just-one-more-
minute is just right when bedtime comes. A poem to wonder about
Stars or tomorrow helps sleep come. Black and white sketches on
each page complete a delightful small collection.
Larrick, Nancy, compiler. Bring Me All of Your Dreams. Photographs by
Larry Mulvehill. M. Evans, 1980. 10-12.
Included in this collection are poems about dreams and dreamers by
William Stafford, Langston Hughes, Walter de la Mare, Carl Sand-
burg, e. e. cummings, David McCord, and others. Illustrated
with photographs.
Maher, Ramona, Alice Yank's Year. Illus. Stephen Gammell. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan 1977. 8-12.
Twelve free verse poems recount a year in the life of an eleven-year-
old Navajo girl. They describe her grandfather's hogan at Black
Mountain, the beliefs and customs of her people, and the white
world's intrusion. The glowing sepia-colored illustrations are appro-
priate. A four-page commentary on Navajo life is included.
Marzo llo, Jean. Close Your Eyes. Illus. Susan Jeffers. Dial Press, 1978. 3-5.
A lullaby is humorously and delicately illustrated, depicting a loving
father who has problems putting his young unwilling child to bed.
Preschoolers can enjoy and relate to this familiar routine
Tudor, Tasha, compiler. The Springs of Joy. Rand McNally, 1979 6 -9
A collection of sayings that have brought joy to people has been
beautifully illustrated. The verses are from Wilde, Thoreau, Shake-
speare, Donne, Wordsworth, Emerson, James, and others.
Watson, Nancy Dingman. Blueberries Lavender: Songs of the Farmer's
Children. lus. Erik Blegvad. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1977.
All ages.
Gentle verses that weave a portrait of life in the country- gathering
berries ("blueberries high, huckleberries low"), churning butter, and
swinging on monkey vines. Quiet ,,,en and wash illustrations capture
these special moments
Wood, Nancy. War Cry on a Prayer Feather: Prose and Poetry of the Ute
Indians. Doubleday, 1979. All ages.
Here are the laments, paeans, and words of wisdom of the little-
known tribe of Ute Indians who now survive on three western
reservations. I ike the flames of a bright fire being slowly smothered,

2 :2, 7
Ghosts and Magic 219

these Native Americans strive to preserve their spiritual values

through poetry and prose, authentically interpreted in this solume.
Fine full-page photographs.

Ghosts and Magic

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Elves, Fairies, & Gnomes. Illus. Rose-
krans Hoffman. Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. 6-9.
The common theme throughout this excellent collection of seventeen
poems is the belief in elve3, fairies, and gnomes The poems are
imaginative without being frightening. Soft black and white illustra-
tions blend with the magical words and mood of the poems.
Prelutsky, Jack. Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep. Illus Arnold
Lobel. Greenwillow Books, 1976. All ages.
Deliciously shivery poems in a book where the bogeyman is finally
pictured, along with a ghoul, an ogre, a werewolf, and others. The
verses are spooky and humorous enough to be in constant demand.
Excellent for vocabulary enrichment, poetry units, or jrst fun reading
Wallace, Daisy, editor. Fairy Poems. Illus. Tr:na Schart Hyman Holiday
House, 1980. 6-9.
This child-sited anthology includes poets rat.,Ing from Shakespeare
to Prelutsky. Expressive black and white illustrations complement
the poetic imagery.
Wallace, Daisy, editor. Ghost Poems. Illus. Tome de Paula. Holiday
House, 1979. 6-up.
The "ghoulies and ghosties" of ancient Scotland and the tiger-like
ghosts of the Araucanian Indians inhabit this book. There are watery
phantoms from the deep, along with a teeny, tiny ghost who can only
utter a teeny, tiny boo A delightful anthology made even better by
the illustrations.
Wallace, Daisy, editor. Giant Poems. Illus Margot Tomes. Holiday
House, 1978. 6-9.
This picture book anthology includes seventeen poems about giants,
such as Blunderbore, Hickentnrift, Momotara. Stanley, and others.
Line drawings capture their antics.


Aiken, Conrad. A Little Who's Zoo of Mild Animals. Illus. John Vernon
Lord. Atheneum, 1977. 8-12
The introduction assures the reader that the mixture of creatures met
within the book is imaginary. Imagine meeting an Alligatoranwitan,


Rhinocerostrich, Chimpaniebra and other fantastic creatures The

are described in humorous verse and striking illustrations. Children
enjoy discovering the butterfly hidden in each picture

Brewton, John E., and Lorraine A. Blackburn, compilers They've Dis-

covered a Head in the Box for the Bread and Other Laughable
Limericks. Illus. Fernando Krahn. Thomas Y Crowell, 1978. 8 12
The-trde sets the -tone for _Over two hundred funny limericks about
topics as diverse as animals and love. 0,,e grouping includes rhymed
spellings that need to be deciphered while another set allows the
reader to write the last line Illustrated with humorous black and
white sketches
Carroll, Lewis. Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky. Illus Jane Breskin
Frederick Warne, 1977 10-up.
The classic nonsense poem from Through Looking Ginn where
Alice enlists the aid of Humpty Dum .o help her understand, is
recreated with expressive art and imaginative colored draw ings. Use-
ful for introducing Al '- other adventures.
Cole, William, compiler. L. Such Foolishness! Illus Tomie de Paola
J B. Lippincott, 1978 6 up.
A collection of poems designed to make children of all ages chuckle
Included are such well-known poets as John Ciardi. Laura Richards,
Shel Silverstein, and Lilian Moore Ink and pencil drawings add to
the merriment.
'Dugan, Michael, compiler. Stuff & Nonsense. Illus. Deborah Niland
William Collins Publishers, 1977 8 10
If one likes animals and humorous 'poetry, this delightful book is
made to order. The rhyming quality of the words and the
illustrations make for real "stuff and nonsense "Where does the
elephant keep his trunk, when he becomes a sailor bold" Ibis book
holds the answer to many questions

Kennedy, X J. The Phantom Ice Cream Man: More Nonsense Verse.

Illus. David McPhail. Atheneum, 1979. 8 12
What great fun lies in store for readers of these poems' Easy rhyme<
and rhythms make delightful reading and listening Included are
lasagna, tyrannosaurus rex's teeth, the
odes to such diverse topics as
terrible troll's tollbridge, and mother's pig Illustrations are as non-
sensical and funny as the poems

Lear, Edward. The Owl and the Pussy-cat. Illus. Gwen Fulton. Atheneum,
1977 4 7
The deta.led and colorful illustrations in this new edition of a familiar
humorous verse take the reader to an appealing and unthreatening
dreamland. The illustrations beautifully match Lear's verse

Humor 221

Livingston, Myra Cohn. A Lollygag of Limericks. Illus. Joseph Low

Atheneum, 1978. 10-up.
Each of these forty-four nonsense verses and comical drawings is
amusing. Many English place names are encountered. An excellent
book to use when teaching the structure of the limerick.

Moss, Howard. Tigers and Other Lilies. II los. Frederick Henry Belli.
Atheneum, 1977..7-10.
Here is a collation of humorous poems about plants with animals in
their names: catnip, dogwood, cowslip, horse chestnut, cattail, hare-
bell, toadstool, and others. The poems delight young readers and
invite them to create their own plant-animal verses.

Nash, Ogden (compiler Quentin Blake). Custard and Company. Illus. by

compiler. Little, Brown, 198eTO-up.
Some of Ogden Nash's most delightkl and amusing verses are
humorously illustrated. Selections include favorites such as "The
Parent," "The Dog," "The Kitten," and numerous others.

Orgel, Doris, Merry, Merry FEBruary. Illus. Arnold Lobel. Parents Maga-
zine Press, 1977. 8-12.
In these nonsense verses, little fibs grow into tall tales because it's
FIBruary. Reading aloud is satisfying due to the rhythmic allitera-
tion. Illustrated with watercolor drawings; especially suitable for the
good reader.

Prelutsky, Jack. The Queen of Eene and Other Poems. Illus. Victoria
Chess. Greenwillow Books, 1978. 8-12.
Weird and wacky best describe this assortment of characters created
by verse and pictures. The rhymed poems are funny and outlandish,
telling of strange persons with even stranger pastimes. Children will
enjoy hearing and reading the poems and will chuckle over the zany

Rosenblcoom, Joseph. Silly Verse (and Even Worse). Illus. Joyce Behr
Sterling Publishing, 1979. 7-10.
was sitting on a tombstone, when a ghost came by and said,
'I'm sorry to disturb you, but you're sitting on my head. This
humorous Collection of limericks, poems, and parodies is a good in-
vestment for home or school. Many illustrations and a subject miles
are included.

.Thayer, Ernest Lawrence. Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic,

Sung in the Year 18SB Illus. Wallace Tripp. Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1978. 10-up.
This classic colorful narrative poem is illustrated with a cast of
animal characters who seem quite at home in their baseball roles.


Contrast is provided by the fast action of the poem and the last page
where a tiny mouse is alone in the deserted ballpark.
Yolen, Jane. How 14astly! A Menagerie of Nonsense Poems. Illus. James
Marshall. William Collins Publishers, 1980. 6-8.
Readers will enjoy this collection of nonsense poems about strange
but slightly familiar beasts. The ink and wash illustrations add lots of
humor to the alrerdy funny verses.


Adoff Arnold. Tornado! Poems. Illus. Ronald Filmier. Delacorte Press,

977. 8-up.
The terror and aftermath of the tornado that struck Xenia, Ohio is
relived with fear and hope in this single-theme poem. The destruction
and period of rebuilding are movingly described. Format and style
combine to capture the unusual mood.

Atwood, Ann. Fly with the Wind, Flow with the Water. Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1979. 8-12.
"To fly with the wind, to flow with the water in a dance of light."
Haiku verses that highlight the joy of movement are the focus of this
beautifully illustrated book.
Atwood, Ann. Haiku-Vision in Poetry and Photography. Illus by author
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977. 12 -up.
A discussion of the meaning and effect of haiku poetry is accom-
panied by newly written haiku poems and outstanding color photo-
graph Useful in teaching about the origins and depth of haiku, this
is a tike teachecis resource book. It also serves as a beautiful model
of illustrated poetry.
Baylor, Byrd. The Other Way to Listen. Illus. Peter Parnall. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1978. 8-12.
A child is eager to learn the other way to listen after the old man
tells him that, with patience and silence, one can hear the cactus
blooming or the hills singing. Lovely illustrations and verse related
to nature.

Farber, Norma. Small Wonders. Illus. Kazue Mizumura. Coward, McCann

& Geoghegan, 1979. 8-up.
Simple woodcuts perfectly illustrate thek short poems of common
wonders. Poetic allusions are written with wit and skillful use of
language. The poems speak to experiences of all ages with delightful
metaphors for better readers.

Nature 223

Fox, Siv Cedering. The Blue Horse and Other Night Poems. Illus. Donald
CarrickAeabury Press, 1979. 7-10.
Quiet, wandering poems meander like the mind before sleep comes.
The blue horse eats grass on the coverlet; the shoes sprout wings and
fly; the blanket is warm and covers the head when a bad dream
comes. A Unified experience. Black and white full-page pictures.
Frost, Robert. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Illus.' Susan
Jeffers. E. P. Dutton, 1978. All ages.
The well-known poem is illustrated in gorgeous black and white
drawings filled with woodland life. Beautiful depictions of snow

Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Moments. illus. Michael Hague. tiar-

court Brace Jovanovich, 1980. 8-12.
A rich, thoughtfully selected collection of poems about the seasons.
Poems are juxtaposed to let the reader see, touch, taste, and smell
the special wonder of each season and to reflect on some special
moments: quiet times, funny times, and holidays. Authors Include
David McCord, Karla Kuskin, and Langston Hughes.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. To Look at Any Thing. Photographs by
John Earl. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. All ages.
A Beautiful Combination of haunting visual scenes of nature and
poets' words of celebration creates an outstanding book for brows-
ing. Extension activities are numerous as children are encouraged to
look at their world with increased awareness.
Mizumura, Kazue. Flower Moon Snow: A Book of Haiku. illus. by
author. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 8-12.
Many aspects of nature' throughout the changing seasons are cap-
tured in these original haiku poems. GeneralW, the author has been
faithful to the seventeen-syllable pattern of Japanese haiku The soft
gray and brown woodcuts harmonize with the text
Moore, Lilian. Think of Shadows. Illus.- Deborah Robison. Atheneum,
1980. 7 -tn.
All ki.ids of shadows, frightening and calm, are included in these
seventeen poems. Light and filled with imagery, many of thepoems
have themes that prod thinking. AttractiVe illustrations
Russo, Susan, compiler. The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky. Illus. by
author. Lathrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1979. 4-7.
Fourteen poems of night for very young children show nighttime in
its many guises. Most of the choices are old favorites, some humor-
ous, some thoughtful. Poets include Nikki Giovanni, Myra Cohn


224 Poetry

Livingston, Vachel Lindsay, Karla Kuskin, Joan Aiken, Robert

Louis Stevenson, Marchette Chute, and Louis Untermever. Hand-
, somely illustrated.

Schweninger, Ann, compiler: The Man in the Moon as He Sails the Sky
and Other Moon Verse. Illus. by author Dodd, Mead, 1979. 4- 7.
The moon's special charm is the subject of the twenty-one poems in
this appealing book. Sources of poems include Mother Goose,
Edward Lear, and Vachel Lindsay. Watercolor illustr? ons comple-
ment the lovely verses that are sure to delight the young.

Sun through Small Leaves: Poems of Spring. Illus Satomi Ichikawa.

William Collins Publishers, 1980. 8-12
This small collection of poems celebrates spring. Contributors include
renowned authors such as Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins,
Rudyard Kipling, and William Blake. Exquisitely illustrated.

General Collections

Abercrombie, Barbara, editor. The Other Side of r. Poem. Illus. Harry

Bertschmann. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. All ages.
This anthology of twentieth-century American poetry groups poems
into such inviting categories as "Delicious Sounds" and "Secret
Messages." Theodore Roethke, Sylvia Rath, and William Carlos
Williams are among the distinguished poets represented The poems
included have child appeal. T. S Eliot, for example, writes of the
difficulties in naming a cat

Brewton. Sara, John E Brewton, and John Brewton Blackburn. compilers

Of Quarks, Quasars, and Other Quirks: Quizzical Poems for the
Supersonic Age. Illus. Quentin Blake Thomas Y. Crowell. 1977
10- up.
These poems, all commenting on the moc;ern world and the space
age, provide both wry humor and disturbing images Many favor-
ite authors are :ncluded. Nash, Ciardi, McCord, Merriam The
black and white line drawings make their own am sing and
pointed comments.
Brnwn, Marc, compiler Finger Rhymes. Illus by author. E. P. Dutton,
1980. 4 -7.
Fourteen nursery rhymes and poems are shown with instructions for
finger rhymes. Handsome double-page spreads of black and white
drawings with orange bord,As make this an attractive book. Includes
"Where Is Thumbkin9," "There Was a Little Turtle," "Five Little
Pigs." "Fish Story," "Whoops! Jolinn," "Clap Your Hands," and
"The Squirrel

2 ')3
General Collections 225

de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. A Bunch of Poems and Verses. Illus. i :ary

Jane Dunton. Seabury Press, 1977. 4-7.
Here is air excellent collection of contemporary limericks, poems,
and verses about time-related experiences and events. Graphic illus-
trations enhance the vivid, descriptive verses. A good reference for
the teacher of young children.
Dickinson, Emily. I'm Nobody! Who Are You? Illus. Rex Schneider
Stemmer House Publishers, 1978. 8-12.
Rich-toned, full-color drawings tr tie this a very special collection of
forty-five poems especially sekct.d for children. Many are story
poems and their themes vary: nature, emotions, unique thoughts An
introduction by Richard B. Sewall is helpful to the study of these
works, as is the glossary.
Driz, Ovsei (translator Joachim Neugroschel). The Boy and the Tree. Illus.
Victor Pivovarov. Prentice-Hall, 1978. 8-12.
This collection of children's poems maintains the quaintly humorous,
direct, and imaginative qualities of the original Russian Yiddish
Hill, Helen, Agnes Perkins, and Alethea Helbig, compilers. Straight on
Till Morning: Poems of the Imaginary World. Illus. Ted Lewin
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 8-12.
Nearly 100 poems by modern English and American poets, some
seldom anthologized, are arranged in eight imaginative categories
including "Fetch Me Far and Far Away" and "Funny and Fabulous
Friends." Pencil drawings capture glimpses of the child's world of
imagination, which is emphasized in the collection.
Kuskin, Karla. Dogs and Dragons, Trees and Dreams. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1980. 8-12.
The 1979 NCTE Poetry Award recipient has collected many of her
poems and has added fresh and lively pictures to her notes and
comments, inviting the reader to take an enchanting tour of the
world of poetry.
Lewis, Claudia. Up and Down the River: Boat Poems. Illus Bruce Degen
Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 6 -9.
Original poems inspired by boats on a river are simple io style and
meaning and full of imagery. Each of the thirteen poems is reminis-
cent of a particular type of boat, such as a cutter, sailboat, barge,
tugboat. Well illustrated.
Livingston, Myra Cohn. 0 Sliver of Liver. Illus. Iris Van Rynbach
Atheneum, 1979 10-up
Over forty poems, some thoughtful, some humorous, cover a wide
range of topics. Haiku, cinquains, and concrete poetry are included


in the variety of foi ins written and compiled by the 1980 NC rE

Poetry Award recipient.
McCord, David. Speak Up: More Rhymes of the Never Was and Always
Is. Illus. Marc Simont. Little, Brown, 1980. 7- 10.
The recipient of the first NCTE Poetry Award has put together a
collection of forty new poems to delight old fans and attract new
ones. Once again the poet's fascination and skill with words shine
through in this group of "rhymes of the never was and always is."

Millay, Edna St. Vincent. Edna St. Vincent Millay's Poems Selected for
Young People. Illus Ronald Keller. Harper & Row, clublishers,
1979. 12--up.
This handsomely designed collection provides a fine introduction to
the poet The sixty poems include "Renascence" and "Harp Weaver",
there are also numerous sonnets and nature poems Well illustrated
with striking woodcuts.
Moore, Lilian, compiler. Go with the Poem. McGraw-Hill, 1979 10 12
Poems reflecting feelings that all of us share hale been collz-t,( for
middle grade students. The ninety poems are chosen from twentieth:
century poets such as William Carlos Williams; Lucille Clifton, John
Updike, and others to provide a rich, varied anthology

Morrison, Lillian. The Sidewalk Racer and Other Poems of Sports and
Motion. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1977 10 12
Themes of the thirty-eight poems in this collection run the gamut
from golf to streetfighting, baseball to hiking Seseral poem, are
specifically about women participating in sports, a raity in chil-
dren's poetry Superb black and white photos add interest and appeal
for advanced readers.

Pagliaro, Penny. editor. I Like Poems and Poems Like Me. thus Wendy
Kim Chee. Press Pacifica, 1977 6 9
This delightful collection from contemporary poets as well as old
favorites is good for introducing children to poetry with poems that
look at the world and everyday expert, nces Enchanting black and
white illustrations
A Poison Tree and Other Poems. Illus Mercer Mayer. Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1977. 12 up
A collection of twenty thoughtful poems by such poets as William
Blake, Langston Hughes, Eve Merriam, and Nikki Gioanni
page illustrations quietly reflect the mood and emotion of each poem

Starbird, Kaye The Covered Bridge House and Other Poems. inns Jim
Arnosky. I-our Winds Press, 1979 8 12
1 here's -net hing for every child in these sometimes humorous,

N.' Lit)
General Collections 227

sometimes serious poems. Vignettes of childhood scenes are clearly

depicted in the poems and complementary black and white sketches.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses. Illus. Ruth Sander-
son. Platt & Munk, Publishers, 1977.4-7.
This large picture book con*ains ten well-known poems and is a fine
introduction to Robert Louis Stevenson's works. The pictures are
reminiscent of a past era. Included are favorites such as "The Swing"
and "The Land of Counterpane."
Tarbox, Shirley, and Todd Tarbox, editors. Footprints of Young Explorers
by Children from around the World. Todd Tarbox Books, 1978.
Poems, stories, and illustrations by children from around the world
have been collected ty the editors. Subjects range from animals to
sand castles. Use as a springboard for inspiring other young poets
and illustrators.
Watson, Clyde Catch Me & Kiss Me & Say It Again. Illus. Wendy
Watson. William Collins Publishers, 1978 3-5.
Rhyme, rhythm, and repetition invite young children to participate
in the activities suggested `v the thirty-two modern nursery rhymes.
The amusing Verses are rendered even more appealing by the humor-
ous watercolor illustrations
Wilner, Isabel, compiler The Poetry Troupe: An Anthology of Poems to
Read Aloud. Illus. by author. Charles Scr!bner's Sons, 1977. All ages.
The commie'. read much poor-, to children, delighting them so much
that they Oeveloped a poetry troupe in order to share poems they
loved. These c.-(. some of tnca favorites, categonied in a way that
makes them especiAlly useful to the teacher who would like to try
poetry !cal i rigs

Additional Poetry books

Acioff, Arnold ben th" Darkei qrother Illus Benny Andrews Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1968 9 u
Aldis, Dorothy All I ogether Illus Elden Jameson, Marjorie Hack, and
Margaret Freeman G P Putn..-n's Sons, 1952 4-7
Arbuthnot, May Hill, and Shelton I ',toot, Jr , comps T le for Poetry 3rd ed
Illus. Arthur Paul. Scott, Foresman, 1967 5-13
Association for Childhood Education International, comp. Sung under the Silver
Umbrella Illus. Dorothy Lathrop 1.1...:rillari Publishing, 1935 4 14
Atwood, Ann Haiku: The Moed of Earth. Pnotographs by author C)t.rles
Schbrer's Sons, 1971.8-16
Baron, Virginia Olsen, comp. The Seasos of Time. Tanka Poetry of Ancient
Japan Illus. Yasuhidc Kobashi. Dial Press, 1968 12-up
Behn, Harry. Cricket Songs. Japanese Haiku With pictures selected from Sesshu
and other Japanese masters. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1964 9-up

228 Poetry

Bodecker, N. M. Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear' Atheneum, 1976. 9 -up.

Brewton, Sara, and John E. Brewton, comps. Laughable Limericks. Illus Ingrid
Fetz. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1965.8-11.
Brooke, L. Leslie. Ring O'Roses. Frederick Warne, 1923.3-7.
Brooks, Gwendolyn Bronzeville Boys and Girls. Illus Ronni Solbert. Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1956 7-11
Ciardi, John. The Reason for the Pelican. Illus Madeleine Gekiere J. B
Lippincott, 1959.6-10
Coatsworth, Elizabeth. Sparrow Bush. Illus. Stefan Martin Norton, 1966 9-: I
Cole, William, ed. Oh, That's Ridiculous! Illus Tomi Ungerer. Viking Press,
1972. All ages.
DeAngeli, Marguente Book of Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes. Doubleday,
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. Something Special Illus Irene Haas Harcourt
Brace Joy., ovich, 1958.4-8.
Doob, L. W., comp. A Crocodile Has Me by the Leg Illus. S Wangboje

Walker, 1968.9-14
Dunning, Stephen, Edward Lueders, and Hugh Smith, comps Reflections on a
Gift of Watermelon Pickle . and Other Modern Verse. Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1967 I 2-up.
Field, Rachel. Poems Macmillan Publishing, 1957 8-up.
Fisher, Aileen. Feathered Ones and Furry. Illus. Eric Carle Thomas Y Crowell,
1971 6-12.
Froman, Robert Street Poems. McCall, 1971. 8 -up
Frost, Frances. The Little Whistler Illus Roger Duvoisin McGraw-Hill, 1966
Frost, Robert. You Come Too Favorite Poems for Young Readers Illus
Thomas Nason Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959 10- up
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, comp I Think I Saw a Snail' Young Poems for City
Seasons 111us Harold James Crown Publishers, 1969 4-9 411P

Jordan. June. Who Look a: Me. Illus with paintings Thomas Y Crowell, 1969
Kuskin, Karla Any Me I Want to Be. Harper & Row. Publishers, 1972 6-9
Lama, Nancy, comp On City Streets Illus by David Sagann M Evans, 1968
Lear, Edward The Complete Nonsense Book. Dodd, Mead. 1958 5-9
Lewis, Richard, comp Miracles Poems by Children of the English-speaking
World. Simon & Schuster, 1966 7-12
Lines, Kathleen. comp Lavender's Blue. Illus Harold Jones Franklin Watts,
1954 4-7.
Livingston, Myra Cohn Whispers and Other Poems. thus J- cqueltne Chwast
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1958 4-9
McCord, David Every Time I Climb a Tree. Illus Mai,: Si iont Little, Brown,
1967 5-9
McDonald, Gerald D, comp A Way of Knowing Illus Clare and John Ross
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1959 9-16
Merriam, Eve It Doesn't Always Have to Rhyme thus Malcolm Spooner
Atheneum, 1964 10-up
Milne, A A. The Worid of Christopher Robin Illus E H Shepard E P
Dutton, 1958 6- up
Moore. Lilian / Feel the Same Way Illus Robert Quackenbush Atheneum,
1968 3 8

Poetry 229

Ness, Eva line, comp. Amelia Mixed the Mustard. C Arles Scribner's Sons, 1975
O'Neil, Mary. Hailstones and Halibut Bones. illus. Leonard Weisgard Double-
day, 1961. 5-8.
Read, Herbert, comp. This Way, Delight: A Book of Poetry for the Young Illus
Jr.het Kepes Pantheon Bookc, 1956. 5-9.
Reed, Philip. Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes. Atheneum, 1963. 5-7
Richards, Laura. Tirra Lirra. Illus. Marguerite Davis. Little, Brown, 1955 5-12
Rieu, E. V. The Flattered Flying Fish and Other Poems. Illus. E. H Shepard
E. P. Dutton, 1962. 9-12.
Riley, James Whitcomb. The Gobble -tins 11 Git You of You Don't Watch Out
Illus. Joel Scnick. J. B. Lippincott, 1975 6-12.
Rojankovsky, Feodor. The Tall Book of Mother Goose. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1942. 3-6.
Rossetti, Christina. Goblin Market. Illus. Ellen Raskin E. P. Dutton, 197u it 16.
Sandburg, Carl. Early Moon. Illus. James Daugherty. Harcourt Brace Jovai o-
vich, 1930. 12 -up.
Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1974
Starbird, Kaye. Don't Ever Cross a Crocodile. lilt's Kit Dalton J B Lippincott,
1963. 5-up.
Tudor, Tasha Mother Goose Henry Z Walck, 1944 3 7
Wallace, Daisy, ed. Witch Poems Illus. Trina Schart Hyman Holiday House,
1976. 8-12.
Wildsinith, Brian. Brie- myth's Mother Goose. Franklin Watts, 1965 3 6



Balian, Lorna. Bah! Humbug? Abingdon Press, 1977.4-7.

Margie's big brother Arthur says there is no Santa. She watches as
he plots a trap with bells and string to catch "fat humbug Santa
Claus." Arthur falls asleep but wide-awake Margie delightfully wit-
nesses Santa's visit. The humorous illustrations and text beautifully
blend to shake even big brother Arthur's disbelief.

Barth, Edna, compiler. A Christmas Feast: Poems, Sayings, Greetings,

and Wishes. Illus. Ursula Arndt. Clarion Books, 1979.8-12.
This valuable collection of Christmas poems, sayings, greetings, and
wishes is grouped by topic. The anticipation of Christmas is explored
as well as the happy events of the Christmas season. An excellent
book for home or school because activities are suggested for both.
Artistic etchings complement the text.

Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Berenstain. The Berenstain Bears' Christmas

Tree. Random House, 1980.3-7.
The Berenstain bears are hunting for a Christmas tree. Papa Bear
knows exactly which tree to get. Their search takes them far but they
decide against the tree that they came for when they discover that it
is the home of several small animals. (Picture book)

Carroll, Theodus C. The Lost Christmas Star. Illus. William Hutchinson.

Garrard Publishing, 1979.7-10
Matthew, jealous of Judy's interest in Tim, the new boy, suspects
Tim of stealing the wooden star that Matt had placed on the
community Christmas tree. Tim's shyness accentuates the problem
until Matt's dog Jingles finds the star. Good to read aloud by
chapters; stimulates discussion. (Picture book)
Dasent, George Webbe, Sir, translator. The Cat on the Dovrefell: A
Christmas Tale. Illus. Tomie de Paola. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1979.
A traveler seeks lodging in a cottage with his white bear. He isn't

Christmas 231

particularly welcome because the trolls always spend Christmas Eve

there, but he stays nonetheless. After the awesome trolls arrive and
feast, they mistake the bear for a cat and tease it. The bear frightens
them away forever. A Norwegian tale with full-color illustrations.
(Picture book)

de Paola, Tomie. The Family Christmas Tree Book. Illus. by author.

Holiday House, 1980. 7-10.
A family on an outing to select a Christmas tree discusses that
particular holiday custom. The author shares many facts in an inter-
esting fashion. Readers learn not only the history of Christmas trees,
but such anecdotes as how Theodore Roosevelt's son once hid his
Christmas tree in a closet!

Devlin, Wende, and Harry Devlin. Cranberry Christmas. Parents Maga-

zine Press, 1976. 6-9.
Mr. Whiskers is troubled and facing a gloomy Christmas. He can't
find the deed to the pond and his house is a mess. Then his friends,
young Maggie and her grandmother, come to his aid in both a
practical and surprising. way. Good holiday read-aloud book.
(Picture book)

Walt Disney Productions. The Small One. Random House, 1979. 7-10.
Small One is an old donkey well loved by the boy who is sent to
Nazareth to sell him. The eventual buyer is a kindly man who needs
a gentle animal to carry his wife Mary, to Bethlehem Large print,
colorful Disney illustrations, and reinforced bmding; Christmas read-
ing. (Picture book)

Foreman, Michael. Winter's; Tales. Illus. Freire Wright. Doubleday, 1979

Six magical tales of Christmastime contain love, humor, warmth,
and wonder. Secular in content, tale essence of each is captured in
the softly painted illustrations. The combination of quality text and
drawings make this a highly recommended book. (Picture book)

Hodges, C. Walter. Plain Lane Christmas. Illus. by author Coward,

McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 8-12.
The residents of Plain Lane realize that immediate strong action
must be taken if their little street is going to escape the wrecking ball
of urban renewal. A Christmas celebration followed by a Chinese
New Year festival b-ings remarkable results.

232 Holidays

Hoff, Syd. Merry Christmas, Henrietta! Garrard Publishing, 1980 6 9

An enterprising chicken v" sits a department store Santa to get sug-
gestions for a present for her owner After working as Santa's helper
for a day, she ends up with presents both for herself and for Farmer
Gray. An improbable and very funny easy reader with cartoon illus-
trations. (Picture book)

Johnston, Tony. Five Little Foxes and the Snow. Illus Cyndy Siekeres
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 4-7.
Security, love, the joy of living, and old-fashioned family. values are
implicit in the narration and watercolor drawings of this simple
Christmas tale. Gramma Fox knits "click, click" by the fire while
each little fox begs to play in the snow, until Christmas morning'
Good for choral reading and dramatn-ng. (Picture book)

Kurelek, William. A Northern Nativity: Christmas Dreams of a Prairie

Boy. Tundra Books, 1976. 10-up.
A series of paintings show how the Christ Child and His mother
might be welcomed in times and places other than Bethlehem The
Holy Family is shown in a railroad car, in a motel, in a fishing
village. The masterful pictures are worthy of the text (Picture book)

Livingston, My ra Cohn, editor. 1 oems of Christmas. Atheneum, 1980.

8- up.
Christmas poems for the young and old include old favorites from
the Bible and traditional carols to less-known verses by George
MacDonald, T. S. Eliot, W H Auden and a host of others. Author,
title, and first line indexes

MacKellar, William The Silent Bells. Illus Ted Lewin Dodd. Mead,
1978. 8 12.
Foi over two hundred years, the bells in a Swis., cathedral had been
silent. Legend says that when a pilgrim offers the right gift to the
Christ Child, the bells will ring. Anne-Marie, a simple child, is
rewarded for her likewise simple gift by the triumphant pealing of
the bells. A beautiful, sensitive Christmas story

Manley, Seon, and Gogo Lewis, compilers. Christmas Ghosts. Doubleday,

1978. 12-up.
The ghost story is a Christmas tradition of Dickensian respectability
and this fine collection of short stories contains both ghosts and
mysteries linked to the holiday season Authors inclut,c Allingham.
Walpole, Sayers, and Dickens himself. Stories in the classic tradition
for the distinctly older reader.

Moore, Clement The Night before Christmas. Illus Tonne de Paola.

Holiday House, 1980. All ages
The classic poem is illustrated with an 1840s New Hampshire village

Christmas 233

setting. Each page is bordered.by designs from New England quilts.

Large full-color watercolor and ink drawings include a St. Nicholas
who is properly plump and jolly. The book is certain to become a
Christmas classic it,;elf. (Picture book)
Paterson, Katherine. Angels and Other Strangers: Family Christmas
Stories. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979 10-up.
A fine collection of nine Christmas stories that reveal the true mean-
ing of the day, the birth of the Savior. The problems of everyday life
arc met in these appealing stories: foster ,thildren are taken in by a
widow, a '.ioy runs away, and a mother loses her child.
Quackenbush, Robert. The Most Welcome visitor. E. P. Dutton, 1978.
Fred Horny Toad has a large family. One by one they come to visit
him just when he has moved into a new home. His own special
visitor at Christmastime gives a gift that causes the visitors to change
their plans and visit their own homes. A funny cumulative tale.
(Picture book)
Stevens, Patricia Bunning. Merry Christmas! A History of the Holiday.
Macmillan Publishing, 1979. 10- up.
A unique look at the Christmas holiday traces its history from
ancient pagan festivals to contemporary American customs. Black
and white photographs and illustrations are included Useful bibli-
ography and index.
Thercbux, Paul. A -Christmas Card. Illus. John Lawrence. Houghton
Mifflin, 1978. 10-12
A deceptively simple story of a family lost on its way to spend
Christmas in a new home becomes a tale of magic and mystery A
strange old man and a nine -year -old boy meet through a world
illustrated on a Christmas card and make possible a joyous Christmas
Thomas, Dylan. A Child's Christmas in Wales. Illus Edward Ardizzone
David R. Godine, Publisher, 1980. All ages.
The author's remembrances of childhood Christmases in a ',mall
Welsh town is a fine read-aloud book The illustrate -ns make this
version unique. Alternate black and white pen sketches and full-color
watercolor illustrations add to the charm. (Picture book)
Williams, Vera B. It's a Gingerbread House: Bake It, Build lt, Eat It!
Greenwillow Books, 1978. 7-9.
Grandpa Ben baked and sent r. gingerbread house to his grand-
children, who found it irresistible. When they ate the roof, they
found Grandpa's letter with complete instructions, necessary patterns,
and explicit directions for the house. Three-color diagrams also
enable the reader to duplicate the; house.



Gackenbach, Dick. Hattie, Tom, and The Chicken Witch: A Play and
a Sieri. :Ismer & Row, Publishers, 1980. 6-9.
Tom doesn't want any rabbits in his Easter play. Hattie insists that
Easter and rabbits go together like peanut butter and jelly. This is an
enjoyable easy-to-read story of how Hattie gets t... be in the play. A
play script is included. (Picture book)
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiles. Easter Buds Are Springing: Poems for
Easter. Illus. Tomie de Paola. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 4-7.
This collection of nineteen poems celebrates Easter, both the secular
lir.; religious aspects. Irrluded are poets Elizabeth Coatsworth,
Aileen Fisher, Joyce Kilmer, and David McCord. Delightful draw-
ings accompany each poem.
Wahl, Jan. Old Hippo's Easter Egg. Illus. Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Har-
court Brace Jovanovich, 1980. 4-7.
When a little duck hatches from an Easter egg left at lonely Mr.
Hippo's door, Mr. Hippo happily becomes the baby duck's parent.
Large humorous illustrations blend to WI this funny but gentle story
of family love and new beginnings. A good read-aloud book.
(Picture book)


Asch, Frank. Popcorn: A Frank Asch Bear Story,: Parents Magazine

Press, 1979. 3 -5.
Mama and Papa Bear leave little Sam all alone on Halloween Eve
He calls his friends, designs a costume, and soon there is a party.
Each friend brings a treat: popcorn! The evening proves to be a lot
of fun. The simple plot and simple illustrations are just right for
preschoolers. (Picture book)
Brewton, John E., Lorraine A. Plackburn, and George M Blackburn, 11:
In the Witch's Kitchen: Poems for Halloween. Illus. Harriett Barton.
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. All ages.
Forty-two poems by twenty-seven children's poets will be welcomed
by children, teachers, parents, and librarians alike Black and white
illustrations add a childlike charm to the laughs and chills of this
scary good fun.
Cavagnaro, David, and Maggie Cavagnaro. The Pumpkin People. Sierra
Club Books, 1979. 6-9.
Pippin and his father plant pumpkin seeds in the spring. During the
summer the plants grow, produce, then wither. The family invites the
neighbors in to celebrate the harvest in a way just right for jack-

Halloween 235

Cuyler, Margery. The All-Aroamd Pumpkin Book. Illus. Corbett Jones.

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. 8-12.
Little-known facts about- the pumpkin, a planting and cultivation
guide, recipes, and a variety of party and, craft ideas fill this unusual
book. Black and white illustrations add interest to the text. .

Jasner; W. K. Which Isisell7 Witch? Illus. Victoria Chess. Pantheon Books,

1979. 6-8.
Every Halloween Jenny insists on dressing up as a witch. Then she
gets a chance to trade places with a real witch. Black and white
pictur.:s add proper witchiness to this funny story. An easy-to-read
- .
book. k Picture book)
Kellogg, Steven. The Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin. Dial Press,
1980. 3-7\,
Joan, Brian, and Ellis plant a pumpkin seed in their friend Mr.
Bramble's yard. Before the pumpkin is large enough, Mr. Bramble
moves away and the new neighbor refuses to let the children in his
yard. A Halloween "Trick and Treat" provides a happy ending for all.
(Picture book)
Kessler, Leonard. Riddles That Rhyme for Hneween Time. Garrard
Publishing, 1978. 6-10. 6-
Twenty-three Halloween rhyming riddle's in which the reader en-
counters ghosts, witches, cats, and other Halloween characters are
cleverly illustrated. The wordplay gives readers an enjoyable treat.
Low, Alice. The Witch Who Was Afraid ,J.1- ,Witches. Illus. Karen
Gundersheimer. Pantheon Books, 1978. --9.
Wendy, the youngest of three witches, could do few witchy things
and was even afraid of witches! Losing her broomstick just before
Halloween helped her make a friend and find powers she didn't I
know she had. A good Halloween read -aloud story, colorful draw-
ings add to appeal. (Picture book)
Nolan, Dennis. Witch Bazooza. Prentice-Hall, 1979 6 9.
Hoping to win the most spookily decorated house contest, Witch
Bazooza uses many poetic incantations. She and Ajax, her red -noted
in getting the perfect window centerpiece.
cat, have difficulty
Humorous story and drawings in this Halloween read-aloud book
(Picture book)
Prclutsky, Jack. It's Halloween. Illus. Marylin Hafner. Greenwillow Books,
1977. 6 -9.
A collection of thirteen Halloween poems that are funny and scary.
The illustrations are as much fun as the verse. An easy-to-read book

236 Holidays

St. George, Judith. The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher. Illus M ,rgot

Tomes. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 7-10.
Mary Grace has a make-believe best friend, Nelly. Nelly is brave,
kind, and smart Three days before Halloween Nelly and Mary
Grace have to solve the mystery of the smashed pumpkins Readers 1
discover that Nelly isn't the only brave, kind, and smart person. The
real pumpkin smasher is truly a surprise. (Picture book)

Schulman, Janet. Jack the Bum and the Halloween Handout. Illus. James
Stevenson. Greenwillow Books, 1977. 6-9.
Jack the bum gets right into t!'e act of begging on Halloween night
He discovers that UNICEF seems to be the magic word How he
learns the real meaning behind UNICEF is an engaging stor', for
beginning readers. (Picture book)

Stevenson, James that Terrible Halloween Night. Greenwillow Books,

1980 5-8.
Mary Ann and Lowe try to scare Grandpa ^n Halloween He doesn't
scare easily, not since that terrible Halloween night years ago when
he, went into the scary house with all the horrible creatures and came
out an old man Wonderful spurs for children's imaginations

Vigna, Judith. Everyone does as a Pumpkin. Illus 19} author Albert

Whitman, 1977 6 9
Emily has a gorgeous costume for the Halloween party. It is stolen
from the bus seat as she rides the crowded bus to her grandmother's
house Happily, Emily discovers that going to the party as herself is
the most fun of all Softly colored illustrations. (Picture book)

Jewish Holidays

Aleichem, Sholem (translators and adapters Uri Shulevit/ and Elisabeth

Shub). Hanukah Money. Illus Uri Shulevit, Greenwillow Books,
1978 6 9
It is Hanukah. Father lights the candle and says the blessing. Moti
and his older brother join the family activities, then enjoy themselves
going to a relative's home to collect the expected gift of Hanukah
money Lively. detailed illustrations. (Picture book)

Cuyler, Margery Jewish Holidays. Illus Lisa C Wesson Holt, Rinehart

and Winston, 1978. 8-12
Pageantry, drama, and the recreative joy of present-day holidays .s_
that commemorate ancient acts of courage, love, and religious devo-
tion are the stuff of this little volume. Simple, happy ink drawings
illustrate the short readable chapters. Every major Jewish holiday is
depicted, with a related and easy craft project for each.

Jewish Holidays 237

Drucker, Malka. Hanukkah: Eight Nights, Eight !eights. Illus. Brom

Hoban. Holiday House, 1980. 12-up.
The .history; customs, and rituals of Hanukkah, the Festiva! of
Lights, are treated in considerable depth. Related crafts, recipes, and
puzzles are suggested. A valuable source book for middle 'graders
with a glossary and index. Ink illustrations.
Greenfeld, Howard. Passover. Illus. Elaine_Grove. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1978. 10-up.
The Passover holiday is described: how it is observed, what it means,
its historical beginnings, its symbols. Simply-told stories are encased
in an elegantly designed ocher. Scratchboard illustrations capture a
sense of timelessness, and top-of-page illustrations depict appropriate
symbols. Very worthwhi:e.
Greenfeld, Howard: Rosh Hashanah end Yom Kippur. Illus. Elathe Grove.
_ -
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. 8-12.
Rosh Hashanah lnd.Yom Kippur, the most important of all Jewish
holidays, are exp. ned through text and black and white illustra-
tions. All new terms are defined. An excellent book for acquainting
children with Judaism.
Levitin, Sonia. A Sound to Remember. Illus. Gabriel Lisowski. Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1,79. 6-9.
Jacov, a "not -too - right" youngster, was chosen to blow the shofar
or ram's horn for the Rosh Hashanah teas,. Even though he prac-
ticed, not a sound would come; however, the kind Rabbi's plan
works. Set at the end ,- the nineteenth century in an eastern Jewish
settlement. (Pictu:- book)
Suhi, Yuri. The Purim Goat. Illus Kaethe Zemach. Four Winds Press,
1980. 7-10.
Braindel and her ten-year-old son live in poverty in a one-room
cottage. Selling baked pumpkin seeds is their .,cant livelihood until
they purchase a goat as another money-making venture. The goat
disappoints them, but on the feastof.Purm something wonderful
takes place. Complementary illustrations.

Va6;ntine's Day

Brown, Marc. Arthur's valentine. Little, Brown, 1980. 6-9.

Arthur's secret admirer causes him embarrassment. Finally he figures
out who it is and turns the tables on his Valentine A funn} animal
story. (Picture book)

24 G
238 Hohdat s

Nixcii, Juan Lowery The Valentine Mystery. Illus Jim Cummins Albert
Whitman, 1979 7 10
Susan receises an unsigned salentine Her only clue about the sender
comes from two-year-old Barney who tells her the person wore
watches o.-1 his tennis shoes She must think about how a toddler
talks in order to solve the mystery (Picture book)
Quinn, Gardner. Valentine Crafts and Cookbook. Illus Madeline Gross-
man. Harsey Hc use, Publishers, 1977 8 12
A brief history of Valentine's Day and its interesting customs and
easy-to-follow directions for creating cards, gifts, and special foods
are inc;uded :n this excellent resource book Attractise illustrations
Wahl, Jan Pleasant Fielennouse's Valentine Trick. Illus Frik Blegsad
F P. Dutton, 1977, 4 7
The animals in the forest are not getting along, and Pleasant Field-
mouse decides to do something to bring them together again on
friendly terms He des ises a plan which culminates on St Valentine's
Day Black and white sketches (Picture bool.)

Other Holidays

Barth. Edna Shamrocks., Harps, and Shillelaghs: The Story of the St.
Patrick's Day SyrnbnIs. Illus Ursula Arndt Seabury Press, 1977
10- up
Another informatise title added to Barth's holiday collection leach-
ers and students alike will enioy this well-written hook that explains
the origin and meaning of the symbol', and legends associated wish
St Patrick's Day The index and nnotated reading list will prose
helpful to the young researcher
Bunting, Eve St. Patrick's Day in the Morning. Illus ,Ian Brett Clarior
Books, 1980 5 8
Jamie Donosan proses to himself that he's not too young to march
in the St Patrick's Day parade Illustrations authentically portray
the countryside and characters Young readers t''silt' relate to
asp rations anctto the excitement of celel- ring holidays
(Picture book)
Cheng, Hou-tien The Chinese New Year. Illus by author Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1976 7 10
Artful scissor cuts illustrate this informative account of the Chinese
holiday that marks the beginning of spring The festivities stretch over
several days and include gift exchangt., special food, firecrackers,
dances, and parades, eurminating with the Lantern Festisai

Other Holidays

Hathaway/Nancy. Thanksgiving Crafts and Cookbook. Illus. Hannah

Ber an. Harvey House, Publishers, 1979 8- 12
Cr fts, recipes, and a game centered around a Thanksgiving tti_e
a e collected in this volume Simple instructions and black and
Mite illustrations introduce projects such as dioramas, place cards,
/collages. puppets, and wall hangings. The author has also written
/ Halloween Crafts and Cookbook.
Hypkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Beat the Drum: Independence Day Has
/ Col .e. Illus Tomie de Paola. Harcourt Brace JO% anovich, 1977. 6 -9.
The patriotic aspect of the Fourth of July and the fun of picnics,
fireworks, and parades come to life in this collection of poems by
poets ranging from Car! S; ndburg to Shel Silverstein. Bright red and
blue illustrations add to the enjoyment of the book
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, compiler. Merrily Comes Our Harvest In: Poems
for Thanksgiving. Illus. Ben Shecter. Harcourt E .ice Jovanov ich,
1978.6 -up
The spirit and history of an American Thanksgiving are celebrated in
twenty delightful poems. Th si anthology is fifth in a series of poems
on specific holidays. A fine classroom tool. Brown ink illustrations.

Lobel. Arnold. Frog and Toad All Year. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1976
6 8.
Five short stories relate the adventures of Frog and Toad during
each season of the year and at Christmas. Humorous illustrations
and an easy-to-read text make this third volume in a series ahout
these two best friends another delightful book (Picture book)

Madhubuti, Safisha L The Story of Kwanza. Illus Murry N Depillars

Third World Press, 1977 8-10.
Kwan7a, a special holiday of thanksgiving for ali that has been done
and built dur ng the year, was first celebrated in Egypt, known long
ago Chun, a great black nation I he holiday reaffirms the
Africans' sense of self-determination

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Griselda's New Year. Illus Normand

Chartier Macmillan Publishing, 1979. 4-7
Griselda the goose wants to help her friends, but mostly she makes
things a lot worse When she tries to carry out he NCIA' Year's
resolutions, her good deeds backfire. Big and bold drawings of some
funny animals.

Williams, Barbara. Chester Chipmunk's Thanksgiving. Illus Kay Chorao

E. P. Dutton, 1978 4-7.
Chester Chipmunk is grateful for his many blessings at Thanksgiving
time. Besides his large burrow and his new cloak, he has more than
enough pecans for the winter. Inviting others to share his food is at

1 4i
240 Holidays

first a disappointment and then a happy surprise Delightful tan and

brown illustrations in this good reed -aloud book (Picture nook)


Alexander, Sue Small Plays for Special Days. Illus Tom Huffman Sea-
bury Press, 1977 3-6
Seven short and entertaining plays about popular holidays. Plays are
written for two actors, but this number can easily be extended. Sug-
gestions are given for easy-to-make costumes and props. An excellent
resource book for the teacher of primary students

Livingston, Myra Cohn, editor. Callooh! Callay! Holiday Poems for

Young Readers. Illus Janet Stevens Atheneum, 1978 8 12
A collection of over eighty poems that celebrate holidays, including
well-known and less famous poets and representing a time range
from eleventh-century China to twentieth-century America Con-
tains something of the old and familiar, something of the new
and fresh

Quackenbush, Robert, compiler The Holiday Song Book. Illus by author

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1977 7 up
One hundred familiar and lesser-known songs for holidays, including
twenty-seven arrangements for easy piano and guitar Martin Luther
King's birthday is included, as is Passover, Pan American Day
and Arbor Day A useful reference for teachers; group leaders,
a'1,1 libraries

Sarnoff, Jane Light the Candles! Beat the Drums! A Book of Holidays.
Illus. Reynold Ruffins. Charles Scrihner's Sons, 1979 8 12
leachers and children alike will enjoy this hook of holidays and
special events Many famous characters are found in the text and
material for a variety of ideas to he explored is found on every page
Colored and black and white illustrations

1 udor, Tasha A Time to Keep: The Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays. Illus
by author Rand McNally, 1977 All age,
With few words and beautifully bordered watercolor paintings, the
author-illustrator describes traditional holiday celebrations in a New
England household A book for all ages to experience and enjoy

Additional Holiday Books

Andersen. Hans Christian The Little Match Girl Illus Blair I ent Houghton
Mifflin. 1968 6 10
Branley, Franklyn The Christina Illus Blair l ent 1 horn.. Y Crowell,
1966 8 -II

2 4 ci(1

Bright, Robert Georgie's Halloween Doubleday, 1958 4 8

Burch, Robert. Renfroe's Christmas Illus Rocco Negri Viking Press, 1968 7 10
Carlson, Natalie Savage Befana's Gift Illus Robert Quackenbush Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1969 8-11
Carlson, Natalie Savage The Farm!) under the Bridge Illus Garth Williams
Harper & Row, Publishers, 058 9 up
Caudill. Rebecca A Certain Small Shopherd Illus William Pene du Bois Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1965 6-uj,
Coombs, Patricia Dome and the Halloween Plot Lothrop, t ee & Shepard
Books, 1976. 6-10
Dalgliesh, Alice The Fourth of Jult Story Illus Marie Nonnast Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1956 8 12
Davis, Katherine, Henry Onorati, and Harry Simeone The Little Drummer Bot
Illus Ezra Jack Keats. Macmillan. Publishing, 1968 4- up
Devlin, Wende, and Harry Devlin Cranberry Thanksgiving Parents Magaiine
Press, 1971 5-8
Domanska, Janina Din Dan Don its Christmas Gicentvillo% Books, 1975 4 8
Embry, Margaret The Blue-Nosed Witch Illus Carl Rose Holiday House.
1956 6 9.
Ets, Marie Hall, and Aurora Labastida Arne Das, to Christmas Illus Marie
Hall Ets Viking Press, 1959 4 8
Gregorowski, Christopher Wht a DonAel Was Chosen Illus Caroline Browne
Doubleday, 1975 5 8
Heyward, Du Bose. The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes Illus Marjorie
Flack. Houghton Mifflin, 1939 3-7
Hobar, Lillian Arthur's Christmas C00Aies Harper & Row, Publishers, 1972
Hopkins, Lec Bennett, comp Hes-Host for Halloween Illus Janet McCattery
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974 6 16
Kahl, Virginia Plum Pudding for Christmas Charles Scribner's Sons, 1956 4 9
Lindgren. Astrid Christmas in the Stable Illus Harald W iberg ( award,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1962 4 8
Mariana Miss Flora ,14( Filmset 's Valentine t othrop, 1 ee & Shepard Books.
1967. 9
Milhous, Kaiherine Appolorna's Valentine ( harks Si_ribnei 's Sons, 1954 5 9
Milhous, Katherine The Egg Tree Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950 6
Moore, Clement C The !slight Before Christmas Illus lasha Tudor Rand
McNally, 1976 4 up
Robbins, Ruth BaboushAa and the Three lungs illus Nicolas Sidlako Parnas-
sus Press. 1960 5 9
Robinson, Barbara The Bev Christmas Pageant Ever Illus Judith (ivvyn Brown
Ai Ross, Publishers, 1972 t up
Von Juchen, Aurel The Holy Night trans by Cornelia Schaeffer Illus ('clestinu
Plain Atheneum, 1968 5 8


Asch, Frank. Little Devil's ABC. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979. 6 -9.
Little devils appear on each page in a humorous situation relating to
a word associated with a given alphabet letter. Each page also shows
the alphabet letter in uppercase and lowercase, decorated with tiny
black and white drawings of objects. The sign language symbol for
each letter is also included.
Chess, Victoria. Alfred's Alphabet Walk. Greenwillow Books, 1979. 4 7.
Alfred Animal puts off learning his ABC's; instead, he goes for a
walk past assorted animals, the name of each beginning with a
different letter. By the walk's end, he has mastered the alphabet. The
use of several words per page, including adjectives, nouns, and verbs,
makes this a challenging text. Outstanding illustrations.
Coletta, Irene. From A to Z: The Collected Letters of Irene and Hallie
Coletta. Illus Hattie Coletta. Prentice-Hall, 1979. 4 7.
Letters of the alphabet are introduced through a rhymed rebus on
each page. A border of pictures around each rebus reinforces the
sound of the letter. The two-color drawings are both entertaining
and educational.
Crowther, Robert. The Most Amazing Hide-and-Seek Alphabet Book.
Illus. by author. Viking Press, 1977. 5-8.
A manipulative book with flaps to pull or twist to illustrate each
letter The pages contain large bold block letters in black but colorful
animals pop out from behind each one To be used by an adult with
the child, but a highly imaginative book worth that limitation
Emberlcy, Ed. Ed Emberley's A 8 C. Little, Brown, 1978. 4- 7
Each alphabet letter is built in four stages by an animal, and each
double page spreaJ shows objects the names of which use that
letter but not always at the beginning of the word Final pages
note all the words, and arrows show the directions for making each
letter. Vivid colors.


Alphabet 243

Fletcher, Helen Jill Picture Book A B C. Illus Jennie Williams Platt &
Munk, Publishers, 1978. 3-5.
This ABC book is just right for a 1ild's first exposure to the
alphabet. The large, colorful pictures are a joy to look at, and the
rhymed text is fun to hear. The letters of the alphabet and all of the
animals and objects introduced in the book are depicted on the
end pages.

Hyman, Irina Schart. A Little Alphabet. Little, Brown, 1980 4 7

In this tiny alphabet book, each letter is delicately illuminated :..th
objects and activities beginning with the letter A checklist is pro-
vided on the endpapers.

Mack, Stan. The King's Cat Is Coming! Pantheon Books, 1976 4 7

A startling announcement that the King's cat is coming causes much
concern and consternation among the villagers They speculate as to
the alphabetical characteristics it might possess lc might he an angry
cat or a bashful cat, who knows9 Cartoon-like illustrations add to
the fun.

Merriam, Eve. Good Night to Annie. Illus John Wallner Four Winds
Press, 1980. 3-5.
Flowers and animals from A to Z drift off to sleep in this attractisc
alphabet book Little Annie with nightcap and candle is pictured
throughout the book. Beautifully colored pages stimulate questions
Unusual end pages

A Peaceable Kingdom: The Shaker Abecedarius. Illus Alice Provensen

and Martin Provensen Viking Press, 1978 3 up
"Kirgfisher, Peacock, /Anteater, Bat. Lizard, Ichneumon. Honeybee.
Rat reads this rhymed menagerie in an alphabet book originally
i,uolished in 1882. Through amusing and authentic pictures, the
artists show the various aiiimals taking part in the dady life of a
Shaker community A book to treasure
Rockwell. Anne. Albert B. Cub & Zebra: An Alphabet Storybook.
Thomas Y Crowell, 1977. 4 7
This alphabet book is presented as a wordless story about a bear
cub searching the world for his abducted friend. Zebra hill-color
illustrations build visual literacy skills An amusing socal-mlars-
building story completes the book.

Weil, l.isl. Owl and Other Scrambles. E P Dutton, 1980 6 9

In this unusual alphabet book, the letters of each word make a
picture Readers will enjoy figuring out the put/les as they read from


A to Z The scrambled illustrations may encourage young artists to

try their own
Wild, Robin, and Jocelyn Wild The Bears' ABC Book. J B Lippincott,
1977. 4 7.
Fun-filled illustrations show three young bears rummaging and
romping through a dump, discovering items A through Z Readers
can guess what Ow. bears discover for each letter

Yolen, Jane All in the Woodland Early: An ABC Book. Illus. Jane
Breskin Zalben William Collins Publishers, 1979 6 8
An original song, co: iplete with music, gees the first person account
of a girl who goes into the woodland She sees birds, animals, and
insects from A to Z Everyone tells her they are going a-hunting, in
the end their hunt turns out to be a scarch for friends Beautiful
full-color drawings.

Color, Shape, Size

Anno, Mitsumasa The King's Flower. William Collins Publishers, 1979

4 10.
A single small red tulip shows the king who always wants the biggest
of everything, that biggest isn't necessarily best Ink and watercolor
illustiations highlight the hook. (Picture book)

Asch, Frank. Turtle Tale. Dial Press, 1978 4 7

Turtle gets Into trouble whether his head is in or out of his shell
Gradually he learns what a wise turtle must do A brief story with
simple illustrations that clearly outline the shapes familiar to the
young child
Brown, Marcia. Listen to a Shape. Illus by author Franklin Watts, 1979
All ages
Outstanding color photographs of nature's handiwork depict the
shapes that make up the world The text is almost poetic in its
descriptions It invites children to obserse the world more closely
One of several photographic concept hooks by this author-illustrator

Crews, Donald Freight Train. Greenwillow Books, 1978 4 7

'Iwo concepts are introduced colors and the Yarious cars that make
up a freight train With only a few words, the ideas are presented
using bold and handsome illustrations The design of the book adds
impact 1979 Caldecott Honor Book (Picture hook)

Hoban, -Tana Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? Greenwillow Books,

1978.4 7
Bright colored photographs of ordinary objects in the city are
Counting 245

matched in bold rounds of color at the bottom of each page. Children

can look for six colors: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple-
Composition of the pictures is outstanding. (Picture book)
Kalan, Robert. Blue Sea. Illus. Donald Crews. Greenwillow Books, 1979.
3 5.
Little fish swims in the blue sea and is pursued by bigger and bigger
fish. The progression of small to large fish shows the beginning
reader the concept of relative size.

Lamperti. Noelle, et al. Noe Ile's Brown Book. New Victoria Publishers,
A brown girl with friends of many races explores her world of brown
things she loves. Photos are mixes with sketches in brown and black
and white. Useful to teachers working with children in pride-building
or in writing their own books.

Scarry, Richard Richard Scarry's Best First Book Ever! Random House,
1979 4 7.
As usual, Richard Scarry has hit the jackpot' Although not on a
very sophisticated level, Huck le Cat and Lowly Worm's profusely
illustrated adventures in learning about colors, counting, shapes,
sizes, manners, etc., will appeal to children (Picture book)

Wildsmith, Brian What the Moon Saw. Oxford University Press, 1978
The Moon complains because she sees little of the world, so the Sun
shows her many wonderful things. Large, colorful illustrations clarity
the twehc pairs of opposites depicted Familiar objects and animals
are used as examples


Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Counting Book. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977 4

In this wordless book' many mathematical concepts are deceptively
hidden in the natural eyerydcy living situations. The child will dis-
cover one-to-one correspondences, groups and sets, and changes over
time periods Background information for the teacher is provided on
the last page. The soft watercoior illustrations executed in naive style
arc appealing

Bayley, Nicola One Old Oxford Ox. II lus by author. Atheneum, 1977
7 ID
At first glance this is a counting book, but its uniqueness lies in the
incongruous tongue-in-cheek illustrations of the tongue-twisting

AINNIMOMMII _111.1=11P=,1.,"

9 Concepts

rhyme. "five frippery Frenchmen foolishis fishing for frogs" are por-
trayed as alligators on the grounds of a French chateau A hand-
somely designed, elegantly illustrated book

Bridgman, Elisabeth All the Little Bunnies: A Counting Book. Illus by

author Atheneum, 1977 3-5
A rabbit fan,,!. performs daily ,ks while counting to ten and back
The simple rhyming pattern is pleasing to the reader Pen drawings
are filled with gentle humor

Farber, Norma Up the Down Elevator. Illus Annie Gusman. Addison-

Wesley Publishing, I )79 4 9
The fun begins in this counting hook when a baker with a hot cross
bun gets on the elevator at one At each stop more unusual characters
get on until they reach the tenth floor Rhymed text and soft black
and white drawings add to this zany tale

Ginsburg, Mirra. Kitten from One to Ten. Illus Giulio Maestro Crown
Publishers, 1980 3-5
The rhymed terse describes the adventures of a mischievous kitten
Large, uncluttered illustrations provide the beginning reader satis-
faction in counting bright objects. (Picture book)

Howard, Katherine 1 Can Count to 100, Can You? Illus Michael J

Smollin. Random House, 1979 4- 7
An unusual counting book that offers practice in counting several
ones, twos, or threes Colorful and interestui2ly full pages work well
for interaction between child and adult or among several children

Lasker. Joe Lentil Soup. Illus by author. Albert Whitman, 1977 6-8
Cardinal and ordinal numbers and the days of the week are concepts
used in this humorous story of a farme- whose wife could never
quite make the lentil soup as good as mother's, until she overcooked
It! Illustrations set the story in pioneer days

Maestro, Betsy Harriet Goes to the Circus. Illus Giulio Maestro Crown
Publishers, 1977 5 7
Colorful Harriet, the elephant, goes to the circus early to be first in
line Mpuse is second and Duck is third in a delightful development
of this number concept in vords and pictures Format and characters
are very appropriate for flannelboard stor,telling.

Pavey, Peter. One Dragon's Dream. Bradbury Press, 1978 5-8

Ostensibly a counting book, this dragon's dream takes the reader to
a fantasy land where every animal and object is authentically de-
tailed, sometimes in the expected habitat and sometimes surprisingly
Space and Time Perspectives 247

out of place. The patterns, colors, and artistic composition of each

double page are a source of visual delight and scientific information.

Space and Time Perspectives

Ferro, Beatnz. Caught in the Rain. Illus Michele Sambin. Doubleday,

Children delight in finding a variety of shelters when caught in the
rain! The best is that little portable roof: an umbrella. The text
addresses the children directly, while gentle. bright watercolor draw-
ings induce a feeling of cheerful security. (Picture book)
Hotierman, Mary Ann A House Is a House for Me. Illus. Betty Fraser.
Viking Press, 1978.4-7.
A kennel's a house for a dog, and a dog is a house for a flea, but "a
house is a house for me." The rhymed text and detailed pictures will
delight and stretch the imagination of young readers and listeners as
they discover that each creature that's known has a house of its
own, and the earth is a house for us all " (Picture book)
Kessler, Ethel, and Leonard Kessler. What's inside the Box? Dodd, Mead,
Something mysterious is inside the bo (. It hat twenty toes and . io
ears. While the animals solve the mystt. -y, the reader is introduced to
such concepts as distance, near, far, time, yesterday. today. tomor-
row. Easy to read and very funny
Thurman, Judith I'd Like to Try a Monster's Eye. Illus. Rem Rubel.
Atheneum, 1977.6-9.
A small girl tells about her view from three feet above sea level and
wonders how things' would look if she were an acrobat high above
the crowds or a worm an inch underground Drawings facilitate
conceptualization of varying perspectives.
Tnvett, Daphne, and John Trisett Time for Clocks. Illus Giulio Maestro.
Thomas Y Crowell, 1979 6 9.
The author begins with simple concepts related to telling time and
moves to complex notions Lively cartoon penguins create clocks to
Illustrate the Ideas Experiments and activities are included.
Waber, Bernard The Snake: A Very Long Story. Houghton Mifflin.
The rippling green body of a snake, the main character. moves from
page to page in this unique picture book. The simple text is illus-
trated with road signs, flowers, and telephone poles to reinforce the
concepts of time and distance A surprise ending awaits the reader

Wakefield, Joyce. From Where You Are. Illus. Tom Dunnington. Chil-
drens Press, 1978. 4-7.
Easy-to-read rhymed couplets and bold and colorful illustrations
depict everyday things and events that are different when seen from
various perspectives. Uses the word "unless" throughout.

Additional Concept Books

Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Alphabet: An Adventure in Imagination Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1974. 5-up.
Anno, Mitsumasa. Topsy-Turvies: Pictures to Stretch the Imagination John
Wetherhill, 1970. 5-10.
Burningham, John. Seasons. Bobbs, 1971. 4-8.
Carle, Eric. 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo. World, 1968 3-6.
Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Collins-World, 1972 4-7
Eichenberg, Fritz. Ape in a Cape. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1952 4 b.
Eichenberg, Fritz. Dancing in the Moon. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1955 4- 8
Falls, C. B. ABC Book, Doubleday, 1923. 2-6.
Feelings, Muriel. Moja Means One: Swahili Counting Book. Illus. Tom Feelings.
Dial Press, 1971 5-10.
Gag, Wanda. The ABC Bunny. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1933
Hoban, Tana. Circles, Triangles, and Squares. Macmillan Publishing, 1974. 4-7
Hoban, Tana. Count and See. Macmillan Publishing, 1972 4-7
Hoban, Tana. Look Again. Macmillan Publishing, 1971 6-14
Hoban, Tana Push-Pull, Empty-Full: A Book of Opposites. Macmillan Publish-
ing, 1972. 3-7.
Langstaff, John. Over in the Meadow. Illus Feodor Rojanko:sky Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1957. 3-up.
Lewis, Stephen. Zoo City. Greenwillow Books, 1976 6-9.
Mendoza, George. The Marcel Marceau Alphabet Book. Photos by Milton H
Greene Doubleday, 1970. 6-10.
Oxenbury, Helen. Helen Oxenbury's ABC of Things Franklin Watts, 1972 4 -7.
Reiss, John J. Shapes. Bradbury Press, 1974. 4-6
Tudor, Tasha. A Is for Annabelle. Henry Z. Walck, 1954 5 7
Tudor, Tasha 1 Is One. Henry Z. Walck, 1956. 4-6.
Wildsmith, Brian. Brian Wildsmith's ABC. Franklin Watts, 1963 3-5.
Social Studies


Anders, Rebecca. Careers in a Library. Photographs by Milton J. Blumen-

feld. Lerner Publications, 1978. 6-8.
Full-page color photos accompany the opposite page summary of
several different, but related, occupations in the field of library work.
The jab descriptions speak to requirements and training needed.
New words are italicized. Another title in the Early Career Book
series is Careers in Photography.

Demuth, Jack, and Patricia Demuth. City Horse. Photographs by Jack

Demuth. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 7-10.
A spirited Tennessee Walker is brought to New York City to work
for the police department. Black and white photographs combine
with text to give an intimate look at Hannon's adjustment to city
life, the places he patrols, and his friendship with rider Mike, a police
officer. Good for class discussion.
English, Betty Lou. Women at Their Work. Dial Press, 1977. 9-12.
Twenty-one women of various backgrounds and ethnic groups tell
why they chose and love their jobs, citing both the hardest parts and
the best parts. Included are a jockey, an orchestra conductor, a
chemist, A firefighter, a judge, and a carpenter. Black and white
photos, large print, and large margins.
Fenten, D. X. Ms.Architect. Westminster Press, 1977. I2-up.
While aimed toward females to encourage investigation in nontradi-
tional carerss, males would find this book useful also as it discusses
architects' training and career blocks. Appendix lists colleges and
universities offering programs. Part of a series.
Fowler, Bob. Sports: Looking Forward to a Career. Dillon Press, 1978.
"What jobs does a general manager have?" "How many women
work for pro football teams?" These are some of the questions asked
and answered to inform the reader of the many positions available in


250 Social Studies

sports. Excellent for those planning a career in this field. Black and
white photographs, index included

Goldreich, Gloria; and Esther Go Wretch. What Can She Be? A Computer
Scientist. Photographs by Robert 1pcar Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Books, 1979. 8-12.
The authors describe the career possibilities in corn.Nter science by
following a systems analyst, Linda Wong, through her day working
with computers A "What Can She Be?" career - lifestyle ,eries book.
Other titles include 4 Legislator and i1 Film Producer (

Harper, Anita. How We Work. Illusq' histine Roche Harper & Row,
Publishers. 1977. 5 -8.
Vivid pictures and few words describ varieties corking condi-
tions. some people work alone, some wor n a "group, some work
high, _others low. A starter for thinking about variation in this
important aspect of life

Jaspersohn, William The Ballpark: One Doi behind the Scenes at a Major
League Game. Little, Brown, 1980. 10-up.
A pictorial view of Eenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sax, is
given through excellent black and white photographs The reader
discovers all the different people involved in preparing for a major
league baseball game from grounds crew and food services to players
and manager

Lerner, Mark Careers at a Zoo. Photographs by Milton J Blumenfeld:

Lerner Publications, 1980 7-10.
Because zoos are special places, !luny people of different talents are
required to operate them. With unnumbered pages and large print,
fifteen occupational areas in zoos are described on one page while a
color pilot J on the opposite page shows a worker doing that job.
An Early Carcer hook

I eSieg, Theo Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet!
Illus Michael ,1 Beginner Books, 1980 4 7
Different types of work are depicted in funny pictures and humorous
rhymes Jobs from flying a let to h,.ing a vet aie described Colorful
cartoon-likc illustrations

Matteson, George Draggermen. Four Winds Press. 1979 10 up

(ext and photographs follow the adventures of commercial fisher-
men aboard a modern. trawler in search of cod, haddock, and
yellowtail flounder off the New England coast. Includes intormatit_n
on diffeientospecies, storms and wrecks, and th- history of American
commerical fishing


Careers 251

Neal, Harry Edward. The Secret Service in Action. Elsevier/ Nelson Books,
1980. 12 -up.
Counterfeiters, hijackers, and assassins, both successful and unsuc-
cessful, are among the many characters who people the pages of
this fascinating story of the U.S. Secret Service. Included is a
chapter on career opportunities within Jhe organization. Illustrated
with photographs.

O'Connor, Karen. Working with Horses: A Roundup of Careers. Photo-

graphs by Kelle Rankin. Dodd, Mead, 1980. I2-up.
Horses have been very helpful to humans for thousands of years.
There are about ten million in the United States today, providing
many interesting careers. The author interviews a blacksmith, a circus
horse trainer, a jockey, a veterinarian, and others. Clear photographs

Paige, David. A Day in the Life of a Forest Ranger. Photographs by

Michael Mauney. Troll Associates, 1979 8-12.
A real-life district ranger takes the reader trfrokh a typical day
Although containing only thirty-two pages, this treatment of a
ranger's job is surprisingly thorough. Good introduction for career
education. Part of the "A Day in the Life of . . ." series, other titles
deal with an emergency room nurse, a TV news reporter, and a
rock musician. Color photos, reinforced bindings.
Pelta, Kathy. What Does a Paramedic Do? Dodd, Mead,N1V78 10 12
The history of emergency medical care is examined and the training
and:work of paramedics are explained. The precise, objectiNe text is
journalistic in style. One of a series by the same publisher

Rennert, Amy. Making It in Photography. Photographs by Bruce Curtis

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. 12-up.
The author presents several intriguing glimpses into different photo-
graphic occupations by describing the careers of actual people in the
field. Included in appendices are lists of colleges that offer degrees in
photography. Excellent book to stimulate interest in this career field.

Saul, Wendy. Butcher, Baker, Cabinetmaker: Photographs of Women at

Work. Photographs by Abigail Heyman Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978
5 8.
Highltg as 4pf twenty-five diff rent occupations, strivang women at
work in traditionally male jobs. Easy text describes the job pictuitd
and how people learn their work Black and white photos depict old,
young, black, white, homely, and attractive women the real world
Contains good career awareness questions

2E3 0
252 Social S.udies

Seed, Suianne Fine Trades. Photographs by author Follett Publishing,

1979 12 up
Descriptions and discussions of the specialized trades and the lifestyles
of indk 'duals who "-tdd grace and beauty to all our Ines Included
are a Niolin maker, an art conserNator, an arborist, a chef, and
others The photographs express the technical as well as the aesthetic
nature of die arts 'cork
Shiley, Frank Here Ps Your Career: Aiiiine Pilot. G P Putnam's Sons.
1978. 10-up.
Airline pilots must undergo rigorous training and meet challenging
tests of skill. courage, and quick thinking Interviews with both men
and women attest to the demands and rewards of an exciting
career A Nery readable book

Strong, Arline Veterinarian, Doctor for Your Pet. Illus by author

Atheneum, 1977 7 10
Simple text and clear blacK and white photographs folicw the work
of a %,eterin'irian as she tre,..ts 2r101, d()MCSIIC animals in her oil,:
Important information for oil ov,'ners is incioded

William, Barbara Know a Salesperson. illus Frank ,.0 'e G P

Putnam's Sons, 1078 it 12

Written i a con\ ersational style, a young narrator tells of his twentN-

one-yLar old sister's career choice as a sporting goods salesperson in
a departmen. store I he book discusses filling out personnel applica-
tions, employ e-, orientation training, and the secrets of selling success
Clossam black and white line drawings


Adkins,an S: mbols: A Silent Language. inns b\, author Walker, 1978

8 12
"I he use of symbol, from musical notations to weather maps, card
games to international traffic directions is shown in intriguing illus-
trations 'Ind brief text A discussion of trademarks is included with
many commonk iecogniied symbols pictuied

Albert. Burton. Jr Mche Codes for K"s. illus Jerry Waishaw Albert
Whitman, 1979 8 12
A ,equel to Codes for Kids, there arc twenty -file master code keys.
ma one hundred myste, y messages, and over kur hundred secret
words .nvolve numbers, spaced letters, and many other clues
Humorous ,:+rawings highlighted in orange add to the fun in this
brain-teasing book
Communication 2s3

Bielewicz, Julian A. Secret Languages: Communicating in Codes and

Ciphers. Elsevier/ Nelson Books, 1976. 8-12
Fascirating lore about codes and ciphers, some secret, enable young-
sters to learn about ways of communicating privately. Readers can
test their growing cryptoanalytic skills with cryptograms scattered
throughout the book as well as in the seven secret messages, with
answers at thg end. Black and white sketches; glossary.
Esterer, Arnulf K., and Louise A. Esterer. Saying It without Words. Julian
Messner, 1980. 8 -12.
Everyday signs and symbols are discussed as methods of comm,,m-
cation. Chapters describe symbols concerning flags. trademai Ks,
health, coats of arms, highway information, holidays, and interna-
tional organizations. This interesting book piques children's curios-
ities for further study. Many drawings Illustrate the symbols Index
Fisher, Leonard Everett Alphabet Art: Thirteen ABCs from around the
World. Illus. by author. Four Winds Press, 1978 10-up
Each of the thirteen alphabets is placed on a double-page spread
with an English pronunciation indicated for each letter Brief histor-
ical commentaries on the culture and the alphabet are glYen Boldly
executed in red with scratchboard drawings, this is a useful resource
for art, social studies, and handwriting enrichment
Fronval, George, and Daniel Dubois (translator E W Egan) Indian
Signs and Signals. Illus. Jean Marcellin Sterling Publishing, 1979
The nonverbal language used by Plains Indians is presented by con-
cise text and hundreds of colorful illustrations Other informatic
includes trail markiags, different types of signals, and body paint
Very useful for social studies units on Native Americans
Myller, Rolf Symbols & Their Meaning. Atheneum, 1978 8 12
Communication through the use of symbols is thoroughly discussed
The author explains and depicts symbols on subjects such as religion.
traffic, music, flags, braille, morse code, and many ot'iers Numerous
illustrations add to the text
Stewig John Warren Sending Messages. Photographs by Richaro D
Bradley. Houghton Mifflin, 1978 8-12
People use mans ways to communicate ideas Written and spoken
language are the most obvious, but body language (face cminge,
stance, movement) also sends messages to others Some people use
special forms of nonverbal communication, such as ice and music
Illustrations and photographs add to the book

2 11 ' )
Social Studies

Contemporary World Cultures

Allen, Thomas B. Where Children Live. Prentice-Hall, 1980. 6 9.

Colored pencil drawings present children in their home environments
from different cultures throughout the world Useful in primary
social studies units

Cole, Ann, et al. Children Are Children Are Children: An Activity Ap-
proach to Exploring Brazil, France, Iran, Japan, Nigeria and the
U.S.S.R. Illus. Lots Axerran I ittle, Brown, 1978 8 12
Excellent suggestions are given for activities related to the study
of Brazil, France, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, and the Soviet Union Writ-
ten for children, the very readable instructions pro, ide ways to
explore the countries' geography, history, fine arts, customs, food,
and language. Unique activities can be adapted to other studies A
superior resource.

Galbraith, Catherine Atwater. and Rama Mehta India: Now and through
Time. Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 12 up
Views of India's past, us coping with recurring problems and its
emergence as a nuclear power are skillfullY blended together in a
readable text with frequent complementary photographs An infor-
mative, overalKiew makes this an excellent supplement Ma,, bibh-
ogt, phy, table of :::',1tents.

Hagbrink, Bodil (translator George Simpson). Children of Lapland. Illus

by author Tundra Books, 1978 7 10
The lives of Norwegian Laplanders are followed from their winter-
time tundra village through spring migration with their reindeer herd
to summer life on the islands of the Arctic Ocean The double page
full-color pictures have abundant scenes, each described in a single
column ,o the left of the picture A beautiful, informative hook
Harper. Anita How ,e Live. Illus Christine Roche. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1977 6-8
An unusual, lively primer that entertains as it informs, as does its
counterpart How We Work by the same author Diverse life-styles
and situations are presented as the reader begins to explore a com-
plex world Colorful cartoon drawings extend the brief, simple text
Mangurian, David Children of the Incas. Four Winds Press, 1979 8 11
Modesto Quispe Marra.:', a third on- year -old Quechua Indian, boy,
fives in the highlands of Peru in South America Life is hard in
the small village but the family works together Modesto hopes
to becorme an engineer so he can help his people Black .ind
white photographs
Contemporary World Cultures 255

Musgrove, Margaret. Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions. Illus Leo

Dillon and Diane Dillon. Dial Press, 1976 All ages
Readers are given a mini-tour of the "Dark Continent" as they read
and obterve twenty-six African tribes from A to Z The large, color-
ful pictures prepared in pastels, watercolors, and acrylics depict a
family, their living quarters, artifacts, and a local animal. Carefully
researched 1977 Caldecott Award.

Rau, Margaret Our World: The People's Republic of China. Julian

Messner, 1978.8-12.
Ore of a number of books about China for young readers by the
author, this introduction emphasins the way of life of the people
Part of the book is somewhat personahied by relating activities of a
Tseng family of Peking, A picture map and black and white photo-
graphs augment the text

Rau, Margaret. The People of New China. Photographs by author. Julian

Messner, 1978 9- 12
Each of the eight chapters of this wadable, informative book centers
on a particular village, town, or city in modern China. For a personal
touch, each also focuses on the life and activities of a young person.
Numerous black and white photographs

Raynor, Dorka My Friends Live in Many Places. Albert Whitman, 1980

Children from all over the world grace forty-five outstanding black
and white photographs tinef captions tell the location of the scenes
"this is a beautiful collection that shows similar expressions in all
manner of garb and locale Good for social studies units as well as
for browsing
Singer, Julia: Impressions: A Trip to the German Democratic Republic.
11 1us by author Atheneum. 1979 9 12
"Through text and photographs taken on trips in 1973 and 1977.
the author presents personal experiences and observations of various
aspects of life in the German Democrmic Republic I he emphasis
is on the people she met, something of their lives, thoughts, hopes
A personal approach and an easy style, including many conversa-
tional quotations

Spier, Peter People. Illus by author Doubleday. 1980 All ages

While celebrating the uniqueness of individuals, the art and text
explore various cultures' homes, foods, games, clothing, faces, and
religions Readers will appreciate the enormous diversity within the
world's population
256 Social Studies

Wiedel, Janine. Looking at Iran. Photographs by author. J B. Lippincott,

1978. P -12
Although no book can hope to keep up with events in the Middle
East, this brief overview of Iran's culture, history, geography, and
economy will give young students some insight into the 1980-81
hostage crisis as well as a strong feeling of the sweep of history
over an exciting and troubled 'and. Colorful photographs, straight-
forward writing.

Div'rse American Cultures

Children's Writers and Artists Collaborative The New York Kid's Book.
Doubleday, 1979. 8-12.
Stories, history, games, puzzles, recipes, photographs, poem. ad-
dresses, pictures, illustrations, recommended places to go and how to
get there are all part of this oversized, softbound celebration of New
York City Compiled by 167 children's %Tut,. and authors, this
book is great fun and a valuable reference. Not Just for New York

Drescher, Joan Your Family, My Family. Illus by author Walker, 1980

3 -5.
Families come in inany styles and sizes There are single - parent
families, two-parent families, and other kinds Sometimes grand-
parents take care of families, some foster patents care for children..
Vhat really makes a famuy is sharing and caring An u iderstandable
book with humorous illustrations.
Frank, Phil, and Susan FranK Subee Lives on a Houseboat. Photographs
by Bruce Forrester Julian Messner, 1980 8 12
For thirty years. the floating community of Sausalito has been
growing into a little town of over 300 houseboats on San Francisco
Bay Th_ 000k describes the life of Subee, one of the many children
of Sausalito, who lives on Spicebox with her mother, steptatner, and
family pets

McCunn, Ruthanne Lum An Illustrated History of the Chinese in

America. Design Enterprises of San Francisco, 1479 10 up
-7 Hs book traces the role of the Chinese in America from the 1800s
to the present day The language is clear and readable enough for a
ten year old The message of the shameful treatment of the Chinese
is also deal and powerful. Many photographs lend credence to this

Meltzer, Milton. The Chinese Americans. Thomas Y Crowell, 1980

10 up
This well-written account tells of the usually overlooked role played
Economics 257

by the Chinese in the opening of the West, of the discrimination and

violence that the Chinese havt endured in this land of freedom, and
of the fact that the Chinese were not permitted to become I` c
citizens until 1943. A powerful indictment of institutionalized racism,
illustrated with black and white photographs.
Wolf, Bernard. In This Proud Land: The Story of a Mexican American
Family. J.B. Lippincott, 1978. 10-up.
With black and white photographs and straightforward narration,
the story of the Hernandez family is told. The parents, one son, and
six daughters live in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas near the Mexi-
can border. In summer they must travel to Minnesota to find work'
to supplement the family income. Life in migrant quarters and in the
fic}ds is pictured, as are the close, responsible relationships within
the family.


Doty, Roy, and Leonard Maar How Much Does America Cost? Double-
day, 1979. 10 up
The federal budget is a road map of where we have been, where we
are now, and where we should be going Divided into sections, and
explained in cents, not dollars, :lie budget is understandable and
personalized. Readers can update and compare subsequent budgets
with the one illustrated ht,z.
Eldred, Patricia. Easy Money Making Projects. Illus Kevin Pederson
Creative Education, 1979. 9 12.
There are plenty of things children can do to earn money by pro-
viding needed services or selling things Finding a job one enjoys,
doing it well, and being responsible are practical tips insuring
customer satisfaction. A brief book, but filled with good advice,
cartoon-style drawings
Fodor, R V Nickels, Dimes, and Dolrs: How Currency Works. William
Morrow, 1980 8 12
Money, from barter to plastic, is discussed in an interesting and
readable book. Many black and white photographs enligntcn the
concepts Topics include the use of money by individuals and the
Federal Government, international money systems, and imestment
concepts Index.
Morgan, Torn Money, Money; Money: How io Get and keep It. Illus
Joe Ciardiello. G P Putnam's Sons, 1978. 10 up
Explains how money, can make or cost money, why interest rates
vary, and how to orgamie corporations A clear and humorously

258 Social Studies

written book that provides information and examples. Utilizes

knowledge of percentages.
Rockwell, Anne. Gogo's Pay Day. Doubleday, 1978. 7-10.
Gogo the clown discovers, after buying presents for his frnds, that
he doesn't have enough money left to pay his rent. Amusing, detailed
illustrations emphasize Gogo's problems This is a good resource
book to introduce necessary facts about money management (Picture
Sattler, Helen Roney. Dollars from Dandelions: 101 Ways to Earn Money.
Illus. Rita Floden Leydon. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. 1979
12 up
This easy-to-read, practical guide suggests 101 ways to earn money
Indoor jobs:outdoor jobs, part-lime jobs, and summer specials are
described with directions for accomplishing them Black pen draw-
ings; index.
Schwartz, Alvin Stores. Photographs by Samuel Nocella, Jr Macmillan
Publishing, 1977 7 10
Whether or not the reader is curious about stores, this book is
fascinating with its black and white photos and diagrams, easy read-
ing, and interesting bits of information. A day's work with thins-
seven businesses in a small town is described -Iwo unusual recipes
and an index
Seuling, Barbara You Can't Count a Billion Dollars & Other Little-
Known Facts about Money. Illus. by author Doubleday, 1979. 8 12
Marvel Comics No I was sold to 1976 for $8,000. the ail-time
record for a single comic book This and other unique, true facts
about money and finances can be found in this amusing and
informative book,
Weinstein. Grace W Money of You, Own. E P Dutton, 11477 10 up
Some people seem to know instinctively how to manage money, but
others must learn through experience and common sense I he nook
illustrates how to keep account of money spent, monc3, earned, ano
money saved Shopping and use of credit cards arc discussed Valu-
able supplementary book for home or school


Berger, Melvin, and GI Ida Berger The New Food Book. Illus Byion
Barton Thomas Y Crowell, 1978. 10 12
Without food, there could be no life, but many people not cat
wisely or well. 1 his comprehensive and readable book covers nutri-
tion, diet, consumer tips, and foods of the future infofination Each

Food 259

chapter could stand alone as the basis of a report. Easy experiments

and recipes are included.

de Paola, Tomie. The Popcorn Book. Holiday House, 1978. 6-9.

The history of popcorn, how it's stored and cooked, plus other
stories and legends about this foodstuff are delightfully told. Color-
ful, humorous illustrations.

Distad, Audree. Come to the Fair. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. 8-11;
An overall view of fairs is given in the accounts of several youngsters
as they prepare and participate in the South Dakota State Fair,
Huron, South Dakota. An interesting and detailed picture of the
work and purpose of the 4H Clubs is revealed. Photographs.

Gib lin, James, and Dale Ferguson. The Scarecrow Book. Crown Pub-
lishers, 1980. 7-10.
Scarecrows have always been necessary for farmers; they can be
traced back 3000 years. The different types and materials used to
construct scarecrows in different regions of the world are discussed.
Directions are given for creating a scarecrow. Interesting photo-
graphs; bibliography and Index.

Heilman, Grant. Wheat Country. Photographs by author. Stephen Greene

Press, 1977. 10-up.
More than 100 beautiful photographs, supported by captions and
informative text, tell the story of wheat from seed to silo. The quality
of the pictures and text communicates the roles of land, machines,
and people that combine to put bread on the table.

Jenness, Aylette The Bakery Factory: Who Puts the Bread on Your Table.
Photographs by author. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978. 8,-12
' This behind- the - scenes look at a large commercial bakery shows the
processes Involved in the production of bread and other pastries
Cleat black and white photographs show the machinery and people
at work as they mix vast quantities of dough into bread, rolls, and a
huge wedding cake A few simple recipes are Included, index

Mintz, Lore lie Miller How to Grow Fruits and Berries. Illus. by author
Julian Messner, 1980. 8-12.
Interesting explanations are given for growing fruit trees and berry
bushes in orchard., and en porches Information is included on pur-
chasing, planting, pruning, and feeding. Pen and ink illustrations

Penner, Lucille Becht. The Honey Book. Hastings House, Publishers,

1980.8 12.

Beekeeping Is discussed as an Industry and the importance of honey

is shown throughout history. Recipes for the use of honey in beauty
care and cooking are provided.

2 _. ,t...
260 Social Studies

Perl, Lila Hunter's Stew and Hangtown Fry: What Pioneer America Ate
and Why. 11 1us Richard Cuffari. Sea bury Press, 1977 10-up
This is an unusual approach to life in nineteenth-century America
through description of the foods eaten by immigrant groups as they
settled in Nartous regions of the country. People, food, and environ-
ments are vividly described Twenty recipes are included A sequel to
Slumps, Grunts, and Snickerdoodles. What Colonial America Ate
and Why.
Perl, Lila Junk Food, Fast Food, Health Food: What America Eats and
Why. Clarion Books, 1980 10 up.
This exploration of modern America's eating habits paints a grim
picture of our overconsumption of sugar. fat, and red meat, and of
the decline to quality and variety of food due to the large food
corporations' preoccupation with the bottom line. Howcs the
reader is offered some practical'suggestions for beating the system.
including twenty natural food recipes A well-organized and highly
readable book with a message of great import

Rockwell, Anne, and Harlow Rockwell The Supermarket. Macmillan

Publishing. 1979 3 5
A young child takes a trip to the supermarket with his mother and
helps to choose the groceries Bright, colorful illustrations highlight
the text

Rockwell. Harlow My Kitchen. Greenuillou Books. 1980 3 5

A child tells the stor} of how his lunch is made Brightl} colorer,
objects found in the kitchen aid in preparing the mod and eating it

Selsam. Millicent F Popcorn. Photographs b} Jerome Wexler William

'Morrow. 1976 7 10
I he grouch e}cle of the es er-popular u'rn plant. which delights
nibblers, tt, examined I or those who want to grow their own. the
steps are clearly green Clo,e-up photographs in color and black and
white proide detailed information and make this an effectoe infor-
mational hook for home or school

Shuttlesuorth. Dorothy f and Cregorx J Shuttlesworth Farms for


Today and Tomon ow: The Wonders o ['aid Production. Double-

day. 1979 10 up
the historn.al deselopment of farming methods is go,cu techniques
that are used toda} are desetihed and those that will become more
important in the future are considered An excellent addition for
career information Illustrated 'kith photographs, index

\Nails. Franklin Peanuts. Illus Gene Sharp ( hildrens Press. 1978 7 10

Do peanuts grow under the ground or aboe How arc the} used'
fins is one hook of an informatie series that gases the history and

21 9 k
Geography 261

cultivation of selected foods. Fruits and vegetables that we take for

granted are carefully explained and extended through photographs
or sketches. Maps show locations of cultivation. Occasional recipes
are offered. Index and glossary are appended. Other titles are Corn,
Oranges, Rice, Tomatoes, Wheat.
Woodside, Dave. What Makes Popcorn Pop? Illus Kay Woon. Atheneum,
19811 8-12.
The history of popcorn and who uses it from Indians to present-day
moviegoers is interestingly presented along with other little-known
facts. The author offers several recipes, including a surefire no-fail
way to pop corn. Black and white photographs and comical drawings.


Fradin, Dennis B. Alaska in Words and Pictures. Illus Robert Ulm

Childrens Press, 1977 8-12.
The story of Alaska is one in a complete series of books, one for
each of the fifty states, which offers straightforward factual informa-
tion useful foi intermediate grade social studies reports Geographic
features and historic events are described and illustrated with many
clear color photographs.

Lewin, Ted. World within a World: Baja. Illus by author Dodd, Mead,
1978 10 up.
The great elephant seals, sea lions, elephant trees, pincushion cactus
trumpet flowers, and more live in the private world of the Bala penin-
sula, part of Mexico on the Pacific. Text and black and white draw-
ings are sensitive and L Late an aura of the place.

Radlauer, Ruth Mammoth Cave National Park. Photographs by Ed

Radlauer Childrens Press, 1978 8 12

Mammoth Cave National Park, the world's longest cave, is described

in an easy-to-read text with colored photographs of the rock forma-
tions, vegetation, and wildlife Clear directions and map are included.
The series is informative and a valuable extender toy the social
studies Other titles include Acadia National Park, Bryce Canton
National Park, Glacier Nat tonal Park, Haleakala National Park,
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Mesa Verde National Park,
Olympic National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Zion
National Park
Ronan, Margaret. All about Our 50 States. Illus William M._yerrieeks
Random House, 1978 10 up
A helpful reference tool that provides maps pictures, and photo-
graphs. A summary is given for each state; various regions are shown
with maps and photographs Other information en includes state
birds and flowers, state areas and populations, and time /ones For
classroom use.
262 Social Studies

Schlein, Miriam. Antarctica: The Great White Continent. Hastings House,

Publishers, 1980.8-12
What happens in far off Antarctica affects living things an over the
world. Nutrients drift to northern oceans to feed the sea life. Its
currents cool the world's oceans, and its ice sheet contains 90% of
the world's water supply. A supplementary book for the classroom
written in understandable language.


Karmen, Janet. What If You Couldn't . .7 A Book about Special_Needs.

Illus. Signe Hanson. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979.8-12
Hearing and visual impairments, other physical handicaps emotional
disturbances, and learning disabilities are among the special prob-
lems discussed in this concise overview The author Introduces exper-
iments4that enable a child to imagine and understand how It feels to
have a disability. Clear explanations aid children's understanding of
people with special needs

Larsen, Hanne. Don't Forget Tom. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978 6-9

Beautiful color photographs sensitively portray the life of six-year-
old Tom, who is mentally retarded Tom's parents and siblings
provide him with normal, affectionate family care. Compassionate
and understanding.
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse. I Have a Sister, My Sister Is Deaf. Illus.
Deborah Ray. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.7-10.
A little girl tills about her younger sister who is deaf, and how every-
day life is mach the same to the sister as it is to others,. with a few
Important exc.-ntions. Everyday situations and feelings are described
with affection any objectivity, revealing an understanding of the
curiosity that hearing children have about those who live in a silent
world Sensitively Illustrated with charcoal drawings.

Sobol, Harriet Langsam. My Brother Steven Is Retarded. Photographs by

Patricia Agree Macmillan Publishing, 1977.7-10
Beth is sometimes embarrassed because her brother doesn't look and
act like everyone else, but she feels hurt when other children stare
and laugh at him Clear photographs add to a sensitive portrayal of
a retarded child.

Sullivan, Mary Beth, Alan J Brightman, and Joseph Blatt Feeling Fre,.
Illus. March Davis and Linda Bourke Addison-Wesley Publhhing,
1979 10 up
Based or, the award-winning television series, the objective of the
book is t provide opportunities for readers, both children and adult,
to becon1 more familiar and more comfortable with deople differ-

21 1.
Religions 263

ent from themselves. Includes plays, problems, crossword puzzles,

mysteries, and music; black and white photos and sketches.
White, Paul. Janet at School. Photographs by Jeremy Finlay. Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1978. 4-7.
Color photographs and straightforward text give objective informa-
tion about Janet, who uses a wheelchair or braces. Her condition,
spina bifida, is explained with a diagram of the spine Janet is shown
as a wholesome individual, working and playing at home, in school,
and camping.
Wolf, Bernard. Anna's Silent World. J.B. Lippincott, 1977. 6-9.
Six-year-old Anna is deaf, but seems to enjoy an active life. She
cooperates wholeheartedly with her ter titers in a regular private
school and enjoys ballet lessons. The text and photographs combine
for an empathetic story.


Asimov, Isaac. Animals of the Bible. Illus. Howard Berelson. Doubleday,

1978. 7-10.
Reminiscent of the beautiful Illuminated religious manuscripts of the
middle ages, each page tells of an animal mentioned in the Judeo-
Christian Bible, with Information about the animal and the reason
for its inclusion. The sepia and gray paintings are accurately and
artistically renderer; (Picture book)
Baylor, Byrd. The Way to Start a Day. Illus Peter Parnall Charlf.,
Scribner's Sons, 1978 8-12.
Over the centuries people have celebrated the sunrise in N,,, ious
ways. Many are depicted here, with invitation to the reader to create
a personal sunrise ritual. Text that Is nearly poetic is set in handsome
design and combines with the magnificent full-color illustrations to
make this a superb book. 1979 Caldecott Honor Book
de Paola, Tomie. The Lady of Guadalupe. Illus. by author. Holiday
House, 1980. 6-9.
This colorful picture book account r,f Our Lady of Guadalupe retells
how Juan Diego, an Indian peasant, received the picture of Our
Lady on his cloak, which can be seen today in Mexico City. pictures
are colorful and appropriate to the smooth-flowing text. Available in
Spanish: Nuestra Sefiora de Guadalupe
Greene, Laura. I AIraw-Osthodox Jew. Illus. Lisa C. Wesson. Holt, Rine-
hart and Winston.(1979. 6-9.
This explanation of customs of Orthodox Jews tuld by a young
Jewish-American boy describes the rituals of Sabbath practices in

264 Social Studies

the home, synagogue, and Hebrew Day School. Relationships with

friends who are not Orthodox Jews are emphasized.

Shelter and Clothing

Gemming, Elizabeth. Wool Gathering: Sheep Raising in Old New England.

Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 7-10.
The history of wool gathering and sheep raising, as well as the
development of New England's wool industry, are related in an
interesting style. Excellent supplementary reading for the study of
colonial New England
Huntington, Lee Pennock. Simple Shelters. Illus Stefen Bernath. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 8-12.
Eighteen kinds of shelters, from temporary to permanent, are shown
in labeled black and white cutaway sketches. Text discusses questions
concerning climate, materials, and living patterns of residents. Con-
tains a glossary; may be useful in units on housing around the world.
Kenworthy, Leonard S. Hats, Caps, and Crowns. Julian Messner, 1977.
Photographs illustrate this survey of headcoverint s from around the
world The function of each hat or cap is stressed Appropriate to
the textbook format is the list of "things to do" at the end of
the book.
Le Tord, Bijou. Picking & Weaving. Four Winds Press, 1980. 4-7
In an interesting format and text, the raising and processing of cotton
are explained, including harvesting, dyeing, weaving, and selling A
variety of finished products are shown Illustrations are bright and
informative An eNcellent easy -to-read Bttok for a unit on clothing. '
Schaaf, Peter An Apartment House Close Up. Four Winds Press, 1980
5- 8
With a very brief, almost wordless text, black and white photographs
contrast the inside and outside views of an apartment, howe' Hot
water is depicted by he huge basement boilers and by the faucets of
the bathtub Simi* pictures depict heat, windows, rooms, and
elevators. An excellent book
Siberell, Anne. Houses: Shelters from Prehistoric Times to Today. Illus by
author Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. 7 9
The development of shelters from the cases to the unique solar-
heated houses of today is simply traced in text ate --(g sa-zOlored
drawings The variety of dwellings of various cultural groups are
presented in an appealing manner An ideal supplementary book
for primary social studies.

Social Issues 265

Watanabe, Shigeo. How Do I Put It On? Illus. Yasuo Ohtomo. Putnam

Publishing Group, 1980. 3-5.
Bear demonstrates the wrong, then the right way of putting on shirt,
pants, cap, and shoes. Simple and fun. Clear, humorous drawings

Social Issues

Agostinelli, Maria. On Wings of Love. Illus. by author. William Collins

Publishers, 1979. All ages.
The United Nations Declaration on Rights at the Child is beauti-
fully illustrated with ;u11-color interpretations o' each premise. In-
cludes the full text of tire declaration. Useful for class discussion.
Berger, Terry. How Does It Feel When Your Parents Get Divorced?
Photographs by Miriam Shapiro. Julian Messner, 1977. 8-12.
A variety of pro lems and emotions that young people experience
iVhen parents divdrc and families separate are discussed. A preteen
girl's questions and ears are described in the straightforward text.
First person acco t with black and white photographs.
Berger, Terry. Stepchild. Photographs by David Hechtlinger. Julian
Messner, 1980. 7-10.
The realistic concerns of a child whose divorced mother remarries.
With black and white photos, brief sentences, and few words, the
text adequately conveys David's worries. A timely topic.
Burns, Marilyn. I Am Not a Short Adult! Getting Good at Being a Kid.
Illus. Martha Weston. Little, Brown, 1977. 10-up.
Information for children on what and who influence their lives is
presented in readable fashion. Suggestions ?re given on how to make
good decisions now. Excellent discussion material on life problems
such as money, legal rights, TV and movies. A Brown Paper
School book.
Curtis, Patricia. Animal Rights: Stories of Peuwe Who Defend the Rights
of Animals. Four Winds Press. 1980. 12-up
Seven animal defenders tell of their work to prevent the unconscio-
nable cruelty to animals that occurs in this country and around the
world: torture in lab experiments, neglect of pets, extinction of
whales, painful trapp'ng, torturous factory and farming practices.
exploitation of animals for entertainment. Facts al documented
Informative and inspiring.
Hazen, Barbara Shook. Two Homes to Live In: A Child's-Eye View of
Divorce. Illus. Peggy Luks. Hutnan Sciences Press, 1978. 6 9
Divorce is a difficult subject for anyone to understand, but to a child
it is even more baffling and upsetting. This book explains the
266 Social Studies

emotions of a little girl caught in the middle of a divorce .t is a

sensitive and intelligent portrayal of a etrld's concern. The illustrat-
tions are soft and subtle, lending a quiet fi ding to the book.
Hyde, Margaret 0 Know about Alcohol. Illu Bill Morrison. McGraw-

Hill, Ic.(78. 8-12

Alcohol consumption is presented as a fa ;t of life, pleasant or gum,
depending on circumstances. Readers a e advised to learn about
alcohol now, so l'iey can makr an intelligent decision on drinking
later Strategies aut presented for responsible drinking, dealing with
alcoholic friends and relatives, and coping with peer pressure
Sources for assistance and a bibliography are included
Israel, Elaine. The Hungry World. Julian Messner, b77 7 10
This excellent basic book with its haunting photos of hungry people
explains in simple terms why hunger exists. New techniques of pro-
ducing food like the "green revolution" and fish farms are discussed
Six sugeestions, including writing legislators, are gi, en. Possible topic
for gifted program use
Madison. Arn Id. Don't 13^ Victim! Protect Yourself & Your Belongings.
Illus. Janet P. D'Arnato. Julian Messner, 1978 10 12
Directed toward youngsters, this book gives practical suggestions for
protecting their poss.ssions, adv,ze on ba'y- sitting, aril hints for
fee'ing and being safer Operatior Peace of Mind hotline number for
runaways' use is given Woodcut illustrations
Seixas, Judith S AlcoholWhat It Is, What It Does. Illuc Tom !Iuffman
Greenwillow Books, 1977. 7-10.
This easy -to -read introduction gives ea,. facts about alcohol what it
is, where. it can be found, and its effects on the lind and body
Treats the use of alcohol as a matter of informed choice
S'.xas, Judith S Living with s. .rent Who Drinks Too Much. Green-
willow Books, i979. 10-op
Alcoholism, alcoholic behavior, and resulting family pro'olenis are
described The author advises children of alcoholic parent', in dealing
,/ with these problems and offers hope for making their lives more
productive and bearable Hard questions are answered with great
sensitivity and in careful detail.
Sobol, Harriet Langsam. My Other-Mother, My Other-Father. Phu 0-
graphs by Patricia Agre. Macmillan Publishing, 1979 8 12
Twelve- year -old Andrea, whose parents are divorced and remarried,
tells how she feels about being a stepchild and of the advantages and
disadvantages of having two sets of parents. Black and white ph(-t( -
graphs capture var'ous key scenes from her life as part (,f a
larger family

Transportation 267

Stevens, Leonard A. Death Penalty; The Case of Life vs. Death in the
United States. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978 I2 -up.
One of a series on Great Constitutional Issues, this book focuses nn
the Eighth Amendment that states that "unusual punishment" shall
not be in..icted. The I.12 Supieme Court decision ot/erturning the
use of capital punishment highlights a discussion that includes a
thoughtful, although biased, stud:, of the issue
Tonias, Ann. Pot: What It Is, What It Does. Illus. Tom Huffman Green-
willow Books, 1979. 7-10.
An introduction to the basic facts about marijuana. The author notes
that people who choose to vse pot should know the effects ad know
about laws regarding its use. Illustrations and explanations are clear
and easy to understand


Barton, Byron Wheels. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979. 4-7.

Very young readers are introduced to the development of the wheel
from its first stages up to the present day. Because of the simplicity
of the text and colorful illustrations, the nonreader will be able to
follow the information presented. Excellent concept book for home
or school.
Bi llout, Guy. By Camel or by Car: A Look at Transportation. Prentice-
Hall, 1979. All ages
Each double-page spread contains a b,-..1 text description and a
handsome full-page stylized drawing of a mode of transportaticn
The narrative combines factual information with personal anecdotes
from the author's childhood concerning camel, bicycle, motorcycle,
car, truck, bus, subway, train, snowmobile, ship, balloon, aerial trP.m,
plane, helicopk.i., and spaceship Unique and useful
Brown, Dee Lonesome Whistle: Th- Story of the First Transcontinental
Railroad. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980 I2-up.
The story of the first transcontinental railroad is filled with the
adventure -s tales of the struggle to build the tracks from coast to
coast. Iv .urn readers.
Charlie Brown's Third Super Bock of Questions and Answers: About All
Kids of Boats and Planes, Cars and Trains and Other Things
That Move! Ranc4om House, 1978. 7-10.
Did Charlie Bro.vn and Snoopy ever fly Into outer space? Yes, they
were nicknames for parts of the Apollo 10. What did the Mayflower
carry prior to Pilgrims? Wine. It smelled quite sweet Snippets of
transportation information from prewheel days to the space age.
j .as excellent graphics, make this an appealing and worthwhile

268 Social Studies

Dean, Anabel Up, U , and Away! The Story of Ballooning. Westminster

Press, 1980. 12 .

This interesting, cc.nprehensive history of bahooning traces its devel-

opment and Includes well-known persons who experimented in this
field The use of balloons for weather instruments, space, and sports
is discussed, including a look at their future potential Glossary, bibli-
ography, table of contents, and photographs and prints fiom the
Smithsonian Institution are included
Duni, Paul C. Railroad Yard. Julian Messner, 1977. 7-10
A short book that explains how modern railroad yards operate The
clear photographs show the workers and equipment needed to keep
the freight trains moving A )ssary of railroad tern s is included.
Fis.ler, Leonard Everett. The Rai,. Ids. Illus by audio- Holiday House,
1980 16 12.
This carefully researched book of the Nineteenth Century America
series begins with the invention of the iron horse, which enabled the
country to expand and t develop industrially Names of several
companies that are large corporations today are mentioned. Working
conditions are described Woodcut illustrations.
Hilton, Suzanne. Getting There: Frontier Travel without Power. West-
minster Press, 1980. 10-up
The many mod of traveling west 1 pioneer days are described in
this book that traces the development of transportation Houseboats,
sailboats. canalboats, flatboats, and stagecoaches are included Lists
of supplies needed by the pioneers and even the slang of the period
are recorded A musi for social studies Photographs
Bahama, Carlo Sleighs: The Gentle Transportation. Tundra Books, 1978
7 10
As a child, the author-artist of this reminiscent picture book wa. -hed
the sleighs moving through the Montreal streets Twenty-three horsc-
draw*. vehicles are pictured and described, alone with personal notes
and memories of these long-ago, graceful transports
Lasky. Kathryn 11111 Ships. Photographs t-y Christopher G Knight
Charles Scribner :s Sons, 1978
A hc.,14 memrnrt h. the return of the t.!! chine to Rnvnn Harbor for
the Bicentennial, the text is enlivened with anecdotes and personal
glimpses of the men who sailed the ships "Terminology is well de-
fined Striking black and white photographs
Marston, Hope Irvin Big Rigs. Dodd, Mead, 1979 7-10
If } ou 'already know what an eighteen wheeler is, you will find out
more through the text anu large photographs about the biggest kind
Transportation 269

of trucks on the highway, the tractor-trailers. What they haul, their

emblems, and even the terms used by truckers on their CB radios
are included.

Marst'n, Hope Irvin. Trucks, Trucking and You. Dodd, Mead, 1978.
Beginning with the gripping true story of the daring rescue of one
trucker by another, this book continues to claim the reader's interest
throughout. Kinds of trucks, their uses, CB radio and truckers' jar-
gon, various careers in trucking, and much more informs the reader
and inspires liking and respect for truckers and trucking. Well illus-
trated with photographs.

Navarr6,, Joh:-. Gabriel. Superplanes. Doubleday, 1979. 10-12.

For readers fascinated by air travel and planes, this book provides
an introduction to commercial planes, airports, military aircraft,
special aircraft, experimental aircraft. Well illustrated with many

Pierce, Jack. The Freight Train Book. Carolrhoda Books, 1980. 4-7
Black and white photographs and captions describe the various
cars of freight trains, including locomotives, boxcars, tank cars,
auto carriers, hoppers flatcars, piggybacks, refrigerator cars, and

Radlauer, Ed. Some Basics about Vat s. Photographs by author Childrens

Press, 1978. 7-10.
Little homes on wheels with the motor and steering components
built in are the topic of this book on vans It gives the origin of the
name, varieties of vans, and their ises for fun or work Unusual
interiors and exteriors are shown in full-color photos

Reit, Seymour Sails, Rails and Wings. lllus Roberto Innocenti golden
Press, 1978. 5-8.
Three sections of large full-color uictures move from early history to
the future of ships, trains, and airplanes, aided by captions and a
brief text Although the busy pages could be termed cluttered from
an artistic standpoint, this style intrigues children who enjoy poring
:,-,er the detailed cross-section drawings.

Richards, Norman, and Pat Pichards Trucks and supertrucks. voutue-

day, 1980 7-10
There are about 29,000,000 trucks in the United State, practically
any product can be carried by truck. Twenty-,nght large illustrations
appearing on left-hand pages art. described in a clear, concise manner
on right-hand pages Five main types are emphasized A Museum of
Science and Industry/Chicago book
270 Social Studies

Ross, Frank, Jr. The Tin Lizzie: A Model-Making Book. Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1980. W-up.
For twenty-five years the Model T Ford, the Tin Liz.,,,, was the
dream of most Americans. Four representative models can be made
in miniature with cardboard and t .truction paper the 19)9
Touring Car. 1913 Pickup Truck. 1913 Runabout, and the 1914
Speedster. Clear, concise directions and illustrations. A transporta-
tion craft book
Scarry. Huck. Huck Scarry's Steam Train Journey. William Collins Pub-
lishers. 1979.7-10.
Soots and his dog Cinder take an imaginary journey and see famous
old trains of Europe and America. The story is brief, more engrossing
are the colorful, detail-filled illustrations of parts of trains, railroad
yards, kinds of cars, and paraphernalia surrounding trains.
Snow. Richard. The Iron Road: A Portrait of American Railroading.
Photographs by David Plowden Four Winds Press. 1978. 10-up
The story of American railroads is told through interesting anec-
dotes, including the tami!iar tale of Casey Jones Highlighted by
outst=.nding black and white photographs. this large. beautifully de-
s.gneu book focuses on the spirit of the American railroader Its
.,tyle makes it not merely a history, but a tribute to railroading
t'ullivan, George. The Supercarriers. Dodd, Mead, 1980 12 up
The development and use of carrier aviation are traced from its be-
ginnings in the early twentieth century to the present Technical
treatment is balanced with accounts of life aboard the ships Glossary

United States History

Behrens, June. and Pauline Brower Algonquian Indians at Summer

Camp. Childrens Press. 1977 6-9
The A Igonquian tribes h2d contact with the early Massachusetts
settlers This is an informative report resulting from a summer vamp
project that investigated life in the seventeenth century It concerns
the `.)od, shelter. recreation, customs, and work activities of those
who lived at that time Excellent for study of early Massachusetts or
Indian life Colored photographs of live models
Behrens, June, and Pauline Brower Pilgrims Plantation. Childrens Press.
1977 7 -10
Elizabeth and Daniel, Pilgrim children, are anxious to lane and to
get settled in America for the new year 1621 Their many experiences
during the first seven years of the Plymouth Plantation settlement
are con _isely described in text and photographs (Jives an overall
view of Pilgrim life

,--i (
g "'
Starec Historc 271

Berg, Annmarie Great State Seals of the United States. Dodd, Mead.
1979. 10-12.
The official seal of each state is shown in black and white, accom-
panied by a two- or three-page explanation of its symbolism, motto,
and history The text is enlivened by descriptions of occasional errors
in design or controversies over possession A valuable addition to
the study of American history or of individual states

Cheney, Cora. Alaska: Indian', Eskimos, Russians, and the Rest. Dodd,
Mead, 1980. 10-12
The fascinating history of Alaska includes its Ind.ans, Eskimos,
Russian adventurers, and even the latest newcomers, tie pipeliners
The easily read text, which includes the true story of a ten-year-old
boy who sailed with Vitus Bering, is complemented with attractise
photographs Excellent supplementary bock for home or school

D'Amato, Janet, and Alex D'Amato Algonquian and Iroquois Crafts for
You to Make. Julian Messner, 1979 8-12
Intertwined with facts on the life and customs of the Algonquian and
Iroquois Indians are suggestions for craft projects The clear instruc-
tions are accompanied by many orange. and black and white illustra-
tions Useful 19 social studies units

Fisher, Leonard Everett The Factories. illus by author Holiday House,

1979 10 up.
The Industrial Res olution is explained, focusing on the introduction
of factories in the United States in the eighteenth centu y By the end
of the nineteenth century, factories had contributed to making the
United States a major industrial power Familiar names like Singer
(sewing machines) and Kodak (cameras) are mentioned

Fisher, Leonard Berea The Ho% itals. Illus by author Holiday House,
1980 10'12
The first part of the book describes health Pare institutions in the
early. 1800s hey are pictured a, dark, dismal places where much
suffering took place The remainder of the Look examines the
improvements in medicine since 1850 One of the Nineteenth Century
America series with handsome, intricate illustration,

I isher, t eonard Everett The Sports. Illus by author Holiday House,

The spirit al, '_selopment of competitive sports in the nineteenth
century are described Physical strength and stamina were regarded
as "musts." Baseball, tennis, golf, bare-fisted boxing, and others are
included Strong, detailed illustrations in black and white comple-
ment the vividly described, informative text Index One of the Nine-
teenth Century America series.
272 Social Studies

Freedman, Russell: Immigrant Kids. E. P. Dutton, 1980. 8-12.

Pictures and text combine, to give the reader a clear and interesting
view of the life-styles of the children who immigrated to America
dunng the period of 1880-1920. ! overview of home life, school,
work, and play makes this a valuable book.
Hoyt, Edwin P. War in the Deep: pacific Submarine Action in World
War 11. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 8-12.
A collection of Japanese and American submarine adventures in the
Pacific during World War II. The tensions, successes, and failures of
undersea warfare are explained in a straightforward style
Loeper, Jehn J. Mr. Marley's Main Street Confectionery: A History of
Sweets & Treats. Atheneum, 1979. 10-up.
Nineteenth-century confectionery shops were wonderful places for all
seasons and all ages and are part of America's history Illustrated
with old prints. the history of candy and other treats is traced. With
the subject's built-in interest, this would be a useful resource for an
enrichment project.
Lyons. Grant. The Creek Indians. Illus David Kingham Julian Messner,
1978. 10-up.
This well-written, informative history begins with the legendary
birth of the Muskogee people, or Creeks, and ends with present
government policy toward the Creek people who live as citizens of
Oklahoma and the United States, no longer the unique, proud Creek
confederacy Effective black and white illustrations.
Madison, Arnold Lost Treasures of America: Searching Out Hidden
Riches. Illus Dick Wahl. Rana McNally, 1977 I2-up
Intriguing accounts of the history and legends of such lost treasures
as Arizona's Lost Dutchman Mine, Jesse James' cache, and the
bi nal chamber of Kamehameha Not documented, the tales could
motivate young readers to research further to separate fact from
fiction Index
Mercer, Charles Statue of Liberty. G P Putnam's Sons, 1979 10 -12
The social, artistic, political, and economic forces of the times are
skillfully interwoven in this ,lively tale of the adventures and mis-
adventures of Miss Liberty, from her conceptiei in the mind of the
sculptor in 180 to her instaiianon in 1886. 'olutiai.,;(1 11141iy
stunning contemporary photographs and engramrgs

Phelan, Mary Kay. The Story of the Louisiana Purchase. Illus Frank
Aloise Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979 10 up
Historical figures including Thomas Jefferson, Robert R Livingston,

United States Histor 273

and Nap ..on Bonaparte come to life in this interesting account of

the purchase of Louisiana. Well documented and written in an inter-
esting style, this book should prove an excellent supplementary
account of this era in U.S history. Black and white pen sketches

Phelan, Mary Kay. Waterway West: The Story of the Erie Canal. Illus
David Frampton. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1977 10 -up
An excellent account of the building of the Erie Canal, the book
provides a vivid, readable picture of one segment of American history
and engineering achievement. Black and white illustrations comple-
ment and enhance the text. Bibliography and index are included

St. George. Judith. The Amazing Voyage of the New Orleans. III4Glen
Rounds. G P. Putnam's Sons. 1980. 8 -12
This lively retelling brings to life a true story from American
riverboat history. Nicholas Roosevelt sets out down the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers to prove once and for all that steamboats can
navigate the great rivers. Rapids. floods, an earthquake, fire, and
Indian attacks hinder. but fail to stop. the 2000 mile voyage

Schwartz. Alvin, editor. When I Grew tip Long Ago. Illus Harold Berson.
J. B. Lippincott. 1978 8 -up.
Recollection. of 156 people who grew Y between 1890 and !9!4
paint a warm, human picture of life in America in the pre-World
War I era. Comments are grouped into such categories ar houses,
clothing, and school. Humorous, touching. and instructive

Simon, Hilda. Bird and Flower Emblems of the United States, Dodd.
Mead. 1978. 8 12
An excellent, quick reference source, this book provide, information
about each ,!aie's choice of symbolic bird and flower Lull -color
illustrations oy the author and an introductor; essay cencei rung the
use of symbols and emblems throughout history enhance the text

Spier, Peter The Legend of New Amsterdam. Illus by author Doubleday.

1979 6-9
The reader learns how the people of New Amsterdam lived. worked,
studied. and played in the 1600s 1 he illustrations depict the vitality
and humor found in this bustling town The text ends with a detailed
map and a surprise Delightfully illustrated
sti.,_1, ,William 0 Tsdkino Haney SprePtC of 'Minn Marini Mounds. Illus
Carlos Llerena-Aguirre. Harper & Row. Publishers, 1978 8 12.
Usni, objects found in inounds as clues. archaeologists can learn
much cbout the daily life and burial customs cif the people whq built
them so long ago Exemplary black and white illustrations and a
useful chronology are included An excellent resource

sa 0,,,,
274 Social Studies

Strait, Treva Adams The Price of Free Land. J. B Lippincott, 1979.

10 14.
miniscent of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, this
book of true episodes involves another family's experiences as home-
steaders in Nebraska in 1914. A strong sense of family unity con-
tinues throughout the story Interesting photographs.

World History

Aliki Mummies Made in Egypt. Illus. by author Thomas N. Cro.

1,979. 8 12
Detailed descriptions include the process of embalming, the Egyptian
beliefs about life after death, their funerary customs, and the struc-
ture of a pyramid. Aliki's colorful drawings, clear diagrams, and
dcccriptive text .add up to an extremely attractive presentation of a
sometimes giuesome topic
Gemming, Elizabeth Lost City in the Clouds: The Discovery of Machu
Picchu. Illus Mike Lagle Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. 1980
9 12
Hiram Bingham, a Yale history professor, discovered a lost city of
the Inca Frnpire in 1911 The account of his expedition and the two
preceding years is based on Bingham's personal descriptions Con-
sations and fine writing bring the archaeological find to ;de (dos-
sary, timeline. list of museums, and bibliography appended
Graff, Stewart. The Story of World War II. E P Dutton, 1978 10 up
The years from 1939 to 1945 were times of sacrifice, cruelty. and
bravery An overview of World War 11 from the beginning, the
turning points, and the climax is clearly and concisely, described for
juvenile readers Photographs and maps add to the interest of the
account Index included
Halter, ion C Top Secret Projects of World War II, Julian Messner,
1978 12 up
An informative account of the secret projects and espionage missions
that affected the outcome of World War II, this book is packed with
factual data about such events as the Ultra secret, the strategy (>1 lies
surrounding D Day, and the development of the A-bomb Maps and
an annotated list of further readings included. Index
Hoobler, Dorothy, and Thomas Hoobler The Trenches: Fighting on the
Western Front in World War I. G P Putnara's Sons 1978 12 ..p
Photographs and first-hand reports lend credibihts to this account
of action on the Furopean front during World War I I hose who
Asurvived the trench warfare and hand-to-hand combat lived amidst

World ihstory 275

- .04
mud and filth for over three years while the German Army advanced
through much of Western Europe. An index and list of further
readings are appended.
Lasker, Joe. Merry Ever After: The Story of Two Medieval Weddings.
Illus. by author. Viking Press, 1976. 8-12.
Although the text is geared to middle graders, the carefully re-
searched illustrations can be enjoyed by all ages. Through the
descriptions of two medieval weddings, one between a wealthy couple
and the other bitween two peasants, the reader comes away with a
clear idea about wedding rites, customs, and living conditions.
McMullen, David. Mystery in Peru:The Lines of Num Raintree Pub-
lishers, 1977. 8-12. . --

Explorer Jim Woodman attempts to explain the mystery of the lines

and pictures appearing in the desert plain of Nazca, Peru, by his
theory of ancient hot air balloonists. Other theories are briefly men-
tioned. Photographs.
Meltzer, Milton. All Times, All Peoples: A World History of Slavery.
Illus.' Leonard Everett Fisher. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980.
Slavery through the ages and how it affected the various cultures is
examined Examples drawn from. Rome, cHna, Egypt, and the
United States demonstrate the life of the slaves and their continuing
desire to bt., free. Black and white illustrations enhance the book
with their intensity.
Meyer, Miriam Weiss. The Hind Guards of Easter Island. Raintree Pub-
lishers, 1977. 10-up. "i___,
The mystery of the giant statues on Easter Island is thoroughly
explored. Legends and historical data are compared in a readable
text illustrated with many fine color and black and white photo-
graphs. Maps ?re helpful. Quality of paper and print is unusually
Patterson, Geoffrey. Chestnut Farm, 1860. Andre Deutsch 1980 All ages
Large, expressive pictures of life on a typical nineteenth-century
English farm are accompanied by a text that explains the various
Jobs done throughout the year by all members of the family, : ome-
times with the help of villagers A small work of art in it...-.1f, this
rrsItIri ba "coarl !rt unite ,,,, erninent

Patterson, Geoffrey. The Oak. Andre Deutsch, 1979.7 10.

Oak trees can live to be four nu .red years old Stretching from
1588 to 1978, this book describes an oak's life span in terms rl the
English history it mutely witnesses. Detailed double-page drawings,
half in color, are an integral part of the presentation.

2 V y4
276 Social Studies

Perceval, Don From Ice Mountain: Indian Settlement of the Americas.

Northland Press, 1979. 8-12
Using a point of view not usually given, the art and text tell of
people who followed the reindeer across the tundra and began the
settlement of he Western Hemisphere It includes the history' of the
Europeans who came and conquered and the lives of the people
Roberson, John R. China from Manchu to Mao (1699-1976). Atheneum,
1980. I2-up
The history of China is chronicled from the reign of Emperor Kang
Xi The author points out the influence of the Western culture on the
Chinese as he describes the Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, and
China's part in two world wars Very readable source for social
studies units.
Shapiro, Milton J Behind Enemy Lines: American Spies and Saboteurs
in World War II. Julian Messner, 1978 10 -up
An honest portrayal of the adventuies of spies and intelligence
officers 'during World War 11 The book explains the dangers that
these brave men and women encountered in their daily lives behind
enemy lines The people are shown as human beings suffering both
successes and failures in a quiet, courageous style
Swinburne, Irene, and Laurence Swinburne. Behind the Sealed Door: The
Discovery of the Tomb and Treasures of Tutankhamun. Sniffen
Court Books, 1977 10-up.
The finding of King Tut's tomb and its treasures are shown through
outstanding black and white and color photographs The very read-
able. large-print text and photograph captions will appeal to young

Additional Social Studies Books

flaw ,ann. Hans The Caves of the Great Hunters Re. ed Pantheon Books,
!"" 10 14
Ba}loi, 13 I hen (tat Sings Illus lom Bahl' C harles Scrihner's Sons.
I 6M2
Beale ' On/t the Names Remain The Cherokees and the Trail of Tears
01 us William S Bock Little, Brown. 19'72 10 up
DenriN, Ninpifiti.:nd Josephine Filmer-Sanke!, The Boleti* Tapestri //u Stop
Xf t4e an Conquest 1066 Atheneum, 1966 10 14
I i,steinl, Sam. a ryl Epstein The First Rook ot Printing iutis t avid kotn
ranklin ts, 1955 10 12
Feelings. 1 om B/a Pilgrimage I othrop. lee & Shepard Books, 1972 9 14
F Oster, (senodeNe Ahraht,in Lincoln's World Charles Scrihne's Sons. 1944
10 up
roster, (Jene%ieNe George Washingun's World ( harlis Serthner's Sons l9' I
I() up

Social Studies 277

Foster, Genevieve. The World of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631. Charles

Scribner's Sons, 1959. 12-up.
Jackson, Shirley. The Witchcraft of Salem Village. Illus Lill Rothi. Random
House, 1956. 9-12.
Johnson, Gerald W. America Grows Up. Illus. Leonard Everett Fisher. William
Morrow, 1960. 10-14.
Lawson, Robert They Were Strong and Good. Viking Press, 1940. 8-up
Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave, Illus Tom Feelings. Dial Press, 1968. I2-up.
Pori, Lila. Slumps, Grunts, and Snickerdoodles. What Colonial America Ate and
Why. Illus. Richard Cuffari. Seabury'Press, 1975. 8-12.
Phelan, Mary K Mr. Lincoln's Irlaugural Journey. Illus. Richard Cuffari
Thomas Y Crowell, 1972. 10-up.
, Roberts, Bruce, and 'Nancy Roitrts Where Time Stood Still. A Portrait of
Appalachia. Illus Bruce Roberts Macmillan Pbblishing, 1970. 12 -up
Smith, E. Brooks, and Robert Meredith, eds The Coming of the Pilgrims Illus.
Leonard Everett Fisher Little, Brown, 1964. 10-up
Spier, Peter The Erie Canal.Doubleday, .1970. 8-12


Barton, Peter. Staying Power: Performing Artists Talk about nth. Lives.
r 1,1 --
Dial Press, 1980. 12 -up.
Twelve performing artists, not yet famous but self-supporting and
devoted to excellent, tell about their lives and careers. The joy of
developing one's talents, the tough disciplink and tiv 'surmounting
of obstacles make inspiring and realistic reading for }71 uth who are
interested in music, dance, and drama.
Blegvad, Erik. -Self-Portritit: Erik Blegvad. Illus.' by author Addison-
Wesley Publishing, 1979. All ages.
Erik Blegvad's father, graricifather; and great-grandfathe9"all pos-
sessed artistic talents but it wa; Erik who really became an artist. He
tells the story &owl-his boyhood in Denmark up it) the present day .
in text and exciting illustrations done in many styles. Good introduc-
tion to autobiography.
Brenner, Barbara, On the Frontier with4Mr. Audubon. Coward, McCann
& Geoghegan, 1977 8-12
A part!al biography of John James , Audubon from the point of view
of his young assistant, Joseph Mason. In the format of a journal, the
narrator recounts the 1820 journey down the Ohio and Mississippi
Rivers to,find new birds to paint -Illustrated with photegraphs and
reprodlAions of the artist's works. /MIP

Goodman, Saul. Baryshnikov: A Most Spectacular Dances. Harvey

House, Publishers, 1979.8-12.
Here's an exciting story about the twenty-six-year-old Russian ballet
dancer, Mikhail Baryshnikik who defected to'the United States. He
experiences incredible success from dancing on stage to making a
motion picture. Photographs dramatize his artistic vitality and blend
with Insightful text about the world of ballet: .

Lasker, David. The Boy Who Loved Music. Illus. by Joe Lasker. Viking
Press, 1979,8-12,
Karl plays the hor in Prince Nicolaus's orchesfta under the three-
Artists 279

tion of Joseph Haydn. In order to persuade the Prince to let the

court musicians return home at summel 's end, Haydn composes a
,ympliony with a surprise ending. Based on actual incidents, the tale
is colorfully illustrated

Schea&r, Catherine. They Found a Way: Mary Cassatt. Childrens Press,

1977. 10-12.
This brief biography of Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) serves as an intro-
duction to this American artist who achieved in spite of opposition,
Being strong-willed, she was successful to having her own art shown
among other Impressionists. Photographs of her numerous paintings
of women and children are well chosen. Easy to read.

Sharon, Mary Bruce. Scenes from Childhood. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 7 -10.

Colorful, primitive paintings portray the interesting childhood of
Mary Bruce,Sharon, an American artist. Brief descriptions written in
the first peison accompany the eye-catching illustrations that give
the reader a glimpse of America in 1885. Toys, turniture, transporta-
tion, entertainment, art, and social customs are vividly portrayed.
Some pictures require explanation and discussion.

Siegel, Beatrices.An Eye on the World: Margaret Bourke-White, Photog-

rapher. Frederick Warne, 1980. 12-up.
A selection of events in the life of Margaret Bourke-White from
early childhood to her death from Parkinson's disease in I97i A
fine sampling of her photographs highlights the volume Index and
selected bibliography.

Zemach, Margot. Self-Portrait: Margot Zemach. Illus by author. Addison-

Wesley Publishing, ;978. All ages.
The autobiography relates funny anecdotes of Margot Zemach's
youthful life With theater parents, her zeal to become an artist, and
her marriage to another bright, struggling Fulbright student. The
birth of each of their children is related to one of their ctiildren's
books Illustrated with the same delightful drawings that mirk her
award-winning books One of a series of autobiographies of ccmtem-
porary children's book illustrators


Aaseng, Nathan Eric Heiden: Winne: in Gold. Lerner Publications, 1980

9 12.
fhis biography of Eric Heiden highlights his ice-skating career, but
briefly tells his story from the time he received his first skates.
Although Eric is featured, his sister's car, :r is also described Major
coverage is given the 1Q80 Olympics at Lake Placid Interesting boo's,
well illustrated with photographs

., 1j

Aaseng, Nathan. Winners Never Quit: Athletes Who Beat the Odds.
Publications, 1980. 10-12.
Short biographies of ten well-known athletes. Icluding Bobby
Clarke,' Lee Trevino, Tom Dempsey, and Kitty O'Neil emphasize
how each excelled in spite of handicaps and misfortunes. Numerous
black and white photos help bring the sportspersons to life.

Allen, Maury. Re Oe Jacks,* The Three Miliion Dollar Man. Photo-

graphs by 1-ouis Requena. Harvey House, Publisher's, 1978. 8 12.
Reggie Jackson. who received a $3,000,000 contract from the New
York Yankees, had a difficult childhood. This brief biography chron-
icles his life from his childhood in a broken home through his
history-making three home runs in thrt.e swings. in the 1977 World

Allen, Maury, Ron Guidry: Louisiana Lightning. Photographs by Louis

Requena. Harvey Honse,sPublishers, 1979. 8- 12
This well-written sports biography traces the career of Ron Guidry,
the New York Yankee pitcher who almost gave up before he finally
was given the chance to pro,v his talents. Baseball fans will enjoy the
easy text and many black and white photographs
Simpson. David
Belsky, Dick. The Juice: Football's Superstar O. J.
McKay, i977. 8-12.
An exciting biography of the from a San Francisco ghetto
who once told Cleveland Browns' Jim Brown that he would break
Brown's running record In 1973, 'he did 0. J Simpson even-
tually wins the coveted Heisman trophy, is unanimously voted All-
American. and becomes professional football's highest paid player
Numerous photographs
Burk:hard. Marshall. Sports Hero, Jimmy Connors. G P Putnam's Sons,
1976. 7-10.
Jimmy Connors learned to play tennis from his mother at a very
early; age. He was determined to succeed and dropped out of college
to attain his goal. He became the world's number one tennis player
in 1975. Large print, glossary, and photographs are included Other
Sports Hero biographies incfude Terry, Bradshaw, Ron Le Flore.
and Bill Walton.
Butler, Hal. Baseball's Most Valuable Players.
Julian Messner, 1977. 9 (2
These five brief biographies of the players who won baseball's Most
Valuable Player Award in 1974, 1975, and !976 are written in a
clear and interesting way. Included are Jeff Purroughs, Fred I ynn.
Thurman Munson, Steve Garvey, and Joe Morgan Provides a
change of pate from longer, more detailed biographies

Aihleies 281

Cohen, Joel H. Joe Morgan: Great Little Big Man. G P. Putnam's Sons,
1978 10-up
A strong determination to become a real baseball player is evident in
Joe Morgan's life. The title "little big man" is quite appropriate His
early life is briefly outlined while his career and participation in
outstanding games are presented m detail. Photographs and index
are included in this Sports Shelf Biography.

Devaney, John. The Picture Story of Terry Bradshaw. Julian Messner,

Terry Bradshaw's persistence in his dn, to quarterback the Pitts-
burgh Steelers to a win in the Super Bowl should inspire would-be
football stars. Many black and white photographs

Dolan, Edward F., Jr , and Richard B. Lyttle Dorothy Hamill: Olympic

Skating Champion. Doubleday, 1979.9-12
Eight-year-oqd Dorothy Hamill put on the $6 95 pair of Christmas
ice skates, and the rest is history 1 he reader shares Dorothy's
life from this pqint through the long practice hours, the nervous-
ness, the compulsory figures, to her final triumph at the 1976 Winter
Olympics Black and white photos.

Dolan, Edward F , Jr , and Richard B. Lyttle Kyle Rote, Jr.: American-

Born Soccer Star, Doubleday, 1979 8 12
Although the major focus is on Rote's six seasons with the Dallas
Tornado, much attention is given to Kyle Rote, the man, his personal
goals and values

Fogel, Julianna A , and Mary S Watkins Andrea Jaeger, Tennis Cham-

pion. J B. I ippincott, 1980.7 10
In 198a-Andrea Jaeger became the youngest tennis pro ever "I he
first-person narrative, illustrated profusely with action photographs,
gives an immediacy to the account of Miss Jaeger's tournament play

Fogel, Julianna A Wesley Paul, Marathon Runner. P1-,tographs by Mary

'S Watkins J B. I ippincott, 1979 7 10
Wesley Paul has been a runner for six of his nine years I he reader
follows ('hinese-American Wesley as he works to build up his speed
and endurance for competing in the New York City Marathon, at
which he hopes to set a new record Black and white photos
Gutman, Bill Great Baseball Stories. Julian Messner, 1978 10 up
The glorious history of baseball with its remarkable catches, home
run hitters, and strikeout pitchers, and three outstanding teams of
the past and present are brought together in this readable overview
of the spoit Action photographs of the players enliven the stories


Bill. The Harlem Globetrotters: Basketball's Funniest Team. Gar

rard Publishing, 19'77. 8-12.
The Harlem Globetrotters have been putting on funny shows for fans
for more than forty years. The team won so many gaines at the
beginning that something had to be done to encourage competition.
This was why the comedy acts were introduced. Their history and
activities are chronicled.

Gutman, Bill. Modern Soccer Superstars. Dodd, Mead, 1979 10-12

Profiles of famous soccer players Including Pete, Kyle Rote, Jr Jim
McAlister, Shep Messing, Al Tro.t, and Werner Roth are written in
an interesting and readable style for sports fans.
Gutman, Bill. Superstars of the Sports World. Julian Messner, 1978 8-1 I
Up-to-date brio biographies of Bobby Clarke, Julius Erring, Chris
Evert, Franco Harris, and Pete Rose are written in a simple style for
the young sports fan Persel trance is an underlying theme in each
account. Illustrated with ph( tographs; index included

Haskins, Janies. Bob McAdoo, Superstar. Lotbrop, Lee & Shepard Books,
1978. 8 12.
Among the famous Americans born in Greensbor North Carolina,
the most recent is Bob McAdoo, superstar of the New York Knicks.
At the age of four he started to shoot baskets His supportise family
encouraged h,s education and sports activities until he became a
professional Many photographs, glossary, and index included

Higdon, Hal. Johnny Rutherford: Indy G P Putnam s Sons,

1980. 10 12.
Car enthusiasts will learn how one of the greatest diners in auto
racing has adsanced in a most dangerous sport. Johnny Rutherford's
life is traced from action in sprint and midget cars to his ultimate
sictory in the Indianapolis 500. Safety precautions and proper train-
ing arc empliasired

Jenner. Bruce, and R Smith Kilmer. The Olympics and Me. Doubleday,
1980 10 12
Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic decathlon champion, gibes a brief
history of the ancient games and describes seseral of the events He
then tells about his own training for and participation in the Munich
Olympics, as well as his work with handicapped children who com-
pete in the Special Olympics.
Women Stars.
Laidan, Carli Golden Girls: True Stories of Olympic
McGraw-Hill, 1980. 9 12.
In 1904 when women were first allowed to compete in the Olympics,
it was decried as "scandalous" and the "downfall of womanhood "
Athletes 283

The dozen biographical sketches include informatiln about the com-

petitors' early lives and how they eventually became gold medal
winners. Black and white photos show some then-and-now pictures.

Libby, Bill. Superdrivers: Three Auto Racing Champions. Garrard Pub-

lishing, 1977. 7-10
An easy-to-read book about three men who made auto racing his-
tory. Roger Ward, Lee Pet .y, and Don Gar les are American racing
car drivers.

Lipsyte, Robert. Free to Be Muhammad Ali. Harper & Row, Publishers.

1978. 8-11
This is the story of a "champion." The book simply allows Ali to
make statements about his own feelings toward life and the sport.of
boxing. It is direct and honest and well written. The last statement
in the book may be the best summation: "Muhammad Ali once said,
'I don't believe all the stuff I say!'"

Mueser, Anne Marie. The Picture Story of Jockey Steve Cauthen. Julian
Messner, 1979. 7 -10.
The setting is Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky when the
reader first meets Steve Cauthen riding Affirmed in the Kentucky
Derby. What follows is the story of his early years, raptured in
words and photographs. The many successes of this teenage hero are
captivating. Easy to read Glossary included.

Olney, Ross R. A. J. Foyt: The Only Four Time Winner. Harvey House,
Publishers. 1978. 9-12.
This fast-moving story of the outstanding A J Foyt opens with tric
196! auto race at Indianapolis and concludes with the 1977 event
Why he has become so successful is apparent throughout the hook
Illustrated with photos.

Olney, Ross R. Janet Guthrie: First Wom&.. at Indy. Harvey House,

Publishers, 1978. 8-12.
After brief highlights of Janet Guthrie's childhood. school years, and
brief career as a physicist, the focus is on her struggle to he accepted
in the world of auto racing and to become eventually the first woman
to drive: in the Indianapolis 500. Illustrated with photographs

Phillips. Betty Lou. Chris Evert: First Lady of Tennis. Julian Messner,
1977. 10-12.
The story of Chris Evert from early childhood to her first victories at
Wimbledon and Forest Hills. The emphases are on her relationships
with her family, her schoolmates, and her tennis contemporaries


Robison, Nancy Kurt Thomas: International Winner. Childrens Press,

1980. 7 10
This short book tells or Kurt Thomas, the young gymnast .who
brought home the United States' first gold medal in forty-six years
from the World Games in 1978 One of the Sports Stars books,
other biographies in the series are about Nancy Lope?, Steve Garsey,
Rena !do Nehemiah, Janet Guthrie, Walter Payton, Reggie Jackson,
and Tracy Austin. Photographs
Robison, Nancy. Tracy Austin: Teenage Superstar. Harsey House, Puh-
lishers. 1978 9 12.
When Tracy Austin won the match at Wimbledon in June 1977. she
encouraged aspiring youngsters and charmed the crowds attending
the yearly event. This exciting biography will interest a wide range of
readers Many excellent photographs complete the text Glossary of
wnnis terms included

Rose. Pete Pete Rose: My life in Baseball. Doubleday, 1979 9 12.

In this timely autobiography Pete Rose recounts dents of his early
Ire. 1 he influence that his father exerted on his decision to bet.yme a
hardworking ballplayer is eArdent throughout the story

School-. Gene Babe Didrikson: The World's Greatest Woman Athlete.

Doubleday, 1978 I() 12
Babe Didnkson Zahanas excelled in many sports including basket-
ball. baseball. track. and golf this remarkable woman on one
silLer and two gold medals in the 1932 Olympics and went on to in
more golf titles than any other woman bd'ore being named the
World's Greatest Woman Athlete of the Centary in 1954 tier lite,
including her death due to cancer. is chronicled in thiy-most
ing account

School. Gene Joe DiMaggio: A Biography. Doubleday, 1980 12 up

"Orce a Yaokee. always a Yankee that was the story of Joe
DiMaggio's spectacular life as a baseball player While still a teen-
ager, he tell and injured his leg whi threatened to nun his career
before it had started An interesting account oo the "Yankee Clipper."
illustrated with photographs

Sulln.an. George Modern Olympic Superstars. Dodd, Mead, 1979 8 12

Biographies of 1976 Olympic Gold Medal winners Bruce Jenner.
Slit.ria Young. I assc Vircm. Nelli Kim. Kornelia Ender and Alberto
Juantorena Brief stories proside background on the esents leading
up to the winning of the awards Illustrated with black and white
photographs, excellent portrayal of the qualities of a superstar
- Fntertainers c 285

Sullivan, George. The Picture Story of Catfish Hunter. Julian Messner,

1977_ 8-12.
Catfish Hunt:r's career is followed from his childhood on a farm,
where he use to practice pitching corncobs through a hole in the
barn door, to his wincing of the Cy Young Award. Anecdotes
enliven this recounting of Hunter's life as a pitcher in the major
leagues. Black and white photographs.

Sullivan, George. The Picture Story of Nadia Comaneci. Julian Messner.

1977. 7-10.
Winner of four gold medals at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games.
the first in Olympic history, Nadia Comaneci captivated her audi-
ences and inspired young gymnasts throughout the world. Young
readers will be impressed by her determination and dedication as she
achieved success. Many photographs demonstrate her skill a,, a

Tuttle, Anthony. Steve Cauthen, Boy Jockey. Photographs by Bruce

Curtis G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 7 10
A compact, easily read biography of Steve Cauthen, the young
jockey who began his professional career at sixteen. This book also
contains information about racing and about being a jockey Well
illustrated with manrblack and white photos
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth. Stars on Ice. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 10- up
I- The biographies of outstanding figure skaters who represented the
United States in the 1980 Olympics and other internatimial compe-
titions are told. Also included are biographies of former champions
and possible future stars. The skaters comment on the regimen.
sacrifices, triumphs, and heartbreaks. :,.:veral stories describe the
overcoming of severe physical handicaps Photographs

Wayne, Bennett, editor. Hockey Hotshots. Garrard Publishing, 1977 8 12

This book tells about the men who have made the sport of hockey
great. The short biographical sketches show the prowess of modern
hockey thici.Th some outstanding players' success in the sport. They
include Howie Niorenz, Maurice Richard, Bobby Hull, Bobby Orr,
Terry Sawchuk, Glenn Hall, and Jacques Plante. Photographs


Campbell, C. W. Will Rogers, Dillon Press, 1979. 9-12.

This E 'count of Wi'i Rogers relates that he was an Oklahoma cow-
boy of Indian descant who loved ranch life He learned to combine

his roping skill with entertainment to become a star of stage and

screen and a noted humorist He was world famous when he was
killed in a plane crash in Alaska in 1935.

Cross, Helen Reeder, The Real Tom Thumb. Illus. Stephen Gammell
Four Winds Press';1980. 8-12. ,...
Tiny Charles Stratton attracted ifSe attention of P T. Barnum
who renamed him Tom I humb and made him famous The book
describes Tom's meetings with Abraham Lincoln and Queen Victoria,
and tells the story of his marriage to Lavinia. The author conveys
Tom's zest for life in spite of his frustration at having to lode in
a world of giants.
Edelson, Edward. great Kids of the movies. Doubleday, 1979 10 12
The names of famous child stars tumble from the pages of this book
Rooney, Garland, Temple, Taylorall the great and near-great
Snippets of biographies are given, with the renvnder that acting is
not an easy life. Superficial, but fun for film buffs. Many photos
Foitunato, Pat. When We Were Young: An Aaum of Stars. Prentice-
Hall, 1979. 9-12.
When today's stars were young, they often had the same problems
that face their young fans today: being shy, unathletic, too short, etc
Their dreams helped them overcome their problems Young readers
will enjoy learning more about The Fonz, Bruce Jenner, and Chers I
Ladd, among others, through quizzes, short biographies, and baby

Hancock, Sibyl. Bill Pickett: First Black Rodeo Star. Illus. Lorinda Bryan
Cauley Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. 6- 9
Bill Pickett, a black cowboy born in Texas in 1860, became a
legendary figure by introducing the art of bulldogging steers, per-
forming with Will Rogers, and touring America and England in
Colonel Zack's famous 101 Wild West Show before WorldWar I. An
easy-to-read book

White, Florence Meiman. Escape! The Life of Harry Houdini. Julian

Messner, 1979. 9-12.
Born in Hungary in 1874, Harry Houdini knew hard times in the
U S. as a child, leaving school in the fourth grade to work for a
locksmith. Fascinated by magic and tricks. he became one of the
world's greatest escape artists and magicians. Numerous black and
white photographs augment the text.

Wilson, Beth P Stevie Wander. Illus. James Cabin C, P Putnam's

Sons, 1979. 7-10.
Much of this fascinating biography of Stevie Wonder c incerns his
childhood His first hit song, written at the age of twelve, called

2 ."./ 4,)
Political Leaders 287

attention to his musical ability. This brief readable story gives insights
into Ste%ie's motivation and creativity. Illustrated with black and
white drawings. Large type letters.

Political Leaders

Davis, Burke. Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers. Illus. Douglas Gorsline. Coward,

McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 8-12.
When an eleven-year:old girl wrote to Abraham Lincoln suggesting
that more people would vote for him if he grew whiskers, he took
her advice. This appealing account of the incident brings into focus
both the humor and sadness of Lincoln's character Sepia and white
Devaney, John. Hitler: Mad Dictator of World War II. G. P Putnam's
Sons, 1978. I2-up.
This well-written 'uiography, augioritative and do, umented, covers
Adolf Hitler's rise to power through brute force and his ability to
influence people. His victories convinced his followers of his infalli-
bility. The book takes the reader from Hitler's youth to his self-
destruction in a bunker. Illustrated with photographs.
Faber, Doris. Dwight Eisenhower. Abelard-Schuman, 1977. 9-12
Dwight Eisenhower's leadership qualities are emphasised, especially
as they affected his military and political careers An easy-to-read
biography with suggestions for further reading and an index.
Fritz, Jean. Can't You Make Them Behave,'King George? Illus. Tome
,de Paola Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. 1977. 8-12
C, An entertaining biography of King George III, with funny and
poignant everyday-life touches that enable thq.keader to see George
as a person. We follow him from a bashful boy with turned-in toes
to a senile old man with a wild white beard. Illustrations 'appropri-
ately complement the text. Carefully researched
Fntz. jean. Stonewall, Illus Stephen Gammell. G P. Putnam's Sons,
1979 10-up.
More mature re_aders will enjoy this well-written biography of the
popular Stonewall Jackson. His complex personality is revealed in
his early youth. his training at West Point, and his performance dur-
ing the Civil War. Illustrated with a map and soft pencil drawings
Fritz, Jean. What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Illus. Margot Tomes
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1976. 8 12.
This easy biography of the multi -tales ted Benjamin Franklin is done
in the usual Fritz style- careful research revealing htt1f.-known but

fascinating tidbits to gibe the subject ash and blood Notes at the
end expand the text Sketches in both black and white and color.

Morrison, Dorothy Nafus. Ladies WereaNoe.,Expected: Abigail Scott

Duniway and Women's Rights. Atheneum. 1977 8- 12.'
The efforts of the nineteenth-century feminist. Abigail Scott
Duniway. who led the struggle for women's suffrage in Oregon. are
recounted. As editor .11. The New Northwest, a women's rights
new Taper, she wrote of injustice and hardship suffered by women.
She 'raveled wrote. lectured. and worked for forty-one years until.
In 1912, the goal was achieved

Schraff. Anne. Tecumseh. Dillon Press. 1979. 9-12

Told in terms of United States history. not personal life, this biog-
raphy recounts the life of Tecumseh. the Shawnee chief who was
born in 1768 .n the Ohio Valley He united a confederacy of Indians
and fought against the white man's encroachment en natise land

Van Steenwyk. Eli,abeth Presidents at Home. Julian Messner, 1980 8 12

Another volume for presidential buffs. this book shows the rePder
some familiar and not- so- famihai photographs of presidential resi-
dences Accompanying the photos are brief biographies that include
anecdotes associated with the houses themselses A "How to Get
There" section completes the book

Religious Leaders

Douglas, Robert W John Paul IL The Pilgrim Pope. Children% Press.

1980 6-4
'Pope John Paul II emerges as a sery likeable youth. adult. and Pope
in this brief, easy-to-read biography. Ht. many talents find fulfillment
in acting. intellectual pursuits. hiking. skiing. and canoeing A map
of the Vatican. a glossary, and a list of important tnents arc !ncludt:d
Colored. gloss' illustrations

Edmonds. I G The Girls Who Talked to Ghosts: The Story of Katie and
Margaretta Fox. Holt. Rinehart and Winston. 1979 10 up
Katie and Margaretta Fox, who lined during the last 0.w-thirds of
the nineteenth century. claimed that they were able to communicate
-with ghosts Various investigators tested the Fox sisters. but none
prosed that they were frauds The author concentrates on the early
years of the women who staited the Spiritualist mosement in the
United States

Haskins. Jame% The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. I othrop.
Lee & Shepard Books. 1977 12 up
the first half of the biography of Martin Luther King. Jr . is denoted
s A

, a
, / 189

to his life from early childhood to mgturity. The second half not
only reports his death but a!so identifies various theories about the
events leading up to'the assassination, as well as questions yet unan-
,N.swered. Bibliography and index.

Weil, Lisl. Esther. Illus. by author. Athmeum, 1980. 4-7

The Bible Story of Esther is successfully retold for the young child in
text and black and blue naive illuitrations Ahasuerus, the Persian
king, -was looking far a wife. Esther, . a Jewish girl, was chos n.
Through much strife she was able to save the Jews living in exile \ s

Scienthts 9

Boesen, Victor. Storm: Irving Krick vs. the U.S. Weather Bureaucracy,
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978 8-12.
Irving Krick, who loves to forecast weather, has an eighty-five per-
cent accurate prediction rase. The weather bureau does not exactly
love him, but it is fun to find out how this :neteolologist has
achieved such phenomenal success. The biography describes, how
Krick has developed a int.thod to produce accurate long-range
weather forecasts.

Brown, Marion Marsh. Homeward the Arrow's Flight. Abingdon Press.

1980. 12 -up.
The biography of Susan La Flesche, d iughter of the last chief of the
Omaha Indians, is the remarkable story of a spirited, quick-minded
woman dedicated to serving her people. She overcomes sexual and
cultural prejudices to become the first American Indian woman

Cobb, Vicki. Truth on Trial: The Story of Galileo Galli& !Has George
Ulrich. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1079 X i2,
The political aspect of science is as important today as it was in 1633
wnen Galileo Gahlei was forced by the Inquisition to say that the.
earth does'not move. The excitement of the explosion in scientific
discoveries is conveyed well in this biography of the famous mathe-
matician, 'physicist, and astronomer Excellent, full -page black and
white illustrations.
Er Lein, Sam, and Beryl Epstein. Dr. Beaumont and the Man with the
\ Hole in His Stomach. Illus. Joseph Scrofani. Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1978. 8-12.
This dramatic episode in medical history revolves around Alexis
S . Martin who. when he was shot in the abdomen, had his stomach
and lungs exposed in the wound, Even when the wound healed the
stomach remained exposed. Dr. William Beaumont realised that he
could perform scientific experiments on his patient The result was

290 Biography

%fame for the doctor, a lifetime of employment for the patient, and
new knowledge of the digestive system.
.Epstein, Sam, and Beryl Epstein. Secret in a Sealed Bottle. Illus. Jane
Sterrett. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 9-12.
Lazzaro Spalianzani, an eighteenth-century Italian biolog'st, is tbe
focus of this biography. His discovery of the truth abOut microbe
reproduction disproves the spontaneous generation theory and be-
comes a foundation for the work of future scientists.
Epstein, Sam, and Beryl Epstein. She Never Looked Back: Margaret Mead A ft
in Samoa. Illus. Victor Juhasz. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan,
1980. 8 -12.
This brit f, well -told biography of Margaret Mead covers the period
other life in Samoa preparatory to the writing of Coming of Age in
Samoa. Children reading this book will gain not only an acquain-
tance with the lively and curious Margaret .Mead, but also with the
tasks facing arrinihropologist exploring another culture.
Facklam, Margery. Wild Animals, Gentle Women. Illus. Paul Facklarn.
Harcourt 'Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 8-12.
The work of eleven- women who study wild animr,"s, both in zoos
and in their natural habitats, is discussed Sho vignettes show
the dedication, itardwork, and valuable research of these women
in an important field of scie=nce. Black and white photographs, a
bibliography, index, and list of organizations to contact are valuable
McGovern, Ann. Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark. Illus.
_. Ruth Chew. Four Winds Press, 1978 7-10 .

This wed-written 'biography provides girls with an unusual role

model. As a child, Eugenie Clark' spent Saturdays at the New York
City Aquarium while her Japanese mother sold newspapers. She
grew up to be a world-renowned ichthyologist, head of a marine
laboratory, teacher, author, and fearless shark,imestigator.
Patterson, Lillie. Benjamin anneker: Genius of Early America. Illus
David Scott Brown. Alm gdon Press, 1978. 9-12.
A simple, highly readable' biography of an intellectual leader of
eighteenth-century America who looked on each day of life as an
adventure in learning. Benjamin Banneker was a black man whose
achievements ?were in the fields of astronomy, mathematics. and
surveying. Well-chosen illustrations depict the highlights of his life
Quackenbush, Robert. Oh, What an Awful Mess! A Story of Charles
Goodyear. Prentice-Hall, 1980. 7-10.
The picture biography of ,c harles Goodyear describes the trials

Writers 291

of the inventor from 1832-1841 when he was obsessed with finding

a way to perfect rubber. Many apparent successes failed until a
chance act brought a major breakthrough. Cartoon-like drawings
add humor to the story.

Shapiro, Irwin. Darwin and the Enchanted Isles. Illus. Christopher

Spollen. toward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1977. 9-12.
Charles D rwin's exciting discoveries on his voyage around the coast
of South Arnericar.and to the Galapagos Islands are formulated into
startling conclusions about how the earth and its creatures evolved
into their present states. Darwin's character is 'clearly drawn; the
context of family and national life and religious beliefs is interestingly

Veglahn, Nancy. Dance of the Planets: The Universe ,tof Nicolaus

Copernicus. Illus. Geofge Ulrich. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan,
1979. 10- 12.
This well-written account describes the( sc. udy of the
sixteenth-century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who questioned
the accepted theories of his day. Rebuffed by his peers. he continued
his observations and writings about the motioas of stars and planets.
Orily after his death was his work acknowledged

Veglahn, Nancy. The Mysterious Rays: Marie Curie's World. Illus Victor
luhasz. Coward,'McCann & Geoghegan, 1977. 8-12
This brief, carefully researched biography tells of Marie Curie's
exhausting search for radium. The well - written text conveys the frus-
trations and joys that lay in this formidable task. The author develops
both scientific knowledge and human understandings The charcoal
Illustrations do much to illuminate this story of a brilliant and

White, Florence Meiman Linus Pauling: Scientist and Crusader. Walker,

1980. 10-up.
The only two-time American winner of a Nobel Pi ize,-for chemistry
in 1954 and for peace in 1963, has had a varied career Recently a
crusader for t itamin C, Dr. Linus Pauling is a controversial figure
in health and nutrition. The inspiring life story Is illustrated with
black and white family photographs.


Begley, Kathleen A. Deadline. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977 12 up

As a young girl, Kathleen Begley decided to become a newspaper
reporter. At age eighteen she did. A ten-year period encompassing
the late sixties through the mid-seventies is background ter the young

reporter who observed the nation's top news stories An autobiog-

raphy written in fast-paced, journalistic style.

cilemner, Diana. Breakthrough: Women in Writing. Walker. 1980. I2-up

Biographical sketches of Judy Blume Erma Bomt K, Erica Jong,
Jessamyn West, and Phyll.s A. Whitney point up the personal
feelings that consumed the writers as they struggled to sucgeed. The
author's introduction sets the tone for this view of writei as woman.
lEastrated with black and white photographs.

Johnston, Johanna. Harriet and the Runaway Book: The Story of Harriet
Beecta Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin. Illus. Ronald Him ler Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1977. 8-12.
From a very early age Harriet Beecher Stowe was intensely interested
in the complex problem of slavery. The day-to-day experiences and
impressions of her nineteenth-century life formed the basic structure
of her book, Uncle Tom's Calm?. which brought the issue to the
attention of many. Soft wash drawings ent Ince the text

Morrison. Dorothy Nafus. Chief Sarah: Sarah Winnemucca's Fight for

Indian Rights. Atheneum, I9P I2-up
The moving story of Sara Winikemucca, the first Native American
to publish a book in English, &based on her autobiography, news-
paper accounts, reports to the Secretary of the Interior and the letters
of Indian agents. This Paiute Indian woman, who lived in the 1800s,
also started first school taught and administered by Indians.

,:eynolds How I Carne to Bet Writer. Atheneum, 197F

Naylor. Ph
10 up
This autobiography recounts Phyllis Naylor'~ early experiences in
grade-school writing through her successes of late; years Her prob-
lems and progress as a published author arc detailed Includes
excerpts of books and photographs

Roach, Marilynne K Down to Earth at Walden. Illus by author

Houghton Mifflin. 1980 I? up
Walden, Henry David Thoreau\ setting for "an experiment in
economy," comes to life as his day-to-day lite is recounted 1 he
building, food, clothing, and fuel are clearly described in tev, 2nd
pen and ink drawings, A fascinating and detailed account of this
New England philosopher. Maps and bibliograPhv appended

Sander lin, George Mark Twain: As Others Saw Him. Coward, McCann
& Geoghegan, 1978 12 up.
1 his good introduction to Mark Twain contains a brief biography as
well as chapters devoted to Twain's own opinions and the opinions
of those who have written about him Includes bibliographies and

Others 293

Scheader, Catherine. They Found a Way: Lorraine Hansberry. Childrens

Press, 1978. 10-12.
This carefully researched biography of Lorraine Hansberry relates
her brief life, which is crowded with unusual achic -rents She
grows up in Chicago in a close-knit family. Her interest in writing
leads to the writing of the popular play A Raisin in the Sun. Easy to
read with attractive format.


Ceserani, Gian Paolo, and Piero Ventura. Christopher Columbus. Random

House, 1977. 7-9.
This brief biography is intriguing for the young reader because of the
carefully drawn illustrations that supplement the text. Depicted are a
scale drawing of the cross sectit n of a ship, a map of the period, a
chart of the crew, and plants of the New World
Coerr, Eleanor. Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Illus. Ronald
Himler. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977 8-12.
This is a moving account of the final year of a real girl who
developed leukemia ten years after expcsure to radiation in the
bombing of Hiroshima. Sadako Sasaki died before folding the thou-
sand paper cranes that Japanese legend said would cure her But
school children place thousands of paper cranes under hei- statue
every August 6, Peace Day.
Collins, Caved R. Charles Lindbergh: Hero Pilot. Illus Victor Mays
Garrard Publishing. 1978 7-10
An interesting biographical sketch of Charles Lindbergh, the well-
known aviator His determination, skill, and courage are highlighted
throughout the sto-y and culminate.in his successful solo flight from
New York to Paris 'say 2L 1927. Green and black illustrations
complement tne tr,
Devaney, John. Dougla., NikCArthur: Something of a Hero. 0 P
Putnam's Sons. 1979 12 up.
A well-balanced portrayal of one of the United States' most contro-
vert 'al military leaders. Highlighted are MacArthur', i -s in World
War I. World War II, and the Korean conflict Indexed.
Erni, Jean. Where Do You Think You're Going, Chtistopher Columbus?
Illus. Margot Tomes G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1980. 7 R)
The stoiv of Christopher Columbus is told in a chatty mantle( that
suggests a personality filled with stubbornness and greed, seldom
noted in other biographies. The facts are interesting. the asides are
sometimes startling, Many colorful drawings add to the pleasurable
reading experience. Notes and 11 n index are appended.
3'v A.,0
294 Mography

Gauch, Patricia Lee. The Impossibie Major Rogers. 11 lus Robert A'..lrew
Parker. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 8-12.
Major Robert Rogers was a fighting hero of the French and Indian
War. The book deals with his life on and off the battlefield The
theme of the book is that being any kind of hero is not easy

Grant, Anne. Danbury's &liming! The Story of Sybil Ludington's Ride.

111us. Pat Howell. David McKay, 1976. 8-12.
Sixteen-year-old Sybil became a heroine after riding alone to warn
her neighbors about the advancing British soldiers. The reader will
chuckle when the real reason emerges! The story is based on a
little-known episode during the American Revolution. Muted pastels
and greys add to the early American charm.

Greenfield, Eloise Mary McLeod Bethune. Illus. Jerry Pinkney. Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1977. 8-10.
Mary McLeod Bethune's numerous contributions to education for
Afro-Americans are noted in this simply written biography. There
were no schools for black children near Mayesville, South Carolina,
where she was born. Laboring under many hardships, she obtainee
an education and was determined to help others who were in unfor-
tunate circumstances. Interesting pencil sketches

Hoff, Syd Scarface Al and His Uncle Sam. Coward, McCann ek

Geoghegan, 1980. 8-12.
"Scarface Al" Capone bullies his way into the wealth made through
illicit liquor trade during Prohibition, confident that someday he will
run the country. But in Ars uneasy dreams, Uncle Sam tells him that
only the people can .un the country. Humorously illustrated, good
for discussion of social responsibility

Kherdian, David. The Road from Home: The Story of an Armenian Girl.
Greenwillow Books, 1979. 12 up.
This touching story of the author's mother tells the plight of the
Armenians in Turkey in the early 1900s. A young girl survives dread-
ful physical ordeals and terrible religious persecution She is deported
and at the age of sixteen goes to America as a mail-order bride
Poignant; for the advanced reader !980 Newberg Honor Book

Koehn, Ilse Misch ling, Second Degree: My Childhood in Nazi Germany.

Greenwillow Books, 1977. 12 up
This autobiography presents the atrocities of World War II from the
inside. Young Use did not know she had one Jewish grandparent
when she was forced to become a member of the Hitler Youth,
children who were treated harshly and unfairly as they underwent
vigorous, often cruel training. An important look at Narism.

Collections 295

Paul, Frances Lackey. KaMahah. illus Rie Munoz. Alaska Northwest

Publishing, 1975 10- 12.
The experiences are told of a real girl, Kahtahah, who lived and
.played in Juneau, Alaska, before the white people came This collec-
tion of little stmes tells of the families and lives of the people known
as Tlingit Im-ians in the nineteenth century.

Sobol, Harriet angsam Grandpa: A Young Man Grown Old. Photo-

graphs by Patricia Agre. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980 All
Karen, a seventeen-year-old girl, writes about her grandfather Morris
Kaye as she sees him He in turn writes about his life as he sees
himself. Beautiful black and white photographs help tell this unusual
story. Could provide introduction and discussion on the topic of

Supree, Burton, and Ann Ross. Bear's Heart. J. B. Lippincott. 1977.

10 -up.
The colored pencil drawings of a young Cheyenne warrior who was
imprisoned in Florida in 1975 illustrate his tragic life story as he
struggled to survive whit. domination, was chained in prison, and
returned to the reservation, a brainwashed, educated Christian con-
vert. The afterword by Jamake Highwater gives additional perspec-
tive to this account of indoctrination


A ncona, George Growing Older. E. P. Dutton. 1978 10 up

Interesting interviews li.ghlighting the experiences of thirteen elderly
eitaens of the United States provide history in the making Photo-
graphs of the subjects as young children are contrasted with curratt
ones that depict them ii their present situation A definite moti%ator
for getting children interested in their grandparents and family trees
Bourne, Miriam Anne. Witt House Children. Illus. Gloria Kamen
Random House, 1)79 7 10.

The White House is the setting for excerpts from the lies of the
children and grandchildren of Presidents Washington, Lincoln,
Theodore Roosevelt. Kennedy, and Carter. Based on fact, these
interesting anecdotes are presented in a simple flowing text Line
drawings complement the easy-to-read narrative.

Foote, Patricia. Girls Can Ile Anything They Want. Julian II.essner, 1980.
While discrimination still exists, progress in women's rights is docu-
mented by fifteen women of varying einnic backgrounds and oCcu-


patrons Using large type and black and white photos, text .cl!s of
the women's early lies and struggles to reach their desired goals

Harley, Ruth Captain James Cook. Illus Monroe Eisenberg I roll Asso-
ciates. 1979 8 12
Obtecte treatment is yen to the life of Captain ,lames Cook. a
famous English seaman, suneyor, na%igator, mapmaker, and dis-
coverer of the Pacific Islands Fictional tendencies are omitted and
the reader is given a true picture of the times Part of the Troll
Adenturer's series, other titles include Christopher Columbus, Eric
the PPd and Leif :he Lucky. Ferdinand Magellan, Francis Drake.
Henry Hudson, John Cabot ant Son, and Vasco de (-lama

Kati, William Loren. Black People Who Made the Old West. Thomas Y
Crowell, 1977. 10 up
I he spotlight is focused on the lies of thirty -fi%e black men and
women who were prominent in the growth of the middle and western
United States, from Ohio to California, Wisconsin to -texas Hereto-
fore unpublished chronicles round out the reader's historical perspec-
tiw The short biographical sketches are interesting, entertaining,
and at times inspiring

I.eone, Bruno Maria Montessori: Knight of the Child. Greenhmen Pres,%,

1978 10 up
%ineteenth-century Italy is the setting for this biographical sketch
of a young girl who was determined to assist those in unfortunate
circumstances After becoming a doctor, Maria spent much time
with children and perfected methods to teach them I hi, is one
of the focus on Women Series that highlights the determination.
success, and failures of Indira Ghandi, Margaret Mead, Carol
Burnett, Poroth% Day, Billie Jean King, and Rose Kenned, Aurae-
tie format
Schoder, Judith Brotherhood of Pirates. Illus Paul Frame Julian
Messner. 1979 8 12
In this realistic portrayal of life among the Caribbean buccaneers in
the stnenteenth and eighteenth centliries the line distuktion is made
between pmateering and pircy We also get a glimpse of political
corruption The "Brotherhood" included two women, as well as
Captain Kidd, Jean Lafitte, Henn Morgan, an,: Fdward leach

Additional Biography Books

Adoff, Arnold MalwIrn X Illus John Wilson I homas 1 Crowell, 1970 6 It)
Aliki The Sion of Witham Penn 1'i-entice-Hall, 1964 5 9
Aliki A Weed Is a timer the Life of George Washington Carver Prouice-Hall,
1%5 5 9
Braymer, Marjorie The Rolls of Winds Trov A Ihographt
of Heinrich
hhemann Harcourt 9racc,losanosich, 1960 II up

Biography 297

Bulls, Clyde Robert. Pocahontas and the Stranger. Thomas Y Crowell, 1971
Chidsey, Donald Barr. Tne World of Samuel Adams. Elsevier Nelson, 1974
Chukovsky, Kornei. The Silver Crest: My Russian Boyhood Trans by Beatrice
Stillman. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. 11-16
Commager, Henry Steele. America's Robert E. Lee Illus. Lynd Ward Houghton
Mifflin, 1951. 10-14.
Cone, Molly. The Ring ling Brothers. Illus. James and Ruth McCrea, Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1971. 7-9.
Dalgliesh, Alice. The Columbus Story. Illus Leo Pau. Charles Scribner's Sons,
1955. 6-9.
Daugherty, James H. Daniel Boone. Viking Press, 1939. I 1-15
D'Aulaire, Ingn, and Edgar P. D'Aulaire. Abraham Lincoln. Doubleday, 1939.
Davis, Russell, and Brent Ashabranner. Chief Joseph: War Chief of the Nez
Perce. McGraw-Hill, 1962. 11-14
De Trevino, Elizabeth Borton. I, Juan de Pareja. Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1965. I2-up.
Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Edited by Barbara
Ritchie. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1966. 12-16
Fisher, Aileen, and Olive Rabe. We Alcotts. Atheneum, 1968 11-15
Forbes, Esther. America's Paul Revere. Illus Lynd Ward Houghton Mifflin,
1946. 10-14.
Franchere, Ruth. Cesar Chavez Illus Earl Thollander Thomas Y Crowell,
1970. 8-14.
Fritz, Jean. What's the Btg Idea. Ben Franklin' Illus Margot Tomes Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1976. b 10
Galt, Tom. Peter Zenger: Fighter for Freedom Illus. Ralph Ray Thomas Y
Crowell, 1951. 10-14.
Greenfield, Eloise. Rosa Parks. Illus. Eric Marlow Thomas Y '..rowell. 1973
8-12. ,,
Csurko, Miriam. Clarence Darrow. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1965 I I i4
Haskins, James Fighting Shirley Chisholm. Dial Pres., 1975 12 -up
Holbrook, Stewart. America's Ethan Allen. Hills. Lynd Ward Houghton Mullin,
1954. 10-up.
Ji.dson, Clara Ingram Benjamin Franklin. Illus. Robert Frankenberg Follett
Publishing, 1938 12 -up
Latham, Jean Lee. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. Houghton Mifflin, 1955 12 up
Lawrence, Jacob, Harriet and the Promised Land. Simon & Schuster. 1968 6 10
McNeer, May America's Abraham Lincoln Illus. Lynd Ward Houghton Mifflin,
1957 10-up.
McNeer, May, and Lynd Ward Armed with Courage. Illus. Lynd Ward Abing-
don Press, 1957. 10 13
Meip, Cornelia Invincible Louisa. Little. Brown, ;933, 1968. 10 14
Wirer, Milton. Langston Hughes. A Biography Thomas Y. Crowell, 1968
Muni°, F. N, Grand Papa and Ellen Anion Illus Richard Cuffan Holt. Rine-
hart and Winston, 1974. 9-12.,
Monies, F. N. The One Bad Thing about Father Illus Rocco Negri Harper &
Row, Publishers. 1970. 6 9.
Moore, Carman. Somebody's Angel Child. The Story of Bessie Smith. Thomas
Y. Crowell, 1970 10-up,


North, Sterling. Young Thomas Edison. Illus William Barss Houghton Mifflin,
1958. 10 14.
Petry, Ann Harriet l'ubman. Conductor on the Underground Railroad Thomas
Y. Crowell, 1955. 12- 15.
Rollins, Charlemae Hill. They Showed the Way Forty American Yegro Leaders.
Thomas Y Crowell, 1964. 9-12
Sandburg, Carl. Abe Lincoln Grows Up. Illus. James Daugherty Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1940. 11-15.
Sterling, Dorothy. Captain of the Planter. Doubleday, 1958 8.12
Syme, Ronald Geronimo: The Fighting Apache. thus Ben F Stahl William
Morrow, 1975 8-12.
Syme, Ronald. Nigerian Pioneer: The Story of Mary Slessor Illus Jacqueline
Tomes. William Morrow, 1964. 10-14.
Syme, Ronald. Verrazano: Explorer of the Atlantic Coast Hills William Stobbs
William Morrow, 1973. 8-12
Terry, Walter. Frontiers of Dance. The Life of Martha Graham Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1970 8-I!.
Tobias, Tobi Maria Talichiel !Bus Michael Hampshire Thomas Y Crowell,
1970. 8-11
Turk, Midge Gordon Parks. Illus Herbert Danska. Thomas Y Crowell, 1971
Vipont, Elfrida Weaver of Dreams. The Girlhood of Charlotte Brunie Henry
Z Walck, 1966 12-14
Wibberly, Leonard Man of liberty Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968 12 16
Wood, James Playsted The Life and Words of John F Kennedt Doubleday.
1964 9 12
Yates, Elisabeth. Amos Fortune: Free Man E P Dutton, 1950 9 12


Aeronautics and Space

Berliner, Don. Yesterday's Airplanes. Lerner Publications, 1980. 7-10.

Outstanding color photographs and a minimum of explanatory text
make this a good choice for space-minded readers. Three sections of
informationclasses of old airplanes, their restoration, and their
enjoymentprovide a framework for viewing the topic of antique
and classic airplanes.
Cipriano, Anthony J. America's Journeys into Space: The Astronauts of
the United States. Illus. William Joffe Numeroff. Julian Messner,
1979. 10-up.
A chronicle of the events in the United States space program is
highlighted by actual photography of the projects. Biographical
sketches of the astronauts from Alan Shepherd to Vance Brand are
Coombs, Charles. Passage to Space: The Shuttle Transportation System,
William Morrow, 1979. 7-10.
An examination of the "first reusable spacecraft" developed for travel
in space, this book is well illustrated with numerous photos and
drawings. Speculations for the future are given; a glossary and index
are included.
Gemme, Leila Boyle. The True 3ook of Spinoffs from Space. Childrens
Press, 1977. 8-12.
New products that were design-d for the space program but that
have been adapted for our more practical use are described with
simple text and clear photographs.
Gemme, Leila Boyle. The Trite Book of the Mars Landing. Childrens
Press, 1977. 4-7.
This is a first book of space exploration for beginning readers. Full-
page illustrations and photographs of the planet Mars taken by the
Mariner and Viking spacecrafts, many in color, are explain' simply
and clearly.

300 ,Si writes

Mohr, Peter B The ( ;olden Knights. Childrens Press. 1977. 8 12

1 he Golden Knights. a United States Army parachute team, open
the air show and excitement builds as Leverett unfastens his seat belt
to Jump. What goes on in a ;ump school and how these performers
are chosen are clearly explained. Glossy colored photographs add to
the information Other titles in the series Include. The Silver Eagles
(helicopters). The Thunderbirds (aerial demonstration team), and
The Blue Angels (naval demonstration squadron).

Rosenblum. Richard. Wings: The Early Yearn of Aviation. Four Winds

Press. 1980 IC up.
A history of airplanes and their pilots is chronicled from the first
attempts at flight to the World War II aces Information on related
topics such as blimps, air race, air circuses, and passenger service is
included The black and white arawings capture the excitement and
thrill of flying.
Wheat. Janis Knudsen Let's Go to the Moon. lllus Bill Burrows National
Geographic Society. 1977. 7 10.
Spectacular photographs highlight this look at tne Apollo 17's
journey to the moon. Names and details of the flight are gRen only
in the credits at the end of the book The easy text is personalized so
that young readers can gain a beginning understanding of space
Wilson. Mike, and Robin Scagell Jet Journey. Viking Press. 1978 8 12

From making the reservations to coming in for a landing. a Jet

journey is explained in uetail Photos. drawings. and diagrams
explain how baggage is loaded. what keeps an airplane aloft, and
what happens when the sound barrier is broken Other hooks in
this series include Super Machines., Television Magic, and Space

Anima! Kingdom

Anima/ Behaviors

Anderson, Mona. Home Is the High Country. Illus David ('owe Charles
F 1 uttle. 1979 12 up
New 7ealand's remote sheep raising country is the setting for ,:1 k
excellent true animal stone, 1 he accou 'its, wntten in the first person.
concern an outcast duckling ion ,ured back to health by a cat, a
handsome kca bird who seems to enjoy being mischieNous puppies,
possums, paradise ducks, and hedgehogs. Accompanied by six beau-
tiful color plate,

gi i I
l." t i , ;
Animal Kingdom / Animal Behaviors 301

Arnosky, Jim. Crinkleroot's Book of Animal Tracks and Wildlife Signs.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1979. 7-10.
Ex ;ellent-oinformation presente I in a lighthearted manner by Old
Crinkleroot, who "can hear a fox turn in the forest and spot a mole
hill on a mountain." Soft brown and black drawings are clear, 4ttrac-
five, and informative.
Arnosky, Jim. A Kettle of Hawks and Other Wildlife Groups. Illus. by
author. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 4-7.
Simple, clear language describes the various societies such as a kettle
of hawks, a swarm of bees, a school of fish, and others. Black and
green illustrations. A worthwhile supplementary science book.
Berrill;Jacquelyn. Wonders of How Animals Learn. Illus. by author.
Dodd, Mead, 1979. 10-12.
This exciting book describes how animals learn other than by
instinct. Imitation, trial and error, and exploring are a few examples.
Black and white illustrations.
Bothell, Jean. Bathtime. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979f 4-up.
One rarely gets to see an okapi cleaning dust from one eye with its
long tongue! Small children will delight in learning how birds and
animals satisfy the basic need for cleanliness and comfort. Simple.
clear text and unusual, fascinating photographs.
Blumberg, Rhoda. Backyard Bestiary. Illus. Murray Tinkelman. Coward,
McCann 84 Geoghegan, 1979. 9-12.
Mythical animals contained in bestiaries of long ago are compared
with today's real Insects and anmals. Habits of some creatures com-
monly found in backyards are so fascinating that they resemble the
fabled rocs and phoenixes. A handsomely illustrated, intriguing
Craig, M. Jean. Little Monsters. Dial Press, 1977. 8-12
Color and black and white close-up photographs of eighteen tiny
"monsters" are fascinating. Beside each photo of bats, fish, spiders.
and caterpillars, an easily read text telly:actual size, food, habitat.
and survive' techniques of the creature pictured.
Friedman, Judi. Noises in the Woods. Illus. John Hamberger. E. P.
Dutton, 1979. 6-9.
Suggestions on how to follow sounds in the forest by day and night
are clearly explained. The more flamiliar sounds are identified in the
text and in the soft, sensitive illustrations. Flying squirrels, raccoons,
owls, and beavers are but a few of the animals described.

302 Sciences

Hirschmann, Linda. In a Lick of a Flick of a Tongue. Illus. Jeni Bassett

Dodd. Mead. 1980. 7- 10
Tongues are handy devices for people, but even handier for ar.rnals
who use their tongues to eat, groom, cool, and even heal their bodies.
Humorous lines of poetry and three-color illustrations introduce
many animals, along with ;!me information on the wonders of their
Kessler, Ethel, and Leonard Kessler. Two, Four, Six, Eight: A Book
about Legs. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 4,-7.
This early concept book encourages the young to carefully observe,
discover, and compare numbers of legs of people, animals, and
insects that walk, hop. run, and jump Especially appealing and
infemiative are the illustrations, which match the brief text
Kohl, Judith, and Herbert Kohl. The View from the Oak: The Private
Worlds of Other Creatures. Illus. Roger Bayless Sierra Club Books.
1977. 10-up.
This introduces the subject of ethology, the study of the way ani-
mals behave in their natural environments. Clear and simple phrases
describe how animals see, touch, and smell differently from humans
References included are scientific, literary, and philosophical The
book makes readers realize what a small part of the universe they
Merrill, Margaret W. Skeletons That Fit. Illus Pamela Carroll. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 8 12
Beautiful illustrations and clear text blend together to r lake this a
sery special informational book about sertebrates Explanation iN
given why the skeletal structure helps each animal to adapt to its
environment A vertebrate chronology, glossary, bibliograph,. and
index are appended.
Rinard, Judith E Creatures of the Night. National Geographic Society,
1977. 6 -9.
Nocturnal animals and their after-dark activities are explained and
shown in full-color photographs Teacher's guide is aailable
Schlein, Minam. Snake Fights, Rabbit Fights, & More: Book about
Animal Fighting. Illus. Sue Thompson Crown Publishers, 1979
7- 10.
Animals fight for territory, mates, and rank, but seldom injure each
other seriously because they follow clear-cut rides of combat and
surrender. The fast-paced text includes a lucid explanation of the
survival-of-the-fittest theory. Beautifully illustrated with black and
white drawing,

Animal Kingdom' Animal Behaviors 303

Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Hidden Messages. Lynne Cherry. Crown

Publishers, 1979. 6-8.
When Ben Franklin found ants in the molasses pot, his lively mind
devised an experiment to show that one of them could deliver a
message to the rest. This Ind other experidents with the "hidden
messages" of insects are described for very yOng scimtists in this
weft- illustrated, easy-to-read,bopk.

Animal Defenses

Brenner, Barbara. BeWare! These Ahimals Are Poison. Illus Jim

Spanfeller. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 7 10
The author stresses that some animals arc poisonous and sometimes
deadly, but emphasizes that they use their poison to defend them-
selves. The animals are classified by the means through which they
dispense their poison, such as stingers, teeth, and fangs Precise line
dra wings.

Freedman, Russell. Tooth and Claw: A Cook at Animal Weapons. Holi-

day House, 1986. 6-9
Staying alive is an animal's first concern. Weapons needed to do this
include quills, sprays. teeth, claws, horns, poisons, and stingers. The
electric eel shocks its enemies. Simple, straightforward writing and
large print make this a valuable supplementary science book. Excel-
lera photographs and index.

.Ricciuti, Edward R Sounds of Animals at Night. Harper & Row, Pub-

lishers, 1977. 8- 12.
Selected animals are discussed and the special sounds they make at
night art explained. This short book contains photographs of each
animal ii its natural setting.

Animal Habitats
Hess, Lilo. Small Habitats. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1976. 8 12
Shiny little green lizards, intriguing horned toads-, frogs, garden
snakes, and turtles are a few of the pets for which a terrarium
home can be made. Directions are given for plants, soils, rocks, and
water to create the proper habitat for each animal Many excellent

Hopf, Alice L. Whose House Is It? Illus Leigh Grant. Dodd, Mead,
1980. 8-19.
One can never tell to whom a burrow belongs because after being
abandoned by one occupant, another one comes along and a new

304 Sciences

cycle is begun VI% id description of a burrow's design and building

along with fine seit-pencil illustrations showing cut-away views add
to the rei ier's interest.'
Lauber, Patricia What's Hatching Out of That Egg? Crown Publishers.
1979 7 10
The guessing game format of this informative picture book will
appeal to the young resider. Text and striking photographs bring
natural history clues close to the child for careful observation .and
include information on the ostrich, python, bullfrog, monarch butter-
fly, penguin, and turtle eggs Index

Lewin, Ted: World within a World: Pribilofs. Illus by author. Dodd.

Mead, 1980. 10 up.
The Pribilof Islands are in the middle of the Bering Sea off the coast
of Alaska Millions of fur seals and seabirds come in the spring to
mate and rear their young. The lovely, sensitis e black and white
illustrations capture the island's world

Nussbaum, Hedda Animals Build Amazing Homes. Illus Christopher

Santoro Random House, 1979. 6 -9
The construction and function of fifteen animal homes are described,
including krmites; spiders, frogs, crabs, ants. chimpanzees. and
others. Each home is arna7ing and Just right for the species Two-
color illustrations

Pringle, Laurence Animals And Their Niches: How Species Share

Resources. Illus Leslie Morrill. William Morrow, 1977. 7 10.
What happens when related animals in a wild community compete
for food and space') A study of garter snakes. warblers, minnows,
and rodents answeis the question This easy-to-read book offers a
deil)cr understanding of the ecology of aniThals in carious communi-
ties Detailed wash drawings, glossary, suggested readings, and index.

Pringle, Laurence The Hidden World: Life under a Rock. Macmillan

Publishing, 1977.8 12 ,

The unusual ecosystem of animals and plants that he under rocks is

explored The author describes where to look and what one will find
in these hidden worlds. Excellent black and white photographs 'Bus-
trate the text


Amon, Aline Roadrunners and Other Cuckoos. Illus by author Athen-

eum. 1978.8 12
The cuckoo is named lor the sound it makes Other members of tills
Animal Kingdom! Birds 305

unusual species of bfirds arc the South American hoat/iri and the
/roadrunner. The different and sometime, odd charac*.eristics of the
cuckoo family are discussed in detail Black and white drawings of
each bird are included.

Arnold, Caroline. Five Nests. Illus Ruth Sanderson E P Dutton, 1980. ,

Five different empty ne are pictured in the beginning: Who will
care fo. . - babies who are about to hatch') Brief chapters. written
with easy-to-understand yet scientifically accurate text, describe con-
* trasting species of birds' care of their yoting. Drawings are beautiful
and tieticulous. Indexed. , ..

Brenner, Barbara. Have You Ever Heard of a Kangaroo Bird? Fascinating

Facts about Unusual Birds. 11;us Irene Brady Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan. 1980. 10-12. ,
The author gives fascinating descriptions of seseral unusual and
remarkable birds The illustrations accurately depict these, peculiar
birds. Included are the puffin, the California condor, and the

Canfield, Jane White. Swan Cove. Iflus Jo Polseno Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978 6 8
A summer in the life of a pair of swan, is described for beginning
readers The illustrations reflect careful observation and make the
text NINA.

Cole, Joanna A Chick Hatches. Photographs b), Jerome Wexler William

Mot row, 1976.8 12.
The story of the growth of a chicken from teitiliied embryo to
hatching is told simply for young readers fhe graphic black and
white photographs are carefully Integrated with the clear. concise

Freedman. Russell. How Birds Fly. Illus I orence 1.-- Bjorklund Holiday
House, 1977. 10 up
Comparing herds lo airplane, and using what scientists have dis-
covered through nigh-speed photography, the -author present, laS'ci-
nating facts on how birds fly Elegant pencil drawings show the
majesty of birds in flight. .1

Gans, Roma. When Birds Change Their Feathers. Illus Felicia Bond
Thyrnas Y. Crowelk,1980. 6 9. 4
In iimple text the author describes the different kinds of featheii
that birds have, how they change them, and how teat her,, grow
Colorful detailed drawings illustrate the. basic information , vs.

31 4
306 Sciences

Garelick, May. It's about Birds. Illus. Tony -hen Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1978. 8-10.
This book is packed with information that is easily comprehended
and answers the questions many children have about birds: kind,
size, eating habits, migration, and more Numerous handsome duo-
tone drawings.

Harris, Lorle. Biography of a Whooping Crape. Illus. Kazue Mizumura.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, :977. 9-up.
The life of a young whooping crane is interestihey portrayed from
the/ time of the parent birds' care of the egg in Wood Buffalo
Park, Caliada, until maturity a year later, including the dangerous
Cross-eontiaental seasonal migration.. Scientists' care protects this
endangered species. ki;:autiful drawings in black and white.

i Caufmann, John. Birds ?'.re Flying. Illus. by author. Thomas Y. Crowell,

1979. 4-7.
This attractive book oil birds will be a welcome addition to the
classroom because-of its simple language and clear, ai.curately labeled
diagrams. The functions of bones, muscles, and feathers and their
part in the flight_process are explained.

Morris, Dee Birds. Raintree Publishers, 1977. 6-10.

The clearly written text presents interesting and precise information
about birds Many beautifully exact and well-labeled drawings con-
vey informa:. a about how birds fly, build nests, and migrate. Diffi-
cult conceps are presented in a way that makes them accessible to
young readers. A ler,--thy glossary and index are included.

Oxford Scientific Films. The Chicken and the Egg. Photographs by George
Bernard and Peter Parks. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1979 8-12
A life cycle description of the domestic fowl is supported by distinc-
tive color photographs. Background narrative Includes environmmtal
and feeding information, mating, and egg-laying habits

Schreiber, Elizabeth Anne. Wonders of Terns. Photographs by author and

"-salph W. Schreiber Dodd, Mead. 1978. 7 up.
A very complete explanation about the life and habits of a unique
bird, the tern. The photographs give a graphic history of the tern
from birth to maturity.
Scott, Jack Denton. Canada Geese. Photographs by Ozzie Sweet G. P
Putnam's Sons, 1976. 8-12.
Illustrated with many excellent black and white photographs of
Canada geese in flight or on the ground, this book provides much

Animal Kingdom/ Domesticated Animals 307

factual information about the life and habits of the geese. Migration,
mitLig habits, rearing of goslings, and danger from hunters ale
Scott, Jack Denton, Discovering the Mysterious Egret. Photographs by
Ozzie Sweet Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 8-up
Rich language and a profusion of exquisite photographs present the
history and life of the egret, that lovely white bird that dwells with
cattle and whose strange migratory habits have baffled ornithologists.
A great amount of information is conveyed with artistry.
Scott, Jack Denton. The Gulls of Smuttynose Island. Photographs by
Ozzie Sweet. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 8-up.
Smuttynose Island is a gull breeding ground off the New England
coast. Through words and black and white photographs, the reader
spends one breeding season with gulls, learning their survival threats
and responses and other general information about gulls
Scott, Jack,: Denton. The Submarine Bird. Photographs by Ozzie Sweet.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. 10-up.
The cormorant, a fascinating bird, is presented through interesting
bits of information including history, ecological niche. courtship and
breeding rituals, diving ability, and use by fishermen. Clear. action-
filled black and white photographs supplement the text.
Stemple, David. High Ridge Gobbler: A Story of the American Wild
Turkey. Illus. Ted Lewin. William Collins Publishers. 1979. 10-up.
This story of a brood of Eastern wild turkeys through the first three
years of their life is informational and readable. Illustrated with
detailed black and white pencil drawings.
Zoll,' Max Alfred (translator Catherine Edwards Sadler) A Flamingo Is
Born. Photographs by Winifried Noack G P. Putnam's Sons. 1978.
This small nook uses black and white photographs of exceptional
q ality and composition to capture the life of a flamingo from the
ma g (pictured) to birth and several weeks after. The sparse text
is packed with information

Domesticated Animals

Clay, Patrice A. Your Own Horse: A Beginner's Guide to Horse Care.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 10-12.
Packed with information on buying, stabling, feeding. grooming,
and caring for the horse, this book is a boon to prospective horse
owners. Well illustrated with photographs. A glossary is included.

3 -U

Davidson, Margaret. Seven True Horse Stories. Illus. Leo Summers and
Sonia 0. Lisker. Hastings House, Publishers, 1979. 7-10.
This collection of easy-to-read factual stories presents descriptions of
the evolution of the modern horse. Ponies, mustangs, and donkeys
are included. A fine introduction to other horse stories by Marguerite
Henry. Includes index and bibliography.

Lavine, Sigmund A, Wonders of Camels. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 10-12

In spite of their evil reputation, camels have long been useful to
people, particularly in the Middle Eastern countries. This book using
black and white photographs and old prints, covers the facts and
folklore of camels.

Lavine, Sigmund A., and Vincent Scuro. Wonders of Donkeys. Dodd,

Mead, 1978. 8-up.
Delightful and informative, this volume tells how the donkey has
been useful to humans, and discusses wild donkeys and donkeys as
pets and shoo/ animals. Illustrated with photographs, old prints, and

Lavine, Sigmund A., and Vincent Scuro. Wonders of Goats. Dodd, Mcad,
1980. 8-12.
The -goat was one of the earliest animals to be domesticated. In
addition to being a social animal, goats have been of great use to
humans. They supply milk, cheese, fine wool, meat, skins, and in
some countries have been trained to work Excellent supplementary
book with photographs.
Lavine, Sigmund A., and Brigid Casey. Wonders of Ponies. Dodd, Mead,
1980. 8 -12.
Hippologists, students of the horse, tell us it is impossible to define
a pony accurately. To be classified as a purebred, all of the pony's
ancestors must be of the same breed and registered Interesting facts
illustrated with photographs
MacClintock, Dorcas. Hors-is As I See Them. Illus Ugo Mo'hi. Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1980. 10-up.
Outstanding silhouettes of horses are so superb that they nearly
overshadow the history and description of various breeds The book
gives information on uses of horses and literary allusions. A browsing
book for some an informative text for others. No index.
Scott, Jack Denton. The Book of the Goat. Photographs by Ozzie Sweet.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1979. 11-up.
New opinions and images of the goat emerge with the reading of this
book. The history, characteristics, habits, and usefulness of goats are


Animal Kingdom/ Fish 309

discussed. Six popuiar breeds are explored and Illustrated with black
and white photographs.

Scuro, Vincent. Wonders of Cattle. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 12-up.

"How does a brown cow eat green grass and give white milk?" This
question and many others are answered in this informative book
The many uses of cattle are explained and their value throughout
many countries emphasized. Covers breeding, raising, dairying, and
even discusses rodeos. Photographs, sketches, and index.

Steinberg, Phil. You and Your Pet Horses. Illus. Diana Magnuson. Lerner
Publications, 1978. 7-10.
This beef Informative guide answers the questions involved with
having a horse for a pet. Different breeds are discussed along with
the history, feeding, and care of horses. Also included are tips on
how to ride. Black r,d white *tures, glossary, Index.

Armour, Richard. Strange Monsters of the Sea. Illus Paul Galdone.
McGraw-Hill, 1979. 8-12.
The characteristics of many strange, frightening sea creatures, such
as the Saber-Toothed Viperfish and the Deadly Stonefish, are
described. Combined here is accurate information written in verse,
blender witn delightful action-filled drawings. Read aloud to find
out about real, nOt mythical, monsters.

Brown, Anr, Ensign. Wonders of Sea Horses. Dodd, Mead, 1979. 10-up.
The sea horse, like the catfish and dogfish, is really a fish. Yet it
has a horse's head, chameleon's eyes, kangaroo's pouch, monkey's
tail, and armadillo's armor! Here is fascinating information on
varieties of sea horses, their history, behavior, and suitability as pets
The text is well illustrated with photographs and drawings.
Carrico, Carol. Octopus. Illus. Donald Carrick. Seabury Press, 1978. 6 up.
Superior text and paintings show the dramatic life of a female
octopus as she obtains her fcod, escapes fro/.. the moray eel with
one arm oitten off, accepts the exciting attentions of her mate, and
cares for her multitude of eggs until, dying, she sees them hatch.
Carrick, Carol Sand Tiger Shark. Bios. Donald Carrick. Seabury Press,
1977 6 9
A vivid picture of the life cycle of the sand shark is provided in
picture book format. Biological information is reinforced by dra-
matic color illustrations. The fierce existence of the predator is

31 8
310 Sciences

r:ole, Joanna. A Fish Hatches. William Morrow, 1978. 7-10

Dcnription and photographs, some close up and enlarged, provide
life cycle information on a trout from egg to maturity. Excellent for
science unit. -;
Fegely, Thomas D. The World of Freshwater Fish. Dodd. Mead, 1978.
An overall view of the many varieties of freshwater fishincluding
characteristics, location and migration, feeding habits, coloration,
and the effects of pollutionis provided by this informative book.
Final chapters deal with creating a native aquarium and with the
future. Profusely illustrated with black and white photos. Index.

Oxford Scientific Films. The Stickleback Cycle. Photographs by David

Thompson. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1979. 8-up.
A short introductory text describes the life cycle of this small fresh-
water fish. Enlarged color photographs portray each step in the
cycle. They show the translucent egg, the embryo developing, the
male caring for the nest, and the newly hatched young.

Shostak, Stanley. The Hydra. Illus. Jane A. Westfall. Coward, McCann

& Geoghegan, 1977. 7-up.
The tiny hydra can replace Its own worn-out cells or whole body
parts. The photomicrograph illustrations in this book show hydras
in almost every stage of development.

Billings, Charlene W. Spring Peepers Are Calling. Illus. Susan Bonners.
Dodd, Mead, 1978. 9-up.
The Hy la crucifer is a tiny frog that sings for its mate in early spring,
jumps with incredible lightness, and titillates observers with amphib-
ian antics. The life cycle of Hy la is described, and a how-to section
on peepers as pets is included. Beautiful gray and white drawings.
Cole, Joanna. A Frog's Body. Photographs by Jerome Wexler. William
Morrow, 1980. 7 10
A frog spends part of Its life in the water and part on the land. A
bullfrog captures insects with its special flip-out tongue. These facts
and more make this a good source for an animal study unit or
science investigation. Diagrams and photqgraphs.
Oxford Scientific Films. Common Frog. Photographs by George Bernard
G. P Putnam's Sons, 1979. All ages.
Uncommon photographs tell the life story of the common frog.
Full-page color photographs are accompanied by one sentence of

3.1 9
Animal Kingdom' Insects 311

text in attractively simple punt. At the beginning is a brief inf ,rma-

tion section. Beauty is combined with the scientific accuracy appro-
priate to nature study.

Conklin, Gladys. Praying Mantis: The Garden Dinosaur. Illus Glen
Rounds. Holiday House, 1978. $ 12.
By observing the praying mantis she keeps for a pet, the author is
able to describe the intereaung characteristics If this unusual insect.
Information is also given on how to take care of a mantis Black and
white drawings.

anban, Brom. Jason and the Bees. Illus by author. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1980. 'O---9.
Jason encounters bees in his backyard nee and in the hives of Mr.
Weiss, a neighbor and beekeeper. Sister Elsie nearly ruins Jason's
new interest. Authentic information about-bees is presented in story
form Well-illustrated.
Hutcnins, Ross E. A Look at Ants. Photographs by author Dodd, Mead,
1978. 7-10.
Clear black Ind white photographs illustrate the physical charac-
teristics, habits, and natural environments of various kinds If ants.
The author, an entomologist, describes many fascinating features of
these 'meets and discusses their place in the balance of nature

McClung, Robert M. Green Darner: The Story of a Dragonfly. Illus

Carol Lerner. William Morrow, 1980. 7-10.
The master' teller of life cycle stories makes the dragonfly's life a
fascinating tale. McClung uses no anthropomorphism or cuteness,
he tells a straightforward story that teems with the life and death
escapades of a true nature story. Handsomely illustrated in black
and white sketches.

Oxford Scientific Films. Bees and Honey. Photographs by David

Thompson. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977 8 up
What goes on inside a hive of honeybees is clearly portrayed by
exceptionally beautiful close-up photographs. The introductory text
supplies background information on the habits of the honeybee
Young children who cannot read will be able to obtain meaning
from the pictures.

Oxford Scientific Films The Butterfly Cycle. Photographs by John Cooke.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 8 up.
Stages of the life cycle of a butterfly are clearly shown with color
photographs. The introduction supplies background information for
312 Sciences

those who can read, while nonreaders can learn easily from the

Oxford Scientific Films. Dragonflies. Photographs by George Bernard

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. 8-12.
Dragonflies are some of the oldest insects in the world. Thi' unique
book of photographs and brief text shows this species' physical
characteristics and habitat.

Shebat., Sharon Sigmond. The Mysterious World of Honeybe's. Photo-

graphs by Steve Orlando. Julian Messner, 1979. 7-10.
Susan and Tom visit their uncle and learn all about honeybees. The
book, which includes a great deal of information about the life cycle
of the bee, as well as the business of collecting honey, is profusely
illustrated with black-and-white photos and drawings

Lower Animals
Hess. Lilo. The Amazing Earthworm. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979. 8-12.
A clear and simple book describing the characteristics and habits of
the earthworm is filled with interesting facts. Large black and white
photographs illustrate the text. Includes some experiments.

Jacobson, Morris K.. and David R. Franz. Wonders of Jellyfish. Dodd,

Mead, 1978. 8-12.
Black and white photographs highlight this concise discussion cc
these fascinating sea creatures. Both harmful and useful specimens
are examined, as are the life stages and habits of jellyfish. Index,
glossary, and annotated bibliography are appended

Jacobson. Morris K., and David R. Franz Wonders of Snails & Slugs.
Dodd, Mead. 1980, 8-12.
Characteristics of a variety of snails and slugs. snails without shells,
and their many uses are explained. Supplementary science book.
Photographs. sketches.

Ryder. Joanne, and Harold S. Feinberg. Snail in the Woods. Illus. Jo

Polseno. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 6 8
An easy-to-read 'look that gives a great deal of information about
snails in a straightforward and interesting fashion. A life-cycle story.

Waters, John F. A Jellyfish Is Not a Fish. Illus. Kazue Maumura.

Thomas Y. Crowell. 1979. 6-9.
The reader will find enjoyment in this very informative book The
characteristics and f: fictions of the jellyfish are described in text
and in appealing black and colored washes Emphasis is placed on
the types to al,old.

Animal Kingdom! Monkeys and Apes 313

Monkeys and Apes

Allen, Martha Dickson. Meet the Monkeys. Illus. by author. Prentice-

Hall, 1979.7-10.
This informational book describes the behavior, physical appearance,
identifying characteristics, and natural habitat of thirty-two species
of monkeys. The table of contents classifies them into four groups:
Pre-Monkeys, New World Monkeys, Old World Monkeys, and
Apes. Illustrations in color and black and white.
Amon, Aline. Orangutan: Endangered Ape. Illus. by author. Atheneum,_
A well-researched study of the great ape of the Far East. Chapters
alternate between fiction and nonfiction. The fiction chapters recount
the day-to-day activities of a mother orangutan and her offspring.
The nonfiction chapters trace the orangutan from early history and
myths to the present. Bibliography and index.
Kevles, Bettyann. Watching the Wild Apes: The Primate Studies of
Goodall, Fossey, and Galdikas. E. P. Dutton, 1976. 12 -up.
The stories of the research of three women primatologists working
with chimp azees, gorillas, and orangutans in their natural habitats:
Jane Goodall in Tanzania, Dian Fossey in Rwanda, and Birute
Galdikas in Borneo. Some biographical material is included Bibliog-
raphy and index.
McDearmon, Kay. Gorillas. Dodd, Mead, 1979 8-12.
This readable, well-organized, accurate look at the gorilla may
change the reader's view of this animal. The physical characteristics
and habits are described while photographs depict the gorilla in the
wild and in captivity as a shy, gentle creature.
Meyer.;, Susan. The Truth about Gorillas. Illus. John Hamberger. E P.
Dutton, 1980.6-9.
Here is an introduction to the life and characteristics of central
African gorillas. Illustrations blend with text, informing the young
reader about the importance of protecting this fierce-looking, yet
gentle and rather shy primate. An easy-to-read Index is Included.
Michel, Anna. Little Wild Chimpanzee. Illus Peter Parnall and Virginia
Parnall. Pantheon Books, 1978.8-12.
As Baby Chimp grows io be Big Chimp, he has basic life experiences
that parallel those of human children. There is family care and affec-
tion as well as sibling jealousy. Authentic information on chimpan-
zees is given in text for beginning readers and in the many attractive

3`ot 9Ay
314 Sciences

Michel, Anna. The Story of Nim: The Chimp Who Learned Language.
Photographs by Susan Kuklin and Herbert S. Terrace. Alfred A.
Knopf, 1980. 8-12.
Nim, the chimp, cooperates with an extensive research project and
proves his ability to communicate using a 125-word vocabulary.
Born in 1973, he is pictured in his infancy, first with his family and
then as a student. Easy text and photographs combine for a fascinat-
ing book for the young.
Rau, Margaret. The Snow Monkey at Home. Illus. Eva Htilsmann.
Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 10-12.
This easy-to-read book describes the characteristics of the Japanese
macaque or snow monkey who lives farther north than other species
of monkeys. Information and research for this appealing infor-
mational book were obtained from the Jigokudani center in the
Japanese Alps. Bibliography and index included.
Teleki, Geza, Lori Baldwin, and Meredith Rucks. Aerial Apes: Gibbons of
Asia. Photographs by Geza Teleki and Lori Baldwin. Coward,
McCann & Geoghegan, 1979 6-9.
This documentation of the Asian gibbon living in its natural treetop
environment is informative and interesting. The black and white
photographs that blend with brief text give the young reader a close-
up view of this wooly-haired aerialist.
Teleki, Giza, and Karen Steffy. Goblin, A Wild Chimpanzee:Photographs
by Geza Teleki and Lori Baldwin. E. P. Dutton 1977. 6-9.
An average day in the life of Goblin, . youn African chimpanzee,
is described. The primatologists, those who udy the chimpanzee,
continue to be interested in Goblin since his irth in 1964. Feeding,
playing, wandering, and nesting are clearly d cribed in words and
photographs. Picture map included. Excelle informational book
Teleki, Geza, Karen Steffy, and Lori Baldwin. Leakey the Elder: A Chim-
panzee and His Community. E. P. Duton, 1980. 10-12.
A companion bo,k to Goblin, A Wild Chimpanzee, this book is based
on observations made in Gombe National Park in Tanzania The
aging Leakey is not the leader of the chimpanzee community, but
sets an example as community protector. The story covers the years
1968-70 when Leakey dies. Enlightening photographs.


Davidson, Margaret Seven True Dog Stories. Illus. Susanne Suba.

Hastings House, Publishers, 1)77. 7-10.
This easy-to-read book includes a brief history of remarkable feats
dogs have been trained to do. Outstanding is the story of Silver, a
collie who becomes blind, and Sascha, a dachshund who is trained

Animal KIngdeml Pets 315

to be Silver's guide dog. Black and white illustrations. Index and

bibliography included.
de Paola, Tomie. The Kids' Cat Book. Illus. by author. Holiday House,
1979. All ages.
Granny Twinkle has free kittens and lots of information about the
history, lore, breeds, and proper care of cats. The soft color pencil
illustrations of various historic periods add io the visual delight.
Good with units on pets and their care.

Dunn, Judy. The Little Rabbit. Photographs by Phoebe Dunn. Random

House, 1980 5-8.
Sarah's Easter present is Buttercup, a white rabbit, who soon has
seven bunnies of her own. Sarah's friends each get bunnies and the
reader learns about the care and habits of pet rabbits Large full-
color photographs are fresh and appealing.

Ferguson, Giovonnia. Handling Small Pets: Step by Step. Illus. by author.

Exposition Press, 1979. 9-up.
Instructions on handling six common pets. The text is well written
with detailed drawings showing exact positions of the handler and
the pet. A worthwhile book for pet owners.
Fox, Michael, -and- Wende Devlin Gates. What Is Yr Dog Saying?
Coward, McCann /1 Geoghegan, 1977. 8-12.
Fox, a noted authority on animal behavior, discusses the ways in
which dogs use body language-to communicate to humans. A clear
question-and-answer format with many black znd white photographs
provides valuable information for young dog owners.

Fox, Michael. Whitepaws: A Coyote-Dog. Illus. Stephen Gammell

Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. 12-up.
Whitepaws is a coydog, the offspring of a dog and a coyote
Throughout his puppy months, his wild instincts often emerge
Finally, his child owners must- decide wheat is best for their pet'
domesticity or the freedom of a wild animal. Written by an authority
on animal behavior.
Hess, Lilo. A Dog by Your Side. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977 8-up
A thorough discussion of dogs including a brief history, ex planat,on
about purebreds and mongrels, information on well-known types
representing the six official categories of dogs, and how to select,
care for, and show a dog. Profusely illustrated with beautiful black
and white photographs. Index.

Hess, Lilo Life Begins for Puppies. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978. 6 9
The owner's Shetland, sheepdog is pregnant when she is brought
home from the animal shelter Photographs are taken of the birth

3 tie 4
316 Scteni.e5

of the litter and the first eight weeks of puppyhood. The appealing
pictures help tell the story of the dog's care and the training Of her

Hess, Lilo. Listen to Your Kitten Purr. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1980 6 9
Kittens rescued from a sack in a stream introduce Mindy. a female
cat. This book is an extremely well - illustrated plea on behalf of
abandoned animals and the importance of spaying. Excellent intro-
duction to the responsibility of caring for pets

Huntington, Harriet E. Let's Look at Dogs. Doubleday. 1980 8-12.

Hunting dogs, working dogs, dogs for the blind, and 101 bleeds
recognized by the American Kennel Club are discussed, with the
special qualities of each mentioned This informative, attractive '000k
includes photographs.

Landshoff, Ursula. Okay, Good Dog, Harper & P w Publishers, 1978.

6 -9.
Thu, easy-to-read book instructs the young dog owner on how to
train a pet to sit. come and be housebroken Humorous,
instrucox,e illustrations bIL with text in emphasizing the use of
gentleness, praise. and love in caring for a pet

Leen, Nina Cats. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. All ages
In a black and white photo essay, brief captions relate the charac-
teristics. folklore. and charm of cats Exemplifying the outstanding
photos and book design are two picture2s placed side by side showing
the remarkable changes the pupils of cats' eyes, which account for
their excellent vision ". urowsing book that informs

Pinkv.ater. Jill, and D Ma 'us Pinkwater Superpuppy: How to Choose,

Raise, and Train the Best Possible Dog for You. plus Jill Pinkwater
Seabury Press, 1977 10 up
The authors emphasize that making a dog what you want it to be
is based on an understanding of the dog's personality, its feelings,
and its reactions Black and white illustrations list of related free

Francene. and Louis Sabin Perfect Pets. (; P Putnam's Sons,

1978 10 11
this pet care book covers the more common pets with advice on
selection, care, and housing Information is included on insects (how
to establish an ant colony and construct insect cages), birds, small
mammals, water animals. amphibians. and reptiles Photographs

Schilling. Betty Two Kittens Are Born: From Birth to Two Months, Ho!:
Rinehart and Winston, 1980 4 7
After the birth of Cassy's kittens, bkck and white photographs are

Animal Kingdom/ Reptiles 317

taken daily for the first three weeks, and then frequently after that
to show the kittens' growth and change. The animals are caught in
delightful kittenish acts.
Silverstein, Alvin, and `.'irginia Silverstein Cats: All about Them. Photo-
graphs by Frederick J. Breda. Lothrop, ,Lee & Shepard Hooks,
1978. 10-up.
InforMative text and excellent black and white photographs present
useful and interesting materials about cats. Not only is this a com-
pendium on the care of cats, it is also a study of the cat in history,
literature, psychology, and art. One of a series of the same authors'
books about animals.

Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia B. Silverstein. Gerbils: MI about Them.

Photographs by Frederick J. Breda. J. B. Lippincott, 1976. 9 -12.
Gerbils, natives of Mongolia and imports to be used as research
animals, make wonderful pets Information is extensive and includes
mating and care of these tiny animals. Black and white photographs.
A fine guidance book for pet care.
Simon, Seymour. Discovering What Puppies Do. Illus. Susan Bonners.
McQraw -Hill, 1977. 8-10.
The mother dog's behavior prior to the birth of her litter and
the care required after their birth begin the book. Additional infor-
Illation tells the owner how to choose and care for a new puppy,
its early training, required shots and other pet care tips Soft charcoal

Bare, -.Colleen Stanley. The Durable Desert Tortoise. Photographs by
author. Dodd, Mea 1979. 6-9.
At dawn the male tortoise leaves his shelter to seek food before the
summer air becomes too warm. The physical characteristics and
habits of tortoises are described in the text and complemented with
clear photos. Possible extinction is discussed A valuable addition
for the science curriculum. Index.
Graham, Ada, and Frank Graham. Alligators. Illus. D. D Tyler. Delacorte
Press, 1979. 10- 12.
Observations of early settlers are responsible for the many false
notions concerning the habits and behavior of the alligator Con-
servationists are determined to protect this useful but endangered
species that has survived since the great age of reptiles.

Leen, Nina. Snakes, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 9 12

This introduction to the study of snakes includes thirty-nine species
that are identified by habitat, habits, and the like. Of particular note

318 Sciences

are the outstanding photographs, many of which are unusual action

shots. Bibliography and index are appended.

McClung, Robert P4 Snakes: Their Place in the Sun. Garrard Publishing,

1979. 8-12.
A black nom- snake suns itself after a chilly May night, then glides
silently, hunting for food, to the meadow. Short chapters tell about
the habitats and lives of common snakes. Profusely illustrated with
photographs and drawings in both color and black and white. Excel-
lent information resource. Indexed.

Mc Gowen, Tom. Album of Reptiles. Illus. Rod Ruth. Rand McNally,

1978. 8-12.
Factual stories about crocodiles, cobras; sea turtles, lizards, and eight
other common rcptiles. Colorful full-page illustrations and small
drawings, accurate in detail, extend the concepts. An introductory
chapter, index, and -irotiunctation guide make this volume an excel-
lent science resource. One of a series including Album of Sharks and
Album of Whales.
Simon, Seymour. Meet the Giant Snakes. Illus. Harriett Springer. Walker,
1979. 8 -12.
A Chinese legend tells the story of a giant Pa Snake that was large
enough to eat an elephant. The anaconda can grow to be the length
of a school bus, and that is not a legend. The anaconda, four types
of pythons, and the boa constrictor are discussed. Excellent sketches.

Seals and Whales

Brown, Louise C. Elephant Seals. Illus. Nina Inez Brown. Photographs

by Andree Abecasis, Dodd, Mead, 1979. 8-12.
In simple language the life cycle, habits, and unique features of the
elephant seal are interestingly presented. Nearly extinct by 1889
because they were discovered to be a source of oil, they have made a
remarkable comeback. Photographs and sketches.

Grosvenor, Donna K. The Blue Whale. Illus. Larry Foster. National

Geographic Society, 1977. 6-9.
The miracle of grace and intelligence evident in the' gigantic seaborn
mammals known as blue whales is depicted through life-like paintings
and a well-written text. Other whales, penguins, and sea creatures
integral to the lives of blue whales are included. End papers are vivid
paintings of whales of the world.

Marko, Katherine D. Whales, Giants of the sea. Illus. Bettye Rene Beach.
Abingdon Press, 1980. 6-9.
Interesting facts about whales are written in an easy-to-read style.
The muted blue illustrations add to the brief text A good book for
early science investigations.

Animal Kingdom/ Spiders 319

Selsam, Millicent' E., and Joyce Hunt. A First Look at Whales. Illus.
Harriett Springer. Walker, 1980. 6-9.
This detailed information book describing the characteristics and
habits of the whale has clearly labeled illustrations that assist and
clarify the text. Need for the whale's survival is emphasized. Illustra-
tions encourage the beginning reader to ob rve and classify these

Shaw, Evelyn. Elephant Seal Island. Illus. Cherry! Pape. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978. 6-9.
The yearly visitation'o'f elephant seals to Ano Island in the
Pacific Ocean is described in simple language for iVe young reader.
The experiences of a male pup are descrjbed from birth until he is
able to care for himself. An easy-to-read book.

Simon, Seymour. Killer Whales. J. B. Lippincott, 1978. 8-12.

This book helps to dispel myths about killer whales and describes
their life in the open sea and in captivity. The clearly written text
presents fascinating information about one of the largest and most
intelligent animals in the world.
Strange, Florence. Rock-A-Bye Whale: A Story of the Birth of a Hump-
back Whale. Illus. by author. Manzanita Press, 1977. 8-12.
The birth orta humpback whale, One of nature's largest animals, is
told simply. The brilliant monoprints help convey the motion and
feeling of the sea environment.


4exau, Joan M. The Spider Makes a Web. lilus. Arabelle Wheatley.

Hastings House, Publishers, 1979. 6-9.
This beginning reader's book describing the shamrock spider and
how it spins a web almost every day of its life is very informative.
Delicate line drawings enhance the.text.

Oxford Scientific Films. The Spider's Web. Photographs by John Cooke.

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 9-up.
Detailed r)tographs demonstrate how the garden spider and the
net-thro .mg spider sprit their webs and catch their prey. Background
information is given at the beginning of the book. The be au t iful
step-by-step photographs are captioned.

Walther, Tom. A Spider Might. Illus. by author. Sierra Club Books, 1978.
Fascinating and unusual facts about spiders encourage the reader to
appreciate them more. Basic information is presented in simple,
authentic text. illustrated with superbly detailed drawings of many
kinds of spiders and their body parts. Index.

320 Sciences

Wild Animals
Annixter, Jane, and Paul Annixter. The Year of the She Grizzly. Illus.
gilbert Riswold. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. 9-11
An interesting and informational account of a she-grizzly and her
cub in the Montana uplands is given. The ordinary search for food,
the mating season, he- new rub, and the constant encounters with
her enemies make this an exciting and worthwhile book
Bare. Colleen Stanley. Greiund Squirrels. Photographs by author Dodd,
Mead, 1980. 8-i 2.
This book, done in narrative style and black and -white photos,
follows the complete life cycle of an engaging ground squirrel from
the end of hibernation through mating and the new generation.
Barry, Scott. The Kingdom of Wolves, Photographs by author. G P.
Putnam's Sons, 1979. 10-up.
Wolves are described in a well-written, interesting text that bespeaks
the author as a caring person. A strong argument is given against
having wolves as pets or keeping them in captivity Accompanied by
outstanding black and white photographs, this is a book with sensi-
tive impact.
Caputo, Robert, and Miriam Hsia. Hyens Day. Photographs by Robert
Caputo Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978. I2-up.
Hyenas are shown to be well-organized animals whose daily routines
and food-gathering techniques serve well their needs in the Serengeti
Plains of east Africa. Large photographs show hyenas from nursing
babyhood through predatory adult activities as the clan goes through
the day from morning to preparation for evening rest.
Caras, Roger Coyote for a Day. Illus Diane Paterson E. P Dutton,
1977. 8- 11.
A coyote finds a mate. Together they hunt, escape danger, and make
preparations for the family they will raise together. The text and
illustrations create a clear positive image of this beautiful, misunder-
stood creature
Caras, Roger. Skunk for a Day. Illus Diane Paterson. E P Dutton,
1976 7-10
Follow a skunk for twenty-four hours and have adventures and
harrowing escapes that would leave a human exhausted, but are all
in a day's work for the skunk. 1 arge. realistic ink drawings in black
and white vividly and accurately portray skunks and other woodland

1) , ) ri
kJ , ,)
Animal Kingdom! Wild Animals 321

Dinneen, Betty. A Tale of Three Leopards. Illus. Jennifer Emry-Perrott.

Doubleday, 1980. 10-12.
Chui's two leopard cubs, Kali and Pesi, are born in the Nairobi
Game Park in Kenya. Their playful day-to-day antics are described
as they grow to maturity. One lesson they soon learn is the survival
of the fittest in their predatory environment. Black pen sketches.

Ford, Barbara, and Ronald R. Keiper. The Island Ponies: An Environmen-

tal Study of Their Life on Assatearie. Photographs by Ronald R
Keiper. William Morrow, 1979. 9-12
The ponies who live on Assattague and Chincoteague have been
there for several hundred years. No one is certain of their origins.
Their home is protected as public land and here scientists observe
their living habits and their effect on the environment A useful
addition for an ecology unit.
Geringer, Laura. Seven True Bear Stories. Illus. Carol Maisto Hastings
House, Publishers, 1979. 7-10.
Young readers will meet many kinds of bears i,J this interesting.
easy-to-read collection. Victor wrestled, Queenie danced, Teddy sang,
and Grizzly Jack loved honey. Three other comic and entertaining
stories are included. I ormative introduction, index, and bibliog-
raphy; black and white i strations.

Griffiths, G. D. Mattie: T Story of a Hedgehog. 11111S. Norman Adams.

Delacorte Press, 1977. 0-12
From birth in a hollow stump through r\ I ng life, Mattie is au
adventurous hedgehog. Her relationship with hUmans is most inter-
esting. Although hedgehogs are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa,
but not the United States, this informative book will be enjoyed by
all students.

Hamsa, Bobbie. Your Pet Elephant. Illus Tom Dunnington. Childrens

Press, 1980. 7-10.
Fascinating and scientific facts about the problems and pleasures of
having an elephant as a pet include such items as the elephant's
ability to bring in firewood. This Far-Fetched Pets series includes
Your Pet Beaver and Your Pet Bear. The humor is delightful; the
illustrations are loaded with fun. (Picture book)

Harris, Lorle. Biography of a River Otter. Illus. Ruth Kirschner G P

Putnam's Sons, 1978. 8-12.
An informational story of a mother otter's care a, concern for her
three cubs during their first year is complete with coverage of the
otters' homes, food, protective measures, and pleasures. A valuable

33 0
322 Sciences

supplementary science book with meaningful brown and green

Hopf, Alice L. Biography of a Giraffe. Il lus Patricia Collins. G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 1978. 8-12.
Facts combine with setting to create an involving description of the
life cycle of a giraffe. Black and white etchings contribute to the total
work. A strong addition to the study of science or social studies in
middle grades.
Hunt, Patricia. Koalas. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 7-10.
Teddy of Quantas Airlines is probably the best-known koala. The
author describes the habits of these native Australian animals and
the conservation efforts by that country to preserve this species of
Lavine, Sigmund A. Wonders of Marsupials. Dodd, Mead, 1978. 8-12.
This informative book, which discusses some of the 248 species of
marsupials, is divided into the various types: herbivorous, arboreal,
phalangus, and carnivorous. Concern for the animals' survival in the
future is expressed since they supply fur, leather, and pet food.
Clearly presented with accompanying photographs. !ndex.
Lavine, Sigmund A. Wonders of Mice. Dodd, Mead, !980. 10-up.
Zoologists have identified hundreds of species of mice. Rodents make
up over half the living species of mammals. No matter which group
they comprisehouse, field, hunter, or climbingthey are fasci-
nating creatures. The mouse lore section is especially interesting.
Many photos and sketches.
McDearmon, Kay. Rocky Mountain Bighorns. Photographs by Valerius
Geist Dodd, Mead, 1980. 8-10.
Early Rocky Mountain explorers reported bighorns as plentiful as
buffalo. Now fewer than 15,000 remain. Using both text and dozens
of black and white photos, the reader learns about the bighorns'
habits, enemies, and hazards to survival. Useful with ecology units.
Michel, Anna. Little Wild Elephant. Illus. Peter Parnall and Virginia
Parnall. Pantheon Books, 1979. 5-8.
The habits of elephants are explored as the reader follows the life
and training of a baby African elephant. Soft black and white
sketches supplement the text. Good read-aloud book
Michel, Anna. Little Wild Lion Cub. Illus. Tony Chen. Pantheon Books,
1980. 6-9
The first two years in Little Lion's life are described in detail in the

3v1 ..,
Animal Kingdom/ Wild Animals 323

surroundings of his close-knit family. His mother's training, the

search for food, his playtime, and encounters with other animals are
depicted in gray-shaded drawings. An easy-to-read book.
Noguere, Suzanne, and Tony Chen. Little Koala. Illus. Tony Chen. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1979.6 -up.
Here is the amazing life of a loala bear in Australia, from birth,
when, as a fly -sized pink speck, it smells its way to its mother's
pouch, to the time of its independence more than a year later. Beauti-
fully written and illustrated.
Oxford Scientific Films. House Mouse. Photographs by David Thompson.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 8-up.
Unusually detailed close-ern photographs and objective information
on the house mouse combine science and art. Included are photo-
graphs of newborn mice, mating mice, habitat, eating habits. Descrip-
tive material develops the relationship with humans without over-
emphasizing destruction add human antagonism.
Oxford Scientific Films. The Wild Rabbit. Photographs by George
Bernard. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. 8-12.
This remarkable book depicts the wild rabbit with many outstanding
colored photographs of the natural surroundings and the various
developmental gages. Enjoyable at many levels of reading.
Rau, Marpret. The Giant Panda at Home Illus. Eva Hui. mann. Alfred A.
Knopf, 1977.8 -12.
Details of ti.: rianda's life cycle include facts of feeding, mating, and
rearing of the young. f:ieographic and historic highlights are Included
Rau, Margaret. The Gray Kangaroo at Home. Illus. Eva Hulsmann.
Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. 10-up.
A detailed report of a year in the life of a female kangaroo provides
insight into special vharacterritio. of the eastern gray kangaroo and
of the other creatures and pla its in its life community.
Rogers, Edmund. Elephsur Raintree Publishers, 1977. 8-12
Outstanding color photographs `110light this look at the African
elephant and follow one herd's dai:j trek through the tropical forest
and grassland as the giant animals search for food a..d water. Glos-
sary, further readings, and appendix are included.
Ryden, Hope. The Little Deer of the Florida Keys. Photographs by
author. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 6-up.
A beautiful book that tells the story of the tiny key deer of Florida.
The photographs are so clear, vivid, and lifelike that the reader

324 Sciences

almost feels a part of the deer's environment Discusses the threat-

ened survival of this species.
St. Tamara. Chickaree: A Red Squirrel. Illus. by author. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1980 8-12.
Here is a detailed chronicle of a year in the life of a red squirrel.
Reaching maturity, this busy chickaree passes through winter days,
mates when spring arrives, and brings up two sets of babies. Illustra-
tions assist in describing the complex lives of these familiar animals.
Schaller, George, and Kay Schaller. Wonders of Lions. Illus. Richard
Keane Photographs by George Schaller. Dodd, Mead, 1977. 7-up.
Here is a well- ritten book about the proud lions of the Serengeti
National Park in Africa. The authors give an accurate description of
the lion's family life, hunting habits, and daily routine. Fine photo-
graphs show the lions at work and play.
Schlein, Miriam. Lucky Pow pine! thus. Martha Weston. Four Winds
Press, 1980. 6-up.
Porcupines are lucky to have protective quills, to be able to climb
easily, run swiftly, float and swim, eat a variety of plants, and find
cozy dwellings. Beautiful, accurate drawings.
Schlein, Miriam On the Track of the Mystery Animal: The Story of the
Discovery of the Okapi. Illus. Ruth Sanderson. Four Winds Press,
1978. 10-12.
Sir Harry Johnston, an Englishman of many talents, discovered the
okapi about 75 years ago, probably the last-found mammal. The
reader shares in investigative techniques natural scientists use for
proper identification, making class, order, family, genera, and species
more understandable Black and white sketches
Scott, Jack Denton Island of Wild Horses. Photographs by Oi,ie Sweet
G. F Putnam's Sons, 1978. 8-12
A beauVully written text combines with powerful black and white
photographs to tell the story of the wild horses of Assateague Island.
The book explores the history of this hand and the life cycle of the
horses, and introduces some of the problems invoiced in protecting
the Chincoteague ponies today
Scott, Jack Denton. Little Dogs of the Prairie. Photographs by 0771e
Sweet G P. Putnam's Sons, 1977 All ages.
Prairie dogs are accomplished diggers, engineers, and homemakers
and are found only in North America. This content-rich book
examines their society, enemies, characteristics, and history along
with the ecosystem in which they precariously exist Black and white

3 ,.,
') r),,
Animal Kingdom! The Young 325

Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia B. Silverstein. Mite: All about Them.

Photographs by R that A. Silverstein. J. B. Lippincott, 1980. 7-10.
Mice have a reputation for sneaking about, but most people have
some sympathy for them. They appear in literature from Mother
Goose to the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Shwild we get rid of them?
Would this destroy the balance in nature? 1 his book examines the
habits, characteristics, and history of mice.

Van Wormer, Joe. Squirrels. E. P. Dutton, 1978. 8 12.

Various members of the squirrel family are briefly described and

pictured in clear black and white photographs. Woodchucks, prairie
dogs, marmots, and ground and tree squirrels are included. Traits of
the species are given, such as color, size, range, and diet.

Williams, Barbara. Sever. True Elephant Stories. Illus. Carol Maisto.

Hastings House, Publishers, 1978. 7-10.
Jumbo, the name of an elephant in this book, is familiar to us
because it means "big." Other stories include all kinds of elephants.
circus elephants, work elephants, wild elephants, and royal elephants.
The introduction provides background and recent research findings.
This easy-to-read book includes index and bibliography.

The Young
Brady, Irene. Wild Babies: A Canyon Sketchbook. Illus by author.
Houghton Mifflin, 1979.4- up.
Six species of wild animal babies are sketched from infancy to inde-
pendence. The large, softly colored eiawings are authentic in every
detail, showing habitats and stages of growth, and are accompanied
by stories about how the mothers care for their babies. Excellent for
science lessons.

Davidson, Margaret. Wild Animal Families. Illus. Fran Stiles. Hastings

House, Publishers, 1980. 8-12.
Unusual and interesting facts about different baby mammals are
presented for the young science reader Information is included on
how they are born, fed, and protected, and how they play and learn
Simple text encourages further nature investigation of mammals

Freedman, Russell. Getting Born. Illus. Corbett Jones. Holiday House,

1978. 7-10.
What newborns can do while less than one hour old is astounding!
With fascinating text and black and white drawings and photo-
graphs, birth is documented from the time of egg fertilization in fish
to hatching, live births of kittens, dolphins, and horses are also
shown. Difficult words are written phonetically.


Freedman, Russell. Hanging On: How Animals Carry Their Young. Holi-
day House, 1977. 7-10.
Animals carry their young in many different ways. Some of the less
common are included in this book. Black and white photos and the
text explain how and for how long young animals are carried. Pic-
tures invite lingering and looking.
Freschet, Berniece. Moose Baby. Illus. Jun Arnosky. G P. Putnam's Sorts,
1979. 4-7.
Five brief chapters describe the maturation process of a young
,noose. The reader learns what it eats, how it coexists with other
animals, how it defends itself, and how it physically matures. One of
the See and Read Nature Story series, the illustrations add much.
Freschet, Berniece. Porcupine Baby. Illus. Jim Arnosky. G. P. Putnam's
Sons. 1978. 6-9.
This story observes the early experiences of a baby porcupine from
birth to learning to protect himself from enemies. Pen and ink Illus-
trations are amusing and informative. A nature story, simply and
sympathetically told; a good read-aloud book.

McClung, Robert M. The Amazing Egg. E. P. Dutton, 1980. 8-12.

Detailed information about the eggs of mammals, reptiles, birds,
amphibians, insects, and lower forms of animals is given, including
their production, fertilization, and development. Black and white
sketches and diagrams highlight the facts

Miller, Jane. Birth of a Foal. J B Lippincott, 1977. 4-7.

The first three days of a newborn foal, a Welsh Mountain pony, are
described in simple :ext and appealing black and white photographs.
The foal lies in the soft grass and soon learns to stand on wobbly
legs. Illustrations convey the wonder of birth and the mother's loving
care for her young.
Rabinowitz, Sandy. What's Happening to Daisy? Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1977. 4 10
Gentle, full-page watercolor illustrations make the reader actually
feel present as the mare Daisy gives birth to her foal. Joy and
tenderness come into the pictures when Daisy licks her baby, nuzzles
it to stand, and nurses it. Daisy is cared for by a young girl A
valuable life-concept book.

Shaw, Evelyn. Sea Otters. Illus. Cherryl Pape Harper & Row, Publishers,
1980. 6-9
A scientist studies two sea otters, Garbo and her pup Bo, living in the
cold Pacific Ocean. Illustrations clarify the simple informative text.
The reader can see how the mother sea otter cares for and teaches
her baby to become independent. An easy-to-read book

Animal Kingdom' Zoos 327

Weber, William J. Wild Orphan Babies: Mammals and Birds. Photographs

by author. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 9-up.
Factual information about the care of orphaned wild baby animals
and birds is given by a veterinarian He also includes how to tell if
human care is needed and explains government regulations and spe-
cial precautions. Illustrated with many superb photographs.


Grosvenor, Donna K. Zoo Babies. Photographs by author. Nat oval

Geographic Society, 1978. 6-9.
A crocodile with a broken jaw and an appealingly ugly baby rhino
are among the zoo babies presented in this volume of the very
popular Books for Young Explorers series.
Hewett, Joan. Watching Them Grow: Inside a Zoo Nursery. Photographs
by Richard Hewett. Little, Brown, 1979. 8-12.
From baby aardvarks through adult spider monkeys, Loretta feeds
them, burps them, and changes their diapers in the zoo nursery. Told
in diary form, with irresistible black and white photos, this is a hard
book to put down.
Paige, David. Behind tI4 Scenes at the Zoo. Photographs by Roger
Ruh lin. Albert Whitman, 1978. 7-10.
Black and white and color photographs highlight this overview of
zoo activity. Special emphasis is given to obtaining, housing, breed-
ing, feeding, and caring for a u.de variety of animals, including
many who are endangered species. A glossary is included.
Shuttlesworth, Dorothy E. Zoos in the Making. E. P. Dutton, 1917.
In addition to the residents of the 700, the author looks at the
operations and problems of zoos. Carefully researched information
and exceptional photographs of outstanding 700S in the world com-
plete this interesting book. Plans for the zoos of tomorrow are


Berger, Melvin. Planets, Stars and Galaxies. G P. Putnam's Sons, 1978

This up-to-date overview of astronomy is written 'n a style suit-
able for the young scientist. What is known about the universe
is clearly explained; recent discoveries, such as the rings of Uranus,
are included. Black and white photographs and charts are helpful.
Glossary and index.

3 `) t j
i Sciences

Bran ley, Franklyn M. Age of Aquarius: You and Asvology. Illus Leonard
Kessler. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979.10-12.
The effects of objects in the sky upon Earth and its inhabitants are
discussed from both the astrological and the astronomical points of
view. Bibliography and index
Bran ley, Franklyn M. Sun Dogs and Shooting Stars: A Skywatcher's
Calendar. Illus. True Kelley, Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 12 -up.
Americans see a man in the 'moon, Japanese see a rabbit, and
Scandinavians see Jack and Jill. These and other fascinating facts,
weather lore, and suggested experiments are given for the very scien-
tifically gifted student. Black and white line drawings; divided by
month and-season.

Engdahl, Sylvia. Our World Is Earth. Illus. Don Sibley Atheneum, 1979.
An introduction to space for young children. Earth's place in the
universe is expressed in poetic prose enhanced by effective double-
page illustrations.
Jaber, William. Exploring the Sun. Illus by author Julian Messner, 1980
This articulate book on the sun is a valuable addition to the home or
classroom. Beginning with sharp warnings on optical care in viewing
the sun, the book continues with myths and historical opinions on
the sun's makeup. Contemporary facts are also examined Excellent
photographs and drawings, glossary, and index
Jobb, Jamie The Night Sky Book: An Everyday Guide to Every Night.
Illus. Linda Bennett. Little, Brown, 1977 8 12.
Black and white drawings illustrate the many interesting facts about
the stars, constellations, moon, and the zodiac. Instructions are given
for projects about the night sky, such as how tc rind the constella-
tions, how to make a simple astrolabe, and others A Brown Paper
School Book.
Kerrod, Robin The Mysterious Universe. Lerner Publications, 1980 7 10
The question-and-answer format includes a great deal of information
about space and our study of it Planets, stars, and galaxies within
the universe are explained , nd illustrated in full color Appendices
include a list of famous asti inomers, names of the constellations,
glossary, and index.
Knight, David C Galaxies: Islands in Space. William Morrow, 1979
10 -12
An introduction to our galaxy, the Milky Way, this hook is well
illustrated with photographs and diagrams It also discusses other

Includes glossary and

galaxies their evolution and phenomena.
Kuskin, Karla. A Space Story. Illus. Marc Simont. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1978. 4-7.
The planets are accurately described hi a language the young child
can understand. Curiosity is stimulated by the colorful
and the, double-page spread that presents the star patterns. An excel-
lent informational book.
Simon, Seymour. The Long View into Space. Ci own Publishers, 1979
An awesome lock into space, starting with our nearest neighbor. the
moon, progressing past t;:e ,lanets, through our galaxy, and
up with galaxies so far away that they are barely visible through the
most powerful telescopes. Interest is furt:ler surnu'ated by stunning
black and white photographs, and a simple, straightforward text that
at times achieves a poetic quality.
Simon, Seymour. Look to the Night Sky: An Introduction to Star Watch-
ing. Viking Press, 1977. 10-12.
Beginn:ng observers are told how to look at the stars and how to
understand what they see The difference between astrology and
astronomy is explained A chapter is given to the explanation and
use of the telescope. Information for further reading and research
is included. Clear diagrams compleme ;rxt Index.
Taylor, G. Jeffrey. A Close Look at t Moon. Dodd, Mead, 1980
What on the moon? Are th re any creatures living there'' Is
any water? In the t century there are answers to som !
of these questions. The easy-to-read text and easy-to-understand
explanations will be enjoyed by many at home or at school Clear
Zim, Herbert S. The New Moon. William Morrow. 1980. 6 -9
Specimens brought to earth from moon voyages, photographs, and
powerful telescopes provide information about the e'rth's only
natural satellite. Structural features of minerals found there are
examined and explained: comparisons of earth and lu.lar features
are made. Diagrams and photographs

Conservation and Ecology

Brown, Joseph E. Oil Spills: Danger in the Sea. Dodd, Mead, 1978 10 up
Oil spills are shown to present a dangerous problem affecting life on
and spilled,
our planet, the reader learns how oil is us-A, transported,
330 Sciences

what oil spills do, how, to stop them, and alternatives for future
energy supplies. Illustrated wtih many photographs. Glossary and

Burt, Olive W. aciet....4! America's Endangered Wildlife on the Comeback

Trail. Julian Messner, 1980. 8-12.
A flock of whooping cranes was started when sandhi!l cranes
adopted five whooping crane eggs. Four years later the flock has
grown to seventy-four biros. Sea otters have been taken off the
endangered species list. The people, strategies, and laws that made
these and other ecological success stories possible are described in
lively detail, accompanied by appealing black and white photographs
and engravings.

Couffer, Jack, and Mike Couffer. Salt Marsh Summer. G. P. Putnam's

Sons, 1978. 10-up.
Readers spend the summer of 1977 on the Back Bay of a southern
California seaside marshland, with father and son Jack and Mike
Couffer. Unparalleled photographs bring alive the narratives about
birds, plants, and animals, as well as the efforts of naturalists and
nature lovers to preserve the endangered wildlife environment.

Epstein, Sam, and Beryl Epstein. Saving Electricity. Illus. Jeanne Bendick.
Garrard Publishing, 19/7. 7-10.
This provocative, fact-filled book makes children aware and prepares
them for the critical decisions they will face concerning conservation.
A helpful index is supplied. Simple, dear illustrations show how
electricity is generated. Basic information for a unit on electricity.
Fisher, Ronald M. A Day in the Woods. photographs by Gordon W.
Gahan. National Geographic Society, 1978. 7-10.
Harley and Joan learn that in the deceptive quiet of the forest lives a
fascinating Variety of animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and plants.
Beautiful color photographs of sights rarely seen so closely expertly
extend the teaching of the text.

Fodor, R. V. Angry Waters: Floods and Their Control. Dodd, Mead,

1980. 8-12.
The causes of floods are discussed: how they can be prevented and
how they are forecast. The reader is given five basic rules to follow
in case of a flash flood. Illustrated with photographs and diagrams.
Kava ler, Lucy. The Dangers of Noise. Illus. Richard Cutler' Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1978. 10-up.
A lively and lucid account of our machine age's noisy assault on our
ears, our brains, and even our personalities. A concluding chapter
provides young citizens with practical suggestions for saying no to

3 30
Conservation and Ecology 331

4 List, Albert, Jr., and Ilka List. A Walk in the Forest: The Woodlands of
North America. Illus. by authors. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. I2-up.
The forest environment, with all its elements, is discussed and ana-
lyzed in a question-and-answer format. Black and white photographs
and drawings illustrate the diverse topics. The section devoted to
projects to do in the forest is clear and sufficiently detailed. Students,
teachers, and resource persons will find this a useful tool....
Millard, Reed. Clean Air, Clean Water for Tomorrow's World. Julian
Messner, 1977. 10-up.
Causes of polluted air and water and possible solutions for pollu-
tion problems are examined. Appendixes include a glossary, lists of
organizatious,ud governmental agencies concerned with environ-
mental fins and policies, a bibliography of suggested ftirther
readin and an index.
National Society, editors. Animals in Danger: Trying to Save
Our W e. National Geographic Society, 1978. 6-9.
Vv hile the information presented about endangered species is brief,
beautiful cheetahs, marmosets, sea otters, and other species are rep-
resented in very handsome photographs.
Newton, James R. Forest Log. Illus. Irene Brady. Thomas Y Crowell,
1980. 6-9. .

This basic- science picture book introduces the natural world to the
reader. A huge Douglas fir tree crashes to the ground and the process
of decay is explained. Its value to the biological community is clearly
depicted in text and excellent black and white di awings
Pringle, Laurence. Natural Fire: Its Ecology in Forasts. William Morrow,
1979. 9- 12.
According to this book, forest fires aren t always bad. Some fires
cause new seedlings to sprout, or clear the forest floor Rangers and
ecologists are learning more about this natural force and how it
maintains the balance of forests. Excellent in an ecology unit.
Roth, Charles E. Then There Were None. Illus by author. Addison-
Wesley Publishing, 1977. 10-up.
A grim tale of the loss of species due to humans' assault on the
environment. Included is the poignant story of Ishi, the last Yam
Indian, illustrating the difference between a culture that lived in
harmony with the earth and one that killed off bison, beavers, and
passenger pigeons with little regard for the ultimate consequences.
Stuart, Gene S. Wildlife Alert! The Struggle to Survive. National Geo-
graphic Society, 1980. 10-up.
An overview of the main problems that wild animals face in our
world today is discussed, includianimal habitats, deadly substances

332 Sciences

in the environment, and the killing and sale of wildlife for commer-
cial purposes. Excellent color photographs highlight the text A
classroom activities folder contains ditto masters, games, puzzles,
and fact sheets.

Turner, Stephen C. Our Noisy World. Julian Messner, 1979. 9-12

Loud, unwanted sound is noise. Nine activities, experiments help
students learn more about noise, its effects, and what can be done
about noise pollution. With well- captioned black and white photo-
graphs, a serious problem is dealt with in an understandable manner.
Contains glossary and index.

Van Soeien, Philip. Cricket in the Grass and Other Stories. Sierra Club
Books, 1979. All ages.
Five wordless stories are connected by simple objects. The plots deal
with the exciting and violent life within the environment The latter
part of the book contains textual explanations of the stories. The
format is unique and most interesting Excellent for discussion; pen
and ink drawings
Wise, William Animal Rescue: Saving Our Endangered Wildlife. Illus.
Heidi Palmer. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 10-up.
Worldwide efforts to preserve endangered wildlife are discussed. The
author describes species that have been rescued fripm extinction
throughout the world and brings into sharp focus the interrelatedness
of economics, food, changes in habitat, and breeding. For the good
reader with special interests.

Earth Science

Bartenbach, Jean Rockhound Trails. Illus by author Atheneum, 1977

8 12
Fourteen different types of rocks are described with anecdotes in this
book that encourages young people to become rockhounc;s Rule
are included for safety and observing privacy, as well as practical
suggestions for learning more about rocks. Packed with information
and illustrated with pen and ink drawings
Berger, Melvin Jigsaw Continents. Illus. Bob Totten Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, 1977. 9- 12.
Plate tectonics, a new theory, explains the wonders of our changing
world Twelve giant plates comprise the entire surface of the earth
The moving of these plates is responsible for earthquakes and vol-
canoes. Clear drawings illustrate the text. Index included.

Burt, Olive W. Black Sunshine. The Story of Coal. Julian Messner, 1977.
8 12
This introduction to coal begins with a simple explanation of the
Earth_ Science 333

formation and evolution of America's most plentiful source of energy

and continues with a close look at the mining industry. Safety and
ecological concerns are discussed and the present and future uses of
coal are explored. Index and glossary are appended.
Coburn, Doris. A Spit is a Piece of Land: Landforms in the U.S.A.
Illus. William Jaber, Julien Messner, 1978. 8-12.
Photographs and drawings highlight this introductory look at geol-
ogy. Land features of each part of the country are explored; coast-
lines, lowlands, highlands, and valleys are discussed, followed by
information on islands, cayis and caverns, glaciers, and deserts.
Index and maps aid the reader.
Cowing, Sheila. Our Wild Wetlands. Illus. Deborah Cowing. Julian
Messner, 1980, 10-12. ,
Wetlands are formed when water is unable to drain off lowlands.
The three forms bogs, marshes, and swamps-differ greatly in
appearance, plants, and animals. A map of the United States indi-
cates these areas. Intereiting, informative drawings complement the
easy-to-read text. List of wetlands and index included.
de Paola, Tomie. The Quicksand Book. Holiday House, 1977. 7-10.
Jungle Girl sinks slowly as Jungle Boy carefully explains scientili
facts about the quicksand into which she has fallen. He gives an
illustrated lecture on ways to avoid quicksand and how tamet out of
it. Popular illusions are dispelled as Jungle Girl goes down, until the
surprise ending. Colorfully illustrated.
Gans, Roma. Caves. Illus. Giulio Maestro. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1976.6-9.
Like others in the Let's Read and Find Out series, this book 'presents
a concept :T) picture book format. Simple text and clear illub,rations
provide a good introduction to the formation, past uses, and distin-
guishing characteristics of caves.
Goldin, Augusta. The Shape, of Water. Illus. Demi. Doubleday, 1979.
Water, the most common element on earth, regulates our lives and
controls our environm, nt. Simple explanations of the unique prop-
erties of water and experiments-fo study its molecular action enable
- readers to understand the basic scientific laws of our natural world.
Keen, Martin L. Be a Roo:hound. Illus. by author. Julian Messner, 1979.
Interesting, introductory information needed to begin a rock collec-
tion is written in a clear, concise manner. Facts about the identifica-
tion of rocks, cleaning, and necessary equipment are given. A table
of rocks and minerals is most helpful. Includes bibliography, index,

3 1;2
334 Sciences

Code of Ethics of the American Federation of Mineralogical Socie-

ties Black and white illustrations and photos

Lye, Keith C :If Planet the Earth. Lerner Publications, 1980 7-10
A tightly packed, yet appealing format ansters many questions
about the earth, including theories on its origin, its physical features.
and its resources Full-color illustrations, a glossary, and index pro-
vide further information
! all, Christie Wonders of Dust. Illus by author Dodd. Mead, 1980.
Everywhere one goes there is dust It comes from many sources,
volcanoes, the soil, pollen, and even the sea send out dust particles
It presents a major concern in many areas of the country, especially'
for ecologists. Many meaningful photographs and sketches Index

McNulty, Faith How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World. Illus
Marc Simont. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979. 6 9
A youngster takes an im4gmary trip through the center of the earth
and learns about its internal structure This infoirrative and inter-
esting text is matched with colorful illustrations An excellent begin-
ning science book for the young reader

Mercer,` Charles Monsters in tie Earth: The Story of Earthquakes. G P

Putnam's Sons, 19"/F i2- up
The tragedy at Tangshan and the Great San Francisco Quake are
recounted at the beginning of the book The causes and effects of
earthquakes are examined Earthquake p:edicting is discussed, with
the need for disaster planning stressed Glossary appended

Miklowit7, Gloaa D. Earthquake! Illus William Jaber Julian Messner,

1977 10 12.
This carefully researched information-' book reviews some of the
world's worst earthquakes ana discusses their causes, ways to predict
them, and what to do when one occurs Black and white photo-
graphs, map charts, and drawings add graphic detail A "tree-page
gios'a ry is appended

Navarra, John Gabriel Earthquake. Doubleday, 1980 h 12

Earthquakes' causes and effects make interesting reading for young
science buffs The author gives instructions on what to do if an
earthquake occurs and many details of how scientists are measuring
and tracking them
Nixon, Hershel' H and Joan Lowery Nixon. Glaciers: Nature's Frozen
Rivers. Dodd, Mead, 1980 8-12
Various kinds of glaciers are described and relz,ed to geographic
areas. Included are valley, tidewater, retreating, piedmont, and outlet

3 4 r)
Energy 335

glaciers. The changes brought about by glaciers are described in text

and with informative drawings and photographs. Background info,
mation on the ice ages is given and predictions for the future set
Shedenhelm, W R. C The Young Rockhound's Handbook. G P
Putnam's Sons, 1978. 8 12.
The novice rockhound will find helpful information 'n this book that
explai..s the formation of rocks and minerals and describes their
location, characteristics, and identification Procedures for polishing
and cutting minerals are also given

Simon, Seymour Danger from Below. Four Winds Press. 1979 10 12

This is an understandable and interesting discussion about earth-
quakes. how and why they occur, where they zre most likely to
happen, and how to stay safe when an earthquake has Informatie
photographs, graphs, and index are included Text contributes to
dispelling fears of quakes by sorting legends from scientific facts.

Thompson, Brenda, and Cynthia Overbeck Volcanoes. Illus. David Hardy

and L'Enc Matte. Lerner Publications, 1977 6 9.
--Many colored pictures help the young reader to interpret the simple
text written in an easy-to-read style Active and ..ormant volcanoes
are described, listed, and the locations green. Maps are provided and
.iew words are Included A First Fact Book


Adams, Florence Catch a Sunbeam: A Book of Solar Study and Exper-

iments. Illus Kiyo Komoda Harcourt Brace Joanoich, 1978
12 L'?.
Sixteen projoci,, dealing with the sun and its potential uses ior energy
await the young experimenter Good information and diagrams

i',Imcv, Isaac. How Did We Find Out abou. Oil? Illus David Wool
Walker, 1980. 10 12
from th
Today's oil problem is focused upon in this bo
Did We Find Out 9 series The physical compchittw f
development, and its importance throughout history are expla
an understandable style. Speculations are offered on oil's role
future. Baarirtcl white drawings.

Ber.dick, Jeanne Putting the Sun to Work. Garrard Publishing, 1979

8 -l2.
Humans need to learn how to make better use of the vast amount of
solar energy available Five brief chapters of easily understood text
tell what the sun can do, how to catch and use its energy, and some
136 Sciences

interesting classroom projects Simple, attractive illustrations clarify

the cortent. Indexed.

Bran ley, Franklyn M Feast or Famine? The Energy Future. Illus. Henry
Roth. Thomas Y Crowell, 1980. 10-up.
This seventy-six-page book is filled with information on solar, hydro-
gen, and nuclear energy alternatives for transportation, houses, and
electricity. It is "seful for challenging academically gifted children
Black and white photographs and diagrams; list of further readings.

Brown, Joseph E., and Anne Ensign Brown. Harness the Wind: The Story
of Windmills. Dodd, Mzad, 1977. 10-12.
Windmills have been called symbols of sanity, and this book traces
the windmill's role in history through phOtographs and anecdotes
(Did you know the Dutch gave them clothing and names9) Rising
costs and finite quantities of fossil fuels now make this perfect eco-
logical device worth a second look. Good for reports

Dennis, Landt. Catch the Wind: A Book of Windmills and Windpower.

Photographs by Lisl Dennis. Four Winds Press, 1976. 8-12
Extensive photographs and drawings highlight this comprehensive
coverage of the historic use of wind to pump water, generate elec-
tricity, sail ships, and grind grain. Free, nonpolluting, and available,
wind power is regaining importance as a major source of energy after
many years of disfavor Bibliography, index, and sources of further
information are appended.

Kettelkamp, Larry. Lasers: The Miracle Light, William Morrow, (979

12 -up
Uses and explanations concerning lasers make up this book The
ideas for laser, Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radia-
tion, were developed during the 1950s, with the first operating model
built in 1960 Highly technical information for interested and scien-
tifically aware readers.

Lauber, Patricia. Tapiing Earth's Heat. Illus. Edward Ma Isberg Garrard

Publishing, 1978 7 10.
An extremely readable book about using the earth's heat energy to
heat buildings and make electricity A series of simple experiments
clearly illustrates the scientific principles governing volcanoes, hot
springs, fumeroles, and geysers

Lewis, Bruce. What Is a Lase 9 Illus Tom Huffman Dodd, Mead, 1979
10- up
Explanations are given of laser beams, a special kind of light used
in large and small tasks fo, -rnon and uncommon purposes.
Experiments are outlined, and desci Iptions and definitions are given
for this newly discovered energy tool Easy-to-understand examp es.

Engineering 337

Schneider, Herman Laser Light. Illus Radu Vero McGraw-Hill, 1978

For the student interested in lasers, this book pros ides an extremely
well-illustrated introduction and explanation Some simple experi-
ments are given. Index


Bi llout, Guy. Stone & Steel: A Look at Engineering. Prentice-Hall, 1980

Facts about historic bridges and landrr.arks from around the world
are given. The unique illustrations. whicii are line drawings traced
from photographs and then colored, add interest to the test

Corbett, Scott Bridges. Illus. Richard Rosenblum Four Winds Press.

1978 8 12.
This book makes the whole history of bridges and bridge construc-
tion exciting reading. Bridges from ancient times to the present arc
discussed Pen and ink drawiags of famous bridges ol the world gie
the book an artistic feeling

Englebardt. Stanley L Miracle Chip: The Microelectronic Revolution.

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. 1979 12 up
The author traces developments in the electronics held that hate led
to production of the microelectronic chip He describes how new
technology has made possible minicomputers, digital wristwatches,
calculators, and many other deices For the mature science reader

Kelly, James E., and William R. Park. The Dam Builders. Illus Herbert
E LaRe. , ddison-Wesley Publishing. 1977 6-9
Many questions concerning the building of earthfill and masonry
dams will be answered after reading this book I ypes ol dams and
equipment are thoroughly explained -I he design and construction of
the dam are stressed rather than its function Many illustrations
clarify and extend the text

Lewis. Bruce Meet the Computer. Illus I conard Kessler Dodd. Mead.
1977 8 12
in this introduction to computers. how they work. and their role in
modern life, emphasis is given to the people who operate them
Easy-to-read style, clear explanation of terms, sufficient detail, and
almost computer-like print combine to make this an enticing hook

Macaulay, David Underground. Houghton Mifflin, 1976 10 up

Cutaway drawings and narration describe the immense complex of
wire, pipes, and foundations under a large modern city Construction

338 St len( es

methods and materials for subways, sewers, and telephone and power
systems are described Step-by-step procedure is shown Excellent for
social studies or art integration.

Malone, Robert The Robot Book. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978

12 up.
For anyone interested in robots, past, present. and future. this hand-
somely illustrated volume is a gold mine of information The history
and origins of robots are given; robots at work and robots in litera-
ture, art, and entertainment are explored, construction of robots and
their future uses are considered Excellent introduction to the subject.

Mews Thomas !-I Robots A2Z. Julian Messner, 1980 7 10

This well-illustrated examination of the past. present, and future of
robots is intended for younger readers Famous mechanical criations
of the past are introduced Index

Olney. Ross R They Said It Couldn't Be Done. E. P Dutton. 1979

12 up
Each of the ten chapters highlights a separate accomplishment of
engineering believed to have been impossible The lives and the
works of those responsible for the Brooklyn Bridge. the Holland
Tunnel. Mt Rushmore and seven other feats ere described Photo-
graphs illustrate this book designed for mature readers

Weiss, Harvey How to Be an Inventor. Illus by author Thomas Y

Crowell. 1980. 10 up
Practical advice is given on how to invent something from the
first vague glimmer of an idea until a patent is sought and awarded
he author uses examples of his on cleverness to illustrate his
points Excellent black and white photographs. didwings. and
humorous sketches


Cobb. Vicki More Science Experiments You Can Eat. Giulio

Maestro .1 B Lippincott, 1979 10 12
the first book of experiments stresses using food to understand basic
principles, while this (Ale uses the principles to learn about
Interesting experiments are written in an understandable style with
listings of materials and equipment Includes cottage cheese, cola,
and pudding Black and white illustrations

Cobb, Vicki. and Kathy Darling Bet You Can't! Science Impossibilities to
Fool You. Illus Martha Weston I othrop, Lee & Shepard Books.
1980 8 12
Science can be fun as shown by these sixty impossible tricks that arc
based on scientific principles 1 he reader who tries these tricks is

`4 I
General Nature Concepts 339

bound to have a good time Excellent book with carefully drawn

illustrations to simplify some of the tricks

Gardner, Robert Magic through Science, Illus. Jeff Brown Doubled -by.
1'978. 8-12.
The book explains how to do science experiments using materials
found within the home The photographs are clear and the step-
by-step procedures are easy to follow A young science buff would
find It a helpful reference.

Simon, Seymour. Exploring Fields and Lots. Illus Arabelle Wheatley

Garrard Publishing, 1978. 8-12.
This handbook provides an introduction to journals, observations,
and record keeping. It Includes simple projects to discoNer and record
mini climates, effects of light on plants, and actnities of animals in
their habitat. Simple illustrations and texts

General Nature Concepts

Anderson, Lucia The Smallest Life around Us. II lus Leigh Grant Crown
PuLlishers, 1978 10-12.
The study of coe-celled pants and animals, called microbes, is
interestingly introduced in understandable terms Excellent, detailed
illustrations assist scier tific explanation. Suggested experiments are
clear and ccncise A great resource for independent or small
group study.

Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Pere' stain The Berenstain Bears' Science Fair.
Random House, 1977. Ail ages
Actual Factual Bear provides simply worded scientific generalwations
as Papa Bear introduces his family to the concepts of machines,
matter, and energy. Practical examples apply to basic things in the
lives of moderr children. Colorful cartoon-style drawings present a
good-humored appatach to knowledge Fine momation for a class-
room science fair.

Borland, Hal. The Golden Circle: A Book of Months. Illus Anne Ophelia
Dowden. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 10 up
Evocative essays, invoking each month in turn, present the all-
encompassing view of the golden circle of the year Exquisite full-
color paintings give the close-up view of the small unique plants
associated with each calendar change.

Burns, Marilyn. This Book Is almut Time, Illus Martha Weston. Little,
Brown, 1978. 10-zip.
Fascinating bits of information tout all aspects of time make this
book interesting reading. Nearly every piece of information is rein-
forced by an intriguing activity that involves the child, either through

3 2(
340 Sciences

imaginative thinking or acting. Topics range from railroad tune to

Jet lag. A Brown Paper School Book with humorous drawings
and diagrams.
Fisher, Aileen. I Stood upon a Mountain. Illus Blair Lent Thomas Y.
Crowell, 1979. 6-9.
A young child speculates on how the world began after gazing at the
beauties of nature. Many puzzling answers are offered by an old
man, a woman, an Indian, and a young boy. An artistic arrange-
ment of text and illustrations. A discussion starter for science and
appreciation of nature.
Ford, Barbara. Why Does a Turtle Live Longer Than a Dog? William
Morrow, 1980. 12-.43
Humans are included in this irteresting discussion of the great varia-
tions in life spans of animals, birds, and insects Nes research on
cellular regeneration sheds light on aging factors and ways to extend
life. There are many unusual photographs in this unique contribution
to science studies.
M B. l'-'atural Victory. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1979 3 -5
"Low trees hold fruit and vegetables lie warmly in the dirt or hide on
vines "Every living creature is our brother and our sister I he
young reader or listener is gently reminded to celebrate and appreci-
ate the joys of nature in simple text and clear, appealing watercolors
Gri llone, Lisa, and Joseph Gennaro Small Worlds Close Up. Crown
Publishers, 1978. All ages.
Using black and white micrographs, which are photographs talteia
through the scanning electron microscope, the authors show us
familiar objects in new and unusual ways Internal structures of the
peppercorn, magnified sixty times, and chalk, magnified 16,000
times. are but two of thirty-one items revealing preciously unknown
beauty Filled with fascinating facts and photographs
Horsburgh, Peg. Living Light: Exploring Bioluminescence. Julian Messner,
1978 8 -12
Children who marvel at the wonder of a firefly enjoy learning more
about bioluminescence In this readable book a satiety of plants and
animals that make their own light are described Detailed informa-
tion on collecting fireflies for scientific laboratories is included
Hutchins, Ross E. Nature Invented It First. Photographs by author Dodd.
Mead, 1980 10-up.
In each of the brief chapters a human invention is described, fol-
lowed by an explanation of how plants and animals had the innova-
tion fiest. The content is interesting and each example is clearly
developed. Includes inventions such as electricity, flight, jet propul-
sion, chemical warfare, and crop cultivation

Human Growth' Emotional 341

Linsenmaier, Walter. Wonders of Nature. Random House, 1979. All ages.

Did you know that a newborn fawn has no scent at all? That the
fierce crocodile lets a tiny bird pick its sharp teeth for food? That the
black panther is really a black leopard and has yellow spotted babies?
Here are many of nature's wonders, accurately portrayed in glowing
colors and interesting text. Picture book format.
Pringle, Laurence. Death Is Natural. Four Winds Press, 1977. 7-10.
The relationship between life and death is highlighted; the depen-
dence of one upon the other is clearly described. Questions are
raised. How does the death of a plant or animal affect others of its
kind? Striking photographs complement the text. Glossary, index,
supplementary reading list included.
Rahn, Joan Elma. Traps & Lures in the I ;-- 'ng World. Atheneum, 1980.
The femme fatale firefly lures males of other species to their death by
mimicking their special mating signals. The bolas spider captures
her prey by tossing out an adhesive line. These luring and trapping
creatures are described in clear and fascinating detail, along with the
Venus's-flytrap, angler fish, and ant lion. Includes glossary, excellent
diagrams and photographs.
Silverstein, Alvin. and Virginia Silverstein. Nature's Champions: The
Biggest, The Fastest, The Best. Illus. Jean Zallinger. Random House,
1980. 7-10.
Maybe you think that you are the longest sleeper in the world,
but it isn't so. One tiny dormouse observed in England slept for
six months and twenty-three days. Twenty-five other plants and
animals that have unusual characteristics are described Large
colored illustrations.
Simon. Seymour The Secret Clocks: Time Senses of Living Things. Illus.
Jan Brett, Viking Press. 1979. 8-12.
Some scientists do not not believe in biorhythms, but this attractive
book offers the findings of rese.rch concerning "time sense Clear
examples observable in animals, plants, and humans are explained.
Children will enjoy making their own biorhythm charts Attractive
dhistrations, bibliography, and index are included

Human Growth

Albert, Burton, Jr. Mine, Yours, Ours. Illus Lois Axeman Albert
Whitman, 1977 3-5
Children of different races and sexes engage ii, a limited exploration
of themselves and things around them. They use words such as mine,

3o 9
342 Sciences

yours, and ours to introduce the concepts of owning and sharing in a

good-natured manner.

Ancona, George. I Feel: A Picture Book of Emotions. E, P. Dutton,

1977. 4-7.
A series of b1.1,1( and white photographs with one accompanying
word to describe tht.. f motion on the ace. This is an introduction to
the names of very familiar feelings and a good discussion-starter.

Berger, Terry, I Have Feelings Too. Photographs by Michael E. Ach.

Human Sciences Press, 1979. 8-12.
Growing up is puzzling and children need help in sorting out their
feelings about themselves and others. The everyday situations pre-
sented in this book offer ways to help children adjust in a complex
world. Sensitive photographs extend the text. Discussion-starter.

Berkey, Barry, and Velma Berkey, compilers. Robbers, Bones & Mean
Dogs. Illus. Marylin Hafner. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978. 8-12.
These are actual paragraphs written by children about their fears
and frightening experiences, humorously and effectively illustrated
with ink drawings. Readers will gain in self-acceptance and take
comfort in knowing other people have fears. Excellent for discussion
of feelings.

Bernstein, Joanne E. Loss and How to Cope with It. Seabury Press, 1977.
12 -up.
Intended for the older youngster who is prematurely confronted with
problems posed by death of a family member, the book is a helpful
supplement fora child receiving personal counseling. Particularly
valuable to the adult helping a child cope with loss are the bibli-
ographies and lists of service organizations.

Bernstein, Joanne E., and Stephen V. Gullo When People Die. Photo-
graphs by Rosmarie Hausherr. E. P. Dutton, 1977. 7-10
Many questions frequently asked by children concerning death are
answered in simple, honest, and understandable language. Why
people die, afterlife, burial, and grief are all brought together as a
part of the chain of life Exceptional sensitive photographs.

Bradley, Buff Endings: A Book about Death. Addison-Wesley Publishing,

1979. I2-up
The physical and emotional aspects of death and dying are explored.
The general American attitude toward death is compared with those
of other cultures. Related controversial subjects of abortion, suicide,
and euthanasia are considered forthrightly References are made
to how death is handled in great literature. Se:ccted bibliography

Human Growth! Physical 343

Farber, Norma. How Does It [Nei to Be Old? Illus Trina Schart Hyman
E. P. Dutton, 1979. 6-up.
An old woman tells her granddaughter about the good and bad
things of being old. The rhymed verse s realistic and tender and is
eloquently complemented by the illustrations. A good read-aloud
Gallant, Roy A. Memory: How It Works and How to Improve It. Four
Winds Press, 1980. 12 -up.
A fascinating account of how the memory works is combined with
information and exercises designed to improve the reader's memory
For mature readers.

Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Getting Along with Your Friends. Illus. Rick
Cooley. Abingdon Press, 1980. 9 -12
Friendship is looked at from a 1, anety of perspectives how to make
I-fiends, how to be a friend, how to quarrel, and how to learn to look
at yourself. A self-help book for children

Schlein, Miriam I Hate It. Illus Judith Gwyn Brown Albert Whitman.
1978 4 7.
These humorous expressions of pet peeves and commonly encoun-
tered fears will help young children discover that negative feelings
need not threaten their basic well-being. and that life isn't alwa,
so bad Colorful illustrations.

Ancona. George. It's a Baby! E P Dutton, 1979 5 8
Photographs tell the story of Pablo from his birth until he walks
The spare narration works well describing the new life surrounded
by his loving family Excellent to use as follow-up to the how-babies-
are-born books

Berger, Melvin. Disease Detectives. Thomas Y Crowell. 1978 9 12

As exciting as a mystery is this account of how scientists worked
together to solve the riddle of the strange disease that struck the
Legionnaires in Philadelphia in 1976 The work of bacteriologists,
toxicologists and virologists is clearly presented. as is the complexity
of the task that faced them

Burstein. John Slim Goodbody: What Can Go Wrong and How to Be

Strong. Illus Craigwood Phillips McGraw-Hill, 1978 10 up
1 his uniquely illustrated book answers common questions about
health and explains some of the many mysteries of the human body.
including its ability to heal itself It entertains as it educates children
about their bodies

344 Sciences

Cosgrove, Margaret. Your Muscles and Ways to Exercise Them. Illus. by

author. Dodd, Mead, 1980. 10-12.
Explicit and detailed drawings and text provide a knowledge of the
body's muscle structure. The various kinds of Important muscles and
their relationships to bones are discussed. Emphasis of this science
book is on how to use and exercise these body parts
Doss, Helen. Your Skin Holds You In. Illus. Christine Bondante Julian
Messner, 1978. 8-12.
This introduction to skin, its properties and functions, provides inter-
esting information about this vital part of the body. Hair, nails,
warts, and moles are discussed, with suggestions for first aid and
skin care. Photographs and drawings expand he coverage; glossary
and index add to its usefulness.
Gross, Ruth Belov. A Book about Your Skeleton. Illus. Deborah Robison.
Hastings House, Publishers, 1979. 4-7.
In an effective style and an attractive format this small book informs
the young inquisitive child about bones and Joints. "If you didn't
have any bones, you would flop around like spaghetti " Attractive
collage pictures.
Harris, Robie H., and Elizabeth Levy. Before You Were Three: How You
Began to Walk, Talk, Explore and Have Feelings. Photographs by
Henry E. F Gordillo. Delacorte Press. 1977. Ali ages.
By following two children from birth until their third birthdays, the
authors explain the steps all children go through as they explore
their world, become mobile, and learn to communicate Written with
both children and adult readers in mind, the book succeeds in con-
veying much information without talking down.
Hazen, Barbara Shook. The Me I See. Illus. Ati Forberg Abingdon Press,
1978. 4-7
A fresh approach to the recognition of the parts of the body, the
senses, and the functions of each Rhymed text and pencil sketches
enhance this book as it highlights ,the uniqueness of the individual
An excellent book for both parents and teachers.
Holzenthaler, Jean. My Feet Do. Phot'ographs by George Ancona E P
Dutton, 1979. 4-7.
Full-page photographs of 4 small girl's feet, showing left and right.
walking, running, Jumping; \ and even tripping! The obvious joy of
what feet can do is cleverly depicted. (Picture book)
Holzenthaler, Jean. My Hands Can. Illus Nancy Tafuri E P Dutton,
1978. 3-5.
The various skills that young children are capable of accomplishing

3..;,) `1
Human Growth/ Physical 345

with their hands are simply and attractively illustrated Hands can
button buttons and zip zippers. They can do good, they can hurt,
and they can show others how we feel.
Marino, Barbara Pavis. Eric Needs Stitches. Photographs by Richard
opRudinski. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1979. 6-9.
This photodocumentary follows a young boy to the emergency room
where he must get stitches in his cut knee. Medical terms and pro-
cedures are clearly explained as the nurse and doctor tell Eric exactly
what they are doing. The book is a successful attempt to acquaint
children with hospital procedures.
Shapiro, Irwin. The Gift of Magic Sleep: Early Experiments in Anesthesia.
Illus. Pat Rotondo. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979 10- 12
A graphic accou ,t of the search for a safe and effective anesthetic,
and of the unseemly struggle among four mentwo dentists, a doc-
tor, and a scientistto receive credit for the discovery of ether The
descriptions of pre-anesthetic operations will make readers thankful
that they ar, living in the twentieth century.
Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia Silverstein Caner. illus Andrew Antal.
John Day, 1977. 10 up.
This overview discusses such topics as various types of cancer, possi-
ble causes and cures, advances in research, and cancer prevention
Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia Silverstein. The Genetics Explosi-n. Illus
Constance Ftera and Richard Erik Warren Four Winds Press,
1980. 12- up
An overview of genetics from Mendel to recombinant DNA and on
into a future of both terrifying and fascinating possibilities n pre-
sented. Will genetic engineering unleash a deadly virus on the world''
Or will it eliminate diseases like Tay-Sachs and hemophilia, or even
make it possible for humans to grow replacement arms and legs''
Clear presentation of an exciting subject.
Silverstein, Alvin. and Virginia E. Silverstein. The Sugar Disease: Diabetes.
J. B. Lippincott, 1980. 8 12.
The symptom., of diabetes are discussed along with its history, diag-
nosis, and treatment. Implications for the future of current research
are explained in an intelligent and sensible style.
Simon, Seymour. About the Foods It a Eat. Illus. Dennis Kendrick
McGraw-Hill, 1979 7 -16.
What you eat turns you. Tracing food from the time it enters the
mouth, this sixty-one-page book is surprisingly thorough in discus-
sions of digestion, food groups, nutrients, and calories Black and
white and pink line drawings illustrate well the simple, easy experi-
ments. An excellent resource for nutrition education.

346 Sciences

Skurzynski, Gloria Bionic nartc for People: The Real Story of Artificial
Organs and Replacement Parts. Illus. Frank Schwarz. Four Winds
Press, 1978. 8,-12.
The young scientist is introduced to new inventions in medicine to
be used as replacement body parts. The working functions of the
kidneys, eyes, ears, heart, arms, legs, and several other replacement
machines are explained in detail. Some very unusual possibilities
open to modern science today are explored.
Waxman, Stephanie Growing Up Feeling Good: A Child's Introduction to
Sexuality. Photographs by author. Panjandrum Press, 1979. 10-12.
A conversational text addressed to the child and numerous candid
black and white photographs of children, teenagers, and adults dis-
covering themselves and others in an atmosphere of love and respon-
sibility set this book apart from the usual sex education texts that
treat sexual development as a topic. The author frankly and sensi-
tively discusses masturbation, puberty, making love, childbirth,
families, and growing old Certain content and illustrations may be
considered too frank by some.


Adkins, Jan Heavy Equipment. Illus. by author Charles Scbner's Sons,

1980 7-10
Careful drawings with just enough detail to be understandable com-
plement the brief informative text This is a factual book that holds
appeal for all children who are interested in the world of machines
and construction. Large machines such as excavators, pipe Layers, off-
road trucks, and cranes are, featured Well designed.
Adkins, Jan Moving Heavy Things. Illus. by author Houghton Mifflin,
1980 10 12
"Never lift what you can drag, never drag what you can roll," athiscs
the author Clever people look for easier ways that are often simple
and direct Techniques from many workers and ciattsmen offer sug-
gestions and advice Tools and procedures for lifting are presented in
clear black and white illustrations.
Gardner, Robert This Is the Way It Works: A Collection of Machines.
Illus Jeffrey Brown Doubleday, 1980 12 up
Machine, from zippers and coffeepots to ruclear reactors and solar
heaters are described in detail with suitable d lgrams, a note on the
history of each one, an explanation of the scientific principle that
ma'.es it operate, and frequently a reference to its effect on the
environment or its possible future development Not an easy book.
Malhemancs 347

but one that provides much-needed information for various science

and social studies units.

Gibbons, Gail. Clocks and How They Go. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979 6- 9
Everyone tiFes clocks. Curiosity about what makes them tick is
pleasantly satisfied b' the simple explanatio.: and precise, brightly
colored illustrations of this book. Basic types of clocks, ancient and
modern oare discussed. Interesting to all ages; a good read-aloud
book for younger children. Picture book format.

Gibbqns, Gail. Locks and,Keys,Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. 6 -9.

A picturesque accounting of lock and key devices is traced from the
early ones used by the Egyptians to modern combination locks used
on safes. Accurate drawings accompany the text

Murphy, Jim Weird & Wacky Inventions. Crown Publishers, 1978 8 -12
A hat-tipping machine and a hair - cutting device are among the
intriguing inventions from the files of the U S. Patent Office Illus-
trations are adaptations of the original drawings. A multiple-choice
quiz format challenges the reader, who then turns the page for a
detailed explanation of each invention


Adler, David A Roman Numerals. Illus Byron Barton Thomas N

C-Twell, 1977. 7 -10
This book simply and clearly explains the Roman numeral system
An amusing Roman stonecutter carefully clarifies this text The
'young student is eased into learning the principles of Roman
numerals by the use of coins, paper, cardboard, scissors, and a pencil
-.One of a series of Young Math Books

Bitter, ,Gary G., and Thomas H. Metos. Exploring with Pocket Calcula-
tors. Photographs by Thomas H Metos and Jeffrey T Metos Julian
Messner, 1977. 10 up.
Clear, lucid descriptions are given of computing devices ranging 1 rom
fingers and an abacus to modern calculators. Historical background
and practical examples lend interest to this subject. For :tudents who
like to experiment with numbers, and for teachers and parents who
want to exr modesof using numbers and mathematics

Froman, Robert. The Greatest Guessing Game: A Book about Dividing.

Illus, Gioia Hammenghi Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978 8 10
A light approach and lively illustrations in halftones and color add
interest to this different math book. Dividing is certainly not, formi-
dable when choices are available on how to use remainders Encour-
/ ages estimating and common sense with examples from everyday life.


James, Eli/at-kith, and Carol l4arkin What Do You Mean by `Average'?

Means, Medians, and Modes. Illus Joel Schick Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1978 8-12
In Normal City, Jill is running a campaign for Student Council To
prove she is average, therefore representing everyone, she provides
everyday examples o' mean, median, and mode Interesting illustra-
nins and examples Fun to lead
Mathews, Louise Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies. Illus Jem Bassett
Dodd, Mead, 1978. 8 12
Pictures of groups of rabbits and rhyming lines work together to
reinforce the cone:'' ot addition in multiplication The operations
are given from one to twelve Small figures, interesting activities, a
worthy addition to a math collection.

O'Connor. Vincent 1" Mathematics on the Playground. Illus Eileen

Strange and John Strange Raintree Publishers, 1978 7 10
This easy-to-read book expict.Fs a range of mathematical concepts
counting. shapes, sues. variou activities art. shown
in coloriul contemporary playground settings
Peppe, Rodney. Humrucey the Number Horse: Fun with Counting and
Multiplication. Viking Press, 1979. 6-9,
Ciever thurobprint animals illustrate the multiplication tables up to
12 x 12 Once children have the directions in the book explained to
them, they enjoy practicing on their ovn Colorful, humorous illus-
trations invite creating new animals in the same style

Riedel, Manfred G Odds and Chances for Kids: A Look at Probability.

Illus Bill Kresse Prentice-Hall, 1979 8 12
Taking chances is part of life Learning to analyse chances helps
individuals make intelligent decisions In this introduction to proba-
bility, attention is given to probLiins of chance in science, politics,
gambling, and everyday life Diagrams, illustrations. and examples
arc provided for clarity and Interest Excellent for small group

Riedel, Manfred G Winning with Numbers: A Kid's Guide to Statistics.

Paul CokerIr, Prentice-Hall, 1°78 8 12
Short chapter, deal with separate ideas and terms of statistics Char-
acters and problems pertinent to the age group contribute to high
interest and leadability Cartoon-like graphs and illustrations illumi-
nate the naria A useful classroom addition for math enrichment

Susan, Ann One Meter Max. Prentice-Hall, 19i) 4 7

1 he Mete!, Gram, and I iter families arc mernb,2rs of the metric
measuring system Kid Kilogram measures things that are heavy
Meteorology 349

Millie Millimeter measures things that are very small Max Meter
measures things that are long or tall. Meeting these families and
their members helps clarify the metric system.

Sitomer, Mindel, and Harry Sitomer Zero Is Not Nothing. Illus. Richard
Cuffari. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978. 8-12
Introduces the concept of zero. Example after example is provided
to illustrate the many functions of that special number Lively
black and white illustrations and ample margins contribute to an
inviting format.
Srivastava, Jane Jonas. Number Families. Illus. Lois Eh lert. Thomas
Crowell, 1979.8 -12.
Members of a family always have at least one thing in common. For
instance, John's family lives in apartment B Basic number families
are simply explained. odd and even. times. prime numbers square
and triangular numbers. Questions and answers are included. Animal
families and ink blots, precise and whimsical, Illustrate the concepts.

Srivastava, Jane Jonas. Spaces, Shapes, and Sizes. Illus Loretta Lustig
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. 8-12.
Everything takes up space Everything has volume The concept of
volume is explained with examples and Illustrations Easy-to-tr),
experiments add interest and practical application

Weiss, Malcolm E. Solomon Grundy, Born on Oneday. Illus Tomie de

Paola. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 8-12
Cartoonlike illust:ations, varied printing style, question-and-answer
format create an inviting well-paced discussion of an arithmetic
puzzle. Everyday life examples of this puzzle, a finite arithmetic
system, are given Teachers can use these examples in learni,:g sta-
tions and classroom activities. Youngsters can experiment indepen-
dently with the ideas.

liaslas sky, Claudia. Count on Your Fingers African Style. Illus Jerr),
Pkney. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1980. 8 12
In an African marketplace people from various tribes indicate
numbers with their fingers. The book is a fascinating melding of
mat'.ematics. culture. and language Handsome pencil drawings give
a str"ng sense of setting


Beer, Kathleen Costello What Happens in the Spring. Nat,onz:KGeo-

graphic Society, 1977. 5 8
Springtime becomes more meaningful than eser before as the reader
peruses these expertly prod 'ced photographs of plants, animals,

birds, and insects in their vernal phases Colors and details, magnified
at times, are bright and clear The text go es interesting information
in a way that is easy for young children to understand

Davis, Hubert, compiler and editor A January Fog Will Freeze a Flog
and Other Weather Folklore. Illus John Wallner Crown Publishers,
1977 8 12
This collection of thirty rhymes about weather is delightful to read
and chant The black and white illustrations are handsome An out-
standing feature for children's furtner perusal is the set of notes that
indicates the reliability and locale of the weather folklore A tine
blend of humor and weather science

Hays, James D. Our Changing Climate. Atheneum, 1977 10 12

The author discusses the factors that govern climate and the effects
of atmospheric changes on weather conditions Among the fasci-
nating topics are people's impact on climate and the impact of
climatic change on people Photographs, charts, and diagrams clarify


Cook, Jan Leslie The Mysterious Undersea World. 'National Geographic

Society 1980 8 12
Outstanding color photographs of the undersea world are the chief
feature of this handsome volume The text deals with geographic
features and ways of exploring the oceans Attention is gisen to
diving and snorkeling, sunken treasures, and aquariums A teacher's
guide with games and activity sheets is available

Davies, Eryl Ocean Frontiers. Viking Press, 1980 7 10

1 his colorful and informative book about the great ocean frontier
discusses technical -olutions to the problems of undersea exploration
The illustrations arc the book is filled with many exciting
concepts A most useful edition

Jacobs, Francine The Red Sea. Illus Elsie Wrigley William Morrow,
1978 7 10
I he colorful history of this strategic waterway and its important role
in the development of trade among Mediterranean mill/anon, is
des,...ribed in understandable language and pen sketches
I he new
scientific theory of plate tectonics is considered as a possible reasyn
for the widening of the sea Classroom use

Jacobs hut-lone Sourds in the Sea. Illus Jean lallinget ilham

Morrow, 197r 12

In the underwater world sounds are made by' tapiW moving cur-
rents. avalanches or mountain slides, and by the animals I he croaker

L tif
Physics and Chemistry 351

and drumfish create unusual and distinctive noises Marine catfish

sound like stampeding cattle Modern teciinology enables humans to
listen to hits world
Physics and Chemistry

Arnov, Boris. Water: Experiments to Understand It. Illus Giulio Maestro

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1980. 10 -12
The author, a science teacher, presents simple experiments that
demonstrate the properties of water The directions are clear and the
materials used are easily found in a classroom. A section on the
relevance or application of each property is included following the
experiment. Good step-by-step illustrations

Branley, Franklyn M. Color: From Rainbow to Lasers. Illus. Henry Roth

Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978 II up.
A b.) NIC introduction to the world of color is nresented very clearly.
Included in the aspects of color are light waves and energy, the color
spectrum, the physiology of the eye, current theories, and the
psychology of color Many drawings and colored illusirations sim-
plify the text.

Fisher, David E The Ideas of Einstein. Illus Gwen Brodkin Holt, Rine-
hart and Winston. 1980. 8 -12
Although this looks like an easy reader, its message is to older
children, who may find the foi 14at too young Nevertheless, it is a
book well worth introducing, especially to precocious children who
always want to know whether space is curved or straight, or whether
they will be going backward or forward in time if they travel to
the sun

Gardner, Robert, and David Webster. Moving Right Alolig: A Book of

Science Experiments and Puzzles about Motion. Illus Tang Fung
Cho Doubleday, 1978 10-12
This comprehensive guide to the scientific study of motion contains
clear explanations and many experiments Ciat children can perform
to study the phenomenon Speed records are discussed, as are
methods of motion in people, animals, and machinery

Smith, Norman F If It Shines, Clangs & Bends, It's Metal. Illus Tom
Huffman Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980 7 10.
Many useful and decorative objects made of metal surround us daily
Silver. copper aluminum, and iron are indispensable to us, without
these metals we would live as cave dwellers. The origins and proper-
ties are described in clear text and illustrations Simple experiments
are included Excellent for classroom use.



Adler, David A. Redwoods Are the Tallest .revs in the World. Illus.
Kazue Mizumura Thomas Y Crowell, 1978 7- 10.
The giant redwood trees of California and Oregon are described in
an easily-read text with excellent pictures and difograms. Concepts
are developed by using comparisons with objects familiar to children
Commercial use and conservation are discussed

Busch, Phyllis S. Cactus in the Desert. Illus Harriett Barton. Thomas Y.

Crowell, 1979. 6-9.
Cactus plants usually live where little water is available Long thin
roots or short fat roots seek and hold water. Other adaptations of
stems and leaves help retain fife in harsh conditions. Drawings and
diagrams in color and black and white.

Busch, Phyllis S. Wildflowers and the Stories behind Their Names. Illus.
Anne Ophelia Dowden. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1'777. 8-12.
A rare combination of historic, scientific, and visual information
about sixty common U.S. wildflowers. The flowers and their parts
are introduced. Scientific and common names are carefully traced
with suggested methods for recalling common names Illustrations
are accurate, meticulously detailed, and in four fifths actual size.
Dowden, Anne Ophelia. State Flowers. Illus. by author. Thomas Y
Crowell, 1978. 8-12.
A lovely book that describes the history and other background
information of each state flower The flower illustrations re precise
and at the same time artistic The book gives charm and excitement
to a subject often neglected.

Dowden, Anne Ophelia This Noble Harvest: A Chronicle of Herbs. Illus.

by author William Collins Publishers, 1979. 12 up
Henbane, lovage, parsely, rue, thyme, betoney, monkshood, hy.,,,op
the history and uses of these and dozens of other herbs are chron-
icled here This is a book to be treasured for its fascinating informa-
tion about medicine, magic, poison, dyestuffs, flavorings, and air
fresheners of bygone ages, and also for its trul; beautiful full-
color illustrations

Garelick, May, and Barbara Brenner The Tremendous Tree Book. Illus
Fred Brenner Four Winds Press, 1979 6 9
The tree, a most wonderful and useful plant, is presented in an
exciting and dramatic way Simple sentences make this a valuable
tool for beginning readers. Colorful illustrations, bright and bold.
encourage close observation of trees A delight for all
Plants 353

Lerner, Carol. Flowers of a Woodland Spring. William Morrow. 1979

For a few weeks in the early spring the forest floor is alive with mt..
blossoms of wildflowers. The sun-loving plants bloom while the sun's
light can still penetrate the canopy of leaves above. Detailed illus-
trations and life cycle descriptions.
Lerner, Carol. On the Forest Edge. William Morrow, 1978. 8-12
Between the forest and the field there is a narrow strip that is
the forest edge. In this strip live more plants and animals than can
live in either full shade or full sun. Details, illustrations. and descrip-
tions clarify this significant environmental concept Excellent for an
ecology unit.
Nussbaum, Hedda. Plants Do Amazing Things. Illus. Joe Mathieu.
Random House, 1977. 7-10.
A resource hook filled with funny and interesting facts about unusual
plants, including those that give off light and those that walk Illus-
trations are small, but plentiful and assist text descriptions Table of
contents is an added bonus. A Step-Up-Boo''
Selsam, Millicent E., and Jerome Wexler The Amazing Dandelion.
William Morrow, 1977. 8-12.
The dandelion is a most successful plant. From its strong tap root to
its composite flower it has developed means to surkie and spread
Handsomely illustrated with color and black and white detailed
photographs, this well-written life cycle book is a worthwhile addi-
tion for plant study.
Welch, Martha Mc Keen Sunflower! Dodd, Mad, 1980 7 10
The sunflower and its life cycle are described pt easily-read text and
bold black and white photographs Good for classroom science work
Williams, Barbara. Hello, Dandelions Photographs by author Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1979. 6-9. (
Here is affirmation of the charm and usefulness of the dandelion,
one of nature's beauties that a child appreciates on sight Interesting
information, including some dandelion games Delightful text and

Prehistoric Life

Aliki Wild and Woolly Mammoths. Illus. Ir. author I ho.-nas Y Crowell,
1977. 6 -9
Mammoths, huge beasts like elephants, lived thousands of years ago
Their relics and pictures painted on cave walls show how they lined
Engaging illustrations depict these extinct animals as they were

3 62

Carrick, Carol. The Crocodiles Still Wait. Illus. Donald Carrick Clarion
Books, 1980. 6-9.
This is a story of a fifty-foot-long prehistoric crocodile mother
caring for and protecting her nest of eggs. When the young are
newly hatched, she defends them from attacks by bird-eatinr dino-
saurs and Tyrannosaurus Rex. Illustrations dramatize the Interesting
and imaginable account of this reptile's past.
Cohen, Daniel. What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? Illus. Haru
Wells. E. P. Dutton, 1977. 8-12.
Known facts about dinosaurs are presented and many conflicting
theories related to their existence and disappearance are ,discussed.
Black and white sketches aid description and explanation
Eldridge, David. The Giant Dinosaurs: Ancient Reptiles That Ruled the
Land. Illus. Norman Nodel. Troll Associates, 1979. 8-12.
One of four books in a series that studies prehistoric land, sea,
and air reptiles and why they became extinct. Vivid physical descrip-
tions, food gathering habits, and how scientists learn from fossilized
remains are discussed. Colorful illustrations and pronunciation guides
are included in each book. Other titles are Flying Dragons. Sea
Monsters, and Last of the Dinosaurs.

Elting, Mary, and Ann Goodman. Dinosaur Mysteries. Illus. Susan Swan
Platt & Munk, Publishers, 1980. 8-12.
A series of questions about different dinosaurs and what happened
to them are asked. The authors suggest answers to the mysteries
and provide other interesting facts based on scientific research. A
pronunciation guide for the dinosaur names is included.
Freedman, Russell. They Lived with the Dinosaurs. Holiday House, 1980
Starfish, horseshoe crabs, and cockroaches can be called living fossils
because they are creatures who survived with little change from
the time of dinosaurs. Time charts from 400 million years to 65
million years ago show when the creatures described lived Charac-
teristics that helped their survival are discussed Black and white
Harvey, Anthony. The World of the Dinosaurs. Illus Alan Male. et al
Lerner Publications, 1980 7-10
Although parts of the text may be difficult for some readers, the
colorful illustrations and question-and-answer format of this volume
will appeal to most children. A short dictionary of prehistoric terms,
a glossary of dinosaurs, a ga7eteer of dinosaur localities, and .1 ri
Index are most usefui

''9 .... 4.1

Prehistoric Life 355

Knight, David C. Dinosaur Days. Illus. Joel Schick, McGraw-Hill, 1977.

An easy-to-read general description of dinosaurs precedes the dis-
cussion of eighteen specific reptiles,in the dinosaur family tree. Pro-
nunciations, charts, and simplified drawings make this a very inter-
esting book for young enthusiasts. Several theories concerning the
disappearance of the giant animals are presented.
Porell, Bruce. Digging the Past: Archaeology in Your Own Backyard.
Illus. Bruce Elliott. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1979. 10-12
This excellent informational book shows how archaeologists work
and how- readers can work in the salae manner and evaluate their
findings. Fascinating stories about the Deaa Sea Scrolls and Black
Death are included. Many appropriate pictures, maps, and diagrams
in sepia tone illustrate the con.znt. Addresses I'm materials and
glossary appended.
Pringle, Laurence Dinosaurs and People: Fossils, Facts, and Fantasies.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. 8 -I2.
This book is not a typical treatment of dinosaurs. instead, it investi-
gates the problems people face in searching for dinosau- remains and
tnen exhibiting them. It restates the theories of the Age of Dinosaurs
and then permits readers to draw their own conclusions Some very
old myths are exploded
Ricciuti. Edward R. Older than the Dinosaurs: The Origin and Rise of the
Mammals. Illus. Edward Malsberg. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980 12 up
The rise and development of mammals following the age of the giant
reptiles is traced in an easy-to-read manner The three eras, Paleo-
zoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic, can readily be followed on the helpful
chart at the beginning of the book Black and white illustrations
Rosenbloom, Joseph. Dictionary of Dinosaurs. Illus Hans Petie. Julian
Messne- 1980 10- 12.
A brief, informative introduction discusses the environment in which
the dinosaurs lived Each type of dinosaur is alphabetically arranged
with a description and a black and white illustration 1 he meaning
of its name, its type, and the period in which it thrived is given
Valuable for the classroom
Selsam, Millicent E Sea Monsters of Long Ago. Illus. John Hamberger
Four Winds Press. 1977. 6 9
Information about prehistoric sea beasts is presented with clarity and
style. Facts are meaningfully related to known things in youngsters'
present-day life Absorbing illustrations include full-color paintings,
photographs of fossils, meticulous ink drawings, and a simple,
attractive chart Read aloud or use for research. Picture book format

356 Sciences

Selsa.m. Millicent Tyrannosaurus Rex. Harper & Row. Publishers. 1978

8 -12.
The bones of the biggest meat-eating animal that eser lived on earth
were excasated in Montana around 1900 This is a fascinating
account of that project. and of the exciting. painstaking reassembling
of the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton at the American Museum of
Natural History in New York Photographs. bibliography. and index
are included.
Stuart, Gene S frog. me Pest. National Geographic Society. 1979
10 up
Beautiful colored Illustrations highlight the text about mysteries of
the earth's past Information is included about pyramids. archaeo-
logical digs. Indians. lost cities. treasures from the sea. and other
interesting punks. A classroom actisitv packet is attached, contain-
ing a poster. games. actisities, and dittos for teacher use

nexplained Phenomena

Allen. Martha Dickson Real Life Monsters. Prentice-Hall. 1978. All ages
In 1917 a French naturalist announced that all the world's animals
had been found Since then the gorilla. Komodo dragon. and giant
squid hale been discosered Accounts of these and the Loch Ness
Monster, Big Foot. and the Abominable Snowman arc written in a
concise and easy reading style Supplemented with pen sketches
Caras. Roger Mysteries of Nature: Explained and Unexplained. Harcourt
Brace Jos anon ich. 1979. 8 12

Theories explaining elesen mysteries, and some purrling natural

phenomena, are presented Included are the mycf_ry of the stranded
whales. the spitting cobra, the South African sea serpent. and other
readable accounts Illustrated with photographs
Cohen. Daniel Missing! Stories of Strange Disappearances. Dodd. Mead.
'979 10 12
I his collection of six famous disappearances is surefire for soung
mystery fans Included are the true stories of Dorothy Arnold. Judge
C rater, Michael Rockefeller, the Lrew of thi Mari Celeste, the hones
of the Peking Man. and the Bermuda triangle's F light 19 Various
theories and explanations are explored
( Alen. Daniel Mysteries of the World. Doubleday. 1979 8 11
This hook should delight Forteans, thc,se followers of Charles Fort
'1874 1932), who lose to collect odd hits of information len unex-
plained happenings such as the Siberian explosion. cattle mutilations,
humin spontaneous combu,:,on. and others are explained Black
and white photographs and sketches

3 I'
Unexplained Phenomena 357

McHargue, Georgess Meet the Vampire. Illus. Stephen Gammell. J. B.

Lippincott, 1979. 10-12.
This book tells of vampires old and modern, east and west, horrible
and more horrible, like Vlad the Impaler, the original Count
Dracula. The last chapter provides possible explanations for vam-
pires. includes some gruesome black and white Illustrations; not for
the squeamish.
Mooser, Stephen. Into the Unknown: Nine Astounding Stories. J B
Lippincott, 1980. 8-12.
A collection of nine mysterious cases that have been documented but
not solved is presented. The author details the facts and offers several
suggestions as to what might have occurred, but allows readers to
draw their own conclusions.
Oleksy, Walter. Visitors from Outer Space? Is There Life on Other Planets?
G " Putnam's Sons, 1979. 12-up.
Although unexplained phenomena have been reported since Old
Testament times, only recently have people reported being abducted
and questioned by humanoids. Many close encounters of all three
kinds are described by responsible people. Ten pages of black and
white photographs.
Roberts, Nancy. Southern Ghosts. Photographs by Bruce Roberts Dou-
bleday, 1979. 8-12.
Did you know Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter once lived in a haunted
housc in Plains, Georgia? This story, along with thirteen other short
tales about haunted houses, phantom stallions, deadly bracelets, and
other mysterious phenomena, is included Large print and black and
white photographs will invite lingering and imagining.
Snyder, Gerald S Is There a Loch Ness Monster? The Search for a
Legend. Julian Messner, 1977. 12- up.
In a detailed, balanced examination of the Loch Ness Monster
legend, evidence both pro and con is given Sightings are recounted,
scientific expeditions and modern technological investigations are
described. Many photographs add to the completeness of this well-
done survey. Bibliography and index Included
Weiss, Malcolm E Gods, Stars, and Computers: Fact and Fancy in Myth
and Science. Doubleday, 1980. 12-up.
The author explores relP Jnshi ps between ancient myths and modern
scientific explanations I r such natural phenomena as vol anon,
earthquakes, medicine, srace. and human relationships to animals
A strong plea is made nor ethics in scientific research Human
superiority over computer is firmly stated. Illustrated with photos
and diagrams. Index.

Additional Science Books

Andrews, Roy Chapman All about Strange Beasts of the Past Illus Matthew
Kalmenoff Random House, 1956 10 14
Asimov, Isaac Building Blocks ir,f the Universe Abelard - Schuman, 1961 12 -up
Baylor, Byrd. The Desert Is Theirs Illus Peter Parnall Charles Scribner's Sons,
1975 5-8
Bendick, Jeanne The Shape of the Earth Rand McNally, 1965 8 12.
Bendick, Jeanne, and Marcia 0 Levin Take Shapes, Lines, and Letters
McGraw-Hill, I%2 9-12
Bitter, Gary G , and Thomas H Metos Exploring with Afetrtcs Julian Messner,
1975 8-up
1Branley, Franklyn M Air Is All Around You Illus Robert Galster Thomas Y
Crowell, 1962 6-8
Cole, Joanna A Calf Is Born Photos by Jerome Wexler William Morrow.
1975 5-8
Eberle, Irmengarde Bears Live Here Photos Doubleday. 1966 8 I I
Elliott, Sarah M Our Dirty Air Julian Messner. 1913 8 up
Froman. Robert Rubber Bands, Baseballs, and Doughnuts Illus Har,ey Weiss
Thomas Y Crowell, 1972 9-12
Gallant, Roy A Exploring the Weather Illus I (swell Hess Doubleday. 1057
10 14
George. Jean Craighead The Hole in the Tree E P Dutton, 1957 6 8
George, Jean Craighead "Thirteen Moons" Series Thomas Y Crowell. 1967
1970 8 up
Gordon, Sol Facts about Sex for Today's Youth thus Viy len Cohen John Day,
1973 12 up
Goudey, Alice E Here Come the Lions' Illus Garry MacKenzie Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1958 8
henry. Marguerite All about Iforses Illus Walter I) Osborne Random House,
1967 8-12
Holling C Minn of the .'Mississippi Houghton Mifflin, 1951 10 1'
Hutchins. Ross E The Travels of Monarch V thus Jerome P Connolly Rand
McNally. 1966 8 11
Knight. David C Harnessing the Sun William Morrow. 1976 12 up
LeShan. Eda Learning to Say Good-By When a Parent Dies Illus Paul
Gioyanopoulos Macmillan Publishing, 1976 8 up
Milgrom, Harry L nderstanding Weather Illus I loyd Birmingham Macmillan
Publishing. 1970 10 14
Rasielli, Anthony Wonders of the Human Body Viking Press. 1954 9 12
Reed. W Maxwell The Earth for Sam Rev ed Illus Paul Brandwein Harcourt
Brace Joyanosich, 1960 12 up
Scott. Jack Denton Discovering the American .Stork Photos by Ozzie Sweet
Harcourt Brace Joyanovich, 1976 10 14
Selsam, Millicent E Animals as Parents Illus J Kaupmann William Morrow,
1965 12 14
Selsam, Millicent E How Puppies Grow Photos by Esther Ruble} Four Winds
Press, 1971 5-8
Selsam, Millicent E Play with Seeds Illus Helen Ludwig William Morrow, 19)1
8 12
Shuttlesworth. Dori thy ( lean Air, .Sparkling Water Photos Doubleday, 1901
S 10
Weiss. Ann F Save he Mustangs/Julian Messner, 1974 8 up
Zim, Herbert Spencer Dinosaurs thus James Gordon Irving William Morrow
1954 8 I?

3 LI
Sports and Gaines


Lombardy, William, and Bette Marshall. Chess for Children, Step by Step:
A New, Easy Way to Learn the Game. Illus. John Schnell. Photo-
graphs by Bette Marshall. Little, Brown, 1977. 8-up.
Written by a chess Grandmaster, the book uses eiccelent diagrams,
black and white photographs, and a pace suitable to making chess
understandable: The authors explain how chess pieces are named,
how they move and many helpful hints. Includes both boys and girls
in the photographs.
Palidolfini, Bruce. Let's Play Chess! Julian Messner, 1980. 10-12.
Unique in form! this book gi "es 616 numberee statements that
explain the gable of chess. The instructions begin at the most basic
introductory !evel and move into an actual game with some thought-
ful discu,sions about the play. The style is interesting with occasional
analogies to literature or football:
Rosenberg, Arthur D. Chris for Children and the Young at Heart. Illus.
Howard Berelson. Phoicgrnhs by Marianne Groher Atheneum,
1977. 8 -up.
Eight- to ten-year-olds should have few difficulties with the chapters
that identify the chess pieces and explain the basic moves in this step -
by -step self-instruction manual. The elaboration on chess openings
probably requires explanation by someone conversar with the game.


Lindblom, Steven. The Fantastic Bicycles Book. Houghton Mifflin, 1979.

10-up. lr

This book is about bicycles: how to recycle them, fix them, and make
things with bike parts. Lots of useful information for do-it-yourselfers
or young inventors.
Monroe, Lynn Lee. The Old-Time Bicycle Book. Illus. George Overlie.
Carolrhoda Books, 1979. 7-10.
P was a revolutionary idea: people could sit on two wheels, not

Sports and Games

touch the ground, and move! The evolution of bicycles, once called
Boneshakers for good reason, is rold briefly in large print and using
colored sketches. Useful to show how inventions build on previous
Murray, Jerry The Handbook of Motocross. G P. Putnam's Sons,
1978. 10- 12.
Motocross is big business and a popular, fast-growing sport This
book teaches young readers how to ride and race motocross, as well
as the importance of maintenance, safety, conditioning, and pro-
tective clothing. Black and white photos
Pursell, Thomas F Bicycles on Parade: A Brief History. Lerner Publica-
tions, 1980. 9-12.
Through the years bicycles have had an effect on road building and
fashions. Bicycle shops were often inventors' training -grounds. Bicy-
cles old and new are discussed with black and white and color'
photos and sketches that add to the reader's interest
Soucheray, Joe. How to Repair Vow-Hi-Speed Bike. thus Kevin Pedersen
Creative Education, 1979 9 -12
While not a complete technical manual, this book gives basic repair
and maintenance tips on tires, wheels, pedals and chains, brakes,. and
derailleurs using a few select tools Cartoon-Style diawings, tongue-
in-cheek style writing.
Yerkow, Charles Fun and Safety on Two Wheels: Bicycles, Mdpeds,
Scooters, Motorcycles. G P Putnam's Sons. 1979 12 up
Much needed safety information is given to bicycle riders since sta-
tistics show that 30,000 riders are killed annually Practical guidance
incltikerproper dress, equipment and its functions, maintenance,
traffic safest, and local ordinances Written in an easy-to-read stylt.


Berliner, Don Aerobatics. Lerner Publications, 1980 7 10

The excitement of aerobatics, sometimes as trick flying, is
shown in excellent color photographs and'a clear text that discusses
the history of the spot I he specially designc planes are described
as well as the men and women who flY them Diagrams` -show some
of the popular maneuvers
Radlauer, h1 Some Basics about Hang Gliding.
Childrens Press, 1979
8 12
The hang glider is described in simple terms covering its construction
and information on flying Full-color photographs and authentic
text make this a useful resource book s dia
Gymnastics 361
Robison, Nancy L. Hang G iding. Photographs by Bettina Gray. Harvey
House, Publishers, 197 . 10-up.
The sport of hang gliding is thoroughly described, including the
intricacies of the sport and the thorough, formal training required
to participate The importance of safety is stressed Clear photo-
graphs contribute to the text


Dolan, Edward F., Jr, The Complete Beginner's Guide to Gymnastics.

Photographs by James Stewart. Doubleday, 1980. 10-12.
Originally done by soldiers tc r_it,velop combative skills, this ancient
sport is enjoying new popularity. The book, filled witn black and
white photographs labeled to match printed instructions. discusses
equipment, wearing apparel, and safety rules. Appealing to both
. sexes, it contains mostly beginner's stunts, with some intermediate
ones. Shorttibliography, good index
Knment7, Jill A Very Young Gymnast. Photographs by avthor Alfred A
Knopf, 1978 74 10
An emit story of ten-year-old Torrence York who is already the
est gymnast in New York City I hrough the text ana exceilert
hotographs, the reader is taken through her daily routine and ,e-
;' vines aware oio eifi-Tarnbitions and struggles
Murdock, Tony( Gymnastidlor Girls. Plays, 1979. 12-up.
This informative book describes three forms of gymnastics in which
girls can compete. Olygipic artistic gymnastics. sports acrobatics. and
modern rhythmic gymnastics After a brief history of the sport, the
apparatus, program, performance, judging, and scoring are clearly
explained Diagrams and photographs included.
Resnick, Michael Gymnastics and You: The Whole Story of the Sport.
Rand McNally. 1977 10 up
This clearly explains for the beginner the tci homology used by the
gymnast. balance beam, floor exerci e. high bar, parallel bars, uneven
parallel bars, rings, side horse, team gymnastics, trampoline, tum-
bling, and vaulting Photographs clarify the text Index included
'..Sullivan, George Better Gymnastics for Girls. Dodd, Mead, 1977 10 12
A photo-filled, technically accurate book on a popular sebject that
stresses grace. nrecision, and flexitulity The book is disc s-1,x] Into
sections on floor exercises, balaNe beam, vaulting, and uneven
parallel bars Contains glossary and sources of additional informa-
tion, Olga Keribut and Nadia Comaneci are spotlighted

Sp.,rts and Games

Traetta, John, and Mary .lan Traetta Gymnastics Basics. thus Bill Gow
Photographs by Don Carter. Prentice-Hall, 1979 9 12
This book stresses both the fun and safety aspects of gym....stics, aF
well as other bent.Ths that include in,reased concentration, willpower,
and phycical stamina. Sketches of the movements are interspersed
with black and white photos. One-page index included


Etter. Les. The Game of Hockey. Garrard Publishing, 1977 8 12

An easy-to-read discussion of the history, rules arli playav tech-
niques of ice hockey includes play-by-play descriptions of impor-
tant games Information on famous players and the impact of he
recent popularity of the game are highlighted by black and white

Gitler, Ira. Ice Hockey A to Z. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, :978.
6 up
Imp-mant nockey infoiniation is packed into this book including
anecdotes, rules and regulations, and advice to the, hockey player
Photographs illustrate the text.

Olney, Ross R. This Game Called Hockt,: Great Moments in the World's
Fast:4 Team Sport. Dodd, Mead, 1q78 7 up
Hockey is a fast, hard. exacting team sport fhis hook presents the
players aq competitive athletes who 1m- the game, the challenge, and
the danger of hockey Each chapter .reduces many complicated
aspects of an exciting sport that is play.d throughout the world

'Williams. Lee Ann Basic Feld Hockey Strw,gy: An introduction for

Young Players. Illus John Lane Doubled,.., 1978 10 up
1 ucid explanations of both ot, osive and defensive strategy for girls'
field hockey are c:arified further by numerous drawings and full-page
diagrams Included also are pointers on equipment, conditioning
exercises. drills. an appendix of rules, and a glossary Particularly
helpful are the several tips at the end of each chapter

Horseback Riding

Kienienti, Jill A Very Young Rider. Photographs by author Alfred A

Knopf, 1977 8 10
Photographs capture both the splendor of the horse show and the
wearying routine for horse and rider that must pletede a show 1 he
oder is a dedicated young girl and the boqk expresses hot!. fit
professional attitude and he yot_thtu: xiiherance

Kite Making and Flung 363

Pen ter, E4 eh n The Beginning Rider: A Common Sense Approach. 11 his

by author . hotographs by Melinda Hughes Julian Messner, 1980
10 12
This book t )sers the ba le, of torward-seat riding and beginning
Jumping a well as care ot the 1.orse The consersational style gees
the reader the feeling of haling a chat with an expert Black and
white photographs are well chosen and convey excellent detail, dia-
grams, index and glossary provide other important information

Sholinsky Jane In the Saddle: Horseback Riding for Girls and Boys.
Photographs by Dan S Nelken Julian Messner, 1977 8 12
In simple language and with informatise illustrafim.s, the author
gises the basic information a beginning rider needs to know about
the horse and tack, as we. as how to approach, mount, dismount,
sit, anti rid" the sat ious gaits Glossary is included

Kite Making and Flying

Bahadur. ralesh Come Fight a Kite. Haney House, Publishers, 1978

10 up
The excitement. fun, and techniques of kite flying are communicated
by a master ot kite m, king. flying, and the ancient sport el kite
fightirE, the text includes some descriptions of types of kites and
their construction Detailed guidance is gi\en for launching and
flying kites with or without wind
Kaufmann. John Fly it! Illus by author Doubleday. 1980 8 up
Instructions on how to make and fly kites, boomerangs, helicopters,
hang gliders, and hand-launched gliders are simple Each step is
illustrated and detailed with excellent line drawings The hints and
suggestions pros Jed to present problems with the different cratt
protects are insaluablc

Mar'.s. Burton, and Rita Marl s Kites for Kids. Illus 1 isa Campbell
Ernst I oihrop. 1 ge & Shepard Books, 1980 K up
Directions gis en for making classic kites, space cruise's, and
sky monst Construction tips, techniques, and a guide to flying
211/4,1 tnrli. ilurnoions drtailed black and 44 hal: itlusti Itlons
enhance the text Appendices mclude Iisa ot supply sources and kite
orgar uions
Olney, Ross R , and Ch n Bush Better Kite Flying for Boys and Girls.
Dodd, NE:ad, 1980 9 up
(mod ads ICc for 'lying kites, kite fighting, and making kites is com-
bined with a short history of kites Excellent phot..0aphs accom-
the text

3 if
364 Sports and Game

Skating and Skateboardi

Bass. Howard Ice Skating. Kand McNally 1980 8 12

Many outstanding color photographs highlight this comprehensive
ohmic that includes sections on speed and figure skating, ice uan_-
mg, ice hockey, and competitie skating Recent champions are
pictured and Olympic and other competition winners are 1,,ted
Technique., are shown, including a clear explanation of the Inter-
national School Figures Glossary and index are appended

Bunting, Glenn. and Eye Bunting Skateboards: How to Make Them,

How to Ride Them. Harkey House Publishers, 1977 8 12
Beginning with clear instrt ctio- it making your own ,kateboard,
hie hook proceeds to a detailed ,lanation of ariou, techniques of
hoth simple and advanced riding skills Safety is stressed throughout
with special emphasis on equipment and approved riding locations

Hess. Jeff Skateboarding Skills. Ilhis Kevin Pederson Creatise Educa-

tion, 1979 8-12
Basic skateboarding positions and safety tins, along with consumer
information about selection of skateboard blanks and wheels, are
stressed in this short book Magannes and hooks to help improve
skateboarding techniques are listed Cartoon-style drawings

K ,Jrienti .1111 A very -ung Skater. Phot, k,raphs author Alfred A

Knopf. 197(/ 7 10
Katherine Healy is ter, and has been skating since she %%as three NI,:
camera follows her thr, ugh her demanding, surremely
schedule of skating and ballet classes, regular school, and special
performances A superbly photographed example of the personal
determination and family support needed for a oung skater to excel

Olney, Koss K , and Chan Bush Roller Skating!! I othrop, I ee & Shepard
Books, 1979 8 12
pthusiasts caught up in the rev itahieJ sport of rodet skating will
emoy the many black arid wh to ;olographs as well as the clear
explanations of ,cchniques, equipment and tick maneuvers A list
of organuations stores, and publ, .ms specialiiing in skating is


( !lurch Mai garet Beg'nning Cross-Country Skiing. l'hotograply by

I asilo Kondor Childtens Fres,,, 1979 8 up
A line hook to help the her riner learn now to ski cross country

(1 iL_O
Soccer 365

Full-color photographs show equipment, dress, and proper skiing

form. A valulble book for any novice skier

Liss, Howard Skiing Ts.lk for Beginners. Illus Frank Robbins Julia.]
Messner, 1977 10-up
A dic_,onary format is used to explain a variety of sk Ing terms and
phrases. Although cross references are used throughout, some prior
knowledge of skiing is necessary to understand most of the concepts
Difficult words are broken into syllables but accents are not giver.
Black and white line drawings
Lyme, Richard B. The Complete Beginner's Guide to Skiing. Doubleday,
1978 10 up.
Specific instructions on moves and procedures for beginning skiers
are given The author also discusses equipment, safety, conditioning.
and different kinds of skiing A complete list of definitions and terms
makes this a beneficial book to be used during the learning perioa
Sullivan, George Cross-Country Skiing: A Complete Beginner's Book.
Julian Messner, 1980 10-up
The design9tion "A Complete Beginner's Book" fits this book pre-
cisely There is enough, but not too much, information on history,
ski design, wearing appare', and technique Appendices include ski
areas, guide books, United '.tat -s Park Services, and a glossary of
ski terminology Black and white protogranhs


Clements, David Soccer Tips. Photographs by Gary sichamin Julian

Messner, 1971' 8 12
The simple and brief text sets forth the fundamentals of soccer for
beginning players Discussed are such to?ics as how to control the
ball, techniques for passing, and goaltending A glossaiy of terms
and the rules of soccer are included Photos or drawings illustrate
each technique described
Liss, Howard The Great Game of Soccer. Illus Bruce Curtis
_,:pnni's Sons, 1979 8 12
The vrowine popularity of soccer as an amateur and professional
sport is traced, along with its history and famou-. players Details
of game skills, techniques, and rules aie given and illustrated by
many action black and white photographs Glossary and iodex are
Pollock, Robert Soccer for Juniors Charles Scribaer's Sons, 1980 8 up
Here is an excellent introduction to the game of soccer including
basic skills, equipment, injuries, diet, and rules Advanced skills and
366 Sports and Games

tactics are described in tonne text and illustrated with good action

Scagnetti, Jack Soccer. Hare House, Publishers, 1978 9 12

Clear text and haw-to photographs sh player positions and
demonstrate how the game of soccer is played 1 he history, equip-
ment, and basic rules are included in this infoimational book

Sullixan. George This is Pro Soccer. Dodd, Mead, 1979 10 up

Vv'hy soccer, one of the oldest sports in the world, has captured so
mans fans is explained along with background information on how
it is played A glossary, NASI records, and index are p:oxided
Frequent photographs and diagrams help clarify the text


Huss, Salk, Moore How to Play Power Tennis with Ease. }lanolin Brice
Joxanoxich, 1979 12 up
Addressing perso, s who play tennis and wish to improxe their game.
the author, in a usual second-person style, protnises immediate and
dramatic .:cults 11!utrated with humorous cartoonlike drawings
61 -is, _try

I ortioer. Lam The Tennis Book Illus I liiabeth Roger Random House,
1980 9 12
I his xerx complete tennis hook, including terms, people, rules, and
playing tips. has been carefull arranged in an alphabetic format A
great help to young tennis enthusiasts

Anthon What Is Tennis? 111us b author A 1977

7 un
tenors is a sport of fast mox e, and gracef ul pla. !his hook includes
the history of tennis and how to play the game I he illustrations are
artistic and helpful


I }ttle Richard B Basic Volleyball Strategy: An Introduction for Young

Platers. Illus John I ane DoubledaN, 1979 12 up
Precise instructions on plaxing techniques for collexhall are described
in the text and black and white illustrations A xaluable book for the
beginner and the more experienced player

Sullixan, George Better Volleyball for Girls. Dodd, Mead. 1979 12 up

Text and E) ltographs clearly demonstrate the basic plan of the
Water Spurts

game and techniques for deNcloping skill A short history of No Hey-

ball and a glossary are included

Thomas, Art. Volleyball Is for Me. Photographs by author Lerner Pub-

lications, 1980 7 10.
A young volleyball team learns the basics of the game The lext
describes skills needed for serving, blocking, spiking, and passing
Readable text and good black and white photographs

Water Sports

Bartram, Robert Fishing for Sunfish. Illus by author I B Lippincott,

1978 8 12.
This information-packed book explains basic facts about catching
sunfish equipment needed, best time of year, most likely spots, types
of bait, and how to clean the sunfish Nonsexist. a needed book on

Freeman, Tony Beginning Surfing. Photographs by author Childrens

Press, 1980 7 up
A careful step-by,-,tep itroduction to surfing that snows equipment,
training, arid safety procedures Clear, full-color photographs make
this a most helpful book for any beginner.

Gleasner. Diana C' Illustrateu Swimming, Diving al.. Surfing Dictionary

for Young People. Illus Stuart Goldenberg Prentice-Pall, 1980
8 up
Facts about three popular water sports arc green in dictionary
format Humorous illustrations add information and each definition
is keyed with an e-sy-to-recognire symbol indicating the particular
sport Other topics in this illustrated dictionary series include gym-
nastics, ballet, auto racing, tennis, and skating
I iss, Howard Fishing Talk for Beginners. Illus I eonard Cole
Messner, 1978 10 up
Various fishing terms and phrases ore discussed in dictionary format
Techniques of the sport as well as equipment and types of fish arc
discussed Cross references and numerous illustrations further clarifl,

Orr, C Rob, and Jane i3 Tyler Swimming Basics. Illus Bill Crow Photo-
graphs by Emmett Wilson, Jr Prentice -Pail 1980 8 !2
Fundamentals of swimming for beginners include ins'-uctions for
the four basic strokes used in swimming competition and a guide for
368 Sports and Games

water safety Excellent illustrations and photographs clarify and

extend the text.

Various Sports and Games

Boccaccio, Tony Racquetball Basics. litus Bill Gow Photographs by

Paul Jacobs. Prentice-Hall, 1979. 8 -12
Clear illustrations and detailed explanations are green on the sport
of racquetball for beginning players

Dexter, Paul R Vans: The Personality Vehicles. Lerner Publications, 1977

8 -12.
The history of anning as a sport and hobby is explained. Some
ans contain genuine woodburning fireplaces. that and other facts
are included in the discussion of the interior and exterior custom-
izing. This is a h )ok that is sure to be popular and lead to shared
reading with other family members One cf a series on "Superwheels
and Thrill Sports." Another book in the series is Alutotross Motor-
ccle Racing
Dickmeyer, Lowell A Baseball Is for Me. Photographs by Carmel
Kannard Lerner Publications, 1978. 7- 10.
The first-person narrator, a young enthusiastic sports buff, shares his
experiences in learning fundamental rules and techniques He is a
Little League player and gets to meet a baseball tier° The realistic
text is supported by exceptional photographs Apt,,:aling for begin-
ners One of a series that includes books on basketball. fishing,
ice skating, swimming, s.olleyball, soccer, and tennis

Flanagan. Henry E . Jr , and Robert Gardner Basic Lacrosse Strategy:

An introduction for Young Players. Illus Jrhn Lane Doubleday,
1979 10 up
The book outlines the fundamental skills needed to become a rea-
sonably successful lacrosse player The authors haw drawn upon
their personal experiences in coaching the game Emphasis is on the
thinkIng aspect A solid basic resource

Rz771:1 nlckp.:^L;"; fnr Fw....nr1 C!" r3, 1!It'' '^" u liensh-i%

Pare House, Publishers, 1979 10 12
This is a very thorough introduction to backpacking It corers eerv-
thing a beginner needs to know from how to cmer blisters to which
toe to buy 1 he photographs are clear and the explanations care-
fully worded to ai,oid misinterpretation
Various Sporty and Games 369

Lorimer, Larry, an ihn Desaney. The Football Book. Illus Charles

McVicker Random House, 1977 9 up
An appealing, informative A to Z encyclopedia about football Out-
standing players, coaches, and teams are included Rules. equipment,
and strategies are clearly described Illustrated with diagrams, draw-
ings, and photographs.

Olney, Ross R. Modern Racing Cars. E. P Dutton, 1978 12- up

Racing cars such 2s Indy-types. formula one sprint. stock, and
,,,;dizi.t are describe°, compared. and contrasted Some historical
information is included

Poynter, Margaret The Racquetball Book. Illus Don Meyer and Jerry
Andrues Julian Messner, 1980 10 12
A ireful book for both beginning and experienced racquetball
players Included are such items iv- needed equipment. basic and
adsanced strokes, game strategies, and rules Brief biographical
sketches of some racquetball champions conclude the text

Radlauep. Ed. Some Basics about Running. Childrens Press. 1979 8 12

Anyone can start running for fun and fitnes, by iloy ing these
simple basic directions in text and pictures Safety and equipment
are emphasind Photographs are in full color One of the Gemini
series that includes books about hang gliding. women's gymnAstics.
skateboards. motorcycles, bicycles. and water skiing

Ribncr. Susan. and Richard Chin Martial Arts. Illus Melanie Arw in
Harper & Row. Publishers. 1978 8 up
The authors give a history of the ancient Oriental martial arts from
/sung Fu to Wipt'it, explaining their development and techniques
The book traces the evolunon of unarmed combat in terms of
religion. national pride. arid modern sport Many unusual facts and
stories are shared with the reader

Robison, Nancy L. Batoi Twirling. Hare y House, Publishers. 1980 8 12

History, types of batons. learning to twirl. and -aving fun with the
baton- are discussed in this book that has many' black and white
photos. Very few hooks arc asailLble on this subject

Koddich, van Frisbee uisc DyJitJ. iiiu, inii Ckrv't arti:`

Morse a-,c1 Jack Roddick Prentice-Hall, 1980 9 12
More frisbees are sold than hasehalk, basketballs. and footballs com-
bined red Morrison is credited with the frisbee's invention Spin-
ning, cur ing, throwing, and catching the plastic disc are explained

3; (.3
370 Sporis and Games

in this nicely illustrated book It also has an index. lists record-

holders, and gees the address of the International Frisbee Disc

Rosenthal. SRia A Soap Box Derby Racing. I othrop. Lee & Shepard
Books. 1980 10 up
One of the greatest amateur races, the All-American Soap .sox
Derby is an exciting exert The rustory of the derby. from its begin-
ning in 1933 through the 1979 race, is cell told with personallied
anecdotes ti gut; who dzr!-:.

Schumacher, Crate Frisbee Fun. !Bus Kesin Pederson ( reatise duca-

non. 1979 8 12
Frisbee playing requires practice in order to acquire the proper tech-
niques The history and basics of throwing and catching ale gisen
Rea&rs are urged to invent games The hook is useful for science
enrichment as gracitational, frictional, and lifting forces are \chi
make the frisbee cork Cartoon -style drawings

Siegel, Alice, and Mar:jo Mcl oone It's a Girl's Game Too. Illus 1 isa
Campbell Ernst Holt. Rinehart and Vs, mston 1980 k 12
Both tears and indisidual sports are discusses in this compendium rrl
snorts talk Beemnine with a brief history of women's participation
in athletics, the authors describe eighteen different sports w ng
complete scoring. rules, general and specific information about
players fields, equipment. cocabular. clothing, skills and '01.1ft.Cs
of further information
Sullikan, George Better Basketball for Boys. Dodu. Mead 19k0 10 up
he popular game of ba.lsethall is explained in depth, starting ss th
the simpler aspects of hail hanuling, footwork and passing Photo-
graphs and diagrams illustrate the text One of a series. rclakd hool,
are Better Basketball for Girls, Betio I withal! for Ito Rater
Roller SItannA; for But and Girls
Sulhcan, George Run. Run Fast! Illus h author ar,(1 Don \ladder,
I homas Y Crovia. 1980 8 11
Regulated ruuding can make us feel and look better bound
on loomear, clothing safet and running torn' is yien
sentences and paragraphs \X, illustrated with a mixtuft
and white photographs and sketcLe,

Sultian George Sports Superstitions. (guard ML( Ann N_ Geoghegan

1978 8 12

Mel an CCellt,C introduction, the authiii tells fascin, ,Ing ,Inc( dolt.
of superstitious famous atnietes in c% e, niaka spoil
Black and white photos

Sports and Games

Additional Sprts and Games Books

Bunning, Jim, Whitey Ford, Mickey Mantle, and Willie Mays Grand Slam
Viking Press, 1965. 12-16.
Coombs. Charles Drag Racing. William Morrow. 1970 10 14
Epstein, Sam, and Beryl Epstein The Game of Baseball Illus Hobe Hays
Garrard Publishing, 1965. 10 12
Hano, Arnold. Greatest Giants of Them All G P Putnam's Sons. 1967 10 up
Howard, Elston Catching Illus Robert Osonitsch Viking Press. i966 12-16
Lindsay, Sally. Figure Skating. Rand McNally, 1963. 1 116
Lipsyte, Robert. Assignment. Sporty Harper & Row, Publishers, 1970 12
Pickens, Richard How to Punt, Pass and Kick Illus Fran Chauncey Random
House, 1965. 12-16
Van Riper, Guernsey, Jr The Game of Basketball Garrard. Straus & Giroux,
1967 8 -11
Haldane, Suzanne. Faces on Places: About Gargoyles and Other Stone
Creatures. Viking Press, 1980.9-12.
Vivid and dramatic photographs combine with an informative text
to focus attention on gargoyles, those fascinating stone carvings that
adorn buildings. The author skillfully uses myth and history to
explain the significance and purpose of the carvings. Particularly
fascinating is a detailed account of the construction of a gargoyle
Ma Ca ulay, David Castle. Houghton Mifflin, 197/. 12-up.
The fine pen drawings and knowledge about architecture make this a
treasure of information on medieval life. The thirteenth-century castle
rises from page to page along with a nearby town. The details of the
castle's interior are fascinating. 1978 Caldecott Honor Book
Macaulay, David. Unbuilding. Houghton Mifflin, 1980. 10 -up
The dismantling and moving of the Empire State Building is the
focus of this fictional accot.nt. There is much humor in the story, but
the sketches, diagrams, and textual explanations of the demolition of
a skyscraper are accurate. Outstanding illustrations.


Walt Disney Proluctions Disney's World of Adventure Presents the

Circus Book. Random House, 1978 8-16
A W. Disney version, illustrated in color, of Toby Tyler begins this
volume that 'mmerses the reader in the realities d delights of the
circus environment. Included are interesting articles on P. T. Barnum,
the Lipizzaner Stallions, how to be a clown, chimpanzees, and a
Mickey Mo se circus adventure story. AU drawings and photographs
are in col
Hintz, Martin Circus Workin's. Photographs by author !Lilian Messner,
1980.10 12
Most readers wonder how the big circus tent is set up and how it is
e....,nantled. Circus life in general is explained and the expertise of

Dance 373

certain pet ,nne1 needed for a successful circus is described Clear

photographs and text.

Krementi, Jill A Very Young Circus Flyer. Photographs by author

Alfred A Knopf. 1979 10- up
This large appealing book in the A Very Young . series features
Armando, a nine-year-old aerialist of the Farfan Family The reader
is taken through his daily schedule of work and recreation and
is informed of the many skills necessary for his art. Outstanding
photographs 4


Berger. Mel \ in The World of Dance. S. G Phillips. 1978 10 up

The exciting relationship .of dance to geography, climate, and his-
torical esents is clearly and interestingly shoS;,,n from primitise dances
to the hustle Illustrated with photographs And pen and ink copies
of ancient drawings Excellent for studies of various cultures
and history

Davis. Jesse classics of the Royal Ballet. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan.
1980 !O up
Stories of six ballets. including Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and
The Sleeping Beauty, are told via brief text and many stunning
black and white photographs of the Royal Ballet's interpretations
A book to be enjoyed by itself or as a splendid introduction to a
Ilse performance^

Dell. Catherine The Magic of Ballet. Rand McNaly, 1979 10 up

The fascinating beauty and challenge of classical ballet is presented
through its history. technique, training. and the stories of great
ballets and ballet companies. The expertise of the text, %midi), en-
hanced by colorful nhotographs and drawings. make this a helpful
book of authentic irurmation for anyone interested in dance

Diamond. Donna, adapter Swan Lake. Illus by adapter Holiday House.

1980 8 12
Odette. the exquisite swan maiden. is betrayed by her princely loser
when he is tricked Into mistaking the wicked Odile for his beim ed A
composite adaptation from sL,erai Russian texts, this book is beauti-
fully illustrated with large double-page spreads in misty. shadowy
tones of eras and white

Elliott, Donald Frogs and the Ballet. Illus Clinton Arrowood Gambit,
1979 8 12
Frogs doing plies. entrechats, pas de deux, and pirouettes'' Astonish-

../ 4.4.4
374 The Arts

ingly, they are. In this improbable exposition of the five basic ballet
positions, plus various steps and attitudes The splendid illustrations
and witty text will amuse and instruct balletomanes of all ages A
book to be shared.

.Hansen, Rosanna, The Fairy Tale Book of Ballet. Photographs by Martha

Swope. Gros let & Dunlap, 1980. 8 up
Three best-10,4'A classical fairy tale ballets are retold here and vividly
illustrated with pictures by a famed photographer of famous dancers
American Ballet Theatre's productions of Swan Lake and the Sleep-
ing Beauty, and the New York City Ballet's The Nutcracker. Good
for class use with recordings of the ballet music

Isadora, Rachel My Ballet Class. Greenwillow Bogs, 1980 6 9

A beginning ballet student goes from the dressing room to class,
through he technical routines and movements in the dance studio,
and ha pily meets Father afterwards She describes the happy feel-
ings nd the hard, work Full-page drawings areitrue to good

Jaffe, Ewan Illustrated Ballet DictionarTi. Illus .Phylli I.erner Harvey

ouse. Publishers, 1979 8 12
amour dancers, ballet companies, -and techniques 'fill this special
ubiect dictionar,y, A short history of the ballet precedes the
falphab;tical listings, coupled with the black and white illustrations,

/ makes this a good reference source.

'ementr, Jill A Very Young Dancer. Alfred A Knopf. 1976 7 10.

One of a series of hooks that focuses on a young person pursuing the
arts, this gives a comprehensivs: look at the world of ballet Written
in the first person wan minimal text, the photodocumentary stresses
the pain and joy of &young girl chosen to dance with the New York
City Ballet

Merry, Sulann, Dancer. Photographs by .lohn Running Cha'Nes Scrib-

ner's Sons, 1980 12 up
I he true story of Celeste la L:renski and ber current life .as- a
bright young trainee cm seholarship:*itiO,he junior performing
ballet compaby ,loffrey II is both informative and inspiring Excel-
lent photographs

Thomas, Willfam E So N't4t Want to Be a Dancer. Photographs by Ray

Bengston and Mairbal Elam .Julian Messner, 1979 6 up.
Nearly fifty brief topics directly related to the training and career of
a show business dancer are interestingly discussed Fascinating full-
page photographs fOr the young reader Helpful in career studies

Drama 375

Walker, Katherine Sorley, and Joan Butler Ballet for-Boys and Girls.
Prentice-Hall, 1979. 8 12
Thh wide-ranging examination of ballet includes basic techniques,
history, stones of individual ballets and performers, plus interest-
ing details of backstage life Good choice of black and white


Burr, Lonnie Two for the Show: Great Comedy Teams. Julian Messner,
1979. 12 -up
Packed with iiformation, this book describes the comedic elements
that are inque to outstanding American comedy teams Much his-
tor! of American entertainment from vaudeville. radio, film, and
television is contained in the engrossing chapters that move from
Lrurel and Hardy to Cheech and Chong Numerous humor routines
are excerpted. Includes glossary, chronology, bibliography
Cahn, William, and Rhoda Cahn The Great American Comedy Scene.
Julian Mess*, 1978' 12 up
This survey of American comedy from the colonial theatre of I 700s
to the present day introduces the highlights and headliners from
minstrel shows, vaudefIle, stage shows, radio. monies, and television
It also gives a brief introduction to and analysis of the changing
concept of comedY. Lavishly illustrated with photographs
Edelson, Edward Great Animals of the Movies. Doubleday, 1980 10 up
A book for animal movie fans Not only is there a behind-the-scenes
peek at Lassie, Flipper, and Morris the Cat, but also a section on
how they are selected, trained, and pampered Numerous successes
and fiascos are recounted in detail Black and white photos
Edelson, Edward Tough Guys and Gals of the Movies. Doubler!a,
1978 12 -up
For young film buffs, this survey of mime actors from Bogart
Robinson to Hackman and l'acino pros ides a last-paced merlev, of
the "tough" hero tradition in films One chapte is devoted to women
Numerous black and white movie stills
Geis, Darlene, editor. Walt Disney's Treasury of Children's Classics. Harry
N Abrams, Publishers, 1978 4 7
Sno.v White, Pinnochto, Brer Rahho, Bamht, The Ladu and the
Trawn, and twelve other classic and contemporary tales that were
made into animated films by Walt 1),ney Studios are told Each
story is followed by an article telling how the movie was made
Beautifully illustrated with filmic and studio scenes

376 The 4t.

Quackenbush, Robert. Movie Monsters and Their Masters: The Birth of

the Horror Film. Illus. by author Albert Whitman, 1980 8-12
text traces fifty years of horior films from Edison's Frankenstern
to Hitchcock's The Birds. Eerie green, black, and white ."ustrations
carry out-the spirit of the text.

Simon, Seymour. Creatures from Lost Worlds. J B. I ippincott, 1979

10-12. - -
'.naginetey worlds and creatures from Swil t's Lilliput to Gothilla are
discussed with deft humor Authors ment;oned include Edgar Rice
Burroughs, H G Wells, Jules Verne, and Arthur Conan Doyle
Creatures from television and movies are depicted Many black and
white MO% le stills

Fine Arts

Behrens, June Looking at Beasties. Childrens Press. 1977 7 10

The fifteen glossy, colored reproductions of animals are simply ex-

plained. The time f,eriod for cach picture and brief remarks about
the artist are included. Animals portrayed are ibis, monster head on
the prow of a Viking ship, serpent, lion, leopard, and others Infor-
mational with a pleasing format

Behrens, June. Looking at Children. Childrens Press, 1977 7 10

This fine collection introduces readers to famous paintings of chil-

dren The meaningful introductory statement tells how artists express
their ideas and the media they use Children of the past and present
are brought to hfe in the glossy, colored reprodmtions One of a
series of art books

sCober, Alan E ("obeli Choice. E P Dutton, 1979 8

An artist's sketchbock provides his personal and often humorous
insight into the characterist;cs of 'uch creatures as the bat, cp,-,v4.
falcon, skate, mandrill, skunk, rattlesnake, and others Some of these
are drawn from life, others are stuffed. and one is in a state of decay

Fine, Joan I Carve Stone. Photographs by i)avid Anderson I homas

Crowell, 1979 10-up.
Clear photographs and text supply a step-by-step account of chang-
ing a 300-pound marble block into an artistic sculpture Sketches are
made, clay forms are created, and finally the chisel is used Available
materials are listed for children who want to do their ovvn carving
Glubok, Shirley. The Art of the Comic Ship. Macmillan Publishing,
1979.8 12.
The history of the modern comic strip makes interesting reading
1 he examples of early cartooning techniques give the reader an

Fine Arts 3'7

opportunity to see the progress in design. characters, and story lines

The book is an efficient reference and a fun experience

Glubok, Shirley. The Art of the Vikings. Macmillan Publishing. 1978

History, folklore, and customs of the Norsemen are inextricably
woven with explanations of their many treasures preserved today in
metal and wood Beautiful jewelry reflects the level of their cultural
advancement The information provided will complement the study
of the Vikings Photographs capture the strength of their art

Goffstem, M. B An Artist. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980 9-up

Beautiful watercolor illustrations depict an art trying to recreate
God's world on canvas by using his talent with paints.

Henry, Marguerite The Illustrated Marguerite Henry. Rand McNally.

1980 8 12
The horse :,tones of Marguerite Henry have always been a great
favorite This book pays tribute to the fine illustrations that helped
her books come alive through the pictures Wesley Dennis. Robert
Lougheed, Rich Rudish. and Lynd Ward are the artists who are
described. A very beautiful edition.

Holme. Bryan. Creatures of Paradise: Pictures to Grow Up With. Oxford

University Press. 1980. 12 -up
A collection of color and black and white illustrations of animals as
portrayed by famous painters throughout the ages Artists included
range from Chagall and Durer to Kate Greenaway and Beatrix
Potter A companion volume is Enchanted World Excellent intro-
duction to art appreciation.

Price. Christine Arts of flay. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1977 10 up

The clay artwork of people throughout the world is traced from
ancient times Each pot is appealingly illustrated with pencil draw
ings A helpful picture map locates the various ty pes of pottery
Proddow. Penelope Art Tells a Story: The Bible. Doubleday, 19'')
to 12

Biblical stories pave the way to appreciation of fine works of art

representing a variety of art forms Artists include Corot. William
Blake. Ben Shalin. and Tintoretto Legends of creation, Noah, Isaac,
Jacob, Esther. and the Queen of Sheba arc the inspiration for six of
the stories Photographs
Proddow, Penelope Art Tells a Story: Greek and Roman Myths.
day, 1979 10 12
This is a new approach to mythology to help children appreciate
literature and art Twelve works of art by uifferent artists that span
the centuries depict the stories The reader is introduced to different
378 The Atm

art forms inzluding pottery, pen and ink, and oils. Illustrated with
. color and black and white photographs.


Folksongs and Ballads

Bierhorst, John. A Cry from the Earth: Music of the North American
Indians. Four Winds press, 1979. 10-up.
A collection of Native American music that encompasses historical
and regional differences. The book describes the creating ,of various
types of songs and the differences between American Indian and
European music. This is a fascinating and informative research guide
that includes pronunciation aides, bibliography, source list, and an
index to songs by area and tribe.
Gauch, Patricia Lee. On to Widecombe Fair. Illus. Trina Schart Hyman.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978. 10-up.
A glorious spirit of fun enticed people of eighteenth:century Devon-
shire to the annual Widecombe Fair. Seven old gentlemen had to get
there, so they borrowed TOm Pearse's old grey mare, intending to
return her. The tale is based cat a folk song and on conversations
with contemporarY'Widecombe dwellers.
Glazer, Tom. Do Your Ears Hang Low' Fifty More Musical Fingerplays.
Illus. Mila Lazarevich. Doubleday, 1980 3-5.
Fifty familiar and brand new fingerplays with piano arrangements
and guitar chords are collected by a popular folksinger. The easy-to-
read music and delightful illustrations provide hours of fun for
young children.
John, Timothy. and Peter Hankey, editors The Great Song Book. Illus
Tomi Ungerer. Doubleday, 1978. All ages.
Untnown and well-known traditional songs, with guitar chords, are
divided into eight main sections ranging from songs of dance and
play to nursery rhymes. The remarkable full-color illustrations make
this a look-along as well as sing-along choice.
Langstaff, John, compiler. Hot Cross Buns and Other Old Street Cries.
Illus Nancy Winslow Parker, Atheneum, 1978. All ages.
This handsomely illustrated collection of old English street cries pro-
vides words and music with appeal for singers of all ages A brief
essay introduces the thirty street cries, some of which have been
specified for singing at the same time: hot cross buns, strawberries,
old rags for sale.

Maser' Instruments and Styles 379
O'Hare, Colette, compiler, What Go Yoti Feed Your Monkey On? Rhymes
from a Belfast Cnildhood. Illus Jenny Rodwell Collins
Publisher% 1978, 7-10.
Skip-rope songs and Street chants with a distinctly Irish vocabulary
and flavor make up this handsome hook. Notes at the end give some
definitions Both the full-color and black and white illustrations are
haunting in their beauty and stylized suggestion of a child's eye view
of Belfast life
Raphael, Elaine, and Don Bolognese, adapters. Turnabout. Illus by
adapters. Viking Press, 1980 7-10
The old folksong about the husband and wife who deride to trade
jobs for a day end end up being happy to return to their old jobs is
delightfully adapted: in this case, the two are bears Block print illus-
trations in orange, brown, and black are striking Music is included
Zemach, Margot, retold by Hush, Little Baby. Illus by retain- E P
Dutton, 1976 3 5
A distinguished illustrator gives an old lullaby a fresh interpretation
after singing it to her own child for a year and a half The tam:liar
vignettes can be read aloud or sung, the mush.: is included Tempera
illustrations depict the Victorian setting.

Instruments and Styles

Bailey, Bernadine. Bells, Bells, Bells. Dodd, Mead, 1978 8 12
"They have neither speech nor lauguage, but their sound is gone out
to all nations From 4000 BC to our July 4. 1976 belr extrava-
ganza, text and black and white photos cover bellringing, handbells.
carillons, and famous bells like Liberty and Big Ben interesting.
fact-filled book
Bu_snar. Gene. R's Roelen1Roll. Julian Messner, 1979. 6 12
A fine and fairly complete chronological history of the music explo-
sion of the fifties. The rock'n'roll artists are disc., .ed and their con-
tributions explained The book has photographs of many groups
along with lists of their songs Index
Prokofiev, Sergei Peter and the Wolf. lilus Erna Votgt David R (iodine.
Publisher, 1980 8 12
Outstanding illustrations grace this vision of the classic musical
story The left page carries the story in large type v.ith an instrument
pictured next to a line of music 1 he right page is a large full color
scene of the adventure A beautiful book

380 The Arts

Schaaf, Peter. The Violin Close Up. Photographs, by author. Four Winds
Press, 1980. All ages
This stunning black and white photographic essay illustrating the
parts of a violin and theirjelationship to each other will certainly
enhance any child's appreciation of both the visual and tonal beauty
of the stringed instruments.

Segovia, Andres, and George Mendoza Segovia: My Book of the Guitar.

William Collins Publishers, 1979 8-12
Andres Segovia shares his knowlege and techniques of playing the
guitar for the beginner Beautiful color photographs and excellent
black and white photos and diagrams make this book a superior
learning text Also included are a dictionary of musical terms and
thirteen pieces of music written by great guitar composers

Plays for Children

Alexander, Sue Whatever Happened to Uncle Albert? And Other Puzzling

Plays. Illus TOM Huffman Clarion Books, 1980 9 12
These four original plays, each a mystery, are great fun. One play
concerns a werewolf, one is a take-cff on Sherlock Holmes, one a
courtroom drama, and one a funny detective tale Each requires few
props. Simple enough to encourage children to act them out, funny
enough to keep the interest of the audience

Davis, Ossie Escape to Freedom. Viking Press. 1978 10 up

This play about the young Frederick Douglass captures the drama,
cruelty. and injustices of his early life Eventually he escape,, to
freedom in the Noith and becomes an advisor to Abraham Lincoln
He was the first black to hold a diplomatic post. and one of the first
to spelk for women's rights

Kraus. Joanna HalNrt The Dragon Hammer and the Tale of Oniroku:
Two Plays from the Far East. Illus Martsabina Russo New Plays
Books, 1977 7 10
These plays are designed as dramatic vehicles for children's groups
rind as an introduction to the art of reading plays Simple production
techniques suggested, charming illustrations can be helpful to young
producers Notes for parents and teachers included

Mahlmann. Lewis, and David Cadwalader Jones. Folk Tale Plays for
Puppets. Pays, 1980 8 up
Thirteen tolktales from around the world have been adapted for use
as puppet plays 1 he authors include production notes on what
kinds of puppets to use. types of costuming, sets, props, lighting, and
sound effects for each play' Includes 1 he Gingerbread Roy, Baba
Yaga, and other,
Plays for Children 381

Young, Ed, and HilarAfieckett. The Rooster's Horns: A Chinese Puppet

Play to Make and Perform. Illus. Ed Young. William Collins Pub-
lishers, 1978. 4-7.
The pourquoi tale His why the rooster crows each morning and digs
for worms. Direction.1 are given for preparing and presenting a
Shadow puppet play. F'ubleshed in cooperation with the U S Com-
mittee for UNICEF.

Additional Arts Books

Aliki. Go Tell Aunt Rhody Macmillan Publishing, 1974 4-7
Audsiey, James The Book of Ballet Rev ed Frederick Warne, 1968 12-16
Baylor. Byrd Sometimes I Dance Mountains. Illus Bill Sears and Ken
Longtemps Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973 6-9.
Boni. Margaret Bradford. Fireside Book of Folk Songs /Au for piano by
Norman Lloyd Illus Alice and Martin Provensen Simon & Schuster.
Borten, Helen Do You See What I See? Abelard-Scisuman, 1959 5 8
Carlson, Bernice Wells Act It Out Illus Laszlo Matulay Abingdon Press,
Chappell. Warren. adapter The Nutcracker Alfred A. Knopf. 1958 8-12
Chute. Marchette Stories from Shakespeare. World, 1956 12 16
Finch, Christopher. The Art of Walt Disney- From Mickey Mouse to the Magic
Kingdom. Harry N Abrams, Publishers. 1975. All ages
Garson. Eugenia. and,Herbert Haufrecht, eds The Laura Ingalls Wilder Song-
book. Illus Garth Williams Harper & Row. Publishers. 1968 9-up
Glubok, Shirley The Art of the New American Nation Macmillan Publishing.
1972 8-12
1,-Hawkinson, John Pastels Ae Great' Albert Whitman. 1968 7 12
Hofsinde, Robert Indian Music Makers. William Morrow. 1967 7 I I
Langstaff, John. adapter Frog Went A-Courtin' filus Feodor Rojankossky
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1955
Langstaff, John The Swapping Bov Illus Beth and loe Kr ash Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1960 9 12
Macaulay, David. Cathedral The Story of Ps Construction Houghton Mifflin.
1973 9 12
Ma:colmson, Anne The Song of Robin Hood Music arranged by Grace
Castagnetta Illu, Virginia Burton Houghton Mifflin. 1947 9 up
Mills. Alan The Hungry Goat Illus Abner Graboff Rand kicNally. 1964
All ages
Price. Christine The Story of Moslem Art E P Dutton. 1964 It) 14
Prokofieff, Serge' Peter and the Kolf Illus Frans Haacken Franklin Watts,
Seeger. Ruth C American Folksongs for Children Illus Barbara C ooney
Doubleday, 1948 All ages
Sendak. Maurice Really Rosie Starring the .nutshell Aids Music by Carole
King. Harper & Row, Publishers. 1975 8 up
Spier, Peter The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night. Doubleday. 1961 4 up
Spilka. Arnold Paint All Kincis of Pictures H^nry Z Walck. 1963 7 12
Zemach, Harve. Mommy, Buy Me a China Doll. Illds Mergot Zemach Farrar.
Straus & Giroux, 1975 5 8


History of Language

Arnold, Oren. What's in a Name: Famous Brand Names. Julian Messner,

1979. 8-12.
The first Frisbee was a pie plate from the Frisbee bakery. A man
4- took a long lunch hour and overmixed some soap and the slogan, "it
Floats!" was borti. The author explains the naming and development
of such products as the zipper, Levis, and Chiclets.
Glazer, Tom. All about Your Name, Anne. Illus. Demi. Doubt -day, 1978.
A delightful collection of information about suh famous Annes as
Raggedy Ann, Princess Anne, Annie Laurie, and Anne Morrow
Lindbergh. The book includes a recipe for Potatoes Anna, a jump
rope rhyme for Anne, and a`"Song for Anne," written by the author.
One of the All About Your Name series.
Greenfeld, Howard. Summer Is icimien In: Our Ever-Changing Language.
Crown Publishers, 1978. 10-up.
Using brief chapters this book gives an interesting introduction to
the history of the English language. Topics such as early linguistic
roots, the influence of the dictionary, altered word meanings, euphe-
mise s, and slang are included.
Hazen, Barbara Shook. Last, First, Middle and Nick: Al! about Names.
illus. Sam Weissman. Prentice-Hall, 1979 8-12.
Names have interesting stories and this book is packed full of
short, fascinating bits of information about all kinds of names.
Historical studies, coincidental quirks, and structural forms are dis-
cussed. Nearly every page has a humorous drawing or decoration.
An excellent book for an interest center.
Schwartz. Alvin, compiler. Chin Music: Tall Talk and Other Tin. Illus.
John O'Brien. J. B. Lippincott, 1979. 8- 12.
From A to Y, examples of folk idioms active from 1815 to 1950
are given. Chin music is what people say when they sit around and
talk. Many words are made up, such as "a snitch" for a small

Vocabulary 383

amount and "a do-little" for a lazy person. Glossary and source
notes are useful.
Steckler, Arthur. 101 Words and How They Began. Illus James Flora.
Doubleday. 1979. 7-IQ.'
Common words from our everyday language andithOr derivatives
are carefully explained and illustrated. 'An enticing Kok to enrich
the vocabulary as.,the reader discovers tha, words like "hamburger"
a.,c1 "sandwich" were named after real persons. Ninety-nine other
interesting facts.
eiss. Ann E. What's That You Said? How Words Change. Illus Jim
Arnosky Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980 7- 10
This introduction to the origin of common words is cleverly pre-
4 sented and written for the young reader Used for enrichment or
independent study, this book can help the student learn how the
meanings of words have changed over the centuries.



Banchek, Linda. Snake In, Snake Out Illus Elaine Arnold Thomas Y
Crowell, 1978. 6-9.
Humorous and detailed drawings of an elderly lady, her snake, and
her parrot illustrate the words "in, out, on, up, oser, off, down, and
under "The author presents a unique way to teach prepositions and
provide fun in practicing reading.
Basil, Cynthia. Breakfast in the Afternoon. Illus Janet McCaffery.
William Morrow, 1974. 7 40.
Cympound words are presented in gu:ssingiamc fashion, the
arkswers are given when the page is flipped More compound lords
are pictured than are mentioned in the text. adding to the challenge
of the book Bright pink. orange, and purple illustrations put- this
book in a superstar category.
Halsey, William D , and Christopher G. Morris, editors The Magic World
of Words: A Very First Dictionary. Macmillan Publishing, 1977 6 9
This first dictionary for Farty readers has nearly 1500 words and 500
brightly colored illustr6tions. A special alphabet page begins each
letter section Excellent format
Hanson, Joan. Plurals. Lerner Publications, 1979. 7 10
The rule for forming plurals is given in three sentences in the intro-
duction. As the reader tarns the pages, on the left page is an example
of the singular form and on the right page is the same word in plural

384 Language

form. HuMorous sketches add to the visual appeal Also recom-

mended is Possessives Words That Show Ownership.
Krensky, Stephen. My First Dictionary. Illus. George Ulrich, Houghton
Mifflin, 1980. 5-7.
This new addition to the American Heritage Dictionary line, includes
over 1,600 main entry words, including the 500 most frequently used
in children's reading materials Every word used in the definitions is
entered in the vdiume. Sample sentences illustrate words in contexts
and further clarify their meanings. Full -color illustrations
Kudrna, C Imbic- Two-Way Words. Illus by author Abingdon Press,
1980. 6-9
Common homophones and homographs are simply defined in this
little picture book. The black and white drawings further a:d
Lippman, Peter Peter Lippman's One and Only Wacky Word Nok.
Golden Press, 1979. 8-12.
These busy, labeled illustrations are designed to make middle graders
giggle An "Ugh Page" pictures a moldy cucumber, fish guts, and
a dead mouse Other pages detail the Junk in a giant's pocket and
CB radio talk.
Maestro, Betsy Busy Day: A Book of Action Words. Illus. Giulio Maestro
Crown Publishers, 1978 6 -9
Colorful pictures tell the story of an elephant and a clown who
go through their busy day at the circus Each page portrays the
away ity of the single word printed on it 1 he word is always a
verb in gerund form waking, marching, waving Useful for models
during language studies
Miller, Carolyn Handler Illustrated T.V. Dictionary. Illus Michael Sporn
Harvey House, Publishers, 1980 8-up
Definitions , I. numerous TV terms from ABC to ioom are presented
with clever black and white illustrations and easy-to-read text. A
brief history of television and an explanation of the growth and
popularity of this medium are also given
Rosenbloom, Joseph Daffy Dictionary: Fur Abridged Definitions from
Aardvark to Zuider Zee. Illus. Joyce Behr Sterling Publishing. 1977
ill 12
This humorous. yet meaningful language skills hook supplies numer-
ous opportunities for development through word play It provides
the introduction to and practice for using more difficult dictionaries
Example- candidate (KAN-di-dayt), a film with a sugar coating
(candied date). Black and white cartoon-like illustrations and inde:.
Writing 385


Barrol, Grady,. The Little Book of Anagrams. Illus. Liz View. Harvey
House, Publishers, 1973. 8-12.
Children enjoy word anagrams where they rearrange letters in words
to make new words. 'This book attempts something more complex,
sentence anagrams. "A decimal point" can be reordered to read, "I'm
a dot in place." "Hibernate" becomes "Bear's in." Useful for encour-
aging'students to write their own wordplays.
Bernstein, Joanne E. Fiddle with a Riddle: Write Your Own Riddles. Illus.
Giulio Maestro. E. P. Dutton, 1979. 8
This excellent writing enrichment book discusses eight basic ways of
developing riddles. Teachers may despair about the finishe &products,
but the writing process is what's important in this bock. Very useful
ideas; humorously illustrated.
Cassedy, Sylvia. In Y'ur Own Words: A Beginner's Guide to Writing.
Doubleday, 1979. I2-up.
A good source book for students who wish to express themselses
through the medium of writing. The auth.)r addresses the areas of
fiction, nonfiction, and poetry and suggests that skill in writing can
be developed by attending to specific detail.
Greenfeld, Howard. Books: From Writer to Reader. Crown Publishers,
1976. 8-12.
Budding young authors, as well as those just curious about the
techniques of bookmaking, are fascinated with the information found
in this comprehensive voiume. People and processes arc emphasized,
from the author's first Idea through the writing, editing, printing, and
binding of the finished book:
Morrison, Bill Squeeze a Sneeze. Houghton Mifflin, 1977 6 9.
The rhyme-maker man, sitting under a tree, suggests putting words
together into new and funny rhymes, such as "Can you tickle a pickle
for a nickle?" This clever book helps to develop a feel for words and
encourages experimentation.
Tarbox, Todd. Imagine and Make Up Your Own Book. Todd Tarbox
Books, 1977. All ages.
Children's writing is juxtaposed with dramatic black and white
photographs to create a striking and imaginative book that may
inspire children to make their own books

386 Language

Addtonsl Lingusge Books

Asimov, Isaac Words from History. Illus Barss Houghton Mifflin,
1968. 9 -up.
Basil, Cynthia. Nadheads and Potato Eyes Illus Janet McCaffery William
Morrow, 1976 5-8.
Kohn, Bernice. What a Funny Thing to Say Illus. it. 0. Blackman Dial Press,
Ogg, Oscar The 26 Letters. 2d ed. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1961 12-up

Costume Making

Gates, Frieda. FAsy to Make Monster Masks and DisguLes. Harvey

House, Pultishers, 1979. 8-up.
Directions for a collection of monster masks from materials such as
paper, Cloth, boxes, foil, foam rubber, and straw are given. Black
and white illustrations.
Meyer, Carolyn. Mask Magic, Illus. Melanie Gaines Arwin. Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 197g. 10-up.
Historical lore of masks as instruments of magic and celebration is
'interestingly told. Organized around seasons and holidays, the book
can be used to bring memorable experiences into the I:ves of childan.
Direttions for creating masks are explicit and clearly illustrated with
jnk drawings so that students can follow them independently.
Mooser, Stephen. Monster Fun. Illus. Dana Herkelrath. Julian Messner,
1979. 8-12. \
Eaiy-ro-follow directions using simple materials show the reader how
to be transformed into a moncitr. Hints on how to throw a monster
bash and transform a house into a chamber of horrors are given.
Photographs and black and white illustrations.
Schnurnbcrger, Lynn Ede linen. Kings, Quen., Knights & Jesters: Making
Medieval Costumes. Illus. Alan Robert Showe. Photographs by
Barbara Brooks and Pamela Hort. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.
Published in association with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, this
-book provides deal, workable instructions for making medieval
costumes. Handsomely illustrated with photographs of reproductions
of museurn,treasures and children making and wearing costumes, it
is a visual int-oduction to the world of the middle ages.
Sichel, Marion. Co.'ume Reference 7: The Edwtrdians. Illus. by author.
Plays, 1978. in -up.
This volume is excellent resource material for student.; of costume
design. Many details are included and the costume Oates are excel-

388 Crafts

lent. Glossary, bibliography and index. A companion book is Cos-

. fume Reference 8: 1918-1939.

Dratvin., Painting, Printing \

A.nes, Lee J. Draw 50 Buildings and Other Structures. Doubled y, 1980.
Step-by-step illustrations include the Empire State huilding, the
tower of Pisa, the Parthenon, an American Indian tepee, the
Brooklyn Bridge, and a native house in Sumatra The drawings are
ambitious, but worth the effort. Based on the theory that "mimicry is
prerequisite ,;reativity," this is one in a popular series of how-to-
. draw books. Also recommended are Draw 50 Famous Cartoons,
Draw 50 Famous Facer, a Id Draw 50 Dinosaurs.
Emberley, Ed. Ed Emberley's Big Orange Drawing Book. Little, Brown,
1980. 8-, up.
The author, in his unique style, has written another fun, easy draw-
ing book with step-by-step instructions on how to draw people and
animals using line and circle combinations Illustrations in black and
orange appropriately show off the numerous Halloween drawings

Emberley Ed. Ed nnberley's Great 1 quinbprint Drawing Book. Little,

Brown, 1977. 7-10.
In a format made familiar by the artist's other drawing books,
.,ketches show how :mole thumbprints can In made into a variety of
faces, animals, and other objects by adding lines squiggles, and
circles Easy-ti, . ,low directions and many examples encourage
children to explore the technique.

Hawkinson, John. Pat, Swish, Twist and the- Story of Patty Swish.
Photographs by Sue Long. Albert Whitman, 1978 6 up.
The first part of this book presents watercolor pictures of a small
animal named Patty Swish. The reader may supply the words to the
story. The second part gives informatiO'n about materials for painting
and demonstrates very clearly the technique of pat, swish, and twist
with watercolors

Pettit. Floreh'ee H The Stamp-Pad Printing Book, Illus. by author.

Photographs by Robert M. Pettit Thomas Y Crowell, 1979. 10 12.
Greet' ig cards, wrapping paper, statione'y. and bookmarks are but
a few items that can be created from inexpensive materials using a
stamp pad and paper. The clear text along with photographs and
diagrams eknbine to make this a handy, entertaining source for
home or school. Index and sources of supplies included
Paper Crafts 389

Rauch, Hans-Georg. The Lines Are Coming. Charles Scribner's Sons,

1978. 7-up.
Aspiring artists will enjoy the black and white drawings that demon-
strate how simple lines, used in various combinations, make pictures.
Perspective, shape, and shadow tell a story. Focus is on the po of
the pen stroke.
Savage, Lee Aldo's Doghouse: Drawing in Perspective. Coward, McCann
& Geoghegan, 1978. 7-10.
The principles of drawing in perspective are illustrated in a step-by-
step manner. Children will be interested in practicing the easy steps
shown in this cartoon story. Home or school use.
WarshaW, Jerry. The Funny Drawing Book. Photographs by DicK Masek
Albert Whitman. 1978. 7-10.
Artistic shapes are given as a basis from which to d,aw. Attention is
called to til° lac that these basic shape can be seen everywhere one
looks. Step-by-step drawings are provided and many clear photos

Paper Crafts

Borja, Robert, and Corinne Borja. Making Chinese Papercuts. Albert

Whitman, !980. 10-12.
The history of Chinese papercutting is told with beautiful illustra-
tions of various intricate papercuts. Instructions are given for sever.1
beginning projects that the reader can try
Comins, Jeremy. Vans to Build from Cardboard. Illus. by author ,Lothrop.
Lee & Shepard Books, 1978 8-12.
Just the right book for the amateur builder. gives a brief history of
van development and includes a metric conversion chart. suggested
readings. and an index. S: p-tv-step directions for twelve types are
given for building and mjdi' the basic cardboard van Drawings
and photographs clarify 0,,
Hawkesworth, Eric. Paper Cuttiag: li,lakirg All Kinds of Paper Shapes
and Figures. Illus by author and Margaret Hawkesworth S G
Phillips. 1977. 10 -up
Through words and Igrams, directions are given for pro( -ng
with simple materials two- and three-dimensional objects to usein
Inclided are the texts for nine traditional tales to tell
Hou-lien, Cheng crlssor Cutting for Beginners. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 19Th 8-up.
Paper cutting, a simple and unique Chinese art form. is introduced
in a very clear way with concise directions and illustrations Each

30 S
390 Crafts

letter and number is shown in a series of easy-to-follow steps. A

practical book for school or home

Linsley, Leslie. Decoupage for Young Crafters. Photographs by Jon Aron.

E P. Dutton, 1977. 7-11.
Paint, paste, cutout paper designs, and varnish are the everyday
materials needed to try one's hand at the craft of decoupage. Nine
projects are shown in dear step-by-step photographs

Norvell, Flo Ann Hed ley The Great Big Box Book, Photographs by
Richard W. Mitchell. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979. 10-up.
Sixteen suggestions for making playhoust.s, tepees, cannons, walkie-
talkie helmets. and other play items are clearly described in this
attractive craft book. Photographs and diagrams make the step-by-
step directions clear to the builder. Children need assistance with the
more difficult constructions.
Weiss, Harvey. Working with Cardboard and Paper. Illus. by author.
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978. 10-12,
This useful book for older children introduces cardboard and its
creative uses How to cut, bend, and join cardboard is clearly shown
in drawings and photographs The last chapter explains how paper is
maae. A helpful tool for class projects.

Toy Making

Bourke, Linda. Making Soft Dinos: A Dinosaur Craft Book. 11lus Russell
Burbank Harvey House, Publishers, 1980. 10 12
How to make dinosaurs from material or paper is presented with
numerous illustrations Clew and detailed text leads the skilled
crafter through the somewhat intricate steps in making these delight-
ful creatures
Lofgren, Ulf Swedish Toys, Dolls and Gifts You Can Make Yourself.
William Collins, Publishers, 1978 8 up
Beautiful, quality handicrafts for which the Swedish people are noted
are clearly illustrated in color Background notes are supplied along
with simple and clear directions for making the objects. Christmas,
Easter, and other seasonal events are incli.dcd Many projects could
be correlated with the study of Swedish folklore

Wrigley, Elsie Soft Toys. Illus. by author Frederick Warne, 1977 8 12

Clear instructions are given for making simple soft toys from pieces
of material or scraps of heavy plastic. The simple drawings picturing
each step of the j:Twects encourage readers to try this craft


Herda, D. J., and Judy bock Hertia. Carpentry for Kids. Illus. William
Jaber. Julian Messner, 1780. 10-up.
This concise guide cont..ining eleven projects gives basic information
about woodworking materials, hand and power tools, fasteners, and
finishes. The book issues a safety warning and advises adult super-
vision. A good beginner's guide.

Torre. Frank D. Woodworking for KiJs. Doubleday, 1978. 10 -12.

This book discusses basic tools available in most homes and 'ow Lo
use them safely for woodwor king and wood finishing. Step-by-step
directions and plenty of photographs guide the beginner in simple
projects. Included are ecology boxes, checkerboards, planters, and
chopping blocks.

Weiss, Peter. Scrap Wood Craft. 111us Sally Gralla Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, :1977. 10-12.
The care and use of basic world crafting tools is given and many
'nter _sting projects are st ggesred using scrap wood. Although the
author emphasins using wood :craps, the text serves as an excellent
how-to-do-it book for beginning ,.!rious woodworkers

Various Handicrafts

Arnold, Susan Riser. Eggshells to Objects: A New Approach to Egg Craft.

Illus. by author. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979 10- 12.
Craft artists who like to make decorations and homemade gifts can
assemble the simple materials needed, follow the readable directions,
and design their own eggshell art Illustraticls clarify the text A
variety of patterns is supplied. Index.

Berry, Roland. Easy to Make Contraptions. Harvey House, Publishers,

1978. 8-12.
After suggestions are given for finding needed materials, more than
fifty interesting contraptions ',re described in clear, concise language
Helpful diagrams assist the project maker. Practice in metric system
measurement is provided. Supervision not necessary.

Cramblit, Joella, and Jo Ann Loebel. Flowers Are for Keeping: How to
Dry Flowers and Make Gifts and Decorations. Julian Messner, 1979
Flower lovers can enjoy the products of their gardens all year round
with the many helpful sugge:lions offered in this book. How to dry
and preserve flowers and o'.her plants for bouquets and arrangements

392 Crafts

is discussed in text and illustrated with photographs and clear

drawings Practical homemade gift suggestions.

Crook, Beverly Courtney Invite a Bird to Dinner: Simple Feeders You

Can Make. Illus Tom Huffman Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Books.
1978.8 12
Instructions for constructing various types of bird feeders are gisen
with sound suggestions for ease of building and for safety features
Some fine recipes are included and riany terms and types of foods
are defined Clever informative drawings enhance this very practical
and interesting book

Feiden, Kaien L hasket Weaving. Illus Sandra Little Emerson Books,

1979. 10 up.
The traditional craft of basket weaving is explained and directions
for some simple. practical. and decorative objects are given Expla-
nations of tools, supplies, and the unique properties of weaving
materials are also included Index. bibliography, and sources listed

Fisher, Timothy. }Pits, Hovels & Houses. Illus. Kathleen Kolb Addison-
Wesley Publishing, 1977. 10-12
For budding builders and or architects, this book gives directions
on how to build houses made of cans, milk cartons. neusparer logs.
snow. sod. and hay bales, among others Windmills, greenhouses,
and solar heating techniques are briefly discussed Familiarity with
some building terms would be helpful Useful in gifted programs
The Great Big Golden Make It & Do It Book Golden Press. 1980 7 up
A craft book with somc:hing to do every day of the year includes
magic tricks, games, puitles, nature crafts. hobbies, art crafts, and
science experiments. Each activity is ,-anked according to difficulty
Clear illustrations and concise directions

Haas, Carolyn, Ann Cole, and Barbara Naftrgei Backyard Vacation:

Outdoor Fun in Your Own Neighborhood. Illus Roland Rodegast
Little. Brown. 1980 10 up
I his unique craft book contains activity ideas planned for your own
backyard Games. nature projects. neighbiktiood gatherings such as
ice cream socials, outdoor theatre. and county fairs are described
Numerous drawings add to the text

Hodgson. Mary Anne, and Josephine Ruth Paine Fast and Easy Needle-
point. Photographs by Michael Pitts and Richard Foulkes Double-
day, 1978.8 12
A helpful book for beginners with clear directions. diagrams. and
photographs Basic needlepoint stitches are given and mei\ e simple.

Various Handicrafts 393

attractive patterns are shown. The reader is guided into original

designs for practical objects such as belts, pillows, and tennis racquet

Miller, Lynne. Make Your Own Thing: Games, Puzzles, Gimmicks &
Gifts. illus. William Hogarth. Julian Messner, 1979. 10- up,
This book of instructions on how to make games, puzzles, and
handicrafts presents many interesting and simple projects for young
people. Numerous drawings highlight the text.

Roche, P. K. Dollhouse Magic: How to Make and Find Simple Dollhouse

Furniture. Illus. Richard Cuffari. Photographs by John Knott Dial
Press, 1977. 10-up.
Detailed directions and clear sketches guide the hobbyist in creating
dollhouse furnishings from scrap materials found at home. A useful
book for teachers, parents, and children.

Ross, Laura. Scrap Puppets: How to Make and Move Them. Illus. Frank
Ross, Jr. Photographs by George Dec. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1978. 9-up.
Four basic kinds of puppets are described: hand, rod, shadow, and
marionettes. Materials used are mainly scraps or inexpensive items
The thirteen ideas presented are clearly explained and illustrated with
diagrams and photographs. Ideal suggestions for folktale characters.
Simons, Robin. Recyclopedia: Games, Science Equipment, and Crafts
from Recycled Materials. Illus. by author. Houghton Mlfllin, 1976
A sampling of projects using materials that are usually disc ,rded
from homes or businesses is shown. Innovative and resourceul items
to make include water clocks, pinhole cameras, prints, tops, flip
books, and others. Developed by the Boston Children's Museum.

Thomsen, Neil, and Ruth Thomson. Fairground Games to Make and

Play. Illus. Chris McEwar. J B. Lippincott 1978 7 10.
All the fun and excitement of a fair are brought to the reader in the
brightly colored pictures of this attractive handicraft book. T here are
step-by-step illustrations showing how to construct toys, games, and
other fun activities. A rainy day book for home or school

Wiseman, Ann. Making Musical Things: Improvised Instruments. Charles

Scribner's Sons, 1979. 8 12.
An extensive array of musical instruments made from easily obtain-
able materials is described in words and Illustrations Many different
sk.11 lel els are represented but younger children may need assistance
Resource list.


Zubrowski, Bernie. A Children's Museum Activity Bock: Bubbles. illus.

Joan Drescher. Little, Brown, 1979. 8-12.
This fun guide to the art of blowing bubbles includes how to make
gigantic and unusual bubbles and bubble sculpture. Other books in
this series include Milk Carton Blocks and Ball-Point Pens.

Additional Crafts Books

Bank-Jensen, Thea. Play with Paper. Translated by Virginia Allen Jensen. Mac-
millan Publishing, 1962. G-12.
Cummings, Richard. 101 Masks. David McKay, 1968. 8- 14.
D'Amato, Alex, and Janet D'Amato. Colonial Crafts for You to Make. Julian
Messner, 1975. 10-np.
Hirsch, S Carl. Printing from a Stone: The Story of Lithography. Viking Press,
1967. 10-16.
Marks, Mickey. Collage. Photos by David Rosenfeld. Dial Press, 1968 7-up.
Samson, Anne. Lines, Spine- and Porcupines. Doubleday. 1969. 5-9
Seidelman, J. E., and Grace Mintoyne. Creating with Clay. Crowell-Collier,
1967.9 -12.
Simon, Seymour. The Paper Airplane Book. Illus Byron Barton Viking Press,
1971. 8-12.
Weiss, Harvey. Clay, Wood, and Wire. Illus with classic sculpture selected by the
author. Scott, Foresman, 1956. 10-14.

4( 1.t,-.1


Blanchet, Francoise, and Rinke Doornekamp. What to Do with . . . an

Egg. Barron's Educational Series, 1979. 8-10.
The author, an inexperienced cook, shares simple and nourishing
recipes with her readers. Sequential pictures with clearly worded
directives tempt the young cook. Table of contents and safety pre-
cautions are included. Other recommended titles in the series are
What to Do with . . . a Potato and What to Do with . . . Fruit.
Cauley, Lorinda Bryan. Pease-Porridge Hot: A Mother Goose Cookbook.
Illus. by author. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. 4-7.
Stories and nursery rhymes inspired recipes for this cookbook.
The up-to-date recipes are nutritious and delightfully matched with
full-page pen and ink illustrations. A glossary of cooking terms
encourages socabulary development. Use to extend enjoyment and
understanding of well-known fairy tales and rhymes.

Cooper, Jane. Love at First Bite: Snacks and Mealtime Treats the Quick
and Easy Way. Illus. Sherry Streeter. Alfred A. Knopf, 1977. 9-11.
The recipes and format of this large cookbook are very attractive
and appealing, Helpful information is given at the beginning of the
book on how to get started and what to do while cooking. Recipes
are indexed.
Gretz, Susanna, and Alison Sage. Tedd)bean Cookbook. Illus. Susanna
Gretz. Doubleday, 1978. 8-12.
Recipes for Mooncake, Surprise Eggs, and Celery Trees are illus-
trated by brightly colored cartoons of bears at work preparing each
dish. The twenty-three easy-to-follow recipes include snacks, salads,
drinks, and desserts. Measurements are given in ounces and pints
rather than tablespoons and cup!. A table of equivalents is included.
Huang, Paul C. The Illustrated Step -by -Step Beginner's Cookbook. Illus.
Joseph Daniel Fiedler and Michael McQuaide. Four Winds Press,
1980. 12-up.
Here is an excellent cookbook for the beginner. The author presents

396 Hobble,

his cooking methods in detailed step-by-step drawings Recipes are

included for breakfasts, lunches. and dinners, along with a variety of
different cuisines including Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian. and
South American.
Katzman. Susan Man lin. For Kids Who Cook: Recipes and Treats. Illus
Edward J Kohorst. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977 9 12
Clearly written recipes, dtsigned to follow the calendar year. are fun
to make, good iu eat, and ensure success Both metric and standard
measurements are used and cooking terms are defined. Most of the
recipes have child appeal; kitchen safety is stressed Contains puzzles,
cartoons, jokes, and riddles.

Paul, Aileen. The Kids' Diet Cookbook. Illus John De Lulio. Doubleday.,
1980. 10-up.
Excellent nutritional advice is offered in this diet cookbook for
young people Suggestions for losing weight, counting calories. and
keeping records are included, along with good low-calorie recipes
Easy-to-follow format
Siegel, Alice, and Margo McLoone. The Herb & Spice Book for Kids.
Illus Gwen Brodkin. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. 7 10.
A recipe format, readable instructions. and interesting ideas combine
to make this how-to herb book fun and informative Four sections
include gifts to make, crazy cure-alls (including one for removing
freckles), food recipes, and instructions for growing herbs Useful
for home or classroom experimenting

Steinkoler, Ronnie A Jewish Cookbook for Children. Illus Sonja

Glassman Julian Messner. 1980. 8 12
Jewish cooking has a long heritage and each holiday has food
associated with it 1 he celebrations are introduced and ha ncicd-down
recipes appropriate to each are given, all in accordance with dietary
laws. Caoking, safety tips, and measurements tables arc provided
Thirty-six cooking terms are defines. Black and waste sketches

Walker, Barbara M. The Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods from

Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories. Illus Garth Williams Harper
& Row, Publishers. 1979 8 12
Useful as a supplement to the Little House series, this cookbook also
stands well alone as an interesting collection of information on
pioneer cooking Recipes are given for pioneer food, discussed in the
Wilder books Many quotations from those hooks are used relating
to the recipes

Watson, Pauline, and editors of Crielsei Magazine. Cricket's C'ookery,

Illus. Marylin Hafner Random House. 1977 7 10
An excellent cookbook for young cooks Simplified recipes and
directions (many sct .o a familiar melody for singing) are given for
Gardening 397

food that is both tasty and nourishing. Illustrations are delightful

and helpful.
Zweifel, Frances. Pickle *ii the Middle and Other Easy Snacks. Harper &
Row, Pub!,Sfiers, 1979. 6-8.
Recipes ire this cookbook intended for the primary aged child do not
require using a stove or knives. Simple, easy directions for preparing
snacks kids will enjoy using such favorites as bananas, bologna,
chocolate, and peanuts are provided. Colorful, easy to read.


Herds, D. J. Vegetables in a Pot. Illus. Kathy Fritz McBride. Julian

Messner, 1979. 9-12.
Using black and white photos and sketches, all phases of growing
vegetables in h pot are shown. From selecting the container and
preparing the soil to actual planting and care, each step is carefully
demonstrated. Germination time and expected growth of twerty-
eight vegetables and addresses of seed catalog companies are given.
Johnsen, Jan. Gardening without Soil. J. B. Lippincott, 1979. 10-12.
Hanging carrots, coleus cuttings, hydroponic tomatoes, summer vege-
tables grown in plastic "pillows": these are among the relatively sim-
ple and inexpensive projects described in this well-organized and
clearly illustrated book. Most of the projects can do double duty
in the classroom, adding both to the ler -ning environment and
the decor.
Krasner, Jack. Plant Hobbies: A Beginner's Book of Gardening Projects,
Principles, and Pleasures."Illusi Berne Holman. William Collins,
Publishers, 1978. 8-12.
While plants are essential to our survival, we can also enjoy their life-
enriching qualities. Nineteen simple garden hobbles, plant experi-
ments, and art projects, like weed weaving, are demonstrated in
black and white sketches. Addresses of plant suppliers are given.
Kramer, Jack. Queen's Tears and Elephant's Ears: A Guide to Growing
Unusual Houseplants. thus. Michael Valdez and Robert Johnsk.n.
William Collins, r"blishers, 1977. 9-12.
Sound advice for indoor gardening is given in a brief, readable text
highlighting thirty-three unusual house plants. Each double-page
spread gives a description with a black and white drawing of the
plant and its namesake. Snake plants, Venus's flytraps, and kite
orchids are some of the plants used. Index.
Lavine, Sigmund A. Wonders of Terrariums. Illus. Jane O'Regan. Dodd,
Mead, 1977. 8-12.
All aspects of terrariums are discussed, from their origin to the
398 Hobbies

unique creations that readers car make Instructions for selecting

containers and appropriate plants and for assembling the terrariums
are go,en in clear terms with many diagrams and black and white
photographs A useful resource for indoor gardeners

Paul, Aileen. Kids Outdoor Gardening. Illus John Del ullo Doubleday,
1978. 8-12.
An idea for growing initials lb the garden and mans other interesting
garden projec,s are described. Materials, equipment, and directions
are given for flower and vegetable gardens Helpful diagrams com-
plement the text. Planting chart and index ale included


Hess, Jeff. Mack. illus. Kevin Pedersen. Creative Education, 1979 7-10
Magic depends on both the magician's skill and the audience's will-
ingness to believe. The book gives a bit of magic's history and sug-
gests ways to handle an audience, along with several easy tricks
requiring some preparation and pratice. Cartoonlike drawings.

Kraske, Robert Magicians Do Amazing Things. Illus. Richard Bennett

Random House, 1979. 7 10
Six of the greatest tricks of magic are clearly explained in a format
designed for easy Nading. Among them are Houdini's walk through
a brick wall, the Indian basket trick, and the floating princess
Appealing for young magicians, the book is well illustrated

Krontek, Allan Zola. fhe Secrets of Alkazar: A Book of Magic. Illus

Tom Huffman Four Winds Press, 1980. 10-up
A readable, well-written manual for aspiring magicians Clear line
drawings illustrate the tricks Showmanship is the overall theme The
author presents general principles for doing tricks, points out the
pitfalls, and shows how to do convincing illusions.

Reed, Graham Magical Mimics You Can Do. Illus Dennis Patten
Elsevier, Nelson Books, 1980 8 12
This book introduces the world of magic tricks, go.ing many hints
on how to prepare the tricks and carry them out dramaticall} 1 he
illustrations help the young magician sec the steps to each illusion.
A nice start for a future Blackstone.
Wyler, Rose, and Gerald Ames. It's All Done with Nutlibers: Astounding
and Confounding Feats of Mathematical Magic. Illus Carter Jones.
Doubleday j979. IC- up
Numbers and calculations play a significant role in magic, prediction,


Models 399

and mindreading. Here are directions for magic tricks and explana-
tions of why and how they work. Hints and ide-s for practicing and
performing art also included. For beginning magicians and people
who like to read about numbers


Freeman. Tony. An Introduction ta-Radio-ControllectSailplanes. Photo-

graphs by author. Childrens Press, 1979. 10- 12.
Flying radio-controlled sailplanes is a growing hobby in the United
States. Here is an introduction to the sport written for the beginner
ar.d describing the equipment and techniques necessary to operate
these models. Excellent color photographs encourage the reader to
try this sport.
Weiss. Harvey. How to Run a Railroad: Everything You Need to Know
about Model Trains. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 8-up.
A model railroading guide to help the begmner construct an inex-
pensive train layout. The simple pictures and drawings are helpful in
planning and building train collections. 4
Weiss, Harvey. Model Buildings and How to Make Them. Illus. by author
a Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979. 10-up.
Careful directions and clear illustIktions and photographs character-
ize this book on how to make model buildings. The two sections
deal with cardboard and wood. Tool requirements and procedures
are explained. Of interest to the future architect.


Laycock, George. Th Complete Beginner's Guide to Photography. Dou-

bleday, 1979. 10-up.
This helpful book from The Complete Beginner's Guide series clearly
describes how a camera works, how to select one, techniques for use.
and the developing of film. Many illustrative photographs show what
good pictures should look like.
Leen, Nina. Taking Pictures. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1977 4 7
An imaginative book for kindergarteners written by a famous
photographer who believes that photography teaches children to
obserVe and stretch their creativity, Basic photographic directions.
using items from the child's world, are shown in black and white
photographs. The author explains how to invent stories and make

400 Hobbies

Levine, Michael L. Moviemaking: A Guide for Beginners. Charles Scrib-

ner's Sons, 1980. 8-12.
This simple guide to making movies is illustrated with excellent
black and white r.otographs. Step-by-step directions from how to
plan the story and rehearse it to techniques of filming make this a
good aid for the young filmmaker.
Thurman, Judith, and Jonathan David. The Magic Lantern: How Movies
Got to Move. Atheneum,4978. 8-12.
The long and gradual development of the art of photography is
traced in a simple manner through the text and many illustrations.
When the book pages are flipped quickly, the silhouette of the acro-
bat in the upper right-hand corner demonstrates the principle of
motion pictures. One picture flows into the next.

Various Hobbies

Ganz, David L. The World of Coins and Coin Collecting. Charles Scrib-
ner's Sons, 1980. I2-up.
This comprehensive volume on coins and coin collecting includes a
general introduction to numismatics and information for the begin-
ner on how to build a coin collection. For the serious collector it
includes,a chapter on investment. A complete list of sources, bibli-
ography, and index are appended. Excellent illustrations and photo-
Henriod, Lorraine. Ancestor Hunting. Illus !met Potter D'Amato Julian
Messner, 1979. 9-12.
Emphasizing each individual's uniqueness, this book is an excellent
source for teaciting or learning beginning genealogy It has examples
of pedigree, family group charts, and even how to rub a gravestone.
Gives instructions on compiling information and makes suggestions
for special projects. Black and white illustrations, glossary, and index

Olney, Ross R. The Amazing Yo-Yo: Photographs by Chan Bush.

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1980. 8 up.
A fascinating history of the yo-yo from its beginnings in the primeval
jungles to the modern yo-yo Directions for basic manipulations plus
numerous tricks are described and illustrated by black and white
photos. .

Sarnoff, Jane. A Great Aquarium Book: The Putting rIt-Together Guide

for Beginners. Illus. Reynold Ruffins. Charles Scribner'sons, 1977.
10 up.
Thorough, detailed, and explicit information is given for starting an
aquarium. Facts are interspersed with bits of advice and humor. The

Yarious Hobbies 401

assortment of color, and types, scientific drawings, and cartoons

makes the subject appealing to youngsters.

Additional Hobby Books'

Brown, Vinson. How to Make a Horn, Nature Museum Illus Don G. Kelly
Little, Brown, 1954. 10-12. 1

Cooper, Elizabeth K. Science in Your Own Backyard. Harcourt Brace Jovano-

vich, 1958. 9-12.
de Regniers, Beatrice -^henk and Isabel Gordon. The. Shadow Book. Photos by
Isabel Gordo. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1960. 4-8.
Ij kson, Burton. Coin Collecting as a Hobby. Sterling Publishing, 1967 10-up
I, Aileen. Kids Gardening. Illus. Arthur Hawkins. Doubleday, 1972 9-12.
libwers, William K. here Is Your Hobby: Indian Ddncing and Customs. J P
Putnam's Som., 1966. 10-16.
Stein, Sara Bonnett. How to Raise a Puppy. Photos by Robert Wzinreb Random
House, 1976. 6-10.
Wyler, Rose, and Gerald Am_s. Magic Secrets. Illus Talivaldis Stubis. Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1967. 7-up


Curiosities and Wonders


Charlie Brown's Fourth Super Book of Questions and Answers about All
/ Kinds of People and How They Live! Random House, 1979. 7-10.
Why do people celebrate Halloween? What games do Eskimos play?
These,end' a variety of questions about people are answered in a
readable style and in sufficient depth to satisfy the curious child.
Peanuts gang cartoons and color photographs with index.
Ford, B. G. Do You Know? illus. Harry /v1cNaught. Random House,
1979. 6-9.
Do you know the largest land animal living today? Do you know
how fast things go? Do you know that an acorn is a seed? Answers
are supplied. Clearly labeled items and colorful Illustrations combine
to make this a valuable book.
Lopshire, Robert. Thi Biggest, Smallest, Fastest, Tallest Things You've
Ever Heard Of. Illus. by author. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980. 6-9.
When you talk, what .-. ord do you say the most? What mammal has
the most children? s.Answers: "1"; the pig, who an have thirty-four
piglets at a time.) This easy reading miniature Guinness Book of
Records is bound to be fun for beginning readers.
Mcioone- Basta, Margo, and Alice Siegel. The Kids' Book of Lists. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1980. 8-up.
This fun and zany list of kids' accomplishments includes unusual
and outstar ling feats, such as the first girl to pitch a no-hit game in
Little League baseball and the boy who discovered the first dough-
nut with s hole. Black and white photographs.
National Geographic Society. Far-Out Facts. National Geographic Society.
1980. 8-12.
An array of unusual facts on plants, animals, manners, photography,
history, and other topics is reported. For eumple, pigs can get sun-
burned like humans. Beautiful full-color photographs illustrate this
zany collection of science miscellanea. A booklet of games and
puzzles and a poster-size calendar are included.


Jokes, Puns, Riddles 403

Simon, Seymour. Animal Fact, Animal Fable. Illus Diane de Groat.

Crown Publishers, 1979. 7-10.
An archer fish aiming his bow-and-arrow, a wise owl holding a
straight-A report card: whichis fact, which is fable? Why? A flick of
the page gives these and eighteen other answers in this witty and
informative book for browsing. Outstanding full-color illustrations.
Sobol, Donald J. Encyclopedia Brown's Record Book of Weird and
Wonderful Facts. Illus. Sal Murdocca. Delacorte Press, 1979. 8-12.
Did you know Santa Claus can spend only half of 1/10,000 seconds
at each home? that 10 tons of space dust fall on earth daily? no one
knows why dogs bury bones? An enjoyable collection of funny and
fascinating trivia accompanied by humorous black and white draw-
ings. Especially highlights children's feats.

Jokes, Puns, Riddles

Cole, William. Knock Knocks: The Most Ever. Illus. Mike Thaler.
Franklin Watts, 1976. 9-12.
Puns, plays on names, and rib-tickling line -drawn cartoons that con-
vey ideas are presented in this collection of familiar and fun knock
knock jokes. The book stimulates imagination and listening acuity.
Cultural and literary allusions extend interdisciplinary concepts
Cunningham, Bronnie. The Best Book of Riddles, Puns & Jokes. Illus.
Amy Aitken Doubleday, 1979. 8-up
"What did the irate circus owner say to the stubborn elephant"
Pack your trunk and get out Children enjoy repeating these jokes
and riddles. An interesting foreword explains how riddles originated
and that each country has its own tradition of riddles. Comic pen
Doty, Roy. King Midas Has a Gift Complex. Doubleday, 1979 8-12.
Puns fill this book. Each page contains several cartoons with gags in
the word balloon._ Some are riddles some are iokes, and all are
fun .Humorous black and white drawings are highlighted with
orang and gold.
Doty, Roy. TinkerbeH Is a Ding-a-ling. Doubleday, 1980. 8 12
This book of riddles. illustrated with action-filled, cartoonlike draw-
ings, is funny in an extravagantly slapstick manner.
Henry, Sarah Ann. The Little Book of Big Knock Knock Jolos. Illus
David Ross. Harvey House, Publisher::, ;977 7-12.
Children will enjoy reading and sharing these knock knock jokes
some new, some old, and all silly. The pen and ink ',ketches add to
the fun.

404 Amusements

Keller, Charles, compiler. Giggle Pun: Pet Jokes for Kids. illus. Paul
Coker, Jr. Prentice-Hall, 1977 7-10.
"If a dog loses his tail, where does he get another one?" Eighty pages
ate filled with jokes and riddles, old and Hew, about dogs, cats, and
an occasional goldfish, flea, parrot, or turtle A sure-fire hit, with
appropriately cartoony illustrations. (Answer At the retail store,
of course ")

Keller, Charles. Still Going Bananas. illus. Hallie Coletta. Prentice-Hall,

1980. 8-12.
Accompanying this hilarious collection of riddles, wry wit, and puns
are contemporary black and white line drawings that add to the fun
They depict people from a broad range of races, professions, and
economic levels. For all lovers of laughter.

Keller, Charles, compiler. The Wizard of Gauze and Other Gags for Kids.
Illus. Ken Mahood Prentice-Hall, 1979. 8-12
This collection of forty-five jokes is new to children, but quite
recognizable to teachers. Joke books are always popular and this
one is no exception. Several of the black and white drawings are
quite clever.

Leonard, Marcia, and editors of Cricket Magazine, compilers. Cridca%

Jokes, Riddles and Other Stuff. Random House, 1977. 8- 12
Well-organized into sixteen categories, Cricket's stuff is lots of fun
for everyone, and useful for reinforcing reading skills A surprise
ending lets the reader view the antics of a performing cricket as the
book pages are flipped backwards

Lyfick, Warren. The Little Book of Fowl Jokes. Illus. Chris Cumm.ngs
Harvey House, Publishers, 1980 6 9.
"What grows up while it grows down" A baby duckling Crows,
hens, ducks, eagles, pheasants, turkeys, and even jailbirds come to
life in these humorous Cokes for the young child Each page has one
or more pen drawings for more enjoyment

McKie, Roy. The Joke Book. Random House, 1979 7- 10

"How do you find a lost rabbit" Make a sound like a carrot Knock
knocks, elephant jokes, riddles, punK.-pgriots of old favorites are
collected Colorful illustrations add to the action and help the young
jokester remember the punch lines.

Powers, Thetis, compiler. The, Little Book of Daffinitions. thus Chris

Cummings. Harvey House, Publishers, 1977. 7-10.
Children will enjoy such "daffinitions" as "Long distance the best
Jokes, Puns, Riddles 405

way to talk to a monster," and "Sassafras: what you shouldn't do to

a 250-pound fray." This buok could be a good springboard for
Rosenbloom, Joseph. The Gigantic Joke Book. Illus. Joyce Behr. Sterling
' Publishing, 1978. 7-up.
According to the author, this collection of jokes places emphasis on
wordplay. Included are over a thousand jokes from one-liners to
elabor..te story jokes, from classics -very jokester knows to brand
new ones. Simple black and white line drawings illustrate the humor.
Readers will also enjoy How Do You Make an Elephant Laugh' by
the same author.
Rothman, Joel, and Argentina Palacios. This Can Lick a Lollipop: Body
Riddles for Kids (Esto goza chupando un caramelo: Las partes del
cuerpo en adiviminzas infantilm). Photographs by Pati.cia Ruben.
Doubleday, 1979. 4-7.
Young children interested in Spanish-English language will enjoy
these body riddlcs.IParts of the boot', black and white photographs,
and a two-language text comprise this useful and fun book.
Seuss, Dr. Oh Say Can You Say? Beginner Books, 1979. 6-9.
A tew addition to the author's other easy-to-read books, this collec-
tion of tongue twisters offers belly-laughs to all ages while firming
up the skills of young readers. Electric colors and nonsensical
creatures add to the hilarity.

Stine. Jovial Bob, and Jane Stine. The Sick of Being Sick Book. Illus.
Carol Nicklaus. E. P. Dutton, 1980. 8-12.
It is never any fun being sick, but this book can help you laugh a
little at the problem. Jokes, recipes, and a daytime TV Guide all help
to bring out a good chuckle and a warm smile. When you're sick,
that isn't always easy
Thaler, Mike. Never Tickle a Turtle: Cartocns, Riddles aid Funny Stories.
Franklin Watts, 1977. 8-12
This classroom-tested volume of cartoons, riddles, and wordplay
about animals lends itself to a variety of language arts a stvities.
Thomas, Gary, compiler The Best of the Little Books. Harvey House,
Publishers, 1980. 6 9.
What is the best-educated insect? A Spelling Bee, of course! Lim-
ericks, tongue twisters, jokes, and anagrams fill this hale book with
many good li,ughs for children. Humorous pen sketches accompany
roost of the c,,ntent



Anr._, Mitsumasa. Anno's Animals. William Collins, Publishers, 1979.

Walk through the cool green woods with award-winning illustrator
Anno and try to find the camouflaged animals This wordless picture
book is designed to sharpen one's perceptions and to develop
visual skills.
Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Italy. William Collins, Publishers, 1980. 8-up.
The traveler goes on a delightful tour through Italy, past and present.
The reader searches for the hundreds of images from myths, folklore,
fine arts, architecture, and history in this country rich in culture A
unique imaginative experience in a wordless book.

Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Journey. William Collins, Publishers, 1978 All

The read-r journeys with the artist throughout northern Europe and
views sights from fine paintings, folktales, Sesame Street, and reli-
gious legends. The artist continues to play with perspective and visual
punles. Some stories unfold page after page. Drawn in the style of a
Japanese scroll, this wordless book tells many stories
Aruego, Jose, and Anane Dewey We Hide, You Seek. Greenwillow
Books, :979 3-5
The rhino and his animal friends are playing hide and seek Pre
readers can search the fanciful illustrations to find the camouflaged
animals in their natural habitat
Barry, Sheila Anne. Super-Colossal Book of Puzzles, Tricks & Games.
Illus. Doug Anderson. Sterling Publishing, 1978. 6 9
Super-colossal is the right term to describe this assortment of enter-
tainment ideas for children or adults working with children Lisely
punles, tricks, self-tests, pencil and paper games, quiet and party
games are included. A must for home or school. Answers to punks
and a guide to age suitability are appended
Fknjamin, Alan. 1000 Inventions. Illus Sal Murdocca. Four Winds Press,
1980. 8-up
The unique quality of a flip book enables the reader to combine
pages to make pictures of 1000 imaginative inventions Good for
stimulating 'creative ideas in language arts and art, or just for fun Also
recommended is 1000 Monsters by the same author

Rester, Roger. Guess What? Crown Publishers, 1980 4-7

Photogrars depict three characteristics of each farm animal horse,
Puzzles 407

squirrel, duck, cow, chicken, and pig. These clues are followed
by a complete picture with the answer below. Good for arousing
the curiosity of the preschooler and encourages them to make

Demi. Where is It? Doubleday, 1979.4-7

This is an entertaining book of puzzles to captivate young and old
A'box in the upper right-hand corner of the page contains an object;
the observer must locate its duplicate among many colorful and
similar objects. Some are easy, and solve are difficult. Answers
are included.

Emberky, Ed. Ed Emberley's Amazing Look Tbrough Book. Little,

Brown, 1979.6-12._
Hot Lips Dragon and Curly Pig are among iherured"tures revealed
when young readers follow the directions and holci each page up to
the light. The unusual art technique is explained; it might present a
challenge to older students interested in drawing.

Fixx, James F. Solve It! A Perplexing Profusion of Puzzles. Doubleday,

An excellent section on the techniques of problem-solving introduces
this stimulating collection of mathematical teasers, logical absurdities,
word plays, and inventive games. While there is something for
everyone, this is especially good for children who enjoy games
of logic.

Most, Bernar'. Tu' Over. Prentice-Hall, 1980.4-7

A charming little book that invites one-to-one sharing Each page
has h question that can only be answered by turning user the page
Black and white ink sketches help teach such concepts as behind.
turn over, and others.

Oakley, Graham. Graham Oakley 's Magical Changes. Atheneum. 1980.

All Pges.
Thirty-two full-color, full-page scenes are cut in half horizontally,
thus creating a fhp book. Each half-scene lines up with the other to
make unusual combinations. The flag -ole bases once support flags.
another time giant lamp shades, and still another time a huge wedding
cake. A humorous, highly imaginative experience
Peppe, Rodney. Rodney Peppe's Puzzle Book. Viking Press, 1977 4 7

The book consists of eleven puzzles, including jungle hunt, spot the
mistakes, shapes and sizes, odd man out, help the farmer count, and
others. The bold illustrations are brightly colored. Some are stylized.
while others are personified.

408 Amusements

729 Puzzle People. Illus. Helen Oxenbury. Harper & Row, Publishers,
1980, 8-12.
This heads-bodies-legs book has pictures of nine unique characters,
each divided into three sturdy flip cards that can be alternated to
make 729 different characters. A sentence part is on each card,
making the same number of silly sentences possible. A fun-filled aid
for sentence expansion lessons.

Vreuls, Diane. Sums: A Looleng Game. Viking Press, 1977. 6--12

A wordless book filled with pictured parts of whole objects. By
putting the pieces together mentally and then turning the page,
renders are able to see if their guesses are correct. This imagina-
the visual puzzle bcok is useful for developing perceptual and
relational concepts.

Weissman, Sam Q. An Apple to Eat or Cross the Street. Prentice-Hall,

1980 6-9.
The author describes fifteen common obiects in uncommon ways a
banana as a boat, a hat as a monster, and a shoe as a house. Color-
ful drawings add to the humor. Useful in creatne writing or drawing
as imagination stretchers.

Additional Amusement Books

Bishop, Ann. Noah Riddleillus. Jerry Warshaw Albert Whitman. 1970 All ages
Gwynne, Fred. The Ktng Who Rained. E P Dutton, 1970 5 u
Heaton. Alma Double Fun 100 Outdoor and Indoor Games Brigham. 1975
SarmifT. Jane, and Reynold Ruffins The Code Cipher Book Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1975 8 12.
Tashjian, Virginia A With a Deep Sea Smile Illus Rosemary Wells Little.
Brown, 1974 5 I1

li 1..si

. Authors' Essays

Billington, Elizabeth Ts editor and compiler. The Randolph Calaecott

Vagary. Frederick Warne, 1978. Adult.
In this handsome collection of Randolph Caldecott's work, the
author has carefully dealt with the growth of the artist's work rather
than with the details of his personal life. Intriguing comparisons of
certain landmarks are made: photographs of the buildings today
placed beside Caldecott's sketches in the nineteenth century. An
excellent book for studying the 'rt of a master illustrator.

Commire, Anne. Something about the Author. Facts and Pictures about
Authors and illustrators of Books for Young People. Gale Research,
1980. 10-up.
This ongoing reference set now includes, with volume 18, biograph-
ical sketches of nearly 57,000 authors of children's books. Of these
authors, contemporary and past, many are little known. The com-
mentaries contain facts, sidelights, and book notes. Useful for the
rhild who becomes intrigued with an author.

Hunter, Mollie. Talent Is Not Enough. Harper & Row, Publishers,

1976. Adult.
Compiled from a series of lectures, these' essays on writing for
children give insight into the craft of writing and into this particular
author's philosophy and style. Hunter discusses technique, language,
and genre as powerfully as she uses them in her books for children.

Rees, David. The Marble In the Water: Essays on Contemporary Writers

of Fiction for Children and Young Adults. Horn Book, 1980. Adult.
A British author includes his first attempt at criticism in this collec-
tion of essays on ten American and eight English authors. The
comments are sometimes scathing, sometimes praising, but decidedly
non-American in viewpoint. Useful for contrasts.

Townsend, John Rowe. A Sounding of Storytellers: New and Revised

Essays on Contemporary Writers for Children. J. B. Lippincott,
1979. Adult.
Essays on fourteen contemporary writers of children's books make

410 14.

up this extension and revision of A Sense of Story. Eight new

wnters are included. Nina Bawden, Vera and Bill Cleaver, Peter
Dickinson, Virginia Hamilton, E. L. Konigsburg, Penelope Lively,
and Jill Paton Walsh. Seven other essays are updated.


Baskin, Barbara H., and Karen H. Harris. Books for the Gifted Child.
R. R. Bowker, 1980. Adult.
The first third of this book reviews studies on giftedness, the educa-
tion of gifted children, and reading experiences for the gifted. The
remainder annotates approximately 150 books that are termed "intel-
lectually demanding." Full-page discussions summarize and suggest
why the books are particularly useful for high-ability children.
Reading levels are placed in three groupings. A useful compilation.

Baskin, Barbara H., and Karen H. Harris. Notes from a Different

Drummer: A Giide to Juvenile Fiction Portraying the Handicapped.
R. R. Bowker, 1977. Adult.
The bulk of this book is a well-annotated listing of selected children's
books published from 1940-1975 that portray handicapped persons.
Several chapters describe the state of literature on this topic. Subject
and title indexes are included. informative and usable.
Bennett, Jill. Learning to Read with Picture Books. Thimble Press,
1979. Adult.
Thil compilation of more than 100 picture books is annotated ir. a
highly personalized style reflective of the aut%ori teacher's use of the
books with children from age four to seven. A choice listing.

Bernste:n, Joanne E. Books to Help Children Cope with Separation and

Loss. R. R. Bowker, 1977. Adult.
This is an excellent reference when selecting books for children about
coping with separation end loss. Books chosen have contemporary,
realistic themes, and are good literature. Selections are for children
from age three thrutrh sixteen. Helpful indexes are included to
facilitate use by teachers, counselors, librarians, and par&its.

Bisshopp, Patricia, compiler. Books about Handicaps for Children and

Young' Adults. Meeting Street School/ Rhode Island Easter Seal
Society, 1978. Adult.
Annotations are especially informative in this compilation of books
or handicaps. Certain books are unreservedly recommended,
by both
are definitely not recommended, and many are characterized
good and bad qualities. In all cases, explicit evaluative statements
are given. Handicaps include auditory, visual, orthopedic, speech,
mental, emotional, and learning disabilities.

_ _Bibliographies 411

Dreyer, Sharon Spredemann. The Bookfinder: A Guide to Children's

Literature about the Needs and Problems of Youth Aged 2-15.
American Guidance Service, 1977. Adult.
This work categorizes current children's books accoroing to psycho-
logical, behavioral, and developmental topics of concern to children
from two to fifteen. A unique split-page format permits the user to
locate a subject and to find annotations for the books listed under
that subject at the same time. All the forms in which the books
are available are detailed; including Braille versions, Talking Books,
audiovisual treatments, and paperback editions.

Fassler, Joan. Helping Children Cope. Illus. William B Hogan Free

Press, 1978. Adult.
Stressful situations in children's lives, and books that might be useful
in coping with these problems, are the focus of the biok. Topics in-
clude death, separation, hospitalization, and life-style changes 1 he
author is a child psychologist and a specialist in children's literature
The text is quite readable and gives many practical suggestions

Gillis, Ruth J. Children's Rooks for Times of Stress: An Annotated Bibli-

ography. Indiana University Press, 1978. Adult
An efficient aid for teacher or parent in finding the right book at the
right time to help a child through difficulty. Rework , are brief, but
give information pertinent to selection. Books arc located under
subject headings: cross-referencing is complete. Valuable ..)r helping
children frum preschool through sixth-grade levels.

Graves, Michael Judith A. Boettcher, aid Randall J Ryder Easy

Reading: Book &ries and Periodicals for Less Able Readers. Inter-
national Reading Association, 1979 Adult
Here is an annotated bibliography of high interest. easy vocabulary
books. Each review includes reading and interest levels, story synop-
sis, price, and an evaluative comment. Excellent tool to help choose
the better quality book for the less able reader.

Greene, Ellin, and Madalynne Schoenfeld, compilers and editors. A Multi-

media Approach to Children's Literature, Second Edition. American
Library Association, 1977. Adult.
Approximately 1450 items, including books, films, filmstrips, and
recordings, are annotated with full bibliographic information I he
nonprint materials are based on children's hooks and are especially
helpful for introducing books and for providing .arced program
formats relfited to literature. This edition contains materials receied
prior to 1976.

Harrah Rarbara K. Sports Books for Children: An Annotated Bibliog-

raphy. Scarecrow Press, 1978. 10 up
The purpose of this volume is to assist librarians and students in


choosing sports books wisely, fitting both interest and reading ability
Eighty-nine sports, from the familiar to the more exotic, are listed
Fry reading levels, author and title indexes, and selected periodital
guide are included.

Haviland. Virginia, editor. Children's Books of International Interest,

Second. Edition. Aillefleati -Lit:wary Association, 1978. Adult
Outstanding American children's books that would be of particular
interest to young people in other countries are listed here. There are
approximately 350 books, culled from about 900 books suggested by
earlier American Library Association committees as being worthy of
translation and distribution abroad. A choice list.

Hinman, Dorothy, and Ruth Zimmerman. Reading for Young People:
The Midwest. American Library Association, 1979. Adult.
Books of fiction, biography, and history dealing with Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri are annotated in this bibliography.
Reading levels are grades four through ten. Other t,e -. the series
include The Great Plains, The Middle Atlantic, T ,outheast, and
The Rocky Mountains. Extensive indexes of subjects and states

Horner, Catherine Townsend The Sir )arent Family in Children's

Books: An Analysis and Annotated aibliography, with an Appendix
on Audiovisual Material. Scarecrow Press. 1978 At'ult.
Following an analysis of single-parent family books for children is an
annotated bibliography listing books written between 1966 and 1976.
Indexing is separated into three categories predominant parent, sub-
ject, and author An appendix of audiovisual materials is included
An excellent resource for teachers 4nd counselors, working with
intermediate and junior high students. .

Lass-Woodfin, Mary Jo, editor, Books on American Indians and Eskimos.

A Selection Guide for Children and Young Adults. American Library
Association, 1978. Adult.
More than 800 books for young people dealing with American
Indians and Eskimos are listed They are ranked good, adequate, or
poor Well-written summaiies, age levels, and full bibliographic in-
formation arc included. Each book was read by two reviewers. The
introduction provides a fine statement on stereotyping. Index,

I ynn, Ruth Nadelman Fantasy for Children: An Annotated Checklist.

R. R Bowker, 1979 Adult
Approximately 1650 recommended fantasies are categorized under
thirteen subject headings Annotations arc brief, quality ratings and
bibliographic information are given for each book. Sources of
reviews are listed. The ages range from preschool through secondary
school Out-of-print hooks are listed separately as are those aailable
in the United Kingdom Several indexes.

Bibliographies 413

Maehr, Jane. The Middle East: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature
for Children. ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education,
1977. Adult.
-- PubiishapliOr to the hostage crisis in Iran, some of the listings in
this bibliography are incomplete or contain errors, but the pertinence
of the geographic area and the uniqueness of this compilation mate
textual inaccuracies less significant. The bboks are categorized by
country as-nonfiction,liction, or folklore. Includes brief annotations
and grade levels. Spiral bo nd.
Matthias, Margaret, and Diane Thiessen. Children's Mathematics Books:
A Critical Bibliography. American Library Association, 1979. Adult. ---__
Over 200 Mathematics books for preschool through grade six are
annotated with indications of content, activities, single or multiple
concepts, accuracy, illustrations, writing style, and grade levels. Four
quality designations are given. The book is divided into sections on
counting, geometry, measurement, number concepts, time, and a
general category.
McGovern, Edythe M. They're Never Too Young for Books: Literature
for Pre-Schoolers. Mar Vista Publishing, 1980. Adult
Extensive listings of books for preschoolers make up this bibliog-
raphy. The fifty lists are divided into several age groups Additional
sections deal with the values and effects of using books with young
children, general guidelines for selection, and suggestions for reading
aloud. Complete bibliography.
Salway, Lance, compiler. Humorous Books for Children. Thimble Press,
1978. Adult.
This British compilation includes many books available in the United
States and provides valuable discussions and comparisons within
each annotation. A comprehensive index is appended
Schmidt, Nancy J. Supplement to Children's Books on Africa and Their
Authors: An Annotated Bibliography. Holmes & Meier Publishers,
1979. Adult.
This useful collection of children's books dealing with Africa has
well-prepared annotations that give pro and con features of the
books from an anthropological viewpoint. Biographical notes about
the authors are included. The cutoff date for materials was summer
of 1977. Many indexes are included.
Schon, Isabel. A Bicultural Heritage: Themes for the Exploration of Mexi-
can and Mexican-American Culture in Books for Children and
Adolescents. Scarecrow Press, 1978. Adult.
Written for teachers' use, the book discusses ways of teaching the
culture of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans The author recom-

499 )


mends only a few of the books listed and gives specific reasons for
not recommending the others. The reader's awareness is heightened
by the author's guidance
Schon, Isabel. A Hispanic Heritage: A Guide to Juvenile Books about
Hispanic People and Cultures. Scarecrow Press, 1980. Adult.
Designed as an aid for librarians and teachers who are interested in
exposing students to the cultures of Hispanic people. Annotations
are provided and recommended books are ir.d'cated.
Stensland, Anna Lee. Literature by and about the American Indian: An
Annotated Bibliography, Second Edition. National Council of
Teachers of English, 1979. Adult.
Books for elementary-age children are singled out in this revised
bibliography and are categorized for primary and -intermediate
grades. This very useful and comprehensive resource points out both
good and bad features about the books. Introductory chapters are
helpful in providing readers with an overview of Native American
Tucker, Alan, compiler. Poetry Books for Children. Thimble Press, 1979.
Although many of the recommended books are available only in
England, the evaluative annotations and comparative analyses are
valuable resources for the American teacher. In addition to 109 sep-
arate entries, many other titles are discussed within the main entries.
White, Virginia L., and Emerita S. Schulte, compilers. Books about
Children's Books: An Annotated Bibliography. International Read-
ing Association, 1979. Adult.
Compiled to meet the professional needs of those i terested in
children and their batiks, this valuable tool has much to ffer elemen-
tary teachers who wish to expand their use of books ?n the class-
room. The careful selection of books falls into eight categories.
Wain, Binnie Tate. Survival Themes in Fiction for Children and Young
People. Scarecrow Press, 1978. Adult.
Here is an excellent resource for selecting books that offer sensitivity
to individual problems and to social issues of today. Picture books
make up some of the selections. Busy librarians and teachers will
find this valuably when suggesting individual student selections Each
book has a short annotation.
Yonkers Public Library Children's Services. A Guide to Subjects & Con-
cepts in Picture Book Format, Second Edition. Oceana Publications,
1979. Adult. --
'Picture books are listed in fifty-five main subject categories 'The

4 23

Criticism 415

groupings are especial)/ helpful to primary teachers who want to

find stories on specific topics. Cross - references are included. Covers
books published prior to October 1978. Bibliography.


The Arbuthnot Lectures: 1970-1979: American Library Association, 1980.

The first ten speeches presented in the Arbuthnot Lectures series are
collected here. International in scope, the lectures deal with criticism
and issues, bringing the new insights and new emphases to the field
of children's literature that were originally envisioned when this series
was created to honor May Hill Arbuthnot. ,
Davis, Enid. The Liberty Cap: A Catalogue of Non-Sexist Materials for
Children: Academy Chicago Limited, 1977. Adult.
Essays and reviews of children's nonsexist materials are compiled
from the two years of newsletters published in 1974-1976, offering
thoughtful, perceptive commentaries that transcend the particular
books and make statements about the topic.
Egoff, Sheila A., editor. One Ocean Touching: Papers from the First
Pacific Rim Conference on Children's Literature. Scarecrow Press,
1979. Adult.
Speakers from ten countries who assembled at a Canadian confer-
ence shared their individual ideas on childhood and children's litera-
ture. Thirteen papers make up the international section while eight
papers trfat the specifics of children's literature .in Canada. These
thoughtf 1, in-depth essays are most insightful. Index.
Heins, Paul, c mpikrand editor. Crosscurrents of Criticism: Horn Book's
Essays 1977. Horn Book, 1977. Adult.
Articles expressing a wide variety of views concerning children's
books makyThis an outstanding collection of literary criticism. This
is similar lo A Horn Book Sampler and Horn Book Reflections.
compilations from earlier years. Thoughtful reading for teachers.
Lystad, Mary. From Dr. Mather to Dr. Seuss: 200. Years of American
Books for Childr' Schonkman Publishing, 1980. Adult.
A content annlysis of 1000 American children's books published
from 1776-1976 was conducted for information within the books
concerning social characteristics that reflected the growth of the
country. The chapters, arranged chronolcgically, relate the quantita-
tive and qualitative findings of the analysis. A scholarly study pre-
, sented in an interesting, readable style.

416 Profecsional

Mac Cann, Donnarae, and Gloria Woodard, editors. Cultural Conformity

in Books for Children: Further Readings in Racism. Scarecrow
Press, 1977. Adult.
Although many teachers and librarians may corn; .ain about the
authors' "nit-picking" concerning adverse references to Native Amen-
cans, Asian Americans, Black Americans, and females, this analysis
of approximately 150 children's books will do much to raise the
consciousness of those readers who are able to take it in stride.

Mcek, Margaret, Aldan War low, and Gkiselda Barton, editors. The C ill
Web: The Pattern of r2hIldren's **ding. Atheneum, 1978. Adult.
Fifty essays by British and American specialists in children's litera-
ture deal with four themes: the relationship between the text and the
reader's worlds, the role of authors, the literary criticism of children's
books, and the ways teachers night move forward in the study of
reading and literature.

Sale, Roger. Fairy Tales and After: From Snow White to E. B. White.
Harvard University Press, 1978. Adult.
These first-person essays on selected old and modern classics of
children's literature are written for adult perusal, not fur teachers
needing suggestions on using the books with children. The content
is energizing; it theorizes that the books transcend childhood and
L. offer inspired thoughts to be contemplated for a lifetime. Enjoyable

Feaver, William. When We Were Young: Two Centuries of Children's
Book Illustration. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977 Adult.
This resource book for teachers of children's literature at the high
school or college level traces the development of illustrations, with
examples from early until modern times, from William Blake to
Maurice Sendak Art lovers, children's illustrations experts, and
serious students will enjoy the magnificent colored plates

Kingman, Lee, editor, The Illustrator's Notebook. Horn Book, 1978. Adult.
This compilation of information about the history and process of
illustrating children's books is more than a collection of readings.
The articles, all from Horn Book, have been edited .and placed
specifically, striving to show that the essencea the story must be
entwined with the sensitivity of the artist. illustrations from children's
books extend the ideas.

Lanes, Selma G. The Art of Ma'irice Sendak. Harry N Abrams, Pub-

1.shers, 1980. Adult.
A singularly beautiful volume befitting the most distinguished con-
temporary illustrator of children's books, this is at once an intimate

4 .... t0
Puppetry 417

"...3' personal biography and a scholarly study of the sensitive develop-

ment of an illustrator's style. Superb.
Larkin, David, editor. The Art of Nancy Ekholm Burkert. Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1977. Adult.
Beautiful is the appropriate` word for this collection of Nancy Ekholm
Burkert's an. Many illustrations from her children's books ale In-
cluded. A brief biographical and critical commentary precedes the
colored plates.


Currell, David. Learning with Puppets. Plays, 1980. Adult.

An excellent reference book on using puppetry as a teaching tool to
develop language, reading, mathematics, and other skills. Step-by-
step directions are also given for making hand, glove, shadow, and
rod puppets, and simple puppet theaters and scenery.
Freericks, Mary, and Joyce Segal. Creative Puppetry in the Classroom.
Illus. Katherine McCabe. New Plays Books, 1979. Adult.
Here is a good resource book on puppets for the teacher, librarian,
nurse, camp leader, and parent. The authors discuss how to use
puppets in numerous settings as well as how to make many different
kinds of puppets.
Renfro, Nancy. A Puppet Corner in Every Library. Nancy Renfro Studios,
1978. Adult.
This text thoroughly describes how to organize and implement a
library program, using puppets to effectively communicate with
children. Puppets are used as library mascots, to teach library con-
cepts and to tell stories. Informative photographs, aiagrams, and
directions are included for making puppets and stages. Many helpful
resources are listed.
Renfro, Nancy. Puppetry and the Art of Story Creatioa. Nancy Renfro
Studios, 1979. Adult.
Here are experience-tested and clever ways to create original stories,
puppets, and dramatizations. Directions for making many kinds of
puppets are given and illustrated with photographs and entertaining
drawings. Tips are added for a successful puppet play production.
Highly motivating; emphasis is on deaf children, but well applicable
to all. A

Storytelling and Booktalks

Baker, Augusta, and Ellin Greene. Storytelling: Art and Technique. R. R.

Bowker, 1977. Adult.
This book covers stor, selection, preparation, presentation, and pro-

4 26

418 Professional

gram planning in special settings, such as hospitals and outdoors, for

children with special needs. The appendix outlines an inservice
education workshop and sources for the storyteller.
Bauer, Caroline Feller. Handbook for Storytellers. American Library
Association, 1977. Adult.
Here is the definitive handbook on storytelling. Suggestions abound
for everything related to story programs including gathering an
audience. Topics go beyond the classic forms to the use of magic,
nonprint media, and music. Many sources of stories are given;
sample programs for all ages are offered. Index.
Carlson, Bernice Wells. Picture That! Illus. Dolores Marie Rowland.
. Abingdon Press, 1977. Adult.
Twelve international folktales and stones are presented for reading or
telling. Each is introduced by a game, verse, or audience-participation
story. Following each tale are directions for craft activities that
relate to the story. An excellent resource book for extending and
appreciating folktales. Illustrations extend the understanding of the
craft projects.
de Wit, Dorothy. Children's Faces Looking Up: Program Building for the
Storyteller. American Library Association, 1979. Adult
This book on various techniques of storytelling draws heavily from a
rich background of folklore as a source for story mate. ial and pro-
grams. Suggestions on how to develop themes and ext;nd them are
given. Six sample programs are included. Excellent reference.
Gillespie, John T. More Juniorptots: A Guide ter Teachers and Librarians.
R. R. Bowker, 1977. Adult.
For each of seventy-two contemporary works of fiction there is a
detailed plot summary, a brief discussion of theme, booktalk sug-
gestions, sources of information about the author. and recommenda-
tions of other related books. Directed toward professionals dealing
primarily with students in sixth through eighth grades
larusso, Marilyn Berg, compiler Stories: A List of Stories to Tell and to
Read Aloud, Seventh Edition. New York Public Library', 1977
Source materials and reference tools are brought together in this
short softcover book that lists hundreds of stories and poems from
many lands and on many subjects. Ideal for shanng with children
during informal library programs Useful for introducing children to
the world's literature
Leonard, Charlotte. Tied Together: Topics and Thoughts for Introducing
Children's Books. Scarecrow Press, 1980. Adult
Commentaries on books of related themes make a useful introduc-

Teaching Methods 419

tion to books for children. The sections are grouped into six topics:
the outdoors, animals, holidays, family life, activities, and miscel-
lany. A final grouping offers suggestions for parents, teachers,
and librarians.

Pellowski, Anne. The World of Storytelling. R. R. Bowker, 1977. Adult.

This scholarly work is intended for adults interested in historical
aspects of storytelling and the oral tradition out of which children's
literature grew. The author encourages storytellers to share with the
audience something of the culture and society within which the
stories are told.

Petersen, Carolyn Sue, and Brenny Hall. Story Programs: A Source Book
of Materials. Scarecrow Press, 1980. Adult.
This is a useful handbook of suggestions for using literature with
toddlers (ages 2-3), preschoolers (ages 4-5), and primary grade chil-
dren (ages 6-8). The sections deal with story programs, flannel
boards, finger plays and action stories, creative dramatics, and pup-
petry. Patterns, music, and explicit directions are given. Index.

Schimmel, Nancy. Just Enough to Make a Story: A Sourcebook for

Storytelling. Sisters' Choice Press, 1978. Adult.
The author shares pfactical ups on elloosing learn.ng, and telling
stories to audiences of varying ages. Citations for books and audio-
visual media are given, as well as an e,celent listing of seventy-one
folktales with active heroine protagniiists.

Spirt, Diana L. Introducing More Books: A Guide for the Middle Grades.
R. R. Bowker, 1978. Adult.
This sequel to Introducing hooks offers plot summaries, discussion
suggestions, and related materials to be used with the books Titles
are grouped by nine hemes that include making friends, des eloping
values, identifying adt:It roles, and appreciating books A valuable
teaching aid for intermediate grades.

Teaching Methods

Applebee, Arthur N The Child's 'oncept of Story: Ages Two to Seven-

teen. University of Chicago Press, 1978 'Ault.
Reporting the results of his studies on ..le stories children ,ell and
childien's responses to stories they hear or read, the author offers a
theory of the developmental stage: of children's responses to litera-
ture. A scholarly text.

Butler, Dorothy Cush la and Her Hocks. Horn Book, 1980 Adult
This documentation of the importance of books in aiding the
development of a severely handicapped New Zealand child is a
testimony to the value of literature as a communication link The


story of the young parents and the extended family who worked
diligently for the first four years of Cushla's life to bring her that link
is heartwarming and courageous.

Butler, France lia. Sharing Literature with Children: A Thematic Anthol-

ogy. David McKay, 1977. Adult.
A textbook that uses a thematic approach and than subdivides into
the more common genre divisions, this compendium includes a wide
variety in the more than 160 selections that illustrate aspects of the
themes. A section on explorations at the end of each chapter offers
intriguing methods for using the literary selections.
Concannon, Tom. Using Media for Creative Teaching. thus. Tegan
Kenney. New Plays Books, 1979. Adult.
The creative uses of media are described in this slim paperback. The
author suggests numerous innovative projects that he has used suc-
cessfully with students; their appeal should encourage the most faint-
hearted person's use.
Cullinan, Bernice E., and Carolyn W. Carmichael, editors. Liusature and
Young Children. National Council of Teachers of English, 1977.
Eleven essays concern the use of literature with preschool children.
Topics deal with the kinds of growth that can be nurtured through
literary experiences and the ways books and nonprint materials
can be presented advantageously to children. In addition, a list
of 100 best books and authors makes tlas a resource of colpiu-
ing usefulness.
Favat, F. Andre. Child and Tale: The Origins of Interest. National Council
of Teachers of English, 1977. Adult.
Results are described of a study that found relationships between
Piaget's developmental stages and fairy tales by Andersen, Perrault,
and the Grimms. Between ages six and eight, children's egocentrism
and concepts of animism, causality, magic, and morality seem
closely related to components and structures of age-ola tales A
scholarly report.
Glazer, Joan 1., and Gurney Williams III. Introduction to Children's
Literature. McGraw -Hill, 1979. Adult.
This survey of children's literature offers practical suggestions for
building literature units and a literature curriculum A unique feature
is the series of issues that juxtapose differing viewpoints on chil-
dren's book topics. A readable introductory text.
Hopkins, Lee Bennett. The Best of Book Bonanza. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1980. Adult.
Creating exciting and lively environments for effective use of litera-

Teaching Methods 421

ture is,what this bonanza is all about. Numerous tested activities are
offered in a readable style. All types of classrooms :an profit from
this versatile treasury of the author's column in Teacher magazine.
Keysell, Pat. Mime Themes and Motifs. Plays, 1980. Adult
An introduction to the art of mime and suggestions for its use
with children, especially the deaf, is combined with numero'is themes
and suggestions on how to do the different motifs in mime. Excel-
lent resource.
Lamme, Linda Leonard, et al. Raising Readers: A Guide to Sharing
Lkerature with Young Children. Walker, 1980. Adult.
This stage-by-stage guide to using literature with young children,
from newborn to beginning reader, is helpful for parents and teach-
ers. The suggestions for sharing books are practical, intriguing, and
worthwhile. An excellent addition to the books for parents concern-
ing children's literature.
Monson, Dianne L., and Day Ann K. McClenathan, editors. Developing
Active Readers: Ideas for Parents, Teachers, and Librarians. Inter-
national Reading Association, 1979. Adult.
A collection of addresses, essays, and lectures by noted authorities in
the field of reading makes limo .-'s monograph. Subjects include selec-
tion of books, library , ad involving children wi:h literature
Polette, Nancy, and Marjorie Hamlin. Celebrating with Books. Illus
Patricia Gilman. Scarecrow Press, 1977. Adult.
Holiday fun with books is the focus of this fine teacher's guide For
each of ten holidays summaries and activities for several books are
listed. Directions are explicit; in some cases samples are given. A
final chapter suggests how seasonal celebrations can be used to nur-
ture independent study activities.
Reasoner, Charles F. Bringing Children and Books Together: A Teacher's
Guide to Early Childhood Literature. Yearling Booh 1979. Adult.
This fourth in a series of teacher's guides offers suggestions for using
twenty books with children from ages three to seven. Activities are
geared to responding orally and answering by cutting and pasting,
making X's, and drawing lines. Vocabulary development experiences
are simple. Storytelling is emphasized; good practices in reading
aloud are noted.
Shapiro, Jon E., editor. Using Literature & Poetry Affective ly. Inter-
national Reading Association, 1979. Adult.
Essays on using literature and poetry and examining children's atti-
tudes toward reading have been written, selected, and published
by reading authorities. Each article contains a bibliography of
additional references.

4 j0
422 Professional

Somers, Albert B., and Janet Evans Worthington Response Guides for
Teaching Children's Books. National Council of Teachers of English,
1979. Adult.
Suggestions for using twenty-seven books are given The titles
range from picture books to fully developed nosels. Each guide
is about three pages in length and offers discussion questions. various
activities, and a list of related resources. The books are modern
classics, all popular with children.
Sparkman. Brandon. and Jane Saul. Preparing Your Preschooler for
Readint: A Book of Games. Schocken Books. 1977 Adult.
A helpful book for parents, teachers, and those insolved in working
with the very young child. Critical skills that lead to reading are
stressed. Various types of games are described. Materials mentioned
are readily available. Book and record list included.
Stewig, John Warren, and Sam L. Sebesta. editors. Using Literature in the
Elementary Classroom. National Council of Teachers of English.
1978. Adult.
Six essays support the philosophy of using trade books to teach
reading and language arts skills. Topics concern linguistics, vocabu-
lary growth. literature study, visual and verbal literacy. composition.
and reading comprehension. These articles are good examples of
applying theory to practice.
Thomas. James L., and Ruth M. Loring. editors. Motivating Children and
Young Adults to Read. Oryx Press, 1979. Adult
Current articles on motivating children to read hate been cdllected
Subjects include methodology, interests. selection, and nonprint
media. The many practical ideas presented have been tested and are
based on learning theory Good resource.
Weisburg. Hi'la K.. and Ruth Toor Elementary School Librarian's
Almanac: A Complete Media Program for Every Month of the
School Year. Center for Applied Research in Edu..ation. 1979. Adult
Practical ideas to enliven the library program are suggested accord-
ing to months in the school year Bulletin board ideas, storytelling
selections. art activities,authors' birthdates. and many facets of
library operations are described in this readable text Useful for
teachers and public librarians, too
Wilder. Rosilyn. A Space Where Anything Can Happen: Creative Drama
in a Middle School. Photographs by Burt Nev. Plays Books.
1977 Adult
This softbound volume contains an enthusiastic, detailed description
of the values of creative drama. The author attempts to -re-create
in print a living workshop experience" Packed with ideas and
suggestions about "how-to-do-it


Huck, Charlotte S. Children's Literature in the Elementary School, Third

Edition, Updated. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. Adult.
This comprehensive textbook was updated to include books pub-
lished from 1975-1978 and to revise briefly certain chapters and list-
ings. The book gives an excellent survey of children's literature; the
focus on teaching literature is an outstanding feature.
Sadker, Myra Pollack, and David Miller Sadker. Now upon a Time: A
Contemporary View of Children's Literature. Harper & Row, Pub-
lishers, 1977. Adult.
Contemporary issues that are refk:ted in children's books are the
focus of this textbook. Topics include altered family groupings, sex,
aging, death, minority groups, ecology, war, and humor. A final
section deals with controversy and creative ways of teaching literh
ture. Extensive bibliographies; index.
Smith, James A., and Dorothy M. Park. Word Musk and Word Magic:
Children's Literature Methods. Allyn and Bacon, 1977. Adult.
There are four parts to this college textbook: one discusses the
various genr:s and how literature relates to children's growth and
creativity; another section focuses on authors; a third deals with
many ways of using books with children; the final section lists
resources for using books. Many suggestions for the college reader
and extensive bibliographies.
Stewig, John Warren. Children and Literature. Rand McNally, 1980.
Several of the genre chapters in this comprehensive textbook have a
section on sharing books ..,ith children that focuses on a particular
mode of use: drama, storytelling, writing, art activities. The treat-
ment is fresh and intriguing. Examples of good and bad literature
are given; the content encourages discussion. A usable text.
Sutherland, Zena, and May Hill Arbuthnot. Children and Rooks, Fifth
Edition, Scott, Foresman, 1937. Adult.
Many changes are included tin this revision of the textbook, long a
standard in the field. Chapters are reorganized to give a more specific
genre approach. Focus is on major authors rather than a myriad of
titles. New sections of books for early childhood and methodology
are included.

Tiedt, Iris M. Exploring Books with Children. Houghton Mifflin, 1979.

Developed in part genre approach, part thematic unit, this textbook
offers many interesting activities for the college student. Sections


further exploration, for re-

within each chapter suggest areas for lively wile, the book
search, and for additional reading. Written in
is stimulating.

Directory of Publishers

Abe lard-Schuman Ltd., c/o Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., Keystone Industrial
Park, Scranton, FA 18512
Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth tve., ashville, TN 37202
Harry N. Abrams, Publishers Inc., 110 I 9th St., New York, NY 10022
Academy Chicago Limited, 360 N. M .gan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601
Addison - Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., Rea ling, MA 01867
Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 130 Second Ave., S., Edmonds, WA 98020
Allyn and Baton Inc.,- College Division, Rockleigh, NJ 076.7
American Guidance Service Inc., Publishers' Building, Circle Pines, MN 55014
American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611
Andre Deutsch, c/o Elsevier-Dutton, 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Atheneum Publishers. Dist. by Book Warehouse, Inc , Vreeland Ave , Boro of
Totowa, Paterson, NJ 07312
Bashi'( Publishing Trust, 415 Linden Ave., Wilmette, IL 60091
Bala Books, 340 W. 55th St., New York, NY 10019
Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 113 Crossways Park Dr., Woodbury, NY 11797
Beaufort Books, Inc., 9 E. 40th St., New York, NY 10016
Beginner Books. Division of Random House, Inc , 400 Hahn Rd., Westminster,
MD 21157
John F. Blair, Publisher, 1406 Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27103
R. IL Bowker, Co., P.O. Box 1807, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Bradbury Press. Dist. by E. P. Duttr . & Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York, NY
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. Dist. by Control Data Arts, 474 Concordia Ave., St
Paul, MN 55103
Ce- "r for Applied Research in Education, Inc., c/o Prertice -Hail, Inc , P 0
500, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Chile ens Press, 1224 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, IL 60607
Clarion Books. Imprint of Houghton Mifflin Co., Wayside Road, Burlington,
MA 01803
William Collins Publishers, Inc.. 200 Madison Ave., Suite 1405, Neu York, NY
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1050 W. Wall St., Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Creative Education, Inc., 123 S. Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001
Thomas Y. Crowell Co. Imprint of Harper & Row, Publishers, Keystone Indus-
trial Park, Scranton. PA 18512

Directory of Pohhshers

Crown Publishers, Inc., I Park Ave., New York, NY 10016

John Day Co., Inc. Dist. by Harper & Row, Publishers, Keystone Industrial
Park, Scranton, PA 18512
De Worts Press, c/o Dell Publishing Co., I Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E.
47th Si, New York, NY 10017
Dell Publishing Co., '.nc.,1 Dag tiionmarskjold Plaza, 245 E. 47th St , New York
NY 10017
Design Enterprista of San Francisco, P.O. Box 14695, San Francisco, CA 94114
Dist Press, I Dng Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E. 47th St.,
New York, NY 10017
Dillon Press, Inc., 500 Third St., Minneapolis, MN 55415
Dodd, Mead & Co., 79 Madison Ave., New Yoik, NY 10016
Doubleday & Co., Inc., 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11530
E. P. Dutton, 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jefferson Ave., S.E., Grand Rapids,
MI 49503
Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Elsevier/Nelson Books, 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Emerson Books, Inc., Reynolds Lane, Buchanan, NY 10511
ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, University of Illinois, 8G5
W. Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, IL 61801
M Evans & Co., Inc. Dist. by E. P. Dutton, 2 Park Ave , New York, NY 10016
Exposition Prate, Inc., 900 S. Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., 19 Unibn Square, W., New York, NY 10003
Feminist Press, SUNY/ College at Ola Westbury, Box 334, Old Westbury, NY
Follett Publishing Co. Div of Follett Corp., 1010 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago,
IL 60607
Four Winds Press. Div of Scholastic Book Services, 50 W. 44th
St , New York,
NY 10036
JPreas. Div. of Macmillan Publishing Co,, Inc., 866 Third Ave . New York.
NY 10022
Gale Research Co., Book Tower, Detroit, MI 48226
Gambit, 27 North Main St., Meeting House Green, Ipswich,
MA 01938
Garrard Publishing Co., !607 N. Market St., Champaign, IL 61820
David R. Godine, Publisher, Inc., '96 Dartmouth St., Boston, MA 02116
1220 Mound
Gok.en Pram Imprint of Western Publishing Co., Inc , Dept M,
Ave., Racine, WI 53404
Stephen Greene Press, Fessenden Road, Indiana Flat, Brattleboro, VI 05301
Greenhaven Press, 577 Shoreview Park Road, St Paul, MN 55112
Warehouse, 6
Greenwillow Books. Div. of William Morrow & Co., Inc , Wilmor
Henderson Dr., West Caldwell, NJ 07006
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., 51 Madison Ave., New York. NY 10010
Harcourt Brace JovanOvkh, Inc., 757 Third Ave , New York, NY 10017
tia-per & Row, Publishers, Inc., Keystone Industrial Park, Scranton, PA 18512

Directory of Publishers 427 v_

Harvard University Press, Customer Service, 79_Garden St., 'Climimidge, MA

Harvey Mouse, Publishers, 128 W. River St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Hastings House, PubBshers, Inc., 10 E. 40th St., New York, NY 10016 744

Herald Press, 616 Walnut Ave., Scottdale, PA 15683 .

Holiday House, Inc., lg E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022

Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 30 Irving Place, New York., NY 10003
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 383 Madisop Ave New York, NY 10017
Horn Book, Inc., Palk Square Bldg., ;I St. Jibe; Ave., Bostoa MA 021 16
Houghton Mifflin 91., Wayside Road; Burlington, MA 01803
Human Sciences Press, Ins. Dist. by Independent Publishers Group, 14 Vander-
venter Ave., Port Wash ngton, NY 1.1050
Independence Press. Div. of Herald House, Drawer HH, Independence, MO
Indiana University Press, Tenth & Morton Sts., Bloomington, IN 47405 "
International Reading 'Association, 800 Barksdale Rd., Box 8139, Newark': DE
Jewish Publication Society of America, 117 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, PA 19103
Judson Press, V?lley Forge, PA 1948)
Affrid A. Knopf, Inc., 400 Hahn Rd., Westminster, MD 21157
Larpusse & Co., Inc., 572 Fifth Ave , New York, NY 10036
Seymour Lawrence. Dist. by-Delacorte Press, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E.
47th St., New York ,NY 10017
Lerner PublicatioliCo. Dist. by Control Data Arts, 474 Concordia Ave , St
Paul, MN 55103
J. B. Lippincott Co., cj.o Harper dt"Row, Publishers, Inc , Keystone Industrial
Park, Scranton, PA 18512
Little, Brown & Co., 200 West St., Waltham, MA 02154
Lollipop fower, Inc., P.O. Box 1171, Chad Hill, NC 27514
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. Div. of William Morrow & Co Inc , Wilmor
Warehouse, 6 Henderson Dr., West Caldwell, NJ 07006
Magnillan Publishing Co., Inc., Front & Brown Sts., Riverside, NJ 08370
Manzanits Press, P.O. Box 4027. San Rafael, CA 94903
Mar Vista Publishing Co., 11917 Westminster Place, Los Angeles, CA 90066
McClelland and Stewart, Ltd., 25 Hollinger Rd., Toronto, Ontario, M4B 3G2
McGraw-1M Book Co., 1221 Avenue of the Amencas, New York, NY 10020
David McKay Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Julian Messner, The Simon & Schuster Bldg., 1230 Ave. of the Americas, New
York, NY 10020
Meeting Street School, Rhode Island Easter Seal Society, 667 Waterman Ave.,
East Providence, RI 02914
William Morrow & Co., Inc., Wilmor Warehouse, 6 Henderson Dr.. West
Caldwell, NJ 07006
Mosaic Press/Valley Editions, Box 1032, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E9

43C 4
428 Directory of Publishers

dos National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 618
National Geographic Society, 17th & M Ms. N. W., Washington, DC 20036,
New Plays Books, Trolley Place, Rowayton, CT 06853
New Seed Press, P.O..Box 3016, Stanford, CA 94305
New Victoria Pub lishets, 7 Bank St., Lebanon, NH 03766
New York Public Library, c(o Readex Books, 101 Fifth Ave , New York, NY
10003 '.,;

.Northland Press, P.O. Boxs.N, agstaff, AZ 86002

Oceans Publications, 75 Ma St., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Oryx Press, 2214 N. Centi-a Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004 r ...s.
Oxford Univenity Press, Inc., 16-00 Pollitt Dr., Fair Lawn, NJ 07/10
Panjandrum Books. Dist. by Publisher's Group West, 5855 Beaudry, Emeryville,
CA 94608
Pantheon Books. Div. of Random House, Inc., 400 Hahn Rd., Westminster, MD
21157 ,,.?'
Parents Magazine Press. Dist. by Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co., 2 Park Ave ,
Dept. JH, New York, NY 10016
Parnassus Press. Imprint of Houghton Mifflin Co., Wayside Rd , Burlington,
MA 01803
S. G. Phillips, Inc., 305 W. 86th St., New York, NY 10024
Platt & Munk, Publishers. Imprint of Grosset & Dun176, 51 Madison Ave , New
York, NY 10010
Plays, Inc., 8 Arlington St., Boston, MA 02116 i
Clarkson N. Potter, Publishers Inc. Di by Crown Publishers, I );ark Ave., New
York, NY 10016,
Prentic--Hall, Inc., Box 500, Englewood lifts, NJ 07632
Press Patifin, P.O. Box 1227, Kailua, HI 96734
Putnam Publishing Group,-1050 Wall St., Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1050 Wall St., W., Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Raintree Publishers, Inc., 205 W. Highland Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203
. Rand McNally & Co., P.O. Box 7600, Chicago, IL 60680
Random House, Inc., 400 Hahn Rd., Westminster, MD 21157
Nancy Renfro Studios, 1117 W. 9th St., Austin, TX 78703
Rodak Press, Inc., 33 E. Minor St., Emmaut, PA 18049
Scarecrow Press, Inc Div. of Grolier Educational Corr , 52 Liberty St , Metuchen,
NJ 08840
Schenkman Publishing Co., Inc., 3 Mt. Auburn Place, Cambridge, MA 02138
Schocken Books, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016
Scholastic Magazines, 50 W 44th St., New York, NY 10036
Scott, Foresman & Co., 1900 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60025
Charles Scribner's Sons, Vreeland Ave., Boro of Totowa, Paterson, NJ 07512
Seabury Press, Inc., Seabury Service Center, Somers, CT 06071
Sierra Club Bboks. Dist. by Charles Scribner's Sons, Vreeland Ave , Boro of
Totowa, Patersbn, NJ 07512
Directory of Publishers 429

\ "----'48Inson & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Ave. of the American, New York, NY 10020
Sisters' Choke Preis, 2027 Parker St., Berkeley, CA 94704
Sallies Court Books, c/o Atheneum Pubs., 597 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10017
Stemmer House Publishers, Inc., 2627 Caves Rd., Owings Mills, MD 21117
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Todd Tarbox Books, 2523 Ashton Rd., Jackson, Ml 49203
Thimble Press, Lockwood, Station Road, South Woodchester, Stroud, Glos.
GL5 3EQ _

'Mild World Press, 7524 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL 60019

Troll Associates, 320 Rte. 17, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Tundra Books of Northern New York, 51 Clinton St., Box 1030, Plattsburgh, NY
Chalks E. Tuttle Co., Inc., P.G. Drawer F, Rutland, VT 05701
University of Chicago Press, 11030 S. Langley Ave., Chicago, IL 60628
Vanguard Press, Inc., 424 Madison Ave., New York. NY 10017
Viking Press, c/o Vikeship Co., 299 Murray Hill Pkway., East Rutherford, NJ
Walker & Co., 720 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10019
Frederick Warne & Co., Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
Franklin Ways, Inc., 730 Fifth Ave., New York. NY 10019
John Weatherhill, Inc. Dist. by Charles E. Tuttle, Co , Inc 28 S. Main St.,
Rutland, VT 05701
Western Publishing Co., Inc., Dept. M, 1220 Mound Ave , Racine, WI 53404
Westminster Press, Order Dept., P.O. Box 718, Wm. Penn Annex, Philadelphia,
PA 19105
Albert Whitman & Co., 560 W. Lake St., Chicago, IL 60606
Yearling Books. Imprint of Dell Publishing Co., Inc , 1 Dag Hammarskjold
Plaza, 245 E. 47th St.. New York, NY 10017


Author Index

Aardema, Verna, 10, 37 Anno, Mitsumasa, 244, 245, 406

Aaron, Chester, 149 Appleoee, Arthur N 419
Aaseng, Natht, 279, 280 Arbuthnot, May Hill, 423
Abercrombie, Barbara, 224 Armour, Richard 309
Adams, Florence, 335 Arnold, Caroline, 305
Adkins, Jan, 133, 252, 34' Arnold, Oren, 382
Adler, C. S., 172, 206 Arnold, Susan Riser, 391
Adler, David A., 183, 347, 352 Arnosky, Jim, 5, 301
Adoff, Arnold, 214, 215, 217, 222 Arnov, Bons, 351
Aesop, 9 Aronin, Ben, 10
Agostinelli, Maria, 265 Arthur, Catherine, 179
Ahlberg, Allan, 35, 92 Arthur, Ruth M , 121
Ahlberg, Janet, 35, 92 Aruego, Jose, 406
Aiken, Conrad, 219 Asch, Frank, 39, 234, 242, 744
Aiin, Joan, 70 Asher, Sandy. 130
Ainsworth, Ruth, 70 Ashley, Bernard, 149
Albert, Burton, Jr 252, 341 Asian C..Itural Centre for UNESCO, II
Aleichem. Sholem, 236 Amoy, Isaac, 263, 335
Alexander, Lloyd. 67, 68 Association for Childhood Education
Alexander, Martha, 39, 164 International, 164
Alexander, Sue, 70, 183, 240, 380 Atkinson, Mary, 201
AIM, 206, 274, )53 Atwood, Ann, 222
Allamand, Pascale, 39 Augarde, Steve, 40
Allan, Mabel Esther. 123 Avi, 115, 116
Allard Harry, 71, 76, 201 Aylesworth, Jim, 183
Allen, Marjorie N., 179 Aylesworth, Thomas G , 27
Allen, Martha Dickson, 113, 356
Allen, Maury, 280 Babbitt, Natalie, 101
Allen, Thomas B 254 Bach, Alice, 40
Ames, Gt -aid. 398 Bahadur, Dinesh, 363
Ames Lee J , 388 Bailey, Bernadine, 379
Ames, Mildred, 172 Baker, Alan, 40
Amon, Aline, 104. 313 Baker, Augusta, 7
Ancona, George, 295, 342, 343 Baker, Betty, 93
Anders, Rebecca, 249 Baker, Jeannie, 207
Andersen, /tans Christian, b2 83 Baker, Will, 192
Anderson, Bernice G , 10 Baldwin, Anne Norris, 179
Anderson, Lonzo, 26 Baldwin, Lori, 314
Anderson, Lucia, 339 Bislian, Lorna, 93, 230
Anderson, Margaret J , 100, 121, 124 Banchek, Linda, 383
Anderson, Mary, 192 Bang, Molly Garrett,
Anderson, Mi..na, 300 Bare, Colleen Stanley, 317, 320
Angell, Judie, 149, 172, 183 Barkm, Carol, 348
Annixter, Jane, lAO, 320 Barrett, John M , 40, 150
Annixter, Paul, 140, 320 Barrett, Judi, 76, 93, II"


Author Index 431

Bawl, Grady, 383 Bitter, Gal, G , 347

Barry, Scott, 320 _.-n, George M.. III, 234
Barry, Sheila Anne, 406 Blackburn, John Brewton, 224
Banenbach, Jean., 332 Blackburn, Lorraine A , 220, 234
Barth, Edna, 27, 230, 238 Blame, Marge, 127
'knoll, Jennifer, 140 Blanchet, Francoise, 395
Barton, Byron, 267 Blatt, Joseph, 262
Barton, Inselda, 416 Blegvad, Fnk, 35, 278
Barton, Peter, 278 Blegvad, Lenore, 214
Bartram, Robert, 367 Blos, Joan W., 118
Basil, Cynthia, 383 Blumberg, Rhoda, 27, 301
Baskin, Barbara H., 410 Blume, Judy, 130, 183
Bars, Howard, 364 Boccaccio, Tony, 368
Bates, Betty, 179 Bekiker, Cecil, 133
Bauer, Caroline Feller, 418 Boegehold, Betty, 12
Bawden, Nina, 133 Bowen, Victor, 289
Bayley, Nicola, 245 "xi cher, Judith A . 411
Baylor, Byrd, 141, 172, 198, 222. 263 Bohdal, Susi, 41
Beatty, Patricia, 119, 120 Bolognese, Don. 379
Beckett, Hilary, 381 Bomans, Godfried, 84
Bedini, Silvio A , 84 Bond, Michael, 4i
Beer, Kathleen Costello, 349 Bond, Nancy, 101, 133
Begley, Kathleen A., 291 Bonham, Frank, 106. 204
Behrens, Jun-, 270, 376 Bonsall, Crosby, 150, 192
Be Hairs, John, 71. 192 Bona, Corinne, 389
BelprE, Pura, 11 Bona, Robert, 389
Pelsky, Dick, 280 Borland. Hal, 339
Benchley, Nathaniel, 115, 141 Bornstein, Ruth Lercher, 84, 99, I64
Bendickricanne, 335 Bosse, Malcolm J , 101, 207
Benjamin, Alan, 406 Bottlier, Barbara, 150
13ennett, Jill, 410 Bourke, Linda, 390
Bere, Rennie, 11 Bourne, Eulalia "Sister". 141
Berends, Polly B men, 40 Bourne, Miriam Anne. 295
Ilerenstain, Jan, 41, 230, 339 Bowden, Joan Chase, 12
Berenstain, Stan, 41, 230, 339 Bowen, Gary, 118
Bert, Annmane, 271 Boynton, Sandra, 41
Berger, Gilda, 258 Bradley, Buff, 342
Berger, Melvin, 258, 327, 332, 343, 373 Brady, Esther Wood, 118
Berger, Terry, 41, 265, 342 Brady, Irene, 325
Berkey, Barry, 342 Bram, Elizabeth, 184, 199
Berkey, Velma, 342 Brandenberg, Franz. 42
Berliner, Don, 299, 360 Branley, Franklyn M , 328, 336, 351
Bernstein, Joanne E , 342, 385, 410 Branscum, Robbie, 134, 150
Bernstein, Margery, 27 Branson, Karen, 117
Berrill, Jacque y n, 301 Brenner, Barbara, 12, 278, 303, 305, 352
ben; d, 391 Brewton, John E , 220, 224, 234
Berson, Harold, 11, 41 Brewton, Sara, 224
Hester, Roger, 406 Bridgman, Elizabeth, 175, 184, 246
Bethel], Jean, 301 Briggs, Katharine, 12. 13, 71
Bible, Charles, I I Briggs, Raymond, 5
Biekwicz, Julian A,, 253 Brightman, Alan J . 262
Bierhorst, John, 378 Brittain, Hill, 76
Billings, Charlene W , 310 Brodsky, Beverly, 28
Billington, Elizabeth T , 409 Brooks, Gregory, 93
Billo , Guy. 267, 337 Brooks, Jerome !"/2
Bisshopp, Pati xis, 410 Brower, Pauline, 270

432 Author Index

Brown, Anne Ensign, 309, 336 Casey, Brigid, 308

Brown, Dee, 28, 267 Cassidy, Sylvia, 385
grown, Joseph E., 329, 336 Cauley, Lonnda Bryan, 44, 395
bown, Louise C., 318 Cavagnaro, David, 234
Brim.: Marc, 42, 93, 224, 237 Cavagnaro, Maggie, 234
Brown, Marcia, 28, 244 Cavanaugh, Arthur, 19
Brown, Margaret Wise, 42, 141 Ceserani, Gian Paolo, 293
Brown, Marion Marsh, 289 Chaffin, Lillie D , 165
Brown, Palmer, 42 Chaikin, Miriam, 28, 128
Browne, Anthony, 42 Chambers, John W , 142
Brustlein, Janice, 141 Chapman, Carol, 71, 84
Bryan, Ashley, 13 heatham, K. Follis, 114
Budbill, David, 134 Chen, Tony, 323
Bulls, Clyde Robert, 84, 111, 150, 164 Cheney, Cora, 271
Bulychev, Kirill, 106 Cheng, Hou-tien, 20, 238, 389
Bunting, Eve, 84, 134, 150, 151, 238, Chess, Victoria, 242
364 Child Study Children's Book Committee
Bunting, Glenn, 364 at Bank Street, 173
Burch, Robert, 128 Children's Writers and Artists
Burchard, Marshall, 280 Collaborative, 256
Burchard, Peter, 116, 118 Chin, Richard, 369
Burningham, John, 42, 77 Chorao, Kay, 201
Burns, Marilyn, 265, 339 Chukovsky, Koran, 44
Burr, Lonnie, 375 Church, Margaret, 364
Burstein, John, 343 Cipriano, Anthony J., 299
Burt, Olive W., 330, 332 Clark, Ann Nolan, 13, 151
Burton, Hester, 114 Clay, Patrice A , 307
Busch, Phyllis S., 352 Cleary, Beverly, 165, 175
Bush, Chan, 363, 364 Cleaver, Bill, 165, 207
Busnar, Gene, 379 Cleaver, Vera, 165, 207
Butler, Dorothy, 419 Clements, Bruce, 112, 166
Butler, Francelia, 420 Clements, David, 365
Butler, Hal, 280 Clifford, Eth, 207
Butler, Joan, 375 Clifton, Leine, 166, 179
Byars, Betsy, 151, 153 Clymer, Eleanor, 44, 135, 207
Clyne, Patricia Edwards, 71
Cahn, Rhoda, 375 Coatsworth, David, 28
Cahn, William, 375 Coatsworth, Emerson, 28
Carnes, Jeannette, 165 Cobb, Vicki, 289, 338
Calhoun, Mary, 43 Cober, Alah E , 376
Callen, Larry, 134 Coburn, Doris, 333
Calloway, Northern J., 134 Cocrr, Eleanor, 120, 293
Cameron, Ann, 93 Cohen, Barbara, 14, 29, 175
Cameron, Eleanor, 125 Cohen, Daniel, 354, 356
Campbell, C W , 285 Cohen, Joel H , 781
Campbell, Maria, 28 Cohen, Miriam, 201, 202
Canfield, Jane White, 305 Cohen, Peter Zachary, 135
Caputo, Robert, 320 Cole, Ann, 254, 392
Caras, Roger, 320, 356 Cole, Brock, 77
Carle, Eric, 43, 93 Cole, Joanna, 305, 310
Carlson, Bernice Wells, 13, 418 Cole, William, 214, 217, 220, 403
Carlson, Natalie Savage, 13, 43, 141 Coletta, Irene, 242
Carmichael, Carolyn W , 420 Collins, David R , 77, 293
Carrick, Carol, 151, 309, 354 Colmar, :lila, 152
Carrick, Malcolm, 13, 43, 175 Colver, Anne, 124
Carroll, Lewis, 220 Comas, Jeremy, 389
Carroll, Theodus C , 230 Commire, Anne, 409
Cartledge, Michelle, 43, 44 Concannon, Tom, 420

Author Index 433

Cone, Molly, 152 Davidson, Margaret, 308, 314, 325

Conford, Ellen, 202 Davies, Andrew, 101
Conklin, Gladys, 311 Davies, Eryl, 350
Constant, Alberta Wilson, !26 Davis, Burke, 287
Cook, Jan Leslie, 350 Davis, Enid, 415
Cookson, Catherine, 179 Davis, Hubert, 350
Coombs, Charles, 299 Davis, Jesse, 373
Coombs, Patricia, 14, 71 Davis, Ossie, 380
Cooney, Caroline B., 192 Dawood, N J , 15
Cooney, Nancy Evans, 152 Dawson, Linda, 136
Cooper, Jane, 395 de Beaumont, Madame, 15
Cooper, Susan, 72, 101 de Brunhoff, Laurent, 45
Corbett, Scott, 106, 337 de Huff, Eloabeth Willis, 166
Corcoran, Barbara, 192, 208 de Paola, Tome, 5, 15, 29, 46, 85, 94, 202,
Cosgrove, Margaret, 344 231, 259, 263, 315, 333
Couffer, Jack, 330 de Regmers. Bee'rice Shenk, 15. 225
Couffer, Mike, 330 de Roo, Anne, 135
Cavil le, Bruce, 85, 94 de Wit, Dorothy, 29, 418
Coville, Kathenne, 85, 94 Dean, Anabel, 268
Cowing, Sheila, 333 Degen, Bruce, 5
Craft, Ruth, 77, 208 deGroat, Diane. 5
Craig, M. Jean, 14, 301 Delaney, Ned 45
Cramb lit, Joella, 391 Dell, CatK,,ne. 373
Crayder, Dorothy, 193 `klton, Judy, 45, 46, 135, 166, 176, 202
Cressey, James, 77 Demi, 15, 72,407
Cresswell, Helen, 184 De:-luth, Jack, 249
.:rows, Donald, 5, 244 Demuth, Patri-ia, 249
Croll, Carolyn, 185 Dennis, Landt, 336
Crook, Beverly Courtney, 152, 392 Devaney, John, 281, 287, 293, 369
Cross, Helen Reeder, 118, 286 Devlin, Harry, 231
Crowe, Robert L , 44 Devlin, Wendc, 231
Crowley, Arthur, 44 Dewey, Ariane, 406
Crowther, Robert, 242 Dexler, Paul R , 368
Cullman, Bernice E 470 DeWeese, Gene, 106
Cuneo, Mary Louise, 68 Diamond, Donna., 373
Cunliffe, John, 77, 85, 94, 193 Dickinson, Emily, /25
Cunningham, Bronme, A03 Dickinson, Mary, 167
Cunningham, Julia, 67, 152 Dickinson, Peter, 122
Curley, Daniel, 14, 127 Dickmeyer, Lowell A , 368
Currell, David, 417 Dicks, Terrance. 193
Curry, Jane Louise, 101, 193 Dinneen, Betty, 321
Curtis, Edward S., 14, 265 Dionetti, Michelle, 135
Cushman, Doug, 94 Walt Disney Productions, 231, 372
Cutt, Nancy, 14 Distad, Audree, 152, 259
Cutt, W Towne, 14 Daze', Paul C , 268
Cuyler, Margery, 235, 236 Dixon, Paige, 142
Dolan, Edward F , Jr . 281, 361
D'Amato, Alex, 271 Dolan, Sheila, 142
D'Amato, Janet, 271 Domanska, Janina, 16
Dabcovich, Lydia, 199 Donovan, John, 67
Dahl, Roald, 44 Doornekamp, Rinke, 395
Dann, Cohn, 142 dos Santos, Joyce Audy, 16, 199
Danziger, Paula, 185 Doss, Helen, 344
Darling, Kathy, 15, 338 Doty, Roy, 257, 403
Dasent, Sir George Webbe, 230 Douglas, Robert W , 28X
Dauer, Rosamond, 45 Dowden, Anne Ophelia, 352
David, Jonathan, 400 Dragonwagon, Crescent. 46, 153

434 Author Index

Drescher, Joan, 256 Fegely, Thomas D , 310

7reyer, Sharon Spredemann, 411 Feiden, Karen L., 392
Oriz, Ovsei, 225 Feinberg, Harold S , 312
Drucker, Ma Ike, 237 Fenner, Carol, 205
du Bois, Willem Pene, 67 Fenten, D X , 249
Dubois, Daniel, 253 Ferguson, Dale, 259
Duff,,Maggle, 16 Ferguson, Giovonma, 315
Dugan, Michael, 220 Ferro, Beatriz, 247
Dumas, Philippe, 46 Fife, Dale, 124, 194, 202
Duncan, Jane, 142 Filson, Brent, 153
Dunn, Judy, 143, 315 Fine, Joan, 376
Duvoisin, Roger, 47 Fisher, Aileen, 199, 216, 340
Fisher, David E., 351
Edelson, Edward, 286, 375 Fisher, Leonard Everett, 121, 253, 268, 271
Edmonds, I. G., 288 Fisher, Ronald M , 330
Edwards, David L, 29 Fisher, Timothy, 392
Egoff, Sheila A , A15 Flax, James F., 407
Ehrlich, Amy, 136 Flanagan, Henry E , Jr , 368
Eichelberger, Rosa Kohler, 126 Fleischman, Paul, 72
Eiseman, en*, 136 Fleischman, Sid, 78, 86, 94
Eiseman, Me, 136 Fletcher, Elizabeth, 143
Eisenberii, Phyllis Rose, 208 Fletcher, Helen Jill, 243
Eldred, Patricia, 257 Flora, James, 72
Eldridge, David, 354 Flory, Jane, 86
Eldridge, Roger, 69 Fodor, R. V , 257 330
Ellerby, Leona, 102 Fogel, Julianne A , 281
Elliott, Donald, 373 Foote, Patricia. 295
Elmore, Patricia, 193 Ford, Barbara, 321, 340, 402
Elting, Mary, 354 Foreman, Michael, 86, 231
Elwood, Roger, 72 Fortunato, Pat, 286
Emanuel, Elizabeth, 127 Fowler, Bob, 249
Ember ley, Ed, 6, 242, 388, 407 Fox, Michael, 315
Engdahl, Sylvia, 328 Fox, Paula, 86
Engel, Beth Bland, 128 Fox, Siv Cedenng, 223
Englebardt, Stanley L., 337 Fradin, Dennis Brindell, 1 I I, 153, 261
English, Petty Lou 249 Frank, Phil, 256
Epstein, Beryl, 289, 290, 330 Frank, Susan, 256
Epstein, Sam, 289, 290, 330 Franko, Ivan, 9
Erdoes, Richard, 29 Franz, David R , 312
Esterer, Arnulf K , 253 Frascino, Edward, 185
Esterer, Louise A , 253 Freedman, Russell, 272, 303, 305, 325, 326,
Estes, Eleanor, 153 354
Etter, Les, 204, 362 Freeman. Barbara C , 102
Everton, Macduff, 136 Freeman, Don, 47
Freeman, Tony, 367, 399
Faber, Dons, 287 Freencks, Mary, 417
Facklam, Margery, 290 Fregosi, Claudia, 30
Fanshawe, Elizabeth, 180 French, Fiona, 112
Farber, Norma, 72, 85, 214, 222, 246, 34; Freschet, Berniece, 47, 48, 326
Farley. Walter, 143 Friedman, Judi, 301
Farmer, Penelope, 29 Fntz, Jean, 30, 287, 293
Farris, Stella, 69 Froman, Robert, 347
Fassler, Jo a n, 411 rronval, George, 253
Favat, F Andre, 420 Frost, Robert, 223
Feaver, William, 416 Fujisawa, Gyo, 94
Feder, Jane, 143 Furchgott, Terry, 136
Feder, Paula Kurzband, 202

Author Index 435

Gackenbach, Dick, 48, 78, 234 Goldreich, Gloria, 250

Gage, Wilson, 73, 185 Goldsmith, Howard, 72
Galbraith, Catherine Atwater, 254 Gonzalez, Gloria, 153
Galbraith, Kathryn Osebold, 167 Goodall, John S., 6
Galdone, Joanna, 16 Goodman, Ann, 354
Galdone, Paul, 16 Goodman, Saul, 278
Gallant, Roy A., 343 Gordon, Sheila, 154
Gana, Roma, 305, 333 Gordon, Shirley, 154, 173, 203
Gantos, Jack, 48, 78 Graff, Stewart, 274
Ganz, David L, 400 Graham, Ada, 317
Gardiner, John Reynolds, 153 Graham, Frank, 317
Gardner, John, 214 Grahame, Kenneth, 49
Gardner, Robert, 339, 346, 351, 368 Grant, Anne, 294
Garelick, May, 306, 352 Graves, Michael F., 411
Garfield, Leon, 117 Gray, Genevieve, 113
Garner, Alan, 122 Greaves, Margaret, 86
Gar-igue, Sheila, 180 Greenberg, Barbara, 154
Garrison, Christian, 86 Greenberg, Jan, 154
Gates, Doris, 143 Greene, Constance C., 129, 154, 167, 173
Gates, Frieda, 387 Greene, Ellm, 411, 417
Gates, Wend- Devlin, 315 Greene, Laura, 263
Gauch, Pair Lee, 16, 294, 378 Greenfeld, Howard, 237, 382, 385
Gault, William Campbell, 205 Greenfield, Eloise, 102, 177, 208, 216, 294
Geis, Darlene, 375 Greenwald, Sheila, 186
Gelman, Rita Golden, 194 Gretz, Susanna, 395
Gemme, Leila Boyle, 299 Gr.ese, Arnold A , 124
Gemming, Elizabeth, 264, 274 Griffiths, G D., 321
Gennaro, Joseph, 34, Griffiths, Helen, 144
George, Jean Craighead, 136, 143 Grillone, Lisa, 340
Geras, Adele, 122 Grimes, Nikki, 176, 217
Geringer, Laura, 321 Grimm, Jakob, 17, 18, 19
Gerson, Corinne, 167 Grimm, Wilhelm, 17, 18, 19
Gessner, Lynne, 167 Gross, Ruth Belov, 344
Getz, Arthur, 49 Grosvenor, Donna K , 318, 327
Gibbons, Gail, 78, 347 Gullo, Stephen V , 342
Giblin, James, 259 Gutman, Bill, 281, 282
Giff, Patricia Reilly, 185 Outman, Nahum, 123
Gilchrist, Theo E., 78
Gillespie, John T , 418 Haas, Carolyn, 392
Gillis, Ruth J., 411 Hagbnnk, Bodil, 254
Gilson, Jamie, 185 Hahn, Mary Downing. 155
Ginsburg, Mum, 17, 79, 246 Haldane, Suzanne, 372
Giovannetti, 6 Haley, Gail E , 30, 86
Gipson, Fred, 144 Hall, Brenny, 419
Girton, Barbara, 144, 208 Hall, Carol, 134
Gitkr, Ira, 362 Hall, Donald, 11 11
Gittings, Robert, 23 Hall, Lynn, 30, 144
Glazer, Joan 1 , 420 Hall, Malcolm, 19, 49
Glazer, Tom, 378, 382 Halsey, William D , 383
Gleasner, Diana C., 292, 367 Halter, Jon C , 274
Glubok, Shirley, 376, 377 Hamilton, Virginia, 69
Goble, Paul, 17, 30 Hamlin; Marjorie, 421
Godden, Rumer, 49, 194 Hamsa, Bobbie, 321
Goffatein, M. B., 173, 208, 340, 3/7 Hancock. Sibyl, 144, 286
Gold, Phyllis, 180 Hankey, Peter, 378
Goldin, Augusta, 333 Hi nlon, Emily, 180
Goldreich, Esther, 250 Hann, Jacquie, 155, 186
436 Author Index

Hansen, Joyce, 173 Hildick, E W., 195

Hansen, Rosanna, 374 Hill, Helen, 225
Hanson, Joan, 383 Hiller, Catherine, 50
Hanson, lune Andrea, 145 Hilton, Suzanne, 268
Hapgood, Miranda, 155 Himler, Ronald, 199
Haniing, Lee, 106 Hinman, Dorothy, 412
Harley, Ruth, 296 Hintz, Martin, 372
Harper, Anita, 250, 254 Hirsch, Linda, 186
Harrah, Barbara K., 411 Hirschmann, Linda, 302
Harris, Christie, 19, 30, 194 Hirsh, Manlyn, 73
Harris, Dorothy Joan, 49 Hoban, Brom, 311
Harris, Karen H., 410 Hoban, Lilhan, 50
Harris, Lode, 306, 321 Hoban, Russell, 50, 79
Harris, Mark Jonathan, 155 Hoban, Tana, 244
Harris, Rolm H , 155, 205, 344 Hoberman, Mary Ann, 247
Harrison, Sarah, 95 Hodges, C. Walter, 231
Hartelius, Margaret A , 6 Hodgson, Mary Anne, 392
Harding, Peter, 208 Heft, Syd, 51, 232, 294
Harvey, Anthony, 354 Hoffman, Elizabeth P , 73
Haskins, James, 282, 288 Hoffmann, E T. A , 99
Hass, Patricia Cecil, 137 Holland. Isabelle, 155, 209
Hauler, Jon, 194 Holme, Bryan, 377
Hathaway, Nancy, 239 Holmes, Efner Tudor, 145, 209
Haupard, Enk Chnstun, 112, 124 Holzenthaler, jean, 344
Haviland, Virginia, 412 Hoobler, Doroth?, 274
Hawkesworth, Enc, 389 Hoobler, Thomas, 274
Hawktuscr,, !-Jhn, 388 Hooker, Ruth, 195
Hayes, Geoffrey, 49, 67 Hooks, William H , 145, 195
Haynes, Henry LOWS, 180 Hoovei, H. M., 107
Hays, James D., 350 Hopf, Alice L., 303, 322
Hayward, Max, 44 .
Hopkins, Lee Bennett, 73, 155, 215, 216,
Haywood, Carolyn, 203 217, 218, 219, 223, 234, 239, 420
Hazen, Barbara Shook, 168, 265, 344, 382 Horn, Geoffrey, 19
Hearne, Betsy Gould, 95 Horner, Catherine Townsend, 412
Heide, Florence Parry, 180, 186, 194 Horsburgh, Peg, 340
Heide, Roxanne, 194 Hoskins, Robert, 107
Heilman, Grant, 259 Houghton. Eric, 51
Heins, Paul, 415 Houston, James, 137
Helbig, Alethea, 225 Howard, Katherine, 246
Heller, Linda, 6, 186 Howe, Debi...ah, 67, 100
Henriod, Lorraine, 400 Howe, James, 67, 100
Henry, Marguerite, 377 Hoyt, Edwin P , 272
Henry, Sarah Ann, 403 Hsu, M:nam, 320
Herda, D. J., 391, 397 Huang, Paul C , 395
Herda, Judy Bock, 391 Huck, Charlotte S , 423
Herman, Charlotte, 168 Hughes, M3nica, 107
Hermes, Patncia, 180 Hughes, Shirley, 6, 156
Herold, Ann Bixby, 137 Hunt, Joyce, 319, 322
Herz, Irene, 50 Hunter, Mollie, 87, 95, 176, 409
Hess, Jeff, 364, 398 Huntington, Harriet E , 316
Hess, Lilo, 303, 312, 315, 316 Huntington, Lee Pennock, 264
Hewett, Joan, 327 Hurd, Edith Thacher, 79, 145
Heyman, Anita, 123 Hurd, Thacher, 199
Hickman, Janet, 120 Hurmence, Belinda, i76
Hicks, Clifford B , 194, 195 Hurwitz, Johanna, 130, 186, 187
Higdon, Hal, 282 Huss, Sally Moore. 366
Highwater, Jamake, 31 Hutchins, Pat. 156, 187
Author Index 437

Hutchins, Ross E., 311, 340 Keen, Martin L., 333

Hump, Wil, 95 Keenan, Martha, SI
Hyde, Margret 0., 266 Keiper, Ronald R., 321
Hyman, lap, 51 Keith, Harold, 120
Hyman, Robin, 51 Keithahn, Edward L., 20
Hyman, Trina Schart, 243 Keller, Charles, 404
Kellogg, Steven, 95, 235
lams°, Marilyn Berg, 418 Kelly, James E., 337
lakiow, Dimiter, 187 Kendall, Carol, 20
Irwin, Hanky, 119, 209 Kennedy, Richard, 51, 87, 96
Isadora, Rachel, 203, 374 Kennedy, X. J., 220
Israel, Elaine, 266 Kent, Deborah, 181
Italian, Carlo, 268 Kent, Jack, 87
Iverson, Genie, 176 Kenworthy, Leonard S., 264
Kerrod, Robin, 328
Kesselman, Wendy, 209
Jaber, William, 328
Kessler, Ethel, 247, 302
Jacobs, Francine, 350
Kessler, Leonard, 36, 52, 79, 235, 247, 302
Jacobs, Joseph, 20
Kesteven, G R., 107
Jacobs, William Jay, 126
Kettelkamp, Larry, 336
Jacobson, Jane, 156
Kevles, Bettyann 13
Jacobson, Morris K , 312
Keysell, Pat, 4:1
Jaffe, Evan, 374
Kherdian, David, 294
Jagendorf, M. A., 20, 31
Kilmer, R. Smith, 282
James, Elizabeth, 348
Kimmel, Enc, 52
Janosch, 95
Kingman, Lee, 181, 416
Jasner, W. K , 235
Klein, Norma, 176
Jaspersohn, William, 250
Knab, Linda Z , 199
Jenner, Bruce, 282
Knight, David C., 328, 355
Jenness, Aylette, 259
Knox-Wagner, Elaine, i76
Jensen, Virginia Allen, 156
Knudion, R. R., 205
Jewell, Nancy, 209
Kobnn, Janet, 27
Jobb, Jamie, 328
Koehn, Ilse, 294
Joerns, Consuelo, SI
Kohl, Herbert, 302,
John, Naomi, 145
Konigsburg, E I ,177
John, Timothy, 378
Kotzwinkle, William, 73, 107
Johnsen, Jan, 397
Kovalik, Tibor, 20
Johnston, Johanna, 145, 292
Krahn, Fernando, 7. 52
Johnston, Norma, 176
Kramer, Jack, 397
Johnston, Tony, 73, 232
Krasilovsky, Phyllis, 187
Jones, David Cadwalader, 380
Kraske, Robert, 398
Jones, Diana Wynne, 69
Kraus, Bruce, 52
Jones, Harold, 100
Kraus, Joanna Halpert, 380
Jones, Penelope, 156
Kraus, Robert, 52, 146
Jones, Ron, 181
Krementz, Jill, 361, 362, 364, 373, 374
Krensky, Stephen, 74, 79, 87, 96, 384
Kahl, Virginia, 187 Kroeber, Theodora, $8
Kalan, Robert, 245 Kroll, Steven, 74, 209
Kalb, Jonah, 205 Kronzek, Allan Zola, 398
Karmen. Janet, 262 Kudrna, C. Imbior, 384
Karl, Jean E , 70 Kurelek, William, 232
Katz. William Loren. 296 Kuskin, Karla, 79, 225, 329
Katzman, Susan Manlm, 396 Kwitz, Mary DeBall, 52
Kaufmann, John, 306, 363
Kavaler, Lucy, 330 L'Engle, Madeleine, 107, 157
Keats, Ezra Jack, 1 s6, 173. 195 Laklan, Carli, 282
Keefe, Luqman, 70 Lamme, Linda Leonard, 421

Author Index

List, Ilka, 331

Lamperti, Noe Ue, 245
Litchfield, Ada 8 , 181
Landis, James David, 168
Little, Jean, 124
Landshoff, Ursula, 316
Little, Leave Jones, 177
Lanes, Selma G., 416
Live/y, Penelope, 102, 117
Lang, Andrew, 21 Livermore, Elaine, 36
Langstaff, John, 378 Livingston, Myra Cohn, 221, 225, 232, 240
Langton, Jane, 88
Lloyd, Errol, 173
Lapp, Eleanor J., 200
Lobel, Anita, 21
Larkin, David, 417 Lobel, Arno/l, 36, 53, 88, 239
Larrick, Nancy 218
Lodge, Ben ..-d, 96
Larsen, Hanne, 262
Loebel, Jo Ann, 391
Larson, Randy, 368
Loeper, John J., 272
Luker, David, 278 Lofgren, Ulf, 21, 390
Luker, Joe, 181, 246, 275 Lombardy, William, 359
Lasky, Kathryn, 210, 268 Longman, Harold S , 146
Lass-Woodfin, Mary Jo, 412
LO6f, Jan, 80
Lauber, Patricia, 304, 336
Lopshire, Robert, 402
Lavine, Sigmund A , 308, 322, 397
Lorimer, Larry, 366, 369
Lawson, Annetta, 53 Lonmer, Lawrence T., 31
Larock, George, 399 Loring, Ruth M , 422
Le Guin, Ursula K., 53
Love, Sandra, 206
Le Tad, Bijou, 264 Low, Alice, 61, 235
Leach, Maria, 31
Low, Joseph, 54
Lear, Edward, 220 Lowry, Lois, 130, 157, 168
Lee, H. Alton, 205 Lune, Alison, 21, 31
Leech, Jay, 31, 139 Lutters, Valerie A , 157
Leen, Nina, 316, 117, 399
Luzzatto, Paola Caboara, 21
Leonard, Charlotte, 418
Lye, Keith, 334
Leonard, Marcia, 404 Lyfick, Warren, 404
Leone, Bruno, 296
Lynn, Ruth Nadelman, 412
Lerner, Carol, 353
Lyons, Grant, 272
Lerner, Mark, 250
Lystad, Mary, 415
Lesikin, Joan, 53 Lyttle, Richard B , 281, 365. 366
Levine, Betty K., 137
Levine, Michael L., 400
Maar, Leonard, 257
Levitin, Sonia, 120, 237 Macaulay, David, 337, 372
Levy, Elizabeth, 187, 206, 344
Mack, Bruce, 203
Lewin, Betsy, 215 Mack, Stan, 55, 243
Lewin, Ted, 261, 304 MacCann, Donnarae, 416
Lewis, Bruce, 336, 337
MacCann, Donnarae, 416
Lewis, Claudia, 225 MacChntock, Dorcas, ..18
Lewis, Gogo, 100, 232 MacKellsr, William, 96, 232
Lewis, Thomar P., 117 MacLachlan, Patricia, 88, 168, 177, 181
Lexau, Joan M , 319 Madhubuti, Safisha L., 239
LeSteg, Theo, 80, 250 Madison, Arnold, 266, 272
Li, Yao-wen, 20 Maehr, Jane, 413
Libby, Bill, 283 Maestro, Betsy, 89, 246, 384
Lindblom, Steven, 359
Maguire, Gregory, 102
Lingard, Joan, 124 Maher, Ramona, 22, 218
1 insemaier, Walter, 341 Mahlmann, Lewis, 380
Linsley, Leslie, 390 Mkhlqvist, Stefan, 103
Lionni, Leo, 53 Maitland, Anthony, 22
Lippman, Peter, 384
Malloy, Judy, 157
Lipsyte, Robert, 283 Malmgren, Ulf, 174
i-isowski, Gabnel, 7, 88
Malone, Robert, 338
Liss, Howard, 365, 367 Mangunan, David, 254
List, Albert, Jr , 331

Author Index 439

Manley, Seon, 100, 232 Mercer, Charles, 272, 334

Mann, Peggy, 157 Merriam, Eve, 158, 243
Manniche, Lise, 22 Merrill, Margaret W., 302
Manning - Sanders, Ruth, 22 Merrill, Susan, !69
Manton, Jo, 23 Merry, Suzanne, 374
Marino, Barbara Pavis, 345 Metos, Thomas H., 338, 347
Mark, Jan, 137, 174 Meyer, Carolyn, 387
Marko, Katherine D., 318 Meyer, Miriam Weiss, 275
Marks, Burton, 363 Meyers, Susan, 313
Marks, Rita, 363 Michel, Anna, 313, 314, 322
Marshall, Bette, 359 Miklowitz, Gloria r , 55, 158, 334
Marshall, Edward, 108 Miles, Bernard, 32
Marshall, James, 36, 55 Miles, Miska, 56, 146
Marston, Hope Irvin, 268, 269 Miles, Patricia, 97
Martinband, Gerd*, 80 Millard, Reed, 331
Maw llo, Jean, 169, 218 Millay, Edna St Vincent, 226
Mathews, Louise, 348 Miller, Carolyn Handler, 384
Matteson, George, 250 Miller, Edna, 36
Matthias, Margaret, 413 Miller, Jane 326
Maury, Inez, ti8 Miller, Lynne, 393
Mauer, Pat Rhosds, 138 Mtllstead, Thomas, I I I
Mayer, Mercer, 7, 23 Milord, Jerry, 158
Mayne, William, 9-o Milord, Sue, 158
Mazer, Harry, 125 Mintz, Lorehe Miller, 259
McCaffrey, Anne, 107, 108 Mitchell, Barbara, 119
McClenathan, Day Ann K., 421 Mitchell, Cynthia, 216
McClenathan, Louise, 89 Mitchnik, Helen, 23
McClung, Robert M., 311, 318, 326 Mizumura, Kazue, 223
McClure, Gillian. 5 4 Mobley, Jane, 89
McCord, David, 226 Moen, Louise, 146 =

McCord, Jean, 157 Mohn, Peter B , 300

McCunn, Ruthanne Lum, 256 Mow°, F N., 112, 16, 117
McDaniel, Suellen R., 137 Monroe, Lynn Lee, 359
McDearmon, Kay, 313, 322 Monson, Dianne L , 421
McDermott, Beverly Brodsky, 32 Moore, Clement, 232
McDermott, Gerald, 32 Moore, Emily, 158
McFall, Christie, 334 Moore, Lilian, 223, 226
McGee, Myra, 200 Moore, Ruth Nulton, 159
McGovern, Ann, 21, 80, 290 Mooser, Stephen, 357, 387
McGovern, Edythe M., 413 Morey, Walt, 146
Mc Gowen, Tom, 318 Morgan, Tom, 257
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis, 74 Morris, Christopher G , 383
McHargue, Georges, 357 Morris, Dean, 306
McKie, Roy, 404 Morrison, Bill, 203, 385
McKinley, Robin, 32 ,..Morrison, Dorothy Nafus, 288, 292
McLknighan, Va 'jean, 21 Morrison, Lillian, 226
McLoone, Margo, 370, 396 Moskin, Marietta, 126
McLoone-Basta, Margo, 402 Moss, Howard, 221
McMullen, David, 275 Most, Bernard, 407
Mce lulty, Faith, 54, 146, 334 Mueser, Anne Marie, 283
McPhail, David, 54 ,f Murdock, Tony, 361
Marian, Judy Frank, 158, 210 Murphy, Barbara Beasley, 159
Meddaugh, Susan, 55 Murphy, Jim, 347
Meek, Margaret, 416 Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, 97, 10$
Mehta, Rama, 254 Murray. Jerry, 360
Meltzer, Milton, 256, 275 Musgrove, Margaret, 255
Mendoza, George, 380 Myers, Amy, 97

440 Author Index

Myers, Steven J , 74 Pandolfini, Bruce, 359

Myers, Walter Dean, 89, 169, 188, 196 Pape, Donna Lugg, 57
My Her, Rolf, 253 Parenteau, Shirley, 115
Pargment, Lila, 25
° Naden, C. J., 33 Pansh, Peggy, 90, 188, 189
Naftzger, Barbara, 392 Park, Dorothy M . 423
Nash, Ogden, 221 Park, W B., 169
National Geographic Society, 331, 402 Park, William R , 337
Navarra, John Gabriel, 269, 334 Parker, Nancy Winslow, 57, 80, 146, 189
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds, 188, 196, 292, 343 Paterson, Diane, 80, 159, 189
Neal, Harry Edward, 251 Paterson, Kathenne, 115, 130, 160, 174, 233
Ness, Eva line, 56, 97 Patterson, Geoffrey, 275
Newman, Robert, 196 ilitterson, Lillie, 290
Newman, Winifred Barnum, 89 `Paul, Aileen, 396, 398
Newton, James R., 331 Paul, Frances Lackey, 295
Newton, Suzanne, 126 Paulsen, Gary, 108
Nixon, Hershel! H., 334 Pavey, Peter, 57, 246
Nixon, Joan Lowery, 120, 238, 334 Pearce, Philippa, 74
Nobens, C. A , 138 Pearson, Susan, 57
Noble, June, 159 Peck, Richard, 75
Noble, Trinka Hakes, 89, 203 Peck, Robert Newton. 129, 189, 204
Noguere, Suzanne, 323 Peekner, Ray, 108
Nolan, Dennis, 235 Peet, Bill, 57
Norris, Louanne, 200' Pellowski, Anne, 419
Norton, Browning, 196 Pelta, Kathy, 251
Norvell, Flo Ann Hedley, 390 Pender, Lydia, 147
Nostlinger, Chnstine, 108 Perner, Lucille Recht, 259
Numeroff, Laura Joffe, 174 Peppe, Rodney, 348, 407
Nussbaum, Hedda, 304, 353 Perceval, Don, 276
Perkins, Agnes, 225
O'Connor, Jane, 188 Perl, Lila, 160, 204, 260
O'Connor, Karen, 251 Perrault, Charles, 23
O'Connor, Vincent F , 348 Pervier, Evelyn, 363
O'Dell, Scott, 114, 116 Peterson, Carolyn Sue, 419
O'Hare, Colette, 379 Peterson, Jeantte Whitehouse, 262
Oakley, Graham, 56, 407 Pettit, Florence H , 388
Obnst, Jtirg, 23 Pfeffer, Susan Beth, 160
Ofek, linel, 159 Phelan, Mary Kay, 272, 273
Okimoto, Jean Davies, 159 Phelan, Terry Wolfe, 189
Okksy, Walter, 357 . Phelps, Ethel Johnston, 23
Oliver, Robert S , 215 Phillips, Betty Lou, 283
Olney, Ross R , 283, 338, 362, 363, 364, Phipson, Joan, 138, 196 ,,
369, 400 Pierce, Jack, 269
Oneal, Zibby, 57 Pinkwater, Daniel Manus, 58. 67, 70, 81,
Orbach, Ruth, 188 109, 189, 316
Orgel, Dons, 125, 138, 221 Pinkwater, Jill, 316
Orr, C Rob, 367 Pittaway, Margaret, 70
Overbeck, Cynthia, 335 Place, Marian T . 138
Owen, Dilys, 74 Platt, Kin, 81
Oxford Scientific Films, 306, 310, 311, 312, Plume, Ilse, 23
3,9, 323 Polette, Nancy, 421
Politi, Leo, 138
Packard, Edward, 108, 121 Pollock, Robert, 365
Pagliaro, Penny, 226 Pollowitz, Melinda, 210
Paige, David, 251, 327 Polushkin, Maria, 97
Paine, Josephine Ruth, 392 Poochoo, 81
Palacios, Argentina, 112, 405

Author Index 441

Pool, Eugene, 147-----/" Riordan, James, 24

Porell, Bruce, 355 Roach, Marilynne K., 115, 292
Postma, Lidia, 75 Robb, Brian, 97
Potter, Marian, 160 Roberson, John R., 276
Power, Barbara, 169 Roberts, Nancy, 75, 357 *
Powers, Thetis, 404 Roberts, Wdlo Davis, 160, 197
Poynter, Marviret;369 Robison, Nancy L., 97, 284, 361, 369,
Pnabelle, 190. Roche, P K., 58, 393
PrrialijrRlay, 33 Rockwell, Anne, 24, 58, 75, 243, 258, 260
Prelutsky, Jack, 219, 221, 235 Rockwell, Harlow, 260
Price, Christine, 377 Rockwood, Joyce, 114, 116
Price, Michelle, 204 Roddick, Dan, 369
Pringle, Laurence, 304, 331, 341, 355 Rogers, Edmund, 323
Proddow, Penelope, 377 Romanek, Enid Warner, 59
Ptokofiev, Sergei, 379 Ronan, Margaret, 261
Provensen, Alice, 58 Rose, Anne, 24, 33, 81, 125
Provensen, Martin, 58 Rose, Gerald, 59
Pursell, Thomas F , 360, Rose, Pete, 284
Rosenbaum, Michael, 4
Quackenbush, Robert, 196, 233, 240, 290, Rosenberg, Arthur D , 359
376 Rosenbloom, Joseph, 197, 221, 355, 384,
Quin-Harkin, Janet, 81 405
Quinn, Gardner, 238 Rosenblum, Richard, 300
Rosenthal, Sylvia A , 370
Rabe, Berniece, 129, 177 Ross, Ann, 295
Rabinowitz, Sandy, 326 Ross, Blanche, 24
Radlauer, Ed, 269, 360, 369 Ross, Frank, Jr , 270
Radlauer, Ruth, 261 Ross, Laura, 393
Rahn, Joan Elma, 341 Ross, Pat, 133
Raphael, Elaine, 379 Roth, Charles E 331
Raskin, Eller., 197. Roth, David, 210
Rau, Margareff 255, 314, 323 Rothman, Joel, 405
Rauch, Hans-Georg, 389 Rounds, Glen, 81, 147
Ravielli, Anthony. 366 Roy, Ronald, 59, 147
Rayner, Mary, 58 Ruck-Pauquit, Gina, 59
Raynor, Dorka, 255 Rucks, Meredith, 314
Reasoner, Charles F., 421 Ruffins, Reynold, 169
Reed, Graham, 398 Rumsey, Marian, 139
Rees, David, 125, 409 Ruskin, John, 60, 90
Reeves, James, 33 Russo, Susan, 223
Reis, June, 112 Ryden, Hope, 323
Reit, Seymour, 121, 269 Ryder, Joanne, 200, 312
Renfro, Nancy, 417 Ryder, Randall J 411
Rennert, Amy, 251
Resnick, Michael, 361 cabin, Francene, 316
Reuter, Margaret, 182 Sabin, Louis, 316
Ribner, Susan, 369 Sachs, Manlyn, 174, 177
Ricauti, Edward R , 3'3, 355 Sadker, David Miller, 423
Rice, Eve, 9, 58, 197, 200 Sadker, Myra Pollack, 423
Richards, Norman, 269 Sage, Alison, 90, 395
Richards, Pat, 260 Sale, Roger, 416
Richter, Joan, 194 Salus, Naomi Panush, 82
Ricks, Charlotte Hall, 75 Salway, L 413
Riedel, Manfred G , 348 San Souci, Robert, 33
Rinaldi, Ann, 160 Sanderlin, George, 292
Rinard, Judith E , 302 Sargent, Sarah, 98

442 Author Index

Sandi, Jane, 240,400 Shannat, Marjone Weinrr.an, 60, 61, 62,

Sutler, Helen Roney, 2 82, 160, 161, 170, 190, 197, 239
Saul, Jane, 422 Sharmat, Mitchell, 62, 170, 190
Saul, Wendy, 251 Sharon, Mary Bruce, 279
Savage, Lee, 389 Sharp, Margery, 68
Savitt, Sam, 147 Shaw, Evelyn, 319, 326
Scagell, Robin, 300 Shebar, Sharon Sigmond, 312
Seagnetti, Jack, 366 Shecter, Ben, 62, 197
Scarry, Huck, 270 Shedenhelm, W. R. C., 335
Scarry, Patsy, 60 Shire, Ellen, 198
Scarry, Richard, 245 Sholinsky, Jane, 363
Schaaf, Peter, 264, 380 Shostak, Stanley, 310
Schaffner, Val, 68 Shreve, Susan, 161, 198
Schaller, George, 324 Shulevitz, Uri, 25
Schaller, Ksy, 324 Shun, Mary Francis, 148
Scheader, Catherine, 279, 293 Shuttlesworth, Dorothy E , 260, 327
Schick, Eleanor, 177 Shuttlesworth, Gregory J., 260
Schilling, Betty, 316 Shyer, Marlene Fanta, 161
Schimmel, Nancy, 419 Siberell, Anne, 264
Schlein, Miriam, 262, 302, 324, 343 Sichel, Marion, 387
Schmidt, Nancy J., 413 Siegel, Alice, 370, 396, 402
Schneider, Herman, 337 Silman, Roberta, 161
Schneider; Rex, 60 Silverstein, Alvin, 317, 325, 341, 345
Schnurnberger, Lynn Extelpsan,I.& Silverstein, Virginia B., 317, 325, 341, 345
Schoder, Judith, 296 Silverthorne, Elizabeth, 33
Schoenfeld, Madalynne, 411 Simon, Hilda, 273
Schon, Isabel, 413, 414 Simon, Marcia L., 161
Schoor, Gene, 284 Simon, Norma, 161
Schraff, Anne, 288 Simon, Seymour, 198, 317, 318, 319. 329,
Schreiber, Elizabeth Anne, 306 335, 339, 341, 345, 376, 403
Schulman, Janet, 197, 236 Simons, Robin, 393
Schulte, Emerita S., 414 Singer, Julia, 255
Schumacher, Craig, 370 Sitomer, Harry, 349
Schwarz, Alvin. 24, 37, 258, 273, 382 Sitomer, Mindel, 349
Schweninger, Arin, 224 Skolaky, Mindy Warshaw, 127, 129
Scott-, Jack Denton, 306, 307, 308, 324 Skurzynski, Gloria, 34, 162, 346
Scott, Jane, 147 Slater, Jim, 75
Scnbner, Charles, Jr . 25 Sleator, William, 75
Scum, Vincent, 308, 309 Slepian, Jan, 174
Seabro.okellrenda, 139 Slote, Alfred, 109
Sebesta, Sam L.. 422 Smath, Jerr, 82
Sebestyen, Guide, 126 Smith, Carole, 195
Seed, Suzanne, 252 Smith, Doris Buchanan. 131
Segal, Joyce, 417 Smith. Howard E , Jr 200
Segal. Lore, 190 Smith, James A , 423
Segan, Ann. 348 Smith, Jim, 62
Segovia, Andres. 380 Smith, Lucia B , 182
Beatrice, 279 Smith. Norman F 351
Seises. Judith S 266 Smith. Jay, 44
Selsam, Millicent E , 260. 319, 353. 355, 356 Smucker, Barbara, 119
Seuling.Harbara, 60. 169, 258 Snow, Richard, 270
Seuss, Dr., 405 Snyder, Anne, 190
Sewell, Marcia, 25 Snyder, Carol, 128
Shapiro, Irwin. 291, 345 Snyder, Gerald S . 357
Shapiro, Jon E.. 421 Snyder, Zilpha Keeney. 79. 139
Shapiro, Milton J , 276 Sobol, Donald J 198, 403


Author Index 443

Sobol, Harriet Lanpam, 262, 266, 295 Supraner, Robyn, 170

Somers, Albert B 422 Supree, Burton, 295
Sorensen, Virginia, 174 Sutcliff, Rosemary, 34, 113
Soucheray, Joe, 360 Sutherland, Zena, 423,
Soyer, Abraham, 9 Swetnarh, Evelyn, 162
Sparkman, Brandon, 422 Swinburne, Irene, 276
Spencer, Zane, 31, 139 Swinburne, Laurence, 276
Spier, Peter, 34, 139, 190, 255, 273 Synge, Ursula, 34
Spirt, Diana L., 419
Sprinptubb, Tricia, 190 kralbot, Charlene Joy, 140
Srivastava, Jane Jonas, 349 Tarbox, Shirley, 227
St. George, Judith, 121, 236, 273 Tarbox, Todd, 227, 385
St. Tamar*, 324 Tarrant, Margaret, 36
Stanek, Muriel, 162, 182 Tate, Eleanora E., 170
Starbird, Kaye, 226 Taylor, G. Jeffrey, 329
Stearns, Pamela, 90 Taylor, Sydney, 128
Steckler, Arthur, 383 Teibl, Margaret, 170
Steele, Mary Q., 90 Teleki, Geza, 314
Steele, William 0., III, 114, 116, 273 Tennant, Veronica, 162
Steffy, Karen, 314 ter Haar, Japp, 182
Steig, William, 62, 98 Terns, Susan, 178
Steinberg, Fannie, 123 Tether, Graham, 63
Steinberg, Phil, 309 Thaler, Mike, 148, 405
Steiner, Jorg, 62, 63 Thayer, Ernest Lawrence, 221
-Steinkoler, Ronnie, 396 Thayer, Julie, 148"
Stem*, David,' 307 Thayer, Marjorie, 127
Steusland, Anna Lee,.414 Thayer, Ruth, 148
Steptoe, John, 170 Theroux' Paul, 233
Stevens, Bryna, 10 Thiele, Cohn, 123, 148
Stevens, Carla, 63 Thiessen, Diane, 413
Stevens, Leonard A , 267 Thomas, Art, 367
Stevens, Patricia Bunning, 233 Thomas, Dylan, 233
Stevenson, James, 63, 98, 191, 236 Thomas, Gary, 405
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 227 Thomas, lanthe, 162
Stewart, A t , 139 Thomas, James L , 422
Stewart, Mary, 103 Thomas, William E , 374
Stewig, John Warren, 253, 422, 423 ThompsOn, Brenda, 335
Still, James, 25 Thomson, Neil, 393
Shiley, Frank, 252 Thomson, Ruth, 393
Stine, Jane, 405 Thrasher, Crystal, 129
Stine, Jovial Bob, 405 Thurman, Judith, 216, 247, 490
Stolz, Mary, 175, 178 Thwaite, Ann, 204
Stone, 'Bernard, 63 Tiedt, Iris M , 423
Stoutenburg, Adnen, 139 Titles,. Estelle, 25
Strait, Treva Adams, 274 Tobias, Ann, 267
Strange, Florence, 319 Tobias, Tobi, 163
Stranger, Joyce, 148 Tomlinson, Jill, 68
Stren, Patti, 63 Tom pert, Ann, 64.90
Strete, Craig Kee, 162 Toor, Ruth, 422
Strong, Arline, 252 Torre, Frank D , 391
Stuart, Gene S., 331, 356 Towne, Mary, 98
Suhl, Yuri, 237 Towns rid, John Rowe, 409
Sullivan, Georti 270, 284, 285, 361, 365, Traetta, John, 362
366, 370 Traetta, Mary Jean, 362
Sullivan, Mary Beth, 262 Travers, P. L , 25
Sundgaard, Arnold, 98 Trimtly, Elms, 200

Author Index

Tripp, Wallace, 36 Watkins, Mary S 281

Trivett, Daphne, 247 Watson, Clyde, 227
Trwett, John, 247 Watson, Jane Werner 109
Tucker, Alan, 414 Watson, Nancy Dingman. 218
Tudor, Tasha, 118, 240 Watson. Pauline, 65, 19 t , 396
Turk le, Bunton, 7, 119 Watts, Franklin, 260
Turner, Dona, 148 Waxtran, Stephanie, 346
Turner, Stephen C , 332 Wayne, Bennett, 285
Tuttle, Anthony, 285 Weber, William J , 327
Tyler, Jane B., 367 Webster, David, 357
Well, Ltsl, 10,'43, 289
Uchida, Yoshiko, 131 Weinstein, Grace W . 258
Weisburg, Hilda K , 422
Van Allsblirg, Chris, 76 Weiss, Ann E , 383
van der Land, Spiker, 34 Weiss, Harvey, 338, 390, 399
van der Meer, Atie, Weiss, Joan Talmage, 163
van der Meer, Ron, 91 Weiss, Malcolm E , 349, 357
Van Leeuwen, Jean, 64 Weiss, Peter, 391
Van Soelen, Philip, 332 Weissman, Sam Q , 408
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth, 285, 288 Welch, Martha McKeen, 353
Van Woerkom, Dorothy 0 , 26, 91, 113, Wens, Virginia, 20
303 Westall, Rolm., 103, ;25
Van Wormer, Joe, 325 Wetherbee, Holden, 7
Vangheli. Spindon, 170 Maigarct,
Veglahn, Nancy, 291 xim, Jet -,;ne, ,53.3
Ventura, Marisa, 191 Wheat, Jams Knudsen, 3s 3
Ventura, Piero, 191, 293 White, Eorence Merman, 286, 291
Vestly, Anne-Cath 171 White, Paul, 263
Vigils, Judith, 171, 236 White, Virginia L , 414
Viorst, Judith, 19; Wibberley, Leonard, 103
Vinn, Anna, 100 Wiedel, Janine, 256
Vogel, Ilse-Margret, 210 Wild, Jocelyn, 65, 244
Von Canon, Claudia, 113 Wild, Robin, 65, 244
Vreuls, Dia, e, 408 Wilde, Oscar, 91
Wilder, Cherry, 109
Waber, Bernard, 64, 247 Wilder, Rosilyn, 422
Wade, Anna, 175 Wildsmith, Brian, 34, 245
Wagner, Jenny, 64, 98 Wilkin, Binme Tate, 414
Wahl, Jan, 64, 65, 182, 234, 238 Wilkinson, Brenda, 178
Wakefield, Joyce, 248 Willard, Nancy, 191
Waldron, Ann, 130, 140 Williams, Barbara, 65, 163, 239, 252, 325,
Walker, Barbara M , 396 353
Walker, Katherine Sorley, 375 Williams, Gurney, 111, 420
Wallace, Barbara Brooks, 127, 191 Williams. Jay, 35, /1, 98
Wallace, Bill, 148 Williams, Lee Ann, 362
Wallace, Daisy, 219 Williams, Leslie. 99
Wallace-Brodeur. Ruth, 163 Williams, Vera B , 233
Walsh, Jill Paton, 113 Willoughby,-Elaine Macmann, 163
Walter, Mildred Pitts, 210 Wilner, Isabel, 227
Walther, Tom, 319 Wilson, Beth , 286
Ward. Leila, 201 Wilson, Karen, 35
Warlow, Aidan, 416 Wilson, Mike. 300
Warshaw, Jerry, 389 Winter, Paula, 7
Wartski, Maureen Crane, 140 1,11 inthrop, Elizabeth, 66, 171. 206
Watanabe, Shigeo. 65, 2t.5 Wise, William, 332
Waters, John F . 312 Wiseman, A. i, 393

4 ti
Author Index 445

Wiseman, Bernard, 82, 110, 206 Yolen, Jane, 66, 92, 99, 110, 222, 244
Wittman, Sally 211 Yonkers Public Library Children's
Wold, Jo Anne, 163 Services, 414
Wolf, Bernard, 204, 257, 263 Yoo, Edwa,d Yushin, 92
Wolkoff, Judie 164, 192 York, Carol Beach, 211
Wolkstem, Diane, 26, 66, 91 Young, Alicia E , 121
Wood, Nancy, 218 Young, Ed, 26, 37, 381
Woodard, Gloria, 416 Young, Helen, 178, 182
Woodside, Dave, 261
Worth, Valerie, 216 Zalben, Jane Breskin, 66
Woi 'hington, Janet Evans, 422 Zaslaysky, Claudia, 349
w Aght, Dare, 100 Zei, Alki, 117
Wrigley, Elsie, 390 Zemach, Kaethe, 66
Wuorio, Eva-Lis, 76 Zemach, Margot, 26, 171, 279, 379
Wyeth, Betsy James, 68 Zhitkov, Boris, 123
Wyler, Rosc,.398 Zim, Herbert S , 329
Zimelman, Nathan, 140, 149
Yano, Shigeko, 201 Zimmerman, Ruth, 412
Yarbrough, Camille, 171 Ziner, Feeme, 10
Yates, Elizabeth, 149 Zoli, Max Alfred, 307
Yellow Robe, Rosebud, 35 Zolotow, Charlotte, 99, 164. 171, 172, 178
Ycp, Laurence, 178 Zubrowski, Berrie 394
Yerkow, Charles, 360 Zweite', Frances, 397
Title Index

A. J. Foyt. The Only Four Time Winner, All-Around Pumpkin Book, The, 235
All in the Woodland Early An ABC Book.
Abbey Lubbers. Banshees and Boggarts, 12 244
About the Foods You Eat, 345 All the King's Horses. 86
Absolute Zero: Being the Second Part of All the Little Bunnies A Counting Book.
the Bagthorpe Saga, t84 246
Accident. The, 151 All the Money in the World. 76
Acorn People. The, 181 All Times. All Peoples A World History of
Adam Smith Goes to School. 204 Slavery, 275
Adventures of Nanabush, The Opbway Alligator and His Uncle Tooth, The, 67
Indian Stories. 28 Alligator's Toothache, 5
Adventures of Yemima. The. 9 Alligators, 317
Aerial Apes. Gibbons of Asia. 314 Alphabet Art Thirteen ABC's from around
360 the World. 253
Africa Dream. 102 Alvin Fernald, TV Anchorman, 194
Age of Aquarius You and Astrology. 328 Alvin's Swap Shop. 195
Agha the Terrible Demon. 35 Amanda and the Giggling host, 74
Amer Gate. The, 122 Amazing Bone. The, 98
Akimba and the Magic Cow A Folktale Amazing Dandelion, The, 353
from Africa. 24 Amazing Earthworm The, 312
Alan and the Animal Kingdom, 155 Amazing Egg, The. 326
Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars, 109 Amazing Memory of Haney Bean, The,
Alaska in Words and Pictures. 261 152
Alaska Indians. Eskimos, Russians and Amazing Voyage of the New Orleans, The.
the Rest, 271 273
Alaskan Igloo Tales. 20 Amazing Yo-Yo, The. 400
Albert B Cub & Zebra An Alphabet Amelia Bedelia Helps Out, 188
America's Journeys into Space 1 he
Storybook, 243
Astronauts of the United States, 299
Album of Reptiles. 318
Alcohol What It Is. What It l'ioes 266 Amifika, 166
Aldo Appelsauce 186 Amy for Short, 174
Aldo's Ocghouse Drawing in Perspect. Amy Goes Fishing, 169
Amy's Goose, 145
Ala.'s Bed. 167 An Apartment House Close Up. 264
Alexander. Who Used to Be Rich Last An Eye on the World Margaret
Sunday. 191
Bourke-White, Photographer, 279
Alfred Summer. The, 174 An filustrited History of the Chinese in
Alfred's Alphabet Walk, 242 America. 256
Igonquian and Iroquois Crafts for You to Anastasia Krupnik, 168
Make, 271 Ancestor Hun..ng, 400
Algonquian Indiai:s at Summer ( amp. 270 Ana Everywhere, Children'. 164
Algonquin Cat, And Then the Mouse. 19
Alice. 106 ,,.drea Jaege Tennis Champion, 281
Alice Yazzie's Year. 218 Angels arid Other Strangers Tamil}
All about Our 50 States. 26 Cnristmas Stories. 211
All about Your Name, Annt 382

Title Index 447

Angry Waters: Floods and Their Control, Awakening Water, The, 107
330 Awful E-Jelina, 160
Animal Fact/ Animal Fable, 403
Animal Rescue: Saving Our Endangered Babar's Mystery, 45
Wildlife, 332 Babe Didrikson The World's Greatest
Animal Rights: Stories of People Who Woman Athlete, 284
Defend theRights of Animals, 265 Backpacking for Fun and Glory, 368
Animal Snackers, 215 Backyard Bestiary, 301
Animals and Their Niches How Species Backyard Vacation Outdoor Fun in Your
Share Resources, 304 Own Neighborhood, 392
Animals in Danger Trying to Save Our Bad Luck Tony, 153
WIldltfe, 331 Bad Thad, 157
Ammals of the Bible, 263 Badger on His Own, 64
Animals of Farthing Wood, The, 142 Bagthorpes Unlimited. Being the Third Part
Animals Build Amazing Homes, 304 of the Bagthorpe Saga, 184
Animals Who Changed Their Colors, The, Bagthorpes V the World Being the Fourth
39 Part of the Bagthorpe Saga, 184
Anna's Silent World, 263 Bah! Humbug?, 230
Annabelle, 99 Bake-Off, The, 44
Anno's Animals, 406 Baker Street Irregulars in the Case of the
Anno's Countinp, Book, 245 Crooked Kids, The, 193
Anno's Italy, 40o Bakery Factory, The Who Puts the Bread
Anno's Journey, 446 on Your Table, 259
Anpau An American Indian Odyssey, 31 Balder and the Mistletoe A Story for the
Antarctica The Great White Continent, 262 Winter Holidays, 27
Ants Who Took Away Time, The. 107 Ballet for Boys and Girls, 375
Anybody Home?, 199 Ballpark, The, 250
Anywhere Else But Here, 166 Banana Twist, 186
Appalachian Ghosts, 75 Barney Bipple's Magic Dandelions. 71
Apple to Eat or Cross the Street, An, 408 Baryshnikov A Most Spectacular Dancer,
Apple Pigs, 188 278
Aranea A Story about a Spider, 64 Baseball Is for Me, 368
Arbuthnot Lectures, The 1970-1979, 415 Bas:kall's Most Valuable Players, 280
Ardizzone's Ha.is Andersen, 82 easic Fieid Hockey Strategy An
Are You Sad, Mama". 171 Introduction for Young Players, 362
Argentaybee and the Boom. 50 Basic Lacrosse Strategy An Introduction
Anon and the Dolphins, 26 for Young Players, 368
Arkful of Animals, An, 214 Basic Volleyball Strategy An
Art of the Comic Strip, The, 376 lntrod:iction for Young Players, 366
Art of the Vikings, The. 377 Basket Weaving. 392
Art of Maurice Sendak, !he, 416 Bassumtyte Treasure, The. 193
Art of Nancy Ekholm Burkert, 1 he, 417 Bat htime, 301
Art Tells a Story Greek and Roman Bathtub Ocean, Die, 80
Myths. 377 Baton Twirling. 369
Art Tells a Story The Bible, 377 Be a Rockhound, 333
Arthur, for the Very First Time, 177 Be Ready at Eight, 188
Arthur's New Power, 50 Bean Boy. The 12
Arthur's Nose, 42 Beam, 143
Arthur's Pen Pal, 50 Bear and the Kingbird, The 17
Arthur's Prize Reader. 50 Bear in the Air, A, 99
Arthur's Valentine, 237 Bear Hunt, 42
Artist, An, 377 Bear Who Wanted to Be a Bi 1 he, 62
Arts of Clay, 377 Bear's Heart, 295
Ashanti to Zulu African I raditions, 255 Bears' ABC Book, 1 he, 244
Aunt Possum and the Pumpkir, Man, 5 Bears' Bazaar, 1 he A Story Craft Book. 41
Aurora and Socrates, 171 Pearskinner, The, 17
Autumn Street. 130
Title Index

Bearymore, 47 Beware' These Animals Are Poison, 303

Beast of Lor, The, 1 I I Beyond the Mountain, beyond the Forest.
Beat the Drum: Independence Day Hat III
Come, 239 Bible Stories for Children, 19
Bert the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum, 13 Bicultural Hentag A Themes for the
Pat the Turtle Drum, 154 Exploration of Mexican and !4-xican-
Amencan Culture in Books for Children
Beautiful Rat, The, 66
Beauty and the Beast. 15 and Adolescents, 413
Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty Bicycles on Parade. A Brief History, 360
& the Beast, 32 Big Anthony and the Magic Ring, 85
Bees and Honey, 311 Big Bad Bruce. 57
Before You Were Three. How You Began Big Fat Enormous Lie, A, 82
to Walk, Talk, Explore and have Big Find, The, 134
Feelings, 344 Big Fire in Baltimore, 126
Beginrung Cross-Country Sluing, 364 Big Max in the Mystery of the Missing
Beginning Rider, The: A C.,,mmon Sense Moose, 81
Approach, 363 Big Orange Splot, The, 189
Beginning Surfing, 367 Big Red Barn, The, ISO
Beginnings Creation Myths of the World, Big Rigs, 268
Biggest, Smallest, Fastest, Tallest Things
Behind the Scenes at the Zoo, 327 You've Ever Heard Of, The, 402
Behind the Sealed Door The Discovery Bill and Pete, 46
of the Tomb and Treasures of Bill Pickett First Black Rodeo Star. 286
Tutankhamun, 276 Billy Be, and the Bull. 14
Behind Enemy lines- American Spies and Binchea of Isaac. The. 29
Saboteurs in World War I1, 276 Bing Bong Bang and Fiddle Dee Dee, 80
Bells, Bells, Bells, 379 Biography of a Giraffe. 322
Biography of a River Otter, 321
Belonging, 181
Beloved Benjamin Is Waiting, 70 Biography of a Whooping Crane, 306
Benjamin and the Box, 40 Bionic Parts for People The Real Story of
Benjamin Banneker Genius of Early Artificial Organs and Replacement
America, 290 Parts. 346
Benjamin Bounces Back, 40 Bird and Flower Emblems of the United
Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur States, 273
Bone, The, 41 Birds. 306
Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree, The, 230 Birds Are Flying, 306
Berenstain Bears' Science Fair The, 339 Birth of a Foal, 326
Bernard into Battle, 68 Birthday in Kishirev 123
Bernard of Scotland Yard, 47 Birthday Trombone, The, 6
Best of the Little Books, The. 405 Birthday Wish. A, 6
Black Pearl and the Ghost or Gne Mystery
Best of Book Bonanza. The, 420
after Another, The. 196
Best of Enemies, The. 133
Black People Who Made the Old Wes', 296
Best of Grimm's Fairy Tales
Best 130;-,k of Riddles, Puns & Jokes, The Black Stallion Picture Book. The. 143
Black Sunshine The Story of Coal, 332
Best Burglar Alarm, [he, 139 Blackface Stallion, 144
Best Mom in the World. The, 176 Blind Guards of Eastertisland, The, 275
Bet You Can't+ Science Impossibilities to Blind Outlaw, 147
Fool You, 338 Blood Feud, 113
Betsy's Play School, 203 Blue Colt. 141
Boys. 370 Blue Horse and Other Night Poems, The,
Better Basketball
Better Gymnastics for Girls. 361 223
Better Kite Flying for Boys and Girls, 363 Blue Jackal, The, 28
Better Volleyball for Girls, 366 Blue Sea, 245
Between Dark and Daylight. 129 Blue Stone. The, 87
Between Friends, 180 Blue Whale, The, 318
Title Index 449

Blue-Wings-Flying, 166 Bullfrog and Gertrude Go Camping. 45

Blueberries Lavender. Songs of the Bullfrog Builds a House, 45
Farmer's Children, 218 Bumper Tubbs, 54
Boat to Nowhere, A, 140 Bumps le the Night, 71
Bob McAdoo, Superstar, 282 Bunch of Poems and Verses, A, 225
Bobby and Boo, the Little Spaceman, 110 Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies, 348
Bones on Black Spruce Mountain, 134 Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery, 67
Bong Nam and the Pheasants, 92 Bur yip of Berkeley's Creek, The, 98
Bonzo Beaver, 44 Burnie's Hill: A Traditional Rhyme, 35
Book about Your Skeleton, A, 344 Bus Ride, 209
Book of the Goat, The, 308 Busy Day. A Book of Action Words, 384
Book of Kings and Queens, A, 22 But No Elephants, 82
Book of Spooks and Spectres, A, 22 Butcher, Baker, Cabinetmaker
Bookfmder, The: A Guide to Children's Photographs of Women at Work, 251
Literature about the Needs and Butterfly Cycle, The, 311
Problems of Youth Aged 2-15, 411 By Camel or by Car A Look
Books about Children's Books An Transportation, 267
Annotated Bibliography, 414 By Crumbs, Its Mine?. 119
Books about Handicaps for Children and By Myself, 217
Young Adults, 410
Books for the Gifted Child, 410 Cactus in the Desert, 352
Books on American Indians and Eskimos- Caesar. Cock of the Village, 46
A Selection Guide for Children and Callooh! Callay! Holiday Poems for Young
Young Adults, 412 Readers, 240
Books ti, Help Children Cope with Can't You Make Them Behave, King
Separation and Loss, 410 George?, 287
Books: From Writer to Reader, 385 Canada Geese, 306
BoredNothing to Do!, 139 Cancer, 345
Bons and the Monsters, 163 Captain of Battery Park, The, 147
Bo. rowed Feathers and Other Fables, 10 Captain James Cook, 296
Boy and the Tree, The, 225 Captain Toad and the Motorbike. 54
Boy Who Ate More than the Giant and Captain Grey, 115
Other Swedish Folktalcs, The, 21 Carive, The, 114
Boy Who Loved Mus,c, The, 278 Careers at a Zoo, 250
Boy Who Saw Bigfoot, The, 138 Careers in . Library, 249
Boy Who Wanted a Family, The, 154 CanCatures, 49
Branded Runaway, 139 Carnival and Kopeck and More about
Brave Little Tailor, The, i 7 Hannah, 12V
Bravest Babysit ter, The, 154 Carolina Hurricane, 139
Break in the Sun, 149 Carpentry for Kids. 391
Breakfast in the Afternoon, 383 Carrie Hepple's Garden, 208
Breakthrough. Women in Writing, 292 Carrie's Gift, 209
Bremen-Town Musicians, The, 23 Carrot Nose, 64
Brendan the Navigator A History Mystery Carrpusel. 88
about the Discovery of America, 30 Cankand Cwidder, 69
Bridge 'o Terabithia, 174 Cartoonist, The. 165
Bridges, 337 Case of the Double Cross. The, 192
Bring ..:e All of Your Dreams, 218 Case of the Phantom Frog, The, 195
Bringing Children and Books Together Cat' if the Semi-Human Beans. The, 109
A Teacher's Guide to Early Childhood Case of the Snowbound Spy, The. 195
Literature, 421 Case of the Vanishing Corpse, The, 196
British Folk Talcs, 12 Casey at the Bat A Ballad of the Republic.
Brotherhood of Piiates. 296 Sung in the Year 1888, 221
Brothers Grimm, The Popular Folk Tales, Casper and the Rainbow Bird, 51
18 Castle, 372
Castles in the Air and Other Tales. 87
Title Index

Cat on the Dovrefell, The- A Christmas Children's Books of International Interest,

Tale, 230 Second Edition, 412
Catch a Sunbeam: A Book of Solar Study Children's Faces Looking Ur,: Program
and Experiments, 335 Building for the Storyteller, 418
Catch the Wind A Book of Windmills Children's -iterature in the Elementary
and Windpower, 336 School, Third Felton, Updated, 423
Children's Mathematics Books A Critical
Catch Calico!, 149
Catch Me & Kiss Me & Say It Again, 227 Bibliography, 413
Catch That Cad, 7 Children's Museum Activity Book, A
Cats, 316 Bubbles, 394
Catr All about Them, 317 Child's Bestiary, A, 214
Caught in the Rain, 247 Child's Christmas in Wales, A, 233
Cave beyond Time, 101 Child's Concept of Story, The Ages Two to
Cave of the Moving Shadows, 11; Seventeen, 419
Caves, 333
Child's Garden of Verses, A, 227
Celebrating with Books, 421 Chin Music: Tail Talk and Other Talk, 382
Certain Magic, A, 138 China from Manchu to Mao (1699-1976),
Charge of the Mouse Brigade, The, 63 276
Charlie Eown's Fourth Super Book Chinese Amencans, The, 256
of Questions and Answers: About All Chinese New Year, The, 238
Kinds of People and How They Chinwe, 118
Live', 402 Chip, 192
Charlie Brown's Third Super Book Chris Evert First Lady of Ter nit, 283
of Questions and Answers- About All Christmas Card, A, 233
Kinds of Boats and Planes, Cars and Christmas Feast, A Poems, Sayings,
Trains and Other Things That Greetings and Wishes, 230
Move!, 267 Christmas Ghosts, 232
Charlotte & Charles, 90 Christopher Columbus, 293
Chatterbox, The, 204 Church Mice at Bay, The, 56
Chess for Children and the Young at Heart, Cider Days, 175
359 Cinderella, 16
Chess for Children, Step by Step A New, Cinnamon Cane, 210
Easy Way to Learn the Game, 359 Circus Workin's 372
Chester Chipmunk's Thanksgiving, 239 City Horse, 249
Chestnut Farm, 1860,275 City, Sing for Me A Country Child Moves
Chick Hatches, A, 305 to the City, 156
Chickaree. A Red Squirrel, 324 Classics of the Royal Ballet, 373
Chicken and the Egg, The, 306 Clean Air, Clean Water for Tomorrow's
Chief Sarah Sarah Winnemucca's Fight World. 331
for Indian Rights, 292 Clever Gretchen and Other Forgotten
Child and Tale The Origins of Interest, Folktales, 21
420 Climbing Sun The Story of a Hopi Indian
Child of the Owl, 178 Boy, 127
Children and Books, Fifth Edition. 423 Clipper Ship, 117
Children and Literature, 423 Clocks and How They Go. 347
Children of the Fox, 113 Close Look at the Moon, A, 329
Children of the Incas, 254 Close Your Eyes, 218
Children of Lapland, 254 Clotilda, 87
Children Are Children Are Children An Cloudy with a Chance of Medtbalk, 76
Activity Approach to Exploring Brand, Clown of God. The, 29
France, Iran, Japan, Nigeria and the Cober's Choice, 376
USSR,254 Color From Rainbow to Lasers, 351
Children's Bible from The Good News Come to the Edge, 152
Rib!, in Today's English Version, The Come to the Fair, 259
29 Come Away from the Water. Shirley, 77
Children's Books for Times of Stress An Come Fight a Kite, 363
Annotated Bibliography, 411

4 L-;
Title Index

Come Follow Me to the Sect World Cry of the Crow, The, 143
of Elves aid Fairies and Gnomes and Crybaby, 155
Trolls, 94 Crystal Is the New Girl, 173
Come Spring, 167 Cultural Conformity in Books for Children
Common Frog, 310 Further Reading in Racism. 416
Complete Beginner's Guide to Gymnastici, Curiosity for the Curious. A, 118
The, 361 Curly and the Wild Boar, 144
Complete Begmr,r's Guide to Photography, Cushla and Her Books. 419
The, 399 Custard and Company. 221
Complete Beginner's Guide to Skiing, The, Cut-Rate Quarterback, 205
Conrad's War, 101
Contest Kid Strikes Again, The, 191 Daddy, 165
Cool Web, The The Pattern of Children's Daddy Is a Monster Sometimes. 170
Reading, 416 Daffy Dictionary Fun Abndged Definitions
Cornrows, 171 fn ,n Aardvark to Zuider Zee 384
Cornstalks and Cannonballs, 119 Dam Builders, The, 337
Cornucopia, 215 Dame Wiggins of Let and Her Seen
Costume Reference 7 The Edwardians, 387 Wonderful Cats, 60
"Could Be Worse' ". 191 Danbury's Burning' The Stori, of
Count on Your Fingers African Style, 349 Ludington's Ride, 294
Covered Bridge House and Other Poem:, Dance of the Planets The t nierse of
The, 226 Nicolaus Copernicus. 291
Cowardly Clyde. 57 Dancer, 374
Coyote for a Day, 320 Dancing Granny, The. 13
Crackle Gluck and the Sleeping Toad, 48 Dancing Man, The, 84
Cranberry Christmas, 231 Danger from Below, 335
Creative Puppetry in the Classroom, 417 Dangers of Noise, The. 330
Creatures from Lost Worlds, 376 Daniel's-Duck, 150
Creatures of the Night, 302 Dark Princess, The. 87
Creatures of Paradise Pictures to Grow Darwin and the Enchanted Isles. 291
Up With 377 Daughter of the Moon, The. 102
Creek Indians. The, 272 Daughters of the Law, 130
Cricket in the Grass and Other Stones. 332 Davey Come Home, 170
Cricket Boy. 10 David and Dog, 156
Cricket's Cookery, 396 Day in the Life of a Forest Ranger. A. 251
Cricket's Jokes, Riddles znd Other Stuff, Day in the Woods. A, 330
404 Day of the Blizzard, 126
Crime of Martin Coyer ly. I he. 103 Day Eli Went Looking for Bear. The. 135
Crinkleroot's Book of Animal Tracks and Day I Was Born. The, 170
Wildlife Signs, 30, Day Is Waiting The, 199
( rims on Conshelf Ten, 107 Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash I he. 203
Crocodile under Louis umneberg's Bed, Days with Frog and Toad. 53
The. 146 Deadline, 291
Crocodile's Eggs for Supper and Other Deadly Game at Stony Creek 115
Animal Tales from Northern Uganda, 11 Deadwood City, 121
Crocodiles Still Wait, The. 354 Death Is Natural, 341
Crocus, 47 Death Penalty The Case of Life Death
Cromwell's Boy. 112 in the United States, 267
Cross-Country Cat. 43 Deborah the Dybbuk A Ghost Stor!, 73
CrossCountry Skiing A Complete Decoupage for Young Crafters 190
Beginner's Book, 365 Deep in the Forest, 7
Crosscurrents of Criticism Horn Book Demetrius and the Golden Goblet, 84
Essays 1968 1977. 415 Detective of London. The. 52
Cross Fox, 147 Developing Active Readers Ideas for
Cry from the Earth, A Music of the Parents. Teachers. and 1 ihrarians. 421
North American Indians. 378 Devil in Vienna. The 125

Title Index

Devil's Bndge, The, 25 Dr Beaumont and the Man with the Hole
Diary of the Boy King Tut-Ankh-Amen, in His Stomach, 289
112 Draggermen, 250
Dictionary of Dinosaurs, 355 Dragon Circle, The, 74
Did You Hear What Happened to Andrea', Dragon Hammer and The Tale of Oniroku,
The Two Plays from the Far East, 380
Digging the Past: Archaeology in Your Dragonflies, 312
Own Backyard, 355 Dragonsinger, 107
Dingle Ridge Fox and Other Stories, The Dragonsong, 108
147 Draw 50 Buildings and Other Structures,
Dinosaur Days, 355 388
Dinosaur My Darling, 79 Dream of Dark Harbor, 73
Dinosaur Mysteries, 354 Dream Eater, The, 86
Dinosaurs and Beasts of Yore, 214 Dream Runner, The, 152
Dinosaurs and People: Fossils, Facts, and Dream Weaver, 92
Fantasies, 355 Drowned Ammet, 69
Discovering the Mysterious Egret, 307 Dumb Old Casey Is a Fat Tree, ISO
Discovering W lim Puppies Do, 317 Durable Desert Tortoise, The, 317
Disease Detectives, 343 Dustland, 69
Disney's World of Adventure Presents the Dvora's Journey, 127
Circus Book, 372 Dwight Eisenhower, 287
Diviner, The, 16
Do You Have Any Carrots', 52 Each Peach Pear Plum An 'I Spy' Story, 35
Do You Know?, 402 Earthquake, 334
Do Your Ears Hang Low' Fifty More Earthquake', 334
Musical Fingerplays', 378 East of the Sun & West of the Moon, 23
Doctor Rabbit's Foundling, 65 Easter Buds Are Springing Poems for
Doctor Rabbit's Lost Scout, 65 Easter, 234
Dodo Every Day, 210 Easy to Make Contraptions, 391
Does Anybody Care about Lou Emma Easy to Make Monster Masks and
MO er', 126 Disguises, 387
Dog by Your Side, A, 315 Easy Money Making Projects, 257
Dog of the Bondi Castle, 30 Easy Reading. Book Series and Periodicals
Dog Called Kitty, A, 148 for Less Able Readers, 411
Dogs and Dragons, Trees and Dreams, 225 Eats, 215
Dollars from Dandelions 101 Ways to Earn Ed Emberley's A B C, 242
Money, 258 Ed Emberley's Amazing Look Through
Dollhouse Magic How to Make and Find Book, 407
Simple Dollhouse Furniture, 393 Ed Emberley's 1313 Orange Drawing Book,
Donkey Planet, The, 106 388
Donkey Prince, The, 14 Ed Emberley's Great Thumbprint Drawing
Don't Ask Miranda, 204 Book, 388
Don't Be a Victim' Protect Yourself & Your Fddie Spaghetti, 185
Belongings, 266 Eddie, Incorporated, 188
Don't Forget toe Bacon', 187 Edith and Midnight, 100
Don't Forget to Come Back. 155 Edna St Vincent Millay's Poems Selected
Don't Forget Tom, 262 for Young People, 226
Don't Hurt Laurie, 160 Eggshells to Objects A New Approach to
Dorothy Hamill Olympic Skating Egg Craft, 391
Champion, 281 Egyptian and Sudan se Folk-tales, 23
Einstein Anderson Shocks His Friends, 198
Dome and the Screebit Ghost. 71
Dotty's Suitcase, 129 Elementary School Librarian's Almanac A
Doug lac MacArthur Something of a Complete Media Program for Every
Hero, 293 Month of the School Year, 422
Down in the Boondocks, 185 Elephant & Friends, 47
Down the Road, 53 Elephant Seal Island, 119
Down to Fan:- at Walden, 292 Elephant Seals, 318

Title Index 453

Elephant Who Forget, The, 54 Famous Stanley Kidnapping Case, The, 139
Elephants, 323 Fanny's Sister, 117
Eliza's Daddy, 162 Fantastic Bicycles Book, The, 359
Ella of All of a Kind Family, 128 Fantasy for Children. An Annotated Check
Eli S'S Bears, 100 List, 412
Elves, Fairies, & Gnomes, 219 Far-Out Facts, 402
EMMA, 209 Faraway Island, The, 208
7mpty Window, The, 151 Farms for Today and Tomorrow- The
Eichanted Sticks, The, 74 Wonders of Food Production, 260
E .cyclopedia Brown Carries On, 198 Fast and Easy Needlepoint, 392
encyclopedia Brown) Record Book of Fat Men from Space, 109
Weird and Wonderful Facts, 403 Feast or Famine? The Energy Future, 336
Endinp: A Book about Death, 342 Feeling Free, 262
Enormous Crocodile, The, 44 Ferns Wheel, 178
Eric Caries Storybook, 18 Fiddle with a Riddle Write Your Own
Eric Heiden: Winner in Gold, 279 Riddles, 385
Eric Needs Stitches, 345 Fiddle-I-Fee. A Traditional American
Escape to Freedom, 380 Chant, 35
Escape If You Can: 13 Tales of the Fierce. The Lion, 56
Preternatural, 76 File on Fraulein Berg, The, 124
Escape! The Life of Harry Houdini, 286 Finders Weepers, 128
Esther, 289 Finding the Magic Circus, 136
Everett Anderson s Nine Month Long, 166 Fine Trades, 252
Everett Anderson's 1-2-3,166 Finger Rhymes, 224
Everyday Train, The, 136 First Look at Whales, A, 319
Everyone Goes as a Pumpkin, 236 First Morn.ng, The An African Myth, 17
Everyone is Good-for Something, 15 First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha, The, 68
Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Fish for Supper, 208
Like, 98 Fish Hatches, A, 310
Exeter Blitz, The, 125 Fisherman and His Wife, The, 18
Exit from Home, 123 Fishing for Sunfish, 367
ExIoring the Sun, 328 Fisting Talk for Beginners, 367
Exploring with Pocket Calculators, 347 Five Fat Raccoons, 47
Exploring Books with owe. en, 423 Five Little Foxes and the Snow, 212
Exploring Fields and Lots, 339 Five Nests, 305
Eyes of the Amaryllis, The, 101 Flamingo Is Born, A, 307
Flapdoodle Pure Nonsense from American
Fables, 88 Folklore, 37
Fabulous Fox, The: An Anthology of Fact Fledgling, The, 88
& Fiction, 145 Flight of the Sparrow, 152
Faces on Places About Gargoyles and Flower Moon Snow A Book of Haiku, 223
Other Stone Creatures, 372 Flowers of a Woodland Spring, 353
Factories, The, 271 Flowers Are for Keeping How to Dry
Fair Annie of Old Mule Hollow, 152 Flowers and Make Gifts and
Fa'rground Games to Make and Play, 393 Decorations. 391
Fairy Poems, 219 Fly into Danger, 196
Fairy Tale Book of Ballet, The, 374 Fly with the Wind. Flow with the Water,
Fairy Tales and After From S.iow White 222
to E B. White, 416 Fly 10, 363
Fallen Spaceman, The, 106 Flying Horses, The Tales from China, 23
Family, 67 Folk Tale Plays for Puppets, 380
Family Christmas Tree Book, The, 231 Folk Tales from Asia for Children
Famiiy Minus, The. 52 Everywhere Book One and Book
Family Secrets Five Very Important Two, 11
Stories, 161 Follow the River, 199
Follow That Ghost', 194
454 Title Index

Fool and the Dancing Bear, The, 90 Gathering of Days, A A New England
Foolish Giant, The, 94 Girl's Journal, 1830-32, 118
Football Book, The, 369 Gaucho, 153
Footprints of Young Explorers by Children Genetics Explosion, The, 345
from around the World, 227 George and Martha- Tons of Fun, 55
Footsteps, I17 George the Drummer Boy, 115
For Kids Who Cook: Recipes and Treats, Geraldine, the Music Mouse, 53
396 Gerbils- All about Them, 317
Forbidden Forest, The, 67 Get-Away Car, The, 207
Forest Log, 331 Get Those Rebounds!, 204
Forever Formula, The, 106 Getting Along with Your Friends, 343
Foundling, The, 151 Getting Born, 325
Four Miles to Pmecone, 194 Getting Nowhere, 154
Four Scary Stories, 73 Getting There. Frontier Time' without
Fourteen Rats & a Rat-Catcher, 77 Power, 268
Fox at Drummers' Darkness, The, I48 Ghost Lane, 193
Fox in the Ball Park, The, 146 Ghost Poems, 219
Fox Eyes, 42 Ghosts I Have Been, 75
Fox Mykyta, 9 Giant at the Ford and Other Legends of
Frankenstein Moved in on the Fourth the Saints, The, 34
Flock, 187 Giant Dinosaurs, The Ancient Reptiles that
Free to be Muhammad Ali, 283 Ruled the L.nd, 354
Freight Train, 244 Giant Panda at Home, The, 323
Freight Train Book, The, 269 Giant Poems, 219
Friend Dog, 214 Giant Who Swallowed the Wind, The, 85
Friends of the Road, 174 Giants, 94
Friends of Abu Ali, The, 26 Giants Go Camping, The, 99
Friends Are Like That' Stories to Read to Gift from a Sheep. The Story of How Wool
Yourself, 173 Is Made, 136
Frisbee Disc Basics, 369 Gift of the Sacred Dog, The, 30
Frisbee Fun, 270 Gift of Magic Sleep, The Early Experiments
Fritzi's Winter, 142 in Anesthesia. 345
Frog and Toad All Year, 239 Gift-Giver, The, 173
Frog Band and the Onion Seller, The, 62 Gigantic Joke Book, The, 405
Frog's Body, A, 310 Giggle Puss. Pet Jokes for Kids, 404
Frogs and the Ballet, 373 Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport, 160
From A to Z The Collected Letters of Irene Wile and the Flattering Fox, 10
and Halite Coletta, 242 Girl Who Had No Name, The, 177
From Dr Mather to Dr Seuss 200 Years Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The, 17
of American Books for Children, 415 Girl Who Married a Ghost and Other Tales
From Ice Mountain. Indian Settlement of from the North American Indian, The,
the Americas, 276 14

From Tale to Tale An International Girls in the Velvet Frame, The, 122
Collection of Children's Stories, 20 Girls Can Be Anything They Want, 295
From Where You Are, 248 Girls Who Talked to Ghosts, The The
Frozen Fir A Tale of Courage, 137 Story of Katie and Margaretta Fox, 288
Fun and safety on Two Wheels Bicycles, Glaciers Nature's Frozen Rivers, 334
Mopeds, Scooters, Motorcycles, 360 Gnome., 95
Funny Drawing Book, The, 389 Go to Bed', 218
Furl of Fairy Wind. A, 87 Go with the Poem, 226
Go Awa,,, Stay Away, 86
Galaxies Islands in Space, 328 Go Tell It to Mrs Golightly, 179
Game of Hockey, The, 362 Goblin, A Wild Chimpanzee, 314
Garden of Abdul Gasazi, The, 76 Gods in Winter, The, 97
Gardening without Soil, 397 Gods, Stars, and Computers Fact and
Garth Pig and the Ice Cream Lady, 58 Fancy in Myth ,nd Science, 357

,4 v 0
3 1,,,
Title Index 455

Gogo's Pay Day, 258 Gnselda's New Year, 239

Golden Circle, The: A Book of Months, 339 Grouchy Lakvbug, The, 43
Golden Girls: True Stories of Olympic Ground Squirrels, 320
Women Stars, 282 Groundhog's Horse, 116
Golden Knights, The, 300 Growin', 176
Golden Serpent, The, 89 Growing up Feeling Good. A Child's
Goldenrod, 98 Introduction to Sexuahty, 346
Go lem, The: A Jewish Legend, 32 Growing Older, 295
hood-Bye, Chicken Little, 151 Growl When You Say R, 182
Good-Bye, Funny Dumpy-Lumpy, 64 Grumley the Grouch, 60
Gocd Mousrkeeper, The, 52 Guess What", 406
Good Night to Annie, 243 Guess Who My Favorite Person Is", 172
Goodnight, Goodnight, 200 Guide to Subjects & Concepts in Picture
Goof That Won'the Pennant, The, 205 Book Format, A, Second Edition, 414
Gorilla Wants to Be the Baby, 168 Gulls of Smuttynose Island, The, 307
Gorillas, 313 Gymnastics and You: The Whole Story of
Graham Oakley's Magical Changes, 407 the Sport, 361
Grandfather, 207 Gymnastics for Girls, 361
Grandinarna's Joy, 208 Gymnastics Basics, 362
Grandmother, 207
Grandpa' A Young Man Grown Old, 295 Haiku-Vision in Poetry and Photography,
Grandpa's Ghost Stories, 72 222
Granfa'Grig Had a Pig and Other Rhymes Half-a-Ball-of-Kenki, 10
without Reason from Mother Goose, 36 Half a Kingdom. An Icelandic Folktale. 21
Granny Reardun, 122 Half-a-Moon Inn, The, 72
Grasshopper and the Unwise Owl, 75 Halfway up the Mountain, 78
Grasshopper on the Road, 53 Halloween Pumpkin Smasher, The, 236
Gray Kangaroo at Home, T4, 323 Halo Wind, The, 121
Great American Comedy Scene, The, 375 Hamdaani -A Traditional Tale from
Great-Animals of the Moines, 375 Zanzibar, 11
Greht Aquarium Book,' A The Putting-It- Hand over Wheels, 181
_ Together Guide for B_ginners, 400 Handbook for Storytellers, 418
Great Baseball Stones, 281 Handbook of Motocross, The, 360
Great gig Box Book, The, 390 Handling Small Pets. Step by Step, 315
Great Big Elephant and the Very Small Hang Ghding, 361
Elephant, The, 60 Hanging On How Animals Carry Their
Great Big Golden Make It & Do It Book, Young, 326
The, 392 Hannah Is a Palindrome, 127
Great Dragon Competition and Other Hans Andersen. His Classic Fairy Tales, 83
Stones, The, 85 Hansel and Gretel, 18
Great. Game of Satter, The, 365 Hanukah Money, 236
Great Gil ly Hopkins, The, 160 Hanukkah' Eight Nights, Eight Lights, 237
Great Kids of the Movies8,286 Happy Baker, The, 138
Great Rat Island Adl,enture, The, 140 Happy Birthday, Sam, 156
Great Song Book, The, 378 Happy Dromedary, The, 47
Great State Seals of the United States, 271 Happy Jack, 13
Greatest Guessing Game, The. A Book Harlem Globetrotters, The Basketball's
about Dividing, 347 Funniest Team, 282
Green Darner: The Story of a Dragonfly, Harness the Wind The St,ry of Windmills,
311 336
Green Man, The, 30 Harriet and the Runaway Book- The Story
Green Recruit, The, 108 of Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle
Gregory Griggs and Other Nursery Rhyme Tom's Cabin, 292
Peop 6 Hamet Goes to the Circus, 246
Gregory, The erribk Eater, 62 Harry (the Monster), 93
Grip: A Do tory, 144 Harry and the Terrible Whatzit, 78

Title Index

Harry and Shellburt, 91 Honey Book, The, 259

Harvey, the Beer Can King, 185 Honey, I Love, and Other Love Poems, 216
Hats, Caps, and Crowns, 264 Honk Honk!, 58
Hattie Be Quiet, Hattie Be Good, 48 Horace Morris, 186
Hattie, Tom, and the Chicken Witch A Horatio Solves a Mystery, 44
Horse and a Hound, a Goat and a Gander.
Play and a Story, 234
Haunted Dolls, The, 100 A, 58
Haunting of Julie Unger, The, 157 Horse for X.Y.Z , A, 146
Have You Ever Heard of a Kangaroo Horses As 1 See Them, 308
Bird? Fascinating Facts about Unusual Hospitals, The, 271
Hot Cross Buns and Other Old Street Cries,
Birds, 305
Hawk High, 137 378
Hawk, Fm Your Brother, 141
House on Stink Alley, The A Story about
Heavenly Zoo, The: Legends and Tales of the Pilgrims in Holland, 112
the Stars, 31
House Is a House for Me, A, 247
Heavy Equipment, 346 House Mouse, 323
Houses: Shelters from Prehistoric Times to
Help's Dowry, 94
hello, Dandelion!, 353 Today, 264
Helping Children Cope, 411 How the Moolah Was Taught a Lesson, 25
Helping Day, The, 137 How the Rooster Saved the Day, 88
Herb& Spice Book for Kids, The, 396 How to Be an Inventor, 338
Herbert Hated Being Small, 79 How to Dig a Hole to the Other Sidc of
Here a Ghost, There a Ghost, 73 the World, 334
Here Is Your Career. Airline Pilot, 252 How to Grow Fruits and Berries, ...A
Hermit of Fog Hollow Station, The, 210 How to Play Power Tennis with Ease, 366
Hester in the Wild, 41 How to Repair Your 10-Speed Bike, 360
Hey Diddle Diddle, 36 How to Run a Railroad Everything You
Hey Hey Man, The, 94 Need to Know about Model Trains, 399
Hey Presto! You're a Bear', 95 How to Travel with Grownups, 184
Hey! Don't Do That, 50 How Beastly! A Menagerie of Nonsense
Hickory, 42 Poems, 222
Hidden Messages, 303 How Birds Fly, 305
Hidden World, The Life under a Rock, 304 How Did We Find Out about Oil", 335
How 1304)a-ern-ankh Saved the Day. 22
Hiding Game, e, 62
High on a Hill A Book of Chinese Riddles, How Do I Put It On'', 265
How Does It Feel to Be Old", 343
High Ridge Gobbler. A Story of the How Does It Fed When Your Parents Get
American Wild Turkey. 307 Divorced", 265
Hilarion, 127 How Far, Felipe". 113
Hilda The Hen Who Wouldn't Give Up, 68 How 1 Came to be a Writer. 292
Hispanic Heritage, A A Guide to Juvenile How I Found Myself at the Fair, 138
Books about Hispainc Peon le and How 1 Hunted the Little Fellows, F'.
Cultures, 4J4 How Lary Can You Get', 188
History ci Helpless Harry, Thc, 116 How Much Doerr nucrica Cost", 257
Hitler, Mad Dictator of World War II, 287 How We live, 254
Hobberdy Dick, 71 How We Work, 250
Hoboken Chicken Emergency, The, 81 Howard. 63
Huck Scarry's Steam Train Journey, 270
Hockey Hotshots, 285
Hogboon of Hell and Other Strange Hug Me, 63
Orkney Tales, The, 14 Humorous Books for Children, 413
Holiday Song Book, The, 240 Humphrey the Number Horse Fun with
Counting and IV lication, 348
Home, 95
Humphrey, the Dancing Pig, 49
Home for a Stranger, 163
Hundredth Dove and Other Tales, The, 92
Home Alone, 177
Home Is the High Country, 300 Hungry World, The, 266
Homeward the Arrow's Flight, 289 Hunt the Thimble, 112

Tlik Index 457

Hunter's Stew and Hangtown Fry: What Illustrated Swimming, Diving and Surfing
Pioneer America Ate and Why, 260 Dictionary for Young People, 367
Hush Up!, 183 Illustrated T V. Dictionary, 384
Hush, Little Baby, 379 Illustrator's Notebook, The, 416
Huts, Hovels & Houses, 392 I'm Mad at You, 217
Hydra, The, 310 I'm Nobody! Who Are You?, 225
Hyena Day, 320 I'm Not Moving!, 156
I'm Taggerty Toad, 57
I and Sproggy, 167 I'm Temfic, 60
I Am an Orthodox Jew, 263 Imagine and Make Up Your Own Book, 385
l Am the Running Girl, 217 Immigrant IS ids. 272
I Am Eyes: Ni Macho, 201 Impossible Major Rogers, The, 294
I Am Not a Pest, 190 Impressions. A Trip to the German
I Am Not a Short Adult! Getting Good at Democrat ,c Republic, 255
Being a Kid, 265 In a Lick of a Flick of a Tongue, 302
I Can Count to 100, Can You?, 246 In a Meadow, Two Hares Hide, 140
I Caa Do It by Myself, 177 In the Circle of Time, 100
I Carve Stone, 376 :!::. Land of Small Dragon A V,etnamese
I Feel: A Picture Book of Emotions, 342 Folktale, 13
I Hate to Go to Bed, 183 In the Morning Mist, 200
I Hate It, 343 In the Saddle. Horseback R.Jing for Girls
I Have a Horse of My Own, 99 and Boys, 363
I Have a Sister, My Sister is Deaf. 262 In the Witch's Kitchen: Poems for
Have Feelings Too, 342 Halloween, 234
I Know a Monster, 97 In Granny's Garden, 95
I Know a Salesperson, 252 In Summertime It's Tuffy, 181
I Like Poems and Poems Like Me, 226 In This Proud Land' The Story of a
I Stood Upon a Mountain, 340 Mexican Amencan Family, 257
I Sure Am Glad to See ' 'u, Blackboard In Your Own Words: A Beginner's Guide to
Bear, 39 Wnting, 385
I Want to Be Big, 176 India. Now and through Time, 254
I Wish Laura's Mommy Was My Momm}, Indian Signs and Signals, 253
169 Innkeeper's Daughter, The, 175
I, Heracles, 33 Inside a Sand Castle and Other Secrets, 68
lc- Hockey A to Z. 367 Inside My Feet: The Story of a Giant, 96
Ice Skating, 364 Into the Dream, 75
I'd Like to Try a Monster's Eye, 247 Into the Unknown: Nine Astounding
Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain, 128 Stories, 357
Ida Fanfanny, 78 Introducing More Books A Guide for the
Ideas of Einstein, The, 351 Middle Grades, 419
Idle Jack, 22 Introduction to Children's Literature 420
If I Could Be My Grandmother, 209 Introduction to Radio-Controlled
If I Could, I Would, 77 Sailplanes, An, 399
If I Were a Horse, 175 Invitation, The, 7
If I Were a Toad, 189 Invite a Bird to Dinner 'mple Feeders
If It Show, Clangs & Bends, It's Metal, 351 You Can Make,
If It Werer 't for Benjamin I'd Always Get Iron Road, The. A Portrait of Amencan
to Lick the Icing Spoon, 168 ading, 270
If You Are a Hunter of Fossils, 198 Ironclad' A True Story of the civil War,
If You Listen, 171 121
If You Say So, Claude, 120 Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue", 244
Ike and Mama and the Block Wedding, 128 Is There a Loa Ness Monster" The Search
III Take Care of the Crocodiles, 103 for a Legend, 357
Illustrated Ballet Dictionary, 374 Island of Wild Horses, 324
Illustrated Marguerite Henry, The, 377 Island Ponies, The An Environmenta.
Illustrated Step-by-Step Beginner's Study of Their Life on Assatcague, 321
Cookbook, The, 395
458 Title Index

It Ain't All for Nothin', 169 Jonathan's Friends, 169

It All Began with Jane Eyre. 186 Joshua, the Czar, and the Chickci, Bone
It Could Always Be Worre A Yiddish Wish, 208
Folktale, 26 Journey of the Shadow Bairns. The, 121
It's a Baby', 343 Journey Home, 131
It's a Gingerbread House Bake It, Build It, Juice, The Football's Superstar 0 J
Eat It'. 233 Simpse.o, 280
1s a Girl's Game Too. 370 Julia an,. he Hand of God, 17c
It's about Birds, 306 Jumping Bean, 56
It's All Done with Numbers Astounding Junk Food, F...st Food, Health Food What
and Confounding Feats of Mathematical America Eats and Why, 260
Magic, 398 Just an Overnight Guest. 170
It's Halloween. 235 Just Enoug:. to Make a Story A
It's Not Fair, 164 Sourcebook for Storytelling, 419
It's Rock'n'12 oil. 379 Justice and Her Brothers. 69
It's So Nice to Have a Wolf around the
House, 76 Kahtahah, 295
1700 97 Kassim's Shoes, 11
Keep Runnin2, 164
Jack and the Wonder Beans. 25 Kenton Year, ihe. 163
Jack -in- the -Box Planet, 107 Kettle of Hawks and Other Wildlife
Jack the Bum and the Halloween Hardout, Groups, A, 30:
236 Kick:e Snifters and Other Fearsome
Jack the Bum and the Haunteu House, 197 Critters, 24
Jacob Hai e I Loved, :ot) Kids Outdoor Gardening, 398
Jaks or Dodo', 191 Kids' Book of Lists, The, 402
James Marshal's Mother Goose, 36 Kids' Cat Book, The, 315
Jamie's Tiger, 182 Kids' Diet Cookbook, The, 3%
Janet at School, 263 KII:Pr Whales, 319
Janet Guthrie First Woman at Indy. 283 Kilroy and he Gull, 141
Janet Reachfar and Chickaoird, 142 Kind of 'd Justice, A. :49
January Fog Will Fr etc a Hog and Other Kindle of kittens, A, 49
Weather Folklore, A, 350 King of the Cats and Other Talcs, 13
Jason and the Bees, 311 King of the Golden Riser. 1 he, 90
Jason and the Golden Fleece, 33 King Krakus and the Dragon 16
Java Jack, '0 King Midas 1- a Gilt Complex. 403
JellvfisF Is Not a Fish, A, 312 King Tut's Ga a roard. 102
Jenny's Cat, 146 Kingdom of Wol i The. 320
Jeremiah in the Dark Woods. 92 King's Birthday Cskc, the, 77
Jesse's Dream Skirt, 203 King's Cat Is Co:noig", 1 he. 241
Jet Journey, 300 King's Collection, Toe, 77
Jethro and t1 -Jumble, 72 K Flower, The, 144
lethro's Difficult Dinosaur, 98 Kin, Queens, Knights & Jesters Making
Jewish Cookbook for Children, A, 396 Medieval Costumes, 387
Jewish Holidays. 236 King's Tea, The, 89
Ji-Norgo-Kongo Means Riddles, 37 Kites for Kids, 363
Jigsaw Continents, 332 Kits, Cats, Lion, and 1 igers, 215
Jim Bridger's Alarm Clock and Other Tall Kitten from One to Ten, 24F
I ales, 86 Kitty in the Middle, 135
Joe Di Maggio A Biography. 284 Kitty in the Summer, 1,5D
Joe Morgan Great Little Big Man, 281 Knight and the Dragon, The, Ks
Joel and the Great Merlin', 74 Knight and the Squir , 1 he, 12
John Paul IJ TLe Pilgrim Pope, 288 Knight of the Lion, The, 12
Johnny Rutherford Indy Champ, 282 Knock Knocks 1 he Most Fscr, 403
Joke Book, The, 404 Know about Alcohol. 266
Jonah An Old Testament Story, 28 Koalas, 322

(I P.4
Title Index' 459

Konrad, 108 Listen for the Singing, 124

Kurt Thomas International Winner, 284 Listen to a Shape, 244
Kyle Rote, Jr Amencan-Born Soccer Star, Listen to Your Kitten Purr, 316
281 Literature and Young Children, 420
Literature by and about the American
Lacy Makes a Match, 119 Indian An Annotated Bibliography,
Ladies Were Not Expected / 'nail Scott Second Edition, 414
Dumway and Women', tights, 288 Little Alphabet, A, 243
Lady of Guadalupe, The, 263 Little Badger and the Fire Spirit, 28
Ladybug and Dog and the Night Walk, 40 Little Book of Anagrams, The, 385
Lamb Who Went to Paris, The, 148 Little Book of Big Knock Knock Jokes,
Lambs for Dinner, 89 The, 403
Land of the Iron Dragon. 121 Little Book of Daffinitions, The, 404
Laser Light, 337 Little Book of Fowl kite, The, 404
Lasers The Miracle Light, 336 Little Deer of the Florida Keys, The, 323
Last of the Centaurs, The, 97 Little Devil's ABC, 242
Last Guru, The. 189 Little Dogs of the Prairie, 324
L-st Mission, The, 125 Little Goat, The, 143
Last Monster, The, 140 ttle Hen and the Giant, The, 97
Last Puppy, The, 39 Little House Cookbook, The Frontier
Last, First, Middle and Nick All about Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's
Names, 382 Classic Stories, 396
Latin and the Lightning Lizard, 93 Little Koala, 323
Leakey the Elder A Chimpanzee and His Little Lamb, The, 143
Community, 314 Little Monsters, 301
Learning to Read w.. Picture Books, 4i0 Little One Inch, 12
Learning with Puppets, 417 Little Otter Reme:nbers and Other Stories,
Leese Webster, 53 64
Legend of New Amsterdam, The, 273 Little Rabbit. The, 315
Legend of Scarface, The A Blackfeet Little Swineherd and Other Tales, The. 86
Indian Tale. 33 Little Time, A, 179
Lentil Soup, 246 Little Was Tyke, The An English Folktale
Leo Possessed, 74 25
Leprechaun's Story, The, 96 Little Who's Zoo of Mild Animals, A, 219
Leprechauns Never Lie, 93 Little Wild Chimpanzee, 313
et's Go to the Moon, 300 Little Wild Elephant, 322
Let's Look at Dogs, 316 Little Wild Lion Cub, 322
Lets Play Chess', 359 Living with a Parent Who Drinks Too
I etier, the Witch, and the Rirg, The, 71 Much, 266
Lewis Carroll's JabLerwocky, 220 Living Light Exploring Bioluminescence,
Liang and the Magic Paintbrush, 72 340
Liberty Cap, The A Catalogue of Lizard Music, 109
Non - Sexist Materials for Children, 415 Locks and Keys, 347
Life and Death of Martin Luther K.ng, Jr , Lollyg..3 of Limi-icks, A, 221
The, 288 Loner, The A Story of the Wokenne 142
Life Begins for Puppies, 31; onescme Whistle The Story of the I trq
Light beyond the Forest, The The Quest transcontinental Railroad, 267
for the Holy Grail, 34 Long Ago When the Earth Was Flat, 21
Light the Candles' Beat the I .ms' A Long View into Space, The, 329
ts,f 24!) L;;;A-A!.k! fj!rI Th 2! l
Lilith Summer, The, 209 Look at Ants, A, 311
Lily at the Table, 6 Look at Me, 75
Lines Are Coming, The, 389 L ok o the Night Sky An Introduction to
Linus Pauling Scientist and Crusader, 291 .Star Watching, 329
Lion and the Mouse,1 he, 9 Looking 'it Beasties, 376
Lion Sneezed, The kill..talts and Myths of Looking at Children, 376
the Cat, 31
460 Title Index

Looking at Iran, 256 Make Me a Hero. 172

Loss and How to Cope with It. 342 Make Your Own Thing Games. Puzzles.
Lost and Found, 216 Gimrm:ks & Gifts, 393
Lost & Found House, The, 51 Making Chinese Papercuts, 389
Lost and Found Pncess, The, 86 Making It in Photography. 251
Lost in the Museum. 201 Making Musical Things Improvised
Lost Christmas Star, The, 230 Instruments, 393
Lost City in the Clouds 1P -e Discovery of Making Soft Dittos A Dinosaur Craft
Machu Piochu, 274 Book, 390
Lost Treasures of America Searching Out Malcolm Yucca Seed, 167
Hidden Riches, 272 Mama, 155
Lost Umbrella of Kim Chu. The. 153 Mammoth Cave National Park, 261
Louie's Search, 156 Man in the Moon a. He Sails the Sky and
Louis James Hates School, 203 Other Moon Verse, The, 224
Love at First Bite Snacks and Mealtime Man with the Silver Eyes, The, 116
Treats the Quick and Easy Way, 395 Man Who Tried to Save Tire, The, 187
Love from Uncle Clyde, '7 Manne, Adventures of Little Mouse,
Love Is Like Peanuts, 179 T
Lovely Tomoi dw, A, 123 Mart i Miranda, 206
Lovely Vassilisa, 14 Marble in the Water, The Essays on
Lucie A Tale of a Donkey, 46 Contemporary Writers of Fiction for
Luck of Brin's Five, The, 109 Children and Young Adults, 409
Luckie Star, The, 140 Marc the Magnificent, 183
'.ucky Porcupine, Ma zeta% Guardian Angel, 97
Lucky Runner, The, 206 M a Montessori Knight of the Child, 296
Lucky Stone, The. 166 Maria Teresa. 201
Lucky Yak, The, 53 Mark Twai At. Others S?tv Him, 20?
I udell and Willie, 178 Martha's Mad Day, 155
Luther Tarbox, 133 Martial Arts, The, 369
Martin by Himself, 162
M and M and the Haunted House Game. Mary McLeod Bethune. 294
138 Mask Magic -7
Machir -'unners, The, 125 Master Puppeteer. The. 115
MacC Grocery. 39 tvIatheTatics on the Playground. 348
Magi id the Goodbye Gift, 158 Matilda's Masterpiece. 192
Maggie rid the Pirate, 195 Mattre The Story of a Hedgehog, :21
Magic, 398 Maude and Claude Go Abroad, 55
Magic and the Night Riser, 134 Max, 6
Magic of the Gilts, The, 172 Maximilian, You're the Greatest. 197
Magic of Ballet, The, 373 Maybe You Should Fly a Jet' Maybe You
Magic through Science. 339 Should Be a Vet', 250
Magic Amulet. The, 1 1 1 McBroom Tells a foe, 78
Magic Boat and Other Chinese Folk Stories, Me and the Bad Guys, 203
The, 20 IV e and Clara and Snuffy the Dog, 187
Magic Castle Fairytale Book, The. 22 M: I See, Tte, 344
Magic Castle, The. 69 Mee n MrI. ,a, 204
Magic Lantern, I he flow Movie, Got to Meet the Computer, 337
Move, 400 Meet the 0' tt Snakes, 318
Magic Orange free and Otter Haitian Meet the iikeys 313
Folktales, The, 26 Meet the Vampire, 357
Magic World of Words, 1 ne A Very rust rvieet Crugure, i /v
Dictionary', 383 Melissa's Medley, 206
Magical Miracles You Can Do. 398 Memory How It Works and Ho.v to
Magicians Do Amazing Things, 398 Improve It. 343
Major Corby and the Unidentified Pappir Mermaid's Three Wisdoms, 1 he. 99
Object, 106 Merrily Comes Our Harvest In Poems for
Thanksgiving. 239
Title Index 461

Merry Christmas! A History of t se Holiday, More Juniorplots A ( aide for Teachers

233 and Librarians, 418
Merry Christmas, Henrietta!, 232 More Minden Curses, 197
Merry Ever After. The Stor, of Two More Science Experiments You Can Eat,
Medieval Weddings, 275 338
Merry; Merry FlBruary, 221 More Small Poems, 216
Methuselah's Gang, 81 Morgan for Melinda, A, 143
Mice on Ice, 66 Morning, Noon and Nighttime, Too, 216
Mice Twice, 54 Morris Has a Cold, 82
Mice: All about Them, 3254 Morris Tells Boris Mother Moose Stories
Midd:t East, The' An Annotated and Rhymes, 82
Bibliography of Literature for Children, Most Ama'ing Hide -alie-Seek Alphabet
413 Book, The, 242
Mime Themes and Motifs, 421 Most Delicious Camping Trip Ever, 1 he, 40
Mir-, Yours, Ours, 341 Most Welcome V'sitor, The, 233
Miracle Chip. The Microelectr...nc Mother Rabbit's Son Tom, 48
Revolution, 337 Mother, Aunt Susan and Me, 126
Mischling, Second Degree My Childhood Motivating Children and Young Adults to
in Nazi Germany, 294 Read, 422
Miss Nelson Is Missing!, 201 Mouse and the Magician, The, 51
Miss Piggy, 88 Mouse and Tim, 146
Missing! Stones of 5: nge Disappearances, Mouse Called Junction, A, 61
356 Mouse God, The, 51
Mister Wolf and Me, 148 M011.9 Six and the Happy Birthday, 56
Misty and Me, 144 Mouse Soup, 53
Mitzvah Is Something Special, A, 208 - Mouse Woman and the Mischief-Makers,
Model Buildings and How to Make Them, 30
399 Movie Monsters and Then Masters The
Modern Olympic Superstars, 284 Birth of the Horror Film, 37'..
Modern Racing Cars, 369 Moviemaking A Guide for Beginners, 400
Modern Soccer Superstars, 232 Moving Heavy Things, 346
Moto ano the Russians, 188 nlovii.g Molly, 156
Molly Moves Out, 57 Mov:nl Right Along A Book of Science
Molly's Lies, 201 Exi ertments and Puzzles about N.1 °non,
Moments, 223 351
Money of Your Own, 258 Mr a id Mrs Button's Wonderful
Money, Money, Money How to Get and Watchdogs, 141
Keep It, 257 Mr Fong's To) Shop, 138
Monroe's Island, 93 Mr. Gosling anti the Great Art Rt hbery.
Alonster in the Mailbox. A. 154 193

/ Monster Fun, 387

Monsters in the Earth The Story of
Earthquakes, 334
Mr Jameson and Mr Phillips, 61
Mr Lincoln's Whiskers. 287
Mi Little, 204
Monsters, Ghoulies and Creepy Creatures, Mr Mar!ey's Main Street Confectionery A
73 His:or, of Sweets & Treats, 272
Mooch the Messy, 61 Mr P.g and Family, 50
Mooch the Messy Meets Prudeace the Mr Plum's Paradise, 200
Neat, 61 Mr Skinner's Skinny House, 80
Moon of the f.,-Dog, 31 Mr Yowder, the Pa -ipatenc Sign Printer.
Moon Bear, 39 81
rAcwil, :4;1, am; (.1:dly .h. (.hc t,
Moon's the North Wind's Coc.ky, The, 223 Ms Architect, 249
Mooirlock, The, 113 Much Ado abcut Aldo, 187
Moose Baby, 326 Multimedia Approach to Children's
M 're from Hound and Bear, 48 Literature. A, Second 3dinon, 411
More Codes for Kids, 252 Mumble Bear, 59

462 Title Index

Mummies Made in Egypt, 274 Nature Invented It First, 340

Muskrat War, The, 134 Nature's Champions The Biggest, The
My Ballet Class, 374 Fastest, Tht Best, 341
My Brother Never Feds the Cat, 169 Neighbors, !73
My Brother Steven Is Retarded, 262 Net to Catch the Wind, A. 86
My Brother, the Thief, 161 Never Hi! a Porcupine. 65
My Cat Pearl, 148 Never Say Ugh to a Bug, 214
My Daddy's Mustache, 82 Never Tickle a Tug' artoons, Riddles
My Feet Do, 344 and Funny Stones, 405
My First Dictionary, 384 New Dog Next Door, 184
My Friend the Monster, 84 New Food Book, The, 258
My Friend Jacob, 179 New Girl at Fehool, The, 202
My Friends Live in Many Places, 255 Nev, Moon, The, 329
My Hands Can, 344 New York Kid's Book, The, 256
My Island Grandma, 210 Next Year I'll Be Special, 185
My Kitchen, 260 Nice New Neighbors, 42
My Mane Catches the Wind. 215 Nick Joins In, 181
My Minnie Is a Jewel, 190 Nickels, Dimes, and Dollars How Currency
My Mom Hates Me in January, 166 Works, 257
My Mother and I Are Growing Strong Night before Christmas, The, 232
Mi mama y yo nos hacemos fuertes. 158 Night Journeys, 115
My Mother Didn't Kiss Me Good-Night, Night Sky Book, The An Everyday Guide
)68 to Every Night, 328
M} Mother Is blind, 182 Night Swimmers, The, 165
My Mother Is Not Married to My Father, Nightmares of Geranium Street The, 198
159 Nightmares Poems to Trouble Your Sleep,
My Mother Sends Her Wisdom, 89 219
My Otner-Mother, My 0,:ier-Father, 266 Nini al Carnival, 173
My Puppy, 148 No Good in Art, 202
My Sister's Slier.: N orld, 179 No Wife Baths. 77
My Trip to Alpha I, 109 No Ma& to Run, 159
My Village, .sturbricIA 118 No Time for Me, 150
Mysteries of the World, 356 No-Return Trail, I he, 120
Mysteries of Natt.re Explained a...d Noah's Ark, 31
Unexplained, 356 Noah's Ark, 34
Mysterious Rays, The Marie Curie's Noelle's Brown Book, 245
World, 291 Noises ir. the Woods, 301
Mysterious Tadpole, The. 95 Noisy Gander, 56
Mysterious Undersea World, The, 350 North of Danger. 124
Mysterious Universe, The, 328 Northern Natisity, A Christi- ')reams of
Mysterious World of Honeybees, The, 312 a Prairie Boy. 232
Mystery at the Edge of Two Worlds, 194 Notes from a Different Drummer A Guide
Mystery at Number Seven, Rue Petite, The, to Juvenile Fiction Portraying the
198 Handicapped, 410
Mystery in Peru The I ,nes of Nana, 275 Nov, upon a Time A Contemporary View`
Mystery lf the Flying Orange Pumpkin, of Children's L iterature, 423
The, 235 Now Is Not Too Late, 209
Mystery of the Forgotten Island, 194 Number Families, 349
Mystery of the Giant Footprints, The, 7 Nursery Rhymes, 36
Mystery on Bleeker Street, The, 195 Nutcracker, The, 99

Namesake for Nathan, A, 116 ,Liter of Liver, .4z)


Nate the Great and the Phony Clue. 197 Oak 1 ree Dies and a Journey Begins. An,
Nathaniel, 5 200
Natural Fire Its Ecology in Forests, 331 Oak, The, 275
Natural History, 340 Obstinate Land, The, 120
Tide Index 463

Ocean Frontiers, 350 Oops, 7

Octavia Told Me a Secret, 161 Open Road, The, 49
Octopus, 309 Orangutan Endangered Ape, 313
Odds and Chances for Kim A Look at Ordeal of Byron B Blackbear, The, 80
Probability, 348 Ordinary Jack Being the First Part of the
Of Course a Goat, 164 Bagthorpe Saga, 184
Of Quarks, Quasars, and Other Quirks Orphans, The, 129
Quizzical Poems for the Supersonic Oscar the Selfish Octopus, 40
Age, 224 Ostrich Girl, The 33
Ogre's Banquet, The, 90 Other Side of a Poem, The, 224
Oh Lord', 91 Other Way to Listen, The, 222
Oh Say Can You - Say", 405 Cur Changing Climate. 350
Oh, Such Foolishness', 220 Thr Noisy World, 332
Oh, That Koala!, 59 Our Planet the Earth, 334
Oh, Were They Ever Happy', 190 Our Wild Wetlands, 333
Oh, What an Awful Mess' A Story of Our World Is Earth, 328
Charles Goodyear, 'AO Our World The People's ReptZ.Ic of
Oil Spills Danger in the Sea, 329 China, 245
Okay. Good Dog, 316 Out in the Dark and Daylight, 116
Old Blue, 144 Owl and the Pussy-cat, The. 220
Old Hippo's Easter Egg, 234 Owl and Other Scrambles, 243
Old Magic, An, 121 owl's Kiss, The, 90
Old Man and the Mule. The, 90 Owner The Traveling Dog, 144
Old Tiger, New Tiger, 59 Ox-Cart Man, /
Old Woman and Her Pig and 10 Other
Stories, The, 24 Paddington at the Seaside, 41
Old-Time Bicycle Book, The, 359 Paddy's New Hat, 6
Older than the Dinosairs The Origin ane Painter's Trick. The, 191
Rise of the Mammals, AS Pancake, The. 21
Olga Carries On, 41 Pancaaes for Breakfast, 5
Oliver Button Is a Sissy, 202 Paper Cutting Making All Kinds of Paper
Olympics and Me, The, 282 Shapes and Figures, 189
Oma, 208 Passage to Space The ,,..uttle
On the Forest Edge, 353 Transportation System, 299
On the Frontier with Mr Audubon, 278 Passover, 237
On the Track of the Mystery Animal The Pat, Swish, Twist and the Story of Pi tty
Story of the Discovery of the Okapi, 324 Swish, 388
On to Widecombe Fair, 378 Path of the Orange Peels Adsentures
On Stage, Please, 162 in the Early Days of Tel Asis. 123
On Wings of Love, 265 Patrick and the Fairy Thief, 91
Once in a Wood Tea Tales from Aesop, 9 Pats) icarry's Big Bedtime Storybook. 60
Once upon a Dinkelsbuhl, 16 Peaceable Kingdom, A The Shaker
One Day 1 Closed My Eyes and the World A becedan us, 243
Disappeared, 199 Peanuts, 260
One Dragon's Drearti. 246 Pearl in the Egg, 113
401Words and How They Began, 383 Pease-Urridgc Hot A Mother Goose
One 1 was a Plum Tree, 130 Cookbook, 395
One Meter Max, 348 Pecos Bill hinds A Horse, 15
One Ocean Touching Papers from the First Pelican Mystery, The. 195
Pacific Rim Conference on Children's Penny-Wise, Fun-Foolish, 45
Literature, 415 People. 255
tine Om Oxi4nj Ca -':`,' r' China Ti,. 755
, One Spring Day, 201 Peppermints in the Parlor, 127
1000 Inventions, 406 Perfect Pets, 316
One, Two, ThreeAh-Choo!, 179 Perils of Putney. 1 he, 79
Ookie- Spooky. 79 Person in the Potting Shed, The, 192

464 Title Index

Pete Rose My L.te in Baseball, 284 Portly IcSwine, 55

Peter and the Wolf, 379 Positively No Pets Allowed, 149
Peter Lippman's One and Only Wacky Pot What It Is, What It Does, 267
Word Book, 384 Potato Eaters, The i 17
Peter Penny's Dance, 81 Praying Mantis The Garden Dinosaur 311
Petty, 163 Preparing Your Preschooler for Reading
Pitantom Fisherboy, The, 70 A Book ,ames, 422
Phantom Ice Cream Man, The: More Presidents at Home, 288
Nonsense Verse, 220 Presto or The Adventures of a 1 urnspit
Phoebe and the Hot Water Bottles, 136 Dog, 115
Picking & Weaving, 264 Price of Free Land, The, 274
Pickle in the Middle and Other Easy Prickly Pig, 54
Snacks, 397 Pnnce of tf:r. Dolomites, The, IS
nicture Book A B C, 243 Princess and the Pea, The, 83
r'icture Story of Catfish Hunter, 'The, 285 Prison Window, Jerusalem Blue, 112
Picture Story of Jockey Steve Cauthen, The Pnsoners of the Scrambling Dragon, 117
283 Professor Coconut and the Thief, 194
Picture Story of Nadia "Aimaneci, The, 285 Promise Is for Keeping, 1, 175
Picture Story of Terry Bradshaw, The, 281 Puma, The, 153
Picture That!, 418 Pumpkin People, The, 214
Preface and Daphne, 160 Puppet Corner in Every Library, A, 417
Piet Potter's First Case, 196 Puppetry and the Ar: of Story Creation,
Pig, 40 417
Pig and the Blue Flag, 63 Pups, Dogs, Foxes and Wolves, 215
Pig Pig Grows Up. 54 Purim Goat, The, 237
Pig Who Could Conjure the Wind The, 97 Putting the Sun to Work, 335
Pilgrims Plantation, 270
Pinballs, The, 151 Queen of Etne and Other Poems, The, 221
r.ppin and Pod, 44 Queen of Hearts, 207
Pirates' Adventure on Spooky Islana, The Queen's Tears and Elephant's Ears A
79 Guide to Growing Unusual House
Plain Lane Christmas, 231 Plants, 397
Planets Stars and Galaxies, 327 Quick Wits and Nimble Fingers, 13
Plant Hobbies A Beginner's Book of Quicksand Book, The, 333
Gardening Projects, Principles, and Quiet Evening, The, 149
Pleasures, 397
Plants Do Amazing Things, 353 Rabbit Island, 63
Playtime, 216 Rabbit's New Rug, 46
Pleasant Fieldmouse's Valentine Trick, 238 Rabbits' Search for a Little House, 52
Please Don't Say Hello, 180 Rachel, 180
Please Try to Remember the First of Rachel and Obadiah, 119
Octember', 80 Racquetball Basics, 368
Plurals, 383 Racquetball Book, The, 369
Pluto Brave Lipizzaner Stallion, 124 Railroad Yard, 268
Pocket of Silence, A, 102 Railroads, The, 268
Poems of Christmas. 232 gainbcw-Colored Horse, The, II
Poetry Books for Children, 414 Rainbow Fairy Book, The, 21
Poetry Troupe, The An Anthology of Rainforest Children, The. 70
Poems to Read Aloud 227 Rains of Eridan, The, 107
Poison Tree and 0.11er Poem;, A. 226 Raising Readers A Guide to Sharing
Poofy Loves Compaw. 189 Literature with Young Children, 421
Poor Tom's Ghost, 101 Ramona and Her Father, If
Popcorn, 260 Kamona ano ner Motner, i 13
" Popcorn Book 1 he, 259 Randolph Caldecott Treasury, The, 409
Popcorn A Frank Asch Bear Story, 234 Rapunzel, 18
Porcupine -On, 326 Rascals from Haskell's Gym, The, 204

Title Index 465

Reading for Young People The Midwest, Ronnie and Rosey, 149
412 Rooster's Horns, The A Chinese Puppet
Real Life Monsters, 3f6 Play to Make and Perform, 381
Real Tom Thumb, The, 286 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 237
Rebel on a Rock, 133 Root's Double Dare. 205
Recyclopedia Games, Science Equipment, Rufus the Doofus, 45
and Crafts from Recycled Materials, 393 Rum Pum Pum, 16
Red Lion, The A Tale of Ancient Persia, 26 Run, Run Fast', 370
Red Sea, The, 350 Runaway to Freedom, 119
Reddy Rattler and Easy Eagle. 62 Runaway Marie Louise, 43
Redwoods Are the Tallest Trees in the Russian Farewell, A, i27
Worki, 352
Refugee, 125 Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes,
Reggie Jackson The Three Million Dollar 293
Man, 280 Safe as the Grave, 192
Remaricable Return of Winston Potter Sails. Rails and Wings, 269
Crisply, The, 197 Salt Marsh Summer, 330
Rescued' America's Endangered Wildlife on Salted Lemons, 131
the Comeback Trail, 330 Sam Who Never Forgets. 58
Response Guides for Teaching Children's Sanctuary Tree, The, 176
Books, 422 Sand Dollar, Sand Donal, 199
Return of the loose, 67 Sand Tiger Shark, 309
0-1 Revenge of the Incredible Dr Rancid and Sandy and the Rock Star. 146
His Youthful Assistant, Jeffrey, The, 202 Sara and the Door, 156
Rhyming Nell, 96 Sara Summer, The, 155
P ichard Scarry's Best First Book Ever', 245 Sarah Bishop, 116
Riddles of Mermaid House, The. 193 Sarah s Giant and the Upside Down douse.
Riddles That Rhyme for Halloween Time, 94
235 Sarah's Unicorn. 85
Ride the Pine Sapling, 128 Nave that Raccoon'. 33
Rinehart Lifts, 205 Saving of P S , The, 150
Ring of Endless Light, A, 157 Saving Electricity, 330
Ring of Fire, The, 108 Say Hello, Vanessa, 61
Riser Bank, The, 49 Say 10, 172
River Rats, Inc , 136 Saying It without Words, 253
Road from Home. The The Story of an Scarecrow Book, The. 259
Armeran Girl, 294 Scaredy Cat, 130
Roadrunner, 145 Scarface Al and His Uncle Sam, 294
Roadrunners and Other Cuckoos. 304 Scenes from Childnood. 279
Robbers. Bones & Mean Dogs, 342 School Mouse and the Hamster The, 49
Robbers, The. 133 Scissor Cutting for Beginners. 389
Robin Hood His Life and Legend. 32 Scrap Puppets How to Make ano Move
Robot and Rebecca, The The Mystery of Them, 393
the Code Carrying Kids. 110 Scrap Wood Craft, 391
Robot Book, The, 338 Scrub Fire, 135
Robots A2Z, 338 Sea Class, 178
Rock-a-Bye Whale A Story of the Birth of Sea M nsters of I ong Ago. 355
a Humpback Whale, 319 Sea Otters, 326
Rockhound Trails, 332 Search for Two Bad 1v1,.e, A, 135
Rocking Chair Rebellion, The, 207 Searching for Shona. 124
Rocking Horse Secret, The, 194 Season In-Between, A, 154
Rocky Mountain Bighorns, .122 Secret in a Sealed Bottle, 290
1:sndL;., rcpi.kt*:. Ir! IC7 cerr, n thr
Roller Skating", 364 Secret of the Sabbath Fish, The, 10
Roman Numerals. 3, Secret Clocks, The lime Senses of I lying
Ron tiuidry I ouisiana Lightning, 280 Things, 341

Title Index

Secret Dreamer, Secret Dreams, ISO Silas and the Black Mare, 133
Secret Friend, A, 174 Silas and Con, 139
Secret Inside, The, 49 Silent Bells, The, 232
Secret Languages Communicating in Codes Silly Verse (and Even Worse), 221
and Ciphers, 253 Silver on the Tree, 101
Secret Service in Action, The, 251 Silver Coach, The 206
Secrets from the Past, 356 Simple Pictures Are Best, 191
Secrets of Alkazar, The A Book of Magic, Simple Prince, The, 92
398 Simple Sheliers, 264
Secrets of Scarlet, 115 Single-Parent Family in Children's Books,
Seeing Stick, The, 92 The An Analysis and Annotated
Segovia: My Book of the Guitar, 380 Bibliography, with an Appendix on
Self-Portrait: Erik Blegvad, 278 Audiovisual Matenal, 412
Self- Portrait Margot Zemach, 279 Sir Andrew, 7
Sending Messages, 253 Sisters Impossible, The, 168
Septimus Bean and His Amazing Machine, Six New Students, 42
81 Skateboarding Skills, 364
Serpent Treasure, 137 Skateboards How to Make Them, How to
Seven Feet Four and Growing, 205 Ride Them, 364
729 Puzzle People, 408 Skates of Uncle Richard, The, 205
Seven Ravens, The, 18 Skeletons That Fit, 302
Seven True Bear Stones, 321 Skiing Talk for Beginners. 365
Seven True Dog Stones, 314 Skunk and Possum, 63
Seven True Elephant Stories, 325 Skunk for a Day, 320
Seven True Horse Stories, 308 Sleeping Beauty, The, 18
17 Gerbils of Class 4A, The, 145 Sleeping Beauty, The, 23
Seventh Day, The The Story of the Jewish Sleighs. The Gentle Transportation, 268
Sabbath, 28 Slim Goodbody What Can Go Wrong and
Seventh One, The, 149 How to Be Strong. 343
79 c, Arcs, The 707 Sloppy Kisses, 66
Shadow of the Gloom-World, The, 69 Small Deer's Magic Tricks, 12
Shadow of the Hawk and Other Stories by Small Habitats, 303
Marie de France, The, 33 Small One, The, 231
Shadow on the Hills, Tice, 123 Small Plays for Special Days. 240
Shadow Cage and Other Tales of the Small Rabbit, 56
Supernatural. The, 74 Small Wonders, 222
Shadow Guests, The, 70 Small Worlds Close Up, 340
Shamrocks, Harps, and Shillelaghs The Smallest Life around Us, The. 339
Story of the St Patrick's Day Symbols. Smoke over Golan, 159
238 Snail in the Wnods. 312
Sh-pe of Water, The, 333 Snake Fights, Rabbit Fights. & More A
Shared Room, The, 160 Book abo'it Animal Fighting, 302
Sharing Literature with Children A Snake In, Snake Out, 383
Thematic Anthology. 420 Snake, The A Very Long Story, 247
Shark Lady True Adventures of Eugenie Snakes, 317
Clark, 290 Snakes Their Place in the Sun 318
She Never Loold Back Margaret islead Snow Maiden, 30
in Samoa, 290 Snow Monkey at Home, The, 114
She's Not My Real Mother, Ill Snow Queen, The, 83
Ship in a Storm on the Way to Tarshish, A, Snowr-an The, 5
85 Snow, and Woody. 47
Shopping Basket, Ihe, 42 So You Want to Be a Dancer, 374
Sick of Being Sick Book. The, 405 Soap Box Derby Racing. 370
Sick Day, The. 168 soccer, stso
Sick Story, The, 186 Soccer for Juniors, 165
Sidewalk Racer and Other Poems of Sports Soccer lips. 365
and Motion, The. 226 Soft Toys 190

Title Index

Solomon Grundy, Born on Oneday, 349 Springs of Joy, The, 218

So've IV A Perplexing Profusion of Squarehead and Me, 180
Puzzles, 407 Squeeze a Sneeze, 385
Some Basics about Hang Gliding, 360 Squirrels, 325
Some Basics abort Running, 369 St Patrick's Day in the Morning. 238
Some Basics about Vans, 209 Stage Brat, 178
Somebody Else's Child, 161 Stamp-Pad Printing Book, The, 388
Someone New, 178 Star Child, The, 91
Someone Slightly Different, 210 Star Husband, The, 89
Something about the Author Facts and Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself, 130
Pictures about Authors and Illustrators Stars on Ice. 285
of Books for Young People, 409 State flowers, 352
Sorixthing on My Mind, 217 Statue of Liberty, 272
Something to Count On, 158 Staying Power. Performing Artists Talk
Sun for a Day, 167 about Their Lives, 278
Sound of the Dragon's Feet, The, 117 Steadfast Tin Soldier, T) 83
and of Flutes and Other Indian Legends, Stepchild, 265
The, 29 Steve Cauthen, Boy Jockey, 285
Sound to Remember, A, 237 Stevie Wonder, 286
Sounding of Storytellers, A New and Stickleback Cycle, The, 310
Revised Essays on Contemporary Still Going Bananas, 404
Writers for Children, 409 Still More Small Poems, 216
Sounds in the Sea, 350 Stitch in Time, A, 102
Sounds of Animals at Night, 303 Stone & Steel A Look at Engineering, .537
Soup for President, 129 Stone Book, The, 122
Soup's Drum, 129 Stone Fox, 153
South Star, 95 Stonewall, 287
Southern Ghosts, 357 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Bening,
Space Case, 108 223
Space Story, A, 329 Stores, 258
Space Where Anything Can Happen, A Stories and Lore of the Z ''ac. 31
Creative Drama in a Middle School. 422 Stories from the Bible, 34
Spares. Shapes, and Sizes, 349 Stories A List of Stones to Tell and to
Spt_ . Up More Rhymes of the Never Was Read Aloud, Seventh Ed:tion, 418
and Always Is, 226 Storm Boy, 148
Special Gift, A, 161 -Storm Irving Krick vs the U S Weather
Special Kind of Sister, A, 182 Bureaucracy. 289
Special Trade. A. 211 Story of the Louisiana Purchase, The, 272
spider in the Ski, 33 Story of Dragons and Other Monsters. The.
Spider Jane. 66 27
Spider Makes a Web, 1 he, 319 Story of Kwanza, The, 239
Spider MigIlt, A. 319 Story of Nim, The The Chimp Who
Spider's Web, The. 319 Learned Language, 314
Spine - Chillers, 72 Story of Vampires, The, 27
Spit Is ? riece of Land, A Landforms in Story of World War II, The, 274
the U S A , 333 Story Programs A Source Book of
Sports Books for Children An Annotated Materials, 419
Bibliography. 41 I Storytelling Art and Technique, 417
Sports Hero, Jimmy Connors, 280 Straight on Till Morning ?oems of the
Sports Superstitions, 370 Imaginary World, 225
Sports, The, 271 Strange and Supernatural Animals, 71
Sports Looking Forward to a Career, 249 Strange Monsters of the Sea, 309
Snot's Dogs aml the Alley Cats, 65 Strange Servant. A A Russian Folktale, 24
Spotted Flower and the Ponokonnta, 114 Stray, The, Ns
Spotted Stones. The, 84 String in the Harp, A, 101
Spring Peepers Are Calling, 310 Stuff & Nonsense, 220
Spnngfellow. 146

468 Title Index

Subee Lives on a Houseboat, 256 AL_ Talent Is Nof Enough, 409

Submarine Bird, The, 307 Tales from the Arabian Nights, i5
Sugar ltsease, The Diabetes, 345 Tales from Tartary Russian Tales, Volume
Sumer IS Icumen In: Our Ever-Changing Two, 24
Language, 382 Tales of Oliver Pig, 64
Summer of the White Goat, 142 Talking Bones Secrets of Indian Burial
Summer to Die, A, 157 Mounds, 273
Summer Maker, TO, 27 Talking Stone, The An Anthology of
Summer Secret, A, 197 Native Amencan Tales and Legends, 29
Summer's Lease, A, 177 Talking Turnip, The, 81
Sums: A Looking Game, 408 Tall Ships, 268
Sun through Small Leaves. Poems of Tapping Earth's Heat. 336
Spring, 224 Tatterhood and Other Tales. 23
Sun Dogs and Shooting Stark Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia, 189
Skywatcher's Calendar, 32r Tecurr;th, 288
Sun Flight, 32 Teddy, 59
Sun Horse, Moon Horse, 113 Teti Bear's Scrapbook, 100
Sunflowte, 353 Tedu,bears Cookbook, 395
Super-Colossal Book of Puzzles, Tricks & Telephone, The, 44
Games, 406 Tell Me a Trudy, 190
Super-Vroomer!, 134 Tell Me No Lies, 152
Supercarners, The, 270 Tell Them My Name Is Amanda, 163
Superdnvers. Three Auto Racing Ten Copycats in a Boat and Other Riddles,
Champions, 283 37
Superfudge, 183 Tennis Book. The 366
Supermarket, The, 260 Tepee Tales of the American Indian, 28
Superplanes, 269 Term Paper, 160
Superpuppy How to Choose, Raise, and Terrible Nung Gwama, The A Chinese
Train the Best Possible Dog for You. Folktale, 26
316 Thanksgiving Craftg and Cookbook, 239
Superstars of the Sports World, 282 That Terrible Halloween Night, 236
Supplement to Children's Books on Afnca That's One Ornery Orphan, 120
and Their Authors An Annotated Then There Were None, 331
Bibliography, 413 There & Back Again, 100
Surprise Party, The. 190 There Are Two Kinds of Terrible, 157
Surprise Picnic. The, 6 There Goes Feathertopi, 72
Surprising Things Maui Did, The, 35 There's a Bat in Bunk Five. 485
Survival Themes in Fiction for Children They Do Things Right in Alberti. 23
'and Young People. 414 They Found a Way Lorraine Hansber,,,. N.
Susannah and the Blue House Mystery, 193 293
Cove, 305 They Found a Way Mary Cassatt, 279
Swan Lake, 373 They Lived with the Dinosaurs, 354
Swedish Toys, Dolls and Gifts You Car. They Said It Couldn't Be Done, 338
Make Yourself, 390 They're Never too Young for Books
Sweet and Sour Tales from China, 20 Literature for Pre-Schoolers, 113
Swiftly Tilt,ng Planet, A, 107 They've Discovered a Head in the Box for
Swimming Basic., 367 the Bread and Other Laughable
Swing, The, 180 Limericks, 220
Symbols & Their Meaning, 233 Think of Shadows, 223
Symbols A Silent Language, 252 Third Eye, The, 176
Third Planet from Altair, The, 108
Tathpo, The A Gho3t Story, 16 This Book Is about Time, 339
Taking Care of M 61 This Can Lick a Lollipop Body Riddles
Taking Pictures, 3 for Kids, 403
Tale of Mesh!,a the Kvetch, (he, t14 Ihis Game Called Hockey tireat Moments,
Tale of Three Leopards, A, 321 in the World's Fastest Team Sport, 362

1 `7 tir
Title Index 469

This Is the Way It Works A Collection of Tornado! Poems, 222

Machines, 346 Tough Guys and Gals rgehe Movies, 375
This Is Pro Soccer, 366 Tough Tiffany, 176
This Little Pig, 56 Town Cats and Other Talcs, The, 67
This Little Pig-a-Wig and Other Rhymes Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, 9
about rigs. 214 '''' Tracy Austin. Teenage Superstar, 284
This Noble Harvest. A Chronise,jeof Herbs, Tramp, 175
352 Traps & Lures in the Living World, 341
Thornton the Worrier, 61 Tread Softly, 167
Those Terrible Toy-Breakers, 54 Treasure of Alpheus Wpterhorn, The, 192
Thousand Pails of Water, A, 147 Treasure, The, 25
Three Ducks Went Wandering, 59 Treeful of Pigs, A, 88
0 Three Friends Find Spnng, 46 Tremendous Tim Book, The, 352 1/4
Three L,ittle Kittens Lost Their Mittens, 36 . Trenches, The Fighting on the Western
Three Little Pigs, 20 Front in World War I, 274
Three Strikes and You're Out, 21 Trial Valley, 165 ,--
Throne for Sesame, A, 178 Trickster Tales from Prairie Lodgefires, 10
Through Grandpa's Eyes, 181 Trig, 189
Throwing Shadows, 177 Trip and Other Sophie and Gussie Stories,
Thumbelina, 83 The, 62
Thunder And Lightnings, 174 ' -- Trip, The, 173
lied Together. Topics and Thoughts for Triplets, The, 169
Introducing Children's Books, 418 Triumphs of Fuzzy Fogtop, The, 24
.i Tiffky Doolly. 62 Troll in Passing, A, 96_,
Tiger-Skin Rug, The, 59 Trouble with Princesses, The, 19
Tigers and Other Liles, 221 Truck, 5
Tilabel, 14 .
Trucks and Supertrucks, 269
Time for the White Egi 3, 43 Trucks, Trucking arid You, 269
Time for Clocks, 247 True Book of the Mars Landing, The, 299
Time to Get Qut of the Bath, Shirley, 77 True Book of Spinoffs from Space, The, 299
Time to cep, A The Tasha Tudor Book True Ekoss, The, 34
of ohdays, 240 Truffles for Lunch, 41
Tin zzle, The A Model-Making Book. Truth about Dragons', The, 2'
270 Truth about Gorillas, The, 313
Tina- Gogo, 1,72 Truth on Trial The Story of Galileo Galdel,
`Tinkerbell Is a Ding-a-ling. 403 289
To the Tune of a Hickory Stick, 134 Tryouts, The, 206
To Hilda for Helping, 171 Tulku, 122
To Look at Any Thing, 223 Turkeylegs Thompson. 157
To Ravensrigg, 114 Turn Over, 407
To Spoil the Sun, 114 Turnabout. 379
To Stand against the Wind, 151 Turtle and Snail, 57-
Toad on Capitol Hill, The, 118 Turtle Tale, 244
Today Is Shrew's Day; 43 Turtles' Nem and Other Nonsense Stories,
Tom Cat, 41 The, 41
Tom Fobble's -Day, 122 Twelve Clever Brothers and Other Fools,
Tomas and the Talking Birds, 159 The, 17
Tomboy, 176 Twelve Dancing Princesses, The, 19
Tonweya and the Eagles and Other I.akota Twenty Elephant Restaurant, The, 79
Indian Tales, 35 Two for the Show Great Comedy Teams,
Too-Great Bread Bake Book, The, 78 375
Too Many Babas, 185 : ., of I hem, The, 206
Too Short Fred. 55 Two Homes for Lynn, 159
Tooth and Claw A I ook at Animal Two Homes to Live In A Child's-Eye View
Vi, capon., 353 11.0;c:,12(.f
Top Secret of .World War fl, 274 Two Kittens are. Born From Birth to two
Months, 316

Title Indr

Wake Up, Jeremiah, 199

Two Pairs of Shoes, 25
Two-Way Words, 384 Walk in the Foret, A The Woodlands of lc
Two Ways about It, 158 North America, 331
Two, Four, Six, Eight: A Book aboin Legs, Walk in Wolf Wood, A, 103
Walking Coat, The, 191
Tyler Toad and the Thunder, 44 Walking Shoes, 75
Tyrannosaurus Rex, 356 Walls Are to Be Walked, 140
Ty's One-Man Band, 210 Wally, 193
Walpole. 51
Ui&sy Duckling, 83 Walt Disney's Treasury of Children's
Unbuilding, 372 Classics, 375
Uncle Lowe's Fantastic Sea Voyage, 80 Wanda Gag's The Sorcerer's Apprentice, 19
Under the Autumn Garden, 137 Wanda Gig's Jonnda and Joringel, 19
Under the Early Morning Trees, 217 War in the Deep Pacific Submanne Action
Under the Lemon Tree, 145 in World War II, 272
Under the Shade of the Mulberry Tree, 15 War Cry on a Prayer Feather Prose and
Underground, 337 Poetry of the Ute Indians, 218
Unhurry Harry, 158 War Party, The, 114
Until the Celebration, 70 Washday, 169
Up and Down the River Boat Poems, 225 Watch Out! A Giant!, 93
Op and Up, 6 Watching the Wild Apes The Primate
Up the Down Elevator, 246 Studies of Goodall, Fossey, and
Up Day, Down Day, 186 Galdikas, 313
Up, Up, and Away! The Story of Watching Them Grow Inside a Zoo
Ballooning, 268 Nursery, 321"
Useless Donkeys, The, 147 Water of Life, The. 91
Using Literature & Poetry Affectively, 421 Water Experiments to Understand It, 351
Using Literature in the Elementary Waterway West. The Story of the Erie
Classroom, 422 Canal, 273
Using Media for Creative Teaching, 420 Way to Start a Day, The, 263
Waza Wins at Windy Gulch, 120
Valentine Crafts and Cookbook, 238 We Are Mesquakie, We Are One, 119
Valentine Mystery, The. 238 We Be Warm Till Springtime Comes, 165
Vanishing People. The Faary Lore and We Hide, You Seek, 406
Legends, 13 We Remember Philip, 161
Webster and Arnold and the Giant Box, 58
Vans to Build from Cardboard, 389
Week Mom Unplugged the TVs. The 189
Vans. The Personality Vehicles. 368
Veptabirs in a Pot, 397 Weird & Wacky Inventions, 347
Very Young Circus Flyer, A, 373 V...Ird Henry Berg, 98
Wentletrap Trap, The, 136
Very Young Dancer, A, 374
Werewolf Family, The, 78
Very Young Gymnast, A, 361
Wesley Paul, Marathon Runner, 281
Very Voila,/ Rider, A, 362
Westing Game, The, 197
Very Young Skater, A, 364
Veterinarian, Doctor for Your Pet, 252 Wet and Sandy Day. A, 200
View from the Oak, Th The Private Whaleboat Raid, 116
Whales Giants of the Sea, 318
Worlds of Other Creatures, 302
What a Good Lunch!, 65
Violin Close Up, The, 380
What the Moon Saw, 245
Visit, The, 66
What to Do wth An Egg, 395
Visitors from Outer Space' IsMiere I ife on
What Arc Friends For',,,,172
Other Planets', 357
What Are You Up To, William Thomas'',
Volcanoes, 335
Volleyball Is for Me, 367
Voyage of Osiris, The A Myth of Ancient What Can She Be! A Computer cientist,
Egypt, 32 y'',
Vny+oe of ()V 66 Th. 102 What Difference Does It Make, Da
File Index 471

What Do You Feed Yqur Donkey On? Where's Henrietta's Hen', 48

Rhymes from a Belfas't Childhood, 379 Where's My Cheese', 55
What Do You Mean by 'Average Means, Which !s the Witch', 235
Medians, and Modes, 348 White House Children, 295
What Does a Para---Tclic Do', 251 White Wave, 91
What Happened in Hamelin, 34 Whitepaws. A Coyote-Dog, 315
What Happens in the Spring, 349 Who Will Believe Tin Kitten', 65
What If They Knew?, 180 Who'll Vote for Lincoln', 202
What If You Couldn't . . A Book about Who's in Rabbit's House? A Masai Tale, 10
Special Needs, 262 Who's Afraid of the Dark', ISO
What Is a Laser?, 336 Who's Afraid of the Dark', 162
What Is Tennis?, 366 Whose Cat Is That', 187
What Is Your Dog Saying', 315 Whose House Is It?, 303
"Mat Makes Popcorn Pop, 261 Why the Tides Ebb and Flow, 12
What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs', Why Does a Turtle Live Longer Than a
154 Dog', 340
Whatever Happened to Beverly Bigler's Why Worry', 52
Birthday', 163 Wicked One, The, 95
Whatever Happened to Uncle Albert' And Wide-Mouthed Frog, The, 60
Other Puzzling Plays, 380 Wild and Woolly Mammoths, 353
What's in a Name Famous Brand Names, Wild Animal Families, 325
382 Wild Animals, Gentle Women, 290
What's Inside the Box', 447 Wild Babies A Canyon5ketchbook, 325
What's the dig Idea, Ben, Franklin', 287 Wild Orphan Babies. Mamr,,als and Birds.
What's Happening to Daisy'?, 326 327
What's Hatching Out Of That Egg', 304 Wild Rabbit, Tke, 323
Whatghat You Said, VOW Words Wildflowers and the Stories Behind Their
Change 383 Wiles, 352
Wheat Country, 259 Wildlife Alert' ThStruule to Survive. 331 I
Wheels, 267 Wiley and the HairyThlan. 11
When the City Stopped, 138 Wilkin's Ghost, 128
When the Leaves Begin to Fall, 174 Will It Be Okay', 153
When the New Baby Comes, I'm Moving Will Rogers. 285
Out, 164 Will You Cou it the Stars without Me'. 66
When the Wind Blew, 141 Willaby, 203
When Birds Change Their Feathers, 305 Willie's Garden, 200
When Grandfather Journeys into Winter, Willy Runs Away, 58
162 Wily Witch and All the Other Fairy Tales
When I Grew Up Long Ago, 273 and Fables, The. 84
When People Die, 342 Wind Eye, The, 103
When We Were Young An Album of Wind Is Not a River, The, 124
Stars, 286 Wind Thief, The, 93
When We Were Young. Two Centuries of Windsong Summer. 137
Children's Book Illustration, 416 -- --Wings The Early Years of Aviation. 300
When Will I Read'. 202 . Widners Never Quit Athletes Who Beat the
When Windwagon Smith Came to Odds, 280
Westport, 22 Winning with Numbers A Kid's Guide to
Where the Elf King Sings, 164 Statistics, 348,
Where to Now, Blue', 139 Winter of the .)wl. 145
Where Children Live, 254 Winter's Tales, 231
Where Do You Think You're Going. Wishing Bottle. The, 142
Christopher Columbus'. 293 Witch of Glen Gowrie, Thi . 96
'mere Does the Teacher Live'. 202 Witch Ba oora. 235
V 'here Is It?, 407 Witch Herself. The, 196
I/here Is My LIM- Joey'. 57 Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches. 1 he.
Where Wild Winie. 117 235

ht le index

World of Freshwater Fish, The, 310

Witch, Goblin, and Sometimes Ghost, 70
Witch's Garden. The, 75
World of Storytelling, The, 419
World of the Dinosaurs, The, 354
Witches Fot r. 93
Witt. a Wave of the Wand, 155 World within a World Baja, 261
Wizard if Gauze and Other Gags for Kias. World within a World Pritilofs, 304
The, -04 Worm for Dinner, A, 45
Wobbly booth. The. 152 Worse han Rotten, Ralph, 48
Wars. Person in toe World, The, 98
Women at Their Work, 249
Wonder. Ring, The A F entasy in Silhouette. Wounded Wolf, 1 he, 143
Wreck of the Blue Plane, 196
Wonders of Car 303 Wretched Rachel, 159
Wonders of Ca. , 309
Wr ggles The Little Wishing Pig, 6)
Wonders of Donkeys. 308 Wuggie Norple Stors, !he,
Wonders of Dust, 334
Wonders of Goats, 308 Yeer and a Day, A, 96
Wonders of How Animals Lecrn, 301 Year of the She-Grizzly, The, 320
Wonders of JPIlytish, 31;..
Yo My Darling Daughter 162
Wonders of Lions, 324 Yesterday's Airplanes, 299
Wonders of Ma,supials, 322 esterday's Snowman 200
Wonders of Mice, 322 You and Your Pet Horses, 309
You Can't Count a Billion Dollars & Othe
Wonders of Nature, 341
Little-Known Facts about Money, 258
Wonders of Ponies, 308
You Think it's Fun to Be a (Bryn', 18:1
Wonders of Sea Horses 309
Wonders of Snails & Slugs, 312 oung Rockhound's Handbook, I he 335
Y our Family, Ms Family 256
Wonders of Terns. 306
Your Muscles and Ways to Exercise T hem,
Wonders of Terrariums, 397
Woodland Crossings, 87
Wocdruff and the Clocks, 184 Your Old Pal, Al 173
Woodworking for Kids. 391 Your Owl Friend, 46
Wool Gathering Sheep Raising in Old New N our Own Best Secret Place, '98
Your Own Horse A Beginner's (.aide to
England, 264
Horse C are. 107
Word Music and Word Magi: Children's
Literature Methods, 423 Your Pet Elephant 121
Words by Heart. 126 Your Skin Holds I (Ill In 344
W ords in Our Hands, 181
Yours Till liagira Falls A Fibs 188

Working with Cardboard and Paper, 390

Working with Horses 251 Zed and he Monsters 90
Worlu of Ben I ighthart, The, 182 ler() Is Not Nothing 149
World of Coins and Coin Collecting f he, boar Blue 120
Lou Haines 127
World Dan^e. The, Zoos in the %Liking 12'

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